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Doris Yu's World of Writing |
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092912-1207 |
Miss Doris Yu LVRJ/wbti: Miss Doris Yu wbtiOn the left is a picture for celebration to Mid-Autumn Festival FW by Miss Doris Yu: ף?F?AH?g? һһȵѹ?Ҫˣף??_Ŀ?, ! 1 ҵ? ǰ¹⣬??]be^¡^??㣡 2 Ÿҵ? ?LͶYࡣ?[??ɫ 3 Ԫҵ? ?o?Bw^?]X??硣Ʒ?̣?^﹝ 4 KYҵ? ??rУe???졣֪?mI?uX 5 ־Ħҵ? ĵˣĵͣ?]һ?]䣬?Ͳͣ 6 ??ҵ? һ?K?֪clܹУ?֮ܶ ?xأ??Ŀء ӭ??o?ͽһ??* **** --------------------------------- 2012 China Mid-Autumn Show in Fujow: http://big5.cntv.cn/gate/big5/ent.cntv.cn/program/2012zxwh/shouye/index.shtml -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
103107-3037 |
{{{ Just arrives upon the scene! To be continued ... ]]]`^ Chʺ硹sI hġݲdLcӛ hĽ̿춶°eһ}顸`^硹đcӡ ȥӋkһˇԵvȻcλĿՈMᣬlFrgг̲ϣ˕rӔRˡףҕhcĿ֮һKQڽLˬľ³eУҪǕrҲmhʺ硹sIԼhġ֮ݲdL꣬@ӾoԵekӌx hĽ̿ʹǡͬؓĽΣ졹@ӵּ ĹĿͻһнxĻƷζIίT_hᣬQھ°ˇʽMLcӡ ڻI]ɅᬎŮʿrεvˣ@һ֮ٝͬcᬎͨԒ֪ȥWЇv֮gжοՙnՈ°o҂ ᬎŮʿڡhʺ硹_^һ顸ϲ¡ČڣoxSһЦ_ѴЦĕr̡LһϲcӣȻͬɱݵ}wɼc@εĻӣKԡϲv} rҲֵʮڡhʺ硹ghġƽνoһƪˇgĕNAЇuҲƷ@ƪ£҂JRСټѦK֪һλԄOߵңһ½hՈѦvˁKFࡣһ˾ͽʿĸһȥR]롹 ؐҵھŽ푘ڙ̨õһĿ䛣҂d^ɼۘ푘FпѦK֡ xᣬ_ʼeOMԵĹÿλͬڼ̎ԅfmulyĻõĻ֘ӵȵȡcǰ죬ҿ¼뱾ĽӴTRachaelԄͣ܇Եõ兲ӢZf:I want it to look nice for the event! (ϣ@λӿ^)Ҷl]ˈF LcӵõSѡxѡѵğ҅cһֱ֧¹ķmṩ͡hʺxѕWgίTʿٛLӴ⡣ɼAfLŶфءmꐘsԷIʽٝK_RrfLٛrrkJСɄtؓ؟BMSxѡٴΞ҂xؓ؟Ӵⷿfog ᬎŮʿĬvЦࡣŮʿ{ЦeءC Ц^֮ᣬ Sֵζ˼СЩδ܅ӵԃПoӰ҂eՈᬎͬ⣬ʵvoڱsI ĹĿƽԌԒʽcѦKՄ˵`cwޡKxeƷ[ƯͻؚwԾտСټˇ_ɳ(Pablo de Sarasate)ġِ֮衹R˼(Massenet)ġ˼ԼҵĸHѦΝġԭYrBBѦؓ֞һI^pЇ cYᣬЁeһͬõ⣬ՈŮʿƷϺÿˁK@ٛһ@˾ͽLҫxμƽ˹̹ͬPġ˸͚v̡ÿƪ¾Ъص} Ҷھhʺ硹sIrȶÞ죬KeglČ}¹ğԼǷNյľ@Щƪ£ṩIJHֻƵxr⣬KI҂J֪|韵ɢlԼһݐ۵һNNęCc! e䐂xȥX@`^硹ּ¹Ҳ˾ͽLڡ˸͚v̡fģǡһɸ·! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
103107-2037 [Updated at 10:07 a.m. on November 1, 2007.] |
A good picture sent by Miss Doris Yu to WBTI. (103107)******************************************** For a search of ' wbti' by the leading search engines on Internet (at g.cn), people will find the following elegance: [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of ...- [ ҳ BETA ] . 'குநூ௱புஞஷ்ழுனழ்ரற்ஓலந ஃற,' "An e-mail from Miss Doris Yu to WBTI," (May 1, 2006), Los Angeles, California: The Residence of ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 149k - ҳ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...WBTIľW, ̫S, һ߀! @Læ춽ؕĻI ... ÷َĸ," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 139k - ҳ WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Founder Doris Yu () of Los Angeles Chinese Writers' Association to deliver a sppech . ... The information was post through the website of WBTI at: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063... - 70k - ҳ ]]] | |
103107-2031 |
[[[ To be continued ... ]]]快樂頌 蓬丹 記得一九八零年代初來洛杉磯,朋友就提到可以去「好萊塢音樂碗」,以十分低廉的票價欣賞一流的音樂。他們說那是一個露天音樂廳,最後的幾排位子只要一塊錢門票,對我們這些新來乍到的留學生是最划算的。那時總是呼朋引伴四五友人一部車,也許先吃個飯,要不就準備三明治等乾糧到那兒野餐,或者音樂會結束後到中國城去打牙祭吃宵夜,我們因此有機緣聆賞了不少交響樂、爵士樂甚至流行曲等。在星垂平野的夜空下,年輕的心恰如靈動的音符般跳躍﹔參加七月四日國慶煙火晚會,衝向天穹的火花更似青春般繁盛光燦.. 曾幾何時大夥各自忙於生活,逐漸失去了驅車四、五十分鐘往好萊塢聽音樂的閒情,竟至十餘年未再涉足音樂碗。雖然在其他場地正襟危坐參加了許多音樂會,卻也不時緬懷往昔那份輕裝便服與眾同樂的心境。 後來我曾在好些文章中提及對音樂的愛好,有篇名為「與貝多芬同車」的短文中,更說到我對貝多芬的交響樂是如何的著迷,教會的師母非常細心,她記得我的興趣,八月初有一天她問我週二晚上是否有空,說她恰好訂了三張貝多芬第九交響樂的票 (當然一塊錢門票早就取消了),想邀我同去。 貝多芬創作D小調第九交響樂時耳朵已全聾。 此曲開始創作於一八一八年,完成於一八二四年。兩個世紀以來,歷久彌新地感動著一代又一代的愛樂者。據說有幾年奧運東西德聯合隊用它作國歌。「第九交響樂」甚至帶動了科技界的進步,原來菲利普公司當初開始製作的碟片(CD), 直徑是11.5公分,可以容納一小時的錄音。後來一九七九年Sony公司錄製第九交響樂,要求把整闕樂曲納入一片CD,因此特別研發了直徑增至12公分的碟片,長度是 74.5分鐘。 貝多芬在「第九交響樂」的標題上寫著這是一首「以席勒(註)的『快樂頌』為終曲合唱的交響曲」。他採用了大膽的創意來處理節奏、曲調、和聲的變化,更在終曲時由女高音、女低音、男高音、男中音及混聲大合唱,唱出「快樂頌 (An die Freude)」詩句,歌頌一種與神走在一起的,帶著榮耀光芒的屬靈喜悅。 記得小學時就學過這首歌,中文是這樣唱的: 歡欣歡欣齊來敬拜 榮耀慈愛大主宰 如同花朵向日綻放 我們心向主敞開 黑暗憂愁罪惡陰霾 靠主大能盡驅散 賜下祝福歡欣喜樂 光明與我永同在 那時並未將這首歌與樂聖聯在一起,也不知交響樂為何物。年齡越長、世事漸明,終能體認音樂與愛無遠弗屆的力量。貝多芬在以「快樂頌」為主的這段合唱中更動了一些句子,例如 「在你的殿堂中,你的神力,將世上所有人都變成是兄弟」這幾句就是貝多芬寫的, 也使合唱的部份更為鏗鏘有力。 「第九交響樂」於一八二四年五月七日在奧地利維也納的克倫特乃爾托劇場(Krntnertor Theater)演奏,由於這次演出是貝多芬二十年來的第一次作品發表,所以劇場內賓客滿座,大家都期待他的最新作品。 當代日本著名音樂家服部龍太郎,在他所著的「百位偉大的作曲家」一書中描寫:「首演當天,貝多芬在舞臺上監督演奏的進行,當全曲演奏完畢,全場聽眾高聲歡呼報以熱烈的掌聲,他卻渾然不知,仍低著頭看譜,打著拍子,一位女歌手拉他的衣袖,他才轉身看到這種感人的場面,就含淚鞠躬,向聽眾們答禮。」 如今在地球另一端,二十一世紀的新一代聽眾,同樣在「第九交響樂」演奏完畢時不斷鼓掌,相信大家都因為能夠在如此清爽晴和的夏夜,與朋友知音共賞天籟般的美好音樂,而感到無比的快樂並發出無驗限頌贊吧! 註: 席勒(Schiller)為德國詩人, 經典作品有「陰謀與愛情」「華倫斯坦」「威廉泰爾」等 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
