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022406-7576 |
ENSIGN CALLS FOR HALT OF SEA PORTS SECURITY DEAL PENDING REVIEW Tuesday, February 21, 2006 Washington, D.C. Senator John Ensign is calling for the Bush Administration to halt a deal to turn over security of some U.S. ports to a company from the United Arab Emirates until the proposal can be thoroughly reviewed by members of Congress. Ensign released the following statement today:*1 The security of American ports is too important to be turned over to a company from the United Arab Emirates without a comprehensive review by members of Congress. Until all reasonable concerns about security at these ports have been addressed, I cannot support this proposal. This deal sends the message that we are not being as diligent as we should in terms of Americas security, and that is not a perception we can afford to create. *2 --Senator John Ensign --------------------------------------------- References *1. Office of Senator John Ensign. 'A press release of Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'u s Senator John Ensign' on the Google.com," (February 24, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 7777777777777777 555555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
021006-1565 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Feb. 10, 2006 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal Ensign blocks trust fund creation in asbestos cases By MARY DALRYMPLE THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON -- The Senate rejected an attempt Thursday to keep asbestos cases in the courts, removing one obstacle to creation of a $140 billion trust fund for paying victims and ending their lawsuits. Foes quickly raised another obstacle. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., questioned the fund's future costs to taxpayers and said the bill violates budget rules. The bill would establish a privately funded trust fund to compensate asbestos victims through the Labor Department. The fibrous mineral was commonly used until the mid-1970s in insulation and fireproof material. Its tiny fibers can cause cancer and other ailments when inhaled. Disease can take decades to develop. Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, tried to kill the proposed trust fund and create, instead, new medical standards for bringing an asbestos case to court. He said lawmakers could weed out lawsuits brought by people not yet sick from asbestos exposure and thin the mass of cases clogging the judicial system. The Senate voted 70-27 to shelve the proposal. Ensign's objection requires 60 votes to overcome, with a vote expected next week. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, the Pennsylvania Republican who sponsored the trust fund bill, said changing the standards for bringing a case to court can't help thousands with the disease who have no one to sue. Specter and other trust fund supporters say it could compensate veterans and former employees of bankrupt companies. Ensign said it's possible taxpayers will have to pay if the trust fund runs out of money. 55555555555555555 22222222222222222222222222 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
013106-1043 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Jan. 31, 2006 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal Ensign injured in crash Senator, aide in head-on collision on way to airport By KEITH ROGERS REVIEW-JOURNAL John Ensign U.S. senator suffered minor injuries in morning collision on Paradise Road U.S. Sen. John Ensign and one of his staff members suffered minor injuries in a head-on collision Monday on Paradise Road near Sands Avenue when a motorist traveling in the opposite direction fell asleep at the wheel, spokesmen for the senator and Las Vegas police said. "The indication I've got is that it was a head-on, perhaps somebody in the ongoing lane drifted into" the Mercury Mountaineer sport utility vehicle the senator was in, Ensign's spokesman Jack Finn said by phone from Washington, D.C. Neither the driver of the Ford Explorer, who police said fell asleep, nor the driver of another vehicle, a Chrysler PT Cruiser that rear-ended the senator's SUV, were taken to the hospital. Police could not make a report on the accident available Monday but a spokesman, Officer Bill Cassell, said the driver who fell asleep would be charged with a traffic violation such as failing to maintain a travel lane. Finn said Ensign, a Republican, was in the passenger seat and was being driven to McCarran International Airport when the collision occurred in a southbound lane of Paradise Road. He said the SUV's air bags deployed when the vehicles collided. "The collision was pretty intense," Finn said, declining to name the aide who was driving the SUV. "Both were taken to Sunrise (Hospital) with some bruises and cuts. Both have been awake and alert the whole time," Finn said, about an hour after the 8 a.m. accident. They were released from the hospital about 11 a.m. Finn said Ensign, 47, had some stitches in his right arm and was "at home relaxing" Monday afternoon but was "a little sore." The senator was unavailable for comment, he said. He said Ensign intended to catch a flight later Monday to Washington, D.C., in order to be present for President Bush's State of the Union address today and the Senate vote on Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., released a statement, saying he called Ensign's wife, Darlene, as soon as he heard about the accident. "I am relieved to hear that John's injuries, and his driver's injuries, are not life-threatening. I hope everyone involved in the accident heals quickly," Reid stated. 333333333333333 4444444444444444444444444 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ************************************************** | |
012806-5187 |
