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時代雜誌亞洲英雄齊聚台北 林懷民等接受表揚 ***友善列印
【中央社 記者陳蓉台北二十三日電】


包括台灣雲門舞集創辦人林懷民、日本商界領袖八城政基、印尼人權領袖穆尼爾夫人 (Suciwati Munir)、國際危機處理組織代表辛蒂瓊斯 (Sydney Jones)、中國大陸演員張靜初等十多人獲得這項榮譽;艾略特(Michael Elliott)今天在在記者會中介紹這些「英雄」事蹟。他謙虛的認為,坐在這些「英雄」間覺得自己的渺小,和更多需要努力的地方。


在去年海嘯(新聞、網站)侵襲泰國PHI PHI島時,國際救援組織HELP INTERNATIONAL PHI PHI召集三十萬義工協助重建;曾是美國記者的Bernard Krisher,從記者工作轉而成為慈善家,在柬埔寨設立二百七十五所學校,他堅信要幫助最需要幫助的人,而兒童是未來希望,因此他決定成立學校,教育這些孩子。




Post through the courtesy of the "台灣新聞" of Worldjournal.com:

國父紀念館 耀眼夜明珠
400盞燈每晚照亮仿唐建築 美不勝收










日前完工的照明設計是第一階段,第二階段還要強化中山碑林庭園照明,以及屋頂的光影變化,預計月底可以完工;明年只要預算許可,噴水池部分也將加以妝點,設計成光影水舞區。 [2005-11-16]


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智慧型手?C 也很Fashion ***友善列印
【?合新?網 文/胡明?P】

一般人?χ腔坌褪?C(新?)都是科技、商?盏目贪逵∠螅?a品牌多普達首度?⒅腔坌褪?C跨入?r尚新領域,推出全球首???然w設?可以?M式操作的Dopod 838(左),及混搭黑灰雙色流?外型的超輕巧智慧型手?CDopod577W?煽罱?典?r尚紀念?C種。




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青康藏高原歌舞 ??魉?中心演出 ***友善列印





台北藝術節/花神祭18、19日登場 傳達痛至極點的美感~ ***友善列印
【東森新聞報 記者劉文雯/台北報導】

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細數「花神祭」所得到的各項榮耀,包括首次參加國外演出,就在2000年獲得「法國里昂國際雙年舞蹈節」,觀眾票選舞蹈節之最的殊榮,隔年參加西班牙「馬德里秋季藝術節」,不但成為首次參加的台灣團 ,更創下藝術節票房鰲頭的紀錄!





*1. 劉文雯. '台北藝術節/花神祭18、19日登場 傳達痛至極點的美感~,' "A search of '新聞首頁>休閒新聞>東森新聞報' on the Yahoo.com," (October 18, 2005), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com.
*2. Ibid.


Those who travel the high road of humility are not troubled by heavy traffic. ---Senator Alan K. Simpson


101805-2168 [092905-3656]
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chen Shui-bian ...

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The following information have been received through the search of "陳盈珊 wbti" on the Google.cn in the morning on September 29, 2005. They are appeared starting from the first line of the first page on the Google.cn:

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091705-2178 #Second printing of the first edition on [072205-7686]
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【東森新聞報 本報訊】















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【中央社 】






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Wulai ---one of northern Taiwan's most popular tourist destinations
By William C. Pao The China Post

Wulai is located in the mountains about 25 kilometers south of Taipei City. For centuries the mountain township was a settlement of the Atayal aboriginal tribe, one of the 12 aboriginal tribes of Taiwan. Today it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in northern Taiwan. Restaurants, recreational parks, aboriginal souvenir shops and hot spring resorts in the area draw large crowds of local and overseas tourists every day, especially during weekends.

Historical records and tribal folklore suggest that the Atayal began to migrate northward from their ancestral home of Pinsebukan -- roughly today's Renai Township, Nantou County -- after it became overcrowded. They began to settle in what is Wulai today -- a large area along Nanshih River in northern Taiwan -- during the reign of Emperor Dao Guang of the Cing Dynasty, in the first half of the 1800s.

At one point the Atayal migrated further north to what is today Sindian City, Taipei County. They retreated to the Wulai and Jhongjhih areas after an increasing number of the Han mainland Chinese occupied Sindian. The Atayal since then established nine related tribes in Wulai.

