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We Extend Our Heartfelt Prayers to Taiwan By Tiffany ChangDr. L. C. Chou, Chief of Science Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in San Francisco, wrote Dr. Tony Lei, Chairman of Board, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada, "Dear Overseas Scholars: On September 21, 1999, there was the worst earthquake in Taiwan since 100 years. Lost of properties, facilities, lives, etc. were serious and uncalculatable. Overseas scholars have been concerned with the unfortunate accident closely. In order to aid our disaster victims and in order to reconstruct our broken country, the Division announces now that each and all our overseas scholars to stumulate our countrymen love by offering financcial and human resources for realization of his or her responsibility to the salvation task. Concerned persons may mail checks to Community Cultural Service Center. More related information are put in the following. Thank you. ***Taiwan Earthquate Relief Fund*** Payable to: TERF (Taiwan Earthquake Relief Fund). Account #: 01-701-266, Bank of Canton of California. Tax Deductible ID: 77-0522942. Mail to: Chinese Community Cultural Service Center, 1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94089. Telphone: (408)747-0394, (408)747-0378." Dr. Lei has worked hard and diligently to spread the word that Dr. Chou is conducting the above significant mission. To our readers who have relatives and friends in Taiwan, Dr. Lei and the Nevada Examiner extend our heartfelt prayers that they survived the disaster and are well on their way to rebuilding their homes and their lives. President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI informs its concerned Asian, Pacific, and Hispanic organizations in Nevada that fax to him from U.S. Senator Harry Reid in Washington, D. C., who is also Assistant Minority Leader of the Senate, announced the following important news: On its Vol. 1, No. 22 Issue of Whip Round-Up at October 29, 1999, Under the section of "Nevada Notes," it reported that, "This week, Sen. Reid met with members and staff from the Nevada Committee on Public Lands. In attendance were: State Senators Dean Rhoads, Terry Care and Mark James; assemblymen Roy Neighbors, Jerry Claborn and John Marvel; along with Terrie Williams, J. Randall Stephenson, Michael Stewart and Kimberly Guinasso; and Director of Nevada Governor's office Mike Pieper. This committee was in Washington lobbying on many issues important to Nevada, including mining, the Nevada Public Lands Bill, grazing and the Interior Appropriations Bill. Sen. Reid particularly enjoyed reminiscing with the group about his tenure in the State Legislature during the late 1960's and early 1970's." Under the section of "Outreach," it reported that, "On Wednesday, Sen. Reid hosted a meeting with six other Senators and Bob Herbold, Chief of Operating Officer of Microsoft, to discuss many issues of interest to high-tech companies including the research and development tax credit and education. Senators in attendance were: Mikulski, Baucus, Kerry, Murray, Reed and Dorgan. this meeting was held in the Whip Office as part of Sen. Reid's outreach efforts to the high-tech community. On Thursday, Sen. Reid met with State Senator Dina Titus about a number of Nevada related issues including a bill in the House of Representatives relating to wild horse and burros. This has been a particularly hot issues for Nevada in recent years." | |
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Important Things that We Should Care for Our Seniors By Tiffany Chang"With a rapidly growing senior population, the problems of abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation have also growing more serious recently. There are many public and private agencies working to protect the security and dignity of seniors," said Dr. Tony Lei, Member of Las Vegas Seniors Citizens' Advisory Board (LVSCAB). "A project entitled Elder Abuse: An Action Plan to Better Protect Nevada's Elderly published by Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa. It was a joint project betwen the Office of the Attorney General and the Division for aging Services. The plan was released by the Attorney General and Nevad's Division for Aging Services Chief of Elder Rights, Betsy Kolkoski. The project made the following conclusion: Preventing elder abuse in Nevada requires extensive coordination and planning among elder Nevadans and the various state and local agencies, both public and private, which advocate on their belhalf. The Office of the Attorney General and Division for Aging Services