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Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip pictures) at 2:17 p.m. on January 22, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from December 30, 2005 to January 21, 2006.

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"中國紅了 國際媒體大舉登陸", "英國《泰晤士報》駐京記者馬珍也說,", "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism", "玻國準總統訪中取經 莫拉萊斯晤胡錦濤 盼助開發脫貧", "曾祥德 福州首位台灣個體戶", "曾祥德不在,趙淑珠就在飯店裡幫忙收銀", "王清華研究糖尿病獲創新突破", "馬越攝", "記者馬越", "東航宣布明年兩岸春節包機計畫", "贈台2熊貓 中共:今天要,明天就送", "特派記者陳東旭", "中國將自主研製大飛機 中科院王大珩等廿餘人上書倡導", "周文重:中美關係 穩定發展 胡錦濤將訪美", "中國駐美國大使周文重", "上海港货物吞吐量世界居首", "姊弟戀 隱居深山50年", "網路影響政治 才是趨勢", "香港哪好玩 成龍搶先說 群星出力推旅遊 梁錦松全家破天荒合作", "劉德華", "成龍、劉德華、楊千嬅、梁詠琪、莫文蔚,以及梁錦松一家", "人氣天王Rain2月紐約開唱 韓劇「浪漫滿屋」主角", "記者陳芝怡", "亞洲人氣小天王「Rain」(鄭智熏)", "親愛的 我們到關島結婚吧!", "記者牟玉珮", "牟玉珮", "出書新捷徑! 人氣部落格加持 彎彎、椰果轟動全台", "記者孫暐皓、吳漢嘉", "The following is a report in Chinese about the Chinese New Year's Gala published by the famous Chinese newspaper 'Next Weekly'", "Judge Cheryl Moss Extends Warm Greetings for a Happy Lunar New Year", "曾慧燕", "古德曼回顧政績充滿自豪", "專題1》美加華人有口福 南北雜貨解鄉愁", "由森美進口公司及世界日報讀者服務部主辦的「南北雜貨展」,已連續舉辦五年", "龔怡萍", "黃彩絹", "瑞士金三角 遊山三部曲", "龔怡萍返台揮桿 賽前傳愛心", "旅美高球名將龔怡萍", "記者王麗珠", "內 州 共 和 黨 與 克 郡 亞 裔 共 和 黨 協 會 舉 辦 K 節 聯 誼 晚 宴", "巴黎、羅馬 都有方尖碑", "記者黃彩絹", "^~", "ϏVV", "ΐ", "k{ZqG", "fzۉzؐl", "Lҗk", "金山經文處來了海龍王", "春季特展 帶你遊賞阿里山", "畫家薛清茂", "記者張嘉倫", "斷背山超猛又奪3獎", "李安獲美國廣電影評人協會選為最佳導演", "記者蘇詠智", "拉斯維加斯英端工商會在賭城首度升五星紅旗", "賭城英端工商會舉行新春祭祖大典,並祭拜關公聖帝", "記者馮鳴台", "英端工商會林國輝掌舵", "林國輝", "倪北嘉賭城操舊業", "Mindy Gao", "馮鳴台", "倪北嘉在拉斯維加斯AM1230電台,以國語廣播「萬紫千紅」", "在京都 尋覓藝伎美麗身影", "特派記者牟迎馨", "牟迎馨", "《藝伎回憶錄", "川端康成成名作《伊豆的舞女》,", "記者李大明", "記者藍功中", "劉文琪", "林豔芳", "陳彥廷", "記者陳彥廷", "皇后音樂學院師生演奏", "山宛然布袋戲表演精采逗趣", "僑聲1月16日舉辦說唱藝術賽", "薛純陽,葛晨,蕭璧珠", "記者劉文琪", "北美華文文壇新生代崛起深入新移民文化、中西融合", "杜佳璟勇奪台美小姐后冠", "第一公主及第二公主,分別為余佳霓(右)與吳孟蓁(左)", "記者陳盈霖", "華埠小姐秀身段 領養女童搶盡鋒頭", "記者余寧", "玫瑰花車遊行 風雨中慶新年", "記者何芳", "劉家和出掌紐約華埠五分局", "記者陳芝怡", "韓秀", "韓秀美食小說《食慾共和國》品味人情", "中華藝文學會 交流用筆經驗", "記者葛康誠", "首屆世界新古詩大賽將在北京舉行", "記者郭玫蘭", "世界文化總會長、中華文化協會會長范光陵", "北美作協拉斯維加斯分會會長尹浩鏐", "女作家劉於蓉、劉於坪(筆名劉坪)", "黃昭凱", "記者陳慧明", "曾文水庫 飽覽南瀛好山水", "記者祁玲、徐開塵", "暗夜跟蹤舞女 美工刀之狼劫色", "蔡依蒨/台北報導", "記者尚毅夫、陳志平", "王鼎鈞法拉盛圖書館─暢談文學寫作", "父女作家檔 吳晟寫田園 吳音寧闖叢林", "十全老人張忠謀 七十人生正開始", "徐仁全", "紐約中領館文化領事王璐、哥倫比亞製作公司總裁石新平", "Y", "Ma Ying-jeou, Mayor of Taipei City", "ӛ߷Ρ˴x", "ӛ߄Ѧ", "ȿhkAԪ", "RӢŒֱͶͨ", "ڌңRӢ ȫSo}", "¡؟[", "ǫ̈̄ͬl“x", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "“„W “ψӛ߷", "񺽿̨k", "ɰC BT̨׺", "R:A˛]зѿg", "assemblywoman valerie weber", "W", "ó", "'Las Vegas Chinese Daily News' publishes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week", "The following information have been received from the search of 'publisher helen hsueh' on the Google.cn", "Ц", "WУLSǺ", "˹S˹A˅f", "ӛߗ", "CBu", "ـAˑc ", "\ЇԳ֌_Ż", "׶^ác̨ʌmչ ", "滭Ͳ", "wɳƷ@", "ЇˇgƷЈͻƿi", "ʏ", "ᬎ", "W ˳Ɂ ", "ϡlQ ", fɽLw [fɽ", "̨Сѻ @[С", "A^ϯ", "ī•^", "֥njW ʿ", etc.); or your name followed by wbti (like "江 南 wbti", "趙開生 wbti", "周雪華 wbti", "馬越 wbti", "文/成漢 wbti", "Next Weekly", "壹週報", "成龍 wbti", "記者周立芸", "記者藍功中", "王海龍 wbti", "陳公仲 wbti", "記者陳彥廷 wbti", "記者曹健 wbti", "王鼎鈞 wbti", "吳雨潔 wbti", "吳晟 wbti", "吳音寧 wbti", "陳水扁 wbti", "祁玲 wbti", "徐仁全 wbti", "陳倖嫚 wbti", "̨LRӢ wbti", " wbti", " wbti", "", "ģ؃ wbti", " wbti", "w wbti", "η wbti", "\ wbti", " wbti", "xm wbti", "ꐂ?", "˾ͽ wbti", " wbti", and among others) please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?