032007-1517(I) |
[[[(Rainbow_Club_1.JPG) Sent by Miss Doris Yu.]]] | |
[[[(New_Image_group.JPG) Sent by Miss Doris Yu.]]] | |
032007-1517(II) |
[[[^֮]]] ˇžӛ By (Doris Yu) Ļchʺxѕk vՄ ӃS e@ O@еġhĽ̿팦չĽ̻ӲzNkġSĻӣV^϶֧֡ ǰݠ֮Ļųfy桸hʺ硹sIԶԪˇʽչFB ^šӡ@^ĄĄeO^M @sIp¿ÿڳǧMṩA^xѳʮڡhʺ硹xߴϼݣҲSݼAeȡ߸DZأʹ@sIʬF_韵ĺ^ȥˇx߁KMɡhʺxѕɶھە`ĽṩҊʹsIM ʮ¾գĻchʺxѕͬekһΡˇžۡIίTܼŮʿmŮʿRŮʿҫxԼұ˹MɡQhŃλvքeăɷՄνIһS 헻ӫ@ìFΡhʺxѕķmŮʿԼЌWrŮʿĹӶĐٝټϱͬȫ֧Ԯ헵MС ˇžۡv˞בttWʿF_ʡA_IKftԺ¡όWLv}ǡ걣\ķʽecŮԲͬʮԭǨҏʳ\_ʼ@Щ v˞βʿ A & M WpŽWʿӢ̌WIgʮ꣬g_ʮӛߡFIntegrated Learning Consultant Program Director. ϼɼC^ČWУ̎v}ǡ_桹 ʿ̽ӑXW·θ׃ˬF˵xTJyxȤζģӕ퓵Ƿ龳ŵW·yȡ@vʵĕrlSԼsϵĖ|mȻM⣬sҲʧȥijЩԼƷζĘȤHȻ̨LFңSel˸롣 hĽ̿L˾ͽʿeCٛƽoλvˡ睿̵ġͬؓĽΡ 졹 DZcּ ԓˇžۻʮrrkλeʂS͡vNdĿhʺ硹sIbӆ骄ٛ͡hġu֮ӰKՈŮʿI ӳӰƬ|ԓƬ鱾ݠ֮hġƽξuӼ@äο˷yyxtWʿr܇ͬWѺАĵĻͽĎ 졸hʺxѕһΕrgcxӽKxeʮλίTT顢TٷҡfS ʒ桢fˡw¡̡̫@ʮλίTһ·ݓھەͬhxѻӣMһ^---Post through the courtesy of the 'Global Rainbow' of ECF International --------------------------------------------- ********************************************* | |
020107-1157 |
(Doris Yu) is on Yahoo.com! By Jennifer KungThe following information have been received from a search of "", etc. on the Yahoo.com at 9:57 a. m. in the morning on January 31, 2007. They are appeared starting from the first line of the first page on the Yahoo.com: (1). For "" on the Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing ... ƷǡһѺò,볚ϢƷζ֮,ҲԵ្`ĸʷ ... ,ͬʱ,Ҳ߱һλҸеСḻɫּʡ ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site (2). For "һǸ": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese News Agency of Las Vegas ... r¡صLj,F˵ķbһһʬFǰ,кÎĶYں˚WԼЖ| ... һǸ. [[[()cˇž۲ݻIίTӰ]]] ָD˲g,҂һЃHеһ^ȥˡ @@֮N,،µһڴcӋ ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 56k - Cached - More from this site (3). For "By (Doris Yu)": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing Miss Doris Yu is elegant by nature. . By ... By (Doris Yu) kҵIJghһϢ,һǝҵĚζ,Xһ,һфõĿ,ؾ,ʂox߅ĸ ... By (Doris Yu) ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese Multimedia Founder Doris Yu () of Los Angeles Chinese Writers' Association to deliver a sppech ... a book "Love and Destiny" written by Miss Melody Sun (O),' "A ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=15 - More from this site (4). For "Doris Yu's World of Writing'; Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing Doris Yu's World of Writing. 122506-5157. Merry Christmas from Miss Doris Yu! ... Google.com published this section (Doris Yu's World of Writing) at 11:18 a.m. in ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site Community Link ... of Nevada] [International Cities Business Council] [Nancy Jiang's World ... World] [Jenny Cheng's World of Music] [Doris Yu's World of Writing] [Paradise ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/ignore?MIval=cal_framed&... - 48k - Cached - More from this site (5). For "្һĿ": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing ... ƷǡһѺò,볚ϢƷζ֮,ҲԵ្`ĸʷ ... ,ͬʱ,Ҳ߱һλҸеСḻɫּʡ ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site (6). For "": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing ... . By Jennifer Kung. Miss Doris Yu is a famous writer in Chinese. ... ,ͬʱ,Ҳ߱һλҸеСḻɫּʡ ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site (7). For "hʺ硹,": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese News Agency of Las Vegas ... r¡صLj,F˵ķbһһʬFǰ,кÎĶYں˚WԼЖ|ďL,OӋķb ... ĵx߿ע,_@ڵġhʺ硹,д߶ǴϤ֡ xc҂һ·߁҂ṩ`οֵт ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 56k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing ʮһڡ³ġhʺ硹r,mĸc˼ͻxļ;Ҳrֵffڶ^ͮdļ;龎ߵ,ڽzôİ^ǰ ... ֮,֔ԴcСhʺ硹x߹㡣 [[[A photo of Miss Doris Yu. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site (8). For "": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing ... , _WϵI,Ḱô,YI춹˹WԺ һžꮔxɼA҅fL,ƏVˇL⡣ ... , _WϵI,Ḱô,YI춹˹WԺ һžꮔxɼ ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site (9). For "h^ՓҕĿu": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese News Agency of Las Vegas ... ^@Щչ̨ϵŮmȻpĐĿ,Ҳ̫^ǸСu,bһ21qŮģ酒 ... Ҷ,ڶЙCch^ՓҕĿu,xLՄeԇR_,mȻ,Ҳһyõҳ䌍C ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 56k - Cached - More from this site (10). For "y 껨܇[": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing ... After reading the section, please highlight this to ... y 껨܇[. By . һ˾,õ廨܇[ڼݰɯ_ʼek,Fѳɞec֮һ 춅^߱,IƱͱ횃λ ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site (11). For "?ӡ?": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Doris Yu's World of Writing ... After reading the section, please highlight this to the internet address box: ... ӡ" was written by ?#38;#32422;ɭ() ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 59k - Cached - More from this site 11111111111111 5555555555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
012407-1017 [012307-2107] |
[[[Doris Yu with co-workers filming the TV forrum.]]] | |
012307-1168 |
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һǸ By (Doris Yu)[[[()cˇž۲ݻIίTӰ]]] ָD˲g҂һЃHеһ^ȥˡ@@֮N،µһڴcӋS˕XãBһfľwE飬˼ӱ⣬҅sʮϧ@ӳo˼ĕr̡ҲֹһλζʵƬΣõĕr̿oˎcϣδMһЩ헣tSԼK\qnD徵ęC ӛöףڴܺޕϣ҇ʢĠt𣬃͵}͵͵ڴdޒDoĚУ˾ͽʿZLf: ҂@gĹǘsˡԼ(Glorify God, Help Others, Edify Self) @Ԓ箔^ȣ ҆lcѣҲԴ㡣Ɯ溣һڵ҂KżȻͶgһ⣬ ÿ˶صxărֵcʹ҂ԷƱpҕ xġѩצՄcǡɄt£һλ^ѮL݅һλ߄tչˣͬӸܵ̕ҲR҂ĕr⣬˲Ϣǰ㣬Lτһǹѩצӡӛ . ҶԣڶЙCch^ՓҕĿu xLՄeԇR_mȻˣҲһyõҳ䌍CҁKceՄԒУwJÿ˶ĿԇcvһL߿f^oHС Ҳˣ҂M̎ĸ߶ȣ˷yuѾrһN ijɾиȻ@Ҳ֮̎ cռڕrͬeһǰmo@ (Forest Lawn Memorial Parks, Glendale) ^ȫăɷҮdyͻͮڰoCµġʮcͻd(Hall of The Crucifixion and Resurrection)Уһθܞ˫IĴco˽ľH١@ʮoĩmJan StykaĕԾĹP|LҰȺĴɫCȻʿQċDˡ ļݏv侳ǧv^ȥҮdyĈ! Ӌekһҕh ο첻ͬĕhcKcĿеxBMӑKrgo϶δʮ³QСܰ͜ķʽՈvKՈxcۣʹЅcߵһN`Ľӡ ĵx߿עˣ_@ڵġhʺ硹д߶ǴϤ֡xc҂һ·߁҂ṩ`οֵтxcߵğ҅cҸЄ춡һǾ֣һҸ@Ԓ⡣ }QRpĘڿ՚ޒU}Qҹ fďِcƽҹٶȞһ·Ёĺѡ¡AcˇgԼSķNNж ---Post through the courtesy of the 'Global Rainbow' of ECF International 555555555555 33333333333333333333333 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
012307-1017 |
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cͬ By (Doris Yu)sһЩһx_kҕrѺˣһꇛuͻȻһNLļȸСƽræĽϣֻNS[^܇vҌ܇پ£oҵǕrˡ ̧^sҊ®գһƬ啟ҹɫݏM̎зNǴµĪ飬˼qĩ@һsIăԓξš ^ȥ@eOcCP^ՓӋMһ顸ϲ·ҕLՄĿIJ߄cu_һȴҊһƬL ӛһλСWrČWL һƪf¶cprطCһλc҂ĺֺ·LһNõٶȼU`Ĺã ÿһϲĵϣͬcc⣬R۳һů҂Еr߱ƶе뵡_ǰе ҂Ŀ߄СM_ˎ״Εӆ^Փ}Ŀˣּ:: (1) ᘌAͥҪ ṩH_ȤĹĿָrף ġ (2) A^RĸyġеĺPĽh ʹ𰸡 (3) Ȼm\УҮdľȶϵaĐۣ^һϲؕI ڮ廨TxOMTҕĿУ@ӵӰƬܽкò҂LjԳ@һɵţ֪ɽлƫɽеس~Mʸ־Ҫ@tmVһܿܿt㣬҂hʺ磬ҲṩһЩµxȤ ǡڴ˕rRꡢF̨һλŮс̽ӣK혱ڴ˵ػIһُƱȥpݹĿλ]֢꣬ӡ ˮƓP MһƬԔkľ磬Ӱ岨~GҰɽ.. ԞλVޒQ]뵽Լģ뵽P@Tϵە_һȴ@ԒXзNЄǻ硣 ĸĸtDҲڬFtһʒĘt˄tpZfB]Dm̵䶼Ƿθ֮ԡՓĿԽϡ@ԪmļeՈ@λŮюæMǰctDгĜͨՈȌLՄһV@ӣҲ_ʼɞ҂СMһTҸct˵ĔνՄУՓһЩе˴ijN֪֮顭. ɴ뵽һݹAMɹȻֵødcҵǣ҂˓н^ͬŬֲx. }оԒ: ҪDZ؉ĵʳ ҪǴ浽Ą ǵģ҂ȻϣĿ_õҕʣҪõx҂mͬĿˣɸͬ롣 ҹˣ·cͬУǷݼȸбuĵȥɫسһAʾһõ! ---Post through the courtesy of the 'Global Rainbow' of ECF International 55555555555555 7777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
122506-5157 |
Merry Christmas from Miss Doris Yu! Fwd by Miss Doris Yu??? S?z??*1 http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=NB18052955 http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=NB18052955 *2 ------------------------------------------- References *1. Yu, Doris. 'Merry Chistmas!' "An e-mail from Miss Doris Yu to Washington Business and Technology Institute." (December 25, 2006), Los Angeles, California: Miss Doris Yu's Residence. *2. Ibid. 555555555555 1111111111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
