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061505-6678 |
Through the courtesy of YAHOO Magazine in Chinese by Yahoo.com(for "friendly post"):不必擠破頭,也能把自己變熱門 ***友善列印 【文 鄭呈皇】 職場上努力工作只是匹好馬,但選對方向才會是黑馬。《時代》雜誌曾選出20世紀最偉大的商業人物,他們的共同特色是在成功前都不被看好,獨自在冷門領域裡深耕,終於有天把冷灶燒熱。 四月份,台灣大學甄選放榜,第一志願醫學系共有十八個名額,但有九十多位學測滿分的高中畢業生去甄試,占全國一百一十七名滿級分的八成。換言之,這七十位佼佼者不惜落榜,都想擠進台大醫學系。 然而第一背後的弔詭是,台灣醫師早隨全民健保制度,漸漸變成高級勞工,白袍不再迷人。另方面,二十年前台灣的電子產業崛起,使電機、電子、機械等科系大翻紅。當時,生物系總是墊底科系;但如今,隨著全球生技熱,這兩年竟成為黑馬,相關科系如雨後春筍冒出。其中,清大與交大生命科學系更以超越台大醫學院大部分科系,緊追醫學系之後。此外,過去的地理系一樣是大冷門,然而去年台灣師大地理系竟和英文系並列第一志願。 攤開時間光譜,原來冷熱門並無絕對。那什麼是關鍵? 在台北市富錦街的盡頭,那裡有答案。 靜謐的巷子裡,有一個毫不起眼的花藝店,既沒門牌,也沒大門,才剛踏進花園,也因老闆太忙,任由雜草叢生。但這裡,卻是永豐餘何家、台玻林家等台灣政商名流 幭嘀付ǖ幕ㄋ嚨辍 六月份,包括新光產險董事長吳東賢女兒吳昕嬡的婚禮在內,共有八場政商名流的婚宴都指定由這位花藝大師布置。 他是齊云,三十八歲,連泰國皇室的喜宴與印尼國宴也由他包辦。是台灣唯一能拿到稀有顏色牡丹的花藝師,假日到他工作室看花的大老闆們,還得排 預約。 二十年前,插花稱不上職業,男生學插花更顯得不倫不類。但對齊云而言,看到各色花朵在他眼睛裡溜過,人就整個活了起來,花之於他就像呼吸一般重要。曾經有朋友對他不念書跑去學插花嗤之以鼻,周遭親戚都告誡他,這一輩子會沒出路,但他還是樂此不疲。 現在,齊云的工作室裡紅色訂單釘滿整面 潱诺侥甑讻]有一天休息,手機平均每五分鐘響一次。齊云,是我們定義的「冷灶 钤埂R驗椋谝话闳说难酃猓寤ㄊ莻冷門行業,但齊云不在意別人眼光,二十年後把自己琢磨成炙手可熱的明星,成為花藝 钤 「三百六十行,行行出 钤梗m然是句老話,但直至今天,仍是社會迷思。 政治大學社會系副教授關秉寅觀察指出:「社會對職業的期待仍是狹隘的。」 即便現在職業老早就超過三萬六千行,但幾乎九成以上的人還是只想進入當紅的產業,如光電、電子、醫療和教育等。 他說:「大家習慣一窩蜂去找熱門行業,卻忘了越熱門,其實競 幐ち摇!挂粋人若放錯行業,本身競 幜Σ粡姡膊环献约旱呐d趣,即使奮力擠進熱門領域,最後也會把自己變冷門。 打破迷思:郭台銘、李焜耀也是從冷門發跡 一○四人力銀行總經理楊基寬就說:「別忘了,現在的熱門行業其實都是以前的冷門。」因此,與其等待進入熱門行業還不如把自己變成熱門的人。而我們定義「冷灶 钤怪械摹咐湓睢梗ú槐灰话闳丝春玫男袠I、或公司裡不被重視的小部門、新部門等。 翻開台灣成功的企業家,許多共通的成長路徑,都是從「冷灶」發跡到奪下冠軍,如鴻海董事長郭台銘、明基董事長李焜耀等。以李焜耀為例,當初捨棄人人稱羨的外商公司,轉進只有十多位員工的本土公司宏碁,一度被認為不可思議。但李焜耀深知,在外商只能學到一部分,到宏碁反而有伸展的空間;甚至在後來從宏碁分出來的明基,也是做非核心的電子周邊,一路上來才有今日年 I收一千四百億元的成績。 然而人們卻仍習慣往熱門領域擠,惠悅企管顧問公司引述一項關於國外退休老人的調查,問到:「回顧一生,在事業上你最大的遺憾是什麼?」 其中有九○%的人回答:「最大的遺憾是選錯了職業。」分析其中原因在於,多數人選擇當時熱門的職業,卻忘了問自己是否合適? 而同樣地,在《選對池塘釣大魚》書中,作者雷恩吉爾森引述一項關於美國成功人士的訪談調查,發現九四%以上的人回答成功的關鍵因素都指向一個:「他們都做著最喜愛的工作。」 惠悅公司資深副總魏美蓉表示,人選擇職業會依照能力與興趣兩者,一開始進入職場,通常是能力決定升遷,但最後會勝出的通常是因為興趣。但是多數人進入職場,通常會先問這有沒有前途,而非是不是興趣所及。 一九九八年《時代》雜誌〈TIME〉公布二十世紀最偉大二十位商業人士中,只有三位是今日認定主流的科技產業出身〈編按:分別是微軟的比爾‧蓋茲、新力創辦人盛田昭夫,與前IBM董事長小湯瑪斯‧沃森〉。即便如此,他們共通特質都是,創業或發跡的初期都不被家人朋友所看好。 換言之,往熱門領域鑽而成功的人,對比於在冷門領域裡出頭天是少之又少。在職場永遠都是熱門少,冷門多的前提下,與其進入人人稱羨的產業,還不如順著自己的興趣,找對池塘深耕,「把自己變熱門」。 勇於不同:廖祿立學資訊改做喇叭,做到世界水準 美律董事長廖祿立,就是一個勇於和別人不同,把自己變熱門的黑馬。 第一名畢業進入第一流公司,合理的出路。但三十六年前,第一名畢業於大同工學院的廖祿立,卻辭掉當時也是第一的公司,只為做他自己想做的產品棗「揚聲器」〈喇叭〉。 當時二十四歲的他,進入民營製造業龍頭大同公司服務,負責電腦產品的開發,加上現在的總經理林蔚山是他的好友,理當在大同會有很好的發展。那時每年都有上萬畢業生希望進入大同工作,但有個想法不斷縈繞他的腦海,就是從事音樂相關的產業。 從小酷愛古典音樂的他,一直想探究發出音樂的機器,為何有各種不同的效果,小時候也會試圖拆解音響的構造。他覺得,當時台灣只會做低階的收音機很可惜,因此決定自行創業,做出可以播放好聽音樂的揚聲器。 雖然親戚們極力反對,甚至一度不借錢給他。但憑著一股熱情,他最後跟岳父借錢創立美律。剛開始,到處跟人家說自己要做「揚聲器」,但實在太冷門,上游廠商還聽不懂這產品。 為了自主研發,他土法煉鋼把全世界的麥克風都拆過一遍,獨自研究裡頭的差異,還特地自己用紙箱徒手建造一個約兩百公分高,一坪大的無響室,用來測試聲音。總共一百五十萬元的創業資金,設備就花掉一百萬元,其中光一條連接的音響線,更要上萬元。同業都認為他想和歐美國家一拚高下是瘋了,但「當時就認為,要闖出名堂一定要用最好的規格。」他站在後來改良的無響室回憶。 當時國內沒有「聲學」人才,學電機的他還自己買國外的書回來研究,並且先讀過,再寫成教材,利用下班時間,替員工開班授課。一步一步建立自己的事業。 如今,全世界前五大手機廠的揚聲器都是美律的客戶,市占率超過兩成,平均毛利率有四成以上。若廖祿立當初沒有與眾不同的勇氣,老大不會是他。 重視細節:齊云從設計一花一草,做到宴會專家 冷灶要燒熱,除了要敢與人不同外,做到極致才能出類拔萃。 齊云能夠在冷灶裡嶄露頭角,跟他心細如髮,要求極致有關。以包辦婚宴來說,他早在前一個月,就會到業主家裡,審視整個喜宴的動線,還檢查當天用的器皿,甚至連家裡佣人的服儀舉止都要訓練,連當天喝茶用的茶杯顏色、茶葉種類都要配合天氣。他自嘲,整場儀式雖然只有一兩個小時,但細節超過一千種,「一一在我的腦子裡。」他比了比自己的頭說。 例如,婚禮的前菜,會根據當天賓客到達時間到餐點開動的時間長短,設計不同的餐點。「若是中間隔半小時,只要小片起司就可以;但如果超過這時間,就要用蝦子才會有飽足感。」他解釋著。甚至吃完後為了讓畫面好看,不會杯盤狼籍,他還巧妙利用水果挖空,讓客人吃剩的食物可以蓋起來好看,不至於影響整場婚禮的美觀。 齊云因為挑剔細節中的細節,所以能夠從早期的設計花藝,到最後包辦整場婚禮,把冷門領域做到發熱。 堅持夢想:謝麗香沒錢也要學陶,做到身價上億 台灣大學心理系教授黃光國認為,這些可以堅持自己理想,不人云亦云的人,在心理學家馬斯洛〈Maslow〉的「需求層級理論」裡,有比別人更強的自我實現意識,在心理學上稱為「角色義務」。這些人都有不跟社會妥協的角色義務,較具有冒險性格,並忠於自己興趣。 然忠於自己,著實不易。 伍角船板的創辦人謝麗香,也是一個忠於興趣,把自己變熱門的故事。為了創作,她甚至捨棄婚姻,就為重拾兒時的夢想。 從小在南部山上長大的她,八歲時就懂得拿比自己高一倍的樹枝在後山蓋樹屋,甚至把家裡的番薯,用小刀雕塑出如電話、椅子等家具,小小年紀的她就有藝術的天分,而她總是幻想著以後要蓋各式房子。 本來只是個相夫教子的家庭主婦,但血液裡那個亟欲創作的心未曾熄滅。三十二歲那年,等小孩都上學後,為了學陶,她寧願不支薪,央求陶土工廠老闆給她機會。 那時一個月工資兩萬元,與開貨車的先生差不多,對家中經濟拮据的她有很大幫助,但她寧願三餐吃小米粥配地瓜,也要跟著師傅學捏陶。 「我就想難道就這樣過一生嗎?」她不斷問自己,已經有個不幸福的婚姻,她不想再犧牲自己的未來。於是,不認命的她,毅然決然投入藝術創作這個冷門行業。在三十四歲時,不顧家人反對,南北奔波向朋友借了兩百萬元,就為了蓋夢想中的房子。 為了省材料錢,她一早就戴著斗笠、穿著雨鞋,開著貨車,到曾文水庫旁邊撿漂流木。由於必須扛著粗糙的木頭,常常左肩扛出一條條血絲就換右肩扛;加上太陽曝曬紅腫,混著汗水疼痛不已,但她心中一直有個聲音,告訴自己要堅持下去,認輸就什麼都沒了。 終於,最後在南部蓋了四間房子,而且為了讓自己有創作的經費,她把房子用來經營餐廳,餐廳內外的藝術品都是謝麗香用陶土、水泥一手手打造。 如今她蓋的房子被放進國小課本,和西班牙的名建築師高第放在一起,而她也成了身價上億的藝術家。 唐代詩人韓愈在《馬說》裡說:「千里馬常有,而伯樂不常有。」千里馬要遇到伯樂才能成就大事。但這些勇於追求自己夢想的人,即便不在大公司、熱門產業,但藉由把自己變熱門、把冷灶燒熱,不用等伯樂,自己就可以成為自己的伯樂。 一九八七年,中國大陸四大男子羽球皇帝之一的選手熊國寶,贏得世界羽球大賽冠軍後被問到,「你能贏得世界冠軍,最想感謝哪個教練的栽培?」木訥的他想了想,坦誠的說:「真要感謝的話,我最想感謝自己。」 一說完,四周立刻鴉雀無聲。熊國寶接著說:「因為當初沒人看好我,我才有今天。」 原來在得到世界冠軍前,他始終都只是個綠葉角色。教練選擇了他,是因為要他陪其他明星隊員練球。在這種情況下,他更知道必須靠自己,因此他規定每天一定要最早起來對著牆壁練球;即便是零下十多度的冬天,依舊早上五點起來晨跑練體力。因為他不放棄自己,終於有天能驕傲的站在世界舞台上領獎。 出人頭地,多美麗的字眼。無關乎學歷、家世、背景,關鍵在於是否找對位置,忠於自己,這樣一來,冷灶才能成熱灶,自己才能變黑馬。 66666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
061405-3668 |
Post through the courtesy of "Yahoo 影視 News" of the Yahoo.com:林志玲赴港代言 10分鐘進帳百萬 ***友善列印 【TVBS新聞 】 台灣第一名模林志玲(新聞、圖片、商品),現在不單是台灣的廣告女天后,在香港和大陸身價也都水漲船高,林志玲今天特地飛香港代言護膚產品,短短的10幾分鐘,外傳價碼就有上百萬台幣。 台灣第一名模林志玲,飛到香港代言護膚品,雖然林志玲這次穿得不是低胸露背,所到之處依然成為記者鎂光燈的焦點,大家耳朵 著林志玲的護膚心得,眼睛還是目不轉睛的著林志玲漂亮的臉蛋。 林志玲:「(護膚)小秘方我覺得,防曬真的是非常重要,而且大家有時候都覺得說,好像只夏天防曬就好,其實一年四季都要防曬,你才可以預防這些黑色素的產生,那當然我們說防曬,也包括化學還有物理的,其實我覺得一定要雙管齊下。」 林志玲的風頭嚴重威脅到台港女星,出道至今短短時間內已成為各大小品牌的代言人,戴上超級名模和台灣第一美女的光環,代言價碼水漲船高,都不少於百萬台幣。人紅就自然會樹大招風,最近不斷傳出林志玲與名模林嘉綺(新聞、網站),為登上模特兒界龍頭寶座,2人 帄Z代言工作,從台灣鬥到香港,不過林志玲認為有競 幉艜羞M步。 林志玲:「我覺得這個圈子就是,對不起,越多人越熱鬧,然後越好,這個圈子就會越來越旺,還有越來越健全,所以我覺得任何圈子,絕對不會是說,那個人不見了,然後你就能更好這樣的心態。」 超級推銷員林志玲,心中最想接的下一個代言工作是航空公司,林志玲希望可以隨時能夠坐飛機到世界各地旅行。 3333333333333333 6666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
061205-6587 |
Post through the courtesy of Worldjournal.com:全球百大IT廠 台灣鴻海躍居第二 商周:墨西哥America Movil稱冠 台灣12家進榜稱霸亞洲 大陸三家入列 【本報綜合紐約十日電訊報導】商業周刊(BusinessWeek)公布全球資訊科技100大企業排行榜,墨西哥的America Movil排名第一,台灣的鴻海由去年的第八竄升到第二。台灣共有12家廠商進榜,不僅比去年增加一席,也超過日本的六家和南韓的五家,居亞洲之冠。鴻海也是唯一擠進前十名的台灣廠商。 報導指出,商周公布排行榜的用意是要讓外界深入了解快速成長的科技產業,美國矽谷雖然是資訊科技業的搖籃,但在全球化的推波助瀾下,其他國家也開始急起直追,甚至有後來居上之勢。 排名第一的墨西哥America Movil公司,是拉丁美洲首屈一指的行動通訊業者,率先推出預付服務策略搶佔市場,並以綜合分數最高而封王。鴻海緊追在後,其次依序為南韓LG 電子、三星、美國蘋果電腦(Apple)、戴 (Dell)、俄羅斯行動電信系統(Mobil Telesys-tems)、新一代通訊(Nextel Comms)與Infosys公司。 相較於台灣有12家廠商雀屏中選,中國大陸只有三家進榜,分別是中國移動通信(第17名)、中國電信(第56名)與中興通訊公司(第80名)。 商業周刊與史坦普公司(S&P)合作,先從一萬家上市科技公司篩選出合格名單,再接受海外分支機構的推薦,加入美國以外的科技企業,按照 I收、 I收增幅、投資報酬率與股東權益報酬率等四個標準,加以評選才得出這份榜單。 如果以分項標準來看, I收排名第一的是美國國際商業機器公司(IBM);成長速度( I收增幅)最快的是台灣力晶半導體公司的150%;投資報酬率最高的是美國Google公司;獲利最高的則是美國新一代夥伴公司(Nextel Part-ners)。 今年被踢出100大排名的高科技企業包括美國超微(AMD)、惠普(HP)、電子灣(eBay)、利盟(Lex-mark)、電子藝術(electronic arts)和中國聯合通信公司,原因分別是獲利萎縮、股價重挫或成長停滯等。中國聯通是大陸第二大行動通訊業者,但改採劃碼多路進接系統技術後,因市場相關條件未能配合,去年獲利不增反減, I收只增加7%。 [2005-06-11] 8888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
061105-5368 |
Post through the courtesy of Worldjournal.com:?⒓瘟幔簭?曼玉越來越美 不介意稱?梁朝?サ那熬p?女友 ***?⒓瘟崆逅腌R,美得自自然然。(Photo.) 【本?筇ū庇崱拷鼇硖?逞菟?圈喜事頻?鳎瑦矍殚L跑15年的?⒓瘟岷土撼?ヒ?胍??小孩?幔?⒓瘟10日凌晨在林口阿?s片廠廣告收工後受訪?远ū硎荆芟?g現在這?与S心過日子,?不想?言杏行『ⅰ1蛔??萬一?言性觞N辦?她篤定表示,不?小溉f一」。 ?⒓瘟崾??大美人,她眼中的美女典 是誰呢?她除了??P?W黛莉赫本是心目中永遠的?典美女外,更大方??P曾和男友梁朝??鬟^緋?的?曼玉越來越美,她表示,?曼玉一路在成長,是???識開?的美人。此外,林青霞,以及好友王菲,也都是她眼中的美人,她說,王菲的美在於她不理?饨纭?猿肿鲎约骸?⒓瘟岽蠓秸?美人?,??者稱?她是美人?r,她?s謙稱自己不算美人。她笑說:「如果你??覺得我漂亮,是因?槲矣凶孕牛仪宄约阂鍪颤N,隨心過日子。」 [2005-06-11] 333333333333333333 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************* | |
060905-2576 |
