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Asian Republicans of Nevada

<<< please RSVP ... [To be continued ...] >>>

Re: Meet and Greet with Brian Sandoval
Fri, February 12, 2010 8:17:44 PM ^^^From: Hui-Lim Ang [whynotkt@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: Tony Lei {tojulei@yahoo.com}

--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Tony Lei {tojulei@yahoo.com} wrote:

Section of "Business & Administration" at

From: Hui-Lim Ang [whynotkt@yahoo.com]
To: Hui-Lim Ang (whynotkt@yahoo.com)
Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 6:29:30 PM
Subject: Fw: Meet and Greet with Brian Sandoval

Dear friends,

Please make an effort to attend this " Meet-n-Greet " event for Sandoval who is running for the Governor of Nevada seat.

This will be an opportunity for many of us to learn more about him, his policies, vision and goal as the next Governor of Nevada. My understanding is that he is very open to meet, take questions and answer all your questions. So, come armed with questions. Be informed before we cast the vote in November. I am sure we all can concur that we should not make another mistake.

Please pass this on to your friends. If possible please RSVP via email to let me know who will be attending.



--- On Wed, 2/10/10, Vegas Desi [vegasdesi@gmail.com] wrote:

***** From: Vegas Desi (vegasdesi@gmail.com)
Subject: Meet and Greet with Brian Sandoval
To: "Hui Lim Ang" {whynotkt@yahoo.com}
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 10:20 AM

Looking forward to seeing you and please feel free to bring your friends and family!


"It's my honor to be named as an Advosor of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," says Nevada District Attorney Brian Sandoval. ---LVRJ/wbti & LVRJ/WashingtonBusiness

<<< please RSVP ... [To be continued ...] >>>

Re: Meet and Greet with Brian Sandoval
Fri, February 12, 2010 8:17:44 PMFrom: Hui-Lim Ang [whynotkt@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: Tony Lei {tojulei@yahoo.com}


I am doing well. And how are you and Mrs.Lei?

By all means, share the info. to all your friends and contacts. We hope to bring as many as possible to meet him. I strongly believe that Asians , particularly need to get to know him and what he stands for before deciding who to vote for.

Will I be seeing you there? Would be nice to see you again.It has been a long time.


--- On Fri, 2/12/10, Tony Lei {tojulei@yahoo.com} wrote:

From: Tony Lei (tojulei@yahoo.com)
Subject: Re: Meet and Greet with Brian Sandoval
To: "Hui-Lim Ang" [whynotkt@yahoo.com]
Cc: tojulei@yahoo.com
Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 7:00 PM

How are you? May we share with ...

Section of "Business & Administration" at

From: Hui-Lim Ang [whynotkt@yahoo.com]
To: Hui-Lim Ang (whynotkt@yahoo.com)
Sent: Fri, February 12, 2010 6:29:30 PM
Subject: Fw: Meet and Greet with Brian Sandoval

Dear friends,

Please make an effort to attend this " Meet-n-Greet " event for Sandoval who is running for the Governor of Nevada seat.

This will be an opportunity for many of us to learn more about him, his policies, vision and goal as the next Governor of Nevada. My understanding is that he is very open to meet, take questions and answer all your questions. So, come armed with questions. Be informed before we cast the vote in November. I am sure we all can concur that we should not make another mistake.

Please pass this on to your friends. If possible please RSVP via email to let me know who will be attending.



--- On Wed, 2/10/10, Vegas Desi [vegasdesi@gmail.com] wrote:

From: Vegas Desi (vegasdesi@gmail.com)
Subject: Meet and Greet with Brian Sandoval
To: "Hui Lim Ang" {whynotkt@yahoo.com}
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 10:20 AM

Hui, Please see the attached flyer for our Meet and Greet with Brian Sandoval. Please print the same for distribution and please email everyone on your list. It will be great if we get a decent crowd. Emphasise - there will be a barbeque along with non-formal meet and greet. Thanks for all your help.


Meet and Greet

Brian Sandoval - Candidate for Governor
Wednesday, February 17th

5:30 – 7:30 pm

Location: 5137 W. Oquendo Rd., Las Vegas, NV 89118
[South of Russell Road, West of Decatur Blvd.]

Join Brian Sandoval - Candidate for Governor,
campagin staff and supporters for a Barbeque.

Brian will talk with volunteers and take questions

Looking forward to seeing you and please feel free to bring your friends and family!


