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052005-1168 |
How nice is the inspiration of a creative design! By Tunghai University Alumni Association and Jennifer Kung*1給 今天最特?e的您 雷?犹 校友 ?|海大?W校友?? 祝您雞年行大, 身體健康, 萬事如意! [[[ Happy Birth Day Card ]]] 親愛的?濟?W系 雷?犹 校友您好: ?|海大?W校友??(1998.11成立社?F法人組?) 需要您的支持與鼓? ! 在我??的校友資料?煅e,您是 ?濟?W系??I校友,您?絡的???椋702-255-9058/,假如您的資料有誤,非常?g迎您回到校友??W站來更新您的資料, ?入?W? :441321。我??希望能?槟? ! Tunghai University Alumni Association (TUAA) ?|海大?W校友?? 敬賀*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Tunghai University Alumni Association. '祝您雞年行大, 身體健康, 萬事如意!,' "An e-mail from TUAA to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei," [May 20, 2005 (by the date in Taiwan)], Taichung, Taiwan, ROC: Tunghai University. *2. Ibid. 66666666666666 7777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
051905-2868 |
Tunghai University ---"The most beautiful campus in Taiwan"東海大學位於台中市,有“最美麗的校園” 之稱, 佔地非常廣闊,認真逛上一天還逛不完哦!校園內花木扶疏,建築古樸典雅,一進入校園,一路夾道著鳳凰木,逸態橫生。在筆直的文理大道上, 建築錯落有致的文、理、工、商學院,皆為中國傳統式建築,頗有古典韻味。*1 在各學院前面都有青青翠綠的草坪,很多學生或情侶喜歡躺在草坪上談天說笑, 別有一番滋味!校園內還有一座名聞中外的東海教堂,又稱路思義教堂,它可是 揚名國際建築師貝聿銘先生的作品,如同兩片巨大風帆疊合造型,及外表金黃琉璃瓦的輝煌色調,它不只是東海大學的代表建築物而已哦~每逢假日,遊客總會特地前來一睹風采。還有在每年的聖誕夜,東海大學的聖誕舞會,可是多少人夢寐以求想要過過癮的!如果當天不早點動身,可是會卡在路上,大嘆可惜的哦! 另外,東海大學的夜景也是非常有名,常有外地的遊客特地上東海大學看夜景!可以看到大肚山,點點星光,點點浪漫~是情侶約會的很好選擇!*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Tunghai University. 'Tunghai campus ---“最美麗的校園”,' "A search of 'tunghai university alumni association' & '東海大學' on the Google.com," (May 19, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 88888888888888 6666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
051405-2687 |
The beautiful campus of Tunghai University?|海大?W ?|海大?W:校?@是由綿長的紅磚?鸂澦h繞著,由文?W院扶階而上,是?|海大?W最美的景緻所在,?膳砸谰徠陆êB錯落有致的文、理、工、商?W院和?D?^,皆?橹??鹘y式建築,頗具古典韻味,使其贏得「最美麗的校?@」之稱;校?@後半部?有一大片相思林,成?榍?H漫步的幽靜之地。校?@?攘碓O了一座校友?^,可供校友及一般人士投宿,每年舉辦的耶誕舞?俏巳ǜ鞯?等f民?來此,??|海大?W另一特色。 理想??術街坊:理想??術街位於台中縣市交界?、?|海大?W附近的?H街,是一??集人文、?術景觀和社?^意識之大成的理想??^。在這一?l沿著小斜坡而建的?術街坊,體?沿途的人文?庀ⅲ錆M??人特色、?術?庀⒌纳痰辏灿嗅岈F代主義式的咖啡店,以及室?妊b?佈置的小?品店,大都充滿?W洲復古的?夥眨灿斜容^現代的摩登造型;另外各種??人化的商品店、咖啡館、茶?館、陶?館、唐裝服?店,把整?l街道裝?得?尤硕??雅,雅緻如斯的一??地方。 6666666666666 6666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
050905-6768 ***** Thanks to Miss S. W. Hsiao ( 蕭淑文) sending the following picture about the "Tunghai Campus" to WBTI from Tunghai University: |
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050405-6868 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please. The Luce Chapel of Tunghai University By Tunghai University 台中 東海大學路思義教堂(基督新教會) (1963~) The Luce Chapel of Tunghai University in Taichung, Taiwan, Republic of China*1 路思義教堂是東海大學的精神表徵,曲線造形優美,是台灣最成功的建築物之一。由貝聿銘、陳其寬、張肇康規畫設計,教堂的設計始於1956年秋天,1963年完工。 貼滿菱形琉璃瓦的四片曲面牆(亦是屋頂),組合起來烘托其上的十字架,屋脊部份分開,形成「一線天」的天窗。兩側邊窗逸入的光線,更增添一份神秘感。後二曲面高於前部,前方45度是最佳的觀看角度。 走入內部時,視線自然沿曲線而上至天界,有空靈之感,裝飾簡單樸素,水泥交叉結構忠實顯露,與木製樓板及座席形成對比。 --------------------------------------------- Reference *1. The Chapel was shown on this section at March 29, 2005: 032905-7678 [032805-8668] *****Thanks to Miss S.W. Hsiao ( 蕭淑文) who sent us the following picture of 路思義教堂 from Tunghai University by e-mail on March 28, 2005. 6666666666666 88888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
040205-7678 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please. Please visit the website by Tunghai University (東海大學) and Tunhai University Alumni Association (東海大學校友會) to celebrate its annual 50 years of establishment at http://www.thu.edu.tw/thu50 It is entitled 「懷大度深情,創東海未來」. ---WBTI, Nevada 11111111111111 66666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************* | |
032905-6878 [032805-6768] |
Please hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5) through the "View".Tue, 29 Mar 2005 11:14:28 +0800 厩: 盚毙绑瓜郎叫把尽C (路思義教堂) 睶ゅ穛 From: Miss 蕭淑文 Mon, 28 Mar 2005 14:04:18 +0800 克稲筽厩 キ╆簆长[ゼ眤拜 盚き秅瞴狥紋ぇ╰笆 戳辨厩挤丁ǎ靡狥Θ 睶ゅ穛 ***The complete announcement of the activities and a message from President Dr. 程海東 are now shown at the flier after the next one in this section. 77777777777777 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
032805-1168 |
Please hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View". Please hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View" in order to read the *4 and *5.The following article was published by "Tunghai Univerasity Information" on September 18, 1999. The original copy was shown at April 7, 2004 on this section of "Tunghai University Alumni Association" ( in the 4th page).*1 弛 伙 尘 簈 羘 臫 过 ┰ 吹 蝴 吹 *4 [Please check *4 with "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View".] 張蘭~{S"~} ~{!!~} 東 ~{:#~} ~{4s~} 學 ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{R;~} ~{>E~} ~{Ay~} ~{>E~} ~{Dj~} 畢 業 ~{H}~} ~{J.~} ~{Dj~} ~{VX~} ~{>[~} ~{;n~} 動 ~{#,~} ~{l6~} ~{Ay~} ~{TB~} ~{6~~} ~{J.~} ~{Ay~} ~{VA~} ~{F_~} ~{TB~} ~{R;~} ~{HU~} ~{TZ~} ~{C@~} 國 ~{@-~} ~{K9~} 維 ~{~{!!