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A Special Tribute To
U.S. Senator Honorable Harry Reid

Date: Friday, August 24, 2001
Time: 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Function: A spicial tribute to US Senator Harry Reid

Location: Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant
Address: 5485 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, NV 89148
On the cross streets of Sahara and Lindell.

Phone: (702) 364-5559
Keynote Speaker: U.S. Senator Honorable Harry Reid
Guests of Honor: U.S. Senator John Ensign, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley,
Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa, and Las Vegas City Mayor Oscar Goodman.

Special Guests:
1. Dr. Roy Adamson, Emeritus Professor of Pepperdine University
2. Nancy Becker, Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court
3. Denis Brodsky, Las Vegas School Board of Trustees
4. Lisa Brown, Family Court Judge
5. Terry Care, Nevada State Senator
6. Radha Chanderraj, Commissioner of Gaming Commission
7. Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Professor of History, UNLV
8. Mark Denton, District Court Judge
9. Robert Gronauer, Constable, Las Vega Township
10. Nadia Jurani, Commissioner, Las Vegas Civil Right Commission
11. Jelly Keller, Sheriff, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police
12. Erin Kenny, commissioner, Clark County
13. Cedreic Kerns, Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge
14. Mary Kincaid, Commissioner, Clark County
15. Betsy Kolkoski, Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge
16. Myron Leavitt, Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court
17. Theresa Malone, Member, Nevada Board of Education
18. Michelle Leavitt-Fitzpatrick, Las Vegas Municipal Judge
19. William Maupin, Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court
20. Lynette Boggs McDonald, Las Vegas City Councilwoman
21. Dr. William Thompson, UNLV Professor of Public Administration
22. Cherry Moss, Family Court Judge
23. Natalie Tyrrell, North Las Vegas Justice Court Judge
24. Valorie Vega, District Court Judge
25. Dr. Kang-pei Wang, President, Tunghai University
26. Jessie Walsh, Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge
27. Myrna Williams, Commissioner , Clark County
28. Ching-mi Wu, Chairman of Board, Tunghai University
29. Dr. Linda Young, Chairperson, Las Vegas Ethics Committee
30. Ann Zimmerman, Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge

1. Tony Lei, EdD, President, WBTI & Chairman, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada
2. R. D. Prabhu, MD, Chairperson, CAN-DO
3. Raj Chanderraj, MD, Founder, Friends of India
4. Rita Vaswani, Executive Staff, CAN-DO

Hosts: (To be modified.)
1. Sapatra Chemprachum, Chairperson, Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas
2. Raj Chanderraj, Founder, Friends of India
3. Albert Chang, Publisher, Las Vegas Chinese Yellow Pages
4. Yen Wen Cheng, Past Las Vegas Director, (Chinese) New Asian Weekly
5. Cathy Chin, Vice President, World Entreprise Co.
6. Judy Rock, President, Chinese Benevolent Association of Las vegas
7. Dolly De Leon, Past President , Philipines Chamber of Commerce
8. Jeny Del Rosario, Past President, Philippines Chamber of Commerce
9. Mark Dunkeson, General Manager, Texas Station Casino & Hotel
10. Cathy Endy, Special Coordinator, Southern Nevada Chinese Weekly
11. Jakie Gaugham, Owner, Plaza Hotel & Casino
12. Sonny Ho, QME, Perpetual Chiropractic Physicians, Inc.
13. Benson Lee, Benson Lee Attorney at Law Office
14. Bob Jose, Editor-in-Chief, Las Vegas Star Magazine
15. Steve Kwon, Founder, Asian Chamber of Commerce
16. Tony Lei, EdD, President, WBTI
17. Jose Lim, Realtor, Country Wide Realty Group Inc
18. Ann Melton, President, Thai Association of Las Vegas
19. Cora Murillo, DC, Chiropractic Nevada
20. R. D. Prabhu, MD, Chairperson, CAN-DO
21. Kate Recto, President , Philipine Chamber of Commerce
22. David Risdon, General Manager of Marketing, Horseshoe Casino & Hotel
23. Tonie Sison, Chairperson, Philippines Chamber of Commerce
24. I-yu Teng, CEO, TEFA; Secretary of Board, Tunghai University
25. Edwad Swindle, CEO, Investment Bankers Insdustrialists
26. Yuan Chuan Tsai, Chairman, 62 Sewing Tsai Co.
27. Rita Vaswani, Exective Staff, CAN-DO
28. Joey Villaflor, MD, Member, Board of Health, State of Nevada
29. Lillian Wallace, President, Seniors United
30. Yale Wang, Chairperson, Yale Funds, Management & Research Co.
31. Roddy Wong, DC, President , CAN-DO

