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051107-1037 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Friday, 1:37 p. m., May 11, 2007 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Welcome to a great show everyone will enjoy on Mother's Day! 欢迎來欣賞「母親節以斯帖音樂話劇」! By Jennifer KungThe heights by great men/women reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight, But they, while their companions slept, Were toiling upward in the night. --Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ____________________________________________ ***** He/she who praises another enrihes himself/herself far more than he/she does the one praised. To praise is an investment in happiness.*1 The poorest human being has something to give that the richest could not buy. ---George Matthew Adams "Hi, Trust me, this is a great show everyone will enjoy... http://www.double- portion.net/ dp/events/ musical_opera_ 200705/index. html God bless," pointed out John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC, in the morning on May 10, 2004 in Santa Clara, California. The following report in Chinese is posted through the courtesy of the "舊金山新聞" of Worldjournal.com: 倍恩事奉中心母親節以斯帖音樂話劇 周六晚登場 【本報訊】母親節即將來臨,終日辛勞的母親休閒假日機會少,趁著母親節不妨帶著勞苦功高的母親來欣賞「母親節以斯帖音樂話劇」。 由倍恩事奉中心與生命河靈糧堂共同舉辦與推出的「母親節以斯帖音樂話劇」「母親節以斯帖音樂話劇」,完全由非I人士粉墨登場,卻非常具有專業的風?與水準。這一場以斯帖音樂話劇以聖經中一位出色女子以斯帖的故事為主軸,帶出女性在時代中的職份與角色。這也是第一齣由灣區華人根據聖經故事所編寫的音樂話劇,千萬不要錯過。 以斯帖話劇後並有「跨越人生」主講人劉彤牧師的分享,適合全家大小一同觀賞與聆?。時間是5/12(周六)晚上7:30pm,地點在生命河靈糧堂,備有六歲以下孩童看顧。生命河靈糧堂地址:1177 Laurelwood Road, Santa Clara, CA 95054,報名電話請洽:408-422-2335。倍恩事奉中心網址:www.double-portion.net。 [2007-05-09] Mrs. Belinda M. Liu is the founder of Double Portion Ministries ("倍恩事奉中心"): 目前與其夫婿劉彤牧師,在美國加州矽谷生命河靈糧堂牧會,也倍恩事奉中心創辦人。多年來在教會及婦女中服事,藉著敬拜、教導及在聖靈中的禱告,帶出醫治與釋放的能力,經常在各地帶領專題講座。並且積極推動萬國禱告事工。 曾多次帶? 至以色列、土耳其、約旦、摩洛哥等國做禱告行進。喜悅研讀舊約,時常教導聖經課程,從舊約看新約,有教師的恩賜。 並著有「女人的咒詛與祝福」及「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」之暢銷書。 "Hi, We will have potluck this Friday evening at 6:30 pm to celebrate Mother's Day, please come and bring your favorite dish, dessert or beverage :) We'll have regular fellowship after dinner. Several of us have already enjoyed the Sportscenter at River of Life Christian Church Sundays 3:00-5:00pm. Come and join us for basketball, ping pong, and badminton.. it's free! This Saturday evening at 7:30pm, there will be a wonderful drama at church on the story of Esther, don't miss it! God bless, John," wrote John on May 9, 2007. "Shalom Tony & Judy: 謝謝你那麼鼓勵的話語, 使我心中這兩年來,想要透過網站, 來擴展神國的負擔, 再次被挑旺起來, 這些日子,我真是感到神以厚恩待我, 從小我就是一個很平凡也簡單的人, 也無高深的學歷, 只是有一個做師母的小小心願, 很渴望能服事神, 沒想到這 子真的孕育成長, 能有份於神國的擴張. 我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了, 一下子還看不完呢! 這兩週在忙於姐妹特會的籌備事誼, 等過了特會後, 我可是要再細細的閱覽此網站. 我先將我的一點心聲附上, 不知合適與否? 請告知, 我可再有一些預備. 非常謝謝你的讚賞與快速的聯繫, 希望下次我的動作也能快些,能向你看齊. 也附上兩本我的書(主日學時), 請指正! 其實我更欽佩你們, 培育雷高這麼棒的兒子, 是神國的精兵, 也是教會不可少的又忠心又良善的好同工, 使我們蒙福! 願神賜福你們手中的工作盡都榮美! 劉梅蕾師母," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*2 Two books entitled 「女人的湓{與祝福」and 「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」, written by Mrs. Senior Pastor Belinda M. Liu, were signed with good wishes and presented by her to Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei. They are best sellers and famous. They will become one of the valuable collections of Washinton Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). It is good to remember that: The Women Conference held by Double Portion Ministries on September 21-23, 2006 has been very successful. It was held in the River of Life Christian Church, Santa, Clara, California. As we know that, "這是一個婦女興起的時代,過去十多年來,看見社會上越來越多的女性站在領導的層面." The three most important Speakers were: 趙鏞基師母 (Dr. Kim, or Mrs. Dr. Yonggi Cho); Dr. Petrina Guneratnam; and Mrs. Belinda M. Liu (劉梅蕾師母). It is right to agree with that, "屬神的女人, 興起發光". "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我在星期一早上就收到此谝焉暇W頁的好消息, 很驚? WBTI 的迅速作業, 我也將此專欄印出,與我的同工們分享, 我們都很興奮, 此專欄真是應證了神的作為超出所求所想的. 也謝謝你們給我機會與你們一起有份於神國度的擴展! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu very early in the morning on September 24, 2006 to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute.*3 Wish the show a great success! -------------------------------------------- References *1. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'President Dr. Andrew K. Benton' on the Yahoo.com," (May 10, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *2. Liu, Belinda M. '我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *3. Liu, Belinda M. '就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 24, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double Portion Ministries. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
031107-1071 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Sunday, 10:07 a. m., March 11, 2007 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! By Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Ingrid Ou, and Jennifer Kung"Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has inspired and cooperated River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) with endeavor to help promote the quality of life and community service for the people in California and Nevada," delivered Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael L. Douglas the message on March 9, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. "Dear Dr. Lei, I am writing this letter to invite you to my next Senior Advisory Committee meeting," wrote U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei on February 7, 2007 from her Office in Washington, D. C.*1 "It is through prayer, we will understand God's heart for the city and so that we can have God's compassion to serve the community. Next Sunday, we will go out by teams to do prayerwalk after the service. We will prayer for the city of Fremont, Santa Clara, and Cupertino," pointed out Rev. Tong Liu on February 25, 2007. "Through the recommendations of our faculty members, including Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael L. Douglas, Distrct Judges Mark R. Denton and Valoria J. Vega, Las Vegas Constable Robert A. Gronauer, District Court Judge Cheryl B. Moss, Nevada Assemblywoman Chris Giunchigliani has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) and Chairperson of Community Service Council of Clark County (CSCCC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on August 24, 2006." The announcement was made by Dr. John Wang, Spokesman for WBTI, on August 28, 2006, in Las Vegas, Nevada. "Shalom Tony & Judy: Thank you very much for your faithful serving God, WBTI and remember sunday school start on Jan. 28. I am so impressed. May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. Please see the attched file for sunday school lesson 1. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) early in the morning on February 1, 2007. "I've been invited to serve the Lord out of town. In April this year I'll lead a mission to Logos Evangelical Seminary in Los Angeles. The Drama Team will follow me to have a performance there. A cell group is also planning to join us to worship there. In the Women Conference on September, Mrs. Darlene Cunningham has been invited by me as a Kenote Speaker. She's famous. She loves China and Chinese very much. She has dreamed to be a preacher for Chinese since her youth. To unite our work with other organizations is a key to our innovative endeavor," talked Mrs. Belinda Liu, Founder of Double Portion Ministries, at her Sunday School on February 4, 2007. "Through the recommendations of Nevada Supreme Court Justice, Michael Douglas, Nevada District Court Judge, Jessie Walsh, Clark County Sheriff, Bill Young, and Nevada District Court Judge, Cheryl Moss, WBTI President, Dr. Tony Lei, recently appointed Assemblywoman Valerie Weber Vice President of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission of the Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on July 17, 2006. Ms. Weber was selected to fill this position which was previously held by Nevada State Controller, Kathy Augustine, following Kathy's untimely passing away on July 11, 2006." Dr. John Wang, Spokesman for WBTI, Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A., made the announcement on Tuessday, July 18, 2006. In all three services at ROLCC on February 4, 2007, Rev. Tong Liu introduced the 2007 new Board of Directors. Director Mr. John K. Lei is the Chairman of the new Board. Director Mr. Gerry Liu is the Treasurer. Director Mr. Daniel Chou is the Corporate Secretary. Director Linda Pao is responsible for Human Resources. Director Robert Huang is responsible for Missions. Rev. Liu prayed to God for a successful year to ignite our city with the endeavors of the Board. "Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit in the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' in 2007. A strong English adult service is vital to ROLCC's goal to become a 'Home for All Nations'. 5 years ago I had visions of our English adult service packed with people. I have faith God will bless our English service. Let us all invite our friends and family to the 3rd service!" wrote John Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC, on February 4, 2004. "Many of you have watched Dr. Jee-in Mao抯 nutrition programs on TV. With the support of the American Cancer Society Northern California Chinese Unit (ACS-NCUU), I'm excited to let you know that Dr. Jee-in Mao will be speaking on food-shopping with cancer prevention in mind next Saturday 2/3 at 10:00-12:00 noon. Dr. Jee-in Mao is a registered dietician and has been a member of the American Dietetic Association since 1986. Her undergraduate study was in agriculture at National Taiwan University, and graduate school studies included a master抯 degree in nutrition studies from UCLA, and doctorate degree in human nutrition from the University of Maryland. Dr. Jee-in Mao has done a number of nutritional studies and researches. She also taught at the University of California, Berkeley in the Department of Nutrition and the Department of Nutrition in San Jose State University of California," wrote John K. Lei in an article to WBTI. LIVERight, a community service HBV free blood screen/seminar took place on Saturday, 1/13 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. This was a joint effort between Asian Liver Center (ALC) at Stanford University and Holiday Plaza Series at River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC). We are really thankful that this collaboration was a great success. ALC and ROLCC are embracing the same vision in serving the community via community awareness seminar/blood screen on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer in Asian community. We had 238 people screened over the event; approximately 400 audiences came for the presentation. At large or little, we knew we had made the difference. Dr. So did the presentation in English with Jordan Su's concurrent translation to Mandarin. Many people gave positive feedback, and everyone I spoke to felt that they have learned a lot of useful life-saving tips! In the presentation, Dr. So once again reminded us how serious hepatitis B is impacting the Asians and Asian Americans. In certain part of China , the impact was much worse-1/6 of population is infected by HBV. He spoke about the trasmission route for hepatitis B. He spoke about what each of us should do. If people are not carriers, they should definitely get the 3-slot immunization as soon as possible, which will protect them for life. If they are HBV carriers, they need to monitor their liver status on a regular basis. To me, this joint event between ALC and ROLCC is just a starting. Based on the feedback we got from the attendants, we hope to see more ALC-ROLCC collaborative projects happened in times to come. We believe that this combined effort will provide the best service and a blessing to the community! This event was beyond our expectation and turn out a great success. Of course, the most comforting thing to know is that some people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge they learn! The above four paragraphs are reported by Dr. Ingrid Ou.*3 Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical in Mountain View, CA. Ingrid got her doctoral degree from University of Washington , Seattle . Her passion in life is to serve the Lord and live up to HIS glory using her skills and interests in medicine. She also greatly enjoys serving the Lord in Single Adult and Children ministry (choir and musical program) at ROLCC. She believes that being Christian is not all about going to church. She believes that Godˇ3富s words can really equip us to a much better player in all areas of our life, at work and in the family. God's words are relevant to our daily lives; He helps us to achieve a higher level that we could not have done by our own means. In the spare time, Dr. Ingrid Ou enjoys ballet, running and playing piano. She and her husband currently reside in Sunnyvale, CA. "In this era where massive amount of information is often found via internet, I think that the mission of WBTI is timely and visionary. The impact of Lord in the community will be enlarged via web publishing and more of Good news will be effectively going to those who need them the most," pointed out Dr. Ingrid Ou. Dear Dr. Lei, Hope that you enjoyed the Dr. So's talk yesterday. As indicated in my email to you earlier this week, below is the script that I promoted last week at the English congregation: "In this coming Saturday, we will have the privilege of having Dr. So from Stanford, Asian Liver Center to come here to give us an education seminar on liver health. This is an event that you can't afford to miss. ... I will be here after the service to take your registration and answer any question that you may have. Thank you." Here is an introduction of Dr. So: Dr. Samuel So is a professor and a liver cancer surgeon in the Department of Surgery and directs the Liver Cancer Program at Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. So is originally from Hong Kong. In 1996, Dr So established the Asian Liver Center to address the disproportionately high prevalence of hepatitis B and liver Cancer in the Asian and Asian Americans with the ultimate goal of eradicating hepatitis B worldwide and eliminating the threat of liver cancer. The Asian Liver Center at Stanford is the only non-profit organization in the United States that addresses the high incidence of hepatitis B and liver cancer in Asians and Asian-Americans. Founded in 1996, the center uses a three-pronged approach towards fighting hepatitis B through outreach, education , and research.*4 More is available from http://liver.stanford.edu/ALC/ALC_staff.php "Dear Dr. Lei, It was my great honor to meet you last Sunday. Thank you so much for your support for the event, which I believe is going to benefit a lot of us," wrote Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute on January 10, 2007. "Dear Belinda: May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. At the beginning of year 2007, I felt that God wants me to examine my past failures so that I know where I fall and what can I do to grow in Christ; just like the Israelites during the Deuteronomy time. Therefore by attending your class God reminded me that He is a God of covenant and promise. He is a faithful God that will never forsake me and will guide me through the wilderness just as He guides Israel. I look forward to more classes to learn of God's Words and Works so that I can live in God's promise land. Thank you so much and may God pour out His double blessings upon you. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang again for this article to WBTI on February 2, 2007.*5 E. Q. Expert Becky Ung has new accomplishment! To enjoy her most recent show, you may click on [http://www.la18.tv/video.aspx?vid=4fdb15f3-7d47-4fb8-bf96-b6961dc22c21]. "I'm glad that I was the hit winner of visitor number at one hundred four thousand six hundred fifty first (#104,651st) of WBTI website. Its knowledgeable and educational contends are richful. I'm inspired by its creed of community service and humane spirit for our community," expressed Becky Ung, Chairperson of the E. Q. Research Committee of WBTI. "I'm going to S. America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay) on a teaching tour in March this year," said Becky.*6 WBTI has contributed to enhance important projects by organizations in Nevada and California since its establishment on January 8, 1996. After viewing the wonderful performance by the leading search engines and WBTI for her and her organiztions, Miss Doris Yu wrote a thanks e-mail to WBTI sincerely. "Thank you for your support," pointed out Miss Doris Yu as she is now the Editor of a magazine and the Conductor of a TV show program.*7 The following is a prompt response {at Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:57:37 -0700 (PDT)} to the first edition of this feature article (He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun) which was published on October 24, 2006: "Hi Brother Tony: It is a wonderful day, a day that the Lord has made. Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor to share what the Lord has spoken to me through Belinda's Sunday school teaching. Here is my prayer for Belinda's Israel trip. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI. "'Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for having Belinda with us, thank you for putting a love for Your children Israel in her heart. As she and her team leaves for Israel please be with them. Send Your angels to guard their travel safety. Speak to each and everyone of the team, let them hear Your thunderous voice so that their lives can be changed through this journey. Walk among us while they walk in Your Holy Land. Lord, I ask that you bless my brothers and sisters while they go and bless Your children. May Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) be with them. I pray in Jesus' name, A-men.' Thank you very much, Rebecca." "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the search leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, 2006 in Santa Clara, California. "I like Mrs. Belinda Liu's Sunday School. Her knowlegeable contents of the Bible have often convinced us with her living examples. She gave us practical reasons to believe. It's my pleasure to apply those teachings from her to my daily life." "I'll flying to Austria Christian Church on Monday night to serve there with Rev. Liu. ... Recently, I received a calendar published by the Rock Publishing Company. It had an introduction of my two voice CD. I'm suprised and happy. God treated me kindly again. ... Wish you have a double bless falling from the Heaven and a fully promissing 2007!" wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu in Chinese on November 26, 2006.*8 The evening was shinning! How nice was Friday December 29, 2006! We had a wonderful potluck at Mr. John Lei's home for our John Lei/Petty Wu Cell Group. We had lots of nice foods, fruits, and cakes. Attendants were enthusiastic. They included Miss Nicole Ying, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Teresa Zhang, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Sarah Shao, Miss Linda Tu, Miss Angie Qian, Mr. Kang Fung, Mr. Gino Ko, Mr. John Lei, Mr. Mike Lei, Mrs. Judy Lei, and Dr. Tony Lei (names in random). The potluck was fully enjoyed by all the participants with good communication and fun. We received an evite invitation for a ski-trip to Lake Tahoe by John/Patty Cell Goup. "Hi! Everyone, How would you like to spend a weekend with cell group brothers and sisters in Tahoe? ... You are more than welcome to invite new friends to join. Sincerely, Patty," wrote Miss Patty Wu on February 4, 2007. "Thank you for devotions this morning on the balcony overlooking the misty snowy sun-rise landscape," wrote Mr. Mike Lei on December 24, 2006.*9 "Dear Dr. Lei, You're an extremely knowledgeable and wise elder, yet very easy to get along with. I'm very blessed to getting to know you more in the past 7 months. Your warm hospitality makes me feel just like a family member of yours. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas. May God continued blessing what you're fonding of doing. May your resourseful website become one of the "Top" (: channel of communication for business, social, and community. May you continue receiving His wisdom words and His double portion of favors," wrote Miss Angie Qian on a nice Season's Greetings card to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 24 in Lake Tahoe, California. Nicole Ying of John Lei/Patty Wu cell group was among those who were baptized on Sunday. *10 "Dear friends, During last Friday's fellowship, I told you about the free online Bible website. Here is the web link: http://www.biblegateway.com/ As a bonus, here is the free daily message from Pastor Liu you can access by your phone: (408) 291-8046 God bless, John," wrote John Lei, Director (now Chairman) Of the Board of Directors of River of Life Christian Church.*11 "Dear Tony & Judy, Peace! During this thankful ending of the year, wish a bridge of love may be built in between us through the love of Chris ... Tracey," wrote Miss Tracey Yang to WBTI on January 16, 2007. "Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*12 "One of the most important contribution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our high-ranking officials and community is its many articles published frequently by the search engine leaders locally, nationally, and internationally. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid (now the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor the promotion of benifits for our people, community, and country." The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, Ms. Sui-ling Li (in Chinese), Ms. Shirley Zhang, Miss Chiao-wen Chen, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). Miss Chiao-wen Chen told Tiffany Chang that she was inspired by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's good teaching. Belinda is teaching the new Sunday School starting from January 28, 2007. Its prinouts are now published at the end of her Section. "I'm impressed by Mrs. Belinda Liu's ability to integrate chapters of the Bible for a teaching," pointed out Miss Brenda Lin. It was delivered to the section of "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" at the new Sunday School by Brenda in ROLCC on February 4, 2007. "How great is Belinda's understanding of each and every chapter on the Bible throughly!" said Ms. Shirley Zhang on February 11, 2007. "Thanks, Dr. Lei," wrote Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI.*13 "The WBTI's website has played an important role to bridge the cooperation and development among our individuals, officials, and communities. In advancing to its 14th year, we're glad to find WBTI's interstate perspectives have brought with potentiality for the prosperity of more organiztions and people." By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. "It's my appreciation to 'Nevada Examiner' for its publication of my following statement several times," said District Court Judge Cheryl Moss. In community service, Dr. Tony T. Lei's hero is the great servant who has given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candles fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-lasting circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and envision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy. The Bible teaches us: "...let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)." District (Family) Court Judge-elect Cheryl Moss wrote Dr. Tony T. Lei, "I am delighted and honored to be appointed as an Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Thank you for this opportunity to serve, and I hope to gain more knowledge, insight and awareness about public service and community issues through your prestigious institution. I remain dedicated to helping the community, and I am inspired by your leadership, wisdom and guidance. I am also fortunate to have met you and your wife, Judy, because you are both active and dynamic individuals in the community. Your accomplishments and achievements have demonstrated that taking part in the community does make a difference. Best wishes and thank you again for your unselfish kindness, support and encouragement." *14 "Shalom Tony & Judy: Thank you for your encouraging words, which have inspired me with my endeavor to enlarge the mission for God through website since last two years in my heart. I've felt really that God had treated me nicely during these days. ... I've desperated to serve God. I couldn't imagine that now it has been grown for me developing the reign of God. I've been on the WBTI website. It's really very rich and I couldn't complete in reading it! ... It's my desire to read it again carefully. I'm submitting some of my wishes, but I'm not sure whether it's appropriate. Please tell me and I may have some preparation again. Thank you very much of your praise and quick coordinating. I hope to follow you and next time my action will be faster. I'll present you with two of my books (in the Sunday School). Your comment to these books will highly be appreciated! Actually, I respect you more and very much. You've educated such a good son John Lei. He is an excellent soldier of God. He is also a faithful and kind worker whom the church can not miss in order for us to be blessed! Wish God bless you with your glorified and beautiful job on your hands! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu in Chinese to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*15 "It'll be really a challenge and honor to be the Governor of Nevada and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI onece I'm elected in Office in January 2007. It's my great pleasure to take the responsibility," said U. S. Congressman James Gibbons at the Business Mixier held by Asian Republicans of Nevada at April 23, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The agreement was made by Jim to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI through a pleasant conversation between the two parties during the Event.*16 Jim is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. It is significant for Dr. Kenny C. Guinn to write President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI as in the following: "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." *17 Kenny was Nevada Governor for eight years until December 31, 2006. Former Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn had been Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI from 1999 to 2006. "When I take a step back and look at my life, I can't help but think how bless I am for all God has given to me. So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*16 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "To Pray for the God's Characters of Our Children". The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: I received the good news of my special section, Belinda Liu's Spiritual World, on the Internet early morning on Monday. I'm very impressed by the excellent work performance of WBTI. All our members were excited with the printouts of the section which I've seperated to them. This section has been proved to be God's creation, and thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to develop our mission under the reign of God! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu in Chinese early in the morning to Washington Business and Technology Institute. Pastor Paul Huang has completed teaching his Sunday School on "Book of Ruth" on December 24, 2006. Attendants were enthusiastic. He is now teach another Sunday School starting from January 2007. On Sunday February 25, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Hing Chai Cheng, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Be a Blessed Man". The Worship was directed by Pastor James Wang. MC was Rev. Cheng. This year's theme is "Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City." Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006 and 2007, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Mr. John Lee, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Jenny Hsiao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Angela Ting, Miss Isabelle Chai, Miss Christina Liu, Ms. Mary Torres, Miss Joyce Roman, Miss Jessica Chang, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! "Praise God for having Pastor Peter Tsukahira here to share with us. He is truly a teaching pastor. He not only explained the word of God clearly but also spoke into the hearts," said Rev. Tong Liu. "As the church is growing, we need more and more brother and sisters to serve in the family of God. ... We really need more volunteers in the visual ministry, ...Your participation will be greatly appreciated," pointed out Rev. Tong Liu on February 4, 2007. "It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as the Honorary Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin at the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *19. On January 11, 2007, Miss Frances Chang forwarded WBTI a very good announcement of Dr. Samuel So's speech event: (1) Well known high incidence of liver disease among Chinese people. ....... Dr. Samuel So is a founder and director of Asian Liver Center at Stanford Hospital. ... *20 To ignite the city and country, our integrity and love to serve are important! ------------------------------------------- References *1. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed as an Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Justice Michael Douglas wbti' on the Google.com," (March 7, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Berkley, Shelley. 'I am writing this letter to invite you to my next Senior Advisory Committee meeting,' "A letter from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (February 7, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Office. *3. Ou, Ingrid. 'A report from Dr. Ingrid Ou,' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI," (January 21, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *4. Ou, Ingrid. 'Happy New Year!' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 14, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *5. Pang, Rebecca. "Thank you very much. Is it okay?' "An e-mail from Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (February 2, 2007), Santa Clara, California: Miss Rebecca Pang's Residence. *6. Ung, Becky. 'I am going to S. America on a teaching tour,' "An E-mail from Chairperson Becky Ung of E. Q. Research Committee to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (February 3, 2007), San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *7. Yu, Doris. 'Thank you for your support!' "An e-mail from Miss Doris Yu to Washington Business and Technology Institute." (February 4, 2007), Los Angeles, California: Miss Doris Yu's Residence. *8. Liu, Belinda M.; and Liu, Tong. 'I'm very suprised and happy that God has treated me nicely again!' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC)," (November 26, 2006), Santa Clara, California: Double Portion Ministries. *9. Google. 'Prayer journals 12/23-25/06,' "A search of 'Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip' on the Google.cn," (March 5, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *10. Lei, John. 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *11. Lei, John. 'Here is the web link,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to WBTI," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *12. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court. *13. Weber, Valerie. 'Thanks, Dr. Lei,' "An e-mail from Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Assembly. *14. Chang, Tiffany. (2000) 'Cheryl Moss has been appointed Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *15. Liu, Belinda M. 'I've been on the WBTI website. It's really very rich!' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *16. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; McDonald, Lynette; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; Young, Bill; Chang, Tiffany. 'James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI if he is elected Governor of Nevada,' "A search of 'James Gibbons will be Chairman of WBTI' on the Google.com," (March 6, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *17. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas,' "A search of 'Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn,' on the Google.cn," (March 4, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *18. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' "To Pray for the God's Characters of Our Children," (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. *19. Douglas, Michael L.; Denton, Mark R.; Vega, Valoria J.; Gronauer, Robert A.; Moss, Cheryl B.; and Chang, Tiffany. 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and Chairperson of Community Service Council of Clark County of WBTI,' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com," (March 8, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *20. Chang, Frances. 'FW: [English-congregation] LIVERight event 2007 announcement,' "An e-mail From Miss Frances Chang to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 11, 2007), San Jose, California: Frances Chang's Residence. --------------------------------------------- ********************************************* | |
021807-3757 |
Printouts from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on happy lunar new year day! By Jennifer KungIt is our pleasure to receive an e-mail from Founder Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of Double Portion Ministries to WBTI early in the morning on February 18, 2007. "Shalom! Tony: Thanks! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu.*1 Two attachments were received through the above e-mail. They were published. You are welcomed to share the blessed information by clicking on the fourth flier (dated 021807-3717) at the third page of this section!*2 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Liu, Belinda M. 'Thank you!' "An e-mail from Founder Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of Double Portion Ministries to WBTI," (February 18, 2007), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double Portion Ministries. *2. Ibid. 777777777777777 00000000000000000000000000 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
021107-2157 |
Mrs. Belinda M. Liu has something for you! By Jennifer Kung"Shalom! Tony: Please see the attached for sunday school, Thank you for your faithful update. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu.*1 You are welcomed to share the blessed information by clicking on the second flier (dated 021107-1057) at the third page of this section! "Sorry, it's not complete yet. Here is ...," continued Belinda with three more attachments (one dulicated).*2 You are also welcomed to share the blessed two attachments by clicking on the sixth flier (dated 021107-1058) at the third page of this section! -------------------------------------------- References *1. Liu, Belinda M. 'Thank you for your faithful update,' "An e-mail from Founder Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of Double Portion Ministries to WBTI," (February 11, 2007), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double Portion Ministries. *2. Liu, Belinda M. 'Thank you for your faithful update,' "A second e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to WBTI," (February 11, 2007), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double Portion Ministries. 1111111111111111 00000000000000000000000000 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
020607-5057 |
Mrs. Belinda M. Liu delivered a good teaching message! By Jennifer KungMrs. Belinda M. Liu's new Sunday School is blessing! Mrs. Belinda M. Liu openned her new Sunday Shool on January 28, 2007. More and many enthusiastic students were attending the second class on February 4, 2007. With four attachments through an e-mail sent by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), all the printouts were published on the Section of "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI's website.*1 You are welcomed to share the blessed information by clicking on the second flier at the third page of this section! An example of the printouts is posted in the following: 申命記 Lecture One 劉梅蕾師母 簡介 申命記在希伯來文的原意思是「說話」,表明神所說的誡命與律法,而在希臘文是「二」的原意,因此連合起來是重申誡命。當以色列人舊的一代已經過去,而新的一代是在曠野長大,當他們進入迦南地前,必要曉得神已經說的話語與誡命,因此申命記不是一套新的律法與誡命,乃是重申舊命,使新的一代能得知,他們是信實的神所愛的立約子民,好在進入應許之地後,因著遵行神的話語,要成為蒙福的子民。 申命記與摩西五經:創世記: 神的主權-創世與揀選 出埃及記: 神的能力-救贖與釋放 *2 ...................... ------------------------------------------ References *1. Liu, Belinda M. 'May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart!' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to WBTI," (February 1, 2007), Santa Clara, California: Double Portion Ministries. *2. Ibid. 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
020507-1168 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Monday, 10:37 a. m., February 5, 2007 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Belinda Liu: Your wonderful work and serving heart are igniting the city! By Ingrid Ou, Rebecca Pang, and Jennifer Kung***** Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit from the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' for 2007. ---John K. Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC ------------------------------------------ "Shalom Tony & Judy: Thank you very much for your faithful serving God, WBTI and remember sunday school start on Jan. 28. I am so impressed. May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. Please see the attched file for sunday school lesson 1. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) early in the morning on February 1, 2007. "I've been invited to serve the Lord out of town. In April this year I'll lead a mission to 台福 (Logos Evangelical Seminary) in Los Angeles. The Drama Team will follow me to have a performance there. A cell group is also planning to join us to worship there. In the Women Conference on September, Mrs. Darlene Cunningham has been invited by me as a Kenote Speaker. She's famous. She loves China and Chinese very much. She has dreamed to be a preacher for Chinese since her youth. To unite our work with other organizations is a key to our innovative endeavor," talked Mrs. Belinda Liu, Founder of Double Portion Ministries, at her Sunday School on February 4, 2007. In all three services at ROLCC on February 4, 2007, Rev. Tong Liu introduced the 2007 new Board of Directors. Director Mr. John K. Lei is the Chairman of the new Board. Director Mr. Gerry Liu is the Treasurer. Director Mr. Daniel Chou is the Corporate Secretary. Director Linda Pao is responsible for Human Resources. Director Robert Huang is responsible for Missions. Rev. Liu prayed to God for a successful year to ignite our city with the endeavors of the Board. "Disciples with expertise, integrity, and humane spirit in the marketplace will certainly enhance the implementation of our mission to 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City' in 2007. A strong English adult service is vital to ROLCC's goal to become a 'Home for All Nations'. 5 years ago I had visions of our English adult service packed with people. I have faith God will bless our English service. Let us all invite our friends and family to the 3rd service!" wrote John Lei, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC, on February 4, 2004. LIVERight, a community service HBV free blood screen/seminar took place on Saturday, 1/13 from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm. This was a joint effort between Asian Liver Center (ALC) at Stanford University and Holiday Plaza Series at River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC). We are really thankful that this collaboration was a great success. ALC and ROLCC are embracing the same vision in serving the community via community awareness seminar/blood screen on one of the biggest killers, hepatitis B/liver cancer in Asian community. We had 238 people screened over the event; approximately 400 audiences came for the presentation. At large or little, we knew we had made the difference. About 20 volunteers from ALC and 15 volunteers from ROLCC came to help out the event. Dr. So did the presentation in English with Jordan Su's concurrent translation to Mandarin. Many people gave positive feedback, and everyone I spoke to felt that they have learned a lot of useful life-saving tips! The event started by having the audience to watch the film. I was really touched after watching the film that told many stories on how hepatitis B had impacted the lives of many. I remember vividly Dr. Soˇs interview in the movie: ¨I am just very sick of seeing so many young lives lost every day due to HBV/liver cancer〃. This was why liver transplant surgen, Dr. So decided to found ALC to serve the community. In the presentation, Dr. So once again reminded us how serious hepatitis B is impacting the Asians and Asian Americans. In certain part of China , the impact was much worse-1/6 of population is infected by HBV. He spoke about the trasmission route for hepatitis B. He spoke about what each of us should do. If people are not carriers, they should definitely get the 3-slot immunization as soon as possible, which will protect them for life. If they are HBV carriers, they need to monitor their liver status on a regular basis. They should go to their doctor to have their liver function and ALPHAFETO PROTEIN level checked every half year plus annual ultrasound exam. In addition, he told the story about a medical intern who had hepatitis B but lack of awareness, died of liver cancer at very young age. This sad story continues to linger on peopleˇs mind and serves as a good reminder of being educated on this important topic. He ended by stating the mission and work at ALC. Many people that came to the event raised a lot of questions. During Q/A session, Dr. So further spoke about the difference between hepatitis A, B and C. He explained about the outcome of missing one last slot during the 3 shot immunization course and the impact of it if the schedule of 3-shots immunization is different from it is recommended. In addition, he commented about the use of herbal supplements and why some people can't donate blood even though they are not carriers. The event actually ran into 4.45 pm, and many people's questions still could not be answered due to time constrains. To me, this joint event between ALC and ROLCC is just a starting. Based on the feedback we got from the attendants, we hope to see more ALC-ROLCC collaborative projects happened in times to come. We believe that this combined effort will provide the best service and a blessing to the community! This event was beyond our expectation and turn out a great success. Of course, the most comforting thing to know is that some people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge they learn! We pray that Lord will continue to bless the vision of ALC and ROLCC and to those people who attended the event. The above five paragraphs are reported by Dr. Ingrid Ou.*1 Dr. Ingrid Ying C. Ou is a senior scientist working for ALZA, Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical in Mountain View, CA. Ingrid got her doctoral degree from University of Washington , Seattle . Her passion in life is to serve the Lord and live up to HIS glory using her skills and interests in medicine. She also greatly enjoys serving the Lord in Single Adult and Children ministry (choir and musical program) at ROLCC. She believes that being Christian is not all about going to church. She believes that Godˇs words can really equip us to a much better player in all areas of our life, at work and in the family. God's words are relevant to our daily lives; He helps us to achieve a higher level that we could not have done by our own means. In the spare time, Dr. Ingrid Ou enjoys ballet, running and playing piano. She and her husband currently reside in Sunnyvale, CA. "In this era where massive amount of information is often found via internet, I think that the mission of WBTI is timely and visionary. The impact of Lord in the community will be enlarged via web publishing and more of Good news will be effectively going to those who need them the most," pointed out Dr. Ingrid Ou.