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星報:民進黨該逆向思考把民主放眼13億人口 更新日期:2009/05/23 12:47 This information has been posted through the courtesy of Yahoo! Chiemo News, Yahoo! Mail, and Yahoo! **__** ***** (中央社記者康世人新加坡23日專電)新加坡報章今天就高雄市長陳菊登陸發表評論,認為若民主是台灣最強有力的武器,民進黨主席是否該逆向思考,與其長期被動地擔心中國大陸統戰,不如把民主放眼於13億人口。 ***** "....... ." ---??? *1003 新加坡「聯合早報」台北特派員沈澤瑋今天就陳菊的大陸之旅撰寫評論認為,身為綠營的直轄市長,陳菊破冰之旅風險不小,但也奠定了她的歷史地位。 文章指出,第一個永遠是新聞,第二個震撼度就少了,除非是層級更高的民進黨人去。像國民黨榮譽主席連戰和中國共產黨中央委員會總書記胡錦濤2005歷史性的國共握手,受高度矚目,之後的親民黨主席宋楚瑜及新黨主席郁慕明陸續登陸,就颳不起太大的風。 此外,文章說,「中央政府」、「馬英九總統」這番話,被民進黨認為凸顯了台灣主權,包括民進黨主席蔡英文在內的民進黨人都對陳菊表示肯定,有立委甚至說,「所有國民黨男人不如一個民進黨女人」。 文章指出,這個民進黨女人不只是綠營地盤的市長,她還是美麗島事件的受刑人之一,也是民進黨創黨成員之一,身分相當特殊。 9年前,同樣是高雄市長、也是美麗島事件辯護律師的謝長廷,欲訪廈門不成;9年後,馬總統主政下的兩岸局勢大變化,加上世運在高雄的契機,這都讓陳菊完成了謝長廷無法完成的破冰之旅。 文章認為,陳菊的高雄市長身分和民進黨黨員的角色矛盾,或許說明了在台獨主張和經濟考量上,民進黨持續陷入進退兩難的困局,既須應對時局的變化,也須向支持者有個交代。但是,宣揚台灣主權,是否必然就要反「中」?與大陸打交道是否等於賣台? 文章說,大陸這個摸不透的敵人確實可怕,但民進黨最大的敵人似乎是自己。 文章表示,受訪學者感嘆說,「政治人物沒有任何選擇,跟著商人的屁股走」。不過,回頭看,雖然海峽一方信奉三民主義,另一方高舉「中國特色的社會主義」,但雙方目前似乎卻是在資本主義的旗幟下接觸。而說到資本主義,又有誰比商人更懂得其中道理? 文章中指出,當然,政黨不是只負責賺錢的企業,除經濟面向還得照顧社會的安全利益。但就像嫁到北京的一個台灣朋友說的,如果民主是台灣最強而有力的武器,民進黨主席是不是應該逆向思考,與其長期被動地擔心大陸統戰,不如把民主放眼於13億人口的市場。 ***** "....... ... ." ---Dean Dr. Staurt H. Mann *168 文章說,又或許,外界把一切都政治化了,陳菊此行真的只是為了行銷世運和高雄,一次高潮後,一切都將恢復原形。 The above information has been posted by Yahoo! Chiemo News on May 23, 2009 internationally. -------------------------- | |
040909-2347 |
Advanced Search Preferences Google SafeSearch is ON Web Results 1 - 4 of 4 from communitylink.reviewjournal.com for "John International Youth Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbti" by the brilliant world leading search engines with Safesearch on Internet. (0.38 seconds): Search Results: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... US Congresswoman Shelley Berkley International lvrj/wbti USA . ... Mail AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A.,' "New feature articles in the Section of 'Business .... opposing," AP, Yahoo! Mail, LVRJ/wbti, and among others posted worldwidely. ... Praise God, John! ' "It is essential that we provide the president with the tools and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=013370010... - 79k - Cached - Similar pages WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Oct 6, 2004 ... U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign had been invited to attend the Event ... http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor ... WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com ..... provide early intervention services for children and youth with behavioral ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=... - 75k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... John Moran Jr. said Tobman never retired and refused to miss a day of work at Western Cab. .... WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com .... (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor .... The chancellor also directs a program he founded 28 years ago, the Youth ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=... - 98k - Cached - Similar pages For more information ... -------------------------------- | |
03-21-09, 6:57 p.m.(LV) |
"The Winning Attitude," a famous book written by John C. Maxwell may lead us to continue our second endeavor. 'Promotion with effective change, wisdom from the respecting of the Almighty, and advanced frontier to launching the cooperation, development, and prosperity!' Chatted Tony, Judy, and Mike Lei. ---Winning, International Yahoo! Mail AP lvrj/wbtiBusiness & Administration (PPAA20) | |
010209-0607 |
[[[[[ ... We expect the forthcoming work performance of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum founded by this Institute to help improve the quality of life of the people and contribue to he prosperity of this State," said Dr. William Thompson. Bill is former Chairman and now Professor of the Department of Public Administration of UNLV. His son married a beautiful Chinese girl in Mongloria years ago. He plans to write a book for WBTI, which is expected to be published both in English and Chinese. "Freedom, democracy, and Justice have constituted a legacy that we should keep, not because it is a legacy, but because it is right and justice. It has made the United States of America the freest and most prosperous country in history. It's our responsibility to join the effort together in making Nevada one of the peaceful, happy, and prosperous state of America through the cooperation and development of culture, tourism, business, and education with our foreign countries." said Lorraine Hunt, Lt. Governor of Nevada, for the Thai Performing Arts - Appreciation Day 2003. The Event and Party was held at the Charleston Height Arts Center on September 16, 2003, co-sponsored by WBTI, Arcata Associates, Kids for a Better Society, and among others. The spirit of both the innovation and entreprenuership has also motivated United States to be a leading and prosperous country. With its high-speed capability, Fiber Optics can convey mass quantity of images and voice information. It is because that the broadband technology such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) has been more and more developed. Moreover, because of the popular building of radio communication networks, wireless techniques may access important information from the web and condense it to be appeared on the small web connecting machines such as a hand-held screen. The open free software LINUX operating system can even connect various stations very easilly. All these advancement in science and technology, should be used to inspire the promotion of the quality of our daily life. In this new era of information and web works, we should add humanity concern into our thinking structures. God created the world. Everything can be decided by Him. As the value of the fellowship of Public Administration Institution of WBTI growing, we the people with intelligence and knowledge in administration, technology, science should enjoy a valuable and joyful life to serve our community and society with our efforts and wisdom. ]]]]] *717 -------------------- ***** "....... ." ---Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung *1001 (*1001. ... for a search of "U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." ... by the brilliance of world's leading search engines ... '5 words inspired for the Champion contest on Internet' ....... <<< Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "U.S. Senator and Majority Leader of the U.S. Senate Harry Reid AP Yahoo! Mail lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at 6:07 a.m.(LV) on 010208. (0.68 seconds) Search Results (by the world's leading search engines on Internet): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Leader Harry Reid, U. S. ... President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI in the early . ..... [Thorugh the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail, AP, LVRJ, lvrj/wbti U.S.A. for the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=013370010... - 75k - Cached - Similar pages >>> -------------------------------- | |
The following information has been shown by Google early in the morning on January 2, 2009:After reading the section, please highlight this to the internet address box: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Hit "Chinese Simplified (HZ)" through the "View" please! Business & Administration ( PPAA20) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti 122908-2037 **__** <<< Just arrives upon the scene! Thank you very much, Sam!!! >>> An e-mail From Chair Sam Lieberman on Monday, December 29, 2008 at 11:14 AM ^^^From: "Nevada State Democratic Party" {news@nvdems.com} Add sender to Contacts To: "Tony Lei" {tojulei@yahoo.com} **__** ***** "....... ." ---??? *747 "Dear Tony Lei, As New Years approaches - a note of thanks for your time, talent, energy and efforts that allowed Nevada Democrats to achieve historic successes in 2008!" Chairman Sam Lieberman of Nevada State Democratic Party wrote to LVRJ/WBTI in the morning on December 29, 2008.*101 ------------------------- Google Advanced Search Preferences Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Nevada State Democratic Party International AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at 11:37 a.m.(LV) on 122908. (0.60 seconds) Search Results (by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet) Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ... After his involvement with the Stardust, Democratic Party loyalist Tobman ..... from the State of Nevada, Clark County, U. S. Senators and Congressmen and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 95k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Embassy Suites Hotel Los Angeles, International Airport South ...... and Technology Institute's website at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/ wbti ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945... - 257k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com /I> (To be completed ...) I look forward to working with each of you as we strengthen and diversify our party's roster, while ensuring and celebrating more Democratic victories in 2010 and beyond. Wishing the best to you and your families now and in 2009. With Appreciation, Sam Lieberman 702-286-0739 This message was intended for: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** 122808-1957 **__** 122708-2357 **__** 122608-1001 "Business & Administration (PPAA20)" of WBTI's website, Friday, 8:01 a.m.(LV), December 26, 2008 #First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr. Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court (now Justice) William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials and intellectuals who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com <<< 7th (continual) Edition [To be completed ...] >>> U.S. President-elect Barack Obama, Naming U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, U.S. Senator & Majority Leader of the Senate Harry Reid, and President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei United we stand Accomplishment lvrj/wbti America! AP, Yahoo! Mail, and lvrj/wbti: Las Vegas Review-Journal's (Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com) Local, national, and international visibility and popularity are enhancing through the world's leading search engines (Google, Baidu, MSN, Yahoo, Sina, Worldjournal.com, and among others) on Internet!!! [[[ Postive Attitude, Modern Wisdom, and Professionalism with Integrity lvrj/wbti Earth: ***** President Dr. Tony T. Lei and Director Dr. William N. Thompson have promoted Dr. Feng-wei Lai, Judge Valorie J. Vega, and Dr. John Z. Wang Associate Fellows at the Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI ]]] By Bill Maupin, Al Gore, Shelley Berkley, Gerri Schroder, Michael Douglas, John Kerry, Jackie Glass, Steven Horsford, Barbara Buckley, Mark Denton, Catherine Masto, John Ponticello, Allison Copening, Michelle Leavitt, Doug Gillespie, Dr. Dina Titus, and Jennifer Kung *(1) **__** [[[ 071808-2358 Influence, authority, and wisdom lvrj/wbti: ***** "I long to accomplish a great and noble task; but it is my chief duty and job to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and noble. The world is moved along, not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes, but also by the aggregate of the tiny pushes of each honest worker." ---Helen A. Keller, Life Time Funds Raiser of the American Foundation for the Blind and Overseas Blind.*1 ]]] *007d (*007d. ... by Google.com ... on 120107 ....... ) ***** Dear Caroline, Do you think this new design of "Barack Obama, Yahoo!Mail, PA lvrj/wbti" good for the '5 words at a contest for the Champion on Internet'? Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 from communitylink.reviewjournal.com for "AP: Why Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, President Dr. Tony T. Lei Winning lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at 9:37 a.m.(LV) on 122608. (0.55 seconds) Search Results (by the world's leading search engines on Internet): WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Leader Harry Reid, U. S. ... President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI in the early . ...... Barack Obama of the PPAA Forum of WBTI, U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01325001051063401400197432&pg=01336001... - 170k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ... 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=01340001... - 157k - Cached - Similar pages ------------------ <<< ***** "The man who does not work for the love of work but only for money is not likely to make money nor find much fun in life." ---Charles Schwab *757 (*757. ... "Work Performance" by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet ....... ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you know the enemy and know yourself, your victory will not stand in doubt; if you know Heaven and know Earth, you may make your victory complete. *12 ---Sun Tzu, Chinese General and Author, b.500 BC (*12. ... for a search of "Victory" by the Thinkexist.com on Google ....... ------------------------ <<< "You must give something to your fellow man - even if it's a little thing, do something for others - something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it." ---WBTI learns it from a search of 'community service', etc. by the world's leading search engines on Internet.*1 "... to use the power and beauty to support those in need," said Miss World Zhang Zilin. An inspiration of the role as beauty ambassadress for our world is ..... ------------- "... TO BENEFIT NOT ONLY YOURSELF, BUT OTHERS - IS THE PURPOSE BEHIND THE ANNUAL MISS WORLD COMPETITION, AND ... ." *3 The thing has its "BEAUTY WITH A PURPOSE." "Miss Zhang hails from Shijiazhaung, a gritty industrial city in the northern Hebei province, and says that her favourite foods are chocolate and ice cream. She is now certain to become a role model for a generation of Chinese women," wrote Reporter Jane Macartney in Beijing about Miss World Zhang Zilin. It is posted by "The Times" in its Times Line today on December 4, 2007.*(4) [*(4). ... "AP, Yahoo! Mail International lvrj/wbti U.S.A." ....... As a beauty ambassadress, Miss World Zhang Zilin's mission has been to give her friendship and serve heart to the people in need of many cities and villages all around the world. "I've enjoyed very much traveling in America recently," Global lvrj/wbti U.S.A. posted.*168 "It's my honor and privilege!" [[[ ***** "That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.~~~~{!1~~~~} ---Abraham Lincoln *747 {American 16th US President (1861-65), who brought about the emancipation of the slaves. 1809-1865. ...a martyr for the ideal of national unity. Lincoln has been consistently ranked by scholars as one of the greatest U.S. Presidents.}*747a >>>>> *2 {{{ Vision and enthusiasm By Tiffany Chang The willingness to create a new vision is a statement of your belief in your potential. ---David McNally ]]] <<< 2008 U.S. President-elect Barack Obama for the 44th President of the United States of America ....... {To be continued ...} >>> Innovative Vision, Leading Action, and Improved Frontier National lvrj/wbti U.S.A.: ....... ... ....... ... ....... ....................... *1001 ____________________________________________ ***** Philosophy International lvrj/wbti U.S.A.: "And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." ---John F. Kennedy, 35th President of the United States of America *737 (*1001. ... by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet ....... *737. Edward Kennedy, '...,' "An e-mail from U.S. Senator Edward Kennedy to WBTI ... National lvrj/wbti U.S.A. ....... <<< Google Advanced Search Web Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Distinguished Author Barack Obama of PPAA Forum lvrj/wbti U.S.A." at 9:57 a.m.