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From: "GSBM Office of Alumni and Career Services" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
Subject: 4th Annual Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 17:12:22 -0700

4th Annual Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception

It's not too late....

REGISTER NOW for the 4th Annual Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception at the City Club in Downtown Los Angeles!

What is the ASK Reception? The concept of "Alumni Sharing Knowledge" began four years ago as a way for the Graziadio School to facilitate networking between fully employed MBA alumni and full time MBA students to encourage "Pepperdine hiring Pepperdine. " The result was a fun celebration of Pepperdine camaraderie.

A buzz was created. Today, students and alumni from all Graziadio programs (Full Time and Fully Employed MBA, Executive MBA, Presidential/Key Executive MBA, M.S. Organization Development, B.S. Management) are included, as well as prospective students -- to meet, reconnect, share business information, and continue to grow the largest graduate business school network in Southern California.

Registration closes May 29th, so don't delay!

4th Annual Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception

Thursday, June 1, 2006
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
City Club on Bunker Hill
333 South Grand Avenue
Suite 5450, Wells Fargo Center
Los Angeles, California 90071

Hors d'oeuvres - No Host Bar - Parking $7.00


From: "GSBM Office of Alumni and Career Services" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Fourth Annual Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception
Date: Fri, 12 May 2006 16:31:33 -0700

Fourth Annual Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception
Register Now!

The Graziadio School of Business and Management is pleased to invite you to the Fourth Annual Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception at the elegant City Club on Bunker Hill in Downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, June 1, 2006, at 6:00 PM.

You are a member of the largest business school alumni network in Southern California, with leaders in virtually every field of business. The ASK Reception is an excellent opportunity for you to leverage your alumni connection by reconnecting with old friends, classmates, and faculty and growing your professional network, all at the premier business club of Los Angeles. This event truly should not be missed.

DEFINITION: net·work (net' wūrk) An extended group of people with similar
interests or concerns who interact and remain in informal contact for mutual
assistance or support.
Space is limited, and the ASK Reception is one of the most popular events of the year.
REGISTER NOW to reserve your space!

Alumni Sharing Knowledge Fourth Annual Reception

Thursday, June 1, 2006
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM
City Club on Bunker Hill
333 South Grand Avenue
Suite 5450, Wells Fargo Center
Los Angeles, California 90071

Hors d'oeuvres - No Host Bar - Parking $7.00

Please contact the Alumni Office at 310 568-5639 or email gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu if you have any questions.


From: "GSBM Office of Career and Alumni Services" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Pepperdine Launches Morning MBA Program
Date: Thu, 4 May 2006 15:01:45 -0700

Pepperdine Launches Morning MBA Program
Morning MBA

As an alumnus, you know the value of a Pepperdine MBA. Since you already have experienced what it means to attend real-world business courses from a values-centered University, we are seeking your support to spread the word about the Graziadio School's new Morning MBA program.

We're also partnering with corporations in the community to grant sponsorships to students who are qualified to earn an MBA degree through our inaugural Morning MBA program. Classes will be taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. to allow flexibility to those who cannot attend evening classes. Courses will begin in the fall at our West LA Graduate Campus and Irvine Graduate Campus.

As an alumnus, we value your referral of qualified applicants, so if you happen to know a family member, friend or co-worker who might be interested in this program, please forward this information along to others who may be interested in the Graziadio School's new Morning MBA program.

After all, it is the first MBA degreed program of its kind in the nation!

We're currently accepting applications and offer GMAT preparatory courses.

Visit www.Bschool.pepperdine.edu/programs/morningmba/rfr/ or call Judy Fletcher at 888-339-0109 x203 for additional information on the Morning MBA Program and to learn about sponsorship opportunities.


From: "GSBM Office of Alumni and Career Services" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Management Partners Presents: Funding Your Road Map to Growth
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 17:22:30 -0700

Management Partners Presents: Funding Your Road Map to Growth

The Graziadio School of Business and Management, in collaboration with Management Partners, invites you to attend the upcoming executive finance panel seminar Funding Your Road Map to Growth on Tuesday, May 9, 2006 in Marina del Rey.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, mid-sized, or high-growth company, our panel of finance experts will discuss various financing strategies that can unlock the potential of your dreams. Without sufficient capital you are limiting your company's growth. Entrepreneurs, CFOs, CEOs, board members, and advisors can benefit from this event where you will learn about funding options for every stage of company development — from start-up to exit.

Topics include:

Angel investors
Early stage
VC's mezzanine
Bridge financing
Private equity funds
Asset based lenders
Featured Panelists:
John Dilts, President, Maverick Angels
James B. Freedman, Managing Director, Barrington Associates
Kimberly Reed, Principal, American Capital
Patrick C. Haden, General Partner, Riordan, Lewis & Hayden
David L. Mortensen, Vice President, PNC Business Credit

Michael A. Carr, Founder and Managing Partner, BAC Investments, LLC

To learn more about our panelists and moderator, CLICK HERE

Funding Your Road Map to Growth

Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Marriott Hotel
4100 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
(discounted self-parking available)
6:00 — Reception
6:45 — Panel Discussion

Seating is limited. CLICK HERE to register

For additional information, including available sponsorships, please call 310-568-5639.


The Graziadio School is honored to invite you to the upcoming Dean's Executive Leadership Series featuring Myrlie Evers-Williams
By GSBM of Pepperdine University

From: "GSBM Office of Alumni Resources" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Myrlie Evers-Williams Featured at Dean's Executive Leaders hip Series on May 17, 2006
Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2006 17:36:59 -0700

Myrlie Evers-Williams Featured at DELS on May 17, 2006
Register Now!
Dean's Executive Leadership Series
Upcoming Alumni Events
Management Partners

Dear Tony:

The Graziadio School is honored to invite you to the upcoming Dean's Executive Leadership Series featuring Myrlie Evers-Williams, former chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Ms. Evers-Williams will share her journey that began as the wife of civil rights leader, Medgar Evers, whose shocking murder in June of 1963 led her to become a community leader in her own right.

On May 17, Ms. Evers-Williams will discuss her fight for racial equality and the path that led to her becoming the first woman to chair the NAACP. Arrive early and network with Pepperdine alumni, faculty, students, and staff at a special reception at 5:45 p.m.

Dean's Executive Leadership Series Featuring Myrlie Evers-Williams
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Pepperdine University
Drescher Graduate Campus
Main Auditorium
Malibu, California
Reception: 5:45 p.m.
Presentation: 6:30 p.m.
Register online today

Admission is free but registration is required. Seating for this event is limited, so please register soon to ensure your space is reserved.

Would you like reserved seating at every Dean's Executive Leadership Series? Contact Jesse Torres at 310-568-5532 or jesse.torres@pepperdine.edu to learn more about how to become a Management Partner.


Drescher's Villa Graziadio Earns "Boutique" Status
By GSBM of Pepperdine University

From: "GSBM Office of Alumni and Career Resources" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Drescher's Villa Graziadio Earns "Boutique" Status
Date: Fri, 14 Apr 2006 13:18:13 -0700

Drescher's Villa Graziadio Earns "Boutique" Status

The Villa Graziadio Boutique Hotel and Executive Center, Malibu's private gate entrance perched over the Pacific Ocean, has been awarded membership with Boutique Hotels & Resorts International®. The Villa Graziadio is noted for hosting high-level executives in a new approach to contemporary design, ultimate location, and uncompromised privacy.