*2 Dear Dr. Lei, Hope that you enjoyed the Dr. So's talk yesterday. As indicated in my email to you earlier this week, below is the script that I promoted last week at the English congregation: "Happy New Year, Brothers and Sisters. This is coming Saturday, we will have the privilege of having Dr. So from Stanford, Asian Liver Center to come here to give us an education seminar on liver health. This is an event that you can't afford to miss. Why do I say this? Let me start by showing you a patient interview video clip by Anthony. (http://liver.Stanford.edu/Mult/Mult_video.php). Yes, Anthony is right. People who have hepatitis B have a much higher chance of getting liver cancer. This is especially a problem among Asians and Asian Americans. It is estimated that one in 10 Asians are HBV carriers and one in 4 chronic HBV carriers will eventually die of liver cancer or liver disease if left untreated, or unmonitored. Unfortunately, many of us did not know about this fact. What is even more sad is that many of the HBV carriers did not know that there are several simple monitoring tests they can ask from their doctors. Instead, they left the disease unmonitored until it was too late. This coming Saturday, we expect to have 300-400 people to join us. I am very excited. According to the statistics, as many as 10 people's lives will be saved because of the knowledge we learn. I hope all of you will join us for this meaningful, life-saving event. I will be here after the service to take your registration and answer any question that you may have. Thank you again for your attention." *3 Here is an introduction of Dr. So: Dr. Samuel So is a professor and a liver cancer surgeon in the Department of Surgery and directs the Liver Cancer Program at Stanford University Medical Center. Dr. So is originally from Hong Kong. In 1996, Dr So established the Asian Liver Center to address the disproportionately high prevalence of hepatitis B and liver Cancer in the Asian and Asian Americans with the ultimate goal of eradicating hepatitis B worldwide and eliminating the threat of liver cancer. The Asian Liver Center at Stanford is the only non-profit organization in the United States that addresses the high incidence of hepatitis B and liver cancer in Asians and Asian-Americans. Founded in 1996, the center uses a three-pronged approach towards fighting hepatitis B through outreach, education , and research.*4 More is available from http://liver.stanford.edu/ALC/ALC_staff.php "Dear Dr. Lei, It was my great honor to meet you last Sunday. Thank you so much for your support for the event, which I believe is going to benefit a lot of us," wrote Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute on January 10, 2007. "Dear Belinda: May God bless your wonderful work and serving heart. At the beginning of year 2007, I felt that God wants me to examine my past failures so that I know where I fall and what can I do to grow in Christ; just like the Israelites during the Deuteronomy time. Therefore by attending your class God reminded me that He is a God of covenant and promise. He is a faithful God that will never forsake me and will guide me through the wilderness just as He guides Israel. I look forward to more classes to learn of God鈥檚 Words and Works so that I can live in God鈥檚 promise land. Thank you so much and may God pour out His double blessings upon you. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang again for this article to WBTI on February 2, 2007.*5 E. Q. Expert Becky Ung has new accomplishment! To enjoy her most recent show, you may click on [http://www.la18.tv/video.aspx?vid=4fdb15f3-7d47-4fb8-bf96-b6961dc22c21]. "I'm glad that I was the hit winner of visitor number at one hundred four thousand six hundred fifty first (#104,651st) of WBTI website. Its knowledgeable and educational contends are richful. I'm inspired by its creed of community service and humane spirit for our community," expressed Becky Ung, Chairperson of the E. Q. Research Committee of WBTI. "I'm going to S. America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay) on a teaching tour in March this year," said Becky.*6 WBTI has contributed to enhance important projects by organizations in Nevada and California since its establishment on January 8, 1996. After viewing the wonderful performance by the leading search engines and WBTI for her and her organiztions, Miss Doris Yu wrote a thanks e-mail to WBTI sincerely. "Thank you for your support," pointed out Miss Doris Yu as she is now the Editor of a magazine and the Conductor of a TV show program.*7 The following is a prompt response {at Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:57:37 -0700 (PDT)} to the first edition of this feature article (He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun) which was published on October 24, 2006: "Hi Brother Tony: It is a wonderful day, a day that the Lord has made. Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor to share what the Lord has spoken to me through Belinda's Sunday school teaching. Here is my prayer for Belinda's Israel trip. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI. "'Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for having Belinda with us, thank you for putting a love for Your children Israel in her heart. As she and her team leaves for Israel please be with them. Send Your angels to guard their travel safety. Speak to each and everyone of the team, let them hear Your thunderous voice so that their lives can be changed through this journey. Walk among us while they walk in Your Holy Land. Lord, I ask that you bless my brothers and sisters while they go and bless Your children. May Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) be with them. I pray in Jesus' name, A-men.' Thank you very much, Rebecca." "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the search leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, 2006 in Santa Clara, California. "I like Mrs. Belinda Liu's Sunday School. Her knowlegeable contents of the Bible have often convinced us with her living examples. She gave us practical reasons to believe. It's my pleasure to apply those teachings from her to my daily life." "我星期一晚上就要飛往澳州與劉牧師一起在「澳州靈糧堂」服事,這是一個新的機會, 我想以後應該會有更多的機會和牧師一起同臺服事吧! ... 最近我收到一份由磐石出版社所出2007的年曆,內有一「通往天國的護照」 福音小冊、對聯、八福紅封套、及一片聖誕詩歌CD和通往天國的護照有聲CD一片, 並有 我兩個有聲CD的介紹,我很驚? 也很歡喜,神又再次以厚恩待我了。... 願這聖誕節你要領受從天而降的雙倍恩膏,迎向滿有應許的2007!" wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 26, 2006.*8 The evening was shinning! How nice was Friday December 29, 2006! We had a wonderful potluck at Mr. John Lei's home for our John Lei/Petty Wu Cell Group. We had lots of nice foods, fruits, and cakes. Attendants were enthusiastic. They included Miss Nicole Ying, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Teresa Zhang, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Sarah Shao, Miss Linda Tu, Miss Angie Qian, Mr. Kang Fung, Mr. Gino Ko, Mr. John Lei, Mr. Mike Lei, Mrs. Judy Lei, and Dr. Tony Lei (names in random). The potluck was fully enjoyed by all the participants with good communication and fun. The game brought us with another hightlight of the reunion. Praise God that we had a such wonderful time after the Christmas and before the New Year. A happy New Year was wishful among all the sisters and brothers! We received an evite invitation for a ski-trip to Lake Tahoe by John/Patty Cell Goup. "Hi! Everyone, How would you like to spend a weekend with cell group brothers and sisters in Tahoe? ... You are more than welcome to invite new friends to join. Sincerely, Patty," wrote Miss Patty Wu on February 4, 2007. "Thank you for devotions this morning on the balcony overlooking the misty snowy sun-rise landscape," wrote Mr. Mike Lei on December 24, 2006.*9 "Dear Dr. Lei, You're an extremely knowledgeable and wise elder, yet very easy to get along with. I'm very blessed to getting to know you more in the past 7 months. Your warm hospitality makes me feel just like a family member of yours. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas. May God continued blessing what you're fonding of doing. May your resourseful website become one of the "Top" (: channel of communication for business, social, and community. May you continue receiving His wisdom words and His double portion of favors," wrote Miss Angie Qian on a nice Season's Greetings card to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 24 in Lake Tahoe, California. Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC with the children performing an outstanding drama in all three services and afterwards the baptism ceremony for 34 brothers and sisters. Nicole Ying of John Lei/Patty Wu cell group was among those who were baptized on Sunday. The cell group members attended the ceremony with excitement and shouted, "Nicole, Jesus loves you and we also love you!" when she went on stage to give her testimony. John/Patty's cell group memembers gave Nicole flowers and many gifts to celebrate Nicole's "new birth", praise the Lord! Many nice photos were taken.*10 "Dear friends, During last Friday's fellowship, I told you about the free online Bible website. Here is the web link: http://www.biblegateway.com/ This website can search the Bible in various ways: (1). Find an entire book in the Bible: type "Mark" or "Acts", etc. (2). Find a Bible verse: type "Mark 1:10" or "John 3:16", etc. (3). Find a word in the Bible: type "love" or "cross", etc. (4). Find a phrase in the Bible: type "love one another", etc. As a bonus, here is the free daily message from Pastor Liu you can access by your phone: (408) 291-8046 God bless, John," wrote John Lei, Director (now Chairman) Of the Board of Directors of River of Life Christian Church.*11 "親愛的Tony & Judy:平安!在這歲末感恩的季節,願藉著基督的愛,在我們中間搭起一座愛的橋樑----- Tracey敬," wrote Miss Tracey Yang to WBTI on January 16, 2007. "Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*12 "One of the most important contribution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our high-ranking officials and community is its many articles published frequently by the search engine leaders locally, nationally, and internationally. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid (now the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor the promotion of benifits for our people, community, and country." The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, 李淑玲, Miss Chiao-wen Chen, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). Miss Chiao-wen Chen told Tiffany Chang that she was inspired by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's good teaching. Belinda is teaching the new Sunday School starting from January 28, 2007. Its prinouts are now published at the end of this Section. "I'm impressed by Mrs. Belinda Liu's ability to integrate chapters of the Bible for a teaching," pointed out Miss Brenda Lin. It was delivered to the section of "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" at the new Sunday School by Brenda in ROLCC on February 4, 2007 "Thanks, Dr. Lei," wrote Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI.*13 "The WBTI's website has played an important role to bridge the cooperation and development among our individuals, officials, and community. In advancing to its 14th year, we'd find WBTI's inter-states perspectives have brought with potentiality for the prosperity of more organiztions and people." By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. "It's my appreciation to 'Nevada Examiner' for its publication of my following statement several times," said District Court Judge Cheryl Moss. In community service, Dr. Tony T. Lei's hero is the great servant who has given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candles fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-lasting circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and envision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy. The Bible teaches us: "...let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)." District (Family) Court Judge-elect Cheryl Moss wrote Dr. Tony T. Lei, "I am delighted and honored to be appointed as an Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Thank you for this opportunity to serve, and I hope to gain more knowledge, insight and awareness about public service and community issues through your prestigious institution. I remain dedicated to helping the community, and I am inspired by your leadership, wisdom and guidance. I am also fortunate to have met you and your wife, Judy, because you are both active and dynamic individuals in the community. Your accomplishments and achievements have demonstrated that taking part in the community does make a difference. Best wishes and thank you again for your unselfish kindness, support and encouragement." *14 "Shalom Tony & Judy: 謝謝你那麼鼓勵的話語, 使我心中這兩年來,想要透過網站, 來擴展神國的負擔, 再次被挑旺起來, 這些日子,我真是感到神以厚恩待我, ... 很渴望能服事神, 沒想到這下子真的孕育成長, 能有份於神國的擴張. 我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了, 一下子還看不完呢! ... 我可是要再細細的閱覽此網站. 我先將我的一點心聲附上, 不知合適與否? 請告知, 我可再有一些預備. 非常謝謝你的讚賞與快速的聯繫, 希望下次我的動作也能快些, 能向你看齊. 也附上兩本我的書(主日學時), 請指正! 其實我更欽佩你們, 培育雷高這麼棒的兒子, 是神國的精兵, 也是教會不可少的又忠心又良善的好同工, 使我們蒙福! 願神賜福你們手中的工作盡都榮美! 劉梅蕾師母," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*15 "It'll be really a challenge and honor to be the Governor of Nevada and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI onece I'm elected in Office in January 2007. It's my great pleasure to take the responsibility," said U. S. Congressman James Gibbons at the Business Mixier held by Asian Republicans of Nevada at April 23, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The agreement was made by Jim to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI through a pleasant conversation between the two parties during the Event.*16 Jim is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. It is significant for Dr. Kenny C. Guinn to write President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI as in the following: "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." *17 Kenny was Nevada Governor for eight years until December 31, 2006. Former Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn had been Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI from 1999 to 2006. "When I take a step back and look at my life, I can't help but think how bless I am for all God has given to me. So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*16 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」". The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我在星期一早上就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息, 很驚? WBTI 的迅速作業, 我也將此專欄印出, 與我的同工們分享, 我們都很興奮, 此專欄真是應證了神的作為超出所求所想的. 也謝謝你們給我機會與你們一起有份於神國度的擴展! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington Business and Technology Institute. Pastor Paul Huang has completed teaching his Sunday School on "Book of Ruth" on December 24, 2006. Attendants were enthusiastic. He is now teach another Sunday School starting from January 2007. On Sunday April 4, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Let's go up to the mountain of God". The 2006 theme is "Arise & Shine - Prepare the Way of the Lord." Our this year's theme is "'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City." The Worship was directed by Pastor James Wang. MC was Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng. On Sunday January 28, 2007, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Hing Chai Cheng, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Walking In The Light". The Worship was directed by Scott Wu. MC was Pastor Doris Lin. Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006 and 2007, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Mr. John Lee, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Jenny Hsiao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Angela Ting, Miss Isabelle Chai, Miss Christina Liu, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! "Praise God for having Pastor Peter Tsukahira here to share with us. He is truly a teaching pastor. He not only explained the word of God clearly but also spoke into the hearts. For those that have attended his teaching sections, I believe you have received a life-changing and renewal experience," wroted Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of ROLCC, on January 28, 2007. "As the church is growing, we need more and more brother and sisters to serve in the family of God. ... We really need more volunteers in the visual ministry, ...Your participation will be greatly appreciated," pointed out Rev. Tong Liu on February 4, 2007. "It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as the Honorary Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin at the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *19. On January 11, 2007, Miss Frances Chang forwarded WBTI a very good announcement of Dr. Samuel So's speech event. It included a brief introduction of Dr. So and the following information: (1) Well known high incidence of liver disease among Chinese people. ....... (4) ... For people who don't know whether they are HBV carrier, the free screening will let them know about whether or not they are carrier.*20 Dr. Samuel So is a founder and director of Asian Liver Center at Stanford Hospital . ALC is an unique non-profit research institution with its focus on Asian high prevalence of liver disease in the United States. Dr. So originally from Hong Kong. He was a professor at the medical school of Washington University St Louis. In 1995, he founded Stanford Liver Research Center.*21 To ignite the city and country, our integrity and love to serve are important! ------------------------------------------- References *1. Ou, Ingrid. 'A report from Dr. Ingrid Ou,' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI," (January 21, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *2. Ibid. *3. Ou, Ingrid. 'Happy New Year!' "An e-mail from Dr. Ingrid Ou to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 14, 2007), San Jose, California: Dr. Ingrid Ou's Residence. *4. Ibid. *5. Pang, Rebecca. "Thank you very much. Is it okay?' "An e-mail from Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (February 2, 2007), Santa Clara, California: Miss Rebecca Pang's Residence. *6. Ung, Becky. 'I am going to S. America on a teaching tour,' "An E-mail from Chairperson Becky Ung of E. Q. Research Committee to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (February 3, 2007), San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *7. Yu, Doris. 'Thank you for your support!' "An e-mail from Miss Doris Yu to Washington Business and Technology Institute." (February 4, 2007), Los Angeles, California: Miss Doris Yu's Residence. *8. Liu, Belinda M.; and Liu, Tong. '我很驚? 也很歡喜,神又再次以厚恩待我了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei (now Chairman of the Board of Directors of ROLCC)," (November 26, 2006), Santa Clara, California: Double Portion Ministries. *9. Google. 'Prayer journals 12/23-25/06,' "A search of 'Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip' on the Google.cn," (January 26, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *10. Lei, John. 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *11. Lei, John. 'Here is the web link,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to WBTI," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *12. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court. *13. Weber, Valerie. 'Thanks, Dr. Lei,' "An e-mail from Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Assembly. *14. Chang, Tiffany. (2000) 'Cheryl Moss has been appointed Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *15. Liu, Belinda M. '我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *16. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; McDonald, Lynette; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; Young, Bill; Chang, Tiffany. 'James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI if he is elected Governor of Nevada,' "A search of 'James Gibbons will be Chairman WBTI' on the Google.com," (January 27, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *17. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas,' "A search of 'Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn,' on the Google.cn," (January 28, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *18. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」", (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. *19. Douglas, Michael L.; Denton, Mark R.; Vega, Valoria J.; Gronauer, Robert A.; Moss, Cheryl B.; and Chang, Tiffany. 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and Chairperson of Community Service Council of Clark County of WBTI,' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com," (February 1, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *20. Chang, Frances. 'FW: [English-congregation] LIVERight event 2007 announcement,' "An e-mail From Miss Frances Chang to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (January 11, 2007), San Jose, California: Frances Chang's Residence. *21. Ibid. 11111111111111 8888888888888888888888888 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
020107-1007 [Updated on 02/24th/07.] |