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ڶctİɳˮб¼䵽40̎һˮ͕дȺȸn^Ҫ|ԣMAˮTеoġ“„W [2006-01-16]


Post through the courtesy of the "旅遊放輕鬆" of Worldjournal.com:

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׸D^Reagan Libraryɼ׹ȣSimivalley҂101̖·DKе118̖·þMɽ^܇Pɽϣɽ·KҊɽ̎@¶һAİɫBĿĵصˡD^һƽɽϣϣ嫵̫ƽ󣬱Ρĺɽ؄ݸ߾ҕҰ_韣hoЇy۹ʧһKyõLˮء






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Today is my last full day here in Las Vegas visiting my parents. In the morning, we went to church at Liberty Baptist Church. The message is about giving. Pastor Teis told us that the message is just 3 points - 1. What did God give us? 2. What can we give to God? 3. What can we give to others?
The first point is what did God give to us? The greatest gift God gave to us is His Son - Jesus Christ. Jesus is God and He came to die on the cross for our sins 2 thousand years ago and rose from the grave on the 3rd day. If we believe in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we will have eternal life. Going to heaven is not by good works, but only by faith in Jesus Christ because He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one goes to the Father except through Him.
The second point is what we can give to God. We can give our life, our thanksgiving, and our obedience to God. The third point is what we can give to others. God can give to others through us when we give God's Word to others, encourage others, give mercy to others, and love others.

