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The following imfomation are kept just as our draft of some notes (not for publication):

From: "Paul Adams" [Paul.Adams@LibertyTreeEnterprises.com]
Subject: RE: Resolution Special Meeting, Concerned ARCC Members
Date: Thu, 19 May 2005 17:28:06 -0700

As the Clark County Republican Party (CCRP) Precinct Organization Administrator (Grassroots), I am responsible for establishing a precinct organization and a series of coalitions for all of Clark County. I am also a member of the California Bar and practiced law for several years. While I am not the legal advisor to the ARCC or the AARCN, I do know what the law requires.

I should make it clear that Dr. Jasmine Brooks has my complete support in her efforts to organize an Asian Republican Coalition in Clark County. She is the President of the Asian Republicans of Clark County (ARCC), as well as the official co-chair of CCRP Asian Coalition and a newly elected member of the CCRP Executive Board. In my discussions with her, the intention was always to work TOGETHER to organize Asian Republicans in Clark County and affiliate with a valid statewide organization with the ultimate goal of improving the participation and political clout of the Asian Community.

I will not be attending the meeting on Saturday, May 21st . I do not attend meetings where unidentified people have unspecified complaints and there is no notice given of the meeting agenda. I do not know who has called this meeting or under what authority it was called.

Until the ARCC Treasurer – Jasmine Guo provides the requested financial report on the induction ball to the ARCC President, any meeting on finances is premature. From talking with Dr. Brooks, despite repeated requests for a treasurers report, no report has been provided by the Treasurer to the President. I also understand that there have been conflicting statements regarding the disposition of funds. The report of the ARCC Treasurer should be provided to the ARCC President before any general meeting on finances.

I have heard so much misinformation regarding the incorporation of the Asian Republicans of Clark County that I feel the need to set the record straight. The incorporation of the ARCC was perfectly proper, required by law and consistent with the wishes of the general membership.

I participated in a meeting to assist in the legal creation of the ARCC on the Wednesday prior to the officer’s induction dinner. My concern was simply to ensure that the organization that participated in the Clark County Grassroots organization was properly formed. I am told that at a previous general meeting, Frances Ridgley made a motion to incorporate the Clark County entity and the general membership unanimously approved that motion. The only issue was the name of the new entity. Because there would be a fundraiser on Sunday, the entity needed a bank account. To open a bank account, the entity needed to be incorporated. In order to incorporate, the entity needed a name.

There was no intent to “hijack” anything in Clark County. One proposed name for the Clark County entity was the Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada, Clark County Chapter. This name was problematic.

After nearly three years of talk about a state wide Asian Republican organization; there was no properly formed, legally constituted statewide entity in existence. A state organization has been called the Asian American Republican CLUB of Nevada and the Asian American Republican COALITION of Nevada (AARCN). I checked with the Nevada Secretary of State and neither the Asian American Republican CLUB of Nevada nor the Asian American Republican COALITION of Nevada EXISTED. By this, I mean, neither had ever been incorporated. The bank account was for the Asian American Republican CLUB of Nevada. The induction ball referred to the COALITION. There is a tax id number being used with the CLUB checking account, but we did not know whose tax ID number it was. Further, no one from Clark County would have access to the CLUB checking account. No information was available on how much money had been collected over the past three years and how that money had been used. Finally, and most importantly, the IRS rules require that separate organizations have separate bank accounts. In short, commingling funds between a state and a county political organization is improper and a very dangerous practice.

The name selected, Asian Republicans of Clark County (ARCC), described the organization perfectly. By not including the word “Nevada” in the name, there was no way to confuse the Clark County entity with any future state entity. The stated intent of everyone at the meeting was to affiliate with a state entity, when such entity actually existed. If I recall correctly, after much discussion, Dolly DeLeon actually made the motion to select the name Asian Republicans of Clark County (ARCC). Her motion passed and the ARCC was incorporated.

Consider this – The Clark County Republican Party is a completely separate organization from the Nevada Republican Party. Both are incorporated; they have different names, separate leadership, separate bank accounts and separate tax ID’s but they WORK TOGETHER to advance Republican principles in our state.