During the Japanese occupation, Wulai was designated as an aboriginal village under Taipei County and was divided into five sub-tribes -- Wulai, Tongbi, Nasiao, Ayu and Limaoan -- each headed by a tribal head. In 1946, the year after Taiwan restoration, Wulai was officially designated a township, with an area of 321 square kilometers, under Taipei County, and was divided into five villages -- Wulai, Sinsian, Jhongjhih, Siaoyi and Fushan -- which have remained till this day. The Township Office of Wulai was also established.

Tourist and scenic spots in Greater Wulai include Neidong (Inner Cave) Recreation Park and Wuchongsi Fall, both in Sinsian Village. Yet Wulai Village is definitely the best-known tourist attraction at Wulai. During weekends, Highway 9A leading up to Wulai Village sees heavy traffic volume, with crowds of local and international visitors -- notably from Japan -- packing the streets of the village.

Taking a walk along the Old Street of the village is a must for first-time visitors to Wulai. It is pretty much a narrow alleyway full of gift shops, food vendors and hot spring hotels. Atayal-themed souvenir stores selling items such as clothes, crafts, decorations and woodcarving objects are frequented by multitudes of shoppers looking for something to take home to remember their visits to Wulai. Renowned traditional Taiwanese and Atayal foods and snacks -- including stir-fried rice noodles, meatball soup and "muaji," or sticky rice dumplings -- can be found at food vendors and restaurants, where visitors may take a break from all the walking they have done and grab a bite to eat.

Wulai is also home to plenty of hot springs. In fact, the name "Wulai" was derived from the Atayal word of "Urai," which means hot spring. The place has become a major destination for hot spring lovers in Taiwan, with dozens of large and small hot spring facilities offering visitors a place to stay overnight or take one-hour hot spring baths.

The Old Street leads to Lansheng Bridge over the Nanshih River. After crossing the bridge one will come to a flight of stairs that lead to one of the most famous Wulai attractions -- the Wulai tramway, a 1.6-kilometer rail linking Lansheng Bridge and the Wulai waterfall. The trams are light vehicles that were once manually operated. They were used to carry timber and occasionally to transport tourists. Thanks to booming tourism, the trams officially began to carry passengers in 1963. Today, Wulai trams are among the dwindling few of such vehicles left in Taiwan.

For those who wish to walk to the waterfall, they may do so on a hiking trail that runs parallel to the railway.

The platform in front of the Yun Sian Park sky tram station is one of the two best spots for viewing the Wulai waterfall. The other spot is inside the sky tram. Restaurants, souvenir shops and many Atayal statues are in the sky tram station area. One of the best-known statues is that of an Atayal warrior, reminding visitors of the fighting spirit of the tribe. Visitors looking for a great hiking experience in the mountains must visit the mountain resort of Yun Sian.

Wulai is about 17 kilometers south of Sindian. Those interested in visiting Wulai should take Route 9A, which branches off from Route 9, the Taipei-Yilan Highway. The winding road running in the mountains will take visitors all the way up to Wulai Village. Several bus companies operate routes to Wulai. The Taiwan Tour Bus program operated by the Tourism Bureau has a Wulai line that leaves from Songshan Airport, Taipei Railway Station and major hotels in Taipei.


Green Lake ---a beautiful place in Taiwan

Through the courtesy of "Online The China Post", it is our pleasure to post the following report:

Family fun at Green Lake*1
By Jaya Hiranandani Special to The China Post

One of the highlights of living in Taipei is the city's ability to surprise and delight you with adventure and discovery at every nook and corner. Colorful temples set apart from a background of plain, drab buildings; snaking rivers and bubbling streams crisscrossing sprawling streets; enormous parks forming islands of green in congested neighborhoods; crowded apartment buildings filled with friendly faces -- all result in a love-hate relationship between the city and its people.

At times, the busy-ness of life gets too much to handle and the "hate" emotion becomes dominant. Though the best solution seems a hop on the next plane off the island or a short trip down South, this is not always possible. Fortunately the city presents the antidotes to its own problems, as it is scattered with peaceful havens sure to take your mind off the torments of urban life.

Situated mid-stream of Hsin Tien river is one such place -- the green lake, once renowned as one of the twelve most beautiful tourist landscapes of Taiwan. Also known as Bitan or Chi Pi Lake, this popular recreation spot is located in the north of Hsintien city, just a stone's throw from the Hsintien MRT station.

The water at Bitan is green and smooth. Sheer cliffs loom over the tranquil lake and on a clear day, the calm surface is glazed with the reflection of white, puffy clouds. A 200 meter long suspended bridge stretches like a rainbow across the river, linking the east and west banks.

On the weekends, the banks of Green Lake are thronged with crowds eager to have a fun-filled day. The surface of the water is dotted with dainty swan-shaped pedal boats, which operate everyday late into the night. At NT$300 per hour, they prove to be good value for money. Apart from getting some exercise, one can also venture down the river and explore the stunning beauty that lies ahead.

Apparently, boating isn't the only preferred activity. Dutiful dog owners can be seen walking their canine friends of all shapes and sizes. Adults and children of all ages enjoy cycling on the cemented paths along the east bank. Toddlers squeal with delight as they gyrate on various rides, blow bubbles or simply run on the grassy banks.

Zealous fish catchers sit dead-still holding their fishing rods amongst the flurry of activities around them. Singing enthusiasts exhibit their vocal skills at the karaoke stalls. People looking for some harmless fun spend hours at the scores of game stalls that have mushroomed on the east side of the river.

Hungry visitors relish the culinary delights offered by various restaurants, cafes, shops and roadside stalls. Tea lovers sip tea, including the famous Pouchong tea of Hsintien, at a large teahouse overlooking the river. In short there is something for everyone here.

No trip to the Green Lake can be complete without having a leisurely meal at one of the river front eateries. From hot pot to stinky tofu, from Italian cuisine to a local Taiwanese affair -- there are a range of options to choose from.

After exploring the area, we settled for the "Riverside Bistro" -- an Italian restaurant situated at the east bank amongst a row of others. The ambience was relaxing and the service was good. Our seat offered a stunning view of the riverbank, as we were lucky enough to get a corner table at the crowded place.

Having a delicious, aromatic meal while overlooking the pristine water, with egrets venturing into the now almost-deserted waters, and a few swan boats zigzagging their way around, was a treat for the senses and arguably the best part of my day trip.

Though not a place where one can escape the crowds (at least on weekends), a visit to the Green Lake can nonetheless prove to be a fun-filled family outing. A candlelight dinner at one of the restaurants on the riverbank can even make for a delightful romantic date. Since the boat quay and the shops are open late into the night, this is an ideal place to visit on a day when you get up too late to visit other tourist spots of the city.*2 [2005/4/21]


*1. The China Post. 'A profile of Green Lake,' "A search of 'Green Lake - Taiwan' on the Google.com," (June 6, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


Sun Moon Lake
By Tiffany Chang

Taiwan is beautiful for its mountains, rivers, lakes, among others. One of the most scenic places in Taiwan is the Sun Moon Lake. It's our pleasure to receive a good information in searching "Sun Mon Lake" from the Google.com on May 4, 2005:

Surrounded by green mountains, Sun Moon Lake is the pearl of Central Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a crescent moon - hence the name "Sun Moon Lake".*1

In the middle of the lake (between the "sun" and the "moon") is an island which has long been a sacred place for the Shao people. This island (Lalu) is off-limits to visitors. Only the Shao people can go there to worship their ancestors. (There is a ferry that passes by it, departing every hour from 9:00 to 4:00). But the beauty of Sun Moon Lake is not Lalu. The beauty of Sun Moon Lake is found in the surrounding mountains. From the lake, tier upon tier of countless peaks can be seen rising up into the sky. The nearby mountains appear dark with vegetation. The mountains that echo farther and farther away appear less and less distinct until they fade into the sky.

The lake has not always looked the way it does now. At one time Lalu was a much larger island, a pearl separating the "Sun Lake" from the "Moon Lake". But in the construction of a hydroelectric power plant, the Japanese in 1934 deepened the lake by directing water from the adjacent lakes at Puli and Yuchih. The depth changed from 6 meters to 27 meters. The surface area of the lake changed from 1.8 sq miles to nearly 3 sq. miles (4.55 sq kms to 7.73 sq. kms). The big pearl became a little pearl. The Shao people were moved from their beloved Lalu to the upper Sun Moon Village.

Seven trails are available for hiking. Even if you choose to stay overnight at Sun Moon Lake, you might not have enough time to hike more than three of them. If this is the case, we suggest that you choose the Hanbi Trail, the Dachuhu Lake Trail, and the Tzuen Pagoda Trail. Here, in clockwise rotation, is an overview of the trails and other attractions at the lake:

Mt. Maolan Trail:

If you have the time, we highly recommend this trail. The trail begins across the street from the Taiwan Bus Station. It is less than 3 miles (4.6 km) long and is divided into two parts. The first part of the trail takes you to the Tea Research and Extension Station, Yuchih branch. It is a little over 2 miles and climbs more than 300 feet. Along this trail you can see the Assam black tea farm. They will set up a Tea Culture Exhibition Hall near their Sri Lanka style tea factory next year.

The second part of the trail takes you to the Weather Forecast Station. This is a shorter trail (less than a mile) but steeper. It climbs more than 500 feet. This trail takes you into a forest of indigenous conifer trees (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hay).

Hanbi Trail:

The Hanbi Palace used to be a restricted area where our famous president Chiang Kai-Shek stayed when he visited Sun Moon Lake. Now things are much different. The palace has been turned into the Lalu Hotel and the trail to the pier he loved is open to the public. The red brick trail is less than a mile long (1.5 km). It gives you a beautiful view of the lake.

Wenwu Temple:

This temple was built in 1938, combining two temples that had to be relocated when the dam was constructed. It was rebuilt in 1969 into the style that we see today. People come here to worship Confucius (the god of letters) and the martial gods Guangong and Yuehfei. The pair of lions in front of the temple are the largest ones in Taiwan.

Peacock Garden:

There are more than 200 peacocks and other precious gallinaceans in this free park. The Butterfly Museum has many butterfly specimens on display. There's a Butterfly Field House to breed the indigenous butterflies at the Youth Activity Center near Sun Moon Village.

Songpolun Trail:

This trail is only 2,000 feet (600 m) long. It used to be an ancient path that people took to go back and forth from Puli. Salt porters with picul sticks on their shoulders used to carry salt along this trail. The Songpolun Trail is biologically rich with primitive plants, insects and birds. A fish farm can be found at the end by the lake.

Dachuhu Trail:

Dachuhu is a waterfowl sanctuary where you can see Black-Crowned Night Herons and Little Egrets. The trail is only 300 feet (80 m) long. There is an inlet where the water of the Chuoshui River pours into Sun Moon Lake. A spout of water shoots up 30 feet (10m) when the lake is full.

Shueiwatou Trail:

This is a short trail - less than a third of a mile (500 m). It leads to a nice fishing place and a statue of 9 frogs piled on top of each other. In fact the name of the trail comes from this statue.

Sun Moon Village (Idashao):

The Shao People have the smallest population among the ten aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. Though the population is growing, they are only about 400 today. You can look at their wooden sculptures and handcrafts in this aboriginal village. You won't want to miss the chance to try their fresh seafood dishes here or on Shuishe pier.
Thao people Sun Moon Village

Totingai Trail:

This is the first place the Shao people settled in Sun Moon Lake some 400 years ago. Along this short (2,000 feet, 600 m) trail is information about this tribe. The trail is also rich in vegetation including bamboo, trees and ferns.

Hsuankuang Temple and Hsuan Tsang Temple:

If you have read the 揓ourney to the West or have seen its animation, you would not forget that the protagonist was led by a monkey, a pig and an ugly general. In real life, Master Hsuan Tsang (605-664) did not have such a magical escort. He was a Chinese Buddhist scholar, translator, and author of 揃uddhist Records of the Western World. Between the years 629 and 645 he made a pilgrimage to India in search of authentic scriptures. Pious, learned, and fluent in Sanskrit, he later translated the texts that he brought back with him. Part of his relics were kept in the Hsuankuang Temple. Later (1965) they were moved to the newly constructed Hsuan Tsang Temple.

Xuan Guang Temple
Hsuan Tsang Temple
Tzuen Pagoda Trail:

Tzuen Ta, the pagoda of filial virtue was built in commemoration of Madam Wang, the mother of Chiang Kai-Shek. It is on the top of the Mt. Sabalan. (An interesting fact: the mountain is at an elevation of 954 meters, so the pagoda was built 46 meters high in order to reach the elevation of 1000 meters!) The trail gives us a great view of the lake. It's less than a half mile (570 m) long and features a variety of ferns. Fireflies can be seen on summer nights.

Swimming in the lake is normally prohibited for safety reasons. But every September there is a mass cross-lake swimming event organized by the local county government and the Adult Swimming Association. If you are interested in this activity, you can obtain further information from the Sun Moon Lake Tourism Bureau or the Nantou County Government. (Click the links at the bottom). But be forewarned: the distance across the lake is 3,000 meters (more than 1.8 miles!).

Jump into the lake Water Canals Swim across the lake Swimming Pool

Sun Moon Lake is easy to get to. It is one of many wonders along the Central Cross-Island Highway. Other attractions include the Flame Peaks at Tasotun, the 9-21 Earthquake Museum at Nantou City (a modern multimedia museum dedicated to teaching visitors about earthquakes - especially the deadly quake of September 21, 1999), the 4 W's at Puli (Water, Wine, Women and Weather), the sheep at Chingjing Farm, and of course the great Taroko National Park.