~} 東 ~{:#~} ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{6<~} ~{SP~} ~{R;~} ~{Fp~} ~{W!~} ~{K^~} ~{4s~} ~{6H~} ~{I=~} ~{KD~} ~{Dj~} ~{#,~} ~{HU~} ~{R9~} ~{92~} 處 ~{Gs~} 學 ~{5D~} ~{;X~} 憶 ~{#,~} 親 ~{M,~} ~{JV~} ~{Wc~} ~{#,~} 試 ~{Ok~} ~{!8~} ~{4s~} ~{6H~} ~{I=~} ~{5D~} ~{4:~} ~{#,~} ~{Oq~} 個 ~{K/~} ~{PQ~} ~{5D~} ~{C@~} ~{HK~} ~{#,~} 鳳 ~{;K~} ~{D>~} ~{J9~} ~{AV~} 蔭 ~{4s~} ~{5@~} 變 ~{3I~} ~{R;~} 隻 ~{1L~} ~{I+~} ~{5D~} 圓 ~{M2~} ~{#,~} ~{O`~} ~{K<~} 樹 ~{R2~} ~{66~} ~{5t~} ~{R;~} ~{6,~} ~{5D~} ~{?`~} ~{K<~} ~{#,~} 換 ~{IO~} ~{S-~} ~{4:~} ~{5D~} ~{PB~} 裝 ~{!#~} ~{!9~} ~{**#*~}1 ~{!!~} ~{1>~} 屆 ~{8w~} ~{O5~} ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{#,~} ~{3v~} 類 ~{0N~} ~{]M~} ~{5D~} ~{HK~} ~{:\~} ~{6`~} ~{#,~} 會 ~{VP~} ~{R;~} ~{R;~} ~{IO~} ~{L(~} 報 ~{8f~} ~{=|~} 況 ~{#,~} ~{TZ~} ~{Cn~} 語 ~{Hg~} ~{Vi~} ~{VP~} ~{#,~} ~{8_~} ~{31~} ~{5|~} ~{Fp~} ~{#,~} 獲 ~{5C~} 滿 ~{LC~} ~{UF~} 聲 ~{!#~} ~{An~} ~{HK~} ~{Ok~} ~{Fp~} ~{K{~} 們 ~{T-~} ~{JG~} 當 ~{Dj~} ~{I=~} ~{IO~} ~{!8~} ~{U{~} ~{Wy~} ~{IP~} ~{N4~} ~{Mj~} ~{H+~} ~{<\~} 設 ~{5D~} 鋼 ~{<\~} ~{#,~} ~{TZ~} ~{WK~} 態 ~{IO~} ~{#,~} ~{:\~} ~{Oq~} ~{R;~} ~{V'~} ~{3u~} ~{3u~} ~{M#~} ~{Bd~} ~{IP~} ~{N4~} 斂 ~{3a~} ~{5D~} ~{>^~} 鷹 ~{!#~} ~{P[~} 壯 ~{6x~} 剛 陽 ~{#,~} ~{Os~} ~{ag~} ~{Vx~} ~{R;~} ~{H:~} ~{TZ~} ~{P#~} ~{Gs~} 學 ~{5D~} ~{M,~} 學 ~{#,~} ~{6<~} ~{JG~} ~{5H~} ~{4}~} ~{U9~} ~{3a~} 飛 ~{Oh~} ~{5D~} ~{Hi~} 鷹 ~{!#~} ~{!9~} **~{#*~} ~{#2~} 節 ~{D?~} ~{Vw~} ~{3V~} ~{HK~} 許 ~{A"~} ~{#,~} ~{8_~} ~{QE~} ~{SD~} ~{C@~} ~{#,~} ~{wH~} ~{A&~} 脫 穎 ~{!#~} ~{6-~} ~{JB~} 會 ~{CX~} 書 與 學 術 ~{;y~} ~{=p~} 會 執 ~{PP~} 長 ~{#,~} ~{J.~} ~{6~~} 屆 鄧 ~{Rf~} ~{T#~} 臨 場 報 ~{8f~} ~{#,~} ~{<$~} 發 ~{4s~} ~{~} 馬 ~{VP~} ~{T-~} ~{>^~} ~{Vx~} 關 ~{l6~} 東 ~{:#~} ~{HK~} ~{5D~} ~{!8~} ~{Ld~} ~{Cw~} 鳥 ~{!9~} ~{#,~} ~{R}~} ~{Fp~} 熱 ~{AR~} ~{5D~} 迴 響 ~{!#~} ~{!!~} ~{4N~} ~{HU~} 隨 ~{aa~} ~{K{~} 們 還 進 ~{6x~} ~{G0~} ~{My~} 錫 ~{02~} 國 ~{[~} 與 壯 麗 ~{V.~} 遊 ~{!#~} ~{4K~} ~{4N~} ~{;n~} 動 ~{#,~} 籌 備 長 ~{>C~} ~{MW~} ~{IF~} ~{#,~} ~{SI~} ~{Em~} ~{>}~} 蓮 領 ~{JW~} ~{=(~} ~{9&~} ~{#,~} 幾 ~{N;~} ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{6&~} ~{A&~} ~{O`~} 輔 ~{#,~} ~{@W~} 動 ~{Ll~} ~{2)~} ~{J?~} ~{RT~} ~{5Z~} ~{R;~} 屆 ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{5D~} 熱 ~{3@~} ~{#,~} 時 ~{O`~} 關 ~{W"~} 與 贊 ~{Vz~} ~{#,~} ¥H ¬~{!c~} ©I À³ »P ªï ~{!@~}µ ¡A ~{!@~}¡ ²` ~{!$~}N ~{!h~}Á ¡A ª~{(*~} ²{ ¥X ªF ®~{(9~} ®Õ ~{!h~}Í ¦b ¥L ¶m ~{!h~}¬ ¬Û ~{!l~}ß «~{(4~} ¡A ¹Î µ² ¦X ~{!l~}@ ªº ºë ¯« ¡C ~[Please check *5 with Traditional chinese (Big 5).]{#(~} ~{8=~} 註 ~{#:~} **~{#*~} ~{#1~} 與 ~{#***~} ~{#2~} ~{7V~} 別 ~{R}~} ~{WT~} ~{K>~} 馬 ~{VP~} ~{T-~} ~{Vx~} ~{!8~} ~{Ld~} ~{Cw~} 鳥 ~{!9~} ~{!#~} ~{#)~}*3------------------------------------------ References *1. 張蘭~{S"~} (Nan-yin Chang). ' "Tunghai University Information," (Semptember 18, 1999), Taichung, Taiwan: Tunghai Univerasity. *2. Tunghai University Information. ' "A search of Tunghai university Alumni Association on Google. com," (March 28, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *3. Ibid. *4. 弛 伙 尘 簈 羘 臫 过 ┰ 吹 蝴 吹 *5. ㊣ 莱 籔 钡 薄 瞏 種 ち 瞷 狥 ね 秏 が н 刮 挡 弘 777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
Please hit "Chinese Simplified (H2) through the "View".五十周年全球東海校慶系列活動:(系列活動之六) 活動日期:94.10.24-11.6 建校五十周年慶祝活動工作小組彙整 學術性:12個 慶祝性:23個 體育性:3個 展示性:5個 編號 活動日期(星期) 時間 活動名稱 聯絡人/分機 主辦/承辦 單位 地點 性質 1 10月24日(一) 17:30-18:00 五十周年全球東海校慶系列活動啟明開鑼! 查士民/2362 校慶規劃小組/課外活動組 校門口 慶祝性 2 10月24日(一) 記者招待會 陳運財主任秘書 王偉華特別助理 公關室 3 10月25日(二) 中午 碩、博士優良學生頒獎典禮及研究生座談 陳文芳/2300 學生事務處 良鑑廳 學術性 4 10月24日(一)至11月4日(五) 全天 中文系專任教師暨系友著作展 楊永智/3114 中文系 人文大樓5樓 展示性 5 10月24日(一)至11月4日(五) 全天 中文系懷舊印象展 楊永智/3114 中文系 人文大樓5樓 展示性 6 10月26日(三) 9:00-17:30 新世紀台灣民事法學學術研討會 蔡燿州/2877 法律學系 良鑑廳 學術性 7 10月27日(四)至10月28日(五) 9:00-17:00 第二屆基督教與華人社會文化發展研討會 陳昕/2120 宗教研究所 茂榜廳 學術性 8 10月28日(五) 19:30開始 五十周年校慶禮讚音樂會 -進入光之所在 -- 生命,一旦進入了光之所在 就攀向成熟的境地 陳思照/3153 音樂系 中正紀念堂 慶祝性 9 10月28日(五) 全天 形塑新世代家庭關係學術研討會 曾惠花/2860 幸福家庭研究推廣中心 學術性 10 10月28日(五)至11月4日(五) 8:00-17:00 東海校園文物展 黃文興/2761 圖書館 良鑑廳 展示性 11 10月29日(六) 8:00-17:00 全球化與政治研究的趨勢學術研討會 張心雅/2895 政治系 省政大樓大會議室 學術性 12 10月29日(六) 9:30-12:00 中文系系友會成立慶祝茶會暨師生座談會、餐會 林威宇/3116 中文系 茂榜廳 慶祝性 13 10月29日(六)至10月30日(日) 9:00-16:00 第二十七屆化工系畢業20周年回娘家 潘兆民/2840李光臨/2846 校友總會、就友室 慶祝性 14 10月29日(六) 13:00-18:00 緬懷與傳承-東海中文系五十年學術傳承研討會 林雅芬/3115 中文系 茂榜廳 學術性 10月30日(日) 8:00-18:00 15 10月29日(六) 全天 夫妻溝通研習 曾惠花/2860 幸福家庭研究推廣中心 學術性 16 10月30日(日) 上午 校慶主日 魯瑞娟/2110轉11 校牧室 路思義教堂 慶祝性 17 10月30日(日) 全天 新生家長日 陳惟馨/2313 生輔組/課外組 中正紀念堂 慶祝性 18 10月30日(日) 全天 關懷弱勢宣導 黃永明/2957 社工系/學生事務處 社科院 學術性 19 10月30日(日) 全天 領導夫妻培訓研習 曾惠花/2860 幸福家庭研究推廣中心 學術性 20 10月30日(日)至11月1日(二) 10:00-16:00 地方美食日 陳鼎基/2366 課外組/聯誼性社團 中正紀念堂前廣場 慶祝性 21 10月31日(一)至11月4日(五) 全天 東海美展(靜態展示) 李佩玲/2365 徐傳質/2360 課外組/學術、藝術性社團 展示性 22 10月31日(一)至11月4日(五) 全天 東海攝影、LOGO、紀念品展 李佩玲/2365 蔡家幸/2845 校慶規劃小組/課外組.就友室 展示性 23 10月31日(一)至11月1日(二) 8:00-17:00 基督教立校精神與競爭力研討會 魯瑞娟/2110轉11 校牧室 茂榜廳 學術性 24 10月31日(一) 晚上 師生熱歌勁舞慶校慶 侯坤輝/2367 課外組/學生社團 體育館外草坪 慶祝性 25 11月1 日(二) 晚上 東海盃師生合唱比賽 徐傳質/2360 課外組/各學系 中正紀念堂 慶祝性 26 11月2日(三) (全日停課) 8:45 全校路跑活動 吳季容/2370轉12 體育室 校園 體育性 27 9:30-10:50 校慶慶祝感恩大會(演說、頒獎、大詩班 …) 陳微文/2520 林敏郎/2240 校慶規劃小組/人事室. 