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國民黨決推動修正兩岸條例 去除法律障礙 如當局仍拒執行 將以公投迫扁政府正視民意








對於修法工作,馬英九評估並不容易完成,因為對民進黨來說,多一道障礙就是多一道保障,民進黨一定會強力杯葛。他指出,國民黨會努力與執政黨協商,就算執政黨凍結修法過程,四個月後也會付諸表決。 [2006-01-06]


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張惠妹「挑逗」蔡康永 濕背性感演出 ***友善列印
【TVBS新聞 】





蔡康永與張惠妹在台上熱情合唱「自由」,蔡康永不僅賣力演出,張惠妹更在舞台上以熱舞大膽挑逗蔡康永,讓現場氣氛簡直High到最高點,主持天王跟歌唱天后的組合,果然讓大夥開了眼界。 [2005 / 12 / 31 (星期六)]


Post theough the courtesy of the "台灣新聞" of Worldjournal.com:









對於修法,馬英九評估並不容易完成,因為民進黨一定會強力杯葛。他指出,國民黨會努力與執政黨協商,就算執政黨凍結修法過程,四個月後也會付諸表決。(聯合新聞網) [2006-01-05]


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台北市?辦台港?? 上半年舉行





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國安特勤專家:馬英九 安全維護問題大 ***友善列印
【聯合新聞網 記者劉作坤、薛荷玉/專題報導】






其他在裝備方面也顯然不足,不僅乘坐休旅車沒有防彈設備或強化設備,武器裝備除了90手槍外,毫無重型武器。雖然幕僚團隊分析認為,對特定組織攻擊行動防不勝防,但是特勤專業人士認為這種想法有偏差,畢竟多一分防備,即多一分安全保障,何況馬英九已是台灣舉足輕重的政治人物,就算不為自己著想,也應為民珍惜。 [2006 / 01 / 04 (星期三)]


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王金平不認為此事可直接解讀為陳總統仍然要找在野黨組閣,但他說,扁馬見面,組閣的制度面、政策面都是雙方可以商談的議題,因為對當前的政治體制,有人主張是絕對的雙首長制,有人認為既非內閣制也不是總統制,但現實上是傾向總統制、憲法則傾向內閣制,扁馬都可以談,畢竟「兩人見面交換一下意見哪有什麼不好?」(聯合 新聞網) [2006-01-03]


Post theough the courtesy of the "台?承侣?" of Worldjournal.com:

馬英九:曾蔭?嘣L台 並非不可能



馬英九說,他並?]有訪??大?的??,因??顸h前主席連?鹪L??大??r,就已?M定很多??,現在??「先把那些??完成」。包括水果銷往大?和大?送熊?給台?常己苡羞M展,未來??更積?O推?哟箨?人民來台觀光,促進雙方互相了解。(?合新?網) [2006-01-03]


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阿妹跨年夜搭救護車趕場 北市查證屬實 業者遭罰20萬 ***友善列印
【東森新聞報 生活中心/綜合報導】






[2006 / 01 / 03 (星期二)]


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玫瑰花車遊行 華航奪國際首獎 ***友善列印
【TVBS新聞 】








TVBS記者左敏琳:「這是玫瑰花車大遊行50年來頭一次碰到下雨,有人說小風小雨可以增添詩意,製造浪漫;然而碰到大風大雨,反而更能展現出新年的精神和奮發抖擻了。」[2006 / 01 / 03 (星期二)]


Ma Ying-jeou
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Order: 22nd, 23rd-term Mayor of Taipei
4th-term Chairman of Kuomintang
Term of Office: December 25, 1998–present (Mayor)
August 19, 2005–present (Chairman)
Date of Birth: July 13, 1950
Place of Birth Kowloon, Hong Kong
Occupation lawyer
Political Party: Kuomintang

Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九; Hanyu Pinyin: Mǎ Yīngjiǔ; Wade-Giles: Ma Ying-chiu; Tongyong Pinyin: Ma Yingjiou) (born July 13, 1950) was elected mayor of Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China in 1998 and reelected in 2002. He was elected chairman of the Kuomintang by party members on July 16, 2005. He is ineligible to run for mayor a third time in 2006 due to term limits; he will likely be the KMT presidential candidate in 2008.*1

As Minister of Justice he was seen as viciously cracking down on "black gold", especially in his own party and government. His personal charisma has made him one of Taiwan's most popular politicians and he retains a following from citizens, which are primarily pan-blue.