(LV) on 112508. (0.79 seconds) Search Results (by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on Internet): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Modern Wisdom, Positive Change, American Dream lvrj/wbti U.S.A.: .... officials ..... Barack Obama, a Distinguished Author of the PPAA Forum of Washington ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&pg=013370010... - 74k - Cached - Similar pages WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... Positive Celebrating lvrj/wbti: President Dr. Tony T. Lei of Washington ..... news from Distinguished Author Barack Obama of the PPAA Forum of WBTI, U. S. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../lvrj.../dbpage=cge&gid=01325001051063401400197432&pg=01336001... - 170k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ? >>> *1007 (*1007. ... for a search of "Distinguished Author Barack Obama" by the brilliance of world's leading search engines on the Internet ....... (Editor's notes) ....... ............................ --------------------- <<< The great German poet, Goethe, was once asked by a friend what he would suggest as a daily exercise for spiritual betterment. He said: "I would like to read a noble poem. I would like to see a beautiful picture. I would like to hear a bit of inspiring music. I would like to meet a great soul. ---Marjorie Barrows *1001 >>>>> --------------------- [[[ Just arrives upon the scene. Yahoo! Mail today!!! 1. Kennedy tells AP she'll have to work twice as hard (AP) 2. Storm blankets West with snow, ice glazes Midwest (AP) US urging calm over possible Pakistan troop moves (AP) 3. China targets pirates in groundbreaking mission (AP) 4. For Obama, huge challenges vs. big assets (AP) .......More News ]]] <<< For a search on the Internet, people have used to find the following paragraphs of an articles. It is entittled with "Dr. Stuart Mann, Executive Director of the ICBC of WBTI with outstanding accomplishment in adminisrtration": Dear Majistrate of Penghu, It was my pleasure to learn of the progress being made in Penghu for the issuing of gaming licensure. I am sure that you will find the increased tourism to be of great benefit to your Province.*5 ....... Ms. Charlyne Chen, in her role representing UNLV in Taiwan and Greater China, has kept us abreast of these important activities. If I personally can assist you in your development, please do not hesitate to call on me. We have a number of resources available that may be able to assist in your progress. I hope that you will visit us again soon so that I am able to meet you. Ms. Chen speaks so very highly of you and your leadership. Sincerely yours, Stuart H. Mann Dean Michael D. Rose Distinguished Chair William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration University of Nevada, Las Vegas --------------------- It is our pleasure to post the following draft of an article: <<< "Through the recommendations by our faculty members including Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas, District Judge Jessie Walsh, Clark County Commissioner Lynette McDonald, Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber; Dr. Stuart H. Mann has been appointed as one of our Executive Directors of the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on October 21, 2005," announced Dr. John Z. Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Monday, October 24, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.*(1) >>> *6 Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas, District Judge Jessie Walsh, Clark County Commissioner Lynette McDonald, Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber, Clark County Sherriff Bill Young, business executives and owners, multimedia publishers and Editors-in-Chief, organizational and community leaders, and other VIPs co-sponsored the initial establishment of the Intercity Business Council of Nevada (also known as the "International Cities Business Council") of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) . The historical event took place on December 16, 2004 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.*(2) Lt. Governor of Nevada Lorraine Hunt is now the Honorary Chairperson of the International Cities Business Council (ICBC). President Dr. Carol C. Harter of UNLV has been recommended and named as one of the Advisors of ICBC. Miss Charlyne Chen was promoted to Chairperson of ICBC by President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI on August 15, 2005. The Directors of the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) at the present time are: Honorable Han Zheng, Mayor of the City of Shanghai, China, Honorable Jim Gibson, Mayor of the City of Henderson, Nevada, Honorable Michael L. Montandon, Mayor of the City of North Las Vegas, Nevada, Dr. Stuart Mann, Dean of the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration, University of Nevada Las Vegas (UNLV), Honorable Feng Wei Lai, County Governor of Penghu, Taiwan, Honorable Changping Zhang, Mayor of Xiamen, China, and the Honorable Tommy Hu, CEO (Mayor) of Xiang Fan, Hubei, China, CEO of United Commercial Bank, and notably among others.*(3) Miss Charlyne Chen was promoted to Chairperson of ICBC by President Dr. Tony T. Lei of LVRJ/WBTI on August 15, 2005. Dr. Stuart H. Mann is now the Dean of the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration of University of Nevada.*7 "..... Ms(.) Charlyne has been most helpful to UNLV in making these introduction and we are hopefu(l) that she will continue to work with UNLV to promote our interest in great China," Dean Stuart Mann wroted on September 2, 2005. "It's my great pleasure to have this new venue for the cooperation and development of tourism and education among our School and the Asian cities like Mauca China, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and Penghu Taiwan," Dr. Stuart Mann chatted.*13 ---------------------- Hit "Chinese Traditional (Big5)" through the "View" please! Chrisitne's wedding on 12/28 By Charlyne Chen <<< An e-mail from Miss Charlyne Chen to WBTI on Monday, December 22, 2008 at 12:32 AM through ^^^From: "cc Info21" {cc@info21.com} To: "'Christine Chen'" {chen???istine@???mail.com} >>> 親愛~{5DEsSQ#:~} ~{Im~}為~{4s=c#,Ne~}個~{CCCC~}終~{l6H+2?~}結~{;iAK#!H}CC~} ~{~{O#M{:MDzR;M,7VOm~}這個~{O2~}悅~{!#~}~{PB@I:MPBDo6<6(>SC@~}國~{11Eric~{JG~}個優~{Pc5DCCPv#,J75$7p5D~}電機~{2)J?!#~}媽媽從~{Dj~}輕~{GZ~}儉~{3V~{JGN;~}謙遜~{9'A<5D~}傳統~{E.PT#,~}18歲~{>M<^~}給~{88~}親~{#,0WJVFp為~{J2~}麼連~{IzAyC{E.~}兒~{#?~}說~{7(R;JG~}說為~{AK~}幫~{0V0VIz~}個兒~{WS#,~}這實~{TZSB~}氣~{?I說~{7(6~JG~}說~{Rr~}為~{4sE.~}兒~{L+~}優~{Pc#,KyRTO#M{R;V1~}複製~{#!~} ~{9~9~#!NR1H~}較~{O2~}歡說~{7(6~#!~} ~{AyC{E.~}兒~{VP#,SPH}N;~}碩~{J?#,CCCC~}們~{4s6`6(>Sl6~}舊~{=pI=#,~} ~{H}CC~{CCCC~}們~{TZ0k9$0k~}讀~{!"4r4r~}鬧鬧~{VPF=02=!?55D~}長~{4s#,R26~{R22;Mw~}媽媽~{PA?`@-0N~}長~{4s5D?`PD#,Hg=qR26`AK~}優~{Pc5DNe~}個~{0kWS~}/~{E.Pv!"3I>M2;72SP9$3L~}師 ,醫師~{~{WT~}14歲~{NR~}們~{H+MRFCq5=C@~}國Las Vegas經營Motel~{F{~}車~{BC~}館~{#,N(R;5D~}遺~{:6JG0V0VSPAKMbSvaa#,~}選擇~{AKAmR;~}個~{SP~}兒~{WS5D雖~{H;88~}親~{TZ;i~}禮~{VPH1O/#,5+NR~}們~{KySP5D=cCC~}A~{S@~}遠~{6~{NRR2~}將~{S@~}遠~{JG~}內華達~{V]5DE.~}兒~{#,~}內華達~{JGNRIzC|VP7G3#VXR*5DT*KX#,RFCq5DPA?`!"KySP5D2;~}適應~{#,~}~{Im~}為~{C@~}國~{5DIY~}數~{CqWe#,0V0V=L~}導~{NR~}們~{3T?`DM~}勞~{#,SC9&~}讀書~{#,LCLCU}U}~}為華~{HK~}爭~{9b#!~} ~{Hg=q#,NR~}們沒~{SP@"~}對~{88~}親~{#,AyC{=cCC~}們~{6<:\SB8R~}並堅強~{5DE,A&Vx!-!-~}. ~{!84fTZ!9~}與~{!82;4fTZ!9#,~}愛~{JG?42;~}見~{5D#,5+!8~}愛卻讓萬~{NoRr4K4fTZ!9~},愛~{JG3,T=PT~}別~{#,F$~}膚~{5D~}顏~{I+~} ~{O#M{DzD\~}來參~{~{K4IO~}-------------------------- 1. Kennedy says 9/11, Obama led her to public service (AP) 2. US urging calm over possible Pakistan troop moves (AP) 3. Pakistan redeploying troops to Indian border (AP) 4. Storm blankets West with snow, ice glazes Midwest (AP) 5. China targets pirates in groundbreaking mission (AP) » More News ....... >>> Kennedy says 9/11, Obama led her to public service By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press Writer [[[ Larry Neumeister, Associated Press Writer – 35 mins ago Featured Topics: Barack Obama Presidential Transition Play Video AP – AP Exclusive: Kennedy talks Senate seat Slideshow: Caroline Kennedy Play Video Barack Obama Video: He's No. 1 FOX News Play Video Barack Obama Video: Stimulus Showdown FOX News AP – Caroline Kennedy, center, speaks with Save the Children volunteer Virginia Snead after an interview, ~{!-~} ]]] NEW YORK – Caroline Kennedy emerged from weeks of near-silence Friday about her bid for a Senate seat by saying that after a lifetime of closely guarded privacy, she felt compelled to answer the call to service issued by her father a generation ago.*12 She said two events shaped her decision to ask Gov. David Paterson 11 days ago to consider her for the position if Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is confirmed as secretary of state: the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and her work for Barack Obama's presidential campaign. In her first sit-down interview since she emerged as a Senate hopeful, the 51-year-old daughter of President John F. Kennedy cited her father's legacy in explaining her decision to seek to serve alongside her uncle Massachusetts Sen. Edward Kennedy. "Many people remember that spirit that President Kennedy summoned forth," she said. "Many people look to me as somebody who embodies that sense of possibility. I'm not saying that I am anything like him, I'm just saying there's a spirit that I think I've grown up with that is something that means a tremendous amount to me." She also credited her mother, Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, with giving her the courage to seek the job. "I think my mother ... made it clear that you have to live life by your own terms and you have to not worry about what other people think and you have to have the courage to do the unexpected," she said. Since Kennedy expressed interest in the job, she has faced sometimes sharp criticism that she cut in line ahead of politicians with more experience and has acted as if she were entitled to it because of her political lineage. More than a half-dozen elected officials are vying for the seat, including New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and several members of Congress. Kennedy said that she had long been encouraged to seek public office and that Clinton's expected departure from the Senate offered the perfect opportunity to follow in the footsteps of her father, two uncles and cousins. "Going into politics is something people have asked me about forever," a relaxed Kennedy said as she ate a grilled cheese and bacon sandwich and sipped coffee at a diner in Manhattan. "When this opportunity came along, which was sort of unexpected, I thought, `Well, maybe now. How about now?'" She said she realizes she will have to prove herself and "work twice as hard as anybody else." She acknowledged, "I am an unconventional choice," but added: "We're starting to see there are many ways into public life and public service." Since Kennedy's name first surfaced as a possible replacement for Clinton, her advisers have shielded her from the media, with the exception of a few brief interviews on a swing through upstate New York and a visit to Harlem with the Rev. Al Sharpton. Some commentators likened her to Sarah Palin in the way her dealings with the media were being carefully managed. She agreed to sit down for interviews Friday with The Associated Press and NY1 television. Kennedy acknowledged that her recent time in the limelight ~{!*~} after a relatively private life as a wife, mother of three, best-selling author and fundraiser in New York City ~{!*~} had not gone entirely smoothly. But she said she had turned down interview requests and tried not to appear to be campaigning for the job because she knew that the choice rested solely with the Democratic governor. "I was trying to respect the process. It is not a campaign," she said. "It was misinterpreted. If I were to be selected, I understand public servants have to be accessible." Asked about criticism from other politicians and members of the public that she seems to regard herself as entitled to the job as a member of America's most storied political dynasty, she said: "Everybody that knows me knows I haven't really lived that way. ... Nobody's entitled to anything, certainly not me." Kennedy chuckled when she was asked if her brother, the late John F. Kennedy Jr., had ever suggested she run for public office some day. "He usually thought about himself," she said. "He would be laughing his head off at seeing what's going on right now." Kennedy has been criticized for failing vote in a number of elections since registering in New York City in 1988, including in 1994 when Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan was up for re-election for the seat she hopes to take over. When asked to explain Friday, Kennedy reacted with good humor. "I was really surprised and dismayed by my voting record," she said. "I'm glad it's been brought to my attention." Former New York Rep. Geraldine Ferraro is among those who have urged Paterson to appoint an experienced member of Congress for the job. "I think it's great she understands she will have a tougher time," Ferraro said. "I don't know if she can work twice as hard because having been a member of Congress I know they work 24-7. They already work hard." *14 ___ Associated Press reporter Michael Gormley contributed to this report from Albany. [Thorugh the courtesy of Yahoo! Mail, AP, LVRJ, lvrj/wbti U.S.A. for the references of research studies and Community Service above self.] (Editor's notes) ....... .......................... Go To Page: 1 [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138] | |
100908-0317 *****Literature & Academic Forum lvrj/wbti (http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) |
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061708-1001 "Social & Community (LAF6)" of WBTI website, Tuesday 10:17 a.m.(TX), June 17, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
<<< To WBTI from Nevada District Court Judge Cheryl Moss {cmossnv@msn.com} at Tue, 17 Jun 2008 07:51:15 -0700 RE: Would you like to ...? >>>Dear Dr. Lei, My editorial comments: It is with great pleasure to share with you the following e-mail from our esteemed leader U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Shelley has been a born educated leader who made a lifetime commitment to the prosperity and future of Nevada! | |
