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Mimi H. Fleischman led 美國德維文學協會 for new books presentation
By Jennifer Kung

The following information in Chinese are post through the courtesy of
"洛杉磯新聞" of the Worldjournal.com:

曉亞、黃美之(Mimi H. Fleischman)、張鳳、周芬娜分享創作經驗*1

 [[[美國德維文學協會20日舉行新書發表會,會長黃美之(Mimi H. Fleischman)(左一)與作家曉亞 (左二),及來自舊金山的周芬娜 (右二)、來自波士頓的張鳳 (右一),向僑民闡述其新作品的經驗與感想。圖中為主持人伊犁。 (本報記者陳盈霖攝)]]]

【本報記者陳盈霖蒙特利公園市報導】美國德維文學協會20日舉行新書發表會,洛杉磯的曉亞、協會會長黃美之(Mimi H. Fleischman),及來自波士頓的女作家張鳳,和舊金山的周芬娜,向此間僑民分享其創作經驗和最新作品。*2

任職哈佛大學燕京圖書館中文編目的張鳳,所著作「哈佛心影錄」、「哈佛哈佛」等書 ,概括了她在哈佛大學廿多年的傳記思想史研究,將活躍於美國最高學府的華裔學人作傳 ,以報導文學等方式,持平介紹這些學者的思想行誼。


周芬娜的新作「飲饌中國 」,則以美食結合山水,舖陳出歷史的情趣。周芬娜並在書中,用幻燈片呈現出中國大陸山水風情五彩繽紛的色、香、情。

而曉亞的作品「曾經有座城 」,則是描述其心境成長、變化的描繪。曉亞說,本書除利用大自然現象,延伸對人類宗教、哲學意義的探索外,也描繪了生老病死的無奈,對宇宙奧秘的迷思等。

維德文學協會會長黃美之(Mimi H. Fleischman)介紹「沉沙」時表示,該書共有七篇短篇小說,包括「仙人掌物與」、「走出奇幻」、「糖水與同情」、「烽火歸人」、「如夢、如夢」、「月白刀傳奇」及「追殺日落」等,背景從清末至民國五○、六○年代,主要是描述上一代的苦難經歷。 [2005-08-21]*3


*1. Ms. Mimi H. Fleischman is the President of 美國德維文學協會.
*2. 陳盈霖. '美國德維文學協會新書發表會,' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (August 21, 2005), Los Angeles, California: Worldjournal.com.
*3. Ibid.


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"書香世界" of the Worldjournal.com:

安格思七部曲 奇幻史詩巨作
巴西作家裴斯醞釀25年 故事從9世紀延伸到21世紀


首部曲《傳奇初現》2003年在巴西問世時,即躍上暢銷排行榜榜首達25周之久。2004年法蘭克福國際書展上,成為各國出版商和版權代理爭搶的大書,已售出22國版權。全球最大的西班牙語系出版社Planeta Editorial以百萬美元天價買下全系列版權;韓國出版社為了年底出書,編列12萬美元行銷費用;大手筆買下《安格思》全部周邊出版品權利的日本出版商,也祭出50萬美元的行銷預算;《安格思》的魅力可見一斑。



曾擔任卡通動畫代理公司產品經理的裴斯,也積極開發配樂專輯、紙上戰略遊戲、角色扮演遊戲、遊戲紙牌、可動式玩偶、拼圖等周邊產品,並計畫改編成電影、動漫和互動式教育光碟等,未來勢將掀起另一奇幻小說新浪潮。 [2005-08-14]


Post through the courtesy of
"文壇消息" of the Worldjournal.com:



母親?樘?持瘴姆g家黃玉燕,家?W薰陶,彭?台從小愛看小說。?W大?饪?W,彭?台??小說??倥既唬骸赶??我看過的美景、美?和美人,以及旅遊??r的心情。」至於捕捉e世代男女情愛風景的故事情節,她幽默地說,不過是「藤蘿花的架子」。(王平) [2005-07-14]


Post through the courtesy of
"文壇消息" of the Worldjournal.com:


李渝任教於紐約大?W,出版有小說集《?刂萁值墓适隆贰ⅰ?鸬泥l岸》、《賢明?r代》以及?術??度尾辍罚瑏K翻譯有高居翰著《中?L?史》。評?家王德威稱許李渝的??作一直追?ひ环N明?Q的形式,用以觀照生命的流?:「她的小說,努力描摹一種生命的風範,她的?⑹驴??忍N?v史??C,美?W技巧?e具奇?的魅力。」(王平) [2005-07-09]