have made a specific commitment to coordinate and support the committees in their efforts to prevent and elinimate elder abuse and thereby improve the quality of life for all Nevada's elderly citizens. It is expected that while the committees carry out their goals, additional problems and concerns may be identified and new solutions and recommendations will emerge." Ms. Betsy Kolkoski has been appointed by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) as Associate Fellow of Culture Institution and Chairperson of Aging Services Study Committee. Ms. Kolkoski received Juris Doctor degree from the University of Cincinnati College of Law, Cincinnati, Ohio. She is now Elder Rights Attorney for Nevada's Division for Aging Services. She was appointed by Governor Miller in 1993 to advocate statewide for the rights of Nevada's elders. She provides technical support, education and assistance regarding elder abuse, neglect, exploitation and isolation and reviews policies, laws and regulations affecting elders. "I am pleased to make the appointment because of Ms. Kolkoski's expertise and integrity to aging services," said President of WBTI, Dr. Tony Lei. "It is our future endeavor to work better for our seniors based on educational and academic research through Ms. Kolkoski's outstanding and dedicated professionalism." "The need of a study to set up an educational program regarding all aspects of seniors protection ansd benefit is urgent," said Dr. Lei. "A valuable suggestion of a policy mostly comes from the result of effective investigation and research. Appropriate financial and human resources have been needed to ensured the quality of work done by these organizations. It is in need to research the existing resources and identify new ways to create additional resources to adress elder abuse and provide victim and caregiver support." Dr. Lei points out, "More efforts both from the public and private working for seniors have a multual goal which is to make a great tomorrow and to see it happen to our seniors. Dr. Lei thanked LVSCAB's decision and Ms. MacKay's arrangement that he had an opportunity to be a representive of the Board to attend the Las Vegas Triad Conference on February 23-24, 1998. "One of the findings inspired by my attendance of the Conference is: I have recognized that as a tank of thinking and wisdom for the Las Vegas City Council, our Board's effort to dedicate in the study and research of seniors' problems and issues will bring contribution in creating concrete and practical idea and suggestion for the Council. Encouragement of the members' participation in the work of these areas is one of the fruitful effort of our Board's dedication," said Dr. Lei. On October 26, 1999, the House of Representatives passed a bill to name the $97 million federal building at 333 Las Vegas Blvd. South the Lloyd D. Geroge (sitting left to Dr. Tony Lei in the first row of the picture) United States Courthouse. This is in honoring the jurist who has served as a federal judge in Las Vegas since May 1984 and as a bankruptcy judge for ten years begore that. In 1990, George was named chief federal judge for Nevada. "Chief Judge George has set a benchmark for cureent and future leaders of Nevada," said U. S. Rep. Jim Gibbons. "This courthouse designation is an enduring gesture to show our appreciation for Judge George's hard work and dedication to the people and judicial integrity of Nevada." "I cannot think of a more suitable honor to bestow on this beloved Las Vegan who has served the citizens of Nevada with humility, scholarship, compassion, and dignity," U. S. Rep. Shelley Berkley said on the floor of the House prior to the vote. "Lloyd George is highly respected by his peers as a man of great knowledge and integrity, and he has been instrumental in shaping the federal judiciary in Nevada," said U. S. Sen. Harry Reid. In November 5-7, 1999, the Fourth Annual Japan Festival in Las Vegas will once again bring to the city the beauty and the elegance of Japanese culture. The Japan Festival in Las Vegas is presented by Japan-American Society of Nevada, a non-profit organization. The goal is to promote intercultural friendship and understanding between Japan and Nevada--a blending of Eastern and Western cultures. The event will be held both in Fremont Street Experience and Charleston Heights Arts Center. The Chairman of the Society is Bob Jitchaku. For information on the Festival please call Japan Festival Hotline at (702)736-1515. A Formal-Dinner Induction will be held at Monte Carlo Resort & Casino on December 5, 1999 by Fil-Am Chamber of Commerce of Las Vegas. The theme