Mrs. Belinda M. Liu is on Yahoo.com! By Jennifer KungThe following information have been received from a search of "Mrs. Belinda M. Liu", etc. on the Yahoo.com at 3:57 p. m. in the afternoon on January 30, 2007. They are appeared starting from the first line of the first page on the Yahoo.com: (1). For "Mrs. Belinda M. Liu" on the Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. ... 劉梅蕾師母," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 19, 2006 was impressive. ... on September 22, 2006, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu dilivered an amazing testimony. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 246k - Cached - More from this site (2). For "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... Monday (9/18/06), I clicked on the Section ('Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' at ... Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the WBTI website," (November 20, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page Social & Community (LAF6) Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor. Belinda Liu's Spiritual World. Becky Ung, E.Q. Chairperson's World. Chinese News Agency of Las Vegas ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 41k - Cached - More from this site (3). For "Miss Frances Liu": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "「為? ... IN THE PICTURE," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Belinda's Daughter, at a ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site (4). For "Miss Rebecca Pang" on the Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... engine leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, ... Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (October 24, 2006), San Jose, California: Miss ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... engine leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, ... Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (October 24, 2006), San Jose, California: Miss ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 246k - Cached - More from this site (5). For "The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu ... The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 19, 2006 was ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Tony & Judy: please see the attached file for book of numbers. ... The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 19, 2006 was impressive. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 246k - Cached - More from this site (6). For "Double Portion Ministries by Belinda Liu": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 ... (October 15, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double Portion Ministries. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - Organization Newsletter #2 ... 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' of WBTI's website and Double Portion Ministries's ... The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 19, 2006 ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 197k - Cached - More from this (7). For "Liu, Belinda M; and Liu, Tong": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... Liu, Belinda M. ... from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director ... "Belinda M. Liu", "Miss Prudy Yu", "Miss Orchid Soh", "Miss Susan ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... "Belinda M. Liu", "Miss Prudy Yu", "Miss Orchid Soh", "Miss Susan Dai", "Tong Liu ... "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Belinda M. Liu" ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 246k - Cached - More from this site (8). For "Founder of Double-Portion Ministries - Belinda Liu": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, ... (October 15, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double Portion Ministries. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - Organization Newsletter #2 ... 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' of WBTI's website and Double Portion Ministries's ... of response from a reader in Hangzhou, China," said Mrs. Belinda M. Liu ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 225k - Cached - More from this site (9). For "The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu ... The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu. "Shalom! ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... 豢, written by Mrs. Senior Pastor Belinda M. Liu, were ... The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu.*17. References *1. Liu, Belinda M. ' 珴珴斕_ 藩棒腔楹莩! ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=4 - 283k - Cached - More from this site ------------------------------- The following information have been received at 11:57 a. m. on January 31, 2007. (10). For "Miss Ying-Min Huang": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, ... advance our websites," pointed out Miss Ying-min Huang on October 29, 2006 after ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... advance our websites," pointed out Miss Ying-min Huang on October 29, 2006 after ... including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 246k - Cached - More from this site (11). For "Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,'": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World When God is in the picture,' "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」", (February 2006) ... better WHEN GOD IS IN THE PICTURE," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Belinda's Daughter, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... better WHEN GOD IS IN THE PICTURE," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Belinda's Daughter, ... When God is in the picture,' "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」", (February 2006) ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 246k - Cached - More from this site (12). For "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu & Belinda M. Liu are on Yahoo.cn!": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World Tong Liu and Gerry Liu & Belinda M. Liu are on Yahoo.cn! ... Yahoo.cn published our feature article "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu:..." in the ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings Just type "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu" to the searching box of Yahoo.cn, and you'll ... "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Belinda M. Liu" ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 246k - Cached - More from this site (13). For "Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a wonderful speech today!": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ... 19, 2006, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of ... Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a wonderful speech today! ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - Organization Newsletter #2 Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning today to Washington ... on September 22, 2006, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu dilivered an amazing testimony. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 225k - Cached - More from this site (14). For "'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World is rising!": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business & Administration (PPAA20) Having the Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the Internet is really important! ... The section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' is marching on nicely! ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=2 - 179k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings ... Monday (9/18/06), I clicked on the Section ("Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" at ... Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the WBTI website," (September 30, ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=4 - 283k - Cached - More from this site (15). For "Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's Sunday School booklet (printouts) is published": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World The following is an example of Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's Sunday School printouts: ... Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's current (till November 19, 2006) Sunday School booklet ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents, and Greetings The following is an example of Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's Sunday School printouts: ... Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's current (till November 19, 2006) Sunday School booklet ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 246k - Cached - More from this site (16). For "Shalom! Tony & Judy: www.double-portion.net": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's Spiritual World "Shalom Tony & Judy: 謝謝你那麼鼓勵的話語, 使我心中這兩年來,想要透過網站, 來擴展神國的負擔, 再次被挑旺起來, ... "òÔS¿ÉÒÔ_ ÓÉÏ, ÈôÒªÉÏ_ WÊÕ¿'Õˆ°' www.double-portion.net ÔÚÑb"äÕn³ÌµÄ>Ö÷ÈÕŒW>Ãñ"µÓ" ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 221k - Cached - More from this site WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) - Organization Newsletter #2 "Shalom! Tony & Judy: please see the attached file for book of numbers. ... "òÔS¿ÉÒÔ_ ÓÉÏ, ÈôÒªÉÏ_ WÊÕ¿'Õˆ°' www.double-portion.net ÔÚÑb"äÕn³ÌµÄ>Ö÷ÈÕŒW>Ãñ"µÓ" ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 197k - Cached - More from this site [[[(17). For "Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a wonderful speech today!" on the Google.com": Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...*1. Kung, Jennifer. 'Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a wonderful speech today!' "Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the WBTI website," (September 30, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 145k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's ... In her speech to the Women Conference in the morning on September 22, 2006, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu dilivered an amazing testimony. "Two weeks ago in my Sunday ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 250k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages [[[18. For "mrs belinda m liu" on the Google.com (02/24th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ..."It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda ... Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 152k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ..."It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda ... Just type your name (like "Mrs Belinda M Liu", "Belinda Liu's Spiritual ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 178k - Cached - Similar pages [[[19. For "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" on the Google.com (02/24th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's ...- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] Belinda Liu's Spiritual World. Becky Ung, EQ Chairperson's World. Chinese News Agency of Las Vegas ... Having the Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the Internet is really important! ... The section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 250k - 补充材料 - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page- [ 翻译此页 BETA ]... Jenny Cheng's World of Music · Doris Yu's World of Writing · Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas · Daphne Lei's World in Drama · Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. of L V · Belinda Liu's Spiritual World · San Jose Chinese Choir ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 52k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 [[[20. For "mrs belinda m liu" on the Google.com (02/24th/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI ... Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute in the morning on October 15, 2006. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 178k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...- [ 翻译此页 BETA ] "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the ... Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington Business and Technology Institute. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 154k - 网页快照 - 类似网页 555555555555555 11111111111111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************** | |
013007-1012 |
Peggy Wang's (王夢蓓) on Yahoo.cn! By Jennifer KungThe following information have been received from a search of "王夢蓓:轉念 失落變祝福", "王夢蓓", or "peggy wang wbti" on the Yahoo.cn, Reviewjournal.com, and Google.com at 4:18 p. m. in the afternoon on January 7, 2007. They are appeared starting from the first or front line of the first page on the Yahoo.cn, Reviewjournal.com, and Google.com: (1). For "王夢蓓" on the Yahoo.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute... 其次,透過自我表達的方式來面對失落,同時出任恩泉輔導中心心理輔導的王夢蓓表示,例如,說給人聽、寫日記、做手工與藝術品等的方式,讓左腦與右腦有對話的機會,理智與情感交融一番,可以順一順情感與思緒。...」王夢蓓說,失落後若仍有勇氣繼續愛人,如此,失落就能變成祝福。... communitylink.reviewjournal.co... - 70K - 2006/12/23 - - 收藏 - 更多此站结果 (2). For "王夢蓓:轉念 失落變祝福" on the Yahoo.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute... 王夢蓓:轉念 失落變祝福...「失落是人生的一?蟋F實,然而,若你能扭轉心態,失落也是一種化妝的祝福。...那如何面對失落,讓失落變成祝福呢?首先,不要逃避,不要偽裝。...」王夢蓓說,失落後若仍有勇氣繼續愛人,如此,失落就能變成祝福。... communitylink.reviewjournal.co... - 70K - 2006/12/23 - - 收藏 - 更多此站结果 (3). For "Chinese News Angency of Las Vegas" on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal: Post through the courtesy of the "舊金山新聞" of Worldjournal.com: 王夢蓓:轉念 失落變祝福 【本報記者高蘭馨聖他克拉拉報導】... 「我們一出生,就面對一次又一次的失落。」洛杉磯加大家庭婚姻孩童輔導碩士暨洛杉磯合學區家長教育教師王夢蓓說:「失落是人生的一大現實,然而,?裟隳芘まD心態,失落也是一種化妝的祝福。」 ... (4). For "王夢蓓日前應生命河靈糧堂假日生活廣場之邀,前來矽谷主講兩場演講" on the Yahoo.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute... 其次,透過自我表達的方式來面對失落,同時出任恩泉輔導中心心理輔導的王夢蓓表示,例如,說給人聽、寫日記、做手工與藝術品等的方式,...王夢蓓日前應生命河靈糧堂假日生活廣場之邀,前來矽谷主講兩場演講,一場是「失落與哀慟」,另一場是「再談心理疆界(Bound-ary)的問題」... communitylink.reviewjournal.co... - 70K - 2006/12/23 - - 收藏 - 更多此站结果 (5). For "Peggy Wang wbti" on the Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chen Shui-bienJust type your name like "miss gloria wong" or "dr kenny guinn" on the searching box of Google.com please, and what can you find? ... ann zimmerman; tim wong wbti, tim wong, mr tim wong; nancy wong wbti, miss nancy wong, nancy wong; ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 64k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...Just type your name like "miss gloria wong" or "dr kenny guinn"; or type esq after the name of a judge, judicial official, or attorney in Nevada like "Jessie walsh esq"; or type any name in the following fliers before "WBTI" on the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01325001051063401400197432&... - 95k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (6). For "「再談心理疆界(Bound-ary)的問題」" on the Yahoo.cn Washington Business and Technology Institute... 雖然網路無疆界,...所謂以終為始,例如,預知兩年後女兒要上大學,就可以在心理上有所預備,以免屆時時間到了時,措手不及,無法適應。 王夢蓓日前應生命河靈糧堂假日生活廣場之邀,前來矽谷主講兩場演講,一場是「失落與哀慟」,另一場是「再談心理疆界(Bound-ary)的問題」... communitylink.reviewjournal.co... - 70K - 2006/12/23 - - 收藏 - 更多此站结果 (7). For "Miss Peggy Wang wbti" on the Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chen Shui-biendr tony tung-tien lei, tony tung-tien lei; ---; dr kang-pei wang, kang-pei wang; ---; dr chao-ming pan, chao-ming pan; ---; evelyn chiao; ---; tiffany chang wbti, tiffany chang; ---; jennifer kung wbti, jennifer kung; ---; joy huang ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 64k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (8). For "洛杉磯加大家庭婚姻孩童輔導碩士暨洛杉磯合學區家長教育教師王夢蓓" on the Yahoo.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute... 點帶到州參議會,教育、...」洛杉磯加大家庭婚姻孩童輔導碩士暨洛杉磯合學區家長教育教師王夢蓓說:「失落是人生的一大現實,然而,若你能扭轉心態,失落也是一種化妝的祝福。...[布碌崙圍棋協會老師在亞洲協會家庭同樂日中向小朋友說明圍棋的基本規則,小孩子們神情專注的聆聽。... communitylink.reviewjournal.co... - 70K - 2006/12/23 - - 收藏 - 更多此站结果 (9). For "Peggy Wang wbti" on Google.com: WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Just type your name like "miss gloria wong" or "dr kenny guinn"; or type esq after the name of a judge, judicial official, or attorney in Nevada like "Jessie walsh esq"; or type any name in the following fliers before "WBTI" on the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01325001051063401400197432&... - 95k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 為了提供您更高效率的搜尋服務,我們省略部分和前2項相似的網頁。 您如果需要更詳盡的結果,請按此 重新尋找 全部。 (10). For "Peggy Tsui wbti" on the Google.cn (on 01/27/07): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ... Just type your name like "miss gloria wong" or "dr kenny guinn"; or type esq after the name of a judge, ... associate fellow ann zimmerman, ann zimmerman; tim wong wbti, tim wong, mr tim wong; nancy wong wbti, miss nancy wong, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 102k - 補充資料 - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ... Monday, January 15, 2006 [011507-1878] After reading the section, please highlight this to the internet address box: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti. Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:. Jan. 03, 2007 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 154k - 補充資料 - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 5555555555555 66666666666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
012807-5157 |
Miss Frances Liu is on Google! By Jennifer KungThe following information have been received from a search of "Miss Frances Liu wbti", "Liu, Frances. wbti", or "wrote Miss Frances Liu" on the Google.com, the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com, and Google.cn at 4:37 p. m. in the afternoon on January 14, 2007. They are appeared starting from the first or front line of the first page on the Google.com, Reviewjournal.com, and Google.cn: (1). For 'Liu, Frances. wbti' on Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... "Yahoo.cn and wbti", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Jim Gibbons wbti", "Michael Douglas wbti", "Dr. Peter C. C. Wang wbti", "Nancy Saitta wbti", "Elizabeth Halverson wbti", "Francis Allen wbti", "Becky Ung", "Miss Frances Liu", ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 146k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2005 & 2006 Liu", "Miss Prudy Yu", "Miss Orchid Soh", "Miss Susan Dai", "Tong Liu wbti", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and ... Liu", "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World", "Miss Frances Liu", "Miss Rebecca Pang", "Miss Angie Qian", ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 246k - 補充資料 - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (2). For 'wbti Miss Frances Liu'on Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... "Yahoo.cn and wbti", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Jim Gibbons wbti", "Michael Douglas wbti", "Dr. Peter C. C. Wang wbti", "Nancy Saitta wbti", "Elizabeth Halverson wbti", "Francis Allen wbti", "Becky Ung", "Miss Frances Liu", "Miss Angie ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 146k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (3). For 'wrote Miss Frances Liu' on Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 146k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (4). For 'Frances Liu' on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com: "When I take a step back and look at my life, I can't help but think how bless I am for all God has given to me. So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*11 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」". The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu. *11. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」", (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. (5). For 'Miss Frances Liu' on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com: "It's funny how God has His timing, but thank God for that, because that's how we all learn our personal lessons in life. Like everyone eles, I'm only human -- I make mistake, and I go through the good times and the bad. But if it's one thing that I have learned, life is so much easier and far better WHEN GOD IS IN THE PICTURE," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Belinda's Daughter, at a preface of the above book.*22 *22. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」", (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. (6). For 'Miss Frances Liu wbti' on the Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chen Shui-bienranch market; china star; anthony lu publisher, mr anthony lu, anthony lu ---; chinese culture university alumni association of las vegas; ---; miss Ruth Talaiver, Ruth Talaiver; ---; jean liu, ms jean liu; ---; ms Rennie Schreiber, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 64k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ..."Yahoo.cn and wbti", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Jim Gibbons wbti", "Michael Douglas wbti", "Dr. Peter C. C. Wang wbti", "Nancy Saitta wbti", "Elizabeth Halverson wbti", "Francis Allen wbti", "Becky Ung", "Miss Frances Liu", "Miss Angie ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 146k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (7). For 'wrote Miss Frances Liu' on the Google.cn: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 146k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (8). For 'on google.com! miss frances liu' on the Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... 11 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book ... "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com," (January 1, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 146k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 (9). For 'miss frances liu's on google.cn!' on the Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... 11 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book ... 'Prayer journals 12/23-25/06,' "A search of 'Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip' on the Google.cn," (December 30, 2006), Mountain View, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 146k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Just type your name (like "Miss Orchid Soh", "Mrs. Belinda M. Liu wbti", "Ms. Abby Komashko", "Miss Vivian Chao wbti", or "Miss Esther Huang wbti") to the searching box of Google.cn, Google.com, Aol.com, and among others, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 154k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 555555555555555 1111111111111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ******************************************************** | |