Blending contemporary style and traditional qualities with stunning views of the Pacific Ocean, the Villa Graziadio surpasses the most demanding of international expectations. Villa Graziadio hosts important business meetings, the most special of events and weekend get-a-ways atop the hills of Malibu with 50 generously sized guest rooms and suites.

Alumni may take advantage of our special rates. More information is available at www.boutiquehotelsandresorts.com/villagraziadio.

Boutique Hotels & Resorts International® awards a distinct and elegant identity to authentic boutique hotels and resorts around the world. A full service alliance featuring inventive marketing and the very latest in reservation and global distribution technology, Boutique was created exclusively to empower independent boutique hotels to compete with the major hotel giants. Additional information is available at www.boutiquehotelsandresorts.com.


Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world! (75th of XXXXXXXXI)
By Michael Douglas, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang*1

Google.cn and Google.com published this section (Pepperdine University - Graziadio School of Business and Management) at 9:11 a.m. in the morning on March 31, 2006. It covers about the 25 fliers from January 18, 2006 to March 21, 2006.

Just type your name, the title of a report or an article, your concerned, the name of an organization, an event, or a reporter;{like "Chairperson Elaine Chao", "ęā¸¬—–", "‹LˇŅä——½‰Ć", and among others) on the searching box of Google.cn and Google.com please, and what can you find the good things that Google and WBTI have for you?*2

Many people have a good perspective on Google. Google.cn and Google.com will put more effort and wisdom to contribute to English and Chinese readers being an efficient visitor on the searching of fluent and useful information. Washington Business and Technology Institute's (WBTI's) website has been continuously published by Google.com and Google.cn about every 11 days. We wish advanced performance may be extended from Google.cn to WBTI.*3

You're on Google.cn and Google.com, if you're on Washington Business and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti

[[[A compliment or encouragement is verbal sunshine! We are pleased to quote the following three short but meaningful ones:
***** No matter how busy you are, you must take time to make other person feel important. ---Mary Kay Ash
***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis
***** There are two things people want more than sex and money ...recognition and praise. ---Mary Kay Ash
All art, permanent or temporary, has a life in the immediate experience, but then has a life in the imagination. ---Anish Kapoor 1954- :in "Sunday Times" 11 July 1999
"Accomplishment will prove to be a journey, not a destination." ---Dwight D. Eisenhower]]]

[[[Dear Dr. & Mrs. Lei:
I am writing this letter to invite you to my next Senior Advisory Committee meeting at 9:30 am on Thursday, February 23, 2006, at the Lieburn Senior Center, 6230 Garwood Avenue (map is enclosed). ..... Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei has been U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior Advisor since January 2000.]]]*4

[[["It's really my pleasure and honor to be named as an Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI. WBTI has a good reputation with its Advisory Board and faculty members. The Board has Governor Kenny Guinn as its Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign as Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman as Executive Directors. With the excellent and informative publications of 'Google.cn', 'Google.com', 'Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com', 'Next Weekly' and among others, high-ranking officials of Nevada with the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI have been inspired to help realize the creed for professional righteousness, community service, and humane spirit of WBTI," expressed Justice Michael Douglas of Nevada Supreme Court at the Event and Dinner Party in the Emperor's Garden Restaurant on February 4, 2005 in Las Vegas. It was held by the Committee to implement the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG.]]]*5

[[[Some of the significant idea from the letters to Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI):
"It's my great pleasure and honor to be named by you as a Senior Advisor and Honorary Chairman of CCDAPCC of WBTI. Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." --A. William Maupin, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court
"As Mayor, I will continue to devote my energies into the preservation and improvement of the standard of living enjoyed here in the City of Las Vegas." --Oscar B. Goodman
"It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." --Kenny C. Guinn]]]*6

[[["As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), I'll have more venues to work for international tourism with Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn who is the Chairman of the Advisory Board of WBTI. We're putting all our effort and wisdom to work for our people, land, and country under the spiritual leadership of Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Governor of Nevada, on November 11, 2005.
The above message was signed by Lt. Governor of Nevada Lorraine Hunt:.....]]]*7

[[["It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of 'Happy Lunar New Year!' to every American and Chinese here in Las Vegas and North America through the Communitylink (at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) of the largest newspaper in Nevada, Las Vegas Review-Journal," said James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman and Senior Director of Washington Business and Technology Institute, in the Event and Dinner Party held by Nevada Republican Party and ARCC on January 29, 2006 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event and dinner party were sponsored by Asian Republicans of Clark County for a reunion of the lunar new year to the Chinese, Asian, and American people in Las Vegas:.....]]]*8


*1. Michael Douglas is a distinguished Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court. Valerie Weber is a famous and achieved Assemblywoman of Nevada and the Minority
Whip of the Assembly. Cheryl Moss is an outstanding District Court Judge of Nevada serving in Las Vegas, Clark County.
*2. PAI of WBTI. 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's on Google!' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao' on the Google.com," Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*3. Ibid.
*4. Berkley, Shelley. 'I am writing this letter to invite you to,' "A letter from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (February 8, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Office.
*5. Denton, Mark; Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI,' "A search of 'Justice Michael Douglas wbti' on the Google.com," (March 25, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*6. Guinn, Kenny C. 'Nevada Proud of Our Troops in the Middle East,' "Section of 'Business & Administration' of the WBTI website," (March 23, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*7. Hunt, Lorraine. 'As the Hononary Chairperson of International Cities Business Council,' "A search of 'Chairperson Lorraine Hunt' on the Google.com," (March 26, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*8. Gibbons, James. 'It's my great pleasure to extend my warm greetings of,' "A search of 'James Gibbons, U. S. Congressman' on the Google.com," (March 27, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.


From: "GSBM Office of Alumni and Career Services" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Management Partners - Building Your Business Advisory Team
Date: Mon, 13 Mar 2006 16:01:40 -0800

Pepperdine University ---Management Partners - Building Your Business Advisory Team

Dear Tony:

The Graziadio School of Business and Management, in collaboration with Management Partners, invites you to attend the upcoming executive panel seminar Building Your Business Advisory Team on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 in Irvine.

Experts in the fields of strategy, banking, branding, accounting and law speak out about how to assemble the core team of professionals who can help transform your company into a top-tier business. Panelists will share their own perspectives on what comprises a strong advisory group and how business managers can benefit from the counsel of key stakeholders.

Featured Panelists:
Tom Byington, President, Irvine Business Holdings;
Ben A. Frydman, Attorney, Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth;
Jeffrey A. Rigsby, Chairman & Co-Founder, Virtual CEO Consulting Group;
Ryan Rieches, Partner RiechesBaird;
Thomas E. Wendler, Partner, Singer Lewak Greenbaum & Goldstein LLP

John C. Wallin, Vice President, O'Shea, Divine & Company.

To learn more about our panelists, CLICK HERE

Building Your Business Advisory Team

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
DoubleTree Hotel Irvine Spectrum
90 Pacifica Avenue
Irvine, CA 92618

5:30 pm Registration
6:30 pm Panel Discussion


From: Pepperdine University "CareerNetwork" [CareerNetwork@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Pepperdine CareerNetwork Newsletter
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 16:38:47 -0800



Graziadio Annual Career Fair
Friday, March 10, 2006
Doubletree Santa Monica

Deans Executive Leadership Series (DELS)
J.D. Power III
Founder, J.D. Power and Associates
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Drescher Graduate Campus, Malibu

who's hiring

To access the job descriptions for the positions below, login to Graziadio Talent Online (GTO) and complete your profile. You may upload your resume and apply for the positions through GTO.