Later, my parents and I went to watch "King Kong" at the Texas Station Movie Theatre. The movie is 3 hours. It started slow trying to establish the background of the characters before moving to the real actions when we see King Kong and the primitive creatures. I think many people already seen the original King Kong movie and this is basically the same story. In the end - the movie productor character, (I forgot his name), said "Beauty killed the Beast". I think this is a profound statement because it reflects man's pursue of beauty and can be destroyed by the pursuit. That's why I think the bible says to guard our hearts. Also, it says that charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting. This makes me remember in the Titanic movie, the old lady we see at first was a young dashing lady. Her beauty is only captured in an old worn-out drawing. She can only think about her past beauty and experiences. So, through the movie, I am inspired to see how important it is to have a wife who is wise and have understanding who can give good counsel to her husband. The bible says that "A woman who fears the Lord is to be praised". A woman who fears the Lord has wisdom. She doesn't base her beauty on just the outside, but in her being she exhibits beauty. Merry Christmas 2005!




***** From now on, any definition of a successful life must include serving others.
---George Bush


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չ[23գַ8687 Melrose Ave.,West Hollywood, CA

ُI}Qߣ19cOӋ“MԒ310-657-0800 [2005-12-09]


113005-1858 [111205-5787]
*My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.* Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ*s power may rest on me* 2 Cor. 12:9

2005 Taiwan Missions Trip Testimony
By Mike Lei

This mission trip allowed me to experience God*s grace in my weaknesses. Even before the trip, I had hard time keeping up with the training materials. I didn*t have much energy because my back was not feeling well. I had hard time reading the Chinese verses we need to memorize. Consequently, Harry helped type up the pinyin version for me so I know how to say the words. Later, he wrote the pinyin for the Taiwanese songs so I know how to sing. People were gracious during the training and didn*t push me to meet all the goals. I received help from people like Flora who made a tape of the Taiwanese songs so I can listen in the car. I received a lot of grace from everyone. God taught me through the grace of others and through my weaknesses.

I arrived in Taiwan already physically weak and had to adjust to the weather. On arrival, we immediately went to a drug rehab village for men in Hu-Ko. There were 20, young and old men there. We had our first worship service. We sang songs and Pastor Wang preached and encouraged them about where they are. Immediately afterwards, we went to Taipei and visited a drug rehab *village* for girls. The girls lived together in a small flat. There were about 15 of them. We had lunch at Taipei 101 and then started to go to Yi-Lan. Our driver was a former drug addict. He shared his testimony with us. He had completed seminary training and is now serving full-time in the drug rehab ministry.

We arrived in Yi-Lan in the evening. Harry had already arrived hours before and seemed to have established good rapport with the local church people, who are amazed that a Caucasian can speak Mandarin AND Taiwanese. They were so happy to see us and talked with us.

I was nervous about the English classes I have to lead and teach. Last year, other people were in charge. This year, I feel the pressure is on me. The first day, I was very nervous teaching the large group of 3rd-6th graders. However, the other people on the team pitched in and made it go smoother. The second day when we taught the large group 1st-2nd graders, I got more help and it was much better. When we taught individual classes of 1st and 2nd graders, I got help from Annie. When I did not know how to start, how to continue, or what to do, God gave me people to help me. I can just thank God that He supplied all the support I needed. Again, God showed me His glory and grace through help from others.

Tuesday, after we got finished teaching at Yi-Lan, we took the train to Taichung. We arrived late at night and met Annie*s sister (We call her 3rd sister). We had dinner with them and went to the church where we are staying. We met the pastor of the church- Pastor Lee. The next day, we went to the Veteran*s home where there are many elderly people. Flora joined us at the elderly home. I was very impressed by the local church members who cared for these elderly. They do not just go once in a while - they went every week. After lunch, we went to a juvenile detention center. I was amazed to see so many young people. There were about 300-400 youths there, nearly half guys and half girls. We did our best. Annie told a story. Flora led them in the worship exercise. My brother and I shared our testimony. Harry and Kai did their funny cross-talk. Pastor Wang shared about the 3 most important questions they need to know. Their pastor said that even though they spend so much on gas, driving a long distance every week, they will continue to do this ministry as long as there is a need.

