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ELECTION AND PUBLIC SERVICE ***** Wednesday, April 21, 2004 ***** #First Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas held "Outstanding Democrat of the Year" 2003 Champagne Reception Party in Las Vegas
By Tiffany Chang

"Dear friends: It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to our 'Outstanding Democrat of the Year' award ceremony tonight," wrote John Ponticello, President of the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas on its "Commenmorative Journal." The Journal was published by the Club on April 8, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

This year's event was held on Thursday April 8, 2004, 7 to 9 p. m. at the Skyview room of Bally's Hotel on its 26th floor in Las Vegas.

The Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) was established early in 2003. Drs. E. Lee Bernick and Keong Leong were appointed as Deans of the School by WBTI on March 11, 2003. "The mission of this School will emphasize the humanitarian orientation of public administration and social responsibility of business management. Through academic entrepreneurship, we may expect the endeavor of this school for the community service based on humane spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA. Dina is a Senator of Nevada Senate and Adjunct Professor of Political Science of UNLV.

"Through the recommendation by our faculty members including District Judges Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Family Court District Judge Cheryl Moss, and President of Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas John Ponticello; Ms. Barbara Buckley has been appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on March 27, 2004," announced Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Monday March 29, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Barbara E. Buckley was born in November 23, 1960; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She received her B. A. with honors from University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Her education has enhanced with University of Arizona, J.D., Summa Cum Laude. She is at the District No. 8 of Clark County Assembly. Barbara is an Attorney at Law.

HONORING The Majority Leader of the Nevada Assembly Barbara Buckley as "THE OUTSTANDING DEMOCRAT OF THE YEAR" 2003 and
Debbie Trudell, Joe Bifano and Lois and Bert Mack as "Grass Roots Democrats of the Year" 2003. With a Special Recognition Award to Justin Gilbert.

"We are proud to serve as co-chairs for the Paradise Democratic Club's 'Outstanding Democrat of the Year' 2003 Champagne Reception honoring our dear friend Assembly Leader Barbara Buckley."

To invite all their friends sincerely, the above letter was written by Harry Reid, U. S. Senator; Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congresswoman; Oscar B. Goodman, Las Vegas Mayor; Dina Titus, State Senate Majority leader; and 'Mr. Speaker' Richard Perkins, Speaker, Nevada Assembly.

With many business executives, career professionals, elected officials, high-ranking officers, community and organizational leaders, among others crowded as enthusiastic participants in the 26th floor of the Bally's Hall--Skyview Room, the event and party were highlighted by John Ponticello's presentation of the awards to Barbara Buckley among others.

Co-sponsors included: Hunterton and Associates; Sierra Health Services Inc.; Poggemeyer Design Group; Shelley Berkley; Russel Dorn; NSEA; Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc.; Operating Engineers #12; Sprint; Cheri Welch; International Game Technology; Nevada Power; Employers Ins. Co. of Nevada; Barbara Buckley; Clark County Firefighters; Southwest Gas Corp.; Sheet Metal Workers International Association; Sheet Metal Workers Local 88; Republic Services; Culinary Workers Union; IBEW Local 357; Mandalay Bay Resorts; Station Casino; Caesars Entertainment; Cuthbert Mack Esq.; Police Protective Association; Professional Firefighters of Nevada; Laborers Union Local 872; EL Mundo; American Distributing; Laborers Retirees International Council #862; Operating Engineers #501; So. Calif.-Nev. Regional Council of Carpenters; Frank Nemec & Jennifer Togliatti; Claudine Williams; Democratic Legislative Caucus; Carpenters Union; Washington Business and Technology Institute, Dr. Tony Lei, President; and Law Office of Keith L. Lee.

A speciality of the Program was the complimentary -- Photo taking with Barbara Buckley during cocktail hour 7-7:30. The Chinese publicity for the Event and Party was featured by the presence and presentation from Raymond Lam of "Next Weekly", Helen Hsueh of "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News", and Mindy Gao of "World Journal (Chinese Daily News)". Dr. Tony Lei extended his appreciation for WBTI to Attorney Benson Lee, Esq. for the lawyer's generosity in buying one table for ten guests of our Chinese participants the third time of this annually big event and party.

