Seniors United Elected Dr. Tony Lei Executive Vice President
By Tiffany Chang
The Executive Board Meeting of Seniors United was held on February 2, 2000 at Jayceese Senior Community Clubhouse. President of Seniors United Lillian Wallace nominated Dr. Tony T. Lei as Executive Vice President of theCorporation. Allthe pre-sentedExecutiveBoard members votedinfavorof the nomination.
"Throughout his academic research and community service, Dr. Tony Lei has served our seniors and community with good scientific management and modern educational philosophy. It is our honor to invite a famous scholar, Dr. Lei, with his expertise and integrity to this organization," said Lillian of Seniors United, which has been a nonprofit, nonpartisan, and political education corporation for more than 17 years. "As an outstanding colleague of Pepperdine University and a dis- tinguished alumnus of Tunghai University, Dr. Lei has contributed a great deal of significant community service to Nevada more than six years since he moved to Las Vegas from California."
"SENIORS UNITED was created as an inspirational medium for seniors. The purpose is to educate the Seniors to be able to promoted and establish the RIGHTS OF SENIORS as Seniors," she continued. "Our goal is to make a great tomorrow and to see it happen. Let us hope that one day there will be a MEETING OF THE MINDS so that no one will ever be disinherited from his or her rightful place in this world."
Dr. Lei received M.B.A. and Ed. D. in Institutional Management from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. From 1985-1990, he was an Associate Professor of Management in the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chunghsing University. He has been promoted as a Fellow of Management since February 21, 1993 at Pepperdine University. Since May 4, 1997, he has been appointed by Las Vegas City and Council as Member of Las Vegas Senior Citizens' Advisory Board. He has been elected Director of South Shores Community Association with concrete contribution to the community since December 1993. Dr. Lei has been Member of Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Seniors Advisory Board since October 21, 1999.
Dr. Lei has published two famous text books for colleges: (1) Business Management; and (2) Information Management.
One of Dr. Lei's papers entitled "The Impact of Appropriate Use of Computer Learning on Mathematics Scores" was published by the 11th International Conference on Technology and Education (ICTE) in 1993 at London, England. He presented a paper entitled "Enhancing Mathematics Learning with Computers" at the 12th ICTE in 1995 at Orlando, Fla. At the same time, he was the first presider of the conference on educational multimedia and computing in the 15th Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC). In 1996, he presented and published "A Study of the Implementation of Computer Educaton in Public Schools" at the 13th ICTE in New Orleans, La.
Seniors United will hold its monthly Forum on February 9, 2000at West Flamingo Senior Center. Guest Speakers will be State Senator Joe Neal, County Commissioner and Vice ChairErin Kenny, and Administrator of Aging Services of Nevada Mary Liveratti. The Forum has offered professionalism and innovation to our community.