You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti)" [WBTI]!Google.cn and Google.com published this section (John Ensign, U.S. Senator) at 2:17 p.m. in the afternoon on January 22, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from December 30, 2005 to January 21, 2006. Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter; {like "John Ensign, U.S. Senator", "A biography of U. S. Senator John Ensign", "Shelley Berkley, U.S. Congresswoman", "Dear Dr. Tony, Hope you can make it", "A biography of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley ---A Lifetime of Commitment to Nevada", "Oscar Goodman, Las Vegas Mayor", "Goodman puts merger with NLV on table", "STATE OF THE CITY ADDRESS: Goodman banishes cynicism in speech", "Nancy Becker, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court", Welcome to our $5 Chicken Dinner by the Paradise Democratic Club", "By John Ponticello and PAI of WBTI", "Valerie Weber, Assemblywoman of Nevada", "Dear Dr. Lei, I finally got this photo copied to my computer", "Assemblywoman Valerie Weber", "Pepperdine University Alumni Association", "Pepperdine University Alumni Association E-MAIL NEWSLETTER", "reviewjournal.com -- Community Link", "ECONOMY: Official lauds LV tourism Manufacturers get credit", "Condoleezza Rice, Dr.'s World Perspective", "ه˹D⽻ ⽻", "俵ɯه˹", "Dr. Condoleezza Rice", "The following information have been received from a search of "Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice" on the Google.com", "Bill Maupin, Justice of Supreme Court", "Judge Besty Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs . Tony Lei with reunion dinner", "Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor", "Secretary speaks on the Strength of U.S. Economy", "U.S. Department of Labor Announces $190,000 Grant To Help Train Iowa Workers", "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "US Labor Secretary Elaine Chao praises Asian American workforce by Tiffany chang", "Google Answers", "ьWվ Google", "ԭ̓rj4% ȫo", "Asian Soul Art", "|¹Vһl", "W߳ɰͬĻЈ", "˹S˹Aˇgf", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", "ѩl |֮", "ɺĶ Lɽİѩ͜Ȫ ɻF^Ƕ[uc", "from the search of 'Mr. Wang Xing-ping' and 'Mr. Chen Xiaoyi' on the Google.cn and Google.com", "eOٛ_؈ȡ FFAAT", "͢DD^ֲW[", ӛ", "Becky Ung, E.Q. 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011806-1178 |
A biography of U. S. Senator John Ensign By Office of Senator John EnsignSenator John Ensign has served the people of Nevada from his days as a veterinarian, small business owner, and U.S. Congressman to his present role as the 24 th U.S. Senator for Nevada.*1 Senator Ensign was raised in northern Nevada and moved to southern Nevada where he graduated from Clark High School. He attended UNLV and earned a Bachelor's degree from Oregon State University. He received his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from Colorado State University in 1985. Senator Ensign immediately began practicing veterinary medicine and opened the first 24-hour animal hospital in Las Vegas. Throughout his career, Ensign has fought for smaller, more effective government; lower taxes; a strong national defense and aggressive approach to combating terrorists; increased parental control in education choices; and quality health care for Nevada's seniors and veterans. Senator Ensign was elected to the U.S. Senate in 2000 and serves on the following committees: Armed Services; Budget; Commerce, Science and Transportation; Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP); and Veterans Affairs. Ensign is Chairman of the Readiness and Management Support Subcommittee of the Armed Services Committee and of the Subcommittee on Technology, Innovation and Competitiveness of the Commerce Committee. In addition, Senator Ensign chairs the Republican High Tech Task Force and serves as Vice Chairman of the Republican Steering Committee, a group that shapes the party's legislative agenda. Since taking office, Senator Ensign has worked hard and fulfilled his promises to the people of Nevada. His Education High Growth Grant amendment, which brings tens of millions of extra dollars to Nevada schools, was included in the education bill signed into law by President Bush. The Prescription Discount Card for Seniors, a key part of Senator Ensign's prescription drug plan, is now saving more than 4 million seniors 15 to 30% off the retail price of most brand name drugs and between 46 and 92% off generic drugs. On the environmental front, the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act, authored by then-Congressman Ensign, has provided almost $1.4 billion for Nevada's general education fund; Clark County parks; facilities at Red Rock Canyon, Lake Mead, and the Spring Mountains; and the purchase of environmentally sensitive land. The legislation was amended by Senator Ensign to include vital protection for Lake Tahoe by providing $300 million over the next eight years for water clarity, erosion control, and fire suppression to reverse the decline of Lake Tahoe's famous clarity. Senator Ensign's commitment to the environment also resulted in the enactment of the Ensign/Reid Clark County Lands Bill which protects environmentally sensitive areas in southern Nevada, allows recreational opportunities to continue, and improves the quality of life for all citizens. From his post on the Veterans Affairs Committee, Senator Ensign led the fight to build a Veterans Hospital in southern Nevada to provide quality health care for the brave men and women who proudly served this nation. Construction is expected to begin in 2006. Senator Ensign has been recognized by many local and national groups for his work. He is the recipient of the 2004 Jacob K. Javits Award for his efforts and action on behalf of Americans with disabilities and the 2005 Educational Pioneer Award for his vision and contributions to the disadvantaged student population of Nevada . He was also named the top lawmaker in 2004 by the Humane Society of the United States for his commitment to the humane treatment of animals. Senator Ensign spends his workweek in Washington and his weekends in Las Vegas with his wife, Darlene, and their three childrenTrevor, Siena, and Michael. Name: John Ensign (R-NV) Born: March 25, 1958, in Roseville, CA Hometown: Las Vegas, NV Education: graduated E.W. Clark High School, (1976); attended University of Nevada, Las Vegas (1979); B.S., Oregon State University, Corvallis (1981); D.V.M. Colorado State University, Fort Collins (1985) Family: married to Darlene Sciaretta; three children: Trevor, Siena, and Michael Profession: veterinarian, U.S. Congressman, U.S. Senator 1987-1994 owner, West Flamingo Animal Hospital, Las Vegas 1994-2001 owner, South Shores Animal Hospital, Las Vegas 1995-1999 served as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1st District Nov. 7, 2000 elected to U. S. Senate for 107th Congress*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Office of Senator John Ensign. 'A profile of Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'u s Senator John Ensign' on the Google.com," (January 18, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 55555555555555555 77777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
