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Floor Statement on Gaming Exclusion from Katrina Tax Bill
By U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley

Dear Tony (Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei),

Yesterday, I spoke on the floor regarding the Hurricane Katrina Tax Relief Bill and the exclusion of the gaming industry. Please find the link to the video of my speech on the House floor and the text of my statement below. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office at (202) 225-5965.


Member of Congress


[Text as transcribed--not checked against actual delivery]
Mr. Speaker, the goal of passing today's legislation is to help businesses in the Gulf Coast region reopen their doors and get people back to work. However, this legislation excludes perhaps the most important industry in the region that employs over 50,000 people in Mississippi and Louisiana and pays over $800 million in state and local tax revenue. That's the gaming industry.

The gaming industry has made substantial contributions to the regional economy of the Gulf Coast and will invest billions of dollars as it rebuilds, making it an essential part of restoring employment, economic growth, and tax revenue to the area.

I am dismayed that the biased view of one Congressman has resulted in this bill excluding a group of employers that provide good jobs and tax revenue to the hurricane ravaged region. I am astounded that one Member who has a long held contempt for the gaming industry can insert language in this legislation, which is supposed to be helping the victims of Katrina, that will prevent thousands of our fellow citizens from going back to work, going back to their homes, reuniting with their families, and begin to live a normal life again. I am angry that we are carving out an exception for one business in this legislation, a legitimate business, a well regulated business, a business whose companies are traded on the New York Stock Exchange, a business that employs thousands of people in the region and generates millions of dollars in tax revenue.

This makes no sense.

And I am outraged, if I may say so, Mr. Speaker, that the Republican leadership has caved in and agreed to this provision because it is rumored that this Congressman threatened to withhold his support from tomorrow's Tax Reconciliation Act unless his provision was put in the Katrina vote, contrary to what it will do to our fellow citizens.

Trading thousands of citizens for a vote is an affront for people who need the gaming jobs to get back on their feet again.

Shame on this body.

The gaming companies remain committed to the people in the hurricane affected region. I hope Congress will come to our senses in conference and ensure every business is treated fairly and given the opportunity to recover from Hurricane Katrina.

This Christmas, while we Members of Congress are sitting by our fireplaces in our comfortable homes, let us think about the thousands of victims of the Katrina hurricane who are homeless, jobless, away from their families this year and maybe next Christmas, too, because this single Congressman dislikes one business in this country and is putting his personal feelings above the well being of our citizens.

It is a shame.

It is an embarrassment.

We ought to give tax breaks to all businesses, not discriminating because of a personal dislike of one Member of this body.

I yield back the balance of my time.


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Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2005 17:34:30 -0800
From: "Berkley for Congress" [shelley@sberkley.com]
To: "Dr. Tony Lei" [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Dr. Tony,

During the season of thanks I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your continued support. I wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving!


Shelley Berkley


U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's LATEST ACCOMPLISHMENTS and news letter
By U. S. Rep. Shelley Berkley

Dear Dr. Tony,

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley*1 helped kick off the American Cancer Society's 6th Annual Making Strides Breast Cancer Walk on Saturday, October 1 with a powerful and emotional speech. Along with thousands of Las Vegans, Congresswoman Berkley took part in the five-mile walk at the J.W. Marriott in Summerlin. Making strides is a noncompetitive walk supporting the American Cancer Society's unique mission to fight cancer on four fronts: research, education, advocacy and patient services. Making Strides Against Breast Cancer is the Cancer Society's premier breast cancer event, raising both dollars and awareness to fight the disease. We hope to see you next year as the Congresswoman participates once again in the Making Strides event.*2

鈥 Along with 14 Democratic Members of Congress, Berkley attended a Congressional trip to Israel during the withdrawal of thousands of settlers from the Gaza Strip. "Although I supported the disengagement, it broke my heart to witness the dismantling of the settlements and the removal of people who have called the Gaza home for forty years," Berkley said.

鈥 Berkley released a statement on the revised EPA radiation standard for Yucca Mountain: "Even though they have proposed a new radiation standard, the Bush Administration has yet to prove that the canisters holding the waste will not corrode and dump this radioactive garbage into our drinking water."

鈥 Congresswoman Berkley strongly criticized two party line votes in the House International Relations Committee that blocked separate inquiries into the outing of CIA agent Valerie Plame and the so-called "Downing Street Memo," which accuses the Bush Administration of manipulating the evidence used to justify a military invasion in Iraq. "Deciding this issue on a party-line vote only fuels existing cynicism and leaves a lingering doubt about promises made by the White House to fully cooperate with the investigation into this despicable act," Berkley said.

鈥 Berkley hosted a Post-Katrina First Responders Roundtable in Las Vegas

Continuing in her efforts to assess and improve disaster and emergency preparedness in Southern Nevada, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley hosted a closed-door roundtable with more than 45 local first responders, emergency managers and health care providers, on October 11th at the Foley Federal Building downtown.
Joining Berkley at the roundtable were representatives from law enforcement (LVMPD, NHP, NLV Police, TSA, FBI); the Nevada National Guard; local firefighters (Clark County, City of Las Vegas); federal, state and local disaster response and homeland security officials (State of Nevada, Clark County, NLV, CLV, DHS); health officials and hospital operators; broadcasters; transportation planning agencies (RTC, DOT); flood control; and community based and charitable organizations that would play a role in emergency response.
Berkley voted in early October in favor of legislation that would allocate more federal dollars to communities based on actual threat levels. The spending package also recognizes tourism as a factor in determining how resources are allocated. The change should mean an increase in funding for Las Vegas and other Nevada cities that play host to millions of visitors each month.

On Saturday, October 22nd Congresswoman Berkley joined together with the Southern Nevada Chapter for Independent Living and the City of Las Vegas at the Sammy Davis Jr. Amphitheater to celebrate the 14th Annual Disability Awareness Day. The purpose of Disability Awareness Day is to provide individuals of all disabilities, their families and friends the opportunity to become familiar with resources in Southern Nevada. Congresswoman Berkley has attended more than three Disability Awareness Days.


Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wants to get to know your friends and neighbors. Please join us in an effort to reach out to Berkley supporters in our community. For more information, please contact us at 212-3350. We need your help!!!

Here are three things you can do right now to take action and help Congresswoman Berkley's Re-election Campaign:

1. FORWARD this message to a friend
2. UPDATE your information so we may better serve you (please include your top three issues you would like to hear from us about).
3. REFER your friends, family and co-workers to Shelley's web site www.berkleyforcongress.com



*1. Ms. Shelley Berkley is the U. S. Congresswoman of Nevada District 1.
*2. Berkley, Shelley. ' "An e-mail from the Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute," (December 17, 2005), Washingtong, D. C.: Office of Congresswoman Shelley Berkley.
*3. Ibid.