<<< Re: You're on reviewjournal.com! on Monday, September 29, 2008 10:28 PM From: "mae cruz" {m?????uz@yahoo.com} to WBTI >>>

Dear Sir Lei: I had just perused "reviewjournal.com" with great pleasure to be included amongst a most prestigious list of honorable mentions. These articles will certainly contribute to our common goals toward a strong coalition. With my sincere thank-you. Mae M. Cruz

The following reference was kept many years ago ...>

tojulei@yahoo.com wrote:

Dear Ms. Cruz, Ms. Asnani, and Ms. Cheung, Good
evening! How are you? Your business cards and you are
on the Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com! We're not charging anybody a
penny. It's for community service. Any comment that may be
extended from you to WBTI will highly be appreciated.*2

*****Fore more details, please have
your Assistant or yourself click on
the sections of "Las Vegas Business Today" and
"Asian America Republican Coalition of Nevada"
at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti


Judy & Tony


<<< Google Advanced Search
Web Results 1 - 3 of 3 from communitylink.reviewjournal.com for "Mae M. Cruz Nevada lvrj/wbti". (0.31 seconds)
Search Results

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Asian Republicans ...
Mae M. Cruz. [* For example: On 041105-3687 at the section of "Business ... http ://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 74k - Cached - Similar pages

WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti. The following is a sample of our invitation letter by e-mail to Nevada high-ranking officials: ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=... - 143k - Cached - Similar pages

Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2005 - 2007
John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Monday July 18, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA* 2. "I'm so excited about the appointment since lots of my job are related to ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 192k - Cached - Similar pages >>> *7

(Editor's notes)

{{{{{ <<< Just arrives upon the scene. (To be continued ...) >>>

Press Release - Gibbons Appoints General Counsel (nvg@GOV.NV.GOV)
Tourism wbti: Dr. Feng-wei Lai has been recommended by our notable faculty and advisory board memmbers for promoting to Associate Professor in the GSBPA of WBTI
By Office of the Governor (NV), Ben Kieckhefer, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung


***** "....... ." ---??? *101

Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons today announced the appointment of Christopher G. Nielsen as his new General Counsel.*102

Nielsen is currently the deputy executive director of the Nevada Department of Taxation where he oversees the compliance division, ....... }}}}} *8


*1. Mae M. Cruz, '...,' "An e-mail .......
*2. Ibid.
*7. ... for a search of "Mae M. Cruz Nevada lvrj/wbti" by the world's leading search engines on Internet .......
*8. ... in the PPAA Forum #20 of LVRJ ... 073008 .......


Veterans In Politics Judicial Endorsement Interview!
By Steve Sanson

[An e-mail to WBTI from Mr. Steve Sanson at Mon, 4 Feb 2008 10:48:57 EST {Ve???ansInPoliti@cs.com}]

Citizens of Southern Nevada we know that when you go to the voting booth to cast your vote for judge you are unsure who the candidates are.

The Veterans In Politics International is giving you an opportunity to see your judicial candidates in our Judicial Endorsement Interview.

Judicial Endorsement Interview will also be aired live on www.AllTalkRadio.net and open to the public to sit and watch the judicial candidates as they answer questions given by our membership.

Be more educated when you go to the voting booth.

On Saturday, February 23, 2008, beginning at 9:00AM ending at 3:15PM.

The location will be at the Marine Corps League Leather Neck Club located at 4360 West Spring Mountain Road at the Northeast corner of Spring Mountain Road and Arville Street in the same shopping center with American Shooters for direction contact

Each judicial candidate has a specific time when they will be interviewed. If you are interested in a particular judicial candidate please take a look at the time each judicial candidate will be interviewed.

Court Time

District Court Department 6 9:15-9:30AM
District Court Department 7 9:30-9:45AM
District Court Department 8 9:45-10:00AM
District Court Department 10 10:00-10:15AM
District Court Department 12 10:15-10:30AM
District Court Department 14 10:30-10:45AM
District Court Department 17 10:45-11:00AM
District Court Department 22 11:00-11:15AM
District Court Department 23 11:15-11:30AM
District Court Department 25 11:30-11:45AM
Family Court Department G 11:45-12:00PM
Family Court Department I 12:00-12:15PM
Family Court Department J 12:15-12:30PM
Family Court Department K 12:30-12:45PM
Family Court Department L 12:45-1:00PM
Family Court Department N 1:00-1:15PM
Family Court Department O 1:15-1:30PM
Family Court Department P 1:30-1:45PM
Family Court Department Q 1:45-2:00PM
Family Court Department R 2:00-2:15PM
Henderson Justice of the Peace Dept. 3 2:15-2:30PM
Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Dept. 12 2:45-3:00PM
North Las Vegas Justice of the Peace Dept. 3 3:00-3:15PM

Hosted by: Veterans In Politics International www.VeteransInPolitics.com
PO BOX 28211/Las Vegas, NV. 89126: POC//Steve Sanson (70...

