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052005-7866 |
Kairos' greetingsDear Friends of Kairos, Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ. [(The attached PDF file is May Newsletter.) Please ask for it through Kairos.] Thanks for reading. Pray for us. Sincerely, Samuel Lee, General Secretary of Kairos. 7777777777777 66666666666666666666666666 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 ************************************************** | |
042605-6868 |
Thank you for caring for Kairos Ministries By Samuel (Mau Cheng) LeeDear friends, greetings. Thank you for caring for Kairos Ministries. Your prayers, comments or suggestions are highly appreciated. God bless. Samuel (Mau Cheng) Lee for Kairos Communication Service International. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear friends of Kairos, May the Grace and Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always! What makes you happy? Is it when people show appreciation for what you have accomplished? Or when you received a phone call or a letter of encouragement? Allow me to share with you a few things that have happened recently which brought the Kairos staff much joy and encouragement. - A sister in Christ who resides in Norway hurt herself recently. Her leg was in a cast and she needed to use a wheelchair. She called me and shared about her love for Christ and her love for the Kairos ministry. As I was talking with her on the phone, my mind immediately flashed back to last November when we visited Norway. Scenes of this dear sister accompanying us and praying together with us came back to me. This time on the phone, she again prayed fervently for Kairos. Her phone call and her prayers had indeed been a great encouragement to me. - Recently we received a letter from a local church. It said: “The coworkers of our church at a recent meeting have decided to support the Kairos ministry on a regular basis. We would like to partner with you with our financial support and our prayers. May God continue to pour out His blessings to you and may He continue to use your ministry mightily to spread His gospel and to build up the body of Christ.” - Another letter from a sister in Christ wrote: “Dear brothers and sisters at Kairos, I was given a set of Melody of Life by a friend. Everyday I listened to them over and over again pondering the deep meaning taught in the programs. My spirit was inspired by what I have heard. I have received comfort and spiritual nourishment through listening. Thank you for your ministry. I would like to receive your Melody of Life programs every month. May God bless you.” Thank God for His amazing grace! The Kairos Board of Directors just finished its 2005 annual meeting. There are many action items that needed to be followed through. We consider these as challenges as well as encouragements given by God for the sake of His Kingdom. Therefore, we need your fervent prayers and support. We are thankful to our Board members for their dedication. You will be able to see pictures and reports about the Board meeting in the next issue of Interflow. May we always lean upon our Lord and his wisdom rather than our own understanding as we partner together in mission to the Chinese people! In Christ, Rev. Samuel Lee April Thanksgiving and Prayer Letter “Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out! Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has been his counselor? Who has ever given to God, that God should repay him?” For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever.” Romans 11:33-36 THANSKSGIVING A fruitful Board meeting on 3/11-3/12. Our program staff Tina Zhu who had underwent a successful surgery in February. She returned to work on April 1. The General Secretary, Rev. Samuel Lee, had an opportunity to attend the 3rd Pan American CCOWE Conference in San Paulo, Brazil (4/1-4/9). He shared about the Kairos ministry at the Conference. Many letters were received from so many brothers and sisters testifying how God has used our programs to help them grow in their spiritual walk with the Lord. The scripts for the Bible Study Audio Books of Ruth and Philippians are finished. The successful