教務處.事務組. 中正堂 慶祝性 28 11:02 「5050情牽東海」慶校慶 鄭金昌/2363 校慶規劃小組/課外組.附中.附小 慶祝性 29 12:00 校慶茶會 陳微文/2520 李佩玲/2365 事務組/課外組 體育館 慶祝性 30 全日 校慶園遊會 查士民/2362 校慶規劃小組/課外組 體育館外草坪 慶祝性 31 下午 社團表演慶校慶 侯坤輝/2367 課外組/學生社團 慶祝性 32 晚上 全球東海之夜(學生會策劃演唱會活動) 侯坤輝/2367 學生會 中正紀念堂 慶祝性 33 11月3日(四)至11月4日(五) 全日 東海學術高峰會 朱正忠執行長 王偉華主任 校慶規劃小組/研發處.國際教育合作室 茂榜廳 學術性 34 11月3日(四) 晚上 表演藝術月 李佩玲/2365 學生會/文化推廣處 中正紀念堂 慶祝性 35 11月5日(六)至11月6日(日) 全天 全校運動會(開幕儀式) 吳季容/2370轉12 體育室 體育場 體育性 36 校友盃球類競賽(11/5籃球、羽球、網球。11/6桌球、排球、壘球) 吳季容/2370轉12 體育室/就友室 體育館 體育性 37 11月5日(六)至11月6日(日) 全天 第十七屆畢業卅周年返校日 潘兆民/2840 李光臨/2846 校友總會、就友室 慶祝性 38 11月5日(六) (照常上班) 11:02 「2005木魚傳薪情繫東海」慶校慶 潘兆民/2840 校慶規劃小組/就友室 慶祝性 39 12:00-14:00 全球東海人嘉年華會 -東海校友日 傑出校友表揚會及感恩餐會 潘兆民/2840 蔡家幸/2845 蕭淑文/2842 李光臨/2846 校友總會、就友室/事務組 體育館 (上層) 慶祝性 晚上 -懷舊舞會 潘兆民/2840 蔡家幸/2845 體育館(下層) 40 9:00-16:30 生殖生理與技術研討會 張淑錦/3711 畜產與生物科技學系 人文大樓 學術性 41 11月5日(六) 下午 景觀系友回娘家活動 黃淑美/3750轉101 景觀系 景觀系館 慶祝性 42 11月6日(日) 上午 校友主日 魯瑞娟/2110轉11 校牧室/就友室 路思義教堂 慶祝性 43 11月6日(日) 9:00-17:00 基本勞作小組長暨衛生助理回娘家 林立聖/2606 勞作教育處 茂榜廳、銘賢堂 慶祝性 附註:1、 11月1下午、2日全天,11月5、6日停課。禁止教師利用前段時間補課。11月7日(星期一)全天補假(停止上班)。 2、詳細活動內容及接待方式,自 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% The following was a message dilivered by President of Tunghai University Dr. 程海東: 慶「東海五十」 程海東 九十四年三月十六日 「東海五十」象徵著創校至今開拓、成長、茁壯、成熟的里程碑,也代表著「邁向新五十」的嶄新挑戰。「開創是東海的格言」適用在五十年前的創校時代,也適用在這快速變遷的新世紀。曾幾何時,八百人行走的文理大道,有了一萬六千多雙足跡,四合院的文、理學院圍繞著高齊樹頂的新建築。昔日的東海風似乎消失了她以往的勁,乃因早期偏僻的大度山頂,已成為今日台中市、縣的中心。當時空曠的紅土早已披上綠草,配上鳳凰木和相思樹林。 若是您五年、十年或是更久的日子未踏過環繞著「路思義教堂」的草坪,校友們,歡迎您再次回到您跳躍過的校園。若是您正在這美麗和諧的校園中求學的同學們,珍惜這一生中燦爛歲月的黃金年華,努力「求真、篤信、力行」。這一所以「基督教博愛精神」創校的學府將在您們的緬懷、奉獻下延續她的風格,創造更好的未來。 「東海邁向新五十」不是一個口號,乃是一個努力的目標。在這一塊土地上讓我們一起來提昇東海的優質教育,以熱忱和愛心來培育理想的畢業生。一所「卓越的教育學府」必須具有因應實際需求的教學策略及執行方式,也必須具有師資、設備、空間及補助資源,各項軟、硬體的配合。「第二教學區」的開發代表著「東海新五十」硬體建設的開端。第一期的建設包括管理學院、音樂及美術系館和學生宿舍等。第二期的建設規劃希望能添加新校友會館、室內體育館、音樂演奏廳、美術展覽館、休閒生態農牧場、更充實學生宿舍和國際會議廳等等。各位校友、朋友們,這些硬體建設需要您的捐助,需要您的參與,更需要您的精神支持。在這五十週年校慶的前夕,「十億東海建設基金」成為我們對第二教學區第二期工程努力的目標,歡迎且感謝所有校友及東海朋友的贊助和支持,以螞蟻雄兵之勢共創未來。 333333333333333 66666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
032805-8658 [031905-6768] |
A bird's-eye impression of Tunghai University By Tunghai University and Tiffany Chang[[[....]]] [A photo of the Henry Luce Chapel (路思義教堂).] {Through the courtesy of Dr. Chao-min Pan from Tunghai University on the March of 2005.*1} [See the Picture on the next flier please.] This campus is the most attractive one of all the universities in Taiwan. The buildings on the campus are modeled after the architectural style of the Tang dynasty. but the landmark of Tunghai University is the church designed by I.M. Pei.*2 ---Updated originally at 2002/05/30 by Tunghai University ----------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Chao-min Pan is the Director of Tunhai University Alumni Office. A search of "Dr. Chao-min Pan" and "Tunhai University Alumni Association" on the Google.com (March 28, 2005). *2. Tunghai University. 'A profile of Tunghai University,' " A search of Tunghai University on the Google.com," (March 19, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. 777777777777777 6666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************* | |
032905-7678 [032805-8668] *****Thanks to Miss S.W. Hsiao ( 蕭淑文) who sent us the following picture of 路思義教堂 from Tunghai University by e-mail on March 28, 2005: |
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031905-1168 |
Hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View" please.U. S. Senator Harry Reid awarded Chinese association and academic fund By Tiffany Chang The following feature article in Chinese was published by Central Daily News - International Edition several years ago. It was found by searching 張蘭英寄自拉斯維加斯 on the Google.com at March 19, 2005: 把某箋贱ず地笷地厩羛穦 眎孽璣盚┰吹蝴吹 瓣 把 某 筽 紈 把 某 皘 计 囊 囊 聾 ヴ 叭 磅 ︽ 抖 Θ よ ぉ 戳 玧 籔 苂 臕 ず 地 笷 ㄈ 盖 勾 厩 刮 竒 и 瓣 痙 厩 筽 笆 ぱ 痴 躬 纘 羛 舱 Θ 紋 舧 籈 脖 边 産 パ 籔 盖 虑 刮 烩 砈 朝 紈 扒 ┈ ガ の 滇 盖 膟 地 吹 踞 ヴ 畊 刮 瓣 畊 る ぼ ら い 瓣 繺 繻 脖 羭 ︽ Τ ず 地 笷 蔼 ﹛ 勾 厩 烩 砈 籔 坝 穨 產 き κ 籔 穦 舧 産 竒 快 嘲 洛 畍 剪 ネ ォ Ω 竒 快 程 蔼 猭 ﹛ 玭 觹 ǎ 脖 ㄥ 边 産 Θ ㄉ Τ 繺 穦 快 ぇ 臕 瓣 把 某 皘 材 舦 ∕ 郸 赣 皘 计 囊 囊 聾 把 某 チ 囊 ず 地 笷 筽 紈 ず 地 笷 地 厩 砃 羛 剿 穦 る 觅 狥 厩 砃 祇 甶 ゅ 毙 膀 穦 籔 狥 厩 ね 羛 舧 厩 穦 赣 厩 砃 ゅ て 笆 港 及 瞷 禫 盢 ら 玡 ㄤ 羛 ü 诀 篶 快 そ 芔 箋 秘 瓣 穦 Θ 碞 贱 倒 赣 穦 躬 纘 ㄤ 厩 砃 ゅ て 籔 穦 狝 叭 城 罿 パ 赣 穦 瞶 ㄆ 筽 笆 ぱ 籔 ㄤ ひ 钡 繦 赣 快 そ 芔 ョ 箋 祇 把 某 皘 贱 倒 狥 ゅ 毙 膀 穦 パ 筽 笆 ぱ 钡 厩 羛 穦 ┰ 吹 蝴 吹 帝 地 腞 κ 贾 甤 皊 ┍ 筽 空 芔 羭 ︽ 穦 籔 癘 ┷ 穦 舧 紋 瓣 癩 現 场 瓣 祙 Ы 赣 膀 穦 Θ ミ 獶 犁 诀 篶 籔 狥 厩 ね 籈 赣 穦 い 筽 笆 ぱ 璓 迭 荐 港 舧 ざ 残 赣 毙 ▅ 〆 穦 赋 ㄆ 紈 腞 诧 皑 订 籔 赣 カ 毙 〆 裁 腞 捣 炊 ┰ 紈 吹 膀 祇 簍 量 舧 迭 ㄢ 繦 盢 瓣 渤 某 撤 腞 琭 弟 瓣 穦 贱 箋 秘 倒 狥 厩 砃 膀 穦 パ 赣 穦 赋 ㄆ 睲 邻 籔 狥 厩 ぎ ↘ 钡 玥 斗 秘 倒 厩 羛 穦 パ 筽 笆 ぱ 钡 脄 骸 癚 穦 地 腞 芔 い 臫 癬 荐 疨 磝 羘 厩 羛 穦 パ ㄤ 瞶 ㄆ 筽 笆 ぱ 皑 酷 皊 ┍ 碙 い 瓣 繺 繻 砞 産 蹿 环 ㄓ 籔 禥 猾 瓣 渤 某 琭 弟 パ ㄤ 拟 ㄓ 贱 ㄢ 痹 筽 空 芔 羭 ︽ 穦 い 狥 厩 ぎ ↘ 痴 莱 淋 璓 迭 癸 瓣 瓣 穦 把 渤 皘 ず 地 笷 籔 ┰ 吹 蝴 カ ┮ 倒 ぉ 膀 穦 の 舧 籔 贱 纘 の 筽 笆 ぱ 厩 戈 だ 稰 谅 舧 ず 地 笷 狟 ね 璾 籓 芖 笴 凝 狥 厩 把 芠 1111111111111 66666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
031805-5768 |
Hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View" please.Global Alumni Reunion of Tunghai University By Tiffany Chang The following article was published by Central Daily News - International Edition in Taipei. A related article was published by "Tunghai Univerasity Information" on September 18, 1999. The original copy was shown at April 7, 2004 on this section of "Tunghai University Alumni Association" ( in the 4th page).*1 狥ね舧籈 眎孽璣ず地笷 狥 厩 ね せ 拨 穨 籈 笆 せ る せ る ら 瓣 ┰ 吹 蝴 吹 羭 ︽ 瓣 ず ぷ ㄤ 琌 瓣 玡 ㄓ 把 だ 裤 臘 ら κ 逗 ┍ せ 糷 加 加 脖 边 産 盿 蔼 奸 狥 ね 常 Τ 癬 盝 ら 矪 ― 厩 拘 克 も ì 刚 稱 琄 钩 何 眶 获 澳 れ ㄏ 狶 疆 笵 跑 Θ 唉 貉 ︹ 蛾 旦 攫 л 奔 璚 传 琄 穝 杆 ’ セ ╰ ね 摸 ┺ 笛 穦 い 厨 猵 М 粂 痌 い 蔼 奸 癬 莉 眔 骸 绑 磝 羘 稱 癬 琌 讽 俱 畒 ﹟ ゼ Ч 琜 砞 葵 琜 篈 钩 や 氨 辅 ﹟ ゼ 滥 エ 芅 动 Ё τ 锭 禜 紉 帝 竤 ― 厩 厩 常 琌 单 甶 稻 ㄅ 芅 ’ ⒈ 竊 ヘ 砛 ミ 蔼 懂 緔 叉 縪 赋 ㄆ 穦 籔 厩 砃 膀 穦 磅 ︽ 綡 痲 肝 羬 初 厨 縀 祇 產 稲 臔 ダ 觅 厩 砃 ざ 残 皑 い エ 帝 闽 狥 弛 尘 ま 癬 荐 疨 癹 臫 Ω ら 繦 临 秈 τ 玡 ┕ 奎 瓣 產 そ 堕 甽 é 焊 打 ガ 甁 吹 甽 é 单 笴 秤 埂 凝 瓣 忽 陛 蛾 骸 笷 Θ ぇ 籈 籔 Ё 腞 ぇ 笴 Ω 笆 膚 称 Т 到 パ 碸 浆 烩 碭 ね 供 徊 筽 笆 ぱ 痴 材 ね 荐 д 闽 猔 籔 觅 脖 産 い 胞 谅 莱 淋 秨 狠 璓 迭 度 单 薄 胔 克 把 蛤 繦 產 ぇ 祇 痷 及 荐 д 舧 稰 ē 爹 ’ 籔 ’ ⒈ だ ま 皑 い 帝 弛 尘 *2 ------------------------------------------ References *1. Central Daily News - International Edition. '狥ね舧籈,' " A search of 碸 浆 on the Google.com," (March 18, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 6666666666666 66666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
021505-6768 |
Welcome to Tunghai University 東海大學*1From Tunghai University抯 (東海大學) humble beginnings in 1955, we had adopted the 損ioneering spirit to be our hallmark. When most Taiwanese universities sole emphasis was on specialization, we were the first to encourage a well-rounded general education. When the standard practice was separation between academics and life, we innovated with a student work labor program to promote holistic education. Even after 47 years, this program is an integral part of the Tunghai curriculum. It has been affirmed by people from all walks of life, and has been imitated by other universities. These manifestations of our pioneering spirit have made Tunghai a university unique in its goals and ideals. Tunghai has always had deep respect for the arts, and, in addition to regular lectures and seminars, sponsors a performing Arts Festival, which draws large crowds every year from the campus and surrounding community. The tranquil Tunghai University (東海大學) campus is an ideal environment to pursue studies. You can frequently find teachers and students meeting together, or just relaxing, in many areas throughout the campus, whether in the acacia groves, the campus mall, the traditional Chinese-style buildings, the Sunny Meadow or the chapel. Recently, we have been working to enlarge and improve our educational facilities. Tunghai has consistently been among the best private universities in the country. In the future, we will continue to innovate and make our unique contribution to Taiwanese higher education. --------------------------------------- Reference *1. Google. 'Welcome,' "A search of Tunghai University (東海大學) and Tunghai University Alumni Association (東海大學校友會) on Google.com," (February 15, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. 6666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ********************************************************* | |
122704-3686 |
Government officials, business owners, and organizational leaders sponsor Intercity Business Council of Nevada By Cheryl Moss and Tiffany ChnagIn order to build an association among important cities nationally and internationally for: (1) Mutual cooperation and development of business, trade, and tourism; (2) Social and public relations among business and professionals; and (3) Event and dinner parties for our community in an atmosphere of friendly and mutual cooperation. Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber, Clark County Commissioner Lynette McDonald, District Judge of Family Court Cheryl Moss, business executives and owners, multimedia publishers and Editor-in-Chief, organizational and community leaders, among others sponsor the establishment of Intercity Business Council of Nevada on December 16, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A. Individuals and organizations who are interested in participating this Council may contact Miss Yin Yan at (702) 372-8516; Miss Agnas Chan at (702) 497-3716; Miss Gloria Wong at (702) 734-3700, or Miss Yi Li at (702) 636-1238. At the dinner party with Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei and Mr. & Mrs. William Tong in the Steak House of Palace Station Casino and Hotel on December 19, 2004, Miss Kathie Ambrosio, Regional Representative of U. S. Senator John Ensign, expressed high interest in participating Intercity Business Council of Nevada. 