081206-1537 |
Miss Doris Yu is elegant by nature By Jennifer KungMiss Doris Yu is a famous writer in Chinese. Doris is elegant by nature. _WϵIḰô죬YI춹˹WԺһžꮔxɼA҅fLƏVˇL⡣СδǵĿȡСfѽȶಿɢ?ļ@Aתһžs@ʡ̎ƷһžŰЇˇfCٛˇ£ČWˇijɾ͂ӿ϶*1 Two pictures of Miss Doris Yu were shown in this section on May 10, 2006. The following is an introduction about her book "Кq": 춑Ĵҹ˼ϦҰўПLLtmƷǡһѺò裬볚ϢƷζ֮ҲԵ្`ĸʷ`ˮ㡢P|@˼PഺcӛcˇgHc˾F˵ijcؚwxչFһAġN龳*2 The following information were received from a search of '' and 'Miss Doris Yu' on the Google.com and Google cn: [[[A?ŮԄߵıFͻJ^āĹP|uՓȦcQ溣AŮҵĄɾ;۽~֦÷߮ЇWϵRġAŮuϵЇ磩һǰ AŮuϵWޡô||ρȾ팢һʮλS춮ĉAŮңTءAߡͤͤɏȡȫuʽՓŮҵČWɾc|ߌWgcxԡ() (2006-02-13)]]]*3 [[[ҵڹ̨ʦѧϵͼҵڼô˹ѧԺΪ?#38;#28023;⻪ŮЭ?#38;#20250;ԱڣѡΪ?#38;#21271;ɼЭ?#38;#39318;λ᳤ںƹлĻ̨̳뱱ĽʢڱʸƷḻС˵ɢĺͱѧ֡*4 .....ԣ?#38;#24456;дΪȴ෴дΪҾԼǸһծˣﳣ찮֮ġʹ·һСһƬƣǹ⡢ܹһǻ㺡? ˣͬʱҲ߱һλҸеСḻɫּʡԶƸСˣʼտԴм䣬ܵ˫۾ȰijıʴŮⲻд鰮Ա⣬Ȥ˵?#38;#19981;֪DzDZֽϳдİ£ǾΪǵ֣ڶ·ļʹҷһ¹ڸ⡣ʵ˵Ҳԣʱ̫۸̸ֵͣ˼βɹйܵľ飬ӳƷ˹鳡İܽǵİҲЩܵľ飬һ˼Ŀռ䡣?#38;#20316;Ʒ˼ĹػӦǸҵı־*5]]] --------------------------------------------- References *1. ŸČWW. 'A profile of ŸČWW,' "A search of '' on the Google.cn," (June 28, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *2. Ibid. *3. . 'AŮuϵһ,' "Section 'Leading Chinese Literature World' of the WBTI website," (February 13, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *4. ʩ. '. ˼,Ůʿġ,' "A search of '' on the Google.com," (March 20, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *5. Ibid. 55555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
072206-1787 |
Miss Doris Yu's article to JCUAASC Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California is growing! By Jennifer Kung Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California (JCUAASC) [南加州中國大專院校聯合校友會 (www.jcuaa.org)] is a largest and well organized Chinese American organization in North America. The Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California (JCUAA) originated in 1978 when several alumni associations from Chinese Taiwan organized a large Chinese New Year celebration banquet. Initially the alumni association was conceived with the purpose of providing a community for graduates from Chinese universities. As the organization developed, members envisioned a greater purposes and objectives. Since 1978, JCUAA has utilized its resources and influence to form a vibrant, connected Chinese community that is both seen and heard by mainstream community.*1 The following are some of its 2006 年服務團隊 JCUAA OFFICERS: 會 長: 葉竹青 (文化); 理 事 長: 崔文標 (政大); 第一副會長: 李秉信 (清華); 會章召集人: 謝中丞 (淡江); 第二副會長: 羅再陵 (明志); 年刊召集人: 何艾芸 (元培); 會訊召集人: 游篷丹 (師大); and among others (names by the Profile or in random).*2 It is our pleasure to post the following information from Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California (JCUAASC) through the Google.cn in the morning on July 22, 2006: չ : ˼ (Miss Doris Yu)*3 l Doris Yu 2006-06-13 10:41:20 (62 ˚) ˼ ЁSҲ{ɭ֡ p꺟\ܵӯһľG⡣~ǧföȾMɡ܇a̎ͣסһⰻȻʯسFǰ L沮خTǰһϾߴ[dؾˡ Ē˿ڵġ䡵沮ء֮áϵжʮĵס@ϵи茑һƯڿຮյĵߣ˼lf顣 ژa£^o ژƤ棬^o ͯij[nϣRgζӌW䡹MֻзőѸ߸ϲcpһֱҪᣬv˚gʹཻİ˼ĵ҂ԑnյˡf£ٶεĿ||˼rr@ڼ҈@ǰһaݵĘ SᣬǍuľS ͼҬӘ䡭Ȼ҂ͬӵژa£^oژƤ棬^o 沮صĸ裬M̎o˼쳬Խ˕rնhӽֹѲ^*4 -------------------------------------------- Refernces *1. Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Southern California. 'The Joint Chinese University ... --- a profile,' "A search of 'JCUAA' on the Google.com," (July 21, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. *3. JCUAASC. 'A profile of JCUAASC,' "A search of "Miss Doris Yu" on the Google.cn," Montain View, California: Google.cn. *4. Ibid. 66666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
