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092406-1168 |
Post through the courtesy of the "洛杉磯新聞" of Worldjournal.com:吳雷洛美「阿姨媽媽」新書發表 重組家庭走過來時路 張艾嘉分享經歷 [[[前聖瑪利諾學區教委吳雷洛美 (左)23日向社區介紹新書「阿姨媽媽 」,圖右為導演張艾嘉 。 (本報記者陳盈霖攝)]]] 【本報記者陳盈霖聖蓋博市報導】「後母」、「繼母」再也不是一如童話「白雪公主」內,想要用毒蘋果毒死白雪公主的壞皇后,在前聖瑪利諾教委、EQ專家吳雷洛美新書「阿姨媽媽」中,後母可以是無所不談的好朋友,也可以是分享心事的阿姨與媽媽。 這本描寫吳雷洛美長達17年重組家庭的故事、及好友們經驗寫成的「阿姨媽媽」,其書名是由吳雷洛美在台灣聖心女中好朋友、知名導演張艾嘉命名。同樣歷經重組家庭的她,23日特別出席吳雷洛美新書發表會,分享自己經驗。 吳雷洛美表示,美國離婚率已超過五成,再婚的離婚率更高達75%,華人社會也有急起直追的趨勢。她認為,第二次婚姻的離婚原因,大多是後父後母對子女教育方式出現意見有關。 吳雷洛美說,事實上,重組家庭與一般家庭的父母子女溝通原則相同,只是重組家庭成員比較複雜與脆弱,需更多智慧與技巧。 同樣經歷重組家庭的張艾嘉,結婚時除丈夫外,還有丈夫與前妻生的兩個兒子。 張艾嘉說,每個重組家庭內,後母因孩子個性、先生個性不同,走過的過程也有不同,所幸她這一路走來並沒太大風浪。 張艾嘉認為,自己不能控制別人,只能控制自己,但她一直堅持「孩子是無辜」的,也不會對孩子期望太高,只是用耐心不斷與孩子相處,站在孩子立場替他們想,慢慢獲得他們信任。現在,一家人都十分親密。 除分享心路歷程外,吳雷洛美「阿姨媽媽」還提供維持婚姻關係、教育孩子的理念與技巧。 [2006-09-24] 777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
092206-1177 |
Becky Ung's teaching on E. Q. 最大限度地发挥自己的潜能 By 齐圣琳(for all the portion in Chinese) and Jennifer KungMs. Becky Ung (吴雷洛美) is former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. She is a Master Trainer of PESA (Parent Expectations Support Achievement) which is a program offered through Los Angeles County Office of Education. Becky is now the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*1 Becky is a motivational speaker, life coach, teacher and author. She is an EQ and parenting specialist as well as a business consultant. Becky is a national and international famous Speaker in California, United States; Taipei, Taiwan; and Beijing, Shanghai, Amoy, China. She has published a numerious Vidio Tapes, feature articles, and books. Her famous book named "What you Wish is What you Get" was published by Songan Publishing Inc. in 2001 at Taipei, Taiwan. The next one of hers, "E. Q. Unlimited," was published by Franklin Publications at Taipei in the fall of 2002. She is an expert of E. Q. (Emotional Intelligence).*2 The following is a report wriiten by 齐圣琳 in Chinese: 吴雷洛美:人的潜能无穷 作者: 齐圣琳 ----------------------------------------- 记:您曾经担任美国加州圣马力诺学区教育委员会主席,现作为美国华盛顿工商技术研究院助理教授、著名的激励演讲家,有着丰富的人生经历,能否为我们介绍一下您的工作、生活经历? 吴:人生总是有起起伏伏,我在生活中经历过很多。我和丈夫都有过一次婚姻,他有两个孩子,我有一个女儿,都是由我一手带大。在美国人的观念中,孩子放学回家,就要有父母其中的一位在陪他,他们在成长过程当中非常需要建立安全感、责任感、自信感。所以我首先做了一名全职妈妈。 后来,我想做些属于自己的事情,就利用业余时间去学校做义工,直到成为第一位家长会的华裔会长,我在这个过程当中积累了很多财富,比如领导能力、组织协调能力;交到很多朋友。之后我从学区教委做到学区主席,参加很多的讲学和研讨会,在工作生活中不断积累。一直发展得很好。 我觉得,看一个人成功与否,不要只看他现在有多大的成就,而要看他如何达到今天的地位。对于那些克服很多困难,历经很多挫折,从艰难的逆境中走出来达到成功的人,我们才会特别的佩服。 记:在沙龙的听众中,有很多人力资源领域的从业者,您能否介绍一下,在企业中,应该怎样在选择员工的时候更好的判断他的EQ能力? 吴:我认为,在面试的时候,要注意询问他对于人生一些问题的看法,比如遇到过最困难的事情,然后在他讲述的过程当中留意他是积极乐观的,还是消极沮丧的。以此来预测他在工作当中可能会有的行为和态度。当然这样的测验结果只是相对的,在正式雇佣这名员工之后,要定期进行反馈。 记:对于企业现有的专业能力很强,但沟通能力很差的员工,应该如何提高、改进他们的EQ能力? 吴:主要通过潜能发挥等一些培训课程来解决。首先要委婉的告诉员工存在沟通方面的问题,比如:你的做事能力很好,公司很幸运有你这样的员工,但是你有没有觉得……;或者,你有没有觉得跟别人的沟通有一点欠缺的地方……不要伤害到员工的自尊,他才会比较容易接受建议。然后,要让员工回想,上一次如何与别人沟通,结果是什么,如果结果很差,作为上司,要鼓励他,告诉他下次遇到类似情况应该怎样做,以便让他在事前有万全的准备,这样才能不断的改进。 记:在您的生活当中,每次遇到困难的时候都是用什么方法来激励自己的呢? 吴:我也曾教授潜能发挥这门课程,所以我非常注重活泼乐观的自我谈话。因为每天会有十万个念头经过我们的脑海,我们每天都在和自己对话。所以遇到困难时,我会认为危机即是转机,困难代表着新的机会,解决问题就能获得新的能力,这样想,我就能积极乐观的看待事情,最大限度的发挥自己的潜能。 记:您觉得,潜能发挥课程对于职场人士来说,能够带给他一些什么呢? 吴:通常来讲,人的潜能只发挥到3—7%,我们真的有太多的潜能没有发挥出来。通过潜能发挥课程,就可以明白是什么因素在妨碍人潜能的发挥。 不良的习惯、负面的态度、过低的、错误的信念、过低的期望值都会影响人潜能的发挥。而潜能发挥课程正是针对这几点,帮助职场人士养成良好的习惯,找到真正的自己,在职场竞争中有充分的信心,从而最大限度发挥自己的潜能,达到事业发展的新高度。*3 The current popularlity of the "EQ for success" has been a critical emphasis and development of the importance of human relations in business. Ms. Becky Ung's accomplishment on the teacing of E. Q. is remarkable. ------------------------------------------- References *1. Kung, Jennifer. 'Becky Ung's on Google!' "A search of 'Becky Ung' on the Google.com," (September 21, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Tyrrell, Natalie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Increase your potential and EQ for success,' "Nevada Examiner," (2002), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *3. 齐圣琳. '吴雷洛美:人的潜能无穷,' "A search of 'Becky Ung' on the Google.cn," (September 22, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. 55555555555555 3333333333333333333333333333 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ******************************************************* | |
082206-3677 |
Post through the courtesy of the "上下古今" of Worldjournal.com:超人的控制力 古往今來,凡是做大事有作為的人,大多具有超於常人的「情緒控制」能力,也就是說喜怒不形於色,能夠收斂自己的感情,方能成大功、立大業,以下我舉出三個例子。 一、晉朝淝水之戰的謝安,看過驛書,得知獲勝消息,心固然大喜,但仍繼續下棋,了無喜色,對弈者問起,他才答道:「小兒輩遂以破賊。」,回房內過門檻時,屐齒都折斷了。 二、美國的魏德邁將軍,陪同當時美國駐華大使赫爾利晉見蔣介石,報告雅爾達密約一事,蔣中正透過譯官得知內容,十分生氣與痛心。 但蔣此時卻靜坐不語,然後伸手將茶几上那杯茶的蓋子掀開了,魏氏知道一點中國禮俗,就是端茶送客之意,他馬上提醒赫爾利說蔣委員長請我們走,於是馬上辭出官邸。 三、過去中國大陸有一位年輕貌美的國家領導人隨身翻譯,名叫朱彤,她並非未婚的小姐,而是位年輕的寡婦,她在其夫車禍身亡後不久即擦乾眼淚,忍住悲痛,隨國家領導人登上專機,出國公幹去了,真是了不得。(朱翔) [2006-08-22] 33333333333333333 5555555555555555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************** | |
081006-3787 |
EQ for business success GSBPA of WBTI***** "Management is nothing more tnan moivating other people." --- Lee Iacocca In the initiative period of the business administration program at the National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan, "Human Relations" had been an important course of the curriculums of its Department and Graduate School of Business Administration. "It is important for a manager to own the philosophy of management of 'The reaching of peak management achievement through successful work performance both on good production and human relations,'" pointed out Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei in his text book entitled "Modern Business Management" *1 in 1973. Dr. Tony Lei taught a three units course "Human Relations" at the Graduate School. The current popularlity of the "EQ for success" has been a critical emphasis and development of the importance of human relations in business. We are pleased to quote the following feature article*2: ----------------------------------- Increase Your Potential and EQ for Success By Natalie Tyrrell*3 and Tiffany Chang "It's been said there are three kinds of people: (1) Those who watch things happen. (2) Those who make things happen. (3) Those who wonder what happened? Don't be part of the third catergory of clueless people who wonder around aimlessly. It is not enough to breathe a sigh and figure that your learning days areover. Here you are in this world, this world that is undeniable the way it is. You can do nothing to change what happended in the past, yet you can do everything to vastly improve what lies in the future. You have the ability to build, to create, to improve yourself and your future. You can MAKE THINGS HAPPEN. Remember you have immense potential. Your future is vast and awesome. If you keep learning and improving, your destiny will bring you long term happiness, enrichment, success, love and much more. As the martial art student realized, his reward of the black belt represented the beginning - the start of a never-ending journey of discipline, work and the pursuit of an ever-higher standard. 