123105-7537 |
Press Release of Senator Ensign ENSIGN APPLAUDS FUNDING FOR IMPROVED BORDER SECURITY Monday, December 19, 2005 Washington, D.C. Senator John Ensign and several of his Senate colleagues gathered for a Capitol Hill press conference this afternoon to applaud the approval of more than $1 billion in additional funding for enhanced border security. The funding was included in the Department of Defense appropriations conference report. If the Senate approves this report the funding will be part of the final bill that is sent to the President to be signed in to law. America is a nation of immigrants but it is also a nation of laws, and we have an obligation to give our law enforcement agencies on the front lines the tools and training they need to be effective, Ensign said. There are many important factors to consider in the debate on immigration, but we must start with securing our borders. The funding approved as part of the conference report includes: $60 million to replace 1,700 Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Customs Enforcement vehicles. $490 million for replacement helicopters that are part of the Customs and Border Protection air fleet. $80 million for communications systems for border law enforcement. $17.9 million for a law enforcement language arts facility to improve Spanish language skills for law enforcement officers. The men and women doing the difficult and dangerous work on our countrys borders need to know that we in Congress support them and will work hard to provide the necessary tools for effective enforcement of immigration laws, Ensign said. --------------------------------------------- References *1. Office of U. S. Senator John Ensign. 'A Press Release of Senator John Ensign,' " A search of 'u s senator john ensign' on the Google.com," (December 31, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 555555555555555 333333333333333333333333333 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
122205-1278 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Dec. 22, 2005 Copyright Las Vegas Review-Journal Reid, Ensign split on opening wildlife refuge, reducing spending By ELIZABETH PIET and SAMANTHA YOUNG STEPHENS WASHINGTON BUREAU Members of Nevada's Senate delegation voted along party lines on bills to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil exploration and reduce federal spending on entitlements. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., voted for the spending bill. He said Congress should slow the rate of federal spending on programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and student loan ..... "Entitlement spending now is two-thirds of the federal budget, and it is slated to grow into an ever-increasing share of the federal budget in the future," he said on the Senate floor Tuesday. "Republicans, Democrats, it doesn't matter who looks at the numbers, entitlements will gobble up the entire federal budget." Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said the bill targeted spending cuts at America's most needy, while also increasing the federal deficit through tax cuts. He voted against the bill. "How can it be that we're about to cut student loans, Medicare and Medicaid and then turn around and provide even more tax breaks to special interests and multi-millionaires?" Reid asked. "All Americans will lose because the tax breaks backed by the Republican leadership will cost substantially more than their spending cuts will save." Reid was critical of the defense spending bill, into which Republican leaders inserted a controversial provision that would have allowed oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Reid criticized Sen. Ted Stevens, R-Alaska, for holding hostage military funding in order to advance drilling in the Alaskan refuge. "The senator knows he lacks the votes to get this boon for special interests passed the right way, so he's willing to break the rules to jam it through," Reid said. Reid also complained about a drug immunity provision tucked into the defense bill. "All of us stand with our troops and all of us want to do what is right for the Senate and for our country," Reid said. "It's time we said no to an abuse of power, no to those who seek to abuse the rules in the name of special interests." Ensign voted for the bill. The senator's office did not return calls Wednesday seeking comment. Later Wednesday, the Senate agreed to continue the Patriot Act for six months to allow House and Senate negotiators to resume efforts next year to rewrite it for the longer term. Reid hailed the agreement. "Congress now has time to get the Patriot Act right. We can mend the Patriot Act so it allows us to fight the terrorists and protect the Constitution." 222222222222222 77777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************* | |
112105-5587 |