Post through the courtesy of "Yahoo Chi Mo News" of the Yahoo.com:福斯專訪 布希再表態將協防台灣 寄給朋友 友善列印 【TVBS新聞 】 美國總統布希(新聞、網站)今天接受福斯電視台的獨家專訪,被問到如果大陸對台灣採取軍事行動,美國是不是會協防台灣?布希明確的回答:會!布希說,因為有「台灣關係法」在,不過布希也強調,如果台灣片面宣布獨立,美國將會改變他們的平衡立場! 美國總統布希接受福斯電視台獨家專訪,談到台海問題,主持人劈頭就問,美國到底會不會協防台灣?福斯電視台主播:「總統先生,如果台灣被中國侵略,我們還會信守承諾協防台灣嗎?」美國總統布希:「會的!我們會!因為有『台灣關係法』!」 不過布希特別強調,如果兩岸任何一方,片面採取行動,美國將會改變立場,這當中也包括台灣宣布獨立。美國總統布希:「如果中國片面侵略(台灣),我們會依『台灣關係法』行動,如果台灣片面宣布獨立,這會是一個單方面的決定,然後改變美國(在兩岸)的平衡。」 對於大陸不斷發展軍備,主持人問布希,還會相信中國大陸嗎?布希的回答很妙!他說「到目前為止,我信任他們,以後就再看了!」 這是繼布希在2001年說「美國有義務協助台灣自我防禦」後,布希再度公開表態,明確說出美國將有條件協防台灣。 666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
060805-11168 |
Through the courtesy of YAHOO Magazine in Chinese by Yahoo.com(for "friendly post"):信任與自信 : 一束光的兩種顏色 ***友善列印 【尹萍】 [沒有信任,個人甚至出不了門? 信任除了是一種社會資本,更是一種個人的無形財。 生活中我們依賴信任有多深而不自知? 失去信任的人生為何就像斷線風箏,孤獨又危險?] 八十多歲的老太太才走出家門,忽然停步,拍打著兩只口袋說,「哎呀,沒帶錢哪!」轉身就往回走。五十多歲的女兒拉住她,說,「媽你不用帶錢,你會弄丟。要買什麼我給你買就是。」老太太不答應,「身上沒帶錢怎能出門!」「來來來,這裡有你的錢!」頭髮也已經花白的女兒,從自己包包裡拿出幾張彩色影印的千元假鈔遞過去。那一瞬間,她有一點膽怯:媽媽要是頭腦忽然明白過來,看出這是假錢,會不會大發脾氣,罵她,「騙子!把我的錢都弄到哪去了?」老太太彷彿遲疑了一秒鐘,但終於接下,把嶄新的鈔票摺疊起來、用衛生紙仔細包好,塞進褲子口袋最深處,歡歡喜喜跟著女兒走了。女兒安下心,但立刻又犯了愁:萬一老太太真拿這錢買東西怎辦?社會學家愛說,信任是一種社會資本,信任度愈高,社會愈和諧,經濟活動愈順暢,生活也愈安樂。其實,信任也是一種個人的無形資本,沒帶著它,真出不了門。不,沒有信任,我們一天也活不下去。 對整個社會的信任,對陌生人的信任,對這世界的信任,像空氣陽光水一樣,無所不在,我們依靠著它行走、作息,而我們毫無感覺。就像我們的大腦相信我們的手腳,我們才敢一陣風下樓梯,眼睛不用看,腦袋不用想。只有神經系統出了毛病的人,才會每跨出一步,要用眼睛確定何處下腳;夾了菜,要用眼睛測量離嘴多遠。 我們生活在信任的人中間,覺得安適自在。不信任的人,我們離他遠遠的,不得已要坐他旁邊的話,我們馬上築起警戒的高 潯乐氐臅r候,甚至好像渾身爬滿了蜈蚣,或自己變成一條蚯蚓,扭來扭去。 我們喜歡被人信任。作母親的,最幸福的時刻,莫過於被那天真的臉龐依偎著,肥嫩的小手拉扯著,無邪的眼睛仰望著的時候。她禁不住要去擁吻那孩子,因為那親密互信的感覺多美啊,所有的辛苦都在這份信任中得到了報償,而且綽綽有餘。 充分互信的夫妻或伴侶,像一對默契良好的雙人舞者,看起來賞心悅目。文學家錢鍾書和楊絳夫婦,跳了一輩子絕妙的雙人芭蕾,舞過「反右」,舞過「文革」,互相補位互相搭配。在漫天的政治風暴中,他們居處的斗室總是寧靜溫馨。信任和自信是「一束光裡的兩種顏色」。在工作上,受到上司、同事或客戶的信任,我們就很喜歡這份工作,覺得自己做的事有意義。受到信任,會增強我們的自信,不自覺地說話堅定,走路有風。 為了 幦⌒湃危覀冇袝r願意多付出,例如加班。有的人願意付出更多,例如拍馬逢迎。不過,馬屁精和偏愛他的主管,很快會失去其他同事的信任——這不是道德教訓,而是人情之常。幼小的孩子、單純的人,很自然地信任別人,因為那是天性,而且最省力。人要受過打擊、遭到背叛之後,學會懷疑,學會批判,在別人的言行中辨認「不可信賴」的蛛絲馬跡,這才算成熟了。但是,除非有理由認定 顩r可疑,或根據經驗其中有詐,一般我們還是寧可相信,讓自己心情平靜。當處境相對安穩時,即使感到受騙,我們也願意一笑置之。 關係容易被濫用美國學者做過實驗,派遣研究生到紐約地鐵車廂裡,向有座位的乘客要求讓位。雖然這些研究生都年紀輕輕,看起來好手好腳,沒有理由要別人讓位給他,但是大多數實驗對象還是應聲起來讓了座。少部份人不肯讓座,但是也沒有惡言相向;反而是做實驗的研究生,有的實在鼓不起勇氣開這個口,有的得到了座位卻噁心得想吐——因為自己背叛了別人的信任。 每一種人際關係都建立在「信任」的基礎上。但是,它很容易被濫用。無心之過、偶然犯錯造成的失去信用,儘快解釋、道歉、彌補之後,可以重建;但存心欺騙或一再失信,或不肯承認錯誤,有過不能改,則受欺的一方即使不得不忍受,彼此的關係也將完全變質,如遭硫酸侵蝕。 有的人很不幸,幼小時便受到親人的離棄或錯待,他便失去童稚的純真,因為他不能信任別人了。如果他始終不能忘懷,不能克服心靈的創傷,放開心胸重新信賴別人,他的人生便註定悲慘,因為他不能建立正常的人際關係,他像雷雨中斷了線的風箏,孤獨、危險。即使是成年人,遭逢重大變故,也同樣可能落入這境地。美國越戰退伍軍人,返鄉後難以重新融入美國社會。榮民處的心理學家謝伊(Jonathan Shay)去訪談他們,一九九八年寫成報告說,這些人深感自己遭到背叛。 他們說,軍方並沒有給他們必要的戰技訓練,以致在陌生的熱帶叢林中他們像待宰羔羊。上級往往只求好看,不求有用,因此他們受的訓練也不夠扎實。這種虛偽的表面文化,嚴重侵蝕了軍人對國家和軍方的信心,也減損了個人的自信。謝伊提醒美國軍方:由於社會變遷、家庭變化等因素,近年入伍的年輕人,對社會的信任度本來就比較低。如果他們在軍中遇到正直能幹的長官,受到精良嚴格的戰技訓練,並且與袍澤建立起同生共死的感情,他們可以變成能信任,也值得信任的人,換言之,成為社會資產。 否則,經歷戰場的酷烈,他們愈發失去對社會的信任,結果不僅是個人乖張、家庭離散,工作場所也雞飛狗跳,「走到極端的話,甚至動搖民主體制,」謝伊警告。藍波的「第一滴血」,早就描述了這極端的場景。 世上誰能相信?不過,英國學者赫爾(L. Michael Hall)形容受過重大傷害、侵犯、背叛的情況為「殘障」。他強調,「這只是一種殘障。不是天定,不是宿命。」不能以此為藉口,不去信任值得信任的人,做個值得信任的人。赫爾說,過去的經驗像是為我們繪製出一份地圖,告訴我們哪些人居心不良,哪些人粗心大意,就像地圖上標明哪裡有高山哪裡有溪谷,而不是以偏概全,戴著有色眼鏡看所有人,說,「世上無人值得信任。」有宗教信仰的人,在信心崩解的時候會祈禱上帝來拯救他的靈魂。但是天助還需自助,人必須先重整自己的靈魂,以待上天垂顧。這重整的能力,就是「心志的堅強」(mental toughness)。 「心志堅強」一辭,最常用在頂尖運動員身上。克服體能、心理、環境等等的障礙,不理敵方的挑釁和侮辱,不受隊友戰力或士氣的牽制,專心致力於眼前的一舉一動,保持信心,靈活應變,務求每一個動作都做到完美,這就是頂尖運動員:沒有起伏,永遠維持個人最佳表現。印度體育司科學官員雷博士(Dr. Jolly Ray)二○○三年擬定給曲棍球教練的十二堂課,最後一堂專講心志堅強。他說,這種心理能力是學得的,不是天生的。心志堅強的人首先要能誠實面對自己。探索審視了自己的內心之後,他看出自己的優缺點,知道自己想要追求的是甚麼,立定務實可行的目標。他不需要別人激勵鞭策,他自己會努力。他能保持冷靜、控制情緒,受到壓力也不慌亂。他專心、自信,為自己的行為負責。 溫情的台灣雷博士教導曲棍球教練,先針對個別案例進行心理分析,幫助球員發展內省能力,鼓勵他們觀察、記錄自己內心的變化。訓練放鬆、控制壓力、加強專心。而教練自己,做為榜樣,更要不動如山,如中流砥柱。因為,人要先有自信,知道自己能處世、善待人,才能真的信任別人。信任來自誠懇,來自守信,來自確定自己可以承擔。老太太一個人從醫院門診部出來,猶猶豫豫,一腳高一腳低地往大門走。門口有個年輕婦人擺攤賣芝麻球和甜甜圈,老太太看見了,站住,指著芝麻球說,「給我一個。」她掏出衛生紙包,抽出一張千元「大鈔」,遞給婦人,「這夠了吧?」婦人驚異地看了一眼,再抬頭看看老太太,忽然明白了。她站起身,先把自己坐的高板凳挪過去,滿臉堆笑,說,「奶奶請坐,」然後夾了一粒芝麻球,放進紙袋裡,「坐著慢慢吃啊,小心燙。」老太太坐下,一口一口品嘗芝麻球的美味。婦人趁機把那張「鈔票」折好,塞回老太太的口袋。這時,那頭髮花白的女兒氣喘吁吁找了來,拍著胸脯說,「哎喲,一轉眼就不見了,原來想吃芝麻球厖,」她轉身向婦人鞠躬,「老闆娘多謝啦,我欠你多少錢?」老闆娘笑著搖搖手,「沒關係啦,一粒芝麻球而已嘛。」 類似這樣的故事,不是天天發生在我們身邊嗎。親人的信託、陌生人的善意,共同累積成我們的社會資本,構築成我們生活的世界。這是我們所愛的台灣。 66666666666666 777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
060605-5668 |
Movies will be shown on Lake Las Vegas 夏夜湖畔電影欣賞 By Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) The following information in Chinese is post through the courtesy of Worldjournal.com: 拉斯維加斯湖畔電影欣賞會,每週四晚在蒙堤拉歌村舉行。(本報記者馮鳴台攝) 【本報記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導】拉斯維加斯湖(Lake Las Vegas)的夏夜湖畔電影欣賞會,定每週四晚間在蒙堤拉歌村舉行,免費放映電影,讓遊客增加遊玩的興致。 位於韓德森市的拉斯維加斯湖是人工湖,被開發成賭城最高級的住宅及娛樂地,其中有四座高 柗蚯驁黾皟杉椅逍羌壘频辍耕惓亍辜啊竸P悅」,明星席琳.狄翁也住在該社區,離賭城市中心約30分鐘車程。 從6月起,電影欣賞會放映的影片及時間如下:6月9日,Chicago。6月16日,Meet the Parent。6月23日,My Fair La-dy。6月30日,Red、White and Blonde。7月7日,Spider Man 2。7月14日,Shark Tale。7月21日,Shrek 2。7月28日,O-cean's Twelve。8月4日, Somthing Gotta Give。8月11日,Harry Potter and the Pris-mer of Azkaban。8月18日,Shall We Dance。8月25日,An American in Paris。9月1日,Phantom of the Opera。 從拉斯維加斯市區前往拉斯維加斯湖,可由215號環城道路往東,直到接上Lake Mead Pkwy,繼續前行約十分鐘,社區在路的北面大門口有明顯標識,路兩旁椰子樹林立。 [2005-06-04] 66666666666666666 6666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
060205-8698 |
Post through the courtesy of "Yahoo Chi Mo News" of the Yahoo.com:扁胡會不會? 陸委會:問題在中共是否有意願來做安排 ***友善列印 【東森新聞報 記者王宗銘/台北報導】 陳水扁總統日昨表達願意跟中國大陸國家主席胡錦濤(新聞、網站)在第三國會面,外傳政府也推動扁胡會在今年亞太經濟合作領袖高峰會來實現。 陸委會副主委兼發言人游盈隆3日上午指出,陳總統期許解決兩岸分歧,但是很多事情是要雙方面去做安排的,不能單方面一廂情願,政府對追求兩岸的和平發展,已做了許多的規劃和準備,但是問題總是出在中共方面,是否有意願來做安排,坐下來談。 游盈隆在例行記者會上表示,兩岸之間長期存在著嚴重的分歧,這些分歧影響深遠,要根本解決這些兩岸的分歧,最終還是要兩岸的政府能夠早一點坐下來談,能夠進行有意義的對話協商。 所以扁胡會如果有可能在適當的條件下能夠實現的話,當然是兩岸關係非常大的進步和突破。 游盈隆說,陳總統是表達了這樣的一個期許。 事實上多年以來,政府也一再表達,兩岸應該邁向善意的和解、積極的合作、永久的和平這樣一個願景的建構,陳總統是在這樣背景下進一步闡述了扁胡會的意義。 對於扁胡會是否已經展開規劃,游盈隆強調,很多事情是要雙方面去做安排的,不能單方面一廂情願。 事實上,就政府相關部門來說,要追求兩岸的和平發展,已做了許多的規劃和準備,但是問題總是出在中共方面,是否有意願來做安排,坐下來談,問題總是存在在那邊。 (東森新聞報 2005-06-03 12:47) 66666666666666666 99999999999999999999999999 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
053105-7887 |
Grand opening of Las Vegas Urban Village 賭城「城市村」開工 By Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) The following information in Chinese is post through the courtesy of Worldjournal.com: 【本報記者馮鳴台拉維加斯報導】拉斯維加斯第一個副都市中心住宅興建計畫,於日前展開,長約一哩路的30輛重型工程車 ,浩浩蕩蕩駛往南拉斯維加斯大道,開始這項十億元住商混合工程。 名為「城市村」 (Urban Village)的計畫,位於拉斯維加斯大道南端,在Pyle街和Las Vegas Blvd.交口,占地50,將有2400棟集合住宅和高樓住宅,社區居民不必開車就能辦理好日常生活事務。 該項計畫由知名的開發商DRG公司來賭城投資,DRG公司執行總裁與財務長專程前來主持開工典禮,總裁菲利浦考魏特 (Philippe Pageau-Govrette)說,「城市村」將以最適合現代人起居的環境呈現,所有崇尚自由又希望享受家居生活者會深愛這個地方。 針對拉斯維加斯許多大樓蓋不出來的情形,考威特聲明這項投資,已有100%興建資金,當天開工後就開始工程,絕不黃牛。 他還說,城市村裡面有慢跑道、路邊休息座椅、溜狗專區,還有一棟巨大的健身中心、度假村式網球場,和愜意的露天咖啡店、花店、書局等等,並有24小時警衛和門房。 2400個住宅單位,將以豪華裝潢吸引人,造型及格局也有許多不同選擇,「長期居住或者用來作度假別墅,格局和室內裝設,就有很多選擇。」單位面積由近一千到三千平方呎,售價由不到20萬元至一百萬元。 應邀參加開工典禮的內華達州經濟發展局長桑莫.哈林沃史 (Somer Hollingworth)致詞時表示,南內華達州的經濟迅速發展,引來更多高水準的新投資,像方興未艾的高樓計畫,以及蓬勃展開的「副都市中心」開發案,都是外來龐大資金進場,他和所有賭城居民,都樂見這個城市全方位的朝向世界一流城市前進。 城市村的整體設計,將有全賭城第一個沿路散步的外觀景致,村內居民可以在散步時,欣賞各棟建築的特色美。此外,城市村位於兩個新的賭場South Coast Casino和Station Casino之間,居民還可就近去賭場玩。 預計第一期工程在明年底完工,城市村於即日起開始接受預售登記,登記者需上網,網址為www.urbanvillage.com。 2005-05-31 666666666666666 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
