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030300 |
Some Good Skills for Executives and Leaders By Tiffany Chang "Better executives decision and the development of good leaders are important in any age or in any organization, but the changing face of business and government makes both more important today than perhaps they have ever been before. The decentralization of private companies, public agencies, and even community groups has spread the responsibility for decision-making more broadly at the same time that it has created greater accountability for each individual decision made," said President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute. "The following skills for executives and leaders are helpful: (1) When you are thrust into a responsible position with accentual warning and even less preparation, clearheaded thinking about why you have been appointed to an office and what those who have placed you there expect of you is prerequisite to clear-minded, if not predictable, decision making. (2) Ask what actions are called for in the position, what strategies have worked in the past, and how others have previously responded to the challenges you now face. (3) Realizing your leadership potential depends on making a match between your vision and an organization. The challenge is to find the right opportunity, pick the right moment, and make the right move. (4) Remember personal traits are important to executives and leaders, but such leadership skills as persuasive speaking, persistence in achieving one's agendas, and personal confidence can be developed in office; much of leadership is a learned capacity that need not be limited by birthright or prior experience. (5) Moving yourself through varied and increasingly responsible management experiences develops the personal confidence and diverse skills required to master different, more ambitious arrays of tasks. (6) Pick your associates well, back them fully, empower them with both accountability and responsibility, and they will produce far more than you ever will achieve on your own." *1 There are some more tips to be added: (1) Knowing where you want to go and what your values are can be essential to getting there, to ensuring that all of your interests and concerns are factored into fast-moving decision. (2) Recognizing people's diverse motives for participating is an essential first step in mobilizing their contributions. (3) If you expect those who work for you to exercise their own judgment, provide them with the decision-making experience now. (4) If your leadership depends on theirs, devolving responsibility and sharing stories is a foundation upon which it will reside. (5) A new position of leadership will engender the experience you lack on arrival, and seeking feedback on your performance in the position will ensure that you take advantage of the experience. (6) Thinking strategically when confronted with a crisis or challenge is a learned skill that requires sustained seasoning. *2 The faculty joined President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute in congratulating our Executive Advisor, CongresswomanShelleyBerkley'sfirst wedding anniversary: ----------------------- *1. Michael Useem, The Leadership Moment, (New York: Times Business, 1998), 273-282. *2. Ibid. | |
022500 |
Good Personal Traits Are Important for Business Success By Tifanny Chang"After a investigation research on personal traits, scholars found that personal traits really play a very important role to help business executives and leaders be successful. They believe that the persons on the leading level need a high wisdom and talent than the normal people and that these persons have a broader interest and aptitute. They are good in self-expression and public communication. Possibly, the most vivid fact to be felt by everyone is that, these persons all have a strong inner desire to pursue business accomplishment and to ask their good performance being recognized," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute. "Among various business organizations, there was a research on the success work performance of the general American college graduates. It revealed that the following personal traits are important to their success for them in business: (1) Ability to get along with people. (2) Ability to get things done. (3) Intelligence. (4) Desire for advancement. (5) Human relations skills. (6) Leading and administrative abilities. (7) Communication skills. (8) Ability to take important task. (9) Judgment. (10)Responsibility. (11)Decisions. (12) Adaptability. (13) Dependability. (14) Loyalty. (15) Vision. (16) Imagination." As a manager or business owner, there are certain techniques that you can use to improve your effectiveness to make you owning powerful telephone skills: "(1) Answer your phone promptly. (2) Identify yourself and your company immediately. (3) Be friendly. (4) Have all your necessary resources available. (5) Indicate your regret or appreciation when applicable. (6) Use the caller's name if it's offered. (7) Express your willingness to help. (8) Don't interrupt your customer. (9) Get as much information as you can. (10) Be understandable in your communication. (11) Be accurate and completewhen giving information. (12) Be easy to deal with. " *1 We would like also to list 12 effective and 13 ineffective telephone techniques in the following: A. Effective telephone skills: "(1) Smile. (2) Speak clearly and concisely. (3) Be enthusiastic. (4) Lower your voice pitch. (5) Talk in positive. (6) Be prepared for objections. (7) Talk directly into the mouthpiece. (8) Consider your customer's personality. (9) Speak in terms of benefits. (10) Discuss rather than tell. (11) Always thank the listener for his time. (12) follow up if necessary."