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012107-5878 |
011107-5678 |
Subject: Dinner, Dancing & Celebration by JCUAALV Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2007 02:28:30 -0500 From: judiroc@aol.com To: j?t?@yahoo.com ???維??? 大??校校?聯??? NEW YEAR PARTY LAST CALL 6:00 PM JANUARY 13, SATURDAY, 2007 LIVE BAND, SHOW, DINNER & DANCING ....ALL NIGHT LONG AT GOLD COAST CASINO & HOTEL ARIZONA BALL ROOM PLEASE CONTACT JUDI @ 702-375-9925 FOR TICKETS ***** [[[Announcement I.]]] ***** FROM JOINT CHINESE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LAS VEGAS JUDI ROCK JCUAALV 4545 SPRING MOUNTAIN RD, SUITE-102 LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
122606-5678 |
Subject: JCUAALV... GREAT EVENT TICKETS SOLD OUT! Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2006 15:55:22 -0500 From: [judiroc@???.com]G R E E T I N G FROM J C U A A L V 4545 SPRING MOUNTAIN RD, SUITE-102, LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 (702) 375-9925 DEAR FRIEND, ALUMNI, NEIGHBORS AND ALL, YOUR PRESENCE ON OUR NEW YEAR CELEBRATION PARTY WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED BY ALL OF JCUAALV MEMBERS. THE LAST FEW TICKETS WILL BE RELEASED, PLEASE CONTACT JENNY CHUANG @ 702-808-8389 [[[Announcement I.]]] [[[Announcement II.]]] JUDI ROCK JOINT CHINESE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LAS VEGAS 11111111111111 5555555555555555555555555 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ***************************************************** | |
122206-1036 |
Date: 22 Dec 2006 10:02:08 -0000 From: "JCUAALV moderator" [JCUAALV-owner@???.com] To: [i@yahoo.com] Subject: Yahoo! Groups: You're invited! Join JCUAALV today. This invitation expires in 30 days. Friday, 22 December 2006 - 10:02 AM GMT ???g@yahoo.com has invited you to join the JCUAALV group! Dear friend, You are invited to join Yahoo Group of JCUAALV (Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas), a non-political and non-religious group. The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum for any Las Vegas resident who has a college degree from China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA, ...etc. to support each other and to have fun. JCUAALV will be formally established on January 13th, 2007 at Gold Coast Casino & Hotel during our first annual meeting. We will host a Chinese New Year Banquet and Dancing Party. Please accept our invitation to become a member of our organization. Your email address will not be abused, I promise. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Jenny Chuang (Chen Tseng-lin, Taida, Physics '67) JCUAALV, Chair Membership Drive Tel: (702) 808-???9 555555555555 3333333333333333333333 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 *************************************************** | |
100306-1018 |
ـˇhighСr By Mindy Gao (TQ̨)The following report in Chinese is posted through the courtesy of the "ɼ" of Worldjournal.com: [[[˹S˹ֹ\WУWTͽcݳɵȭӛ߆Q̨z]]] ӛTQ̨˹S˹˹S˹Aˣ30ǰ߱κ߆uֵـǰlĂСr^c̨ϻӺܟңA춶̶̵ĕrgһR\ҹĚg¡ s߰˅ӣSAᶼǵһγϯȫҴС̫ƽޏVpݹĿ ـǴУѕ@cףžݹĿL_ɂ£^@ȺINݳ߈ԟ ߱ȥҲͬһe^ӣȥՈݸĵ˱ݣһжɱؾԼψH lـЇУϕėc푑УѕـǕTBmݸ赸ħg˹S˹ֹWУWTͽҲʾݳgɣȭԼʽ· ـձĻˇg赸Fԁe֞AR﹝λŮԴձyݷ֧c赸 ـǴУѕTݳĹĿЇZи}ݳĕTAҲxºӡ ݳӣuġr̨ϳFĚЧ̨ҲЎλ^ܵȾS̨ݳ衣 ܶ^ˣͣķٛYƷǫµ^̫ƽ߀@헻ӜʂFtÿ88Ԫ168Ԫԓuʽٛͽǫ^ [2006-10-03] 111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
092706-1068 |
A preview on the JCUAALV KARAOKY SHOW (I)---Through an e-mail by Miss Judi Rock to WBTI 55555555555555 66666666666666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
092706-1078 |
A preview on the JCUAALV KARAOKY SHOW (II)---Through an e-mail by Miss Judi Rock to WBTI 333333333333333 6666666666666666666666666 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ****************************************************** | |
091206-4037 |