33333333333333 666666666666666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** From: District Judge Cheryl Moss [cmossnv@msn.com] Tue, 14 Dec 2004 14:45:33 -0800 Dear Dr. Lei: Thank you very much for the information. I wholly support WBTI's efforts in bringing our community and businesses together. I wish you and Judy a very Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year 2005. Best Wishes, Judge Cheryl Moss >From: Tony Lei >To: cmossnv@msn.com >Subject: Good afternoon! >Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2004 14:32:16 -0800 (PST) >(For confirmation only.) >Dear Cheryl, Good afternoon! How are you? This is to inform you about some information from WBTI: >In order to build an association among important cities nationally and internationally for: (1)Mutual cooperation .......................3333333333333333 888888888888888888888888888 7777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************************** | |
121004-5686 |
Celebrating others' success By Tiffany Chang and PAI of WBTI*1A compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine. We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones: ***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash ***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis ***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash It's our pleasure to post a short essay from "Speaker's Source Book II," by Glenn Van Ekeren:*2 Roger Ailes asks this penetrating question, " Do you bring other people up or down?" He continues, "This may be the most important question facing you in your career and life."*2 A natural follow-up would be, "How are you bringing other people up?" "What specific things do you do every day to show others their importance to you?" One of the most difficult, yet meaningful actions we can take to encourage others is celebrate their success. Forty thousand fans were in attendance in the Oakland stadium when Rickey Henderson tied Lou Brock's career stolen base record. According to USA Today, Lou left baseball in 1979 but faithfully followed Henderson's prestigious career and was excited about his success. Realizing that Rickey would set a new record, Brock was quoted in USA Today as saying, "I'll be there. Do you think I'm going to miss it now? Rickey did 12 years what took me 19. He's amazing." Imagine how Rickey Henderson felt knowing the person whose stolen base record he was about to break was excited about his achievements. Envy or jealousy might have been more natural feelings for Lou Brock but encouragers set self-interest aside and rejoice in the happiness of others.*3 ------------------------------------- References *1. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Prentice Hall Press, Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press. *3. Ibid. 33333333333333 888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ********************************************************* | |
112604-6168 |
Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. ---Jeremiah 17:7-8 of the Bible111111111111111 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
091904 ***** "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." --- Galatians 5:22 of the Bible33333333333333333 55555555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
062904 ---Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Romans 12:10 of the Bible | |
062704-868 |
*PPAA18 ***** 8:08 a. m., Sunday, June 27, 2004 ***** # First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbtiAdvisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao Chairperson Dr. Tony T. Lei President District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega Vice Presidents Dr. William N. Thompson Director of Public Administration Institution Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration Dr. Sue Fawn Chung Director of Culture Institution Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brian Sandoval, and District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young Chairmen of CCDAPCC (702) 255-9058 *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service spects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. ----------------------------------------------------- Global Alumni Reunion of Tunghai University supports the endeavor of cooperation and development of tourism among Asian markets by Governor Kenny Guinn and Lt. Governor Lorriane Hunt of Nevada, U. S. A. By GSBPA of WBTI*1 People are interested in seeing programs cooperated by Pepperdine University's Graziadio School of Business and Mangement, Tunghai University Alumni Association, and WBTI that will enhance the multual cooperation in tourism, investment, trade, and global business among China, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Nevada*2 Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada reminds us that tourism is the bedrock of Nevada's economy. To expand and diversify our domestic and international markets are absolutely essential to our long-term economic growth and stability.