*2 B. 13 ineffective telephone skills are: (1) Frowning. (2) Muttering. (3) Sounding tired. (4) Speaking in monotone. (5) Being negative. (6) Being overconfident. (7) Holding the telephone under your chin. (8) Rambling. (9) Making accusatory remarks. (10) Arguing. (11) Hanging up abruptly. (12) Forgetting to thank the listener. (13) Try to talk and do something else at the same time." *3 ------------------------- *1. Career Press, Powerful Telephone skills, (Hawthorne, NJ: National Press Publication, 1993), 14-17. *2. Ibid. p. 59. *3. Ibid. p. 60. | |
021800 |
Dr. Tony Lei Installed Executive VP by Judge Mark Denton By Tiffany Chang On February 9, 2000, a Forum was held by Seniors United President Lillian Wallace at the West Flamingo Senior Center. Vice Chair and commissioner Erin Kenny, Elder Rights Attorney of Division for Aging Services of Nevada Betsy Kolkoski, and Nevada State Senator Joe Neal were the guest speakers. Dr. Tony T. Lei was installed as Executive Vice President of Seniors United by the District Judge Mark Denton. The ceremony was simple but formal and splendid. As an outstanding colleague of Pepperdine University and a distinguished alumnus of Pepperdine University, Dr. Lei has been respected by many people for his academic expertise, administrative integrity, and good personal traits. The Hall was filled with government officials, business executives, and sincere members. Mark Denton, Joe Neal, Erin Kenny, Harry Reid (represented by Jenice Miller), Shelley Berkley (represented by Trey Delap), Mark Schosield, Betsy Kolkoski, Lana Reich, Bobby Gronauer (represented by Kelly), Al O'Neal, Geri Wuls, Jeny Rosario, Sapatra Chemprachum, among others presented. All the speakers won great applause with their valuable speeches. Attendants asked questions for discussion enthusiastically. "We try to offer our members and guests professionalism, innovativism and satisfaction through the forums we hold. Our forums are varied to suit the needs of the community and also the political leadership in our state. Our guest speakers come all areas," stated by the Creed of Seniors United. "We love our fellowman and believe that all are born equal. We are a group that is nonpartisan, nonsectarian and very actively involved in the political structure of our state. We welcome everyone, the young as well as the Seniors from every walk of life." The Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has been led by PAI's Director and Fellow, Dr. William Thompson with his reputation of achievement and integrity. He is now the chairman and professor of the Public Administration Department of UNLV. Officials of Nevada are enthusiastic to win the positions from this Institution. Las Vegas Senior Citizens Law Project Administrator Sheri Cane Vogel, Esq. wrote President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI on February 7, 2000: "I have received your fax of the article wherein WBTI appointed me as PAI Associate Fellow. Please let me convey my extreme gratitude for such an honor. Serving the needs of our senior citizen population has been a passionate goal of mine and I look forward to working with the Public Administration Institution (PAI) in improving the lives of the senior citizens in our community. Thank you for this distinguished honor." On February 4, 2000, Dr. Lei received Fax from U.S. Senator Harry Reid office in Washington D. C. requesting him to update his contact information and to be added to the Senator's e-mail list. Dr. Lei's sincere contributing effort to bridge the Asian,Seniors, Pacific, Hispanic, and African communities between the Senator has increased theseconcerned organizations more recognizing and respecting the Senator's many bright accomplishment and integrity in improving the quality of life for all our Nevadans. | |
021100 |
