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John Ensign, U. S. Senator
051607-4007 "John Ensign, U. S. Senator" of WBTI website, Wednesday, 4:07 p. m., May 16, 2007 #First Edition of "Business & Administration" (051507)
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com
U. S. Senator John Ensign has worked and achieved on legislation that addressed critical education needs and promoted basic research in math, science and technology
By Jennifer Kung

***** If there is anything that a man can do well, I say let him do it. Give him a chance. ---Abraham Lincoln

The following are some paragraphs of the most recent Press Release from the Office of Senator John Ensign on May 11, 2007:

"In a continuing effort to improve security and services for Nevada's airports, Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign announced today that they have secured nearly $11 million in funding for the Reno/Tahoe International Airport," stated the Press on last Friday.

"Tourism is an integral part of Nevada's economy," said Reid. "This grant will improve air travel for both residents and visitors. It is critical our airports continue to receive important funding like this. I will continue to work to enhance security and services for travelers flying in and out of the Reno area."

"This funding is essential to helping the Reno Airport accommodate the growth of Reno, Sparks and other local communities," said Ensign. "These necessary infrastructure improvements to the Reno Airport will help continue the economic success in the surrounding region." *1

On May 9, 2007 it reported that, "Experts link high prices to production shortages that can be traced to a continued lack of refining capacity. A new refinery has not been built in America since 1976 because of high costs and bureaucratic red tape, which further increases our reliance on foreign oil. Diversifying our energy supply is also a critical component to a comprehensive plan, including environmentally safe exploration of Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge."

It is our pleasure to post the following information by "The Press Release of Senator Ensign" on April 25, 2007 from the Office of U. S. Senator John Ensign in Washington, D. C.:

America COMPETES Act Passes Senate

Washington, D.C. - Today the United States Senate passed legislation that addresses critical education needs and promotes basic research in math, science and technology. As Chairman of the Commerce Subcommittee on Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness last Congress, Ensign played a leading role in drafting the America COMPETES Act.

"America needs a boost in math, science, technology and engineering," said Ensign, who is now the Ranking Member on the Science, Technology and Innovation Subcommittee. "Even though we've always led the way in innovation, without this bill we risk losing our competitive edge to China and India."

The America COMPETES Act puts us on a path to remain competitive throughout the 21st Century by doubling the funding for the National Science Foundation and strengthening educational opportunities in math, science and engineering. Competitive grants to help struggling students in mathematics will be available, and states interested in establishing or expanding specialty schools in math and science will receive assistance.

"I'm a fiscal conservative, but the dollars we invest in basic research will come back to us in spades in terms of stimulating economic activity and helping the United States remain at the forefront of global innovation," Ensign said on the floor of the Senate during debate today.

Last year Senator Ensign was tapped by the Senate Majority Leader to coordinate the efforts of several Senate committees - Commerce; Energy; and Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) - in order to craft the America COMPETES Act. [Wednesday, April 25, 2007] *2

The previous articles in this and related sections for Senator John Ensign on his accomplishments and life time commitment to Nevada and America have been published by the leading search engines like Yahoo.com, Google.com, and among others in the morning on May 11, 2007:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - John Ensign, U. S. Senator
... to learn that U. S. Senator John Ensign was awarded "SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE" by ... Senator John Ensign has served the people of Nevada from his days as a ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 82k - Cached - More from this site *3

For "The American dream realized by U. S. Senator John Ensign ..." on the Google.com --- WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...The American dream realized by U. S. Senator John Ensign and his great grandfather By GSBPA of WBTI*1. @@@@@ One person with a belief is a social power ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01325001051063401400197432&... - 95k - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Business and Technology Institute - PPAA18 (Pan Pacific ...The American dream realized by US Senator John Ensign and his great-grantfather By GSBPA of WBTI*1. *****"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 61k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages
[ More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ] *4

John's wife, Darlene, encouraged him into his first political race for Congress. Earned a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Colorado State University in 1995, his scholarstic and gentle appearance has won him lots of applause and respect from knowledgeable ladies and gentlemen in educational events and social activities.

"In the first paragraph of this column on September 15, it stated that on September 7, U. S. Senate Candidate John Ensign wrote: "Please accept my best wishes as you come together in celebration of the Thai Performaning Arts, Appreciation Day 2000. The importance of sharing culture through art and festivities that bring people together serves to enhance all of us more by enriching our lives with the diversity of people and their customs. I especially would like to extend my appreciation to Dr. Tony T. Lei for his commitment and enthusiantic support of the Thai Performing Arts." He accepted Dr. Tony T. Lei's invitation as a Guest Speaker to talk about protecting Social Security and Medicare for our Nevadan seniors at a Forum held by Seniors United. He believes that America must honor its word to seniors," reported the Nevada Examiner.*5

"On October 15, John attended the worship service of the Liberty Baptist Church. He offered a short speech of testifmony. He said that he was so frustrated of his first time to taste political failure, when he lost by a mere 428 votes to U. S. Senator Harry Reid. He believes God. He has surrenderring his fate to God. As a born-again Christian, people has inspired of his sincererity, humbleness, and credibility much more than just of his appearance now. In the Pastor Teis' meeting Office, John agreed with Dr. Tony T. Lei that WBTI would honor him as Advisor (effective on 10/17) and Vice Chairman (effective on 11/08 when elected as Senator) of its Advisory Board. If a window was closed, God might re-open the window or even open a door for the people who is eager to utilize his or her knowledge and expertise to serve. The matter is that we should believe God. Congretulations! Republican U. S. Senator-elect Honorable John Ensign." *6

"Since taking office, Senator Ensign has worked hard and fulfilled his promises to the people of Nevada. His Education High Growth Grant amendment, which brings tens of millions of extra dollars to Nevada schools, was included in the education bill signed into law by President Bush," pointed out the bio for U. S. Senator John Ensign.*7

"Senator Ensign~{!/~}s commitment to the environment also resulted in the enactment of the Ensign-Reid Clark County Lands Bill which protects environmentally sensitive areas in southern Nevada, allows recreational opportunities to continue, and improves the quality of life for all citizens. Thanks to Ensign~{!/~}s leadership, similar land bills for White Pine and Lincoln Counties were signed into law and have provided an economic boost while preserving the pristine beauty of our state. The legislation included funding to reduce the threat of catastrophic fire in the Great Basin Area and eastern Nevada as well as protections for our valuable outdoor areas such as Lake Tahoe, the Ballardini Ranch, and the eastern Sierra."

Extended from his encouragement and inspiration to educational and community services, Senator John Ensign has been an Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) since November 8, 2000.