of the event will be Using Technology to Promote Your Business. The President of the Commerce is Noli Dazo. More information may be reached by calling (702)383-9558. Dr. Lei is also First Advisor of the Advisory Board of Seniors United. All of its forums take place on the second Wednesday of each month. They are held at the West Flamingo Senior Center, from 1:00 P.M. to 3:30 P.M. They will be celebrating Christmas and Chanukah in December 8, 1999. Dr. Lei has invited President of Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas to contribute classical Thai dances to the program in order to promote better enjoyment for our seniors. As several benefits are offering to its members, Seniors United welcome people to apply for membership by calling Maria Manning at (702)456-8148. The President of this organization is Lillian Wallace. There are several senior citizens centers here in Las Vegas established by its Department of Leisure Services. Their facilities include: Defelt Senior Center, Doolittle Senior, Dula Gymnasium, Las Vegas Senior Center, and Northwest Center. More people are sharing the interest to participate their activities. Dr. Lei encourages people from the Asia, Pacific, and Hispanic communities to enjoy the participation of arts, dancing, music, sports, languages, writing, movie, singing, etc. programs which are set up by Las Vegas Senior Citizens Center. The Manager of this Center is Amy Carver. People who are interested in these programs may contact the Center by calling (702)229-6454. *************************** | |
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News From U.S. Senator Harry Reid and Congresswoman Shelley Berkley By Tiffany ChangOn October 18, 1999, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley worote President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Tony T. Lei, that, "The high cost of prescription drugs is another critical issue for our seniors. This spring, I asked the Committee on Government Reform to investigate the drugs pricing discrimination in Nevada. The results are starting. "I would like to learn more about prescription drugsand seniors. At this time, my district office is collecting copies of seniors' prescription drug receipts (names and address' may be omitted) so that i can calculate just how much more seniors pay for prescription drugs than large insurance companies. In addition, I plan to present these receipts to the appropriate Committees in Congress to illustrate the urgency for legislation to help seniors control their rising drugs costs. I would like to conduct a prescription drug event in December. If you could again spread the word that I am conducting this study and collect as many receipts as possible to send to my office, Trey Delap (702-220-9823) of my staff is collecting these receipts. "Again, Thank you for your assistance, leadership, and knowledge regarding senior issue. I look forward to working with you as Congress drafts legislation for Older American's during the second session of the 106th Congress. Together, we can make southern Nevada truly a wonderful place to call home. I trust the work we do now will not only improve our lives, but more importantly, will lay the troudwork for a better life for our children and grandchildren." Dr. Lei has been a Member of Las Vegas Senior Citizens' Advisory Board (LVSCAB) for about three years with practical research finding and good work performance to improve the lives and benifits of our seniors. He suggests to encourage members of LVSCAB and his faculty members of WBTI to study this program through scientific technology and research methodology to make sure that recommendations from both the Board and Faculty meet the real needs of our seniors. Since my first feathure article entitled Dilgent works make(s) Las Vegas nicer (The writer's name of Tiffany Chang was not shown under the title.) published by Nevada Examiner on October 1 - 7, 1999, we are glad to thank for lots of readers increasing week after week. It is our pleasure for Nevada Examiner to be the first of WBTI's related multimedia in spreading the word of the Congresswoman's good information to our seniors. One of the Associate Fellow of the Culture Institution of WBTI, Liao Hui Yin, is one of the most famous novelist in Taiwan. She graduateed from the Chinese Literature Department of National Taiwan University. She was invited as Visiting Scholar by Cambridge University of England. She travelled and studied in England from 1987 to 1988. Hui Yin worked for broadcasting and business more than 10 years beginning from the fundamental level to vice president. She knows