Continued From Previous Page:

Social Services Bring Us with Peace and Love
By Tiffany Chang

On September 8, 1999, a tripple celebration was held by Seniors United (SU) at West Flamingo Senior Center. The program was called to order by the President of SU, Lillian Wallace. SU's CEO, Julian Wallace, was welcomed back from his long battle of an unknown and most unwelcome illness. Judge Nancy Saitta installed the new officers of SU. The new Executive Board members were asked the Podium where Judge Saitta swore them in as the new Officers of Seniors United for the years 1999-2001. Nevada Supreme Court Judge Myron E. Leavitt directed the whole swear event successfully and humorously. Proclamations to SU were from Senator Richard Bryan, Senator Harry Reid, Congressman James Gibbons, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Clark County, Mayor Oscar Goodman, among others. President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Tony T. Lei was pleased to congratulate WBTI's Fellows of Culture Institution, Lillian and Julian Wallace for their accomplishments for the years.
The new executive board members of Seniors United are: Paul Burr, William Lackey, Ellen Freas, Richard Denison, Maria Manning, Mae Kipnis, Doris Balducci, Lillian Wallace, Doris Cornwell and Naomi Cherry, and Henry Kipnis, and Advisory Board members Dr. Tony T. Lei, Judy Lei, Betsy Kolkoski, and Jackie Seip. Each and every member of the new Executive Board of SU was invited by Dr. Tony Lei to have dinner and show at September 16, 1999 in the Charleston Height Arts Center, where the Thai Perferming Arts-Appreciation Day 1999 was held by TCAALV and co-sponsored by City of Las Vegas, WBTI, among others.
WBTI has reported continuously the accomplishmentand advancement of its faculty. Dr. Joey A. Villaflor, one of the advisors of WBTI, was appointed by Governor Kenny Guinn to the state Board of Health, which is designated to be the supreme agency in all non-administrative health matters. The Governor said that, members of the State Board of Health has an enormous responsibility to the people of Nevada, so it is especially gratifying to appoint a man of Joey Villaflor's expertise and integrity to the Board. He was very proud to make the appointment because he thought that throughout Dr. Villaflor's distinguished career the doctor has earned a reputation as a conscentious and dedicated porfessional. Joey is slated to be the President of Academy of Family Physicians of Las Vegas in the year 2001.