Press Release of Senator Ensign ENSIGN, REID ANNOUNCE $103.5 MILLION IN MILITARY FUNDING FOR NEVADA Friday, November 18, 2005 Washington, D.C. Senators John Ensign and Harry Reid announced today that more than $103.5 million in military projects for Nevada has been approved as part of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Appropriations Act for 2006, which was passed by the Senate today.*1 The projects weve secured represent the top priorities for our military leaders in Nevada, Ensign said. The role our military in Nevada plays in the defense of our nation is a continuing source of pride, and Im very pleased to have helped secure the funding to make our armed forces as prepared and effective as possible. "This funding will help us keep America safe, and will help keep Nevada's military facilities strong," said Reid. "It will go toward state of the art weapons and equipment, a new intelligence facility that will help our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan do their jobs and a new fire station for Nellis Air Force Base." The military construction bill secures funding for operation, maintenance and training related to the Predator unmanned aircraft in Indian Springs, a facility and weapons for the F/A 22 fighter jets at Nellis Air Force Base, and a National Guard facility at Reno/Tahoe International Airport to examine and interpret intelligence gathered by the Predator aircraft.*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Office of U. S. Senator John Ensign. 'A Press Release of Senator John Ensign,' " A search of 'u s senator john ensign' on the Google.com," (November 21, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 55555555555555 888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
110105-5278 |
Press Release of Senator Ensign ENSIGN RESEARCHING ALITO, CALLS FOR DIGNIFIED CONFIRMATION PROCESS Monday, October 31, 2005 Washington, D.C. ? Senator John Ensign released the following statement this morning in reaction to President Bush?s nomination of Judge Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court of the United States: ?I look forward to learning more about Judge Alito?s stance on the role of the Supreme Court and how the Constitution should be interpreted. This is one of the most important and solemn votes a senator can make, and I intend to learn as much as I can about Judge Alito before deciding which way to vote. I hope my senate colleagues will join me in calling for a fair and dignified confirmation process.? --Senator John Ensign 2222222222222222 777777777777777777777777777 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ************************************************** | |
102705-1287 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal: Oct. 27, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Poll shows Ensign leading Democrat big in 2006 Senate race By ED VOGEL ? 2005 REVIEW-JOURNAL [[[John Ensign Republican senator enjoys support among several groups]]] [[[Jack Carter Democrat hurt by lack of name recognition]]] CARSON CITY -- U.S. Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., would clobber probable Democrat challenger Jack Carter by more than a 2-to-1 margin if their race were held now, according to a poll commissioned by the Review-Journal. The telephone poll of 625 residents conducted Friday through Monday found Ensign had the support of 59 percent of the respondents, compared with 25 percent for Carter and the remaining 16 percent undecided. "Nevada was never Carter country back in the 1970s, and I just don't think Jack Carter has much of a chance, although you never completely dismiss anyone," said Brad Coker, managing partner of Mason-Dixon Polling & Research, which conducted the poll. "Absent any fiasco by Ensign, Carter is going to have a tough time." The election will not be until Nov. 7, 2006. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points. Ensign wins by more than 2-to-1 margins among women, men, Republicans, independents, Clark and Washoe county and rural residents, according to the poll. He would lose among Democrats but still draw 33 percent of their votes, compared with 46 percent for Carter. "That's cool," Carter said about the numbers. "That will be the baseline from which I will compare my campaign in coming months if I run." Carter, who has lived in Las Vegas since 2003, is the son of former President Carter. His father lost presidential races in Nevada in 1976 and 1980. Jack Carter operates Carter Global, an investment company. He has said he will announce formally whether he will run for Ensign's seat in the next two months. Hurting his campaign is his lack of name recognition. Sixty-one percent of the people polled said they did not recognize his name, compared with 6 percent for Ensign. Ensign will not comment on the poll results or Carter because the Democrat is not yet a candidate, said Jack Finn, the senator's spokesman in Washington. "We don't know much about the guy," Finn said. "The senator won't comment on someone who isn't an announced candidate." 22222222222222 88888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
102105-1187 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Oct. 21, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Senate committee approves nomination of Sandoval STEPHENS WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON -- By a unanimous voice vote and without discussion, the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday approved the nomination of Nevada Attorney General Brian Sandoval to become a federal judge in Nevada. The vote on Sandoval included a group of four other non-controversial judicial nominees. The committee's approval sends Sandoval's nomination to the Senate floor for the last step in the confirmation process. The Senate is expected to clear Sandoval's nomination within weeks. "We're not going to comment out of respect for the Senate confirmation process," Sandoval spokeswoman Nicole Moon said after Thursday's vote. As a federal judge, Sandoval would be paid $162,100 per year for a lifetime appointment. As Nevada attorney general, Sandoval receives $110,000 per year. Sandoval, 42, sailed through his confirmation hearing on Sept. 29. If confirmed, he would succeed U.S. District Judge Howard McKibben of Reno, who assumed senior status in April. President Bush nominated Sandoval in March. 1111111111111 888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************** | |
102005-2787 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Oct. 20, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Supreme Court property ruling spurs Ensign Bill threatens loss of federal funds, tax breaks By SAMANTHA YOUNG STEPHENS WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON -- Sen. John Ensign introduced legislation Wednesday that would withhold financial benefits from governments that take private land from unwilling sellers for economic redevelopment. The Nevada Republican has joined several lawmakers who have offered legislation to counter a June 23 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court that expanded government powers of eminent domain. Advertisement "It is a fundamental right of American homeowners to have their property protected from government seizure," Ensign said in a statement. "Despite what the Supreme Court says, we cannot allow a government entity to decide that an individual should lose his or her home so that a city can make money." In the case, Kelo v. the City of New London, Conn., the Supreme Court ruled that a city could seize private property for the purpose of increasing the city's tax revenue. Governments have used the power of eminent domain -- the taking of private property for just compensation -- for public-use projects such as schools, roads, hospitals and libraries. The court decided that economic redevelopment projects such as casinos, condominiums and other business ventures qualify as public good. The ruling was a victory for communities that are home to blighted neighborhoods but a setback for property rights advocates. The company at the center of the Kelo case, the New London Development Corp., had received $4 million in grants from Congress, according to Ensign's bill. His measure would ban federal money in such cases. "Sadly, it was Congress that made it financially possible for a city government to take a family's home in Connecticut," Ensign said. "This has to change." Ensign's bill would deny tax benefits to private corporations that acquire such condemned property. Also Wednesday, the Senate approved an amendment to restrict federal money from being used on private eminent-domain projects. Sen. Christopher "Kit" Bond, R-Mo., introduced the amendment as a tool to prevent private developers from forcing residents from their homes. Bond's measure would prohibit federal transportation, housing and treasury department money from being used to support any private project seeking to seize private property through eminent domain. In a statement, Bond cited the attempted acquisition of private property in Sunset Hills, Mo., by Novus Development Co. The stalled plan to build a shopping center and office complex in what is now a residential area would not be affected by the bill because the company is using local money for the project, Novus president Jonathan Browne said. Bond's amendment would require the Government Accountability Office and state and local groups to conduct a study on the nationwide use of eminent domain. Knight Ridder Newspapers contributed to this report. 22222222222222222 8888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
101205-7686 |
REID, ENSIGN - STATEMENT ON YUCCA IG REPORT Thursday, October 6, 2005 Washington D.C. -- Senators Harry Reid (D-NV) and John Ensign (R-NV) said they were angry, but not surprised, by a new report showing mismanagement on the Yucca Mountain Project.*1 The Inspector Generals report found that the Department of Energy (DOE) repeatedly gave bonuses to Bechtel Corporation in spite of poor work performance. The report says DOEs Office of Civilian Radioactive Waste Management paid Bechtel $4 million in incentive-based fees even though Bechtel did not meet contract specifications. Unfortunately, this is not an isolated incident. Its just one more in a long string of examples of incompetence and sloppiness at Yucca Mountain, said Reid. Weve seen the DOE cut corners on vital scientific experiments, compromise safety, punish whistleblowers, and spend far beyond their budget. This is not sound science and its not sound business, but it is more proof that the proposed Yucca Mountain nuclear dump needs to be stopped. This demonstrates once again that the DOE is forging ahead with Yucca Mountain despite unanswered safety concerns and huge cost overruns, Ensign said. The government should never be in the business of paying top dollar for shoddy work, and Americans should be outraged by this continued arrogance and waste of their money.*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Ensign, John. 'A Press Release of John Ensign,' " A search of 'u s senator john ensign' on the Google.com," (October 12, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 55555555555555 88888888888888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ************************************************** | |
1003-5-8687 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Oct. 03, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: ......... By ERIN NEFF REVIEW-JOURNAL ........................................ Ensign's hair, tan pleases fan Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., drew some flattering -- if somewhat embarrassing -- attention last week. On a recent flight from Las Vegas to Washington, the 47-year-old senator unknowingly obtained a secret admirer -- a Democrat no less. "His hair looked great. He has the BEST hair," the 32-year-old female consultant gushed to the "Heard on the Hill" gossip column in the Capitol Hill newspaper Roll Call. "And he has the best tan," she swooned. "I've always thought so." For obvious reasons, the woman asked the Roll Call columnist not to use her name. "He's very attractive," she continued. "He looked really good when he got off the plane, and it's a long ride from Las Vegas. A four-hour ride and he barely looked rumpled." The woman did not stop until she announced she was nominating Ensign for a "best hair and best tan award." That prompted Heard on the Hill to establish impromptu contests for "Best Hair" and "Best Tan" on Capitol Hill. On Thursday, Ensign blushed when Sen. Harry Reid teased him by reading the item for dozens of visiting Nevadans at a breakfast event. This attention, of course, is nothing new for Ensign. In 1997, he was "Mr. April" in a "Hunks of the House" pinup calendar printed by female lawmakers. Stephens Washington Bureau writer Tony Batt contributed to this report. Contact political reporter Erin Neff at 387-2906 or ENeff@reviewjournal.com. 888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