A book about the successful story of 鐘武雄 (Henry W. S. Chung) was published recently. It was written by 言 立. He signed and sent it to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei on Apri 27, 2005 at a party in Las Vegas. Miss Yin Yan, his daughter, was the host at the Chow's Cuisine for the dinner party. Dr. Tony Lei, Mr. Xiao-sheng Huang, Mr. 言 立, Mrs. Judy Lei, and Ms. Claudia Yang were invited. "Elaine Chao believes deeply in the American dream because she has lived it. Her successful life gives eloquent testimony to the virtues of hard work and perseverance and to the unending promise of this great country," said President of U. S. A. George W. Bush. So is it about 鐘武雄 (Henry W. S. Chung):

The following is a book about the successful story of 鐘武雄 (Henry W. S. Chung). It was written by 言 立. "Elaine Chao believes deeply in the American dream because she has lived it. Her successful life gives eloquent testimony to the virtues of hard work and perseverance and to the unending promise of this great country," said President of U. S. A. George W. Bush. So is it about 鐘武雄 (Henry W. S. Chung):

122604 ***** The following is our design of the cover page of a book entitled "Green Leaves," written by Mr. Tung-fian Lei. The name of the book was written and signed by Dr. Ku-sheng Kung on the cover:

062204 ---"Pearl Harbor" by Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association:

*Literature and Academic Forum (LAF5)
***** Tuesday, June 15, 2004 #First Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Entering the Realms of gold
---Second items of the poems
By Raymond W. Yin

Dear Dr. and Mrs(.) Lei:

Thank you (of your idea) for posting my translated peams(poems). What you have done (and are going to do on the poems) for me is higthly appreciated.


Raymond W. Yin, M.D,
(3:37 p. m., 060604---On Poetry.)

She Walks in Beauty
By George Gordon Byron

SHE walks in beauty, like the night

Of cloudless climes and starry skies;

And all thatˇs best of dark and bright

Meet in her aspect and her eyes:

Thus mellowˇd to that tender light

Which heaven to gaudy day denies.

One shade the more, one ray the less,

Had half impairˇd the nameless grace

Which waves in every raven tress,

Or softly lightens oˇer her face;

Where thoughts serenely sweet express

How pure, how dear their dwelling-place.

And on that cheek, and oˇer that brow,

So soft, so calm, yet eloquent,

The smiles that win, the tints that glow,

But tell of days in goodness spent,

A mind at peace with all below,

A heart whose love is innocent!*1


Love's Philosophy
By Percy Bysshe Shelley

The fountains mingle with the river,

And the rivers with the ocean;

The winds of heaven mix forever,

With a sweet emotion;

No thing in the world is single;

All things by a law divine

In another's being mingle *

Why not I with thine?

See* the mountains kiss high heaven,

And the waves clasp one another;

No sister flower could be forgiven

If it disdained its brother;

And the sunlight clasps the earth,

And the moonbeams kiss the sea;

What are all these kissings worth,

If thou kiss not me?*2


Impressed by the beauty of the flier for the cover of my book entitled "Entering the Realms of gold," which was designed by Dr. Tony Lei on the WBTI website in the middle of May this year, I used to point out that,"The creative design for my poetry by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has won applause from the public for its selfless contribution to the encouragement and promotion of the Chinese literature all around the World. I'm deeply impressed by its effort and wisdom of humane creed to community service and spiritual belief." The webside is brought to you by the Las Vegas Review-Journal through its Communitylink on: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti.

The following flier of translations in Chinese for the above two poems are in my book entitled "Entering the Realms of gold," which was published by Englighten Noah Publishing*3 on May, 2004.

***(This is in processing today on June 8, 2004. We're waiting for its completion by joining the parts of the Chinese translation of the two poems.)

*****Please take a view of the Chinese translation of the two poems in the following flier:


*1.Yin, W. Remond. (2004) "Entering the Realms of gold," Santa Clara, Califonia: Englighten Noah Publishing. Upon the request of the Author of this book, the related poems both in English and in Chinese of the book were agreed to be used on this feature article.
*2. Ibid.
*3. WBTI. 'An art of literature,' "Section of 'Leading Chinese Literature World' on WBTI website," (May 21, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti.


The Chinese traslation of the above two poems:

***** Monday, June 14, 2004 #First Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Quick News for Tunghai University Alumni Association
By Nan Yin Chang

[In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".]