The next day, Friday, we went to the train station and met with everyone in Miao Li. It was a happy reunion to see people after 1 day. We went to another drug rehab village. The people there were very friendly. I played volleyball with the students there, while others talked to individual students. However, it wasn*t wise for me to play in the humid heat with 2 shirts on. My inner shirt was drenched. Later, we went on the train. By the time we got back to the Taichung church, I was weak and feeling sick. I didn*t go down to listen to the choir. I thought I will just skip the rest of the evening activities and go to bed. However, I changed my mind, and went downstairs to meet the people. It turned out to be very beneficial. I end up getting a haircut, met the youth leaders, and enjoyed meeting more people.

On Saturday, we had 2 programs * the elder*s fellowship and the youth fellowship. In my weakened state, I did videotaping and enjoyed the food and drinks they provided. In the afternoon, we saw the youth coworkers meeting first to discuss and pray. The coworkers and leaders are older youths, college students, and young adults. They first started with worship and taught songs with hand motions. Then, they gave the time to us. For ice-breaker, I led the *throwing name game* I learned from the joint church retreat. They all seemed to have fun throwing the stuff around. We led them in worship and taught them *Lord I lift your name on high* in English. They know the Chinese version. My brother shared a testimony about bringing a friend to a Christian event where she received Christ. Harry taught them the Evangecube.

Sunday worship was very glorious. Kai lead worship and Pastor Wang preached. I felt God*s presence with us and the congregation responded. Monday, we went to another smaller youth detention center. There were about 40 students, mostly boys. The students seemed responsive to Pastor Wang*s message and Flora*s testimony. Flora was able to talk to them as a mother who is talking to children similar to her own children*s age. I enjoyed videotaping and praying during the program. I know these students had received a lot of love from the church members. These church members would come every week and even live with the students to help pray and comfort them. These youths are here mostly for drug addictions.

Finally, we bid farewell to the Taichung church members and headed to Tainan, our last stop. We arrived late at night and Professor Too and his brothers came to pick us up. Mrs. Lee came also. We got to the Tainan jail late in the night. The place where we stayed is very nice. I didn*t see how beautiful the outside is until the next morning. I woke up early and took a walk, taking in the beautiful trees, gardens, and mountain scenery. I thought *God saved the best for last*. After all God has blessed us with so far, this last stop God seemed to top them all.

In the morning, we met the pastor of the jail and an elder of the church who lived with the students. The pastor is old, yet filled with joy. He has been here since the jail started I believe about 10 years ago. I can see in him a life surrendered to the grace of Lord Jesus.

There are about 35 people in our class. First, Mrs. Lee shared her testimony. Brother Too led worship songs. Flora led the worship exercise. I was videotaping all these. When Flora was leading the worship exercise, I saw everyone following the motions. I felt God*s glory in the room. I remembered Flora was in a wheelchair just last year. She had shared her testimony about how God gave her strength and healing from a rare nerve disease. She wasn*t even able to walk last year and now she is standing there, leading people in worship exercise motions. As I panned the video camera to capture the elderly Mr. and Mrs. Lee doing the worship motions, and Flora singing along with the music, I was overwhelmed by the moment. It was not the first time Flora lead the worship exercise during this trip. However, I felt the full impact of the significance of this moment as I looked at people*s faces, people*s motions, and hearing the song singing * *Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah** through the room. God revealed his glory to me at that moment.

Well, that*s all for now. God brought me back safely and smoothly. If I were to talk about everything that happened on this trip, it would be another couple of pages.

Thank the Lord for His grace, love, and provisions. Thank everyone for your prayers. All glory to our God and Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.


Flight testimony
(Taiwan missions trip 2005)
By Mike Lei

On Wednesday 9/14/05, Pastor Wang, Brother Kai Chen, Auntie-Wei, Sister Meng-Pei and I were taken to the airport by Auntie Cerina and Uncle Thomas. Uncle Thomas saw us off at the airport security checkpoint. We got on the flight about 2 hours later. Brother Kai Chen sat at the window, I sat in the middle, Pastor Wang sat in the aisle seat. We were on the left side. Auntie Wei sat in the same row aisle seat on the right side. Sister Meng-Pei sat up in the front. Besides Auntie Wei sat a young African American man with a cap, who looked a little like the movie actor Will Smith. Besides him sat an Asian man.