052205-3887 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-JournalMay . 22 , 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal TRIP OF THE WEEK: Recreation areas offer beautiful views and an escape from the heat Spectacular views await visitors to Packsaddle and Windy Point Recreation Areas high atop the rugged Cerbat Mountains off U.S. 93 on the way to Kingman, Ariz. By day, the views sweep over hundreds of miles of desert and mountains. By night, star-studded skies spread overhead, uninterrupted by city lights. The two small recreation sites with rustic campgrounds serve those who savor the pleasures of out-of-the-way places in the West. The mountaintop retreats appeal to campers, picnickers, hikers, off-highway drivers, mountain bikers, wildlife watchers, horseback riders and photographers. Situated at 6,000 feet elevation, Packsaddle and Windy Point Recreation Areas occupy promontories on the crest of the Cerbat Mountains at the edge of the Mount Tipton Wilderness Area. Established by the Bureau of Land Management, they remain open all year, but appeal most as places to escape summer heat. To reach these recreation sites, follow U.S. 93 across Hoover Dam into Arizona. After you pass the Dolan Springs turnoff, watch for the turnoff onto Big Wash Road. This graded side road cuts off to the left a mile and a half before you reach the paved road to Chloride ghost town. Kingman lies another 20 miles away. Big Wash Road approaches the mountains as it cuts through meadows along a tiny creek. It climbs to the mountain crest on a series of steep switchbacks. Signs warn drivers that the road may be too steep for vehicles hauling trailers. Driven very carefully, two-wheel drive vehicles can negotiate this road, but high clearance or four-wheel drive vehicles may be safer. Many visitors with motor homes and trailers opt for informal camping near the base of the mountains where dispersed camping is allowed in the wooded areas near the road and the creek. They find nice places to pull over where others have camped, but no developed sites exist. They share the creek with horses, cattle and wildlife coming into the area for water. There are plenty of birds and smaller creatures, as well. Keep in mind that snakes find good hunting in the wash. Watch for rattlesnakes, and step aside and leave them unmolested. Packsaddle Recreation Site, the smaller of the two campgrounds, lies nine miles from the U.S. 93 turnoff. Windy Point lies another two miles distant. Although the road extends beyond Windy Point, it rapidly deteriorates into a very rough, often washed-out track suitable only for horses, hikers and four-wheel drive or all-terrain vehicles. It drops down through a rugged canyon to emerge near old Chloride. Packsaddle Recreation Site includes a day-use picnic area and several walk-in campsites nestled among large boulders. Restrooms serve the site near a central parking area. The Cherum Peak Trail into the adjacent wilderness area begins nearby. No fees apply for use of sites at Packsaddle. At Windy Point, a loop road connects 10 campsites located in the pinyons and junipers. Vault toilets are centrally situated. Each campsite includes a level parking place, areas for tents, a table and a fire ring. Campsites are available on a first-come basis. Small fees apply for overnight use. When you camp at these two small sites, expect a no-frills experience. Since the BLM provides no water or firewood, campers must bring supplies from home. Figure on at least five gallons of water per person per day for drinking and camp use, more if you bring pets. Bring bundles of firewood for campfires, but plan to use a self-contained camp stove for cooking, as they are safer and cleaner. Be very careful with all burning materials, including cigarettes. Plan to take all your camp trash home for disposal. At night, you'll be able to see the glow of lights from Las Vegas some 80 miles distant. Grids of lights mark development around Kingman and along highways. The ambient light will not disturb your vision of the night sky over the Cerbats. Put the camp lights out and enjoy the dazzling display of stars seemingly close enough for plucking from the black velvet backdrop of space. For more information about these two recreation areas and the nearby Mount Tipton Wilderness Area, contact the Kingman BLM office at (928)718-3700. Margo Bartlett Pesek's Trip of the Week column appears on Sundays 333333333333333 88888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
051205-6587 |
Post through the courtesy of "Yahoo Chi Mo News" of the Yahoo.com:宋胡會六共識 大陸讓步一中各表 ***友善列印 【TVBS新聞 】 宋胡會落幕,親民黨發表「會議公報」,宣佈雙方達成6個促進,其中最受矚目的,就是大陸方面首次不再否定「一中各表」的政治讓步,並且在兩岸經貿交流,台灣國際活動空間,都有許多文字表述。不過根據TVBS獨家掌握,大陸方面並沒有在公報上簽字。親民黨認為,會議公報已經高於新聞公報,所以不必拘泥於有沒有簽字。 備受各界關注的宋胡會,12號傍晚由親民黨在北京飯店召開記者會,發表達成6個促進的「會議公報」。不但在文件格式上,宋胡會高於連胡會的新聞公報,在內容上,也有許多更進一步的具體共識文字。 雖然會談達成的一中各表,可以說是大陸方面首度同意的重大讓步與政治突破,但是雙方仍然堅持否定中華民國存在,矮化台灣的「一中原則」,扁政府能否接受,相當不樂觀。這份會議公報的6個促進,主要包括。 一、九二共識、兩岸一中,但可以一中各表的基礎下恢復協商。 二、落實「四不一沒有」,反對任何破壞現 畹姆ɡ硖í(新聞、網站)。 三、兩岸協商結束敵對 顟B,建立軍事互信機制。 四、加強兩岸經貿正常化,協商客運包機(新聞)節日化、常態化,並在2006年達成兩岸全面直航。磋商「自由貿易區」,協商避免台商雙重課稅。 五、協商台灣參與國際組織,優先討論參與世衛組織。 六、推動兩岸菁英論壇,建立台商服務機制。 此外,公報中還提到兩岸農業合作、水果登陸免關稅、台生學歷與在大陸工作權益等議題,只不過有太多涉及公權力的問題,究竟扁政府肯不肯買單,還是要看宋楚瑜回來怎麼說。 宋胡會後發布的會議公報,根據TVBS掌握的獨家消息,雙方並沒有正式簽字,親民黨的說法是,因為會議公報效力已經高於連胡會的新聞公報,因此無須再拘泥於簽不簽字。 333333333333333 888888888888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ************************************************** | |
051105-6787 |
Post through the courtesy of "Yahoo Chi Mo News" of the Yahoo.com:清華演講》國台客英四聲帶 宋提台灣57次 ***友善列印 【聯合新聞網 報系採訪團/北京報導】 廣 告 親民黨主席宋楚瑜(新聞、網站)昨天在北京清華大學演講指出,請大家不要將「台灣意識」與「台獨」劃上等號。「台灣意識」是在長期歷史脈絡中自然形成的想法,是一種認同台灣的人與土地的情感,「台獨」則是將台灣與中國大陸徹底割裂的企圖。 有鑑於國民黨(新聞、網站)主席連戰(新聞、網站)日前在北大演講的經驗,宋楚瑜昨天的演講特別加重闡述台灣經驗的比例,有關台灣的描述幾乎占了演講近半,「台灣」一詞出現五十七次,其中台灣意識出現七次、台灣經驗兩次、台灣經濟五次。 宋楚瑜演講題目是「世界有多大,我們的機會就有多大」。他表示,所有中國人都記得「鯀用圍堵,治水無成」,以及「禹用疏導,水患不再」的故事。面對台灣存在的事實,他相信中國大陸會在「圍堵」與「疏導」中,做出明智的抉擇。 宋楚瑜表示,北京清華與新竹清華「一塊招牌,兩間店面,殊途同歸,自強不息」,其實也正是當前兩岸關係的縮影。清華的經驗,就是一個中西和解再生的經驗,兩岸應從消除誤解到更加瞭解,從瞭解產生諒解,再從諒解找出方法來化解,由化解才生出可長可久的和解。 他表示,兩岸間真正的敵人,不是兄弟彼此,而是束縛中國數百年的落後與貧窮。讓所有中國人都能掙脫落後與貧窮,成就一個「均富」的社會,才是這一個時代、海峽的兩岸,所要共同追求的目標。 依台灣的經驗,達成「均富」的主要手段,一方面要讓每個人都有公平的機會,攀爬社會的階梯。另方面,知識就是權力,知識不被壟斷,權力就不會被壟斷,只要維持公平的教育機會,貧窮就不會世襲。 他舉溫世仁為例,這位台灣土生土長的企業家,曾經講過:「消滅貧窮就是最大的商機。」兩岸應該一起努力,讓兩岸成為世界的工廠,成為繁榮市場,而不是變成戰場。 宋楚瑜接著解釋「台灣意識」不等於「台獨」。他表示,台灣意識曾經被台獨操縱,但這種政治掛帥的手法,反而混淆了台灣同胞真正的心聲。例如為了台獨而去認同日本人,不但扭曲了歷史,也自我否定了台灣人,這是一小群人褊狹的個人經驗,既丟了「根」,也甩了「本」,所以是「根本不對」。宋楚瑜最後以「豐碑無語,行勝於言」八個字,與學生共勉。 宋楚瑜演講六百多張入場券早已發放一空,演講全程網路直播。宋楚瑜演講後並接受學生提問,其中有一位是從台灣來的學生。 宋楚瑜卅分鐘的演講,不時低頭看稿,表情不像在國內氣勢十足,宋楚瑜國台客及英文四種語言交叉並用,讓學生印象深刻。 66666666666666 88888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************* | |
050705-1368 |
The following is the Declaration of Taiwan Benevolent of America (TBAA) in Chinese. It has been voted for legalization by the whole members and participants of the Second 27th Director and Advosory Boards Meeting of TBAA on April 23, 2005. The draft of the Declaration was written by DE-Yu LANG (朗 德 渝), ROBERT LU (盧 景 林), and TONY TUNG-TIEN LEI (雷 動 天). TONY TUNG-TIEN LEI, DE-Yu LANG, and ROBERT LU were the three members nominated and elected as the writers of the Declaration by the whole members and participants of the Second 27th Director and Advosory Boards Meeting of TBAA in Las Vegas, Nevada: 芖 秏 羛 剿 穦 ē セ 穦 Θ ミ 眎 甧 ㎝ ぃ だ 酬 眶 秏 ね 稲 ― が 矗 拟 Θ ㄣ Τ ﹀ 参 ㎝ ゅ て 璉 春 ㄣ 称 耕 蔼 厩 醚 戮 穨 籔 巨 疭 ﹚ 壁 竤 井 籈 秖 ね 稲 が 承 繟 赂 玡 祘 セ 穦 承 ㄓ 闽 み 芖 矪 矪 狝 叭 秏 ﹙ Ξ 秏 ㊣ 莱 荐 疨 舱 麓 Θ ミ だ 穦 秨 甶 狝 叭 籔 羛 剿 瓣 ぇ 秏 克 刮 砰 钵 瓣 み 么 芖 闽 胔 秏 み 井 挡 秖 眏 甶 秨 癸 瓣 現 ┎ 厩 砃 竒 禩 碈 砰 单 よ 闽 玒 ノ 笷 Θ и 秏 ▆ 吏 挂 籔 秈 τ 糤 珿 秏 и よ 籔 瓣 ぇ 丁 ▆ チ 丁 籔 現 ┎ 闽 玒 戳 產 秏 チ 簍 秈 瓣 チ 囊 畊 膙 匡 竒 蕾 祇 甶 ㄢ ─ ユ 瑈 矪 矪 陪 瞷 闽 龄 ㄨ セ 穦 タ 酬 眶 瓣 穦 籔 绰 偿 ぇ 跌 癚 и 蛮 よ 竒 禩 坝 ゅ て м ユ 瑈 ぇ 叭 龟 猵 砞 ┦ 籔 秈 甶 戳 硑 褐 秏 克 產 畑 籔 ㄆ 穨 单 褐 ぇ 秈 τ 祇 甶 瓣 籔 и 瓣 ▆ 龟 借 闽 玒 籔 が 级 糶 紈 袋 縞 春 狶 籔 筽 笆 ぱ 2005 4る 23ら 级 ┰ 吹 蝴 吹 6666666666666 6666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
