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Please hit "Chinese Simplified (H2) through the "View". Please hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5) in order to read the *4 and *5.

The following article was published by "Tunghai Univerasity Information" on September 18, 1999. The original copy was shown at April 7, 2004 on this section of "Tunghai University Alumni Association" ( in the 4th page).*1

弛 伙 尘  簈 羘
臫 过 ┰ 吹 蝴  吹 *4 [Please check *4 with "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View".]

~{!!~} 東 ~{:#~} ~{4s~} 學 ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{R;~} ~{>E~} ~{Ay~} ~{>E~} ~{Dj~} 畢 業 ~{H}~} ~{J.~} ~{Dj~} ~{VX~} ~{>[~} ~{;n~} 動 ~{#,~} ~{l6~} ~{Ay~} ~{TB~} ~{6~~} ~{J.~} ~{Ay~} ~{VA~} ~{F_~} ~{TB~} ~{R;~} ~{HU~} ~{TZ~} ~{C@~} 國 ~{@-~} ~{K9~} 維 ~{~{!!~} 東 ~{:#~} ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{6<~} ~{SP~} ~{R;~} ~{Fp~} ~{W!~} ~{K^~} ~{4s~} ~{6H~} ~{I=~} ~{KD~} ~{Dj~} ~{#,~} ~{HU~} ~{R9~} ~{92~} 處 ~{Gs~} 學 ~{5D~} ~{;X~} 憶 ~{#,~} 親 ~{M,~} ~{JV~} ~{Wc~} ~{#,~} 試 ~{Ok~} ~{!8~} ~{4s~} ~{6H~} ~{I=~} ~{5D~} ~{4:~} ~{#,~} ~{Oq~} 個 ~{K/~} ~{PQ~} ~{5D~} ~{C@~} ~{HK~} ~{#,~} 鳳 ~{;K~} ~{D>~} ~{J9~} ~{AV~} 蔭 ~{4s~} ~{5@~} 變 ~{3I~} ~{R;~} 隻 ~{1L~} ~{I+~} ~{5D~} 圓 ~{M2~} ~{#,~} ~{O`~} ~{K<~} 樹 ~{R2~} ~{66~} ~{5t~} ~{R;~} ~{6,~} ~{5D~} ~{?`~} ~{K<~} ~{#,~} 換 ~{IO~} ~{S-~} ~{4:~} ~{5D~} ~{PB~} 裝 ~{!#~} ~{!9~} ~{**#*~}1

~{!!~} ~{1>~} 屆 ~{8w~} ~{O5~} ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{#,~} ~{3v~} 類 ~{0N~} ~{]M~} ~{5D~} ~{HK~} ~{:\~} ~{6`~} ~{#,~} 會 ~{VP~} ~{R;~} ~{R;~} ~{IO~} ~{L(~} 報 ~{8f~} ~{=|~} 況 ~{#,~} ~{TZ~} ~{Cn~} 語 ~{Hg~} ~{Vi~} ~{VP~} ~{#,~} ~{8_~} ~{31~} ~{5|~} ~{Fp~} ~{#,~} 獲 ~{5C~} 滿 ~{LC~} ~{UF~} 聲 ~{!#~} ~{An~} ~{HK~} ~{Ok~} ~{Fp~} ~{K{~} 們 ~{T-~} ~{JG~} 當 ~{Dj~} ~{I=~} ~{IO~} ~{!8~} ~{U{~} ~{Wy~} ~{IP~} ~{N4~} ~{Mj~} ~{H+~} ~{<\~} 設 ~{5D~} 鋼 ~{<\~} ~{#,~} ~{TZ~} ~{WK~} 態 ~{IO~} ~{#,~} ~{:\~} ~{Oq~} ~{R;~} ~{V'~} ~{3u~} ~{3u~} ~{M#~} ~{Bd~} ~{IP~} ~{N4~} 斂 ~{3a~} ~{5D~} ~{>^~} 鷹 ~{!#~} ~{P[~} 壯 ~{6x~} 剛 陽 ~{#,~} ~{Os~} ~{ag~} ~{Vx~} ~{R;~} ~{H:~} ~{TZ~} ~{P#~} ~{Gs~} 學 ~{5D~} ~{M,~} 學 ~{#,~} ~{6<~} ~{JG~} ~{5H~} ~{4}~} ~{U9~} ~{3a~} 飛 ~{Oh~} ~{5D~} ~{Hi~} 鷹 ~{!#~} ~{!9~} **~{#*~} ~{#2~} 節 ~{D?~} ~{Vw~} ~{3V~} ~{HK~} 許 ~{A"~} ~{#,~} ~{8_~} ~{QE~} ~{SD~} ~{C@~} ~{#,~} ~{wH~} ~{A&~} 脫 穎 ~{!#~} ~{6-~} ~{JB~} 會 ~{CX~} 書 與 學 術 ~{;y~} ~{=p~} 會 執 ~{PP~} 長 ~{#,~} ~{J.~} ~{6~~} 屆 鄧 ~{Rf~} ~{T#~} 臨 場 報 ~{8f~} ~{#,~} ~{<$~} 發 ~{4s~} ~{~} 馬 ~{VP~} ~{T-~} ~{>^~} ~{Vx~} 關 ~{l6~} 東 ~{:#~} ~{HK~} ~{5D~} ~{!8~} ~{Ld~} ~{Cw~} 鳥 ~{!9~} ~{#,~} ~{R}~} ~{Fp~} 熱 ~{AR~} ~{5D~} 迴 響 ~{!#~}

~{!!~} ~{4N~} ~{HU~} 隨 ~{aa~} ~{K{~} 們 還 進 ~{6x~} ~{G0~} ~{My~} 錫 ~{02~} 國 ~{[~} 與 壯 麗 ~{V.~} 遊 ~{!#~} ~{4K~} ~{4N~} ~{;n~} 動 ~{#,~} 籌 備 長 ~{>C~} ~{MW~} ~{IF~} ~{#,~} ~{SI~} ~{Em~} ~{>}~} 蓮 領 ~{JW~} ~{=(~} ~{9&~} ~{#,~} 幾 ~{N;~} ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{6&~} ~{A&~} ~{O`~} 輔 ~{#,~} ~{@W~} 動 ~{Ll~} ~{2)~} ~{J?~} ~{RT~} ~{5Z~} ~{R;~} 屆 ~{P#~} ~{SQ~} ~{5D~} 熱 ~{3@~} ~{#,~} 時 ~{O`~} 關 ~{W"~} 與 贊 ~{Vz~} ~{#,~} ¥H ¬~{!c~} ©I À³ »P ªï ~{!@~}µ ¡A ~{!@~}¡ ²` ~{!$~}N ~{!h~}Á ¡A ª~{(*~} ²{ ¥X ªF ®~{(9~} ®Õ ~{!h~}Í ¦b ¥L ¶m ~{!h~}¬ ¬Û ~{!l~}ß «~{(4~} ¡A ¹Î µ² ¦X ~{!l~}@ ªº ºë ¯« ¡C ~[Please check *5 with Traditional chinese (Big 5).]{#(~} ~{8=~} 註 ~{#:~} **~{#*~} ~{#1~} 與 ~{#***~} ~{#2~} ~{7V~} 別 ~{R}~} ~{WT~} ~{K>~} 馬 ~{VP~} ~{T-~} ~{Vx~} ~{!8~} ~{Ld~} ~{Cw~} 鳥 ~{!9~} ~{!#~} ~{#)~}*3


*1. 張蘭~{S"~} (Nan-yin Chang). ' "Tunghai University Information," (Semptember 18, 1999), Taichung, Taiwan: Tunghai Univerasity.
*2. Tunghai University Information. ' "A search of Tunghai university Alumni Association on Google. com," (March 28, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*3. Ibid.
*4. 弛 伙 尘  簈 羘
臫 过 ┰ 吹 蝴  吹
*5.   ㊣ 莱 籔  钡  薄 瞏 種 ち   瞷  狥   ね   秏 が  н   刮 挡    弘  


Please hit "Chinese Simplified (H2) through the "View".

活動日期:94.10.24-11.6 建校五十周年慶祝活動工作小組彙整
學術性:12個 慶祝性:23個 體育性:3個 展示性:5個
編號 活動日期(星期) 時間 活動名稱 聯絡人/分機 主辦/承辦 單位 地點 性質
1 10月24日(一) 17:30-18:00 五十周年全球東海校慶系列活動啟明開鑼! 查士民/2362 校慶規劃小組/課外活動組 校門口 慶祝性
2 10月24日(一) 記者招待會 陳運財主任秘書
王偉華特別助理 公關室
3 10月25日(二) 中午 碩、博士優良學生頒獎典禮及研究生座談 陳文芳/2300 學生事務處 良鑑廳 學術性
4 10月24日(一)至11月4日(五) 全天 中文系專任教師暨系友著作展 楊永智/3114 中文系 人文大樓5樓 展示性
5 10月24日(一)至11月4日(五) 全天 中文系懷舊印象展 楊永智/3114 中文系 人文大樓5樓 展示性
6 10月26日(三) 9:00-17:30 新世紀台灣民事法學學術研討會 蔡 d州/2877 法律學系 良鑑廳 學術性
7 10月27日(四)至10月28日(五) 9:00-17:00 第二屆基督教與華人社會文化發展研討會 陳昕/2120 宗教研究所 茂榜廳 學術性
8 10月28日(五) 19:30開始 五十周年校慶禮讚音樂會
-- 生命,一旦進入了光之所在
就攀向成熟的境地 陳思照/3153 音樂系 中正紀念堂 慶祝性
9 10月28日(五) 全天 形塑新世代家庭關係學術研討會 曾惠花/2860
幸福家庭研究推廣中心 學術性
10 10月28日(五)至11月4日(五) 8:00-17:00 東海校園文物展 黃文興/2761 圖書館 良鑑廳 展示性
10月29日(六) 8:00-17:00 全球化與政治研究的趨勢學術研討會 張心雅/2895 政治系 省政大樓大會議室 學術性
12 10月29日(六) 9:30-12:00 中文系系友會成立慶祝茶會暨師生座談會、餐會 林威宇/3116 中文系 茂榜廳 慶祝性
10月29日(六)至10月30日(日) 9:00-16:00 第二十七屆化工系畢業20周年回娘家 潘兆民/2840李光臨/2846 校友總會、就友室 慶祝性
14 10月29日(六) 13:00-18:00 緬懷與傳承-東海中文系五十年學術傳承研討會 林雅芬/3115 中文系 茂榜廳 學術性
10月30日(日) 8:00-18:00
15 10月29日(六) 全天 夫妻溝通研習 曾惠花/2860
幸福家庭研究推廣中心 學術性
16 10月30日(日) 上午 校慶主日 魯瑞娟/2110轉11 校牧室 路思義教堂 慶祝性
17 10月30日(日) 全天 新生家長日 陳惟馨/2313 生輔組/課外組 中正紀念堂 慶祝性
10月30日(日) 全天 關懷弱勢宣導 黃永明/2957
社工系/學生事務處 社科院 學術性
19 10月30日(日) 全天 領導夫妻培訓研習 曾惠花/2860
幸福家庭研究推廣中心 學術性
20 10月30日(日)至11月1日(二) 10:00-16:00 地方美食日 陳鼎基/2366 課外組/聯誼性社團 中正紀念堂前廣場 慶祝性
21 10月31日(一)至11月4日(五) 全天 東海美展(靜態展示) 李佩玲/2365
徐傳質/2360 課外組/學術、藝術性社團 展示性
22 10月31日(一)至11月4日(五) 全天 東海攝影、LOGO、紀念品展 李佩玲/2365
蔡家幸/2845 校慶規劃小組/課外組.就友室 展示性
10月31日(一)至11月1日(二) 8:00-17:00 基督教立校精神與競 幜ρ杏憰 魯瑞娟/2110轉11
校牧室 茂榜廳 學術性
10月31日(一) 晚上 師生熱歌勁舞慶校慶 侯坤輝/2367 課外組/學生社團 體育館外草坪 慶祝性
25 11月1 日(二) 晚上 東海 師生合唱比賽 徐傳質/2360 課外組/各學系 中正紀念堂 慶祝性
(全日停課) 8:45 全校路跑活動 吳季容/2370轉12 體育室 校園 體育性
27 9:30-10:50 校慶慶祝感恩大會(演說、頒獎、大詩班
…) 陳微文/2520
林敏郎/2240 校慶規劃小組/人事室. 教務處.事務組. 中正堂 慶祝性
28 11:02 「5050情 繓|海」慶校慶 鄭金昌/2363 校慶規劃小組/課外組.附中.附小 慶祝性
29 12:00 校慶茶會 陳微文/2520
李佩玲/2365 事務組/課外組 體育館 慶祝性
30 全日 校慶園遊會 查士民/2362 校慶規劃小組/課外組 體育館外草坪 慶祝性
31 下午 社團表演慶校慶 侯坤輝/2367 課外組/學生社團 慶祝性
32 晚上 全球東海之夜(學生會策劃演唱會活動) 侯坤輝/2367 學生會 中正紀念堂 慶祝性
33 11月3日(四)至11月4日(五) 全日 東海學術高峰會 朱正忠執行長
校慶規劃小組/研發處.國際教育合作室 茂榜廳 學術性
34 11月3日(四) 晚上 表演藝術月 李佩玲/2365 學生會/文化推廣處 中正紀念堂 慶祝性
35 11月5日(六)至11月6日(日) 全天 全校運動會(開幕儀式) 吳季容/2370轉12 體育室 體育場 體育性
36 校友 球類競賽(11/5籃球、羽球、網球。11/6桌球、排球、壘球) 吳季容/2370轉12 體育室/就友室 體育館 體育性
37 11月5日(六)至11月6日(日) 全天 第十七屆畢業卅周年返校日 潘兆民/2840
李光臨/2846 校友總會、就友室 慶祝性
38 11月5日(六)
11:02 「2005木魚傳薪情繫東海」慶校慶 潘兆民/2840 校慶規劃小組/就友室 慶祝性