completion of the location shooting of the Bible Study Video Book of Habakkuk in Northern California. The safe journey of the video team who filmed the historical artifacts in the museums in France & Germany this month. PRAYER REQUESTS May God continue to use the Kairos ministry. Pray that our coworkers continue to live a life worthy of their calling. May the work in their hands be filled with God’s glory! May God grant us more churches and brothers and sisters to partner with us in the work of missions. May God bring us the much needed volunteers and coworkers in the areas of Development, script writing and Internet ministry. May God grant opportunities for the General Secretary to share the Kairos Vision with more churches and fellowship groups. Pray that the Internet Multi-Media Library project will be successfully completed. May God grant us more contacts and links with other websites so that our programs can become more accessible to a growing audience. Pray that those who are in the process of writing the script for I Kings and the Book of Romans. Pray that God will send the capable men and women to be narrators for the Bible Study Audio books of Ruth and Philippians. Pray for the preparation of the video graphics and post-production work of the Bible Study Video Book of Habakkuk. 200504 666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ************************************************** | |
011505-3636 |
From: Samuel Lee [samuell@kairos-usa.org] Fri, 14 Jan 2005 15:19:33 -0800Dear friends, Greetings. Samuel (Mau Cheng) Lee. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends of Kairos: Peace! Thank God for giving us a blessed year! Recently the tsunami and earthquake disaster struck South Asia with a death toll of more than 150,000. It brought fear and trembling to us and to the thousands of people suffering in the stricken area. Let us pray for peace to come on the land, let us serve God faithfully. May God move our hearts to give in their time of great need. From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. (John 1:16); For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.(Col2:9-10 NIV) God’s grace is so rich and abundant that it meets every need as circumstances change. His grace is sufficient in all situations, and yes, even in disasters. When a need arises in our lives, His grace will follow. Grace upon grace comes throughout our lives, because it is so abundant and free, enabling us to meet every challenge. His grace is endless and full and He Himself is full of grace. We can always be fully satisfied in Him. We thank God and we thank you that we lacked nothing in 2004. If there is any lack, it is in the zeal of serving the Lord. Do you agree? We want to thank you for serving with us, and experiencing together the richness of His grace in Christ Jesus. The Video Team is going through Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel recording for the Bible Study Video Books. All we can do is to trust the Lord and ask for His protection over them. The current issue of Melody of Life has four new productions and four old ones newly recorded. Please pray for us that what we do and say will glorify God and edify fellow believers. The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few. Please pray to the Lord of the harvest that He will send out His servants to work in the fields. May there be abundant grace upon you and your family. Glory to our God! Serving with you Rev. Samuel Lee and the Kairos staff Prayer Requests January 2005 You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance. The grasslands of the desert overflow; the hills are clothed with gladness. The meadows are covered with flocks and the valleys are mantled with grain; they shout for joy and sing. (Psalm 65:11-13) Pray for the victims of the Tsunami disaster. Pray for God’s mercy, for the ministry of evangelism and for the long-term recovery and reconstruction. We are full of thanks as we say goodbye to 2004 and hello to 2005. Thanks to God for good physical health, spiritual growth and joy. Praise the Lord for volunteers who have faithfully labored over the year’s end in getting the scripture calendar