About the middle of the flight, I noticed the Asian man keep trying to talk to Auntie Wei who was trying to sleep. Pastor Wang decided to change seats with Auntie Wei so she wont be bothered. A little afterwards, I heard the Asian man speaking more loudly and spilling his drink. At that point, we knew the man was drunk. Pastor Wang decided he should change his seat. The Will Smith guy stayed with him. The airline stewardess came over to warn the drunken man. Then, I saw the Will Smith guy flashing his police badge to her and tell her its ok. At that point, I was thinking this is unreal an undercover cop on the plane (who looks like Will Smith)! The cop later told me he was just coming back from helping search and rescue operations in New Orleans. He wasnt expecting this to happen. How amazing is our God in His ways!

By now, some passengers were getting annoyed at the drunken man because he kept talking against other people. Later, I heard that he was angry because he had lost his family and he blamed it on the Americans. Its really a sad story to hear. I was worried if he got more out of control, the plane might have to land early and we would missed our connecting flight in LA. Pastor Wang saw the situation wasnt improving and asked if he can sit besides the Asian man to see if he can calm him down. The airline stewardess agreed. The man seemed to respond well at first to Pastor Wangs friendliness. Things calmed down a little. I also saw the cop secretly had gotten some plastic rings to make a handcuff. Pastor Wang motioned for me to pray. I held Auntie Weis hands and with Kai, we started to pray for the man. I sang worship songs to the Lord also. I kept praying until almost the end of the flight. Unfortunately, toward the end of the flight, the man got more violent and had to be handcuffed. We were all relived to be able to arrive safely in Los Angeles. We rejoiced in Gods protection. However, Pastor Wang shared the sadness in his heart for the mans after getting to know him a little.

The flight from LA to Taipei was uneventful. We had group devotional on the plane. I chose the passage from Romans 12:9-21. I didnt choose it because of the incident on the flight. However, we saw that God used the incident to show us how we can do good, be patient, and not repay anyone evil for evil. Vs. 17-18 says, Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. We saw God giving us peace and patience in this circumstance. We gave glory to Him and prepared our hearts for the rest of the trip. I thank God for the trip and everyones prayers, all through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


***"Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and to let him know that you trust him." --- Booker T. Washington
***"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." --- Jonas Salk, MD
***"Those who trust us, educate us." --- George Eliot
***"Watch your thought, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny.


***** Nothing good or great can be done in the absence of enthusiasm. ---Tom Peters


091005-2678 [082505-1168]
Dear Dad,

I'm doing well. Whenever I have heart to encourage other people, it
shows I
have been encouraged. May you continue to encourage other people also.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Lei
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 12:32 PM
To: mlei@fma.fujitsu.com
Subject: Thanks.

Good afternoon Dear Mike, How are you? ***"Anything you're good at contribute to happiness." --- Bertrand Russell
Your good and prompt encouragement is an inspiration. Thank you very much. For our Lord we believe!

--- Mike Lei wrote:

> Dear Dad,
> I looked at PPAA19 today. Good information. Continue the good work!
> Mike

The following information have been received from the search of "dina titus esq" on the Google.com (starting from the first line of the first page) in the morning on August 17, 2005:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2004 #2...

Harry Reid, Shelley Berkley, and Dina Titus as Professors of Administrative Strategies ... 'Some introduction about Dr. Tony Lei,' "Letter to Albert Chang, Esq. ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 42k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Business and Technology Institute - PAJ FORUM 5 (Public ...... and

CBCI for China, Taiwan, Singapore, and Nevada," said Eric Chen, Esq., Co-owner ... led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Professor of ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 40k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ]


By Mike Lei*1

Dear Dad,

I feel so blessed that you only asked us to write something for Fathers Day. You didnt ask for money. You didnt ask for a new computer. You didnt ask for a big dinner to be held in your honor. Dad, this is just one of your good qualities. You are content with little as well as much. Like Apostle Paul, who says I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. (Philippians 4:12) You have learned not to complain when things dont go well. You can laugh at what happens because you have are always grateful about life. You are able to see the silver-lining in things. You rarely complains about anything or feel down when things dont go well. You always have a positive outlook on life. You always look to a better future. Like in Philippians, it says whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things. (Phil 4:8)*2