010107-1168 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Monday, 9:08 a. m., January 1, 2007 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Happy New Year 2007! By Jennifer KungThe sky is beautiful on the River of Life! Happy New Year 2007!!! "我星期一晚上就要飛往澳州與劉牧師一起在「澳州靈糧堂」服事,這是一個新的機會, 我想以後應該會有更多的機會和牧師一起同臺服事吧! ... 最近我收到一份由磐石出版社所出2007的年曆,內有一「通往天國的護照」 福音小冊、對聯、八福紅封套、及一片聖誕詩歌CD和通往天國的護照有聲CD一片, 並有 我兩個有聲CD的介紹,我很驚 也很歡喜,神又再次以厚恩待我了。... 願這聖誕節你要領受從天而降的雙倍恩膏,迎向滿有應許的2007!" wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 26, 2006.*1 The evening was shinning! How nice was Friday December 29, 2006! We had a wonderful potluck at Mr. John Lei's home for our John Lei/Petty Wu Cell Group. We had lots of nice foods, fruits, and cakes. Attendants were enthusiastic. They included Miss Nicole Ying, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Teresa Zhang, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Sarah Shao, Miss Linda Tu, Miss Angie Qian, Mr. Kang Fung, Mr. Gino Ko, Mr. John Lei, Mr. Mike Lei, Mrs. Judy Lei, and Dr. Tony Lei (names in random). The potluck was fully enjoyed by all the participants with good communication and fun. The game brought us with another hightlight of the reunion. Praise God that we had a such wonderful time after the Christmas and before the New Year. A happy New Year was wishful among all the sisters and brothers! "Thank you for devotions this morning on the balcony overlooking the misty snowy sun-rise landscape," wrote Mr. Mike Lei on December 24, 2006.*2 "Dear Dr. Lei, You're an extremely knowledgeable and wise elder, yet very easy to get along with. I'm very blessed to getting to know you more in the past 7 months. Your warm hospitality makes me feel just like a family member of yours. Wishing you a joyful and peaceful Christmas. May God continued blessing what you're fonding of doing. May your resourseful website become one of the "Top" (: channel of communication for business, social, and community. May you continue receiving His wisdom words and His double portion of favors," wrote Miss Angie Qian from a nice Season's Greetings card to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 24 in Lake Tahoe, California. Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC with the children performing an outstanding drama in all three services and afterwards the baptism ceremony for 34 brothers and sisters. Nicole Ying of John Lei/Patty Wu cell group was among those who were baptized on Sunday. The cell group members attended the ceremony with excitement and shouted, "Nicole, Jesus loves you and we also love you!" when she went on stage to give her testimony. John/Patty's cell group memembers gave Nicole flowers and many gifts to celebrate Nicole's "new birth", praise the Lord! Many nice photos were taken.*3 "Dear friends, During last Friday's fellowship, I told you about the free online Bible website. Here is the web link: http://www.biblegateway.com/ This website can search the Bible in various ways: (1). Find an entire book in the Bible: type "Mark" or "Acts", etc. (2). Find a Bible verse: type "Mark 1:10" or "John 3:16", etc. (3). Find a word in the Bible: type "love" or "cross", etc. (4). Find a phrase in the Bible: type "love one another", etc. As a bonus, here is the free daily message from Pastor Liu you can access by your phone: (408) 291-8046 God bless, John," wrote John Lei, Director Of the Board of Directors of River of Life Christian Church.*4 "Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*5 "One of the most important contribution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our high-ranking officials and community is its many articles published frequently by the search engine leaders locally, nationally, and internationally. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid ( sooner be the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor the promotion of benifits for our people, community, and country." The Sunday School on "Book of Numbers" that implemented by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu through November 19, 2006 was impressive. We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, 李淑玲, Miss Chiao-wen Chen, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). Miss Chiao-wen Chen told Tiffany Chang that she was inspired by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's good teaching. Belinda will teach another Sunday School starting from January 2007. "Thanks, Dr. Lei," wrote Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI.*6 "The WBTI's website has played an important role to bridge the cooperation and development among our individuals, officials, and community. In advancing to its 14th year, we'd find WBTI's inter-states perspectives have brought with potentiality for the prosperity of more organiztions and people." By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. "It's my appreciation to 'Nevada Examiner' for its publication of my following statement several times," said District Court Judge Cheryl Moss. In community service, Dr. Tony T. Lei's hero is the great servant who has given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candles fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-lasting circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and envision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy. The Bible teaches us: "...let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth (1 John 3:18)." District (Family) Court Judge-elect Cheryl Moss wrote Dr. Tony T. Lei, "I am delighted and honored to be appointed as an Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute. Thank you for this opportunity to serve, and I hope to gain more knowledge, insight and awareness about public service and community issues through your prestigious institution. I remain dedicated to helping the community, and I am inspired by your leadership, wisdom and guidance. I am also fortunate to have met you and your wife, Judy, because you are both active and dynamic individuals in the community. Your accomplishments and achievements have demonstrated that taking part in the community does make a difference. Best wishes and thank you again for your unselfish kindness, support and encouragement." *7 "Shalom Tony & Judy: 謝謝你那麼鼓勵的話語, 使我心中這兩年來,想要透過網站, 來擴展神國的負擔, 再次被挑旺起來, 這些日子,我真是感到神以厚恩待我, ... 很渴望能服事神, 沒想到這下子真的孕育成長, 能有份於神國的擴張. 我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了, 一下子還看不完呢! ... 我可是要再細細的閱覽此網站. 我先將我的一點心聲附上, 不知合適與否? 請告知, 我可再有一些預備. 非常謝謝你的讚賞與快速的聯繫, 希望下次我的動作也能快些, 能向你看齊. 也附上兩本我的書(主日學時), 請指正! 其實我更欽佩你們, 培育雷高這麼棒的兒子, 是神國的精兵, 也是教會不可少的又忠心又良善的好同工, 使我們蒙福! 願神賜福你們手中的工作盡都榮美! 劉梅蕾師母," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*8 "It'll be really a challenge and honor to be the Governor of Nevada and the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI onece I'm elected in Office in January 2007. It's my great pleasure to take the responsibility," said U. S. Congressman James Gibbons at the Business Mixier held by Asian Republicans of Nevada at April 23, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The agreement was made by Jim to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI through a pleasant conversation between the two parties during the Event.*9 Jim is Governor of Nevada starting from January 1, 2007. It is significant for Dr. Kenny C. Guinn to write President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI as in the following: "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." *10 Kenny was Nevada Governor for eight years until December 31, 2006. "When I take a step back and look at my life, I can't help but think how bless I am for all God has given to me. So many times, we take what we have for granted, but it's really not until we have lost everything, that we realize the true beauty in our downfalls - the strength to rise again," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Berlinda's daughter.*11 It is quoted from one of the prefaces (written by Miss Frances Liu) of the book "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」". The book was written by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我在星期一早上就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息, 很驚 WBTI 的迅速作業, 我也將此專欄印出, 與我的同工們分享, 我們都很興奮, 此專欄真是應證了神的作為超出所求所想的. 也謝謝你們給我機會與你們一起有份於神國度的擴展! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning to Washington Business and Technology Institute. Pastor Paul Huang has completed teaching his Sunday School on "Book of Ruth" on December 24, 2006. Attendants were enthusiastic. He will teach another Sunday School starting from January 2007. On Sunday December 31, 2006, the Sermon was delivered by Miss Doris Lin, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Crossing Over The Year". The 2006 theme is "Arise & Shine - Prepare the Way of the Lord." Our next year's theme will be "'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City." The Worship was directed by Scott Wu. MC was Pastor Doris Lin. Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Mr. John Lee, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Jenny Hsiao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Miss Angela Ting, Miss Isabelle Chai, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! "When it comes to the end of the year, we are always full of thanksgiving and gratitude. We should give thanks for everything God has done in the past year. ... When we look forward, the yar of 2007 is right around the corner. The theme that God gave us for next year is 'Arise & Shine - Ignite Our City.' ... We hope that we will have more opportunity to serve the community and show the world God's love which was brought forth by the Holy Spirit," wroted Rev. Tong Liu on November 31, 2006. "It's my great honor to be named by President Dr. Tony Lei as the Honorary Chairman of Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) of Washington Business and Technolgy Institute (WBTI)," pointed out the Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin at the Celebration Party to "Nevada Examiner" and "Reviewjournal.com" at the Steak House of Binion's Horseshoe Club, Las Vegas on October 10, 2002. The Party was held by WBTI to celebrate William Maupin's being appointed as its Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) and as its Honorary Chairman of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." *12. ------------------------------------------- References *1. Liu, Belinda M.; and Liu, Tong. '我很驚 也很歡喜,神又再次以厚恩待我了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu and Senior Pastor Tong Liu to Director Mr. John K. Lei," (November 26, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double Portion Ministries. *2. Google. 'Prayer journals 12/23-25/06,' "A search of 'Mike Lei's Hawaii and Taiwan Trip' on the Google.cn," (December 30, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *3. Lei, John. 'Sunday was joyful day at ROLCC,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *4. Lei, John. 'Here is the web link,' "An e-mail from Mr. John Lei to WBTI," (December 18, 2006), San Jose, California: John Lei's Residence. *5. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court. *6. Weber, Valerie. 'Thanks, Dr. Lei,' "An e-mail from Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Assembly. *7. Chang, Tiffany. (2000) 'Cheryl Moss has been appointed Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute,' "Special Column of 'Nevada Examiner'," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *8. Liu, Belinda M. '我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *9. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; McDonald, Lynette; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; Young, Bill; Chang, Tiffany. 'James Gibbons will be Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI if he is elected Governor of Nevada,' "A search of 'James Gibbons will be Chairman WBTI' on the Google.com," (December 30, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *10. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The 28th Annual Convention of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America was held in Las Vegas,' "A search of 'Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn,' on the Google.cn," (December 21, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *11. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」", (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. *12. Douglas, Michael L.; Denton, Mark R.; Vega, Valoria J.; Gronauer, Robert A.; Moss, Cheryl B.; and Chang, Tiffany. 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani Assistant Fellow and Chairperson of Community Service Council of Clark County of WBTI,' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei appoints Chris Giunchigliani' on the Google.com," (January 1, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 55555555555555 1111111111111111111111111 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
120606-5157 |
In Praise of God By Edmund Spenser (1552-99)Ay me, dear Lord, that ever I might hope, For all the pains and woes that I endure, To come at length unto the wished scope Of my desire; or might my self assure, That happy port for ever to recure(recover). Then would I think these pains no pains at all, And all my woes to be but penance small. then would I sing of thine immortal praise An heavenly hymn, such as the angels sing. And thy triumphant name then would I raise 'bove all the gods,thee only honoring, My guide, my God, my victor, and my king; Till then, dread Lord, vouchsafe to take of me This simple song, thus framed in praise of thee. 111111111111111 55555555555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
112006-5057 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Monday, 5:57 p. m., November 20, 2006, #First Edition [Updated 11/21/06] |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Tong Liu and Gerry Liu & Belinda M. Liu are on Yahoo.cn! Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend spring from his earnest counsel By Jennifer Kung***** O Lord, how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures. Yonder is the sea, great and wide, creeping things innumerable are there, living things both small and great. ---Psalm 104: 24 - 25 of the "Bible" -------------------------------------------- ***** "The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." --- Jonas Salk, MD ***** "Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and to let him know that you trust him." --- Booker T. Washington ***** "Watch your thought, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny." *1 The subtitle of this article was quoted from the Proverbs 27 : 9 of "Bible". Yahoo.cn published our feature article "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu:..." in the afternoon at 3:37 p.m. on November 20, 2006. Just type "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu", "Tong Liu Senior Pastor", or "Gerry Liu Chairman" to the searching box of Yahoo.cn, and you'll find it's on the first line of its first page. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: please see the attached file for book of numbers. I hope I can write something about Israel trip in next articles. Thank you very much!Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning on November 19, 2006.*2 "Thank you," wrote Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to WBTI.*3 "One of the most important contribution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) to our high-ranking officials and community is its many articles published frequently by the search engine leaders locally, nationally, and internationally. As an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI, it's my hornor to join its Professor of Administrative Strategies U. S. Senator Harry Reid ( sooner be the Majority Leader of U. S. Senate) and its Chairperson Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor, to endeavor the promotion of benifits for our people, community, and country." "Thanks, Dr. Lei," wrote Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI.*4 "The WBTI's website has played an important role to bridge the cooperation and development among our individuals, officials, and community. In advancing to its 14th year, we'd find WBTI's inter-states perspectives have brought with potentiality for the prosperity of more organiztions and people. " Belinda led a Mission to Israel on October 20, 2006 for about 11 days. In Israel, the Director of Department of Tourism of the nation came to visit the Mission's team. He welcomed them and asked the members, "Do you ever know that the word 'Chinese' is appeared on the Bible?" "What is the chapter that shows us 'Chinese' firstly on the Bible?" Belinda was very excited about the Director's knowledge and friendship to Chinese. The Direcor emphasized the importance of the Chinese people as favorable tourists to his country. The following is an example of Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's Sunday School printouts: [[[第十一講 (五)加低斯至摩押平原 F. 利未人的城邑與逃城 承繼產業的條例(35-36章) 一. 揀選分地之人 ...]]] The six attachments of the above e-mail sent by Belinda to WBTI are post now on the 2nd Page of this Section with six fliers. It includes printouts of the most recent 4 weeks. Care Leader 李淑玲 presented a Gift of Incentive from ROLCC to Belinda on November 19, 2006. "She's really good by nature. She'll never refuse in answering to you. She had a long time in serving the God at our Church sincerely and diligently," said the Care Leader 李淑玲 to Tiffany Chang of WBTI. "Thanks to all who came last week to help wrap Christmas shoe boxes for needy children. We had a lot of fun and we did such a great job that we ran out of toys for all the wrapped boxes!" John Lei called the cell group member to attend our meeting at Friday night on November 17, 2006. Gloria Lan directed the worship. Kang Fung directed the Bible Study on First John 5:1-15. John led the M. C. service. Other attendants were: Patty Wu, Kit Li, Nicole Ying, Diana Dai, Linda and Linda Tu, Judy Lei, and Tony Lei. The meeting of the Cell Group last night was happy and blessed! "I have arrived safely in Paris, France. Have a blessed Thanksgiving week. John," wrote John from Paris, France in the morning on November 20, 2006. If there is anyone who is interested to join this group, please contact John at the e-mail address that informed you. "This article is excellent! Great job!" wrote Mr. John Lei to WBTI after reading the article entitled "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu: cross-cultural and community service are our distinctions." It was written by Michael Douglas, Cheryl Moss, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang. John is a Director of the Board of Directors of ROLCC. Pastor Victor Quon is the Master of Youth College of ROLCC. "My mission for this College is to develop all the students a full potential of the ability and love to our Lord. One of our function is to train the cell group leaders. A further one will be to develop their maturity. Our advanced responsibility is to inspire and realize the gifts of love from the God to our young sisters and brothers," said Pastor Victor Quon to Tiffany Chang of WBTI in the morning on November 5, 2006. "Mrs. Belinda Liu's teahing has inspired me the interesting and degree of a better understnding of the Chapter of 'Numbers' of Bible. Having the Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the Internet is really important!" said Miss Chiao-wen Chen at the ROLCC. "It is perfect! Thank you for your help and support, Dr. Lei!" wrote Elizabeth Halverson, Esq., to WBTI on November 2, 2006 from Las Vegas, Nevada. The e-mail was sent to WBTI soon aftr Halverson was informed by it the draft of an article for her.*5 "We appreciate WBTI's website very much for its international perspective and rich information," said Dr. Peter C. C. Wang through the phone from Pebble, California to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI at the night on October 30, 2006. Dr. Peter Wang is the Chairman of Wang Center Inc. and a Regent of Pacific Lutheran University. "My endeavor now is to advance the plan of Poverty Alleviation through education at Tsinghua University in Beijing , China. Thanks to the effective performance of your website through the internet searching leaders for us to be acklowledged by many Chinese all around the world." *6 "Thanks for your good work on the website. May God be glorified through WBTI! Belinda has a deep burden for Israel, it is wonderful that she leads a team every year to visit Israel. The teams brought prayer requests of ROLCC brothers and sisters on slips of papers and inserted them into the Wailing Wall and interceded for us. I am praying for Belinda and this year's Israel team. For several years I've thought about joining Belinda's team to Israel, I plan to do so next year! One spelling correction: the first quote by Miss Yin-Min Huang should say Internet instead of Iternet," wrote Mr. John Lei to WBTI in the evening on October 30, 2006. "It's amazing for the Internet Technology to advance our websites," pointed out Miss Ying-min Huang on October 29, 2006 after viewing the 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' of WBTI's website and Double-Portion Ministries's website. "I'm pleased to take the responsibility of the vedio capture for Belinda Liu's Sunday School. She loves our God and ourselves very much. By sharing God's words and bless, I'd like to perform this task better and better." "Dear Dr. Lei, Thank you so much for sharing your website with me. The website is very interesting and amazing," wrote Miss Angie Qian. "I reviewed a couple of your links, and they are filled with very helpful resources and interesting topics. May God continue blessing your website with His wisdom and words! Sincerely, Angie." *7 A Cell Group meeting was held in the Friday night on October 27, 2006. Acting Leader Bin Zhou and his wife Tiffany Zhi prepared the service. Care Leader Li-fu Chang preached. Kelly Chen is the Leader for a long time. As her father is in serious sickness, she has asked Bin and Tiffany to take care of the Cell Group. We pray to God for Kelly's father. Bin is expecting for good activities because he experienced the number of attendants were great with social events. Sisters and brothers attended the Meeting included: Li-fu Chang, Kelly Chen, Bin Zhou, Tiffany Zhi, Julie Tai, Jenny Liu and Simon Lee, Jenny Guo, Wei Song, Junyun, Sarah, Judy Lei, Tony Lei, and among others. "... The list of our group members contains more than 100 people. However, around 10 to 20 people participate in Friday meetings routinely," wrote Mr. Bin Zhou to WBTI on October 30, 2006.*8 "I read the articles of last week on WBTI's website. The section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' is marching on nicely! How wonderful was that I received a telephone call of response from a reader in Hangzhou, China," said Mrs. Belinda M. Liu enthusiastically to President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and his wife Judy at River of Life Christian Church in the morning on October 22, 2006. "Hi Brother Tony: It is a wonderful day, a day that the Lord has made. Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor to share what the Lord has spoken to me through Belinda's Sunday school teaching. Here is my prayer for Belinda's Israel trip. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI. "'Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for having Belinda with us, thank you for putting a love for Your children Israel in her heart. As she and her team leaves for Israel please be with them. Send Your angels to guard their travel safety. Speak to each and everyone of the team, let them hear Your thunderous voice so that their lives can be changed through this journey. Walk among us while they walk in Your Holy Land. Lord, I ask that you bless my brothers and sisters while they go and bless Your children. May Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) be with them. I pray in Jesus' name, A-men.' Thank you very much, Rebecca." *9 "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我將本週的講義附上, 感謝神透過網站能幫助許多人, 最近我接到兩通由中國打來的電話, 都表明從網站上能學習到神的話語, 使屬靈的生命被供應. 我?了非常受激勵, 願神的智慧與謀略充滿我們, 能使網站常有更新與創意, 使更多人樂意上網找到生命追尋的方向, 邁向生命成長之路, 發出神榮美之光. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) at 23:24 on October 23, 2006. In the above e-mail, "I'm sending you this week's Sunday School prinout," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to WBTI. "Thanks to God for helping many people though the Internet. Recently, I received two phone calls from China. They all showed us that they could learn God's words from our websites and be supplied with faithful lives. I was very impressed after litstened to them. Wish God's wisdom and strategy in full of us to make our websites rewewed and innovated, to make more people willingly to pursue their direction of lives on our webstes, and to make them marching on their road of lives in lightening the glorious light of God." "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the special section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the search engine leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, 2006 in Santa Clara, California. "I like Mrs. Belinda Liu's Sunday School. Her knowlegeable contents of the Bible have often convinced us with her living examples. She gave us practical reasons to believe. It's my pleasure to apply those teachings from her to my daily life." *10 "Dear Dr. Lei, Thanks for your prompt action," responded from Ms. Becky Ung (吴雷洛美) to the prompt update of the special sections on the WBTI's website in the evening on October 20, 2006 from San Marino, California. Becky is former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. She is now the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of WBTI.*11 "Dear Dr. Lei, What a marvelous surprise! Washington Business and Technology Institute has a comprehensive website which consists of politics, business, culture, education and much more. I am astonished to see its updated volume of information through all works of lives. All of these are made possible by the leadership of Dr. Lei's dedication and hard work. Dr. Lei is inspiring our younger generation to be more devoted to our community and society; to be more responsible for our action; to be more caring to people around us. To me and to many viewers of WBTI around the world, Dr. Lei is a super leader who leads us to be informed and upright professionals. Thank you, Dr. Lei and God bless you! Sincerely," wrote Miss Yi Li, Marketing Manager of FiberTel, Inc.*12 "How wondeful! I hit a good visitor's number of the Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website for Bobby G. Beside its knownledgeable and richful information, the creative design with beautiful and colorful paintings are really impressive. I was also inspired by WBTI's many years of contribution in academic research, community service, and humane spirit. Sincerely," wrote Ms. Marian Replogle, Executive Assistant of Las Vegas Township Constable Bobby Gronauer's Office in an e-mail to WBTI.*13 "Shalom!: Tony & Judy: 我現將文字檔的五和六附上, 或許可以加上, 若要上網收看請按 www.double-portion.net 在裝備課程的>主日學>民數記. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to WBTI in the morning on October 15, 2006.*14 Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's current (till November 19, 2006) Sunday School booklet (printouts) was published at the second flier from the bottom (page 2) of this Section. "Brilliant! I found my own name and my Section's name ('Belinda M. Liu' and 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World') in the first line of their first page on Yahoo.cn, Google.com, Google.cn, Aol.com, and among others!" said Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei in the morning on October 8, 2006 at the Sunday School of ROLCC. The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 19, 2006 was impressive. It was its eleventh week. The subject was on the advanced part in the chapter of "Numbers" of the Bible. A test with group effort was held.*15 We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, 李淑玲, Miss Chiao-wen Chen, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). "Thank you for sharing your pictures of your missions trip to Africa. We are so happy looking those wonderful faces of African people,their smiles shows the great joy that they have in the Lord. Truly, God's love is for everybody and that every tribes and every nations will praise the name of the Lord. We rejoice and greatly encourage of God's wonderful works in Africa. We are going to show this picture to our brethren here in Cambodia to let them know we are one big family in the Lord all over the world. Thanks and God Bless. Leofe," forwarded to Washington Business and Technology Institute by John Lei from the e-mail of Leofe, a missionary supported by Seattle's Bread of Life Christian Church. The Missionary is in Cambodia, Asia. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我在星期一早上就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息, 很驚? WBTI 的迅速作業, 我也將此專欄印出, 與我的同工們分享, 我們都很興奮, 此專欄真是應證了神的作為超出所求所想的. 也謝謝你們給我機會與你們一起有份於神國度的擴展! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning today to Washington Business and Technology Institute.*16 In her speech to the Women Conference in the morning on September 22, 2006, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu dilivered an amazing testimony. "Two weeks ago in my Sunday School, I met with an elder and wise man (Dr. Tony Lei). He told me that WBTI (Washington Business and Technology Institute) was interested in opening a special section for me which would emphasize the educational and spiritual value. As I read his business card, praise Lord! he's the President. I was quite excited and scared. I was worry not being able to answer him appoximately. I told him that I had no formal education from a bible college. As you know I've been eager to enhance my teaching in Bible with a special website for many years. Now, an angel has been sent from God for me. Just this Monday (9/18/06), I clicked on the Section ('Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) and I found a wonderful performance of my many years accomplishments with nice pictures has been implemented. Hallelujah! (The daily website is established and supported by the largest English newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal). Through the publication of searching leaders every week, the potential visitors from Internet are more than a million." *17 With sicerely love to God, nothing is impossible! The Women Conference was held in Septmber 21-23, 2006 at ROLCC in Santa Clara, California. Mrs. Belinda M. Liu was one of the most important three Speakers. Thank you for your prayers for the Women Conference starting the way that Spirit God would move in meetings and would use every speaker to release His messages to transform the lives of those who come. "Shalom Tony & Judy: 謝謝你那麼鼓勵的話語, 使我心中這兩年來,想要透過網站, 來擴展神國的負擔, 再次被挑旺起來, 這些日子,我真是感到神以厚恩待我, ... 很渴望能服事神, 沒想到這下子真的孕育成長, 能有份於神國的擴張. 我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了, 一下子還看不完呢! ... 我可是要再細細的閱覽此網站. 我先將我的一點心聲附上, 不知合適與否? 請告知, 我可再有一些預備. 非常謝謝你的讚賞與快速的聯繫, 希望下次我的動作也能快些, 能向你看齊. 也附上兩本我的書(主日學時), 請指正! 其實我更欽佩你們, 培育雷高這麼棒的兒子, 是神國的精兵, 也是教會不可少的又忠心又良善的好同工, 使我們蒙福! 願神賜福你們手中的工作盡都榮美! 劉梅蕾師母," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*18 Google.cn and Google.com published the sections like "Social & Community", "Business & Administration", "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World", and among others of WBTI's website at 9:37 a.m. in the morning on November 20, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;(like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Belinda M. Liu", "Miss Prudy Yu", "Miss Orchid Soh", "Miss Susan Dai", "Tong Liu wbti", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you. For many many Chinese around the world, Yahoo.cn's performance is marvelous! Washington Business and Technology Institute's website has been continuously published by it about every week. You're on Yahoo.cn, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter; (like "Tong Liu and Gerry Liu", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "Belinda M. Liu", "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World", "Miss Frances Liu", "Miss Rebecca Pang", "Miss Angie Qian", "Miss Ying-min Huang", or "Miss Sandy Pei",) you will find it in the the first line of the first page on Yahoo.cn. Hallelujah! ***** Knowing how to live one's life with Jesus is a great art; and knowing how to hold him fast is the peak of wisdom. ---Thomas A. Kempis (1380-1471) [[[Believe in what you do]]]: Sometimes we may find that the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there. People need to work. People will never know how long it takes you to do something, but they only know how well it is done. There are three things to make an individual happy in their work: They must be fit for it, they must be sometime praised, and they must have a sense of success in it. Jonn W. Gardner pointed out that, "The best-kept secret in America today is that people would rather work hard for something they believe in than enjoy a pampered idleness." God gives us the nuts, but he does not crack them. As we like our work, we do not feel that we are working during the long hours. It fascinates us, and we can sit and look at it for hours. We are pleased to quote the following five short but meaningful ones: ***** Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize it. ---Ann Landers ***** Hard work without talent is a shame, but talent without hard work is a tragedy. ---Robert Half ***** Hard work means prosperity; only a fool idles away his time. ---Proverbs 12:11 ***** I am a great believer in luck, and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it. ---Stephen Leacock ***** Ask God's blessing on your work, but do not also ask Him to do it. ---Waggerl It's our pleasure to post a short story and quotation from "Speaker's Source Book" by Glenn Van Ekeren: A carpenter whose brother was a famous musician was visiting with the foreman of the construction company where he worked. "You must feel honored to have a brother who is known around the world for his musical abilities," the foreman commented. And then, failing to recgnize that he might have hurt his worker's feeling, he continued, "Of course, not everyone in the same family can enjoy an equal amount of talent." "You're right," the carpenter replied. "My brother donsn't know the first thing about building a home. It's fortunate he can afford to hire others to build a house for him." B. C. Forbes suggested that "whether we find pleasure in our work or whether we find it a bore depends entirely upon our mental attitude towards it, not upon the task itself." The same can be said of finding importance in what we do. It all depends on how we choose to see it. Maybe that is why Booker T. Washington, in 'Up From Slavery', advised his readers that "there is as much dignity in tilling a field as in writing a poem." *19 This Sunday November 19, 2006, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Vessels of Honor." Through the serving, your life can be grown. Jesus said, "I come not to be served, but to serve," The 2006 theme is "Arise & Shine - Prepare the Way of the Lord." Our next year's theme will be "In Lighting the City." The Worship was directed by Henry Hu. MC was Rev. David Whitney. "Our Englsh Service is now advanced with the development of Cell groups. We've two groups now. As I've more than 20 individuals in my group, we'll develop it into two groups. Therefore, we'll soon have three groups," said Pastor Doris Lin. Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Mr. John Lee, Ms. Linda Miao, Miss Shirley Zhang, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! To agree with Mr. Gino Ko, "I also look forward to reading the articles of WBTT's website," said Miss Angel Ku. The food of the Coffee/Tea Fellowship was prepared by Miss Mariany Lee in the previous week. The Salad and fruits were prepared by Miss Prudy Yu. The food and fruits were prepared by Kevin Gordon, Esq., and Miss Emily Ho this week. "We're going to innovate. We'll have something new early in the coming year. Potentially, we'll recruit some more Caucasian ministers for our Sermon. Certaily, the development of our cell groups is very important," chatted Miss Meriany Lee in the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. It is our pleasure to post the address of River of Life Christian Church's website: rolcc.net "Paul in I thessalonians Chapter 5 verse 18 says, 'Give thnaks in all circustances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus' Since the scripture says 'in all circumstances', it means that God's will is for us to be thankful in big things, small things, and in rich and poor. But how can we be thankful in the busy lives of Silicon Valley? Fist of all, we must have a humble heart. Humility opens our hearts to receive God's grace for our daily accomplishments. A song says, 'If we count God's blessings, then we will rejoice,'" wroted Rev. Tong Liu on November 19, 2006. "Next, we need to be sensitive. We always try to come up with something big to thank God for during Thanksgiving. However, the fact is if we can't thank God for the small things, it's really difficult for us to give Him the glory for the big things. We must ask god to give us a sensitive heart and learn to appreciate for the small things. Let us give thanks to the Lord from today on." *20 Jesus said, "Everyone who bears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." --- Matthew 7:24-25 of the "Bible" "Our knowledge, wisdom, and professionalism are all achieved by our sincere love to God!" pointed out President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental railroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the latest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling, and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your oustanding participation in the political, business , and educational processes. It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader (now Democratic Leader) of the Senate at Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas.*21 On the first page of the book entitled "Pray for the Spiritual Characters of Our Children" that sent by her to them, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu wrote to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy, "Though your prayers, you make your children transfer with excellent characters. This has then becmome the good fortune of your whole family." "It's funny how God has His timing, but thank God for that, because that's how we all learn our personal lessons in life. Like everyone eles, I'm only human -- I make mistake, and I go through the good times and the bad. But if it's one thing that I have learned, life is so much easier and far better WHEN GOD IS IN THE PICTURE," wrote Miss Frances Liu, Belinda's Daughter, at a preface of the above book.*22 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Lei, Becky. (2003). "Super E. Q. Onece for All". Taipei, Taiwan: Spring Publishing Co. *2. Liu, Belinda M. 'I hope I can write something about Israel trip in next articles,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (November 19, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *3. Douglas, Michael. 'Thanks,' "An e-mail from Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Supreme Court. *4. Weber, Valerie. 'Thanks, Dr. Lei,' "An e-mail from Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber to WBTI," (November 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Assembly. *5. Halverson, Elizabeth. 'It is perfect!' "An e-mail from Elizabeth Halverson, Esq. to WBTI," (November 2, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: HalversonLawFirm. *6. Wang, Peter C. C. 'A Strategic Plan for Education in China,' "A search of 'Dr. Peter C. C. Wang' on the Yahoo.cn," (November 18, 2006), U. S. A.: Yahoo.cn. *7. Qian, Angie. 'The WBTI's website is very interesting and amazing,' "An e-mail from Miss Angie Qian to WBTI," (October 25, 2006), Santa Clara, California: Miss Angie Qian's Residence. *8. Zhou, Bin. 'Hope to see you again this Friday,' "An e-mail from Mr. Bin Zhou to WBTI," (October 30, 2006), San Jose, California: Mr. Bin Zhou's Residence. *9. Pang, Rebecca. 'Thank you for interviewing me,' "An e-mail from Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (October 24, 2006), San Jose, California: Miss Rebecca Pang's Residence. *10. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the Google.com," (November 17, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *11. Ung, Becky. 'Thanks for your prompt action,' "An e-mail from Ms. Becky Ung to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (October 20, 2006), San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *12. Douglas. Ibid. *13. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; and PAI of WBTI. 'Dr. Tony T. Lei enriches the lives of many in our community of Clark County and Nevada,' "A search of 'Business - WBTI' on the Google.cn," (November 20, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *14. Liu, Belinda M. '我現將文字檔的五和六附上; (雲彩日間遮蓋,晚上如火照明 10/1st/06),' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (October 15, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *15. Liu, Belinda M. 'Numbers,' "A printout of Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on 'Numbers of the Bible'," (November 19, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: ROLCC. *16. Liu, Belinda M. '就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 24, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *17. Kung, Jennifer. 'Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a wonderful speech today!' "Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the WBTI website," (November 20, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of LVRJ. *18. Liu, Belinda M. '我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *19. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. *20. Liu, Tong. 'Welcome by Reverend Tong,' "The 'Praise Worship' of River of Life Christian Church," (November 19, 2006), San Clara, California: ROLCC. *21. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor' on the Aol.com," (November 20, 2006), U. S. A.: Aol.com. *22. Liu, Frances. 'When God is in the picture,' "「為孩子的屬靈品格禱告」", (February 2006), Taipei, Taiwan: Graceph Publishing Co. 5555555555555 77777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
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[[[Quick News]]] Tong Liu and Gerry Liu: cross-cultural and community service are our distinctions By Michael Douglas, Cheryl Moss, Valerie Weber, and Tiffany Chang {on the sections of "River of Life Christian Church" [in the 7th small line of Home Page] and "Business & Administration" [at 11/7th/06 in the top left box of Home Page} 11111111111111 0000000000000000000000000 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************** | |
110306-1057 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Friday, 10:57 a. m., November 3, 2006, #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
In righteousness we will be established By Jennifer Kung [[[God's Word]]] Where is comfort for your sorrow, Wounded heart that peace would know? Where is help to aid and strengthen, Weary pilgrim here below? Where is wisdom that will guid you, Puzzled youth with questioning plea? Where is cleansing for transgression, Sinner longing to be free? All is answered, all provided In God's Word to you and me. ---Della Adams Leitner*1 ------------------------------------------- ***** The ultimate responsibility of a leader is to facilitate other people's development as well as his own. ---Fred Pryor ***** "In righteousness you will be established." Isaiah 54:14 of the Bible ***** Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend springs from his earnest counsel. --- Proverbs 27:9 of the Bible "It is perfect! Thank you for your help and support, Dr. Lei!" wrote Elizabeth Halverson, Esq., to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on November 2, 2006 from Las Vegas, Nevada. The e-mail was sent to WBTI soon aftr Halverson was informed by it the draft of an article for her.*2 "We appreciate WBTI's website very much for its international perspective and rich information," said Dr. Peter C. C. Wang through the phone from Pebble, California to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI at the night on October 30, 2006. Dr. Peter Wang is the Chairman of Wang Center Inc. and a Regent of Pacific Lutheran University. "My endeavor now is to advance the plan of Poverty Alleviation through education at Tsinghua University in Beijing , China. Thanks to the effective performance of your website through the internet searching leaders for us to be acklowledged by many Chinese all around the world." *3 "Thanks for your good work on the website. May God be glorified through WBTI! Belinda has a deep burden for Israel, it is wonderful that she leads a team every year to visit Israel. The teams brought prayer requests of ROLCC brothers and sisters on slips of papers and inserted them into the Wailing Wall and interceded for us. I am praying for Belinda and this year's Israel team. For several years I've thought about joining Belinda's team to Israel, I plan to do so next year! One spelling correction: the first quote by Miss Yin-Min Huang should say Internet instead of Iternet," wrote Mr. John Lei to WBTI in the evening on October 30, 2006. "It's amazing for the Internet Technology to advance our websites," pointed out Miss Ying-min Huang on October 29, 2006 after viewing the 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' of WBTI's website and Double-Portion Ministries's website. "I'm pleased to take the responsibility of the vedio capture for Belinda Liu's Sunday School. She loves our God and ourselves very much. By sharing God's words and bless, I'd like to perform this task better and better." "Dear Dr. Lei, Thank you so much for sharing your website with me. The website is very interesting and amazing," wrote Miss Angie Qian. "I reviewed a couple of your links, and they are filled with very helpful resources and interesting topics. May God continue blessing your website with His wisdom and words! Sincerely, Angie." *4 A Cell Group meeting was held in the Friday night on October 27, 2006. Acting Leader Bin Zhou and his wife Tiffany Zhi prepared the service. Care Leader Li-fu Chang preached. Kelly Chen is the Leader for a long time. As her father is in serious sickness, she has asked Bin and Tiffany to take care of the Cell Group. We pray to God for Kelly's father. Bin is expecting for good activities because he experienced the number of attendants were great with social events. Sisters and brothers attended the Meeting included: Li-fu Chang, Kelly Chen, Bin Zhou, Tiffany Zhi, Julie Tai, Jenny Liu and Simon Lee (couple), Jenny Guo, Wei Song, Junyun, Sarah, Judy Lei, Tony Lei, and among others. "... The list of our group members contains more than 100 people. However, around 10 to 20 people participate in Friday meetings routinely," wrote Mr. Bin Zhou to WBTI on October 30, 2006.