*3 The annual "Governor's Conference on Tourism" was held by Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada at Caesears Palace on December 15-17, 2003. He joined the members of the Commission on Tourism to examine the latest tourism industry issue and trends. The theme was "Celebrating Deversity". It was chosen to draw attention to Nevada's efforts to broaden both its tourism product and market. The Conference on December 15-17 was held in celebrating the diversity that would make the Silver State a perennial leader in worldwide tourism. Governor Kenny Guinn and Lt. Govenor Lorraine Hunt said that Nevada's tourism industry must continue to expand its offerings and reach out to diverse markets that range from outdoor enthusiasts to residents of the world's most populous nation. Speaking at the general session of the Governor's Conference on Tourism at Caesars Palace, he and she each praised Nevada's continuing efforts to supplement its gaming-based core with non-gaming amenities such as shopping, dinning, and outdoor recreation.*4 "I can't overstate the significance of China's potential as a visitor market for Nevada," Lt. Governor Hunt said. "I found modern cities rife with elements of Western culture such as Starbucks Coffee, MTV, the Rat Pack-era music of Frank Sinatra, etc. Up to 10 percent of the country's approximately 1.4 billion residents can now afford to travel overseas, which has positioned China as Nevada's "newest and most-modern market" for tourism." Governor Guinn expresses that he can not overemphasize the significance and importance of bringing attention to all the attractions to Nevada at a time when it faces unprecedented competition for gaming customers. He believes that we are wise to expand our marketing efforts and focus on developing markets in places such as Asia. It is significant for him to point out that in addition to gaming, Nevada has phenomenal cultural, historic, and recreational resources that we must continue to promote. The Governor emphasizes that for our state's economy to thrive, all of the Silver State's tourism opportunities must be effectively marketed to both domestic and international visitors.*5 Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt points out that she sees the will in the Chinese people and elected officials to make more opportunities and conviences for them to travel America. "They know they want to participate in the world economy," said the Lt. Governor.*6 On May 18, 2000 Lt. Governor Lorriane Hunt of Nevada lead (led) a delegation from Nevada to Taipei of the Republic of China. "This is important to Nevada in areas beyond just our tourism industry. Taiwan enjoys a growing economy with considerable technological advancement and as such, they are one of the world's top 15 trading nations. And with Nevada's total exports exceeding one billion dollars in 1999 alone, our local businesses stand to benefit as the Taiwanese market continues to prosper and expand," Lt. Governor of Nevada Hunt pointed out in Taipei.*7 "The Nevada Commission on Tourism believes it is vital to establish a presence in Taiwan in order to represent our tourism destinations to this emerging world travel market. Taiwan's capital, Taipei, has a working population of four million, with a youthful, technologically oriented work force. There is tremendous potential for building tourism among this sector," said Hunt.*8 "Similar to the new direction of the government in Taiwan, we are seeking new horizons for the economy of Nevada. Building mutally beneficial relationships with Taiwan, and other foreign countries, will create the demand for direct, regularly scheduled flights. Our work will help Nevada establish contacts for lucrative business and convention visitors from around the world that will form the foundation for a new pillar in the Nevada economy."*9 Las Vegas, Nevada, and Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) extend their heartily welcome to the business, tourism, and investment from Asian countires to boom the tourism and ecomomy of this silver state. The following are some of the communications during the launching of one of our recent projects to assist the cooperation and development for tourism of Nevada. We shall have 2005 Global Alumni Reuinion of Tunghai Univeraity to be held here in Nevada: ***E-mail from Ms. S. W. (Sue Wen) of the Tunghai University Alumni Office on June 24, 2004: [In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".] 