Seniors United Elected Dr. Tony Lei Executive Vice President By Tiffany Chang The Executive Board Meeting of Seniors United was held on February 2, 2000 at Jayceese Senior Community Clubhouse. President of Seniors United Lillian Wallace nominated Dr. Tony T. Lei as Executive Vice President of theCorporation. Allthe pre-sentedExecutiveBoard members votedinfavorof the nomination. "Throughout his academic research and community service, Dr. Tony Lei has served our seniors and community with good scientific management and modern educational philosophy. It is our honor to invite a famous scholar, Dr. Lei, with his expertise and integrity to this organization," said Lillian of Seniors United, which has been a nonprofit, nonpartisan, and political education corporation for more than 17 years. "As an outstanding colleague of Pepperdine University and a dis- tinguished alumnus of Tunghai University, Dr. Lei has contributed a great deal of significant community service to Nevada more than six years since he moved to Las Vegas from California." "SENIORS UNITED was created as an inspirational medium for seniors. The purpose is to educate the Seniors to be able to promoted and establish the RIGHTS OF SENIORS as Seniors," she continued. "Our goal is to make a great tomorrow and to see it happen. Let us hope that one day there will be a MEETING OF THE MINDS so that no one will ever be disinherited from his or her rightful place in this world." Dr. Lei received M.B.A. and Ed. D. in Institutional Management from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. From 1985-1990, he was an Associate Professor of Management in the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chunghsing University. He has been promoted as a Fellow of Management since February 21, 1993 at Pepperdine University. Since May 4, 1997, he has been appointed by Las Vegas City and Council as Member of Las Vegas Senior Citizens' Advisory Board. He has been elected Director of South Shores Community Association with concrete contribution to the community since December 1993. Dr. Lei has been Member of Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Seniors Advisory Board since October 21, 1999. Dr. Lei has published two famous text books for colleges: (1) Business Management; and (2) Information Management. One of Dr. Lei's papers entitled "The Impact of Appropriate Use of Computer Learning on Mathematics Scores" was published by the 11th International Conference on Technology and Education (ICTE) in 1993 at London, England. He presented a paper entitled "Enhancing Mathematics Learning with Computers" at the 12th ICTE in 1995 at Orlando, Fla. At the same time, he was the first presider of the conference on educational multimedia and computing in the 15th Florida Educational Technology Conference (FETC). In 1996, he presented and published "A Study of the Implementation of Computer Educaton in Public Schools" at the 13th ICTE in New Orleans, La. Seniors United will hold its monthly Forum on February 9, 2000at West Flamingo Senior Center. Guest Speakers will be State Senator Joe Neal, County Commissioner and Vice ChairErin Kenny, and Administrator of Aging Services of Nevada Mary Liveratti. The Forum has offered professionalism and innovation to our community. | |
020400 |
Sheri Vogel Appointed Associate Fellow of PAI by WBTI By Tiffany Chang Ms. Sheri Cane Vogel ("SUGAR") was appointed by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) as Associate Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) and Chairperson of Senior Citizens Law Study Committee on January 28, 2000. Her education is list as follows: (1) Detroit College of Law, Detroit, Michigan 1978-81 Juris Doctorate Degree. (2) University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 1968-1972 A.B. Degree with distinction, English Literature. (3) University of Sheffield, Sheffield, England 1971. (4) Oxford University, Oxford, England, 1974 Graduate Studies in Shakespearean Literature. Her memberships have included: (1) State Bar of Nevada; (2) American Bar Association; (3) National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys; (4) Clark County Bar Association; (5) SALT (Seniors And Law Enforcement Together); among others. "It is my pleasure to make the appointment because of Ms. Vogel's expertise and integrity to senior citizens law," said President of WBTI, Dr. Tony T. Lei. "It is our future endeavor to work better for our seniors based on educational and academic research through her outstanding and dedicated professionalism." Sheri has been Project Administrator of the City of Las Vegas Senior Citizens Law Project since 1986. the Project offers free legal services in civil matters including: Consumer Law, Simple Wills, Landlord/Tenant Disputes, Health Care Directives including Living Wills and Durable Powers of Attorney, Long Term Health Issues, Elder Abuse Matters and Public Entitlements. As Administrator, her responsibilities include supervision and management of staff of eleven with client caseload of approximately 4,000 annually. Her publications in the recent three years have included: (1) "New Laws and programs for the Elderly courtesy of the 1999 Nevada Legislature," Nevada Lawyer, July, 1999. (2) "Offering Free Legal Service in Clark County Elderly," Clark County Bar Communique, May, 1998. (3) "Elder Law in Las Vegas: Dream or Nightmare," Clark County Bar Communique, March, 1997. PAI has been under the bright leadership of Dr. William N. Thompson, who is fellow and Director of the Institution. International Casino Law was published by him through Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming in 1999 with Anthony Cabot, AndrewTottenham, andCarl Braunlichasco-editors. "Publication of the third edition of International Casino Law like that of the second edition has been neccessitated by the dynamic nature of the casino industry worldwide," pointed out by the Preface of this book. "The authors collectively represent a body of legal and political expertise on gaming that is unmatched within the covers of any other single volume of information on the industry. Most important, the reader of this book may be a legislator or gaming regulator responsible for designing or redesigning regulatory structures for a specific jurisdiction. Casino are unique business enterprises. The casinos receiving attention in this volume are regulated by specific public legislation, decrees, and regulations issued by governmental executives, or by contractual relations between those executives and gaming entrepreneurs and operators." | |