deeply about the mainstream of the society. On 1982, she received First Prize of the 5th anniversary novelette contest of China Times with her Yu Ma Tsai Tze (Oil Vegetable Seeds. She edited this novel to be a movie and received Re-editing Play Prize of Gin Ma (Golden Horse) Prize in 1983. Hui Yin believes that literature, acturally, is reproducing lives, reflecting lives, and moreover overpassing lives. "For a literature creator," she said, "he or she should constantly keeps a soft heart to face the bitter and difficult lives by using his or her grief, sincerity, and humbleness. "The drive for a literature creator is trying to find a good way of life through the struggling of real lives." "Literature is noble because of its closing to life," she added. A novel of hers with 300,000 words named Ai Chin Leung Ming (The Loves of Good People) was published in July, 1999. Hui Yin and other three famous writers Tsai Wen Fu, Yang Shao Yun, and Chu Shoa Lin came to Las Vegas on September 29-30, 1997 to visit Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada, Dr. Tony Lei and his wife. They were welcomed and treated with city touring and dinner at Texas Casino and Hotel by Dr. and Mrs. Lei. President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI informs its concerned Asian, Pacific, and Hispanic organizations in Nevada that fax to him from U.S. Senator Harry Reid in Washington, D. C., who is also Assistant Minority Leader of the Senate, announced thefollowing important news: On its Vol. 1, No. 21 Issue of Whip Round-Up at October 22, 1999, under the section of "Hot Issues," it reported that, "Financial Services Modernization: This week, the roller coaster of the Conference on the Financial Services Modernization legislation continued. Much was accomplihed this week having to do with operating subsidiaries and other contentious conferenceable items. At approximately 3 AM, a meeting adjourned whereby even the most contentious issue, the Community Reinvestment Act, seemed to be reconciled. All parties are hopeful that a compromise will be finanized, especially those in the financial services industry who have been working hard to get to this points for many years. Under the section of "Nevada Notes," it reported that, "On Friday, the annual Las Vegas Hispanic Summit began at the Community College of Southern Nevada. Among the distinguished list of speakers are Sen. Reid, Rep. Berkely (Berkley), Rep. Gutierrez (D-ILL), Lt. Gov. Bustamante (D-CA), Mickey Ibarra from the White House and Clark County Commissioner Dario Herrera. Under the section of "Outreach," it reported that, "Every Thursday that the Senate is in session, Sen. Reid invites any and all Nevadans visiting Washington to join him in his personal office for a light breakfast. This is a great oppportunity for Sen. Reid to talk to constituents when unable to be in Nevada. These breakfasts also offer a great opportunity for Nevadans to interact with the Senator and his entire staff. This Thursday, among those in attendance at Welcome to Washington were Mary Gotch, Frederick Brown and Dwayne Stedmont of Las Vegas Housing Authority, Janice Ayers of Nevada RSVP, William Hooks from foothills High School in Henderson, Christine Papio from Las Vegas Academy, and Jeanine Tegano from Green Valley High School in Washington to participate in the Voices Against Violence conference; Anna Severns, the AmeriCorp Presidential Award Winner, along with Joanne and Katic Everts of AmeriCorp , Carol Gibbons, and Anthony campagna of Las Vegas." Dr. Lei is also the First Advisor of Seniors United's Advisory Board. They will be celetrating Christmas and Chanukah in December 8, 1999. As on the October 1999 Issue of Seniors United Highlight maganzine, its Editor Lillian Wallace stated that, "We hope you will all come. This year we would like to make this a little different way of celebrating. We are asking all of you, if you are in agreement, to bring some ethnic dish that you specialize in. Please call Mae Kipnis (248-8575). Reservations are a must for this event. Deadline for making your reservation is December 3rd as space is limited." Dr. Lei has invited President of Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas to contribute classical Thai dances to the program in order to promote better enjoyment for our seniors. | |