092905-3167 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Sep. 29, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Ensign says National Guard will aid animal rescue crews By SAMANTHA YOUNG STEPHENS WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON -- The National Guard will begin escorting animal rescue crews into abandoned homes to retrieve pets left behind by people who evacuated from Gulf Coast hurricanes, Sen. John Ensign said Wednesday after returning from the region. The Nevada Republican, a licensed veterinarian, said he secured the arrangement while visiting Louisiana and meeting with rescue leaders. Advertisement Coast Guard Vice Admiral Thad Allen, head of the hurricane recovery efforts, plans to name a point person this week to coordinate animal rescue efforts, Ensign said. "There has not been somebody to coordinate the effort to go in and get the animals," he said. Ensign met with Allen and also toured an emergency animal shelter set up by Louisiana State University. Animal welfare groups estimate thousands of pets remain locked in homes. At least 3,500 pet owners have asked for help finding their animals, Ensign said. In many cases, Louisianans refused to heed evacuation orders because pets were not allowed in shelters. Ensign said local and federal governments should change their policy to prevent widespread disease among animals left behind. "While I think the animals are important, there's a public health concern as well," Ensign said. Aside from animal care efforts, Ensign toured parts of Louisiana on a Cessna plane owned by the state of Louisiana. He flew over coastal towns demolished by hurricanes Katrina and Rita. "There was one little beach town and all that was left were concrete pads," Ensign said. After meeting with disaster response personnel whom he declined to identify citing privacy reasons, the Nevadan said many workers are concerned about how the Federal Emergency Management Agency is spending money. Ensign said he learned that "there's a huge amount of money and very little accounting." He plans to raise the issue at Senate hearings. Ensign said he chartered a corporate jet to fly him and several members of his staff to New Orleans. He said he paid for the trip from his congressional account because Senate rules prevented him from accepting a free flight. Ensign's staff did not immediately respond to queries about the cost of the trip and the identity of the jet's owner. 11111111111111 66666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
091905-6878 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal: Monday, September 19, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal POLITICAL NOTEBOOK: Ensign makes New Orleans latest pet project Nevada senator hoping to use his political and veterinary skills to call attention to plight of animals in wake of Hurricane Katrina By ERIN NEFF REVIEW-JOURNAL [[[Sen. John Ensign, R-Nev., shown at a June appearance for Big Brothers and Big Sisters, hopes to travel to the Gulf Coast region. Last week, Ensign and fellow GOP Sen. Rick Santorum wrote to President Bush urging a coordinated rescue of pets abandoned in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO]]] With attorneys making up more than half of its membership, the U.S. Senate might learn a thing or two from Nevada's citizen lawmaker. The Silver State's junior senator, John Ensign, plans a side trip to Louisiana wearing his other hat -- Dr. Ensign, the veterinarian. Last week, Ensign and fellow GOP Sen. Rick Santorum wrote to President Bush urging an immediate and coordinated rescue of pets abandoned in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Ensign's plans are to visit the region to call attention to the plight of the pets. The trip could kick off as early as today, but logistical concerns were expected to delay it a while. Ensign's staff said the senator very much wants to visit. Ensign opened the first 24 hour vet clinic in Las Vegas before he was elected to Congress and has led the way in the Senate to call attention to animal welfare issues. He led the way to ban cockfighting and this week plans to introduce an amendment to ban the slaughter of horses for food. Michael Markarian, executive vice president of the Humane Society of the United States, said there's been support from individual troops in the National Guard and Coast Guard and from other responding agencies. He said though his group and others, like the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, are on the ground in the gulf region going door to door, the effort needs national coordination. "We know that his presence there as a veterinarian and a legislative leader will send a strong message," Markarian said. "He's a compassionate person. He cares about animal welfare, and he has been a leader on those issues in the Senate." ............................. 6666666666666 5555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
090705-7665 |
Press Release of Senator Ensign U. S. Senator John ENSIGN REACTS TO REHNQUIST DEATH*1 Sunday, September 4, 2005 Washington, D.C. Senator John Ensign issued this statement following the death of U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist: I extend my deepest condolences to the Chief Justices three children, the rest of his family, his friends and his colleagues. His passing is a loss for the United States and our judicial system. Chief Justice Rehnquist served this country with deep respect for our Constitution and with great devotion to the principles upon which our nation was built. His judiciousness and leadership will forever be part of his legacy.*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Ensign, John. 'A Press Release of John Ensign,' " A search of 'u s senator john ensign' on the Google.com," (September 7, 2005), Mountainview, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 6666666666666666 33333333333333333333333333333 555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ****************************************************** | |