Personal background
Ma was born in Hong Kong (Kwong Wah Hospital in Kowloon), then a British colony, to Hunanese parents. When he was a year old, his family, supporters of the Kuomintang (KMT), moved to Taiwan. Ma himself has claimed that his parents had already been in Taiwan before he was born, and his father was on assignment to Hong Kong when he was born there; it is not clear what assignment Ma was referring to. He is therefore part of the so-called "Mainlander" category of the populace of Taiwan. He earned a law degree from National Taiwan University in 1972. With a scholarship from the KMT, he first acquired a masters degree in law from New York University and then proceeded to earn a doctorate in law from Harvard University in the United States. Later, after he became a politician, Ma was accused by some Pan Green politicians of having spied on fellow students from Taiwan on behalf of the KMT regime during this period, a charge he denies. He returned to Taiwan in 1981 to teach law.

Rise in politics
With the personal connections of his father, Ma Ho-ling (馬鶴凌), he started working in the presidential palace under Chiang Ching-kuo within a half year after he acquired his S.J.D. Later he became the personal translator for Chiang Ching-kuo. Ma was promoted to the chair of the Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission under Executive Yuan at the age of 38 and became the youngest cabinet member of the ROC.

He was deputy secretary-general of the KMT from 1981 to 1988, for some time also serving as head of the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC), a cabinet-level body in charge of cross-straits relations. President Lee Teng-hui appointed him Justice Minister in 1993. Ma opposed modification of Article 100 concerning criminal law, which was used by the authoritarian ROC government to incriminate dissidents before martial law was lifted in 1987. He also opposed constitutional reforms that would have the ROC president elected directly by popular vote. He was relieved of his post in 1996, reputedly because he proved too effective at fighting black gold political corruption within his own party. After a short stint as a minister without portfolio, Ma returned to academia, and most people at the time believed his political career to have ended.

However, in 1998 the KMT, faced with no other credible candidates, did field him to challenge the then-incumbent Taipei mayor, Chen Shui-bian of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), who was seeking re-election. His perceived honest and clean-cut image (and baby face appearance), as well as his Mainlander Chinese background in a city with a relatively high percentage of Mainlanders helped him win over Chen. In the 2000 Presidential Election, Ma remained loyal to the Kuomintang and supported its candidate Lien Chan over James Soong who had bolted from the party. The competition between Lien and Soong split the pan-blue votes and allowed his former rival Chen to win the presidential election with votes below 50% of the popular votes. This, combined with Soong's good showing and Lien's poor showing, incited a great deal of anger against Ma when he tried to dissuade discontented Lien and Soong supporters from rioting by appealing to them as city mayor and a high-ranking KMT member. It was evidenced by one famous moment, in which he was pelted with eggs from Lien and Soong's supporters.

Ma was able to repair this damage and, in December 2002, became the superstar of the KMT by easily winning reelection with the support of 64% of Taipei voters, while his DPP challenger, a novice politician Lee Ying-yuan, received only 36 percent. His solid victory, especially in light of opposition from both President Chen Shui-bian and former President and former KMT Chairman Lee Teng-hui, led many to speculate about his chances as the KMT candidate for the 2004 presidential elections, although nothing came of it.

Ma suffered some political damage as a result of the SARS epidemic in early 2003 and was criticized for not mobilizing the Taipei city government quickly enough. Flooding in metropolitan Taipei in 2004 also led to public questioning of his leadership and caused slides in Ma's approval rating.

During his administration years, Ma had many conflicts with the central government over such matters as health insurance rates and control of the water supply during the drought. Ma also was implicated in a scandal of Taipei Bank stock releases in 2003; however, the case was dismissed by the Taipei prosecutor after an investigation. He was strongly criticized by the opposing party for not allowing the ROC national flag to be flown along with a PRC flag during a cross-strait soccer match held in Taipei. Ma responded that he was merely following Olympic protocol, which only officially recognizes the Chinese Taipei Olympic Flag, and forbids ROC national flags from being shown in an Olympic Game Stadium.