For Nevada, we need bright vision and enthusiasm with love and integrity. Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community!


*1. Office of Senator John Ensign. '"NOW ARRIVING: A NEW TAXIWAY AT RENO/TAHOE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT" and "ENSIGN WORKS TO KEEP AMERICA COMPETITIVE",'"Two press releases of Senator John Ensign," (May 11 and April 25, 2007), Washington, D. C.: John Ensign's Office in U. S. Senate.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'Senator Jonh Ensign' on the Yahoo.com," (May 15, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'Elaine Chao, U. S. Secretary of Labor' on the Yahoo.com," (May 14, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*5. Chang, Tiffany. 'John Ensign has been honored Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (2000), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.
*6. Ibid.
*7. John Ensign's website. 'Senator Ensign has worked hard and fulfilled his promises to the people,' "John Ensign, U. S. Senator, Nevada," (May 15, 2007), Washington, D. C.: Office of John Ensign.


Press Release of Senator Ensign


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Las Vegas, NV ? Senator John Ensign*1 issued this statement following the death of former President Gerald Ford:

?Gerald Ford will be remembered for the strength, dignity and return to normalcy his leadership brought during one of the most turbulent times in America's history. He was also a devoted husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather. President Ford served his country well, and we all owe him a debt of gratitude.? *2

--Senator John Ensign


*1. Office of Senator John Ensign. 'A press release of Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'John Ensign, u s senator' on the Google.cn," (January 3, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn.
*2. Ibid.


From: "Senator John Ensign" [info@johnensign.org]
To: Washington Business and Technology Institute [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Thank You
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 12:00:00 -0500

Thank You.

Unfortunately across the country our Republican team had few successes, but one of the best performances was right here in Nevada. Your efforts carried our candidates and our state to victory under difficult circumstances, and you should be proud of this accomplishment.

It is – and always has been – an honor representing you in the United States Senate. Our campaign was a success, and it would not have been possible without you and all of the hard work put forth by our volunteers. I cannot thank you enough for not only your time and dedication to our campaign, but also for the trust you continue to put in me to represent our Nevada values in the United States Senate.

Nevada has many challenges ahead, and we need people who understand our state, our beliefs and our way of life. Throughout this campaign I have talked about what we have accomplished and how to meet the challenges we face. I look forward to building on these accomplishments and working together with you and elected officials across our state to keep Nevada strong.

Thank you for your continued support and for all of your time and hard work throughout this campaign.

John Ensign

Paid for and authorized by Ensign for Senate
P.O. Box 26568, Las Vegas, NV 89126
(702) 880-1000


U. S. Senator John Ensign was awarded “SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE” by U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE
By Tiffany Chang and PAI of WBTI*1

It is our pleasue to learn that U. S. Senator John Ensign was awarded “SPIRIT OF ENTERPRISE” by U.S. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. The following is a post of the Press Release of Senator Jon Ensign from his Office in Washington, D. C. on Thursday, March 10, 2005:

Washington, D.C. – Senator John Ensign today received the “Spirit of Enterprise” award from the United States Chamber of Commerce for his voting record during the 2nd session of the 108th Congress.*2

“For America’s economic future to remain prosperous, we must encourage pro-growth policies so that we continue to be the leader in innovation and entrepreneurship,” Ensign said. “I am honored to be recognized by the Chamber.”

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce gives out the award based on key business votes by Congressional members and ranks them in its annual publication, How They Voted. Members of Congress who support pro-business positions on at least 70 percent of the key votes receive the award. Senator Ensign was well above that mark with a 91 percent for votes cast on pro-growth legislation.

“It is critical to have members of Congress fighting for American business and their employees at this time of economic expansion and opportunity,” said Thomas J. Donohue, Chamber President and CEO. “John Ensign is a leader who has voted time and again to create jobs, improve our domestic security, and promote economic expansion.”

“Pro-growth policies are critical to small businesses in Nevada because they stimulate the economy and promote job creation,” Ensign said. “I will continue to support legislation that keeps Nevada’s economy flourishing.”

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is the world’s largest business federation, representing more than three million businesses and organizations.*3

The following introduction about U. S. Senator John Ensign edited by WBTI on December 26, 2004 was post on Reviewjournal.com and published by Google.com, Aol.com, Msn.com, among others:

About Senator John Ensign (By the editor of this flier)*4

Senator John Ensign has served the people of Nevada from his days as a veterinarian, small business owner, and U.S. Congressman to his present role as the 24th U.S. Senator for Nevada.

Senator Ensign was raised in northern Nevada and moved to southern Nevada where he graduated from Clark High School. He attended UNLV and earned a Bachelor’s degree from Oregon State University. He received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Colorado State University in 1985.

Senator Ensign immediately began practicing veterinary medicine and opened the first 24-hour animal hospital in Las Vegas.

Throughout his career Ensign has fought for smaller, more effective government, lower taxes, a strong national defense and aggressive approach to combating terrorists, increased parental control in education choices, and quality health care for Nevada's seniors and veterans.

Senator Ensign was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2000 and serves on the following committees: Armed Services; Budget; Commerce, Science, and Transportation; Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP); Small Business and Entrepreneurship; and Veterans Affairs. Ensign is Chairman of the Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee. In addition, Senator Ensign chairs the High Tech Task Force and serves as Vice Chairman of the Republican Steering Committee, a group that shapes the party’s legislative agenda.

Since taking office, Ensign has worked hard to fulfill his promises to the people of Nevada. His Education High Growth Grant amendment, which brings tens of millions of extra dollars to Nevada schools, was included in the education bill signed into law by President Bush. The Prescription Discount Card for Seniors, a key part of Ensign's prescription drug plan, was endorsed by President Bush and would allow many seniors to cut their prescription drug bills by 40%. On the environmental front, enactment of the Ensign/Reid Clark County Lands Bill will protect environmentally sensitive areas in southern Nevada, allow recreational opportunities to continue, and improve the quality of life.

Ensign has taken the lead on technology issues as well. His "Dot Kids" legislation creates a subdomain on the Internet where children can explore the Internet without the fear of being exposed to material parents may deem inappropriate. His bill to delay the 700 MHz spectrum auction from moving forward was a critical step toward improving our nation's wireless network. Both were signed into law by President Bush.

Ensign spends his workweek in Washington and his weekends in Las Vegas with his wife, Darlene, and their three children-Trevor, Siena, and Michael.