Congratulations to The Proud Group JCUAALV! By Judi Rock, Jenny Huang, and Jennifer KungIt is a pleasure of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to encourage and recognize those outstanding individuals, groups, or programs which enrich the lives of many in our community.*1 The following information have been received from Miss Judi Rock through her second e-mail to WBTI in the afternoon on September 12, 2006: Thanks, Judi Rock JOINT CHINESE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LAS VEGAS (702) 375-9925 4545 Spring Mountain Rd, Ste 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 -----Original Message----- From: tojulei@yahoo.com To: judiroc@aol.com Sent: Tue, 12 Sep 2006 10:52 AM Subject: Re: Congratulations to The Proud Group JCUAALV The top two lines in Chinese can not be read. Sometime it's good through an attachment. --- judiroc@aol.com wrote: 拉斯ç¶å æ–¯ ä¸åœ‹å¤§å°ˆé™¢æ ¡è¯åˆæ ¡å‹æœƒ JOINT CHINESE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LAS VEGAS*2 4545 Spring Mountain Rd, Ste 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 > Congratulations to The Proud Group JCUAALV > > Perry Nee 1st Vice President > Darvin Huang 2nd Vice President > Christine Lee Secretary/Treasurer > Ina Huang Public Relation > Vivien Yang Communication > Jenny Chuang Membership > Rosy Chen Press/Media > Eddy Yang Event/Activities > Amy Cheng Board Director > Johnathan Wang Board Director > James Chen Board Director > Borman Yang Board Director > Peng Chi Pi Board Director > From your Executive Board > Ellen Wu > Judi Rock*3 The following information have been received from Miss Jenny Chuang through the e-mail in the morning on September 12, 2006: Dear all, I am currently collecting information on ANYONE (with Chinese origin) who has a residential address in Las Vegas. We believe in Greater Las Vegas there are over 1,000 Chinese people who are potentially our JCUAALV members.*4 So far I have over 200 names. My goal for this coming year is to have 500 names. If you know anyone who attended any college in Taiwan, Hong Kong, China or USA, please email me his/her name and contact info. Your contribution to help our memebership drive is greatly appreciated.*5 Sincerely, Jenny Chuang (Taida '67, Physics) Congratulations! Have a big organization. -------------------------------------------- References *1. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the Google.com," (September 11, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2.Rock, Judi. 'Congratulations to The Proud Group JCUAALV,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 12, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: JCUAALV. *3. Ibid. *4. Chuang, Jenny. 'Your contribution to help our memebership drive is greatly appreciated,' "An e-mail from Miss Jenny Chuang to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 12, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: JCUAALV. *5. Ibid. 7777777777777777 6666666666666666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
091106-1021 |
A Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club Meeting will be held on September 14, 2006 By Jennifer KungThe Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club is going to have its new Meeting on September 14, 2006. The following information have been received from Miss Judi Rock through the e-mail in the morning on September 11, 2006: Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 04:36:17 -0400 From: judiroc@aol.com Subject: LAS VEGAS CHINATOWN LIONS MEETING To: Tojulei@yahoo.com, and among others Judi Rock LAS VEGAS CHINATOWN LIONS CLUB*1 (702) 375-9925 4545 Spring Mountain Rd, Ste 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Chartered in June 2005 King Lion Judi Rock (702) 375-9925 1st VP James Chen (702) 769-1628 2nd VP Darvin Huang (702) 604-8961 3rd VP Ann Chiao (702) 355-1218 Secretary Cassandra Cheung (702) 256-6789 Treasurer Kevin Chang (702) 355-1388 Tail Twister Rosy Chen (702) 769-1628 Lion Tamer Patricia Lee (702) 237-0258 Guiding Lion Su Phelps (702) 279-3030 Guiding Lion Burt Teh (702) 876-8320 Fundraising Chair Rita Vaswani (702) 339-9004 Membership Chair To be replaced (702) 375-9925 Director Grace Tam (702) 338-9969 Director John Lee (909) 869-6023 Assistant Chair Henry Chen (702) 889-8899 Assistant Chair Tony Yang (702) 889-8899*2 Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club 4545 Spring Mountain Road, Suite 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 TEL: (702) 889-8899 Fax: (702) 221-5131 Lions Meeting*2 Date: Sept 14, 2006 (Thurthday) Time: 6:30 PM Location: 4545 Spring Mountain Road, S-102, Las Vegas, NV 89102 Program 6:30 pm Call to the Order Pledge of Allegiance Song of America Toast 6:45 Introduction and Guests 7:00 Agenda: Position Opportunity New Idea and sharing Fund Raising Party 7:30 Guest participation: in calling for comparisons. 