'What is the true meaning of the diploma you are about to receive?' This is your Commencement Day. And it is only fitting to say to you, as we salute you for your accomplishment, that, truly, this is only the beginning," delivered the Commencement Speech at SMHS 2002 recently by Becky Ung, President of the School Board for San Marino Unified School District, California. Becky is a national and international famous Speaker in California, United States; Taipei, Taiwan; and Beijing, Shanghai, Amoy, China. She has published a numerious Vidio Tapes, feature articles, and books. Her recent famous book named "What you Wish is What you Get" was published by Songan Publishing Inc. in 2001 at Taipei, Taiwan. The next one of hers, "E. Q. Unlimited," will be published by Franklin Publications at Taipei in the fall of 2002. She is an expert of E. Q. (Emotional Intelligence). Becky has been honored as an Assistant Fellow of the Culture Institution (CI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).*4 "I am delighted by this honor. Thank you for the appointment. I think this is the biggest title that I have ever held!" Becky sent an e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei, President of WBTI, on May 19, 2002. "Besides what I'm already doing in my teaching goal, I'd like to continue to introduce and integrate the best of American culture and social into Chinese churches and families to help them in the assimilation process. People have to pursue, accept, and embrace all kinds of opportunities and challenges that lives have to offer. I encourage them to utilize their potential to the fullest extent. I believe awareness is a pre-requisite to a happy and successful life. I'll do my best to serve the Lord and follow His will. I'll also devote my time, talents, and resources to help others and make a difference in their lives," she spoke to the public. "As an Assistant Fellow of the Culture Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute, it's my precious opportunity to realize my potential of entrepreneuship to work with all these outstanding faculty members of WBTI under the encouragement and spiritual leadeship of Elaine Chao who has been honored as the Chairperson of this Institute," said Becky Ung.*5 -------------------------------------- References *1. Lei, Tung-tien. "Modern Business Management," (1973), Taipei, Taiwan: Darling Co. *2. Tyrrell, Natalie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Increase your potential and EQ for success,' "Nevada Examiner," (2002), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *3. Google. Natalie Tyrrell is a North Las Vegas Judge of the Clark County Justice Court. 'A profile of Natalie Tyrrell,' "A search of 'Natalie Tyrrell esq' on the Google.cn," (August 9, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *4. Tyrrell and Chang. Ibid. *5. Ibid 3333333333333333333 55555555555555555555555555555 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
080206-1168 [072706-1021] |
Becky Ung's outstanding accoplishment By Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1***** "The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck Becky Ung is former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California.*2 It is our pleasure to post the following two e-mails from Becky Ung, Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): 49th Assembly District's Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA)Heritage Month Awards Dear Dr. Lei, Thank you for your interest in knowing more about the award I received from Assembly Woman Judy Chu's office. May is the Asisan Pacific Island American (APIA) Heritage Month.*3 I was being chosen to receive APIA Outstanding Award in the field of family. I was being nominated in three categories: Education, Volunteer and Family. The qualification for the family is: "This is a parent or a guardian who deserves to be recognized for the outstanding commitment to their family and may have faced adversity but has overcome many challenges. It is also a parent or a guardian who strives to continually empower and educate their children." I want to thank you for playing an important role in my career and personal growth. I really appreciate the friendship, support and encouragement you have given me in the past. I want to share this honor with you. Sincerely yours, Becky ********* Dear Dr. Lei, Here is the article you requested about social etiquette. Please let me know if it is ok.*4 Becky Social Etiquette What is etiquette anyway? Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language says: "conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion." What is graciousness anyway? Webster's again: "disposed to show grace or favor; kind: benevolent; courteous." Yes, yes, yes! We can all do that! We can become kind, benevolent and courteous and it will help us in life! It will pave the way to our success and happiness! I can envision a society where people care about each other and treat each other with graciousness. I believe so strongly that all social and business situations are about graciousness that I've made it my mission to help as many people as possible to put their best foot forward graciously. I think everyone agrees that having social skills will make us better people, give us more confidence and keep us better connected. One sure way to learn about social etiquette is try not to make the same mistakes as others. According to a recent study conducted by The Protocol School of Palm Beach, the following are America抯 top 10 etiquette pet peeves: People who make slurping, smacking or clicking noises while eating. People who conduct private conversations during a meeting. People who talk on their cell phones in meetings or restaurants. People who send unsolicited jokes, photos or chain letters over the Internet. People who constantly interrupt before others have finished talking. People who don't 抰 cover their mouths when coughing, sneezing or yawning. People who begin eating before everyone at their table has been served. People who pick their teeth with their fingers or with a toothpick at the table. People who don't抰 acknowledge a gift with a thank-you note. People who pile a large amount of food on their plate and don't 抰 leave enough food for others. ***** [[[Yes. It is very useful and practical. ---WBTI]]] ------------------------------------------------------------ References *1. Valerie Weber is a famous Assemblywoman of Nevada. Cheryl Moss is a District Judge of the Familily Court Department I of Nevada, U. S. A.. *2. Kung, Jennifer. 'Becky Ung's on Google!' "A search of 'Becky Ung' on the Google.cn," (July 27, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *3. Ung, Becky. '49th Assembly District's Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA)Heritage Month Awards,' "An E-mail from Chairperson Becky Ung to WBTI," San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *4. Ibid. 77777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
070706-1037 |
The following information has been received from a search of the most update news on the top left of the Home Page of Worldjournal.com at 10:37 a.m. in the morning on July 7, 2006:[A picture described by the following message.] 北美多加?f??⒃9日舉行多加關?涯伎畈?_??性福、幸福。左起:?抢茁迕馈⒑螐?沛然、?蔷S?堋⑼跗怼⑹?悦导?⒄芘妗(本?笥?者??P雯?z) 55555555555555555 333333333333333333333333333 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