and our Interflow publication out. Pray for us in 2005 as we continue the various projects such as the broadcasting ministry, the Melody of Life program, our Internet ministry, and the Bible Study audio/video books. Due to shortage of workers, we are in need of volunteers. If you or anyone you know is interested in helping Kairos, please contact us. From December 2004 to the middle of January 2005, the Kairos Video Team, consisting of three members from U.S.A. and two members from Hong Kong, will be working in the Middle East to do research and resource gathering. Please pray for their safety, their health and their ongoing work. Please pray for our cooperation with other Christian organizations, especially the Scripture Union in Hong Kong. Please pray for the people in China whom we serve. We need to be reminded of their culture, plight and livelihood so that we understand their needs and so that our love for them will grow. Recently a few friends of Kairos went overseas to serve and brought along our products. Please pray for them that they may truly be blessed by the Lord in their effort to reach the unsaved, and that they will be kept in good health. Please pray for all the brothers and sisters working full-time at Kairos that they would grow in spiritual maturity and have joy in serving our Lord and Master Jesus Christ. You are welcome to contact Rev. Samuel Lee, General Secretary of Kairos Communication Service International, P.O. Box 7569, Alhambra, CA 91802; Ph (626) 282-8470; Fax (626) 282-8498; E-mail: samuell@kairos-usa.org; web: www.kairos-usa.org 3333333333333 33333333333333333333333333 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ******************************************************* | |
120204-1668 |
Would you like to pay enthusiasm to "Kairos Communication Service"? | |
120204-1286 |
Enthusiasm is a very beautiful word! By Tiffany Chang and PAI of WBTI*1Enthusiasm is important, especially very important to many things in our lives. We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones: ***** There is nothing greater than enthusiasm. ---Henry Moore ***** If you don't have enthusiasm, you don't have anything. ---Kemmons Wilson, Sr. ***** Nothing good or great can be done in the absence of enthusiasm. ---Tom Peters It's our pleasure to post a short story from "Speaker's Source Book II" by Glenn Van Ekeren: The word enthusiasm comes from the Greek roots en and theos and means "God within." It is a fire, a passion within. Real enthusiasm is not something you "put on" and "take off " to fit the occasion. It is a way of life. Apparently Theodore Roosevelt possessed that kind of passionate lifestyle. In 1883, according to Bernard Levin, writing in Enthusiasms (Crown Publishers), Roosevelt went buffalo hunting in the Badlands of South Dakota with a single companion, Joe Ferris. They nearly died of thirst, and they slept on the ground, saddles their only pillows. One night wolves caused their horses to bolt, and it took some time for the fleeing beasts to be recaptured. The men went back to sleep; it began to rain heavily and they awoke, finding themselves lying in four inches of water. Shivering between sodden blankets, Ferris heard Teddy Roosevelt exclaim," By Godfrey, but this is fun!" Now that's enthusiasm!*2 ------------------------------------- References *1. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Prentice Hall Press, Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press. 111111111111111 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************* | |
120104-6386 |