*5 "I read the articles of last week on WBTI's website. The section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' is marching on nicely! How wonderful was that I received a telephone call of response from a reader in Hangzhou, China," said Mrs. Belinda M. Liu enthusiastically to President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and his wife Judy at River of Life Christian Church in the morning on October 22, 2006. "Hi Brother Tony: It is a wonderful day, a day that the Lord has made. Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor to share what the Lord has spoken to me through Belinda's Sunday school teaching. Here is my prayer for Belinda's Israel trip. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI. "'Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for having Belinda with us, thank you for putting a love for Your children Israel in her heart. As she and her team leaves for Israel please be with them. Send Your angels to guard their travel safety. Speak to each and everyone of the team, let them hear Your thunderous voice so that their lives can be changed through this journey. Walk among us while they walk in Your Holy Land. Lord, I ask that you bless my brothers and sisters while they go and bless Your children. May Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) be with them. I pray in Jesus' name, A-men.' Thank you very much, Rebecca." *6 "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我將本週的講義附上, 感謝神透過網站能幫助許多人, 最近我接到兩通由中國打來的電話, 都表明從網站上能學習到神的話語, 使屬靈的生命被供應. 我?了非常受激勵, 願神的智慧與謀略充滿我們, 能使網站常有更新與創意, 使更多人樂意上網找到生命追尋的方向, 邁向生命成長之路, 發出神榮美之光. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) at 23:24 on October 23, 2006. In the above e-mail, "I'm sending you this week's Sunday School prinout," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to WBTI. "Thanks to God for helping many people though the Internet. Recently, I received two phone calls from China. They all showed us that they could learn God's words from our websites and be supplied with faithful lives. I was very impressed after litstened to them. Wish God's wisdom and strategy in full of us to make our websites rewewed and innovated, to make more people willingly to pursue their direction of lives on our webstes, and to make them marching on their road of lives in lightening the glorious light of God." "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the search leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, 2006 in Santa Clara, California. "I like Mrs. Belinda Liu's Sunday School. Her knowlegeable contents of the Bible have often convinced us with her living examples. She gave us practical reasons to believe. It's my pleasure to apply those teachings from her to my daily life." *7 "Dear Dr. Lei, Thanks for your prompt action," responded from Ms. Becky Ung (吴雷洛美) to the prompt update of the special sections on the WBTI's website in the evening on October 20, 2006 from San Marino, California. Becky is former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. She is now the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of WBTI.*8 "Dear Dr. Lei, What a marvelous surprise! Washington Business and Technology Institute has a comprehensive website which consists of politics, business, culture, education and much more. I am astonished to see its updated volume of information through all works of lives. All of these are made possible by the leadership of Dr. Lei's dedication and hard work. Dr. Lei is inspiring our younger generation to be more devoted to our community and society; to be more responsible for our action; to be more caring to people around us. To me and to many viewers of WBTI around the world, Dr. Lei is a super leader who leads us to be informed and upright professionals. Thank you, Dr. Lei and God bless you! Sincerely," wrote Miss Yi Li, Marketing Manager of FiberTel, Inc.*9 "How wondeful! I hit a good visitor's number of the Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website for Bobby G. Beside its knownledgeable and richful information, the creative design with beautiful and colorful paintings are really impressive. I was also inspired by WBTI's many years of contribution in academic research, community service, and humane spirit. Sincerely," wrote Ms. Marian Replogle, Executive Assistant of Las Vegas Township Constable Bobby Gronauer's Office in an e-mail to Washington Business and Technology Institute.*10 "Shalom!: Tony & Judy: 上週我家的網路一直有問題發不出去, 因此延遲了, 我現將文字檔的五和六附上, 或許可以加上若要上網收看請按 www.double-portion.net 在裝備課程的>主日學>民數記. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute in the morning on October 15, 2006.*11 Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's current (till October 22, 2006) Sunday School booklet (printouts) was published at the second flier from the bottom (page 2) of this Section. "Brilliant! I found my own name and my Section's name ('Belinda Liu wbti' and 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World') in the first line of their first page on Google.com, Google.cn, Aol.com, and among others! Since my computer was in a small operating difficulty, I'll e-mail you with an attachment of this week's Sunday School printout as soon as possible," said Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei in the morning on October 8, 2006 at the Sunday School of River Life Christian Church. The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on October 22, 2006 was impressive. It was its seventh week. The subject was on the advanced part in the chapter of "Numbers" of the Bible.*12 We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Mrs. Gary Hsu, Miss Elaine Hsu, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). "Thank you for sharing your pictures of your missions trip to Africa. We are so happy looking those wonderful faces of African people,their smiles shows the great joy that they have in the Lord. Truly, God's love is for everybody and that every tribes and every nations will praise the name of the Lord. We rejoice and greatly encourage of God's wonderful works in Africa. We are going to show this picture to our brethren here in Cambodia to let them know we are one big family in the Lord all over the world. Thanks and God Bless. Leofe," forwarded to Washington Business and Technology Institute by John Lei from the e-mail of Leofe, a missionary supported by Seattle's Bread of Life Christian Church. The Missionary is in Cambodia, Asia. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我在星期一早上就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息, 很驚? WBTI 的迅速作業, 我也將此專欄印出, 與我的同工們分享, 我們都很興奮, 此專欄真是應證了神的作為超出所求所想的. 也謝謝你們給我機會與你們一起有份於神國度的擴展! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning today to Washington Business and Technology Institute.*13 In her speech to the Women Conference in the morning on September 22, 2006, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu dilivered an amazing testimony. "Two weeks ago in my Sunday School, I met with an elder and wise man (Dr. Tony Lei). He told me that WBTI (Washington Business and Technology Institute) was interested in opening a special section for me which would emphasize the educational and spiritual value. As I read his business card, praise Lord! he's the President. I was quite excited and scared. I was worry not being able to answer him appoximately. I told him that I had no formal education from a bible college. As you know I've been eager to enhance my teaching in Bible with a special website for many years. Now, an angel has been sent from God for me. Just this Monday (9/18/06), I clicked on the Section ('Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) and I found a wonderful performance of my many years accomplishments with nice pictures has been implemented. Hallelujah! (The daily website is established and supported by the largest English newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal). Through the publication of searching leaders every week, the potential visitors from Internet are more than a million." *14 With sicerely love to God, nothing is impossible! The Women Conference was held in Septmber 21-23, 2006 at River of Life Christian Church in Santa Clara, California. Mrs. Belinda M. Liu was one of the most important three Speakers. Thank you for your prayers for the Women Conference starting the way that Spirit God would move in meetings and would use every speaker to release His messages to transform the lives of those who come. "Shalom Tony & Judy: 謝謝你那麼鼓勵的話語, 使我心中這兩年來,想要透過網站, 來擴展神國的負擔, 再次被挑旺起來, 這些日子,我真是感到神以厚恩待我, 從小我就是一個很平凡也簡單的人, 也無高深的學歷, 只是有一個做師母的小小心願, 很渴望能服事神, 沒想到這 子真的孕育成長, 能有份於神國的擴張. 我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了, 一下子還看不完呢! 這兩週在忙於姐妹特會的籌備事誼, 等過了特會後, 我可是要再細細的閱覽此網站. 我先將我的一點心聲附上, 不知合適與否? 請告知, 我可再有一些預備. 非常謝謝你的讚賞與快速的聯繫, 希望下次我的動作也能快些, 能向你看齊. 也附上兩本我的書(主日學時), 請指正! 其實我更欽佩你們, 培育雷高這麼棒的兒子, 是神國的精兵, 也是教會不可少的又忠心又良善的好同工, 使我們蒙福! 願神賜福你們手中的工作盡都榮美! 劉梅蕾師母," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*15 You are on Google! The searching leaders published our last Sunday's feature article. Just type your name (like "Mrs Belinda M Liu", "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World", "Miss Prudy Yu", "劉梅蕾師母 wbti", "Tong Liu wbti", or "Miss Sandy Pei wbti") to the searching box of Google.cn, Google.com, Aol.com, and among others, and you will find it starting from the first line of their first page. Hallelujah! ***** Knowing how to live one's life with Jesus is a great art; and knowing how to hold him fast is the peak of wisdom. ---Thomas A. Kempis (1380-1471) [[[The skills of human relations are important!]]]: "Only 15 percent of a businessperson's success could be attributed to job knowledge and technical skills. An essential element but a small overall contribution. It showed that 85 percent of one's success would be determined by what they call 'ability to deal with people' and 'attitude'," showed the Carnegie Foundation study once. Sensitvity to the needs and desires of others people ultimately leads to success. Sir James Barrie told us that, "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves." We are pleased to quote the following five short but meaningful ones: ***** "Remember that a man's name, to him, the sweetest and most important sound in any language." ---Dale Carnegie ***** He does good to himself/herself who does good to his friend. ---Erasmus ***** Man/woman lives more by affirmation than by bread. ---Victor Hugo ***** "Anyone can be polite to a king, but it takes a gentleman to be polite to a beggar." ---Jim shea ***** "You can handle people more successfully by enlisting their feelings than by convncing their reason." ---Paul P. Parker It's our pleasure to post a short story and quotation from "Speaker's Source Book" by Glenn Van Ekeren: Dougls MacArthur is well known, but few know that he was not only a great general but was also very adept at human relations. He had an aide write a report of every visiting dignitary's background and interest. Yhe next time the dignitary returned, Macarthur was able to make the visitor feel important and flattered by all that he remembered about him. "Politeness is the hallmark of the gentle-man and the gentle-woman. No characteristic will so help one to advance, whether in business or society, as politeness. Competition is so keen today, there is so much standardized merchandise, there are so many places where one's wants can be supplied, that the success or failure of a business can depend on the ability to please customers or clients. Courtesy--another name for politeness--costs nothing, but can gain much both foe an individual and for an organization." ---B. C. Forbes*2 The six most important words in the English language are: "I admit I made a mistake." The five most important words: "You did a great job." The four most important words" "What is your opinion?" The three most important words:'If you please." The two most important words: "Thank you." The single most important word: "We." The least most impotant word: "I." President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute reminds us that it is valuabe to take time to make the other person feel important, no matter how busy we are.*16 This Sunday October 29, 2006, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Victor Quon, Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "Prepare for Opposition." As the river that flows from the Holy Place, and the beauty of holiness brings worship anew. The 2006 theme is "Arise & Shine - Prepare the Way of the Lord." The Worship was directed by Pastor Doris Lin. MC was Rev. David Whitney. "Our Englsh Service is now advanced with the development of Cell groups. We've two groups now. As I've more than 20 individuals in my group, we'll develop it into two groups. Therefore, we'll soon have three groups," said Pastor Doris Lin. Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Mr. John Lee, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! The food of the Coffee/Tea Fellowship was prepared by Miss Mariany Lee last week. The Salad and fruits were prepared by Miss Prudy Yu. "We're going to innovate. We'll have something new early in the coming year. Potentially, we'll recruit some more Caucasian ministers for our Sermon. Certaily, the development of our cell groups is very important," chatted Miss Meriany Lee in the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. It is our pleasure to post the address of River of Life Christian Church's website: rolcc.net "As you walk into the church, you might have noticed that we value the time of worship. What is worship? According to the scriptures, it means to come before God's throne. First, you must surrender yourself before the Lord, lay down your burdens and the things that you love to boast about, and solely look at the Lord. Next, you must open your heart before the Lord and allow the Holy Spirit to work in you. Let Him soften your heart, heal your soul and speak to you. Sometimes, you might have some sensation in your body such as heat or electricity flowing through you. Do not be afraid because it means He is with you. These are the manifestation of God's presence," wroted Rev. Tong Liu.*17 Jesus said, "Everyone who bears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." --- Matthew 7:24-25 of the "Bible" "Our knowledge, wisdom, and professionalism are all achieved by our sincere love to God!" pointed out President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental railroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the latest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling, and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your oustanding participation in the political, business , and educational processes. It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader (now Democratic Leader) of the Senate at Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas.*18 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Doan, Eleanor. (1968), "Sourcebook For Speakers," Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. *2. Halverson, Elizabeth. 'It is perfect!' "An e-mail from Elizabeth Halverson, Esq. to WBTI," (November 2, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: HalversonLawFirm. *3. Wang, Peter C. C. 'A Strategic Plan for Education in China,' "A search of 'Dr. Peter C. C. Wang' on the Yahoo.cn," (November 3, 2006), U. S. A.: Yahoo.cn. *4. Qian, Angie. 'The WBTI's website is very interesting and amazing,' "An e-mail from Miss Angie Qian to WBTI," (October 25, 2006), Santa Clara, California: Miss Angie Qian's Residence. *5. Zhou, Bin. 'Hope to see you again this Friday,' "An e-mail from Mr. Bin Zhou to WBTI," (October 30, 2006), San Jose, California: Mr. Bin Zhou's Residence. *6. Pang, Rebecca. 'Thank you for interviewing me,' "An e-mail from Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI," (October 24, 2006), San Jose, California: Miss Rebecca Pang's Residence. *7. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the Google.com," (November 2, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *8. Ung, Becky. 'Thanks for your prompt action,' "An e-mail from Ms. Becky Ung to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (October 20, 2006), San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *9. Douglas. Ibid. *10. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; and PAI of WBTI. 'Dr. Tony T. Lei enriches the lives of many in our community of Clark County and Nevada,' "A search of 'Business - WBTI' on the Google.cn," (November 1, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *11. Liu, Belinda M. '我現將文字檔的五和六附上; (雲彩日間遮蓋,晚上如火照明 10/1st/06),' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (October 15, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *12. Liu, Belinda M. 'Numbers,' "A printout of Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on 'Numbers of the Bible'," (October 29, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: ROLCC. *13. Liu, Belinda M. '就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 24, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *14. Kung, Jennifer. 'Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a wonderful speech today!' "Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the WBTI website," (November 2, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of LVRJ. *15. Liu, Belinda M. '我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *16. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. *17. Liu, Tong. 'Welcome by Reverend Tong,' "The 'Praise Worship' of River of Life Christian Church," (October 29, 2006), San Clara, California: ROLCC. *18. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor' on the Aol.com," (November 3, 2006), U. S. A.: Aol.com. 5555555555555 77777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
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Why God Allows Sufferings in the World? By John LeiOne of the favorite proclamations of Christians today is 揋od is good, all the time! I sincerely believe that myself. However, one of the major attacks by non-Christians is 揾ow can a good and loving God allow so much suffering in the world 1. This paper seeks to find Biblical explanations to this question, and I hope it will help me provide the correct responses when faced with this same question in the future. The first reason God allows sufferings in the world is that trials can actually be good for us a blessing in disguise. James wrote 揅onsider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything (James 1:2-4). Here, God clearly tells us that painful trials will produce positive results in the form of a strengthened faith and perseverance. We can even interpret that God is saying trials are necessary for us to mature and be a more complete Christian. Paul also wrote, 搮 but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that sufferings produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope (Romans 5:3-4). As humans, sometimes we only see the pains of current sufferings and do not understand God抯 good purposes and plan for us. God says in Isaiah, 揂s the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). The best example of a blessing coming out of something terrible is the death of Jesus on the cross. 揂t the time, nobody saw how anything good could ever result from this tragedy. And yet God foresaw that the result would be the opening of heaven to human beings. 2 Because of God抯 love, not only Jews, but Gentiles can receive the free gift of eternal life through faith in Christ Jesus, to live forever in a beautiful place with God Himself, where there will be no more suffering, no more tears, and no more pain. Personally, I suffered low self-esteem and shame when I first moved to the Bay Area more than seven years ago and worked as an entry-level accountant when it seemed like all the males here were highly-compensated engineers. I felt ashamed every time I need to tell others about my occupation. However, God showed me later that when the internet bubble burst and the economy crashed, I was able to maintain my job in accounting and never suffered a layoff while many engineers around me lost their jobs. God truly revealed to me the blessings He already prepared for me in advance even though I could not see it during my sufferings. Thanks to God, my testimony has also encouraged brothers and sisters around me. I agree with Paul抯 words in Romans, 揑 consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us (Romans 8:18). The second reason God allows sufferings is to draw us closer to Himself. David wrote in a Psalm, 揟he Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit (Psalm 34:18). Rick Warren wrote in 揟he Purpose Driven Life, 揧our most profound and intimate experiences of worship will likely be your darkest days when your heart is broken, when you feel abandoned, when you抮e out of options, when the pain is great and you turn to God alone. It is during suffering that we learn to pray our most authentic, heartfelt, honest-to-God prayers. 3 Some of the most intimate Psalms King David wrote were the direct result of his sufferings. Psalm 28 is a good example, 揌ear my cry for mercy as I call to You for help, as I lift up my hands toward Your Most Holy Place (v. 2). In Psalm 61:2-3, David made a similar plea, 揊rom the ends of the earth I call to You, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in Your tent forever and take refuge in the heritage of those who fear Your Name. I had several experiences when I suffered physical illness or pain. It was during those times I seek God抯 help most passionately, relying on Him to heal me and take away my sufferings. In 揂bide in Christ, Andrew Murray reminded us that 搮 by suffering the Father would lead us to enter more deeply into the love of Christ He does it in the hope that, when we have found rest in Christ in times of trouble, we shall learn to choose abiding in Him as our only portion. 4 Rick Warren wrote, 揋od could have kept Joseph out of jail, kept Daniel out of the lion抯 den, kept Jeremiah from being tossed into a slimy pit, kept Paul from being shipwrecked three times, and kept the three Hebrew young men from being thrown into the blazing furnace but He didn抰. He let those problems happen, and every one of those persons was drawn closer to God as a result. 5 Paul wrote, 揥e were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure Indeed in our hearts we felt the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead (2 Corinthians 1:8-9). Indeed, God loves us very much and want us to have an intimate relationship with Him, and through sufferings, we fall into His warm and loving arms. The third reason sufferings exist in the world is God gave humans free will, which 搊pens the door to people抯 choosing evil over God, with suffering being the result. The overwhelming majority of the pain the world is caused by our choices to kill, to slander, to be selfish, to stray sexually, to break promises, to be reckless. 