The implementation of Chinese Art Association of Las Vegas
By the Culture Institution of WBTI "I submit that creativity will never be a science--in fact, much of it will always remain a mystery, as much of a mystery as 'what makes the heart tick?' At the same time, I submit that creativity is an art--an applied art, a workable art, a learnable art--an art in which all of us can make ourselves more and more proficient, if we will," said Alex Osborn.
拉斯維加斯華人藝術協會簡稱(華藝會) ﹐英文全名Chinese Art Association of Las Vegas (CALV) ﹐簡稱CALV。會的宗旨【積極發展中華藝能﹐促進中西文化交流】﹐將各門藝術(包括美術﹑書法﹑工藝﹑剪紙﹑雕刻﹑皮雕﹑插花﹑陶瓷﹑茶藝﹑琉璃﹑刺繡﹑彩塑等等) 以展覽﹑教學﹑義賣﹑觀摩﹑交流﹐並且不涉及政治﹑宗教的方式﹐定期與不定期的舉辦活動﹐將中華藝術介紹給社會大眾。*1
The artists may also interested to put themselves and their works more and more proficient. They are creative. "The creative person is the master rather than the slave of his (or her)imagination," pointed out Michael LeBoeuf, Ph. D.
The following report in Chinese, written by Mindy Gao (馮鳴台), is posted through the courtesy of the '洛杉?新?' of
【本報記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導】懷著對美麗事物的愛好,一群定居拉斯維加斯的華裔人士,成立拉斯維加斯華人藝術協會 (The Celebrating Party was held on September 28, 2005.),希望在紙醉金迷的形象外,創造出賭城藝文之美。
被推選為首任會長的是羅素娥,賭城人士公認她的領導才能足以發揚會務,使得賭城華藝會綿延擴展。在拉斯維加斯創辦美術學院的藝術教育家李鵬舉為副會長,另一副會長則是興趣廣泛的畢鵬岐,加上共同發起該會的20餘位賭城居民,拉斯維加斯的華人藝術家,終於有了固定的地方可去。 [2005-10-04]*2
華藝會創會發起會員即有二十多人﹐他(她) 們的芳名如下﹕
藝術是心靈的安慰﹑充實與享受﹐藝術會給我們的生活帶來無限的樂趣﹐提升生活品質﹐增添人生色彩。希望拉斯維加斯藝術協會的成立與往後帶動的活動﹐就像沙漠的甘霖﹐讓這裡除了(賭) ﹐還有濃濃的藝術文化氣息。拉斯維加斯華人藝術文化氣息。*3
"Enthusiasm may bring us with creativity. The Chinese Art Association of Las Vegas has been a natural extension of the creativity cooperated by both of the interesting artists and enthusiastic people. I'm looking forward to put more of our effort and wisdom in assisting our artists to fulfil their achievement need and proficient prcatice(practice)," spoke Advisor Dr. Tony Lei of the CALV at the Celebrating Party on September 28, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.
*1. Next Weekly. 'Chinese Art Association of Las Vegas will hold a celebrating party
華人藝術協會九月二十八日開幕酒會,' "A search of 'Next Weekly' on the," (October 4, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ.
*2. 馮鳴台. '賭城華人藝術協會成立,' "A search of the '洛杉磯新聞' of," (October 4, 2005), Los Angeles, California: World Journal.
*3. Next Weekly. Ibid., 1.