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Cultural Institution and Scholarship for Our Community By Tiffany ChangCulture Institution (CI) is one of the most important institutions of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). CI is led by its Director Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, which has the following Fellows: Dr. Sue Chung, Dr. Linda E. Young, Dr. Archibald H. Chang, Dr. Toni Ni, Lillian Wallace, and Julian Wallace. The Institution has also Dr. An-Pyng Sun, Dr. Roddy S. Wong, Chopin Kiang, Ben Kim, Sapatra Chemprachum, Ann Melton, Jeannie N. Hua, J.D., Nita Lopez, Liao Hui Ying, Yang Shio Yun, and Amy Cheng as Associate Fellows. Beth Au, Beverly Wen Zhong, Jill Chu, Laura Eby, Koko Lai-shan Huie, and Tung-ho Lei are Assistant Fellows. Yanrong Tian and Diego Lung are Assistants. Dr. Chung is working on a research project entitled Overseas Chinese Support of the Career Development of Dr. Sun Yat-sen. President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI has helped her to receive acceptance by the Overseas Chinese Cultural and Educational Fund for applying a Fellowship in supporting the implementation of this special research project. Dr. Sun is currently conducting a research project exploring college student's perceptions of issues of diversity. One of the Fellows of the Culture Institution of WBTI, Dr. Linda E. Young, is the Director of the Multicultural/Community Outreach Educational Program of the Clark County Schoool District. On September 30, 1999, Dr. Young wrote Dr. Lei that, "The Clark County School District Secondary Education Division, Clark County public libraries, and educational community culturaal groups are developing the 4th Annual School/Community Culturally Diverse Scholarship and Financial Aid Workshops Program. This program is designed to bring community groups together to share information on scholarships, financialaid, and/or college success techniques with 12th-grade senior students and their parents/guardians. Six scholarship and financial aid workshops will be presented from October 13-23, 1999, at various public libraries throughout the community .... Although specific cultural groups will be forcus for identified dates and library locations, all workshops will be open to any 12th-grad senior student. As a Pacific Asian American community group, you are invited to participate in the scholrship/financial aid workshop co-sponsored with the Pacific Asian American Coalition of Educators (PACE) .... We look forward to your involvement in this important school/community scholarship and financial aid program. Thank you." The Co-sponsors of this Workshop Program are: (1) UNLV Alliance of Professionals of African Heritage for African American Students. (2) Irish American Club and St. Andres's Society for European American Students. (3) Pacific Asian American Coalition of Educators for Pacific Asian American Students. (4) CCSD Indian Education Office for Native American Students. (5) Hispanic Educators Association of Nevada for Hispanic American Students. Board of School Trustees of the Clark County School District are: Mrs. Ruth L. Johnson, President, Mrs. Mary Beth Scow, Vice President, Mr. Larry P. Mason, Clerk, Dr. Lois Tarkanian, Member, Ms. Susan C. Brager, Member, Mrs. Shirley Barber, Member, Mrs. Sheila R. Moulton, Member, and Dr. Brian Cram, Superintendent. The 1999/20000 School Year's Workshops of Clark County School District's School/Community Culturally Diverse Scholarship and Finanncial Aid has also put an attention in its Schedule as in the following: "A workshop to complete a 'draft'of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form will be held on Saturday, October 23, 1999, at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, Classroom Building Auditorium complex, Building 'A,' Room A-112 [near the Thomas & Mack Arena], 4505 S. Maryland Parkway, Las Vegas, NV [Registration 9:30 a.m. /Workshop 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 Noon]" | |
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Social Services Bring Us with Peace and Love By Tiffany ChangOn September 8, 1999, a tripple celebration was held by Seniors United (SU) at West Flamingo Senior Center. The program was called to order by the President of SU, Lillian Wallace. SU's CEO, Julian Wallace, was welcomed back from his long battle of an unknown and most unwelcome illness. Judge Nancy Saitta installed the new officers of SU. The new Executive Board members were asked the Podium where Judge Saitta swore them in as the new Officers of Seniors United for the years 1999-2001. Nevada Supreme Court Judge Myron E. Leavitt directed the whole swear event successfully and humorously. Proclamations to SU were from Senator Richard Bryan, Senator Harry Reid, Congressman James Gibbons, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Clark County, Mayor Oscar Goodman, among