Continued From Previous Page:

We Extend Our Heartfelt Prayers to Taiwan
By Tiffany Chang

Dr. L. C. Chou, Chief of Science Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco, wrote Dr. Tony Lei, Chairman of Board, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada, "Dear Overseas Scholars: On September 21, 1999, there was the worst earthquake in Taiwan since 100 years. Lost of properties, facilities, lives, etc. were serious and uncalculatable. Overseas scholars have been concerned with the unfortunate accident closely. In order to aid our disaster victims and in order to reconstruct our broken country, the Division announces now that each and all our overseas scholars to stumulate our countrymen love by offering financcial and human resources for realization of his or her responsibility to the salvation task. Concerned persons may mail checks to Community Cultural Service Center. More related information are put in the following. Thank you. ***Taiwan Earthquate Relief Fund*** Payable to: TERF (Taiwan Earthquake Relief Fund). Account #: 01-701-266, Bank of Canton of California. Tax Deductible ID: 77-0522942. Mail to: Chinese Community Cultural Service Center, 1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Telphone: (408)747-0394, (408)747-0378."
Dr. Lei has worked hard and diligently to spread the word that Dr. Chou is conducting the above significant mission. To our readers who have relatives and friends in Taiwan, Dr. Lei and the Nevada Examiner extend our heartfelt prayers that they survived the disaster and are well on their way to rebuilding their homes and their lives.
President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI informs its concerned Asian, Pacific, and Hispanic organizations in Nevada that fax to him from U.S. Senator Harry Reid in Washington, D. C., who is also Assistant Minority Leader of the Senate, announced the following important news:
On its Vol. 1, No. 22 Issue of Whip Round-Up at October 29, 1999, Under the section of "Nevada Notes," it reported that, "This week, Sen. Reid met with members and staff from the Nevada Committee on Public Lands. In attendance were: State Senators Dean Rhoads, Terry Care and Mark James; assemblymen Roy Neighbors, Jerry Claborn and John Marvel; along with Terrie Williams, J. Randall Stephenson, Michael Stewart and Kimberly Guinasso; and Director of Nevada Governor's office Mike Pieper. This committee was in Washington lobbying on many issues important to Nevada, including mining, the Nevada Public Lands Bill, grazing and the Interior Appropriations Bill. Sen. Reid particularly enjoyed reminiscing with the group about his tenure in the State Legislature during the late 1960's and early 1970's."
Under the section of "Outreach," it reported that, "On Wednesday, Sen. Reid hosted a meeting with six other Senators and Bob Herbold, Chief of Operating Officer of Microsoft, to discuss many issues of interest to high-tech companies including the research and development tax credit and education. Senators in attendance were: Mikulski, Baucus, Kerry, Murray, Reed and Dorgan. this meeting was held in the Whip Office as part of Sen. Reid's outreach efforts to the high-tech community.
On Thursday, Sen. Reid met with State Senator Dina Titus about a number of Nevada related issues including a bill in the House of Representatives relating to wild horse and burros. This has been a particularly hot issues for Nevada in recent years."