Guests: 250
Attire: Business
RSVP: If you are interested to be a chairperson or host for this event, please call Dr. Peter Lok at 732-0178 on or before Friday, July 27, 2001


Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of WBTI and Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada
and Mrs. Judy K. Lei
request the honor of your presence
at the Event and Dinner Party for
A Special Tribute to U.S. Senator Honorable Harry Reid

on Friday, the Twentifourth of August, 2001
at Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant
5485 W. Sahara Ave., Las Vegas, Nevada 89148
from 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Please RSVP to 702-255-9058 or E-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com
RSVP: If you are interested to be a chairperson or host for this event, please call Dr. Peter Lok at 702-0178 on or before Friday, July 27, 2001.

Nevada State and CAAAN Welcome and Commend TEFA and Tunghai Reunion
By Tiffany Chang

Starting from July 4th, Independence Day, to 8th were a long holiday season for casinos and tourist industries in Las Vegas. Numerious visitors were crowding to here, yet Tunghai University had brought good conference and reunion news for Chinese American academic and education community of Nevada.
On July 6, gathering to Las Vegas had been the directors and membes of Tunghai Endowment Fund for Academic Advancement (TEFA) and 12 - 13th classes of Tunghai Reunion. VIPs were invited by Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) having champagne dinner at Gee Joon Chinese Restaurant of Horseshoe Casino and Hotel. Gerri Schroder brought the certificates by Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to the dinner party. TEFA returned with the best Taiwanese box of tea to Shelley. After the pleasent dinner, all the party group were treated to enjoy the famous show "Naked Angeles" by Dr. Lei.
On the 7th of July, a Welcome Tea Party was held by Dr. Tony T. Lei, Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) and Mrs. Judy K. Lei. It was held for the celebrating of the incorperation of TEFA USA and the Global Tunghai Reunion in Las Vegas.
In the conference, Dr. Lei expressed sincere welcome in his short speech to both the Corperation and Reunion. He then introduced Theresa Malone, Member of the Nevada Board of Education, and Denise Brodsky, Las Vegas School Board of Trustees to deliver welcome speeches.
Malone spoke for U.S. Senator Harry Reid's welcome to the Conference and announced Reid's certificates of commendation to TEFA and CAAAN. "Yet, with our differences we have a goal that is the same: to provide many opportunities for our citizens to learn and develop their knowledge, skill, mind, and character by formal schoolling," Malone said. "With support of organizations as the Tunghai Endowment Fund for Academic Advancement, and the Washington Business and Technology Institute, but most importantly You, we will fulfill our goal to promote opportunities for education. On behalf of the Nevada education community, thanks you for sharing your time and goals with us," she added.
Brodsky announced in her welcome speech that Congresswoman Berkley was giving TEFA and CAAAN each a certificate of commendation. She recognized that Mayor, WBTI, among others are sharing their same legacy to include building Las Vegas a community where future generations will have even more opportunities and advantages to live a prosperous life.
The highlight of the tea party at Bellagio was the Congressional Recognition by Congresswoman Shelley Berkley presented through Malone and Brodsky to TEFA and CAAAN . On behalf of the TEFA, Chairman Wu and Dr. Wang President of Tunghai University received the Certificate. Dr. Lei also received the Award for CAAAN from Berkley. Thunders of applause from all the guests and participants brought a climax of this event in the Conference Room of Renoir 2 during the presentation of the awards. Chairman Wu gave a thanks speech to appreciate Senator Reid, Congresswoman Berkley, and Chairman Dr. Lei. for their hospitable welcome and supports. He was acknowledged the invitation by Reid to meet the Senator through Dr. Lei. Dr. Lei, Chairman of CAN-DO Dr. Prabhu, among others are going to hold a significant theme party and dinner in August for Reid in congratulating his being the Majoity Whip of U.S. Senate.
Dr. Kang-pei Wang, President of Tunghai University, was also invited to give a speech. He thanked the nice welcome and supports by the Washington, D.C. Scene, Nevada State, Las Vegas City, and Clark County. Acknowledgement is that this has been one inspired revelation that Dr. Lei's long years of honest and excellent efforts to coummunity service in Nevada are significant and fruitful. He said that Tunghai University is a developed university with many departments, graduate schools, and colleges. The diligent attitude of teaching by professors and the concrete research accomplishment of the graduate schools have launching this University to one of the famous educatonal institutions in the world. He also welcome all Nevadans come to visit Taiwan and Tunghai University.