050505-7687 |
U.S. SENATE MINORITY LEADER HARRY REID was honoring 揙UTSTANDING DEMOCRAT OF THE YEAR 2004 By Tiffany ChangPARADISE DEMOCRATIC CLUB OF LAS VEGAS' "OUTSTANDING DEMOCRAT OF THE YEAR RECEPTION" was HONORING U. S. Senator Harry Reid as "THE OUT STANDING DEMOCRAT OF THE YEAR" 2004. This year's event was held on Monday May 2, 2005. 6:30 to 8:45 Cocktails and Photos 6:30 programs started at 7:30 Bally's Grand Ball Room. In the beginning of the Event, U. S. Senator Harry Reid took pictures and chatted with many of the attendents including Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas, District Judges Valorie Vega and Michael Cherry, District Judge of Family Court Cheryl Moss, North Las Vegas Judge Natalie Tyrrell, Washington Business and Technology Institute President Dr. Tony Lei, among others. John Ponticello, President of Paradise Democratic Club Las Vegas, announced the Co-sponsors of this Event and Champagne Party: Sierra Health Servoices Inc.; Proggemeyer Design Group; Fraternal Order of Police; Marilyn & John Moran, Russel Dorn; NSEA, Terre Hickman and Ken Lance; Barrick Goldstrike Mines Inc.; International Game Technology; Southwest Gas Corp.; Seet Metal Workers International Association, Michael J. Sullivan; IATSE Local 720; Mandalay Bay Resorts; Police Protective Association, David Callas; Washington Business and Technology Institute, Dr. Tony Lei, President; Harrah's Entertainment, Jan Jones; Shelley Berkley; among others. Then, John presented the Grass Roots and Recognition Awards to BJ Thomas, Suzi Baldwin, Dan Hinkley, and Sally Laskowski. The heightlight of the Event was the presentation of the Outstanding Democrat of the Year 2004 Award to U. S. Senate Minority Leader and Senator Harry Reid by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello. Harry dilivered a remarkable speech to unite the democrats for our community, state, and country. "Dear Friend: We are proud to serve as Co-chairs for the Paradise Democratic Club抯 揙utstanding Democrat of the Year 2004 Champagne Reception honoring our dear friend, U.S. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. This year抯 event will be Monday May 2, 2005 at Bally抯 hotel in the Grand Ball Room 6:30 to 8:45 PM (cocktails and complementary photos with the Senator at 6:30 with the program starting at 7:30). Please consider sponsoring this event by purchasing a table of 10 for $350 or individual tickets may be purchased for $35 each. As a lasting tribute to Harry, we will produce a commemorative journal. To make the evening a success, we need your support. Please also consider purchasing an ad in the journal. The Paradise Democratic Club [of Las Vegas] (PDCLV) uses proceeds from the sale of these ads to assist Democratic candidates. We are anxious to make this event special for Harry, because of his beliefs in the ideals and principals of the Democratic Party and because he has always been there for us. If you have any questions, please call John Ponticello at 363-2456 or Gary Hallmark at 871-1835. Sincerely," announced Richard Bryan, U.S. Senator; Oscar B Goodman Mayor, Las Vega City Mayor; and Rory Reid, Clark County Chairman. The following is a part of the article written for Senator Harry Reid being awarded "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade," by Tiffany Chang. On October 22, 2000, U. S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas (PDCLV) at the Skyview Room of the Bally's Casino and Hotel, Las Vegas. In the Program, the National Anthem was sung by Rose McKinny James. The Event was chaired by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello. He introduced participants of all the elected officers, leaders of unions, persons campaigned for public service, among others. The Keynote Speaker was Senator Harry Reid. Special Speakers were former U. S. Senator Richard Bryan, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, among others. Comments were offered by Rory Reid, Nevada State Democratic Party Chairman, and Danny Thompson, Secretary/Treasurer of Nevada State AFL-CIO. The heightlight of the Event was the presentation of the Outstanding Democrat of the Decade Award to U.S. Senator Harry Reid by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello. U. S. Senator Reid graduated from Utah State University in 1961. He received Juris Doctor degree from George Washington University. On April 10, 1998, he was honored as Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). Harry Reid was born in the mining town of Serchlight, Nevada where he was raised in a small cabin without indoor plumbing. He attended a two-room elementary school. His father was a hard rock miner with an 6th grade education. His mother helped the family make ends meet by taking in laundry. Serchlight had no high school, so he had to attend Basic High School in Henderson where he met Landra Gould, who became his high-school sweetheart. In 1959 they were married. In 1961, their first child and only daughter Lana was born. Son Rory was born in 1962, and three more brothers followed - Leif, Josh, and Key. Basic High was also where Reid met a teacher named Mike O'Callaghan who would play many roled in his life: teacher, boxing coach, political mentor, trusted advisor and best friend. After completing law school, Harry returned to Henderson to serve as City Attorney. In 1968, he was elected to the Nevada Assembly, 1970 Harry was elected Lieutenant Governor. In 1977, he was appointed Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission. In 1983, he won the first of two terms in the United States House of Representatives. He was elected to the Senate in 1986. In 1998, Harry was elected to his third term as US Senator and his colleagues selected him as Assistant Democratic Leader - the second highest post among Democrats in the Senate. After he won a fourth term in 2004 by a wide margin, he was unanimously elected Senate Democratic Leader. This position, combined with his reputation for integrity and fairness, has given the small state of Nevada a uniquely influential voice in Washington. Harry Reid isn't afraid to speak his mind - but he isn't afraid to listen, either. Like the desert country that formed him, he doesn't cry out for attention. He's soft spoken-but when hw talks, people listen. He has earned the trust of both Democrats and Republicans, and his reputation for integrity and fairness has given the small state of Nevada a powerful voice in Congress. 6666666666666 888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
050405-6868 |