082605-6768 |
Press Release of Senator Ensign U. S. Senator John ENSIGN PLEASED WITH BRAC VOTE ON HAWTHORNE*1 Wednesday, August 24, 2005 Las Vegas, NV Senator John Ensign made this statement following todays vote by the BRAC Commission to keep the Hawthorne Army Depot open. A series of votes over the next several days will determine the Commission's final recommendations to the President which will be submitted by September 8: I am extremely pleased that the BRAC Commission has voted unanimously to keep the Hawthorne Army Depot open. Throughout the process we highlighted what we saw as clear errors used by the Secretary when he recommended closing the depot. Hawthorne is the largest, most diverse and most environmentally compliant conventional demilitarization facility in the Department of Defense depot system, and our nation will benefit greatly from its continued contributions to the military. Today is a great day for the people of Hawthorne and Nevada.*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Ensign, John. 'A Press Release of John Ensign,' " A search of 'u s senator john ensign' on the Google.com," (August 26, 2005), Mountainview, California: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 6666666666666 88888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
081705-6187 |
Press Release of Senator Ensign ENSIGN CONGRATULATES DISCOVERY CREW ON SUCCESSFUL MISSION Tuesday, August 9, 2005 Washington, D.C. ? Senator John Ensign released the following statement after the space shuttle Discovery landed in California early this morning: ?Any trip to space is an achievement to be proud of, and I join with my fellow Americans in congratulating the Discovery crew on the completion of a successful mission. The bravery and talent possessed by these men and women is to be commended.?*1 --Senator John Ensign --------------------------------------------- Reference *1. Ensign, John. 'A Press Release of John Ensign,' " A search of 'u s senator john ensign' on the Google.com," (August 17,2005), Google.com. 666666666666666 8888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
081105-6787 |
*****Press Release of U. S. Senator John Ensign ENSIGN: INCLINE LAKE ON FAST TRACK TO APPROVAL Wednesday, August 10, 2005 Reno, NVSenator John Ensign announced today that the public acquisition of Incline Lake will be completed within one year, providing visitors with access to the 777-acre property and its trails, swimming, fishing, hiking, camping and picnicking. Ensign made the announcement during a tour of the property. The Incline Lake property is truly spectacular, Ensign said. By purchasing this beautiful site, we are giving future generations of Nevadans the opportunity to share in what has been a private oasis for more than 60 years. I have secured a commitment from the U.S. Forest Service that they will start laying the groundwork for this purchase immediately, allowing us to add this property to northern Nevadas must-visit list much faster than usual. The Incline Lake property was included on the most recent list of proposed public acquisitions under the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1998 (SNPLMA), legislation which Ensign authored. SNPLMA required that a disposal boundary be drawn around the Las Vegas valley and that the disposable land be auctioned to the highest bidder. The proceeds of those land auctions, which have generated more than $2 billion, go into a fund to acquire environmentally sensitive land in Nevada and for the states general education fund. Two years ago, Ensign authored a law setting aside $300 million of SNPLMA proceeds to fully fund the federal commitment of the Lake Tahoe Restoration Act. These funds are being used for environmental projects to help reverse the decline of Lake Tahoe's famous clarity. President Bush signed the legislation into law on November 11, 2003. We must work today to ensure that Lake Tahoe and the surrounding areas are here for future generations, Ensign said. The Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act has been extremely beneficial in furthering our shared goal of protecting Lake Tahoe. Im proud of the work we have done and the work that will be done in the coming years. 6666666666666666 333333333333333333333333333 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
080805-8687 |
U. S. Senator John Ensign unveils the Broadband Consumer Choice Act of 2005 at a Capitol Hill press conference. The bill will improve consumer access to communication technology by updating the nation?s telecommunications laws. [Photo Album ->]*1--------------------------------------------- Reference *1. Ensign, John. 'A profile of John Ensign,' " A search of 'u s seantor john ensign' on the Google.com," (August 8, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. 66666666666666 888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
072805-6787 |
The following Press Release has been received through the search of "u s senator john ensign" from the Google.com on July 28, 2005:Press Release of Senator Ensign ENSIGN PRAISES SHUTTLE CREW AFTER SUCCESSFUL LAUNCH Tuesday, July 26, 2005 Washington, D.C. ? Senator John Ensign today made the following statement after the launch of the space shuttle Discovery in Cape Canaveral, Florida: ?The seven astronauts aboard Discovery are in my thoughts and prayers as they take part in the first trip to space in two and a half years. While space travel is one of the greatest advancements in technology, it is also one of the most dangerous. The Discovery astronauts are brave men and women, and their commitment to the advancement of the U.S. space program is to be commended. ? 666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