8:00 Meeting adjourned. Dinning with the King Lion to the Buffet at Palms. Welcome all friends and family to our meeting and join the Lions Group. Please contact Judi or Cassandra for any new membership. ..See you on Thurthday. We wish them a good meeting. -------------------------------------------- References *1. Rock, Judi. 'Welcome to Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club meeting,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 11, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVCLC. *2. Ibid. 7777777777777777 11111111111111111111111111111 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
090506-1978 |
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2006 22:55:11 -0400 From: judiroc@aol.com Subject: Fwd: MEETING NOTICE - SEP/10/06 To: Tojulei@yahoo.com, and among othersATTACHMENT......... Judi Rock JOINT CHINESE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LAS VEGAS LAS VEGAS CHINATOWN LIONS CLUB TAIWAN BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION ROC CLUB Realty One Group (702) 375-9925 4545 Spring Mountain Rd, Ste 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 ˹S˹ЇԺУУѕ Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas 4545 Spring Mountain Road, S-102, Las Vegas, NV 89102 Tel.: (702) 889-8899 Fax: (702) 221-5131 ˹S˹ЇԺУУѕ h֪ͨ ֔ЕrgceеĴΕh: : Sep. 10, 2006 () rg : 2:30 PM c : 4545 Spring Mountain Road, Ste. 102, Las Vegas, NV 89102 ЌӑՓ: Уѕ³(ݰ) УѕһøL֮xΡ Уѕһ֮xΡ Уѕcӡ ՈλУќʕrϯ, xx! ֪ͨ ٣ ߱ΣA i᪣ SӢ S녣 Y룬g w Edgar Guo ̕ԣ ꐺ壬 ȣ OΘ 6666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
082806-1178 |
Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club Board Meeting will be held on August 31, 2006 By Jennifer KungThe Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club is going to have its Board Meeting on August 31, 2006. The following information have been received from Miss Judi Rock through the e-mail in the morning on August 28, 2006: Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 15:36:35 -0400 From: judiroc@aol.com Subject: LAS VEGAS CHINATOWN LIONS MEETING To: Tojulei@yahoo.com, and among others Judi Rock LAS VEGAS CHINATOWN LIONS CLUB*1 (702) 375-9925 4545 Spring Mountain Rd, Ste 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Chartered in June 2005 King Lion Judi Rock (702) 375-9925 1st VP James Chen (702) 769-1628 2nd VP Darvin Huang (702) 604-8961 3rd VP Ann Chiao (702) 355-1218 Secretary Cassandra Cheung (702) 256-6789 Treasurer Kevin Chang (702) 355-1388 Tail Twister Rosy Chen (702) 769-1628 Lion Tamer Patricia Lee (702) 237-0258 Guiding Lion Su Phelps (702) 279-3030 Guiding Lion Burt Teh (702) 876-8320 Fundraising Chair Rita Vaswani (702) 339-9004 Membership Chair To be replaced (702) 375-9925 Director Grace Tam (702) 338-9969 Director John Lee (909) 869-6023 Assistant Chair Henry Chen (702) 889-8899 Assistant Chair Tony Yang (702) 889-8899*2 Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club 4545 Spring Mountain Road, Suite 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 TEL: (702) 889-8899 Fax: (702) 221-5131 BOARD MEETING*2 AUGUST 31. 2006 6:30 PM 4545 SPRING MOUNTAIN RD, S-102 AGENDA 6:30: CALL TO ORDER Pledge of Allegiance Song of America Song of Chinatown Lions Toast 6:45 PHOTO SESSION & Introduction 7:00 SECRETARY REPORT 7:10 SPEEKER: LINZE WOOD SUBJECT: HOSPICS 7:35 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE REPORTS a. Program b. Entertainment c. Press Relation 8:00 RECOGNITION 8:15 MEETING ADJOURN (DINNER AT PALMS)*3 We wish them a good meeting. -------------------------------------------- References *1. Rock, Judi. 'Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club Board Meeting,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (August 28, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVCLC. *2. Ibid. *3. Ibid. 11111111111111 77777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
082706-1008 |
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082606-5178 |
How nice!