John has been honored as Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) since November 1999.*5


*1. PAI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).
*2. Office of the U. S. Senator John Ensign. 'Press Release from Office of the U. S. Senator John Ensign,' "A search of U. S. Senator John Ensign on the Google.com," (March 18, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*3. Ibid.
*4. Office of Senator John Engine. 'Biography of Senator John Ensign,' "A search about Senator John ensign on Google.com," (December 26, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*5. Ibid.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Nov. 02, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ensign retains large lead over Carter in poll
Senator's support stays above 50 percent

[[[Click image for enlargement.
Graphic by Mike Johnson.]]]

If Democrat Jack Carter hopes to overcome Republican Sen. John Ensign, he had better do it fast, according to a new Review-Journal poll.

Carter continues to trail Ensign by double digits, with Ensign earning more than 50 percent of the vote, according to the poll. That has been the case in every poll the Review-Journal has conducted since it became clear Carter was Ensign's likely Democratic challenger.

The new poll was conducted Oct. 26 to Oct. 30 by Washington, D.C.-based Mason-Dixon Polling & Research. It carries a margin of error of 4 percentage points in either direction. The question was asked of 625 likely Nevada voters across the state, with quotas used to reflect likely voter turnout. Those who said they had already voted early were asked how they had voted.

Ensign was the choice of 54 percent of those polled, while Carter had the support of 37 percent. Seven percent were undecided and 2 percent planned to vote for minor-party candidates.

"Ensign is safe. He's still running over 50 (percent)," Mason-Dixon Managing Partner Brad Coker said. "Undecideds tend to break for the challenger, but there's nothing here to suggest people are souring on Ensign. This race has never been very competitive."

When Mason-Dixon polled the race in September, Ensign had 58 percent to Carter's 35; in August, before the Aug. 15 primary, it was 54-33. Carter's response in both cases was that his campaign hadn't yet begun in earnest.

With the voting period more than half over and Election Day drawing nigh, his campaign manager had a different explanation for the new results on Wednesday.

"Our polls don't show anything like this, and neither do any other polls we've seen," Terry O'Connell said. "This race is far from over. We're getting out the vote on Election Day."

O'Connell said he was referring to polls conducted by national Democratic organizations, but he would not provide copies of the polls.

Another independent national pollster found results even worse for Carter than Mason-Dixon's. In a survey conducted by Zogby International for the Wall Street Journal, Ensign had 58.3 percent to Carter's 36.8 percent, a lead of 21.5 percentage points.

A spokesman for Ensign said the senator was nonetheless insisting on earning Nevadans' votes.

"That's similar to what we're seeing, but we've still taken nothing for granted in this whole campaign," Tory Mazzola said. "Senator Ensign has traveled the state -- rural Nevada, Northern Nevada, Southern Nevada -- to talk to voters about the issues and to talk about his accomplishments in the U.S. Senate."

A political scientist at the University of Nevada, Reno, predicted that the landscape of this race, basically unchanged throughout, would remain the same despite Carter's attempt to tie Ensign to President Bush's less popular policies.

"Carter had one card to play, and that was national issues," Eric Herzik said. "But in their debates, Ensign pushed those aside with ease."

A first debate between Carter and Ensign in late September, which aired during prime time on a Sunday night, was Carter's big chance, and he missed it in Herzik's opinion.

Herzik called Carter's turn "one of the worst debate performances I've ever seen," while Ensign came off as "surprisingly articulate."


From: "Ensign for Senate" [info@johnensign.org]
To: Washington Business and Technology Institute [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Early Voting Begins Tomorrow
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 16:52:02 -0400

Early Vote Volunteer Activities for Tomorrow

October 21, 2006 – First Day of EARLY VOTING

Henderson, NV

8:30 a.m. Meet for Breakfast at Paseo Verde Park located at 1851 Paseo Verde Pkwy (S. Valle Verde and Paseo Verde Pkwy)

9:30 a.m. Morning walk begins

12:30 p.m. Return to Paseo Verde Park for BBQ

1:30 p.m. Afternoon walk begins

For more information, please contact Phillip Allen at 702-269-5479

Reno, NV

9:00 a.m. Meet at Reno Campaign Office located at 3652 South Virginia St., C8 (on the corner of South Virginia and Moana – Sierra Marketplace north of the Atlantis)

10:00 a.m. Morning walk begins

12:30 p.m. Early Vote Rally and BBQ with Senator John Ensign and Dean Heller at Reno Campaign Office

2:00 p.m. Senator Ensign and Dean Heller to attend tailgate parties at the UNR Homecoming Game – north side of the stadium

For more information, please contact Joe Catania 775-770-2006

Paid for and authorized by Ensign for Senate
P.O. Box 26568, Las Vegas, NV 89126
(702) 880-1000


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Sep. 26, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ensign retains substantial lead
Poll gives senator 23-point edge on Carter

[[[Click image for enlargement.
Graphic by Mike Johnson.]]]

Republican Sen. John Ensign retains a lead of more than 20 percentage points over his Democratic challenger, Jack Carter, according to a new Review-Journal poll.

The poll, conducted last week by Washington, D.C.-based Mason-Dixon Polling & Research Inc., found Ensign supported by 58 percent of those surveyed and Carter by 35 percent.

The 23-point lead for Ensign is a good sign for the incumbent, who has consistently performed strongly in the Review-Journal's polling, although some other surveys have found him to be more vulnerable. A Mason-Dixon poll last month gave Ensign 54 percent of the vote; one in April put him at 60 percent.

"Carter's gotten his name recognition up, but Ensign's staying over 50, which is a very good place to be," Mason-Dixon Managing Partner Brad Coker said. "There's nothing (in these results) to put this race on the upset screen," that is, to put it on the list of contests being watched nationwide because the incumbent might lose.

The poll surveyed 625 Nevadans considered likely to vote in November and carries a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. One percent of respondents supported the Libertarian candidate, and an Independent American Party candidate did not get a statistically significant number of votes. Six percent of those surveyed were undecided.

Carter, a businessman and the son of former President Jimmy Carter, noted that various polls have put Ensign ahead of him by widely varying amounts, from just 3 percentage points to the current gulf of 23 points. He said he simply doesn't believe any of the numbers have a bearing on the race because it hasn't really started yet.

"What difference does any poll make when you've got six weeks to go, and you've been out of commission for a couple of weeks?" Carter said. "He (Ensign) hasn't weathered any kind of criticism yet."

Carter was recently hospitalized for two weeks, half of the time in intensive care, with severe colitis, an inflammation of the colon. He said Monday he was not 100 percent well but "in the high 80s."

Carter noted that Ensign, who has had a big fundraising advantage according to campaign finance disclosures, has been airing television commercials since Labor Day. The two ads, airing frequently across the state, put a positive spin on Ensign's record and his previous career as a veterinarian, even showing him wearing a lab coat and cuddling a puppy.