Dear Renee, Mark, and Cheryl, Thank you Renee for your e-mail to us [Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:01:08 -0700 From: "Congresswoman Shelley Berkley" {renee@sberkley.com} Subject: Working for You--Update]. In responding to it, we have the following draft for your review. Any comment, modification, or enrichment that may be extended from you to WBTI will highly be appreciated. <<<(Editor's note) This feature article is submiting to the review by our intellectuals Renee Aschoff, Mark Denton, and Cheryl Moss.>>> Working for You--Update(www.berkleyforcongress.com) Commitment, Vision, and Accomplishment wbti: ***** By Jennifer Kung <<< ***** Isaac Newton: "If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulder of giants." ***** John Quincy Adams: "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." ***** Winston Churchill: "The price of greatness is responsibility." ***** Rosabeth Moss Kantor: "Leaders are more powerful role models when they learn than when they teach." ***** Kenneth Blanchard: "The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority." >>> *1 **--** It's our pleasure to receive again the following e-mail from our many years bright leader U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Shelley has been an intelligent and learned leader who edeavors her life time for the prosperity and future of Nevada! Dear Judy, [[ Park Pride Day American Cancer Society's Relay for Life ALWAYS WORKING FOR YOU CLEAN ENERGY REAL KEY TO ADDRESSING CLIMATE CHANGE SAYS BERKLEY ]] Congresswoman Shelley Berkley called President George W. Bush right for recognizing, belatedly, the need to reduce carbon emissions and stated that he is wrong in calling for more nuclear power plants as well as a continued reliance by the United States on fossil fuels as a way to address global climate change.*2 “I am glad the President has finally joined me in recognizing the need to reduce carbon emissions that are contributing to climate change. But he is dead wrong when he says that more nuclear power plants and a continued dependence on dirty fossil fuels are the answer to the issue of global warming,” the Congresswoman said. “More nuclear power plants will only mean more nuclear waste and added pressure to ship this toxic garbage to Nevada. Oil and other fossil fuels only add to our carbon emissions, while doing nothing to increase America’s energy independence. Renewable energy from the sun, wind and geothermal sources is truly “clean” and can be produced right at home in Nevada. If President Bush wanted to get serious about stopping global warming, he would support my call for ending subsidies to nuclear, oil and gas and investing those dollars to harness the abundance of clean energy that Nevada and our nation are capable of producing,” Berkley said. "海峽交流基金會代表團今天傍晚會見中共總書記胡錦濤。胡錦濤在會晤中表示,在「九二共識」基礎上恢復協商,週末包機及大陸居民赴台旅遊兩項協議的實施,有利於推動兩岸直接三通,擴大兩岸互利合作。 行政院大陸委員會副主任委員傅棟成與交通部政務次長游芳來,都與胡錦濤握手致意,創下台灣政務官員與中國最高領導人正式會晤的歷史紀錄。 江丙坤是在今天傍晚四點半在釣魚台國賓館十八號樓與胡錦濤會晤,會晤時間約半個鐘頭。江丙坤稱胡錦濤為「胡主席(指國家主席)」," posted Chinatimes.com with the news by '中央社 (Central Daily News)' early this morning on June 13, 2008 in Taipei, Taiwan.*3 "胡錦濤致詞時表示,回想十六年前,兩岸達成九二共識,並舉行歷史性的「汪辜」新加坡會談。卻因為眾所周知的原因,兩會的協商大門中斷,這次能重啟中斷九年的又一次協商,並且取得成效,充分顯示兩岸雙方有智慧、有能力通過協商談判解決問題。 胡錦濤表示,兩會所簽署的兩岸週末包機及大陸居民赴台旅遊兩項協議的實施,有利於增進兩岸同胞往砗徒涣鳎欣锻苿觾砂吨苯尤ǎ欣稊U大兩岸互利合作。 胡錦濤並提出今後兩岸協商的四點建議。胡錦濤指出,兩岸未來商談中,應當平等協商;相互尊重、善意溝通;積累共識、消除 幾h;務實進取,共同尋找雙方可以解決的議題." {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2003 As an U.S. Congresswoman and a Member of the International Relations Committee of the Congress, Shelley Berkley's caucus task forces are in education, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 23k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this Washington Business and Technology Institute - Election and Public ... In order to celebrate Shelley Berkley's winning as U. S. Congresswoman, elected as a member of the International Relations Committee (IRC) of the Congress, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this }}} *4 "江丙坤隨即表示,追求和平共榮是兩岸共同 標,。兩岸在國際間有很多合作空間,共同擴大在國際影響力,「(台灣)希望能積極參與國際事務,向前發展。」 他並表示,兩岸同屬中華民族,台灣希望能與大陸方面共同合作,齊頭並進,各盡所能,各自在國際上共同發揮。他說相信今後透過兩岸領導人的智慧與決心,與兩岸同胞的努力,兩岸關係必然可以重新出發,創造共榮雙贏," continued the Chinatimes.com.*5 "對此,江丙坤轉述胡錦濤的話指出,胡錦濤表示瞭解台灣民眾在此問題上的感受。他並重提二零零五年與當時的中國國民黨主席連戰共同發表的「兩岸和平發展共同願景」,表示在兩岸兩會恢復協商之後,可以透過兩會機制,共同討論,優先處理台灣加入世界衛生大會(WHA)的問題." BERKLEY SAYS YES TO MORE CLEAN ENERGY PRODUCTION Congresswoman Shelley Berkley voted for new investments in clean, renewable energy production, as well as increased energy efficiency to help promote the use and development of more solar and geothermal energy within the Silver State and nationwide through The Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Tax Act of 2008. “Clean energy is the future of Nevada and extending these tax incentives will encourage greater development of solar, geothermal and other forms of green power. This legislation provides incentives for clean energy production and ends giveaways to big oil and gas producers at a time when these global giants are generating enormous profits,” said Berkley. “This package is good for Nevada, good for businesses, good for the environment and a smart investment in our energy future.” Said Berkley. “Nevada is fast becoming a world leader in the use of solar energy and we have a tremendous opportunity to increase our use of geothermal power, both of which are eligible for incentives under this bill. More solar and geothermal power will mean more jobs and new sources of green energy to power our homes and businesses. Our bill also extends and expands tax incentives for renewable electricity, energy and fuel, as well as for plug-in hybrid cars, and energy efficient homes, buildings, and appliances. All of which will add up to energy savings and a cleaner environment,” stated the Congresswoman. <<< ... From the KUN of 'I Ching,' somebody may learn that "It is smooth at the beginning. There is a foreboding that it is better to ride a mare. The gentleman travels, and even if he loses his way, he will work it out later. This trip will help you get treasures in the southwest, but you will miss treasures in the northeast. Still, it is auspicious if you keep calm and use your own mind to predict the future." *2 ....... >>> *6 BERKLEY AGAIN VOTES TO GIVE 10 MILLION CHILDREN HEALTHCARE Latest Effort to Overcome Bush SCHIP Veto Fails In House Once again, Congresswoman Shelley Berkley voted to override the President’s veto of bipartisan legislation to see that healthcare be provided to 10 million children with the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) including 34,000 children currently uninsured children in Nevada which are eligible for insurance coverage under the state run Nevada Check Up program. “With the economy slowing, more parents are having difficulty finding health insurance for their children and that makes the SCHIP program more critical than ever,” stated Berkley. Congresswoman Berkley also stated that “With the economy slowing, more parents are having difficulty finding health insurance for their children and that makes the SCHIP program more critical than ever,”. <<< "Sens. Barack Obama and John McCain are in the midst of a fundraising binge, and it appears there is nowhere the two White House hopefuls won't go in search of dough. Next week, the Obama campaign will hold two fundraising events in China," wrote Reporter Matthew Mosk. It was posted at the Washingtonpost.com on June 13, 2008.*7 "The candidate himself won't be making an appearance. Instead, guests at the Bejing home of David Brooks, a Coca Cola executive there, will hear from two senior foreign policy fellows from the Brookings Institution who advise the Obama campaign, Ivo Daalder and Phil Gordon. If the June 17 appearance does not satisfy, American expatriates in China can hear the two foreign policy experts opine at an event on June 19 in Shanghai hosted by Ted Hornbein, an executive a Richco, a company that manufactures electronic components for cell phones and the like." >>> BERKLEY WORKS TO EXPAND TREATMENT PROGRAMS FOR VETERANS WITH SUBSTANCE USE DISORDERS Congresswoman Shelly Berkley is pushing swift action on legislation to improve and expand treatment for veterans battling substance abuse disorders helping veterans of all ages including the U.S. troops returning from Iraq and Afghanistan experiencing PTSD who may be at a higher risk of developing such disorders. “Nationally, one in five veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan suffers from PTSD and a percentage of these men and women also become dependent on alcohol or drugs. These veterans turn to the VA for treatment, but sadly, programs to address substance use disorders are not as widely available as they need to be -- especially given the number of troops who are serving in combat,” stated Congresswoman Berkley. “A constituent of mine, Lance Corporal Justin Bailey, returned from Iraq with PTSD. He developed a substance use disorder and checked himself into a VA facility in West Los Angeles. After being given five medications on a self-medication policy, Justin overdosed and died,” Berkley stated. “That is why I am offering an amendment that requires the VA to conduct a review of all residential mental health care facilities and to report back to the Committee on its findings. A review of the services provided to our veterans is needed to ensure that what happened to Justin does not happen to anyone else.” <<< 兩會13日就周末包機與大陸居民赴台旅遊簽署協議,海協會會長陳雲林(右)和海基會董事長江丙坤(左)簽字後握手。新華社[2008-06-13] >>> *8 This is a picture posted on the Home Page of Worldjournal.com in the top left of '全球即時動態' with a report about "周末包機 陸客遊台 兩岸簽協議" early in the morning on June 13, 2008. To read the full press releases and to find out more on how Shelley is working for you, please visit the “News” section of the website at www.BerkleyForCongress.com. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NEVADA STATE CONVENTION The Nevada State Democratic Convention was held at the Grand Sierra Hotel and Convention Center in Reno, Nevada on May 17th and 18th. The turnout was the largest in the state’s history. As you know, the upcoming election will be one of the most important in our nation’s history and our gathering in Reno was a critical step in helping turn Nevada Blue. I enjoyed seeing so many of you there! For more information on the platform that was adopted at the Nevada State Convention visit www.nvdems.com. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STAYING CONNECTED NEIGHBOR 2 NEIGHBOR & FRIEND 2 FRIEND Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wants to get to know your friends and neighbors. Please join us in an effort to reach out to Berkley supporters in our community. For more information, please contact Matthew Dempsey at 212-3350 or Matthew@SBerkley.com. We need your help!!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CALL TO ACTION… Here are three things you can do right now to take action and help Congresswoman Berkley’s Re-election Campaign: 1. FORWARD this message to a friend 2. UPDATE your information, so we may better serve you (please include your top three issues you would like to hear from us about). 3. REFER your friends, family and co-workers to Shelley’s website www.berkleyforcongress.com TOGETHER WE WILL WIN! *9 <<< 兩會復談包機、觀光達成協議 胡錦濤:可喜可賀 2008/06/14 00:20 大陸新聞中心北京報導 "江胡會13日下午登場,地點就在15年前,辜江會晤的釣魚台 ....... 身為東道主,大陸國家主席胡錦濤準備等候客人海基會董事長江丙坤,... 針對兩岸兩會就週末包機和陸客來台觀光達成協議,胡錦濤說,這標誌著兩岸關係改善發展的良好開始,可喜可賀。" posted the 'International News' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞 on June 13, 2008 in Taipei, Taiwan.*10 "包括新任國台辦主任王毅、海協會長陳雲林都陪同胡錦濤出席,和15年前辜振甫會見江澤民的地點一樣,都在釣魚台國賓館18號樓的四季廳,儘管有景物依舊人事全非的欷噓,但就在雙方重拾互信的新局面上,兩岸交流史寫下新的一頁." >>> (Editor's note) This feature article is submiting to the review by our intellectuals Renee Aschoff, Mark Denton, and Cheryl Moss. [[[ YouTube - Michelle Kwan 2004 Nationals Long Program ... This is Michelle Kwan's performance of "Tosca" at the 2004 US ... 8 min - www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5bXuBSLB0U ----------------- YouTube - Michelle Kwan - Fields of Gold - 2003 Worlds ... Michelle Kwan's 2003 World Championships exhibition program ... 4 min 1 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr01qTQ1_FI ]]] *11 Obama, Reid, Berkley wbti: "Change" in America and "reopen" to Taiwan! -------------------------------------------- References *1. Google.com. 'Leadership quotes - part of a larger collection of Wisdom Quotes to challenge and inspire,' "A search of 'Quotes on Leadership, etc.' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (June 13, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google USA. *2. Berkley, Shelley. 'Working for You--Update,' "An e-mail from Congresswoman Shelley Berkley {renee@sberkley.com} to WBTI at Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:01:08 -0700," (June 6, 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada: Desk of Manager Renee Aschoff's Office. *3. 中央社. '胡錦濤: 兩岸未來商談中,應當平等協商;相互尊重、善意溝通;積累共識、消除 幾h;務實進取,' "A report about 'The mutual cooperation between the two sides of Taiwan Straits' by the 'on China Times' website: Taipei, Taiwan: Chinatimes.com. *4. ... by Google ... *5. Ibid. *6. ... a picture on the Home Page of Worldjournal.com early this morning (061308) ... *7. Mosk, Matthew. 'Obama Campaign Plans Fundraisers in China,' "A search of 'Vision', 'Obama fundraising in China', 'Strategies', etc.' on the Internet," (June 13, 2008), U. S. A.: Search.com. *8. PAI of WBTI. 'Wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you,' "An article in the section of 'Taiwanese American Academic Association of Nevada' on the WBTI's website," (June 13, 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *9. Berkley. Ibid. *10. ... a search of "Agreement", "Communication", "Taiwan Straits", etc. by Yahoo!奇摩新聞 on the Internet ... *11. ... "Michelle Kwan on YouTube" by Google ... (after reading a report about her Award in June 12, 2008) ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
052808-1007 "Social & Community (LAF6)" of WBTI website, Wednesday 8:01 a.m.(TX), May 28, 2008 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
<<< Prompt responses and quick news from Distinguished Author Barack Obama of the PPAA Forum of WBTI, U. S. Senator Hillary Clinton, Office of the Governor (NV), Nevada State Senator Bob Beers, Rev. Hing-Chai Cheng, Nevada State Democratic Party, Dr. Sun-Yuang Kung, U. S. Department of Labor, Senator Harry Reid, Rev. Paul Wang, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Dr. Kevin Yao, Pepperdine Univeristy Alumni Association, and among others! [To be completed ...] >>>***** "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control." ---Galatians 5:22 of the Bible Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. ---Jeremiah 17:7-8 of the Bible We listen, we learn, and we act! Reid, Chao, Berkley, and Gibbons wbti: ***** By Dr. Archie H. Chang, Barack Obama, Barbara Buckley, Al Gore, and Jennifer Kung "Through the recommendations by our faculty members including ... {This part is closing for further information and studies ...} [This part has been closed for further information and studies...] ....... ..................... <<< ***** "Formula for Success... and then some. The top people do what's expected of them, and then some. They are thoughtful and considerate of others, and then some. They meet their obligations and responsibilities fairly and squarely, and then some. They are good friends to their friends, and then some. They can be counted on in an emergency, and then some. And so it is when we do what is assigned to us in our lives and in the church, and then some; then the Lord pays in full, and then some." ---Anonymous "He who has achieved success has worked well, laughed often and loved much." ---Elbert Hubbard >>> *77777 ------------------------------------ Date: Fri, 23 May 2008 18:36:52 -0700 (PDT) Subject: culture chr reli To: tojul???@yahoo.com For research studies reference Hello Friend, A thought as we head into what I hope will be a great Memorial Day Weekend for you and your family: put aside the partisan politics, and on this solemn holiday, no matter what we think of this war policy in Iraq, let's keep the men and women who serve our country in our hearts and in our prayers every day. ... ....... Thank you and have a great holiday weekend, John Kerry -------------------- President Dr. Tony Lei and Director Dr. William Thompson of WBTI appoint Dr. Kevin Yao Adjunct Associate Fellow in Cultural and Theological Strategies of the PAI of WBTI Reid, Chao, Berkley, and Gibbons wbti: ***** By Dr. Archie H. Chang, Barack Obama, Barbara Buckley, Al Gore, and Jennifer Kung "Through the recommendations by our faculty members including Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas, District Judge Valorie Vega, and Speaker of Nevada Assembly Barbara Buckley, Dr. Kevin Xiyi Yao has been appointed Adjunct Associate Fellow in Cultural and Theological Strategies of PAI by President Dr. Tony Lei and Director Dr. William Thompson on May 10, 2008," announced Dr. John Z. Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Monday, May 12, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A. Dr. Kevin Xiyi Yao received B.A. and M.A. from Nankai University, China (with a major of History). With also a Th.M. in Theological Studies from the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries in Indiana, and a Th.D. at Boston University School of Theology, Dr. Yao has published several articles including The Fundamentalist Movement among Protestant Missionaries in China, 1920-1937. "It's challenged to be found by the PAI of WBTI for my interest in the studies of Culture, History, and Theology. It's my honor and pleasure to be assiged by this Institution and the related ones with an innovatory research on the building of Chinese cultural value into Christian belief," said Dr. Kevin Yao to a Writer of the Communitylink (WBTI's website) of Reviewjournal.com in Dallas, Texas on May 10, 2008. The Vison with Innovation would be launched by him after his completion of the two-day seminar on 'A review and the future of our Chinese and Western Christianity' at the Carrollton Chinese Church there in the Saturday.