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Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice*1

Dr. Condoleezza Rice became the 66th Secretary of State on January 26, 2005. As she stated at her confirmation hearing, "we must use American diplomacy to help create a balance of power in the world that favors freedom. And the time for diplomacy is now." *2


*1. The White House. 'A profile of Condoleezza Rice,' "A search of 'secretary of state condoleezza rice' on the Google.com," (January 19, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


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The following information have been received from a search of "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice" on the Google.com in the evening on January 4, 2005:

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
December 22, 2005

President Discusses Accomplishments and Future Priorities
The South Lawn

Fact Sheet: President Bush's Accomplishments in 2005

2:25 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: I hope you all have a happy holiday. This has been a year of strong progress toward a freer, more peaceful world, and a prosperous America. We had three sets of elections in Iraq. This is an amazing moment in the history of liberty. A new parliament has been seated in Afghanistan. Our economy is strong and getting stronger; people are working, we've added 4.5 million new jobs since April of 2003; productivity is up; small businesses are flourishing; home ownership is high. It's been a good year for the American people.*1

We've got a lot of work to do. Yesterday and during this past week, the Congress acted in a wise way with the taxpayer's money; fiscally responsible set of appropriations bills that were passed that funded important priorities, key priorities -- to make sure our troops have what they need to do their job. The DOD bill did just that. Another key priority is to make sure the people in the Gulf Coast of our country get the help they need to help rebuild New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast. And there is a good deal of money available for those who suffered from Katrina and Rita.

It appears to me that the Congress understands we've got to keep the Patriot Act in place, that we're still under threat, there's still an enemy that wants to harm us and they understand the Patriot Act is an important tool for those of us here in the executive branch to use to protect our fellow citizens. The Senate extended the Patriot Act by six months.

As we head into the holiday season I do want to say to the families of those who have got a loved one deployed overseas, we stand with you and we pray with you for the safety of your loved one. We want to send our greetings to your loved one overseas and tell him how much we appreciate you serving for the cause of freedom and peace.

Anyway, I hope you all have a great holiday. Thank you very much.*2

END 2:27 P.M. EST


*1. The White House. 'A profile of the President,' "A search of 'secretary of state condoleezza rice' on the Google.com," (January 4, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
June 26, 2003

Remarks by Dr. Condoleezza Rice
International Institute for Strategic Studies
London, United Kingdom

This is a wonderful opportunity to speak to such a distinguished group of thinkers -- and to be able to do so on the soil of one of America's oldest and truest allies is a special honor.*1

I feel a personal affinity for the International Institute for Strategic Studies, because -- like the Institute -- I got my start studying strategic weapons and arcane terminology like "throw weights" and "MIRVs". And, like you, I've subsequently branched out into other areas of strategic studies.

I was last in London when President Bush visited Prime Minister Blair in July of 2001 -- two years and what seems like a lifetime ago.

Since then the United States, the United Kingdom, and all civilized nations have been presented with unparalleled opportunities and tested by unprecedented challenges.

No less than Pearl Harbor, September 11 forever changed the lives of every American and the strategic perspective of the United States. September 11 produced an acute sense of our vulnerability to attacks that come with no warning. In the terrifying hours and days following the attacks, we resolved that the only true defense against a threat of this kind is to root it out at its source and address it at its fundamental and ideological core.

A great coalition of freedom loving nations works everyday in many different ways to detect and defeat this menace. As we have been reminded in recent days, victory comes at great sacrifice, as British and American soldiers gave their lives in defense of freedom.

With the help of our coalition partners, we have deposed two of the cruelest regimes of this or any time. The Al Qaeda network has been deprived of its chief sanctuary. Half its leadership has been captured or killed, and the rest is on the run -- permanently. Many nations are uniting around tougher measures to fight proliferation, and are determined to address the challenges posed by North Korea and Iran.

But these efforts will not succeed alone. To win the War on Terror, we must win also win a war of ideas by appealing to the decent hopes of people throughout the world . . . giving them cause to hope for a better life and brighter future . . . and reason to reject the false and destructive comforts of bitterness, grievance, and hate. Terror grows in the absence of progress and development. It thrives in the airless space where new ideas, new hopes and new aspirations are forbidden. Terror lives when freedom dies.

True peace will come only when the world is safer, better and freer. That is why we are helping Afghans and Iraqis build representative governments that will serve the decent aspirations of their people.

That is why we are committed to building a global trading system that is more and more free, to expand the circle of prosperity into the Americas, Africa, and the Middle East.

That is why President Bush has proposed a 50 percent increase in U.S. development assistance, with new funding going to countries that govern justly, invest in the health and education of their people, and encourage economic liberty.

That is why the President has announced -- and Congress has approved -- a $15 billion dollar commitment to fight AIDS, a disease that threatens whole societies and challenges our humanity.

And that is why the President has committed America's influence to alleviating -- and, where possible, ending -- destructive regional conflicts, from the Middle East, to Kashmir, to the Congo, and beyond.

Two years ago, President Bush told a European audience: "We share more than an alliance. We share a civilization. Its values are universal, and they pervade our history and our partnership in a unique way."

Increasingly, this civilization is shared by countries throughout the world. The bankruptcy of fascism, Nazism, and imperial communism has given way to a paradigm of progress, founded on political and economic liberty. The United States, our NATO allies, our neighbors in the Western Hemisphere, Japan, and our other friends and allies in Asia and Africa all share a broad commitment to democracy, the rule of law, a market-based economy, and open trade. And since September 11th, the world's great powers see themselves as falling on the same side of a profound divide between the forces of chaos and order.

This historic change is vividly reflected in the experience of Europe. We are rapidly closing the book on centuries of European conflict, and opening a new, more hopeful chapter in which Europe is whole, free, and at peace for the first time in its history. Next year, ten European nations will join the European Union; seven will join NATO. Russia is our partner. Lingering conflicts, such as those in the Balkans, are being put to rest.

This confluence of common interests and common values creates a historic opportunity to break the destructive pattern of great power rivalry that has bedeviled the world since rise of the nation state in the 17th century. This is, in fact, more than an opportunity. It is an obligation.

Instead of repeating the historic pattern in which great power rivalry exacerbates local conflicts, great power cooperation can now solve conflicts.

In recent months some have questioned whether this is possible -- or even desirable. Some argue that Europe and America are more divided by differing worldviews than we are united by common values. More troubling, some have spoken admiringly -- almost nostalgically -- of "multipolarity," as if it were a good thing, to be desired for its own sake.

The reality is that "multi-polarity" was never a unifying idea, or a vision. It was a necessary evil that sustained the absence of war but it did not promote the triumph of peace. Mulit-polarity is a theory of rivalry; of competing interests -- and at its worst -- competing values.

We have tried this before. It led to the Great War -- which cascaded into the Good War, which gave way to the Cold War. Today this theory of rivalry threatens to divert us from meeting the great tasks before us.

Why would anyone who shares the values of freedom seek to put a check on those values? Democratic institutions themselves are a check on the excesses of power. Why should we seek to divide our capacities for good, when they can be so much more effective united? Only the enemies of freedom would cheer this division.

Power in the service of freedom is to be welcomed, and powers that share a commitment to freedom can -- and must -- make common cause against freedom's enemies. This is not a description of a unipolar world. As the President's National Security Strategy states, "there is little lasting consequence that the United States can accomplish in the world without the sustained cooperation of allies and friends."

Today, it is the combined strength of Europe, the United States and other freedom-loving democracies that stands against the tyrants and the angry few seeking to impose their will on the many.

For more than half a century Europe worked hard to make intra-European conflict no more than a memory . . . and to channel Europe's vast resources and energies towards productive, life-affirming ends. The vision was to rid Europe of "poles" and to unite Europeans around shared goals and common values.

America has strongly supported the European project. We have paid dearly to support Europe's transformation and integration -- because it was in our interests and because it was so clearly consistent with our values. Through this transformation and in the defeat of communism, Europe and America proved our determination and ability to stay the course until the task is done.

We need that same spirit today. We need that spirit to deny the world's most dangerous weapons to the world's most dangerous regimes. We need it to prepare NATO to take on critical missions beyond Europe -- a project already well-begun. We need that spirit to embolden the great multi-lateral institutions -- particularly the United Nations -- to defeat the common enemies of civilization: terror, poverty, sickness, and oppression. We need that spirit to help people across the globe -- perhaps none more so than the people of the Middle East -- who are seeking a future of greater freedom, greater prosperity, democracy, and the rule of law.

We have learned, the hard way, that our values and our security cannot be separated. The people of Afghanistan, Iraq, and throughout the Middle East, deserve the same chance for a better life that we all enjoy.

Democracy is not easy. Its institutions are not the natural embodiment of human nature but its aspirations certainly are. Our own histories should remind us that the union of democratic principle and practice is always a work in progress. When the Founding Fathers said "We the People," they did not mean me. My ancestors were three-fifths of a man. But America has made enormous progress toward a multi-ethnic democracy.

Our long and continuing journey is a reason for humility, not hubris that leads one to say that there are those who are not ready for democracy and therefore not deserving of freedom's promise.

In Europe, reconciliation between formally hostile peoples -- Hungarians and Romanians, Poles and Ukrainians, French and Germans -- was achieved through the spread of democracy, security, and freedom. True peace between Israel and a future Palestine must be rooted in prosperity through economic freedom, and democracy founded upon the rule of law and respect for human rights, and the defeat of terror. Europe and the United States must turn to the Middle East with the same vision, determination, and patience that we exhibited in building a united transatlantic community after 1945.

If we and the people of the Middle East are not bold enough today, we face a future in which the freedom deficit continues to create ideologies of hatred that threaten civilization as we know it. Like other bold struggles before it, this is the work of a generation, continuing long after most of the governments currently in power have faded into memory.

We have important work to do . . . work that cannot be done by any of us alone . . . and cannot be done well if we are working at cross purposes.

Let us, then, lay aside the quest for new "poles" and turn our energies to creating what President Bush has called "a balance of power that favors freedom" -- where we defend freedom against its enemies and support those across the globe seeking to build freedom in their own societies.

As German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder said recently, "Surely we are all agreed that we only want one pole in global politics around which we orientate ourselves, the pole of freedom, peace and justice."*2

I, for one, could not agree more.

Thank you.


*1. The White House. 'A profile of Dr. Condoleezza Rice,' "A search of 'Dr. Condoleezza Rice' on the Google.com," (December 22, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


121005-1037 [113005-8758]

As professor of political science, Dr. Condoleezza Rice has been on the Stanford faculty since 1981 and has won two of the highest teaching honors -- the 1984 Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 1993 School of Humanities and Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching.


*1. The White House. 'A profile of Dr. Condoleezza Rice,' "A search of 'Dr. Condoleezza Rice' on the Google.com," (November 30, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.


President Hu to hold talks with visiting US President Bush

www.chinaview.cn 2005-11-20 09:16:14

BEIJING, Nov. 20 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese President Hu Jintao is expected to hold talks with visiting US President George W. Bush at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing Sunday morning.*1

Before the talks, Hu will host a grand welcome ceremony for Bush, who is on his third China trip since 2001. Chinese State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan and other senior officials of the two countries will attend the ceremony and the talks.

Observers expect that the two heads of state would exchange views on such issues as bilateral relations, trade and economic cooperation, the Taiwan question and other international and regional issues of common concern.

Hu and Bush are expected to meet the press after their talks.

Hu will also hold a banquet for the US president in the evening.

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao will meet with President Bush Sunday noon and they will have a luncheon together.

Bush arrived here Saturday evening for a three-day visit. Accompanying him are his wife Laura Bush, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and US National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. [Enditem.]*2


*1. Chinaview.cn. 'A news release,' "A search of 'President George W. Bush ' on the Google.com," (November 19, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
November 4, 2005

President's Remarks to the Travel Pool at Summit of the Americas in Argentina
Sheraton Hotel
Mar del Plata, Argentina

Summit of the Americas

12:35 P.M. (Local)

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. I'll answer a couple of questions in a second. I do want to say how pleased I am to be here in Argentina, advancing an agenda that is based upon my belief and our country's belief that there are certain universal values.*1

One of those values is that free societies are important to the progress of men and women; but free societies also require institutions that are solid and sound, institutions such as the right to worship freely, the right to write, say what you want in the press freely, the right to campaign and express your opinions freely. It's very important that there be solid rule of law and independent judiciary.

And so I'm pleased to be down here. It's a good place to spend Laura's birthday, which is today. I don't know if you knew that -- no, I know you did, okay -- but anyway, don't bring it up when you see her. (Laughter.)*2 .....


*1. The White House. 'A press release,' "A search of 'Dr. Condoleezza Rice,' on the Google.com," (November 4, 2005), Mountain view, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


She (Dr. Condoleezza Rice) has written numerous articles and several books on international relations and foreign affairs, including Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft, with Philip Zelikow (Harvard University Press, 1995).

Rice enrolled at the University of Denver at the age of 15, graduating at 19 with a bachelor's degree in political science (cum laude). She earned a master's degree at the University of Notre Dame and a doctorate degree from the University of Denver's Graduate School of International Studies. Both of her advanced degrees are also in political science.*1

Dr. Condoleezza Rice is now the Secretary of State of the United States of America.


*1. Hoover Institution. 'A profile of Hoover Institution,' "A search of 'dr Condoleezza Rice' on the Google.com," (October 13, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.


#1 Condoleezza Rice
Secretary of state

She is the first African-American woman to become the U.S. secretary of state.*1 She advises the leader of the world's largest superpower and has an unparalleled level of trust with and access to the president. And she has served two other U.S. presidents, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. For all of these reasons, and more, Rice, 50, is the most powerful woman in the world.

After a four-year role as national security adviser, Rice assumed the mantle of secretary of state in January. Rice has played a key, behind-the-scenes role in all of President George W. Bush's major decisions. "During the last four years, I've relied on her counsel, benefited from her great experience and appreciated her sound and steady judgment," the president said when announcing Rice's promotion. Bush needs her now more than ever, as his approval ratings and credibility sag, his domestic agenda is stalled, and the country grows more bitterly divided over the war in Iraq.

With her steely nerve and delicate manners (she has been called the "Warrior Princess"), Rice lately has reinvigorated her position with diplomatic activism, whether it's promoting Israel's withdrawal from the Gaza Strip to ease the Palestinian conflict, or encouraging six-party talks to get North Korea to stop its pursuit of nuclear weapons, or trying to stop Sudan's genocide—to the point where her diplomatic party was recently roughed up by Sudan's strongmen. Rice also has close relationships with world leaders, having accompanied the president on numerous trips to Europe and Iraq. Rice has visited 31 countries and logged in over 119,000 miles by midyear. An unofficial Web site proclaims, "Condoleezza Rice for President 2008," which might be a long-shot idea. But a run by Rice for the presidency would make history in the U.S.*2
—Tatiana Serafin


*1. Forbes. 'A profile of Condoleezza Rice on Forbes.com,' "A search of 'Condoleezza Rice' on the Google.com," (October 3, 2005), Mountainview, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


092105-8787 [091005-5678 # A second printing of the First Edition on 082705-1187]
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice*1

Dr. Condoleezza Rice became Secretary of State on January 26, 2005. Prior to this, she was the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, commonly referred to as the National Security Advisor, since January, 2001.

In June 1999, she completed a six year tenure as Stanford University's Provost, during which she was the institution's chief budget and academic officer. As Provost she was responsible for a $1.5 billion annual budget and the academic program involving 1,400 faculty members and 14,000 students.

As professor of political science, Dr. Rice has been on the Stanford faculty since 1981 and has won two of the highest teaching honors -- the 1984 Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 1993 School of Humanities and Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching.

At Stanford, she has been a member of the Center for International Security and Arms Control, a Senior Fellow of the Institute for International Studies, and a Fellow (by courtesy) of the Hoover Institution. Her books include Germany Unified and Europe Transformed (1995) with Philip Zelikow, The Gorbachev Era (1986) with Alexander Dallin, and Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army (1984). She also has written numerous articles on Soviet and East European foreign and defense policy, and has addressed audiences in settings ranging from the U.S. Ambassador's Residence in Moscow to the Commonwealth Club to the 1992 and 2000 Republican National Conventions.

From 1989 through March 1991, the period of German reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, she served in the Bush Administration as Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. In 1986, while an international affairs fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, she served as Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1997, she served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender -- Integrated Training in the Military.

She was a member of the boards of directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the University of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors.

She was a Founding Board member of the Center for a New Generation, an educational support fund for schools in East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park, California and was Vice President of the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula . In addition, her past board service has encompassed such organizations as Transamerica Corporation, Hewlett Packard, the Carnegie Corporation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Rand Corporation, the National Council for Soviet and East European Studies, the Mid-Peninsula Urban Coalition and KQED, public broadcasting for San Francisco.
Born November 14, 1954 in Birmingham, Alabama, she earned her bachelor's degree in political science, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Denver in 1974; her master's from the University of Notre Dame in 1975; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1981. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded honorary doctorates from Morehouse College in 1991, the University of Alabama in 1994, the University of Notre Dame in 1995, the National Defense University in 2002, the Mississippi College School of Law in 2003, the University of Louisville and Michigan State University in 2004. She resides in Washington, D.C.*2


*1. The White House. 'A profile of Dr. Condoleezza Rice,' "A search of 'Dr. Condoleezza Rice' on the Google.com," (August 27, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


071705-7687 Second printing with a little of modification on the First Section at [061805-7687]
Post through the courtesy of the Hoover Institution at the Google.com:

Condoleezza Rice*1
Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow
On leave in government service

Condoleezza Rice, the Thomas and Barbara Stephenson Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, was confirmed as U.S. Secretary of State on January 26.*2

She is on leave from the Hoover Institution. In December 2000, she was appointed by President George W. Bush to be Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

Rice served as a Hoover senior fellow from 1991 until 1993, when she was appointed provost of Stanford University. She held the position of provost for six years, during which time she served as the chief academic and budget officer of the university, before stepping down on July 1, 1999.

Rice first came to Stanford in 1981 as a fellow in the arms control and disarmament program. She is a tenured professor in the university's political science department and was a Hoover Institution national fellow from 1985 until 1986.

Following her initial Hoover Institution affiliation, Rice went to Washington, D.C. to work on nuclear strategic planning at the Joint Chiefs of Staff as part of a Council on Foreign Relations fellowship. She came back to Stanford when the fellowship ended.

Rice returned to Washington in 1989 when she was director of Soviet and East European affairs with the National Security Council. She also was appointed special assistant to the president for national security affairs and senior director for Soviet affairs at the National Security Council under President George Bush. In those roles, she helped bring democratic reforms to Poland, and played a vital role in crafting many of the Bush administration's policies with the former Soviet Union.

Rice's professional activities at Stanford have not been limited to the university. She cofounded the Center for a New Generation, an after-school academy in East Palo Alto, California, and was a corporate board member for Chevron, the Hewlett Foundation, and Charles Schwab.

She has written numerous articles and several books on international relations and foreign affairs, including Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft, with Philip Zelikow (Harvard University Press, 1995).

Rice enrolled at the University of Denver at the age of 15, graduating at 19 with a bachelor's degree in political science (cum laude). She earned a master's degree at the University of Notre Dame and a doctorate degree from the University of Denver's Graduate School of International Studies. Both of her advanced degrees are also in political science.*3


*1. Dr. Condoleezza Rice is now the Secretary of State of the United States of America. Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) did all the references of this flier.
*2. Hoover Institution. 'A profile of Hoover Institution,' "A search of 'dr Condoleezza Rice' on the Google.com," (July 17, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*3. Ibid.


Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice*1

Dr. Condoleezza Rice became the 66th Secretary of State on January 26, 2005. As she stated at her confirmation hearing, "we must use American diplomacy to help create a balance of power in the world that favors freedom. And the time for diplomacy is now."

Prior to becoming Secretary of State, Dr. Rice served as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, commonly referred to as the National Security Advisor.

She also was in government service from 1989 through March 1991, the period of German reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, when she served in the Bush Administration as Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

Looking back on that historic period, Secretary Rice recognizes the importance of unity of purpose and values and the strong support from the Congress in the advance of freedom. "Our task and our duty is to unite around a vision and policies that will spread freedom and prosperity around the globe."

*1. U. S. Secretary of State. 'A profile of Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice,' "A search of 'dr condoleezza rice,' on the Google.com," (May 22, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


Dr. Condoleezza Rice confirmed as secretary of state*1

Ex-national security adviser first black female to hold office
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Posted: 12:18 PM EST (1718 GMT)

Condoleezza Rice was questioned sharply at times during last week's committee hearing.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Condoleezza Rice won Senate confirmation as secretary of state on Wednesday, after hours of sometimes-bitter debate Tuesday that focused largely on the war in Iraq.

The final vote of the full Senate was 85-13 in favor of the nomination.

Rice, 50, is the first African-American woman and second woman to become secretary of state.

Rice had long been expected to win the GOP-controlled Senate's blessing to succeed Colin Powell as head of the State Department.

Some Democratic senators used Tuesday's debate -- actually, a series of floor speeches -- to blast the Bush administration over the war, saying Rice dodged questions on the issue in her confirmation hearing.

Leading the charge against Rice on Tuesday were Democratic Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Barbara Boxer of California.

Boxer, one of two Democrats to vote against Rice's nomination in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Rice's answers to her questions were "completely nonresponsive" and raised more issues about her credibility than they answered.

"President Bush in his inaugural address talked about bringing freedom to countries that don't have it. He didn't specify how," Boxer said.

But since the human rights group Freedom House lists 49 countries as "not free," she said, "I worry about sending more troops on military missions based on hyped-up rhetoric. And that's why these questions are so important."

GOP's Warner: Attacks 'astonishing'
Democratic leaders forced an extended debate on Rice's nomination in order to express their concerns over prewar claims about Iraq that Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Illinois, said were "just plain wrong, and repeated."

"Dr. Condoleezza Rice was in the room, at the table, when decisions were made, and she has to accept responsibility for what she said," Durbin said.

Sen. John Warner, R-Virginia, defended Rice, calling attacks on her integrity "somewhat astonishing" and noted that many governments had considered Iraq "a grave and gathering threat."

"I do not find any disloyalty, any lack of truthfulness in her remarks publicly throughout this process as it related to the earlier base of knowledge of weapons of mass destruction," said Warner, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee.

Last week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee endorsed Rice's nomination on a 16-2 vote, with only Boxer and defeated presidential candidate John Kerry opposing it.

Rice is the daughter of a minister from Birmingham, Alabama, entered college at age 15 and earned a doctorate in international affairs by 26. She was a Soviet expert in the first Bush administration and tutored George W. Bush on international policy during the 2000 campaign before becoming his national security adviser.

Other nominees
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10-8 Wednesday to send the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for attorney general to the Senate.

The full Senate was to debate the nominations of Jim Nicholson as Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Michael Leavitt to be Secretary of Health and Human Services on Wednesday afternoon.

CNN's Ed Henry contributed to this report.


*1. CNN.com. 'Inside Politics,' "A search of Dr. Condoleezza Rice on Google.com," (February 16, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


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dr kenny guinn, dr kenny c guinn; professor harry reid, dr harry reid; dr john ensign; professor shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley; ms elaine chao, elaine chao u s, secretary elaine chao, elaine chao chairperson, elaine chao ms, elaine chao, wbti chairperson; ---; miss yin yan, yin yan miss, assistant president yin yan, yin yan, America Taiyu Investment, LLC.,; assistant president yi li, yi li miss, miss yi li, yi li; lynette mcdonald; valorie vega; nancy oesterle; agnas chan; bobby gronauer; jennifer togliatti; miss valerie weber, valerie e weber; besty kolkoski; natalie tyrrell; nafu lee; sapatra chemprachum; becky ung, e q becky ung, ms becky ung, eq chairperson; thai cultural art association of lv, tcaalv; nevada governor kenny guinn, chairman of advisory board kenny guinn, kenny guinn, governor kenny guinn, dr kenny c guinn; us senator harry reid, vice chairmen harry reid, harry reid, senator harry reid, dr harry reid; vice chairmen of advisory board john ensign, john ensign, senator john ensign, dr john ensign; us congreeswoman shelley berkley, executive director shelley berkley, shelley berkley, congreeswoman shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley ; jim gibbons wbti, congressman jim gibbons, james gibbons, jim gibbons; chairperson of wbti elaine chao, u s secretary of labor elaine chao, ms elaine chao, secretary elaine chao, elaine chao; wbti president; dr sun yuan kung, sun yuan kung; dr. tony lei, tony lei; brian sandoval advisor, brian sandoval esq, brian sandoval; bill maupin esq; bill maupin fellow, bill maupin, william maupin esq, william maupin; Dean Linda Livingstone (Pepperdine University), dr Linda Livingstone, linda livingstone, pepperdine university; vice presidents valorie vega, valoria vega, valorie vega esq; vice presidents mark denton, mark denton, mark denton esq; director of pai william thompson, william thompson, dr bill thompson, dr william thompson; gsbpa; director keong leong, dr. keong leong, keong leong, professor keong leong, g keong leong; director lee bernick, dr. lee bernick, lee bernick, professor lee bernick, e lee bernick; director sue fawn chung, dr. sue fawn chung, sue fawn chung, associate professor sue fawn chung; professor dina titus, dr dina titus; dina titus; Fellow of pai nancy becker, nancy becker; Fellow of pai sue del papa, sue del papa; jessie walsh esq, associate fellow jessie walsh, jessie walsh, miss jessie walsh; michele leavitt esq, associate fellow michele leavitt, michele leavitt, miss michele leavitt; lynette mcdonald, ms lynette mcdonald; ms barbara buckley, barbara buckley, barbara buckley associate fellow; nancy saitta esq; nancy saitta, ms nancy saitta; rory reid esq, assistant professor rory reid, dr rory reid, rory reid; abbi silver esq, assistant professor abbi silver, abbi silver; nancy oesterle, nancy oesterle esq, miss nancy oesterle, assistant fellow nancy oesterle; lorraine hunt, ms lorraine hunt, lt governor lorraine hunt, nevada lt governor lorraine hunt, chairpersons lorraine hunt; chairpersons oscar goodman, oscar goodman; ccdapcc; steve wolfson esq, steve wolfson, commissioner steve wolfson; david roger esq, ccdapcc david roger, david roger chairmen, david roger; ccdapcc bill young, bill young chairmen, bill young; miss nancy wong; nancy wong miss; nancy wong; spokesman dr john wang, john wang, john wang spokesman, dr john wang; valerie weber wbti, valerie weber assistant fellow, valerie weber; david amesbury esq, david amesbury; ---;

dr ku-sheng kung, president kung ku-sheng, president ku-sheng kung, ku-sheng kung, kung ku-sheng; ---; professor lei hong-ying, lei hong-ying, hong-ying lei; ---; dr sun-yuan kung, sun-yuan kung; ---; dr chung-yuan kung, chung-yuan kung; ---; dr shieh-yuan kung, shieh-yuan kung; ---; tunghai university; Tunghai University Alumni Association; dr peter c c wang, peter c c wang; peter wang; Nevada examiner; Kairos Communication Service; president of event dr r d prabha, r d prabha md, r d prabha; president of event dr raj chanderraz, raj chanderraz md, raj chanderraz; chairman of coordinating dr peter lok, peter lok dr; media advisor william yuen, william yuen; financial advisor teresa woo, teresa woo; president of las vegas ... news helen hsueh, helen hsueh; leading chinese dr raymond yin, raymond yin dr, raymond yin; sapatra chemprachum; fellow lillian wallace (memorial), lillian wallace; julian wallace (memorial); Leading Chinese Literature World; Singapore Association of Nevada; Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association; institute nevada, nevada; lisa brown esq, associate fellow lisa brown, lisa brown; Anthony Del Vecchio associate fellow, Anthony Del Vecchio, Anthony Del Vecchio esq; bert brown associate fellow, bert brown, bert brown esq; cedric kerns esq, associate fellow cedric kerns, cedric kerns; ann zimmerman esq, associate fellow ann zimmerman, ann zimmerman; tim wong wbti, tim wong, mr tim wong; nancy wong wbti, miss nancy wong, nancy wong; ms jackie glass, miss jackie glass, jackie glass adjunct associate professor, jackie glass, jackie glass esq, ms jackie glass; stewart bell senior advisor, stewart bell, stewart bell esq; ---; kathy augustine vice president, kathy augustine; ---; writing advisor jerry tao, jerry tao esq, jerry tao; ---; oscar jornacion entrepreneurship advisor, oscar jornacion; ---; rory reid assistant professor, rory reid; ---; john ponticello; ---; pastor paul goulet, paul goulet; ---; dolley deleon; ---; peter lok; ---; mike vaswani; ---; rita vaswani; ---; mr. tonie sison, tonie sison; ---; pia galopon; ---; Xiaosheng Huang Esq, Xiaosheng Huang; ---; audrey cheng; ---; nancy nan jiang, nancy jiang; ---; zhen zhang miss, zhen zhang; ---; Jiemin Chen; ---; thalia dondero; ---; sonia joya; ---; nancy oesterle ms, nancy oesterle; ---; miss nancy diaz, nancy diaz; ---; john hunt esq, john hunt; mike davidson esq, mike davidson; ---; ---; kathie ambrosio, miss kathie ambrosio; --- ms gerri schroder, gerri schroder; ---; miss christine hu, christine hu, christine hu esq; ---; stefany miley; ---; miss gloria wong, gloria wong; ---; nadia jurani; ---; andrew lai; ---; Susan Keygiell; ---; ms sophy feng; ---; miss jasmine guo, jasmine guo; ---; atty xin wang, xin wang; ---; kate recto; ---; ms geny rosario, geny rosario; ---; janathan galviz; ---; miss eva guo, eva guo; ---; nadia contreras sales, nadia sales-bierals; ---; philippine times of las vegas; ---; philippine business executives ---; asian american times, ---; asian american chronicles; ---; dr peter wang wbti, dr peter wang, peter wang; ---; dr an-pyng sun, an-pyng sun; ---; dr archie chang, archie chang, fellow archie chang; ---; coodinating advisor raymond lam, raymond lam; ---; jannilee phan; ---; chelsea yuan; ---; sonia joya; ---; ms mindy gao, mindy gao; ---; andrew benton president, dr andy benton, dr andrew benton, andrew benton Pepperdine Univesity President, andrew benton, pepperdine university; ---; dr charles runnels, charles runnels chancellor; charles runnels; ---; magaret weber dean of Pepperdine University, margaret weber; ---; m mayer director of school of education alumni Pepperdine, margaret mayer; ---; dr liz kent pepperdine, liz kent, dr elizabeth kent, liz kent, liz starchuk; ---; dr patricia starchuk devin, dr patricia devin, tricia starchuk devin; ---; pamela bellew ( of Pepperdine University business school); ---;

stafany a miley esq, stefany miley; ---; sean p q su md, sean su, dr sean su; ---; sabas (bobby) gaviola; ---; herb brown constable, herb brown; ---; stephen malinoff; ---; christine cacciapaglia; ---; rebecca goh, ---; mr benjamin yang; ---; international church of las vegas, paul goulet pastor, paul goulet, denise goulet pstor, denise goulet; ---; albert chang esq, albert chang; ---; NCAAPB; ---; eric chen esq, eric chen; ---; sophy w feng md, dr sophy feng; ---; rosa chen, miss rosa chen; ---; fay cheung; ---; john smith wbti, john smith; ---; sally yu wbti, sally yu, miss sally yu; ---; benson lee esq, benson lee; ---; dr roy adamson (memorial), roy adamson; ---; bettina ho; ---; lillian tsai, y s lei; ---; meiyang chang; ---; assistant iris zhang, iris zhang; ---; william jansen esq, william jansen, assistant fellow william jansen; ---; tony abbatangrlo esq, assistant fellow tony abbtangrlo (miss spelling for abbatangelo), tony abbatangelo; ---; miss meiyang chang; ---; ms lillian tsai; ---; tina shih; ---; zhiyong (john) wang, dr zhiyong (john) wang---; michael l douglas; ---; michael d davidson; ---; mr alex young; ---; living world christian church ---; gayle anderson; ---; lucky tropical fish; ---; dema guinn; ---; janet murphy; ---; suzie nguyen-su dds, suzie nguyen-su; ---; henry t so; ---; gerri schroder; ---; new china buffet; ---; ms rennie schreiber; ---; linda livingstone; ---; mr michael l montandon; ---; terrell prude' enterprises, terrell prude'; gerome t tao; ---; sandra l pomrenze; ---; ms jeanie wey; ---; properties of america; ---; mr alan t pan; ---; mr gordon xu; ---; e lee bernick; ---; miss nancy c oesterle; ---; n anthony del vecchio; ---; darden aquatics design; ---; mr steven talkjan; ---; robert a anderson jr; ---; christie f dailo; ---; chaoxia 'chelsea' yuan, miss chelsea yuan; ---; ms valorie j vega; ---; robert (bobby g) gronauer; ---; mr michael a cherry, michael a cherry esq; ---; ms deborah j lippis, deborah j lippis esq; ---; ms nayalie l tyrrell, nayalie l tyrrell esq ---; betsy kolkoski esq, betsy kolkoski; ---; charlyne chen, ms charlyne chen; ---; mr bai gang; --- annie yu, ms annie yu; ---; ms tiffany wu; ms elena brady; ---; mr tod j story; ---; david r parks; ---; jacquie balodis, dr jacquie balodis; ---; jack's art gallery; ---; shiu-ching kao; ---; jennifer p togliatti, jennifer p togliatti esq; ---; ellen m koivisto; nicole tuttle; ---; ---; ms judy brusa; ---; john lei; ---; mike lei; ---; washington business and technology institute, wbti; ---; chinese american academic association of nevada, caaan; ---; lv chinese association, las vagas chinese association; ---; ms cathy endy, cathy endy; ---; lv chinese american association, las vegas chinese american association; ---; lv taiwanese association, las vegas taiwanese association; ---; taipei; ---; jong yiee, mr jong yiee; ---; sophie ideker, miss sophie ideker; jianhong yang, hong yang, ms hong yang; ---; jackson chao, mr jackson chao; ---; erin chiang, miss erin chiang; ---; robert song, mr robert song; ---; dr david lee, david lee; ---; taiwan; ---; republic of china; ---; miss sue phelps, sue phelps; ---; las vegas taiwanese center; ---; yuan chuan tsai, mr yuan chuan tsai; ---; Nevada Chinese American Center; ---; william tong, mr william tong; ---; southern nevada chinese weekly; ---; lv american chinese association; ---; lv nevada chinese academy, nevada chinese academy; ---; River of Life Christian Church; ---; lv chinese christian church; ---; google.com wbti, google.com; ---; dr ko-wang mei, ko-wang mei; ---; karen bennet-haron, karen bennet-haron esq; ---; dr william thompson, bill thompson, william thompson; ---; bobby g gronauer; ---; miss liane lee, liane lee; ---; tod j story; ---; david r parker; ---; ellen m koivisto; ---; David Amesburry esq, David Amesburry; ---; judith ray, miss judith ray; ---; sapatra chemprachum; --; jheri psmyth, mr jheri psmyth; ---; linda leos; ---; , bangkok, thailand; ---; thai airlines; ---; city of las vegas; ---; taipei, ---; hongkong; ---; Nanyang Technological University alumni association, Nanyang Technological University, singapore; ---; ---; mike davidson esq, mike davidson; ---; robert lueck esq, robert lueck; ---; cynthia steele, cynthia steele esq; ---; professor tu lin (memorial), tu lin; ---; condoleezza rice dr's; ---; nancy becker's, nancy becker, nancy becker esq; ---; las vegas chinese daily news; ---; helen hsueh publisher, helen hsueh, miss helen hsueh; ---; chinese daily news (world journal); ---; chen shui-bien roc president, chen shui-bien president, president chen shui-bien, chen shui-bien; president chen shui-bian ---; lin-yao chen, ms lin-yao chen; ---; teresa woo president, teresa woo, ms teresa woo; ---; william yuen publisher, william yuen, mr william yuen; ---; commissioner rory reid, rory reid, rory reid esq; ---; john ensign u s senator, john ensign, dr john ensign; ---; river of life christian church; ---; intercity business council of nevada; ---; pepperdine university graduate school of education and phychology; ---; pepperdine university school of business and management; unlv alumni; ---; unlv; ---; unlv,reno; unlv,reno alumni; ---; infoseek.com; ---; kairos; ---; netscape.com, netscape network; ---; kenny guinn; ---; harry reid; ---; beijing; ---; hu jintao president business, hu jintao president, hu jintao, president hu jintao; ---; people's republic of china; ---;

communitylink; south shores community association; golden nugget buffet; gee joon chinese restaurant; ms amy jiao, amy jiao; miss kate grew, kate grew; jon eric garde, jon eric garde esq; miguel garza; ms caixia guo, caixia guo; miss maggie liu, maggie liu; dr peter shieu, peter shieu; mr david hsueh, david hsueh; ms ana hsin; ms sonia joya, sonia joya; pil juadines; dr barbara jackson, barbara jackson; chairman hu jintao; miss rao jiao, rao jiao; mr roger ko, roger ko; miss merle khoo, merle khoo, ms merle lok, merle lok, merle lok esq; eva garcia-mendoza esq, eva garcia-mendoza; ms yvonne ma, yvonne ma; miss ann melton, ann melton; dr toni ni, toni ni; amy cheng; dr robert ni, robert ni; dr wun-wu rao; las vegas chinese christian church; the epoch times; sam woo bar-b-q; china express; dr sonny ho; Greg Bortolin or John Trent; mr Greg Bortolin, mr John Trent; ms Judy Hetherington, Judy Hetherington; miss Kathy Karstedt, Kathy Karstedtchina; star super buffet; mortgage one, llc; mr kent soule, kent soule; miss doris yan; ms genie ohrenochall, genie ohrenochall; paradise democratic club of las vegas; terry care; tung-ho lei; tung-fian lei; pia torio-galapon; ms jackie seip, jackie seip; island girl marketing, christine biaggi; terry wong miss; sally yu miss; America asia travel center inc; singtao times weekly; ms jeannie wey; mr Scott Jaegel, Scott Jaegel; miss Merlinda R. Gallegos, Merlinda R. Gallegos; E. Q. Research Committee, EQRC; ms doris balducci, doris balducci; ms Patty Blakeman, Patty Blakeman; miss Chang Fu-mei, macroview weekly; councilman larry brown, desert shores club house; cynthia steele esq; ---;

ranch market; china star; anthony lu publisher, mr anthony lu, anthony lu ---; chinese culture university alumni association of las vegas; ---; miss Ruth Talaiver, Ruth Talaiver; ---; jean liu, ms jean liu; ---; ms Rennie Schreiber, Rennie Schreiber; ---; unlv alumni; ---; oscar goodman mayor, oscar goodman; las vegas; ---; ---; tony lei president; ---; dr john wang spokesman; ---; john lei; ---; mike lei; ---; elaine chao us secretary of labor, ms elaine chao, elaine chao; ---; lin-yao chen; ---; ---; dr kenny c guinn, kenny guinn; ---; las vegas chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas latin chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas urban chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas philippine chamber of commerce; ---; president chen shui-bian; mr duncan r lee; ---; tiffany chang; ---; mr edward swindle, ms carolie swindle; ---; chow's cuisine, ms kathy li, kathy li; ---; harbor palace restaurant; ---; ms. margaret chen, margaret chen, margaret chen andert; next weekly wbti, next weekly; ---; reviewjournal - communitylink wbti, reviewjournal - communitylink, reviewjournal.com wbti, reviewjournal.com ; ---; google answers wbti, google answers; ---; chinese daily news (world journal) wbti, chinese daily news, world journal; ---; webcrawler.com, webcraler; ---; las vegas review-journal; ---; reviewjournal.com; ---; asian chamber of commerce; ---; Condoleezza Rice, Dr.'s World Perspective, Condoleezza Rice, dr Condoleezza Rice; ---; mrs dema guinn; ---; forum group limited, jerry c wang; ---; mr andrew chen, andrew chen, wynn investments, ms Susan Keygiell, Susan Keygiell; ---; ms yachin shih, yachin shih; ---; mr thom reilly, manager thom reilly, thom reilly; ---; ms linda shyr; ---; ms jasmine brooks; ---; desert accident & injury center, dr cora c murillo, ms cora c murillo, cora murillo; ---; young realty & investment, mr alex young, alex young; ---; rozita lee, ms rozita lee; ---; ms deborah j lippis; ---; ms elena brady; ---; ms linda q liu; ---; miss linda chen; ---; pepperdine university alumni association, pepperdine university; ---; national taiwan university alumni association, national taiwan university; ---; chengchi university alumni association, chengchi university; ---; chunghsing university alumni association, chunghsing university; ---; dr stephen tong, stephen tong, stephen tong evangelistic ministries international; ---;

Pepperdine university; tulane university alumni association; national sun yet sien university, national sun yet sien university alumni association; dr john wang; dr james soong, people first party; koumintang chairman lien chan; mark denton district judge; veloria vega district judge; ms jennie wey, jennie wey; ms vida chan lin, vida chan lin; dr susan whiston, susan whiston; prof wen shen, wen shen; mr raja mourey, raja mourey; ms gloria mccomes, gloria mccomes; ms eleanor chow, eleanor chow; mr tola chin; ropchai premsrirut dr; richard segerblom esq ; ms terry wong; mr buck wong, buck wong; mr yale wang; ms alice wu, alice wu; miss nancy wong, nancy wong; dr sherman wu, sherman wu; mr david wang; ms christiana wang; prof ji sheng wang, ji sheng wang; mr andy wang; ms shin galin, shin galin; ms varonica parios, varonica parios; ms linda martin; dr paul aizley, paul aizley; mr yi-dhi chia, yi-dhi chia; mr derek chen, derek chen; ms cathy chin, cathy chin, cathy chin miss; mr peter chang, peter chang; ms judith ray, judith ray; ms lily chen, lily chen; ms alice carney, alice carney; dr bill carney, bill carney; miss zhao hui qiu; ms helen du, helen du; mr frank tsou, frank tsou; central daily news, central daily news - international edition; ms cathy endy, cathy endy; cathy yaling fuchigami; ms anny on; mr alan poon, alan poon; dr percy poon, percy poon; pat blakeman; mr bert romes, bert romes; dr david tang, david tang, ms mei tang, mei tang, ms mei wang, ms mary wang; ms meggy tang, meggy tang; miss Susan Sullivent, Susan Sullivent; ms shri vogel, shri vogel; sam chen; anna young hsian; ms vickie yu, vickie yu; ms lan yun, lan yun; mr river sun, river sun; dr huiwen zhang, huiwen zhang; mr yi-huang liu; mr jim phan, jim phan; mr art javier, art javier; ms emma lynn chan; alice wu miss; united financial associates inc; FiberTel, Inc.; asian american group; Harbor palace seafood restaurant; cathy house chinese cuisine; BBQ king restaurant; new china buffet; miss coco wang; las vegas review-journal, sherman r. frederick, allan b. fleming, thomas mitchell, charles zobell, john kerr; ---;

dr andrew benton, president dr andrew benton; las vegas urban chamber of commerce; dr peter f drucker; dr lien chan, chairman lien chan; mayor ma ying-jeou, dr ma ying-jeou; dr han-ping chen; lily lee chen ms; anthony j chien; philip chou; dr yu-ping hsia; dr woochun hsu; dr richard kao; dr richard koo; dr isiah c lee; dr san-pao li; dr chi-yuan lin; dr thomas lin; dr allen liu; dr paul mu; president andrew benton; dr condoleezza rice, condoleezza rice dr; albert ing sun; dr jing-shen tao; wilber woo; hung yuan wu; julia wu ms; levi ying; li yu; 馮鳴台; 馬英九; miss Hong Yang; ms candy bowser; merle berman; barbara cegavske; vonne chowing; allan earl; cedric kerns; john lee; myron leavitt (memorial); michelle leavitt-fitzpatrick; james mahan; theresa malone; mark malone; mark menendo; cathy nelson; denis nolan; gary reese; loretta arrington; myrna williams; radha chanderraj; dr donald kwalick; jerry reynoldson; bobby siller; charles thompson; sheri vogel; karen foster; miguel isassi; barbara robinson; david teis; mildred arquero; albert chang; dr andres costas; leonie domingo; a j dudekar; steve escalona; larry espinueva; dr nilofar kuraishi; dr shaheed siddiqui; steve kwon; jose lim; ann melton; zenny mendoza; lillian morizono; peter nguyen; george regner; dr francisco sanchez; dr ram singh; richard segerblom; nick singh; laxmi singh; joey villaflor; roddy wong; jennifer elliotts; valorie adair; erin kenny; david wall esq, david wall; john hunt esq, jonh hunt; lorraine hunt; miss francis allen, francis allen; richard dennison; aldo aguirre; miss aurora maskall, aurora maskall; ---;

dr tony tung-tien lei, tony tung-tien lei; ---; dr kang-pei wang, kang-pei wang; ---; dr chao-ming pan, chao-ming pan; ---; evelyn chiao; ---; tiffany chang wbti, tiffany chang; ---; jennifer kung wbti, jennifer kung; ---; joy huang wbti, miss joy huang, joy huang; ---; miss jessica huang, jessica huang; ---; miss shirley huang, shirley huang; ---; mr peter hong, peter hong; ms kawah soule, mr kent soule; miss kathy augustine---; sino-american language services, mr dan molner, dan molner; ---; mr michael chang, michael chang; ---; mark denton esq, mark denton; ---; Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas; ---; Zax Restaurant, Zax Restaurant of Goldern Nugget Casino and Hotel; ---; lillie langtrys restaurant, lillie langtrys restaurant of golden nugget casino and hotel; ---; steak house of horseshoe casino and hotel; ...; Center Stage Restaurant, Center Stage Restaurant of Plaza casino and Hotel; roc president; ---; chinese outreach; ---; Myron Leavitt esq, Myron Leavitt (memorial); seniors united; uc berkeley alumni association; uc berkeley; usc alumni association; usc; ucla alumni association; ucla; Thai Performing Art Appreciation Day; miss tina shih, world education organization; ---; Lei Rong Sheng; dr hui-ning lei, hui ning lei, lei hui ning; lei shiou ning ms, lei shiou ning; United Financial Associates Inc; miss agnas chan; mrs judy lei, judy lei; ---; general secretary cheryl moss, cheryl moss esq, miss cheryl moss, cheryl moss; ---;

or any name or terminology (such as business, american, etc.) before WBTI, you'll find Google.com or aol.com has many good things for them with WBTI!

U. S. President Nominates Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State
By The Roosevelt Room*1

President's Remarks
12:33 P.M. EST

THE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon. I'm pleased to announce my nomination of Dr. Condoleezza Rice to be America's Secretary of State. Condi Rice is already known to all Americans, and to much of the world.*2

During the last four years I've relied on her counsel, benefited from her great experience and appreciated her sound and steady judgment. And now I'm honored that she has agreed to serve in my Cabinet. The Secretary of State is America's face to the world. And in Dr. Rice, the world will see the strength, the grace and the decency of our country.

Both Condi and I have been proud to serve with our friend, Secretary of State Colin Powell. He has been one of the most effective and admired diplomats in America's history. Secretary Powell has helped to rally the world in a global war, has helped to resolve dangerous regional conflicts; he's helped to confront the desperate challenges of hunger, poverty and disease. He has been tireless and selfless and principled, and our entire nation is grateful for his lifetime of service.

I'm also grateful that Steve Hadley has agreed to become my new National Security Advisor. Steve served Presidents Nixon, Ford and Bush before me, and he has done a superb job as Dr. Rice's deputy during these past four years. Steve is a man of wisdom and good judgment. He has earned my trust and I look forward to his continued vital service on my national security team.

When confirmed by the Senate, Condoleezza Rice will take office at a critical time for our country. We're a nation at war; we're leading a large coalition against a determined enemy; we're putting in place new structures and institutions to confront outlaw regimes, to oppose proliferation of dangerous weapons and materials, and to break up terror networks.

The United States has undertaken a great calling of history to aid the forces of reform and freedom in the broader Middle East so that that region can grow in hope, instead of growing in anger. We're pursuing a positive direction to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict, an approach that honors the peaceful aspirations of the Palestinian people through a democratic state, and an approach that will ensure the security of our good friend, Israel.

Meeting all of these objectives will require wise and skillful leadership at the Department of State, and Condi Rice is the right person for that challenge. She's a recognized expert in international affairs, a distinguished teacher and academic leader, and a public servant with years of White House experience. She displays a commitment to excellence in every aspect of her life, from shaping our strategy in the war on terror, to coordinating national security policy across the government, to performing classical music on stage. Above all, Dr. Rice has a deep, abiding belief in the value and power of liberty, because she has seen freedom denied and freedom reborn.

As a girl in the segregated South, Dr. Rice saw the promise of America violated by racial discrimination and by the violence that comes from hate. But she was taught by her mother, Angelina, and her father, the Reverend John Rice, that human dignity is the gift of God, and that the ideals of America would overcome oppression. That early wisdom has guided her through life, and that truth has guided our nation to a better day.

I know that the Reverend and Mrs. Rice would be filled with pride to see the daughter they raised in Birmingham, Alabama, chosen for the office first held by Thomas Jefferson. Something tells me, however, they would not be surprised. (Laughter.)

As many of you know, Condi's true ambition is beyond my power to grant. (Laughter.) She would really like to be the commissioner of the National Football League. I'm glad she's put those plans on hold once again. The nation needs her. I urge the Senate to promptly confirm Condoleezza Rice as America's 66th Secretary of State.

Congratulations. (Applause.)

DR. RICE: Thank you. Thank you, Mr. President. It has been an honor and a privilege to work for you these past four years, in times of crisis, decision and opportunity for our nation. Under your leadership, America is fighting and winning the war on terror. You have marshaled great coalitions that have liberated millions from tyranny, coalitions that are now helping the Iraqi and Afghan people build democracies in the heart of the Muslim world. And you have worked to widen the circle of prosperity and progress in every corner of the world.

I look forward, with the consent of the Senate, to pursuing your hopeful and ambitious agenda as Secretary of State. Mr. President, it is an honor to be asked to serve your administration and my country once again.

And it is humbling to imagine succeeding my dear friend and mentor, Colin Powell. He is one of the finest public servants our nation has ever produced. Colin Powell has been a great and inspirational Secretary of State. It was my honor to serve alongside him, and he will be missed.

It will, of course, be hard to leave the White House, and especially to leave behind the terrific NSC staff who have served their President and their country so ably in this most challenging of times. Yet, I can leave confident in the knowledge that they will be led by the consummate professional, a man I know and admire, my colleague and friend, Steve Hadley.

Finally, let me say that in my 25 years of experience in foreign affairs, both in and out of government, I have come to know the men and women of the Department of State. I have the utmost admiration and respect for their skill, their professionalism and their dedication. If I am confirmed by the Senate, I look forward to working with the great people of the Foreign Service and the Civil Service. And one of my highest priorities as Secretary will be to ensure that they have all the tools necessary to carry American diplomacy forward in the 21st century.

Mr. President, thank you again for this great opportunity, and for your continued confidence in me.

THE PRESIDENT: Good job. Thank you all.*3

END 12:40 P.M. EST


*1. National Security Council. 'News on November 16, 2004 by National Security conucil,' "A search about Dr. Condoleezza Rice on Google.com," (December 23, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.
*3. PAI of WBTI. This article was post by Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). PAI did a little of the editing.


Addressing the efforts the Bush Administration has taken to lead the world toward values and understanding by Dr. Condoleezza Rice

National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice spoke about the Global War on Terror's war of ideas, addressing the efforts the Bush Administration has taken to lead the world toward values and understanding that will bring a just and lasting peace, at the United States Institute of Peace in Washington D.C., Thursday, August 19, 2004.

The National Security Council was established by the National Security Act of 1947 (PL 235 - 61 Stat. 496; U.S.C. 402), amended by the National Security Act Amendments of 1949 (63 Stat. 579; 50 U.S.C. 401 et seq.). Later in 1949, as part of the Reorganization Plan, the Council was placed in the Executive Office of the President.*1

The National Security Council is the President's principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials. Since its inception under President Truman, the function of the Council has been to advise and assist the President on national security and foreign policies. The Council also serves as the President's principal arm for coordinating these policies among various government agencies.*2

The following is a biography of Dr. Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor on July 2004:*3

Dr. Condoleezza Rice became the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, commonly referred to as the National Security Advisor, on January 22, 2001.

In June 1999, she completed a six year tenure as Stanford University 's Provost, during which she was the institution's chief budget and academic officer. As Provost she was responsible for a $1.5 billion annual budget and the academic program involving 1,400 faculty members and 14,000 students.

As professor of political science, Dr. Rice has been on the Stanford faculty since 1981 and has won two of the highest teaching honors -- the 1984 Walter J. Gores Award for Excellence in Teaching and the 1993 School of Humanities and Sciences Dean's Award for Distinguished Teaching.

At Stanford, she has been a member of the Center for International Security and Arms Control, a Senior Fellow of the Institute for International Studies, and a Fellow (by courtesy) of the Hoover Institution. Her books include Germany Unified and Europe Transformed (1995) with Philip Zelikow, The Gorbachev Era (1986) with Alexander Dallin, and Uncertain Allegiance: The Soviet Union and the Czechoslovak Army (1984). She also has written numerous articles on Soviet and East European foreign and defense policy, and has addressed audiences in settings ranging from the U.S. Ambassador's Residence in Moscow to the Commonwealth Club to the 1992 and 2000 Republican National Conventions.

From 1989 through March 1991, the period of German reunification and the final days of the Soviet Union, she served in the Bush Administration as Director, and then Senior Director, of Soviet and East European Affairs in the National Security Council, and a Special Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs. In 1986, while an international affairs fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations, she served as Special Assistant to the Director of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In 1997, she served on the Federal Advisory Committee on Gender -- Integrated Training in the Military.

She was a member of the boards of directors for the Chevron Corporation, the Charles Schwab Corporation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the University of Notre Dame, the International Advisory Council of J.P. Morgan and the San Francisco Symphony Board of Governors. She was a Founding Board member of the Center for a New Generation, an educational support fund for schools in East Palo Alto and East Menlo Park, California and was Vice President of the Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula . In addition, her past board service has encompassed such organizations as Transamerica Corporation, Hewlett Packard, the Carnegie Corporation, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, The Rand Corporation, the National Council for Soviet and East European Studies, the Mid-Peninsula Urban Coalition and KQED, public broadcasting for San Francisco.

Born November 14, 1954 in Birmingham, Alabama, she earned her bachelor's degree in political science, cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa, from the University of Denver in 1974; her master's from the University of Notre Dame in 1975; and her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 1981. She is a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been awarded honorary doctorates from Morehouse College in 1991, the University of Alabama in 1994, the University of Notre Dame in 1995, the National Defense University in 2002, the Mississippi College School of Law in 2003, the University of Louisville and Michigan State University in 2004. She resides in Washington, D.C.


*1. Google.com. 'About National Security Council,' "A search of information on Google.com,"(December 7, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.
*3. National Security Council. 'Biography of Dr. Condoleezza Rice, National Security Advisor,' "A search on Google.com about Dr. Condoleezza Rice," (December 7, 2004), U. S. A.: google.com.


On the section of "Business & Administration" at 112104-3658:

The American Dream is for everybody!
By Tiffany Chang and PAI of WBTI*1

Dreams are powerful reflections of our actual growth potential. We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones:

***** If you have a dream, give it a chance to happen. ---Richard de Vos
***** Nothing is as real as a dream. ..... ---Tom Clancy
***** YOur dreams can come true. I'm a living proof of it. ..... ---Michael Blake, Author of "Dance with Wolves"

It's our pleasure to post a short essay from "Speaker's Source Book II" by Glenn Van Ekeren:

In 1931, historian and Pulitzer prize winner James Truslow Adams coined the phrase "The American Dream" in a treatise called The Epic of America. Adams described the dream this way: "It is not a dream of moter cars and high wages merely, but a dream of social order in which each man and each woman shall be able to attain the fullest stature of which they are innately capable, and be recognized by others for what they are, regardless of the fortuitous circumstances of birth or position."*2
This familiar phrase has often been invoked by writers, philosophers, and politicians to explain their own convictions. It has become a prevailing justification for individual dreams and pursuits. "There are those who will reply that freedom of man and mind is nothing but a dream," said Archibald MacLeish. "They are right. It is. It is the American Dream."
Ray Kroc believed in the American Dream. While selling paper cupsto restaurants in 1920s, he worked his way up to becoming one of the company's top
salespeople. ....The "freedom of man and mind" is not a dream. It produce dreams. ......

David McClelland, the Harvard psychologist, has extensively studied high achievers. He has concluded that successful people possess one common characteristic: they fantasize and dream incessantly about how to achieve their goals. Taking that one step further, James Allen says, "Dreams are the seedlings of reality."
The American Dream is a seedling of reality waiting to be nurtured, fertilized, and harvested by those with the courage to pursue it.*3

"Nothing much happens without a dream. For something really great to happen, it takes a really great dream," said Robert Greenleaf.


*1. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).
*2. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "Speaker's Source Book II," (1994), Prentice Hall Press, Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press.
*3. Ibid.


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