Sun Moon Lake By Tiffany ChangTaiwan is beautiful for its mountains, rivers, lakes, among others. One of the most scenic places in Taiwan is the Sun Moon Lake. It's our pleasure to receive a good information in searching "Sun Mon Lake" from the Google.com on May 4, 2005: Surrounded by green mountains, Sun Moon Lake is the pearl of Central Taiwan. Sun Moon Lake is the largest natural lake in Taiwan. The Eastern part of the lake is round like the sun, while the Western part is shaped like a crescent moon - hence the name "Sun Moon Lake".*1 In the middle of the lake (between the "sun" and the "moon") is an island which has long been a sacred place for the Shao people. This island (Lalu) is off-limits to visitors. Only the Shao people can go there to worship their ancestors. (There is a ferry that passes by it, departing every hour from 9:00 to 4:00). But the beauty of Sun Moon Lake is not Lalu. The beauty of Sun Moon Lake is found in the surrounding mountains. From the lake, tier upon tier of countless peaks can be seen rising up into the sky. The nearby mountains appear dark with vegetation. The mountains that echo farther and farther away appear less and less distinct until they fade into the sky. The lake has not always looked the way it does now. At one time Lalu was a much larger island, a pearl separating the "Sun Lake" from the "Moon Lake". But in the construction of a hydroelectric power plant, the Japanese in 1934 deepened the lake by directing water from the adjacent lakes at Puli and Yuchih. The depth changed from 6 meters to 27 meters. The surface area of the lake changed from 1.8 sq miles to nearly 3 sq. miles (4.55 sq kms to 7.73 sq. kms). The big pearl became a little pearl. The Shao people were moved from their beloved Lalu to the upper Sun Moon Village. Seven trails are available for hiking. Even if you choose to stay overnight at Sun Moon Lake, you might not have enough time to hike more than three of them. If this is the case, we suggest that you choose the Hanbi Trail, the Dachuhu Lake Trail, and the Tzuen Pagoda Trail. Here, in clockwise rotation, is an overview of the trails and other attractions at the lake: Mt. Maolan Trail: If you have the time, we highly recommend this trail. The trail begins across the street from the Taiwan Bus Station. It is less than 3 miles (4.6 km) long and is divided into two parts. The first part of the trail takes you to the Tea Research and Extension Station, Yuchih branch. It is a little over 2 miles and climbs more than 300 feet. Along this trail you can see the Assam black tea farm. They will set up a Tea Culture Exhibition Hall near their Sri Lanka style tea factory next year. The second part of the trail takes you to the Weather Forecast Station. This is a shorter trail (less than a mile) but steeper. It climbs more than 500 feet. This trail takes you into a forest of indigenous conifer trees (Taiwania cryptomerioides Hay). Hanbi Trail: The Hanbi Palace used to be a restricted area where our famous president Chiang Kai-Shek stayed when he visited Sun Moon Lake. Now things are much different. The palace has been turned into the Lalu Hotel and the trail to the pier he loved is open to the public. The red brick trail is less than a mile long (1.5 km). It gives you a beautiful view of the lake. Wenwu Temple: This temple was built in 1938, combining two temples that had to be relocated when the dam was constructed. It was rebuilt in 1969 into the style that we see today. People come here to worship Confucius (the god of letters) and the martial gods Guangong and Yuehfei. The pair of lions in front of the temple are the largest ones in Taiwan. Peacock Garden: There are more than 200 peacocks and other precious gallinaceans in this free park. The Butterfly Museum has many butterfly specimens on display. There's a Butterfly Field House to breed the indigenous butterflies at the Youth Activity Center near Sun Moon Village. Songpolun Trail: This trail is only 2,000 feet (600 m) long. It used to be an ancient path that people took to go back and forth from Puli. Salt porters with picul sticks on their shoulders used to carry salt along this trail. The Songpolun Trail is biologically rich with primitive plants, insects and birds. A fish farm can be found at the end by the lake. Dachuhu Trail: Dachuhu is a waterfowl sanctuary where you can see Black-Crowned Night Herons and Little Egrets. The trail is only 300 feet (80 m) long. There is an inlet where the water of the Chuoshui River pours into Sun Moon Lake. A spout of water shoots up 30 feet (10m) when the lake is full. Shueiwatou Trail: This is a short trail - less than a third of a mile (500 m). It leads to a nice fishing place and a statue of 9 frogs piled on top of each other. In fact the name of the trail comes from this statue. Sun Moon Village (Idashao): The Shao People have the smallest population among the ten aboriginal tribes in Taiwan. Though the population is growing, they are only about 400 today. You can look at their wooden sculptures and handcrafts in this aboriginal village. You won't want to miss the chance to try their fresh seafood dishes here or on Shuishe pier. Thao people Sun Moon Village Totingai Trail: This is the first place the Shao people settled in Sun Moon Lake some 400 years ago. Along this short (2,000 feet, 600 m) trail is information about this tribe. The trail is also rich in vegetation including bamboo, trees and ferns. Hsuankuang Temple and Hsuan Tsang Temple: If you have read the 揓ourney to the West or have seen its animation, you would not forget that the protagonist was led by a monkey, a pig and an ugly general. In real life, Master Hsuan Tsang (605-664) did not have such a magical escort. He was a Chinese Buddhist scholar, translator, and author of 揃uddhist Records of the Western World. Between the years 629 and 645 he made a pilgrimage to India in search of authentic scriptures. Pious, learned, and fluent in Sanskrit, he later translated the texts that he brought back with him. Part of his relics were kept in the Hsuankuang Temple. Later (1965) they were moved to the newly constructed Hsuan Tsang Temple. Xuan Guang Temple Hsuan Tsang Temple Tzuen Pagoda Trail: Tzuen Ta, the pagoda of filial virtue was built in commemoration of Madam Wang, the mother of Chiang Kai-Shek. It is on the top of the Mt. Sabalan. (An interesting fact: the mountain is at an elevation of 954 meters, so the pagoda was built 46 meters high in order to reach the elevation of 1000 meters!) The trail gives us a great view of the lake. It's less than a half mile (570 m) long and features a variety of ferns. Fireflies can be seen on summer nights. Swimming in the lake is normally prohibited for safety reasons. But every September there is a mass cross-lake swimming event organized by the local county government and the Adult Swimming Association. If you are interested in this activity, you can obtain further information from the Sun Moon Lake Tourism Bureau or the Nantou County Government. (Click the links at the bottom). But be forewarned: the distance across the lake is 3,000 meters (more than 1.8 