6 Many of our sufferings are the result of our disobedience to God. In the Old Testament, the Israelites suffered much in the desert because of their sinful acts. The loving God provided the Israelites food from heaven in the form of manna, but the people were not satisfied and complained to Moses, craving other food. They wailed, 揑f only we had meat to eat! We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic. But now we have lost our appetites, we never see anything but this manna! (Numbers 11:4-6) God was merciful and provided the Israelites quails to eat, but He still punished them for their sin by striking them with a severe plague (Numbers 11:33). Soon after, Miriam opposed and talked against Moses along with Aaron. Miriam had to suffer leprosy for seven days and was confined outside the camp during the disease period (Numbers 12:9-15). Because of David抯 sin in coveting Uriah抯 wife, Bathsheba, and then his murder of Uriah, David had to suffer greatly later in his life. Nathan the prophet told David, 搚ou stuck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife to be your own Now, therefore, the sword will never depart from your house, because you despised me and took the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your own. This is what the Lord says, 慜ut of your own household I am going to bring calamity upon you. Before your very eyes I will take your wives and give them to the one who is close to you, and he will lie with your wives in broad day light. You did it in secret, but I will do this thing in broad daylight before all Israel (2 Samuel 12:9-12). God also caused the child of David and Bathsheba to die, for which David suffered tremendous grief (2 Samuel 12:15-18). In all of the above examples, I believe God doesn抰 want us to chose sin and to suffer the resulting pains, but He allowed us free will and therefore we need to take responsibility for the sufferings. God is loving, merciful, compassionate, and good, but He allows suffering to exist in the world for His purposes. He is the creator of the universe and He certainly knows what is best for us. Through sufferings, we are blessed with a stronger faith and character, and through Jesus sufferings, we receive the opportunity for salvation. We are also drawn closer to God in times of sufferings. Lastly, we learn that sufferings sometimes are the result of our own sin and disobedience - God grieves to see these kinds of sufferings. 揘ow if we are children, then we are heirs heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory (Romans 8:17). Peter John Kreeft concluded, 揋od抯 answer to the problem of suffering is that He came right down into it. On the one side of the scale, all the tortures of the world; on the other side of the scale, the face of God the God available to all who seek Him in the midst of their pain. The good God, the joy of God, is going to infinitely outweigh all the sufferings and even the joys of this world. 7 I say 揂men! to that. References: 1 揟he Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. Running Press. Copyright 2000. pg. 21 2 揟he Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. Running Press. Copyright 2000. pg. 28 3 揟he Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Zondervan. Copyright 2002. pg. 194 4 揂bide in Christ by Andrew Murray. Christian Literature Crusade. Copyright 1997. pg. 122 5 揟he Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Zondervan. Copyright 2002. pg. 194 6 揟he Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. Running Press. Copyright 2000. pg. 27 7 揟he Case for Faith by Lee Strobel. Running Press. Copyright 2000. pg. 30 111111111111111 5555555555555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ******************************************************* | |
102406-1037 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Tuesday, 10:37 a. m., October 24, 2006, #First Edition (Update at 6:17 p.m.) |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun By Jennifer Kung [[[I believe God]]] I believe God - Though angry breakers Cast their spray Upon the shore, I know that through the storm He'll keep me safe Forevermore. I believe God - Though neither sun Nor stars appear For many days, I trust Him in the darkest, Wildest hours. He knows my ways. I believe God - Though this frail ship Be swept along By tempest force, I am assured at last Of Harbor Home, He charts my course. ---Paul T. Holliday*1 ------------------------------------------- ***** The task ahead of us is never as great as the power behind us. ---Ralph Waldo Emerson ***** "The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck ***** Every vital organization owes its birth and life to an exciting and daring idea. ---James B. Conant "I read the articles of last week on WBTI's website. The section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' is marching on nicely! How wonderful was that I received a telephone call of response from a reader in Hangzhou, China," said Mrs. Belinda M. Liu enthusiastically to President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and his wife Judy at River of Life Christian Church in the morning on October 22, 2006. [[[Quick News -- The following is a prompt response {at Tue, 24 Oct 2006 14:57:37 -0700 (PDT)} to the first edition of this feature article: "Hi Brother Tony: It is a wonderful day, a day that the Lord has made. Thank you for interviewing me, it was an honor to share what the Lord has spoken to me through Belinda's Sunday school teaching. Here is my prayer for Belinda's Israel trip. Rebecca," wrote Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI. "Dear Heavenly Father: Thank you for having Belinda with us, thank you for putting a love for Your children Israel in her heart. As she and her team leaves for Israel please be with them. Send Your angels to guard their travel safety. Speak to each and everyone of the team, let them hear Your thunderous voice so that their lives can be changed through this journey. Walk among us while they walk in Your Holy Land. Lord, I ask that you bless my brothers and sisters while they go and bless Your children. May Sar Shalom (the Prince of Peace) be with them. I pray in Jesus' name, A-men." Thank you very much, Rebecca."]]] "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我將本週的講義附上, 感謝神透過網站能幫助許多人, 最近我接到兩通由中國打來的電話, 都表明從網站上能學習到神的話語, 使屬靈的生命被供應. 我聽了非常受激勵, 願神的智慧與謀略充滿我們, 能使網站常有更新與創意, 使更多人樂意上網找到生命追尋的方向, 邁向生命成長之路, 發出神榮美之光. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) at 23:24 on October 23, 2006. In the above e-mail, "I'm sending you this week's Sunday School prinout," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to WBTI. "Thanks to God for helping many people though the Internet. Recently, I received two phone calls from China. They all showed us that they could learn God's words from our websites and be supplied with faithful lives. I was very impressed after litstened to them. Wish God's wisdom and strategy in full of us to make our websites rewewed and innovated, to make more people willingly to pursue their direction of lives on our webstes, and to make them marching on their road of lives in lightening the glorious light of God." "It's our honor to learn from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu of the spcial section 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' by WBTI thorugh the search leaders internationally," said Miss Rebecca Pang to WBTI on October 22, 2006 in Santa Clara, California. "I like Mrs. Belinda Liu's Sunday School. Her knowlegeable contents of the Bible have often convinced us with her living examples. She gave us practical reasons to believe. It's my pleasure to apply those teachings from her to my daily life." *2 "Dear Dr. Lei, Thanks for your prompt action," responded from Ms. Becky Ung (吴雷洛美) to the prompt update of the special sections on the WBTI's website in the evening on October 20, 2006 from San Marino, California. Becky is former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. She is now the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of WBTI.*3 "Dear Dr. Lei, What a marvelous surprise! Washington Business and Technology Institute has a comprehensive website which consists of politics, business, culture, education and much more. I am astonished to see its updated volume of information through all works of lives. All of these are made possible by the leadership of Dr. Lei's dedication and hard work. Dr. Lei is inspiring our younger generation to be more devoted to our community and society; to be more responsible for our action; to be more caring to people around us. To me and to many viewers of WBTI around the world, Dr. Lei is a super leader who leads us to be informed and upright professionals. Thank you, Dr. Lei and God bless you! Sincerely," wrote Miss Yi Li, Marketing Manager of FiberTel, Inc.*4 "How wondeful! I hit a good visitor's number of the Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website for Bobby G. Beside its knownledgeable and richful information, the creative design with beautiful and colorful paintings are really impressive. I was also inspired by WBTI's many years of contribution in academic research, community service, and humane spirit. Sincerely," wrote Ms. Marian Replogle, Executive Assistant of Las Vegas Township Constable Bobby Gronauer's Office in an e-mail to Washington Business and Technology Institute.*5 "Shalom!: Tony & Judy: 上週我家的網路一直有問題發不出去, 因此延遲了, 我現將文字檔的五和六附上, 或許可以加上若要上網收看請按 www.double-portion.net 在裝備課程的>主日學>民數記. Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute in the morning on October 15, 2006.*6 Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's current (till October 22, 2006) Sunday School booklet (printouts) was published at the second flier from the bottom (page 2) of this Section. "Brilliant! I found my own name and my Section's name ('Belinda Liu wbti' and 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World') in the first line of their first page on Google.com, Google.cn, Aol.com, and among others! Since my computer was in a small operating difficulty, I'll e-mail you with an attachment of this week's Sunday School printout as soon as possible," said Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei in the morning on October 8, 2006 at the Sunday School of River Life Christian Church. The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on October 22, 2006 was impressive. It was its seventh week. The subject was on the advanced part in the chapter of "Numbers" of the Bible.*7 We had many sisters and brothers including Miss Ying-Min Huang, Mr. Yang Shao, Mrs. Judy Lei, Miss Vanessa Li, Mr. John Lei, Miss Angel Lo, Miss Annie Shen, Mr. Jingmin Leng, Miss Lanfang Hsu, Miss Julie Tai, Miss Rebecca Pang, Dr. Tony Lei, and among others (names in random). "Thank you for sharing your pictures of your missions trip to Africa. We are so happy looking those wonderful faces of African people,their smiles shows the great joy that they have in the Lord. Truly, God's love is for everybody and that every tribes and every nations will praise the name of the Lord. We rejoice and greatly encourage of God's wonderful works in Africa. We are going to show this picture to our brethren here in Cambodia to let them know we are one big family in the Lord all over the world. Thanks and God Bless. Leofe," forwarded to Washington Business and Technology Institute by John Lei from the e-mail of Leofe, a missionary supported by Seattle's Bread of Life Christian Church. The Missionary is in Cambodia, Asia. "Shalom! Tony & Judy: 我在星期一早上就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息, 很驚? WBTI 的迅速作業, 我也將此專欄印出, 與我的同工們分享, 我們都很興奮, 此專欄真是應證了神的作為超出所求所想的. 也謝謝你們給我機會與你們一起有份於神國度的擴展! Belinda," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu early in the morning today to Washington Business and Technology Institute.*8 In her speech to the Women Conference in the morning on September 22, 2006, Mrs. Belinda M. Liu dilivered an amazing testimony. "Two weeks ago in my Sunday School, I met with an elder and wise man (Dr. Tony Lei). He told me that WBTI (Washington Business and Technology Institute) was interested in opening a special section for me which would emphasize the educational and spiritual value. As I read his business card, praise Lord! he's the President. I was quite excited and scared. I was worry not being able to answer him appoximately. I told him that I had no formal education from a bible college. As you know I've been eager to enhance my teaching in Bible with a special website for many years. Now, an angel has been sent from God for me. Just this Monday (9/18/06), I clicked on the Section ('Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) and I found a wonderful performance of my many years accomplishments with nice pictures has been implemented. Hallelujah! (The daily website is established and supported by the largest English newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal). Through the publication of searching leaders every week, the potential visitors from Internet are more than a million." *9 With sicerely love to God, nothing is impossible! The Women Conference was held in Septmber 21-23, 2006 at River of Life Christian Church in Santa Clara, California. Mrs. Belinda M. Liu was one of the most important three Speakers. Thank you for your prayers for the Women Conference starting the way that Spirit God would move in meetings and would use every speaker to release His messages to transform the lives of those who come. "Shalom Tony & Judy: 謝謝你那麼鼓勵的話語, 使我心中這兩年來,想要透過網站, 來擴展神國的負擔, 再次被挑旺起來, 這些日子,我真是感到神以厚恩待我, 從小我就是一個很平凡也簡單的人, 也無高深的學歷, 只是有一個做師母的小小心願, 很渴望能服事神, 沒想到這 子真的孕育成長, 能有份於神國的擴張. 我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了, 一下子還看不完呢! 這兩週在忙於姐妹特會的籌備事誼, 等過了特會後, 我可是要再細細的閱覽此網站. 我先將我的一點心聲附上, 不知合適與否? 請告知, 我可再有一些預備. 非常謝謝你的讚賞與快速的聯繫, 希望下次我的動作也能快些, 能向你看齊. 也附上兩本我的書(主日學時), 請指正! 其實我更欽佩你們, 培育雷高這麼棒的兒子, 是神國的精兵, 也是教會不可少的又忠心又良善的好同工, 使我們蒙福! 願神賜福你們手中的工作盡都榮美! 劉梅蕾師母," wrote Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI and his wife Judy. Praise God!*10 You are on Google! The searching leaders published our last Sunday's feature article. Just type your name (like "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World", "Belinda Liu wbti", "Miss Prudy Yu", "劉梅蕾師母 wbti", "Tong Liu wbti", or "Miss Sandy Pei wbti") to the searching box of Google.cn, Google.com, Aol.com, and among others, and you will find it starting from the first line of their first page. Hallelujah! ***** Knowing how to live one's life with Jesus is a great art; and knowing how to hold him fast is the peak of wisdom. ---Thomas A. Kempis (1380-1471) [[[No symphony without harmony]]]: Challenging your work force can add to productivity, but productivity needs also cooperation. In a team work, harmony is very importnat. sometime, a good leader is the one who leads us to a goal with a group performance in harmony. We are pleased to quote the following five short but meaningful ones: ***** It is amazing how much people can get done if they do not worry aout who gets the credit. ---Sandra Swinney ***** No man can be rich withot himself enriching others. ---Andrew Carnegie ***** I rate enthusiasm even above professional skll. ---Sir Edward Appleton ***** Competition brings the best in products and the worst in people. ---David Sarnoff ***** Enthusiam moves the world. ---J. Balfour It's our pleasure to post a short story and quotation from "Speaker's Source Book" by Glenn Van Ekeren: During a rehearsal at th Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, the great Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini offered a few words of constructive criticism to featureed soloist. The Soloist, too proud to accept help, expressed her anger by exploding, "I am the star of this peroformance!" Toscanini responded calmly but with firm conviction. "Madam," he said, "in this performance there are no stars!" All, from the greast to humblest, must work together in harmony and devotion. We can make no advances with only solo work. Unless the solooists and the members of the chorus are ready to work together in harmony, there can be no symphony. ---Jackson Wilcox Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE.*11 This Sunday October 22, 2006, the Sermon was delivered by Rev. Tong Liu, Senior Pastor of River of Life Christian Church. The subject was "This Church has walked by faith". As the river that flows from the Holy Place, and the beauty of holiness brings worship anew. The 2006 theme is "Arise & Shine - Prepare the Way of the Lord." The Worship was directed by Rev. Stephen Hah. MC was Rev. Tong Liu. Highly blessed by God, the English Service of River of Life Christian Church was growing. The specific charater of the event has been highlighted by the Coffee/Tea Fellowship. During the past several Sundays in 2006, we had Rev. Tong Liu, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Rev. Victor Quon, Mr. Kevin Gordon (Kevin Gordon, Esq.), Pastor Doris Lin (Miss Doris Lin), Mr. Henry Hu, Mr. John Lei, Mrs. Jessica Wong, Mr. Walter Wong, Mr. Patrick Nolan, Ms. Lynn Ling Yang, Miss Vivian Chao, Miss Frances Chang, Miss Mariany Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Anothny Tsai, Ms. Cathy Tsai, Miss Christina (Ping) Tsai, Mr. Victor Luo, Miss Tine Lo, Mr. Gino Ko, Miss Angel Ku, Miss Prudy Yu, Miss Orchid Soh, Mr. Meung Kim, Miss Esther Huang, Miss Vera Suherman, Miss Nicole Ying, Miss Emily Ho, Miss Heidi Hsu, Mr. Arthur Quach, Mr. Yee Tuck Yong, Miss Merry Xiao, Ms. Tao Long, Mr. and Mrs. John Perrott, Mr. Roland On, Mrs. Jennie Quon, Ms. Cindy Chien, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Wu, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Komashko, Ms. Anna Wen, Ms. Abby Komashko, Miss Christine Tsai, Mr. and Mrs. David Whitney, Ms. Merreyl Whitney, Ms. Jenny Long, Ms. Cindy Barnes, Ms. Elaine Tran, Miss Sandy Pei, Ms. Jocelyn Huang, Ms. Miao Chun, Miss Susan Dai, Miss Julie Tai, Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei, and among others (names in random). The atmosphere of the Fellowship was pleasent and friendly. Hallelujah! The food of the Coffee/Tea Fellowship was prepared by Miss Mariany Lee. Ths Salad and fruits were prepared by Miss Prudy Yu. It is our pleasure to post the address of River of Life Christian Church's website: rolcc.net "Praise God. Last weekend, there were 36,000 people attending Greg Lauries's Crudase. 3,780 people gave their lives to Jesus. We give all the glry to God. Las Sunday we had the first faith pledge for next year's mission work. Praise God that we've received 267 pledge cards with total amount of $518,738.'," pointed out Rev. Tong Liu.*12 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Doan, Eleanor. (1968), "Sourcebook For Speakers," Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. *2. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the Google.com," (October 22, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 3. Ung, Becky. 'Thanks for your prompt action,' "An e-mail from Ms. Becky Ung to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (October 20, 2006), San Marino, California: Best Formulations. *4. Douglas. Ibid. *5. Douglas, Michael; Walsh, Jessie; and PAI of WBTI. 'Dr. Tony T. Lei enriches the lives of many in our community of Clark County and Nevada,' "A search of 'Business - WBTI' on the Google.cn," (October 21, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn. *6. Liu, Belinda M. '我現將文字檔的五和六附上; (雲彩日間遮蓋,晚上如火照明 10/1st/06),' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (October 15, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *7. Liu, Belinda M. 'Numbers,' "A printout of Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on 'Numbers of the Bible'," (October 22, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: ROLCC. *8. Liu, Belinda M. '就收到此專欄已上網頁的好消息,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 24, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Double-Portion Ministries. *9. Kung, Jennifer. 'Mrs. Belinda Liu dilivered a wonderful speech today!' "Section of 'Belinda Liu's Spiritual World' on the WBTI website," (October 23, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of LVRJ. *10. Liu, Belinda M. '我上了WBTI的網頁, 真是太豐富了,' "An e-mail from Mrs. Belinda M. Liu to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (September 17, 2006), Santa Clara, Califonia: Senior Pastor Liu's Residence. *11. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. *12. Liu, Tong. 'Welcome by Reverend Tong,' "The 'Praise Worship' of River of Life Christian Church," (October 22, 2006), San Clara, California: ROLCC. 5555555555555 33333333333333333333333333 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
101806-3757 |
Faith is spiritualized imagination 神的臉在一個人的心專注在某種澄澈的熱情時 By Jennifer KungI had faith That God could, I had hope That God would; Then my love Pleased God That He should. ---Frances Rhoads La Chance*1 -------------------------------------------- Raymond Lindquist said, "Faith is something like walking over a bridge you know will hold you up." ***** All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen. ---Ralph Waldo Emerson ***** Faith is a theolgical virtue that inclines the mind, under the influence of the will and grace, to yield firm assent to reveal truths, because of the authority of God. ---Adolphe Tanqueray It's our pleasure to post the following short story: [[[美貌]]] 他真的很美,亞麻灰色的鬈髮也好美,令人很難從他身上移開目光。演奏開始一會兒,他顯然就感到燥熱,用手去扯領子,他就只穿了一件黑襯衫,使我嚇了一跳,還以為他想脫衣服!結果他也只是扯一扯釦子扣到脖子的衣領,想讓空氣從衣領和頸子間的縫隙鑽進去。*2 他打鼓的模樣很投入,他的動作不花稍,可是仍然很吸引人,他唱歌的表情更美麗,尤其是他閉上眼,哀傷地皺著眉的時候。我的心好激動,他怎麼能那樣美麗? 雖然我偷偷靠近他,多想跟他說話,但事實上沒有那個必要,我知道他為什麼那樣美。世界上任何人,能顯露出那樣的美,都只有一個原因,神的臉在一個人的心專注在某種澄澈的熱情時,那高貴燦美的部分與這個凡人合一。*3 (成英姝) To succeed, total commitment is really needed. Our commitment is where our thoughts are. "There is nothing better for a man than to rejoice in his work." Eccelesiastes 3:22 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Doan, Eleanor. (1968), "Sourcebook For Speakers," Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House. *2. 成英姝. '美貌,' "Post through the courtesy of the '世界副刊'of Worldjournal.com," (October 18, 2006), San Francisco, California: World Journal. *3. Ibid. 999999999999 55555555555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
101506-7047 "Belinda Liu's Spiritual World" of WBTI website, Sunday, 7:47 p. m., October 15, 2006, #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | | Go To Page: [1][2] 3 [4][5] | |