U.S. Senator Reid Awards CAAAN and TEFA
By Tiffany Chang

U. S. Senior Senator of Nevada Harry Reid, the second greatest and powerful character of the Senate in Washington D. C. , gave a Certificate of Commendation of the U.S. Senate to Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN). It credits CAAAN for "In Recognition of Your Outstanding Support and Contribution to the TEFA and Global Tunghai Reunion in Las Vegas, Nevada." Dr. Tony T. Lei, Chairman of CAAAN and his wife Judy received the award in the Senator Reid's Office on July 16, 2001. TEFA also received a certificate because of "In Recognition of Your Outstanding Accomplishment to the Academic Advancement and International Cooperation in Education" from the Senator.
The Office of Senator Reid in Washington D. C. faxed Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute(WBTI) its "WHIP ROUND-UP". It tells Tony that famous for Harry's ability to lead important negotiations while avoiding the media spotlight, Majority Whip Reid's day of keeping a low profile may be over. "The Washington Post" and "Time Magazine" touted Senator Reid's influence last week. The latter quoted GOP Senator John Ensign as saying: "If Republicans want something, they go to Harry. He represents things fairly. He won't over-promise and underdeliver."
Senator Reid graduated from Utah State University in 1961. He received his Juris Doctoral Degree from George Washington University. In 1968, he was elected to Nevada State Assembly at the age of 28. After two years, he was elected as Nevada's youngest legislator in the state's history. In 1977, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission. In 1983, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. After having served two terms in the House, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1980. On April 10, 1998, he was honored as Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute. In December of 1998, after returning for his third term in the U.S. Senate, he was unaimously elected by his Democratic colleagues to serve as the Assistant Minority Leader. He is now the Assistant Democratic Leader and Majority Whip of the U.S. Senate in Washington D. C.
Senator Reid comes from Searchlight, Nevada, where in that rural mining town he learned the fundamental values of hard work and honesty that endure as his guiding principles. The Nevada's Senior Senator was raised in a small cabin without indoor pluming and attended a two-room elementary school. His father was a hardrock miner with an 8th grade education, and his mother never finished high school, but the youngest of Harry and Inez Reid's four sons would go on to achieve the American dream.
"Senator Reid loves heartily this country and our people. His leadership is accentuated with practical knowledge and deligent effort through his intelligence. He has achieved many years accomplishment to improve the quality of life of all Nevadans and help people realize the American Dream," Said Dr. Lei in my feature article entitled "Senator Harry Reid Awarded 'Outstanding Democrat of the Decade' " on October 26, 2000.
WBTI held successfully the Event and Dinner Party to pay a special tribute to Nancy Becker, Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court on May 23, 2001. The graceful and fruitful activity has been inspired and encouraged by Senator Reid. Asian American community has won recognition for contribution to Nevada by American Mainstream. The main reason for this recognition is the great and cooperative wisdom and efforts that the Asian communities have continuously participated and offered to the mainstream society of Nevada. In paying a special tribute to Senator Harry Reid as the Majority Whip of U.S. Senate, leaders of the Asian American community will hold a great event and dinner party with a significant theme on August 24, 2001 at Las Vegas.
Harry loves heartily our country, our people, and our community. He wishes us to enjoy working together. "United we stand, devided we fall. Together we can GROW (Go Reach Our World). Knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service. We should continue to work for the prosperity and healthy of our society more diligently, effectively, and wisely," says Dr. Lei.