miles!). Jump into the lake Water Canals Swim across the lake Swimming Pool Sun Moon Lake is easy to get to. It is one of many wonders along the Central Cross-Island Highway. Other attractions include the Flame Peaks at Tasotun, the 9-21 Earthquake Museum at Nantou City (a modern multimedia museum dedicated to teaching visitors about earthquakes - especially the deadly quake of September 21, 1999), the 4 W's at Puli (Water, Wine, Women and Weather), the sheep at Chingjing Farm, and of course the great Taroko National Park. The Flame Peaks 9-21 Quake Museum Wine Museum Chingjing Farm If you want to learn more about Puli and other scenic spots in Nantou County, a 19-minute Windows Video made by The Lalu can be viewed online. It shows much of the scenery of Nantou. Please click "Video: The Scenery of Nantou" to see it. The Enchanting Town of Puli Lofty Mountains and Sweet Water Video: The Scenery of Nantou Sun Moon Lake Tourism Bureau*2 Nantou County Government Service Center Taiwan has lots of beautiful places to visit. For more information, please check: www. traveltaiwan.com*3 --------------------------------------------- References *1. Google. 'Sun Mon Lake,' "A search of Sun Mon Lake on the Google. com," (May 4, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *2. Ibid. *3. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. "Resume the booming tourism for our Silver State through educational and cultural cooperation and development with foreign countires,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (July 9, 2003), pp. 1-3. 66666666666666 888888888888888888888888888 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************* | |
042905-7667 |
Post through the courtesy of "Yahoo Chi Mo News" of the Yahoo.com:胡錦濤致辭:兩岸注入春天訊息 ***友善列印 【聯合新聞網 記者汪莉絹整理】 中共中央總書記會見中國國民黨主席連戰率領的中國國民黨大陸訪問團一行的致辭全文: 尊敬的連戰主席和夫人、尊敬的吳伯雄副主席、林澄枝副主席、江丙坤副主席,尊敬的國民黨大陸訪問團的全體成員,大家好! 四月的北京春意盎然,在這美好的季節裡,我們迎來了中國國民黨主席連戰先生率領的國民黨大陸訪問團,今天的會見是我們兩黨主要領導人歷史性的會見,我為此感到非常高興。首先,我代表中共中央向連主席和夫人,向各位副主席,向訪問團的全體成員表示熱烈地歡迎,並致以良好的祝願。 有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎。你們的來訪是中國共產黨和中國國民黨關係史上的一件大事,也是當前兩岸關係中的一件大事。 從你們踏上大陸的那一刻起,我們兩黨就共同邁出了歷史性的一步,這一步既標誌著兩黨的交往進入了新的發展階段,也體現了我們兩黨願共同促進兩岸關係發展的決心和誠意,我們共同邁出的這一步,必將記載在兩岸關係發展的史冊上。 當前,兩岸同胞都希望兩岸關係走向和平、穩定、發展的光明前景。我們多次表示,歡迎認同九二共識、反對台獨(新聞、網站)、主張發展兩岸關係的台灣各政黨、團體和代表性人士同我們開展交流和對話,共同推動兩岸關係的改善和發展。 昨天全國政協賈慶林主席和連戰主席以及訪問團的成員進行了很好的會見,陳雲林主任和林豐正秘書長也進行了工作會談,等一會兒我還要和連主席交換意見。我想,我們一定能夠在促進兩岸關係發展和兩黨交往等問題上達成重要共識。 雖然我們兩黨目前還存在一些分歧,但只要我們雙方都能夠以中華民族的根本利益為重,以兩岸同胞的福祉為重,就一定能夠求同存異,共同開創美好的未來。 今年是孫中山先生逝世八十周年,連主席和訪問團的全體成員在南京敬謁了中山陵。中山先生是偉大的愛國主義者和民族英雄,是中國民族革命的偉大先行者,他為民族獨立、民主自由、民生幸福,為國家的統一和富強貢獻了畢生精力。他在全國各族人民和一切愛國人士當中有著崇高的威望,中國共產黨人始終對他懷著崇高的敬意,從來就是中山先生革命事業的堅定支持者、合作者、繼承者。 中山先生也把中國共產黨人當作自己的好朋友。在當年,中國內憂外患的情況下,中山先生第一個喊出了「振興中華」的口號,這理應繼續成為我們兩岸的中國人共同的追求和責任。中山先生為中華民族和中國人民留下了許多珍貴的精神遺產,值得我們永遠繼承和發揚。 在當前兩岸形勢複雜變化的形勢下,我們兩黨都要深入地體察兩岸同胞的所願所想,深刻地把握兩岸關係和世界大勢的發展趨向,要以我們積極的作為向兩岸同胞展示兩岸關係和平穩定發展的前景,要向世界表明兩岸的中國人有能力、有智慧解決彼此的矛盾和問題,共同 幦砂蛾P係和平、穩定、發展的前景,共同開創中華民族的偉大振興。 我相信,國民黨大陸訪問團的這次訪問,以及我們兩黨的交流對話,已經給兩岸關係的改善注入了春天的氣息,希望我們雙方共同努力, 幦砂蛾P係往和平、穩定、發展的方向前進。讓我們兩岸同胞一道在和平、發展的道路上不斷開拓前進。 非常感謝連主席和各位 完我的歡迎辭,謝謝大家。 7777777777777 66666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
042605-5868 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please! Taiwan Benevolent Association of America held a productive meeting successfully in Las Vegas 全美台灣同鄉聯誼會年會籌備會報導 By 全美台灣同鄉聯誼會 and Tiffany Chang***Editor's note: Opinions expressed in Chinese by the writer of "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會" are freely and absolutely her or his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Editor of this flier did all its literature in English. From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future."*1 The following is a post from "全美台灣同鄉聯誼會" through its courtesy for ね到 (friendly and kindly post): 今年七月底將在拉斯維加斯舉辦第廿八屆年會的全美台灣同鄉聯誼會 [The 28th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA)], 該會秘書長陳惠青 (Secretary General Hui-ching Chen) 於一月十二日專程前往拉斯維加斯參加「年會籌備會成立大會」。*2 首次接辦全美年會的拉斯維加斯台聯會 [Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas (TBALV)],現任會長羅素娥 (Sue Phelps) 在去年兩次的台聯會全美會議中,使出渾身解數 幦〉街鬓k權之後,五個多月以來,已在當地招兵買馬並廣為宣傳,為年會籌備奠下了人脈關係與基礎。根據當地各僑團人士與各媒體表示;2005年是拉斯維加斯建城一百週年,台聯會在此舉辦年會是最適當時機。羅素娥在籌備會上強調她 幦∧陼哪康模窍M咕S加斯的中外主流社會了解台灣鄉親為鄉為國為社區團結的一面。 十二日的全美台聯會年會籌備會在當地的聚福軒餐廳舉行,由籌備會主任委員羅素娥主持,在各主要幹部的詳細諮詢下,陳惠青以全美台聯會總會秘書長籌備年會的經驗,就當地的「天時(旺季及拉斯維加斯建城一百週年)、地利(聞名全球的賭城)與僑情」調整了舉辦年會的方式,做了深入的溝通與討論,直至陳惠青返回DC之前,拉斯維加斯籌辦年會的程序與方式及各組分工大致底定。有關討論結果及年會參加辦法,將由全美台聯會會長吳毓苹 (Chairperson Wendy Wu)、顧問會召集人孫樂瑜 (Lo-yu Sun) 於近日內通告全美理事顧問及各地分會。 第廿八屆的全美台聯會年會日期訂於七月廿九、三十、卅一日一連三天,會議地點選定於拉斯維加斯的最中心點,號稱全球最昂貴的鑽石地段(Las Vegas Blvd.)的Paris(巴黎)賭場大飯店。Paris以巴黎鐵塔及環遊世界的充氣球為大飯店的標誌,左邊是阿拉丁神宮大飯店,右鄰是Belly’s(百利),正對面是以水舞聞明的Bellagio,是一個富麗堂皇的觀光景點與會議場所。報名費每人260元包括三天二夜(六餐)的食宿。*3 有關參加台聯會全美年會的辦法,華府地區諮詢電話可洽全美副會長梁義大 301-340-0518,或全美秘書長 202-966-2819。 全美台灣同鄉聯誼會秘書處 全美服務專線 (202) 966-2819 email: wcyp_12@comcast.net "Nothing good or great can be done in the absence of enthusiasm," pointed out Tom Peters.*4 Enthusiasm is important, especially very important to many things in our lives. A lot of people are contributing effort and wisdom to bring this coming 28th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) in Las Vegas at July 29-31, 2005 a success through the bright leading skills of its Chairperson Wendy Wu (吳毓苹), Secretary General Hui-ching Chen (陳惠青), and President of TBALV (拉斯維加斯台灣同鄉聯誼會) Sue Phelps (羅素娥).*5 ------------------------------------------- References *1. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. 全美台灣同鄉聯誼會. '全美台灣同鄉聯誼會年會籌備會報導,' "A search on Google.com about 台灣同鄉聯誼會," (April 3, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *3. Ibid. *4. Chang. Tiffang; and PAI of WBTI. 'Enthusiasm is a very beautiful word.'"A search of 'enthusiasm is a very beautiful word,' on the Google.com," (April 3, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *5. Ibid. 8888888888888 666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
041805-3687 |
April 24, 2005 events by AARCN-CC will further unify our Asian American Community By Dr. Jasmine BrooksAARCN and NAARC Members: This will serve as a formal notice that AARCN Clark County (AARCN CC) Induction Ball will be held at Wellington Place (formerly known as La Chateaux), located at 6985 W. Sahara Ave; LV, NV 89117 on April 24, 2005. Event will begin promptly at 5:30pm, all AARCN CC Executive Board and planning committee members should arrive no later than 4:30pm. Regarding the NAARC抯 Leadership Conference, the following is a brief summarization and update: During March 27, 2005 teleconference, a motion to have the National Leadership Conference at Wellington Place on April 24, 2005 at the same location as AARCN CC Induction Ball, was brought to the floor and received unanimous decision by NAARC抯 officers and members. However, just recently, there have been new recommendations to have the conference at a different location, which is to be hosted by the very competent Dolly Deleon and congenial Tess Smith. Subsequent to my conversation with Dr. Carlota, and Tess Smith on April 15 and 16, 2005; I then brought this matter to the