羛ね羛剿穦 パ璊紈岸璣岸┌单矗某羭︽材羛ね羛剿穦 莉眔材ね筽﹟单ね某把材ね Teh-hsin Wang 盢璶快る┏る, ┰吹蝴吹籔瓣產そ堕单ぇね刮籈竒筁ねユ传種ǎ∕﹚羭快14羛ね羛剿穦港瀹舧57ね粮脖羭裤臘把籔и–ね怠ゎ箂街ぃ稱璶Τ芭λぇ沽ぇ贾戒甽é独ホそ堕单忽腞痷琌春礶 戳ㄓ芖ね盿ㄓ狥弛伙尘肚羘冈薄叫 Teh-hsin Wang ┪筽笆ぱE-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com), Τ闽戈癟叫呼琩高 Sections of ¨Tunghai University Alumni Association〃& ¨LAF5〃at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti 戈矗ㄑ眎孽璣[Published by "Tunghai University Information" on June 15, 2004; Taichung, Taiwan: Tunghai University.] ***E-mail from Therese (Yang Chi Yin) on May 29, 2004: Hi Tony, Thank you for the surprise call. It was nice talk to you. We went to Las Vegas couple times. Teh-hsin and us(my husband's name is George.) went to the near-by L.V. scenic area in 1980. We did enjoy it. Class '60's reunion will be in the beginning of August 2005 which was finalized definitely. Tunghai days are always a happy memory for us Tunghai Alumni. Those were the days when we were youthful and full of dreams! Like many Alumni, I feel that I did benefit tremendously at Tunghai! I am very grateful for the four years of Tunghai campus life. I will mention your suggestion to Teh-hsin and see what happens. Teh-hsin has worked very hard to organize the next year's Class '60 reunion. Best regards to you and Judy, Therese ***E-mail from Dorothy (Wang Teh-hsin) on May 13, 2004: Hi, Ton(Tung)-tien, We have learned you are organizing a reunion for the classes 59', 60' and 61' of Tunghai. We, class 60', are having our 8th reunion in 2005 (07/30-08/05 2005) at Las Vegas. Three days at LV and four days to the National Parks. We have reunion every 2 years since 1990. Last one we went to Vancouver and Canadian Rockies in 2003, and we usually have about 45 people. This time, we choose LV, because we like to have more classmates to join us, especially, those from Taiwan. It's very nice of you to suggest such a reunion. We really enjoy ours immensely. Wang Teh-hsin(class 60 Chemistry) E-mail from Dr. Peter Wang (Wang Chen Chou) [Class 1, CE] on April 23, 2004: In a message dated 4/22/2004 9:52:28 AM Pacific Standard Time, tojulei@yahoo.com writes: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Dear Tony and Judy: Read PPAA18 with appreciation. Opened LAF5 but could not read it. However, I would like to attend Tunghai events (Tunghai University Global Alumni Reunion) in Las Vegas because it would be a great opportunity meeting you two and Robert Ni with his family. My wife and I would be there as attendee. Would you please letting us know the Tunghai meeting schedules if available? Thanks, Dr. Peter C.C. Wang P. O. Box 234 Pebble Beach, CA 93953 Phone: 831-624-1694 E-mail: Petercwang@aol.com -------------------------------------------------- References *1. GSBPA of WBTI is the initial of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Chang, Tiffany. 'Celebrating diversity by Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada , U. S. A.,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (December 11, 2003), p. 1. *3. Jones, Chris. 'China tourism potential touted,' "Las Vegas Review-Journal," (December 17, 2003), p. 1D. *4. Guinn, Kenny. "A Message from Governor Kenny C. Guinn - December 10, 2003," Office of the Governor Kenny Guinn, (December 10, 2003), pp. 1-2. *5. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. "Resume the booming tourism for our Silver State through educational and cultural cooperation and development with foreign countires,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (July 9, 2003), pp. 1-3. *6. Ibid. *7. Hunt, Lorriane. (Fall 2000) 'Delegation to Taiwan Inauguration,' "The Nevada Report of Lt. Governor Lorriane Hunt," Carson, Nevada: Office of Lt. Governor. *8. Ibid. *9. Ibid. 666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
062604-878 A man (or woman) finds joy in giving an apt reply--- and how good is a timely word! --- Proverb 15:23 of the Bible A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. --- Proverb 25:11 of the Bible | |
062604-868 A man (or woman) finds joy in giving an apt reply--- |
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062604-968 ---Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. --- Romans 12:10 of the Bible |
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062004-908 |
PPAA18 ***** 5:58 p. m., Sunday, June 20, 2004 ***** # First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbtiAdvisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao Chairperson Dr. Tony T. Lei President District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega Vice Presidents Dr. William N. Thompson Director of Public Administration Institution Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration Dr. Sue Fawn Chung Director of Culture Institution Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brian Sandoval, and District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young Chairmen of CCDAPCC (702) 255-9058 *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service spects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. ----------------------------------------------------- Global reunion for Tunghai University alumni By PAI of WBTI*1 It's our pleasure to post the following interesting information for our Tunghai University alumni through their courtesy (for alumni and community service only but not for advertising): Dear Dorothy(,) Replying to your recent concern, we can make changes on the second day to Hoover Dam, Lake Mead fish feeding, and we can even add a stop at the M&M chocolate factory for free. Try and visit the beautiful Cactus Garden in front of the chocolate factory. Begin the day by pick everyone up from the hotel at noon for lunch. Afterward we will proceed to Hoover Dam for a 4.5 hours tour. We should be back at the hotel before 6:00pm. That will allow time for everyone to participate in one of the chosen show.