070706-1168 |
Post through the courtesy of the "洛杉磯新聞" of Worldjournal.com:導正兩性關係 多加公開談 9日辦關懷募款餐會 請專家聊聊「性福、幸福」 幫助失婚、單親者及瀕臨破碎家庭 [[[北美多加協會將在9日舉行多加關懷募款餐\會,公開談論性福、幸福。左起:吳雷洛美、何張沛然、吳維傑、王祈、盛曉玫及劉哲沛。(本報記者楊凱雯攝)]]] 【本報記者楊凱雯蒙特利公園市報導】「性」在兩性關係中是重要的課題。非營利性組織北美多加協會將在9日舉行的多加關懷募款餐會上公開談論「性福、幸福」,幫助失婚或單親者走過低谷,瀕臨破碎家庭得到重建和復合。 募款餐會將由王祈主持,由全球多加創辦人吳維傑、EQ及潛能開發專家吳雷洛美、衝突處理專家劉哲沛律師主講,搭配盛曉玫及泥土音樂的現場演唱、摸彩等,在輕鬆、幽默情境下暢談性與兩性間的關係。 北美多加協會會長何張沛然指出,華人因為文化的束縛,對於性議題難以啟口,但性關係在婚姻中相當重要,近八成的婚姻不滿、外遇等都源自性生活方面不協調,必須給予華人正確的性觀念。 吳雷洛美表示,婚姻在誓約的約束下,有責任也有義務,她希望「性」趣缺缺的妻子明白配合先生是一種愛情責任的表現,個人必須為自己的性歡愉負責,不要生悶氣,大膽說出自我需求,良好的性生活必定能為圓滿的婚姻加分。 劉哲沛說,華人在性方面是先天不足、後天失調,尤其是男性,必須瞭解性愛是溝通的過程,先有廣度才有深度,一昧以自我為中心,不僅對婚姻造成極大的影響,對下一代也是不正確的示範。 吳維傑強調,性愛會讓人立即產生腦內啡,它是天然的嗎啡,會有快樂、滿足感,夫妻間必須充分溝通、配合。單親或失婚者也可透過其他藝文、體育活動而達到性滿足,最重要是學會愛自己,勇於追求自我幸福。 在多加協會協助下挽回婚姻的梁正平表示,與妻子結婚13年,當熱戀時的浪漫消退後,必須面對現實生活、小孩教育等問題,和妻子從激烈爭吵變成冷戰,年僅五歲的女兒甚至說出長大不結婚的話。 參加三天兩夜的多加夫妻營之後,梁正平說,夫妻關係改善不少,會站在客觀的立場替對方著想,過去凶悍的妻子也變得溫柔,小孩也比較有安全感。 募款餐會時間為9日晚間6時至9時,地點在鑽石吧社區中心(1600 S. Grand Ave.),每張贊助票價建議為一百元,包括贈送吳雷洛美新書及盛曉玫與泥土音樂的最新專輯,意者請電洽北美多加協會909-455-0909或888-566-1336。 [2006-07-07] 1111111111111111111 666666666666666666666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************** | |
062706-5678 |
Becky Ung published the "Stepmother" recently 《阿姨媽媽》問世 By KingStone and Jennifer KungTwo fliers for Becky Lei's book, "Stepmother", were designed and post on the page [2] of this Section. To view the creative designs, please hit the [2] on the top line of this page. 阿姨媽媽 分 類: 文學 / 現代中文創作 / 現代雜著 / 散文 作 者:雷洛美*1 編/譯者: 出版社:春天 ISBN:9867135229 出版日:2006.01.19 定 價:200 元 特 價:83折!166元 紅利回饋:2點(刷卡加倍) 參考庫存量:7本 更多關於本書 | 內容介紹 | 作者介紹 | 書規資料 | 本書介紹總覽 內容介紹 阿姨媽媽──我的親親後媽 「後母」得同時具備「母親」般的教導與照顧、「阿姨」般的親切與慈愛、更如「好友」般的分享與溝通。我們不再是從童話走出來的惡婆娘,而是上天派來照顧你的「阿姨媽媽」!*2 滌然女士曾說:「不是人人都可以作母親的,男人就不行。也不是每個女人都能,母親這個天職,是給一些特別的女人的。」我想,「阿姨媽媽」可能是要給超級特別的女人當的,因為她們需要更大的智慧、更多的勇氣,讓「母親」這個角色更多元,更周到、更完美! *我終於可以安心的跟孩子們說:「你看你們多幸運,比別人多了一個媽媽愛你們。」──張艾嘉(知名導演、藝人) *洛美很顯然是既有精彩曲折的人生故事,又有生花妙筆?呐耍D_卷有益,經歷一次收穫滿滿而又溫馨愉快的心靈之旅!──蘇文安(知名旅美作家) *《阿姨媽媽》的問世,是所有重組家庭之福音。──黃維仁(知名心理醫生, 又有「愛情博士」美名) 雷洛美是?麄兊暮糜??潜娙搜壑谐晒Φ尼釈尅7_此書吧, 妳也會擁有快樂的孩子,溫馨的家。 阿姨媽媽──我的親親後媽 「後母」得同時具備「母親」般的教導與照顧、「阿姨」般的親切與慈愛、更如「好友」般的分享與溝通。我們不再是從童話走出來的惡婆娘,而是上天派來照顧你的「阿姨媽媽」! 滌然女士曾說:「不是人人都可以作母親的,男人就不行。也不是每個女人都能,母親這個天職,是給一些特別的女人的。」我想,「阿姨媽媽」可能是要給超級特別的女人當的,因為她們需要更大的智慧、更多的勇氣,讓「母親」這個角色更多元,更周到、更完美! 作者介紹 雷洛美 *曾任 美國加州聖瑪利諾市的學區教育委員會主席 *現任 洛杉磯郡教育部指派親子師資培訓的訓練師 華盛頓工商技术研究院的企業管理公共行政研究所助理教授 EQ 研究委員會主席 長庚松柏社會大學講師 真愛家庭協會特約講師 恩泉輔導中心顧問 聖瑪利諾華人協會顧問主席 南加州華裔家長教師協會榮譽顧問。 雷洛美擁有太平洋研究院潛能發揮講師的執照。每年在聖瑪利諾高中以及真愛家庭協會開課教導青少年潛能發揮及領導者訓練,也在不同場所開課訓練成人親子教育、職場 EQ、社交禮儀和婚姻輔導。是一位極受歡迎的國際激勵演說家、老師、作家、商業管理顧問和兒童心理輔導。 雷洛美與先生吳廣超育有三位成功、快樂、獨立的兒女。2004年五月美國加州眾議員趙美心舉辦的亞太裔傳統月慶典活動選她為「對家庭有傑出貢獻」得獎人。2003年佳音社與世界日報聯合舉辦的「慈母手中線」活動被表揚為「不平凡的母親」。她平常活躍於美國南加州主流與華裔社會,雷洛美熱心公益,喜歡幫助華裔居民學習情緒管理,希望大家擁有健康、快樂、成功的家庭與事業,能夠實現美國夢。 作者相關著作:《非常EQ,魅力人生【智慧生活01】》*3 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Ms. Becky Lei (雷洛美)[known as Becky Ung] is former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. Becky Ung (吴雷洛美) is now the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. KingStone. 'A profile of 雷洛美 (Becky Lei) by KingStone,' "A search of '雷洛美 (Becky Lei)' on the Google.cn," (June 27, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *3. Ibid. 555555555555555555 88888888888888888888888888888888 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************** | |
062106-1168 |
The following information have been received from a search of "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "becky ung" on the Google.cn, and "chairperson becky ung" on the Google.com at 10:08 a. m. in the morning on June 21, 2006. They are appeared starting from the first line of the first page on the Google.cn and Google.com:(1). "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World" on the Google.cn Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World) at 11:18 am in the morning on March 23, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from January 7, 2006 to March 21, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 87k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Chinese ... - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]"Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "นไรท ม_ฝzฝึาืRบรศR]時ษะ", "ำี฿บฮทผ", "Friendship Page", ... QUOT;, "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "ผูศีบรศฅฬ บอฏฟี้gฒฉฮ๏๐^สวสื฿x", "ำี฿๎P๖ฉ" "China Business Chain", "พWลฤฬลฎผs ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 99k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 [ communitylink.reviewjournal.com站内的其它相关信息 ] (2). "becky ung" on the Google.cn Welcome to the Website of Becky Ung 吴雷洛美[ 繁体 ]www.causativepower.com/ - 4k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 About Becky Ung[ 繁体 ]吴雷洛美曾任美国加州圣玛利诺市的学区教育委员会主席﹐现任洛杉矶郡教育部指派亲子 师资培训的教师﹐华盛顿工商研究院的企业管理公共行政研究所助理教授和EQ研究委员会 主席﹐真爱家庭协会特约讲员﹐恩泉辅导中心﹐圣玛利诺华人协会顾问和南加州华裔家长 ... www.causativepower.com/about.htm - 3k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 [ www.causativepower.com站内的其它相关信息 ] Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World) at 11:18 am in the morning on March 23, ... The following information have been received from the search of "Becky Ung" and "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 87k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]And it is only fitting to say to you, as we salute you for your accomplishment, that, truly, this is only the beginning," delivered the Commencement Speech at SMHS 2002 recently by Becky Ung, President of the School Board for San Marino ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063... - 66k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 [ communitylink.reviewjournal.com站内的其它相关信息 ] (3). "chairperson becky ung" on the Google.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World) at 11:18 am in the morning on March ... The following information have been received from the search of 'chairperson becky ung'and 'becky ung' on the . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 87k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Shelley Berkley, US ... - [ 翻译此页 BETA ]... sapatra chemprachum; becky ung, eq becky ung, ms becky ung, eq chairperson; thai cultural art association of lv, ... james gibbons, jim gibbons; chairperson of wbti elaine chao, us secretary of labor elaine chao, ms elaine chao, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 69k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 [ communitylink.reviewjournal.com站内的其它相关信息 ] 1111111111111111111111 6666666666666666666666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************* | |
061606-1037 |
From: "Becky" [becky.ung@bestformulations.com] To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com] Subject: Fw: TV show Date: Thu, 15 Jun 2006 21:57:11 -0700 If you clik this website you will see my interview. But it will only be on for one day. Make sure you catch all three sections. http://www.la18.tv/program_feature.aspx?programid=3cc167df-ddcf-43b9-8042-04661d6c90e9&tabid=5&videoname=LA+Living+with+Juliette+(CHI)-3.flv 555555555555555555 333333333333333333333333333333 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
061606-1021 |