Carter aired commercials for a short time before last month's primary but is not currently on the air. And none of his previous ads went after Ensign. Carter said the race will really turn around when he goes on the attack.

"There's been no real conflict between Ensign and I so far," he said. "Everybody knows who he is, but I bet you not 10 percent of them know that he has a 96 percent record of voting with President Bush. I don't guarantee to beat this guy, but I do guarantee to tell people about his record."

Ensign campaign chairman Mike Slanker acknowledged that Ensign has had a free ride so far. "I'm certain that Jack Carter is going to start spending money very soon," he said.

"We have and always will take this race very seriously," Slanker added. "We've seen numbers all over the place. We're running a very serious campaign, and we intend to win."

Ensign doesn't want to be seen as taking victory for granted, but there doesn't seem to be much chance he can lose, said University of Nevada, Las Vegas, political scientist David Damore.

"That's a blowout," Damore said of the poll numbers. "Apparently, Carter's got the Democrats and no one else."

According to the poll, Carter had 69 percent of Democrats, just 4 percent of Republicans and 29 percent of independents. Ensign, on the other hand, enjoyed strong crossover support: 21 percent of Democrats, 93 percent of Republicans and 58 percent of independents.

Polls such as this one ought to discourage Carter because they decrease the chances he'll be seen as worthy of help from national Democratic sources of funding, Damore said. Ensign's seat has never been seen as particularly vulnerable by national pundits, and with each successive poll putting Carter at a big disadvantage, that perception solidifies, Damore said.

"This (the poll) is bad news for Carter. He's going to get no help from the national (Democratic) party. He's on his own," Damore said.

Carter, like many Democratic challengers across the country, has tried to frame the election as a choice between the Bush administration, personified by Ensign, and forces of change, represented by Carter. Most political analysts expect national sentiment to hurt incumbent Republicans and help Democratic challengers, but in Carter's case that won't be enough, Damore said.

"For the anti-Bush ripple to take effect, it has to be a competitive race to begin with," he said. "Ensign's just not vulnerable, and Carter's not a strong candidate."


Join Us This Saturday For A Jambalaya Volunteer Cookout!
By Jennifer Kung

The e-mail from Ms. Chris Carr in the Office of John Ensign for U.S. Senate was received in the morning on Septmber 15, 2006. This Saturday on September 16, 2006 please join them for A Jambalaya Volunteer Cookout.*1

Ensign Wins Primary
Senator John Ensign won the Republican Primary last night with 90% of the votes cast.

"If things turn out as expected I feel very good obviously having the vast majority of support among Republicans, and I’m going to work hard to get support among independents and Democrats," Ensign stated in an interview with the Las Vegas Review Journal. "I’ve worked in a bipartisan fashion since I’ve been in office, and I’m going to work hard trying to get votes from across the political spectrum." *2

From: "Chris Carr" [chris@johnensign.org]
To: "'Tony Lei'" [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: RE: Join Us This Saturday For A Jambalaya Volunteer Cookout
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 18:17:07 -0700

Dear Tony and Judy,

Thank you very much for posting this on the website. We hope to see you on Saturday.

Chris Carr
John Ensign for U.S. Senate

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Lei [mailto:tojulei@yahoo.com]
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:12 PM
To: info@johnensign.org
Subject: Re: Join Us This Saturday For A Jambalaya Volunteer Cookout

It's posted.*I

*I. For more details, please have your Assistant or
yourself click on the section of "Asian Republicans of
Nevada" (in the top left box of Home Page) at



Tony & Judy

--- Ensign for Senate [info@johnensign.org] wrote:

Join Us This Saturday For A Jambalaya Volunteer Cookout!

WHO: Team Ensign and Congressman Jon Porter

WHERE: Southern Nevada Victory 2006 Campaign Office
(313 Pilot Road, Las Vegas)

WHEN: Saturday, September 16th at 9:30 a.m. to 3:00

We will provide sausage and pork jambalaya and light refreshments for all our volunteers. Lunch will be served starting at 11:30 a.m. Congressman Jon Porter will meet all of us for lunch and talk about how
important grassroots will be throughout this election.

Please call Monica or Mike at 702-269-5479 to RSVP.

Paid for and authorized by Ensign for Senate
P.O. Box 26568, Las Vegas, NV 89126
(702) 880-1000

Senator Ensign Attends Red Rock 9/11 Commemoration
For Immediate Release September 11, 2006
Contact Tory Mazzola (702) 880-1000

Las Vegas, NV — Senator John Ensign released the following statement after attending the 9/11 Commemoration at Red Rock Canyon in southern Nevada this morning.
“During today’s commemoration I heard many people talking about both the good and evil brought forward five years ago. On September 11, 2001, […] *3


*1. Carr, Chris. 'Join Us This Saturday For A Jambalaya Volunteer Cookout,' "An e-mail From Ms. Chris Carr to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 14, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: John Ensign for U.S. Senate.
*2. Google. 'A profile of John Ensign for Senate 2006,' "A search of 'John Ensign, U. S. Senator wbti' on the Google.com," (September 12, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*3. Ibid.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Sep. 07, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Congressional Gold Medal urged for Lewis

WASHINGTON -- New Jersey's two U.S. senators joined Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., on Wednesday introducing a resolution to honor Jerry Lewis with the Congressional Gold Medal for his philanthropy and comedic talent.

The resolution was sponsored by Ensign and Democrats Frank Lautenberg and Robert Menendez of New Jersey. Lewis, born in Newark, N.J., in March 1926, lives in Las Vegas.

Lautenberg said Lewis has improved the lives of thousands of children with his annual Labor Day muscular dystrophy telethon, which has raised $1.4 billion since 1966

"This kind of commitment is what made America great, and it is why Jerry Lewis is a great American," Lautenberg said.

Menendez said honoring Lewis with the Congressional Gold Medal "would be a fitting accolade to this larger than life individual."

Lewis, 80, has received numerous awards for his philanthropy. This year, his telethon raised a record $61 million. The previous record for the telecast was set in 2003 at $60.5 million.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Aug. 16, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ensign, Carter cruise to victory
Incumbent, president's son advance

[[[Jack Carter, right, Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, and family members smile as they watch on Tuesday at his headquarters in Las Vegas the results of the primary. Carter, son of former President Carter, won and will face Republican incumbent Sen. John Ensign in November.
Photo by The Associated Press.]]]