Berkley Warns GOP Budget Will Slash Vital Services For Nevada Families
Funds for Special Education, Medicaid, Child Support Collection on Chopping Block

(Washington, DC -- November 2, 2005) Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) today warned that new Republican budget cuts being pushed in Congress will slash funding for services in Nevada like Medicaid, special education and child support collection, while raising fees on student loans.*1

"Republicans claim that these cuts will pay for Hurricane Katrina relief, but, in fact, these dollars will be used to pay for more tax cuts that we cannot afford. The Republican plan actually increases the deficit by more than $100 billion, even as it cuts services vitally important to the families I represent in Las Vegas, said Berkley.

"One in every five Nevadans lacks health insurance, yet the Republican budget slashes $10 billion from Medicaid. Cutting these funds will impact more than 200,000 children, seniors and disabled in Nevada who rely solely on Medicaid for their health care. This budget also allows Nevada and other states, for the first time, to charge some Medicaid-eligible children premiums and co-payments -- further reducing their access to health care and driving up the cost to their families, said Berkley.

Shockingly, the Republican budget cuts federal funding for child support enforcement, which will result in a reduction of $180 million in child support collections over the next 10 years, slashing child support payments to single parents who are struggling to provide for their children.

Berkley also expressed concerns about the impact on education in southern Nevada, should the GOP cuts pass. 揜epublicans claim that their policies leave no child behind, but then they want to slash more than $6.8 million in funding to help disadvantaged students with reading and math, to improve our classrooms, and to fund special education needs in Nevada. If they抮e successful, another $2.4 million will be taken from Nevada Head Start programs, denying even more of our children a chance at early education, said Berkley.

At a time when college tuition continues to skyrocket, Berkley noted that the Republican budget slashes student loans by more than $14 billion - increasing the costs for more than 18,250 student borrowers in Nevada. This includes raising student loan interest rate caps and raising interest rates and fees on student borrowers who consolidate their loans.*2


*1. Berkley, Shelley. 'A press release of Shelley Berkley,' "A search of 'congresswoman shelley berkley' on the Google.com," (November 7, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


Happy Halloween!

How about take a look at our section of "Cartoons & Art" (in the top left box of the Home Page) at:



U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley has lived in Las Vegas for over four decades. She has a deep sense of commitment to give back to the community that opened the doors of opportunity for her. She also has never forgotten that her family headed west seeking a better life, and found it in Las Vegas. Shelley completed junior high and high school in Las Vegas, then went on to become the first member of her family to attend college when she enrolled in UNLV. Elected Student Body President, 1971-1972, she graduated with honors and a B.A. in Political Science from UNLV in 1972. After earning her law degree at the University of San Diego School of Law in 1976, Shelley returned to Las Vegas to begin her career.*1


*1. Office of the Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. 'A profile of Shelley Berkley,' "A search of 'congresswoman shelley berkley' on the Google.com," (October 24, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.


The National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA)
Regions 9 (Los Angeles), 10 (San Diego) & 11 (Las Vegas)

Invite you to a Regional convention
on November 11 and 12, 2005
Palace Station Hotel & Casino
2411 W. Sahara Ave - (702) 367-2411

Theme is "Leadership Empowerment"

This two day convention aims to develop skills of leadership in Business, Community, and Politics. Issues pertinent to Youth and Seniors will also be addressed.

Among the invited speakers are NaFFAA National Chair Loida Lewis, president of multi-million dollar business, TLC Beatrice; Attorney Reuben Siguretan, Immigration specialist; Wayne Tanaka, Education and Community Advocate; Gloria Caoile, Election Strategist; Sen. Dina Titus, Nevada State Senate Minority Leader; and Punam Mather, MGM Sr. Vice-President of Corporate Diversity and Community Affairs.

The convention ends with an exciting banquet dinner and program, "Gabing Pilipino" on Saturday, Nov. 12, at UNLV Moyer Student Banquet Hall, in cooperation with UNLV Filipino American Student Association. Purchase dinner tickets ($??) before October 31 to assure seating.
Convention registration fee is $??? per person. The cost for the banquet dinner is $?? per person. Hotel rooms at Palace Station are $?? for Courtyard and $?? for Tower. Limited number of rooms have been reserved for conventioneers. Call 1-800-634-3101 and identify yourself as attendee of NaFFAA convention.

Make your reservations for the convention and for hotel room now.
Call Arthur DeJoya, Convention Chair, at (702)296-8306, or Gil Mislang- Region 9 at (323)286-2121, or Aurora Cudal-Region10 at (619)426-1713, or Rozita Lee-Region 11 at (702)732-3631, for more information

We look forward to seeing you in Las Vegas!*1


*1. Moss, Cheryl. 'A FWD message,' "An e-mail from Judge Cheryl Moss to WBTI," (October 12, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Judge Cheryl Moss's Office.


Berkley Votes Against Latest GOP Special Interest Energy Bill
Package Lacks Tough Price Gouging Protections, Will Keep Gas Prices High
By Office of the Congresswoman Shelley Berkley

(Washington, DC -- October 7, 2005) Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) today voted against Republican legislation that fails to protect Nevada families against price gouging, provides costly incentives to oil companies and refiners at a time of record earnings, and does little to address the steep jump in gas prices that have left Las Vegas drivers feeling the pinch at the pump. Despite unanimous Democratic opposition, the GOP bill passed on a party line vote of 212-210. Republican leaders bent House rules to hold the vote open for 45 minutes, rather than the standard 5 minutes, in order to twist the arms needed for their partisan victory.*1

揥hile Republicans are busy patting themselves on the back for providing oil companies with even more tax breaks, Las Vegas drivers are still struggling with near record gas prices. This bill will not save Nevadans pennies at the pump, but it will boost the bottom line for ExxonMobil and other oil companies already racking up record profits at the expense of consumers, said Berkley, who pointed to an increase this year of more than 70% in oil company earnings.

Berkley noted that the GOP 揋AS bill fails to give State Attorneys General the ability to enforce the price gouging provisions, does not impose tough new penalties for price gouging and applies only when a national disaster disrupts the energy supply and only in areas hit by that disaster. Berkley did vote in favor of Democratic legislation that would have given the Federal Trace Commission (FTC) explicit authority to combat price gouging, but the package was defeated by Republicans on a party-line vote.