062806-1178 |
A book entitled "Кq" was written by Miss Doris Yu By ŸČWW and Jennifer KungThe following information have been received from a search of "", "Doris Yu's World of Writing", and "Miss Doris Yu" at 3:58 p. m. in the afternoon on June 28, 2006 on the Google.cn: gӭRŸČWW!! Кq ߣ e ڣ1998-08-10 r160 ݃r136 [A photo of the cover of "Кq".] [[[A photo of .]]] ̖ E0136 ϵ Ҏ ƽb198퓩ͨɫ25_ ISBN 957-968-056-6 EAN 9789579680561 CIP 855 Zϵ ݺ驦 ߩ 춑Ĵҹ˼ϦҰўПLLtmƷǡһѺò裬볚ϢƷζ֮ҲԵ្`ĸʷ`ˮ㡢P|@˼PഺcӛcˇgHc˾F˵ijcؚwxչFһAġN龳*1 _WϵIḰô죬YI춹˹WԺһžꮔxɼA҅fLƏVˇL⡣СδǵĿȡСfѽȶಿɢ?ļ@Aתһžs@ʡ̎ƷһžŰЇˇfCٛˇ£ČWˇijɾ͂ӿ϶Ƭԡg...(ǰ)*2 It is our pleasure to quote the following significant description about Miss Doris Yu: 蓬丹是性情中人,同时,她也具备了一位作家该有的敏感、善良、想象力丰富、出色文字驾御能力等优秀素质。由于天性多愁善感、悲天怜人,我们始终可以从她的字里行间,感受到她那双纯洁的眼睛;慈爱的心肠和温柔的笔触。*3 -------------------------------------------- References *1. ŸČWW. 'A profile of ŸČWW,' "A search of '' on the Google.cn," (June 28, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *2. Ibid. *3. Kung, Jennifer. 'Doris Yu's on Google,' "A search of 'Doris Yu's Writing World,' on the Google.cn," (June 27, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. 1111111111111111111 777777777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
051006-2578 ***** It's our pleasure to post the following two pictures of Miss Doris Yu (~{En5$~}). We appreicate very much for her elegant inputs to WBTI website: |
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Miss Doris Yu(~{En5$~}). |
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050106-2787 |
្һĿ By (Doris Yu)kҵIJghһϢһǝҵĚζXһһфõĿȣؾʂox߅ĸ*1 pgXÿһƪ¶֣ͬcԼMһ`ԒҰӋxõ¼ȥʏݼԼpcѷֵĂfҵchcRͲRxќͨKҽQڵ˼ԼԸпw ҂С͏ȻnόW˴Ҫꖹ⡢՚ˮţoՓ춈̹PČߣϲֵxߣXìF˵ľهꖹ⡢c㡣 ԼͳXãĕr֮һLĩ糿һؿȣڞMꖹĴǰ£xһһֱδoāx醵ĺÕ˕rhZS븹һů̝˞lRݽߵġijɢҹһz⣬gޒUƷܰ㣬gɢlǻۣ@һ˸Єӟoȡyfxǿ˥һNֶΡ cѹеƬΣLá̕ЦМIۣ@Щ^ҲSʧ֪ȥxֻS^һΚq£Ƿӛ翧ȣԽζԽXXa㡣 ס^ĵطҲU棬ѽĵʧҊCijLɞLеLȻףXѾdLꖹxǡ @ЩӰc龰ӛKֵӛdࡣ ЕrIāKZZеĴ¡cңsxWԺһԽϲ^Сۡ]뵽@ĿСӡKԮPֱļo ꐘsѿҲδ뵽Ђrˣһaõđֻǰҹr͵͵^һţ^. vʷϲL@յĽɫ҂s֡ЩĬĬoֻcϢϢP҅cṿԸy ɴ҂룬Լϣ˵ĻؑʲNӵӡ? ҂ȻԼ˲MѺޣN҂˾ͽxP邴ԭУë@ҊԵ˼-cʾ Ҳӛλf^: ÿᣬҪһֿ֝Ŀȣֻк퇵сXӲŕс : cȿȵĵͬҪvijЩʹ࣬Jԣ҂ʹcϵȵĿȷۣ˼ɝLCğˮ្һؿҝsַXͬ픵ĿȰɡ*2 [ߌ`ЁԿ] --------------------------------------------- References *1. 蓬丹. '្һĿ,' "An e-mail from Miss Doris Yu to WBTI," (May 1, 2006), Los Angeles, California: The Residence of 蓬丹. *2. Ibid. 555555555555555555 777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
050106-1787 |
ƴԼ By (Doris Yu)ʮһڡ³ġhʺ硹rmĸc˼ͻxļҲrֵffڶ^ͮdļ龎ߵңڽzôİ^ǰ ڠTնҵĹ£xһƪƪ߂ľƷھ֮NrܵijN`ײ*1 䮔xRAP܇졹 ֣Xɡǵģ҂֪X ܇۷e˴ԭԓU֮ҊS˼ ܇춼ѷ˛]ʲN֪̎qԥǷԓG sͨҪȵˣlFڎ ʹQĽoYǵXpʧ һpijɾС Еr҂ҲF`g׃һA˷NNؓw ndŭѡԹޡچʡЂWf^wܛQ˼룻˼Qw˼_͕X죬ǰbOһ˿Ǻy[Ó龳ԼӰ푡 һꇴ^ᣬ˸VԺеĶNc軨^_ˡÿw܇MٵԺȥrԹ⣬·һ֕܇@LżȻ_T飬ͥ@ԡڳFеĻմMcc¶rĿ֮Ȼ_ʣݏϴQһ㡣֮ǰDZׄɱ˵`cK˵˼·뵽F̝ԻشLwLԭǴ֮n! ͻȻ뵽һx^@۵ԒZ: м^^һ仨һƬ~ ֪ÿһ仨صˑBÿһƬ~ԼΠ ܉ֱÿһ仨ķ㡢ÿһƬ~Ěζ 㶮ÿһ仨顢ÿһƬ~˼· βoāԇһ仨һƬ ~ffԒҲSаlFһá [A photo of ] ǵģ҂һֱgã҂ һŬҲڞʂ䣬Ȼ҂ sˣϵ۞҂ډmЄSֿ XȡģֻҪ_һͨT ȻLA͕չFǰһһ~ˑB 㡢ζ҂档Ȼ ҂P֮TͳԼw ңToѡy˼ħϡ x^һtľ: ҂ r۰ʹ˾͕£҂۵ĕr`Ŀ? ͬӵģ҂lFvˣɉmˣ ҂ȥߵأ҂Ĝr҂ȥĵء? @һӁyĕr҂Ҳy rӱUǮ҂회Wȥҕy}挦߳_҂ǰеϵK@һNƴԼ_BȣƴԼҲƴϵ۶nԼk! 죬_T_ʼƴԼ*2 ---Post through the courtesy of the 'Global Rainbow' of ECF International --------------------------------------------- References *1. 蓬丹. 'ƴԼ,' "An e-mail from Miss Doris Yu to WBTI," (May 1, 2006), Los Angeles, California: The Residence of 蓬丹. *2. Ibid. 11111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
041706-1157 #Second printing of the First Edition on April 15, 2006 [041506-1718] |