College Launch presents The Power of Purpose By College Launch, Inc. and Jennifer KungOn the basis of community service, it is our pleasure to post the following information on the 2006 Community Service Leadership Conference (CSLC) of College Launch,Inc.: 2006 Community Service Leadership Conference (CSLC) For students entering 9th -12th grade & graduating seniors*1 ------------------------------------------ Students will LEARN to LEAD with Purpose-setting goals, setting a life direction, defining character, value and ethics ------------------------------------------- Vision-creating a picture of who you are and what kind of a leader you can be -------------------------------------------- Passion-learning to find a future career in what you love to do -------------------------------------------- Dedication-learning about commitment, responsibility, & sacrifice -------------------------------------------- Service-designing, presenting a community service leadership project in teams -------------------------------------------- Parents will enjoy Family Bond Building - via guest speakers on teen parenting and family wellness. -------------------------------------------- Students will EXPERIENCE & ENJOY Learning - via instructors teaching 搘inning essay writing, public speaking, interviewing, team building, presentation, and networking skills. -------------------------------------------- College/Career Advising - via panel of senior students and alumni, from various colleges, universities along with guest speakers from various professional fields: medical, business, law, entertainment, education, arts, non-profit.. -------------------------------------------- Networking - via career day learning about real world applications and job skills. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Socializing - via fun break time activities during the week varying from acting, dancing, and watching movies. -------------------------------------------- Apply to Register Please print the pre-registration form and mail to the address below. COLLEGE LAUNCH, Inc. Re: Community Service Leadership Conference (CSLC) 50 West Dayton Street, Loft 302 Pasadena, CA 91105 Pre-Registration Form PDF SPACE EXTREMELY LIMITED, RESERVE NOW Please send the $200 registration deposit with your form and it will be applied to your balance when due. Full Balance must be received by May 28 to avoid late fee. Register Today pre-registration April 28, 2006 - May 20, 2006 (with $200 deposit - deposits must be postmarked by May 20) late registration deadline May 20- 28, 2006 (with $100 late registration fee) Tuition/Board: $1,500 Deposit Materials & Processing: $200 Total: $1,700 Session I June 18-24, 2006 Session II June 25-July 1, 2006 Occidental College 1600 Campus Road Los Angeles, CA 90041-3314 College Launch, Inc. Tammy Huang-Anacleto President Harvard Master抯 in Education - College Admissions Consultant Hours Tues-Sat, 10am - 6:00pm Phone 626.796.6683 Fax 626.795.1879 Cell 626.233.4465 (ENGLISH / MANDARIN) Becky Ung Parenting and EQ Specialist Former Board President of San Marino Unified School District Cell 626.298.2232 (ENGLISH / CANTONESE) Christopher K. Wong Conference Director Author, Your Wonder Years - Success in College and Beyond, International Speaker Cell 310.709.5385 2006 College Launch*2 -------------------------------------------- References *1. College Launch. 'A profile of College Launch,' "A search of 'www.collegelaunch.net' on the Google.cn," (June 16, 2006),Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *2. Ibid. 7777777777777777777 66666666666666666666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************** | |
061106-5678 |
The following information has been received from a search of "Becky Ung" by "RLRDING NETWORK EDUCATION" on the Google.cn:首届“金领沙龙”昨亮相 美国专家现场讲授职场EQ WWW.JINI.COM.CN 2004-03-29 10:04:40 文章来自:阿拉丁 首届“金领沙龙”昨亮相 美国专家现场讲授职场EQ 【本报讯】(记者唐亚明)哪些社交习惯令人讨厌?雇主选拔雇员时最为关心的七个特质是什么?纵横职场、稳操胜券有何要诀……在昨天举行的首届“金领沙龙”上,美国EQ(情绪智慧)专家吴雷洛美女士的一番精彩演讲,引起了在场的400多金领人士和人力资源经理们的浓厚兴趣。 据了解,随着市场竞争不断加剧和工作生活节奏的加快,许多职场人士在处理人际关系、调整心理状态方面普遍感受到较大压力。如何提升情绪智慧,更为理智的应对职场挑战,获得更大的事业提升,是许多职业人士面临的一个普遍问题。为此,昨天首次亮相的“金领沙龙”,特地请来了美国华盛顿工商技术研究院助理教授、美国EQ研究委员会主席吴雷洛美女士来为大家现场释疑解惑,指点迷津。记者在沙龙现场看到,吴女士的演讲综合现代认知心理学、行为学、社会科学、神经语言学等西方最先进理论的精髓,方式轻松有趣,语言深入浅出,轻松幽默,赢得了与会者一阵阵的笑声与掌声。演讲后,她还和与会者就大家关心的一些共同问题展开讨论。 此次沙龙由新资本名人俱乐部主办,主办方负责人表示,今后他们将继续围绕当前职场热点举办类似的沙龙活动,把“金领沙龙”办成一个职场人士交流、学习、充电的好场所。 555555555555555555555555 7777777777777777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
051406-2168 |
From: "Becky" [becky.ung@bestformulations.com] To: "Tony Lei" [tojulei@yahoo.com] Subject: interview Date: Sat, 13 May 2006 23:14:42 -0700 Hi Dr. Lei and Judy, Happy Mother's Day! I am on the Chinese radio station at 1:00 p.m. this Sunday (Mother's Day). I hope you have a chance to listen. Becky 111111111111111111 66666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
051105-5678 |
Becky Lei's world of wisdom and E. Q. 把缺點變優點﹐從消極變積極﹐轉失敗為成功﹐使夢想成事實 By Jennifer Kung***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash ***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis ***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash Ms. Becky Lei (雷洛美) is the former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. Becky Lei (雷洛美) is now the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). 雷洛美曾任美國加州聖瑪利諾市的學區教育委員會主席﹐現任洛杉磯郡教育部指派親子師資培訓的教師﹐華盛頓工商研究院的企業管理公共行政研究所助理教授和EQ研究委員會主席﹐真愛家庭協會特約講員﹐恩泉輔導中心﹐聖瑪利諾華人協會顧問和南加州華裔家長教師協會榮譽顧問。[華盛頓工商技术研究院]*1 雷洛美老師以行為學﹐心理學﹐神經語言學﹐現代認知心理學西方最先進的精髓作基礎﹐加上東方思想的高深智慧﹐綜 合三十多年與美國主流社會打成一片的豐富人生經驗﹐提供一套完整學習的概念與技巧﹐用輕鬆有趣的方式﹐深入淺出與學生探討實際生活的挑戰與解Q辦法。幫助大家擺脫束縛自己成長的心理障礙--把缺點變優點﹐從消極變積極﹐轉失敗為成功﹐使夢想成事實。*2 Becky travelled many places all around the world. As a successful speaker, she dilivered her speeches in California, Texas, Taiwan, Japan, China, and among others. Becky's famous book "Super EQ Once for All" (非常EQ,魅力人生) is full with wisdom, knowledge, and practicality. It is an inspiration to develop one's unlimited potentiality for big success. Her most recent book is "Stepmother".*3 --------------------------------------------- References *1. WBTI. 'A profile of Becky Lei,' "A search of 'Becky Lei' on the Google.cn," (May 10, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *2. Ibid. *3. Lei, Becky. 'Stepmother,' "A search of 'Becky Lei' on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com," (May 11, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVRJ. 3333333333333333333 666666666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************* | |
042806-5787 |
On April 17, 2006, Ms. Becky Ung wrote Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei that "Thanks. You are very efficient. Thank you again for the lovely brunch. It was so good to see both of you."Becky wrote the e-mail after she learned that two fliers for her book, "Stepmother", were designed and post by the WBTI website at http://communitylinl.reviewjournal/lvrj/wbti in the morning on April 17, 2006. 66666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
041706-2168 |
Two fliers for Becky Lei's book, "Stepmother", were designed and post on the page [2] of this Section. To view the creative designs, please hit the [2] on the top line of this page.11111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