others. President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Tony T. Lei was pleased to congratulate WBTI's Fellows of Culture Institution, Lillian and Julian Wallace for their accomplishments for the years. The new executive board members of Seniors United are: Paul Burr, William Lackey, Ellen Freas, Richard Denison, Maria Manning, Mae Kipnis, Doris Balducci, Lillian Wallace, Doris Cornwell and Naomi Cherry, and Henry Kipnis, and Advisory Board members Dr. Tony T. Lei, Judy Lei, Betsy Kolkoski, and Jackie Seip. Each and every member of the new Executive Board of SU was invited by Dr. Tony Lei to have dinner and show at September 16, 1999 in the Charleston Height Arts Center, where the Thai Perferming Arts-Appreciation Day 1999 was held by TCAALV and co-sponsored by City of Las Vegas, WBTI, among others. WBTI has reported continuously the accomplishmentand advancement of its faculty. Dr. Joey A. Villaflor, one of the advisors of WBTI, was appointed by Governor Kenny Guinn to the state Board of Health, which is designated to be the supreme agency in all non-administrative health matters. The Governor said that, members of the State Board of Health has an enormous responsibility to the people of Nevada, so it is especially gratifying to appoint a man of Joey Villaflor's expertise and integrity to the Board. He was very proud to make the appointment because he thought that throughout Dr. Villaflor's distinguished career the doctor has earned a reputation as a conscentious and dedicated porfessional. Joey is slated to be the President of Academy of Family Physicians of Las Vegas in the year 2001. | |
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We Support Culrural Arts for Making Las Vegas Better By Jennifer KungPresident of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Tony T. Lei received Proclaimation from Las Vegas Mayor Goodman presented by Councilwoman Lynette Boggs McDonald on September 16, 1999 at the Charleston Height Arts Center, Las Vegas. The Proclamation from the Office of the Mayor, City of Las Vegas stated by the Mayor of City of Las Vegas, Oscar B. Goodman that, "By virtue of the authority given to me by the laws of the State of Nevada and by the Charter of the City of Las Vegas, I, Oscar B. Goodman, Mayor of the City of Las Vegas do hereby recognize Tony Lei, EdD in the City of Las Vegas and I ask all citizens to acknowledge his contribution to the Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto have set my hand and caused the seal of the City of Las Vegas to be affixed this 14th day of September, 1999." Dr. Lei received M.B.A. and Ed. D. in Institutional Management degrees from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California. Besides his professional endevor as a professor of management in academic reseach and book writing, he has been appointed Member of Las Vegas Senior Citizens' Advisory Board by City of Las Vegas, and has been elected Director of South Shores Community Association for more than five years with concrete contributions to our community. On August 23, 1999, the President of Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas gave a formal letter to President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Tony T. Lei, which stated that "This year you will be recognized and saluted by our local elected officials and a special presentation will be awarded for your past and present support of Thai and Asian cultures. With the helpf from you who is proud to be an Asian like yourself, the Thai Cultural Arts Association is here today, and further assisting Asian unity, and preservation of the Thai Heritage." The City of Las Vegas and Thai Cultural Arts Association (TCAALV) presented Thai Performaing Arts--Appreciatin Day 1999 at CharlestonHeight Arts center on September 16, 1999. It was co-sponsored by Kids For a Better society - Mr. Jehry P. Smyth, Thai Airway International - Mr. Nuthaporn Khomapat, Heart Specialists - Dr. Raj Chanderraj, Mrs. Nadia Jerani, Mr. Charlie Lee, Washington Business and Technology Institute - Dr. Tony T. Lei, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Tonie Sison & Associates - Mr. Tonie Sison, Family Health Care Clinic - Dr. J. A. Villaflor, Arcata Associates - Mr. Buck Wong, Dr. Peter Lok and Asian friends. Dr. Tony Lei was invited to give a short welcome speech to all the presenters of the Event. He showed that, "Its a great honor for the sponsor and co-sponsors to have so manygovernment officials, organizational leaders, business owners and executives, among others as our honorable guests. All of us share a sense of cooperation for the supporting of cultural richness. This