In receiving the certificate of appointment as an Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute from Dr. Tony Lei, Ms. Barbara Buckley took pictures happily with the American and Chinese Communities and professionals by the mutiple media and professional photographers.

Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Good to attend the Thai trditional dancing show
By Robert Song

To: Reporter Audrey Cheng" , "Counselor Catherine de Nitto" , "Reporter Mindy Gao" , "Broker Jean Gatchalian" , "AssemblyW. Chris Giunchigliani" , "President Helen Hsueh" , "G. Manager Chiu Lucero" , "RE. Specialist Jennilee Phan" , "CPA/Broker Judith Sullivan" , "Agent Iris Zhang"
CC: "President Supatra Chemprachum" , "Atty. Xin Wang"

Dear Friends,

I still have ONE FREE nice seat left for Thai Show on
04/27/2004 @ 7pm. You will seat next to Dr. Tony Lei.

Please call me ASAP to get it. First call, First

Please refer to attachments FYI.

President S. Chemprachum:

Please issue a letter to fax to Attorney Xin Wang for
received & thanked his $40 donation. His fax # is

Thanks & best wishes,

Robert (Song)

Dear Supatra,

Please issue two tickets directly to Dr. Tony Lei as
we talked yesterday. I hope he still can get VIP

Please issue a letter to Atty. Xin Wang for the $40 I
forwarded to you. That way he will know you got his
money. Tkanks! His fax # is 868-8248.

How about one left seat, how can get it?

Thanks & best wishes,

Robert (Song)

Dear friends,

1. Attached with a invitation letter from President S.
Chemprachum to us (26 seats) FYI.

2.President Supatra is very kindly to assigned us to
the good seats as attached. So far our group donated
to her Asso. total $340 as:

1) Ms. Jennilee Phan, $100, R. E. Specialist of C-21.
2) Ms. Jeannie Way, $100, Director of Properties of
3) Mr. Denny Chen, $100, Owner of Motel 8. RE
4) Atty. Xin Wang, $40, Owner of Xin Wang Law office.
5) Mr. Robert Song, 13 Vochurs about Taiwan. Pan-Am
Legal Services.

3. Dinner with 26 actors & friends. After the show
@9pm on 04/27/2004. We may meet @ TIPPS THAI CUISINE.
Please read attachment FYI.

Enjoy the show, you will meet some Thai, NV, & LV VIPs

Best wishes,

Robert (Song)

Robert Song
O: 702-889-0678
C: 702-769-5517
F: 702-889-0678
E: afsong@yahoo.com


PPAA18 ***** Tuesday, April 20, 2004 ***** # Third Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors.
U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao
Dr. Tony T. Lei
District Judges Mark R. Denton and Valorie J. Vega
Vice Presidents
Dr. William N. Thompson
Director of Public Administration Institution
Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong
Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration
Dr. Sue Fawn Chung
Director of Culture Institution
Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brian Sandoval, and District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC)
District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young
Chairmen of CCDAPCC
(702) 255-9058
*It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity.

Our golden words of wisdom for positive thinking
By Tiffany Chang

To encourage a good writing and to inspire a good idea, you must have good readers and sincere friends!*1 One of the example has been shown at the bottom paragraphs of this feature article.

"People worry about the huge amount of creativity that is wasted---lost forever---because talented people are prevented from giving their best by their lack of ability to influence others effectively," wrote Dr. Ken Blanchard in the 'Foreword' of the book entitled "Winning Ways," written by Dick Lyles.*2 "The business world has changed; organizations are getting flatter and more networked. Today, the key to success is one's ability to exercise peer leadership. The most successful individuals shine because of their ability to influence, empower, and energize others. In essence, they embody the principles and practices of Winning Ways."