041706-1012 #Second printing of the First Edition on April 16, 2006 [041606-7168 (21:16 p.m.)] |
Go to www.la18.tv for Becky Ung's wonderful interview By Jennifer KungThe following is an e-mail from Ms. Becky Ung to WBTI on April 13, 2006 in San Marino, California: Dear Dr. Lei, Go to www.la18.tv, clip on L.A. Living with Juliette and you can watch my interview to promote this book ("Stepmother"). There are two segments. Make sure you watch both please. ........................................... Becky Hope more interesting people may follow the above direction to take a view. Thank you. Becky and her husband came to Las Vegas for celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary on April 15-17, 2006. They were invited by Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei at Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel for Brunch on Easter, April 16, 2006, in Las Vegas. As one of the gifts, Becky Lei gave them her newly published book, "Stepmother". We shall design two special fliers in this Section for its covers tomorrow (4/17/2006). 11111111111111111 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
032806-1178 |
Google answers our people, community, and world! (26th of XXXII) By Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Becky Ung, E.Q. Chairperson's World) at 11:18 a.m. in the morning on March 23, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from January 7, 2006 to March 21, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "驸彫棖", "婰幰錀椊壝", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?*2 Many people have a good perspective on Google. Google.cn and Google.com will put more effort and wisdom to contribute to English and Chinese readers being an efficient visitor on the searching of fluent and useful information. Washington Business and Technology Institute's (WBTI's) website has been continuously published by Google.com and Google.cn about every 11 days. We wish advanced performance may be extended from Google.cn to WBTI.*3 You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti [[[A compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine! We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones: ***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash ***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis ***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash All art, permanent or temporary, has a life in the immediate experience, but then has a life in the imagination. ---Anish Kapoor 1954- :in "Sunday Times" 11 July 1999 "Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower]]] [[[Dear Dr. & Mrs. Lei: I am writing this letter to invite you to my next Senior Advisory Committee meeting at 9:30 am on Thursday, February 23, 2006, at the Lieburn Senior Center, 6230 Garwood Avenue (map is enclosed). ..... Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei has been U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior Advisor since January 2000.]]]*4 [[["It's really my pleasure and honor to be named as an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI. WBTI has a good reputation with its Advisory Board and faculty members. The Board has Governor Kenny Guinn as its Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign as Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman as Executive Directors. With the excellent and informative publications of 'Google.cn', 'Google.com', 'Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com', 'Next Weekly' and among others, high-ranking officials of Nevada with the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI have been inspired to help realize the creed for professional righteousness, community service, and humane spirit of WBTI," expressed Justice Michael Douglas of Nevada Supreme Court at the Event and Dinner Party in the Emperor's Garden Restaurant on February 4, 2005 in Las Vegas. It was held by the Committee to implement the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG.]]]*5 [[[Some of the significant idea from the letters to Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): "It's my great pleasure and honor to be named by you as a Senior Advisor and Honorary Chairman of CCDAPCC of WBTI. Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." --A. William Maupin, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court "As Mayor, I will continue to devote my energies into the preservation and improvement of the standard of living enjoyed here in the City of Las Vegas." --Oscar B. Goodman "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." --Kenny C. Guinn]]]*6 [[["As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Governor of Nevada, on November 11, 2005. The above message was signed by Lt. Governor of Nevada Lorraine Hunt:.....]]]*7 [[["It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman and Senior Director of Washington Business and Technology Institute, in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas:.....]]]*8 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada and the Minority Whip of the Assembly. Cheryl Moss is an outstanding District Court Judge of Nevada serving in Las Vegas, Clark County. *2. PAI of WBTI. 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's on Google!' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao' on the Google.com," Mountain View, California: Google.com. *3. Ibid. *4. Berkley, Shelley. 'I am writing this letter to invite you to,' "A letter from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (February 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Office. *5. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Justice Michael Douglas wbti' on the Google.com," (March 25, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Guinn, Kenny C. 'Nevada Proud of Our Troops in the Middle East,' "Section of 'Business & Administration' of the WBTI website," (March 23, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *7. Hunt, Lorraine. 'As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council,' "A search of 'Chairperson Lorraine Hunt' on the Google.com," (March 26, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Gibbons, James. 'It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of,' "A search of 'James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman' on the Google.com," (March 27, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
031806-1587 |