[[[John Ensign]]]
[[[Jack Carter]]]

It was little surprise that Jack Carter, son of the 39th U.S. president and Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, won his primary race Tuesday, beating a middle school science teacher from Carson City.

Still, his supporters at campaign headquarters in Las Vegas Tuesday night were boisterous as preliminary results came in. Carter found himself joining in the shouts of his 30-or-so supporters cramped in the small office space. "Go, Jack go," the chant went.

"This is the beginning of the race. Do not get carried away," said Carter, who is polling way behind the Republican incumbent, Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev.

Carter beat Ruby Jee Tun with 77 percent of the vote. Tun received 9 percent, according to nearly final results. Ensign also easily won his primary with 90 percent of the vote against retired auto executive Edward "Fast Eddie" Hamilton, who received 5 percent.

Last week, Ensign's staff said the senator would not be available for comment Tuesday night. On Friday, Ensign said he planned to spend Tuesday evening with his family because he did not want to deflect attention from candidates with tighter races.

"If things turn out as expected I feel very good obviously having the vast majority of support among Republicans, and I'm going to work hard to get support among independents and Democrats," Ensign said. "I've worked in a bipartisan fashion since I've been in office, and I'm going to work hard trying to get votes from across the political spectrum."

A recent Review-Journal poll shows Ensign ahead of Carter by more than 20 points, 54 to 33.

Carter has said he knows he's got an uphill road over the next months to beat Ensign. He plans to continue using shoe leather to get his name out there.

In his speech to supporters, he continued the rhetoric he's used for the last several months, criticizing the status quo in Washington.

He recalled that in October few thought he'd get to the primary. But there he was Tuesday, predicting what would be a surprising win in November.

"I ask you to join me in my campaign, and together we go to victory," he said.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Aug. 12, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ensign holds big lead in poll
Carter gains, but still 21 points behind

[[[Click image for enlargement.]]]

More Nevadans know Jack Carter today than four months ago, but the president's son turned Democratic Senate candidate is still far from giving the Republican incumbent a competitive run.

According to a new Review-Journal poll, if the general election were held today, Sen. John Ensign would attract 54 percent of the state's votes. Almost a quarter, 23 percent, of Democrats would vote for him, as would half of Clark County, a Democratic stronghold.

Thirty-three percent of voters statewide said they'd vote for Carter, and 13 percent were undecided.

"We've got work to do, but I'm pleased with the direction it's coming," Carter said in a telephone interview between campaign events in Northern Nevada on Friday.

"I think I'm going to win. But everybody knows him. People don't know me. It's up to us to get that out." The Mason-Dixon Polling &

Research survey, commissioned by the Review-Journal, reviewjournal.com and KVBC-TV, Channel 3, surveyed 625 registered voters by telephone this week. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.

Ensign recalled his 1998 bid to unseat Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., in which he started at the bottom of a similar point spread. But by November, he failed by only about 400 votes.

"I don't think the polls this early in the game are something you can, one, rely on because they're an indicator at a point in time," he said. "If you take anyone lightly because you are up you can have what almost happened to Harry Reid. I never want to have that happen. I learned my lesson from Harry."

The good news for Carter is he's attracted more Democrats and independents to his base and is up 6 points since a Review-Journal poll in April. Ensign is down 6 points since that survey was conducted.

"The big difference between the April poll and the (August) poll is Carter's name recognition went from 44 percent to 74 percent, so his name ID has jumped 30 points," said Brad Coker, managing partner of Mason-Dixon. "You raise your name ID, it'll move numbers."

Neither candidate has a strong challenger in Tuesday's primary.

Come November, Carter should have Clark County locked up, but Ensign will take the election, predicted David Damore, a University of Nevada, Las Vegas political science professor. "I think he'll (Ensign will) be able to weather the storm, but it may turn out to be closer than he initially thought," Damore said.

For Carter to win, he'll have to give voters a reason not to vote for Ensign and go negative, he said.

But Erik Herzik, a University of Nevada, Reno political science professor, said it'll be hard to turn Ensign's base when the senator hasn't alienated anyone but liberals.

"People are not dissatisfied with John Ensign, and that's another problem Carter has. His only issue is: I don't like George Bush. Well, George Bush isn't on the ballot. John Ensign is," Herzik said.

Carter said he doesn't need to get negative.

"Just look at his voting record," Carter said. "I'm not going to go negative on the guy, he's probably a good guy. He voted against stem cell research ... He cuts back on federal spending for veterans at a time when this war is creating disabled veterans hand over fist. He's lousy on the environment. It's the support of the Bush administration I think that makes him vulnerable."


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Jul. 22, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Senate revives abortion debate on rights of teens

"Most Americans, even those who consider themselves pro-choice, believe there should be at least some restrictions on abortion.''

WASHINGTON -- Congress will continue debating "values" issues next week, focusing on a bill by Sen. John Ensign that would make it a federal crime to drive a teenager across state lines for an abortion without parental consent.

"Our kids are not even allowed to get an aspirin in school without parental consent," the Nevada Republican said. "Yet, remarkably, it is not against the law to evade parental consent or notice requirements to take a child across state lines to get a surgical procedure."

Debate opened Friday on the bill, which would make a person transporting a girl to an abortion clinic subject to a fine or prison term of up to one year.

Parents also would be allowed to sue the person who provided the trip. There is an exception if the girl's life is in danger. The bill does not include penalties for doctors who might perform the abortion.

Democrats say the bill is draconian and would make criminals out of people, often relatives, who help girls in need.

The bill is being considered in the wake of congressional debates over stem cell research, gay marriage, flag burning and the Pledge of Allegiance in recent days.

Democrats charge "values debates" are being scheduled by Republican leaders merely in an effort to reclaim flagging support among conservatives.

"This is not a priority issue," Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., assistant minority leader, said of the Ensign bill. "It's something Republicans put on a shelf and bring up to try to activate that part of their base. They want to make sure those traditionally pro-life Republicans who voted for stem cell (research) have something to point to when they go to voters."

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Congress should be doing other business.

"As important as people feel this issue is, how does it compare to what's going on in Iraq? How does it compare to what's going on in the lives of Americans trying to pay for their gasoline?" Reid said.

But Ensign thinks the issue is important.

"I believe, as a father of three children, including one daughter, it is a very important piece of legislation. Good people can disagree on issues even of profound moral consequence. Most Americans, even those who consider themselves pro-choice, believe there should be at least some restrictions on abortion."

Forty-five states have laws requiring some kind of parental notification before a doctor can perform an abortion on a minor. Nevada is not one of them.

Ensign said he became bothered by clinics advertising quick abortions and pointing out that a parent's consent would not be needed.