His initiatives in administering the city of Taipei include changing the transliterations of street names and the Taipei Rapid Transit System's line and station names into Hanyu Pinyin, the spelling compatible with mainland China, as opposed to the Taiwanese-developed Tongyong Pinyin. Ma has expressed mild support for Chinese reunification and opposition to Taiwan independence. He opposed the 2004 referendum, which had been widely criticized by the U.S. and PRC. Nevertheless, his opposition to the Anti-Secession Law of the People's Republic of China (while other leaders of his party remained silent on the issue) led him to be banned from visiting Hong Kong to make a public speaking tour in 2005. He also criticized the PRC for the Tian'anmen crackdown.

Ma's cross-political following has led some to note him as a rare example of relative civility in Taiwanese politics. In recent years, Ma has increasingly employed Taiwanese (Hoklo) in public speaking, perhaps to avoid backlash for his parents' mainland origin, and he has called himself a "child of Bangka (Wanhua)," identifying himself with the historic district of Taipei where he grew up. However, others claim that Ma's mainland Chinese ancestry will further alienate members of the KMT who are "light-blue" vs. the pro-unification "dark-blue." Ma's critics claim that Ma, in overeagerness to appear unbiased and/or neutral in disputes, has been overly indecisive. Among these critics, Ma has been referred to as "non-stick pan" or "Teflon-man."

Election to KMT Chairmanship
Ma's prestige increased after the loss by Lien Chan in 2004 ROC Presidential Election as he is widely seen as the natural successor of Lien Chan. His handling of the post-election demonstrations of the Pan-Blue Coalition, in which he at one point sent riot police to control the demonstrations of his pan-blue party supporters, was generally seen as impartial. In 2005, Ma and Wang Jin-pyng were candidates in the first competitive election for KMT chairmanship. On 5 April 2005, in an exclusive interview with CTV talk show host Sisy Chen, Ma said he wished to lead the opposition Kuomintang with Wang, if he were elected its chairman, as their support bases are complementary. On July 16, 2005, Ma defeated Wang by a 72% to 28% margin, a margin larger than anticipated by either camp or news sources, despite Wang's receiving a last-minute endorsement by People First Party (PFP) chairman James Soong, who had retained significant following within the KMT. Some, particularly the supporters of Wang Jin-pyng, accuse Ma of unfairly implying that Wang is involved in "black gold" and criticized Ma's aides for being rude to Wang during the campaign. After the election, Ma has stated repeatedly that he wishes Wang to remain as first-ranked deputy chairman. Wang, however, has so far rebuffed the gesture, instead stating that he wishes to serve as "permanent volunteer." Wang has, indeed, accepted a party post that is incompatible with vice chairmanship, effectively ending the possibility that he would be vice chairman, although after meeting with Wang, Ma has stated that he would "leave the position open" for Wang. Ma has also repeatedly stated that he has no plans to resign from the Taipei mayorship, even after he formally took over the chairmanship from incumbent Lien Chan during the 17th Party Congress of the KMT in August 2005.

Three-in-one election, Dec 3 2005
Led by Ma Ying-jeou, the Kuomintang made a resounding win in the three-in-one election held on Dec 3, 2005. KMT gained 6 more seats in the mayoral/magistratical race, from 8 seats in the last election, to a total of 14 seats. Before the election, Ma swore that he would quit chairmanship if KMT could not win over half of the seats, first ever from the mouth of a KMT chairman. It was a decisive win for KMT since Ma Ying-jeou took over the party chairmanship only 110 days ago. KMT won back the counties of Taipei and Yilan, and the city of Chiayi, which were Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)'s strongholds for over twenty years. It is the first time in many years that KMT regained popularity as far south as Cho-Shui River (Zhuo-Shui River). Quoting again his famous quote, Ma said, "we should only be excited about it for one evening." (Then we should go back to work).

Ma is married with two daughters and is an avid jogger and swimmer. .....*2


*1. Wikipedia. 'A profile of Ma Ying-jeou," "A search of 'mayor ma ying-jeou' on the Google.com," (January 2, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com
*2. Ibid.