Because of your ATTITUDE towards life, you are able to take our family where it is today. You kept your vision for a better future. You didnt give up. You always move ahead. Like in Philippians 3:13: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize. You didnt settle down in Taiwan 30 years ago. You pressed forward to pursue the American dream. You gave up the comforts and riches of working in Taiwan and choose to give them up coming to America for the greater goals of the American life and better opportunities for the family. I want to emphasize your dream is not just for yourself, but for the whole family. You didnt do it just for yourself, but sacrificed your goals for a better future for the family. May God remember your sacrifices for your family. You didnt look back at what you will miss in Taiwan, but look forward and strive towards fulfilling your dream of settling in America. I never hear a word of regret from you about your decision to come to the U.S. You know your dream in life is greater than just being like everyone else. You didnt want to just be mediocre. You know life is from God to make something of it. So, you worked hard to make the most of it. Today, you can see how your dream is being fulfilled and your faith in God make all these even more meaningful.
I thank you for taking us to America because here I gained so much, not only opportunities, but my faith in Jesus Christ. Now, I hope to follow in your footsteps to make the most of my life - to give up the temporary comforts of ordinary life for the greater purposes God has made me for.

From your example, I can no longer be satisfied with a mediocre existence. You have shown me that to be exceptional, one must make the sacrifices to pursue the greater goals. I know life is an opportunity from God to make the most of it. I hope to be like you in following my dreams, not being afraid to give up comforts or security and pursue what God is calling me to do. Like Paul says, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:14)

I hope to be like you so that when I run towards the goal, I will not look back. I will not regret and miss what I had given up. But I will forget what is behind and strive on towards the prize. You have trained me well for this race. You have shown me how to stay focused on the goal and make the most of it. Despite what others may say, you stepped up to the challenge and overcame the barriers. I want to follow your example, Dad. I need your prayers and support as I pursue the goals God put into my heart. I thank you that through the years, you have shown your support for us. You have encouraged us to pursue the higher goals and make the most of our life.

I thank you for everything you have done for me and will continue to do. May the Lord bless you richly and help you continue to run to win the prize! Happy Fathers Day!*3
Your loving son, Mike


*1. Mr. Mike Lei is the younger son of Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).
*2. Lei, Mike . 'FATHERS DAY LETTER JUNE 2005,' "An e-mail from Mr. Mike Lei to Dr. Tony Lei through Mr. John Lei," (June 19, 2005), San Jose, California: John Lei's residence.
*3. Ibid.


Please hit "Chinese Simplified" through the "View"!

Dear all,

Happy Mother's Day! I'm happy to be home during this Mother's Day. Let's remember the importance of mothers in our society. Let's honor and treasure motherhood and the women who take on such roles. May God watch over our mothers and especially help those bringing up children in today's challenging society. -Mike


Please hit "Chinese Simplified" through the "View"!


1. The Bible is the word of God.
2 Tim 3:16
2. Jesus is the God of the Bible.
John 1:1
John 14:6-9
3. We are all sinners or disobedient to God.
Romans 3:10
Romans 3:23
4. Because of our sin we are separated from God.
Romans 6:23
Romans 5:12
5. Jesus paid for our sins by dying on the cross, and rising from the dead that we might be reunited with God.
Romans 5:8


Call on Jesus and receive what He has done for us.
Romans 10:13
Romans 10:9-10


Dear Lord Jesus,
I know that the Bible is your word. I know that you are God. I believe that you died in my place to pay for my sin. I know that you rose from the dead proving that you are God. Right now in the best way I know how , I am calling on you to be my Lord and Savior and God. Thank you Jesus for dying for me, help me now to live for you. AMEN


The following feature article in Chinese is what we found through the search of
С U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on the Google.com in the evening at March 27, 2005:

ҳ >> ˳-ൺ >>
http://www.sina-qd.com 2004-03-12











I bought my first home close to Thanksgiving of 2003. I used the house to host a Thanksgiving dinner for my friends and also friends of my brother from CA. I'm thankful to learn many lessons through buying the house and taking care of it. I didn't think I can handle it. But after a year, I feel more comfortable owning a house.