COMPANY: Edison International
1. Financial Analyst
2. Sr. Financial Analyst
3. Project Manager, Business Processes
LOCATION: Rosemead, CA

COMPANY: Real Networks
1. Product Manager, Customer Acquisition
2. Product Marketing Manager-Games

COMPANY: Brown-Forman Corporation
POSITION: Brand Business Manager, Finlandia Vodka
LOCATION: Orange County, CA

POSITION: Director of Finance-Innovative Merchant Solutions
LOCATION: Calabasas, CA

COMPANY: Kensel Ventures
POSITION: Vice President of Marketing & Business Development
LOCATION: Corona del Mar, CA

COMPANY: Walt Disney, Company
POSITION: Manager, Organization Development

COMPANY:Nielsen Entertainment
1. Research, On-site Account Manager, DVD/Video Division
2. Vice President, Entertainment Research
3. Manager, Research & Analysis
LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA

POSITION: Several in Operations, Consumer Media Services, Realtor Operation, and more
LOCATION: Westlake Village, CA

COMPANY: Sperry Van Ness
1. Broker Coordinator
2. Escrow Manager
3. Business Development Associate
4. Commercial Real Estate Agent

COMPANY: Mellon 1st Business Bank
POSITION: Relationship/Portfolio Manager
LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA

COMPANY: Solution Marketing
1. Product Manager, Accessories
2. Product Manger, Air Care
3. Marketing Manager, Innovations
LOCATION: Ventura County, CA

COMPANY: Countrywide Financial
1. Pipeline Risk Management, Recon Analyst
2. Production Support Analyst
3. Vice President, Corporate Operations
LOCATION: Calabasas, CA

in the news

OC Alumni Connect in Costa Mesa
by Jesse Torres, Assistant Director, Alumni Services

On February 7, 2006 the Graziadio School proudly hosted the first Orange County Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) reception at the Center Club in Costa Mesa. More than 180 alumni attended the hosted event, which brought together graduates from all of the degree programs of the Graziadio School, along with students and members of the Graziadio School's esteemed Board of Visitors. Guests spent the evening mingling, networking and enjoying passed appetizers and desserts in the luxurious dining hall of the private city club, which adjoins the Orange County Performing Arts Center. More...


Managing Your Career
Articles and Resources

"Tell Me About Yourself" Doesn't Mean "Tell It All"
By Arlene S. Hirsch
Learn how to frame an effective response to this open-ended request in interviews.

Can an Image Guru Help You Get Ahead at Work?
By Paola Singer
Dress for success: TV shows have put the spotlight on makeovers. We test five services that claim to teach their clients corporate style.

Four Tips for Acing Interviews by Phone
By Sarah E. Needleman Find out how to boost your chances of clearing this first hurdle to landing that new job.

Tapping the Internal Entrepreneur
from BusinessWeek online
B-school prof and author Neal Thornberry says that so-called "intraprenuers" can help create new business opportunities within existing companies and push cultural change.

Copyright © Pepperdine University 2005


From: Pepperdine University "GSBM Office of Alumni and Career Services" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Management Partners - Building Your Business Advisory Team
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 15:17:49 -0800

Management Partners - Building Your Business Advisory Team
Register Now!

Dear Tony:

The Graziadio School of Business and Management, in collaboration with Management Partners, invites you to attend the upcoming executive panel seminar Building Your Business Advisory Team on Tuesday, March 21, 2006 in Irvine.

Experts in the fields of strategy, banking, branding, accounting and law speak out about how to assemble the core team of professionals who can help transform your company into a top-tier business. Panelists will share their own perspectives on what comprises a strong advisory group and how business managers can benefit from the counsel of key stakeholders.

Featured Panelists:
Tom Byington, President, Irvine Business Holdings
Ben A. Frydman, Attorney, Stradling Yocca Carlson & Rauth
Jeffrey A. Rigsby, Chairman & Co-Founder, Virtual CEO Consulting Group
Ryan Rieches, Partner RiechesBaird
Thomas E. Wendler, Partner, Singer Lewak Greenbaum & Goldstein LLP

John A. Wallin, Vice President, O'Shea, Divine & Company.

To learn more about our panelists, CLICK HERE

Build Your Business Advisory Team

Tuesday, March 21, 2006
DoubleTree Hotel Irvine Spectrum
90 Pacifica Avenue
Irvine, CA 92618

5:30 pm Registration
6:30 pm Panel Discussion

Seating is limited. CLICK HERE to register.

For additional information, including available sponsorships, please call 310-568-5639.


From: Pepperdine University "GSBM Office of Alumni and Career Services" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Reserved Seating for Management Partners at Dean's Executi ve Leadership Series on March 15, 2006
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 16:14:25 -0800

Dean's Executive Leadership Series Featuring J.D. Power III

Dear Tony:

The Graziadio School is proud to invite you to the upcoming Dean's Executive Leadership Series featuring J.D. Power III, founder of J.D. Power and Associates. Mr. Power III has spent more than 30 years dedicated to leading one of the most prestigious marketing information firms in the world -- J.D. Power and Associates. On March 15, Mr. Power III will share his insights on the power of customer satisfaction.

As a Management Partner, you will have access to reserved seating for this special evening. Please join fellow Pepperdine alumni, faculty, students, and staff for a networking reception at 5:45 p.m.

Don't miss the opportunity to purchase Mr. Power's recently published book, Satisfaction, at the discounted price of $20.00.

Dean's Executive Leadership Series Featuring J.D. Power III
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Pepperdine University
Drescher Graduate Campus
Main Auditorium
Malibu, California
Reception: 5:45 p.m.
Presentation: 6:30 p.m.
Register online today

Admission is free but registration is required. Seating for this event is limited, so please register soon to ensure your reserved seat.

For more information regarding upcoming Management Partners events and benefits, please contact Jesse Torres at 310-568-5532 or jesse.torres@pepperdine.edu.


Welcome to Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management

Whether you are seeking a Full-time MBA or wish to complete your master's or bachelor's degree as a working professional, the Graziadio School of Business and Management at Pepperdine University is an excellent choice. Our programs emphasize real-world applications taught in small, interactive classes. Pepperdine faculty members combine successful business experience with excellent academic credentials to facilitate your learning. Eight graduate campuses in California and evening and weekend classes make it feasible to complete your degree while you work full time. These benefits support our mission to develop leaders through a curriculum that is entrepreneurial in spirit, ethical in focus, and global in orientation.*1

Pepperdine has a positive, entrepreneurial culture informed by two highly successful business leaders—our founder, George Pepperdine, and our benefactor, George L. Graziadio, Jr. As a student you will benefit from this rich entrepreneurial tradition that encourages innovative solutions to business challenges. At graduation, you will join an influential worldwide network of more than 29,000 alumni, including many who currently lead organizations around the globe as presidents and CEOs.