*101 "The rising importance of the traditional culture in China is enormous, especially with encouragement by the Government. Confusianism and Christianity have convened and conveyed the most fundamental and mutual values. The biggest competitor there will be the Buddhism. Our best strategy for Overseas Chinese Missions in China will be the emphasis of the cooperated relationship of the Chinese culture and the Christianity. The success will depend on our ability to let the people there not view ours as a 'Religion from the Outlanders'," concluded Dr. Kevin Yao of his two speeches in the Seminar. The topics of Dr. Yao's speechees were: (1) "Reflection and Vision at the 200th Anniversary." (2) "Cultural Challenges Facing Churches in Mainland China." Dr. Kevin Yao is now also an Associated Professor of Theological Studies at the China Graduate School of Theology (CGST) in Hong Kong. The Seminar was sponsored by U. S. Houston Regional Council (USHRC) of CGST and Carrollton Chinese Church (CCC). It was held at CCC in Dallas, Texas on May 9-10, 2008. CCC, CCBA, CAAAN, WBTI were some of the co-sponsors. Dr. Yao came from Houston with USHRC of CGST's Chair Kenneth Woo and Vice Chair Sam Ng to Dallas for the Seminar. The Coordinators of the Spiritual Seminar were Rev. Paul Wang and Brother Albert Pang of CCC. "We'll be leaving starting Tuesday this week to have our mission on the road from America through East Asia to (some future day in) Jerusalem. This is among our fifth one. Our 2008 Vision is "Spiritual Revival". Through the peace with love, hope we may glorify God in where we go and also develop some concern to unite Businesses and Christianity during the trips," inspired Rev. Paul Wang, Chairman of the Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT). The rising importance of 'Social Responsibility and Community Service' for our Overseas and American Chinese Churches has been voiced by Dr. Kevin Yao in a book at the end of last year. The name of the book in Chinese is "Searching for a Path: Christian Faith and Contemporary Chinese Society". Dr. Yao was the Editor-in-Chief. It was published by China Graduate School of Theology in Kowloon, Hong Kong. Chairman of CCC Mission Committe Mike H. Lei bought three copies of this book during the New Books Demonstration by U. S. CGST. Dr. Kevin Yao autographed kindly on his new book for the attendants who bought it. ------------------------------------ "As Director of Public Administration Institution (PAI), it's my pleasure and privilege to share a leadership role with Dr. Tony T. Lei and to have wonderful cooperation of all the faculty members since PAI's establishment several years ago. Innovated in integrating his expertise with institutional management and spiritual value in education, Dr. Tony T. Lei's wisdom and efforts toward community service and academic endeavor have been very valuable since 1990. We expect our work performance of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF) founded by this Institute more to help improve the quality of life of the people and to contribute to the peosperity of this State," said Dr. William Thompson. Bill is former Chairman and now Professor of the Department of Public Administration of UNLV. "Enriching our research and community service process were made possible by our friends and officials who have joined and supported this academic institute since its establishment. WBTI is really a chain of dedicated individuals who join to research, serve, support, and to give with an honorary and adjunct capacity. We take great pride of our respectable intellectuals and officials, including our outstanding faculty members. We are sincere servers to help improve the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada. As our resources are still very limited for the international perspectives, we can only put our mission on PPAA Forum with knowledge, wisdom, and diligent work," expressed heartily Dr. Tony T. Lei. >>>>> Influence, Ingenuity, Integrity U.S. wbti: *****U. S. Senator Barack Obama voices now international assistance for the relief of 7.8-magnitude earthquake strucking central China! "中新網5月13日電 據美國媒體報導,中國四川省汶川發生大地震導致近萬人死亡,角逐美國民主黨總統選舉提名的參議員奧巴馬于當地時間12日發表書面聲明,向死傷者以及家屬表示哀悼。 奧巴馬在書面聲明中呼籲美國人民與國際社會盡全力協助中國," posted the 'N. America' of News.sina.com on May 12, 2008.*751 "美國總統布什今天表示,美國對在中國四川強烈地震中的死難者表示深切哀悼,並隨時準備以任何形式幫助中國救災." *751. 北京新浪網(News.sina.com). '奧巴馬向四川地震死傷者表示哀悼 呼籲國際協助,' "A quick report about 'U. S. Senator Barack Obama voices international assistance for the relief of 7.8-magnitude earthquake strucking central China' by a search on the Internet," (May 12, 2008), U. S. A: Sina.com. ....... .................... "總統當選人馬英九10日表示,520就職演說中,將回應中共總書記胡錦濤日前提出的「十六字箴言」。他說,現階段台灣要發展「活路模式」外交以 幦H空間,就必須先與對岸建立互信、擱置 幾h。 胡錦濤的十六字箴言,是指「建立互信、擱置 幾h、求同存異、共創雙贏」,馬英九將在就氀菡f中給予高度肯定,並向對岸釋出善意,認為這是開啟兩岸關係新篇章極重要的方針。據了解,馬英九日前在與退役高階將領餐敘時,就曾提及此一構想," reported World Journal in its '台灣新聞' early in the morning on May 11, 2008.*737 "馬英九表示,執政後將和中共談判與交往,找到雙方均可接受的平衡點,兩岸不必衝撞,避免傷感情及消耗資源;不必硬要以「台灣」之名參與國際組織,但無論用什麼名稱,都必須遵循平等原則。 馬英九認為,要突破外交困境,應積極參與世界銀行、國際貨幣基金等經濟組織,遊說兩組織修改規定,並和中共溝通,讓務實的台灣與彈性的國際組織結成夥伴,為全球經濟努力." "馬英九表示,近年來中共與民進黨政府交手,對台灣已有較深的了解,觀點也轉趨細膩,知道台灣內部有多樣性觀點並存,因此「活路模式」很有可行性;他認為,在九二共識的基礎上,兩岸先從互不否認做起,透過協商化解外交戰場的衝突。馬英九認為,活路外交就是彈性、務實的共存模式,邦交國與他國發展關係,只要不傷及台灣利益,就不是關切重點。兩岸各有憲法,現階段要互相承認不太可能,但至少可做到互不否認,在這個基礎上以彈性、務實的方式,拓展國際空間," continues the famous Newspaper all around the world, especially in America.*738 "馬英九強調,未來台灣除要與美、日、歐、東協等談判簽定自由貿易協定外,最多項目需要與中國大陸談。新政府上任後,除就直航、陸客來台、投資?綁及 幎私鉀Q機制等經貿議題與對岸談判外,還將擴及和平協議與國際空間,若兩岸能「外交休兵」,必可達到雙贏。馬英九解釋,台灣應利用區域位置連結全球,對外開放,廣納外籍人才,在兼顧安全與尊嚴下,與全球接軌;台灣有很強的軟實力,愈開放,戰 幬C就愈小." *737. World Journal. '彈性務實 馬倡活路外交 ---520就職演說 將回應胡錦濤16字箴言 外交休兵兩岸雙贏,' "A report about 'President-elect Ma Ying-jeou' by world Journal," (May 11, 2008), San Francisco, California: worldjournal.com. *738. Ibid. [[[ SummerFest 2007: An Evening with Cho-Liang Lin Cho-Liang Lin, SummerFest's Music Director and world-renowned ... 59 min - www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhoDSsUQ8RU --------------------- Kyung Wha Chung plays Bach - Concerto for 2 Vs- BWV 1043 Kyung Wha Chung and Cho Liang Lin play Bach - Concerto for 2 ... 7 min - www.youtube.com/watch?v=8MkLm22hBTM ]]] *3001 {{{ Cho-Liang Lin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cho-Liang Lin (Lin Cho-liang (traditional Chinese: 林昭亮 in Chinese), born in 1960 in Hsinchu, Taiwan, is a Taiwanese American violinist who is renowned ... en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lin_Cho-liang - 21k - Cached - Similar pages - Note this }}} *3002 [[[ "國立政治大學北加州校友會2008年會10日在聖他克拉拉會議中心舉行。會上舉行新舊會長交接,由張靜如接替周娟娟出任新一屆會長。 當天正在同一場地參加亞裔公共事務聯盟(APAPA)活動的尹集成、尹集憲應邀來到政大校友會會場,宣傳亞裔選民登記投票活動,受到校友會歡迎," wrote Reporter 周吉吉 of World Journal. It has been posted in the ''舊金山新聞' of Worldjournal.com earlyin the morning on May 13, 2008.*0777 A colorful picture of '尹集成、尹集憲、主持人李念慈、政大校友會新會長張靜如' taken by Reporter 周吉吉 is also shown on the top left of the Report. "尹氏兄弟表示,台灣新一屆準內閣有五位成員都是政大校友,政大校友的成就令人欽佩." *0777. 周吉吉. '政大校友會交接 尹氏兄弟躬逢其盛,' "A report in the '舊金山新聞' of Worldjournal.com.," (May 13, 2008), San Francisco, California: World Journal. <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee ... Benton wbti: All its Faculty members and President Dr. Tony Lei help ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 151k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. ..... President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI: Senator Harry Reid assures us that he ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 129k - Cached - Similar pages >>> *7001 For a search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei and Director Dr. William Thompson of WBTI name' by the world's leading search engines on Internet, we can find the following article (re-edited):*7002 ***** Four steps to achievement: Plan purposefully. Prepare prayerfully. Proceed positively. Pursue persistently. ---William A. Ward <<< Quick response from Mrs. Michelle Obama after this article was published! (Thu, 1 May 2008 19:07:33 -0400 Subject: Vote for Change ***** "mike -- In every state across the country, ... Thank you for getting involved, Michelle." >>> *1001 On Google, MSN, Search, Ask, AOL, Yahoo, WebCrawler, Lycos, Altavista, Sina, and among others! "Through the recommendations by our faculty members including Nevada Supreme Court Justice Michael Douglas, District Judge Valorie Vega, and Speaker of Nevada Assembly Barbara Buckley, Senior Pastor Paul Wang and Rev. Don Laing have been appointed as the Chairman and Vice Chairman of a short term Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT) by President Dr. Tony Lei and Director Dr. William Thompson of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on February 10, 2008," announced Dr. John Z. Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on Monday, February 11, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.*737 Dr. William N. Thompson is our Director of Public Administration Institution (PAI). An Ann Arbor, Michigan native, he received B.A. and M.A. degrees from Michigan State University. His Ph.D. is from the University of Missouri. His major is Political Science. Dr. Thompson served on faculties of Southeast Missouri State, Western Michigan, and the Troy State in Europe. He is the former Chairman and now a Professor of Public Administration, University of Nevada in Las Vegas (UNLV). Bill was Research Associate with the National Association of Attorneys General, and Research Advisor for the Pension and Welfare Benefits Programs in the U. S. Department of Labor. Dr. Thompson also was the elected Supervisor of Kalamazoo Township in Michigan, U. S. A. Vice President Paul Wang of Christian Chinese Business Association in Huston, Texas and his wife are immigrants from Norway, Europe. Paul is the Senior Pastor of Carrollton Chinese Church (CCC), Dallas, Texas. English Pastor Don Laing of CCC is a young and intellectual American Caucasian with his last name Liang from Scotland. "It's my honor and privileage to be appointed by WBTI as the Chairman of our short term Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT). To me, it's very challenged. In the period with a little rising crisis of the people among our country and Asian countries for the black, yellow, brown, and white, we hope our team may join the strength to be one of the frontier spirit to ignite the peace and love all around the places we are missioning for!" said Chairman Paul Wang of the Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT) on April 27, 2008 in Carrollton, Texas, U. S. A.*767 <<<<< The most quick news: "美國勞工部長趙小蘭之父、美國福茂集團董事長趙錫成日前帶著三個女兒到上海尋根,並在復旦大學發表了一場題為「美國夢、中國心」的演講,與四百多名師生分享了他在生活、學習、工作上的體會和感悟。 據大公網報導,趙錫成長期從事航運事業,在世界造船界、航運界享負盛名。2004年他被聯合國列入「國際航運名人堂」,去年t被評為美國2007年度「五十傑出亞裔企業家」。趙氏一家祖籍上海嘉定,此次隨父訪滬的是趙錫成的是四女兒趙小甫,現任通用電氣航空服務副總裁;五女兒趙小婷,哥倫比亞大學教育準博士;六女兒趙安吉,畢業於哈佛大學商學院,現任美國福茂集團資深副總裁," posted the '大陸新聞' of Worldjournal.com with information from Shanghai, China on May 12, 2008.*8168 "趙錫成表示,今年8月他還會攜同至少兩名女兒到北京參加奧運開幕式。他認為,中國能舉辦奧運會是一個極好的機會,讓世界更加認識和了解中國的發展和進步。據報導,身在美國的趙氏一家時刻也關心著祖國的變化。趙錫成特別提到此次隨他一起回國的三個女兒都是在美國出生,中文講得不好,這次特地帶她們來到故鄉上海,就是要讓她們親眼看看祖國的繁榮。 此外,趙錫成也很關心中國的船舶工業和教育事業。這趟上海之行,他捐資母校上海交通大學興建「木蘭船建大樓」,同時在船建大樓設立「木蘭紀念館」,以紀念他去年8月因癌症去世的太太朱木蘭女士." The report reminds us about the Family Value of the Overseas Chinese communities and Chairman Dr. James S. C. Chao, Father of U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao. He is enthusiastic to bring his daughters to attend the 2008 Beijing Olympics! *8168. World Journal. '趙小蘭父 訪滬尋根,' "A report about 'Father of U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao' in the <<<大陸新聞>>> of World Journal," (May 12, 2008), New York, N. Y.: Worldjournal.com. [[[ Short term mission: China: 5/26 - 6/6 Pastor Wang leads Taiwan: 6/6 -11 Dajia (Pastor Wang leads) 6/11 - 19 Yilan (Pastor Don leads) Registration deadline: End of February for China. End of March for Taiwan. Please register with Brother Mike Lei at tojulei@yahoo.com (Please check you passport expiration date if you plan to join.) ]]] "The mission team continues to prepare for Yilan English camp (Catherine, Kristian, Kirsten, auntie Flora Chen, uncle James Too, Mrs. Pauline Wang, and Pastor Don). Please consider becoming a prayer partner for us," wrote Rev. Don Laing on April 27, 2008.*787 Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Christian Chinese Business Association (CCBA), and Taiwanese American Academic Association of Nevada (TAAAN) are now three of the sponsors of the Mission. "In the famous city Taiyuan of China, which is rich in culture and business, I'll talk to CCBA Director Finn Torjesen to establish one of our CCBA's chapter there," said the Mission's Chairman Paul Wang with a bright vision! "Starting with this Mission, we'll plan recently the following three business and educational services ...," wrote President Song Cao of CCBA after its Tel-conference on April 21, 2008.*797 "It's easy to get caught up in ourselves and forget the value that places on others," preached the English Pastor of CCC Rev. Don Laing on April 13, 2008. "When we experience the presence of His warmth, love, and power, it's a place that we don't want to leave. We feel safe and secure. Yet, God has called us to listen to his son. Go where He goes and do what He does. But first we have to be with Him." *807 <<< To WBTI from U. S. Senator Barack Obama {info@barackobama.com} at Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:16:14 -0400 >>> Deadline: Midnight tonight ... wbti: ***** By Barack Obama mike -- I really need your support today.*3 <<< Jolin Tsai - Wu Niang Track 2 from Jolin's Album Dancing Diva. Lyrics(pinyin): Yue ... 3 min 42 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vHUzLvHB9Q >>> *9007 The April financial reporting deadline is at midnight tonight, and the media and superdelegates, whose backing we need, will be watching closely. Your support will strengthen our efforts before Tuesday's primaries in North Carolina and Indiana, but it will also help build our movement in all 50 states as we prepare for the general election. Senator Clinton just launched another round of false attack ads in Indiana and North Carolina, and she's determined to continue her negative campaign until we close out the primary season. In the meantime, we need to prepare ourselves to face similar tactics from Senator McCain. Make a donation of $25 today to help us fight this two-front battle and show our strength before tonight's deadline: https://donate.barackobama.com/match If you make a contribution before midnight tonight, a fellow supporter -- who has already donated in April -- will match your gift and double your impact. You can even choose to exchange a note with this person about why you're supporting this campaign. Make a donation of $25 today and own a piece of this movement before the April reporting deadline: https://donate.barackobama.com/match Thank you for your support,*4 Barack For a search of "Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons" by the world's leading search engines on Internet, we can find the following article (Google): *807 [Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons Google, MSN, Search, and Yahoo wbti: "The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision today," stated Robert Schuller.] Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom! By Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Stewart Bell, Valorie Vega, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, John Ponticello, Nancy Oesterle, Natalie Tyrrell, Valerie Weber, Bobby G. Gronauer, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung <<< The most quick news from Harry! {at 23:37 (TX) in the end} >>> **--** Nevada wbti: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be the biggest Winner!!! The sky is beautiful on the silver mountain and Hoover Dam! The First Edition of this article can be found on the flier after "020508-1037 About 257 sampling respondenses" in page [2]. >>>020108-1017 Originated on Wednesday, 9:57 a.m., January 16, 2008 #First Edition [Enriched and re-edited at .. and starting at 15:36 on February 1, 2008.] ........... ......................... *1 Dr. William N. Thompsonis is the Director and Fellow of Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). An Ann Arbor, Michigan native, Bill received B.A. and M.A. degrees (Political Science) from Michigan State University. His Ph.D. is from the University of Missouri. Bill's major is Political Science. He served on faculties of Southeast Missouri State, Western Michigan, and Troy State (Europe). Bill is former Chairman and now a Professor of the Department of Public Administration, University of Nevada in Las Vegas. He was Research Associate with the National Association of Attorneys General, and Research Advisor for the Pension and Welfare Benefits Programs in the U. S. Department of Labor. Dr. Thompson also was the elected Supervisor of Kalamazoo Township in Michigan, U. S. A. "It's our honor and humbleness to win the Outstanding Achievement Award for AAPP Forum from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Our work performance has been progressive but never sufficiently good," pointed out Dr. Bill Thompson. Vice President Paul Wang of Christian Chinese Business Association in Huston, Texas and his wife are immigrants from Norway, Europe. Paul is the Senior Pastor of Carrollton Chinese Church (CCC), Dallas, Texas. English Pastor Don Laing of CCC is a young and intellectual American Caucasian with his last name Laing from Scotland. A short term Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT) will be held in May-June 2008. "30 billion dollars has been contributed from a business to the State of Kyrgyzstan and 3 billions of them are allocated to established a college there," said the Vice President. "As a little trial with the coming trips, I'm honored and glad to cooperate with WBTI's wisdom and vision. We welcome more interesting people to join our mission." [[[ Short term mission: ....... ]]] "Today I went to the White House where President Bush signed the Economic Stimulus Package of 2008 into law. I am happy to report that this bill will put a check in the hands of more than 1.1 million well-deserving Nevadans, and will help to stimulate our economy," wrote Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Senate Majority Leader, on February 13, 2008. WBTI should again the first to put it as a feature article on the Internet in this Great Southernwest of the country. This is a good news. The people wait for it, and the world's leading search engines will soon bring it to the people locally, nationally, and internationally. People may find this on MSN, Google, Search, Yahoo, Ask, and among others with wbti as soon as we hit the "Done" by any Mouse of our computers!!! Google and MSN.com publish ours everyday. Harry, we need to go sleep now. (We shall continue this tomorrow morning. Thank Harry and everybody very much. Good night!) *7 ....... ....................... "為挽救處於危境的聲勢,民主黨總統參選人歐巴馬...," wrote 國際中心 in Chinese. It is posted by the Yahoo.com.news.tw (from UDN.com).*007 "歐巴馬上月在演說中... 5月6日印州和北卡兩州即將初選,歐巴馬勢需不計一切全力一搏。" *007. 國際中心. '密友牧師... 歐巴馬...,' "A report about '...饒舌女歌手Sister Souljah..., Wright, 歐巴馬 ...' from UDN.com," (May 1, 2008), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com.news.tw. "Democrat Barack Obama and his wife said Thursday the public is tired of hearing about incendiary remarks by their former pastor, as they sought to put the controversy that has rocked his presidential campaign to rest. 'We hear time and time again voters are tired of this,' Michelle Obama said in an interview the couple gave to NBC's 'Today' show," wrote one of the reporters of Associated Press in Washington, D. C. It is bought and copyrighted by Las Vegas Review-Journal on May 1, 2008.*601 "'They don't want to hear about this division, they want to know what are we going to do to move beyond these issues,' she said. 'And what made me feel proud of Barack in this situation is that he is trying to move us as a nation beyond these conversations that divide.'" 032108-2168 Our leading Distinguished Author of WBTI, NOBEL PEACE PRIZE WINNER Al Gore just writes us at 3:37 p.m. on 3/21/08: Dear Tony, Global warming is ... Actions by individuals like you will be the driving force behind this campaign and our ultimate victory. We're going to succeed, ... (To be continued ...) Please see >>> 032108-0168 at 7:21 a.m. [A second printing of the First Edition on 122707-1017 at 10:17 p.m. (Tx) in "Business & Administration"] *****President Dr. Tony Lei: A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth!!! *168 *168. Gore, Al. 'Nobel Prize ---My (Al Gore's) speech ON THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZE; President Dr. Tony Lei: A thing of peace with love is the joy of people on our beautiful earth!' "A search of 'Chao wbti, Clinton wbti, Gore wbti: Why Elaine, Hillary, and Al' by the world leading search engines on Internet," (December 24, 2007), U. S. A.: MSN. 032008-1512 *****Administration, Wisdom, and Prosperity wbti: With a sense of humor, everything will be more easy to reach through a vision, diligent work, and integrity! For a search of 'An innovation to unite Businesses wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet, we can find the following article: *168 An innovation to unite Businesses and Christianity on the road from America through East Asia to Jerusalem! ... wbti: ***** By Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung **--** ......... ................ *1 ....................................... *2 | |
"Dear Board Members: This is a reminder that we will have a board meeting in teleconference on the evening of Mar 17th Monday, to discuss CCBA抯 business. Please review and prepare for ...," wrote Christian Chinese Business Association (CCBA) Board Chair Jian Zhu on March 7, 2008. The Tele-conference will be held on March 17, 2008.*3"In the past four years, we can testify the grace of God among us throughout our mission journey. It transformed from one location to multiple locations. From Northern Europe to East Asia, from Taiwan to Mainland China, from China to Central Asia, from the coast to the inland, from folk religion to atheist, from the Buddhists to the Islam, from the churches to the schools, from the rich to the poor, from the prisons the drug rehabilitation centers, from the coast to the inland. We can see the power of God work among the weak and battle for His kingdom," wrote CCBA Vice President Paul Wang.*5 Paul is an achieved and famous Chinese American Christian leader. He is the Senior Pastor of Carrollton Chinese Church (CCC), Dallas, Texas. He is going to lead a short-term mission to Asia in May-June, 2008. "Praise the Lord! This year our mission team will have 15-20 people. We will divide the mission group into two teams with three purposes: First, we will go to Xiangzu Taiyen, trying to establish a base for future ministry. Second, we will travel to Kyrgyzstan, and seaching for the will of God and explore the possibility of minister to the Islam. Thirdly, we will travel to the Northeast of Taiwan, minister to the people at Yilan, we will also travel to Taichung and minister to Dajia." "Thanks all, I抦 just back in China from a three day trip to HK where I met with amazing China experts. It was a very encouraging time. Thanks for the email with the notes. His best to you, Finn," wrote one of the CCBA Directors Finn Torjesen, an achieved Chinese Christian Leader recognized by the Government, from Taiyuan City, Shanxi, China to WBTI.*6 The e-mail was an answer to CCBA President Song Cao's concerning about Torjesen's "How is your trip back to Taiyuan" to him? The famous city is rich in culture and business. For a search of 'Taiyuan China' by the world leading search engines on Internet, we can view its three colorful and beautiful pictures. "Image results for Taiyuan China" is on the first line of Google.com's results at 8:17 a.m. on March 13, 2008. "Dear CCBA Board Members, Our next board meeting will be held at 9 PM (Houston, CST) on March 17. Attached is the notice for the meeting, along with the meeting minutes of last board meeting. Please let me know if you could not make it or any questions you may have. Best regards, Song," wrote President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI.*7 Christian Chinese Business Association of Las Vegas (CCBALV) will be one of the chapters of CCBA.*8 "I抣l be arriving in Seattle that afternoon. It will be a 7PM call for me so I don抰 think it will be a problem except for jet lag. Finn," wrote CCBA Director Finn Torjesen to WBTI. The e-mail was trying to remind President Song Cao to call him so it would not be a problem for him except for jet lag.*9 "Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has inspired and cooperated River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) with endeavor to help promote the quality of life and community service for the people in California and Nevada," delivered Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael L. Douglas the message on March 9, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*10 It has been also for CCC with CCBA and people in Texas since six months ago. Wish the projects by CCC and CCBA a great success and future! On Google, MSN, Search, Ask, AOL, Yahoo, WebCrawler, Lycos, Altavista, Sina, and among others! At 8:57 a.m. on 031108 by Google.com: <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... Nevada wbti: US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be the biggest Winner! ... Vice President Paul Wang of Christian Chinese Business Association in ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages communitylink.reviewjournal.com ?>>> *11 ....... ................... *12 "柏克萊加大東亞研究所所長葉文心教授 4月30日在名為「一個誤會的歷史」演講中,將中國主辦北京奧運意義與...「中國人民站起來了」相提並論,但同時指出,美輪美奐的鳥巢、水立方畢竟不能抹去歷史的記憶。 葉文心用大量照片投影,從20世紀初期以「庭院深深」建築為主、以皇室為中心的老北京形象,到1949年後天安門廣場、人民大會堂為特徵的人民北京,到改革開放後以聳立的高樓、流光曳彩的北京機場三號航空港、最現代化的奧運鲳^構成的現代化北钊艘荒苛巳坏乩斫獗本⿵墓哦肌⒄沃行南驃蕵沸試H城市轉型的歷史變遷. 葉文心的演講也探討了中國體育運動歷史,指出運動曾經在中國扮演過改變生活方式的角色,也是接受西方文明程度以及社會地位的體現," wrote Reporter 徐敏子 of the '舊金山新聞' on World Journal.*758 "葉文心表示,也正因為如此,中國領導人對圍繞聖火傳遞中出現的一系列問題表示驚?及困惑,不理解為何中國如此努力卻得不到國際社會認同. 葉文心說,她不少在中國的朋友都認為中國人了解美國勝於美國人了解中國,這一說法在某種程度上是對的,中國人知道「柏拉圖、莎士比亞的不少,但美國人?說過朱熹、陶淵明的恐怕就很少」;但若作學問,則就不能面面俱到了。" *758. 徐敏子. '中國盼籍京奧融入國際社會 --柏大東亞所長葉文心演講 解釋北京為何對聖火傳遞遇阻感到驚?與困惑,' "A report about 'Olympics Beijing' by searches of the Worldjournal.com on Internet," (May 1, 2008), San Francisco, California: World Journal. "科技界資深創業家李信麟4月30日榮獲加州聯邦俱樂部(The Commonwealth Club of California)頒發終身成酮劊员碚盟鳛橐泼駥γ绹鐣呢暙I。李信麟於受獎時表示,能夠以移民的身分獲得表彰,對他來說意義非凡,也希望能夠鼓勵更多新的移民發奮追夢。 李信麟於1937年出生於中國两褚讯ň屿睹绹迨嗄辏F擔任私募基金「銀湖」(Slver Lake)公司資深顧問、益昂資訊董事長、北京信必優信息技術董事長等職務。他同時是世界上第一台菊輪式印表機發明人,更被譽為華裔高科技創業的先驅,曾任美國兩任總統的貿易政策和談判顧問,以及加州大學校董," wrote Reporter 蔡明容 of World Journal.*768 A colorful picture of the couple (科技界資深創業家李信麟與夫人萬致明) by Reporter 蔡明容 is shown on the top left of this Report on its section of '舊金山新聞'. "李信麟表示,雖然獲獎無數,但這個獎項最有意義,因為他是以傑出移民的身分領獎,這等於是美國主流社會正式認可移民對美國社會的貢獻,也能夠增加中美兩國間的了解。他說,由於是高科技產業人士,獲獎還代表中國已不再是只以代工或低廉人力取勝,美國人衲芙宕肆私庵袊顺斯ぷ髋ν猓瑫r也非常聰明,能夠在高科技產業闖出一片天。 李信麟期盼能成為一個模?,鼓勵所有新移民勇敢追夢,不過他也提醒,在事業成功的同時,也必須做到回饋社區才算真成功,像他就參與協助中國貧困兒童就學等慈善事業。" *768. 蔡明容. '李信麟獲終身成就獎,' "A report about 'The leading Chinese American people on "Innovation" in business' by Worldjournal.com," (May 1, 2008), San Francisco, California: World Journal. <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2004- [ Translate this page ] The U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao said in Beijing on Thursday, ... by President Bush as the Secretary of Labor, she told her father that she does not ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 60k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S. ... In comforting, George reminded her father Dr. James S. C. Chao, Chairman of ...... U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and her Department's "In Focus ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 106k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ? >>> *9168 "Dear Senator Raggio: I deeply appreciate the poster and materials you sent to my Taipei office. ... On March 10th. As a result of the success of the forum in Taipei , the investment and study trip to Las Vegas , scheduled from May 4th to 7th, is formed. The trip itinerary includes a UNLV one-day study workshop," wrote Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of International Cities Business Council *967 "To join the mutual effort on the 'Enhancement of Economic Interaction between Nevada and Taiwan, apart from the three magistrates joining the investment and study trip, other local government officials are very interested in the trip and plan the next trip in June. In addition, the Asian President of Harrah抯 Group visited Taiwan on April 23rd, I introduced ROC Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng to him." "Taiwanese business leaders are very interested in investing on the establishment of an Asia Trade Center in Las Vegas, like my office in Taiwan, which would have potential for attracting 100 to 200-million-dollars of capital and integrate the functions of hotel, free-trade zone, display office (365 days) and convention, a four-in-one project in Las Vegas. Alan, Gayle and Jerry make a good team for our state. Your support means a lot to NCED. Best regards, Charlyne," concluded Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of International Cities Business Council (ICBC). *977 She is also International Trade Representative in Taiwan of the NCED of Nevada, and the Representative of UNLV in the Great China Area. <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - International ... Miss Charlyne Chen was promoted to Chairperson of ICBC by President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI on August 15, 2005. Dr. Stuart H. Mann is now the Dean of the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 99k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - International ... Miss Charlyne Chen was promoted to Chairperson of ICBC by President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI on August 15, 2005. A formal dinner party was held by Charlyne Chen ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 114k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ? Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... [ ทญืgดหํ?]Miss Charlyne Chen was promoted to Chairperson of ICBC by President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI on August 15, 2005. ... Office of Congresswoman Shelley ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 151k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2005 - 2007 'As the Honorary Chairperson of the ICBC of WBTI,' "A search of 'Lt. governor ..... It was chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 396k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - International ... 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: US Senate .... countries," said Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of the ICBC of WBTI. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 118k - Cached - Similar pages >>> *978 "即將自高中畢業的華裔大提琴家林婧婷(Courtney Lin Kaita)將於本月3日下午2時,在新州孟莫斯郡總圖書館(Monmouth County Library Headquarters)舉辦一場弦樂與鋼琴畢業音樂會。 17歲的林婧婷是巴露華交響樂團(Bravura Philhar-monic Orchestra)藝術總監林巧慈的大女兒,從小多次獲得全國及地方弦樂比賽優勝,她不但是2006年新澤西交響樂團(New Jersey Symphony)青少年音樂家比賽榮譽獎得主,去年並在新澤西音樂教師協會(New Jersey Music Teachers Association)年會中,以傑出音樂表現獲頒音樂獎學金。她計劃大學主修大提琴表演," posted the 'World Journal 新澤西'.*979 Miss Courtney Lin Kaita's elegant photo (庄即將高中畢業的大提琴好手林婧婷將舉辦畢業音樂會), which was submitted by 林巧慈, is shown on the top left in the report. "她在這場由孟莫斯郡總圖書館贊助的音樂會上將演奏作曲家巴哈、艾 柤渭笆媛淖髌罚送庖矊⑴c妹妹林婧緹(Constance Lin Kaita)、華裔Melissa Chan組成的「曼納拉潘三重奏」(the Manalapan Trio)成員,分別以大提琴、小提琴及鋼琴演奏。" *979, World Journal 新澤西. '林婧婷5月3日畢業音樂會, "A report about '大提琴家 Courtney Lin Kaita ' in the 藝文新聞 of Worldjournal.com," (May 1, 2008), New York, N, Y.: World Journal. [[[ YouTube - South Korea's Christian mission - 30 Aug 07 Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan looks at what motivates them to ... 