在實際的職場中要如何打造團隊力呢?................................ 如何培養團隊力? 30世代剛好處於打造團隊力的基礎,要能成為一位team leader,先要學習如何成為一位team member。在實際的職場中要如何打造團隊力呢?*1 第一,以利他精神取代自私自利。「不要問團隊能為你做什麼,要問你能為團隊做什麼?」全美企管暢銷書《團隊領導的5大障礙》中明確指出,如果你是強出頭的明星隊員,太以個人前途為重,必要時領導人會毫不手軟對你下手。國內當紅的《ppaper》創意團隊,就以「愉快的工作情緒,為保護創意來源」為最高原則,謝絕過不少才高八斗卻不懂合作的隊友。相反的,聯合勸募協會是非營利組織,每年調薪幅度微乎其微,但是團員績效不輸超級業務員,彼此情感交融合作無間。原因為何?他們都眼神發光地回答:「我在別人的需要上看到自己的責任。」 第二,真正的聽話與服從。在大陸火紅的王品集團素以魔鬼訓練聞名。所有的服務生沒有高學歷的光環,卻完全展現了高學歷份子也不容易做到的團隊風範。為嚴格把關餐飲與服務品質,公司總共有三十八本以上的手冊與營運規則。大家不但不抱怨,反而提高標準自我要求做到「向客人彎腰必須達到30度」、「笑容要露出七顆半牙齒」等煩冗的規矩。遇到有人請假或離職,不待上級指示,自動加班輪替補位,火線救援前線。當「背後抱怨」與「陽奉陰違」成為職場通則,愈「聽話」的人在上司眼中可就行情愈高,成為擁有團隊力的佼佼者。 第三,多參與團隊活動。「下了班是否還想和同事一起逛街、吃飯?」正是檢測自認效率工作絕佳的你是否擁有團隊力的關鍵。事實上,「太有效率」也是團隊力的殺手,因為交情是花時間「陪」出來的。全中國發展最快的流行服飾公司湯尼威爾,六年級的業務總監潘靜認為打開心胸交朋友,才是融入團隊的不二法門。她與全國四十家自營店店長,彼此都知道每個人的興趣、星座、小孩名字、男朋友是誰。她認為團員中感情的聯結,是促成業績成長迅速的關鍵所在。 第四,開放心胸,迎接良性衝突。會議中與其維持和諧的假象,不如冒著說真話的風險。換言之,該提意見的時候不藏私,面對批評時虛心接納。團隊中一定都有討厭、不受歡迎的人物,以大局為重的團員卻能拋棄個人主觀好惡。今年2月份成功打響「付錢吃晚餐,免費看精緻舞台戲」的聚場餐廳,分別負責行銷與營運的兩位團員,原本是大學時代的好同學,創業期間兩人卻幾乎為了成本與策略辯論到快翻臉。如今策略奏效,最後兩人都同意:最完備的策略,都是從對立的辯論而生。 第五,了解其他人在做什麼。冷漠是團隊力量的最大殺手。團隊合作最忌諱每個人關起門來各做各的,或是遇到尋求協助的時候事不關己,或是因缺乏自信怕自己的專業被學走而有所保留。事實上就是因為擁有不同的才能,才使你們有緣成為一個團隊,多了解其他人的工作內容、隨時請益,以謙卑的心互相學習才能把格局變大。 第六,正面樂觀的態度。為什麼在不加薪的情況下,被《藍海策略》列為經典教材的模範團隊西南航空能度過危機轉型成功? 因為小組成員互相鼓勵,他們不只是在提供客人廉價機票,而是還給乘客一項珍貴的東西──「旅行的自由」。不要以為身為團員的你只是一個螺絲釘,如果你以正面、積極的態度迎接每一天的挑戰,你就像一根強力吸鐵,會影響你周遭的人。 由上所知,團隊的成功,與是否精通某些深奧複雜的理論無關,而是要能以罕見的高度紀律和毅力,身體力行一套平實易懂的常識。如果你能一反自己的「惰性」,遵守上述原則,恭喜你,你已經在團隊力的路上了,未來的團隊領導人非你莫屬。 最後,千萬不要忽略資訊透明與員工決策參與。當員工感受到自己像這裡的主人,企業的經營自己有責任,把老闆的公司當成自己的公司的時候,威力可想而知。*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. WBTI. '在實際的職場中要如何打造團隊力呢?' "A search of 'The art od Leading' on the WBTI website," (March 18, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *2. Ibid. 55555555555555555 8888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
030406-1878 [030306-1537] |
Becky Ung's on Google! By Jennifer KungThe following information have been received from the search of "Becky Ung" and "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World" on the Google.com and Google.cn at 11:37 a.m. in the morning on March 3, 2006. They are appeared starting from the first line of first page on Google.cn and Google.com: (1). For 'becky ung' on Google.cn Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World) at 9:37 am in the morning on February ... The following information have been received from the search of 'chairperson becky ung'and 'becky ung' on the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 93k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Singapore ... "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "逛梅爾羅絲街見識好萊塢時尚", "記者何 芳", "Friendship Page", "堵眠[》到金門欣賞戰地風情 ... QUOT;, "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "假日好去處兒童空間博物館是首選", "記者楊凱雯" "China Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 105k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Welcome to the Website of Becky Ung 吴雷洛美 - [ 翻译此页 BETA ][ 繁体 ]www.causativepower.com/ - 4k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 (2). For 'becky ung' on Google.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... - [ Translate this page ]QUOT;, "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "假日好去處兒童空間博物館是 ... eq becky ung, ms becky ung, eq chairperson; thai cultural Art association of lv, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 93k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tunghai University ... QUOT;, "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "假日好去處 兒童空間博物館是首選", "記者楊凱雯" "China Business Chain", "網拍處女約 叫價5100元 徵男伴共度春節 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 88k - Cached - Similar pages (3). For '吴雷洛美' on Google.cn Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ...主讲人吴雷洛美女士,是美国华盛顿工商研究院助理教授、美国EQ研究委员会主席、 著名的 激励演讲家。 ... 纵横职场、稳操胜券有何要诀厖在昨天举行的首届#37329;领沙龙#19978;, 美国EQ(情绪智慧)专家吴雷洛美女士的一番精彩演讲,引起了在场的400多金. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 93k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 (4). For '吴雷洛美' on Google.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... - [ Translate this page ]主讲人吴雷洛美女士,是美国华盛顿工商研究院助理教授、美国EQ研究委员会主席、 ... Welcome to the Website of Becky Ung 吴雷洛美- [ 翻译此页BETA ][ 繁体] ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 93k - Cached - Similar pages (5). For 'Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World' on Google.cn Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World) at 9:37 am in the morning on February 3, ... QUOT;, "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "假日好去處兒童空間博物館是首選", "記者楊凱雯" "China Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 93k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Leading Chinese ... "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "逛梅爾羅絲街見識好萊塢時尚", "記者何 芳", "Friendship Page", "堵眠[》到金門欣賞戰地風情 ... QUOT;, "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "假日好去處兒童空間博物館是首選", "記者楊凱雯" "China Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 94k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 [ communitylink.reviewjournal.com站内的其它相关信息 ] (6).For 'Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World' on Google.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... Becky Ung is Now offering her speeches on EQ in China By Tiffany Chang ... *This section has been entitled "EQ Chairperson: Becky Ung's World". ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 68k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Becky Ung, EQ ... - [ Translate this page ] QUOT;, "Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World", "假日好去處兒童空間博物館是首選", " 記者楊凱雯" "China Business Chain", "網拍處女約叫價5100元徵男伴共度春節200多 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 93k - Cached - Similar pages [ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ] *****[[[*** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash *** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis *** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash Becky is the former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. Ms. Becky Lei (雷洛美) is now the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): 雷洛美曾任美國加州聖瑪利諾市的學區教育委員會主席﹐現任洛杉磯郡教育部指派親子師資培訓的教師﹐華盛頓工商研究院的企業管理公共行政研究所助理教授和EQ研究委員會主席﹐真愛家庭協會特約講員﹐恩泉輔導中心﹐聖瑪利諾華人協會顧問和南加州華裔家長教師協會榮譽顧問。[華盛頓工商技术研究院]*1 非常EQ,魅力人生 ("Super EQ Once for All")*1 作者: 雷洛美/著 出版社:春天出版社 出版日期:2003 年 02 月 24 日 語言別:繁體中文 A special flier has been designed by WBTI creatively with colorful paintings for the above book. Interesting readers may visit it on the section of 'Becky Ung, E. Q. Chairperson". It was post on July, 30, 2004 [073004] at the second page of this Section. "Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lei, Thank you for your support and guidance," wrote Becky Ung inside the cover page of her book entitled "Super EQ Once for All". It was published by Spring International Publishers Co., Ltd. on February 24, 2003.*2]]]***** You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World) at 9:37 a.m. in the morning on February 28, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from December 30, 2005 to February 26, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "趙小蘭", "記者范凌嘉", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you? --------------------------------------------- References *1. WBTI. 'Some profiles of Becky Ung,' "A search of 'Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World' on the Google.com," (March 4, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *3. Ibid. 11111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
022506-7718 |