Some things I found that are important to buying a house:
1. Buy it in a good location. It should be in a residential area so that later it doesn't become too close to big businesses.
2. Buy a house you can afford.
3. Sometimes the best houses are the first ones you visited, so don't discount the first house you visit.
4. When you see the house you want at the right price, you can start to offer a price. You can offer it much lower than the asking price or if you want to secure the house, offer the price slightly less than the asking price, expecting a counter-offer. Than prepare for a 2nd offer in the middle.
5. It's always nice if the house has new carpet and new paint.
6. Make sure you like the surrounding. Take note of any railroad tracks or airports nearby.
7. Pray and ask God to help you in making the decision.
8. Wait for the right house. Don't rush into buying something you are not comfortable with. You will live in it for at least a year or two.
9. Ask the seller to buy you a home-owner warranty for the first year.
10. Make sure you put down all you want the seller to fix in the contract.
11. Expect some unexpected things when you first move in. Don't be stressed out by them. Ask friends for advice and help.
12. Make friends with your neighbors. They may be your best house counselor because they lived in the neighborhood already.


12-30-04 for cousin Amy

Hit "Chinese Traditional (Big 5)" through "View" please!
Merry Christmas cards sent by President Dr. Andrew Benton of Pepperdine University and District Judge Cheryl Moss were the two first ones to Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 10, 2004. Following that were the three ones from District Judge Mark Denton and Dr. Liz Kent ( a classmate of Dr. Tony Lei and Ed. D. of Pepperdine University), and President of TACCLV Sapatra Chemprachum on December 18, 2004. Dr Tony Lei received a Merry Christmas card from Pepperdine University Chancellor Dr. Charles Runnels in Malibu, California on December 21, 2004. (The Merry Christmas cards of President Dr. Andrew Benton and Chancellor Dr. Charles Runnels were designed and post on the Section of "Pepperdine University Alumni Association".)


From: Mike Lei [mlei@fma.fujitsu.com]
Mon, 22 Nov 2004 10:35:30 -0800

In our Chrisitan life we can encounter many pressures that make us want
give in. What are these things we want to give in to? How about doubt,
compromise, despair, people, etc..?

When the Prophet Jeremiah complained to God that being God's spokesman
brought him nothing but TROUBLE, this is what God says:

"...If you repent, I will restore you that you may serve me; if you
worthy, not worthless, words, you will be my spokesman. Let this people
to you, but you must not turn to them. I will make you a wall to this
people, a fortified wall of bronze; they will fight against you but
will not
overcome you, for I am with you," declares the LORD. "I will save you
the hands of the wicked and redeem you from the grasp of the cruel."
(Jeremiah 15:19-21)

Today, will you give in or will you help others turn to God?



Greetings in the Lord!
By Pastor Paul Goulet

Dear ICLV family,

It is amazing what has happened in the last few weeks. I’m overwhelmed by your faith and the faith of the congregation. Truly we are going to cross the Jordan together.

We are going to have 5 locations over the next 5 years. I’m so grateful to God for all that he is doing in your heart and I know that over the next 3 years these pledges will not only come in, but they will far exceed anything we could have ever dreamed of. With this type of commitment, and with Gods help, we are going to be able to build out these 5 campuses for the Glory of God we are going to reach our Jerusalem for Jesus Christ.

The Singapore and India trip was an overwhelming success. The favor that God gave us in these nations was exceptional. Grace Assembly in Singapore continues to grow and impact the Asian world. Already they have begun over 300 churches on their own. It is a privilege to partner with Dr. David Limm and his congregation. During our visit many were saved, added to the kingdom, healed, and many inspired to cross the threshold. As we arrived in India the contrast between these two nations was extreme. However, God moved in ways that was uncommon in India. We were told this was the first joint meeting that they've had, and the manifest power of God was there in every service and training session. In three days roughly 800 souls came to Christ, with countless healings and many pastors being equipped for futher ministry. The leaders of the Chandrigarh meetings expressed amazement that there were no interruptions and no persecutions. God created a smooth path during the entire time. He cleared the way.

I personally want to thank you for your prayers. Without your prayers, this could have never happened. Your prayers and fasting was our backbone. So we are grateful for your prayers and support.