12:00-14:00 全球東海人嘉年華會

李光臨/2846 校友總會、就友室/事務組

晚上 -懷舊舞會 潘兆民/2840
40 9:00-16:30 生殖生理與技術研討會 張淑錦/3711 畜產與生物科技學系 人文大樓 學術性
41 11月5日(六) 下午 景觀系友回娘家活動 黃淑美/3750轉101 景觀系 景觀系館 慶祝性
42 11月6日(日) 上午 校友主日 魯瑞娟/2110轉11 校牧室/就友室 路思義教堂 慶祝性
43 11月6日(日) 9:00-17:00 基本勞作小組長暨衛生助理回娘家 林立聖/2606 勞作教育處 茂榜廳、銘賢堂 慶祝性
附註:1、 11月1下午、2日全天,11月5、6日停課。禁止教師利用前段時間補課。11月7日(星期一)全天補假(停止上班)。

The following was a message dilivered by President of Tunghai University Dr. 程海東:







The following feature article in Chinese is what we found through the search of
赵小兰 U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao on the Google.com in the evening at March 27, 2005:

新浪首页 >> 新浪城市联盟-青岛 >> 教育正文
http://www.sina-qd.com 2004-03-12










Hit "Chinese Syplified (H2)" through the "View" please!

***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by this reporter, 劉衛莉, are freely and absolutely her or his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Editor of this flier did all its literature in English.
"We all need to smile every once in a while," said the "IT'S KINDA FUNNY".
From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future." The following is a post from "Yahoo News 聯合新聞網" through its courtesy for ね到 (friendly and kindly post):

李玟 沒穿內褲開記者會 ***友善列印

【聯合新聞網 特派記者劉衛莉/香港報導】

No Doubt!昨天穿著GUCCI最新款白色低胸小禮服,出席全亞洲最新英文專輯記者會的李玟(新聞、網站、圖片),為了曲線好看,沒有穿內褲!連拍攝專輯內頁時也沒辦法穿,拍照前只能用一條小毛巾遮著,犧牲頗大。

不只照片性感撩人,CoCo的MV也引人遐想,「SO GOOD」MV全靠她演獨腳戲,有她裹著床單在床上充滿性幻想的「床戲」,自我撫摸、手抓床單,都教看的人臉紅心跳;也有以剪影方式呈現她扭動肢體曲線的誘惑力。「拍的時候不能害羞,那就演不出那感覺。」她說,自己全憑想像去發揮,「像在地上爬、點蠟燭,假想有個男的躺在床上等待。」

「我不搞這個的,他(指男友Bruce)會被我打,不過歌詞裡確實有說到滴蠟油。」負責剪接「SO GOOD」MV的剪接師忍不住告訴她,「每晚對著妳的MV很難受,覺得下面有點怪怪的,快剪不下去。」她也特別解釋,剪影部分看起來沒穿,實際上是穿了特製的肉色比基尼。


她坦承專輯中有一首「MAGIC WORDS」,是送給男友的。「第一次聽到這首歌就想到他,就如副歌所描述的,『你每次說到那一句話,什麼事都變好了』。」追問她男友對她說的「MAGIC WORDS」是什麼?她嬌嗔的迴避:「我不說,不能說的。」最後才露了點口風,「就是那些簡單的I love you,I miss you。」


Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!

Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain
By Tiffany Chang

At the time when he sent the following article to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) by e-mail, "Many thanks for your precious help. This is the article I tried to forward to you. My wife and I are so moved by your valuable efforts. I should work hard," wrote Huang Xiaosheng, Esq., to Dr. Tony Lei late in the night on March 4, 2005.*1

The Chinese Association of Las Vegas is led by Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., as its Chairman. It held successfully a special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival on February 19, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*2

The following is a profile about Xiaosheng Huang on the website at www.lawhuang.com:

Xiaosheng Huang, Managing Partner
Born in Nanyang of Henan, China
Managing Partner, Law Huang International Ltd.
VP &Chief Counsel, Southwest Bull & John, Inc. Las Vegas, NV
University of Notre Dame Law School, IN, USA
Foreign Affairs College, Beijing, China
East China Normal University, Shanghai, China
People's Representative of Putuo District, Shanghai, China, 1990-1993
Chairman, Chinese Association of Las Vegas
Licensed in the Courts of State of New York*3

Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., was the hit winner of visitor number at one hundred two thousand and fifth (#102,005th) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti on March 3, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

伏牛山走出的美国律师 (Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain)*4

2002年6月25日上午11时30分, 在美国纽约州最高法院,来自中国河南省南召县的黄笑生被授予纽约州注册律师, 取得在美国纽约州和美国联邦各级法院的执业资格。
作为一位从伏牛山区走出去的青年, 能够跨越语言、文化和法律体系上的巨大鸿沟,毕业于中美三大名校,获得两个法律硕士, 并最终获得美国最富声望的纽约州律师证书,实在可喜可贺。这是黄笑生赴美三年深钻博研、战胜艰难的硕果,更是他十几年来自强不息、天道酬勤的结晶。面对着德高望重的美国法官, 32岁的黄笑生不禁热泪盈眶, 心中想起生他育他、远隔千山万水的父母双亲和中华大地伏牛山区。
黄笑生自幼好学上进,志在千里。他1987年从南召一中毕业,考入上海华东师范大学地理系。在大学期间,他连续3年担任班长,并成为校园知名人物。1990年3月, 21岁的他竞选当上上海市普陀区第十届人民大会代表, 成为当时中国最年轻的区县级人大代表之一。大学毕业后, 他到北京工作,由于英语水平优异, 加上在实践中的锻炼和刻苦攻读,在1995年他考入外交学院国际法系攻读国际法专业硕士学位,从而实现事业上的飞跃转变。在拿到中国的法律硕士学位之后, 他马不停蹄地申请到美国留学, 被美国福特基金会赋予全额奖学金,于1999年8月到美国著名的圣母大学(NOTRE DAME)法学院攻读法律。
美国是一个法治社会,律师在美国的社会中占据重要地位,律师的收入也较好, 所以美国学生对于法学院总是趋之若骛。不过美国法学院里的学习压力极大, 一个学生平均每周要阅读80个案例以上,字小、页数多、案情和法理繁杂,读完案例还要准备第二天上课时的模拟法庭陈词。 黄笑生和他的美国同学一样,常常每天只睡5个小时,以图书馆为家。 为了准备纽约州的律师资格考试, 他把从北京带到美国的一件牛仔裤坐破了四个大洞。几十本厚若城墙的大法典,艰涩的法律专业术语,时时让一个土生土长的中国人觉得无法逾越的语言文化障碍和难以排遣的思乡之情, 都构成了对这个海外游子智力和心理上前所未有的挑战。 每逢此时, 他就想起了河南老家的父母乡亲和山山水水,伏牛山告诉他:“永不退缩!”。
成绩属于过去,未来全由自己努力打拼。黄笑生把取得美国律师资格视为他赴美奋斗的一个小小起步。 他已经给自己定好下一个十年的事业目标:成为闻名中美的大律师。 他深知,一位优秀的律师必须具备广博精准的知识储备、训练有素的法律思辩能力和世事洞明、人情练达的社交才能。为此,他总把在美国的法律学习延伸到课堂和图书馆之外。一有机会, 他就走出去,深入了解美国这个国家的政法制度、经济文化和风土人情;他在大学报纸上发表文章,对法学院的老师同学演讲,拜会美国各界人士,向他们介绍中国,特别是中国自改革开放以来的巨大进步;他曾驾车从东面的纽约一直开到西部的洛杉矶,还在广阔的中西部天空上学开飞机。 最近一年,他在拉斯维加斯的律师事务所实习期间,曾代理一位当事人状告美国联邦司法部,促使司法部同意和他的当事人达成庭外和解;他还成功地说服美国移民局批准一位印尼华侨在美国的政治庇护案,一位来自香港客户在他的法律咨询下,顺利地完成一桩标的额为200万美元的投资美国项目。
在南召黄家的正堂之上, 挂着这样一幅治家诗篇:“淯水潺潺发一泓,唯勤与恒巨业兴,为遇沟涧方畅达,终济沧海助帆升。”我们祝愿喝白河水长大从伏牛山走出去的黄笑生律师事业上更上一层楼,为家乡人民争光。



*1. Huang, Xiaosheng. 'Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain,' "An e-mail from Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., to WBTI," (March 4, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Law Huang International Ltd.
*2. Next Weekly. 'Chinese Association of Las Vegas held a special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival,' "A search about xiaosheng huang esq on Google.com," (March 5, 2005, U. S. A.: Google.com.
3. Law Huang International Ltd. 'Xiaosheng Huang, Esq.,' "A search about Law Huang International Ltd. on Yahoo.com," (March 5, 2005, U. S. A.: Yahoo.com.
*4. Huang, Xiaosheng. '伏牛山走出的美国律师 (Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain),' "An e-mail from Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., to WBTI," (March 4, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Law Huang International Ltd.
*5. Ibid.


Hit "Chinese Traditional(H5)" through the "View" please!

***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by this reporter, 璖篴箃, are freely and absolutely her or his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Editor of this flier did all its literature in English.
"We all need to smile every once in a while," said the "IT'S KINDA FUNNY".
From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future." The following is a post from "Yahoo Magazine TVBS周刊" through its courtesy for ね到 (friendly and kindly post):
琠狶箉 ヴき浩╣ 盚倒狟ね ね到

瞦瞦玡瓣羆参琠狶箉(BILL CLINTON)砐ぼ┏寥ぶ窥氮琌ぶ窾刽







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所幸近來柯林頓夫婦的理財已交由專家打理,才稍稍彌補過去的不堪。他的理財專家將他們大部分的資金交給PELL RUDMAN私人信託基金,這檔基金主要投資在美國大型成長股票,近年年獲利達廿‧六%。截至二○○二年底止,兩人在信託公司擁有至少一百萬美元的資產,也在紐約州買下一百七十萬美元以及兩百八十五萬美元的兩棟豪宅。







***Post by PAI of WBTI through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal.
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

Chief justice seeks help on caseloads
Legislature asked to fund more judges

[Nevada Supreme Court Chief Justice Nancy Becker, front left, speaks to members of the state Supreme Court and state lawmakers Wednesday at the Legislature in Carson City.

CARSON CITY -- Chief Justice Nancy Becker had some humorous asides in her State of the Judiciary speech to the Nevada Legislature on Wednesday but her bottom-line message was serious: Nevada judges need lawmakers' help in keeping up with ever-increasing caseloads.

