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We Need More Care for Our Community By Tiffany Chang
On March 29, 1999, Dr. Tony T. Lei presented in the Senior Advisory committee Meeting, which was held by Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, at the AARP Room of Howard Cannon Senior Center. The agenda included: A. Congresswoman Berkley's Legislative Priorities for Seniors: (1) Strengthening our Nation's Social Security & Medicare Programs. (2) Prescription Drug Coverage for Older Americans. (3) Health Care Reform and Patient Pretection Legislation. B. End of the Year "Wrap-up" of the 106th Congress. C. Open Discussion: How to Best Serve Nevada Senior & Goals for the Second Session of the 106th Congress.
A list of the key votes by Congresswoman Shelley Berkley for the protecting & strenghtening social security was also presented to the meeting by her. for examples: (1) On January 6, 1999, her very first day as our Representative, she voted for a rule to bar the spending of any Social Security Trust Fund monies for any purpose other than Social Security. (2) On March 2, 1999, she voted for the Social Security Guarantee Initiative Resolution to strengthen and to protect the retirement income security of all Americans through the creation of a fair and modern Social Security Program for the 21st century.
Dr. Tony T. Lei, Member of the Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Seniors Advisory Board, is pleased to spread the word of five main accomplishments of the U.S. Representative: (1) 1000,000 new teacher initiative - recognizing the severe shortage of teachers in the Clark County School District, Rep. Berkley fought all year long for more teachers. Joining hundreds of her colleagues and President in a united front, the Rep. Berkley helped secure $7 million for 178 new teachers for Nevada. (2) Save Nevada from nuclear waste dump. (3) Improving Southern Nevada's highways. (4) Building safe and livable communitiesfor Nevada - Rep. Berkley fought for and won $29 million to protect Southern Nevada from floods which could save hundreds of million in future flood damage not to mention protential loss of life. She also helped secure more police officers for our streets. (5) Protecting our environment - Rep. Berkley helped secure federal funding to clean up Lake Mead and the Las Vegas Wash, keep Las Vegas' water supply healthy, and make our air more breathable by moving away from diesel buses toward cleaner fuel alternatives. Rep. Berkley also helped secure $470 million to buy scenic or environmentally sensitive land threatened by development.
U. S. Congresswoman Berkley has good performance on community participation since her campaign for her election last year. The Faculty of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) have been encouraged by her supporting as one of our Executive Advisor of our Institute since February, 1997.
President Dr. Lei of WBTI informs its concerned Asian, Pacific, and Hispanic communities that a fax to him from U.S. Senator Harry Reid in Washington, D.C. was received on December 10, 1999. Sen. Reid is Assistant Minority Leader of the Senate. It stated his 2000 Recess Schedule - Tentative Senate Recess Dates for 106th Congress, 2nd Session: "Session begins January 24th and will continue through to the close of business on February 11th...." For more information you may contact WBTI at 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Monday and Friday by calling 255-9058.