I have nothing against Elena Brady or the AARCN, what ever it may be. I support the idea of a statewide Asian organization, properly formed and lead in a manner consistent with promoting Republican values. Having said that, please understand that the CCRP Grassroots organization unequivocally supports Dr. Brooks and the vision Dr. Brooks has for the ARCC.

I am concerned that the AARCN has never been incorporated. I find it ironic that people are clamoring for an immediate financial report of the ARCC less than one month after its very first fundraiser, but no one is asking for a report on the three years of fundraising and expenditures of the AARCN.

I do not support the agitation within and from outside of the ARCC or the continued calling of meetings which people use to advance personal agendas to the detriment of the Asian Republican community.

Recently, someone who did not even have the courage to identify herself worked in the shadows to cancel an invitation to an event that had been presented to Dr. Brooks in her capacity as ARCC President. I find such actions despicable.

Fundamental to the American legal system is the right to have notice of the charges being raised and an opportunity to defend oneself. Improperly called meetings to “discuss” unspecified charges from unidentified people are not only Improper, they are un-American. I have no intention of attending any meeting of the ARCC until a properly noticed meeting, with an agenda, is called by ARCC President Dr. Jasmine Brooks.

Dr. Brooks has already announced that anyone who wanted their monies from the induction ball to go to the state (AARCN) instead of the county (ARCC) will have the opportunity to make that selection. The monies cannot be sorted out until the ARCC Treasurer – Jasmine Guo does her job and provides the ARCC President with a report. I know that I attended the induction ball fully intending to support a Clark County organization – the ARCC.

I will not attend the May 21st meeting because I believe it is premature, has been improperly called and any action taken would be invalid. I also consider such a gathering a complete waste of time and contrary to the purpose of working together to promote Republican values in the Asian community. Good Republicans do not engage in petty, personal backstabbing.

Paul Adams
Precinct Organization Administrator
Clark County Republican Party

From: "Frances A Ridgley" [cdridgley@yahoo.com]
Subject: Resolution Special Meeting, Concerned ARCC Members
Mon, 16 May 2005 17:59:15 -0700 (PDT)

Please attend this special meeting that was announced two weeks ago re: the financial affairs/standing of ARCC. The treasurer will be there to repeat the report she made at the meeting held just after the induction ball. Hopefully, the president will be there to once and for all clarify this issue per resolution passed by concerned members and forwarded in advance to the president of ARCC. Hopefully, members can help resolve this issue. The meeting will still be held on May 21 at 4:00 P.M. You are all being reminded again 6 days ahead of time so that we can make some slight adjustments re: the place. The Tropicana place is not available on May 21. The person who was suppose to make arrangement to use this place was not able to make it. In this regard, we will meet at the Nevada Republican Party headquarters on 8625 W. Sahara Ave. It is easy to locate - southwest corner of W. Sahara and Durango, by a gas station (Seven-Eleven, I think). See you on May 21 at 4:00 p.m.

Have a Great Day

Chuck and Francesca Ridgley


The following imfomation are kept just as our draft of some notes (not for publication):

From: Dr. Jasmine Brooks [DrJasBrooks@aol.com]
Mon, 2 May 2005 22:17:13 EDT

Asian Republicans of Clark County (ARCC) Members:

This will serve as a formal notice that the Urgent Conference Call issued by Elena Brady for this evening May 2, 2005 at 8:00 pm has not been called by the ARCC Officers.

Just in case there is any confusion, the Urgent Conference Call that Elena Brady is asking for does not concern ARCC.

The Urgent Conference Call that Elena Brady has called tonight is to discuss the registration of her Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada (AARCN).

Asian Republicans of Clark County (ARCC) has already registered with the Secretary of State and the IRS. It is not necessary for the ARCC members to attend this meeting unless they desire to.

Elena Brady is considering registering her organization tonight after two years without incorporating, nor registering with the Secretary of State and the IRS. It is comforting to see that AARCN is following the lead of ARCC in making its organization a legitimate entity for the purpose of furthering Asian American values and interests. Perhaps this will allow for stronger unity within the Asian Community.

