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[Second Edition] The feature article (most of the part) "Rory Reid has been promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI," written by Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, and Tiffany Chang was publishe by a Chinese newspaper in English. It was published by a famous Chinese newspaper "Next Weekly" (壹週報) at January 6, 2005 in Las Vegas and other five Southwest states of the United States of America:

022505-6387 ***"Management is nothing more than motivating other people." --- Lee Iacocca

The following is an article published by "Next Weekly" 022605-8687
[Second Edition] The feature article (most of the part) "Rory Reid has been promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI," written by Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, and Tiffany Chang was publishe by a Chinese newspaper in English. It was published by a famous Chinese newspaper "Next Weekly" (壹週報) at January 6, 2005 in Las Vegas and other five Southwest states of the United States of America:
on February 17, 2005. It is entitled "Michael Douglas has been appointed as an Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI
---With the excellent and informative publication of "Next Weekly" 022605-8687
[Second Edition] The feature article (most of the part) "Rory Reid has been promoted to Adjunct Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI," written by Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, and Tiffany Chang was publishe by a Chinese newspaper in English. It was published by a famous Chinese newspaper "Next Weekly" (壹週報) at January 6, 2005 in Las Vegas and other five Southwest states of the United States of America:
, high-ranking officials of Nevada have been inspired to help realize the creed for community service and humane spirit of WBTI." It is written by
Mark Denton, Valoria Vega, and Tiffany Chang:

Live - Love - Learn*1

Are you satisfied with the way your life is unfolding?

Do things happen in life the way you would like?

Are there changes you would like to make?

Increasing Your EQ and Potential For Success is a special mentoring program designed for individuals who would like to increase their ability to set and reach their personal goals. Students will learn how to become effective and influential leaders, more successful in all areas of life!*2

Participants will have the opportunity to obtain a better understanding of what emotional intelligence is and examine where do some of their emotions, both positive and negative, come from. They will learn the effect of their family of origin (the family they were born into) has on them and how this may impact the relationship with their own offspring. In addition, they will learn how to be better managers of their own emotions and improve their self-control.

Through this program, participants will learn skills and techniques to improve their performance in all areas of life. They will learn how to improve their relationships with friends and family, and build their confidence in school, business and social situations. They will discover how to improve thinking skills so they can learn more easily, how to set goals so they can make positive things happen in life, and how to take responsibility for themselves and their actions.

Participants will come to understand the importance of their attitudes and how both positive and negative attitudes shape a person’s self image. They will develop tools to help them utilize positive energy in their schools, family, business and social life. These tools will enable them to create a future of their dreams.*3

Becky Ung is a certified instructor of The Pacific Institute:® She is also a Master Trainer of PESA (Parent Expectations Support Achievement) which is a program offered through Los Angeles County Office of Education.

Becky is a motivational speaker, life coach, teacher and author. She is also an EQ and parenting specialist as well as a business consultant.

Individual (one-on-one) classes are offered consisting of 8 one-hour sessions. The fee is $??.00 an hour.

For further information, please feel free to contact Becky at (626) 796-0851


*1. For community service, not for advertising. Ms. Becky Ung (吳雷洛美) is the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). Thanks to Ms. Becky Ung's (吳雷洛美) participation for the community service of WBTI.
*2. Google. 'Live - Love - Learn,' "A search about E. Q. Becky Ung (吳雷洛美) on Google.com," (February 17, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*3. Ibid.


021505-6878 *****"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey

Many high-ranking officials attended the event and dinner party of the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG
---Judge Betsy Kolkoski, among others cut the ribbon for Grand Opening

The following is an updated list of our Guests, whom invited by Dr. Tony Lei, Ms. Yin Yan, and Mr. James Chen, of the event and dinner party at 6:00 p.m. on February 4, 2005:

Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas; District Judges of Family Court Cheryl Moss and Sandra Pomrenze; Constable of Las Vegas Bobby Gronauer (represented by Mrs. Judy Lei); Las Vegas Judge Betsy Kolkoski; North Las Vegas Judge Natalie Tyrrell; U.S. Senator John Ensign's Representative Kathie Ambrosio; Constable's Executive Manaement Assistant Marian Replogle; Mr. Richard Kolkoski; and Asseblywomen Valerie Weber & Francis Allen ( represented by Dr. Tony Lei).

Judge Betsy Kolkoski, Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG, and the following five Chairmen (including 尹浩鏐 as the representaive of 潘天良) cut the ribbon for Grand Oppening. Most of the above high raking officials including Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas presented at the Dinner party in Emperor's Garden Restaurant with great pleasure.

At her short sppech, Judge Kolkoski welcomed Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG's enthusiam to bridge the art and cultural cooperation between Nevada and China with this significant ART EXIBIT. She appreciateted and enjoyed the close and sincere friendship with Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei(雷動天).

The dinner party was full with joy also with the dancing and singing of Mr. and MRS. QIN QUAN XIONG. The highlight of the dinner party was the Senatorial Recognition Award from U. S. Senator John Ensign to Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG, which was presented by his representative Miss Kathie Ambrosio to Mr. XIONG. (The picture is shown on the following flier.)

Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG painted a serial of writings to participants for donation. All the donation will be given the people with recent disasters in Southeast Asia.

A good news was announced by Judge Betsy Kolkoski during Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG's presentation: Immedeate source shows that she has no opponants and won the re-election as a judge.

Whether as an organizer or as a MC, Ms. Yin Yan played an important and successful role for the implementation of this Event and Dinner party.


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第一主席: 鐘武雄 (原舊金山市府華埠經濟委 員、湖南同鄉
主 席: 潘天良 (拉斯維加斯中華文學藝術聯合會會長)
主 席: 黃笑生 (拉斯維加斯華人協會會長)
主 席: 歐冬來 (《睹城天天報》發行人、社長)
Ö÷ ϯ: Dr. Tony Lei (»ªÊ¢¶Ù¹¤É̼¼ÊõÑо¿ÔºÔºéL,ÃÀ‡ø‡ø•þ±Š×h†TÙYÉî–)
副主席: 尹浩鏐 (拉斯維加斯中華文學藝術聯合會副會長)
副主席: 言 立 (美國泰裕投資有限公司副董事長 )
副主席: 言 音 (美國泰裕投資有限公司副董事長)
副主席: 鐘 鵬 (美國泰裕投資有限公司總經理)

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