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081806-1056 |
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 04:27:43 -0400 From: judiroc@aol.com Subject: Fwd: JOINT CHINESE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LAS VEGAS ˹S˹ЇԺУУѕ Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas 4545 Spring Mountain Road, S-102, Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 889-8889 AUGUST 20, 2006 (Sunday) 2:00pm JCUAALV CHARTER MEETING ˹S˹ЇԺУУѕeе3΄h rg: 08/20/06 2 r00 c: 4545 Spring Mountain Rd, Suite-102 Y: xĴԺУУт hh: xL,LҪֲ gӭՈтcһͬ텢ӵ3΄h ҂Ҫ֧,Ąh @һ҂ͬһF һǠI֮Fˣּ£ MУѕg֮Mcд衣 VУ֮\У֮ ofУѼУӵW͘I AԠȡSoA֮漰 MAcFg֮PSc⡣ Ɇh,ՈcµУтBj Perry Nee 626-329-2955 (߱) Nina Yang 702-278-9596 Judi Rock 702-375-9925 Ellen Wu 310-808-5868 () Ps: 2006 MOON FESTIVITY EVENT WILL BE HELD ON SEPTEMBER 30TH (SATERDAY) AT PACIFIC ASIA PLAZA. JCUAALV IS CO SPONSOR FOR THE PROGRAM. PLEASE CALL JUDI ROCK @ 375-9925 IF YOU HAVE SPECIAL TALENT TO THE PROGRAM. 111111111111111 55555555555555555555555555555 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ***************************************************** | |
081806-1025 |
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2006 00:34:42 -0400 From: judiroc@aol.com Subject: 美酒 咖啡 and 卡 拉ok之夜節目流 表 To: Tojulei@yahoo.com, and among others Dear ROC connections......... Please come and join this Friday Karaoky night fun time............. Judi Rock ROC Club (702) 375-9925 4545 Spring Mountain Rd, Ste 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 ******************************************* С㘷 4545 Spring Mountain Road, Suite -102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 889-8899 Date: August 18, 2006 (Friday Night) Time: 8:00 pm C 12:30 pm $5.00 donation to ROC Club Place: China Night 4545 Spring Mountain rd, S-102, Las Vegas ok֮ҹĿ̱ :A James Chen 8:00~~9:00 OK c 9 00~~10:30 Ŀ ĿQ ݳ Andy Williams Born Free James _ Annie Ҳ ҵԼ Eddy ܇վ Vinnie Mf Judi Сǹ Shirley y Shirley ҵ Anita F[ ޱ ˵ۜI Cassandra ӯ Lɳ Jasmine ͥԺ Susie ~ٻ Rosy 質i Ƽӿ Judi Unchained Melody Eddy x ƝM Jonathan Pww GuСҹ Judy Chen ֻܻζ Anita ɽ ȫˆTϳ 10:30~~ 12:30 ɚg 11111111111111 22222222222222222222222222 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ***************************************************** | |
081006-5718 |
Welcome to Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club meeting on August 15, 2006! FWD by Judi RockLas Vegas Chinatown Lions Club 4545 Spring Mountain Road, Suite 102, Las Vegas, NV 89102 TEL: (702) 889-8899 Fax: (702) 221-5131 Meeting Date: Tuesday, August 15, 2006 Time: 6:30 PM Location: 4545 Spring Mountain, S-102 Program 6:30 Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Song of America Toast. Not before you, not above you, Be with you 6:45 New Song for Chinatown Lions Club (Exercise twice) 6:50 New member the board introduction, by: 1st VP, Lion James Chen. 7:15 Agenda: . Karaoky Night is going Great on every other Friday nights, by: Lion Rosy Chen. Cabinet Meeting to Carson City at August 15, Last call, by: Lion Cassandra Cheung. Eye glasses donated by: 1st VP Lion James Chen. Membership Chair seat to be filled round table decision. September Fundraising prograss by Lion Rita Vaswani. Review Article & By Law for board director replacement by: Lion Darvin Huang. 