012800 |
Dr. William Thompson Appointed Director of PAI by WBTI By Tiffany Chang Within the State of Nevada there is a large and growing population of public employees. Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has established the Public Administration Institution in order to meet the increasing investigation requirements of current public managers and special research needs of professional public administrators. It seeks to provide an awareness and understanding of the complex administrative and organizational contexts within which the adminitrators of public service make and implement decisions, and to provide general technical competence in using the tools of administration and management on the area of academic research and social service. Dr. William N. Thompson was appointed by WBTI as Fellow and Director of its Public Administration Institution (PAI) on January 18, 2000. "It has been an hornorable gratifying to invite a famous professor of Dr. Bill Thmpson's expertise, integrity, and good personal traits with highly international perspective to this Institute," said President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI. "Throughout Dr. Thompson's distinguished career and publication, he has been earned a good reputation as a conscientious and dedicated professional." Dr. William Thompson is professor and chair of the Public Administration Department at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. He received B.A. and M.A. degrees from Michigan State. His Ph.D. is from University of Missouri. Dr. Thompson served on faculties of Southeast Missouri State, Western Michigan University, and Troy State University (Europe). Since coming to Nevada in 1980, Dr. Thompson has been actively study public policy and gambling. He and John Dombrink of the University of California-Irvine were gaming consultants to the President's Commission on Organized Crime. The two wrote The Last Resort: Sucess and Failure in Campaigns for Casinos (U. Nevada Press, 1990). Dr. Thompson's articles on gambling have appeared in many famous magazines and newspapers. He also co-authored (with Michele Comeau) Casino Customer Service = THE WIN WIN GAME (Gaming Wagering Bus., 1992, 1996). He published International Casino Law (Institute for The Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming, 1999) with Anthony Cabot, Andrew Tottenham, and Carl Braunlich as co-editors. Dr. Thompson has been Chairman of the Gaming Study Committee of WBTI since October, 1996. Dr. Thomposon appeared as a gambling authority on N.B.C.'s "Today Show", A.B.C.'s "World News Tonight", C.B.C.'s "Sunday Morning," etc. He has been quoted in news media including Time, Newsweek, Business Week, Fortune, Forbes, Wall Street Joural, Washington Post, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, etc. He served as a consultant for many organizations and states. He was a Research Advisor in the U.S. Department of Labor. Bill was born in the year of dragon. In this begining of the 21 Century, being dedicated to the celebration of Bill's sixty years of age, the Faculty of WBTI cordially welcome qualified public officials who are interested in management, research, and community participation to join PAI with Dr. Thompson for the development and prosperity of Nevada. | |
012100 |
United We Stand Separated We Perish by Tiffany Chang What is the status of our Asian community in U. S.? There is no problem that we have had many outstanding individuals who are very successful in each area of professions. For the view point on the whole body, the Asian community is probably backward a distance away from other racial communities. In the federal government, the cabinet of President between 1997 and 1998 had only two Asians in the main and secondary levels among the 250 people. They were only in the lowest level. Among the 845 judges only 7 of them were from Asia.*1 In colleges which has been famed as "big capital of idealists," normally, the administrators are promoted from the people who are colleagues working for the higher education. From the analysis on the basis of races, a comparison of the rate between the administrators and colleagues will show the opportunity to climb up in the adminitrative ladder of each race. The black people's rate was .21, that means there were 21 administrative personnel among the 100. Indians was .20; white people was .36; Hispanics was .15; but Asians was .06. Obviously, the bad situation was for Asians.