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脄弟鄂 羇砮60竒ㄥ筪膍50Α啡琍 挡簈粿籖列疭 竒ㄥ弟鄂Ω瞷 ***ね到
Θ厨 癘 糂间〓厨旧

局Τ程芠渤ん魁安戳Holiday on Ice盢1る6ら8ら秈緉エ矹盿ㄓ绢砮60弟鄂竒ㄥ紇蹲栋脄弟鄂安戳Holiday on Ice1943瓣(穝籇呼)玐ヨ玐Θミ琌材簍刮砰Ω簍琌竧较(穝籇)竊穝安戳τ﹚1945ま秈秈籹м砃ㄏ眔安戳ǖ癹簍1996秨﹍安戳盢簍挡粿初籖列簈粿瑈︽贾臸砃砰疭м贾粿の疭单

脄弟鄂蹲栋ㄓ24?瓣產50Α啡琍承種旧簍狥ェ筽吹疭Anthony van Laast MBE琌κρ蹲Laurence Oliver贱眔絪籖產霉猾ヴ吹Robin Cousins MBE琌而笲(穝籇呼坝珇)笆兜ヘ礟眔ぃ琌簍录贰纯踞ヴ贾粿窟à

ず甧玥弟鄂籹祇不?璶肈眖Α縒籖蛮籖墩笆緕竤籖常瞅露筿紇肈眖笆贾粿钢尺粿稲薄珿ㄆほ︸帝┦筿紇肈Ρㄒ臟笷ェ腹佩疭м笆007纲坑狶纐单常Τ簍扳布╰参02-2341-9898 [2006 / 01 / 03 (星期二)]


Post through the courtesy of the "新?首?>休閒新?>大成?" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

朱宗?c打???F新年音?? 6日?狒[登? ***友善列印
【大成? ?者 ?秀珍/??А

才轟轟烈烈辦完2005 TIPC 台北?H打??饭澕岸苣暌??熳?c打???F一刻不得閒,1月6日新年音???㈧冻鞘形杼?狒[登?觯∵@次?ㄈA銀行之邀,朱宗?c打???F再度使出打??纺Хǎ猿錆M活力演出,呈現輕鬆活?的音?贰

朱宗?c說,??F演奏一向要求生?踊顫?,也曾透過?和??I?和?Υ??樊a生興趣,這回照?右膊?怨栽谔ㄉ涎莩觯?㈦S?C力邀現??访詠?龌?樱??r鐵定台上玩到台下,要?大家玩得不亦?泛酰‰?洽:(02)2730-3160。 [2006 / 01 / 02 (星期一)]


Post through the courtesy of the "洛杉磯新聞" of Worldjournal.com:

橙縣首辦中華民國元旦升旗 隆重熱鬧
華人社團熱心推動 天公作美好兆頭 兩百多僑界人士共襄盛舉 阮雅倫唱中美國歌掀高潮



主持升旗典禮的駐洛杉磯台北經濟文化辦事處處長魏武煉指出,中華民國已建立經濟奇蹟,目前大家應同心協力,促進國家團結與安定,以便與世界一流先進國家等量齊觀。他並希望大家「不要問國家為我們做了什麼,而要問我們為國家做了什麼」; 不論政黨、屬性,大家共同努力,只有在國家的認同下建立自信,才能獲得各界尊重。


橙縣華僑文教服務中心主任丘昌生則說,前兩天還是風雨如晦,當天上午則是風調雨順 ,天氣不錯,為好兆頭。他感謝僑界呂耀勳及邱垂煌登高一呼、發動橙縣僑界社團組織籌劃升旗典禮等事宜,也感謝僑界熱烈響應。






來自爾灣中文學校的程薇,首次參加慶祝中華民國的升旗典禮。現年十歲的她說,升旗典禮很酷,明年如果還有類似活動,會央求爸爸程東海再帶她來。四歲從台灣移民美國、現年九歲的楊羽晴則知道中美兩國國旗都是以紅藍白做底色 ,她對該項活動也表示很有意思。


當天爾灣、莘莘及北橙三所中文學校及全美武術學院推出彩帶舞、民俗舞蹈「牧丹花開 」、笛子、二胡及嗩吶的「國樂集錦」、武術表演與嘻哈嬉春舞等精采節目,讓元旦慶祝活動生色不少。