"There are locations, especially around the East Coast, where the states are smaller, a very short drive, they actually advertise in the yellow pages," Ensign said.

The House passed a similar bill by a vote of 270-157 in April 2005. Reps. Jon Porter, R-Nev., and Jim Gibbons, R-Nev., voted for it. Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., voted against it.

A Senate vote expected next week could be "very close," Ensign said.

Durbin said the bill's fate will depend on the ability of Democrats to amend it.

The issue last was debated in 1998. Sponsors were unable to complete the bill because they couldn't get 60 senators to agree to a final vote, drawing only 54. The Senate has 34 new members since then, Ensign said.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated costs to enforce the law would be minimal "because of the small number of cases likely to be involved."

During debate Friday, Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., said the bill was necessary to stop older men from preying on girls for sex and then trying to cover up a pregnancy.

Parents should be aware when their underage daughters are undergoing surgical procedures, because young patients may need follow-up care, he said.

Ensign told of two Pennsylvania girls who were forced to have out-of-state abortions, one by her boyfriend's family and the other by her rapist's mother.

Opponents argue the bill prolongs suffering by victims of incest or family abuse. A teenager made pregnant by a family member or an attacker might not report it to a parent. Girls who believe they cannot involve their parents would be further isolated, according to NARAL Pro-Choice America.

NARAL was formerly called the National Association for the Repeal of Abortion Laws, and the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League.

"We certainly think young women should talk with their parents," said Ted Miller, NARAL communications director. "But in circumstances where they can't, we want to protect their safety."

"In Idaho, a 13-year-old girl named Spring Adams was shot to death by her father after he learned that she planned to terminate a pregnancy caused by his acts of incest," Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, said during House debate last year.

"Some young women cannot involve their parents because they come from homes where physical violence or emotional abuse is prevalent," Jackson Lee said. "In these situations, the government cannot force healthy family communication where it does not already exist."

An Ensign aide said Friday that Republicans plan to offer an incest exemption. Democrats also are preparing an incest amendment.

Democrats want to offer several other amendments to Ensign's bill. One would provide an exemption for clergy members.

Ensign scoffed at the idea, pointing out that anyone can be ordained on the Internet.

Democrats are also expected to have amendments seeking to exempt grandparents and authorizing a teen sex education and contraception program, the aide said.


Press Release of Senator Ensign

Friday, June 30, 2006

Washington, D.C. – Senators John Ensign and Dick Durbin introduced a bill yesterday that would require inmates to work a minimum of fifty hours per week and provide for victim restitution. The Prisoner Opportunity, Work and Education Requirement Act, or POWER Act, requires inmates to participate in job-training and educational activities while incarcerated.*1

“The revolving door of inmates in our correctional facilities is unacceptable,” Ensign said. “Criminals need to be taught responsibility and job skills that will keep them out of our justice system. This amendment would provide inmates with core job skills while also making them contribute back to society.”

The POWER Act is designed to give inmates life skills and teach them a trade, transitioning them from incarceration into contributing members of society. The amendment also requires that nearly all of the pay to the inmates be used for victim restitution, to offset the costs of incarceration and the work program and to pay for their daily basic needs.

“There is no reason that capable inmates should not be working,” Ensign said. “Inmates should not be allowed to sit around while serving their time. They should have to work, pay for their room and board and pay for their wrongs against society. This amendment will help ease the cost on taxpayers by requiring inmates to reimburse the prison, and it will keep many from returning to prison.”

The POWER Act utilizes inmates in labor-intensive and light manufacturing activities through subcontracting with the private sector. The program would create a panel to review and approve projects that could help keep American jobs from going overseas.*2


*1. Office of Senator John Ensign. 'A press release of Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'u s Senator John Ensign' on the Google.com," (July 10, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Jun. 27, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ensign, Reid to vote to ban flag burning

WASHINGTON -- Both of Nevada's senators say they will vote this week for a constitutional amendment to ban desecration of the American flag.

After years of rejection, the flag amendment is just one vote shy of gaining the super majority of 67 votes needed to pass the Senate.

Sens. John Ensign, R-Nev., and Harry Reid, D-Nev., are among the amendment's supporters.

"I just think the flag is a special symbol that represents the things that our people in uniform have fought and died for," Ensign said. "It is a symbol we should honor by not allowing it to be desecrated."

As for arguments that flag burning is an exercise in freedom of speech and criminalizing it would infringe on the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, Ensign said there are other ways to protest.

Many Democrats are expected to oppose the amendment, but Reid, the Senate Democratic leader, said he remains convinced that voting to ban flag desecration "is the right thing to do."

Reid's vote might become even more important because Senate Republican Whip Mitch McConnell of Kentucky has said he will oppose the amendment.

Last year, the amendment passed the House for the sixth consecutive time. All three Nevada representatives -- Democrat Shelley Berkley and Republicans Jim Gibbons and Jon Porter -- voted to outlaw flag desecration.


Press Release of Senator Ensign


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Washington, D.C. – Today Senator John Ensign announced his support for a comprehensive measure to rein in government spending. Senator Ensign was joined by Senate Budget Committee Chairman Judd Gregg and ten other Republican senators in a Capitol Hill press conference announcing the introduction of the Stop Over-Spending Act, or “S.O.S.” This legislation was authored by Chairman Gregg and is a comprehensive reform package that will attack out-of-control spending.*1

“This is a bold proposal that will help eliminate wasteful and unnecessary government spending, and it has my full support,” Ensign said. “Too often individuals from both political parties talk about stopping Congress’ wasteful spending but then do nothing to change it. This proposal will force Congress to actually do something about wasteful spending. If Congress does not start practicing fiscal discipline, future generations will be burdened with our mistakes.”

The S.O.S. Act will revise the current budget process, helping to eliminate wasteful spending. The act includes a line-item veto for the president, mandatory programs to cut excess government spending when deficits are not reduced and provisions to balance the federal budget by 2012.

“The time for empty promises is over. Spending is out of control, and something must be done to stop it,” Ensign said. “Those who have touted spending restraint now have an opportunity to match their words with real action.”

Senators Ensign and Gregg were joined by Majority Leader Bill Frist and Senators Wayne Allard, Jeff Sessions, Mike Crapo, John Cornyn, Lamar Alexander, Sam Brownback, Larry Craig, Johnny Isakson, Craig Thomas, Larry Craig and Lindsey Graham.*2


*1. Office of Senator John Ensign. 'A press release of Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'u s Senator John Ensign' on the Google.cn," (June 15, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.cn.
*2. Ibid.