揜ather than creating stiff penalties, the GOP bill does little to protect drivers left at the mercy of rich oil barons and it blocks Nevada's Attorney General from enforcing price gouging provisions. We need strong regulations that will punish those who break the law, not regulations designed to let big oil off the hook when crimes are committed. And the price gouging provisions only apply when and where a natural disaster disrupts energy supplies, even though we know that this rip-off occurs rain or shine, Berkley said.

According to the National Energy Assistance Survey report, in fiscal year 2005, the typical household spent an average of 14% of their annual income on residential energy. This year, with record high gas prices and no relief in sight, energy bills are expected to increase by approximately 71%. The GOP energy bill passed today will do next to nothing to address this growing burden on Nevada households.

揥ith oil industry earnings expected to leap 73 percent next quarter, the Republican cronies in the oil and gas industry don抰 need a hand out from Congress -- it抯 Southern Nevada families who are in need of real relief at the gas pump, said Berkley.

Berkley is also opposed to provisions in the Republican bill creating a fund to pay oil companies if they are sued, even when they lose in court, and which preempt state and local zoning regulations related to the siting of oil refineries.*2


*1. Berkley, Shelley. 'A press release of Shelley Berkley,' "A search of 'congresswoman shelley berkley' on the Google.com," (October 9, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.


By Office of the Governor

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 30, 2005 Contact: Steve George
(775) 684-5668

Carson City Gov. Kenny Guinn today announced the appointment of Charles 揅huck Ruthe of Las Vegas as the Governor抯 appointment to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Governing Board. He fills the seat being vacated by Drake DeLanoy.

揑 am very pleased Chuck has agreed to serve as a member of this agency that is tasked with the protection of Lake Tahoe, Gov. Guinn said. 揌is vast business knowledge and commitment to service in the community will be a great attribute to the TRPA.

Ruthe, 71, is owner of Charles L. Ruthe & Associates Inc. Realtors in Las Vegas. He previously served as president of Boyd Gaming and Boyd Development Corporation. He is affiliated with numerous service organizations in Las Vegas and has served on many boards of directors in Southern Nevada.

揑 want to thank Gov. Guinn for this great opportunity and I look forward to serving the people of the Lake Tahoe basin and the state in this position, Ruthe said.

The TRPA Governing Board consists of members appointed by local, state and federal government entities from Nevada and California. Ruthe is Gov. Guinn抯 one appointee to the agency, although the Governor does have the option of appointing the at-large member from Nevada if four of the six other Nevada members of the agency are unable to agree upon the selection of the seventh member within 30 days of a vacancy.

Office of the Governor
101 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701
Fax: 775-684-7198

Grant Sawyer State Office Building
555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, NV 89101
Fax: 702-486-2505


Important Update on Yucca Mountain
EPA to Hold Hearings on new radiation standard
By Office of the U. S. Congresswoman Shelley

Dear Tony,

Knowing of your interest in environmental issues and Yucca Mountain in particular, I*1 wanted to make sure you are up to date on developments.

Next month, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be holding a series of public hearings concerning amended radiation standards. Last year, a federal appeals court struck down the previous radiation standard for the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain. In response, last month, the EPA put forward a new amended standard.*2

The revised standards suggested by the EPA are meant to protect humans and the environment from radiation released by the repository. However, serious questions have been raised about the level of protection that has been proposed.

Public meetings to discuss the newly proposed standard will be held Monday, October 3, in Amargosa Valley, on Tuesday-Thursday, October 4-6, in Las Vegas, and on Tuesday, October 11, in Washington, D.C.

If you would like more information, please click here to be directed to a special page on my website about these public hearings. There you can find the schedule of the hearings as well as instructions for submitting comments, either in person or electronically.

If you have thoughts or concerns about Yucca Mountain, or any other issue, please do not hesitate to share them.*3

Thank you.

Member of Congress

Quick Web Links:
Information on Yucca Mountain Hearings: http://www.house.gov/berkley/legis/issues/yucca_files/public_hearings.html

EPA Yucca Mountain website:


*1. Ms. Shelley Berkley is the U. S. Congresswoman of Nevada District 1.
*2. Berkley, Shelley. ' "An e-mail from the Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute," (September 19, 2005), Washingtong, D. C.: Office of Congresswoman Shelley Berkley.
*3. Ibid.


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From: "margaret andert" [margaretandert@msn.com]
Subject: Fw: 官い竊е贾
Date: Tue, 13 Sep 2005 22:43:02 -0700

God Bless You
Darlene Yen
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(September 1, 2005 -- Washington, D.C.) U.S. Representative Shelley Berkley (D-NV) today expressed her concern and sympathy for the victims of Hurricane Katrina and praised the efforts of Nevadans dispatched to aid at the scene of the devastation along the Gulf Coast.

揟he images from this disaster are simply heartbreaking and as a nation we mourn the loss of life and pray for the safety of those still coping with flood waters and those who have lost their homes and businesses. We can all be proud of the brave medical personnel and other first responders who have been dispatched from around Nevada to assist with emergency relief efforts in New Orleans and other communities hit hardest by this natural disaster, said Berkley.

揟hose who wish to assist flood victims with financial aid can visit www.fema.org for a list of relief agencies prepared to accept donations. Congress can also send a message of support to Katrina's victims in the coming week by moving quickly to approve a disaster relief package to aid those devastated by this tragedy. I have tremendous confidence in the generosity of the American people and the can-do spirit of our nation. The Gulf Coast region will rise again and fully recover from the damage done by this week抯 storm, Berkley said.

Valley residents may contact the Congresswoman's Las Vegas office at 220-9823, for additional information on ways to help Katrina victims.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) website, www.fema.org volunteer organizations are seeking cash donations to assist victims of Hurricane Katrina. These agencies provide a wide variety of services after disasters, such as clean up, childcare, housing repair, crisis counseling, sheltering and food. The federal agency lists phone and website information about groups that can handle donations and are seeking volunteers.

A separate list of volunteer organizations may be found at the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster website: www.nvoad.org

Berkley also noted that the American Gaming Association (AGA) has established a fund to aid Katrina抯 victims. The goal of the fund is to provide disaster relief and assistance to gaming employees in Mississippi and other affected areas. For more information visit: www.aga.org.


*1. Berkley, Shelley. 'A press release of Shelley Berkley,' "A search of 'congresswoman shelley berkley' on the Google.com," (September 7, 2005), Mountainview, California: Google.com.


Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 14:24:37 -0700
From: "Berkley for Congress" [renee@sberkley.com]
To: "Dr. Tony Lei" [tojulei@yahoo.com]
Subject: Shelley Berkley At Work

Forward this Message - Refer A Friend - View Online - Contribute

Dear Dr. Tony,

It's been a busy year for Congresswoman Shelley Berkley - here's a quick update on her recent work:


Thousands of Las Vegans, Congresswoman Berkley, and a mass number of volunteers recently headed to the Summerlin community to celebrate Fourth of July at the Summerlin Patriotic Parade. The parade, especially our participation was a huge success. We would like to extend our thanks to all of our volunteers who walked beside the Congresswoman抯 car. Special thanks go out to A抯hanti Gholar for turning out the Young Democrats.

Please look for Congresswoman Berkley in the Veteran抯 Day Parade on Friday, November 11th.


旾ntroduced a resolution recognizing national Osteoporosis awareness and prevention month
旴erkley voted to block one million dollars in federal funding cuts for Nevada public broadcasters
昐ecured more than $46 million in funding to expand transit options in Southern Nevada and to improve Valley roadways as part of a six-year federal highway bill
昄ed the debate for House Democrats on legislation she cosponsored that will permanently increase to $400,000, the maximum benefit available to members of America抯 military through the Servicemembers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program
旳nnounced that the Clark County School District has received a $386,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education to fund dropout prevention efforts in Southern Nevada
旵o-sponsored legislation that would shut down the sole U.S. branch of Arab Bank PLC, a Jordanian bank with documented ties to Middle East Terrorism
旵o-sponsored legislation that will increase monthly payments to veterans in Nevada and nationwide by updating the current Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for VA benefits
旾ntroduced and passed legislation honoring Women抯 Suffrage
旴erkley gets Department of Defense to change current next of kin form for military service members so that troops can designate an individual of their choosing to handle their burial arrangements
旵o-sponsored the Student Privacy Protection Act (HR 551)


On Thursday, July 14th Congresswoman Berkley was joined in Washington, D.C. by Glen Taylor Elementary students Hannah Low and Destiny Carroll, of Henderson. The girls watched from the floor of the House Chamber, as she introduced legislation to create a national day of recognition honoring those who worked to secure women the right to vote. Congresswoman Berkley抯 legislation was inspired by the efforts of Hannah and Destiny, who collected hundreds of signatures in support of recognizing the movement to give women the right to vote through an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. On July 25th the U.S. House of Representatives unanimously passed the legislation authored by Congresswoman Berkley that would create a national day of recognition in honor of America抯 women suffragists.

On Saturday, July 16th Congresswoman Berkley presented both Hannah and Destiny with framed copies of Resolution H. J. RES. 59 at the West Sahara Library. The girls also shared experiences from their journey with the audience.

If you would like a complete copy of the resolution, please email the Berkley for Congress, Communications Manager, Courtney Smith at Courtney@sberkley.com.


As many of you may not be aware, there has been a great deal of news concerning the Pentagon collecting and keeping personal information about our children. Information to later be used for recruiting purposes.

I agree that the Pentagon has no business keeping social security numbers, educational records, racial profiles, and other personal data on young people. All the more alarming, the Pentagon is using a contractor to maintain these records, raising questions about the security of the information and the potential for identity theft. I want you to know that, in early July, I wrote to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld demanding an end to the collection of this personal and private information. I also co-sponsored the Student Privacy Protection Act, which would stop military recruiters from accessing our children抯 private information without permission from students and families.

If you would like to see a copy of the letter to Secretary Rumsfeld signed by Congresswoman Berkley or more information on this issue please email the Berkley For Congress, Communications Manager, Courtney Smith at Courtney@sberkley.com.


Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wants to get to know your friends and neighbors. Please join us in an effort to reach out to Berkley supporters in our community. For more information, please contact us at 212-3350. We need your help!!!

Here are three things you can do right now to take action and help Congresswoman Berkley抯 Re-election Campaign:

1. FORWARD this message to a friend
2. UPDATE your information, so we may better serve you (please include your top three issues you would like to hear from us about).
3. REFER your friends, family and co-workers to Shelley抯 website www.berkleyforcongress.com



Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Thursday, August 25, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

BACK IN PUBLIC VIEW: Reid says he's 'fine'
Senator reassuring in first public appearance since ministroke

[[[U.S. Sen. Harry Reid smiles during a forum on faith and community on Wednesday in North Las Vegas. The forum was Reid's first public appearance since suffering a ministroke last week.
Photo by Clint Karlsen.]]]

In his first public appearance since suffering a mini-stroke last week, U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Wednesday assured reporters and others at a forum on faith and community that his health was good.

Reid, D-Nev., indicated that he would not need further medical attention as a result of the Aug. 16 episode.

When asked what his doctor's instructions were, Reid said: "He told me not to worry about it."

The Senate minority leader sought medical attention after a bout of dizziness while at home in Searchlight. Doctors found that Reid had experienced a transient ischemic attack, sometimes characterized as a ministroke. The attacks are often a sign that a serious stroke could occur later.

"There's nothing to follow up on," said Reid, who was accompanied by his wife, Landra. "I'm feeling fine."

The 65-year-old was all smiles and handshakes as he entered Nevada Partners on Lake Mead Boulevard in North Las Vegas, where the Faith and Community Forum took place. The event brought together religious leaders and social service advocates to address the needs of the youth, the homeless and the disadvantaged of Clark County through faith-based initiatives.

Reid had canceled all public appearances following his ministroke. He had been resting, spending time with family, taking calls in preparation for his Sept. 6 return to Washington D.C., and staying current with news events, according to his spokeswoman.

Reid said Wednesday that it was important for him to attend the forum to offer support to the involved groups and individuals, and also to demonstrate to the public that he was physically fit.

"I wanted everyone to be able to see me and see that I was doing fine," Reid said.

Reid was greeted with a standing ovation. He delivered his keynote address and then departed with his staff.

When asked as he walked to his vehicle what he'd like the public to know about his physical fitness, Reid said: "I think the best thing to do is tell them I did 100 push-ups this morning and 85 sit-ups."

U.S. Senate Chaplain Barry Black, who attended the forum at Reid's request, said he thought his friend looked well, confirming what Reid had told Black shortly after doctors diagnosed the transient ischemic attack.

"I have his cell phone number and I gave him a call," Black said of his actions after he heard of Reid's health issues. "He sounded fine on the phone and reassured me that everything was OK."

Black traveled from Washington D.C., to Las Vegas despite having a sprained ankle. It was a journey he said he was glad to make to support both the effort and Reid.

"It's a trip for a friend who I think is making a tremendous difference in terms of helping people on life's hard journey," Black said. "I'd probably travel halfway around the world for someone like that. He's in the trenches."

Many of the 200 people in attendance said they were impressed that the senator had kept his promise to attend the event.

"I was concerned to see if he was going to be here after I heard about his ministroke," said Anne Bridgeforth, a member of a nonprofit group affiliated with the Fountain of Hope AME Church in Las Vegas.

The Rev. Paul Colbert of St. Luke's Episcopal Church said he was eager to hear what Reid would say about the government's growing interest in working with faith-based groups. But Colbert also said he was worried about Reid's quick return to public life following his ministroke.

"I just hope he's not overexerting himself because he certainly has many battles ahead when he returns to Washington," Colbert said.

Pastor Ray Giddens of the Unity Baptist Church said he admired Reid's tenacity and dedication to his job despite his health problems.

"I'm relieved and very impressed to see the leadership he's showing," Giddens said.

"He's stepping out on faith and not letting (heath problems) prevent him from doing what he's been called to do. I admire him."


The following information have been received from the search of "Ms. Shelley Berkley" on the Google.com (starting from the first line of the first page) in the afternoon on August 16, 2005:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Shelley Berkley, US ...

Ms. Shelley Berkley is the US Congresswoman of Nevada District 1. *2. Berkley,
Shelley. ' "An e-mail from the Office of US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/ dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 22k - Cached - Similar pages


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: August, 9, 2005 Contact: Greg Bortolin 775-684-5670


CARSON CITY Nevada Gov. Kenny Guinn and Attorney General Brian Sandoval released the following statement today regarding the Environmental Protection Agency抯 proposed new radiation protection standard for the licensing of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository:

揑n a snub to the scientific community and a federal appeals court in Washington, the EPA today issued a proposed standard for the licensing that is 100 times more lenient than what the government permits for releases from nuclear power plants, Sandoval said. 揑t's an obscenely lax and dangerous new standard. They just threw up their arms and gave the project a pass."

EPA's radiation protection standard is the primary benchmark used to determine the repository's safety. It sets the maximum permissible radiation dose to humans living near the dump. EPA's previous standard had been set at 15 millirems, a level deemed safe by scientists. But since EPA had arbitrarily determined that this standard needed to be in place only during that period in which no leakage is expected from the repository, the D.C. Court of Appeals invalidated it as being inconsistent with Congressionally mandated recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences. Those recommendations required that the standard protect humans during periods when leakage will cause peak levels of radiation.

EPA's proposed new standard would keep the 15 millirem radiation dose limit during the first 10,000 years of the repository's operation, when no leakage from waste containers is expected by the government. But after that period, when leakage is all but certain, it would permit the standard to become 23 times more lenient, or 350 millirems.

"We were pessimistic about the outcome, given EPA's record of pushing the repository," said Gov. Guinn. "But never in our wildest nightmares would we have anticipated such a ridiculous standard. The EPA's dangerous proposal is three-and-a-half times more lenient than even the nuclear industry had recommended in a formal report to EPA last spring."

Guinn and Sandoval outlined other features of the proposed rule:

It lets future residents of Nevada suffer 100 times more radiation exposure from releases than what the federal government currently permits for residents living near nuclear power plants. See 10 C.F.R. Part 50, Appendix I, 2A.

It paradoxically applies a far stricter standard when the repository is not leaking than when it is leaking.

It is by far the most lenient radiation protection standard proposed for any nuclear waste disposal project in the world.

For the first time ever in the world, it seeks to establish the level of "natural background radiation" received by Americans as a tolerable threshold for additional radiation from man-made sources. That is, without explanation, it suggests Nevadans can receive twice the level of radiation normally received by other Americans from natural background sources.

It completely abandons any separate groundwater protection standard during the time of expected leakage from the repository, applying it only during that time period in which no leakage is expected. Yet, EPA has admitted that groundwater contamination would represent as much as 80 percent of any total radiation dose to humans from Yucca.

In considering a bifurcated standard in setting its old rule, EPA concluded that such a standard would be 搃mmoral, unethical to future generations, irresponsible, and unacceptable.

The Energy Department is overjoyed with the new standard. In an Associated Press report today, DOE's spokesman Craig Stevens said he was "certain" the government could meet it.

"If this bogus new standard, or anything close to it, ends up being adopted by EPA, Nevada will sue them again," Sandoval emphasized.

"I can't imagine how they could have done anything to make themselves more vulnerable in the court of law as well as the court of science," Guinn added. "This is junk science at its worst."

Office of the Governor 101 North Carson Street
Carson City, NV 89701 Fax: 775-684-7198

Attorney General Nuclear Projects Office
Nicole Moon 775-684-1114 Bob Loux 775-687-3744


SAN Announces Mr. Ronald Danker as President
SAN Founder Mr. Jonathan Galaviz Receives Honorary Title of President Emeritus
By Singapore Association of Nevada

LAS VEGAS, NV - August 4, 2005 The Singapore Association of Nevada (SAN), an official Overseas Singapore Club recognized by the Singapore International Foundation (SIF), is pleased to announce that Mr. Ronald Danker (a Singapore Citizen) has been appointed as President of SAN.

SAN is also pleased to announce that it抯 founder Mr. Jonathan Galaviz (a U.S. Citizen and Singapore PR) has been given the honorary title of President Emeritus of SAN and will act as an advisor to the organization moving forward. Mr. Galaviz was SAN抯 first President; a role taken in 2002.

In receiving his appointment as President of SAN, Mr. Danker stated, 揑 look forward to volunteering my time as President to ensure that Singaporeans living in Nevada stay connected to Singapore while they are living abroad. I wish to sincerely thank Jonathan Galaviz for his unselfish dedication for so many years to Singaporeans and the Republic of Singapore by founding and developing SAN into a meaningful organization.
On Mr. Danker抯 appointment, Mr. Galaviz stated, 揜onald is a kind and humble man who has gained the respect of his fellow Singaporeans living in Nevada. It is fabulous to know that SAN, as a volunteer organization, will have a great President leading it.

On SAN抯 founding and development Mr. Galaviz stated 揑 have enjoyed making a meaningful contribution to Singapore抯 interests and will look forward to my advisory role. I want to especially thank my Singaporean wife, Ong Ai Hui, for her extensive volunteer efforts which supported the development of SAN.

About the Singapore Association of Nevada (SAN)

SAN is a non-profit volunteer unincorporated citizens organization that encourages bilateral economic and political exchange between the State of Nevada and the Republic of Singapore. In addition, SAN serves the interests of Singaporeans (Citizens and PR抯) living in the State of Nevada. SAN is officially recognized by the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) as an Overseas Singapore Club (OSC). SAN was founded in 2002 and is based in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Website: http://www.singaporenevada.org

Singapore Association of Nevada (SAN)
SAN Volunteer Staff
email: info@singaporenevada.org
phone: +1 (702) 372-4970


Las Vegas Art Museum presents “Chinese Beauty & Elegance”
By Global NaXi Culture Conservation

The current exhibition opened on Friday, July 29 and is indeed an extraordinary display of collecting and connoisseurship in the scholarly taste.

The delightful Ming-Qing Dynasty scholar’s studio captures the essence of the ambience into which a scholar may retreat. The uncluttered setting, conveying a distinct sense of quiet harmony and subtle elegance, offers the viewers a glimpse into the preferences of a refined gentleman.

This exhibition features Las Vegas collectors as well as treasures from the Pacific Asian Museum. On display are selected items from the fabulous Facciani Jade Collection, two majestic hanging scrolls of the Wing Fong Chinese Painting Collection, and antiques from the Pacific Asian Museum.

In December 2004, the Las Vegas Art Museum became a Sister Museum of the NaXi DongBa Cultural Museum in China. A display introducing LVAM’s Chinese sister museum is located in the entry alcove. This unprecedented relationship not only recognizes the ever growing diverse ethnic community of our city, it will facilitate future friendly exchanges across the Pacific and promote meaningful co-operation between the two museums

As our city develops into a major urban center as it is destined to do, our museums and cultural centers will need the continued support from our community. It is up to each individual resident to preserve our natural environment and to promote our cultural environment.

[***Author: Global NaXi Culture Conservation Society www.gnccs.com]

拉斯维加斯美术馆的中国文物展览:精美雅致文士之风, 已于七月二十九日 隆重开幕。欢迎华阜各社区人士,机关,团体,与 商号,皆亲友同来参观。 希望各界亚洲 社团热烈支持, 拉市美术馆此项有意义的文化交流, 显示亚洲 文化内涵的重要 活动。

中国明清两代的文人雅士崇尚学者式的生活品味。 追求书画上的修养。收藏品 要求精美, 书房的布置要求雅致。本馆特为赌城拉市的居民,来宾,和游客筹备 <风雅文士展出>。文物包含拉市市民收藏的玉器,书画,瓷器,家具等。 还有 数件来自加州 Pasadena 市 Pacific Asia Museum 博物馆的精采古董文物。

拉斯维加斯美术馆于2004年12月,正式与中国丽江市的纳西东巴文化博物馆,结成姊妹 馆。 届展出期本馆将简介纳西族文化。并邀请北美洲亚裔,华裔朋友支持 东西文化 交流, 建立友谊, 共同发展。


Change Would Give Congress More Flexibility in Limiting Funds If Conditions Not Met
By Office of the Congresswoman Shelley Berkley*1

(July 20, 2005 Washington, D.C.) Congresswoman Shelley Berkley (D-NV) today succeeded in adding an amendment to a bill authorizing foreign aid programs that would allow Congress to withhold aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) if there is a lack of accountability for how American dollars are being spent. The amendment does not change the size or dollar amount of the aid package to assist Palestinians, but would allow Congress to provide funding in quarterly amounts, with each new payment dependent upon the PA meeting certain requirements.*2

"Since the 1993 Oslo Accord, the U.S. has given more than $1.8 billion to the Palestinians, despite there being no accountability, no transparency, and no way for us to know how our tax dollars are being spent. My amendment would force the Palestinian Authority to begin accounting for how it uses aid given by the United States and would authorize Congress to end payments if certain requirements are not met," said Berkley.

The Berkley amendment mandates that only 25% of direct aid to the Palestinian Authority can be spent in any one calendar quarter. Currently, all funds are made available at the beginning of the year. Each quarter the Palestinian Authority would be allowed to spend another 25% of the total aid package, which remains unchanged. The amendment also contains a declaration of policy that the U.S. should promote the emergence of a democratic Palestinian government that denounces and combats terrorism, works to eliminate terrorist incitement, and that respects the boundaries and sovereignty of its neighbors and the human rights of all people.

"If Congress is not satisfied with how American dollars are being spent, or the Palestinian Authority fails to show it is making progress toward democracy or taking steps to end terrorism, we would be able to stop the flow of U.S. money. If the Palestinian Authority lives up to their responsibility and honors their commitments, then aid to the Palestinian Authority will remain unchanged. What抯 important is that Congress be given the option as a tool to foster democracy and to punish those who continue to incite violence or engage in terrorist activities," Berkley said.

The Berkley amendment would not end humanitarian assistance within the territories controlled by the Palestinian Authority and does not affect the overall amount of aid provided to the PA.*3
# # #

Contact Information Website: http://www.house.gov/berkley/

Las Vegas District Office
The Honorable Shelley Berkley
2340 Paseo Del Prado, Suite D-106
Las Vegas, NV 89102

Phone: (702) 220-9823
Fax: (702) 220-9841

Washington Office
The Honorable Shelley Berkley
U.S. House of Representatives
439 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4708

Phone: (202) 225-5965
Fax: (202) 225-3119
Toll free: (877) 409-2488


*1. Ms. Shelley Berkley is the U. S. Congresswoman of Nevada District 1.
*2. Berkley, Shelley. ' "An e-mail from the Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (July 20, 2005), Washingtong, D. C.: Office of Congresswoman Shelley Berkley.
*2. Ibid.


E-Townhall Meeting to Discuss Social Security
By Office of the Congresswoman shelley Berkley*1

Join U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley on July 18th

Please join the Congresswoman for an on-line townhall meeting on Monday, July 18th at 4:30 p.m. (Pacific), to share your views on Social Security and to help her better understand how this program affects southern Nevada residents of all ages. If you are unable to take part on Monday, please feel free to submit questions prior to the event and then check back after July 18th to read the complete transcript.*2

Your opinion is important, and using your computer to participate in Congresswoman Berkley抯 on-line townhall meeting will ensure that your views and suggestions on Social Security are heard.