Should you have questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dr. Jasmine Brooks

President ARCC
Co-Chair CCRP – Asian Committee
Co-Chair CCRP – Healthcare Committee

--------------------------------------------- Mon, 2 May 2005 16:10:13 EDT

Dear .....:

........... the meeting. I will put forward an agenda for the meeting.

Regarding the criticism on .....'s e-mail list, this is just a political spin and a meager attempt to try to create chaos, confusion and division.

For your comfort level, please rest assured, I do not do any thing without forethought and considerations. The list of the people from my mailing list is from my personal relationship and meetings with each one individually. I did not receive this list from Elena or any one else. The list was created by me personally.

I do not believe that anyone on the list were minors, if they dislike the e-mail notifications, there are many ways to inform us that the notifications are not welcomed.

More importantly, I did not receive any documentation regarding Elena as their newly elect spokesperson nor did I receive any legal documentation stating that Elena Brady is the Attorney-in-fact for these individuals. Therefore, her interference and attempts to impede our momentum and progress will be addressed accordingly, however, should not be given too much credence. We must stay the course. If we stray too far, then we have allowed others to achieve their objectives in creating chaos, confusion, and division.

With the assistance of CCRP (Brian Scroggins, Paul Adams), ARCC officers (Dr. Ridgley, Edgar Guo, Pete Rinato, Jasmine Guo, Dr. Lei, Julie, Hereford, Hui Lim Anh, Cassandra Cheung ...) and our general membership, we will put a stop to this once and for all...to allow for a more constructive agenda.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, I agree that we should meet to update the mailing list and discuss other important matters.


From: Miss Dolly DeLeon [DOLLYDELEON@aol.com]

Hi Elena,

I don't see anything wrong with this email. If I was the recipient of this email, I would gladly say "Thank you". What was the fuss about it. Though, it was not necessary that you apologized at the end of your message, and you called it "meddling", it was not meddling at all. In fact, you were cordial and friendly in your salutation.

HOWEVER, the answer to your email was rather DEFENSIVE AND UNFRIENDLY.
Overall, it speaks of one's personality. If I were to make a choice, I rather be your friend. I AM GLAD WE'RE FRIENDS.

It was good seeing you and Steve during the Sunday induction, I wish I could join your mission to the Philippines and Beijing, but my prayers will be with you all as you spread the Gospel of Christ and bring goodwill to people you will meet during this travel.

God Bless you more abundantly,



From: Miss ELENA BRADY [bradies@charter.net]


My email to you was a friendly gesture to save face, I am sorry that it was taken differently. As we discussed earlier, I have NO private agenda. I believe I was the one who gave these email contacts to Ms. Brooks. A lot of these people are not members, nor board members, according to the Bylaws adopted in January 16, 2004, you may ask Jasmine a copy of it. In fact it was through that bylaws that she was elected amidst the controversy of not yet amended, approved, and ratified. I supported that group and work hard and spent a lot of money to make it happen. But maybe you are completely a different group, I don't know, in that case I would be happy to take back those original members and start over again, we gonna do it right and no more compromise. For me it is okay that you guys have your own group as long as the intention of your group is to serve the community and be an ally to the Republican party. I would just like to let you know, I do not want to be in odds with you. We Asians are a small minority and are very new to this coalition business. We need each other, if you want power base and we should support each other and teach one another the things we need to learn. Good luck to you and again please accept my apology.


From: Miss Mae Cruz [maemcruz@yahoo.com]

Dear Ms. Elena Brady:

I accept your apology for meddling in my business.

In response to your email dated April 27, 2005, in reference to the Asian Republicans of Clark County (ARCC) – Executive/Board meeting, I find it necessary to make the following comments.

It is neither your privilege nor concern to whom I address my emails as Secretary of ARCC, Inc.
I have been elected for the position as secretary for the Asian Republicans of Clark County, therefore, it is my duty to inform all members of the organization about meetings, events, or any pertinent information relevant to matters or issues concerning the coalition and the Republican platform. The subject email was entitled, ARCC – Executive/Board Meeting.
Each member provided their email address to the organization to facilitate expeditious communication. In lieu of the internet, members may choose other means of communication to be informed.