<<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Asian Republicans of ...
Furthermore, Steve Sanson is the Vice President for the Asian ... idea from the letters to Dr. Tony Lei, President of ... Thanks very much To Dr. Tony Lei's effort and hard work ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?Cached page

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Thanks very much to Dr. Tony Lei's effort and hard work ... Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?Cached page
Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com >>>


An e-mail confirmed from Steve SANSON
[Sun, 14 Oct 2007 17:11:41 EDT]

"Its from me Tony, thanks," wrote Steve.

Is this from you? ---wbti (101407)

[Sat, 13 Oct 2007 00:17:53 EDT]

Special Request for one week only I am in a competition with another contender to gain the tile of the Most Beautiful Person of the week in the Las Vegas Weekly Magazine. Please click onto this site and cast your vote for me: http://www.lasvegasweekly.com/content/a-e/beautiful-people/


To: tojulei@yahoo.com
From: "Doug Gillespie" [doug@gillespie2006.com]
Subject: Join us on Election Night
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 13:22:07 -0600

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support, dedication and your continued commitment to my campaign. I truly appreciate the time and effort you have put into spreading the the word about my candidacy and helping me get my message out.

Thank you again, and please join me as we watch the returns come in on Tuesday evening.

Undersheriff Doug Gillespie

WHERE: Big Dog's Cafe & Casino

6390 W. Sahara (Sahara & Torrey Pines)

WHEN: November 7th

7:00pm until the votes are counted

WHO: You, your family and friends!

If you have any questions please contact us at 252-4684

Forward this email to a friend.


You can view on my website
By Elizabeth Halverson

October 31, 2006

To all my Friends:

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your help and support while I have been campaigning for District Court Judge. I could not have made it through the primary election and into the general election without all of you.*1

We are now exactly one week from Election Day. Early voting will continue at all of the local shopping malls as well as at other daily locations until Friday, November 3rd. Election Day is Tuesday, November 7th. I hope that if you have not already voted that you will go to the polls and do so.

I need your vote as the polls show that this race is extremely close. Every vote is going to count. I would greatly appreciate it if each of you would e-mail your friends and ask them to vote for me for Judge in Dept. 23. As an update, in addition to the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police, I have also received the endorsement of the Professional Firefighters of Nevada, the Urban Chamber of Commerce, the Latin Chamber of Commerce, Nevada Concerned Citizens, the Asian American Group and the Las Vegas Review-Journal as well as other endorsements that you can view on my website at www.Halverson4Judge.com. You can also view my television commercial at the same site. It is a positive ad which will make you smile.

Please vote in this election as it will decide Nevada's future for the next four years. Again, thank you for your help, your friendship and your consideration.

Very Truly Yours,

Elizabeth Halverson

Elizabeth Halverson
Candidate, District Court Judge, Dept. 23 *2


*1. Halverson, Elizabeth. 'Thank you,' "An e-mail from Ms. Elizabeth Halverson to WBTI," (November 1, 2006), Las Vegas, Nevada: HalversonLawFirm.
*2. Ibid.


To: tojulei@yahoo.com
From: "Doug Gillespie" [doug@gillespie2006.com]
Subject: This is your last chance
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2006 13:33:55 -0600

Good afternoon,

Join us this Saturday, November 4th, for our last Saturday Super Walk. This is a great opportunity to get out the vote. We will be hitting the pavement, encouraging our supporters to visit the polls on Election Day!

November 4th, 9:00am

Location: Boulder City


1031 Nevada Hwy

(Nevada Hwy & Buchanan Blvd)

Please contact us at 252-4684 if you have any questions.

Forward this email to a friend.


To: tojulei@yahoo.com
From: "Doug Gillespie" [doug@gillespie2006.com]
Subject: It's Time!!!
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 16:59:17 -0500

Hello everyone,

It's almost Election Day! Thank you very much for your support, hard work and continued dedication. With just under two weeks until the final ballot count there is still plenty to do. We need to get our supporters out to the polls and we need your help to do it.

There are daily phone banks being held at Gillespie for Sheriff Headquarters and we have just two Saturday Super Walks left. Join us at Headquarters or out knocking on doors getting the vote out for Doug. If you have any questions please contact us at 252-4684.

Phone Bank Hours:

Gillespie for Sheriff Head Quarters

2605 S. Decatur Blvd, Ste 106

Las Vegas, 89102

Monday - Thursday

5:00pm - 8:00pm


10:00am - 12:00pm

Saturday Super Walks:

October 28th 9:00am- Summerlin


2211 N. Rampart (Lake Mead & Rampart)

November 4th 9:00am- Boulder City


1031 Nevada Highway (Nevada Highway & Buchanan Blvd)

Thank you again!


Forward this email to a friend.