AARCN CC Executive Board. Due to the time constrains, with Induction Ball only a week away, the Board felt quite uncomfortable with the continuous changes in venue. Therefore the AARCN CC Executive Board抯 decision is to withdraw from the planning and execution of the National Leadership Conference. AARCN CC will assume an impartial role in this matter. Notwithstanding the foregoing, AARCN CC will maintain its support, and assist in the implementation of the National Leadership Conference. We will now cancel all plans in progress regarding the National Leadership Conference schedule and extradite its preparation in total to Mrs. Dolly Deleon and Tess Smith, who have been extremely gracious in its commencement. The AARCN CC is very excited for the up coming events with NAARC. The Leadership Conference will be a success with Dolly Deleon and Tess Smith at the helm. Concurrently, the AARCN CC Induction Ball (Co-Chaired by Vivian Kerns and Tess Smith @ the Event Planning Committee) will also achieve significant success. April 24, 2005 events will further unify our Asian American Community. I look forward to seeing everyone there. Should you have questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Cordially, Dr. Jas Brooks President AARCN Clark Co. NAARC Chairman: VN Committee CCRP Chairman: Healthcare Committee CCRP Chairman: Asian Committee 702-493-3330 702-737-7653 777777777777777 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
041505-2867 |
Everybody is welcome to our Officers Induction Ball of AARCN-Clark Co. By Tiffany Chang"Judge Walsh will be very pleased to attend as your Special Guest at the dinner on April 24. She will be bringing her judicial assistant and courtroom deputy with her. Thank you so very much. Let me know if you need anything else," wrote District Judge of Nevada Jessie Walsh's Judicial Exec. Assistant Jeri Winter an e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei.*2 Dr. Jasmine Brooks, the President of Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada-Clark County Chapter, held a General Meeting on March 31, 2005 in Las Vegas. Miss Dolly DeLeon, Miss Elena Brady, Miss Jasmine Guo, Mr. Edgar Guo, Ms. Julie Chen Hereford, Mrs. Stevan Warcup, Mr. Stevan Warcup, Mr. Travis Lu, Dr. Tony Lei, among others attended the meeting. "I'm glad to learn from Dr. Tony Lei that 'Our invitations to high-ranking officials are in progress successfully. Clark County Commissioner Lynette McDonald will be glad to attend with her secretary. District Judge of the Family Court Sandra Pomrenze is so happy to be inviteted by us and will certaily to come. Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber was unavailble at the beginging. In order to support us with emthusiasm, she changed her mind to take the 10:00 p.m. flight (from 6:00 p.m. 3/24/05) for the assembly meetings starting from 8:00 a.m. on April 25, 2005 in Reno. She will be with us happily untill 8:00 p.m. to the airport.' Thanks very much to Dr. Tony Lei's effort and hard work," pointed out Dr. Jasmine Brooks in the Meeting. On March 21, 2005, Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas wrote an e-mail to Dr. Tony Lei that "Dear Dr. Lei: Sorry, I will be in Hawaii on vacation from the 4/22 - 4/29. Justice Michael Douglas" On April 1, 2005, Justice Michael Douglas promised Dr. Tony Lei through the phone to write a constructive Greetings Letter for the Officers Induction Ball and Dinner Party of The Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada-Clark County Chapter on April 24, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dr. Brooks told the members who attended the General Meeting that a nice invitation card has been designed and printed together with a card with our Missions. A sample of the invitation card is in the following: The Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada Clark County Chapter requests the pleasure of your company at the Officers Induction Ball Sunday, the twenty fourth of April Two thousand and five at five thirty in the evening Dinner served at six thirty in Wellington Place Las Vegas, Nevada 6985 W. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89117 $35.00 per person. Business Casual (702)493-3330 (702)303-8237 Please respond by April 16, 2005 to e-mail at tojulei@yahoo.com or call Judy at 255-9058. Thank you. M________________________________ Number of persons________________ Amount enclosed__________________ Check made payable to: Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada-Clark County Dr. Brooks reported that our Chairperson of the Fundraising Committe, Ms. Hui-lim Ang, did a very good job in having several contributions and donations from individuals and companies already. She is going to get more. Most of the members of the Meeting recognized 10 or more tickets to sell, which were distributed by its Vice President Mr. Edgar Guo and Miss Jasmine Guo. Enthusiastic dicussions and suggestions were full during the meeting. With democratic style of leadership in proceeding the meeting, President Dr. Jasmine held the General Meeting systimatically and fruitfully on March 31, 2005 in Las Vegas. 8888888888888 666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
041205-6563 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!Probably no more the First City of Gaming By Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) [Friendly post through the courtesy of "Chinese Daily News" with its Worldjournal.com.] 「世界第一賭城」頭銜將不保 【本報記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導】澳門賭業2004年總收入和美國拉斯維加斯相當,令拉斯維加斯非常緊張,擔憂「世界第一賭城」的頭銜不保。 拉斯維加斯賭業一直以領導全球為榮,澳門賭業自從前年底加入了由美國賭業去的「金沙大賭場」(Sands Macau)競 帲拈T變成了當今亞洲最賺錢的賭城。 澳門博弈局公布的賭桌單日進帳數目,為平均每桌4萬6000元,而賭城拉斯維如斯僅每桌四千元。 澳門賭客明顯是為賭而賭,他們下注金額遠大於拉斯維加斯賭客。以賭戲而言,澳門賭場內很少見到吃角子老虎機,以亞洲賭客為主的澳門賭場,賭桌密布,賭客們層層疊疊下注,僅最前面的賭客有座位可坐,後面的人都來「插花」。 和拉斯維加斯最大的不同,澳門沒有商展會,也無旅遊,更沒有世界一流的購物中心,所以去澳門者皆為賭客,他們是澳門主要財源。 2004年,澳門總共有1400萬訪客,拉斯維加斯則多達3750萬人次,兩個城市去年一年的賭博收入,竟然相當,以賭業來說,拉斯維加斯面臨強大競 帉κ帧 金沙澳門為拉斯維加斯金沙賭業,在澳門登陸的第一家大賭場,他們在美國有威尼斯大賭場(Venetian)及金沙商展中心(Sands EXPO),老闆蕭登.艾德森還在澳門擴大其賭場,他有心將澳門建造成「小拉斯維加斯大道」,大道兩旁全是他投資的賭場。 拉斯維加斯另一位賭業名人史提夫.溫,也拿到中國政府發給的澳門開賭場執照,他的「澳門穩贏」(Wynn Macau) ,明年也要開張。 拉斯維加斯米高梅賭業拿不到澳門賭場執照,於是和澳門賭王何鴻燊之女何超瓊,合夥在澳門開賭場。澳洲賭業 子貝克利和何鴻燊聯手,進軍新加坡賭業,他們兩人也對前往台灣開賭場,興趣濃厚。 澳門賭場的收益,令各國賭業都想去亞洲占個山頭,亞洲人愛賭,以及賭博金額之大,令全球賭業開了眼界。 拉斯維加斯賭業人士在與澳門賭場比較之下,亞洲賭客相信「手氣」,美國賭客重娛樂,所以在投資賭金時,就有差異。拉斯維加斯確實以賭業起家,而今天的拉斯維加斯也成功的推廣商展和旅遊並進,加上其他新興工業,賭業已非拉斯維加斯的唯一。 2005-04-05 6666666666666 55555555555555555555555 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 **************************************************** | |
041205-7687 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!Citibank held a special event and party for Chinese community in Las Vegas, Nevada By "Next Weekly" (壹週報) [Friendly post through the courtesy of "Next Weekly" (壹週報).] (All the terminology and literature in English were edited by WBTI.) The following article was published by "Next Weekly" (壹週報) on March 10, 2005: 花旗銀行同維加斯華人聯誼 【本報訊】花旗銀行借龍騰閣酒家席開四桌,與本地華人聯誼。特邀嘉賓有華人協會會長黃笑生律師,華盛頓工商技術研究院院長雷動天博士及夫人,亞商會副主席林女士,文化人李岩等,濟濟一堂。 花旗銀行拉斯維加斯地區經理 Michael Folsom 先生發言說,花旗銀行是一國際型金融機構,相信很多華人未來美國之前,一定對該行有不同程度的接觸與了解。但在拉斯維加斯,花旗的規模較小,花旗管理層已意識到這一點。他說,本地華人的經濟實力不可小看,所以今年起將大力擴展華人社區的金融業 務,招聘大量華語工作人員,加強對華人的服務。 之後Y深金融管理專家 Tracy Lee及 Joy Wang 為大家演講。兩位女士回 顧了去年的美國經濟形勢,並分析了今年及未來的趨勢,語言簡潔明了,深入淺出,生動活潑,贏得來賓的陣陣熱烈掌聲。席間黃笑生會長及雷動天院長也高度讚揚了花旗銀行重視華人社區對投資理財管理的需求,希望以後加強溝通,更好地為華人社區提供銀行服務。華協黃會長表示,若有..... 77777777777777777 666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************* | |