We encourage you to browse through our site and contact us to discover why the new world of business is here at Pepperdine University.*2


*1. GSBM of Pepperdine University. 'A profile of GSBM,' "A search of 'GSBM of Pepperdine University' on the Google.com," (February 25, 2006), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


From: "GSBM Career Network" [careernetwork@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Pepperdine CareerNetwork Newsletter
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 11:41:54 -0800

Please visit this page: http://graziadio.pepperdine.edu/messages/060203career.html



1st Annual Irvine Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception
February 7, 2006 – Center Club, Costa Mesa
6:00 pm - 8:30PM
Center Club, Costa Mesa, CA
Join Pepperdine alumni from all business programs at this premier networking reception at the private Center Club in Orange County.

Executive Breakfast: Creating a Great Place to Work--Lessons from the 100 Best Companies to Work for in America
February 15, 2006 – West Los Angeles Campus, Room 203

Leveraging Your Business Degree Workshop
February 11, 2006 - Irvine Campus
February 25, 2006 - West Los Angeles Campus

L.A. Alumni Chapter Kickoff Reception
February 23, 2006
Beverly Hills, CA
First event of new L.A. Waves Chapter at McCormick & Schmick's on Rodeo Dr.

Graziadio Talent Career Fair
Friday, March 10, 2006
Doubletree Guest Suites Santa Monica
1707 4th Street
Santa Monica, CA 90401
8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Deans Executive Leadership Series (DELS)
J.D. Power III
Founder, J.D. Power and Associates
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Drescher Graduate Campus, Malibu

who's hiring

Vice President, Financial Planning
Calabasas, CA

Countrywide Financial
Process Engineering Group, Consultant
Simi Valley CA

Countrywide Financial Corporation
1. First Vice President, Research and Communications
2. Senior Manager – Real Estate Strategic Planning
Both positions located in Calabasas, CA

Fox Interactive Media
Manager, Business Development - Sports
Beverly Hills, CA

Houlihan Lokey Howard & Zukin
Financial Analyst - Financial Advisory Services
Century City, CA

Manager, Corporate Development
Agoura Hills CA

Princess Cruises
Senior Revenue Analyst
Santa Clarita, CA

in the news

New for 2006 - Graziadio Talent Online (GTO)

The Office of Alumni and Career Services is excited to announce the launch of a new website designed to help you advance your career by showcasing your talent to employers. The first resume posting and job posting website exclusively for Graziadio students and alumni, this site is your first step in utilizing the Graziadio School career resources.

Graziadio Talent Online (GTO) made possible by the generous support of The George & Reva Graziadio Foundation, is free to all Graziadio students and alumni and offers the following features:

Personal Profiles and Resumes
As a job seeker, create your own professional profile and upload your resume as you actively search for employment. As an employer, review profiles and resumes of Graziadio students and alumni seeking employment to find the right candidate for your organization. GTO makes it easy for employers to connect with some of the most talented job candidates in Southern California and beyond!

Post and Apply to Job Postings
Post jobs or apply to job postings that are searchable by function, industry, salary range, geographic location, and skill requirements. Use GTO’s job alert to receive auto-notification of any postings for which you are qualified.

Networking Events and Career Workshops
Use GTO’s online calendar and registration to attend popular Graziadio School events including the annual career fair, Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) receptions, and the Dean’s Executive Leadership Series. These events are an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge and increase your own career network!

Career Self-Assessment
Assessing your skills, interests, and values is an important part of a successful job search campaign. Gain expert assessment for your next career move using one of the most comprehensive business career self-assessment tools in the country. CareerLeader® is used by top business and MBA programs. Online and accessible 24/7, you take the assessment at your convenience. Once completed, you receive a narrative report of your results with recommended career paths.

Career Coaching
Career coaches are available to offer advice and recommendations for conducting an effective job search or career transition, and discuss your specific issues. Appointments can be scheduled through the Office of Alumni and Career Services. Registration on GTO is required.

It’s a new year full of new possibilities. Visit www.Bschool.pepperdine.edu/GTO -- a new powerful career tool brought to you by the Graziadio School of Business and Management at Pepperdine University.


Managing Your Career
Articles and Resources

Career Fairs: Your Shortcut to Job Interviews
by Deborah Walker
Job-seekers who understand how to “work” career fairs use these events as powerful networking sessions leading to interviews with future employers.

Resume Critique Worksheet for Job-Seekers
by Randall S. Hansen, Ph.D.
Review and critique your resume using this simple table. The most important thing to remember is to be sure you totally understand each criterion -- and then be completely honest on how your resume rates.

Poor Writing Skills Top M.B.A. Recruiter Gripes
By Ronald Alsop
Pet peeves: Find out what employers want in b-school grads, and how some interviewers evaluate candidates.


From: "Pepperdine University Alumni Association" [AlumniOffice@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Alumni Newsletter January 13, 2006
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2006 19:51:40 -0800


ABC Television Group President Anne Sweeney to Present at Dean’s Executive Leadership Series on January 25, 2006

The Graziadio School is honored to present Disney executive Anne Sweeney at the Dean’s Executive Leadership Series to be held at Smothers Theatre in Malibu on Wednesday, January 25 at 6:30 p.m. Ms. Sweeney has been named one of the most influential women executives by The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Pink and Hollywood Reporter. Admission is free, but event attendees must register. Click here to register

Top Business Schools Compete in LA Cup at
Pepperdine University on February 1

The Graziadio School is pleased to announce that the inaugural Association for Corporate Growth Los Angeles Cup investment banking case study competition will be held at Pepperdine University on February 1, 2006. The event, to be held among students from the leading business schools in Los Angeles including UCLA, USC, and Pepperdine, will include cash prizes awarded to the three finalists. For more information, click here.

Pepperdine Business Plan Competition
Finalists to Present on February 21
Pepperdine University is proud to announce the generous sponsorship
of its annual business plan competition by Miven Venture Partners, a venture
capital fund co-founded by Graziadio School alumnus and Linksys cofounder
Victor Tsao, and Jawad Ansari, founder of Corporate Metrix Family Offices.
In honor of this contribution, the competition has been renamed
the Miven Venture Partners/Pepperdine University Annual Business Plan
Competition. The 2006 competition will be held February 21, 2006, at the
Drescher Graduate Campus in Malibu.Click here to view a clip of the 2005 Business Plan Competition.

Executive Breakfast: Lessons from the 100
Best Companies to Work for in America
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
7:30 AM
West Los Angeles Graduate Campus

The Graziadio School of Business and Management, in collaboration with the Human Capital Institute, is proud to invite you to an executive breakfast with Hal Adler, senior consultant with the Great Place to Work Institute in San Francisco. Mr. Adler founded the Training Arts Institute and held a leadership role with the Center for Talent Retention. Mr. Adler’s engaging, interactive presentation is a must-see for any leader who aspires to improve business performance by creating a great workplace. The networking breakfast will begin at 7:30 AM and the speaker presentation will be from 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM Seating is limited; please click here to register now.

---------- (back to top) ------------------------------------------------------------



Munich Film Discussion
Monday, February 13, 2006, 7:00 PM
Drescher Graduate Campus Auditorium

The School of Public Policy and the Los Angeles chapter of the Republican Jewish Coalition will cosponsor a panel discussion of Munich. Pepperdine Vice Chancellor Michael Warder will offer a welcome followed by an introduction to the topic and the panelists by Larry Greenfield, California director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Greenfield will also moderate the discussion of Michael Berenbaum, professor of theology and director of the Sigi Ziering Institute at the University of Judaism in Los Angeles; Robert Kaufman, professor of public policy at the Pepperdine School of Public Policy; and Kathleen Wright, Emmy award winner and author of Screenwriting is Storytelling.