To: tojulei@yahoo.com
From: "Doug Gillespie" [doug@gillespie2006.com]
Subject: Join us for a Walk on Sept. 30th!
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2006 15:13:23 -0500

Saturday Super Walk

Please join us this Saturday, September 30th, to help spread the word about Doug?s campaign! We will be hitting the pavement, talking to voters.

Smiths (Charletson & Rancho)
850 S. Rancho
Las Vegas, Nevada

Saturday, September 30th at 9:00 am

You, your family and friends!

*RSVP 252-4684*

Thank you for your support!

Forward this email to a friend.
Get this from a friend? Join Doug's list.

This email was sent by:
Doug Gillespie for Sheriff - 2605 S. Decatur Blvd, Suite 106 - Las Vegas, Nevada 89102


From: "Ensign for Senate" [info@johnensign.org]
To: tojulei@yahoo.com
Subject: Join Us This Saturday For A Jambalaya Volunteer Cookout
Date: Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:11:25 -0400

Join Us This Saturday For A Jambalaya Volunteer Cookout!

WHO: Team Ensign and Congressman Jon Porter

WHERE: Southern Nevada Victory 2006 Campaign Office
(313 Pilot Road, Las Vegas)

WHEN: Saturday, September 16th at 9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

We will provide sausage and pork jambalaya and light refreshments for all our volunteers. Lunch will be served starting at 11:30 a.m. Congressman Jon Porter will meet all of us for lunch and talk about how important grassroots will be throughout this election.

Please call Monica or Mike at 702-269-5479 to RSVP.

Paid for and authorized by Ensign for Senate
P.O. Box 26568, Las Vegas, NV 89126
(702) 880-1000


Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 10:12:41 -0700
From: campaign@gillespie2006.com
To: tojulei@yahoo.com
Subject: Volunteer for Meet the Candidates Night
Good morning,

We greatly appreciate all you are doing. As you know November is fast approaching and we need everybody's help to spread the word about Doug's candidacy.

Tuesday, September 12th, there is a Meet the Candidates Night, held at the Old Overton Gymnasium (179 South Anderson Street , Overton, Nevada) from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. Volunteers are needed to assist in distributing campaign materials, and to speak with interested voters.

If you are able to attend this event, please reply by Friday, September 8th. Call us at headquarters, 252-4684.

Thank you again for all of your continued support!

Campaign Staff


Date: Tue, 5 Sep 2006 09:25:21 -0700
From: campaign@gillespie2006.com
To: tojulei@yahoo.com
Subject: Volunteer for San Gennaro Feast

Doug needs your help with an upcoming event. Here are the details:

We will have a booth at the Italian Food Festival, San Gennaro Feast, September 12th through the 17th, at 4245 Grand Canyon Drive (Flamingo and the 215). We will need volunteers to distribute campaign materials and speak with interested voters. The booth will be open on Tuesday through Friday from 5:00pm to 9:00pm, Saturday from 12:00pm to 9pm and Sunday from 12:00pm to 8:00pm. We will schedule volunteers in two-hour time blocks.

To schedule time at the booth, please contact Tamara at 252-4684.

See you all at San Gennaro Feast!

Campaign Staff


090806-4057 [#First Edition on September 1, 2006 (090106-4017)]

size:71.79 K
Date: Fri, 1 Sep 2006 14:59:36 -0700
From: campaign@gillespie2006.com
To: Washington Business and Technology Institute
Subject: Saturday Super Walk

Thank you for your dedication and support during the Primary.

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday, September 9th for our kick-off Saturday Super Walk in Boulder City!!!




1031 Nevada Highway
Boulder City, Nevada

SEE THE ATTACHED FLYER FOR DETAILS (click on the top left box)



Files: SuperWalkFlyerBC.pdf (73k)


Subject: RE: Congratulations!
Date: Mon, 21 Aug 2006 12:02:30 -0700
From: "Allen, Francis Assemblywoman" [fallen@asm.state.nv.us]
To: "Tony Lei" [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Thank you Dr. Lei. It's nice to hear from you. I've always appreciated your support.

Warmest regards,


From: Tony Lei [mailto:tojulei@yahoo.com]
Sent: Fri 8/18/2006 7:05 PM
To: Allen, Francis Assemblywoman
Subject: Congratulations!

Good evening, Dear Francis,


A report of your winning has been posted*1

*1. For more details, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the section of "Asian Republicans of Nevada" at



Tony & Judy


Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2006 07:12:36 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Congratulations!
From: elizabeth@halverson4judge.com
To: "Tony Lei" [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Thank you so much for posting my win. Please keep up the support for a
November win.


Good morning, Dear Elizabeth,


The report of your winning was posted.*1

*1. For more details, please have your Assistant click on the section of "Asian Republicans of Nevada" at



> --- elizabeth@halverson4judge.com wrote:

Dear Dr. Lei,

I am well as I hope that both you and your lovely wife are. Thank you for your posting. I hope to see you and your wife this evening at the Clark County Republican Election Party. See you later.