3 min 34 sec - www.youtube.com/watch?v=ofLLZn5W1TY ]]] *980 [[[2004 TCU/Cliburn Institute Nineteen-year-old pianist Han-Chien Lee was born in Taipei, Taiwan. She began her piano studies at age 6 and made her debut at age 7. ... www.pianotexas.org/2004/youngartists_participants.asp - 121k - Cached - Similar pages ]]] *981 "Shiue-Lin Day is currently studying at Texas Christian University (TCU) with Professor Jose Feghali. She graduated from the National Taiwan Normal University in 2001 while studying with Professor Susan Shu-cheng Lin. During that time, Ms. Day was a prize winner in several domestic and international piano competitions," posted ...*982 Her Teacher is Jos?Feghali. "Including, 2nd prize in the 1996 Taiwan National Piano Competition and 3rd prize in the 2001 Mauro Paolo Monopoli International Piano Competition in Italy. ... In 2002, Ms. Day won 1 st prize in the 9th Taipei International Chopin Piano Competition. She was also awarded Best Performance of Chamber Music, Best Performance of a Commissioned work, and 6th prize at the 2003 Taiwan International Piano Competition. In addition to competitions, Ms. Day has performed in numerous cities in Taiwan, Japan and Italy, and has also has been invited to perform with the Taiwan National Symphony Orchestra, Kaohsiung City Symphony Orchestra, and the National Symphony Orchestra of Taipei." [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Chinese News Agency ... Made in Nevada wbti: This is an innovative publicity for the Office of Nevada Governor ... Let us share some of Miss Gwhyneth Chen's nice piano talent at: ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 100k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Chiu-Yuan," wrote Ms. Chiu-Yuan Chen to WBTI on March 13, 2008.*105 ..... Achieved Pianist Gwhyneth Chen is on Google! {with a search of '. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 114k - Cached - Similar pages ]]] *985 {{{ An e-mail to WBTI from Ms. Margaret Andert {margaretandert@msn.com} Subject: FW: "littu Horse" Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 17:53:32 -0700 Margaret Andert Realty One Group 702??? [To be continued (for the Video)...] O. K. now! <<[Please take a look at (after) the end of the 'References'.]>> ...}}} *986 <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Yours, Fenia," wrote Pianist Dr. Fenia Chang.*1. Mission wbti: To help honor ... "A search of 'wbti: Pianist Dr. Fenia I-Feng Chang is performing in Texas' ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 129k - Cached - Similar pages >>> *987 size:5M Taiwan President-elect Ma Ying-jeou's winning ... size:5M ++Same as the above one! ....... ................................... **--**This article has been completed at 7:37 a.m. (TX) on May 2, 2008. <<< 晚報國際 2008.05.02 02:23 PM Taiwan time updated 時代:馬⒕女斶x 有利兩岸解除緊張 中央社 負責美國「時代」雜誌全球百大影響力人物甄選工作的時代執行副總編輯伊格納西斯今天指出,台灣的總統當選人馬英九贏得選舉勝利,讓北京與台北之間緊張關係的解除存在可能性,也有助於維持東亞區域的安全與穩定。 ...詳全文 >>> *988 "哈佛博士馬英九...,引發...對他的鼓勵啟發," wrote the Editorial of World Journal early this morning (May 2, 2008).*1002 "...,製造了...。" "... 歐巴瑪才華橫溢,年富力強;不愧為政壇新星 ...," continued the Editorial for the Public.*1003 All the credits and responsibility of the contents belong to the original Writer and the Publisher. As a Forum, we have read and researched reports and articles on the basis of non-profit and non-partisan for community service above self. "作為少數族群之一的華裔,對歐巴瑪之崛起政壇,一鳴驚人,相當讚賞同情。... 不過,選民選的是歐巴瑪,不是賴特。大家仍應以公平和寬容的態度,對待歐巴瑪,不必因為賴特事件就把他三振出局。歐巴瑪今後如何把自己的立場表達得更明確、更清楚,將是他成敗的關鍵。" *1002. World Journal 社論. '...,歐巴瑪選情生變,' "An editorial (【社論】) of World Journal," (May 2, 2008), San Francisco: Worldjournal.com. *1003. Ibid. *****For more responses ....... <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President ... By Michael Douglas, Jessie Walsh, and PAI of WBTI*1 .... Distrct Judge Valorie Vega, Clark County Commissioner Rory Reid, Las Vegas Judge Bert Brown, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 93k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2002 People together dedicate WBTI for a contributor to promote the quality of life ... Las Vegas Municipal Court Judges Bert Brown, Cedric Kerns, Jessie Walsh, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 46k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI Newsbriefs 2001 She recognized that Mayor, WBTI, among others are sharing their same legacy to include ..... plus Bert Brown, Michael Cherry, Michael Douglas, Nadia Juradi, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 80k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... By Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, and Jennifer Kung ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 129k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Christian Chinese ... wbti: ***** By Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung. **--** ......... ................ *1 ....................................... *2 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Zhang Zilin, Miss World By Mark Denton, Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung ... Community Service wbti: We learn and think together, we think and learn together, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages >>> *867 ....... "本周才剛從亞洲返回矽谷,科技界資深創業家李信麟這次亞洲行程滿滿,現任科技公司信必優信息技術主席、益昂資訊董事長、私募基金銀湖 ( Silver Lake)創投資深顧問,他透露,未來銀湖將有機會投資大中華地區科技產業。 ...「銀湖」主要投資或收購重整公司皆為科技產業的大型公司,最少投資金額為兩億美元,... 去年夏天,銀湖與另一家私募基金TPG,共同以83億美元現金收購從朗訊分出之IP通訊商「Avaya」," wrote Reporter 吳日君 of World Journal (世界新聞網).*1007 Thanks to the Publisher and Reporter for their contributions to the public and us in these many years. "李信麟表示,自去年開始,他代表銀湖開始尋找在亞洲各地區的投資機會,...「這次到亞洲,包括中國大陸與台灣地區,也探詢在兩岸三地、南韓、录悠隆⑷毡镜鹊貐^的投資機會。」他說,由於他個人與宏碁集團創辦人施振榮、鴻海創辦人郭台銘皆有深厚情誼,此行到亞洲也有機會與多位產業重量級領袖會面,尋求可能的合作機會。... 創業之外,李信麟也是現任加州大學名譽校董,他是首位獲此殊榮的亞裔人士。此外,他也於30日受頒發「美國加州聯邦俱樂部」 (The Commonwealth Club of California)終身成就獎,表彰身為移民對美國社會做出的傑出貢獻。 李信麟右手做產業、左手做公益,除了創投、擔任多家科技公司董事長外,也與太太萬致明持續在中國成立基金會、獎學金,幫助失學孩童與為失明者提供治療。他說,人一生家庭與朋友最重要,助人為快樂之本。 ...他說中國經過文瓷A一些傳統文化流失,他希望兩岸可以合作,台灣與海外華人可將優良文化傳統帶進;做生意不是每樣計較,必須彼此幫忙,賺錢與關係一樣重要,承諾算數,就可贏得信任," concluded Reporter 吳日君 with vision and innovation inspired by 資深創業家李信麟.*108 *1007. 吳日君. '李信麟 銀湖放眼大中華 ---資深創投家右手做產業、左手做公益 與夫人萬致明持續協助中國孩童,' "A report about 'A Senior Entrepreneur in Information Technology' in the [舊金山新聞] of World Journal," (May 1, 2008), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com. *1008. Ibid. [[[ {Years ago in "Busines & Adm."} Wisdom is sweet to your soul; if you find it, there is a future hope for you By PAI of WBTI*1 From the KUN of "I Ching," somebody may learn that "It is smooth at the beginning. There is a foreboding that it is better to ride a mare. The gentleman travels, and even if he loses his way, he will work it out later. This trip will help you get treasures in the southwest, but you will miss treasures in the northeast. Still, it is auspicious if you keep calm and use your own mind to predict the future." *2 The following is a post from "Yahoo! 奇摩" through its courtesy for "friendly and kindly post" (友善列印 ): (獨家〉世運大餅 謝長廷:可與對岸分享 ***友善列印 【林瑋鈞 徐國平】 高雄市 ... 拿下2009年世運會的主辦權,不過現在高雄市長謝長廷(新聞、網站)則更希望藉世運會,化解兩岸的鴻溝,謝長廷今天向獨家TVBS透露,世運這塊大餅願... ]]] ... by Google ... *1009 ............... .................................... {{{ "TEFAnews搶奀婎嬥橉捠恥" {tefanews@thu.edu.tw} To: "Dear Tunghai Friend 搶奀恊桭" (tefa888@ms64.hinet.net) Subject: The video of Da-Ai TV reports on TEFA 戝垽揹 帇洆朘TEFA Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 22:03:49 +0800 TEFA NEWS 2008-05-01 The video of Da-Ai TV reports on TEFA ....... ......................... For more information about "TEFA" and "Tunghai University Alumni Association", please have a search of "TEFAnews" by Google on the Internet. }}} *1010 [[[ From: "CareerNetwork" of Pepperdine University {careernetwork@pepperdine.edu} Date: 1 May 2008 17:22:48 -0700 Subject: CareerNetwork Newsletter Dean's Executive Leadership Series May 28, 2008 - Drescher Graduate Campus, Malibu, CA Featuring Steve Lopez, columnist for the Los Angeles Times. Free to all students, alumni, faculty and staff. ]]] *1011 ....... ..................... <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tunghai University ... With a search of "TEFAnews" on Google.cn, we can find the reference of a report ... 'January 14, 2008 Issue of TEFA NEWS,' "An e-mail from TEFAnews to Dr. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 80k - Cached - Similar pages Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... [To WBTI at Sat, 19 Jan 2008 11:06:11 +0800 (tefanews@thu.edu.tw)] ..... 'January 14, 2008 Issue of TEFA NEWS,' "An e-mail from TEFAnews to Dr. Tony ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 99k - Cached - Similar pages More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ?>>> *1012 Both the data in English and Chinese here for this article are subjected to be reviewed in our reading, study, and research. Resources of the important information are here to be honored and credited. On a basis of non-prifit, non-partisan, etc., we help promote the academic research and community service. One of our mission is to pay a tribute to projects or individuals that have contributed to enrich the quality of life for many people and communities. ....... ............................ "華裔小提琴家林昭亮10日晚間在休士頓Jones Hall的演奏博得滿堂采,最後一個樂音剛結束,就有前排觀眾立刻站起來拍手。林昭亮帶著笑容感謝休士頓交響樂團指揮與首席提琴手,並向全場起立鼓掌的觀眾鞠躬致意。觀眾席中還可見到全家出動的華裔家庭," wrote Reporter 劉佳音 of World Journal in the '華人生活圈' of its website on May 12, 2008.*0707 A colorful picture about the scene taken by Reporter 劉佳音 has been also shown on the top left of the report. "這是林昭亮定居休士頓以來第一次與休士頓交響樂團合作演出,在此之前,他與目前任教的萊斯大學音樂系合奏演出過。 林昭亮當晚演奏曲目為莫札特第四協奏曲。 ... 演奏會中場休息時間,林昭亮還在Jones Hall的一樓大廳替樂迷簽名(見圖)。樂迷趁此機會向林昭亮表達景仰之意,... 演奏會結束後的後台,林昭亮的太太何瑞燕身著 音樂會的小禮服,而林昭亮則換下禮服,穿著一件休閒花襯衫,與幾位樂手商量要去那家餐館吃消夜." *0707. 劉佳音. '林昭亮音樂饗宴,' "A report about 'Music Performance by one of the supreme violinists of our time, Cho-Liang Lin, in Houston, Texas' in the '華人生活圈' of World Journal," (May 12, 2008), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com. | |
-------------------------------------------- References*101. Yao, Kevin Xiyi. 'At the Turn of the Century: A Study of the China Centenary Missionary Conference of 1907,' "A printout and some literatures from Dr. Kevin Yao to WBTI," (May 10, 2008), Houston, Texas: CGST US, Houston Regional Council. *7001. Barack Obama, Barbara Buckley, Al Gore, Cheryl Moss, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, Gerry Schroder, and Jennifer Kung. 'President Dr. Tony Lei and Director Dr. William Thompson of WBTI name Paul Wang and Don Laing Chairman and Vice Chairman of a short term Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT) ---Chao, Reid, Berkley, and Gibbons wbti: Welcome our members and friends to participate this Mission nationally and internationally on May-June 2008!' "A search of 'President Dr. Tony Lei and Director Dr. William Thompson of WBTI name' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (May 8, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *751. 北京新浪網(News.sina.com). '奧巴馬向四川地震死傷者表示哀悼 呼籲國際協助,' "A quick report about 'U. S. Senator Barack Obama voices international assistance for relief of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake strucking central China' by a search on the Internet," (May 12, 2008), U. S. A: Sina.com. *1001. Obama, Michelle. 'Subject: Vote for Change,' "An e-mail to WBTI from Mrs. Michelle Obama {info@barackobama.com} at Thu, 1 May 2008 19:07:33 -0400," (May 1, 2008), U. S. A: "Michelle Obama" info@barackobama.com. *737. ... by Google ... *767. ... in Mike's home ... *787. ... CCC Brochure (April 27, 2008) ... *797. Ibid. *3001. ... for a search of "Cho-Liang Lin youtube" by Google.com ... *3002. ... "Cho-Liang Lin" on the Internet ... *0777. 周吉吉. '政大校友會交接 尹氏兄弟躬逢其盛,' "A report in the '舊金山新聞' of Worldjournal.com.," (May 13, 2008), San Francisco, California: World Journal. *801. Laing, Don. 'Sermon Title: Listen to Him,' "A preaching of Rev. Don Laing on the Scripture," (April 13, 2008), Carrollton, Texas: CCC. *1. Obama, Barack. 'Deadline: Midnight tonight,' "An e-mail from U. S. Senator Barack Obama to WBTI at Wed, 30 Apr 2008 10:16:14 -0400," (April 30, 2008), U. S. A.: "Barack Obama" Info@barackobama.com. *2. Ibid. *601. Washington (AP). 'Obama says public tired of hearing about his former pastor ---Voters say Wright has hurt Obama _ but question how much,' "A report bought by LVRJ about 'Wright and Obama' which was published by Associated Press," (May 1, 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada: Reviewjournal.com. *168. Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung. 'An innovation to unite Businesses and Christianity on the road from America through East Asia to Jerusalem ... wbti: *****,' "A search of 'An innovation to unite Businesses wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (May 1, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *1. *2. *3. Zhu, Jian. 'Conference Meeting Reminder 3/7/2008,' "One of the attachments of the e-mail from President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI [Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:11:19 -0600]," (March 7, 2008), Dallas, Texas: Desk of Song Cao's Office. *5. Chen, Flora. '2008 CCC mission trip,' "An e-mail from Secretary Flora Chen of CCC to WBTI [Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:40:43 -0600 {flor???007@gmail.com}]," (March 6, 2008), Carrollton, Texas: CCC. *6. Finn, Torjesen. 'It was a very encouraging time,' "An e-mail from CCBA Director Finn Torjesen [Thu, 28 Feb 2008 20:08:06 +0800 {fin???ter@gmail.com}] to WBTI," (February 28, 2008), Taiyuan City, Shanxi, China: Desk of Director Finn Torjesen. *7. Song, Cao. 'CCBA Board Meeting, March 17 9 PM CST,' "An e-mail from President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI [Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:11:19 -0600]," (March 7, 2008), Dallas, Texas: Desk of Song Cao's Office. *8. Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Stewart Bell, Valorie Vega, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, John Ponticello, Nancy Oesterle, Natalie Tyrrell, Valerie Weber, Bobby G. Gronauer, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung. '[Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons ---Google, MSN, Search, and Yahoo wbti: "The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision today," stated Robert Schuller.] ***Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom!' "A search of 'and Jennifer Kung. [Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (March 1, 2008), U. S. A.: Search.com. *9. Finn, Torjesen. "RE: CCBA Board Meeting, March 17 9 PM CST,' "An e-mail from CCBA Director Finn Torjesen [Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:17:22 +080 {fin???ter@gmail.com}] to WBTI," (March 11, 2008), U. S. A: Desk of Director Finn Torjesen by G-mail.com. *10. Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Ingrid Ou, and Jennifer Kung. 'Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way!' "A search of 'Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (February 7, 2008), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *11. ... by Google. ... *12. *758. ... by Worldjournal.com ... *768. Ibid. *967. Chen, Charlyne. 'FW: letter for your reference,' "An e-mail from Miss Charlyne Chen to WBTI at Wed, 30 Apr 2008 22:19:36 +0800 {cc@info21.com}," (April 30, 2008), Taipei, Taiwan: Info21-Taipei. *977. Ibid. *978. ... by Google ... *979. ... in Chinese by Worldjournal.com ... *980. ... for a search of "Melissa Chan youtube" by Google ... *981. ... by Search.com ... *982. ... by Google.com ... *983. ... by Ask.com ... *985. Office of the Governor (NV), Ben Kieckhefer, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung. 'governor and lawmakers reach agreement on spending reductions ---Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons wbti: *****,' "A search of 'governor and lawmakers reach agreement wbti' and 'Pianist Gwhyneth Chen wbti' by search engines on Internet," (May 1, 2008), Las Vegas, Nevada: Communitylink of Reviewjournal.com. *986. ... an e-mail from Ms. Margaret Andert with a Video of Taiwan President-elect Ma Ying-jeou's winning [Please take a look at (after) the end of these references.] ... *987. Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, Valerie Weber, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, Bill Young, Robert "Bobby G." Gronauer, and Jennifer Kung. 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao and her Department's News Releases Update to WBTI on March 13, 2008 ---Leadership wbti: Chairperson Elaine Chao points out, "Passion is a very important element to our successful professionalisms in America." *101,' "A search of 'Leadership wbti: Chairperson Elaine Chao points out, Passion wbti', 'Pianist wbti', and 'Soprano Cinderella Liao wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (May 1, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *988. ... by Chinatimes.com ... (Please take a look at the end of this article.) ... *1007. ... by Google.com ... *867. ... for a search of "By Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung wbti" by Google ... *1008. ... by Worldjournal.com ... *1009. ... by Google ... *1010. ... TEFAnews ... *1011. ... Pepperdine University's website ... *1012. ... TEFA and Tunghai University for a search of "TEFAnews" by Google ... *9007. ... for "Jolin Tsai" by Google.com ... *8168. World Journal. '趙小蘭父 訪滬尋根,' "A report about 'Father of U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao' in the <<<大陸新聞>>> of World Journal," (May 12, 2008), New York, N. Y.: Worldjournal.com. *9168. ... for a search of "u s secretary of labor elaine and her father chairman chao wbti" by Google.com ... *0707. 劉佳音. '林昭亮音樂饗宴,' "A report about 'Music Performance by one of the supreme violinists of our time, Cho-Liang Lin, in Houston, Texas' in the '華人生活圈' of World Journal," (May 12, 2008), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com. *77777. ... by Google ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