"Religion and Politics in America"
James Q. Wilson, Ronald Reagan Professor
Monday, February 27, 2006, 11 AM
Map and Directions

The School of Public Policy presents Ronald Reagan Professor James Q. Wilson at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Foundation in Simi Valley (map and directions). Professor Wilson will explore why America, unlike Europe, is a religious nation, how religion affects human behavior, and why religion has become a major source of political polarization in this country. Tickets are free, however reservations are encouraged. Please contact the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Foundation by February 20, 2006 at 805-522-2977.

---------- (back to top) ------------------------------------------------------------



The Student Alumni Organization Presents “Hang 10 Dinners” Program

Pepperdine invites you to participate in the inaugural year of our new Hang 10 Dinners.

The dinners bring together hundreds of students, alumni, faculty, and staff in a series of small dinner parties to help keep the Pepperdine Family strong. This unique program allows for a time of family history to be shared and storytelling to take place. Traditions can be passed on and multiple generations of Waves can connect over their Pepperdine experiences. Alumni Hosts can bring up to 10 students into their homes based on similar interests of participants.

Dinners will take place on Saturday, March 25, Sun., March 26, and Sunday, April 2.
Alumni Hosts must register online by Friday, February 17.

Please visit us at www.saowaves.com for more details or e-mail the Student Alumni Organization at sao@pepperdine.edu


Homecoming 2006
Save the date to "Meet Me in Malibu!"
February 17-19, 2006

Fab Five Reunion
Calling all 2001-2005 graduates! It’s time to make plans to attend your reunion on February 18 during Homecoming Weekend 2006. Don’t forget to register and check out an online list of who’s coming! For more information please contact Tara Lawrence at tara.lawrence@pepperdine.edu or 310-506-4348 or visit:

Pepperdine Malibu Classes of 1972-1979
The Pepperdine Pioneers reunion celebrates the first eight classes to graduate from Pepperdine's Malibu campus. Register to attend an adult-only dinner kindly held at the home of Tyler and Jasmine Runnels in Los Angeles on Friday, February 17, 2006. Sign up to attend the reunion at:

For more information visit contact Tara Lawrence at tara.lawrence@pepperdine.edu or 310-506-4348.

Moore Haus 100-year Anniversary Celebration
This is going to be an amazing 2 days in Heidelberg! Put May 6 & 7, 2006, on your calendar,and make your hotel and airline reservations soon. Please check the Heidelberg Reunions web site to contact your class leader at http://seaver.pepperdine.edu/alumni/heidelberg/reunions/index.htm. This website will be updated regularly with information about the trip. Class leaders are waiting for your RSVP and deposit!

Heidelberg 10, 20 and 30 Year Class Reunions
Classes of 1975-1976, 1985-1986 and 1995-1996
Enjoy five days/four nights packed with activities and an incredible 100 Year Anniversary Celebration of Moore Haus! Two hotels are holding rooms for the 20-year and 30-year Heidelberg reunions which will span May 4-9, 2006. The 10-year reunion class will stay in Moore Haus from May 3-8, 2006. Check here for your class leader, and give them a call right away! Invitations to be mailed soon. Please RSVP to Dawn Pettersen at 310-506-4348.

Heidelberg & Florence Homecoming Reunions on the Malibu Campus
February 18, 2006! Don't forget to RSVP or register on-line!
This reunion is only one month away! Click here to see who's coming.


From: "GSBM Office of Alumni Resources" [gsbmalum@pepperdine.edu]
To: Dr. Toy Tung-tien Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Reserved Seating for Management Partners at Disney Executive Presentation on January 25, 2006
Date: Mon, 9 Jan 2006 16:52:40 -0800

If you aren't able to view this message, please visit this page: http://graziadio.pepperdine.edu/messages/060109mpsweeney.html

Dean's Executive Leadership Series Featuring Anne Sweeney
Register Now!
Dean's Executive Leadership Series
Upcoming Alumni Events
Update Your Contact Information
Email Us

Dear Tony:

The Graziadio School is proud to invite you to the next Dean's Executive Leadership Series featuring Disney/ABC executive Anne Sweeney on January 25, 2006. Named one of the most powerful women in business by Fortune, Forbes, and the Wall Street Journal, Ms. Sweeney currently serves as the co-chair of Disney Media Networks and president of the Disney-ABC Television Group.

As a Management Partner, you will have access to reserved seating for this special evening. Ms. Sweeney, who has been credited for a revitalization of the ABC television network, will share her insights on how to remain entrepreneurial in an established industry. Arrive early and join fellow Pepperdine alumni, faculty, students, and staff for a networking reception at 5:45 p.m.

Dean's Executive Leadership Series Featuring Anne Sweeney
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Smothers Theatre
Pepperdine University
Malibu, California
Reception: 5:45 p.m.
Presentation: 6:30 p.m.
Register online today

Admission is free but registration is required. Seating for this event is extremely limited, so please register no later than Wednesday, January 18 to ensure your space is reserved.

For more information regarding upcoming Management Partners events and benefits, please contact Jesse Torres at 310-568-5532 or jesse.torres@pepperdine.edu.

If you would like to unsubscribe from our mailings, please click here.


Graziadio School Faculty
Strategy Faculty Biographies*1

Robert M. Fulmer, Ph.D.
Distinguished Visiting Professor

Ph. D., University of California, Los Angeles

Phone: (805) 965-4418
E-Mail: robert.fulmer@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report
Graziadio Business Analysis Commentary

Upon completing his Ph.D. at UCLA, Dr. Fulmer served as chairman of Pepperdine's business administration department, wrote the proposal that led to Pepperdine offering an MBA, and taught the first graduate business class. He returned to Pepperdine in 1999 and holds The Graziadio School's Virtue Chair. Dr. Fulmer also serves as Academic Director of Duke Corporate Education. Dr. Fulmer was the W. Brooks George Professor of Management at the College of William and Mary and the former director of its Executive MBA program. Dr. Fulmer has been a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT and taught organization and management at Columbia University's Graduate Business School. For six years he was director of executive education at Emory University where he oversaw the Executive MBA program as well as public and customized programs for general and functional managers. In addition, Dr. Fulmer was director of corporate management development for Allied Signal, Inc., with responsibility for the development of employees ranging from first-line supervisors to senior executives. Dr. Fulmer has published extensively; he is the author of four editions of The New Management and co-author of four editions of A Practical Introduction to Business. He also authored Crafting Competitiveness, Executive Development and Organizational Learning for Global Business, and Leadership by Design. Dr. Fulmer has served on the editorial board of seven journals, is author of more than 120 published articles, and has conducted management seminars in 24 countries.

Jack C. Green, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

B.A. Finance, University of Utah; M.B.A. University of Utah; Ph.D. Executive Management, Claremont Graduate University.

Phone: (310) 568-5500
FAX: (626) 355-5553
E-Mail: jack.green@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Curriculum Vitae
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report
Graziadio Business Analysis Commentary

After 28 years of experience at Weyerhaeuser Company and Pacific Enterprises, he received his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University in Executive Management. He was a member of the Los Angeles County Quality and Productivity Commission for ten years and was its chairman for five years. Also, he served on the Los Angeles Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee for two years. He is a consultant to nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses.