Over the last four years, court caseloads in the Reno and Las Vegas areas have grown by more than 40 percent, Becker said, adding that cases are getting more complex and require more hours of a judge's time.

Becker said the American Bar Association says a court should be able to get through all its criminal cases within one year, but in Las Vegas, judges can get through less than two-thirds of such cases and are falling further behind.

Family courts in Reno and Las Vegas are meeting standards for handling domestic cases in a timely manner, but "the increased caseloads make it impossible to maintain those standards," the chief justice added.

"Percentages alone do not give an adequate picture," she said. "We are talking about delays in thousands of cases."

Becker also said the National Center for State Courts figures a trial judge's caseload should be about 1,400 cases, but in Reno it's 1,800 cases and in Las Vegas it's 2,400 cases.

For appellate courts, the standard is 100 cases per justice but the Nevada Supreme Court's average is 246 cases per justice, she said.

Becker said the court system is asking the 2005 Legislature to fund several new judges and provide money to bring back more retired judges on senior status to help deal with caseload growth.

Other bills will seek improvements in Nevada's rural courts, she said, adding that those proposals include construction of a new courthouse in Ely and establishment of a rural court coordinator.

Becker also said she's proud that Nevada's judicial system has achieved "a level of diversity unparalleled in the state's history."

The chief justice said she's a good example because of her family background, not just because she's a woman. Becker recalled seeing her Irish grandmother and a Russian great-aunt cheering and swearing, one in Gaelic and the other in Yiddish, while they watched a TV wrestling match in the 1950s.

"Our melting pot culture, combined with our unique governmental system, is what distinguishes us from other nations," Becker said. "And a key factor in that government is the judicial branch and its relationship with the legislative and executive branches."


Tue, 22 Feb 2005 10:51:11 -0500
From: Miss Kathie Ambrosio (for U. S. Senator John Ensign) [Kathie_Ambrosio@ensign.senate.gov]
To: Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

Thank You so much!

Kathie Ambrosio
Regional Representative
United States Senator John Ensign
333 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Ste. 8203
Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
(702) 388-6605 Phone
(702) 388-6501 Fax

Dear Kathie, Good morning! How are you? It's good to receive your e-mail. You're also on Google.com, Aol.com, and Review.journal com!
Try just type your name like "kathie ambrosio" or "kathie ambrosio wbti" on the searching box of Google.com please, and what could you find?

021605-3668 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, 9:16 a. m., Wednesday, February 16, 2005 #Second Edition *****

Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)
http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com

Many high-ranking officials attended the event and dinner party of the ART EXHIBIT of Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG
---Judge Betsy Kolkoski, among others cut the ribbon for Grand Opening
The following is an updated list of our Guests, whom invited by Dr. Tony Lei, Ms. Yin Yan, and Mr. James Chen, of the event and dinner party at 6:00 p.m. on February 4, 2005:

Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas; District Judges of Family Court Cheryl Moss and Sandra Pomrenze; Constable of Las Vegas Bobby Gronauer (represented by Mrs. Judy Lei); Las Vegas Judge Betsy Kolkoski; North Las Vegas Judge Natalie Tyrrell; U.S. Senator John Ensign's Representative Kathie Ambrosio; Constable's Executive Manaement Assistant Marian Replogle; Mr. Richard Kolkoski; and Asseblywomen Valerie Weber & Francis Allen ( represented by Dr. Tony Lei).

Judge Betsy Kolkoski, Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG, and the following five Chairmen (including 尹浩鏐 as the representaive of 潘天良) cut the ribbon for Grand Oppening. Most of the above high raking officials including Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas presented at the Dinner party in Emperor's Garden Restaurant with great pleasure.

At her short sppech, Judge Kolkoski welcomed Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG's enthusiam to bridge the art and cultural cooperation between Nevada and China with this significant ART EXIBIT. She appreciateted and enjoyed the close and sincere friendship with Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei(雷動天).

The dinner party was full with joy also with the dancing and singing of Mr. and MRS. QIN QUAN XIONG. The highlight of the dinner party was the Senatorial Recognition Award from U. S. Senator John Ensign to Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG, which was presented by his representative Miss Kathie Ambrosio to Mr. XIONG.

Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG painted a serial of writings to participants for donation. All the donation will be given the people with recent disasters in Southeast Asia.

A good news was announced by Judge Betsy Kolkoski during Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG's presentation: Immedeate source shows that she has no opponants and won the re-election as a judge.

Whether as an organizer or as a MC, Ms. Yin Yan played an important and successful role for the implementation of this Event and Dinner party.

The following is a sample of information of the invitation card designed creatively with colorful paintings (on the section of "Photos & Pictures" at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti):

Dear Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas,

Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI); Ms. Yin Yan, Vice President of America Taiyu International, LLC (ATI); and Mr. James Chen, President of Las Vegas Chinatown (LVC)

request the honor of your presence
as a Guest of Honor
at the Event and Dinner Party for
LAS VEGAS 2005 Chinese Lunar New Year
sponsored by ATI, LVC, and WBTI

on Friday, the Fourth of February, 2005
at Chinatown 2nd Floor Emperor's Garden Restaurant
4255 Spring Mountain Road, Suite B-203, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102
from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
(Grand Opening at 3:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor of Chinatown)

Please RSVP to (702)-255-9058 or E-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com
RSVP: Please call Judy at 255-9058 on or before Tuesday, February 1, 2005.


免費參觀 歡迎光臨

第一主席: 鐘武雄 (原舊金山市府華埠經濟委 員、湖南同鄉
主 席: 潘天良 (拉斯維加斯中華文學藝術聯合會會長)
主 席: 黃笑生 (拉斯維加斯華人協會會長)
主 席: 歐冬來 (《睹城天天報》發行人、社長)
主 席: Dr. Tony Lei (华盛顿工商技术研究院院長,美國國會眾議員資深顧問)
副主席: 尹浩鏐 (拉斯維加斯中華文學藝術聯合會副會長)
副主席: 言 立 (美國泰裕投資有限公司副董事長 )
副主席: 言 音 (美國泰裕投資有限公司副董事長)
副主席: 鐘 鵬 (美國泰裕投資有限公司總經理)


Tue, 22 Feb 2005 10:57:49 -0500
From: Miss Kathie Ambrosio (for U. S. Senator John Ensign) [Kathie_Ambrosio@ensign.senate.gov]
To: Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

--- "Ambrosio, Kathie (Ensign)" wrote:

> Hi Tony - I wanted to print out news article but I
> cannot. I would like
> to keep a copy of the article. Thank you.
> Kathie Ambrosio
> Regional Representative
> United States Senator John Ensign
> 333 Las Vegas Blvd. S., Ste. 8203
> Las Vegas, Nevada 89101
> (702) 388-6605 Phone
> (702) 388-6501 Fax
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Lei [mailto:tojulei@yahoo.com]
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 2:32 PM
> To: Ambrosio, Kathie (Ensign)
> Subject: You're on review.journal! Good afternoon!
> Good afternoon! How are you? You're on
> review.journal!
> It's on the section of "Photos & Pictures" at February 12, 2005 (in the
> top
> left box of its cover page) at:
> http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
> Have a nice time!
> 666666666666666666666666
> 777777777777777777777777777777777
> 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888
> ******************************************************************

***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by this reporter, 石振弘, are freely and absolutely his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Editor of this flier did all its literature in English.

"We all need to smile every once in a while," said the "IT'S KINDA FUNNY".

From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future."*1 The following is a post from "Yahoo!集" through its courtesy for ね到 (friendly and kindly post):

[In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".]

30分鐘,上網學會理財 7大招式 ***友善列印
是不是一直覺得理財很重要,但總抽不出時間讀完一本本理財聖經?或者總覺得沒有閒錢理財,認為現在投資自己比較重要? 如果你屬於上述兩種人,千萬別錯過以下7大招式。*2

近來,各大銀行、投顧業者,以及入口網站為了吸引年輕客戶,紛紛大舉擴充網站資源,提供從財務健診、投資性向分析、理財教學,到協助資產管理等實用卻免費的理斮Y源,足以讓一個門外漢輕 深入理財世界。







荷蘭銀行投資管理協理許美莊建議,理財的第一步應該先了解自己的財務 顩r以及可理財的 。以下4個步驟,教你輕 建立你的數位收支報表。


誰都知道收集紙本帳單很煩人,其實只要到所持信用卡的網站輕 輸入資料,便可以申請電子化帳單。以後只要把e-mail信箱中的電子帳單存檔,就可以輕易掌握過去幾個月用餐、購物到繳電話費的習慣。





4.每週花5分鐘記錄無法電子化的紙本帳單,3個月後審視理財 顩r

可能還是有一些帳單無法成為電子化帳單,現在只要開一個excel檔案,然後每週花5分鐘時間鍵入該週的重大收支,包括項目、金額、時間,同時複製貼上前述的電子帳單,就輕 完成自己的數位收支報表。



了解了自己的財務 顩r後,下一步可以進行理財健診與理財規劃,楊啟倫建議,填寫時越貼近真實,健診與規劃的結果才會越貼近需求,不過,楊啟倫也提到,一般年輕人的財務結構簡單,較不需要進行財務健診,除非有家庭負擔或是本身財務較複雜。否則重要的是確立自己的理財目標,然後進行理財規劃。






*1. Yahoo!集. 'Tien Hsia Magazine,' "A search of Yahoo Magazines," February 18, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan: Yahoo奇摩.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Ibid.


Pepperdine University ---Graziadio School Venture Capital/Private Equity Event - May 9th
By GSBM of Pepperdine University

We're proud to announce our first annual Venture Capital & Private Equity Forum to be held Monday, May 9, 2005 at our West Los Angeles Campus.

The forum will focus significant discussion about the venture capital investment process, including evaluation, negotiation and structuring of private equity financings. The discussion will cover the development of an entrepreneur's business plan and operating model in the context of raising funds from investors. The format will include a presentation, interactive discussions and case study references. Everyone attending will also receive a 3-ring binder of materials, case studies and articles.

Whether you are an entrepreneur looking for capital or an investor looking for venture opportunities, this event will provide you access to the latest trends of some of today's most successful venture capitalists.

The featured presenter will be Graziadio School alumnus, Dan Deeney. Dan is a lecturer at the Wharton School's venture capital programs and is an alumnus of that school. Dan is a partner with New Venture Partners (formerly Lucent New Ventures Group), a venture capital firm with $400 million under management focused on communications and IT investments.

The Management Partners Alumni fee for the day's events, including lunch is $295.00 per person. The general Pepperdine alumni fee is $325.00. Non alumni guest fee is $425.00 per person. Seats are limited, so we suggest you register early at http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/VCPE. For further information, please call the Alumni Office at 310-568-5639.

Forum Details:

The VC&PE Forum is a one-day event that will have the morning session devoted to the entrepreneur's perspective and the afternoon focused on the venture capitalist's perspective.

Morning session topics covered will include:

A. Identify market need and business concept

B. Develop product or service solution

C. Outline R&D requirements and product development roadmap

D. Define business model and operating plan

E. Define sales and distribution strategy

F. Define manufacturing or operational scaling requirements

G. Define product implementation and service processes

H. Identify key milestones and objectives for business

I. Recruit management team and other key resources

J. Identify financing and capitalization requirements

Afternoon session will include:

K. History and structure of the venture capital industry

L. Partnership formation and organization: general and limited partners

M. Fund structure and investment timeline

N. Investment criteria and strategy

O. Identification of deal flow

P. Evaluation of investment opportunity

Q. Due diligence process

R. Valuation methodologies and analysis

S. Term sheet drafting and deal structuring

T. Transaction negotiation and execution

U. Monitoring of investments and governance

V. Harvesting of investments and liquidity events

W. Fund returns

There will be ample time for Q&A and networking throughout the day.



Dr. Condoleezza Rice confirmed as secretary of state*1

Ex-national security adviser first black female to hold office
Wednesday, January 26, 2005 Posted: 12:18 PM EST (1718 GMT)

Condoleezza Rice was questioned sharply at times during last week's committee hearing.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Condoleezza Rice won Senate confirmation as secretary of state on Wednesday, after hours of sometimes-bitter debate Tuesday that focused largely on the war in Iraq.

The final vote of the full Senate was 85-13 in favor of the nomination.

Rice, 50, is the first African-American woman and second woman to become secretary of state.

Rice had long been expected to win the GOP-controlled Senate's blessing to succeed Colin Powell as head of the State Department.

Some Democratic senators used Tuesday's debate -- actually, a series of floor speeches -- to blast the Bush administration over the war, saying Rice dodged questions on the issue in her confirmation hearing.

Leading the charge against Rice on Tuesday were Democratic Sens. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, Robert Byrd of West Virginia and Barbara Boxer of California.

Boxer, one of two Democrats to vote against Rice's nomination in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said Rice's answers to her questions were "completely nonresponsive" and raised more issues about her credibility than they answered.

"President Bush in his inaugural address talked about bringing freedom to countries that don't have it. He didn't specify how," Boxer said.

But since the human rights group Freedom House lists 49 countries as "not free," she said, "I worry about sending more troops on military missions based on hyped-up rhetoric. And that's why these questions are so important."

GOP's Warner: Attacks 'astonishing'
Democratic leaders forced an extended debate on Rice's nomination in order to express their concerns over prewar claims about Iraq that Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Illinois, said were "just plain wrong, and repeated."

"Dr. Condoleezza Rice was in the room, at the table, when decisions were made, and she has to accept responsibility for what she said," Durbin said.

Sen. John Warner, R-Virginia, defended Rice, calling attacks on her integrity "somewhat astonishing" and noted that many governments had considered Iraq "a grave and gathering threat."

"I do not find any disloyalty, any lack of truthfulness in her remarks publicly throughout this process as it related to the earlier base of knowledge of weapons of mass destruction," said Warner, the chairman of the Armed Services Committee.

Last week, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee endorsed Rice's nomination on a 16-2 vote, with only Boxer and defeated presidential candidate John Kerry opposing it.

Rice is the daughter of a minister from Birmingham, Alabama, entered college at age 15 and earned a doctorate in international affairs by 26. She was a Soviet expert in the first Bush administration and tutored George W. Bush on international policy during the 2000 campaign before becoming his national security adviser.

Other nominees
The Senate Judiciary Committee voted 10-8 Wednesday to send the nomination of Alberto Gonzales for attorney general to the Senate.

The full Senate was to debate the nominations of Jim Nicholson as Secretary of Veterans Affairs and Michael Leavitt to be Secretary of Health and Human Services on Wednesday afternoon.

CNN's Ed Henry contributed to this report.


*1. CNN.com. 'Inside Politics,' "A search of Dr. Condoleezza Rice on Google.com," (February 16, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


Welcome to Tunghai University 東海大學*1

From Tunghai University抯 (東海大學) humble beginnings in 1955, we had adopted the 損ioneering spirit to be our hallmark. When most Taiwanese universities sole emphasis was on specialization, we were the first to encourage a well-rounded general education. When the standard practice was separation between academics and life, we innovated with a student work labor program to promote holistic education. Even after 47 years, this program is an integral part of the Tunghai curriculum. It has been affirmed by people from all walks of life, and has been imitated by other universities. These manifestations of our pioneering spirit have made Tunghai a university unique in its goals and ideals.

Tunghai has always had deep respect for the arts, and, in addition to regular lectures and seminars, sponsors a performing Arts Festival, which draws large crowds every year from the campus and surrounding community.

The tranquil Tunghai University (東海大學) campus is an ideal environment to pursue studies. You can frequently find teachers and students meeting together, or just relaxing, in many areas throughout the campus, whether in the acacia groves, the campus mall, the traditional Chinese-style buildings, the Sunny Meadow or the chapel.

Recently, we have been working to enlarge and improve our educational facilities. Tunghai has consistently been among the best private universities in the country. In the future, we will continue to innovate and make our unique contribution to Taiwanese higher education.


*1. Google. 'Welcome,' "A search of Tunghai University (東海大學) and Tunghai University Alumni Association (東海大學校友會) on Google.com," (February 15, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


Elaine Chao was praised for her integrity, honesty, kindness, management skills, and popularlity through the climbing of ladders*1

Elaine Chao
Nationality: Chinese, American
Ethnicity: Asian American
Occupation: Secretary of Labor

The year is 1961. President John F. Kennedy has just created the Peace Corps. He speaks idealistically of creating world peace and promoting friendship, of encouraging American volunteers to learn how to work side by side with citizens of developing nations.*2

In one of those developing nations, Taiwan, eight-year-old Elaine Chao plays in the red earthen clay with her sisters, while her parents, James and Ruth, dream of a better future. James, at the time, was studying at St. John's University in Queens, New York. Later that year, Elaine, her mother, and sisters board a freighter from Taipei to join their father in America.

"It was a wonderful trip for a small child of eight," Chao told Geraldine Baum in a 1992 interview with the Los Angeles Times, shortly after then-president George Bush named her director of the Peace Corps. "My first port of call was Los Angeles. That's where I laid my first foot on America."

Peace Corps
Though Chao had never served as a Peace Corps volunteer, her appointment to head the agency in late 1991 seemed like a natural fit: an immigrant from a developing country heading an agency in the midst of transition. A Republican loyalist who'd campaigned for Bush, California governor Pete Wilson, and other Los Angeles-area Republicans, she represented a new, young and refreshing political face.
The limelight faded quickly, however. Chao lost her job as head of the Peace Corps when Bush lost his bid for reelection. But she had too many skills to disappear entirely. In mid-1992, she was named president of United Way of America, a job that has perhaps stretched her well-touted management skills and experience with nonprofits to the limit.

When Chao took over the job of United Way director, the agency was in turmoil. Former United Way president William Aramony had been pulling in a $390,000 annual salary. He had spent agency donations on first-class airline tickets and had hired a friend with questionable bank dealings as the agency's chief financial officer. As these disclosures became known, local United Way agencies began withholding dues. As the scandal hit the headlines, Aramony resigned under fire. United Way donations plummeted by $140 million between 1991 and 1992.

Chao's job was to reform the agency and help it regain credibility. Selected from a list of 600 candidates, she was praised for her integrity, honesty, and management skills. She did not seek the position, but after accepting the job, called it too good to pass up. "United Way of America is a challenge that I could not decline," she said in an August 1992 interview with the Washington Post.

Born in Taiwan, she emigrated to the United States with her mother and sisters in 1961. The family, rejoining her father, James, settled in Queens, New York. After her father completed college, he formed a shipping and trading business, Foremost Maritime Corporation, which today is well known in international shipping circles.

Chao remembers her father as hard-working and driven, a man who taught his daughters how to fix toilets and apply tar to driveways. He passed on conservative values, stressing the importance of hard work and education in achieving one's goals. As the shipping business prospered, the family moved from Queens to Long Island and eventually to an affluent New York City suburb in Westchester County.

Chao graduated from Mount Holyoke College and received her master's in business administration from the Harvard Business School. She also studied at such prestigious institutions as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth College, and Columbia University. After completing her schooling, Chao began to climb the corporate ladder. With a background in international banking and finance, she worked from 1979 to 1983 as an international banker at Citicorp in New York. She was selected as a White House fellow to serve at the White House in 1983 and 1984, and joined BankAmerica Capital Markets Group in San Francisco as vice-president of syndications.

After moving to California, she got involved in Republican politics, campaigning for Bush, Wilson, and local politicians. She served as national chairman of Asian Americans for Bush/Quayle in 1988 and spoke briefly at the GOP convention.

Her work was rewarded with an appointment as deputy administrator of the Maritime Administration, which launched her on a slow but steady climb through federal government bureaucracy. After two years as deputy administrator, she became chairperson of the Federal Maritime Commission and then was appointed deputy secretary of the U.S. Department of Transportation. As she climbed the ranks, she gained a reputation as a confident, hardworking manager. She also gained insights into Washington D.C.'s inside political network.

Chao attended luncheons with Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor, dated various political insiders, and networked heavily. This networking, along with her hard work, made her the highest ranking Asian Pacific American woman in the executive branch in U.S. history.

But some of her stances occasionally infuriated other Asian Americans. For instance, she joined Bush in opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1991 because it promoted quotas, a concept she felt inhibited minorities' meritorious achievements.

Nevertheless, when first appointed Peace Corps director, she spoke of her immigrant roots with pride. At her swearing-in ceremony, she talked about playing with red earthen clay as a child because there were no other toys and of eating duck eggs because chicken eggs were unavailable. "These memories of living in a developing nation are part of who I am today and give me a profound understanding of the challenges of economic development," she said in a January 1992 interview with the Los Angeles Times.

The Peace Corps, at the time, was in the midst of transition. Bush wanted the organization to develop more specialized training for less-poor but highly needy emerging democracies, such as Hungary and Bulgaria. It also was fighting to overcome an image of arrogance that had been fostered through its thirty-year existence. Chao felt she could understand this arrogance well. "I still remember ... how valuable tissue paper was and how rich Americans seemed because they would use it up and throw it away so easily," she said in a 1992 interview with American Shipper magazine. "It's an attitude thing, born out of naturally acquired affluence. It's hard to explain, but it stays with you and you understand the feeling."

United Way Challenge
When she joined United Way, she approached the agency much as she approached the Peace Corps. Just as she visited nearly half of the agency's active volunteers worldwide, she spent much of her first year as United Way director visiting local affiliates from Maine to Oregon, trying to determine what they felt was missing. She felt strongly that making the national organization more sensitive to local needs would be a key to turning United Way around. "This is a redress that is badly needed and is long in coming," she said in a May 1993 interview with the Christian Science Monitor.
To restore public confidence in the agency, Chao started at a salary of $195,000, half the salary of her controversial predecessor. She imposed new travel and expense controls, and restructured programs to put more emphasis on training, field regulation, and service. Before she joined United Way, the agency had increased its board of directors from thirty to forty-seven members to include more local affiliate representatives. To directly serve local agencies, she established a member-services division.

Like most restructurings, the changes at United Way were painful. Nearly one-third of the agency's staff was let go, and its budget was cut by one-third. But Chao is slowly getting results. As of late 1993, most affiliates who had withheld dues had returned to the fold. And, although a difficult economy caused a slowdown in charitable contributions, Chao said her prognosis for 1994 was "cautious optimism."

On January 31, 2001, Chao was sworn in as the nation's 24th Secretary of Labor, making her the first Asian-American woman appointed to a President's cabinet in U.S. history.

Family: The family, rejoining her father, James, settled in Queens, New York. After her father completed college, he formed a shipping and trading business, Foremost Maritime Corporation. Education: Chao graduated from Mount Holyoke College and received her master's in business administration from the Harvard Business School. She also studied at such prestigious institutions as the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dartmouth College, and Columbia University.*3


*1. The title was set up by the Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI).
*2. Google. 'A profile of Elaine Chao ---by "Women's Lives",' "A search about Elaine Chao on the Google.com," (February 11, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*3. Ibid.


To build a world in the knowledge of business and economics
By Cheryl Moss and Tiffany Chang*1

Eric Chen, Esq., is also a many years experienced Taiwanese merchant in China. His idea is to inspire some people to build a world in the knowledge of business and economics for China like what Dr. Charles Kao did for Taiwan.

Dr. Charles Kao is former Professor & Chairman and now Honorary Professor of University of Wisconsin. "I couldn't catch up Dr. Tony Lei's dinner party at his home in Ging Ning Mansion, but I'll have coffee hour with him and others professors eventually in the party," said Dr. Kao in Taipei early in the morning one day many years ago.

Inspired by Dr. Tony Lei's many publications in business management demonstrated on the Wine Closet in the parlor, Dr. Charles Kao applaused, "Do it brightly and we may make the same excellency also. I'm interested in following Tony's creativeness to pioneer even a bigger economics and business world here soon after I come back from United States."*2

Within ten years, he established the Empire of "Tien Shia" ["The World"(The Lord) in Chinese] in Taiwan! His popularity and influence to the people in Taiwan have been offered him accomplishment much more than just his splendid academic title.

It is our pleasure to post "KAOS announce major gift to UW-River Falls," which was a news delivered by University of Wisconsin -River Falls:

Dr. Charles H.C. Kao and Mrs. Anne Kao have made a leader- ship pledge of $50,000 over the next five years to be used toward the accomplishment of the University's "Reach for the Future" major gifts campaign.
In announcing their gift, Dr. Kao indicated it was their wish to support three important areas of the University: faculty development, Academic Excellence Higher Education Education Scholarships, and exchange programs with Greater China.
Dr. and Mrs. Kao have been generous supporters of international programs for many years. Most recently, they were instrumental in the establishment of the Center for Pacific Rim Studies. The Center is responsible for providing opportunities for visiting professors and artists from Asia to visit the UW-River Falls campus and promoting educational exchanges between the two cultures. A portion of their gift will be used to underwrite faculty development opportunities and scholarships in the College of Arts &Sciences.
Elected as the Distinguished Professor of the Year in 1974, Dr. Kao was the chair of the department of economics from 1971-80. Since then he has devoted part of his time in Greater China (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong) involved in research, lecturing, writing and publishing. Known as a "leading thinker" in Greater China, Dr. Kao has written more than 15 books in Chinese in his field of economic policy and social thought. Two of his books were given the national prize in Taiwan. In addition to his academic activity, he has also been serving as an economic advisor to the central government there.
Mrs. Kao had a successful 25-year career with 3M Company and is currently working for IBM in Beijing as a computer systems consultant. She is very interested in international programs and cultural exchange in the arts.*3

Dr. Tony Lei transferred the education of BBA and MBA in the United States of America to Taiwan. The intellectuals who joined him were many professors, scholars, administrators, publishers, among others. All of them together, for many years, helped bring the Miracle of Economy of Taiwan realized. "Together with the successful experience of economic deveopment in Taiwan, now is the time for China to advance it even better!" said Eric Chen.


*1. Judge Cheryl Moss was elected to the District Court, Family Division in November 2000. She graduated from the George Washington University, Washington D.C. with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Judge Moss then attended the Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. where she graduated in the top 25% of her class and was a National Team Leader in the law school抯 Moot Court Team for the Spong National Competition.
*2. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.
*3. UW-River Falls. 'KAOS announce major gift to UW-River Falls,' "A serach about Dr. Charles Kao from Google.com," (January 25, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.


From: Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas [mdouglas@nvcourts.state.nv.us]
Mon, 7 Feb 2005 11:00:57 -0800

Dr. Lei: Yes I agree.
Thank You
M. Douglas

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Lei [mailto:tojulei@yahoo.com]
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2005 9:57 AM
To: Douglas, Justice Michael
Subject: RE: Thank you. ---A draft.

Dear Michael, Good morning! We followed carefully your corrections. Do
you agree also with the correction of ( s/b lawyers and law students
that promotes ...)?
Thank you for your kind concern.

--- "Douglas, Justice Michael"

> Dr. Lei: Please note the following changes;
> Paragraph 4. coutr s/b court
> Paragraph 6. (top........

From: Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas [mdouglas@nvcourts.state.nv.us]
Mon, 7 Feb 2005 08:52:45 -0800

Dr. Lei: Please note the following changes;
Paragraph 4. coutr s/b court
Paragraph 6. (top of page 2.) president-elect s/b
lawyers and law students
to s/b.. lawyers
-----Original Message----- and law students that
From: Tony Lei [mailto:tojulei@yahoo.com]
Sent: Saturday, February 05, 2005 11:28 AM Thanks. M.
To: Douglas, Justice Michael
Subject: A draft.

Dear Justice Douglas, Good morning! Thank you very much for your
presence at the Dinner Party last night.
Any comment or modification extend from you to WBTI on the following
draft of article will highly be appreciated.
Dr. Tony Lei & PAI of WBTI

*****This is some part of a draft for final editing and modification.
The completed article will be post in the morning on or before February
8, 2005.

Michael Douglas has been appointed Associate Professor of GSBPA by WBTI
By Mark Denton, Valoria Vega, and Tiffany Chang

"Through the recommendation by our faculty members including Nevada
District Judges Mark Denton and Valoria Vega, Dr. Michael .................


Friday, February 04, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

Winning Formula

Tim McGraw and George Strait tend to sing fairly simple, emotional songs written around memorable phrases

This weekend's country tourists are not alike. Tim McGraw is a bad boy with a hip-hop hit.

George Strait was once given something called the Presidential American Vocation Success Award.

Tim McGraw has been performing two new songs in concert, lately, according to NetMusicCountdown.com. One is called "Drugs or Jesus." It goes: "Everybody just wants to get high, sit and watch a perfect world go by. We're all looking for love and meaning in our lives. We follow the roads that lead us to drugs or Jesus."

The other new song McGraw has been singing onstage is called "Let's Get Drunk and Fight."

Country songs seem to be written around memorable phrases like those. And unlike in other genres, in country music you can always tell the title of a song, because it is sung very clearly in the choruses. That way, fans know how to find it. There's little ambiguity in popular country music.

And the two biggest male stars in country music -- McGraw and George Strait, who play separate concerts in Vegas this weekend -- do not stray from that formula.

Although, not everyone thinks this recipe for hit-making is formulaic. Jon Anthony, the music director for the Highway 16 channel on XM satellite radio in Nashville, puts up a defense of the simple style.

"That's the beauty of country music in a lot of ways," Anthony says. "There's always a message, and country music is always really good about conveying emotion, whether that emotion is heartbreak, or love, or whatever."

Anthony says this leads to country songs that aren't complex. But that's a good thing in its way, he says.

"Lyrically, it's simple in a lot of ways. Musically and melodically, it's easy to follow, and it's easy to sing along with. And I think that (separates) it from a lot of pop music.

"When Tim McGraw sings a love song in concert, the guy (fan) is gonna be singing it right to his girl right beside him," Anthony says. "He'll be singing along with the words, almost as if he could take on that same persona."

One of the appeals of McGraw, who owns the Arena Football League team the Nashville Kats, is that he's living the "middle American's dream," Anthony says.

"He's got a wonderful family, and the guy goes onstage, and everybody goes nuts for him," he says. "Everybody would love to trade places with Tim McGraw for a day."

Or with his wife. McGraw concerts typically flash photos of him and his wife and their family on giant screens. Sometimes, this causes fans to go, "awww."

"You see a picture of their family, and the guys are saying, `What a lucky guy,' and then the girls are saying, `What a lucky gal.' "

But women also like that there's a little bit of bad boy in McGraw.

"Remember, he got arrested in Buffalo -- on the George Strait tour," Anthony says.

McGraw and country singer Kenny Chesney were embroiled in a run-in with police a few years ago.

"A lot of people think that's incredibly sexy," Anthony says.

McGraw has also reached out to mainstream audiences by singing a duet with hip-hop's Nelly. Their single, "Over and Over," topped Billboard magazine's Mainstream Top 40 chart. On Sunday, the two will appear in a Super Bowl ad for Bud Light.

If McGraw has some hip-hop bad boy in him, Strait is a straight-up, clean-cut cowboy. A military veteran, he was given the strangely named honor the Presidential American Vocation Success Award in 1989. He was once named one of the sexiest men in America by People magazine. He also has the sympathy of tragedy in his background -- his daughter was killed in a car wreck in 1986.

In concert, Strait is a crowd pleaser. As Tom Netherland wrote in a show review in the Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch in January, "Too many fill-in-the-blank McCountry stars apparently prefer screaming to singing. But not George Strait. ... Dressed smartly in a black hat, blue Wranglers, and a pressed Western shirt, Strait grabbed a guitar, cracked a smile and opened with a raucous `The Fireman.' "

In person, Strait's smile looks nothing but friendly. He's all hat and cattle, too. Raised in rural Texas, he is a member of the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. He hunts. He fishes. He breeds quarter horses.

"He's got a quiet authenticity about him (and) a ruggedness," Anthony says.


I will continue to fight for our people and country
By Shelley Berkley


As the 109th Congress re-convenes in Washington next week, I want to reaffirm my commitment to be your voice in the U.S. House of Representatives.

There is much to do in the year ahead. We must work to secure democracy in Iraq, stabilize and strengthen the U.S. economy, reduce the deficit, promote retirement security for all Americans, address the rising cost of health care, establish a sound energy policy that reduces our dependency on foreign oil, improve educational opportunities and resources for our children, and safeguard our families and communities.

I will also continue fighting for issues important to Nevada-stopping the nuclear waste dump at Yucca Mountain, ensuring our local veterans have a full service medical center, expanding and improving our transportation system, and making certain that Southern Nevada receives the homeland security assistance it deserves.

On May 15, 2005, Las Vegas will celebrate its centennial. I look forward to joining with you as we commemorate the first 100 years of the world's most dynamic city. Las Vegas remains the fastest growing metropolitan area in the United States and more than 36 million visitors are expected this year alone. When I moved to the Valley four decades ago, it would have been hard to imagine the success and prosperity our city in the desert enjoys today. We enter our second century with unlimited promise and high hopes for all that the future holds.

Don't forget to sign-up for my e-newsletter, which I provide as a free service to my constituents. This electronic bulletin will be e-mailed directly to you and will contain timely updates on important legislation and information on issues that affect Southern Nevada and the nation.

Please feel free to forward this message along to your friends and neighbors.

Thank you and best wishes. I look forward to hearing from you soon and continuing to serve you.


Member of Congress


Sun, 23 Jan 2005 21:11:26 -0800
From: Assemblywoman Valerie Weber [veweber@usa.net]

Dear Dr Lei:

How I would love to attend your dinner celebrating Chinese New Year.
Unfortunately, I will be unable to attend as I will be in Carson City
ready to start the new legislative session on Monday, February 7th.

Please convey my greetings and thanks to all the hosts of this dinner
I will miss you all as my heart with(will) be with you!

Continued prosperity to all!


Valerie E Weber
Nevada Assemblywoman/Minority Whip
Clark County District 5
Serving SW Las Vegas

From: Assemblywoman Francis Allen [francisoallen@cox.net]
Sat, 22 Jan 2005 23:47:52 -0800

Dear Dr. Lei:

Unfortunately I am unable to attend your Feb 4th event. I will be in
City preparing for the Legislature to begin on Feb. 7th. Thank you for
invitation and thank you for thinking of me.




Through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

Analysts get preview tour of Wynn Las Vegas

Appearances are not all they seem.

And gaming analysts, offered a behind-the-scenes preview this week of the $2.5 billion Wynn Las Vegas, said that despite a significant amount of construction remaining to be completed in the next 90 days, the 2,700-room resort will be ready when guests begin arriving April 28.

The track record of Wynn Resorts Ltd. Chairman Steve Wynn, whose previous teams opened The Mirage (1989), Treasure Island (1993) and Bellagio (1998) on time, helped alleviate concerns about many areas of the property that are still far from finished.

According to analysts, construction crews, beginning this week, will operate on 20-hour workday schedules in order to complete many of the public areas, such as the main atrium, restaurants, walkways and retail offerings.

"Management assured us that the property would open on time," said Goldman Sachs analyst Steven Kent. "In fact, management said that this property is ahead of where Bellagio was at this point prior to its opening. Our past experience with casino openings suggests the final product only really gets pulled together a few weeks before opening, so for now we are truly not concerned about meeting the opening date."

Deutsche Bank analyst Marc Falcone agreed that Wynn Las Vegas would be ready for its initial customers.

"While we acknowledge there is still a lot of work to do before the facility is ready, we remain comfortable that it will open on time as required under the company's lending agreements," Falcone said, adding the company has $200 million built in for construction contingencies.

Samanta Stewart, who oversees investor relations for Wynn Resorts, said the project is on schedule for a hotel-casino of its magnitude three months outside of opening.

"We're comfortable everything is on time and on budget," she said.

The tour, conducted by Wynn Resorts Chief Operating Officer Marc Schorr, gave analysts an initial look at Wynn Las Vegas, the first new megaresort to open on the Strip since the Aladdin in 2000. The property is expected to include 111,000 square feet of casino space, 18 restaurants, 200,000 square feet of convention space, and retail attractions.

The 18-hole golf course, redesigned from its previous layout as the Desert Inn, has been completed. Kent said a round of golf will cost $500.

Analysts said the design of the resort, in which much of the property's special features will be hidden from the public behind a man-made mountain heavily decorated with trees, gives the property a boutique atmosphere.

For example, the primary restaurants are along the edge of a man-made lake facing the mountain, which will feature a light and entertainment show every 20 minutes.

"Throughout the tour management pointed out small lessons that it learned from its past experiences, and how it wanted to improve on them," Kent said. "Perhaps one of the biggest lessons was to make customers pay to see the extraordinary attractions rather than getting to see them for free from the street or in their cars. The property has walls surrounding most of the excitement, so visitors will have to enter the hotel, go to a restaurant or bar and pay to see what's going on."

Falcone said he expects a strong public reaction to Wynn Las Vegas, which is designed to maximize guest comfort and convenience and also to minimize operating costs.

"The design and layout of the property is differentiated from existing Strip properties, including the rooms and suites, layout of the casino, the quality of restaurants and entertainment venues, and the flow of the property," Falcone said. "It is evident that management measured every detail in the planning process and we believe the layout will facilitate cost synergies."

Analysts said guests are expected to pay an average of $271 a night for a 600-square-foot standard hotel room, which is higher than previous estimates. Other rooms will have an increased rate, including $400 a night for one of the 45 junior suites, that measure 900 square feet, and $750 a night for the 1,800-square-foot Salon Suites.

In addition, Wynn Las Vegas will offer 18 fairway villas at $2,000 a night.

Bear Stearns analyst Joe Greff said the property has already sold out several dates, even though bookings began just a few weeks ago.

"Based on an apples-to-apples comparison of standard rooms, Wynn's rates would be very competitive and substantially below current luxury Strip offerings," Greff said. "We expect the number of sold-out nights will rise as the public awareness of the opening spreads."


Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!

The following is a speech in Chinese by Becky Ung (吳雷洛美). Becky is the former President and Member of the School Board for Unified School District of San Morino, California. Ms. Becky Ung is now the Chairperson of E. Q. Research Committee (EQRC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI):

如何成為一個卓越的領導者、溝通者?當義工多年的經驗,給了我許多寶貴的心得。 我最新的著作「非常EQ,魅力人生」,主要的內容,就是提到溝通能力的培養,及EQ----情緒管理的重要性。一般來說,在企業界EQ高的人升遷速度比IQ低的人快得多。我們也可以觀察到一個成功事業的領導者,通常具有良好的自我形象與自信心,及充沛的人脈網絡,讓人們樂意追隨他,為他效勞。這種 顩r有百分之八十是靠他的EQ,百分之二十才是IQ的功勞。IQ多少是先天具有的,不易改變,但EQ卻是可以靠後天學習培養而來的。

EQ這個名詞風行於全世界,是因為丹尼 柛呗┦(Daniel Goleman)1995年的暢銷書「EQ,為什麼它比IQ重要?」,而讓世人認識到情緒管理的重要性。此書綜合歸納亞里斯多德的情緒理論,書中開宗明義就指出,任何人都會有負面情緒如發怒等,這是人類情緒的表現,不一定是壞事,但情緒的對象、時間、程度、原因、方式要能掌握住對的方向,則是一件不容易的事。負面情緒產生時,不應該逃避它、壓抑它,而是要處理得當,不讓它產生負面行為,而導致不良後果。這些就得經過不斷的學習過程,才能掌握住自己和周圍的 顩r,下正確的判斷。中國人通常都忽略自己的情緒,也不太會表達自己的感受,如何作好情緒管理的工作,對我們就非常重要。

情緒管理首先要能明瞭自己的情緒,並逐次的標識它,收集發生的 顩r、時間、原因、對象等資料。其次就是發掘疏散自己情緒衝擊的有效方法,方法因人而異,有些人 音樂、唱歌,也有些人運動、深呼吸、散步,或寫日記、找人聊天都是好方法。

在負面情緒產生時,處理的對策有很重要的四個步驟不能少,就是「STAR」。Stop----稍停片刻。Think---- 考慮後果,三思而後行。Action----採取正確行動。Review----反省檢討。這套方式不只用在情緒管理上,在許多方面也都能適用。



在辦公室或工作場所最能發揮EQ功效。優秀員工的特質,包括溝通協調的能力、適應力和彈性、團 精神、解決問題的能力及學習動機強弱,這些都是情緒管理的課題,也是雇主雇用員工時,衡量的標準,在這其中溝通協調就佔有很大的份量。

人與人之溝通時,通常並非完全靠語言,其實語言只有百分之七的影響力,說話的語調有百分之三十八的影響力,最重要的是肢體語言,如面帶微笑、目光接觸、點頭回應等。能讓對方完全無誤的接收到你的訊息,並且做出反應來,讓你也知道他的感覺,這才能算是完成溝通的程序。徵詢對方意見時,說話要有技巧,充分給對方回答問題的空間,避免Yes or No 的問話方式。

當然要做個良好的溝通者,先要學會做個好 眾,百分七十的時間用心 對方的說話,先瞭解對方的想法,百分三十的時間才陳述自己的看法,讓對方感覺到你的重視和理解,溝通才能順利進行。




Linda Shyr has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution of WBTI
By Archie Chang, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang

"Through the recommendation by our faculty members including Dr. Archie Chang and Nevada District Judge Cheryl Moss, Ms. Linda Shyr has been appointed Assistant Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on January 10, 2005," announced Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Wednesday, January 12, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.

"I'm inspired by the many years of U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao's endeavor and contribution to social and benevolent works. I'd quite understand that working with these professionals and intellectuals in Public Administration Institution will bring me growth with my development in business. Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has been directed to good work performance in community service and humane spirit under the spiritual leadership of its Chairperson Elaine Chao," said Miss Linda Shyr at the dinner party held by WBTI at the Lillie Langtry's Restaurant in Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel , Las Vegas on January 11, 2005. She was invited to dinner and informed by Dr. Tony Lei about her appointment.

Linda Shyr, esq., earned her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of California at Irvine and her Juris Doctor degree at the University of Maryland at Baltimore School of Law.

She believes that an attorney should act with integrity and a conscience and hopes that her presence in the Asian communities will assist those looking for truth, reliability and professionalism in representation. She carries this hope also to Las Vegas, Nevada, where she has set up an office with Mr. Phil Abramowitz of Korenberg, Abramowitz & Feldun, the largest immigration law firm in the Los Angeles area, to provide honest representation and service to the Las Vegas community.

Linda is a native Taiwanese. She was born in Tainan, Taiwan. At the age of 7, she came to the United States of America with her parents. Ms. Shyr is an immigrant and was raised in the southern California area. She is a Christian. She speaks Chinese, Taiwanese, and English.

"It is indeed an honor for me to become a Fellow of PAI. This position will undoubtedly provide me with new avenues for exploring improvements in public services to which I am most dedicated. I look forward to working together with Dr. Tony Lei in these endeavors," said District Judge of Nevada, U. S. A. Valorie Vega.


You're on Google.com!
Google answers our people, communities, and world!!!
---Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)
A cartoon about Google.com:
"Google is going to scan books and put them on the web!"
"Wow! That's great!"
"What's a book?"
---"PRICKLY CITY" (12/27/04)[Through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal.]

[Continue from a previous flier of a cartoon by 'Family Circus' ("I'm on the honor roll, but there's nothing about it on Google.")]

Hi, good boy! You're almost everyday on Google.com with wbti - business! [ On the section of "Cartoons & Art" at: > http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ]

Dear visitors, try this please: On the searching box of Google.com or aol.com, type any of the following names ---

dr kenny guinn, dr kenny c guinn; professor harry reid, dr harry reid; dr john ensign; professor shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley; ms elaine chao, elaine chao u s, secretary elaine chao, elaine chao chairperson, elaine chao ms, elaine chao, wbti chairperson; ---; miss yin yan, yin yan miss, assistant president yin yan, yin yan, America Taiyu Investment, LLC.,; assistant president yi li, yi li miss, miss yi li, yi li; lynette mcdonald; valorie vega; nancy oesterle; agnas chan; bobby gronauer; jennifer togliatti; miss valerie weber, valerie e weber; besty kolkoski; natalie tyrrell; nafu lee; sapatra chemprachum; becky ung, e q becky ung, ms becky ung, eq chairperson; thai cultural art association of lv, tcaalv; nevada governor kenny guinn, chairman of advisory board kenny guinn, kenny guinn, governor kenny guinn, dr kenny c guinn; us senator harry reid, vice chairmen harry reid, harry reid, senator harry reid, dr harry reid; vice chairmen of advisory board john ensign, john ensign, senator john ensign, dr john ensign; us congreeswoman shelley berkley, executive director shelley berkley, shelley berkley, congreeswoman shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley ; jim gibbons wbti, congressman jim gibbons, james gibbons, jim gibbons; chairperson of wbti elaine chao, u s secretary of labor elaine chao, ms elaine chao, secretary elaine chao, elaine chao; wbti president; dr sun yuan kung, sun yuan kung; dr. tony lei, tony lei; brian sandoval advisor, brian sandoval esq, brian sandoval; bill maupin esq; bill maupin fellow, bill maupin, william maupin esq, william maupin; Dean Linda Livingstone (Pepperdine University), dr Linda Livingstone, linda livingstone, pepperdine university; vice presidents valorie vega, valoria vega, valorie vega esq; vice presidents mark denton, mark denton, mark denton esq; director of pai william thompson, william thompson, dr bill thompson, dr william thompson; gsbpa; director keong leong, dr. keong leong, keong leong, professor keong leong, g keong leong; director lee bernick, dr. lee bernick, lee bernick, professor lee bernick, e lee bernick; director sue fawn chung, dr. sue fawn chung, sue fawn chung, associate professor sue fawn chung; professor dina titus, dr dina titus; dina titus; Fellow of pai nancy becker, nancy becker; Fellow of pai sue del papa, sue del papa; jessie walsh esq, associate fellow jessie walsh, jessie walsh, miss jessie walsh; michele leavitt esq, associate fellow michele leavitt, michele leavitt, miss michele leavitt; lynette mcdonald, ms lynette mcdonald; ms barbara buckley, barbara buckley, barbara buckley associate fellow; nancy saitta esq; nancy saitta, ms nancy saitta; rory reid esq, assistant professor rory reid, dr rory reid, rory reid; abbi silver esq, assistant professor abbi silver, abbi silver; nancy oesterle, nancy oesterle esq, miss nancy oesterle, assistant fellow nancy oesterle; lorraine hunt, ms lorraine hunt, lt governor lorraine hunt, nevada lt governor lorraine hunt, chairpersons lorraine hunt; chairpersons oscar goodman, oscar goodman; ccdapcc; steve wolfson esq, steve wolfson, commissioner steve wolfson; david roger esq, ccdapcc david roger, david roger chairmen, david roger; ccdapcc bill young, bill young chairmen, bill young; miss nancy wong; nancy wong miss; nancy wong; spokesman dr john wang, john wang, john wang spokesman, dr john wang; valerie weber wbti, valerie weber assistant fellow, valerie weber; david amesbury esq, david amesbury; ---;

dr ku-sheng kung, president kung ku-sheng, president ku-sheng kung, ku-sheng kung, kung ku-sheng; ---; professor lei hong-ying, lei hong-ying, hong-ying lei; ---; dr sun-yuan kung, sun-yuan kung; ---; dr chung-yuan kung, chung-yuan kung; ---; dr shieh-yuan kung, shieh-yuan kung; ---; tunghai university; Tunghai University Alumni Association; dr peter c c wang, peter c c wang; peter wang; Nevada examiner; Kairos Communication Service; president of event dr r d prabha, r d prabha md, r d prabha; president of event dr raj chanderraz, raj chanderraz md, raj chanderraz; chairman of coordinating dr peter lok, peter lok dr; media advisor william yuen, william yuen; financial advisor teresa woo, teresa woo; president of las vegas ... news helen hsueh, helen hsueh; leading chinese dr raymond yin, raymond yin dr, raymond yin; sapatra chemprachum; fellow lillian wallace (memorial), lillian wallace; julian wallace (memorial); Leading Chinese Literature World; Singapore Association of Nevada; Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association; institute nevada, nevada; lisa brown esq, associate fellow lisa brown, lisa brown; Anthony Del Vecchio associate fellow, Anthony Del Vecchio, Anthony Del Vecchio esq; bert brown associate fellow, bert brown, bert brown esq; cedric kerns esq, associate fellow cedric kerns, cedric kerns; ann zimmerman esq, associate fellow ann zimmerman, ann zimmerman; tim wong wbti, tim wong, mr tim wong; nancy wong wbti, miss nancy wong, nancy wong; ms jackie glass, miss jackie glass, jackie glass adjunct associate professor, jackie glass, jackie glass esq, ms jackie glass; stewart bell senior advisor, stewart bell, stewart bell esq; ---; kathy augustine vice president, kathy augustine; ---; writing advisor jerry tao, jerry tao esq, jerry tao; ---; oscar jornacion entrepreneurship advisor, oscar jornacion; ---; rory reid assistant professor, rory reid; ---; john ponticello; ---; pastor paul goulet, paul goulet; ---; dolley deleon; ---; peter lok; ---; mike vaswani; ---; rita vaswani; ---; mr. tonie sison, tonie sison; ---; pia galopon; ---; Xiaosheng Huang Esq, Xiaosheng Huang; ---; audrey cheng; ---; nancy nan jiang, nancy jiang; ---; zhen zhang miss, zhen zhang; ---; Jiemin Chen; ---; thalia dondero; ---; sonia joya; ---; nancy oesterle ms, nancy oesterle; ---; miss nancy diaz, nancy diaz; ---; john hunt esq, john hunt; mike davidson esq, mike davidson; ---; ---; kathie ambrosio, miss kathie ambrosio; --- ms gerri schroder, gerri schroder; ---; miss christine hu, christine hu, christine hu esq; ---; stefany miley; ---; miss gloria wong, gloria wong; ---; nadia jurani; ---; andrew lai; ---; Susan Keygiell; ---; ms sophy feng; ---; miss jasmine guo, jasmine guo; ---; atty xin wang, xin wang; ---; kate recto; ---; ms geny rosario, geny rosario; ---; janathan galviz; ---; miss eva guo, eva guo; ---; nadia contreras sales, nadia sales-bierals; ---; philippine times of las vegas; ---; philippine business executives ---; asian american times, ---; asian american chronicles; ---; dr peter wang wbti, dr peter wang, peter wang; ---; dr an-pyng sun, an-pyng sun; ---; dr archie chang, archie chang, fellow archie chang; ---; coodinating advisor raymond lam, raymond lam; ---; jannilee phan; ---; chelsea yuan; ---; sonia joya; ---; ms mindy gao, mindy gao; ---; andrew benton president, dr andy benton, dr andrew benton, andrew benton Pepperdine Univesity President, andrew benton, pepperdine university; ---; dr charles runnels, charles runnels chancellor; charles runnels; ---; magaret weber dean of Pepperdine University, margaret weber; ---; m mayer director of school of education alumni Pepperdine, margaret mayer; ---; dr liz kent pepperdine, liz kent, dr elizabeth kent, liz kent, liz starchuk; ---; dr patricia starchuk devin, dr patricia devin, tricia starchuk devin; ---; pamela bellew ( of Pepperdine University business school); ---;

stafany a miley esq, stefany miley; ---; sean p q su md, sean su, dr sean su; ---; sabas (bobby) gaviola; ---; herb brown constable, herb brown; ---; stephen malinoff; ---; christine cacciapaglia; ---; rebecca goh, ---; mr benjamin yang; ---; international church of las vegas, paul goulet pastor, paul goulet, denise goulet pstor, denise goulet; ---; albert chang esq, albert chang; ---; NCAAPB; ---; eric chen esq, eric chen; ---; sophy w feng md, dr sophy feng; ---; rosa chen, miss rosa chen; ---; fay cheung; ---; john smith wbti, john smith; ---; sally yu wbti, sally yu, miss sally yu; ---; benson lee esq, benson lee; ---; dr roy adamson (memorial), roy adamson; ---; bettina ho; ---; lillian tsai, y s lei; ---; meiyang chang; ---; assistant iris zhang, iris zhang; ---; william jansen esq, william jansen, assistant fellow william jansen; ---; tony abbatangrlo esq, assistant fellow tony abbtangrlo (miss spelling for abbatangelo), tony abbatangelo; ---; miss meiyang chang; ---; ms lillian tsai; ---; tina shih; ---; zhiyong (john) wang, dr zhiyong (john) wang---; michael l douglas; ---; michael d davidson; ---; mr alex young; ---; living world christian church ---; gayle anderson; ---; lucky tropical fish; ---; dema guinn; ---; janet murphy; ---; suzie nguyen-su dds, suzie nguyen-su; ---; henry t so; ---; gerri schroder; ---; new china buffet; ---; ms rennie schreiber; ---; linda livingstone; ---; mr michael l montandon; ---; terrell prude' enterprises, terrell prude'; gerome t tao; ---; sandra l pomrenze; ---; ms jeanie wey; ---; properties of america; ---; mr alan t pan; ---; mr gordon xu; ---; e lee bernick; ---; miss nancy c oesterle; ---; n anthony del vecchio; ---; darden aquatics design; ---; mr steven talkjan; ---; robert a anderson jr; ---; christie f dailo; ---; chaoxia 'chelsea' yuan, miss chelsea yuan; ---; ms valorie j vega; ---; robert (bobby g) gronauer; ---; mr michael a cherry, michael a cherry esq; ---; ms deborah j lippis, deborah j lippis esq; ---; ms nayalie l tyrrell, nayalie l tyrrell esq ---; betsy kolkoski esq, betsy kolkoski; ---; charlyne chen, ms charlyne chen; ---; mr bai gang; --- annie yu, ms annie yu; ---; ms tiffany wu; ms elena brady; ---; mr tod j story; ---; david r parks; ---; jacquie balodis, dr jacquie balodis; ---; jack's art gallery; ---; shiu-ching kao; ---; jennifer p togliatti, jennifer p togliatti esq; ---; ellen m koivisto; nicole tuttle; ---; ---; ms judy brusa; ---; john lei; ---; mike lei; ---; washington business and technology institute, wbti; ---; chinese american academic association of nevada, caaan; ---; lv chinese association, las vagas chinese association; ---; ms cathy endy, cathy endy; ---; lv chinese american association, las vegas chinese american association; ---; lv taiwanese association, las vegas taiwanese association; ---; taipei; ---; jong yiee, mr jong yiee; ---; sophie ideker, miss sophie ideker; jianhong yang, hong yang, ms hong yang; ---; jackson chao, mr jackson chao; ---; erin chiang, miss erin chiang; ---; robert song, mr robert song; ---; dr david lee, david lee; ---; taiwan; ---; republic of china; ---; miss sue phelps, sue phelps; ---; las vegas taiwanese center; ---; yuan chuan tsai, mr yuan chuan tsai; ---; Nevada Chinese American Center; ---; william tong, mr william tong; ---; southern nevada chinese weekly; ---; lv american chinese association; ---; lv nevada chinese academy, nevada chinese academy; ---; River of Life Christian Church; ---; lv chinese christian church; ---; google.com wbti, google.com; ---; dr ko-wang mei, ko-wang mei; ---; karen bennet-haron, karen bennet-haron esq; ---; dr william thompson, bill thompson, william thompson; ---; bobby g gronauer; ---; miss liane lee, liane lee; ---; tod j story; ---; david r parker; ---; ellen m koivisto; ---; David Amesburry esq, David Amesburry; ---; judith ray, miss judith ray; ---; sapatra chemprachum; --; jheri psmyth, mr jheri psmyth; ---; linda leos; ---; , bangkok, thailand; ---; thai airlines; ---; city of las vegas; ---; taipei, ---; hongkong; ---; Nanyang Technological University alumni association, Nanyang Technological University, singapore; ---; ---; mike davidson esq, mike davidson; ---; robert lueck esq, robert lueck; ---; cynthia steele, cynthia steele esq; ---; professor tu lin (memorial), tu lin; ---; condoleezza rice dr's; ---; nancy becker's, nancy becker, nancy becker esq; ---; las vegas chinese daily news; ---; helen hsueh publisher, helen hsueh, miss helen hsueh; ---; chinese daily news (world journal); ---; chen shui-bien roc president, chen shui-bien president, president chen shui-bien, chen shui-bien; president chen shui-bian ---; lin-yao chen, ms lin-yao chen; ---; teresa woo president, teresa woo, ms teresa woo; ---; william yuen publisher, william yuen, mr william yuen; ---; commissioner rory reid, rory reid, rory reid esq; ---; john ensign u s senator, john ensign, dr john ensign; ---; river of life christian church; ---; intercity business council of nevada; ---; pepperdine university graduate school of education and phychology; ---; pepperdine university school of business and management; unlv alumni; ---; unlv; ---; unlv,reno; unlv,reno alumni; ---; infoseek.com; ---; kairos; ---; netscape.com, netscape network; ---; kenny guinn; ---; harry reid; ---; beijing; ---; hu jintao president business, hu jintao president, hu jintao, president hu jintao; ---; people's republic of china; ---;

communitylink; south shores community association; golden nugget buffet; gee joon chinese restaurant; ms amy jiao, amy jiao; miss kate grew, kate grew; jon eric garde, jon eric garde esq; miguel garza; ms caixia guo, caixia guo; miss maggie liu, maggie liu; dr peter shieu, peter shieu; mr david hsueh, david hsueh; ms ana hsin; ms sonia joya, sonia joya; pil juadines; dr barbara jackson, barbara jackson; chairman hu jintao; miss rao jiao, rao jiao; mr roger ko, roger ko; miss merle khoo, merle khoo, ms merle lok, merle lok, merle lok esq; eva garcia-mendoza esq, eva garcia-mendoza; ms yvonne ma, yvonne ma; miss ann melton, ann melton; dr toni ni, toni ni; amy cheng; dr robert ni, robert ni; dr wun-wu rao; las vegas chinese christian church; the epoch times; sam woo bar-b-q; china express; dr sonny ho; Greg Bortolin or John Trent; mr Greg Bortolin, mr John Trent; ms Judy Hetherington, Judy Hetherington; miss Kathy Karstedt, Kathy Karstedtchina; star super buffet; mortgage one, llc; mr kent soule, kent soule; miss doris yan; ms genie ohrenochall, genie ohrenochall; paradise democratic club of las vegas; terry care; tung-ho lei; tung-fian lei; pia torio-galapon; ms jackie seip, jackie seip; island girl marketing, christine biaggi; terry wong miss; sally yu miss; America asia travel center inc; singtao times weekly; ms jeannie wey; mr Scott Jaegel, Scott Jaegel; miss Merlinda R. Gallegos, Merlinda R. Gallegos; E. Q. Research Committee, EQRC; ms doris balducci, doris balducci; ms Patty Blakeman, Patty Blakeman; miss Chang Fu-mei, macroview weekly; councilman larry brown, desert shores club house; cynthia steele esq; ---;

ranch market; china star; anthony lu publisher, mr anthony lu, anthony lu ---; chinese culture university alumni association of las vegas; ---; miss Ruth Talaiver, Ruth Talaiver; ---; jean liu, ms jean liu; ---; ms Rennie Schreiber, Rennie Schreiber; ---; unlv alumni; ---; oscar goodman mayor, oscar goodman; las vegas; ---; ---; tony lei president; ---; dr john wang spokesman; ---; john lei; ---; mike lei; ---; elaine chao us secretary of labor, ms elaine chao, elaine chao; ---; lin-yao chen; ---; ---; dr kenny c guinn, kenny guinn; ---; las vegas chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas latin chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas urban chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas philippine chamber of commerce; ---; president chen shui-bian; mr duncan r lee; ---; tiffany chang; ---; mr edward swindle, ms carolie swindle; ---; chow's cuisine, ms kathy li, kathy li; ---; harbor palace restaurant; ---; ms. margaret chen, margaret chen, margaret chen andert; next weekly wbti, next weekly; ---; reviewjournal - communitylink wbti, reviewjournal - communitylink, reviewjournal.com wbti, reviewjournal.com ; ---; google answers wbti, google answers; ---; chinese daily news (world journal) wbti, chinese daily news, world journal; ---; webcrawler.com, webcraler; ---; las vegas review-journal; ---; reviewjournal.com; ---; asian chamber of commerce; ---; Condoleezza Rice, Dr.'s World Perspective, Condoleezza Rice, dr Condoleezza Rice; ---; mrs dema guinn; ---; forum group limited, jerry c wang; ---; mr andrew chen, andrew chen, wynn investments, ms Susan Keygiell, Susan Keygiell; ---; ms yachin shih, yachin shih; ---; mr thom reilly, manager thom reilly, thom reilly; ---; ms linda shyr; ---; ms jasmine brooks; ---; desert accident & injury center, dr cora c murillo, ms cora c murillo, cora murillo; ---; young realty & investment, mr alex young, alex young; ---; rozita lee, ms rozita lee; ---; ms deborah j lippis; ---; ms elena brady; ---; ms linda q liu; ---; miss linda chen; ---; pepperdine university alumni association, pepperdine university; ---; national taiwan university alumni association, national taiwan university; ---; chengchi university alumni association, chengchi university; ---; chunghsing university alumni association, chunghsing university; ---; dr stephen tong, stephen tong, stephen tong evangelistic ministries international; ---;