For the Caucus, please continue viewing it at the page [2]. >>> | |
112007-5008 "Social & Community (LAF6)" of WBTI website, Tuesday, 5:58 p.m., November 20, 2007 #First Edition |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
International visibility and popularlity of beautiful scenes and projects that promoting the quality of life for many people in Nevada and California through writings both in English and Chinese is enhancing by the world's leading search engines on Internet! 色彩美麗雅致, 婀娜多姿, 色彩美麗雅致有如圖畫! By 蔡潔玲; 風情浪漫瑰麗, 水鄉威尼斯成為旅遊勝地! By 劉小珍 By Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung***** "Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity (dare) of the imagination." ---John Dewey (*From 'The Quest For Certainty'.) "斥資千萬元打造的30公頃新社鄉花海景觀,未演先轟動,明天正式開幕,開放到12月9日,會場新社種苗繁殖場第二苗圃連日已湧進大量車潮與人潮,遊客爭相與花合影,小朋友興奮捕蝶,現場熱鬧非凡。 種苗場長陳國雄說,花海以各種「色塊」呈現,金黃區是黃波斯菊和向日葵,紫色全是粉萼鼠尾草,紅色是爆竹紅,還有粉紅系列是大波斯菊與非洲鳳仙花,白色則是四季秋海棠," reported 記者張明慧、苗君平. It is the '花海景觀' of the report's title "千萬花海驚豔 新社明飄香" attracting us. It was their 連線報導 in the section of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞. The original source was from 聯合 (CDN.com).*21 [[[ To develop immaginative power, we must specialize in our own fields but be alert to new ideas from any source and continually seize and set down our inspirational flashes when they come to us. ---Carl Holmes ]]] Imagination may help bring us with beauty, justice, happiness, and creativity! If it can give people just having a good laugh, we contribute already something nice to our earth which is too crowded with tensions. The supreme leader of YouTube might suggest us that "Make Fun!" is the policy to have more visitors for a website. "Beautiful Scenes" literary is also made in WBTI! "秋~顏色變換的準_時間,一直讓人無法預料。每年氣候的改變,影響到每一季時序更迭或早或晚,也使得林木依著大自然環境的變異,而自有其調適之方。因此,樹葉變色的時機,就像是密碼一般,連久居當地的人們都沒辦法說得準的。此外,秋天的顏色可不是只有楓紅喔,其他的變色葉林木,如橡樹、漆樹、山楊樹、櫸樹……等等,也一樣跟著色彩燦爛,歡欣愉悅,婀娜多姿地舞在秋風裡呢。葉子除了有紅色系之外,還有綠色系的、黃色系的、橘色系的,深淺不一,交疊相映,錯落有致,綿延直到天際,多層次的瑰麗色彩甚至映染在湖面上與溪水上,雅致有如圖畫,美麗讓人屏息," wrote Writer 蔡潔玲.*1' It is posted now on the Worldjournal.com. For a long time, it has been through the courtesy of World Journal that we can work together for the writings both in Chinese and English. If this vision with innovation can be supported by the leading serch engines on Internet, our dream will be somewhat come true to enhance the importance of writing both in English and Chinese. Credits go all to the Chinese Writers, Reporters, and Publishers for their articles, reports, and publications. Thanks to the leading search engines on Internet which help us lift up the international visibility and popularlity of so many oustanding individulas and projects that promoting the quality of life for many people in Nevada and California. "在白山國家森林裡,處處美景,隨著溫度與海拔高度的不同,各色林種與樹葉的顏色也展現出不同風貌。車行之間,迷人的秋色也迤邐跟隨,一路行來,著實賞心悅目,心曠神怡極了。越向北行,林葉的顏色也由黃綠與橘黃,漸次漸次地加一點點紅色,而變成越偏橘紅與豔紅了。 美麗山林 處處美景--- 除了豐富的林相與美麗的山林景觀之外,白山國家森林還有許多戶外活動吸引遊客,例如健行、露營、空中纜車、空中飛索、騎自行車、釣魚、泛舟、戲水、滑雪……等等,是一個全方位的大自然旅遊勝地。 由南行至國家森林的最北端,一路上美麗的秋葉相伴,讓人意猶未盡,遂決定繼續向北行,追逐更加深濃的秋色。也因為如此,意外地與另一處世外桃源有了一場驚喜的邂逅。 當車行一路向北至不遠處的Dixville Notch,在山林裡的一個小轉彎之後,一片靜謐的湖光映入眼簾。順著湖面看過去,各色秋葉多姿多彩地呈現著,並且映照在平靜無波,湛藍的水面上,氤氤氳氳如夢似幻。再望向湖的對岸,赫然看到幾座麗緻典雅,清新脫俗的飯店建築,悄悄地立在湖邊,如此美景,不由得讓人一聲讚嘆。" Two colorful pictures about the scenes by Rich Taylor are posted together with the article on the famous website in Chinese. "緬因龍蝦 遠近馳名--- 在離阿開迪亞國家公園不遠處的Bar Harbor,也是Mount Desert Island島上另一個不可錯過的好地方。這個依傍著海灣的小鎮,有美食與各式有趣的商店,還可以搭船出海欣賞海豹、鯨魚,足夠讓人消磨悠閒美好的時光。 要特別一提的是,來到緬因州,一定不要錯過當地的特產與大海的恩賜———龍蝦。緬因州的龍蝦遠近馳名,在產地與海港Bar Harbor,喜好海鮮,尤其是龍蝦的朋友們可以大飽口福了。 一趟充滿著繽紛秋色、美麗景觀、道地美食的秋之旅,著實教人身心舒暢,愜意愉快,也在記憶中留下了珍貴瑰麗的扉頁," concluded the Writer 蔡潔玲 with a grace and pleasent rememberance.*2' | |
"阿里山森林鐵路新建阿里山車站昨天舉辦啟用典禮,在受鎮宮金獅陣的精彩表演下開鑼,夜景尤其迷人浪漫。阿里山站例假日都有區間車開到神木站,讓遊客體驗森林火車。車站三整片觀景台可看到阿里山雲海、晚霞、夕陽等美景,以及岩壁雄偉的塔山,昨天下午許多遊客到觀景台放鬆心情的欣賞,讚賞優美風景有如仙境," wrote Reporter 記者謝恩得/阿里山報導 about the beatiful scenes on the Mountain Ali.*3' "阿里山新站最大特色是木構造建築,連月台看板、售票資訊架等都是木製品,月台上整排微彎半拱的木柱很特別,有點像早期的西洋老車站,此外,車站四周植栽包括阿里山十大功勞等,都是當地有特有的植物。遊遊業者特別推薦阿里山新站的夜景,輝煌華麗,讓人流連忘返," The night scene of this Station is brilliant! Reporter 謝恩得 described it in his report on "阿里山萝囌?越夜越美麗".*4'-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "提到水鄉威尼斯(Venice),人們總愛將它與浪漫畫上等號。 威尼斯是威納托(Veneto)省區的首府,位於義大利東北部、亞得里亞海(Adriatic Sea)沿岸的淺水礁湖區(Lagoon) 。 威尼斯的聞名於世,是因為它境內的150條大大小小的運河,也因此而享有「水鄉」的美譽,這座水上都市,實際上是由礁湖區內的118個大大小小的島嶼所組成的,而這些島嶼又是多沼澤的地理環境,要在濕軟的沼澤之地上蓋建築物,是何等困難,就可想而知了,但是威尼斯人克服了這個困難,造就了這聞名於世的水上都市," wrote Writer 劉小珍.*5' It was posted on the Worldjournal.com. "(1) 運河诲e 重要交通 ---在威尼斯的這些島嶼及水巷之間是由大約400座不同造形的石橋來連接的,其中最有名的就是在聖馬可廣場附近的「嘆息橋」(The Bridge of Sighs),因為拜倫 (Lord Byron) 的有名詩句 :「I stood in Venice on the Bridge of Sighs, a palace and prison on each hand.」而開始被稱為「嘆息橋」。和其他的橋不同的是嘆息橋是密閉式的拱形石橋,在橋的兩側只有兩扇很小的窗子,因而橋的內部是陰暗而且低矮的,中間又被一道牆分隔成兩條狹窄的通道,... Lord Byron寫那兩句詩的靈感,就是源自於此。 (2) 水巷風光 船郎高歌 ---每天在威尼斯的運河與水巷中,忙碌穿梭的有大大小小各種不同的船隻,其中最具古典風格的、也是世界有名的小船,就是「貢多拉」(gon-dola) ,現今多用作旅客遊覽或婚喪喜慶之用,來剿甽威尼斯必定要坐貢多拉一遊,運氣好碰到站在船尾的搖船郎興趣來了,一邊搖槳、一邊高歌一曲義大利情歌,船上的旅客們伴著歌聲,欣賞著水巷兩旁的古老建築、石橋,發思古之幽情,我想這大概就是人們將威尼斯與浪漫畫上等號的原因之一吧。威尼斯的著名地標聖馬可廣場,是威尼斯的主要廣場,也是唯一被稱為Piazza 的廣場,其他的廣場無論大小都被稱為campi,在聖馬可廣場靠近總督大廈Doges’ Palace的位置,矗立著兩根高聳入雲的花崗石圓柱,建於1180年,其中之一的圓柱頂端,站立著一隻長著翅膀的雄獅,這就是有名的Winged Lion of Saint Mark。" The article and colorful pictures by Writer 劉小珍 was published originally by the hard copy of World Journal. "在聖馬可廣場上,除了如梭的遊客之外,就是鋪天蓋地爭食的鴿子,只要往那兒一站,成群的鴿子就圍著你打轉,廣場四周的古建築的造型及外牆雕築精緻,令人目不暇給,鱗次櫛比的商店,許多是賣紀念品及小禮物的,在琳瑯滿目的禮品之中,最引人注目的要屬顏色鮮豔的玻璃製品,酒杯、酒瓶塞、藝術品……等,不一而足,因為威尼斯的吹玻璃工業製作是相當有名的。 威尼斯這座建築在海上的古城市,不但擁有輝煌的過去,而且現今又因浪漫的水鄉風情而成為旅遊勝地,每年吸引成千上萬的旅客到此遊覽," described Writer 劉小珍 vividly with historical informatiom.*6' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adding 張明慧, 苗君平, 蔡潔玲, 謝恩得, and 劉小珍 to the above paragraphs in Chinese for acknowledgement, the following article is posted here through the courtesy of WBTI's website:*19 The traveling article entitled "《旅遊》阿拉斯加夏季之旅" by Writer 揚欣 is impressive as a literature. It was posted on the '旅遊指南' of Worldjournal.com. "領略阿拉斯加的宏偉:湛藍的天空,巨大的雲朵、巍峨的群山、清澈的河流,廣博原野、不盡的冰川,這一切將久久縈繞在我的心間。 黝黑的山體披掛著雪白的冰線,晶瑩剔透的麥金利峰直插雲霄,成群的野生動物嬉戲於山水之間,亙古不化的冰川懷抱著星羅棋佈的湖泊,不墜的日頭映照著絢麗斑斕的鮮花,這就是阿拉斯加的夏天。這塊亞北極地的原野經歷了漫長凜冽的寒冬之後,趁短暫的夏季,展現自己美麗的風貌所迸發出的強大生命力,令人震撼," wrote Writer 揚欣 vividly.*1 Alaska is beautiful. "To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world," quoted John Muir. The colorful picture shown with the article by the writer about "北美第一高峰麥金利峰冰清玉潔、雍容華貴" is attractive! According to 揚欣, "Denali國家公園是到阿拉斯加的必遊之地,公園面積比德克薩斯州(Texas)還大。到那裡主强贷溄鹄搴鸵吧鷦游铩0部死蔚紻enali國家公園約240英里,一路上藍天白雲,雪峰連綿,叢林茂密,鮮花鬥豔。遠方的麥金利峰(Mt. McKin-ley)若隱若現,無盡的風光美不勝收。下午到達公園後就去Nenana河坐皮筏漂流。Nenana河水來源於冰川消融,它像一串珍珠鑲嵌在Denali公園邊緣。每年5月中旬河水解凍時,轟隆的裂響聲在數十里山峽間迴蕩,宣示著繁忙的夏季來臨。皮筏漂流(Rafting)有兩種,Paddle和Oak,前者是遊客親持划槳,激流勇進。後者由導遊持槳,遊客可能缺乏會水當擊的快感,卻能輕鬆領略兩岸風光。" Lots of pictures about these places may be searched from the Internet. "We soon look below on a fine lake [Wonder Lake], ... The outlet of this lake discharges into Moose Creek. Before reaching the top of the mountain ... Soon after starting again we caught glimpses of snowy peaks toward the south, and when we reached the top, Denali and the Alaska Range suddenly burst into view ahead, apparently very near," quoted 'The Wilderness of Denali' by the CJJT's Notes, quotes and thoughts. 揚欣 pointed out the '像絕代美人 橫空出世' that, "Kantishna Tour縱深公園92英里,來回13小時。進山的土路十分簡陋,沿著懸崖蜿蜒入山。汽車駛過塵土飛揚。遇到前方來車都要禮讓,司機互相招手致意。遊客們一進山就尋找麥金利峰,由於山峰重疊,剛進山時看不清全貌,更多時候它又被雲霧繚繞,像面紗輕蓋。車到Wonder Lake停下,眼前豁然開朗,彷彿所有的山峰峭壁向後退隱,麥金利峰像一位絕代美人橫空出世,它是那樣的冰清玉潔、雍容華貴。其倩影倒映在Wonder Lake 湖面上,讓人真正體驗到湖光山色的美境。" It is valuable! Can we also share with some finding from American Poet Wallace Stevens? He said that, "Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake." "這天一大早就出發了。遠處白雪皚皚,腳下野花盛開,山路艱難,攀岩跨溪。好在整片山域像是只有我們幾個人,爬在羊腸小徑上也不擔心後有追兵。前兩個小時在青山碧嶺中盤旋,後一個半小時完全是在攀援雪山,有時不得不手足並用。登上雪線的那一刻,巨大冰原豁然展現面前,10萬年亙古不化的冰川就在眼下,剎那間感覺自己凝固在遠古的時光,又彷彿融化在大自然的胸懷。這種自然之美是一種大美,無與倫比,非人力所及。我們在山頂坐了許久,極目遠望,山風輕撫,讓激動的情緒慢慢沉澱為心中的感動。 下得山來,我們就踏上回家的路程。在返回安克拉治的途中,再次領略阿拉斯加的宏偉:湛藍的天空,巨大的雲朵、巍峨的群山、清澈的河流,廣博原野、不盡的冰川,這一切將久久縈繞在我的心間," concluded Writer 揚欣 with a pleasent and heartily rememberance about the nice traveling.*2 Now, let us enjoy some reading on beautiful reivers and canyon. 旅遊經編輯部 had a report about " 大理尋奇、印象麗江 等您尋訪人間仙境" on 2007/07/23. It was posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞". The source was from '旅遊經'. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report. "昆明這座升騰於高山,懸掛在太陽與彩雲下的花園城市。「天氣常如二三月,花枝不斷四時春」這裡沒有嚴冬,亦無酷暑,只有和煦溫暖的陽光;這裡更不是叱吒風雲的政治角力場,也非紙醉金迷的水泥叢林,她只是一方田園牧歌式的棲居地。 麗江古城(世界文化遺產之一)的街上集中了一些有個性的咖啡屋患野ぶ患遥畯闹写鞫^。就在店家門口的走道上,挨著泉水擺放了桌椅。您可以歇一歇腳,喝一杯咖啡。水是玉龍雪山萬年的冰雪水融化、橋是歷經百載的水的守護者、樹是迎風搖曳的垂柳,這座沒有城牆的古城,光亮潔淨的青石板路、完全手工建造的土木房屋、無處不在的小橋流水。" *3 For more details, people may contact 喜鴻旅行社台北 or visit http://www.besttour.com.tw/. On traveling, we may inspired by the natural scenes. The following quotes may also bring us with some philosophy of life: "When the river is deepest it makes least noise." ---Proverb "What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt - it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else." ---Hal Boyle "If my ship sails from sight, it doesn't mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends." ---John Enoch Powell The report "《旅遊》船遊長江三峽 體驗壩氣峽情" by writer 吳學銘 was posted by the '旅遊指南' on Worldjournal.com at July 22, 2007 in San Francisco, California. "舉世聞名的長江三峽大壩,2005年全線完工後,三峽遊雖少了點壯闊,但多了不少景點和樂趣,尤其是遊船過五級船閘的過程,世界罕見。 三峽還是長江上最有賣點的河段,它有熟悉的歷史故事,有豪華的遊船,有美麗的峽谷風光。 更重要的是,遊三峽可以很輕鬆,不用每天搬行李,舒舒服服在船上待個幾天,每天挑個好景點下船走走看看,下午就回到甲板上吹吹風,這種度假的感覺,其實還是很棒。" *4 The art of life depends critically on wisdom, knowledge, and resources. The extra enjoyment of a touring or traveling may be derived from our good planning and nice implementation. The writer introduced some of the the senic places along the river that, "沿岸下船賞景推薦" --- 1. 神農溪 山幽水奇 2. 白帝城 千古傳誦 3. 船行大壩過五關: "1. 神農溪在巴東縣境內注入長江,是三峽遊不能錯過的景點,早在三峽大壩築成之前,神農溪就因山幽水奇,深受遊客喜歡;大壩蓄水後,神農溪名氣不減,遊船更加深入,幾乎是三峽遊船必靠景點。 神農溪由龍昌{、鸚鵡峽和綿竹峽構成,峽谷中有古棧道、懸棺,還有聞名的縴夫,遊客必須從大船換到小船,小船再換扁舟(又稱豌豆角),才能進到上游。行到水窮處,往往就是縴夫們展現陸地拉船、逆水行舟功力的時候。 2. 唐朝詩人李白的「早發白帝城」,「朝辭白帝彩雲間……輕舟已過萬重山」,造就白帝城千古美名。白帝城向來是遊三峽必到景點,它位在瞿塘峽口,奉節縣城東,一面靠山,三面環水;以前有陸路可通,大壩蓄水後,淹沒來路,現在要靠橋過去了。 3. 三峽大壩建成後,搭遊船過大壩,成為有趣的旅遊經驗,所有遊船都必須循序u進過五級船閘,才能通過三峽大壩。" *5 The following are two recent examples for outstanding achievements of the Chinese people in America. They may relate to the theme of the article about "職場的成功 有賴眼界之開闊" that published in the section of '人與美景 People & Beautiful Scenery' on July 29, 2007. The report from Washington, D.C. (華盛頓) by 記者于茂芬 of World Journal entitled "何大一獲頒終身成就獎 ---國際青年領袖基金會年會" was posted by the '華人生活圈' of Worldjournal.com. The reporter 于茂芬 showed us a colorful picture of '何大一接受前聯邦運輸部部長峰田代表頒發的終身成就獎'. She wrote that, "國際著名愛滋病專家何大一 ,26日晚間榮獲國際青年領袖基金會頒發的2007年「終身成就獎」,並應邀擔任年會主講人。他表示,這幾年來常到中國協助宣導預防愛滋病,有機會參與公共教育及公共政策,也深刻體認到參與公共事務的重要,除了實驗室的工作,每個人都有義務做一個關心世界的公民。 何大一介紹自己12歲從台灣來美,他表示,很高興能夠把在美國所學貢獻給自己傳承的土地(land of my heritage)。在中國,他扮演科學家的機會較少,反而是戴上老師、推動者、治療者、輔導者及啦啦隊等角色的帽子。" *6 With good vision plus work and enthusiasm, young people may have a bright opportunity. "Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles." ---Og Mandino (1923-1996, Speaker and Author) "不過他認為,這也使他在實驗室作研究之餘,還能兼顧到醫生的角色,參與愛滋病的防治工作及公共衛生的教育和宣導工作,使他的職業生涯劃成一個圓滿的圓圈。他希望國際青年領袖基金會的實習生們也能像他一樣,有機會碰上自己熱愛的領域,並把握機會及迎接挑戰,不論是在那個領域,堅決而持之以恆地把事情做到最好," described Reporter 于茂芬 vividly on 愛滋病專家何大一's inspiration on career life.*7 The '科技' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞 posted a report on "微軟建立致力於搜索和廣告技術的應用研究部門" at 06:39 on 2007/07/27. The information (消息來源) is from 微軟公司 with the news released by 美通社-華盛頓州雷蒙德電. "微軟公司 (Microsoft Corp.) 今天宣布,該公司成立應用研究機構 Internet Services Research Center(互聯網服務研究中心,簡稱 ISRC),旨在加快搜索和廣告技術創新,將作為微軟研究院 (Microsoft Research) 的一部分, 該團隊將與 MSN 及該公司其他產品部門密切合作。 微軟任命晉升為公司副總裁的 Harry Shum 博士來領導 ISRC。自2007年早些時候起,Shum 就擔任搜索與廣告平台部門首席科學家。他於1996年加盟微軟,擔任微軟研究院研究員、研究經理、助理董事總經理、微軟亞洲研究院董事總經理以及傑出工程師。" *8 The following three paragraphs quoted may remind us about Harry's concern on career development and young people: [[[ Early in September, I spoke to many college students in Beijing. At the time when I was ready to take the freight to go back to U. S., Managing Director Dr. Harry Shum (沈蜓? of Microsoft Research Asia (微软亚洲研究院) requested me to write down the findings of communication. "He believes that will benefit many more Chinese young people," said Sun-yuan. "耶鲁大学的心理学家彼得暽陈逦≒eter Salovey)正式提出了“情商”(Emotion Quotient)的概念。沙洛维认为情商包含五类基本素质:认识自身情绪;妥善管理情绪;自我激励;认知他人情绪;人际管理。 一个世纪以来心理学家们对人类智能规律的探索揭示出了通往成功的基本路途,成功=智商+情商," pointed out Dr. Sun-yuan Kung in the article. "快乐就是做自己喜欢的事情,就是自由的感觉。最后,成功=自信与快乐=IQ+EQ+AQ。虽然成功受很多因素影响,如远见(Vision)、目标(Goal)、毅力(Persistence),但只要你尊重自己、尊重他人、敬畏自然,即便不是每次都能做“成功的事”,但终究可以成为一位成功的人,尽情享受自信与快乐。" ]]] *9 'Rashid 表示:“作為微軟研究院亞洲的微軟亞洲工程院的領導者,Harry 一直以來表現出了技術上的創新能力,而且還表現出了激發和領導卓越研究團隊的能力。選擇 Harry 來領導 ISRC 是對微軟亞洲研究院 (Microsoft Research Asia) 成功的認可,也是對我們北京研究院人員才能和專長的信任。” 該新成立的組織將把該公司的研究成果匯集起來,開發與促進廣告和搜索技藝進步的技術。Shum 表示:“我們都擁有整個公司最強大的研究團隊。他們具有卓越意識,飽含激情,為開發新一代搜索和廣告技術努力工作。我們將充分發揮其才能和智慧,將他們緊密聯合起來。” Shum 表示,該公司將在為微軟帶來最佳、最聰明的人才方面繼續投入,解決最棘手的技術問題,推出最具創新性的技術。' *10 The report entitled "徐玲:職場成功 有賴眼界開闊" by 記者吳日君 of World Journal from Santa Clara, California (聖他克拉拉) had been shown in the way as a quick news the day before yesterday here in this section, because we intended to let interesting people know the hour and location of the speech. The subtitle of the report was "鼓勵基層員工越級幫大老闆著想 主管不與底下搶功 上下互動良好 齊心辦好公司".*11 徐玲受邀北加州北京大學校友會,28日在聖他克拉拉市圖書館 (Santa Clara City Library,地址:2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051)演講,the topic was about "The development of a career life". "她提出「提升兩個層級以建立成功職場」(Two levels up step to build successful career)理論,鼓勵矽谷華人若想在職場成功,必須開放心胸、拓展視野,幫助老闆成功的同時,也幫助自己成長。 網路興盛時期離開IBM,因緣際會來到曾被譽為「全美最有影響華裔女性」之一張若玫創辦公司Vit-ria,七年間從經理、資深經理、總監、副總裁、資深副總裁等職位爬升,負責管理全球支援、訓練、IT、計畫管理、研發等部門,Vit-ria全球有三百多人,約70%都在徐玲管轄區域。 「領導人必須是老師,協助基層員工發展,不和底下搶功,公司整體素質才能提高。」徐玲在公司每周一次幫經理級主管上課,共同討論分享管理技巧,從管理技巧訓練、解決問題案例討論到生活態度,她強調,如果主管只想從底下人搶功勞、不願意教導付出,上下互動不良,關係亦無法長久。" *12 "Rapid changes in technology and global competition have combined to reshape the corporate landscape. Corporate management has responnded to these changes by iniatating sweeping changes. The introduction of new technology may be touted as a productivity booster and turn out instead to be a total bust. Whatever the problem may be, you're the one who has to deal with it on a daily basis. Even when new ideas are well thought out, there are still problems in putting them into practice within your group," George Fuller wrote in the 'Introduction' of his book, "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace."*13 There are lots of common headaches most of supervisors and leaders have to confront. "It's easy to understand how the broad scope these problems can easily lead to a less than steller attitude toward your job. However, adoping a sense of futility only serve to make matters worse. On the other hand, maintain a positive attitude helps you place things in perspective and can make coping eith problems a lot easier to do."*14 "談職場生涯規劃,如果在公司體系向上升職?如何應付職場Poli-tics?徐玲認椋緝壬舷拢畲罄鎽怨緸橹鳎瑔T工的視野需放寬廣,不只幫直屬老闆設想,還須跨越兩層,設身處地幫大老闆想,協助老闆們往前走,等於是加大自己的天地,齊心合力把事情做好的同時,也成就自身領導技巧。 徐玲鼓勵矽谷人,多接觸美國社會文化,平日除了工作之外,多看電視影集、運動,「藉著生活,了解美國,也犒賞自己。」她說,公司就是一齣喜劇,主管就是導演,員工是演員,如何讓每個演員發揮才能、扮演好所在角色,讓事情變成有趣,觀眾 (客戶)不會無聊而感興趣 (購買產品),喜劇賣座 (公司獲利),才是成功。" *15 "People worry about the huge amount of creativity that is wasted---lost forever---because talented people are prevented from giving their best by their lack of ability to influence others effectively," wrote Dr. Ken Blanchard in the 'Foreword' of the book entitled "Winning Ways," written by Dick Lyles.*16 "The business world has changed; organizations are getting flatter and more networked. Today, the key to success is one's ability to exercise peer leadership. The most successful individuals shine because of their ability to influence, empower, and energize others. In essence, they embody the principles and practices of Winning Ways." "「每個人都是星星,有強項有弱項,強調強項,用強項帶動弱項,那就會是顆發亮的星,而不只是個小球 (small ball)。」徐玲常常與底下員工說,目前大家一起工作,未來,也有可能角色扮演不同,「可能我要替你工作。」她認為,清高傲慢的人,只能和自己獨處;在同一工作環境,大家一起工作、一起學習做事,一起「Have Fun」,丟掉小我,以團隊為主,幫助老闆成功,等於也給了自己更多機會。"*17 Learning is importing. To learn key talents for study is also necessary. Indeed, business achievement is the new yardstick of success in today's society. Therefore, business has become not only the fastest growing major in undergraduate institutions but also in graduate school of famous universities, nationally and internationally. The emphasis of the online communication skills and the quantitative analysis techniques with computers is one of the most important study for the art of success to the business students, professionals, executives, and owners. According to the above report by 記者吳日君, 徐玲 (Eliz-abeth Xu) 為Vitria Technology 資深副總裁, 擁有北京大學物理學士、環境保護碩士,1990年來到美國,1995年取得內華達大學 ( Univer-sity of Nevada)大氣物理博士、電腦科學碩士。"鼓勵她融入美國主流社會,同時培養開放認真的工作與生活態度。" has been Elizabeth Xu's inspiration from her 兩位美籍終生導師的結識. President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University inspired us by the following: "Reaching up, reaching beyond, always pressing forward; this is the passion of the human spirit." We are certainly being challenged! His message on "Progress and Promises" has brought us with a brilliant vision.*18 In studying the above publications, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 蔡潔玲, 謝恩得, 劉小珍, 揚欣, 旅遊經, 吳學銘, 于茂芬, 微軟公司, 吳日君, and among others on its most parts of the portion in Chinese. Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." It is just a little interest or a small hobby in reading. With intellectual skills for E. Q., people can avoid to be something in related to what Albert Einstein's "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." *20 The sky is beautiful and laymen may sometime bring people with some fun! | |
-------------------------------------------- References*1'. 蔡潔玲 '《旅遊》秋天的顏色,' "a search of '世界周刊' on the Worldjournal.com," (November 4, 2007), San Francisco, California: World Journal. *2'. Ibid. *3'. 謝恩得. '阿里山新車站 越夜越美麗 ---(聯合),' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (September 14, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo! *4'. Ibid. *5'. 劉小珍. '《旅遊》水鄉威尼斯,' "A search of '世界周刊' on the Worldjournal.com," (September 23, 2007), Los Angeles, California: World Journal. *6'. Ibid. *1. 揚欣. '《旅遊》阿拉斯加夏季之旅,' "A search of '旅遊指南' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 15, 2007), Los Angeles, California: World Journal. *2. Ibid. *3. 旅遊經編輯部. '大理尋奇、印象麗江 等您尋訪人間仙境,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 23, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo! *4. 吳學銘. '《旅遊》船遊長江三峽 體驗壩氣峽情,' "A search of '旅遊指南' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 22, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com. *5. Ibid. *6. 于茂芬. '何大一獲頒終身成就獎 ---國際青年領袖基金會年會,' "A search of '華人生活圈' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 27, 2007), San Francisco, California: World Journal. *7. Ibid. *8. 微軟公司. '微軟建立致力於搜索和廣告技術的應用研究部門,' "A search of the '科技' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 27, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!. *9. Chang, Tiffany. 'Art of E. Q. and A. Q. inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-yuan Kung!' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and Distinguished Professor Dr. Sun-yuan Kung wbti business & administration' on the Google.com," (July 30, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com. *10. 微軟公司. Ibid. *11. 吳日君. '徐玲:職場成功 有賴眼界開闊,' "News section of '舊金山新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 28, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com. *12. Ibid. *13. Fuller, George. (1998). "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace". London: Prentice Hall, Inc. *14. Ibid. *15. 吳日君. Ibid. *16. Blanchard, Ken. (2000). "Winning Ways". New York, N. Y.: G. P. Putnam's Sons. *17. 吳日君. Ibid. *18. Moss, Cheryl; Gronauer, Bobby; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, and among others are on the way ---Very efficient and powerful, the leading search engines answer our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'President Dr. Andrew Benton on Google wbti' on the Yahoo.com," (July, 29, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *19. Kung, Jennifer. '湖光山色的宏偉 無盡風光美不勝收!' "A search of '湖光山色的宏偉 無盡風光美不勝收!' by the leading search engines on Internet," (November 8, 2007), U. S. A.: Search.com. *20. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. *21. 張明慧、苗君平. '千萬花海驚豔 新社明飄香,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (November 16, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
102907-1037 [102807-4017] {102707-1037} "Social & Community (LAF6)" of WBTI website, {Saturday, 10:37 a.m., October 27, 2007} #First Edition [Updated at 4:17 - 9:17 p.m. on October 28, 2007.] {Second Edition at 9:37 a.m. on October 29, 2007.} |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
[[[ To be continued ... ]]]Touring Las Vegas, Beijing, Soel, Taipei, Macau, Bangkok, etc.: Their international visibility and popularity are enhancing through the leading search engines on Internet! President Dr. Tony Lei appointed Nancy Saitta and Barbara Buckley Associate Professors of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI By Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang "--" .............. ........................... ***** "The kind of humor I like is the thing that makes me laugh for five seconds and think for ten minutes." ---William Davis ***** "Humor is mankind's greatest blessing." ---Mark Twain Late Mark Twain (1835-1910) is the former American Humorist, Writer and Lecturer. ***** "Once you get people laughing, they're listening and you can tell them almost anything." ---Herbert Gardner Someone said that, "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day." Is this a joke? ............ .......................... For the visibility and popularity of some international cities through the leading search engines on Internet, our coming work performance to some significant projects will be feature articles on the sceneries of Las Vegas, Beijing, Soel, Taipei, Macau, Bangkok, and among others. Tourism and business are our best priorities for the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of WBTI on the ground of non-profit and non-partisan basis. The late Dr. Peter F. Drucker inspired us that, "Innovation is very important. No good business can survive without successful innovation during a period of time!" Nevada is the fountain of hospitality and touring business. Macau is a recent practice with Nevada to have great prosperity in tourism and economic development. Now, Nevada Assemblywoman Francis Allen is a Regional Marketing Administrator of Korea of the AMI and Advisor of the ICBC of WBTI. For innovation and breakthrough in the field of business, the wise men may have a bright and beautiful sky! To encourage tourism and business is a worldwide value for every country in this earth (world), not just for Nevada! Volunteerly on a non-profit and non-partisan basis, we are pleased to assist the promotion of this endeavor. We love heartily the Earth (world) that we are living with!*3 {{{ At 3:37 p.m. on 102807 for "International visibility and popularity of Nevada are inspired to be lifted up through leading search engines on Internet!" (m.ms): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... International visibility and popularity of Nevada are inspired to be lifted up through leading search engines on Internet! ---President Dr. Tony Lei appointed Barbara Buckley communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/27/2007 ?Cached page At 3:17 p.m. on 102807 for "join me in sending her (Hillary Clinton) a birthday message! By Bill Clinton was published by WBTI October 23, 2007" (m.ms): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... The article "Happy Birthday ---I hope you'll join me in sending her (Hillary Clinton) a birthday message! By Bill Clinton" was published by WBTI in this section on October 23, 2007 communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/27/2007 ?Cached page }}} [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Beautiful Las Vegas, leading search engines on Internet are enhancing its international visibility and popularity! Nancy Saitta has been appointed Associate Professor of the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/25/2007 ?Cached page ]]] Innovation is one of the most important traits for the prosperity of businesses in America. Is it the time that has come for our Pan Pacific and Asian countries to emphasize and catch the wisdom for innovation as soon as possible? Starting at 4:37 p.m. on 102707 for a search of "U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, President Dr. Tony Lei" by the leading search engines on Internet (m.ms): More than 59 pages for about 10 sections of each, ... Washington Business and Technology Institute - Shelley Berkley, U.S ... Shelley Berkley at Work,' "An e-mail from U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's capaign office to President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei of WBTI," (August 30, 2007), Washington, D. communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... The faculty joined President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) in congratulating our Executive Advisor, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0132500... ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President of ... President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Tony Lei, my long time good friend, is the President of Washington Business and Technology Institute and Senior Advisor of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley. Dr. Tony Lei, an ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Dr Tony Tung-tien Lei is a Senior Advisor for U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley since January 1999.*2. To: Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei President Washington Business & Technology Institute communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... ?10/25/2007 ?Cached page ---------------- At 4:57 p.m. on 102707 for "Birthday, Hillary, Bill Clinton, wbti" (m.ms): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Happy Birthday,' "An e-mail from Bill Clinton to judy of WBTI [Tue, 23 Oct 2007 13:08:16 -0400 (EDT)]," (October 23, 2007), Arlington, VA: Hillary for President. communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/25/2007 ?Cached page -------------- At 12:18 p.m. (noon) on 102707 for "Articles by former U. S. President Bill Clinton on WBTI's website are shown on Internet by the leading search engines promptly and elegantly!" (m.ms): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John Lei's ... ... former U. S. President and Mrs. Bill Clinton, and among others that posted by WBTI have been shown by the leading search engines on Internet effectively and promptly ... articles on the WBTI's website ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page ............. ......................... | |
Q: How can I make my website more visitors? Ans. the supreme leader of YouTube: Make fun!"廊開府拉達那哇必縣湄公河上26日下午4時40分左右迎來第一顆「神龍吐火」火球,眾多遊客爭相瞻睹這一奇^,由於河邊的遊客已人山人海,... 繼第一枚火球升空五分鐘後,拉達那哇必縣河面陸續有火球噴射出來。截止晚上7時,共出現了九枚火球。據悉,位於廊開府境內泰、寮交界地帶的湄公河上,近年來每年解夏節都會出現「神龍吐火」奇觀,吸引了大量的國內外遊客前往觀賞。今年遊客人數超過10萬,早在前幾天,當地政府就為遊客舉辦了各種活動。出現奇觀的拉達那哇必縣、頗披塞縣等沿河的空地上均被遊客的帳篷所擠爆," posted the '國際新聞' of Worldjournal.com from its report in Bangkok (曼谷), Thailand, which is entitled "湄公河神龍吐火 遊人爭睹", on October 28, 2007.*5 .......... ...................... "(1) 十里幽谷水濤溝 大小瀑布百餘處 ---談綿山秀色,首推水濤溝,溝前說法台,聳於兩山之間,在澗水環繞之中,夏秋季常有彩虹升起。十里幽谷內,大大小小瀑布百餘處,水經注形容綿山的瀑布,如鑲嵌在茂林和蘆葦叢中一串串碧玉。說法台形似香爐,又名香爐山,是唐代高僧田志超的說法處。 (2)龍脊嶺深入綿山底奧 ---龍脊嶺宛如一條巨龍,蜿蜒曲折,連綿不絕,伸入綿山深處,猶如龍脊高高隆起,此處是綿山冬遊的福地,以仰止石亭為界,前後百米之隔,溫度相差10度以上。嶺上有彭祖、華陀、呂洞賓、漢鐘離 、陳搏等的修行洞穴13處,這些洞穴在夏天保持涼爽,冬天溫暖如春," wrote the famous Writer in America 馬克任.*6 "綿山上下,的確是山川雄奇,文物燦爛,有安全舒適的登山公路,有8座設備現代化的懸崖賓館,有12處共可停放5000輛遊覽車的大停車場,綿山為旅遊觀光休閒娛樂的上選之地,足以吸引世界各地前來參觀北京奧運人士順便一遊,以進一步瞭解中國民情、深一層欣賞中華文化。" *7 ............ ....................... -------------------------------------------- References *1. *2. .................. *3. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang, "President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'Shelley Berkley, U. S. Congresswoman' by the leading search engines on Internet," (June 24, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com. *4. ... *5. 本報(WJ)曼谷訊. '湄公河神龍吐火 遊人爭睹,' "A report of the '國際新聞' from Bangkok, Thailand," (October 28, 2007), Los Angeles, California: Worldjournal.com. *6. 馬克任. '《社會文化》「大道之山」綿山 人文底蘊深厚 自然景觀雄奇 (文/馬克任 圖/韓懿),' "A feature article on the '世界周刊' of Worldjournal.com," (October 28, 2007), San Francisco, California: World Journal. *7. Ibid. *8. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
____________________________________________ In the field of tourism and business, innovation is advanced by "creating" through "refining".It is our pleasure to post the following article, which was published in the section of 'Business & Administration' on October 24, 2007, through the courtesy of WBTI's website: Beautiful Las Vegas, leading search engines on Internet are enhancing its international visiability and popularity! Nancy Saitta has been appointed Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI by President Dr. Tony Lei By Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang (1) The travel and tourism industry is the lifeblood of many states around the country - including Florida, California, New York and Nevada, to name a few. ---Mark Foley (2) What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. ---Jeff Candido and Jason Hoff (3) Southern Nevada is visited by over 35 million people each year; many of these tourists are our friends from foreign countries. ---Jon Porter (4) The most interesting people are the people with the most interesting pictures in their minds. ---Earl Nightingale (5) Any business that does not learn how to innovate within the next few years will not be around by the year 2000. ---Peter F. Drucker Q: How can I make my website more visitors? Ans. the supreme leader of YouTube: Make fun! (6) Las Vegas is sort of like how God would do it if he had money. ---Steve Wynn (7) United we stand. In God we trust. ---Popular world proverb Nevada Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki has Olympian vision for state tourism! Innovation is advanced by the "creating" through the "refining". "Nevada's lieutenant governor-elect has international goals for the state's No. 1 industry, including pursuing the 2018 Olympic Winter Games and attracting travelers from China and India. