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Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas wbti |
ij? wbti | |
Good morning dear Readers. This is Tuesday, March 18, 2014! |
 LVRJ/wbti |
LVRJ/wbti: ۲??У? - JCUAALV! judiroc@aol.com To:squechen@hotmail.com,Eutichia@hotmail.com,s4wong@yahoo.com ... Mar 17 at 11:10 PM Hello, David and Anny... There are quite appreciated voices coming from our group for today's Luncheon you provided for everyone today. It made us feel home and cared like one family again, It is just so sweet that we want to come back to you at least once a year every year..... how about that? Let's vote for this agreement, gangs!! PS. News: Do you know Sue Chen has a Domestic Farm in her large back yard, Her chicken farm has no DNA changed, the gol...eggs she bring to you will give ever long life, Call her for more secrete. 3.17.14 jcuaalv.bmp | |
Good morning dear Readers. This is March 11, 2014! |
(I)Open the section of 'Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas' on WBTI Nevada website {http: communitylink.com/reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti} Please take a view at 061912-1547 on its page [1]...Thank you! (II)LVRJ/wbti: Images for Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas +++{{{JCUAALV LUNCH INVITATION}}}+++ LVRJ/wbti: ̴ҪмÿһλУ???! *****L Ӽx!! Ȳ!!! ʮһ?w?gһ!!!!! ?֪ϲ?V ʳ? ?֮? ˴?У?ͬ?W?? ?Ǵ?ԺУͬ?W?? Ⱦһ?? JCUAALV LUNCH INVITATION TIME: MARCH 17, 2014 1:00 pm PLACE: 6441 DIAMOND POINT CT. LAS VEGAS, NV 89084 702-878-8808 *****DAVID CHENG | |
041313-2000 |
LVRJ/wbti: Fwd-- Jcuaalv Meeting 2013 Agenda (Press Release JCUAALV meeting 3/16)From Grace Wang To pengchp@ uihappy@ adam_chang@ lily.gendall@ yi._dream@ graceto820@ Nan Steve eutichia@ shaomao77@ aliciagolshan@ grace.art@ Cheng Amy tojulei2@ Chang Judy Real Estate Judi Rock Las Vegas lenwei@ Las Vegas Tea Lovers at krstal0825@ Dear all, ллǰ_ᡣ ϵGeorge ĸՈJ Ȼ࣡ ӆÿµĻȷٻ֪ͨԱҿȰӱxSμӡ ǰһϵijTᣬoԒ磬ڻɼŌW@W·l_ĕr MɲþW·7/24ՈλҲظ߉Чʣʡrg ǁ}ܺõČW ĸ ǴУѻȥɹĻ mȥԾ`Zþٰ졣5/12/2013 ŮĽеĸף̸ĸףՈh ˔max 10 λ μ߸\ uRaffle ticket Ҷ룬ѵĚxdmarket business Ոκϵմ_㘯 pls cfm with me via email. ĿKrystal 裨line dance ) 衣 }ˣ judy/Mary /Steve ʦϳ xHʂ Tx κՈSrӑՓ Grace ҵ iPad Grace Wang *****תʼ : Tea Lovers at Las Vegas : 2013316 GMT-070017ʱ4216 ռ: Grace Wang : ظ Jcuaalv Meeting 2013 Agenda (Press Release JCUAALV meeting 3/16) (ӛðloУѕֲ) -- George ------------------------------------ From: lasvegastea@live.com To: gw2090@gmail.com Subject: RE: Jcuaalv Meeting 2013 Agenda (Press Release JCUAALV meeting 3/16) Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2013 17:08:28 -0700 ˹S˹AýwMoһtՈlxx! S˹ЇУѕ (JCUAALV) ʮһr٬FΕL GRACE WANG exK_hҎ2013ӡϯxSsLء һLײʿڶLALκؕtjM GRACE TOļM ɯǰLǰLwDAVIDȡϯߎ ֺòˡcġˮһýxǢ졣ЁKгÿ»Ӌs º⡸Ұ⽼ȥµČĸHӋ`ZÈغkČĸH pL녿ԡՄfءՈʿՄͥo ̫kӾ߅Ɍxt߄xʮ »Ikf`yʮһ¡ж۲͡ʮ¡ֲx ӡĕrAMY(Sxws塣δȫw^Ŀġ) George ɳĮȪ Las Vegas Tea Club : http://GeorgeJaw.shutterfly.com The above article has been shown on Las Vegas Chinese News Network! Wվ : http://www.lvcnn.com -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
080712-0817 |
 size:9.12 M |
The 2009-2012 artwork of NCHU Electrical Engineering Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
080312-0707 |
In the morning on August 3, 2012: For a search of "Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas" by Google.com!Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. of LV - COMMUNITY LINK communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge... - Translate this page Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas wbti ...... 'Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071512-2107 |
Good picture (6) of artwork fwd from Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti------------------------------------------- We can find Good pictures (1) & (2) for a search of "PPAA Forum 21 wbti" by Google.com! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071512-2057 |
Good pictures (5) fwd from Professor & Dean Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
070312-0737 |
LVRJ/wbti: ͬ۰! һ˼¼ 1У1928ͥũͥƶ࣬ũΪ׳⣬ľᣬֵĸСʱ˽Ӷ꣬12ʱȥСѧԺϳкУѧϰŬɼܺãÿ궼ɻѧ𣬸бҵʱȫ߿ͳһ1952꿼뽭ҽѧԺɹѹѧϰѧϵãֻμӸѧϯ 1957ҵУڽҽԺƹ1969·ʯǣ1973ݵҽԺݡ ɽ·ʯʱչȲˣΣزѪܳԿ࣬磬ϲƶũύ͵صȺڸܺã˲ٺѣһҽʯǺһ330Сٲ˵ʹࡣȥμʡӣ۶չѪ没Ƣг130óɹȲٲõʡı1973ݵҽԺƣΣչ˸ƳѧҽѧԺأһѧμӻʡһм֢飬ˡݿҺƷרⱨ棬ڽʡѧѧ棬õߵĺǽʡƵĴʼ֮һҪijɹŵУ 1.Լѧгɾ͡дˡʮָƷл־ݿҺƷʮרСᣬڸʡϪس棬УʳܰŧءƵ20ƪ·ȫء־ 2.ϸ£ȳɹʸߡλʳܰгǺȫгȡμϺרɵȫʡС飬ͬʱݿˡˮƽ⡢ˡءŧءķθյȼж֮ 3ĽѧѧҪϣ˲ϲڽʶ̿ѧͽμѧϰིΣרѧϰ࣬ΪԶɽѵƹǸɣΪɽһ˲š 4飬˵ijɳ˿ò,ѧѧϲǽѵѧ,رԼͥ,ĸӹذ,,ҹ,ϵ,ǣЩгԷ,̸ύ˺ܶ,ѧѣ,ЩѾɳ˻Ƿ,ǵĽ̻壬æ, 5أڼԼöǸ˳ԣƷãӲ·˵к·ЬĻ,ǶϱġһǮ 6ļǿϲҵãã·ȡϼҾˣ⣬ҪдԷϼҵһжܹġ 7ҽ¸Уˣҽϵܺþ£ һ1958ڽҽѧԺԺյҽһ࣬һλ18ԽԱФXXѪ֧ţҶζгδ£Ϊ˻ָܺą̃߷dzмҽĹIJΪ˲ԴʮԶļ䣬绰ҽϵʺůҽ뿪ϲʮ꣬Ҳݶ꣬ӵϺϣҽε绰ҽȥϺͣ2010ר̵ݷλҽ 1959ҽϲԺһζѬIJˣ߹ߵ˶ΪĶζģһβŧ˾Ⱦĸߣ20ĻΪ˲dzʹ࣬ܣĴҽܾܾɱαȡҽˣͬ飬еӦΪ˻߽ʹ࣬ϸӣһѶȣʾϼסԺΪҩΪ˸סԺܻȬָܻʮָмҽľ֮ʮҽ꣬绰ʺ 1970ҽμҽƶζӳ۶ΪѪ没ʹIJ˾Σҽƶûʲôҽ豸£130ƢгûѪԴҽƶԱףûֵͲ棬һªľɷ䣬ûֻɴѪѲȲ˵ԸǵĿںǡһΪˣһΪˡѹһСһԬXXƢгιܲ Ѫϰ˿ѪֹһͰͰѪҺϧûΪ֮գѪҹػߣʹ߳ѪַֹԳ裬ҽ뾡취ģյʹ֮⣬ܵȣѲȹ˵¼ж۶ĸɲȺڣҲʡڡ㲥̨Ϊ֮㲥Ҫǽ¼ҽǵһỤʿҽƶӾ˵ķҽƶҪ뿪ʱȺڸָߺëϯ꣡ҽƶӺãdzĻ͡ ġ1986ȫһᣨ25꣩ĻXѪֱƲܸΣ֧ӰȷΪ֧ţӦƣҽ˵ܸΣзգDzҽȰ˵ƣָܺãɼңСûҽľ֮飬绰ʺһ˶ڹ꣨ũҰģҽʾм֮ģҽijȥֻðŵŵĺǶֻڹȴ뿪ͣתͷƺʾǵ֮顣25ĽX26Ķҽ˵çߣɱáкõģһֻҰëdzƯں̽ëгһ۾ϣɰɱأX֮ҪҽĶ飬Ұ˶ãҽɱҲᱻɱģǾڵŵɽϷŵиеοȳ˸ζҽô꣬ҽһôߵְҵ˶塣 塢ôһࡢ۵ҽʦ˸м80һ죬һԺְСͻȻ̺Ƕڸףʹ̣ȫðijҽǣСҵҽʦ֮æ䲻ҽԥˮɴʪȷʹ̺Сءϸĵְлȥʹ֮ԭʹ࣬Ǹм֣ͣ̾ҽãҽԼǰסԺС֪ˮȥ̽˵Զҽ㣬̫ûˡ 90һ죬ҽصϼһ˼ⲻdzʹ࣬ϴعܶ岻ȥΪ˽˵ʹ࣬vָӸŰʯķһһڳһˣʹˣ߹лλҽ ߡ3ǰҽֻϼңһǻҺĻߣѲܶũҽȥҽԺǮֻڼҼ尾˵ҽˣмȥ취ΣΪߵIJʹ·ȥ50뼰ƷڼһͲһͲΪˮ1000߸еˣʹԼᣬȻȰ䵽ҽԺơ ˡ80һŧصвˣԼ30꣬ȡʹ١ƶѪҽÿĵΪŧҺ˶Żvۣŧ߸ˣݣƶѪףʱûѪףֻȰ˶Լÿ5-6ҽľ£ȬˣԺʱм˵ңڲͬ־Ϊֲv۵ľж šXһϸɲҲݸɲ1978Ԫ1գͻȻθгһܴŻѪʱסݿˣѪѹ7060ͺΣգȳѪ⣬ҪҪֹѪݲǺϿڴѪʱԭҽԸߵλ쵼ҪʾⲻҪǸ𣬺ҽʦֵҽпȷϵʮָǺϿڴѪֹѪټѪҺֹѪȴʩߵþˣܸм˵ϰȥ꣬ˣǶڶСô죿ܿ˺߿ܺãڰʮˣÿӹҪǣǽꡣ £ 1ʳʮָҺ л־1966꣬6386. 2ʯرΪرڽ˶ л־19639398. 3ѪñѪ йҽѧ1984510ıΪģ 4زʹȷǻ̲λ ҽҩ1984;6;16 5ŧ83ٴ ҽҩ1985;6:12. 6ݿҺƷй() ҽҩ1985;3;29. 7 ҽҩ1980;3;29. 8ʳܰŰ212ٴ 1986꽭ػ. 9ԷθյĽչ, 10ˮƽй,Ƶ, ڸҽѧϻ.30ƪ. 2¼ Ů193311³ڸʡأ˽ӣ״½...ǰϦµʦ˹ϸ·¹źѧṤźϸУҵʱֵȫͳһ߿Աȫҵȥɹ͵ݿԣϴѧöǹҸ𣬿ɽҽѧԺѧϰã1955ΪȫУáѧ1957ҵУɽʡҽԺ1958μӳҽƶӣ1959ҽѧԺڶҽԺڿƹ1969ɽμѲhҽƶӣ·ʯ 1973ݵҽԺ19913ݡһڷŬսҽսϣΪ˹ȻûʲôɼҸ˲ΪȽţ1983Ϊȫ˺֡ΪݵҽԺԺʡίԱʡѪѧίԱڿѪרҵд50ƪȫʡ־ΪݵʮɽչѪѹղΣȫѪ־չ˸ǧСѧѪܲ飬д鱨淢ݺ2004꣬2006ֱдˡ곣ķ뱣͡ʧΡ飬ڽʡƼ档2009д꡶һ飬ܵѵĻӭõпЭ һڷܺѧҵǿԾΪأԸºͣͣϽģֱΪȣд顢ѧѧʮ壬ѧӰȤ÷ḻ Ҫ£ 1ݵ4784СѧѪܲ鱨 лѪܲ־198715ڶ116ҳ 2ѧӰಡ ҽҩ1983629ҳ 3˷IJ棩 мҽ19882311ҳ 1997ҽѧĽ 4İIJתϵ̽ йѭ־1989ľ ڶ163ҳ 5İһ йѭ־ľڶ188ҳ 6ͼļ ϿƼ198644ҳ 7ݵ26645ٿְѪѹ鱨 ҽҩ1981һڵһҳ 8IJͣȳɹ ҽҩ1982һ21ҳ 9Դ ҽҩ1982ڶ78ҳ 10СȢȷҴͰ鰢ۺ֢棩 μȫڿΣز֢Ͻ1992ࡣʮƪ Ͳ˽£ 1ɽ磬·ʯʱ 1969궬ʯǺὭԺһλ30лߣҽ˵ҵŲǰҵͷƤ¯Ϳֹ֮Ѫҽôһ̵ߣ뵽˷Ŀܣ ûп˷综ߣ ʦʱ˵˷˿ھģȰҪסԺ۲죬˷磬صģʱҽΪҽסԺȥջˣˣȫſһ鴤ʱ߸еŮҽúȷֻסԺʱҽܲûʲôһƾɷӴɨòϯڸDZܹ⣬ݼû˷翹أûʲôҩΨһʹҩ³ǺͶ飬ֻüҺ³ǺͶע䣬ʹǻ߲ſڽʳҽóϸĵι֮ԼļϼţҲΪ֮ιιˮҽľƺָˣܺȫȬҽڶdzлطرлλŵľչˣԺÿ괺ʮɽ·ȥŰ꣬Ӵǽ˲ԵȥҲ䣬ڳõѣרݿλҽIJҽҡ 1969괺һŮһСк˵:ҵСɫܻ,û,۾,ҿ⺢ӺƶѪ, ,dz,ʲôԭ?Ƿгʲ϶,˵,뵽϶ѪƶѪ,ʱҪķѪ,Ѫ?ô?Һԥ룺Ϊ˺ӵ,ҵѪ!ǡO,Լ100ml,С۾,,˵ҵĺӰ!ҽƶ,״! Ѫܶ ǵְ,Ӧ÷λ.ʱ һΪˡ 1993ijҽԺһλʮĹ¹ˣͻȻεͷƤƣ鴤ǹIJʧ---ŤתĶ٣ͣĵͼټҽûмֲҲᴦֲԣĵ¾أҪСʱûҪϸĵĵڣʹά60ңڣȫԺˣӦðװģסԺĹ¹ˣûǮװֻܱҩƣһµԺת654-2Ƭȱҩʿά50-60Σٷ˹һȥԺļкã ܶĶٵĻ,һ40Ů,ҲҽԱ,Ķ,ʼЩԿ,ʱ,ҩЧ,Ҫúܶ취ͷ,ÿηҸ취,֮dz˺,ѻҩ,ƷѰʮ,ѳҽ,Ҳ˳˺. һ,30꿪ʼ,ϸһ,,,һ㴦Ч,һγʮСʱ,Ѫѹݿ,ѹȻ,һֱڴ߹۲ҩ,ߺܸм,Ժҽȥ,2006ڹƺδٷ,dz,ÿ궼Ҫ,ꡣ һʪಡļײ˥IJУ13꣬״Сɫף٣ʺܿ124/֣ǰԵ֫ףΪļײ˥ֲȽϸӡΣסԺϵͳƣʼ̫ΣȥһҽԺȥ2ֻңΪ˲˵һҪǣҪȽϳڵϵͳҩùأüؼӪļҩһµƺתԺԼѧϰͬʱҩϺܺãǺΣϵǣСᣬμ⣬ܺãԺ߿ʡƾѧҵμӹȫҶݿǡ һIJļߣŮ20꣬Ύ@ͣ-˹ʺֻ40/ңĵͼĶЪ10֮ãأļԵļײɲ룬Ҳ鷳ȰסԺϵͳƣüأƷյҩһºкת-˹ģҪðƷ65-42ӪļҩԤðÿ´Чùصȣ2ƣƽȣߺұϵ绰ָƣԺòҽѿҩǰݿҡ2008绰֪ңȥ㶫ӢѪҽԺ˹ƣкáǽ˳ꡣ 2,ڸݵҽԺʱ 119818һ23깤ˣθʱҩͻȻͣఴѹڶԿںԱȫԺȣϲŧظȾѪ֢һֹͣ20ӵĻߣȥһµʱ䣬ŰλȹҲǴ漣дı 2һļߺϲصɲ룬Ԥۺ֢ķ270Σݿ״̬ʱdz֣ܰҩһֱȽʧԤۺ֢ƳѡһֲõҩΪҩпᶡǴĸ01ˣʹλ˵þˡ߷dzм 31985һҹҽ֪̹ͨɽuȥһʡͶĴţ41ͻȻԹ㷺ǰļأ̹ɽһȫͶ»飬ڽŶһȣܹ۲ʹ֮ΣնþȡԺǽĸ飬ϲҶȥúܺãжûϵԼ̡ 4һεȥһλΣļϲȷҴʱεʺֻ30~40ΣϲȷΪļϲʧСصΣʹά60ңʹƽȣһĹ۲죬ƽȣȫָ 5һεȫȥһλ칫γijijһͼļϲβȾΣضӣϸ۲죬顢оΪļһļҩԭͬҹĹ۲ҩƽȣȳɹⲡ˼λdzм ҵĹܴܱμӸȣ֮ȳɹӰܴءɽί쵼ҿҹæףõ쵼Ⱥĺμӵٰĸ̸,ݻȣԺίΪԺأæµ,æӦҵûְȨȡһǮؿۡûһǮ¸ƽСָ·LסL˼ȵãÿ춼Ҫæ12ܾޣҹ˾ʱ£ϴ·ȣû˿Ϊܼ͡ΡŮˡҹҲҪȲˣرЩϸɲҪңʱһҪΣʱܶϸɲв仯ȡֻȶһȣϡ۲졢浽Ӳ˻ͷһЩѲˣԤۺ֢ϲĶٲԴݿˣIIIȷҴ-˹ۺ֢ʪļסض˥һһΣεIJ˶ƳɹһҪͶ;ʱƣˣȶҪֲ鷿ڡһΪ˲ˡ˼ָ£뵱ķdzĻ˽֪࣬ϵʲôϵֻ֪ҪǹáѧϰáҵҲӲأ˰ָڸֺã쵼Ⱥڵ۶ܸߣ걻ΪȽܱ1983걻Ϊȫ˺ְ֡ʱ20סԺҽʦҽʦܿϣԺֿҽʦҪӢʱҵĻܲǿʱѧģһȫԺһʱŵ»Ժ˵ʵʱúáټвٵģԺ˳ϸҽʦڵҽԺЭԺ˼ơڶƷֿչ¼糬ĶͼӰĹܼ ȡʹҽԺ ҵкܴɫ߲ƴ¥Ÿĸ↑ţﲻ٣1988ҽԺаеһ쵼վԭеԺ쵼һ칫̨ûУһȨ·ס֪ʶ߰££ֻ뿪ˡѣҳ· ǹͬսҽսϣֺ֧Ͱ 1195910µҽѧԺԺӴǶһҽԺǸƣڿƣ˴˶æڸԵĹҪ̣ΣҪٴ춼ǺæرǸ˶ÿ϶ѧϰΪ˹ãǶdzʳãСжٹܼ£ʱҪ2-3̨ΪҿϰʱʱҲչ 2ɽ·ʯʱǸǹ۲첡ˣȲʱæһѴѪݿˣЭȣҪѪ¸ҵѪ 3ڵҽԺʱҲЭ1973ǵݵҽԺΪ˱֤˳ɹȥҲȥæرѪܲIJˣڿȲǴκֹͣĻȺ,ϲҺءŧضæҩȣڹǺֵ֧ܺģҽԺȺӰҲܺá չ,ġ:DZ˴˹æͣæ£IJ˺ܺóԣǵһڶԺʱһκܺóԣϲܼһ͡ΣסȶܣСҲܵø࣬ץʱѧϰдģ־ҪȲˣԷʱ绰Ҫ϶·ȥرȥϺһ꣬СѧһжܣûʲôԹԡҹܸɲ͵ԺʱȻʱ¶ܣⷽɷġʱҸеġУÿСҪܶòˣ˼춼Բ꣬ع˴ϼҺóԵĸǣȳһĴȥΪʮ꣬ʮգϼͣھϯٵȣ˲ѣһиˡʹ˯ܵȥгһļ̌һСʱоȥһλŽС㣬Щָеǡİ,ˡ ġǹͬ˽źĸ˶,巴ȣرĻʱȽϻȥȲˣһθȻȥȣյǹɨˣҺóת䣬δˣֻ˵֧췴ɣԭиֵܵˣҵļͥɷݲã飬ţDZټңне5ԱҵһӲһǮսɣ䣬С꣬ϴŷ˼Ҷ߹ӡ˺ġԺұȥҽƶӣ·ɽʯǡ 塢ദеĿĿҲ٣⣬ֻпݡ⣬ʱҸеؼʱҹIJСʱչˣĸչˣΪѧϰͲٻһ¡ڶԺʱϴǡ顱ȣҼúܣһ϶ھʱβҪȥҲżҹһҵѪѹݿˣҲʹ˸еѹʶܶѣϼҾ˳Էд࣬鷳ִ֧ҵۣʱЩҶΪӰ첻ãлѲһ֮ Ϊ飬跨DZ˴֮Ϊ˹æչ˺٣λ棬żڼջȥһŻٻԲ棬ʮȲæµ˻ھΣر뿪ȥݸʱúܵįǵһǽһдദʱãʱ˼˼ÿҰʱҲһӶ٣Ҷ˵ȱŮ˵ᣬҵŬƴʵҶҲDzãҪ١ھøƺֲܹȡһӽһҶλǮȥΣΪͥûùȥ羰㲹ȥšüɽγϿɽѻý̧ȥιۣӱƧɽׯǹŴĽȥ̨α⡢ϿϹȣΪ˼ǿܵܺ͵ϱĸ飬ȥΣķ⣬ۿʹǣúʤżȥ棬֮꾡! ߣδҾŬչ 1ǰ 1997귢ǰٹ,,Ҫ,,ʱںִ,òμҽԺ֯вɲȥΣ˵8Ҫ7Żʱ5~6ˣҪϰϲϣʱδֻͨʱʿ280Ԫϵصݣø8ֻ̨ʮ٣ʮҾŬչÿΪ˴С㼸ʮ֮࣬ӣҺܣܡܵȣʹ࣬ͣܲͷԸڴϽ⣬һҪ´һĹӣҪҵƢˣһҪӼ¥¥,ûжһ˰æ,æIJ˻ò,Ҫ,,Ƣ,Ҷκܶ.Dzţֻаʡ 220111015 ͻȻԹ,,Ҳ֫岻ܶ;ͲȣסԺƣڹ㶫ʡڶҽԺס3£ΣڷҩġĦ⣬ҪС㣬ԷȣСлԱ⣬ҪṩӪÿʳţ̣ˮ֭ȣٳԶͣιҩ֫ҪҶҪ´ֺ܆£ڴһжҪָӣ7Ҫصƣصӣ˼һɣҲˣ˿ЦãۣΪDzˣ𣬲ˣпԣֻ÷ɣ ˣݺ ǰݣݸԼ꣬ûȥʼϼСԺûȥڼ棬ҵáõȡʱʧˣ˻ˣԸҲٱ仯ϲͳԸμӻԸԸˮȣҷǺԶӲйأ跨ҩԱƷȵ2000ȹɹǹ۶Σ4-5Դ4-5꣬ҵIJʹЩ߳ȥѧҽԺѧԡ⻨Ӱд飬ϣεȣǺ֧ԣֻúƽദвʹգƽʱ֣棬Ҫߣ屣ֽܻС ̣ͬʮ꣬ͬսҽսߣħͬѧ֣СȿѣһĻĻľʱ䶼һһлз죬ҺʱϷڽΣͼݸϰΣDzƴȲˣ------һǰѮˣסѡ߲Dz----̣¾ѮҲǵָһӼ䣬Ӧϧ죬һУһ죬һ죬һ죬һ죬һ˳Ȼʱ˼䣬֮겻ʱֻиõĻգ⡢£ƽƽƽ͵İ꣬ˡ Сһ,ʫһף ͯꣻšʶμӵµܵȫͳУ ־ѧҽʹУν̣̿Ŭͷػ ĸ·Ż㣻ˣ¿ۣƶg࣬ˣ Сڷף⣬ȫ֣ͻݣǫ飻 ۣͬ빲գսʤħΪ; ־,ļ;˵,ܽᾭ;ѧ,廨Ӱ ԣԵ֣˳Ȼꡣ עһڷܺѧҵǿԾΪأԸºͣͣϽģֱΪ֣д顢ѧѧʮ壬ѧӰȤ÷ḻ Ҫ£ 1ݵ4784СѧѪܲ鱨 лѪܲ־198715ڶ116ҳ 2ѧӰಡ ҽҩ1983629ҳ 3˷IJ棩 мҽ19882311ҳ 1997ҽѧĽ 4İIJתϵ̽ йѭ־1989ľ ڶ163ҳ 5İһ йѭ־ľڶ188ҳ 6ͼļ ϿƼ198644ҳ 7ݵ26645ٿְѪѹ鱨 ҽҩ1981һڵһҳ 8IJͣȳɹ ҽҩ1982һ21ҳ 9Դ ҽҩ1982ڶ78ҳ 10СȢȷҴͰ鰢ۺ֢棩 μȫڿΣز֢Ͻ1992ࡣʮƪ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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Visit to Auntie Lei's house! wbtiNational Chung-hsing University two terms President Ku-shen Kung and his wife former Professor Hung-yin Lei's house in Palo Alto, California! Mike has a present visit to them today! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
062512-0857 |
ʮָһɼ wbtiҽƽдʵ ʮ꼴ȥ,ʱ䲻̣ȷǵָһӼ,ҴҶ,Ŀ,빲ͬɳ,źĸ˶,˲ٳ,Ҳõҵ,Ϊһҽ,֪ʶ,ķչ仯,ܵҸĸִ,ڹҸ.Ҫع̴ٵһȹģ䡣 ... ..... ģҽսϷսʮ 119577·ɽʡҽԺ1958μӳ 1957ҵ䵽ɽʡҽԺڿƹʼסԺҽʦΣҪϣֻ鶼ҪҹػڲҺŬϼָʾձҵҽҪ»ҾͱȥμӳҴһУѧһ˿没ÿϰҰȥѪ滶·˯ЩúΪ飬ÿҪɵ2ܻҪ˿ʣʱܼ࣬ԵǸѺͺʳҾԺ㣬һԺ1959궬չ˹ϵҽѧԺ ... ..... 612²μӸϦȥ̨Σι̨101¥̶ɽ̵ʹۻ½նˣ̨⣬ԵҲܺãɽ亣ζi㣬棬ֵĹǰݣ˼ʮԸȻһЩǮջܴúܿġ ... ..... ܵ˵һǺ˵ģȻǿѵͯ꣬˽ţõ˵ҵرڸĸ↑źǵõã˸ԺõܶΪȫˡ֡ҲҸ֡ һжƺ죬Һѧʱôij衢ϷڴѧΣǿķͼݿ飻ڲȲˣ------һգǷסѡ߲DzİѮˣ̣ǾѮҲǵָһӼ䡣ϧֽһ죬һ죬һ찍һ죬ʱ˼䣬һ˳Ȼ ... ..... ....... 2012,5ꡣ -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061912-1547 |
Happy time on the Special Mother's Day celebration with JCUAALV wbti!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061912-1537 |
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Chinese ...community.stephensmedia.com/.../dbpage=page&... - Translate this page ?q?V?V?ujf?z???z????@ZZ?F???5??13?i??j?e???y??ؐ????Cs?cj?e?I??????CMary & Steve ?????l ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061912-1057 |
Happy Mothers with JCUAALV wbti-------------------------------------------- ********************************************! | |
061912-1037 |
JCUAALV Mother's Day celebration in 2012!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061912-1010 |
For a search of "www.lvcnn.com/news.php?id=6647 JCUAALV wbti" by Google.com!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
061912-0937 |
2012 Happy Mother's Day celebration by JCUAALV wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
ALL RESULTSSEARCH HISTORY LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. Chao: ϺӈDLVRJ/wbti U.S.A. Chao:ӛܿ wbtiӛܿ˾ͽ wbtiSee allClear all | Turn offALL RESULTS1-5 of 5 resultsAdvanced Safe Search Strict Washington Business and TechnologyTranslate this page Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at ... search of 'Chao wbti, Clinton wbti, Gore wbti: Why Elaine, Hillary, and Al' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 24, 2007), U. S. A ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=... Cached pageWashington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ... Mail, and LVRJ International lvrj/wbti U.S.A." by the world's leading search engines on ... chairperson of wbti elaine chao, u s secretary of labor elaine chao, ms elaine chao ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... Cached pageWashington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao, President ... ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and Distinguished Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung wbti ... Conference," (July 11, 2007), U. S. A ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=... Cached pageWashington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ... ... ϺӈD wbti ... lvrj/wbti ... Chao and Reid wbti: On Google! "Freedom, Democracy, judicial ruling, and Entrepreneurship are the best four treasures of the United States of America communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... Cached page | |
041508-1012 |
Thanks to all of you! LET'S HAVE A GOOD TIME WHENEVER WE MEET! By Ellen Wu and Judi RockDear All, We really need your support.*1 I understand that the ticket selling is not successful. Please invite your friends again and again. We have many seats available. See all of you at Judi Rock's sweet home on Wednesday. Thanks to all of you!*2 Ellen Wu [[[ J C U A A L V THE LAST BOARD MEETING BEFORE OUR EVENT ON SATURDAY 16 APRIL 2008 (WENDNESDAY) 6:00 PM AT 2684 MAGIC MOON, LAS VEGAS YOU WILL BE PREPARED TO TURN IN ALL THE TICKET MONEY AND THE UNSOLD TICKETS TO OUR TRESURER. JCUAALV WILL NEED TO BORROW YOUR TIME FOR SOME SPECIAL DUTY FOR OUR EVENT. BRING YOUR FAMILY MEMBER OR YOUR FRIENDS TO OUR MEETING AND THE EVENT LET'S HAVE A GOOD TIME WHENEVER WE MEET. jUDI 375-9925 ELLEN 310... ]]] *3 ....... <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ... JCUAALV CHRISTMAS: An e-mail by Miss Judi Rock to WBTI [Mon, 24 Dec 2007 18:06:12 -0500] With a search of "Miss Judi Rock Nevada" *1 by the world leading ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 39k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ... Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas (JCUAALV) is going to have its 2nd LAS VEGAS JCUAA Meeting on July 30, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 20k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese News Agency ... Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas (JCUAALV) is going to have its CHARTER MEETING on July 16, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 66k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Lin-yao Wu's ...... Las Vegas, Nevada: JCUAALV. ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/. .... Spokesman of WBTI announced on December 18, 2003 in Las Vegas, Nevada, . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 137k - Cached - Similar pages >>> *5 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Chin, Lishen. 'Re-FINAL,' "An e-mail from Ms. Lishen Chin to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) [Tue, 15 Apr 2008 13:28:06 -0700 (PDT)]," (April 15, 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada: [ellenlishen@yahoo.com] JCUAALV. *2. Ibid. *3. Rock, Judi. 'Final,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute [Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:19:00 -0400]," (April 15, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: JCUAALV. *4. ... *5. Rock, Judi. 'JCUAALV Nevada: Come join with all of JCUAALV members and the family for a happy New Year Dinner!' "A search of 'JCUAALV Nevada' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (April 15, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
020808-1008 *****at 8:56 a.m. (LV) |
JCUAALV Nevada: Come join with all of JCUAALV members and the family for a happy New Year Dinner! By Judi Rock[An e-mail to WBTI from Miss Judi Rock at Thu, 7 Feb 2008 02:03:38 EST {JudiRoc@aol.com}] f?z???z ???????@ZZ?F??? Chinese New Year Celebration 2008 Place: Gold Coast coffee shop Time: Friday (Feb 8, 2008) 6:00 Pm Come join with all of JCUAALV members and the family for a happy New Year Dinner. Please let me know if you are coming to the dinner. Judy @ 702-37... On MSN! <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ... J C U A A L V CHRISTMAS: An e-mail by Miss Judi Rock to WBTI [Mon, 24 Dec 2007 18:06:12 -0500] With a search of "Miss Judi Rock Nevada" *1 by the world leading search engines on ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... Cached page >>> -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
122507-1008 |
J C U A A L V CHRISTMAS: An e-mail by Miss Judi Rock to WBTI [Mon, 24 Dec 2007 18:06:12 -0500] With a search of "Miss Judi Rock Nevada" *1 by the world leading search engines on Internet, people may find the following as an example from Google: [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese News Agency ... Rock, Judi. 'Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to WBTI," (July 13, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: JCUAALV ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 66k - Cached - Similar pages ]]] "YOU ARE INVITED TO BE TOGETHER WITH ALL OF US ON THIS DATE OF 26 DECEMBER, 2007 LOCATED ON: 2684 MAGIC MOON LN, LAS VEGAS, NV 89146 TIME: 6:00 PM (WEDNESDAY)*2 "DINNER, GAME, FUN, GIFTS AND FRIENDSHIPS........ (20 MINS OF MEETING IS INCLUDED) "DIRECTORS: ELLEN WU, JUDI ROCK, JENNY CHUANG, PERRY NEE, CHRISTINE LEE, GINA LEE, MARGARET LEE, S.C. FORAN, CAROL CHANG, PETER WU, EDDY YANG, FREDY BI, CHARLIE CHUANG,VIVIEN YANG, JASMINE GUO,BORMAN YANG, INA HUANG, SP YUNG, AMY CHANG, JAMES MA, JULIE HEREFORD, KATHY ENDY, MAGGIE C... "PLEASE CALL 702) 375-9925 FOR DIRECTION. OR ALTERNATIVE 702) 889-8899 PARKING CAN BE ON THE CHURCH LOT." "JOINT CHINESE UNIVERSITY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF LAS VEGAS J C U A A L V PARTY TIME . . . . .," states the e-mail in the beginning.*3 -------------------------------------------- References *1. . '122307-1013 *****Anchee Min wbti: "hf,' "A flier of the section 'Business & Administration' on WBTI's website," (December 24, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink Reviewjournal.com. *2. Rock, Judi. 'J C U A A L V CHRISTMAS,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute [Mon, 24 Dec 2007 18:06:12 -0500]," (December 24, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: JCUAALV. *3. Ibid. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
102907-1036 |
An e-mail from and confirmed by Miss Judi Rock to WBTI [Sun, 28 Oct 2007 09:35:32 -0400] "Yes, Tony..... How are you doing?" wrote Judi Rock to WBTI on October 28, 2007. {{{[[[ JCUAALV Meeting changed to 1st November (2007) ]]]}}} [Thu, 25 Oct 2007 02:49:06 -0400] From: ju???oc@aol.com Dear JCUAALV MEMBER/DIRECTORS..... YOUR NEW DIRECTORS OF 2008 WILL BE ANNOUNCED ON THE NOVEMBER 1ST MEETING. THERE IS NO MEETING TOMORROW ON 25TH, INSTEAD, PLEASE COME AND BRING ALL YOUR FRIENDS OR NEW ALUMNIS TO OUR NEW LOCATION OF THE MEETING NEXT THURSDAY AT 2684 MAGIC MOON LN, LAS VEGAS, NV 89146. 6:30 pm. JUDI ROCK JCUAALV 702-... *****>>> Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ ... Miss Judi Rock: Please invite all of Your friends to come! By Jennifer Kung. The following is an e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) communitylink.reviewjournal.com01364001051153588727717393 - More from this site - Similar pages (m.as) -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
030107-1012 |
Miss Judi Rock: Please invite all of Your friends to come! By Jennifer KungThe following is an e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): [[[Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas Dear Alumni; Your Quarterly meeting is coming on March 4, 2007. Unless, you will recommends a new place, this meeting shall be at Palms Casino, the 24/7 Coffee shop. The menu of the dinner is free, pick up the tips is up to you! Invite all of Your friends to come. JCUAALV wants more members in our Roaster.*1 It will be another Email send to provide you the subject and time for this meeting. JUDI ROCK JCUAALV 4545 SPRING MOUNTAIN RD, SUITE-102 LAS VEGAS, NV 89102 (702) 375-9925 PS......... check out the most recent photos we have made. by the way, send your exciting photos to JCUAALV'S COLLECTION BOOK to share the good moments!]]] ***** Picture one is on the following first flier. {{{File name: five_sheeps___Yang.jpg}}} ***** Picture two is on the following second flier. {{{File name: Nevada_Cancer_Institute_visiting.jpg}}} *2 The following information have been received from a search of "Miss Judi Rock" on the Yahoo.com and "Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. of L V" on the Google.com at 3:57 p. m. in the afternoon on March 1, 2007.*3 They are appeared starting from the first line of the first page on the Yahoo.com and Google.com: (1). For "Miss Judi Rock" on the Yahoo.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. of L V ... information have been received from Miss Judi Rock through her second e-mail to ... JCUAALV,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&... - 38k - Cached - More from this site Washington Business and Technology Institute - Photos & Pictures ... and picture were sent by Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology ... the 29th Oct. 2005 Las Vegas. China Town Lions Club: President, Judi Rock ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=4 - 15k - Cached - More from this site (2). For "Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. of L V" on the Google.com: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page ... Univ. Alumni Asso. of L V Belinda Liu's Spiritual World San Jose Chinese Choir ... Contact Us: Dr. Tony Lei (tlei ) tojulei@yahoo.com Las Vegas, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - 52k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Chinese ... World in Drama ாு Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. of L V ாு Belinda Liu's Spiritual World ாு San Jose Chinese Choir . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 101k - Cached - Similar pages -------------------------------------------- References *1. Rock, Judi. 'Invite all of Your friends to come,' "An e-mail from Miss Judi Rock to Washington Business and Technology Institute," (February 25, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: JCUAALV. *2. Ibid. *3. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'Washington Business and Technology Institute' on the Google.com," (March 1, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. 11111111111111 111111111111111111111111 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 *************************************************** | |
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