Post through the courtesy of the "雜誌新聞>天下雜誌" of Yahoo.com: [A concise one.] 孫運璿 永遠的領導人 ***友善列印 【楊艾俐】 [[[二十年,孫運璿雖然遠離政治,但是他帶領台灣走過艱困時代,經過時日的沉澱,更彌足珍貴,也深藏在人們心底。孫運璿到底展現什麼領導人特質,每個人能從他的一生經歷,得到什麼啟發?在混淆的現代,他代表什麼清明的聲音?]]] 晚間九時,榮民總醫院一片暗謐,思源樓四樓加護病房裡,總統府資政孫運璿,正在為自己九十三歲的人世,做一番巡禮。戴著口罩的護士進進出出,為他減輕病危的痛苦。 春節中,孫運璿心肌梗塞,住院急救,這位二十一年前因突然中風而退隱政壇的前行政院長,忽然從人們記憶中活躍起來。 領導者的典範 也許因為對時局不滿,也許因為對當前領導人的不信任,他的清廉、平實、以台灣為念、為台灣打下的經濟奇蹟,至今愈發令人懷念難忘。而當時財經首長超越派系的風骨、前瞻視野、專業,發展高科技,帶領台灣走上開發國家,至今仍為國際典範,也再度引起討論。 ...........................[Continued on the section of "The Art of Leading" (at February 25, 2006)] 77777777777777777777 1111111111111111111111111111111 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
021406-6787 |
Post through the courtesy of the "大陸新聞" of Worldjournal.com:美商登陸賺大錢 不吭氣 將豐碩的獲利數字埋在厚厚帳冊中 避免同行競逐與美政府關注 【本報香港十三日電】華爾街日報亞洲版13日報導,許多美國企業都對在中國大陸的獲利保持低調,因為一旦公布豐厚的獲利,不但會引來同行的競逐,也會受到政府單位的關注。原來,發展中的美國企業面臨的最大危機不是來自中國,而是來自華盛頓。 報導說,美國企業去年在中國大陸是豐收的一年,但是許多企業都規避不提這件事,美國國會在為「中」美貿易中的美國輸家們挺身抗議時,卻忘了有許多美國企業其實在雙邊貿易中獲利。 據美國經濟分析局(BEA)數據,美國企業持股超過10%的大陸子公司,2004年共賺進29.6億美元。1990年時這個數字尚為零。美國銀行(BOA)市場策略分析師昆藍(Joseph Quinlan)表示,這顯示許多美國企業已在這個全球第四大經濟體站穩腳步。他估計去年美國企業在大陸獲利共達32億美元,創歷來新高。 美國企業在中國大陸的獲利目前的確只占全球獲利的一小部分。2004年,美國企業在日本賺進113.2億美元,在墨西哥賺進75.6億美元。但是中國大陸市場對美國企業的吸引力與日俱增。以汽車業來說,通用汽車公司(GM)在美國市場鉅額虧損,去年前九個月卻在大陸市場賺進2.18億美元。這則獲利消息不起眼地埋在通用對美國證管會(SEC)提交的報告中。 中國大陸也占摩托羅拉(Motorola)全球營收的12%,並且是摩托羅拉最大的海外市場。摩托羅拉沒有公布在大陸的營收狀況。 奇異電氣(GE)表示去年在大陸營收達50億美元,並且計畫到2010年時把營收加倍。奇異一樣沒有透露營收細節。 許多美國企業在中國大陸確實獲利豐厚,但是數年來的挫折感和一些失敗案例造成一種印象,使美國人認為中國大陸是個錢只進不出的黑洞。 麥肯錫顧問公司(McKin-sey)上海分公司主管華強森(Johnason Woetzel)回憶18個月前的一場演講,當時許多人都發言質疑在中國大陸的獲利前景。這時奇異前執行長威爾許(jack Welch)不耐煩地起身打斷會議,指著在場的美國經理人一個個問:「你在中國賺錢嗎?你在中國賺錢嗎?你在... 」威爾許的現場調查顯示,有八成的在場美國企業在大陸市場賺錢。 這些賺錢的美國企業有些可能成為「中」美貿易摩擦的犧牲品。民主黨參議員舒默(Charles Schumer)最近提案,除非北京放手讓人民幣快速升值,美國將對大陸貨物課以27.5%的懲罰性關稅。 舒默上周五在聽證會報告美「中」貿易逆差去年達2兆美元後說,他可能在下個月提交表決上述議案。 貿易戰對美國企業的傷害並非全部一樣。和一般觀念相反,大多數美國企業赴大陸投資並非為了生產出口產品,而是著眼大陸當地市場。例如麥當勞與星巴克就是大陸消費市場興起的贏家。 複雜的供應鍊也使中共官方無法有效對美國企業進行貿易報復。耐吉(Nike)絕大多數的大陸生產都外包給當地廠商,2004年對大陸採購180億美元的沃爾瑪(Wal-Mart)絕大多數也都轉包給大陸廠商。對這類企業報復等於傷害大陸自己的經濟。昆藍說:「諷刺的是,在中國發展的美國企業面臨的最大危機不是來自中國,而是來自華盛頓。」 [2006-02-14] 6666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
021306-1078 |
You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbtiGoogle.cn and Google.com published this section (Becky Ung, E.Q. Chairperson's World) at 9:37 a.m. in the morning on February 3, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from December 30, 2005 to February 2, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Becky Ung, E.Q. Chairperson's World", "逛梅爾羅絲街見識好萊塢時尚", "記者何芳", "Friendship Page", "堵眠[》到金門欣賞戰地風情畫", "金門高粱酒", "Asian Chamber of Commerce", "沖繩賞鯨行 天冷大熱賣", "沖繩觀光會議局/提供", "記者牟迎馨", "Chen Shui-bien", "大坑花與樹生態博覽登場", "中央日報 林志廉", "冬遊九州柳川 江戶古風飄", "記者楊金嚴", "曾文水庫 飽覽南瀛好山水", "記者陳慧明", "Google Answers", "Google市值 科技業第二", "全球網路搜索引擎的龍頭老大Google公司", "Chinese Multimedia", "美姐亞軍彭麗萍 尋夢有決心", 榮獲2006年美利堅小姐亞軍的喬蝸喼萑A裔佳麗彭麗萍", "彭麗萍提供", "記者葉國超", "孟司亮明辦新春音樂會", "記者謝朝宗", "張莉 獲主流藝術家喝采", "四川女高音 被主流媒體稱讚為「來自中國的百合花」", "記者何芳攝", "Ma Ying-jeou, Mayor of Taipei City", "馬英九主張兩岸大學交流", "馬英九:盼新閣走中道、正道", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "王金平第一次海外過年 獻給洛城 祝賀僑胞狗年「人旺、財旺、事事旺」", "立法院長王金平", "林文龍、李顯榮、洪冬桂", "記者吳忠國", "「畫魂」新春開展 傳奇女畫家潘玉良二月跨海來台展出", "記者張秀珍", "兩大導演張藝謀、關錦鵬", "兩大美女鞏俐、李嘉欣", "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "Leading Chinese Literature World", "三月徵文話}》一句好話 「良言一句三冬暖」", "吳玲瑤", "第二屆新世紀華文文學獎徵文", "余光中 洛城朗詩 文壇饗宴", "南加大教授張錯", "記者陳青", "胡適研究專家周質平 訪達拉斯演講", "保加利亞旅館的晚餐(上)", "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism", "年初三 旅遊熱到高點 北京主要景點", "溫州探花樓 再現歷史風貌", "胡錦濤主持春節團拜", "大陸「超英趕美」 毛語成真", "H投資界 追捧「中國夢」", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", "東陽盧宅窺見民間故宮", "Next Weekly", "Judge Moss addressed a recent letter to the distinguished Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei", "壹週報", "The Art of Leading", "白先勇用美征服時空 青春版《牡丹亭》風靡兩岸30", "游常山", "Asian Soul Art", "Pengju Li ---An artist with the bright Asian soul", "記者何芳", "李鹏举", "Pengju Li", "拉斯維加斯華人藝術協會", "James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman", "CAMPAIGN FINANCE: Gibbons tops in funds", "Cartoons & Art", "There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash", "Photos & Pictures", "It's my great pleasure to say 'Happy New Year!' to every Chinese here in Las Vegas and Nevada through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of Las Vegas Review-Journal", "Asian Chamber of Commerce", "何薇玲:消費性電子、3G是可預見機會", "South Shores Community Association", "HOUSING MARKET: Investor homes raise concern", "Seniors United", "Very nice to read!", "Harry Reid, U.S. Senator", "REID: REPUBLICANS CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO END THE CULTURE OF CORRUPTION", "Kenny Guinn, Nevada Governor", "GOVERNOR SEEKS PRESIDENTIAL DISASTER DECLARATION", "John Ensign, U.S. Senator", "A biography of U. S. Senator John Ensign", "Shelley Berkley, U.S. Congresswoman", "Dear Dr. Tony, Hope you can make it", "A biography of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley ---A Lifetime of Commitment to Nevada", "Oscar Goodman, Las Vegas Mayor", "Goodman puts merger with NLV on table", "STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS: Goodman banishes cynicism in speech", "Nancy Becker, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court", Welcome to our $5 Chicken Dinner by the Paradise Democratic Club", "By John Ponticello and PAI of WBTI", "Valerie Weber, Assemblywoman of Nevada", "Dear Dr. Lei, I finally got this photo copied to my computer", "Assemblywoman Valerie Weber", "Pepperdine University Alumni Association", "Pepperdine University Alumni Association E-MAIL NEWSLETTER", "reviewjournal.com -- Community Link", "ECONOMY: Official lauds LV tourism Manufacturers get credit", "Condoleezza Rice, Dr.'s World Perspective", "賴斯「轉型外交」 震動外交官", "美國國務卿康朵莉莎.賴斯", "Dr. Condoleezza Rice", "The following information have been received from a search of "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice" on the Google.com", "Bill Maupin, Justice of Supreme Court", "Judge Besty Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs . Tony Lei with reunion dinner", "Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor", "Secretary speaks on the Strength of U.S. Economy", "U.S. Department of Labor Announces $190,000 Grant To Help Train Iowa Workers", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "US Labor Secretary Elaine Chao praises Asian American workforce by Tiffany chang", "Google Answers", "大陸搜尋網站 Google最好用", "原油價狂飆4% 全球緊張", "Asian Soul Art", "東坡故里闢書畫一條街", "學者倡兩岸建立共同文化市場", "拉斯維加斯華人藝術協會", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", "雪鄉吉林 東北冬之寶", "查干湖的冬捕 長白山的白雪和溫泉 松花江的霧淞奇觀都是冬遊賣點", "from the search of 'Mr. Wang Xing-ping' and 'Mr. Chen Xiaoyi' on the Google.cn and Google.com", "民眾積極為贈臺大貓熊取名 團團、圓圓最熱門", "杭廷頓圖書館植物W溫室吸引遊客", 記哧惽?QUOT;, "Becky Ung, E.Q. Chairperson's World", "假日好去處 兒童空間博物館是首選", "記者楊凱雯" "China Business Chain", "網拍處女約 叫價5100元 徵男伴共度春節 200多人次競標", "Tunghai University Alumni Association", "《日本》走入MIHO桃花源(上)", "日本滋賀縣信樂山麓 貝聿銘讚嘆如香格里拉", "曾約農 维库,知识与思想的自由文库", "曾約農先生', "東海大學圖書館內的曾約農先生紀念雕像", "Chinese Daily News (World Journal)", "內州歡迎卡增加國語發音", "Mindy Gao", "馮鳴台", "戎荻俏宸钟矌旁碌讍柺?,"Singapore Association of Nevada", "新加坡/拜拜觀音 撈撈魚生", "記者吳雨潔", "新加坡聖陶沙4D戲院 震動+灑水+聲光 觀眾身歷其境", "東森新聞報 國際中心", "John Lei's Cambodia and Taiwan Mission Trips", "阿里山百花開踏青正是時候梅花、桃花、杏花、櫻花、李花厖美不勝收", "記者黃國芳", "陳怡?2000萬別墅孝親", "陳怡蓉送爸媽新房子當新年紅包", "Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip pictures", "巴里島撍?