Dear Jean, Thank you very much for your e-mail to us about half an hour ago. We took your advice to us immedeately. The two fliers about how people in Irag show their thanks to U. S. A. had been cancelled and removed to a newly opened section entitled "Jean Liu's Teaching World." We never put anything about the literature of "petition" from your e-mail on Kairos' "Kairos Communication Service." Any comment that you may extend to us will highly be appreciated. Sincerely, wbti 12/1st/2004 18:56:17 -------------------------------------- From: Jean Liu [jeanl@kairos-usa.org] Wed, 1 Dec 2004 18:18:58 -0800 Dear Tony: Thank you very much for posting the forwarding messages on your website. If you are unhappy because I didn't response to your e-mail as soon as possible,. Please accept my apology. I didn't mean to ignore your good intentions, but as a matter of fact, It'll cause some problems for me, because those forwarding messages were talks between friend to friend. My opinions didn't stand for KAIROS. Those personal communications better not show on the KAIROS pages. Do you agree with me? Thank you for your understanding. Your friend, Jean Liu 666666666666666 88888888888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 *********************************************** | |
101404-8001 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.)Thu, 14 Oct 2004 16:31:44 -0700 Dear Friends of Kairos, By the time you read this letter, Kairos would have already hosted her 20th Anniversary Thanksgiving & Fundraising Banquet. We had 34 tables of distinguished guests. We thank God for the good response and participation. It is His abundant grace that has united us together as partners in mission. We give glory to God for bringing us through 20 years of service. We thank Him for preparing many outstanding coworkers who dedicate their best to produce quality multi-media products to minister to the spiritual needs of Chinese Christians around the world. It has almost been 2 years since I began serving at Kairos. During this short period of time, I have seen and experienced numerous miraculous deeds of our Lord! Years ago, after I finished my military service in Taiwan, I joined Campus Crusade For Christ and began serving the Lord. After about two weeks, a sister at the ¡§Accounting Department¡¨ asked me: ¡§ Do you need money?¡¨ At that time, I was still young and new to the ministry. I had just begun to live a ¡§sacrificial life¡¨ for the Lord. This adventure of living by faith! (continue to this very day at Kairos). Since that time, that sister¡¦s ¡§question¡¨ has stayed in my mind. I never thought that after 30 years, I would again meet her and serve with her as a coworker at Kairos. God is truly amazing! We received an email from China . A sister wrote : ¡§ --- today I have wired transfer XXX dollars through the Western Union to Kairos. Please let me know when you received the money. A few of our sisters, gather together every weekend to listen to the Audio Scripture Program, the Fountain of Inspiration Program and the Melody of Life program through the internet. We all felt that the programs though short but contained very rich spiritual treasures. We liked the programs very much. We also shared with others the Melody of Life CDs that you have sent us. Everyone said that those CDs were precious. As you celebrate your 20th year in ministry, may God continue to give you His added blessings. May your programs glorify God and may many thirsty souls find satisfaction in their hearts through your programs! ¡K.¡¨ I would like to thank all of you for your faithful support to Kairos ministry. There is a giant map of the world hanging in the prayer room at our office. There are several large red Chinese characters which reads: ¡§China, the pupil of my eyes!¡¨ May God continue to shower His mercy upon the Chinese people and hasten the day when all of them will receive His grace and salvation! May God bless you always! His humble servant, Rev. Samuel Lee You are welcome to contact Rev. Samuel Lee, General Secretary of Kairos Communication Service International, P.O. Box 7569, Alhambra, CA 91802; Ph (626) 282-8470; Fax (626) 282-8498; E-mail: samuell@kairos-usa.org; web: www.kairos-usa.org 33333333333 8888888888888888888888 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 *************************************************** | |
051304-555 |
PPAA18 ***** Thursday, May 13, 2004 #First Edition ***** Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbtiAdvisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao Chairperson Dr. Tony T. Lei President District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega Vice Presidents Dr. William N. Thompson Director of Public Administration Institution Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration Dr. Sue Fawn Chung Director of Culture Institution Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brian Sandoval, and District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young Chairmen of CCDAPCC (702) 255-9058 *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service spects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. ------------------------------ Kairos Prayer Letter By Samuel Lee*1 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God." Phillippians 4:6 1. Rev. George Olson, former Chairman of the Kairos Board officially retired during the March Kairos Board meeting. For 20 years, Rev. Olson has faithfully been involved in the planning, development & fundraising of the Kairos ministry. We offer our sincere gratitude and appreciation to Rev. Olson for the love given to and the sacrifices he has made to Kairos. May God continue to watch over Rev. and Mrs. Olson in their retirement years & bless them with good health.*2 2. The new Chairperson of the Kairos Board is Mrs. Susan Chen. We are thankful to Mrs. Chen who has been faithfully supporting Kairos ministry in the past. We appreciate her willingness to take up this important responsibility as Chairperson of the Board. Here, we would also like to thank all of our past and present Board members for their love for the Lord and Kairos. 3. For those of you who listen to our monthly Melody of Life cassettes/cds---you will remember the mini dramas we sometimes have in the programs. The various characters in the mini dramas were voices of many volunteers. We thank them for sacrificing their precious time for this ministry. They are such a blessing and encouragement to us. 4. We are also thankful for all the volunteers who come monthly to help package and mail out our Melody of Life casettees/cds. We especially want to thank Mrs. Carol Chao (wife of General Secretary Emiritus, Rev. David Chao) who leads a group of volunteers each month. We hope that you can help introduce these cassettes/cds to your friends so that more listeners can benefit from them. It takes great effort to produce 8 devotional messages each month to meet the spiritual needs of listeners of varied backgrounds. We thank God for the talent He gave to Ms. Liu in producing these programs. Please continue to uphold her in your prayers. 5. In our Feb newsletter, we mentioned that 88 churches in Singapore will be receiving our Gospel materials. We have received word that many of the churches have already received the materials. Please continue to pray that more Chinese Christians in China and all over the world will benefit from our Gospel materials. 6. Thank you for remembering our Bible Study Video ministry. The special planning committee has completed a proposed plan of action to proceed with the project. May God give us strength, faith and courage as we face difficult challenges ahead.*3 You are welcome to contact me at: P.O. Box 7569, Alhambra, CA 91802USA ; Ph (626) 282-8470; Fax (626) 282-8498; E-mail: samuell@kairos-usa.org; web: www.kairos-usa.org ------------------------------- References *1. Rev. Samuel Lee of Kairos. *2. Lee, Samuel. 'Kairos Prayer Letter,' "An e-mail from Kairos to Mrs. Judy Lei," (May 12, 2004), Alhambra, CA.: Kairos. *3. Ibid. 555555555555555555 6666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888**************************************************** | |
050104 |
BUSINESS, COMMUNITY, AND SOCIAL WORLD ***** Saturday, May 1, 2004 #First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88% ------------------------------ For KAIROS, for spiritual and humane belief By Judy, John, and Mike Lei It is a good thing to learn from the following teaching of the Bible: "Wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it,there is a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off." --- Proberb 24:14*1 "Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." -- Romans 5:5*2 Under the teaching of the God, it is our first experience to post the information to us from KAIROS: [In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)] ¶}¸ôªÌ (KAIROS) ³q°T*3 ¿Ë·Rªº¶}¸ôªÌ¤§¤Í¡A¥¦w¡I ¥|¤ë¤Q¤T¤é¦Ü¤G¤Q¤G¤é¡A§Ṳ́Ұü¨ì¤W®ü¤ÎªC¦{°Ñ¥[¤F¡u2004¦~±Ð·|¨Æ¤u¤À¨É¥æ¬y®y½Í¡v¡A¤]°ÑÆ[¤F±Ð·|¤Î¯«¾Ç°|¡A¬Ý¨ìº¡µóªº¤H¼é¡A¡u¤@ÓÀYÆ`¡A´N¬O¤@ÓÆF»î¡v¡C ¦b¯«¦{¤j¦a¡AºÖµªº»Ýn¯u¤j¡I§Ú̳o¨Ç®ü¥~ªº«H®{¡A¯à³Q¥D«ç¼Ë¨Ï¥Î©O¡H ¡uÂǧڽ箦ºÖ¡vªº¸Öºq¤@ª½¦b¤ß¤¤°jÀú¡C§ÚÌ»X¥D¬@±Ï½çºÖ¡A¤£¦A¬°¤v¬¡¡A¤D¬O¬°¥D¬¡¡A¬°¥Dªº¤j¨Ï©R¬¡¡C§ÚÌ«ç¼Ë¤~¯à³Q¥D¥Î¨Ó½çºÖµ¹³o¤Q¤T»õªºÆF»î©O¡H §ÚÌn³QC¿qªºÄ_¦å¬~²b¡A¹LµÛ¸t¼äªº¥Í¬¡¡F§ÚÌn³Q¸tÆF¥Rº¡¡A¬¡¥X¥D´_¬¡ªº¥Í©R¡F§ÚÌn¬Ý¨£¥D¥¿¦b«ç¼Ë¤u§@¡F§Ṳ́]n²`²`ª¾¹D¥D¤À¬£±z§Úªº¤u§@¬O¬Æ»ò¡A¦Ó¯à©¾¤ß¦Ü¦º¡A¸qµL¤ÏÅU¡C ÁÂÁ±z¢w¢w¡u¶}¸ôªÌ¤§¤Í¡v¢w¢wªº¥Në©M¤ä«ù¡A±z§Ú²Õ¦¨ªº³oÓ¡u¶}¸ôªÌ¨Æ©^¹Î¶¤¡v¡AÀµ¨D¥D¨Ó¤j¤j¨Ï¥Î¡C ³o¨Ï§Ú·Q¨ì¨È§B©Ô¨u©Mù±oªº¨ÆÂÝ (³Ð¥@°O12¢w19³¹)¡G C©MµØ´¿À³³\n½çºÖµ¹¨È§B©Ô¨u¡A¤]À³³\¦a¤Wªº¸U±Ú³£n¦]¨È§B©Ô¨u±oºÖ¡C ¥L´¿¸g¬°©Ò¦hº¿«°¥N¨Dë§i¡C¨È§B©Ô¨uªñ«e¨Ó¡A¹ï¯«»¡¡G¡uµL½×µ½´c¡B§A³£n¶Ï·À»ò¡H°²Y¨º«°ùئ³¤¤QÓ¸q¤H¡A§AÁٶϷÀ¨º¦a¤è»ò¡H¤£¬°«°ùسo¤¤QÓ¸q¤HÄÇ®¤¨ä¤¤ªº¤H»ò¡H±N¸q¤H»P´c¤H¦P±þ¡A±N¸q¤H»P´c¤H¤@¼Ë¬Ý«Ý¡A³oÂ_¤£¬O§A©Ò¦æªº¡C¼f§P¥þ¦aªº¥D¡A°Z¤£¦æ¤½¸q»ò¡H¡v ¨È§B©Ô¨u«i´±¦a¦V¯«½Ð©R¡G ¥|¤Q¤Ó©O¡H¥|¤QÓ©O¡H¤T¤QÓ©O¡H¤G¤QÓ©O¡H ¨È§B©Ô¨uÄ~Äò»¡¡G¡u¨D¥D¤£n°Ê«ã¡A§Ú¦A»¡³o¤@¦¸¡A°²Y¦b¨ºùب£¦³¤QÓ©O¡H¡vÍ¢»¡¡G¡u¬°³o¤QÓªº½t¬G¡A§Ú¤]¤£·´·À¨º«°¡C¡v¡q¨È§B©Ô¨u²q·Q¾ãÓ«°¥«¦Ü¤Ö·|¦³¤QÓ¸q¤H§a¡H¥L¤]§Æ±æ©Ò¦hº¿¤H¯à¦]¥L»XºÖ¡C¡r ¤Ï¹L¨Ó¬Ýù±o¡A¥L¦í¦b¨º«°¥«¡A¥L¥h©M¥Lªº¨âӷǤk´B»¡C©MµØn·À«°¤F¡C¥LÌ¥H¬°¥L»¡ªº¬OÀ¸¨¥¡C¡q¥i¯àù±o±`»¡À¸¨¥¡H§Ù¤§¡I¡rµ²ªG¡A¾ãÓ«°¥«¥u¦³Ã¹±o¤@®a¥|¤f³Q±a¥X¨Ó¡F¥þ«°ªº¨ä¥L¤H¡A³s¤@Ó¤]¨S¦³¦]¬°Ã¹±o¦Ó»XºÖ¡I ©¼±o«á®Ñ´£¨ì¡A¯«±N©Ò¦hº¿¡B¸¿¼¯©Ô¶ÉÂСAµI¿N¦¨¦Ç¡A§@¬°«á¥@¤£·q°@¤HªºÅ²§Ù¡A¥u·f±Ï¤F¨º±`¬°´c¤H²]¦æ¼~¶Ëªº¸q¤Hù±o¡C¦]¬°¨º¸q¤H¦í¦b¥L̤¤¶¡¡A¬Ý¨£Å¥¨£¥L̤£ªkªº¨Æ¡A¥Lªº¸q¤ß´N¤Ñ¤Ñ¶Ëµh¡C ÁöµMù±o±`¬°´c¤H²]¦æ¼~¶Ë¡A¥Lªº¸q¤ß¤]¤Ñ¤Ñ¶Ëµh¡A¦ý²×¨sµL¤H¦]¥L»XºÖ¡I¬O§_¥L¥u¼~¶Ë¡B¶Ëµh¡A¦ý³£¥¼¥I¤§¦æ°Ê¡H ¦³¤H¦]±z§Ú»XºÖ¶Ü¡H¤¤°ê¤Q¤T»õ¤H¯à¦]±z§Ú»XºÖ¶Ü¡H¬èÄ@µª®×¬OªÖ©wªº¡C¤]Åý§Ú̯੾¤ß¦æ°Ê¦Ü¦º¡A¸qµL¤ÏÅU¡C »P±z̤@°_¨Æ©^ªº §õZ¬F²v¥þÅé¦P¤u·q¤W P.O. Box 7569, Alhambra, CA 91802; Ph (626) 282-8470; Fax (626) 282-8498; E-mail: samuell@kairos-usa.org; web: www.kairos-usa.org --------------------------------- References *1. New International Version (2000) "Hope,' "God's Words of life for Dads," Grand Rapids, Michigan: The Zondervan Corporation. *2. Ibid. *3. Lee, Samuel. "An e-mail to Mrs. Judy Lei from KAIROS," (April 30, 2004), Alhambra, CA.: KAIROS. 55555555555555 7777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | | | |
An error has occurred in the Message Board Topics koblet.
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com.koz.engine.EngineException: ConnectionPool::runStatement(client=com.koz.cps.application.kore.asset.message_board.MessageBoardTopicLinks@dc136dc sql=select TOPIC_ID, GROUP_ID, TOPIC_NAME, TOPIC_DESCR, TOPIC_LINK, CREATE_DATE, UPDATE_DATE, lower(topic_name) from TOPICS_DATA where GROUP_ID = '01101010550976144152582945' order by 8; exception=com.koz.util.db.ConnectionException: CPS_DB:runSql [select TOPIC_ID, GROUP_ID, TOPIC_NAME, TOPIC_DESCR, TOPIC_LINK, CREATE_DATE, UPDATE_DATE, lower(topic_name) from TOPICS_DATA where GROUP_ID = '01101010550976144152582945' order by 8]; failed, SQLException: Table 'wbti.TOPICS_DATA' doesn't exist(1146|42S02|)
at com.koz.util.db.DBConnectionJDBC.runStatement(DBConnectionJDBC.java:380)
at com.koz.util.db.DBConnectionJDBC.runSql(DBConnectionJDBC.java:265)
at com.koz.util.db.ConnectionPool.runStatement(ConnectionPool.java:140)
at com.koz.util.db.DBUtils.execSql(DBUtils.java:46)
at com.koz.cps.application.kore.asset.message_board.LinkToBox.getRawLinks(LinkToBox.java:48)
at com.koz.cps.application.kore.asset.message_board.MessageBoardTopicLinks.display(MessageBoardTopicLinks.java:132)
at com.koz.cps.application.kore.KoreKoblet.process(KoreKoblet.java:40)
at com.koz.engine.Engine.run(Engine.java:172)
at com.koz.util.ThreadPool$PooledThread.run(ThreadPool.java:455)
at com.koz.util.db.ConnectionPool.runStatement(ConnectionPool.java:187)
at com.koz.util.db.DBUtils.execSql(DBUtils.java:46)
at com.koz.cps.application.kore.asset.message_board.LinkToBox.getRawLinks(LinkToBox.java:48)
at com.koz.cps.application.kore.asset.message_board.MessageBoardTopicLinks.display(MessageBoardTopicLinks.java:132)
at com.koz.cps.application.kore.KoreKoblet.process(KoreKoblet.java:40)
at com.koz.engine.Engine.run(Engine.java:172)
at com.koz.util.ThreadPool$PooledThread.run(ThreadPool.java:455)
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