Ms. Brady, your email blast to the general membership, in reference to the aforemen- tioned was a defamation of my position as secretary for ARCC, wherein, you have no place to exercise your private agenda.

ARCC, Inc. is a separate entity as an organization to promote our agenda in unity with the Asian community and the Republican platform.

Mae Cruz

From: Miss ELENA BRADY [bradies@charter.net]

Hi Mae,

It was great meeting you last Sunday. It's good to know another Fil-Am Republican.

Anyway, please be advised that your email list contains people that I don't believe needs to be notified of your board meetings, i.e. bertthomas, carterhotel, ericlachica (he is a friend of mine that lives in Maryland), FILAMGOP (this is a listserve that can broadcast your announcement to the world), Hajpyon (a friend of mine that lives in Virginia), lcarlota (lives in Tennesse), ljsomar (my friend Laura lives in Reno and do not even open her email because her computer is dead), notoriousgop - (not a member); PRinato's email is obsolete, us.filvets (a listserve also that can broadcast your notice around the world), and maybe some others also that do not even care or not good to your group. I do not see Jasmine Guo's email here who is your Treasurer and maybe there's more.

I apologize for middling in your business. Take care.



The following imfomation are kept just as our draft of some notes (not for publication):

Sun, 8 May 2005 22:00:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: Frances A Ridgley [cdridgley@yahoo.com]
Subject: May 21 Special Meeting

May 8, 2005
To: Jasmine Brooks, President
ARCC, Las Vegas, NV.
From: Frances A. Ridgley, Executive Director

Members present at the special urgent meeting held on May 6, 2005 at the Conference Room, Wedding on the Strip, at 6:00 P.M. felt it a moral authority and moral obligation to pass a resolution to summon you, Jasmine Brooks, president of ARCC to attend the next special general membership meeting scheduled on May 21 at 2:00 p.m. at the Spanish Trails, 6767 W. Tropicana Suite 217, Las Vegas, NV 89103, the purpose of which is for you to clarify the financial affairs of ARCC. This resolution is now forwarded to you for compliance.

Have a Great Day

Chuck and Francesca Ridgley

From: Dr. Jasmine Brooks [DrJasBrooks@aol.com]
Date: Sun, 8 May 2005 23:11:08 EDT
Subject: Special Gen. Meeting

DATE May 9, 2005
LOCATION 3800 Howard Hughes Pkwy, 7th Floor; LV NV 89109
(Pete Rinato’s office)

I. Call to order
II. Review of previous meeting for approval
III. President Reminder
A. Rules and Order
1) No officers should make independent decisions
2) Professional and Ethical standards
IV. Report from
A. Treasure – Jasmine Guo
1) presentation of the Financial Report from the Induction Ball
- copies of the checks received
- copies of the checks deposited
- copies of the deposit slip
- copies of the cash deposit slip
- financial statement/income statement/cash flow statement
B. Fundraising Co-Chair – Hui Lim Anh
1) presentation of the Fundraising Financial Report from the Induction Ball
- financial statement/income statement/cash flow statement
C. VP – Edgar Guo
1) presentation of the Membership status
V. Payment for Incurred Debts
A. Wellington Place or Mrs. Tess Smith (reimbursement)
B. DJ or Mrs. Tess Smith (reimbursement)
C. Other debts
VI. Unfinished Business and General Orders
A. Membership Committee
1) option for AARCN v. ARCC membership
2) issue reimbursement checks for AARCN members
B. Victory party for Honorable Cedric Kerns
VII. New Business
VIII. Adjournment

Jas Brooks 702-493-3330 ARCC President
Edgar Guo 702-303-8237 ARCC Vice President

Sun, 8 May 2005 18:51:44 -0700 (PDT)
From: Ms. Mae Cruz
Subject: ARCC - Financial Records Request Demand
To: "Jasmine Guo" [Shiomeiguo@aol.com]

This notice will serve as a reminder to produce the financial records per the request of the ARCC, President, Dr. Brooks.