Pepperdine university; tulane university alumni association; national sun yet sien university, national sun yet sien university alumni association; dr john wang; dr james soong, people first party; koumintang chairman lien chan; mark denton district judge; veloria vega district judge; ms jennie wey, jennie wey; ms vida chan lin, vida chan lin; dr susan whiston, susan whiston; prof wen shen, wen shen; mr raja mourey, raja mourey; ms gloria mccomes, gloria mccomes; ms eleanor chow, eleanor chow; mr tola chin; ropchai premsrirut dr; richard segerblom esq ; ms terry wong; mr buck wong, buck wong; mr yale wang; ms alice wu, alice wu; miss nancy wong, nancy wong; dr sherman wu, sherman wu; mr david wang; ms christiana wang; prof ji sheng wang, ji sheng wang; mr andy wang; ms shin galin, shin galin; ms varonica parios, varonica parios; ms linda martin; dr paul aizley, paul aizley; mr yi-dhi chia, yi-dhi chia; mr derek chen, derek chen; ms cathy chin, cathy chin, cathy chin miss; mr peter chang, peter chang; ms judith ray, judith ray; ms lily chen, lily chen; ms alice carney, alice carney; dr bill carney, bill carney; miss zhao hui qiu; ms helen du, helen du; mr frank tsou, frank tsou; central daily news, central daily news - international edition; ms cathy endy, cathy endy; cathy yaling fuchigami; ms anny on; mr alan poon, alan poon; dr percy poon, percy poon; pat blakeman; mr bert romes, bert romes; dr david tang, david tang, ms mei tang, mei tang, ms mei wang, ms mary wang; ms meggy tang, meggy tang; miss Susan Sullivent, Susan Sullivent; ms shri vogel, shri vogel; sam chen; anna young hsian; ms vickie yu, vickie yu; ms lan yun, lan yun; mr river sun, river sun; dr huiwen zhang, huiwen zhang; mr yi-huang liu; mr jim phan, jim phan; mr art javier, art javier; ms emma lynn chan; alice wu miss; united financial associates inc; FiberTel, Inc.; asian american group; Harbor palace seafood restaurant; cathy house chinese cuisine; BBQ king restaurant; new china buffet; miss coco wang; las vegas review-journal, sherman r. frederick, allan b. fleming, thomas mitchell, charles zobell, john kerr; ---;

dr andrew benton, president dr andrew benton; las vegas urban chamber of commerce; dr peter f drucker; dr lien chan, chairman lien chan; mayor ma ying-jeou, dr ma ying-jeou; dr han-ping chen; lily lee chen ms; anthony j chien; philip chou; dr yu-ping hsia; dr woochun hsu; dr richard kao; dr richard koo; dr isiah c lee; dr san-pao li; dr chi-yuan lin; dr thomas lin; dr allen liu; dr paul mu; president andrew benton; dr condoleezza rice, condoleezza rice dr; albert ing sun; dr jing-shen tao; wilber woo; hung yuan wu; julia wu ms; levi ying; li yu; 馮鳴台; 馬英九; miss Hong Yang; ms candy bowser; merle berman; barbara cegavske; vonne chowing; allan earl; cedric kerns; john lee; myron leavitt (memorial); michelle leavitt-fitzpatrick; james mahan; theresa malone; mark malone; mark menendo; cathy nelson; denis nolan; gary reese; loretta arrington; myrna williams; radha chanderraj; dr donald kwalick; jerry reynoldson; bobby siller; charles thompson; sheri vogel; karen foster; miguel isassi; barbara robinson; david teis; mildred arquero; albert chang; dr andres costas; leonie domingo; a j dudekar; steve escalona; larry espinueva; dr nilofar kuraishi; dr shaheed siddiqui; steve kwon; jose lim; ann melton; zenny mendoza; lillian morizono; peter nguyen; george regner; dr francisco sanchez; dr ram singh; richard segerblom; nick singh; laxmi singh; joey villaflor; roddy wong; jennifer elliotts; valorie adair; erin kenny; david wall esq, david wall; john hunt esq, jonh hunt; lorraine hunt; miss francis allen, francis allen; richard dennison; aldo aguirre; miss aurora maskall, aurora maskall; ---;

dr tony tung-tien lei, tony tung-tien lei; ---; dr kang-pei wang, kang-pei wang; ---; dr chao-ming pan, chao-ming pan; ---; evelyn chiao; ---; tiffany chang wbti, tiffany chang; ---; jennifer kung wbti, jennifer kung; ---; joy huang wbti, miss joy huang, joy huang; ---; miss jessica huang, jessica huang; ---; miss shirley huang, shirley huang; ---; mr peter hong, peter hong; ms kawah soule, mr kent soule; miss kathy augustine---; sino-american language services, mr dan molner, dan molner; ---; mr michael chang, michael chang; ---; mark denton esq, mark denton; ---; Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas; ---; Zax Restaurant, Zax Restaurant of Goldern Nugget Casino and Hotel; ---; lillie langtrys restaurant, lillie langtrys restaurant of golden nugget casino and hotel; ---; steak house of horseshoe casino and hotel; ...; Center Stage Restaurant, Center Stage Restaurant of Plaza casino and Hotel; roc president; ---; chinese outreach; ---; Myron Leavitt esq, Myron Leavitt (memorial); seniors united; uc berkeley alumni association; uc berkeley; usc alumni association; usc; ucla alumni association; ucla; Thai Performing Art Appreciation Day; miss tina shih, world education organization; ---; Lei Rong Sheng; dr hui-ning lei, hui ning lei, lei hui ning; lei shiou ning ms, lei shiou ning; United Financial Associates Inc; miss agnas chan; mrs judy lei, judy lei; ---; general secretary cheryl moss, cheryl moss esq, miss cheryl moss, cheryl moss; ---;

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Meet WBTI Fellow Dina Titus
By Cheryl Moss and Tiffany Chang

"Our greastest asset at Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is our people -- not facades or fountains, not landscapes or lakescapes, but people -- faculty, advisory board members, administration, and a host of friends," said President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). "On the publications of WBTI through multimedia locally, nationally, and internationally, we have featured many of our own: U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, U. S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, Governor of Nevada Kenny Guinn, Pepperdine University President Dr. Andrew Benton, Chief Federal Judge Lloyed Geroge, Pepperdine University Chancellor Dr. Charles Runnels, Former Chief Justice and now Justice of the Nevada Supreme Court William Maupin, Dr. William Thompson, Dr. Lee Bernick, Dr. Keong Leong, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, among others."

"Enriching our research and community service process were made possible by these friends who joined and supported this academic institute. WBTI is really a chain of dedicated individuals, intellectuals, and professionals who join to research, serve, support and to give. We take great pride of our people, including our outstanding faculty members. They are some of the best in the world. We are sincere servers to help improve the quality of life of all the residents and visitors of Nevada."

Nevada State Senator Dina Titus was appointed by Washington Business and Technology Institute as a Fellow of its Public Administration Institution (PAI) on August 15, 2001. She was very pleased to receive the congratulations call from Dr. Tony Lei early that morning. Having out of town for a couple of days, the call reminded her that at the suggestion of U. S. Senator Harry Reid, former Las Vegas Mayor Jan Jones had offered to step down as Nevada's Democatic National Committeewoman, and Dina Titus would seek that job. This would give her some Washington, D. C., connections and enhance her political profile. With four trips a year to Washington, D. C., the committeewoman and committeeman from each state are expected to speak on party issues, raise money, and help recruit candidates.

"It's really my honor to be a Fellow of the Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Senator Dina Titus to the readers of "Nevada Examiner" and Las Vegas Review-Journal.com. "I'm also honor to be invited by Dr. Tony Lei as a Special Guest to the Event and Dinner Party for a Special Tribute to U. S. Senator Harry Reid on August 24, 2001," she continued.*2 Dina Titus brought her husband Dr. Wright to attend the Party at the Asia Palace Chinese Restaurant on the Friday evening. Dr. Wright is a Senior Professor in the Department of History at UNLV. The Event and Dinner Party was initiated by Dr. Tony Lei and Ms. Nancy Diaz. It was chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, Dr. R. D. Prabhu, Dr. Ram Singh, Mr. Tonie Sison, and Ms. Rita Vaswani. Joined with more than 36 hosts of the Dinner Party by community and organizational leaders, business exevutives and owners, and government officials, we had guests and participants more than 384 people.*3

As a Professor of Political Science of UNLV, Dina Titus is now a famous Senator of the State Nevada. She is also a State Senator Democratic Leader. On August 14, 2001, she said that she would run for Lieutenant Govenor if Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman ran for Nevada Governor. "She's brilliant, and she would be a great governor," Mayor Goodman siad of Senator Titus.

To her new honor and appointment as a Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI on August 15, 2001, Senator Titus agreed with District Judge Valorie Vega on "This position will undoubtedly provide me with avenues for exploring improvements in public services to which I'm most dedicated." It is really a valuable advancement that we may have such an appropriate and achieved individual like Dina as a colleague to our Institution. Senator Titus' expertise and good reputation in political science has been known locally and nationally. With her outstanding professional expertise and practical public administration experience, Senator Titus' acceptance as a fellow of PAI evidenced that in supporting Director Dr. William Thompason with Fellows Former Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa, Justices of the Supreme Court William Maupin and Nancy Becker, District Judges Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Nancy Saitta, Jackie Glass, Michelle Leavitt, Jennifer Togliatti, Jessie Walsh, among others, they would form an excellent leadership team launching PAI into the next milleunnium for academic excellence and administrative practicality.

Dina Titus is now a famous Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies in the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute.

Professor Dina Titus, a native of Georgia, was educated at William and Mary, University of Georgia and received her Ph. D. from Florida State University. She currently teaches Political Science at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, and, in addition to these responsibilities, she is also a Nevada State Senator from District 7 in Clark County. She is on the Board of Directors of the Nevada Test Site Foundation and is a member of the Nevada-California Super Speed Ground Transportation Commission, Clark country Women抯 Democratic Club, Education Commission of the States and the Nevada Commission on Participatory Democracy. Se was named the Spanos Outstanding Teacher at UNLV in 1985, was the Chairman of the Nevada Humanities Committee from 1984-19865 and in 1999 was the Nevada Arts Advocate of the Year.*3

Her most recent publication is Bombs in the Backyard: Atomic Testing and American Politics. The title of Dr. Titus Convocation lecture, 揟he Mushroom Cloud as an American Symbol, attests to the extensive knowledge she has concerning America抯 nuclear testing at the Nevada Test Site and the impact it has had on that region.*4

"The maturity of citizens society is the fundamental guarantee for the normal processing of democratic politics. In a citizens society, it depends highly on the team of public intellectuals. A good public intellectual interates peoples' opinion, analyze rationally, and points out wise perspectives and notice. Dina plays an important and significant responsibility of mission as an achieved intellectual at the same time as an important statewoman. Our Nevada is critically in need of these intellectuals and professionals in every kind of fields," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of WBTI.*5


*1 Vega, Valorie, and Chang, Tiffany. 'Senator Dina Titus appoints Fellow of Public Administration of WBTI,' "Nevada Examiner," (August, 2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Google. 'About Tina Titus,' "A search about Senator Dina Titus on Google.com," (January 5, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com.
*4. Ibid.
*5. Chang, Tiffany. 'Asian American community united to honor U. S. Senator Harry Reid,' "8 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (November 13, 2001), Las Vega, Nevada: Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas.


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