Las Vegas Art Museum presents “Chinese Beauty & Elegance”
By Global NaXi Culture ConservationThe current exhibition opened on Friday, July 29 and is indeed an extraordinary display of collecting and connoisseurship in the scholarly taste.
The delightful Ming-Qing Dynasty scholar’s studio captures the essence of the ambience into which a scholar may retreat. The uncluttered setting, conveying a distinct sense of quiet harmony and subtle elegance, offers the viewers a glimpse into the preferences of a refined gentleman.
This exhibition features Las Vegas collectors as well as treasures from the Pacific Asian Museum. On display are selected items from the fabulous Facciani Jade Collection, two majestic hanging scrolls of the Wing Fong Chinese Painting Collection, and antiques from the Pacific Asian Museum.
In December 2004, the Las Vegas Art Museum became a Sister Museum of the NaXi DongBa Cultural Museum in China. A display introducing LVAM’s Chinese sister museum is located in the entry alcove. This unprecedented relationship not only recognizes the ever growing diverse ethnic community of our city, it will facilitate future friendly exchanges across the Pacific and promote meaningful co-operation between the two museums
As our city develops into a major urban center as it is destined to do, our museums and cultural centers will need the continued support from our community. It is up to each individual resident to preserve our natural environment and to promote our cultural environment.
[***Author: Global NaXi Culture Conservation Society]
拉斯维加斯美术馆的中国文物展览:精美雅致文士之风, 已于七月二十九日 隆重开幕。欢迎华阜各社区人士,机关,团体,与 商号,皆亲友同来参观。 希望各界亚洲 社团热烈支持, 拉市美术馆此项有意义的文化交流, 显示亚洲 文化内涵的重要 活动。
中国明清两代的文人雅士崇尚学者式的生活品味。 追求书画上的修养。收藏品 要求精美, 书房的布置要求雅致。本馆特为赌城拉市的居民,来宾,和游客筹备 <风雅文士展出>。文物包含拉市市民收藏的玉器,书画,瓷器,家具等。 还有 数件来自加州 Pasadena 市 Pacific Asia Museum 博物馆的精采古董文物。
拉斯维加斯美术馆于2004年12月,正式与中国丽江市的纳西东巴文化博物馆,结成姊妹 馆。 届展出期本馆将简介纳西族文化。并邀请北美洲亚裔,华裔朋友支持 东西文化 交流, 建立友谊, 共同发展。