Ma Ying-jeou bestows honor on Central American Parliament Speaker Julio Guillermo González
... wbti: ***** +++++
By PAI of WBTI**--**
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"President Ma Ying-jeou, on behalf of the government and people of the ROC (Taiwan), on the afternoon of June 3 bestowed the Order of Brilliant Star with Special Grand Cordon on Central American Parliament Speaker Julio Guillermo González. The honor is in recognition of Speaker González's long efforts supporting participation for the ROC (Taiwan) in the United Nations, the World Health Organization and other international agencies, along with his outstanding contribution in fostering cooperation and exchanges between the ROC and the Central American Parliament. Meanwhile, Speaker González decorated President Ma with the Order of Francisco Morazon in recognition of his contribution to promoting democratic development on Taiwan," posted the Government Official website of ROC (Taiwan).*2 "President Ma said he was honored to receive the decoration, the first such one he has ever received. He said that he is deeply honored to receive this important decoration, just two weeks after he took office. He said the decoration symbolizes the deep friendship between the Central American Parliament and the ROC. He also expressed his gratitude on behalf of the government and people of the ROC (Taiwan)."
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The following are some of the information about President Dr. Ying-jeou Ma on the above presidential website:
Hong-Kong, July 13, 1950
S.J.D., Harvard Law School
LL.M., New York University
LL.B., National Taiwan University
Chairman, Kuomintang
Mayor, Taipei City
Professor of Law, National Chengchi University
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*1. ... for a search of "Culture and Business", "Proverb", "cooperation and Prosperity", etc. by the world's leading search engines on Internet (like, etc.) ...
*2. Ma, Ying-jeou; and Office of the President (Taiwan). 'President Ma Bestows Honor on Central American Parliament Speaker Julio Guillermo González,' "A news release 'Bestowing an Honor' by the Office of President Ma Ying-jeou," (June 19, 2008), Taipei, Taiwan: Office of the Preisdent's website.
*3. ... with "阿里山 YouTube" by on the Inrenet for YouTube ...
*5. Ma, Ying-jeou. Ibid.
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*7. ... for a search of "冉肖玲 YouTube" by the Search Engine Giants ...