US and WBTI Support Taiwan Higher Education for Academic Advancement
By Tiffany Chang

On May 30, 2001 Tunghai Endowment Fund for Academic Advancement, USA (TEFA USA) was approved by U.S. Intenal Revenue Service (IRS) to be a non-profit organization in U.S. It has been allowed to fit for the usage of the Internal Revenue Code: 501(c) (3) and Tax Code 2730ID. All the donations to TEFA USA will be tax deductable in this country. This is a recognition of the U.S. Government to the accomplishment of the international academic exchange and cooperation by TEFA. Washington Business and Technology Institute also follows to recognize the achievement of TEFA. This approval will benifit the alumni of Tunghai University in U.S. and American friends who care about the development of the higher education in Taiwan to better their donation and contribution to the University.
TEFA's Board Chairman (Chairman of Tunghai University) Wu Ching Mi, Vice Chairman (President of Tunghai University) Wang Kang Pei, Board Member Chou Lang Chiu, Honorary Member Chen Shiang Wen, CEO I-yu Teng, and their group will travel U.S. from June 29 through July 8, 2001. They will hold an introductory meeting and press conference in Las Vegas. Monet Capital, LLC with its managerial team including Cheng Ching Hoa, Chen Shiang Wen, and Wu An Hung will also come to join and support. The theme event will be held at Bellagio Casino and Hotel at 9-11 a.m. on July 7. The Chairman of Tunghai University Wu Ching Mi, President of Tunghai Unversity Dr. Wang Kang Pei, and President of Washington Business and Technology Institute Dr. Tony T. Lei will be the Co-Chairmen. Dr. Lei, an alumnus of the first class of the University, has sincerely and diligently contributed to the good coordinatng and organizing of the event and conference.
The main purpose of TEFA is to offer Fellowships to outstanding professors and scholars, to support the "Bright Youth Planning", and to offer scholarships to honorary students to study in overseas. It has contributed NT$3,000,000.00 to support the academic advancement activities for Tunghai University and offer scholarships for 15 honorary students led by two teachers on July 4, 2001 third times to U.S. at Millikin University to suty American culture.
The Reunion Party and Tour of Tunghai University 1970 and 1971 (12th & 13th) Classes will be held on July 6 through July 11, 2001 in Las Vegas and Grand Canyon. Alumni and their familllies of Tunghai will come from many countries, especially from U.S., around the World. The highlight will be the Dinner party and entertainment program on July 7 at the Aladdin Casino and Hotel. There will have many achieved scholars, professors, business executive and owners, and officials among the class graduates. Participants has been very enthusiastic. Registerred people were closing to 300 now. Many of them will also participate the TEFA event at Bellagio Hotel on July 7. All of them will continue to travel Grand Canyon and several other senic places. The coordinators are US West Coast Yin Ser Lung, 909-621-0978; US East Coast Chang Tai Chuon, 973-895-5556; and Taiwan I-yu Teng, 886-2-27071594. The 1969 (11th) class had a Reunion Party and Tour very successfully and happilly on June 26 through July 1, 1999 in Las Vegas, Zion National Park, and Grand Canyon. The heighlight was the Dinner party and entertaiment progam on June 27, 1999 at the Sky View Room of the 26th floor of Bally's Casino and Hotel.


From:"Teng I-yu"
To:"TEFA Friends"
Subject:Invitation: Global Tunghai Reunion in Las Vegas TEFA News 34/2001.6.28
Date:Fri. 29 Jun 2001 11:09:53 +0800

Dr. Tony T. Lei, Chairman of Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada
and Mrs. Judy K. Lei
request the honor of your presence
at a Welcome Tea Party for
Global Tunghai Reunion in Las Vegas and Celebration of the incorporation of TEFA USA on
Saturday, the Seventh of July, 2001
at The Bellagio Hotel
3600 Las Vegas Boulevard, South
Las Vegas, Nevada 89109
from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00

RSVP to 702-255-9058 or E-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com

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