Cover Intellectual Doris Yu ~{7bCfHKNo!*!*En5$~} By 文?#38;#32422;翰森(美) and Jennifer Kung*1It is our pleasure to post the following special report by 出国杂志社. The article "~{LlJ9V.3G5DD55$~} ~{!*!*~} 北美著名华人作家蓬丹印象记" was written by 文?#38;#32422;翰森(美). The information have been received from a search of "~{En5$~}" on the Google.cn, Mountain View, California in the afternoon on April 15, 2006: ~{HKNo~{En5$#,1>C{SNEn5$#,3vIzSZL(Me#,Wf<.8#=(D~5B!#9zA"J&764sQ'Ig;a=LS}O51OR5#,VwP^M-@m!"HNW\1`<-J.Dj!#OVHNV0PqI}J5R59+K>!#>EH}Dj51Q!!011C@BeI-Ft:=!7!"!6J+Ji:CDj;*!75H6`2?I"ND!#Tx;q!0:#Mb;*NDVxJv=1!1JW=1!#R;>E>EF_DjHY;qJ!PBNE4&SEAE>E0KDj!0VP9zNDRUP-;a!10dTyNeKDNDRU=1UB#,6TK}TZNDQ'<0NDRU9$Ww5D3I>M18~{LlJ9V.3G5DD55$~}~{!*!*11C@VxC{;*HKWw~{ND~}/~{ND!$T<:2I-~}(~{C@~})~{En5$Ub8vC{WV#,HCNRR;OBWSA*Ok5=5DJG!0LlJ93G@o5DD55$!1!#C@9zBeIMJGUbJ@=gVxC{3GJPVPR;6dFxVJ8_QE5DD55$;(!#~}~{SPT5G'@o;a~} ~{=qDjIO0kDjM,Q'8fK_NRK5BeI!6;7Gr2J:g!7!#TSV>IOSPVw1`5D=iI\#,UUF,VP5DEn5$?4@4J.7V6KW/!#~}~{DGJ1NR6TNDQ'P4WwU}:CHHGi8_UG#,1cP4AK<8F*NDUB9}H%!#2;Ok5Z6~Ll#,En5$1c;XPER*NR5H:rJG7q2ISC5DO{O"!#Ub5=HCNR4sN*8P6/#,Hg4KLeABWwU_5DVw1`UfJGDQ5C!#6TEn5$4s4s5DIz3v:C8P!#~} ~{GI5DJG#,A=H}Ll:sNRTZQ'P#6TCf5DM5DVw1`!#SZJGNR8xAKK}R;8v5g;0!#NRTZM~{<88vTBG0NROHIz+IqIz;n<+Fd?]To!#>M4r5g;08xEn5$#,?IRT2;?IRTHCNR4xR;P)!6;7Gr2J:g!7TSV>8xC@9z8w5X5DVP9zM,0{!#En5$R;?Z4pS&AK!#RrN*8OJ1MJGVP9zHKK55DT57V!#2;>-Rb5D>MSPJBC;JB8xK}5g;0ADR;AD!#0QK}51:CEsSQDGQyKfRbAK!#~}~{G0<88vTBEMWTH;L85=En5$#,EsSQK5#,En5$2;V9P4R;1>Dc?45=5DJi6xRQ#,K}JGWw-H}J.6`Dj5DE.J?#,!0DcV*5@L(Me5DWwSH;:MH}C+FkC{!#UbUfU}HCNR4s3TR;>*AK!#~} ~{HKF7SkNDF7~} ~{En5$!#>SH;JG!011C@BeI-Ft:=!75DWwU_#;JGL(MeSEA?KyMF~{0!#!Ub8vEn5$#,HCNRLeQiAK!0SPQ[2;J6L)I=!1!#WrLlTgIO#,NRT4SV3dBzNBE/!#OmS~:#DZMb5DEn5$C;SPR;K?R;:AC{HK5D8_0A:M@d5-!#K}6KU}ND>2SV2;J'HHGiUf3O!#En5$TZDGR;?L8xNRN^Iy5DIOAKR;?N#,Dc5DHKF7R*:MDcKyP45DWwF7R;Qy#,2ED\UfU}4r6/HKPD!#~}~{3vIzSZL(MeL(11JPJiOcCE5Z5DEn5$#,4SP!=SJ\88D8GW6TK}QO8q5D5@5BF78q5D=LS}:MND;/5D=LQx!#G`4:J1FZEn5$=xAKL(MeJ&764sQ'Ig;a=LS}O5#,VwP^MML$HkNDL35DEn5$TZC#,C@9zVxC{5D3$G`MQ{GkEn5$3vHN9+K>W\1`<-!#9{H;2;8:VZM{#,TZ3$G`51W\1`<-Fd+IqJ3A8!#<8DjOB@4#,3I<(l3H;!#En5$1;H+C@9zMk5DTZ:#Mb4+2%VP;*ND;/#,GRN*C@9zM2005~{DjDj3u#,En5$:M@+1p6`Dj5DK>M=lLU}2)J?#(;y6==LVP9z2<5@;aW\VwHN_SP8_6HNDRU<[V55DNDQ'?/No5DPDT8!#N*WE92M,5D@mOk!#En5$O`PEJGTZIO5[5D4xAlOB#,!#2"T$18Ed:O;7Gr4+2%VPPD5D=(3I#,2_;.R;O5APIg=LV*PT;n6/#,MF9cNDRU7gFx#,N*TZC@9z5D;*HKLa9)>+Iq2cCf5DWLQx:M@VH$!#~}~{En5$SV?*J~{13R;ImGiU.~}~{2;M,5DHKN*WE2;M,5DD?5D:M@mDnP4Ww!#SP5DHKN*AK3vC{M<@{#;SP5DHKRrN*L+6`SGIK:M9B6@#;SP5DHKN*AK@VH$!#En5$TZ@k?*D8So<8J.Dj;9u:MC@@v!#SCNDWV~{En5$8;SPLl832EGiWT<:R2GZ7\E,A,J.6`2?WwF76+Iq>3=g#,KyRTK}W+P45D6`J}WwF7SoQT4?>;HaC@#,>_SPU\@m:MK+U?5DNDWV1m4oFdKyK~{En5$?4IOH%NBHa4?:q#,2;96QTSo#,5+NR7VCwLe;a5=K}5DGiRbJGUfJ55D!#NRSP3d7V5D@mSIO`PEEn5$JG8vVXGiRj5DHK!#9{H;K}K5#:NR>u5CWT<:JG8v13AKR;ImGiU.5DHK!#6TSZJ@l0.V.PD!#<4J9B7ETN"2;Wc5@5DR;6dR0;(#,Ll-@z#,IFPD5DHKNo#,NR>M8|JGI62;5CM|AK!#Gi5=In4&2"N4GiW*5-1!#,74T=~{NDQ'D55$Oc~}~{En5$LlIzN(C@#,Rr4KK}TZWwF75DNDWVIOR2OBAK:\6`WAD%5D9$7r#,W"VXSoQT5D>+VBSEQE#,RrN*K}HON*0WV=:ZWV9+VnSZJ@#,>M2;D\N[H>6AU_5DJSR0#,1XPk=+WnC@:C5D3JOW8xUb8vJ@=g!#TZHKF75DP^QxIOR2JGA"GsMjC@!#K}Q'8VGY!"Q'SM;-#,K}HON*2;6O5DQ'O0J9K}6TSZIzC|5DC@8P#,5C5=8|In5DAlNrA&!#R26TIzC|5D7a8;6`Qy#,SP8|6`5D8P6w!#~} 2003~{Dj~}11~{TB~}5~{HU#,2NF5jN*TFDO2hR6=;RWJP3!Lb4G#:~} ~{!02hOcJiOcHKGiOc!1!#4s1J;S:A!#?I<{K}5DJi7(:MK}5DNDUBR;QyR2JG?IRT3IN*R;VVRUJuF7HCHKUd2X:MP@IM2;RQ5D!#~} ~{C@9z5B?KHxK9V]SPR;8vRT:#Mb;*HKN*Vw5DVP9zNDQ'IgME!*!*NDPDIg!#IgT1CGRrO20.En5$5DWwF7#,LX1pQ{GkEn5$E.J?RT~} ~{!0SPGiHKIz!1N*Lb80JW8.4o@-K9>Y0l=2Wy!#~} ~{=2Wy:s#,NDPDIg6TK}Ww3v8_6HF@<[#:~} ~{!0En5$2;=v1JOB5DNDWV>+2I#,Q]=2R2Iz6/8PHK!#L}VZ5DK*O25D~{6TSZEn5$#,P4Ww3IAKK}5DJ9C|!#N^B[JGW_TZ4s=VP!Oo;9JG2=HkPDAiIn4,En5$6-SIR;C6C6IqFfC@Cn5D7=?iWV#,Sk6AU_7VOmSIK}Ll835DCtHqPDQ[KyHOV*5DJ@=g!#TZUb3$B77WFg#,7gTFM;1d5DHKJ@~{TZUb@dD.5DJ14z#,>_SPJ9C|8P5DWw-2;6`AK#,8PP;En5$RTK}C@:C5DNDWV#,4xNRCGW_HkNBHaSPGi5DNDQ'Ll5X#,NEIMD55$;(OcR;0c5DNDRUFxO"~}!*2--------------------------------------------- References *1. 文?#38;#32422;翰森(美) (出国杂志社). '~{7bCfHKNo!*!*En5$~},' "A search of '~{En5$~}' on the Google.cn," (April 15, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *2. Ibid. 111111111111111111 777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