It is imperative that you submit these records on or before, 12:00 noon, Monday, May 9, 2005.
If you are unable to submit the documents requested, I can arrange to pick-up the documents from you, or you may fax and/or email them to DrJasBrooks@aol.com.

In addition to these financial records, please, also provide the "Membership Folder" and any other membership documents or receipts.

I appreciate you undivided attention to this matter. Thank you.

Mae Cruz
ARCC, Secretary

Sun, 8 May 2005 18:22:29 -0700 (PDT)
From: Miss Mae Cruz
Subject: General Meeting @ 4:00 pm, Monday, May 9, 2005

President, Dr. Brooks has called for a general meeting to convene, Monday, May 9, 2005 at 4:00 pm. Until you are notified of a different meeting location, the tentative meeting address will be at 6767 West Tropicana Avenue, Suite 217, Las Vegas, NV 89103.

Your presence is requested. Thank you.

Mae Cruz
ARCC Secretary


Dear Visitors,

This section is temporarily put here in this box. It's not for the series of main sections. It should go to the next large box as soon as possible. Thank you.





Dear Attorney General Honorable Brian Sandoval,

Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Dr. Jasmine Brooks, President of Asian America Republican Coalition of Nevada - Clark County Chapter (AARCN-CC)

request the honor of your presence
as a Guest of Honor
at the Event and Dinner Party for
1st installation of the Board of Directors and Executive Officers of AARCN-CC

sponsored by AARCN-CC, and co-sponsored by WBTI, among others

on Sunday, the Twenty Fourth of April, 2005
at La Chateau
6985 W. Sahara Avenue, Suite 100-102, Las Vegas, Nevada 89117
from 6:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. (You may present just at the dinner party.)

U. S. Senator John Ensign will install the directors and officers. U. S. Congressman Jim Gibbons will be the Kenote Speaker.
Participants: About 500 people
Attire: Business

RSVP: Please e-mail Dr. Tony Lei at tojulei@yahoo.com. Or please call Judy for RSVP at 255-9058 on or before Friday, April 1, 2005.


Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!
Chinese Association of Las Vegas held a special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival
By "Next Weekly" (Ò¼ßLˆó) on February 24, 2005

[Friendly post through the courtesy of "Next Weekly" (Ò¼ßLˆó) on February 24, 2005
(All the terminology and literature in English were edited by WBTI.)

The Chinese Association of Las Vegas is led by Xiaosheng Huang, esq., as its Chairman.



Êг¤¹ÅµÂÂüÓëÖÚÒéÔºHarry Reid¾ù·¢À´ºØµç£¬Í¬Ç컪ÈËÐÂÄê¡£ÄϼÓÖÝÖøÃûÇÈÁì¹ËÑÜʱÌظÏÀ´¹§ºØ£¬ÖÐÃÀÓÑЭ»á³¤×¿»ÛÕ꣬±¾µØÇÈÁìÕÅÏþÇÙ·ò¸¾£¬ÂÞËضð»á³¤µÈÇ××Ôµ½³¡ºØϲ£¬Ç°ºþÄÏÊ¡Ê¡³¤ÐÜÇåȪίÍÐÑÔÒôÏ×ÉÏ¡°½ð¼¦±¨Ïþ¡±Ìõ·ù£¬×£Ô¸»ªÐ­ÈÕÒæ׳´ó¡£