To: "Tony Lei" [tojulei@yahoo.com]
From: "Laura Wood" [lwood@gibbonsfornevada.com]
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2006 20:54:33 +0000 GMT


Sent via BlackBerry from Cingular Wireless

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 13:01:36

It's posted.

--- Jim Gibbons [jgibbons@gibbonsfornevada.com] wrote:

> August 18, 2006




Jim Gibbons won the Republican primary for Governor on Tuesday night and became the nominee to take on the liberal senator Dina Titus in this November’s general election.


We wish to thank the thousands of people who believed in Jim and gave him your support and vote. Many of you worked tirelessly, volunteering your valuable time to help make our victory possible. You helped us at our campaign headquarters, and joined us as we rallied for Jim at parades, festivals, rodeos and fairs across Nevada.


Without your help, we could not run an effective and winning campaign.



Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2006 00:52:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Jim Gibbons" [jgibbons@gibbonsfornevada.com]
To: Washington Business and Technology Institute

August 18, 2006


Time to unify to take on Titus

Jim Gibbons won the Republican primary for Governor on Tuesday night and became the nominee to take on the liberal senator Dina Titus in this November’s general election.

We wish to thank the thousands of people who believed in Jim and gave him your support and vote. Many of you worked tirelessly, volunteering your valuable time to help make our victory possible. You helped us at our campaign headquarters, and joined us as we rallied for Jim at parades, festivals, rodeos and fairs across Nevada.

Without your help, we could not run an effective and winning campaign.

Jim Gibbons has talked with both Senator Bob Beers and Lieutenant Governor Lorraine Hunt. He thanked them for a spirited campaign and offered to continue working with them as we unify our Republican ticket for the general election. As Jim regularly stated throughout the primary campaign, he has great admiration for them both and deeply appreciates their service to Nevada. We hope all those who worked so hard to help their respective campaigns will now join our team so we can together win in November.

To join the Gibbons Ground Crew and be part of this historic election in November, please contact our southern Nevada headquarters at (702) 987-3279, or our northern Nevada headquarters at (775) 322-4546

RNC Chairman congratulates Gibbons on primary victory

Wednesday, August 16, 2006 Statement By RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman On Jim Gibbons’ Primary Election Victory Contact: Tucker Bounds (202) 863-8614

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Ken Mehlman issued the following statement regarding U.S. Representative Jim Gibbons’ primary election victory for Nevada Governor:

“Congressman Jim Gibbons is a straight talker who understands a low tax burden and effective reforms help keep Nevada’s economy strong and government services dependable. Jim is a known leader who will balance the books, focus on job creation, and work to bridge the gaps between rural, urban and suburban Nevada. The Republican Party looks forward to working with Rep. Gibbons to ensure that Nevada keeps moving forward and responsible leadership remains at the helm this November.”

For the RNC web page go here

Gibbons receives another endorsement in campaign for Governor

Medical Group pledges strong support for Republican candidate

Jim Gibbons has received another important endorsement in his campaign for Governor. The Nevada Medical Political Action Committee (NEMPAC) has unanimously endorsed Gibbons’ candidacy, citing his strong and consistent support for medical malpractice liability reform both at the state and federal levels.

Unfortunately, Dina Titus has spent her entire political career voting lock-step with the wishes of the trial lawyers. As Nevadans faced a crisis of doctors leaving our state due to out-of- control liability insurance premiums – particularly in the OB/GYN field – Dina turned her back on them. She has been an ardent opponent of denying Nevada’s doctors and other health care professionals with the necessary reforms to help keep them practicing in Nevada.

Jim Gibbons has also received the endorsement of Keep Our Doctors in Nevada (KODIN) in his gubernatorial campaign. KODIN helped lead the fight to pass Question 3 in the 2004 election which provided some necessary medical liability reforms in Nevada. That ballot initiative passed with overwhelming, bi-partisan support.

Governor Mitt Romney congratulates Gibbons on primary victory

RGA Chairman calls Gibbons an ‘experienced leader’ for Nevada

WASHINGTON, Aug. 16 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Republican Governors Association (RGA) Chairman Mitt Romney (Mass.) congratulates U.S. Congressman Jim Gibbons on becoming the Republican gubernatorial nominee in Nevada. Gibbons will face the Democratic nominee in the November general election.

“Jim Gibbons is an experienced leader ready to serve the people of Nevada. I congratulate him on his nomination,” said RGA Chairman Mitt Romney (Mass.). "Nevada is one of the fastest growing states in the country, and Jim Gibbons' ideas and initiatives are sure to build on Governor Guinn's legacy.”