8:15 Buffet on house at Palms Casino. (Free to all meeting attendees) King Lion Judi Rock, (702) 375-9925 is welcome all and any public individual if you would like to join the members of Chinatown Lions Club. This Group is dedicated to help Blind and Burned Society. We serve is our goal. Email: JudiROC@aol.com*1 Chartered in June 2005 King Lion Judi Rock (702) 375-9925 1st VP James Chen (702) 769-1628 2nd VP Darvin Huang (702) 604-8961 3rd VP Ann Chiao (702) 355-1218 Secretary Cassandra Cheung (702) 256-6789 Treasurer Kevin Chang (702) 355-1388 Tail Twister Rosy Chen (702) 769-1628 Lion Tamer Patricia Lee (702) 237-0258 Guiding Lion Su Phelps (702) 279-3030 Guiding Lion Burt Teh (702) 876-8320 Fundraising Chair Rita Vaswani (702) 339-9004 Membership Chair To be replaced (702) 375-9925 Director Grace Tam (702) 338-9969 Director John Lee (909) 869-6023 Assistant Chair Henry Chen (702) 889-8899 Assistant Chair Tony Yang (702) 889-8899*2 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Rock, Judi. 'Welcome to Las Vegas Chinatown Lions Club meeting,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (August 10, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVCLC. *2. Ibid. 7777777777777777 11111111111111111111111111111 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
081006-3516 |
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Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 18:39:17 -0400 From: [judiroc@aol.com] Subject: Fwd: Tulips of Holland To: Tojulei@yahoo.com, and among others Beautiful !! Judi Rock Realty One Group (702) 375-9925 4545 Spring Mountain Rd, Ste 102 Las Vegas, NV 89102 ******************************************** I lived in Michigan for 10 years. The middle part of Michigan is very much like Holland. There is even a town called Holland, Michigan where a lot of immigrants/decendents from the Netherland reside. Every year there is a Tulip Festival in that small Michigan town. Later on there were more and more people of Polish extraction/decendent moved there. You will then see a lot of Polacks at the Tulip Festival. Fred 3333333333333333 555555555555555555555555555 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 *************************************************** | |
080706-1156 |
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 2006 01:04:45 -0400 From: judiroc@aol.com CC: Tojulei@yahoo.com, and among others Subject: JCUAALV (JOINT CHINeSE(S)? UNIVERSITies(Y)? ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LAS VEGAS) To: .....DEAR ALUMNI, PLEASE ENJOY READING THE REPORT OF OUR LAST MEETING (available by JCUAALV). BE SURE TO COME FOR THE NEXT MEETING ON THE 20TH OF AUGUST (SUNDAY) AT 4545 SPRING MOUNTAIN RD, S-102 (CHINA TOWN) THE EXCITING EVENTS IS ABUT TO BEGIN, BUT WE WANT YOU TO BE IN IT! Judi Rock JCUAALV 1111111111111111 55555555555555555555555555 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 **************************************************** | | Go To Page: [1] 2 [3] | |