We are looking forward to our firstfruits Sundays on November 14, 21, & 28. – they will be a seed towards our overall pledges. I’m asking God for 10% of the overall pledge to come in on the 14th through the 28th. With this type of giving our goals and desires is to buy land and build out these campuses cash. Will you agree with me on this, building everything from this point cash will bring God much glory. We are grateful for all of you. Please pray with us that people will be able to step up and tithe to their overall pledge. That will be their seed that will help them accomplish the goal and enable all of us to complete our faith pledges for Christ.

We have committed our hearts to you, and we are grateful for all God is doing through you. Denise and I remain faithfully yours in the years to come.

In Christ,

Pastor Paul Goulet


From: Mike Lei [mlei@fma.fujitsu.com]
Fri, 19 Nov 2004 07:51:06 -0800

brothers and sisters
Here's is a short article for you all

Too Busy for a Friend...

One day a teacher asked her students to list the names
of the other students in the room on two sheets of
paper, leaving a space between each name.

Then she told them to think of the nicest thing they
could say about each of their classmates and write it

It took the remainder of the class period to finish
their assignment, and as the students left the room,
each one handed in the papers.

That Saturday, the teacher wrote down the name of each
student on a separate sheet of paper, and listed what
everyone else had said about that individual.

On Monday she gave each student his or her list.
Before long, the entire class was smiling. "Really?"
she heard whispered. "I never knew that I meant
anything to anyone!" and, "I didn't know others liked
me so much." were most of the comments.

No one ever mentioned those papers in class again. She
never knew if they discussed them after class or with
their parents, but it didn't matter. The exercise had
accomplished its purpose. The students were happy with
themselves and one another. That group of students
moved on.

Several years later, one of the students was killed in
Viet Nam and his teacher attended the funeral of that
special student. She had never seen a serviceman in a
military coffin before. He looked so handsome, so

The church was packed with his friends. One by one
those who loved him took a last walk by the coffin.
The teacher was the last one to bless the coffin.

As she stood there, one of the soldiers who acted as
pallbearer came up to her. "Were you Mark's math
teacher?" he asked. She nodded: "yes." Then he said:
"Mark talked about you a lot."

After the funeral, most of Mark's former classmates
went together to a luncheon. Mark's mother and father
were there, obviously waiting to speak with his

"We want to show you something," his father said,
taking a wallet out of his pocket. "They found this on
Mark when he was killed. We thought you might
recognize it."

Opening the billfold, he carefully removed two worn
pieces of notebook paper that had obviously been
taped, folded and refolded many times. The teacher
knew without looking that the papers were the ones on
which she had listed all the good things each of
Mark's classmates had said about him.

"Thank you so much for doing that," Mark's mother
said. "As you can see, Mark treasured it."

All of Mark's former classmates started to gather
around. Charlie smiled rather sheepishly and said, "I
still have my list. It's in the top drawer of my desk
at home."

Chuck's wife said, "Chuck asked me to put his in our
wedding album."

"I have mine too," Marilyn said. "It's in my diary."

Then Vicki, another classmate, reached into her
pocketbook, took out her wallet and showed her worn
and frazzled list to the group. "I carry this with me
at all times," Vicki said and without batting an
eyelash, she continued: "I think we all saved our

That's when the teacher finally sat down and cried.
She cried for Mark and for all his friends who would
never see him again.

The density of people in society is so thick that we
forget that life will end one day. And we don't know
when that one day will be.

So please, tell the people you love and care for, that
they are special and important. Tell them, before it
is too late.

And One Way To Accomplish This Is: Forward this
message on. If you do not send it, you will have, once
again passed up the wonderful opportunity to do
something nice and beautiful.

If you've received this, it is because someone cares
for you and it means there is probably at least
someone for whom you care.

If you're "too busy" to take those few minutes right
now to forward this message on, would this be the VERY
first time you didn't do that little thing that would
make a difference in your relationships?


"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 at "Social & Community" please.)

From: Mike Lei [mlei@fma.fujitsu.com]
Mon, 1 Nov 2004 07:40:22 -0800
[In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".]

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[In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".]


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Tel: (416) 466-4303 Fax: (416) 466-9517


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