Ariff Kachra, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Strategy

B.A., M.B.A., University of Ottawa; Ph.D., University of Western Ontario, Canada

Phone: (310) 568-5742
FAX: (310) 568-5727
E-Mail: akachra@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report

Dr. Ariff Kachra's background combines senior management experience in an eclectic mix of industries with solid research training and strong teaching skills. In addition, his consulting activities include market research and promotional strategies, business plans for new financing and strategic turnaround, and financial plans and feasibility studies for small businesses. He also has experience as a research analyst for global securities and most recently was a director of the Transportation Association of Canada. Fluent in English and French, Dr. Kachra also speaks several other languages.

Kurt K. Motamedi, Ph.D.
Professor of Strategy and Leadership

B.S.E.E., San Jose State University; M.S.E.E., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles.

Phone: (310) 568-5500
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: kurt.motamedi@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Motamedi specializes in strategic management and organization development, design, and behavior. He has served at various companies as president, managing director, managing partner, special projects director, board member, and long-term consultant. He has worked with multinational companies in diverse global industries including biotechnology, semiconductors, software, information technology, health care, news media, and financial services as well as with government organizations at city, county, state, and federal levels. An author of numerous publications and a frequent speaker on management topics, Dr. Motamedi has received the excellence in teaching and service award from UCLA's Ojai Leadership and Engineering and Management programs. He is a fellow of the Division of Applied Behavior Science at UCLA and a member of the Academy of Management and the American Psychological Association.

Karen E. Schnietz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

A.B., Bryn Mawr College; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Phone: (310) 568-2311
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: karen.schnietz@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report

Nikolai Wasilewski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

B.S.Ch.E., New Jersey Institute of Technology; M.S., University of Cincinnati; M.I.M., American Graduate School of International Management; M.Phil., Ph.D., New York University

Phone: (310) 568-5743
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: nikolai.wasilewski@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi

Dr. Wasilewski has more than 20 years' teaching experience in such areas as strategic management, international business, and organization theory. He takes an interdisciplinary, applications-oriented approach to the classroom and has taught in undergraduate as well as graduate and executive programs. His corporate experience began in engineering with Monsanto and Procter & Gamble and later moved into market research and international business development with Olin Corporation. He has advised corporate management in strategic direction and planning, business plan development, strategic marketing and product positioning, competitive strategies/tactics, and organizational change.

Gwendolyn Whitfield, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Strategy

B.A., Howard University; M.B.A., Wayne State University; Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Phone: (310) 506-8540
FAX: (310) 506-4126
E-Mail: gwendolyn.whitfield@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi

*1. Programs Programs Home
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Global Programs
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Behavioral Science
Decision Sciences
Information Systems
Business Law
Organization Theory
Other Areas
Accreditation and Recognition

Graziadio School Faculty
Strategy Faculty Biographies

Robert M. Fulmer, Ph.D.
Distinguished Visiting Professor

Ph. D., University of California, Los Angeles

Phone: (805) 965-4418
E-Mail: robert.fulmer@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report
Graziadio Business Analysis Commentary

Upon completing his Ph.D. at UCLA, Dr. Fulmer served as chairman of Pepperdine's business administration department, wrote the proposal that led to Pepperdine offering an MBA, and taught the first graduate business class. He returned to Pepperdine in 1999 and holds The Graziadio School's Virtue Chair. Dr. Fulmer also serves as Academic Director of Duke Corporate Education. Dr. Fulmer was the W. Brooks George Professor of Management at the College of William and Mary and the former director of its Executive MBA program. Dr. Fulmer has been a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT and taught organization and management at Columbia University's Graduate Business School. For six years he was director of executive education at Emory University where he oversaw the Executive MBA program as well as public and customized programs for general and functional managers. In addition, Dr. Fulmer was director of corporate management development for Allied Signal, Inc., with responsibility for the development of employees ranging from first-line supervisors to senior executives. Dr. Fulmer has published extensively; he is the author of four editions of The New Management and co-author of four editions of A Practical Introduction to Business. He also authored Crafting Competitiveness, Executive Development and Organizational Learning for Global Business, and Leadership by Design. Dr. Fulmer has served on the editorial board of seven journals, is author of more than 120 published articles, and has conducted management seminars in 24 countries.

Jack C. Green, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

B.A. Finance, University of Utah; M.B.A. University of Utah; Ph.D. Executive Management, Claremont Graduate University.

Phone: (310) 568-5500
FAX: (626) 355-5553
E-Mail: jack.green@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Curriculum Vitae
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report
Graziadio Business Analysis Commentary

After 28 years of experience at Weyerhaeuser Company and Pacific Enterprises, he received his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University in Executive Management. He was a member of the Los Angeles County Quality and Productivity Commission for ten years and was its chairman for five years. Also, he served on the Los Angeles Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee for two years. He is a consultant to nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses.

Ariff Kachra, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Strategy

B.A., M.B.A., University of Ottawa; Ph.D., University of Western Ontario, Canada

Phone: (310) 568-5742
FAX: (310) 568-5727
E-Mail: akachra@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report

Dr. Ariff Kachra's background combines senior management experience in an eclectic mix of industries with solid research training and strong teaching skills. In addition, his consulting activities include market research and promotional strategies, business plans for new financing and strategic turnaround, and financial plans and feasibility studies for small businesses. He also has experience as a research analyst for global securities and most recently was a director of the Transportation Association of Canada. Fluent in English and French, Dr. Kachra also speaks several other languages.

Kurt K. Motamedi, Ph.D.
Professor of Strategy and Leadership

B.S.E.E., San Jose State University; M.S.E.E., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles.

Phone: (310) 568-5500
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: kurt.motamedi@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Motamedi specializes in strategic management and organization development, design, and behavior. He has served at various companies as president, managing director, managing partner, special projects director, board member, and long-term consultant. He has worked with multinational companies in diverse global industries including biotechnology, semiconductors, software, information technology, health care, news media, and financial services as well as with government organizations at city, county, state, and federal levels. An author of numerous publications and a frequent speaker on management topics, Dr. Motamedi has received the excellence in teaching and service award from UCLA's Ojai Leadership and Engineering and Management programs. He is a fellow of the Division of Applied Behavior Science at UCLA and a member of the Academy of Management and the American Psychological Association.

Karen E. Schnietz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

A.B., Bryn Mawr College; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Phone: (310) 568-2311
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: karen.schnietz@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report

Nikolai Wasilewski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

B.S.Ch.E., New Jersey Institute of Technology; M.S., University of Cincinnati; M.I.M., American Graduate School of International Management; M.Phil., Ph.D., New York University

Phone: (310) 568-5743
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: nikolai.wasilewski@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi

Dr. Wasilewski has more than 20 years' teaching experience in such areas as strategic management, international business, and organization theory. He takes an interdisciplinary, applications-oriented approach to the classroom and has taught in undergraduate as well as graduate and executive programs. His corporate experience began in engineering with Monsanto and Procter & Gamble and later moved into market research and international business development with Olin Corporation. He has advised corporate management in strategic direction and planning, business plan development, strategic marketing and product positioning, competitive strategies/tactics, and organizational change.

