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WBTI appointed Ann Zimmerman Associate Fellow of PAI
By Tiffany Chang

Ms. Ann Zimmerman was appointed by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) as Associate Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) and Chairperson of Criminal Law Study Committee (CLSC) on March 21, 2000.
Ann received Juris Doctor degree from University of Missouri-Kansas City in 1989. She had her Bachelor of Arts in Political science from University of Missouri-Columbia in 1986. Procesution of insurance fraud and theft-related crimes, civil litigation in the area of employment law, Ann has been the Deputy Attorney General of Nevada since March 1997. From April, 1994 through March, 1997, she was with Ann E. Burke, Chartered, an ownered private firm practicing primarily in the areas of criminal defense, family law, and personal injury. Practicing in those areas, she worked for Murdock & Palazzo in May, 1993 - April, 1994, and for Law Offices of Ian Christopherson in July, 1991 - May, 1993.
Ann has been admitted to practice in the State of Nevada and United States District Court for the State of Nevada in 1991. She was admitted in 1999 to practice in Nithth Circuit Court of Appeals. She is Vice-chair of State Bar of Nevada Young Lawyer Section. She is a Member of Clark County Bar Association and Southern Nevada Association of Women Attorneys.
She has served as a Board Trustee for The Shade Tree since 1993. it is Las Vegas' primary 24-hour accessible emergency shelter for women and children. 5.7 million dollars has been raised to build a new shelter. The building is currently under construction at the corner of Main Street and Owens. It should be completed by this summer. The Shade Tree staff and the Board of Trustees are very committed to serving the needs of the homeless women and children that walk through their doors. "Everyone has worked very hard to realize the dream of building a new home for the Shade Tree. I have been very blessed in my life and believe that it is important to give back to the community that given me so much," said Ann.
On April 3, 2000, the Deputy Attorney General Ann Zimmerman wrote President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI from Office of the Attorney General, State of Nevada that, "I wanted to express my sincere appreciation for my recent appointment as an Associate Fellow and Chairperson of the Criminal Law Study committee of the Washington Bssiness and Technology Institute. This is a very prestigious honor that you have granted to me. I am grateful to be joining such a distinguished panel of professionals who are conmmited to improving the lives of our citizens in tis community.
"The Washington Business and Technology Institute is very well respected and integral part of this community. As President of the Institute, you have dedicated yourself to the study and research of problems and issues that affect our community. I am looking forward to work with you on academic research that would promote possible solutions to the problems that our community is facing. There are many challenges before us in the area criminal law. As Chairperson of the Criminal Law Study Committee, I believe it is imperative to assemble the brightest minds in the area of criminal law to face these challenges and search for possible solutions.
"Thank you again for providing me with such a wonderful opportunity to serve this community. It is truly an honor."