當天與會者尚包括僑務顧問詹凱臣、劉錦棠、橙縣台灣同鄉會、橙縣華人獅子會、橙縣華人商會、北美洲台灣人醫師協會、加州台灣同鄉聯誼會、橙縣台灣同鄉聯誼會、橙縣台灣醫師及牙醫師公會、同源會橙縣分會、南加州中華文化協會、加州客家聯合會、全美客屬崇正會、南加州旅美客屬崇正會、喜瑞都蓬萊長青會、全美中文學校聯合總會、南海岸中華文化協會、爾灣中文學校、北橙華人協會、北橙中文學校、富樂頓中文學校、育林中文學校、南加州中文學校聯合會、美國中華文化經貿協會、亞美老人服務中心、中國大專聯合校友會、伶倫劇坊、台大校友會、海軍聯誼會、榮光會及台美基金會等會代表。 [2006-01-02]


Post through the courtesy of the "旅遊放輕鬆" of Worldjournal.com:

鴿屋 漫遊創作的靈感泉源


●湖區不但有如詩畫的美景,它那時而晴空萬里,時而細雨濛濛的多變氣候,所營造出的夢幻情境,也孕育出不少文學家。因此,賞景之餘,亦可順道探訪作家故居。其中位於Grasmere南方的Town End,因有浪漫派詩人華茲華斯(Wordsworth)住過的「鴿屋」(Dove Cottage)和博物館,而成為重要觀光景點。

桂冠詩人榮耀:華茲華斯出生於湖區,自幼父母雙亡,與妹妹桃樂絲相依為命,兄妹倆皆具文采。桃樂絲擅長將湖區內多變的氣候與周遭事物,以日記方式記錄下來,後來結集成冊,出版「The Grasmere Journals」一書。華茲華斯則常在湖區散步,山水的靈秀之氣,幻化成詩人筆下源源不絕的詩句。在此,他創立了湖濱詩派,也影響後代拜倫、濟慈、雪萊等詩人的創作風格,他本人則在73歲時,獲頒桂冠詩人榮耀。


生態保護先驅:華茲華斯不僅是詩人,也被視為注重生態與維護自然和諧的先驅,在他所著「Guide to the Lakes」一書中,就表明反對湖區興建鐵路的計畫,他希望湖區能永保自然風貌,成為旅人墨客漫遊創作的靈感泉源。

(聯合新聞網) [2005-12-29]


About Mayor Dr. Ying-jeou Ma of the Taipei City
By Office of the Mayor

Dr. Ying-jeou Ma was elected Mayor of Taipei City in December 1998. As the central figure responsible for Taipei city's overall development, Mayor Ma has focused most of his efforts on improving government services and maintaining Taiwan's global competitiveness by seeking to transform Taipei into a truly "Internet City" for the 21st century.*1

In his first eight months in office, he oversaw the creation of an online property and land management system to facilitate the exchange of information among various branches of the city government. In addition, Mayor Ma is also working on a number of programs to increase technology awareness in Taipei and bring the information revolution to the average citizen. At the WCIT2000 inauguration ceremony in March 1999, he expressed his commitment to give every Taipei citizen a free e-mail address and three hours of free Internet training. Mayor Ma has also initiated much needed traffic relief systems, removed 45,000 illegal road obstructions and regained 33,000 parking spaces, to be monitored by computer. He has also established the Family and Sexual Violence Prevention Center, and other community projects.

Mayor Ma's belief in the importance of information technology stems from his view that by providing governmental support to increase the level of public technological awareness, the Internet will function as a resource to be shared by all citizens, regardless of race, social class, age, or sex. On a local level, he feels that e-mail can function as one of the most effective means for the city government to reach out to all of Taipei's citizens, and receive their reactions on important city issues.

A graduate of Harvard Law School, Mayor Ma has spent 18 years in the ROC national government, formerly holding the cabinet posts of Minister of Justice (1993-1996) and Minister without Portfolio (1996-1997). Prior to being sworn in as Mayor of Taipei City in December 1998, he served as Associate Professor of Law at Taiwan's prestigious National Chengchi University Law School. Mayor Ma is author of numerous books and articles including "The ROC (Taiwan)'s entry into the World Trade Organizations" in The Chinese Yearbook of International Law and Affairs (1998).

Mayor Ma was born in 1950 in Hong Kong and raised in Taiwan. He speaks fluent mandarin Chinese and English, a little French, and a few other Chinese dialects.*2
[-- March 29, 2004 --]


*1. Taipei City Government. 'A profile of the Mayor,' "A search of 'Mayor Ma Ying-jeou' on the Google.cn," (January 1, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn.
*2. Ibid.


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