Romney went on to say, “From transportation to taxes and education, Gibbons has a well thought out agenda for the future of the state.”

The RGA was founded in 1963 and serves as the official political organization of America's Republican Governors. There are currently 28 Republican Governors representing more than 60 percent of the nation's population. In November, 36 gubernatorial contests will be decided.

For the RGJ web page please go here:


Gibbons is “a solid favorite to win the general election.

- Jon Ralston, 8/18/06, Las Vegas Sun and IN-BUSINESS LAS VEGAS columnist

Gibbons- won in a landslide with 48 percent of the Republican vote. State Sen. Bob Beers took 29 percent, while Lt. Gov. Lorraine Hunt managed just 18 percent.

"I know we have a lot of work to do, but we've done it in the primary and we'll do it in the general election," Gibbons told supporters.

He also issued a plea for unity among party members, saying he hoped to work with his opponents to defeat Democrats for all offices, not just governor.

"I know it's going to take some healing, but I want to reach out to my opponents and work toward that healing."

- Las Vegas Review Journal, 8/16/06 - Las Vegas Review Journal, 8/16/06

Gibbons, a five-term Reno congressman led state Sen. Bob Beers, an anti-tax advocate from Las Vegas, by 19 percentage points. Lt. Gov. Lorraine Hunt trailed with 18 percent of the 71,000 Republican votes counted.

Gibbons said he planned to 'mend fences' with Hunt and Beers, who both had lobbed attacks on his fiscal conservative credentials in the weeks leading up to the primary to select a successor to term-limited Republican Gov. Kenny Guinn, who did not endorse any of the candidates.

'I'll lead the fight into November,' Gibbons said. 'The message is clear. (Voters) are very interested in seeing government spending kept under control, taxes kept low and yet we have to provide those essential government services.'

- Associated Press, 8/15/06

Gibbons, a Republican, has been Nevada's 2nd Congressional District representative for the past 10 years and served as a Reno assemblyman for six years before that.

"It's not surprising," David Damore, a political science professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas said about the results. "But in the general election, you'd have to lean toward Gibbons since this state tends to lean Republican.

Gibbons also should have an advantage with money raised. He boasted a $4 million campaign war chest, according to campaign finance reports filed with the state last week. Titus reported $1.8 million in campaign contributions but has about $200,000 remaining after the primary.

Gibbons, born and raised in Sparks, says he knows Nevada better than any other candidate. He was educated in Nevada, receiving a bachelor's in geology and a master's in mining from the University of Nevada, Reno. He also has a law degree from Southwestern University.

"I have just a tremendous number of years knowing, living and learning about Nevada," Gibbons said. His political career includes three terms in the state Assembly and nearly a decade in Congress.

Gibbons is a former combat pilot who fought in Vietnam and the Persian Gulf War. After four years in the U.S. Air Force, Gibbons spent 22 years in the Nevada Air National Guard, retiring as a colonel, and two years in the Air Force Reserve.

- Reno Gazette-Journal, 8/16/06 Reno Gazette- Journal, 8/16/06

One candidate for governor is a twangy-tongued Southerner with an acid wit and a program for education, health care, energy and the environment. The other is a snow-haired fighter pilot from Sparks with a resume and a promise to hold the line on taxes and spending.

Las Vegas Sun, 8/16/06

Gibbons campaign manager Robert Uithoven said Gibbons was ready and willing to debate and would request that debates be held in Las Vegas, Reno and Elko.

Titus, a longtime state senator from Las Vegas who is also a political science professor, defeated Henderson Mayor Jim Gibson in Tuesday's primary, winning 53 percent of the vote to Gibson's 36 percent.

Gibbons, a congressman from Reno, also won by a large margin. He had 48 percent of the Republican vote, whereas state Sen. Bob Beers had 29 percent and Lt. Gov. Lorraine Hunt had 18 percent.

At this early date, Gibbons must be considered the favorite, said University of Nevada, Reno, political scientist Eric Herzik.

"Gibbons didn't have to spend all his money in the primary; Dina did," Herzik said. "But Dina's a very aggressive campaigner. Gibbons is going to have to not make any mistakes."

Titus' campaign is in difficult financial straits. As of Aug. 3, Gibbons had about $1.8 million on hand, whereas Titus had just $180,000. "Dina's going to have to raise a lot of money, and I don't know where she's going to get it," Herzik said.

- Las Vegas Review-Journal, 8/17/06

Have you been threatened by Dina?

Let us know!

Titus threatens Unger staffer on voicemail

This voicemail to a staffer for the Bob Unger (lieutenant governor) campaign was sent late last night to media from the Gibson for Governor. The voice is supposed to be that of Dina Titus. Poor Heather! Imagine what would happen if you turned in your homework late in Titus' political science class. posted by Ray Hagar at 3:30 PM

- Inside Nevada Politics, RGJ Blog, 8/15/06

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We can only win with your help and support. If you have signed up to be a member of Gibbons Ground Crew, give us a call so we can give you your own GOTV assignment.