"Rapid changes in technology and global competition have combined to reshape the corporate landscape. Corporate management has responnded to these changes by iniatating sweeping changes. The introduction of new technology may be touted as a productivity booster and turn out instead to be a total bust. Whatever the problem may be, you're the one who has to deal with it on a daily basis. Even when new ideas are well thought out, there are still problems in putting them into practice within your group," George Fuller wrote in the 'Introduction' of his book, "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace."*3

There are lots of common headaches most of supervisors and leaders have to confront. "It's easy to understand how the broad scope these problems can easily lead to a less than steller attitude toward your job. However, adoping a sense of futility only serve to make matters worse. On the other hand, maintain a positive attitude helps you place things in perspective and can make coping eith problems a lot easier to do."*4

To initiate our programs more effectively for the people and communities who are interested to participate the programs, we need to emphasize the spirit of positive attitude and positive thinking. The following are our golden words of wisdom which are worth reading collected by the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI):

***"Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and to let him know that you trust him." --- Booker T. Washington
***"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more." --- Jonas Salk, MD
***"Those who trust us, educate us." --- George Eliot
***"Watch your thought, for they become words. Choose your words, for they become actions. Understand your actions, for they become habits. Study your habits, for they will become your character. Develop your character, for it becomes your destiny."*5
***"Art is the signature of civilizations," --- Beverly Sills
***Jesus said, "Everyone who bears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock." --- Matthew 7:24-25 "Bible"
***"A book is a sucess when people who haven't read it pretend they have."
--- Los Angeles Times Syndicate
***"Anything you're good at contribute to happiness." --- Bertrand Russell
***"He who never made a mistake never made a discovery." --- Samuel Smiles
***If you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for bidden treasure,
then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.
For the LORD gives wisdom,
and from his mouth come
knowledge and understanding.
--- Job 28:28 "Bible"
***"Reserach is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose." --- Zora Neale Hurston
***"The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie." --- Ann Landers
***"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey
***"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower." --- Albert Camus
***"The secrette of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. to know how to do something well is oto enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck
***"Management is nothing more tnan moivating other people." --- Lee Iacocca
***"Imagination is more important knowledge. --- Ablbert Einstein
***"No great artist ever sees things as they really are. If he did, he would cease to be an artist." --- Oscar Wilde
***"A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is finished when he quits." --- President R. M. Nixon
***"The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible." --- Arthur C. Clarke
***"What would life be if we had no courage to attemp anything." --- Vincent Van Gogh
***"If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade." --- Tom Peters
***"If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it!" --- Jonathan Winters
***"If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere." --- Frank A. Clark
***"Pay peanuts and you get monkeys." --- Anonymous
***"Small opportunities are often the beginging of great enterprises." --- Demosthenes
***"The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." --- Moliere
***"Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey
***"Freedom is the oxygen of the soul." --- Moshe Dayan
***"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." --- Proverbs 15 : 22 "Bible"

"Dear Tony & Judy:
I enjoyed immensely reading your WBTI website materials. Thank you for letting me know that one day we all can close our eyes and envision a world that is safe, peacefilled and healthy. Looking forward to meeting you someday so we could all working together toward that goal. With my very best to you,"*6 wrote Dr. Peter Wang to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei. Dr. Peter C. Wang, is the Regent of Pacific Lutheran University and Chairman of the Wang Center LLC.


As you requested, I am sending Peter's proposal for your review.

Peter's proposal reflects his dream(and mine too) of many years. If successfully executed, it could help educate hundreds of millions kids of K-12 as well as adults. It would benefit THE MANKIND greatly. Read it and think what you can help," wrote Dr. Bob Ni.*7 He and Dr. Wang are all alumni of the first class of Tunghai University.


*1 GSBPA of WBTI. (2003) 'Words of wisdom which are worth of reading,' " Newsbrief of WBTI". Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*2. Blanchard, Ken. (2000). "Winning Ways". New York, N. Y.: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
*3. Fuller, George. (1998). "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace". London: Prentice Hall, Inc.
*4. Ibid.
*5. Lei, Becky. (2003). "Super E. Q. Onece for All". Taipei, Taiwan: Spring Publishing Co.
*6. Wang, Peter C.. "An e-mail to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei from Dr. Peter C. C. Wang," (April 20, 2004), Pebble Beach, CA.: Wang Center LLC.
*7. Ni, Bob. "An e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei from Dr. Bob Ni," (April 19, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Dr. Bob Ni.


Newsbrief ***** Monday, April 19, 2004 ***** # Second Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors.
U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao
Dr. Tony T. Lei
District Judges Mark R. Denton and Valorie J. Vega
Vice Presidents
Dr. William N. Thompson
Director of Public Administration Institution
Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong
Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration
Dr. Sue Fawn Chung
Director of Culture Institution
Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brian Sandoval, and District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC)
District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young
Chairmen of CCDAPCC
(702) 255-9058
*It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity.

A recent slogan of WBTI: To become more effective online communication in every online venue!
By Tiffany Chang

The scientist credited with inventing the World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, has been awarded the first Millennium Technology Prize.*1

"Berners-Lee is recognized as the creator of the World Wide Web while working for the CERN Laboratory in the early 1990s, the European center for nuclear research near Geneva, Switzerland. His graphical point-and-click browser, "WorldWideWeb," was the first featuring the core ideas included in today's Web browsers, including Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera, and Mozilla."*2

The chairman of the eight-member prize committee, Pekka Tarjanne, underlined the importance of Berner-Lee's decision and spirit to never strive to commercialize or patent his contributions to the Internet technologies he developed.

The prize is administered by the Finnish Technology Award Foundation. Berners-Lee, who is originally from Britain, continues to work at the standard-setting World Wide Web Consortium at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, U. S. A..

Today, one of the important slogan of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is: To become more effective online communication in every online venue!

Starting from 1980, the author had been benefitted deeply from two main courses of the program of Doctorate Degree of Education (Ed. D.) in Institution Management of Pepperdine University.*3 They were: (1) ED 740 Computer Utilization in Institutional Management; and (2) ED 730 Methodological Approaches to Educational Research and Evaluation. The technical skills and knowledge of information management had sharpened my abilities of the research, management, and teaching in an national organization of information management and the graduate school of business administration. After many years of administrative resposibility in higher policy-making organization and teaching business school of famous universities, the author concentrated effort to study and acquire the knowledge and utilization of information management in the United States of America ten years after I received M. B. A. from Pepperdine. My two years of computer consulting job at the Computer Laboratory of the Graduate School of Education and Pshchology and the School of Business and Management of Pepperdine University advanced the practical experience for me to complete my dessertation entitled "A Study of the Impact of Enrollment in a Computer Science Class on Mathematics Scores and Attendance in a Secondary School". I taught information management for five years at the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chunghsing University.

Indeed, business achievement is the new yardstick of success in today's society. Therefore, business has become not only the fastest growing major in undergraduate institutions but also in graduate school of famous universities, nationally and internationally. The emphasis of the online communication skills and the quantitative analysis techniques with computers is one of the most important study for the art of success to the business students, professionals, executives, and owners.

In many ways, business school is at the center of this cultural phenomenon. For some, the business school is the passport to the boardroom, the ticket to the top of the corporate ladder. these schools, nationally and internationally, pump out the new generation of business leaders by hundreds of thousands. "They are the pipeline of raw material with which the nation's --- and the world's --- leading business build the future. And MBAs are not limited to the traditional corporate world: From Wall Street to Madison Avenue, from Sand Hill Road to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, today's MBAs lead organizations large and small, in every conceivable industry. They are the executives and entrepreneurs who power the economy."4

"UNLESS YOU'VE BEEN LIVING IN A CAVE, you've seen enormous changes in communications technology over the past two decades. From orbiting satellites routing long distance phone calls to email to undreamed-of growth of the Internet, the age of communicating online, using computers and networks, is upon us all," stated at the first paragraphy of the 'Introduction' of the book, "How to say it online: everything you need to know to master the new language of cyberspac," written by Kim Baker and Sunny Baker.*5

"And what could be better news? To keep in touch, there's nothing faster or cheaper than email. To gain access to information and people, the power of online communication expands your reach from the local to the global. To meet new friends and even romance a potential life partner, online venues provide rich opportunities (if you know the right things to say and the best way to say them). At school, the Internet places volumes of knowledge on ever subject at your fingertips, and at work, computer networks make business communication more efficient than ever." *6

Whether you are in business or in non-profit organization, you need to have a Web site. This seems to be a common wisdom in now- a-days. Think seriously about the needs of your market before you go onto the Web to make more money for business, to develop better non-profit organization, or to contribute to more community service. "It's hard to believe that Fred's Service Station really needs a Web Site to reap new profits. However, for some businesses and professional service firms, the Internet and web to gether offer viable marketing and distribution opportunities. Software companies, online magazines, and email order businesses can do quite well from the Web --- if the owners know how to say the right things on their sites. The Secrets of a Successful Web Site: Just having a site on the Web will do almost nothing to sell your products or services. To promote your Web site, there are three things you must do: (1). You must register your Web site with the best search engines. (2). You should consider using the many free and not free advertising opportunities on the Web. (3) You should search the Web regularly for competitive and related sites, where you can attach a link to your site." *7 To be more successful for your Web site, you need to be favored by the famous search engine services like Yahoo! (www.yahoo.com), Aol! (www.aol.com), Google! (www.google.com), Infoseek! (www.infoseek.com), among others.

"There is no longer any such thing as a purely national economy. The rest of the world is just too big to ignore, either as a market or as a competitor. If business schools do nothing other than to train their students to think internationally, they would have accomplished an important task," said John Young, CEO, Hewlett-Packard.*8

Innovation is the key to success, managers are looking everywhere in the global organization for new ideas. Modern companies would view Information technology (IT) as a major competitive differentiator. Strategic businesses emphazise the ueses of information technology for management. International companies develop their global IT platforms by integrating worldwide hardware, software, and Internet-based network architecture. Commuunication technology, for example the teleconferencing and computer networks, is making it possible for people from subsidiaries around the world to work together on project.

Many business are becoming global companies and moving toward transnational e-business strategies in which they integrate the global business activities of their subsidiaries and headquarters. The international dimemsions of managing global e-business technologies include dealing with cultural, political, and geoeconomic challenges posed by various countries for global marketplace. The e-business technologies are changing the distribution, relatonships, resources, and responsibilities of managers. Information Technology is helping managers of e-business to eliminate layers of amangement, enabling more collaborative forms of management, providing them with significant information technology resources, and confront them with major e-business and e-commerce challenge.

Innovation is the key to success, managers are looking everywhere in the global organization for new ideas. Modern companies would view Information technology (IT) as a major competitive differentiator. Strategic businesses emphazise the ueses of information technology for management. International companies develop their global IT platforms by integrating worldwide hardware, software, and Internet-based network architecture. Commuunication technology, for example the teleconferencing and computer networks, is making it possible for people from subsidiaries around the world to work together on project.*9

In order to keep the online universe a productive, safe, communicative environment, it is interesting and worth to post the ten commandments for computer ethics. They were created by the Computer Ethics Institute: (1). Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people. (2). Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work. (3). Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's files. (4). Thou shalt not use a computer to steal. (5). Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness. (6). Thou shalt not use or copy softwear for which you have not paid. (7). Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization. (8). Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output. (9). Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you write. (10). Thou shalt use a computer in ways that show consideration and respect.

A sucessful businessperson always know the old rule that says "It's easier to keep an existing customer than to find a new one." In online customer relationships, this rule is just as important. Your goal should not only to get new visitors, but to cultivate your customer base to yield repeat sales, services, and referrals from satisfied purchasers, clients, and patronagers. "Besides a good product or service, there are only three things you need for successful online customer relations: strong communication, common courtesy, and exemplary customer service. Unfortunately, these old-fashioned values are often missing in many companies' online promotional communication." *10


*1. Hulden, Mans. 'WWW Inventor Receives Technology Prize,' "Technology---Reviwjournal.com," (April 16, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Las Vegas Review-Journal.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Pepperdine University. (1990), "The Graduate School of Education and Psychology of Pepperdine University --- 1988 - 89 CATALOG," Malibu, California: Pepperdine University.
*4. Housman. Jon. (2001), "The MBA Jungle," Cambridge, Massachusetts: Persus Publishing.
*5. Baker, Kim; and Baker, Sunny. (2001), "How to say it online: everything you need to know to master the new language of cyberspace," Paramus, New Jersey: Pretice Hall.
*6. Ibid.
*7. Ibid.
*8. Ball, Donald A, and McCulloch, Jr., Wendell H. (2003) International Business --- The Challenge of Global Competition," Chicago: McGraw-Hill Irvin.
*9. O'Brien, James A. (2003) "Introduction to Information Systems," Boston, N. Y.: McGraw-Hill Irvin.
*10. Baker, Kim; and Baker, Sunny. Ibid.


Newsbrief ***** Sunday, April 18, 2004 ***** # First Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors.
U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao
Dr. Tony T. Lei
District Judges Mark R. Denton and Valorie J. Vega
Vice Presidents
Dr. William N. Thompson
Director of Public Administration Institution
Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong
Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration
Dr. Sue Fawn Chung
Director of Culture Institution
Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brian Sandoval, and District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen of Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC)
District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young
Chairmen of CCDAPCC
(702) 255-9058
*It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity.

Some valuable skills for people and associations to have a more successful and happy life
By Valorie Vega, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang

It is a general understanding that: If we are able to excel in a particular field of professional career, we will definitely have a better chance of gaining a foothold into society. Outstanding professional accomplishments enhanced with good community service is a practical and sincere way for us to integrate into American society and win the recognition by our mainsteam society and American people.*1

In this generation and society, we need economic compassion, in service above self, and in action of love and moral courage. Some people are of the "tell me what you wear, tell me what kind of car you drive, tell me what cards you carry, and I'll tell you who you are" culture. What do the people we admire have in common? These individuals have faith, respect and love, unabashed love. Love always transcends self. In its purest form, love is unconditional and an appreciation. The Greeks had a saying: People are known by the heroes they crown." Tell me whom you admire, and I will tell you who you are. Your choice of heroes reveals your personal traits.

"By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service part of our characters and experience the abundanr rewards that come from serving others. Let our heroes be the great servants who have given all for the bettement of other's lives, Let our candle fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-increasing circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and evision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy," says Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute.*2

We can work alongside each other. We can absorb each other's energy and discipline and commitment to inspire us and motivate us. Service beyond self is love in action. This is our creed and our calling. We stumble and splinter when we forget that goal. We unite and prosper when we remember it.

There are three major drives pushing and pulling us into the 21st century. (1) The neccessity and speed of change: Change is unavoidable for improement and innovation. Most of the change we face are permanent, pervasive, and profound. It is permanent, because few of us would want to uninvent microchip, to use a train instead of an airline as a business transportation from Los Angeles to New York, or abandon the medical advances that have extended and enhanced our lives. It is pervasive because the information highway has change our lives. Few parts of the way we live and work have escaped the effects of change. It is profound because we must reassess the sharing of our planet's resources. As individuals, we must reassess our values, ideals, and prejudices. As associations we must have effective actions to decrase the force of resistance-to-change successfully.

(2) Emphases of partnerships and alliances. Highly successful organizations have become circliar instead of flat. Each function is a link in a chain whose strength depends on the whole. Each is an alliance or partner with all the others. We need strong, supportive alliances because we need quick access to resources whether they are human, informational, financial, or material by nature.

(3) Member service to member focus: One of the important purposes of an association is all about having satisfied, happy, loyal, referral-bearing members. Our members' success is our success. We should put attention to the thre areas of members focus. The first one is member servicing, which is the operations part that we should do the task well. The second one is member relations, which is the human part that we may be better to have the one-on-one actions. The third one is member development which is the coordinating and retention part that brings satisfaction to every activity.
There are two principles at the heart of the positive thinking road map. (A) the first principle is truth in thinking uncover and eliminate self-limiting belief and attitudes. We need to establish "truth in thinking" by focusing on the facts and avoiding negative self-talk. Challenge our unrealistic belief by reorienting them in a more realistic, positive manner. We will think, feel, and act more confidently, thereby increasing the likehood for success.

(B) The second principle is the 12 positive thinking traits. "The following are 12 traits that characterize a positive thinker: (1) Optimism (2) Enthusiam (3) Belief (4) Intelligence (5) Courage (6) Integrity (7) Confidence (8) Judgement (9) Persistence (10) Liveliness (11) Vision (12) Desire to excel. Each traits, when leveraged properly, produces powerful results to achieve our goals. These traits, when diligently and wisely applied together with the truth in thinking, allow us to overcome obstacles and challenges in a positive manner in our lives for accomplishment," Dr. Tony Lei points out.

"In righteousness you will be established."*2 "In this 21th Century new era and society, we need economic growth, but we also need to establish and promote creativity, fairness and justice, serve and love, educational knowledge, and spirit engineering. We wish that a pure spring may prosper and enrich our splendid and golden country through: the power of public service that based on 'knowledge is the power of righteouness,'; the advancement of technology, entreneurship, and innovation; and the spirit that 'knowledge calls, ultimately, for a life of service'," Dr. Tony Lei points out.

"Develop a clear vision of our prefered future, then get focused on key activities and efforts that take us in that direction. We shall see performance gains, achieve our goal and have a happier, more successful life. By pursuing our own personal strategic plans with love and service, we will increase our energies, motivations, satisfactions, happiness, and the worthy value of our lives," he continues.*3

"Because of his sincere and effective work performance in community service beside his academic endeavor, Dr. Tony Lei has received many important awards for his outstanding asccomplishments from U. S. Senators, U. S. Representatives, Las Vegas Mayor, Clark County Chairman, among others. It is significant that Dr. Kenny Guinn(, now the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.,) wrote Dr. Tony Lei: 'It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thak you enough for your assistant and your positive activeties in the community,'" Lillian and Julian Wallace wrote a feature article entitled "We Prodly Present to You Two of the Dearest People in the World -- Dr. and Mrs. Tony T. Lei." At the time, Lillian was President of Senior United, while Julian is its CEO. The article was published by the famous "Highlights Magazine" by Seniors United on October, 1999.*4

"As you know, I've begun to learn and practise leading skills through my college life. I'm deeply impressed by the valuable practicality and theoreticality of the leading skills proclaimed and inspired by Washington Business and Technology. During my three victories of the past elections since he moved to Las Vegas from Los Angeles, Dr. Tony Lei has been one of my great supporter with his outstanding knowledge and wisdom," said U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley.*5


*1. Chang, Tiffany. 'Community participation enhcnces our professional accomplishments,' "Nevada Examiner," August 18, 2000.
*2. Chang, Tiffany. 'Some skills to have a more successful and happy life,' "Nevada Examiner," March 24, 2000, p. 22.
*3. Ibid.
*4. Chang, Tiffany. 'It is significant to serve our community,' "Nevada Examiner," January 7, 2000, p. 15.
*5. Vega, Valorie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'The biggest credit of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is its people,' "PPAA17, Newsbrief of WBTI," January 6, 2004, p.5.


Washington Business and technology Institute (WBTI)

The following is our post for community service through the courtesy of the "Senior Activities," of "Las Vegas Review-Journal":

Sunday, April 18, 2004
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal



Las Vegas Senior Citizens Center, 451 E. Bonanza Road, is open 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays (229-6454).

Classes and activities include beading and knitting, painting, pinochle, exercise classes, blood-pressure checks, monthly birthday parties and living will workshops. Aerobics classes are at 9 a.m. Mondays through Fridays.

A Chicago-style lunch featuring hot dogs and Chicago-style pizza will be at 11:30 a.m. Thursday.


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