Welcome to the 2nd LAS VEGAS JCUAA Meeting!
By Jennifer KungJoint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas (JCUAALV) is going to have its 2nd LAS VEGAS JCUAA Meeting on July 30, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The following information was received from Miss Judi Rock in the evening on July 20, 2006:
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Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas*1
4545 Spring Mountain Road, S-102, Las Vegas, NV 89102
(702) 889-8899
Location: 5115 spring mountain Rd, Suite-201
2nd floor in the Mini Mall of Pacific Plaza
Date & time: July 30, 2006 (Sunday) 2:30 PM
PROGRAM: Election for the charter president.
Appoint the Executive board member & duty.
Affix the Article & by-law
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Qualification: All Chinese that believed in the purposes of JCUAALV
Who encourage and support to the group benefit.
Please invite all your friends and COME to the meeting;
************You may not skip this event in your voice to be heard!
*****Do you not giving up your last contribution in group future?
** We all want to know what you have in mind to support JCUAALV!*2
Please contact the following alumni for advisory or concerns;
Perry Nee 626-329-2955 (Äß±±¼Î )
Nina Yang 702-278-9596
Borman Yang 702-286-7288
Judi Rock 702-375-9925
We hope that more people will be pleased to attend the Meeting. Good luck!
*1. Rock, Judi. '2nd LAS VEGAS JCUAA Meeting,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to WBTI," (July 20, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Desk of Judi Rock.
*2. Ibid.