Õû³¡Íí»á ½ÚÄ¿¾«²Ê·×³Ê£¬ÁîÈËÄ¿²»Ï¾½Ó¡£ÓÈÆäÖµµÃÒ»ÌáµÄÊÇÈ«²¿ÑÝÔ±°üÀ¨Ö÷³ÖÈ˶¼ÊÇÒµÓàµÄ£¬Ö»ÅÅÁ·¹ýÁ½´Î£¬ÑÝÔ±Ò²Òò¹¤×÷ʱ¼äµÄ²»Í¬£¬´Óδȫ³¡Ò»´Î´®¹ý¡£È´×ö³öÁËÈç´Ë¸ßˮƽµÄ·¢»Ó£¬ÈÃÈËÞ̾²»ÒÑ¡£±íÑÝñ×ÓÏ··¨µÄÑÝÔ±Öܳɺ£×Ô·Ñ×ø³ö×â³µ´ø×ŵÀ¾ß¸ÏÀ´¡£±±¾©ÉÌÈËÁº½¨Î°ÏÈÉú¸ÕÏ·ɻúµÃÖªÕâһʢ»á£¬µÚ¶þÌ켴ðÓê¼Ý³µ´ÓÂåÉ¼í¶¸ÏÀ´£¬²¢µ±³¡¾èÔùÈý°ÙÔªÒÔ±íÖ§³Ö¡£»ªÊ¢¶Ù¹¤É̼¼ÊõѧԺµÄÀ×ÕñÌ첩ʿÏÖ³¡¾èÔùé²Ä¾¾µ¿ò×÷Ϊ³é½±Æ·£¬³ÂÖ®³Ç·ò¸¾¸üÊÇÌṩ¼ÛÖµ°Ë°ÙÔªµÄ»úƱΪ´ó¼Ò³é½±×£ÐË¡? [Some part of the above uncleared charaters stated that "a significant present was given by Dr. Tony Lei (雷動天博士), President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) [华盛顿工商技术研究院], among others ....." (Please check these on the following flier, which was designed cratively with colorful paintings, in Chinese. It was published by "Next Weekly" Ò¼ßLˆó in Chinese on February 24, 2005.)] (You may access the flier on the sections of "Chinese Multimedia", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", and "Next Weekly" Ò¼ßLˆó at February 25, 2005 please.)




*****This is a draft for final editing and modification. The completed article will be post in the morning on or before February
19, 2005.

Thu, 17 Feb 2005 13:52:19 -0500
From: Ms. Tina Shih [image@alita.com]
Subject: Re: HI! ---Sociall skills

Dear Tony & Judy,

Thank you for your mail and still remember me. you bright my day.
I will more than happy to do the class or seminar in Las Vegas. The
pass three
month I was busy for 2 seminars and a fashion show. On February 27, I
will have
another jewel show.

Tony, please go on my web site so you can see all the classes I teach.
And we
can have a plan to do the class in Vegas. My web site address:

Thanks again. Hope to hear from you soon.

Best Wish,

Tue, 1 Jun 2004 12:43:17 -0400
From: Ms. Tina Shih [image@alita.com]

Quoting Tony Lei :

> Dear Ms. Tina, How are you? Did you have a good time
> for your last Las Vegas trip? Your participation was
> impressive for the party. It's good to know your
> integrity and professionalism on image consulting.
> For many Chineses, the social skills in America are
> very important. Hope we may read some of your
> literature on this subject whether in English or in
> Chinese. Thank you very much.
> Sincerely,
> Judy & Tony
> *For more details, please have your
> Assistant or yourself kick on the
> Sections of "LAF5" & "PPAA18" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti

Dear Judy & Tony,

Thank you for the mail. I had a wonderful time in Vegas. even I had
been there
many times but this time is the most meanful for me.
I fax you the class information that I have teach now. Could you
please give
me your fax number so I can do it asap.
This is my plesure to meet you. Please keep in touch.




Sun, 23 Jan 2005 21:11:26 -0800
From: Assemblywoman Valerie Weber [veweber@usa.net]

Dear Dr Lei:

How I would love to attend your dinner celebrating Chinese New Year.
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend as I will be in Carson City
ready to start the new legislative session on Monday, February 7th.

Please convey my greetings and thanks to all the hosts of this dinner
I will miss you all as my heart with(will) be with you!

Continued prosperity to all!


Valerie E Weber
Nevada Assemblywoman/Minority Whip
Clark County District 5
Serving SW Las Vegas

From: Assemblywoman Francis Allen [francisoallen@cox.net]
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 23:47:52 -0800

Dear Dr. Lei:

Unfortunately I am unable to attend your Feb 4th event. I will be in
City preparing for the Legislature to begin on Feb. 7th. Thank you for
invitation and thank you for thinking of me.




From: John Pontcello [JPontic177@aol.com]
Fri, 31 Dec 2004 17:16:09 EST
Subject: Happy New Year!




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