040505-6687 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District will feature free public events again this year that highlight Asian and Pacific Cultures By J. D. Barber Greetings! The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District will feature free public events again this year that highlight Asian and Pacific Cultures in celebration of Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month throughout the month of May. We invite you to participate with us our largest event, the "Asian Pacific American Culture Fair & Food festival". It will be held on Saturday, April 30th from 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Sahara West Library. Over 2500 people are expected to attend the event this year. Confirm your free space or participation by completing the application enclosed and returning it to me by April 1, 2005. We encourage you to feature traditional costumes, foods, crafts and entertainment.*1 Also, if your group or organization is interested in participating in our other two events. (Fashion Dance and Martial Arts Fest), please contact Mary Brown at; (702) 507-3665 or e-mail: Brownm@lccld.org. Please help us publicize Asian Pacific American Heritage Month and this event to your community, family, friends and associates. We look forward to an enjoyable month of activities as we work together to entertain, inform and celebrate the diversity of our community in Las Vegas.*2 Sincerely, (Signed by her.) J. D. Barber Sahara West Library Scheduling and Programming Services 9600 W. Sahara Ave. Las, Vegas, NV 89117 B: (702) 507-3631 B: (702) 507-3672 e-mail: Barberj@lvccld.org ------------------------------------------- References *1. Barber, J. D. 'The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District will feature free public events again this year that highlight Asian and Pacific Cultures.' "A letter from Ms. J. D. Barber to Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN)," (received by CAAAN on march 26, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Sahara West Library. *2. Ibid 66666666666666 8888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
040305-5868 |
Hit "Chinese Syplified (H2)" through the "View" please!***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by the reporter of "Yahoo News" are freely and absolutely her or his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Editor of this flier did all its literature in English. "We all need to smile every once in a while," said the "IT'S KINDA FUNNY". From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future." The following is a post from "Yahoo News" through its courtesy for ね到 (friendly and kindly post): 歡迎連戰!對岸主動修連氏祠堂 ***友善列印 為了歡迎國民黨(新聞、網站)主席連戰(新聞、網站)訪問大陸,現在傳出大陸方面主動翻修連家在漳州的祠堂,希望展現善意,對於連戰的訪問日期,國民黨訂出四種可能性,黨內立委則大多認為打鐵趁熱,愈快成行愈好。 對岸歡迎連戰訪問,不只用說的,還有動作面,據了解,大陸最近主動翻修連氏家族在大陸福建漳州的宗祠,時機相當引人聯想。 國民黨籍市議員賴素如:「對於說對岸有沒有在修復祠堂,這可能是中共那邊有一些善意的回應,這也不無不可能。」 連戰究竟何時可能登陸?目前傳出四種可能性,最早是在5月14號任務型國代選舉結束後就成行,不然,5月19號蔣公離開大陸56年紀念日以及6月1號國父孫中山移葬南京紀念日都被認為有紀念意義,最遲,七七抗戰紀念日,也有可能,確定時間還要等連戰4號從日本返台後才能定案。 不過,黨內目前都朝「愈快愈好」的方向勸進。國民黨籍市議員賴素如:「大部分的心聲都是希望透過和平的方式來解決兩岸之間的問題,所以我會覺得比較早一點會比較妥當。」 還有黨籍立委嗆聲,連戰的登陸時間應該就選在陳總統連任兩週年的520,讓台灣人民看看,誰才能真正帶領台灣走出去,延續江丙坤訪問大陸的熱力,國民黨把連戰訪問時機列為最高機密,好保溫議題主導性。 ***友善列印 66666666666666 777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************* | |
040105-5868 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please! Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas held an appreciation dinner party successfully By Tiffany Chang On February 27, 2005, an appreciation dinner party to the people, who helped Taiwan Benevolent Association of Las Vegas (TBALV), was held by its President Sue Phelps at the Chang's Restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Chairperson of Taiwan Benevolent Association of America (TBAA) Wendy Wu came to join the party by air from San Jose, California with her husband Dr. Mu-yeh Morris Wu. "It's my great pleasure to extend warm greetings to all who have gathered for this event and dinner party of our association in Las Vegas today. I'd like to recognize all those who have made this Association a success. We wish all of you may also support and make our 28th Annual Convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America(TBAA) in Las Vegas at July 29-31, 2005 a success," spoke Chairperson Wendy Wu to the many attendants. "Throughout our history,America has welcomed millions of immigrants seeking a better life for themselves, their families,and future generations. The perseverance, traditions and spirit of Taiwanese Americans have helped shape our national character. Today, these talented citizens play a vital role in the success and prosperity of our country," greeted President George Bush to those gathered for the 26th annual convention of the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America(TBAA) in San Jose, California at August 22-24, 2003. Chairperson Wendy Wu and President Sue Phelps presented the appreciation award of TBALV to many business and community leaders in greeting their past contribution and support to the Association. Judge Cedric Kerns was invited to attend the party as a Guest of Honor. Judge Cedric A. Kerns was elected to Las Vegas Municipal Court, Department 5 in June of 1997 and was re-elected without opposition in 2001. Judge Kerns attended four years at the University of Nevada Las Vegas where he was a member of the nationally ranked debate team before graduating in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. He received his Juris Doctor in 1992 from the University of San Diego. "It's my honor to be invited as a guest to attend this event and party. Welcome Chairperson Mrs. Wendy Wu and her husband Dr. Morris Wu to Las Vegas. Thanks to President Sue Phelps who has led TBALV with success. I applaud Dr. Tony Lei and Washington Business and Technology Institute for their dedication and contribution in making my professionalism and integrity more contributed to the people and government of Nevada for many years," spoke Judge Cedric Kerns to all the participants of the Event and Dinner Party at the Chang's Restaurant in Las Vegas, Nevada on February 27, 2005. 888888888888 66666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
032805-6878 |
Please hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5) through the "View". From: Miss 蕭淑文 [sw2842@mail.thu.edu.tw] Mon, 28 Mar 2005 14:04:18 +0800克稲筽厩 キ╆簆长[ゼ眤拜 盚き秅瞴狥紋ぇ╰笆 戳辨厩挤丁ǎ靡狥Θ 睶ゅ穛 ***The complete announcement of the activities and a message from the President Dr. 程海東 are now shown at the flier after the next one in this section. 77777777777777 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6] 7 [8][9] | |