A Memorial Day Message from U. S. Senator John Ensign
By John Ensign

May 26, 2006

My Fellow Americans,

We live in the greatest country in the worldˇXwhere brave Americans believe so deeply in our freedom that they are willing to sacrifice their lives so that we can all live safe and free. There is a distinguished line of courageous men and women who have paid the ultimate price for this nation. We must never forget them.

May has been an especially difficult month for our state, as we mourned the loss of four soldiers killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan and one soldier killed during training. I know that all Nevadans join me in extending heartfelt sympathy and appreciation to the loved ones they left behind.

We owe it to those families and all the others before them and to our fallen heroes to remember the sacrifices they made for us and the burden they shouldered for us. Everyday is a day that we should remember them. Today is a day for us to come together and do that.



Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

May 05, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ensign presses tort reform legislation

WASHINGTON -- Sen. John Ensign of Nevada unveiled a new Republican bill Thursday that aims to boost doctors by limiting liability awards against them in big medical malpractice lawsuits.

Ensign urged senators to revisit the idea of capping jury awards for pain and suffering and limiting payouts to personal injury lawyers. Those are concepts that have deeply divided Republicans and Democrats and led to stalemates over the past four years.

Fearful of being sued and faced with high premiums for malpractice insurance, high risk specialists like obstetricians are continuing to leave their professions, decline new patients, or practice "defensive medicine" that drives up health care costs, said Ensign, who was designated a GOP point man on health care.

"The bottom line is that patients cannot get the health care they need when they need it most," Ensign said in a Senate speech. "By definition this is a medical crisis. This crisis is affecting more and more patients and is threatening access to care."

Ensign cited Nevada, where the closure of the trauma care unit at University Medical Center in Las Vegas in 2002 sparked the Legislature to set liability caps at $350,000 on noneconomic damages. Voters approved further reforms in 2004 although the outcomes have not been clear cut.

The Nevadan maintained his new bill was sweetened to attract support by containing higher limits on awards. But a Democratic leader said it remains a nonstarter and it would probably be shelved in a procedural vote next week.

"The Senate will decide this is not the time to go forward with that," said Democratic Whip Richard Durbin of Illinois.

Democrats reject caps on jury awards and attorney fees, saying they shortchange patients who are harmed by bad medical care by making it difficult for them to pursue justice. They contend the blame for doctor shortages lies elsewhere, questioning insurance company malpractice coverage rates.

Durbin suggested Republicans were more interested in winning political points with their allies in medical fields who want changes in liability law. Ensign's bill is being brought to the Senate floor without hearings or committee debate, he said.

Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., "has been told he just would be spinning his wheels" on medical malpractice, yet is pushing legislation anyway, Durbin said.

"It is almost like he was checking a box for some friends who are watching this issue," he said.

Of 21 states the American Medical Association had identified as having medical care crises, Durbin said all but three have updated their malpractice laws to address the problem, including Nevada, and the federal government should not step in.

But Ensign said the federal government pays 60 percent of medical bills through various health programs, making federal involvement necessary.

"Across the country we need to have a level playing field," he said. "The caps allow for certainty."

Ensign's new legislation is based on a Texas law that limits plaintiffs to collect up to $750,000 for "pain and suffering" depending on how their suits are structured. Previous Ensign bills limited pain and suffering damages to $250,000, based on malpractice law in California.

There are no limits on economic damages such as lost wages or reimbursement for medical care. Punitive damages awards would be capped at double economic damages or $250,000 whichever is greater.

The legislation also sets a sliding scale that limits fees collected by attorneys who handle malpractice cases, a provision that has stirred opposition from the American Trial Lawyers Association, which is aligned with the Democratic Party.

Despite little progress, Ensign said he planned to continue to promote the issue.

"Getting legislation can take years," he said in an interview. "You have to keep pushing it. This problem is not going away."


Press Release of Senator Ensign


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Senator John Ensign will travel to the United States/Mexico border on Wednesday, April 19, to see first hand the challenges faced at the border.*1

“No other issue has created the passion and intensity that immigration reform has created,” Ensign said. “It’s important for me to see what measures are being used to secure our borders and what additional tools are needed to further strengthen our borders. This is an essential first step in reforming our immigration system.”

Senator Ensign will be briefed by border patrol agents; tour the San Luis Port of Entry; and see how technology, tactical infrastructure and enforcement are being utilized.*2


*1. Office of Senator John Ensign. 'A press release of Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'u s Senator John Ensign' on the Google.com," (April 21, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


Google answers our people, community, and world! (6th of XXXII)
By Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1

Google.cn and Google.com published this section (John Ensign, U. S. Senator) at 11:18 a.m. in the morning on March 23, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from January 7, 2006 to March 21, 2006.

Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "ć⏬—–", "‹LŽŇä——˝‰Ă", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?*2

Many people have a good perspective on Google. Google.cn and Google.com will put more effort and wisdom to contribute to English and Chinese readers being an efficient visitor on the searching of fluent and useful information. Washington Business and Technology Institute's (WBTI's) website has been continuously published by Google.com and Google.cn about every 11 days. We wish advanced performance may be extended from Google.cn to WBTI.*3

You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti

[[[A compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine! We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones:
***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash
***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis
***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash
All art, permanent or temporary, has a life in the immediate experience, but then has a life in the imagination. ---Anish Kapoor 1954- :in "Sunday Times" 11 July 1999
"Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower]]]

[[[Dear Dr. & Mrs. Lei:
I am writing this letter to invite you to my next Senior Advisory Committee meeting at 9:30 am on Thursday, February 23, 2006, at the Lieburn Senior Center, 6230 Garwood Avenue (map is enclosed). ..... Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei has been U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior Advisor since January 2000.]]]*4

[[["It's really my pleasure and honor to be named as an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI. WBTI has a good reputation with its Advisory Board and faculty members. The Board has Governor Kenny Guinn as its Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign as Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman as Executive Directors. With the excellent and informative publications of 'Google.cn', 'Google.com', 'Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com', 'Next Weekly' and among others, high-ranking officials of Nevada with the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI have been inspired to help realize the creed for professional righteousness, community service, and humane spirit of WBTI," expressed Justice Michael Douglas of Nevada Supreme Court at the Event and Dinner Party in the Emperor's Garden Restaurant on February 4, 2005 in Las Vegas. It was held by the Committee to implement the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG.]]]*5

[[[Some of the significant idea from the letters to Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI):
"It's my great pleasure and honor to be named by you as a Senior Advisor and Honorary Chairman of CCDAPCC of WBTI. Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." --A. William Maupin, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court
"As Mayor, I will continue to devote my energies into the preservation and improvement of the standard of living enjoyed here in the City of Las Vegas." --Oscar B. Goodman
"It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." --Kenny C. Guinn]]]*6