The Flame Peaks 9-21 Quake Museum Wine Museum Chingjing Farm

If you want to learn more about Puli and other scenic spots in Nantou County, a 19-minute Windows Video made by The Lalu can be viewed online. It shows much of the scenery of Nantou. Please click "Video: The Scenery of Nantou" to see it.

The Enchanting Town of Puli Lofty Mountains and Sweet Water
Video: The Scenery of Nantou
Sun Moon Lake Tourism Bureau*2
Nantou County Government Service Center

Taiwan has lots of beautiful places to visit. For more information, please check: www. traveltaiwan.com*3


*1. Google. 'Sun Mon Lake,' "A search of Sun Mon Lake on the Google. com," (May 4, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. "Resume the booming tourism for our Silver State through educational and cultural cooperation and development with foreign countires,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (July 9, 2003), pp. 1-3.


For U. S. Senator Harry Reid, new year means new job, new digs
Nevadan to be sworn in today as Senate minority leader

Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal
WASHINGTON -- In a suite steps from the U.S. Senate floor, carpenters had just finished hanging an oil painting of Rafael Rivera, the pioneer scout who in 1830 became the first non-Indian to set eyes on the Las Vegas Valley.

Portraits of Mark Twain and Harry Truman already were hung in place. In a reception area, two movers carefully set down a love seat. In the next room, workers had pulled up carpet to expose intricate, 150-year old English-crafted tile that lay hidden underfoot.

For the fourth time in the past six years, Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., was moving to ornate new quarters in the Capitol, as he prepared to begin the 109th Congress today as Senate minority leader.

Landra Reid, the senator's wife, directed room designers who were positioning furniture and hanging pictures in the six-room suite. Chairs pushed to a corner of the room waited to be moved into place.

Amid the commotion, Reid sat at his desk in a quiet corner, marking the first morning in his new office by reviewing paperwork and preparing for a conference later this week. A stack of books was perched on the edge of the desk, waiting to be shelved.

"This is much like my old office, so I feel right at home here," he said.

When the Senate convenes, Reid, 65 will be recognized as minority leader, a post Democrats awarded him by unanimous vote in November. He also will be sworn in to a fourth six-year term as a Nevada senator, after winning re-election in the fall.

Reid's wife, several of his children and a handful of friends will be looking down from the visitors gallery as he renews the oath of office. Reid said he was looking beyond the day of ceremony to when Democrats will begin working later in the week.

"My big day is Wednesday, when we will have our issues retreat," Reid said. Democrats will gather for a conference at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.

Preparing for the upcoming Senate session, Reid said he and Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., have reached a tentative deal on budgeting and staffing for senators' committees.

Reid also said he and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., are discussing the possibility of delivering speeches to promote Democrats' views on major issues in advance of President Bush delivering his State of the Union message late this month or early in February.

In the meantime, to mark Reid's promotion, Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., planned to host a breakfast at her Capitol Hill home for him and 75 guests today, including Nevadans in Washington and representatives of the gaming, mining and travel industries.

Later in the day, major corporations and trade groups were planning a reception for Reid at Charlie Palmer Steak, a restaurant near the Capitol that is popular with lobbyists.

Companies that paid a minimum $5,000 to be listed as hosts included wine and spirits company Allied Domecq, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Citigroup, Comcast, Ernst & Young, Ford Motor Co., the Mortgage Bankers Association, Sony Corp., the National Beer Wholesalers Association and SBC.

The opening day of Congress usually is marked by revelry, but this one figures to be a low-key affair for other Nevada lawmakers who were re-elected in November. None were planning celebrations, according to aides.

Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev., will be sworn in to the House for the fifth time, while Berkley will begin a fourth term. Rep. Jon Porter, R-Nev., will begin a second term.

Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., will begin the fourth year of a six-year term in office. He is up for re-election in 2006.

Reid inherited the new suite from departed Democratic leader Tom Daschle of South Dakota, who lost his re-election bid. It is on the Capitol's second floor, across a hallway from the Senate chamber, allowing him quick access to floor proceedings.

"The importance of its location cannot be undervalued," according to a description of the rooms and their history compiled by the Senate curator.

Reid had become familiar to Senate movers in recent years. As he assumed different leadership positions, he was in and out of four other offices in the Capitol.

The latest office, part of a wing that was built between 1851 and 1857, looks out over the National Mall. A spacious patio offers views of the Smithsonian, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.


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