032806-1178 |
Google answers our people, community, and world! (30th of XXXII) By Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Doris Yu's World of Writing) at 11:18 a.m. in the morning on March 23, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from January 7, 2006 to March 21, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "⏬", "L䗗", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?*2 Many people have a good perspective on Google. Google.cn and Google.com will put more effort and wisdom to contribute to English and Chinese readers being an efficient visitor on the searching of fluent and useful information. Washington Business and Technology Institute's (WBTI's) website has been continuously published by Google.com and Google.cn about every 11 days. We wish advanced performance may be extended from Google.cn to WBTI.*3 You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti [[[A compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine! We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones: ***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash ***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis ***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash All art, permanent or temporary, has a life in the immediate experience, but then has a life in the imagination. ---Anish Kapoor 1954- :in "Sunday Times" 11 July 1999 "Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower]]] [[[Dear Dr. & Mrs. Lei: I am writing this letter to invite you to my next Senior Advisory Committee meeting at 9:30 am on Thursday, February 23, 2006, at the Lieburn Senior Center, 6230 Garwood Avenue (map is enclosed). ..... Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei has been U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior Advisor since January 2000.]]]*4 [[["It's really my pleasure and honor to be named as an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI. WBTI has a good reputation with its Advisory Board and faculty members. The Board has Governor Kenny Guinn as its Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign as Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman as Executive Directors. With the excellent and informative publications of 'Google.cn', 'Google.com', 'Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com', 'Next Weekly' and among others, high-ranking officials of Nevada with the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI have been inspired to help realize the creed for professional righteousness, community service, and humane spirit of WBTI," expressed Justice Michael Douglas of Nevada Supreme Court at the Event and Dinner Party in the Emperor's Garden Restaurant on February 4, 2005 in Las Vegas. It was held by the Committee to implement the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG.]]]*5 [[[Some of the significant idea from the letters to Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): "It's my great pleasure and honor to be named by you as a Senior Advisor and Honorary Chairman of CCDAPCC of WBTI. Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." --A. William Maupin, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court "As Mayor, I will continue to devote my energies into the preservation and improvement of the standard of living enjoyed here in the City of Las Vegas." --Oscar B. Goodman "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." --Kenny C. Guinn]]]*6 [[["As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Governor of Nevada, on November 11, 2005. The above message was signed by Lt. Governor of Nevada Lorraine Hunt:.....]]]*7 [[["It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman and Senior Director of Washington Business and Technology Institute, in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas:.....]]]*8 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada and the Minority Whip of the Assembly. Cheryl Moss is an outstanding District Court Judge of Nevada serving in Las Vegas, Clark County. *2. PAI of WBTI. 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's on Google!' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao' on the Google.com," Mountain View, California: Google.com. *3. Ibid. *4. Berkley, Shelley. 'I am writing this letter to invite you to,' "A letter from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (February 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Office. *5. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Justice Michael Douglas wbti' on the Google.com," (March 25, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *6. Guinn, Kenny C. 'Nevada Proud of Our Troops in the Middle East,' "Section of 'Business & Administration' of the WBTI website," (March 23, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *7. Hunt, Lorraine. 'As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council,' "A search of 'Chairperson Lorraine Hunt' on the Google.com," (March 26, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Gibbons, James. 'It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of,' "A search of 'James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman' on the Google.com," (March 27, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
032106-1012 [032006-1037] |
A compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine! By Jennifer KungA compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine! We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones: ***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash ***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis ***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash All art, permanent or temporary, has a life in the immediate experience, but then has a life in the imagination. ---Anish Kapoor 1954- :in "Sunday Times" 11 July 1999 "Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower 7777777777777777 5555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
032106-1178 |
y 껨܇[ By һ˾꣬õ廨܇[ڼݰɯ_ʼekFѳɞec֮һ 춅^߱IƱͱ횃λǰһҹ·߅m߱ȱȽǣ˷Q֮"sidewalk camping."(^¶I)ҶǿҕDȥ[^ͣڹ@Ļ܇ǰҰɯУǡx[Ҫ·Ŀ_OסҵĴڼb[飬BmҶȥF^ ڽ̵ľɣyҎf[вLա[ӆһ¶һһ҂߀fܕȡɣ_ҕ[оȻ_ʼˣʮ״L죬һճMСҲȥһǷNRУ㣬^ɷˮƤ£oIֶR⣬LhuУ^Ȼʮ֓DȻdz! ҔDMȺǡҊһȺ꠆T^Kͣǰ꠶У˿̣ˮ^ʻģˣѾoϣͣ£ҿЩŮɪɪl¶ı۰ˮܵģҲ˂䡣 @rλʿе:You guys are almost there!(ゃͿ쵽!)˽:Good job! We are proud of you! (ゃð! ҂ゃ!)Keep on going, you are almost at the end of the road!(وԳһ¾͵!) Ą֮䣬еĘꠡRꠡ x꠵ȣȫηLꡢ̧^ͦǰMҲXһݟҵącМӡmȻ˕rҵѝҲˣԲxȥ ҸXǧǰҮdѺ̈dzصʮּؓ^ˮ腖ǧٱһοãȺͬӵ؊A^ԱĿעҕܿߣ˞fһˮ.rһlgӣAsȺп[_RʿͱȥҮdؓʮּܡ l˲֪α_ֻ֫wչ¶ͬ顣η֡ʹֱzĿҕܿߡҮdڵأץסҮdı۰ČסKһٵf: [ҪˣҪˣ] ȥʮУȫwͬȥܺӃһҹݕҷһڹy}ԼȵչЩy҂λrwģ˕rҰи_\ѹfҲõ˴˹ĄĻؑڊ^M·;ϣXcͬУKPעĸܣʹǺεfһ䡸Let me know if you need me!(ҪrՈV!)ǷݜܰĹоD^mǰе⣬L;ϣ҂wLģyҊ项x ֮֔ԴcСhʺ硹x߹㡣 [[[A photo of Miss Doris Yu. ߔz춴ܺݕ]]]---Post through the courtesy of the 'Global Rainbow' of ECF International 777777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | | Go To Page: 1 [2] | |