070405-6887 |
HIGH TECH TASK FORCE APPLAUDS CAFTA PASSAGE*1 Friday, July 1, 2005 Washington, D.C. Chairman John Ensign and members of the Senate Republican High Tech Task Force (HTTF) are applauding passage of the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), which was a top HTTF priority. More than anything, passage of CAFTA is a victory for the American economy, Ensign said. Im very proud of the job the High Tech Task Force did in spreading the word about CAFTAs benefits. The High Tech Task Force circulated a Dear Colleague letter touting the benefits of CAFTA and outlining the ways the trade agreement would boost the economy, particularly in the tech industry. Support of CAFTA is the latest successful Republican effort to stimulate and diversify Americas economy. In terms of our advocacy of enhanced international trade, CAFTA is an example of how the task force can take an effective leadership role and achieve results for the good of the tech industry, the economy and entrepreneurs everywhere, Ensign said. Among the benefits of CAFTA being cheered by the High Tech Task Force are the removal of tariffs on tech products, the strengthening of intellectual property laws and the reforming of legal requirements relating to distribution agreements.*2 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Google.com. 'A Press Release of U. S. Senator John Ensign,' "A search of 'john ensign' on the Google.com," (June 4, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *2. Ibid. 666666666666666 8888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************* | |
062205-2187 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Wednesday, June 22, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Ensign cuts deal to get leadership post if he wins re-election By TONY BATT STEPHENS WASHINGTON BUREAU WASHINGTON -- If Sen. John Ensign wins re-election to a second term next year, Nevada is likely to become the only state with senators holding leadership posts in both parties. Ensign said Tuesday he has cut a deal that would clear the way for him to become vice chairman of the Republican conference, the fifth-ranking GOP leader in the Senate. The move could increase Nevada's clout in the Senate, where Sen. Harry Reid is already the Democratic leader. Ensign would become a member of the Republican management team, but he said he does not think that would make it more difficult for him to work with Reid. "We have certain confidences that we don't violate," Ensign said. The changes would take place at the start of the 110th Congress, which begins in January 2007. Ensign faces re-election in 2006. As recently as last week, Ensign had been campaigning for an even higher leadership position among Republicans. But he backed off when the more senior Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas announced Friday she would not run for governor in her home state next year. Hutchison's decision made her the favorite to head the Republican policy committee, the fourth-ranking slot that Ensign had been eyeing. "I had actually talked to Kay last year about my plans to run (for policy chairman) only because she had decided to run for governor," Ensign said. When Hutchison reversed course, so did Ensign. Ensign said he entered into separate negotiations Monday and Tuesday with Hutchison and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., the current policy chairman, who wants to move up to the number three slot of conference chairman. "I wanted to avoid a leadership fight," Ensign said. Currently, Hutchison is GOP conference vice chairwoman but cannot continue in that post because of term limits. Under the agreement, Ensign will run to succeed Hutchison as conference chair. Hutchison will seek to succeed Kyl as policy chair. "The bottom line is, I want to be in leadership to shape the direction our policy is going," Ensign said. 2222222222222 8888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
060105-7887 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Jun. 01, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal MGM Mirage's project in Macau under way By HOWARD STUTZ GAMING WIRE MGM Mirage became the third Las Vegas-based casino operator to begin construction of a gambling complex in Macau when the company broke ground today on a 600-room hotel-casino in the Chinese gaming enclave. "Macau may be a small place, but it always thinks big," Terry Lanni, chairman and CEO of MGM Mirage, said Tuesday. "This is a fascinating part of the world, and we're very happy we are entering this dynamic new market and playing a role in this, yet another turning point in Macau's rich history. " Advertisement The $975 million MGM Grand Macau will be located on a waterfront site, which the company has called as the city-state's future casino Strip. The groundbreaking took place around 8 p.m. Tuesday, Las Vegas time, which was 1 p.m. Wednesday in China. The MGM Mirage property is near the Lisboa hotel-casino and an under construction gambling house being built by Wynn Resorts Ltd. MGM Grand Macau will be jointly owned and operated by MGM Mirage and Chinese businesswoman Pansy Ho Chiu-king. In April, MGM Mirage said the joint venture partnership had been granted a subconcession by the government of Macau that allowed development and operation of a hotel and casino complex. The resort will include several restaurants and entertainment facilities and a casino with space for 300 table games and 1,000 slot machines. In addition to MGM Mirage and Wynn Resorts, Las Vegas Sands Corp., operates the Sands Macau. The company plans to expand the property and plans to develop the Macau Venetian casino and six hotel properties on the nearby Cotai Strip area that will also include casinos. Shares of MGM Mirage closed Tuesday at $38.09, up $1.59 or 4.36 percent. 666666666666666 666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | | Go To Page: [1] 2 [3] | |