*2 In private business, there was only one highest executive of Asian among the so called "500 Enterprises." We can find that there are highest executives who are Asian most only in those business founded by themselves. From the above statistical data, we were acknowledged that the Asian community owns 3.5% of American population has less than 1.0% people on the decision level in the government or private business. In another word, there is much less than 1/3 opportunity to be promoted to the decision level for the Asian people by comparable to other races. This is a serious problem that we should take care of.*3 It is worth for us to unite and struggle once when we know our Asian status and situation. Lots of other racial people got promoted more fastly than Asians in the public and private sectors. This is another reason that we Asian community should more be united for the best guarantee to climb up in the higher ladder. We Asian are mostly good by nature, but we have never competed against any other race without on the basis of knowledge and talent. We follow the founded spirit of U. S. as a country. Here everybody has an equal opportunity for development of his or her own business in spite of the discrimination of classes , religons, sex, and races. What we should ask for is set up on the basis of equal opportunity by virtue of humane, reasonable, and legal. How can we attain this purpose? The best policy is to unite each other with good work performance, reasonable human relations, and better American education. In the recent six years, Asian communities have contributed significant result to the winning of elected important officials in Nevada. Asian Community has won recognition for contribution to Nevada by American mainstream. The main reason for this recognition is the great and cooperative wisdom and effort that the Asian communities have continuously participated and offered to the mainstream society. ____________ *Bi-kuang Cheng, "The Union of Asians and the Promotion of Status.' Daily Central News - International Edition, July 16, 1999. (in Chinese) *2 Ibid. *3 Ibid. | |
011400 |
2000 Vision of WBTI Tiffany ChangWashington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) was founded in January 8, 1996. During the past four years, it has experinced a stable growth in academic research and especially in community service. Before our academic advancement fund is established for the development of the Institute, we are now defining our vision for 2000 as in the following: (1) Continue to encourage and promote academic research and community service. (2) Continue to offer honorary academic status (Fellows) to individuals who are achieved in education, business, and community service. We have no very expensive mansion, but we have distinguished scholars, successful entrepreneurs, and outstanding community leaders. We have no classrooms or students, but we have outstanding work performance in encouraging good academic research and better community service. Let us clarify, we are not a college for students, but we are an academic organization to encourage and promote research projects and social services. At the present stage, our vision for 2000 is continue to put more wisdom and effort in encouraging those people who are outstanding in academic research and community service. Recently, we appointed Dr. Susan Whiston as a Fellow of Culture Institution, Judge Mark Denton as a Fellow of Finacial Management Institution, and Betsy Kolkoski as an Associate Fellow of Culture Institution. On December 7, 1999, Betsy wrote Dr. Lei from her office, Department of Human Resources of the Division for Aging Services, "Thank you very much for joining the fight against elder abuse and for the honor bestowed upon me in the appointment to the Culture Institution. I am especially pleased to be afforded the opportunity to further my work in elder abuse through the Aging Services Study Committee. The opportunity to work with the Institute and endeavor to add to its success is very much appreciated. I look forward to working closely with you in this important undertaking. Your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated." Dr. William Thompson's achievement on publication has been publicized systimatically and successfully by WBTI, because he has been its Fellow of Asian Marketing Institution and Chairman of Gaming Study Committee since October, 1996. Happiness is a feeling and attitude, it can be receieved throuh an individual's exercise by learning. President Dr. Lei of WBTI is pleased to introduce nine factors to achieve HAPPINESS inducted by a research from a modern psychological medicine: H -- Happy Genes. Having genes of happiness. A--Altruism. To benefit other people, not selfish. P -- Purpose in Life. To have a central purpose in life. P -- Positive Attitude. Aggresive and positive attitude. I -- Intimate Relationship. Intimate social relations. N -- Never Retire. Always full with activeness and interest. E -- Exercise. Take good Exercise accordingly. S -- Spiritual Life. To have a spiritual life. S -- Smile. Always smile. | | Go To Page: [1] 2 [3] | |