Gwendolyn Whitfield, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Strategy

B.A., Howard University; M.B.A., Wayne State University; Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Phone: (310) 506-8540
FAX: (310) 506-4126
E-Mail: gwendolyn.whitfield@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi

. 'A profile of GSBM,' "A search of 'Programs Programs Home
MBA Programs
M.S. in Organization Development
Bachelor's Programs
Executive Education / Non-Degree
Global Programs
Academic Calendar
Academic Catalog
Meet the Faculty
A - G
H - M
N - R
S - Z
Behavioral Science
Decision Sciences
Information Systems
Business Law
Organization Theory
Other Areas
Accreditation and Recognition

Graziadio School Faculty
Strategy Faculty Biographies

Robert M. Fulmer, Ph.D.
Distinguished Visiting Professor

Ph. D., University of California, Los Angeles

Phone: (805) 965-4418
E-Mail: robert.fulmer@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report
Graziadio Business Analysis Commentary

Upon completing his Ph.D. at UCLA, Dr. Fulmer served as chairman of Pepperdine's business administration department, wrote the proposal that led to Pepperdine offering an MBA, and taught the first graduate business class. He returned to Pepperdine in 1999 and holds The Graziadio School's Virtue Chair. Dr. Fulmer also serves as Academic Director of Duke Corporate Education. Dr. Fulmer was the W. Brooks George Professor of Management at the College of William and Mary and the former director of its Executive MBA program. Dr. Fulmer has been a Visiting Scholar at the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT and taught organization and management at Columbia University's Graduate Business School. For six years he was director of executive education at Emory University where he oversaw the Executive MBA program as well as public and customized programs for general and functional managers. In addition, Dr. Fulmer was director of corporate management development for Allied Signal, Inc., with responsibility for the development of employees ranging from first-line supervisors to senior executives. Dr. Fulmer has published extensively; he is the author of four editions of The New Management and co-author of four editions of A Practical Introduction to Business. He also authored Crafting Competitiveness, Executive Development and Organizational Learning for Global Business, and Leadership by Design. Dr. Fulmer has served on the editorial board of seven journals, is author of more than 120 published articles, and has conducted management seminars in 24 countries.

Jack C. Green, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

B.A. Finance, University of Utah; M.B.A. University of Utah; Ph.D. Executive Management, Claremont Graduate University.

Phone: (310) 568-5500
FAX: (626) 355-5553
E-Mail: jack.green@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Curriculum Vitae
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report
Graziadio Business Analysis Commentary

After 28 years of experience at Weyerhaeuser Company and Pacific Enterprises, he received his Ph.D. from Claremont Graduate University in Executive Management. He was a member of the Los Angeles County Quality and Productivity Commission for ten years and was its chairman for five years. Also, he served on the Los Angeles Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee for two years. He is a consultant to nonprofit organizations and for-profit businesses.

Ariff Kachra, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Strategy

B.A., M.B.A., University of Ottawa; Ph.D., University of Western Ontario, Canada

Phone: (310) 568-5742
FAX: (310) 568-5727
E-Mail: akachra@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report

Dr. Ariff Kachra's background combines senior management experience in an eclectic mix of industries with solid research training and strong teaching skills. In addition, his consulting activities include market research and promotional strategies, business plans for new financing and strategic turnaround, and financial plans and feasibility studies for small businesses. He also has experience as a research analyst for global securities and most recently was a director of the Transportation Association of Canada. Fluent in English and French, Dr. Kachra also speaks several other languages.

Kurt K. Motamedi, Ph.D.
Professor of Strategy and Leadership

B.S.E.E., San Jose State University; M.S.E.E., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles.

Phone: (310) 568-5500
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: kurt.motamedi@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Motamedi specializes in strategic management and organization development, design, and behavior. He has served at various companies as president, managing director, managing partner, special projects director, board member, and long-term consultant. He has worked with multinational companies in diverse global industries including biotechnology, semiconductors, software, information technology, health care, news media, and financial services as well as with government organizations at city, county, state, and federal levels. An author of numerous publications and a frequent speaker on management topics, Dr. Motamedi has received the excellence in teaching and service award from UCLA's Ojai Leadership and Engineering and Management programs. He is a fellow of the Division of Applied Behavior Science at UCLA and a member of the Academy of Management and the American Psychological Association.

Karen E. Schnietz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

A.B., Bryn Mawr College; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

Phone: (310) 568-2311
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: karen.schnietz@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi
Articles written for the Graziadio Business Report

Nikolai Wasilewski, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Strategy

B.S.Ch.E., New Jersey Institute of Technology; M.S., University of Cincinnati; M.I.M., American Graduate School of International Management; M.Phil., Ph.D., New York University

Phone: (310) 568-5743
FAX: (310) 568-2303
E-Mail: nikolai.wasilewski@pepperdine.edu

Course Syllabi

Dr. Wasilewski has more than 20 years' teaching experience in such areas as strategic management, international business, and organization theory. He takes an interdisciplinary, applications-oriented approach to the classroom and has taught in undergraduate as well as graduate and executive programs. His corporate experience began in engineering with Monsanto and Procter & Gamble and later moved into market research and international business development with Olin Corporation. He has advised corporate management in strategic direction and planning, business plan development, strategic marketing and product positioning, competitive strategies/tactics, and organizational change.

Gwendolyn Whitfield, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Strategy

B.A., Howard University; M.B.A., Wayne State University; Ph.D., Western Michigan University

Phone: (310) 506-8540
FAX: (310) 506-4126
E-Mail: gwendolyn.whitfield@pepperdine.edu
Course Syllabi*2


*1. Pepperdine University. 'A profile of GSBM,' "A search of 'GSBM of Pepperdine University' on the Google.com," (January 7, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.




Deans Executive Leadership Series (DELS) Speaker Series
featuring Anne Sweeney, co-chairman, Disney Media Networks
January 25, 2006 - Drescher Campus

1st Annual Irvine Alumni Sharing Knowledge (ASK) Reception
February 7, 2006 ? Center Club, Costa Mesa
More information coming soon!

Leveraging Your Business Degree Workshop
February 11, 2006 - Irvine Campus
February 25, 2006 - West Los Angeles Campus


Dean's Message

Message from Dean Linda A. Livingstone

At Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management, we are committed to developing values-centered business leaders for contemporary business practice. Our focus on leadership grounded in such core values as integrity, stewardship, compassion, and responsibility has been an integral part of our growth over the last thirty-five years and guides us today as the fifth largest accredited graduate business school in the nation.

When you enroll in the Graziadio School, you will be joining an institution with a strong entrepreneurial culture. A successful entrepreneur, George Pepperdine, founded the University at the depths of the Great Depression. His vision was to build an institution that would strengthen young adults for lives of purpose, service, and leadership. More than a half century later, George L. Graziadio, Jr., another successful entrepreneur and co-founder and chairman of Imperial Bank, continued this entrepreneurial legacy through his generous endowment of the business school which now bears his name.

We honor their entrepreneurial spirit by delivering a learning experience that is relevant and practical in an ever-changing business environment. Our approach is hands-on, experiential, and results-oriented. Courses are taught from a global perspective by faculty who are skilled both in the classroom and in the business world. And as a result, our students are better prepared to anticipate and lead change at all levels.

Your Pepperdine education is an investment that will provide a lifetime of value for you and the organization that you lead. Earning your master’s or bachelor’s degree at the Graziadio School will challenge you, inspire you, and ultimately enable you to achieve your potential for both personal and professional growth. Upon graduation, you will join a worldwide alumni network of more than 27,400 professionals who are influencing business practice today and who share your commitment to excellence.

Linda A. Livingstone, Ph.D.