パ 璊 紈 岸   璣 岸    ┌ 单 矗 某 羭 ︽材羛ね羛剿穦莉眔材ね筽﹟单
某把材  ね Teh-h sin Wang 快  る ┏   る   ┰ 吹 蝴  吹 籔 瓣 產 そ 堕 单   ね 刮 籈   產  辨     秈 ︽   舧  き  せ     ね   把   и  –   ね  怠       ゎ   箂      街 ぃ 稱 璶  Τ 芭 λ ぇ   沽  ぇ 贾  戒    甽 é  独 ホ そ 堕 单   忽 腞   春  礶  舧     传? 羛 剿  ぷ ㄤ 琌   ㄇ  芖   ね  盿 ㄓ 狥   弛 伙 尘   肚 羘  冈 薄 叫  Teh-hs in Wang┪ 筽 笆 ぱ  E-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com  Τ 闽 戈 高  叫  呼 琩 高 Sections of "Tunghai University Alumni Association" & "LAF5" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti谅 谅  產 
   眎 孽 璣

*****It is our pleasure to attend the presentation offered by Evelyn Chiao (Chiao Ming) by introducing her book entitled "My Journey to the World" at the New China Buffet here in Las Vegas on June 13, 2004. Her presentation with many colorful slides was concentrated to introduce her journey to Himalayas. Evelyn is an alumna of Tunghai University. Welcome our Alumni of Tunghai University to Nevada!


061404---"My Journey to the World" written by Evelyn Chiao, who introduced her book, especially her journey to Himalayas, on June 13, 2004 in Las Vegas:

Literature and Academic Forum (LAF5)
***** Monday, June 7, 2004 #First Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Entering the Realms of gold
---First items of the poems
By Raymond Yin

Dear Dr. and Mrs(.) Lei:

Thank you (of your idea) for posting my translated peams(poems). What you have done (and are going to do on the poems) for me is higthly appreciated.


Raymond W. Yin, M.D,
(3:37 p. m., 060604---On Poetry.)

A Psalm of Life
By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,

Life is but an empty dream!

For the soul is dead that slumbers,

And things are not what they seem.

Life is real! Life is earnest!

And the grave is not its goal;

Dust thou art, to dust returnest,

Was not spoken of the soul.

Not enjoyment, and not sorrow,

Is our destined end or way;

But to act, that each to-morrow

Find us farther than to-day.

Art is long, and Time is fleeting,

And our hearts, though stout and brave,

Still, like muffled drums, are beating

Funeral marches to the grave.

In the world's broad field of battle,

In the bivouac of Life,

Be not like dumb, driven cattle!

Be a hero in the strife!

Trust no Future, howe'er pleasant!

Let the dead Past bury its dead!

Act, - act in the living Present!

Heart within, and God o'erhead!

Lives of great men all remind us

We can make our lives sublime,

And, departing, leave behind us

Footprints on the sands of time;

Footprints, that perhaps another,

Sailing o'er life's solemn main,

A forlorn and shipwrecked brother,

Seeing, shall take heart again.

Let us, then, be up and doing,

With a heart for any fate;

Still achieving, still pursuing,

Learn to labor and to wait.*1

The Golden Sunset
By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The golden sea its mirror spreads

Beneath the golden skies,

And but a narrow strip between

Of land and shadow lies.

The cloud-like rocks, the rock-like clouds

Dissolved in glory float,

And midway of the radiant flood,

Hangs silently the boat.

The sea is but another sky,

The sky a sea as well,

And which is earth and which is heaven,

The eye can scarcely tell.*2

Impressed by the beauty of the flier for the cover of my book entitled "Entering the Realms of gold," which was designed by Dr. Tony Lei on the WBTI website in the middle of May this year, I used to point out that,"The creative design for my poetry by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has won applause from the public for its selfless contribution to the encouragement and promotion of the Chinese literature all around the World. I'm deeply impressed by its effort and wisdom of humane creed to community service and spiritual belief." The webside is brought to you by the Las Vegas Review-Journal through its Communitylink on: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti.

The following flier of translations in Chinese for the above two poems are in my book entitled "Entering the Realms of gold," which was published by Englighten Noah Publishing*3 on May, 2004:


*1.Yin, W. Remond. (2004) "Entering the Realms of gold," Santa Clara, Califonia: Englighten Noah Publishing. Upon the request of the Author of this book, the related of the poems both in English and in Chinese of the book were agreed to be used on this feature article.
*2. Ibid.
*3. WBTI. 'An art of literature,' "Section of 'Leading Chinese Literature World' on WBTI website," (May 21, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti.


052104---An art of literature
"The creative design for my poetry by Washington Business
and Technology Institute (WBTI) has won applause from the
public for its selfless contribution to the encouragement and
promotion of the Chinese literature all around the World.
I'm deeply impressed by its effort and wisdom of humane creed
to community service and spiritual belief," said Dr. Raymond Yin.

052004 ---Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association:

051804 --- Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei are in proud of the accomplishments of their young sister Nancy Saitta, District Judge of Nevada:

051804 --- Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei are in proud of the accomplishments of their young sister Nancy Saitta, District Judge of Nevada:
051504-Cartoons may bring us with a sense of humor!

Dinner party for community service in Las Vegas:

For cartoons's performance:

***"The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck
***"Management is nothing more than moivating other people." --- Lee Iacocca
***"Imagination is more important than knowledge." --- Ablbert Einstein
***"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist." --- Oscar Wilde
***** % *****

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