Most importantly, talk to your family, friends, neighbors and co-workers. Tell them how important it is that they vote in the General Election, that we are here to help, and that they vote JIM GIBBONS FOR GOVERNOR!

In southern Nevada headquarters, call Brittney Evans at (702) 987-3279. In northern Nevada headquarters, call Laura Wood at (775) 322- 4546.

You can also sign up to receive e-mail alerts from the Gibbons for Governor Campaign. Click here and you’re almost done!

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Jim Gibbons can only get his winning message out to the voters by counting on your financial support. Our campaign staff and volunteer force is working hard every day, and your contribution will allow us to build upon our momentum and win this important election. Any contribution will help!

Take just a few moments of your time and contribute online by clicking here . Your online contribution is done securely, or you can mail a contribution to:

Gibbons for Governor
475 South Arlington 2C
Reno, NV 89501
3027 E. Sunset Road, Ste. 104
Las Vegas, NV 89120


Copyright © 2005, Gibbons for Governor Paid for by Gibbons for Governor

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Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Aug. 16, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

LEGISLATIVE RACES: Nine of 10 incumbents victorious
Embattled candidates Tiffany, Allen win

CARSON CITY -- One legislative incumbent lost but nine others fought off their primary opponents Tuesday, including a Republican state senator from Henderson facing an ethics hearing in September and a Las Vegas GOP assemblywoman who suffered relentless attacks for taking a free ticket to a Rolling Stones concert.

Two-term Assemblyman Bob McCleary, D-North Las Vegas, lost in his primary race. McCleary, facing two Democratic opponents, lost to Ruben Kihuen, who had more than 60 percent of the vote. Because there are no other candidates from other parties in the race, Kihuen, an academic adviser, will be the only candidate to appear on the November ballot

The race between the three candidates generated controversy because of allegations that the third candidate, David Adams, accepted $500 from McCleary for what Adams said was a bribe to drop out of the race.

But both Sen. Sandra Tiffany, R-Henderson, and Assemblywoman Francis Allen, R-Las Vegas, won their primary races. Both lawmakers will now face candidates from other parties in the November general election.

Tiffany had nearly 49 percent of the vote against her two GOP challengers.

Tiffany faces an Ethics Commission hearing to determine if she improperly used her public office to help in her personal business dealings regarding Internet auctions.

She will face Democrat and school administrator Joyce Woodhouse in the general election.

Allen was one of 11 Southern Nevada legislators who accepted tickets to a Rolling Stones concert or other events. Allen took a ticket to the concert that she valued at $500. She later decided accepting the ticket was wrong and made a $500 donation to a high school soccer program.

Allen pointed out that she reported the ticket as a gift on her financial disclosure statement. State law allows the acceptance of gifts as long as those valued at $200 or more are reported by public officials.

Allen, who was also accused by Republican political consultant Chuck Muth of Carson City of being too liberal, won her primary with nearly 52 percent of the vote over Cliff Fields. Muth spent much of his time trying to get Allen defeated.

Another incumbent in some political trouble was Assemblywoman Peggy Pierce, D-Las Vegas, who did not gain more than 50 percent of the vote in her primary, where only three Democrats are in the race. With less than 42 percent of the total vote in her favor, Pierce will face the second place vote-getter in the November election. The second-place vote getter was Mel Kalagian with 30 percent of the vote, 21 votes more than William "Bill" Roberts.

"I would have liked to have won 50 percent plus one, but I didn't, so it's on to the general," Pierce said.

"I welcome a race with either gentleman," she said before the final results were known. "I ran a positive campaign. I'm happy with all the support I got."

Other incumbents were winning.

Long-time Assemblyman John Marvel, R-Battle Mountain, pulled out yet another victory. A member of the Assembly since 1979, Marvel was the final vote needed to get an $833 million tax hike approved in 2003 after a lengthy budget stalemate. He was winning Tuesday over Republican opponent Mike Weber of Reno, 49 percent to 46 percent. The winner in the race still faces a Democrat in the general.

Five other incumbents were hanging on to sizable leads in their primary races.

Sen. Barbara Cegavske, R-Las Vegas, facing a challenge from Tim Cory, the former chairman of the Clark County Republican Party, won comfortably, 62 percent to 38 percent.

Assemblywoman Marilyn Kirkpatrick, D-North Las Vegas, defeated her challenger, business owner Brent Howard, 68 percent to 32 percent.

Assemblywoman Ellen Koivisto, D-Las Vegas, won over her opponent, Raymond Stone, 73 percent to 27 percent.