*2 Since the meeting space is quite expensive in any of Las Vegas hotel. We suggest for you to utulize the space at the outsdie restaurant. Example: welcome dinner start at 6:00pm, our pick up is at 2:30pm when the restaurant is nice and quite we can reserve a meeting space just for your group. Then, we will start the and wine at 5:00pm, then the dishes will follo(w) at 6:00pm. We then proceed a night tour starting at 7:30pm. During the Mini Circle, we can create some breakfasts and lunch for the group. We will get more into the detail of it somewhere down the line. It would probably $7 for breakfast and $9 for lunch. Please comment on this and we will discuss further.*3 Truely yours David Huang ------------------------------------------------------- *****DOROTHY HWANG'S REUNION*4 JULY 2005 Monte Carlo Resort & Casino - 3770 Las Vegas Boulevard S. Tel: 702-730-7777 Las Vegas Day 1 If you arrive at Las Vegas via McCarran International Airport, after claiming your luggage you need to make your own way (Bell Trans Shuttle bus $4.75/way) to Monte Carlo Resort & Casino. We will book the hotel individually, so you can check in at the hotel starts at 3 p.m. For those persons arriving before 3 p.m., you may store your luggage at the bell captain desk until you have gotten your room. Persons sharing room will be able to check in separately. This very special evening, you are invited to a welcome dinner party at 6:30pm; our luxury bus will be outside the Monte Carlo tour lobby to pick you up. You will dine at the elegant Chang's Chinese Restaurant. Before dinner is served, you should have plenty of time to visit with your fellow classmates. After dinner you will be treated to a visit of some of the very best spots: Fremont Street Experience, Rio's Masquerade in the sky, Bellagio Water Fountain Around 11:30 p.m. back to Monte Carlo Resort & Casino. Day 2 Pick up at 8:30 a.m. to visit Valley of Fire and Overton Beach. Valley of Fire offers enticements of a different nature, fire red rock formations. Peace, serenity, and beauty are just a few words that will barely begin to describe what you will experience here. It is teeming with life and beauty that is rare and unique. BBQ lunch included. After lunch we will be onward to Lake Mead - Overton Beach. Overton Beach offers the best place for fish feeding such as largemouth bass, rainbow trout, stripe bass, etc. We will also stop at the chocolate factory, cactus garden. Tour ends around 4 p.m. We recommend you to see a good show tonight. Be sure to book one that starts at 10:00 p.m. or later. This way, you can have time for a coffee or tea after a fabulous buffet. Day 3 Free day. Visit some of the famous casinos, shopping, and do whatever on your own. Farewell dinner banquet at 6 p.m. in the banquet room of the Monte Carlo Hotel, feature special catering service will provide you Las Vegas finest cuisine (drink will be extra). There will be a gathering after the dinner for us to reminiscent the good old days and to discuss our next reunion. An A/P system will also provided. Day 4 You need to check out of the hotel before 11:30 a.m. You can store your luggage at the bell captain desk until your departure. Fees: *$290/person (Arrive between Sun-Tue Only) Single supplement add $128/person, package without room $170/person If package staying at Imperial Palace will be *$225/person *Price listed are per person, double occupancy Package price excludes: Any personal costs incurred by a tour participant. For example, transport not specified in the relevant itinerary, excess baggage charges, personal and baggage insurance, drinks, room service or meals (unless specified) etc. Government and local authority charges may apply.*5 -------------------------------------------------- References *1. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Ni, Bob. "An e-mail from Dr. Bob Ni to to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (June 17, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada. *3. Ibid. *4. . Ni, Bob. "A second e-mail from Dr. Bob Ni to to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (June 17, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada. *5. Ibid. 33333333333333 66666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************8 | | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4] 5 [6][7] | |