WHAT: Berkley On-Line Townhall Meeting to Discuss Social Security
WHO: Congresswoman Shelley Berkley
WHEN: 4:30 p.m. (Pacific), Monday, July 18
HOW: Visit www.house.gov/berkley to learn how you can take part*3

Contact Information Website: http://www.house.gov/berkley/ Las Vegas

District Office
The Honorable Shelley Berkley
2340 Paseo Del Prado, Suite D-106
Las Vegas, NV 89102

Phone: (702) 220-9823
Fax: (702) 220-9841

Washington Office
The Honorable Shelley Berkley
U.S. House of Representatives
439 Cannon House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515-4708

Phone: (202) 225-5965
Fax: (202) 225-3119
Toll free: (877) 409-2488


*1. Ms. Shelley Berkley is the U. S. Congresswoman of Nevada District 1.
*2. Berkley, Shelley. ' "An e-mail from the Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (July 14, 2005), Washingtong, D. C.: Office of Congresswoman Shelley Berkley.
*2. Ibid.


Pentagon Recruiting Tactics Cross the Line
We Must Protect Our Children's Privacy
By Shelley Berkley

Dear Tony,

Many of my constituents have contacted me to voice their concerns about news that the Pentagon has been collecting and keeping personal information about our children--information to be used for recruiting purposes.*1

I agree that the Pentagon has no business keeping Social Security numbers, educational records, racial profiles, and other personal data on young people. All the more alarming, the Pentagon is using a contractor to maintain these records, raising questions about the security of the information and the potential for identity theft.

I want you to know that last week I wrote to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld demanding an end to the collection of this personal and private information. I also cosponsored the Student Privacy Protection Act (HR 551) which would stop military recruiters from accessing our children's private information without permission from students and families.

To see a copy of the letter to Secretary Rumsfeld signed by myself and 61 other Members of the House of Representatives, click here.*2

Member of U. S. Congress


*1. Berkley, Shelley. ' "An e-mail from the Office of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley to Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (July 7, 2005), Washingtong, D. C.: Office of Congresswoman Shelley Berkley.
*2. Ibid.


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Monday, July 04, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal



Red, White and Boom at Desert Breeze Park, 8275 Spring Mountain Road, will feature a 20-minute fireworks display. Live music, a carnival and games will start at 4 p.m. Admission is $12. Children 12 and younger are admitted free.

The Montelago Village at Lake Las Vegas in Henderson, 30 Strada di Villagio, will have a barbecue from 4 to 10 p.m., live jazz from 7 to 10 p.m. and a fireworks display at about 9 p.m. Admission is free.

The Las Vegas Hilton, 3000 Paradise Road, will host a fireworks display at 9 p.m. Admission is free.

Buffalo Bill's, I-15 South at Primm, will have a fireworks show at dusk. Admission is free.

The 15th annual Rockets Over the River fireworks event will have fireworks at dusk in Laughlin. Admission is free.

Morrell Park, 500 Harris St., Henderson, will have live music and carnival games from 5 to 10 p.m. and fireworks at 9 p.m. Admission is free.

The Las Vegas Philharmonic's Star-Spangled Spectacular Concert, Hills Park, 9002 Hillpointe Road, will begin at 7:30 p.m. The concert features patriotic music and a centennial salute to Las Vegas, followed by a fireworks display. Admission is $20 for adults, $15 for children 6-12 and free for younger children. Tickets for the VIP pavilion are $75.

Anthem Hills Park, 2256 N. Reunion Drive in Henderson, will have a concert by the Pete Contino Band at 7 p.m., followed by fireworks. Admission is free.

The 57th annual Boulder City Damboree will end its daylong celebration from 6 to 11 p.m. at Veterans' Memorial Park, 1900 Buchanan Blvd., Boulder City. Fireworks are at 9 p.m. Admission is free.


美 國 參 眾 議 員 與 內 州 州 長 頒 贈 全 美 台 灣 同 鄉 聯 誼 會 與 會 長 吳 毓 苹 卓 越 成 就 獎

七 月 四 日 (July 4th) 由 內 華 達 州 最 高 法 院 大 法 官 Machael Douglas, 高 等 法 官 Jessie Walsh, 州 議 員 Valerie Weber , 高 等 法 院 法 官 Cheryl Moss 等 , 聯 合 撰 寫 , 發 表 於 「 拉 斯 維 加 斯 評 論 報 WBTI 網 頁 」 , 宣 告 內 華 達 州 與 「 台 聯 會 」 近 訊 如 下 ﹕

「 經 由 本 院 教 委 會 多 位 人 士 , 包 括 內 華 達 州 最 高 法 院 大 法 官
Michael Douglas , 州 議 員 Valerie Weber 與 高 等 法 院 ( 家 庭 ) 法 官 Cheryl Moss 等 的 推 薦 , 吳 毓 苹 ( Wendy Yu-ping Wu )
女 士 獲 聘 為 公 共 行 政 研 究 所 助 理 研 究 員 , 兼 本 院 州 際 工 商 合 作 發 展 委 員 會 主 任 委 員 , 」 華 盛 頓 工 商 技 術 研 究 院 ( 「 華 研 院 」 ) 發 言 人 王 志 勇 博 士 , 於 五 月 十 二 日 在 拉 斯 維 加 斯 公 開 宣 稱 。

『 趙 小 蘭 過 去 多 年 的 社 會 公 益 服 務 貢 獻 , 深 植 我 心 , 我 也 在 常 期 地 投 注 , 我 喜 歡 的 是 在 她 精 神 領 導 下 , 「 華 研 院 」 茁 壯 地 走 向 社 會 服 務 與 仁 愛 精 神 奉 獻 的 領 域 , 』 ?毓 苹 於 五 月 十 二 日 在 加 州 聖 荷 西 說 。

全 美 台 灣 同 鄉 聯 誼 會 成 立 多 年 , 於 橫 跨 美 國 十 數 州 , 設 立 各 地 分 ?, 以 「 時 時 關 心 台 灣 , 處 處 服 務 同 鄉 」 為 宗 旨 , 心 懷 祖 國 , 聯 絡 鄉 親 , 建 造 我 方 與 美 國 密 切 與 恆 遠 的 , 國 情 與 民 心 相 互 良 好 的 關 係 。


該 會 會 長 吳 毓 苹 , 領 導 總 會 發 展 以 來 , 熱 心 誠 摯 , 開 源 節 流 , 會 務 蒸 蒸 日 上 , 聲 譽 拓 及 四 海 , 將 於 今 年 七 月 三 十 日 任 滿 卸 職 , 功 德 並 著 。 該 會 將 於 今 年 七 月 二 十 九 至 三 十一 日 在 拉 斯 維 加 斯 , 盛 大 舉 辦 第 二 十 八 屆 全 美 台 灣 同 鄉 聯 誼 會 年 會 , 以 誌 慶 祝 。

喜 訊 傳 來 , 全 美 台 灣 同 鄉 聯 誼 會 與 會 長 吳 毓 苹 研, 經 由 華 盛 頓 工 商 技 術 研 究 院 院 長 雷 動 天 博 士 誠 懇 地 推 薦 , 榮 獲 美 國 參 議 員 John Ensign, 內 華 達 州 州 長 Kenny Guinn 與 美 國 眾 議 員 Jon Porter 頒 贈 親 筆 敬 賀 公 函 與 卓 越 成 就 獎 各 一 份 , 殊 為 華 人 增 添 一 分 可 貴 的 光 彩 與 榮 耀 。
---WBTI Press Release (7/4th/2005)


Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:

Friday, June 24, 2005
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

2005 Legislature limited eminent domain actions
U.S. Supreme Court ruling concerns Southern Nevadans who fear abuses

Thursday's Supreme Count decision upholding the right of local governments to seize people's property for private development set off alarms among Nevada residents and attorneys who have dealt with eminent domain cases.

"In the future, none of us will be safe in our homes or our property from such arbitrary action by bureaucratic kleptocrats who decide they want your property to increase the tax base or to give it to some super-rich supporter who they think can use it for a higher and better use," said Las Vegas attorney Kermitt Waters, whose firm defends land owners in eminent domain cases.

Thursday's ruling said state governments can set their own restrictions on government seizure of private homes and businesses. The recently ended Nevada Legislature did just that.

Sen. Terry Care, D-Las Vegas and author of one of the bills, said because of the new laws, "You're not going to see abuses in the future like you have in the past."

Another critic of the court decision was Harry Pappas, whose family battled the city of Las Vegas for 11 years to stop the condemnation of its downtown shopping center.

The Pappas' settled their case for $4.5 million last year, but he remains angry that the city forced the sale of the real estate. Pappas lambasted the Supreme Court decision.

"America now is just like the Nazi countries or the communist countries," Pappas said, recalling how his mother's family lost their property in Greece to the Nazis during World War II.

"They just took the Fifth Amendment out of the Constitution," he said, referring to the amendment prohibiting government from taking property "without just compensation" and "due process of law."

"When they come to take your property, kill them," Pappas said.

Jan Jones, the former mayor of Las Vegas, whose administration used the city's powers of eminent domain to force the Pappas family to sell its property for the expansion of the Fremont Street Experience, defended the decision.

"You have to preserve the core. You have to give people a reason to still go downtown," she said.

"Would there be any reason for the tourists on the Las Vegas Strip to go there?" she asked. "Believe me the courts and City Hall are not going to be a tourist attraction. What happens to these jobs (downtown)? What happens to the revenue? What happens to the (property) taxes from these businesses? Ask the casino workers how they would feel without jobs.

"Do I apologize for an unpopular decision. No, it was the right thing to do," Jones said, while admitting that city officials could have been more sensitive to property owners.

Dan Polsenberg, who represented the city in the Pappas case, said the Supreme Court decision gives governments more authority to seize private property than Nevada's eminent domain laws.

Opposition to the decision cut across party and political lines.

"The possibility of abuse by local governments can be considered almost a certainty of abuse," said attorney Allen Lichtenstein, who represents the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada.

Said Rep. Jim Gibbons, R-Nev., "Because of his ruling, every homeowner in every neighborhood could be uprooted simply because a developer offers local officials a better deal. That is simply wrong."

In the Supreme Court case, the justices upheld by a 5-4 vote that the city of New London, Conn., could condemn land for economic development without finding that the affected area was a blighted neighborhood, the grounds Las Vegas cited for seizing Pappas' land, Polsenberg said.

Even before Thursday's ruling, the Nevada Legislature adopted, and Gov. Kenny Guinn signed, two bills aimed at restraining government condemnation powers.

"It doesn't look like to me this (court decision) would invalidate either of the two (condemnation) bills that passed this session," said Risa Lang, deputy legislative counsel with the Nevada Legislative Council Bureau.

The bills sponsored by Care and Assemblyman William Horne, D-Las Vegas, add several new requirements governments must satisfy before they can condemn private property for redevelopment.

Under the new laws, two-thirds of a redevelopment area targeted for seizure must be blighted. Also, the government must cite four out of 15 possible factors, such as inadequate sanitation, that show the area is blighted. The previous law required one out of nine factors, Care said.

If land that has been taken through eminent domain is not developed within 15 years, it must be offered for sale back to the original owner at the price the owner was paid, Care said.

"Why should the property owner miss out on the joy of the appreciation of his property, his investment?" he said.

Care believes the new laws will make condemning land for development "extremely difficult to do in Nevada, very difficult."

Horne insisted that he is on Waters' side of the issue.

"I think he wants the same thing that the rest of us want," Horne said. "That is to be secure in our property rights."

Ngai Pindell, who teaches property law and land use regulation at UNLV's Boyd Law School, said the court addressed a difficult case "in the principled way."

"The case shows how hard it is for cities to balance individual protections and public benefits," Pindell said. "There's potential for abuse on both sides, and the court opted for a flexible approach as opposed to a more rigid per se test. And I think that's appropriate, given the difficulty of the decisions involved."

Others were upset by the ruling but doubt it will open the door to abuses.

Laura Fitzsimmons, a Reno attorney who has represented Nevada property owners in condemnation cases, called the Supreme Court decision a "travesty," but she doubts local governments will take advantage of the ruling.

"Nevadans are very jealous of their property rights," she said in an electronic message. "So, for the time being, I would be very surprised if local governments would act on the license to steal that the Supreme Court has given the city of New London."

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman agreed that the ruling could be misused by governments.

"Philosophically, I'm opposed to a government taking of land from a private individual to give to another individual who will use it to make a profit," Goodman said.

He noted that the city has negotiated land purchases for redevelopment in downtown Las Vegas without forcing owners to sell.

"The city has the right to do that," he said. "As long as I'm mayor, we won't do that. We're doing fine without using eminent domain."

Jones said Goodman would be unable to redevelop downtown had it not been for her administration's action. "He didn't have to make the hard decisions," she said. "Bench quarterbacks, they're a dime a dozen."

Waters fears Nevada bureaucrats will be emboldened to continue taking property despite the new state laws, which he said are inadequate because legislators "weren't serious about fixing" the state's property condemnation laws.

"I invite the citizens to consider an initiative petition to take this redevelopment statute and put this monster back in its cage once and for all," he said.

Waters specifically faulted Horne's bill because it bars courts from overturning the findings of the government condemning property unless there's "credible evidence" of bribery or fraud.

Waters said the effect of the provision is: "No matter how erroneous, dishonest or deceitful their findings of need and necessity might be, you cannot challenge it in court."


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