[[["As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Governor of Nevada, on November 11, 2005.
The above message was signed by Lt. Governor of Nevada Lorraine Hunt:.....]]]*7

[[["It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman and Senior Director of Washington Business and Technology Institute, in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas:.....]]]*8


*1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada and the Minority
Whip of the Assembly. Cheryl Moss is an outstanding District Court Judge of Nevada serving in Las Vegas, Clark County.
*2. PAI of WBTI. 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's on Google!' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao' on the Google.com," Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*3. Ibid.
*4. Berkley, Shelley. 'I am writing this letter to invite you to,' "A letter from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (February 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Office.
*5. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Justice Michael Douglas wbti' on the Google.com," (March 25, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*6. Guinn, Kenny C. 'Nevada Proud of Our Troops in the Middle East,' "Section of 'Business & Administration' of the WBTI website," (March 23, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*7. Hunt, Lorraine. 'As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council,' "A search of 'Chairperson Lorraine Hunt' on the Google.com," (March 26, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*8. Gibbons, James. 'It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of,' "A search of 'James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman' on the Google.com," (March 27, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Mar. 23, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Ensign opens campaign for re-election

U.S. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., and his wife, Darlene, arrive Wednesday at the U.S. Marine Corps Leatherneck Club to kick off his official campaign for re-election.
Photo by Gary Thompson.

Republican U.S. Sen. John Ensign kicked off his re-election campaign on Wednesday with a resounding embrace of the Bush administration and an emphasis on his Nevada credentials.

"I want to commend President George W. Bush -- he has taken on that evil," Ensign said, referring to radical Islam. "He says we have to stay the course, and that means we cannot lose our courage."

Ensign and other candidates were chastised by a party member on Saturday when they didn't mention Bush in their speeches to the Clark County Republican Convention. His defiant but solitary mention of the president earned applause from the loyal audience at the U.S. Marine Corps Leatherneck Club in Las Vegas.

In addition to international affairs, Ensign, accompanied at the podium by his wife, Darlene, discussed immigration, education, taxes, government spending, Yucca Mountain and public lands in a campaign announcement that would have been a surprise only if he hadn't chosen to run again.

National political commentators have speculated that Republicans running for re-election this year will try to distance themselves from Bush, whose approval ratings lately have hit historic lows. But the war on terrorism was one of the first topics Ensign addressed.

"We are now faced with an enemy we've never been faced with before," he said. The enemy, Ensign said, was "an evil form of Islam that is perverting a great religion."

Ensign also mentioned his Nevada roots several times, saying his great-grandparents settled in White Pine County 100 years ago. Ensign himself was born in California, but his family moved to Northern Nevada when he was 4 years old.

The references to his ancestors could have been a subtle swipe at Ensign's opponent, Democrat and presidential son Jack Carter, who moved to Nevada in 2002. But other than that, Ensign didn't make any mention, explicit or implied, of his major opponent in his first Senate re-election bid. Ensign generally is considered a heavy favorite to win.

Ensign, a small-animal veterinarian who started Las Vegas' first 24-hour animal clinic, was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives for two terms in the 1990s before being elected to the U.S. Senate in 2000.

Ensign, who turns 48 on Saturday, touted a bill he introduced to add 10,000 more Border Patrol agents, and another to encourage children to study math and science. He also spoke in favor of cutting taxes and cutting government spending at the same time.

"The right kind of tax cuts are actually good for the economy. They stimulate the economy. They brought us out of recession," he said. "The tax cuts that we have already passed, we need to make those permanent."

Rather than raising taxes to reduce the federal deficit, we should cut spending, Ensign said, a stance apparently not popular within his party: Last week, he was one of only three Republican senators to vote against a successful move to raise the federal debt limit.

"Washington politicians care more about re-election than they care about the future of our country," Ensign said. "When people become selfish enough that they elect people to office who will give them what they want, they'll borrow from future generations."

Ensign also spoke to Nevada-specific issues, saying it was because of the state delegation's efforts that the attempt to create a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain was "really imploding on itself." He also praised the progress of legislation to return funds from Nevada federal land sales to the state.

Carter said Wednesday that Ensign was behaving as expected: in step with Bush for the most part.

"It is no surprise to me that Senator Ensign has been so kind to the policies of the Bush administration, since he has supported them nearly 100 percent of the time," Carter said.

"This is further evidence of my view that Senator Ensign is Washington's voice to Nevada. I want to be Nevada's voice to Washington."

Ensign has been in the news lately for holding up the confirmation of Vice Adm. Thad W. Allen, who has been nominated to head the Coast Guard. Allen was put in charge of Hurricane Katrina relief in September after Michael Brown, then head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was taken off the job.

Ensign spokesman Jack Finn said that, as a matter of nominee privacy, he wouldn't disclose what questions the senator was waiting for Allen to answer. But he did say it had nothing to do with Ensign's pet-rescue advocacy in the wake of Katrina, as has been widely speculated.



Friday, March 10, 2006

Washington, D.C. – Senator John Ensign released the following statement today in reaction to the resignation of Interior Secretary Gale Norton:

“Gale Norton has been a tremendous friend to Nevada, and she should be proud of what she achieved while serving as the nation’s first female Interior Secretary. Gale personally approved more than $2 billion worth of land sales to the benefit of Nevada and was integral to the Colorado River water agreement. Gale Norton served with commitment, poise and dedication. While I’m sorry to see her go, I wish her all the best in her future.”

--Senator John Ensign


*1. Office of Senator John Ensign. 'A press release of Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'u s Senator John Ensign' on the Google.com," (March 18, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.



Thursday, March 2, 2006

Washington, D.C. – Senator John Ensign is urging Nevada’s fire departments to apply for Assistance to Firefighters Grants for firefighter health and safety programs and to increase the effectiveness of firefighting and emergency response operations.

“Our firefighters face many challenges in their jobs,” Ensign said. “These grants provide them with additional resources and tools to help protect our communities from the devastation of fire and to help keep the men and women who fight fires safe.”

The Department of Homeland Security is authorized to award $648 million in such grants for the Fiscal Year 2006. The application period for awards opens at 8:00 a.m. EST on Monday, March 6, 2006, and closes at 5:00 p.m. EST on Friday, April 7, 2006.

The application kit will be available at www.firegrantsupport.com.


*1. Office of Senator John Ensign. 'A profile of Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'u s Senator John Ensign' on the Google.com," (March 6, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


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