玩幾遍也不厭倦", "記者張銘隆", "旅遊》美西海岸風光好", "Lillian Tsai's Think it over", "舟筏遊酒l 迤邐賞櫻花", "特派記者牟迎馨", "Meiyang Chang's Thoughts", "瑞士薩斯費 推出滑雪周", "記者黃彩絹", "吃年菜 醫師盼民眾遠離酒類及辛辣食物", "記者張榮祥", "Kairos Communication Service International", "來去高雄/賞梅、看雲海 甲仙六義山步道好", "記者江文兟", "River of Life Christian Church", "矽谷生命河靈糧堂", "遊中國/上海七寶古鎮 小龍蝦、叫化雞?#23567;吃美味又便宜", "記者黃子玲", "Jean Liu's Teaching World", "阿里山百ㄩ_踏青正是時候梅花、桃花、杏花、櫻花、李花厖美不勝收", "Nancy Jiang's World of Art", "頤和園有深度的氣質美人", "記者吳景騰", "吳景騰", "記者周立芸", "白勁傑", "北京販賣夾帶人民幣的賀年卡 走法律邊緣", "名譽主席:羅錦堂", "Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association", "黃永?, "夏威娜A文作覅f會", "詩人的睿智與大度", "詩人海涅是猶太人", "古典詩歌 走入社區", "華府書友會與華府華文作家協會決定", "哲學博士張彬煜", 則將和與會者"分享他個人對「琵琶行」的詩场撟鞅尘爸芯颗c理解", "蘇旻", "中國紅了 國際媒體大舉登陸", "英國《泰晤士報》駐京記唏R珍也說,", "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism", "玻國準總統訪中取經 莫拉萊斯晤胡錦濤 盼助開發脫貧", "曾祥德 福州首位台灣個體戶", "曾祥德不在,趙淑珠就在飯店裡幫忙收銀", "王清華研究糖尿病獲創新突破", "馬越攝", "浾唏R越", "東航济髂陜砂洞汗澃鼨C計畫", "贈台2熊貓 中共:今天要,明天就送", "特捎浾哧悥|旭", "中國將自主研製大飛機 中科院王大珩等廿餘人上書倡導", "周文重:中美關係 穩定發展 胡錦濤將訪美", "中國駐美國大使周文重", "上海港货物吞吐量世界居首", "姊弟戀 隱居深山50年", "網路影響政治 才是趨勢", "香港哪好?成龍搶先說 群星出ν坡眠[ 梁錦松全家破天荒合作", "劉德華", "成龍、劉德華、楊千嬅、梁詠琪、奈担约傲哄\松一家", "人氣天王Rain2月紐約開唱 韓劇「浪漫滿屋」主角", "記者陳芝怡", "亞洲人氣小天王「Rain」(嵵茄?", "親愛的 我們到關島結婚吧!", "記者牟玉珮", "牟玉珮", "出書新捷徑! 人氣部落格加持 彎彎、椰果轟動全台", "記者孫暐皓、吳漢嘉", "The following is a report in Chinese about the Chinese New Year's Gala published by the famous Chinese newspaper 'Next Weekly'", "Judge Cheryl Moss Extends Warm Greetings for a Happy Lunar New Year", "曾慧燕", "古德曼回顧政績充滿自豪", "專題1》美加華人有口福 南北雜貨解鄉愁", "由森美進口公司及世界日報讀者服務部主辦的「南北雜貨展」,已連續舉辦五年", "龔怡萍", "黃彩絹", "瑞士金三?遊山三部曲", "龔怡萍返台揮桿 賽前傳愛心", "旅美高球名將龔怡萍", "記者王麗珠", "內 州 共 和 黨 與 克 郡 亞 裔 共 和 黨 協 會 舉 辦 K 節 聯 誼 晚 宴", "巴黎、羅馬 都有方尖碑", "記者黃彩絹", "焇搤樢", "嵯忛揤揤曬", "墿徫惗", "杒瀾鍥{峑挿嫋抭岹", "漟巣堐壛巣壺恖嫤橉", "婰幰梜", "鹕浇文處來了海龍?, "春季特展 帶你遊賞阿里山", "畫家薛清茂", "記者張嘉倫", "斷背山超猛又奪3獎", "李安獲美國廣電影評人協會選為最佳導演", "記者蘇詠智", "拉斯維加斯英端工商會在賭城首度升五星紅旗", "賭城⒍斯ど虝e行新春祭祖大典,並祭拜關公聖帝", "記者馮鳴台", "英端工商會林國輝掌舵", "林國輝", "倪北嘉賭城操舊業", "Mindy Gao", "馮鳴台", "倪北嘉在拉斯維加斯AM1230電台,以國語廣ァ溉f紫千紅」", "在京都 尋覓藝伎美麗身影", "特派記者牟迎馨", "牟迎馨", "《藝伎回憶錄", "川端康成成名作《伊豆的舞罚?, "記者李大明", "記者藍功中", "劉文琪", "林豔芳", "陳彥廷", "記者陳彥廷", "皇后音樂學院師生演奏", "山宛然布袋戲表演精采逗趣", "僑聲1月16日舉辦說唱藝術賽", "薛純陽,葛晨,蕭璧珠", "記者劉文琪", "北美華文文壇新生代崛起深入乱泼裎幕⒅形魅诤?, "杜佳璟勇奪台美小姐后冠", "第一公主及第二公主,分別為余佳霓(右)與吳孟蓁(左)", "記者陳盈霖", "華埠小姐秀身段 領養女童搶盡鋒頭", "記者余寧", "玫瑰花車遊行 風雨中慶新年", "記者何芳", "劉家和出掌紐約華埠五分局", "記者陳芝怡", "韓秀", "韓秀美食小說《食慾共和國》品味人情", "中華藝文學會 交流用筆經驗", "浾吒鹂嫡\", "首屆世界新古詩大賽將在北京舉行", "記者郭玫蘭", "世界文化總會長、中華文化協會L范光陵", "北美作協拉斯維加斯分會會長尹浩鏐", "女作家劉於蓉、劉於坪(筆名劉坪)", "黃昭凱", "記者陳慧明", "曾文水庫 飽覽南瀛好山水", "記者祁玲、徐開塵", "暗夜跟蹤舞女 美工刀之狼劫色", "蔡依蒨/台北報導", "記者尚毅夫、陳志平", "王鼎鈞法拉盛圖書館─暢談文學寫作", "父女作家檔 吳晟寫田園 吳音寧闖叢林", "十先藦堉抑\ 七十人生正開始", "徐仁全", "紐約中領館文化領峦蹊础⒏鐐惐葋喲u作公司偛檬缕?, "蔣方智怡", "Ma Ying-jeou, Mayor of Taipei City", "記者范凌嘉、李祖舜、李光儀", "記者劉作坤、薛荷玉", "橙縣首辦中華民國元旦升旗", "馬英九拋「直航公投」促三通", "國安特勤專家:馬英九 安全維護問題大", "隆重熱鬧", "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會", "Taiwan Benevolent Association of America", "聯合新聞網 聯合報記者范凌嘉", "大陸民航總局台辦主任浦照洲", "兩岸春節包機 廈門至台北首航售罄", "馬培道:海外華人沒有分裂空間", "assemblywoman valerie weber", "歐冬來", "睹城天天報", "'Las Vegas Chinese Daily News' publishes on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday every week", "The following information have been received from the search of 'publisher helen hsueh' on the Google.cn", "黄笑生", "北京大W校長許智宏", "拉咕S加斯華人協會", "記者楊釗", "北大將頒連戰名譽教授", "賭城華人慶星?今烤肉", "胡錦濤:中國堅持對外開呕緡?, "「本┦锥疾┪镳^」啟用 盼與台灣故宮合作展文 物", "绘画的灵筒拍?QUOT;, "畫家趙寧密西沙加作品獲獎", "中國藝術品市場突破瓶頸", "汪蕪生", "吳玲瑤", "北大留學生 近八成來 美", "《雲南》夢鄉淨土 香格里拉(二)", 舊金山》乘風飛行 悠遊舊金山!", "台灣小姐沈佳慧 獲世界旅遊小姐后冠", "中華會館飨?, "墨韻俾曫^書畫會", "芝城學界新年頃?精彩可期", etc.); or your name followed by wbti (like "蔡依蒨 wbti", "林志廉 wbti", "林希展 wbti", "陳青 wbti", "張錯 wbti", "壹週報 wbti", "游I?wbti", "張殿文 wbti", "國畫家馬清雄 wbti", "江 南 wbti", "趙開生 wbti", "周雪華 wbti", "馬越 wbti", "文/成漢 wbti", "Next Weekly", "壹週報", "成龍 wbti", "記者周立芸", "記者藍功中", "王海龍 wbti", "陳公仲 wbti", "記者陳彥廷 wbti", "浾卟芙?wbti", "王鼎鈞 wbti", "吳雨潔 wbti", "吳晟 wbti", "吳音寧 wbti", "陳水扁 wbti", "祁玲 wbti", "徐仁全 wbti", "陳倖? wbti", "台北市長馬英九 wbti", "李岩 wbti", "楊美玲 wbti", "余寧", "模特兒 wbti", "李鹏举 wbti", "趙寧 wbti", "何芳 wbti", "胡錦濤 wbti", "李大明 wbti", "張義宮 wbti", "陳倖?", "司徒麗芳 wbti", "范凌嘉 wbti", and among others) please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you? 7777777777777777 5555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
021006-7178 |
Post through the courtesy of the "30雜誌" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞: 成功者的打點 6個職場達仁的基本功,6個30世代的機會點 ***友善列印 【林婉蓉】 [[[面對全球化下的激烈競爭,30世代只能努力打拼, 他們心中一直存在問號:未來會更好嗎? 怎麼贏?方法是不變的鐵律:把自己準備好, 然後等待機會。只有扎穩基本功, 才能在機會來臨時揮出令人喝采的一棒。]]] 雖然40世代、50世代、60世代常常說30世代不惜福又不肯吃苦,媒體也忙不迭地貼上「草莓族」的標籤,可是30世代就是隱隱然覺得,日子過得並不舒服,累的感覺縈繞心頭。 數字會說話。從各項指標來看,30世代所處的大環境,並非一條筆直向上的曲線。反而走勢朝下,曲曲折折地小幅震盪,看得出在這個態勢不甚理想的時代,大家奮力掙扎的痕跡。 現在比從前好過? 以經濟成長率來看,1973年第一次石油危機發生,該年台灣的經濟成長率為12.83%,影響在隔年顯現,經濟成長率下跌至1.16%。1975年回升至4.93%,隨即在1976年又回到13.86%的兩位數成長。直到1987年,都還保持12.74%的佳績。如今,2005年的經濟成長率為3.8%,2001年時甚至創下有史以來的最低點,-2.18%的負經濟成長率。 再來看看30世代的失業率。1981年時,台灣25至29歲的失業率為1.12%,30至34歲的失業率更低至0.5%。而將近二十五年後,2004年11月,25至29歲的失業率為6.07%,30至34歲的失業率是3.68%。 1985年,平均失業L數是19.15週,也就是失業的人在五個月內就可以找到工作;2004年的平均失業週數為29.4週,失業求職者超過七個月才能找到下一份工作,比二十年前多了兩個半月的失業期。 在薪資所得部分,行政院經濟建設委員會人力規劃處2005年11月出刊的「就業市場情勢月報」指出,韓國去年的社會新鮮人平均起薪約新台幣4萬元,而同年台灣無工作經驗者起薪約2萬4千元,大學畢業者也僅約2萬7千元。更慘的是,扣除物價上漲率後,1~9月國人實質平均薪資竟是負成長0.46%。 未來會更好嗎? 有位資深媒體人曾禁不住感嘆:「以前的榮景真令人懷念,沒想到才過了十多年的好日子就沒了。」另一位聽聞此語的資深媒體人提醒道:「你還過了十多年好日子,現在的年輕人,一出社會就過苦日子。」 諾貝爾經濟學家史迪格里茲(J.E. Stiglitz)在《狂飆的十年》書中,指稱最輝煌也最黑暗的90年代為「狂飆的十年」。這十年內,全球貿易量創下歷史新高點,成長90%。還有,網路事業顛覆全球的經營模式,包含大部分科技股的美國那斯達克綜合指數,也在2000年3月締造5132點的歷史最高紀錄。可是才將近一年半,那斯達克科技股的市值跌幅超過三分之二,網路泡沫化波及全球,紙上富貴煙消雲散。 不過,網路的影響力與日俱進。在交通便捷、供應鏈管理精進之下,整個世界成為地球村,網際網路更使得全球零時差,因此不分國家、族群、時間與空間,無時無刻莫不吹響作戰的號角,競爭愈演愈烈。 「世界被抹平了。」趨勢大師佛里曼(T.L. Friedman)用最簡明的句子描繪,他在《世界是平的》一書中,舉了生動的例子說明這個現象。小時候他常聽爸媽說:「孩子啊,乖乖把飯吃完,因為中國和印度的小孩沒飯吃。」現在可不同了,他告訴女兒的是:「乖乖把書念完,因為中國跟印度的小孩正等著搶你的飯碗。」 景氣下滑的復甦力道沒有太大起色,產業外移的腳步不曾遲疑過,台灣島外看不見、數不清的千千萬萬人,都是30世代必須面對的隱形競爭者。有些30世代感受的是一股壓力,「明天誰將可能搶走我的工作?」不少30世代說不出的則是一種不確定感,「未來會更好嗎?」 機會藏在競爭裡 事實上,全球化競爭的時代,也是機會無限的時代。30世代接受的是世界的競爭,30世代揮灑的是世界的舞台。 [2006 / 01 / 27 (星期五)] 777777777777777 55555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
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Post through the courtesy of the "旅遊放輕鬆" of Worldjournal.com: 逛梅爾羅絲街見識好萊塢時尚 [[[梅爾羅絲街上有很多風格獨特的商店。(本報記者何芳攝) 梅爾羅絲街上的家具店風格是別處找不到的,看看這家叫Yuhnb的家具店,東方鄉間色彩濃厚。 (本報記者何芳攝)]]] 【本報記者何芳西好萊塢報導】如有朋友自外地來,想見識一下好萊塢時尚的特色,一定要帶她去好萊塢的梅爾羅絲街(Melrose Ave)逛逛,因為這裡才是所謂的「好萊塢時髦區」所在,稀奇古怪的小店風格獨具的時裝、家具、藝術畫廊,處處洋溢好萊塢的風格。 梅爾羅絲街在Highland和La Cienega Blvd之間,小店林立 ,曾經有一個電視劇集「Melrose Place」使這條有趣的街道變得更加有名。 這一路段商店的特色是充滿自由開放的風氣,它既沒有比佛利山莊Rodeo Drive一帶名店般奢華,又不像Holleywood大道上過於性感的商店,處處在隨意中追求別致的風格。 也許由於派拉蒙電影公司也在這條街上的緣故,這裡的時尚追求個性,許多珠寶、衣服都是數量不多,講究精細的搭配,對時尚的把握又準又快。例如,今年春天才流行的牙白色各種服飾,已經在這裡的各家商店看到各種款式。 一些別的地方沒有的服飾也可以在這裡找到。例如有一些店專買五、六○年代的復古時裝,還有不大牌的服裝師設計,上門需要預約,基本上做的是老客人的生意,就連許多好萊塢的電影明星對這裡也趨之若鶩,華裔性感明星白靈一些行頭就出自這裡的時裝店。 別以為明星們穿的時裝就一定很貴,其實梅爾羅絲街的價格屬於中檔。近來很多韓裔老闆在此開店,就連呎碼也照顧到亞裔嬌小的身材,因此華裔的消費者到這裡購物,肯定可以找到好衣服。 梅爾羅絲街上還有很多特別的家具店。梅爾羅絲街和La Brea交界處的一間越裔開的家具店Yuhnb,全部家具都由駐店設計師自行設計,營造的東方鄉間氣氛,看似平實,實則處處見藝術家的巧思。當然這裡的家具價格不菲,一張床需要三千多元,一把椅子一百多元。不過,由於數量很少而且全部是手工製造,而且設計師還可以幫你設計,絕對可以把平凡的家布置得不凡。 [2006-02-02] 11111111111111 777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | | Go To Page: [1] 2 [3][4][5] | |