From: "GSBM Alumni" [GSBMAlumni@pepperdine.edu]
To: "'tojulei@yahoo.com'" [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: You're Invited: Management Partners Celebration
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 17:32:23 -0800

Dear Tony,*

For the first time, we are hosting a free holiday party exclusively for members of Management Partners. By now, you should have received your invitation via mail. The party will be hosted by Dean Linda A. Livingstone on Thursday, December 1, 2005 at The Ritz Carlton Marina del Rey. We are pleased to have your support and wanted to thank you for your commitment to the Graziadio School by hosting this special evening. Management Partners now comprises over 1400 alumni, students, and friends of the school from various industries and functions. Join us for a relaxing evening of fun and networking with fellow executives. You can also take advantage of the silent auction to bid on great gifts for family and friends!

I hope that you will be able to join us for this special occasion. To RSVP for the holiday party, please call Santiago Giraldo at (310) 568-5639.

I hope to see you on the 1st!

Nicole Hall
Executive Director
Office of Alumni and Career Resources
Graziadio School of Business and Management
Pepperdine University

*Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei


111905-1287 ***** The following is a letter from the Dean of Graziadio School of Business and Management of Pepperdine University, Dr. Linda A. Livingstone, to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI):

Pepperdine University ---Public Relations and News

The following information was received from the search of 'Pepperdine Univeristy - Graziadio School of Business and Management' on the Google.com:

Press Releases
The Graphic is Honored by the Associated Collegiate Press

Nov. 3, 2005 - Pepperdine's student newspaper, Graphic, was named a Pacemaker winner Saturday, Oct. 29, at the 2005 Associated Collegiate Press (ACP) Convention in Kansas City, Missouri. The honor for general excellence is recognized as the most prestigious honor for college newspapers and has been likened to the Pulitzer Prize for college newspapers. The Graphic, which is a member of the Pacemaker Hall of Fame, also won the award in 1998 and 2001 and placed as a finalist in 1999, 2002 and 2003.

“The Pacemaker validates and reinforces the long hours and hard work our staff put into the Graphic,” Editor in Chief Crystal Luong said.

ACP began holding the Newspaper Pacemaker contest in 1927, and in 1971 the Newspaper Association of America Foundation became a co-sponsor. The judging panel is typically made up the staff of a professional newspaper in the convention host city. They base the selection of Pacemaker honorees on coverage and content, quality of writing and reporting, leadership on the opinion page, evidence of in-depth reporting, design, photography, art and graphics.

The Graphic was one of 24 winners in three categories (four-year dailies, four-year non-dailies and two-year papers). This year Chico State’s The Orion and Southwestern College’s Southewestern Sun were among the other winners named at the convention.


Pepperdine University ---Dean's Series Continues with Gateway Computers Founder

[[[Nov. 2
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Dear Tony:

The Graziadio School of Business and Management's popular Dean's Executive Leadership Series continues on November 2, 2005 with special guest speaker Ted Waitt, founder of Gateway Computers. Mr. Waitt, a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, will share with the Pepperdine community the 10 Things You Might Not Learn in Graduate School.

With a $10,000 loan guarantee from his grandmother and a revolutionary idea to deal directly with customers and build computers to individual specifications, Mr. Waitt launched Gateway Computers in 1985 and forever changed the computer industry. Along the way, Mr. Waitt and Gateway became known for something just as important: honesty, integrity, and unmatched customer service. Gateway has received awards as one of America's most admired companies and continually ranks at the top of the industry in customer loyalty.

Come early to network with fellow alumni and faculty at a special reception at 5:45 p.m.!

Admission is free. Reserve your space soon as seating is limited. Register online at http://www.Bschool.pepperdine.edu/dels.

Dean's Executive Leadership Series featuring
Ted Waitt
Founder, Gateway Computers
Chairman, Avalon Capital Group, Inc. and the Waitt Family Foundation

Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Drescher Graduate Campus
Main Auditorium
Pepperdine University

Reception: 5:45 p.m.
Presentation: 6:30 p.m.

For more information, please call 310-568-5639. For upcoming Graziadio alumni events, please visit: http://www.Bschool.pepperdine.edu/alumni/events/.


Pepperdine University ---Dean's Series Continues with Gateway Computers Founder

Nov. 2
Register Now

Upcoming Alumni Events
Dean's Executive Leadership Series Home
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Email Us

Dear Tony:

The Graziadio School of Business and Management's popular Dean's Executive Leadership Series continues on November 2, 2005 with special guest speaker Ted Waitt, founder of Gateway Computers. Mr. Waitt, a successful entrepreneur and philanthropist, will share with the Pepperdine community the 10 Things You Might Not Learn in Graduate School.

With a $10,000 loan guarantee from his grandmother and a revolutionary idea to deal directly with customers and build computers to individual specifications, Mr. Waitt launched Gateway Computers in 1985 and forever changed the computer industry. Along the way, Mr. Waitt and Gateway became known for something just as important: honesty, integrity, and unmatched customer service. Gateway has received awards as one of America's most admired companies and continually ranks at the top of the industry in customer loyalty.

Come early to network with fellow alumni and faculty at a special reception at 5:45 p.m.!

Admission is free. Reserve your space soon as seating is limited. Register online at http://www.Bschool.pepperdine.edu/dels.

Dean's Executive Leadership Series featuring
Ted Waitt
Founder, Gateway Computers
Chairman, Avalon Capital Group, Inc. and the Waitt Family Foundation

Wednesday, November 2, 2005
Drescher Graduate Campus
Main Auditorium
Pepperdine University

Reception: 5:45 p.m.
Presentation: 6:30 p.m.

For more information, please call 310-568-5639. For upcoming Graziadio alumni events, please visit: http://www.Bschool.pepperdine.edu/alumni/events/.


Tuesday, 5:26 p. m., October 18, 2005 [101805-7365]
From: "GSBM Alumni" [GSBMAlumni@pepperdine.edu]
Subject: 10-19-2005 Management Partners Event - Canceled
Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2005 17:15:55 -0700

Dear Graziadio School Alumni and Management Partners,

Please note that the Management Partners' panel discussion on Insights into Corporate Finance featuring senior finance executives from Countrywide, Universal Studios, and Homestore for Wednesday, October 19 has been canceled.

The event will be rescheduled for the spring. We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have any questions, please contact the Alumni and Career Resources Office at (310) 568-5639.


Pepperdine University ---You're Invited: Insights from Senior Finance Executives

Upcoming Alumni Events
Friends of George Graziadio Golf Tournament
Management Partners

Update Your Contact Information
Email Us

Dear Tony:

If you are following the accounting scandals that have impacted Corporate America in recent years...

If you are curious about how Sarbanes-Oxley and other regulations have actually impacted corporate governance...

If you are contemplating a career in the field of finance...

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, October 19!

Management Partners presents
Insights into Corporate Finance

Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Malibu Campus - Law School
6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Networking Reception: 6:00pm
Executive Panel: 6:45pm

Featured Panelists:

Lewis R. Belote, III
Chief Financial Officer

Tom Emrey
Chief Financial Officer
Universal Studios Home Entertainment

Anne McCallion
Senior Managing Director of Finance
Countrywide Financial Corporation

To register for this event, please call the Alumni and Career Services Office at (310) 568-5639. Registration is $?? for Management Partners and $?? for Non-Management Partners.


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