is a signicant milestone of the contribution for mutual cooperation of cultural and social services between American and Asian communities. It is our pleasure to welcome you to this Performing Arts Appreciation Day 1999. We wish you enjoy our food and performances. We appreciated you for your presences and supports." The ten Awardees for their contributions to Thai and Las Vegas cultures, whom honored by TCAALV, were Dr. Raj Chanderraj, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Dr. Joey Villaflor, Mr. Tonie Sison, Dr. Tony Lei, Dr. Bashir Chowdhry, Mr. Nadia Jurani, Ms. Dolly de Leon, Mr. Buck Wong, and Mr. Charlie Lee. The features of the event were: (1)Non-host cocktails. (2)Thai food dinner-buffet. (3)Young Miss Thailand-LV 1999 Pageant. (4)9 numbers of Thai classical and folk dances, performed by the local Thai & American students and their trainers. (5)Presentation of the Awards. (6)Door prize of free trip to Thailand. (7)Contest of pretty ladies in Thai costume. The Chair was Ms. Supatra Chemprachum. Dr. Peter Lok was the Coordinator. Mr. Jehry P. Smyth was Vice-Chair and MC. The highlight of the event was Awards presented through Councilwoman Lynette McDonald for City Mayor Goodman to Dr. Tony T. Lei, Dr. Bashir Chowdhry, Mrs. Nadia Jurani, and Ms. Dolly de Leon , and for Attorney General Del Papa to Mr. Charlie Lee. Four judges for the Young Miss Thailand - LV 1999 Pageant were coordinated by Mrs. Judy Lei. The team was led by Councilwoman Lynette McDonald with Lillian Wallace, Dolly de Leon (represented by Nancy Diaz), and Judy Lei. Young Miss Thailand, LV 1999 is Miss Kimberly Smith with First Runner-up Miss Coystal Thompson and 2nd Runner-up Miss Christina Smith. Miss Kimberly Smith was crowned by Councilwoman McDonald. More than 430 people attended the event. The party was full of many high rank government officials, business owners, organizational leaders, and professionsl individuals. Lynette McDonald, Judy Vandever, Dr. Xin Li, Dr. and Mrs. Yiming Sun, Lana Reich, Lillian and Julian Wallace, Denis Brodsky for Erin Kenny, Dr. Bashir Chowdhry, Lisa Surber, Benjamin Kim, Dolly de Leon, Rita Vaswani, Edward Lu, Alan and Julian Poon, Dr. Sean Ameli, Dr. Berge Dadourian, Dr. Suhattai Gamneerdsiri, Fernando Romero, Anthony and Josephine Mendez, Yul Ventura, Nadia Contreras, Paulo Abesamis, Virginia Floirendo, Paul Burr, William Lackey, Bobby Standridge, Richard Denison, Stella Brown, Maria Manning, Henry and Mae Kipnis, Dale and Doris Balducci, Doris Cornwell, Atty. Betsy Kolkoski, Gail Imazaki, Torben Cohrs, Pastor and Mrs. Yuan Kuang Chen, Lin Sok Lee, Iris Zhang, Betty and James Matthews, Helen Ku, among others were present. Most of them were invited by Dr. Tony Lei, who invited fifty honorable guests to the event. A book named 6 Year of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada was published by TCAALV. The features covered the following two pages: (1)A letter from Member of Las Vegas Senior Citizens' Advisory Board, Dr. Tony T. Lei to the Chair/President of TCAALV, stating that " Dear Sapatra: "I am pleased once again to express my congratulations and support on you and the Thai cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas (TCAALV) for the 6th Thai Performing Arts- appreciation Day 1999. "Because of your achievements in cultural events, it was my pleasure to recommend you to receive the prestigious Senior of The Quarter award in 1998. In recognition of you and your Association's 5th anniversary and contribution to the cultural arts of Las Vegas, it was also my pleasure to recommend TCAALV to receive the Certificate of Commendation froom U.S. Senator Harry Reid on September 17, 1998. Your efforts in promoting the local Thai and Asian cultures are unprecedented. Through our recommendation, you had been proclaimed further for June 11, 1998 as Sapatra Chemprachum Day by the Mayor and City Council of Las Vegas. We join in thanking an outstanding individual like you for your volunteerism and commitment to make effort for better quality and improvement of our community." On the other page is a big picture of Dr. Tony Lei and Dolly de Leon and stating that, Dr. Lei and Dolly were two of the 14 recipients of Salutation Awards from Thai Cultural Arts Associations of Las Vegas on the 5th anniversary celebration -- September 17, 1988. The other Honorees were Dr. Raj Chanderraj, Mr. James Chen, Mr. Steve Kwon, Benson Lee, Esq., Mr. Charlie Lee, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Mr. Tonie Sison, Dr. J. A. Villaflor, Mr. Buck Wong, Dr. Roddy Wong, Mr. Tim Wong, and Sgt. Benjamin Kim. | | Go To Page: [1] 2 | |