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The following information have been received from the search of "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America" on the Google.com and Google.cn at 11:57 a.m. in the evening on March 2, 2006. They are appeared starting from the first line of first page on Google.com and Google.cn:

(1). For 'Taiwan Benevolent Association of America' on the Google.com
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...

Association of America and Ms. Wendy Yu-ping ... "On behalf of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, it's my great honor to receive the Certificate of . ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 115k - Cached - Similar pages

WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...Taiwan Benevolent Association of America link.

Taiwan Benevolent Association of America · Click to learn more about Opt Software!
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(2). For 'Taiwan Benevolent Association of America' on the Google.com
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...

Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Taiwan Benevolent Association of America) at 9:37 am in the morning on February 3, ... The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas, Nevada ...
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(3). For '全美台灣同鄉聯誼會' on the Google.cn
Washington Business and Technology Institute - River of Life ......

橙縣首辦中華民國元旦升旗", "馬英九拋「直航公投」促三通", "國安特勤專家:馬英九 安全維護問題大", "隆重熱鬧", "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "聯合新聞網聯合報記者范凌嘉", "大陸民航總局台辦主任浦照洲", ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 44k - 网页快照 - 类似网页

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...

新春聯歡會主人洛杉磯台灣同鄉聯誼會會長林文龍、橙縣會長金伯泉和拉斯維加斯會長羅素 娥,以及全美台灣同鄉聯誼會總會長梁義大,並致贈「功在台聯」獎牌,感謝王金平對鄉親 的支持和愛護。 [2006-01-30]. 555555555555555 66666666666666666666666666 ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 96k - 网页快照 - 类似网页

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chen Shui-bien...

"Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "王金平第一次海外過年獻給洛城祝 賀僑胞狗年「人旺、財旺、事事旺」", "立法院長王 ... 隆重熱鬧", "全美台灣同鄉聯誼 會", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "聯合新聞網聯合報記者范凌嘉", ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 80k - 网页快照 - 类似网页

Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Asian Soul Art) at 9:37 am in the morning on February 3, 2006. ... The following information have been received from the search of "" on the Google.com and Google.cn in the ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 80k - 网页快照 - 类似网页

(4). For '華府台灣同鄉聯誼會' on the Google.cn
Washington Business and Technology Institute - River of Life ......

夏威夷華文作家協會", "詩人的睿智與大度", "詩人海涅是猶太人", "古典詩歌走入社 區", "華府書友會與華府華文作家協會決定" ... 全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "聯合新聞網聯合報記者范凌嘉", "大陸民航總局台辦 ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 44k - 网页快照 - 类似网页

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...

此外,他告訴鄉親訪問中重要的一站,停留華府,和美國政府包括白宮、國務院和國防部 等高層代表晤談,雙方就台灣軍購預算 ... 還有華裔民選官員核桃市議員林恩成、亞凱迪 亞華裔市長鄂志超等也表達歡迎之意。 新春聯歡會主人洛杉磯台灣同鄉聯誼會會長林 ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 96k - 网页快照 - 类似网页
[ communitylink.reviewjournal.com站内的其它相关信息 ]

(5). For 'Taiwan Benevolent Association of Washington, D. C.' on the Google.cn
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Taiwan Benevolent ...

Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Taiwan Benevolent Association of America) at 9:37 am in the morning ... Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (July 10, 2005), Washington, DC: Office ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 96k - 网页快照 - 类似网页

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Next Weekly

She graduated from the George Washington University, Washington DC with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. ... 'Greeting from Office of Senator John Ensign,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 113k - 网页快照 - 类似网页
[ communitylink.reviewjournal.com站内的其它相关信息 ]

You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at


Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Taiwan Benevolent Association of America) at 9:37 a.m. in the morning on February 28, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from December 30, 2005 to February 26, 2006.

Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "趙小蘭", "記者范凌嘉", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?


Post through the courtesy of the "舊金山新聞" of Worldjournal.com:

灣區僑學界春節聯歡 人氣旺


【本報記者黃美惠桑尼維爾報導】金山灣區僑學界春節聯歡大會聚集了三、四百的人氣,25 日中午在桑尼維爾的僑教中心熱鬧舉行,駐舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處廖偉平處長率中華民國各駐外單位人員,穿上圍裙替大家打菜,並且主持團拜,帶領互道狗年萬事亨通,平安吉祥。






當天節目主持人為儀容和陳宗義,表演節目有鑼鼓舞獅、黃梅調、排舞等,最後大家合唱「恭喜恭喜」、「廟會」。 [2006-02-26]


Post through the courtesy of the "旅遊放輕鬆" of Worldjournal.com:

洛陽看牡丹 少林武功插花




以經營中原古都和洛陽牡丹花會為主力產品的志洋旅行社,表示3月下旬起在一些溫室花區可見到早開的牡丹,4月中旬以後,洛陽街上都可見到牡丹,品種有470種之多,開出紅、黃、紫、白、金、藍、綠等,滿城繽紛。可接待觀光客的賞牡丹點有八、九處之多,「王城公園」最老牌,花園漂亮。「國色牡丹園」有地勢起伏變化。邙山則是一處市郊小山,有野生牡丹。還有「洛浦公園」、「神州牡丹園」等。這兩年夜賞牡丹在洛陽很流行。(聯合新聞網) [2006-02-24]


By Mindy Gao (馮鳴台)

The following report in Chinese is posted through the courtesy of the "棇悪堥怴暦" of Worldjournal.com:



台?惩l?誼????L梁義大?3虂淼劫?城?⑴c此活?印??T?鵬岐、潘邦?、王仲穎、陳濤、柯富美、陳菁榆、李淑德,也都?檫[民春宴服?铡A_素娥希望明年有?城更多民?和商家共襄盛舉。 [2006-02-14]


You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at

Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Taiwan Benevolent Association of America) at 9:37 a.m. in the morning on February 3, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from December 30, 2005 to February 2, 2006.

Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter; {like "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "王金平第一次海外過年 獻給洛城 祝賀僑胞狗年「人旺、財旺、事事旺」", "立法院長王金平", "林文龍、李顯榮、洪冬桂", "記者吳忠國", "「畫魂」新春開展 傳奇女畫家潘玉良二月跨海來台展出", "記者張秀珍", "兩大導演張藝謀、關錦鵬", "兩大美女鞏俐、李嘉欣", "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "Leading Chinese Literature World", "三月徵文話}》一句好話 「良言一句三冬暖」", "吳玲瑤", "第二屆新世紀華文文學獎徵文", "余光中 洛城朗詩 文壇饗宴", "南加大教授張錯", "記者陳青", "胡適研究專家周質平 訪達拉斯演講", "保加利亞旅館的晚餐(上)", "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism", "年初三 旅遊熱到高點 北京主要景點", "溫州探花樓 再現歷史風貌", "胡錦濤主持春節團拜", "大陸「超英趕美」 毛語成真", "H投資界 追捧「中國夢」", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", "東陽盧宅窺見民間故宮", "Next Weekly", "Judge Moss addressed a recent letter to the distinguished Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei", "壹週報", "The Art of Leading", "白先勇用美征服時空 青春版《牡丹亭》風靡兩岸30", "游常山", "Asian Soul Art", "Pengju Li ---An artist with the bright Asian soul", "記者何芳", "李鹏举", "Pengju Li", "拉斯維加斯華人藝術協會", "James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman", "CAMPAIGN FINANCE: Gibbons tops in funds", "Cartoons & Art", "There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash", "Photos & Pictures", "It's my great pleasure to say 'Happy New Year!' to every Chinese here in Las Vegas and Nevada through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of Las Vegas Review-Journal", "Asian Chamber of Commerce", "何薇玲:消費性電子、3G是可預見機會", "South Shores Community Association", "HOUSING MARKET: Investor homes raise concern", "Seniors United", "Very nice to read!", "Harry Reid, U.S. Senator", "REID: REPUBLICANS CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO END THE CULTURE OF CORRUPTION", "Kenny Guinn, Nevada Governor", "GOVERNOR SEEKS PRESIDENTIAL DISASTER DECLARATION", "John Ensign, U.S. Senator", "A biography of U. S. Senator John Ensign", "Shelley Berkley, U.S. Congresswoman", "Dear Dr. Tony, Hope you can make it", "A biography of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley ---A Lifetime of Commitment to Nevada", "Oscar Goodman, Las Vegas Mayor", "Goodman puts merger with NLV on table", "STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS: Goodman banishes cynicism in speech", "Nancy Becker, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court", Welcome to our $5 Chicken Dinner by the Paradise Democratic Club", "By John Ponticello and PAI of WBTI", "Valerie Weber, Assemblywoman of Nevada", "Dear Dr. Lei, I finally got this photo copied to my computer", "Assemblywoman Valerie Weber", "Pepperdine University Alumni Association", "Pepperdine University Alumni Association E-MAIL NEWSLETTER", "reviewjournal.com -- Community Link", "ECONOMY: Official lauds LV tourism
Manufacturers get credit", "Condoleezza Rice, Dr.'s World Perspective", "賴斯「轉型外交」 震動外交官", "美國國務卿康朵莉莎.賴斯", "Dr. Condoleezza Rice", "The following information have been received from a search of "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice" on the Google.com", "Bill Maupin, Justice of Supreme Court", "Judge Besty Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs . Tony Lei with reunion dinner", "Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor", "Secretary speaks on the Strength of U.S. Economy", "U.S. Department of Labor Announces $190,000 Grant To Help Train Iowa Workers", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "US Labor Secretary Elaine Chao praises Asian American workforce by Tiffany chang", "Google Answers", "大陸搜尋網站 Google最好用", "原油價狂飆4% 全球緊張", "Asian Soul Art", "東坡故里闢書畫一條街", "學者倡兩岸建立共同文化市場", "拉斯維加斯華人藝術協會", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", "雪鄉吉林 東北冬之寶", "查干湖的冬捕 長白山的白雪和溫泉 松花江的霧淞奇觀都是冬遊賣點", "from the search of 'Mr. Wang Xing-ping' and 'Mr. Chen Xiaoyi' on the Google.cn and Google.com", "民眾積極為贈臺大貓熊取名 團團、圓圓最熱門", "杭廷頓圖書館植物W溫室吸引遊客", 記哧惽?QUOT;, "Becky Ung, E.Q. Chairperson's World", "假日好去處 兒童空間博物館是首選", "記者楊凱雯" "China Business Chain", "網拍處女約 叫價5100元 徵男伴共度春節 200多人次競標", "Tunghai University Alumni Association", "《日本》走入MIHO桃花源(上)", "日本滋賀縣信樂山麓 貝聿銘讚嘆如香格里拉", "曾約農 维库,知识与思想的自由文库", "曾約農先生', "東海大學圖書館內的曾約農先生紀念雕像", "Chinese Daily News (World Journal)", "內州歡迎卡增加國語發音", "Mindy Gao", "馮鳴台", "戎荻俏宸钟矌旁碌讍柺?,"Singapore Association of Nevada", "新加坡/拜拜觀音 撈撈魚生", "記者吳雨潔", "新加坡聖陶沙4D戲院 震動+灑水+聲光 觀眾身歷其境", "東森新聞報 國際中心", "John Lei's Cambodia and Taiwan Mission Trips", "阿里山百花開踏青正是時候梅花、桃花、杏花、櫻花、李花厖美不勝收", "記者黃國芳", "陳怡?2000萬別墅孝親", "陳怡蓉送爸媽新房子當新年紅包", "Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip pictures", "巴里島撍?玩幾遍也不厭倦", "記者張銘隆", "旅遊》美西海岸風光好", "Lillian Tsai's Think it over", "舟筏遊酒鄉 迤邐賞櫻花", "特派記者牟迎馨", "Meiyang Chang's Thoughts", "瑞士薩斯費 推出滑雪周", "記者黃彩絹", "吃年菜 醫師盼民眾遠離酒類及辛辣食物", "記者張榮祥", "Kairos Communication Service International", "來去高雄/賞梅、看雲海 甲仙六義山步道好", "記者江文兟", "River of Life Christian Church", "矽谷生命河靈糧堂", "遊中國/上海七寶古鎮 小龍蝦、叫化雞?#23567;吃美味又便宜", "記者黃子玲", "Jean Liu's Teaching World", "阿里山百ㄩ_踏青正是時候梅花、桃花、杏花、櫻花、李花厖美不勝收", "Nancy Jiang's World of Art", "頤和園有深度的氣質美人", "記者吳景騰", "吳景騰", "記者周立芸", "白勁傑", "北京販賣夾帶人民幣的賀年卡 走法律邊緣", "名譽主席:羅錦堂", "Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association", "黃河浪", "夏威娜A文作覅f會", "詩人的睿智與大度", "詩人海涅是猶太人", "古典詩歌 走入社區", "華府書友會與華府華文作家協會決定", "哲學博士張彬煜", 則將和與會者"分享他個人對「琵琶行」的詩境、創作背景之研究與理解", "蘇旻",

"中國紅了 國際媒體大舉登陸", "英國《泰晤士報》駐京記唏R珍也說,", "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism", "玻國準總統訪中取經 莫拉萊斯晤胡錦濤 盼助開發脫貧", "曾祥德 福州首位台灣個體戶", "曾祥德不在,趙淑珠就在飯店裡幫忙收銀", "王清華研究糖尿病獲創新突破", "馬越攝", "記者馬越", "東航宣布明年兩岸春節包機計畫", "贈台2熊貓 中共:今天要,明天就送", "特捎浾哧悥|旭", "中國將自主研製大飛機 中科院王大珩等廿餘人上書倡導", "周文重:中美關係 穩定發展 胡錦濤將訪美", "中國駐美國大使周文重", "上海港货物吞吐量世界居首", "姊弟戀 隱居深山50年", "網路影響政治 才是趨勢", "香港哪好玩 成龍搶先說 群星出ν坡眠[ 梁錦松全家破天荒合作", "劉德華", "成龍、劉德華、楊千嬅、梁詠琪、奈担约傲哄\松一家", "人氣天王Rain2月紐約開唱 韓劇「浪漫滿屋」主角", "記者陳芝怡", "亞洲人氣小天王「Rain」(嵵茄?", "親愛的 我們到關島結婚吧!", "記者牟玉珮", "牟玉珮", "出書新捷徑! 人氣部落格加持 彎彎、椰果轟動全台", "記者孫暐皓、吳漢嘉", "The following is a report in Chinese about the Chinese New Year's Gala published by the famous Chinese newspaper 'Next Weekly'", "Judge Cheryl Moss Extends Warm Greetings for a Happy Lunar New Year", "曾慧燕", "古德曼回顧政績充滿自豪", "專題1》美加華人有口福 南北雜貨解鄉愁", "由森美進口公司及世界日報讀者服務部主辦的「南北雜貨展」,已連續舉辦五年", "龔怡萍", "黃彩絹", "瑞士金三?遊山三部曲", "龔怡萍返台揮桿 賽前傳愛心", "旅美高球名將龔怡萍", "記者王麗珠", "內 州 共 和 黨 與 克 郡 亞 裔 共 和 黨 協 會 舉 辦 K 節 聯 誼 晚 宴", "巴黎、羅馬 都有方尖碑", "記者黃彩絹", "焇搤樢", "嵯忛揤揤曬", "墿徫惗", "杒瀾鍥{峑挿嫋抭岹", "漟巣堐壛巣壺恖嫤橉", "婰幰梜", "鹕浇文處來了海龍?, "春季特展 帶你遊賞阿里山", "畫家薛清茂", "記者張嘉倫", "斷背山超猛又奪3獎", "李安獲美國廣電影評人協會選為最佳導演", "記者蘇詠智", "拉斯維加斯英端工商會在賭城首度升五星紅旗", "賭城⒍斯ど虝e行新春祭祖大典,並祭拜關公聖帝", "記者馮鳴台", "英端工商會林國輝掌舵", "林國輝", "倪北嘉賭城操舊業", "Mindy Gao", "馮鳴台", "倪北嘉在拉斯維加斯AM1230電台,以國語廣ァ溉f紫千紅」", "在京都 尋覓藝伎美麗身影", "特派記者牟迎馨", "牟迎馨", "《藝伎回憶錄", "川端康成成名作《伊豆的舞罚?, "記者李大明", "記者藍功中", "劉文琪", "林豔芳", "陳彥廷", "記者陳彥廷", "皇后音樂學院師生演奏", "山宛然布袋戲表演精采逗趣", "僑聲1月16日舉辦說唱藝術賽", "薛純陽,葛晨,蕭璧珠", "記者劉文琪", "北美華文文壇新生代崛起深入新移民文化、中西融合", "杜佳璟勇奪台美小姐后冠", "第一公主及第二公主,分別為余佳霓(右)與吳孟蓁(左)", "記者陳盈霖", "華埠小姐秀身段 領養女童搶盡鋒頭", "記者余寧", "玫瑰花車遊行 風雨中慶新年", "記者何芳", "劉家和出掌紐約華埠五分局", "記者陳芝怡", "韓秀", "韓秀美食小說《食慾共和國》品味人情", "中華藝文學會 交流用筆經驗", "浾吒鹂嫡\", "首屆世界新古詩大賽將在北京舉行", "記者郭玫蘭", "世界文化總會長、中華文化協會L范光陵", "北美作協拉斯維加斯分會會長尹浩鏐", "女作家劉於蓉、劉於坪(筆名劉坪)", "黃昭凱", "記者陳慧明", "曾文水庫 飽覽南瀛好山水", "記者祁玲、徐開塵", "暗夜跟蹤舞女 美工刀之狼劫色", "蔡依蒨/台北報導", "記者尚毅夫、陳志平", "王鼎鈞法拉盛圖書館─暢談文學寫作", "父女作家檔 吳晟寫田園 吳音寧闖叢林", "十先藦堉抑\ 七十人生正開始", "徐仁全", "紐約中領館文化領峦蹊础⒏鐐惐葋喲u作公司偛檬缕?, "蔣方智怡", "Ma Ying-jeou, Mayor of Taipei City", "記者范凌嘉、李祖舜、李光儀", "記者劉作坤、薛荷玉", "橙縣首辦中華民國元旦升旗", "馬英九拋「直航公投」促三通", "國安特勤專家:馬英九 安全維護問題大", "隆重熱鬧", "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "聯合新聞網 聯合報記者范凌嘉", "大陸民航總局台辦主任浦照洲", "兩岸春節包機 廈門至台北首航售罄", "馬培道:海外華人沒有分裂空間", "assemblywoman valerie weber", "歐冬來", "睹城天天報", "'Las Vegas Chinese Daily News' publishes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week", "The following information have been received from the search of 'publisher helen hsueh' on the Google.cn", "黄笑生", "北京大W校長許智宏", "拉咕S加斯華人協會", "記者楊釗", "北大將頒連戰名譽教授", "賭城華人慶星?今烤肉", "胡錦濤:中國堅持對外開呕緡?, "「北京首都博物館」啟用 盼與台灣故宮合作展文 物", "绘画的灵筒拍?QUOT;, "畫家趙寧密西沙加作品獲獎", "中國藝術品市場突破瓶頸", "汪蕪生", "吳玲瑤", "北大留學生 近八成來 美", "《雲南》夢鄉淨土 香格里拉(二)", 舊金山》乘風飛行 悠遊舊金山!", "台灣小姐沈佳慧 獲世界旅遊小姐后冠", "中華會館主席", "墨韻俾曫^書畫會", "芝城學界新年頃?精彩可期", etc.); or your name followed by wbti (like "陳青 wbti", "張錯 wbti", "壹週報 wbti", "游常山 wbti", "張殿文 wbti", "國畫家馬清雄 wbti", "江 南 wbti", "趙開生 wbti", "周雪華 wbti", "馬越 wbti", "文/成漢 wbti", "Next Weekly", "壹週報", "成龍 wbti", "記者周立芸", "記者藍功中", "王海龍 wbti", "陳公仲 wbti", "記者陳彥廷 wbti", "浾卟芙?wbti", "王鼎鈞 wbti", "吳雨潔 wbti", "吳晟 wbti", "吳音寧 wbti", "陳水扁 wbti", "祁玲 wbti", "徐仁全 wbti", "陳倖? wbti", "台北市長馬英九 wbti", "李岩 wbti", "楊美玲 wbti", "余寧", "模特兒 wbti", "李鹏举 wbti", "趙寧 wbti", "何芳 wbti", "胡錦濤 wbti", "李大明 wbti", "張義宮 wbti", "陳倖?", "司徒麗芳 wbti", "范凌嘉 wbti", and among others) please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?


021006-1187 "Business & Administration" (PPAA 20) ***** Friday, 10:58 a. m., February 10, 2006 #Second printing of the Third Edition *****
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com
The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas, Nevada
By Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang*1

Strengthened by faith in God and family, we knew in our hearts that with hard work, perseverance, and the help of newly found neighbors and friends, we could indeed achieve the American dream. ---U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao*2

"It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to Las Vegas for the 28th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America. I hope that, during your time here, you will be able to experience some of the many attractions that our beautiful city has to offer. .....," wrote U. S. Senator John Ensign to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America.*3

The grand opening of the 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) was held by its Chairperson Wendy Yu-ping Wu*4 at the Paris Hotel on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Concode C Room was full with participants from all around the world. Dr. Fu-Mei Chang, Overseas Chinese Affair Commission of the Republic of China; Ssu-yin Ho, Kuomintang Oversea Director; Mark W. P. Liao, Director General of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco; Lagislators of ROC S. C. Ting, Y. Y. Wu, S. H. Chou, W. C. Shieh, J. L Lin, among others presented at the Conference. Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada Michael Douglas and Nevada Asemblywoman Valerie Weber each dilivered a nice and significant welcome speech. Greeting Letters and Cetificates were presented by Mr. Matthew McBride (for U. S. Senator John Ensign), Ms. Judith Ray (for U. S. Congressman James Gibbons), Ms. Gerri Schroder (for U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley), Councilwoman Lois Tarkanian (for Las Vegas City Mayor and Council), Councilwoman Stephanie S. Smith (for the North Las Vegas City Mayor and Council).

A Welcome Party and Preliminary 28th Board Directors and Advisors Meeting were held on July 29, 2005 at the Paris Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. To pay a special tribute to his great contribution to the 28th Convention and TBAA, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei was nominated by Chairperson Wendy Wu of TBAA as an Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America. The nomination was seconded and unanimously voted by all the presented Directors and Advisors. The Declaration of the 28th Conference of TBAA was written by five members. The five members, including Kent Wang, De-yu Lang, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei, Dr. Wayne J. Horng, and Leo Huang, were all elected by the Board Directors and Advisors. The theme of the Declaration was how to strengthen the unity and harmony of Chinese in America. During the meeting, Miss Sue Phelps was elected as the Vice Chairperson of TBAA.

"It is a pleasure and privilege to welcome the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and its international convention to Las Vegas and the Paris Hotel. .....Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help make your visit a more pleasant and productive experience. .....," wrote U. S. Congressman James Gibbons to TBAA.*5

The "Fomosa Night" was held at a grand ballroom in Paris Hotel on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt delivered a welcome speech to the crowded attendents in the Hall. She wishes Navada be the great door opened for the international business and trade between the silver state and Asian countries. A Letter of Greeting was granted by her to TBAA.

President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei presented the Certificates of Recognition from Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn and U. S. Congressman Jon Porter and Greeting Letters of U. S. Senator John Ensign and U. S. Congressman James Gibbons to the Chairperson of TBAA Wendy Yu-ping Wu.

"The State of Nevada congratulates you on your extensive assistance to the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America, and commends you for your dedicated service to the citizens of our Silver State," Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn granted a Certificate of Recognition to Wendy Wu dated May 23, 2005.*6

United States Congressman Jon C. Porter granted a Certificate of Recognition to

Dr. Lei presented also a Certificate of Recognition from U. S. Congressman Jon Porter to the President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas Sue Phelps. Sixteen original hard copeis of the RC 25 Resolution by Nevada Assembly and Senate were presented by Dr. Tony Lei to each president of the 16 Chapters of TBAA through their Chaiperson Wendy Wu.

Proclamations from the Board Commissioners of Clark County of Nevada and the State of Nevada (through Assemblywoman Valerie Weber) were presented to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei by both of the parties on July 30, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*8

Ms. Wendy Yu-ping Wu completed successfully her term as the Chairperson of TBAA in the evening of July 30, 2005. The Chairmanship was transfered by her to Mr. I-Ta Liang at the "Fomosa Night" in Las Vegas, Nevda. Mr. Liang is now the 28th Chairman of TBAA. The 揊ormosa Night?featured a delegation of 28 people from Taiwan and a chorus from New York City. It was a great performance with dance troupe of Taiwan Culture Delegation.

One of the earliest attendants of the convention this year was the Representative of Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States David Tawei Lee on July 28, 2005.

Mr. Lo-Yu Sun, Board Advisor of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA), held and host a farewell lunch party for the 28th Annual Confernce of TBAA at the Harbor Palace Seafood Restaurant on August 1, 2005 in Las Vegas.*9 Jennifer Lin, President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of New Jersey, welcomed everybody and their friends to attend the convention next year held in New jersey. President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of California Amber Sun spoke for the main association to thank Mr. Lo-Yu Sun's generosity for hosting the dinner party.

"In righteousness we shall be established. In this 21th Century new era and society, we need economic growth, but we also need to establish and promote creativity, fairness and Justice, serve and love, educational knowledge, and spirit engineering. We wish that a pure spring may prosper and enrich our splendid and golden country through: the elegant properties of freedom, democracy, entrepreneurship, and justice; the power of public service that based on 'knowledge is the power of righteouness,'; the advancement of technology, innovation, and civilization; and the spirit that 'knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service'. We believe that a thing of beauty is a joy forever. With the effort and participation of many intellectuals, leaders, officials, among others through benevolent spirit and brotherly love, the 28th Convention of TBAA is really marvelous," points out President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute.*10

[***Welcome to the section of "Photos & Pictures"! (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti)
We offered there with lots of photos and pictures about Taiwan Benevolent Association of America.]


*1. Michael Douglas is a distingueshed Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada.
*2. Bush, George; Chao,Elaine; and
The New York Times. 'Elaine Chao believes deeply in the American dream; Section of #U. S. Secretary Elaine Chao on WBTI at 04/26/05,' "A search of 'Chairperson Elaine Chao' on the Google.com," (September 22, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
3. Ensign, John. 'Greeting from Office of Senator John Ensign,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U. S. Senator John Ensign to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (May 27, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of Senator John Ensign.
*4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Wendy Wu has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution of WBTI,' "A search of 'wendy yu-ping wu' on the Google.com," (August 3, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*5. Gibbons, James. 'Greeting from Office of Congressman James Gibbons,' "The 'Letter of Greeting to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U. S. Congressman James Gibbons to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (July 10, 2005), Washington, D. C.: Office of Congressman James Gibbons.
*6. Guinn, Kenny. 'Certificate of Recognition from Office of the Governor,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition to Wendy Yu-Ping Wu' sent by Nevada Governor Kenny C. Guinn to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (May 24, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of the Governor.
*7. Porter, Jon. 'Certificate of Recognition from Office of Congressman Jon Porter,' "The 'Certificate of Recognition to Taiwan Benevolent Association of America and Wendy Yu-ping Wu' sent by U. S. Congressman Jon C. Porter to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (June 29, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Office of Congressman Jon Porter.
*8. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*9. PAI of WBTI, 'An invitation e-mail to U. S. Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'U. S. Senator John Ensign' on Google.com," (August 4, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*10. Reid, Rory; Denton, Mark; and Glass, Jackie. 'Profiles on a thing of beauty is a joy forever,' "A search of 'business - WBTI' on the Google.com," (August 10, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


Our warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year' to you!
By Jennifer Kung and PAI of WBTI

"It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman and Senior Director of Washington Business and Technology Institute, in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas.
"It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said Bob Beers, Nevada State Senator and Advisor of Washington Business and Technology Institute, in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas.

"It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said Lorraine Hunt, Nevada Lt. Governor and Advisor of Washington Business and Technology Institute, in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas.


Post through the courtesy of the "洛杉磯新聞" of Worldjournal.com:

王金平第一次海外過年 獻給洛城
祝賀僑胞狗年「人旺、財旺、事事旺」 帶領高唱「中華民國頌」 全場樂翻天











新春聯歡會主人洛杉磯台灣同鄉聯誼會會長林文龍、橙縣會長金伯泉和拉斯維加斯會長羅素娥,以及全美台灣同鄉聯誼會總會長梁義大,並致贈「功在台聯」獎牌,感謝王金平對鄉親的支持和愛護。 [2006-01-30]


"It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said President of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America Mr. I-ta Liang at the Speech and Event Party on January 28, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were held by Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese people in Las Vegas:

Post through the courtesy of the "新聞首頁>休閒新聞>大成報" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

「畫魂」新春開展 傳奇女畫家潘玉良二月跨海來台展出 ***友善列印
【大成報 記者 張秀珍/報導】


潘玉良旅法長達50年,安徽博物館千里迢迢由法國(網站)運回她一生4000多件作品,並請來台灣修繕專家李福長做為期近8年的修復,加上觀想藝術徐政夫大力奔走,因緣際會促成這次「畫魂-潘玉良畫展」! 潘玉良是中國民初第一位女性西洋畫家,由於出身青樓,一生傳奇不斷。




史博館展期自2月11日起至4月9日止,4月22日再移至國立台灣美術館展出至7月9日止。[2006 / 01 / 26 (星期四)]


You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on "Washington Business and Technology Institute's website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti)" [WBTI]!

Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Taiwan Benevolent Association of America) at 2:17 p.m. on January 22, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from December 30, 2005 to January 21, 2006.

Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter; (like "龔怡萍", "黃彩絹", "瑞士金三角 遊山三部曲", "龔怡萍返台揮桿 賽前傳愛心", "旅美高球名將龔怡萍", "記者王麗珠", "內 州 共 和 黨 與 克 郡 亞 裔 共 和 黨 協 會 舉 辦 K 節 聯 誼 晚 宴", "巴黎、羅馬 都有方尖碑", "記者黃彩絹", "焇搤樢", "嵯忛揤揤曬", "墿徫惗", "杒嫗戝泏峑挿嫋抭岹", "漟巣堐壛巣壺恖嫤橉", "婰幰梜", "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "金山經文處來了海龍王", "春季特展 帶你遊賞阿里山", "畫家薛清茂", "記者張嘉倫", "斷背山超猛又奪3獎", "李安獲美國廣電影評人協會選為最佳導演", "記者蘇詠智", "拉斯維加斯英端工商會在賭城首度升五星紅旗", "賭城英端工商會舉行新春祭祖大典,並祭拜關公聖帝", "記者馮鳴台", "英端工商會林國輝掌舵", "林國輝", "倪北嘉賭城操舊業", "Mindy Gao", "馮鳴台", "倪北嘉在拉斯維加斯AM1230電台,以國語廣播「萬紫千紅」", "在京都 尋覓藝伎美麗身影", "特派記者牟迎馨", "牟迎馨", "《藝伎回憶錄", "川端康成成名作《伊豆的舞女》,", "記者李大明", "記者藍功中", "劉文琪", "林豔芳", "陳彥廷", "記者陳彥廷", "皇后音樂學院師生演奏", "山宛然布袋戲表演精采逗趣", "僑聲1月16日舉辦說唱藝術賽", "薛純陽,葛晨,蕭璧珠", "記者劉文琪", "北美華文文壇新生代崛起深入新移民文化、中西融合", "杜佳璟勇奪台美小姐后冠", "第一公主及第二公主,分別為余佳霓(右)與吳孟蓁(左)", "記者陳盈霖", "華埠小姐秀身段 領養女童搶盡鋒頭", "記者余寧", "玫瑰花車遊行 風雨中慶新年", "記者何芳", "劉家和出掌紐約華埠五分局", "記者陳芝怡", "韓秀", "韓秀美食小說《食慾共和國》品味人情", "中華藝文學會 交流用筆經驗", "記者葛康誠", "首屆世界新古詩大賽將在北京舉行", "記者郭玫蘭", "世界文化總會長、中華文化協會會長范光陵", "北美作協拉斯維加斯分會會長尹浩鏐", "女作家劉於蓉、劉於坪(筆名劉坪)", "黃昭凱", "記者陳慧明", "曾文水庫 飽覽南瀛好山水", "記者祁玲、徐開塵", "暗夜跟蹤舞女 美工刀之狼劫色", "蔡依蒨/台北報導", "記者尚毅夫、陳志平", "王鼎鈞法拉盛圖書館─暢談文學寫作", "父女作家檔 吳晟寫田園 吳音寧闖叢林", "十全老人張忠謀 七十人生正開始", "徐仁全", "紐約中領館文化領事王璐、哥倫比亞製作公司總裁石新平", "蔣方智怡", "Ma Ying-jeou, Mayor of Taipei City", "記者范凌嘉、李祖舜、李光儀", "記者劉作坤、薛荷玉", "橙縣首辦中華民國元旦升旗", "馬英九拋「直航公投」促三通", "國安特勤專家:馬英九 安全維護問題大", "隆重熱鬧", "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "聯合新聞網 聯合報記者范凌嘉", "大陸民航總局台辦主任浦照洲", "兩岸春節包機 廈門至台北首航售罄", "馬培道:海外華人沒有分裂空間", "assemblywoman valerie weber", "歐冬來", "睹城天天報", "'Las Vegas Chinese Daily News' publishes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week", "The following information have been received from the search of 'publisher helen hsueh' on the Google.cn", "黄笑生", "北京大學校長許智宏", "拉斯維加斯華人協會", "記者楊釗", "北大將頒連戰名譽教授", "賭城華人慶中秋 今烤肉", "胡錦濤:中國堅持對外開放基本國策", "「北京首都博物館」啟用 盼與台灣故宮合作展文 物", "绘画的灵气和才能", "畫家趙寧密西沙加作品獲獎", "中國藝術品市場突破瓶頸", "汪蕪生", "吳玲瑤", "北大留學生 近八成來 美", "《雲南》夢鄉淨土 香格里拉(二)", 舊金山》乘風飛行 悠遊舊金山!", "台灣小姐沈佳慧 獲世界旅遊小姐后冠", "中華會館主席", "墨韻琴聲館書畫會", "芝城學界新年晚會 精彩可期", etc.); or your name followed by wbti (like "記者藍功中", "王海龍 wbti", "陳公仲 wbti", "記者陳彥廷 wbti", "記者曹健 wbti", "王鼎鈞 wbti", "吳雨潔 wbti", "吳晟 wbti", "吳音寧 wbti", "陳水扁 wbti", "祁玲 wbti", "徐仁全 wbti", "台北市長馬英九 wbti", "李岩 wbti", "楊美玲 wbti", "余寧", "模特兒 wbti", "李鹏举 wbti", "趙寧 wbti", "何芳 wbti", "胡錦濤 wbti", "李大明 wbti", "張義宮 wbti", "陳倖?", "司徒麗芳 wbti", "范凌嘉 wbti", and among others) please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?


Post through the courtesy of the "旅遊放輕鬆" of Worldjournal.com:

瑞士金三角 遊山三部曲
造訪皮拉特斯山 搭乘蒸汽船、齒軌火車及纜車 體驗不同交通工具樂趣







約半小時火車車程,抵達海拔2132公尺的皮拉特斯庫爾姆(Pilatus Kulm),一出火車,皮拉特斯山的指示牌立在前方,並以簡體中文、英文、日文、德文、法文等多種語言書寫,遊客喜歡在此拍照留念,從此地望向四方,山頂壯麗的景致,交織著秋天經常造訪的雲霧,隨著風力吹拂,美景時隱時現。



纜車抵達克里恩茲後,步行數分鐘搭上巴士,只消10分鐘車程,便可以回到盧森市區。由於此一行程中,從地圖上看,盧森市區位在右下方,平行延伸過去的阿潘那奇斯達在左下方,和北上方的皮拉特斯山串連成一個正三角形,因此這個遊程得到「金三角」美稱。 [2006-01-21]


Post through the courtesy of the "體育新聞" of Worldjournal.com:

龔怡萍返台揮桿 賽前傳愛心
與福興國小的小將們比桿 捐助喜願兒基金會新台幣20萬元








龔怡萍的季後體能訓練遲至最近才開始,因為她12月參加了Lexus Cup對抗賽。她表示,現在比較會調適生活,不要給自己太多壓力,以前除了練球及比賽,毫無生活品質可言。

現在,住在德州的她,已成了德州運動迷,她會去看遊騎兵隊的比賽,也會給冠軍冰球隊Dallas Stars加油。 [2006-01-11]


Post through the courtesy of the "舊金山新聞" of Worldjournal.com:

胡志強:熊貓赴台 不要太政治化









在選舉期間,台中市的治安成為競選對手攻擊的目標之一,胡志強說,台中市的治安 十年以來都是台灣倒數第一,最近四年改善的幅度幾乎也是全省第一。「台北市有七千七百名警察,高雄有四千五百名,台中市的治安狀況比這兩個地方都壞,卻只有二千五百名警察,所以警察人力不夠,一個人當兩個人用,所以,過去四年能將改善的幅度變成台灣第一名,值得鼓勵、值得肯定。」



胡志強抵達時,獲駐舊金山台北經濟文化辦事處處長廖偉平等人迎接。他在灣區停留期間,將參加兩場公開活動,先是周六舉行的北加州中國大專校聯會年會,再是周日登場的中華民國海外泛藍大聯盟大會。 [2006-01-07]


You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on "Washington Business and Technology Institute's website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti)" [WBTI]!

Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Taiwan Benevolent Association of America) on December 28, 2005. It covers about the 25 fliers from August 19, 2005 to December 27, 2005.

Just type your name, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter; (like "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "聯合新聞網 聯合報記者范凌嘉", "大陸民航總局台辦主任浦照洲", "兩岸春節包機 廈門至台北首航售罄", "馬培道:海外華人沒有分裂空間", "assemblywoman valerie weber", "歐冬來", "睹城天天報", "'Las Vegas Chinese Daily News' publishes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week", "The following information have been received from the search of 'publisher helen hsueh' on the Google.cn", "黄笑生", "北京大學校長許智宏", "拉斯維加斯華人協會", "記者楊釗", "北大將頒連戰名譽教授", "賭城華人慶中秋 今烤肉", "胡錦濤:中國堅持對外開放基本國策", "「北京首都博物館」啟用 盼與台灣故宮合作展文 物", "绘画的灵气和才能", "畫家趙寧密西沙加作品獲獎", "中國藝術品市場突破瓶頸", "汪蕪生", "吳玲瑤", "北大留學生 近八成來 美", "《雲南》夢鄉淨土 香格里拉(二)", 舊金山》乘風飛行 悠遊舊金山!", "台灣小姐沈佳慧 獲世界旅遊小姐后冠", "中華會館主席", "墨韻琴聲館書畫會", "芝城學界新年晚會 精彩可期", etc.); or your name followed by wbti (like "李岩 wbti", "楊美玲 wbti", "余寧", "模特兒 wbti", "李鹏举 wbti", "趙寧 wbti", "何芳 wbti", "胡錦濤 wbti", "李大明 wbti", "張義宮 wbti", "陳倖?", "司徒麗芳 wbti", "范凌嘉 wbti", and among others) please, and what can you find the good thing that Google and WBTI have for you?



◆ 《1》?? ?砂墩剐戮
◆ 《2》台選舉 藍綠大?盤
◆ 《3》英印約 恐襲驚全球
◆ 《4》禽流感 各??
◆ 《5》人民? ?o預警調升
◆ 《6》征太空 神六??紀?
◆ 《7》卡翠納 襲美?巨?
◆ 《8》馬英九 ?龠x黨主席
◆ 《9》反日本 中??ヅ
◆ 《10》保?薨 本篤接教宗 *1


*1. Worldjournal.com. 'A profile of 最新專題,' "A search of the '北美華人關心的' on the Google.com," (January 4, 2005), Los Angeles, California: World Journal.


Hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" on the "View" please!

穝癳侣 2006弘ゴ灿衡筁

嘲翠緿 芠荐奸尿
瓣ず絬 春翴ㄎ 稼瑆絬 璣猭竡炊舧

[[[カ繻穨2001ю阑い絯篊確礵2005Μ禣禥承穝魁瓜い穝地加ゅ地狥よ皊┍Mandarin Oriental Hotel2006盝丁┬膀セ基盢琌–边725じ瓜赣皊┍繺\芔30ら娩ノ繺\娩洁春羛



瓣笴穨穦U.S.Tour Operators Association虏嘿 USTOA癸︽秈︽秸琩陪ボ霉┰籔の┰吹瓣挂ず程荐芠翴赣穦畊胔弧纔墩常Τヰ盯笆ぱ菲撤ㄤ﹗竊祅胺︽獂︵把芠皊缠

瓣笲硄安戳Ameri-can Express Vacations玻珇の瞴珇礟场捌羆掉猭孽﹁捣猧蝴娥ボ2005箇璹甃笴计糤瓣ず荐春翴い程種莱妮ㄈ励spa籔蔼焊ひ安戳

猧蝴娥弧筁碭稼瑆笴铆﹚Θτ2006辨膥尿糤ボ20057る窗脄癸赣そ璣瓣刮紇臫ぃ琌璣瓣瓣参璸矪Office for National Statistics︳璸2005110る玡┕璣瓣瓣芠耕戳菠搭4%ぃ筁瓣叭皘2004戈陪ボ璣瓣ご琌瓣程稲稼瑆瓣產ㄤΩ琌猭瓣籔竡



瓣笲硄安戳猧蝴娥ボ禯瞒瓣ぃ环茎﹁の扒ゑ跋セ笴獶盽砍БCancunる玡咙焊嚎Wilma承茎﹁紇臫笴э┕ェ㎝瓣笷Punta Canaの禦弧钩ニㄈ娥翠Puerto Val-lartaㄈ炊Acapulco地娥ず稼Zihuatanejo单茎﹁挂ずㄤ春翴笴惠―蔼*2


*1. Worldjournal.com. 'A profile of 最新專題,' "A search of the '迎新送舊 2006精打細算過活' on the Google.com," (January 4, 2005), Los Angeles, California: World Journal.
*2. Ibid.


Post through the courtesy of the "新聞首頁>休閒新聞>中時電子報" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

女人香 媚惑民眾湧入國美館 ***友善列印
【中時電子報 】







《女人香》特展2006年2月12日前在台中國美館A1展區展出,女性午夜場電影除夕夜也不停播。 [2006 / 01 / 05 (星期四)]


Post through the courtesy of the "美國新聞" of Worldjournal.com:

美容醫學火熱 進駐商場
水療中心服務雖周 醫療管理卻惹疑慮


從獨立店面到煥采(Radi-ance Medspa)、索蘭娜(Solana Medspa)、索娜(Sona Medspa)等知名連鎖醫療水療中心,過去幾年在多州打下基礎,舉凡繁榮商圈都不難看到它們的蹤影,而且數目快速增加。據業界組織「國際醫療水療中心協會」(In-ternational Medical Spa Asso-ciation)執行長李維(Han-nelore Leavy)估計,全美現有1250到1500家所謂的醫療水療中心,而五年前只有10家左右。




大多數州規定包括保妥適(Botox)或玻尿酸Restylane等處方注射針劑、某些化學換膚及脈衝光(in-tense-pulsed-light)的皮膚治療,都須醫師或有執照的醫療人員監督,而坊間醫療水療中心有些雖然標榜由醫療管理,但在手術進行時,醫師卻可能不在場。 [2006-01-04]


Post through the courtesy of the "旅遊放輕鬆" of Worldjournal.com:

一頭友善的儒艮尼克 與人類互動新奇帶來商機 潛水客與經營者憂喜參半












Post through the courtesy of the "舊金山新聞" of worldjournal.com:

胡志強灣區演講 精采可期





鍾維君說,這場活動分為兩個部分,分別是演講和回答問題,完全免費入場。時間訂於元月8日下午3時至5時。地址是 233 Adrian Road,Millbrae,CA94030。

詳請可洽鍾維君(415)981-0896、呂玉貞(510)795-7506、王維(650)387-、6498、鄭積森(408)270-7137、孫櫻蓮(408)741-4889、葛珍( 915)820-8689。 [2005-12-31]


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玫瑰花車遊行 華航奪國際首獎 ***友善列印
【TVBS新聞 】








TVBS記者左敏琳:「這是玫瑰花車大遊行50年來頭一次碰到下雨,有人說小風小雨可以增添詩意,製造浪漫;然而碰到大風大雨,反而更能展現出新年的精神和奮發抖擻了。」[2006 / 01 / 03 (星期二)]


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