Assemblyman Mark Manendo, D-Las Vegas, defeated his challenger, Lon West Enwright, by a margin of 82 percent to 18 percent.

And Susan Gerhardt, D-Henderson, defeated Democratic challenger M. High with nearly 88 percent of the vote.

In a Republican Assembly primary with a candidate by the name of Bob Beers, but not the gubernatorial candidate Bob Beers, opponent Kris Munn was disappointed that misplaced name recognition led to his defeat by a 38 percent to 29 percent margin.

Review-Journal reporter Molly Ball contributed to this report.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Aug. 16, 2006
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Halverson gets most votes for new seat
Attorney to vie against Henderson for Department 23

The only woman in a field of seven candidates emerged as the top vote-getter Tuesday in the race for Department 23, a newly created seat in District Court.

Voters chose attorney Elizabeth Halverson and attorney Bill Henderson, who has been labeled a "perennial candidate," to advance to the general election in November. The winner of the race must run again in 2008 for a full six-year term.

According to nearly complete results, Halverson received nearly 28 percent of the vote, and Henderson received 20.23 percent.

Henderson barely nudged out Chief Deputy Attorney General Gerald Gardner, who captured 19.53 percent of the vote.

Gardner, 41, was running for office for the first time. His name was floated earlier this year as a potential candidate for the attorney general race, but he decided instead to seek a job on the bench.

Halverson, 48, and Henderson, 47, both narrowly lost judicial races to incumbents in the 2004 general election. Henderson has run unsuccessfully for numerous judicial positions over the years.

Halverson worked as a law clerk in Clark County District Court from 1995, when she moved to Las Vegas, until she was fired in 2004. She has worked in private practice for the past two years.

In 2002, Gardner accepted a job as chief of the criminal division for the Nevada attorney general's office. In July 2005, he was promoted to chief of the Las Vegas office.

The person elected to the Department 23 seat primarily will hear civil cases for the first two years but could be called upon to hear criminal cases when needed.

Four other attorneys were in the race. Jerry Wiese, 39, received about 14 percent of the vote; Michael Villani, 49, received about 7 percent of the vote; Michael Federico, 35, received about 6 percent of the vote; and Bruce Gale, 51, received about 5 percent of the vote.


Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 22:39:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Thank you
From: [elizabeth@halverson4judge.com]
To: tojulei@yahoo.com, and among others

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you that I have met during the last few months while I have been campaigning for District Court Judge. For me, the best part of running for office are all of the wonderful people that one gets to meet. Again thank you for your help, your friendship and your consideration.

Tomorrow is Election Day and I hope that if you have not already voted, that you will go to the polls. This is your chance to have your voice heard. As Americans we are privleged to have a say in who runs our country, as Nevadans we are privleged
to decide who will run our state for the next four years.

I ask that you vote for me tomorrow when you vote in Dept. 23. I pledge to work
hard, maintain high integrity and to listen to the needs of the community and the
litigants. I hope that you will join the men and women of the Fraternal Order of
Police in voting for me tomorrow. Thank you.

Very Truly Yours,

Elizabeth Halverson
Candidate, District Court Judge, Dept. 23

See Elizabeth's TV ad here:


Date: Mon, 14 Aug 2006 18:10:46 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Jim Gibbons" [jgibbons@gibbonsfornevada.com]
To: Washington Business and Technology Institute

August 14, 2006

Come celebrate with Jim Gibbons tomorrow night!

Tomorrow is Election Day, and after you vote for Jim Gibbons, we invite you to come celebrate with us at our Victory Party!

Help rally around Jim Gibbons as he becomes our GOP nominee tomorrow night. With your support, we will send the best and most- qualified Republican gubernatorial candidate to the general election in November.

We will have television screens so you can watch as the returns come in across Nevada. Thank you for all your support, and we’ll see you tomorrow night!!!


Jim Gibbons for Governor Victory Party With the Clark County Republican Party

Barbeque Masters Tavern
2650 S. Decatur Blvd.
SE Corner of Sahara and Decatur

Starts at 7:00PM
Contact: Gibbons for Governor – (702) 987- 3279
Or the Clark County Republican Party – (702) 258- 9184

Free hors d’oeuvres
No host bar


Jim Gibbons for Governor Victory Party

Peppermill Hotel/Casino
Manzanita & Aspen Rooms – 2nd Floor
2707 S. Virginia Street
Reno, NV 89502

Starts at 6:30PM
Contact: Gibbons for Governor – (775) 322- 4546

Free hors d’oeuvres
No host bar

Remember to VOTE for Jim Gibbons tomorrow, August 15th!!!


Copyright © 2005, Gibbons for Governor Paid for by Gibbons for Governor

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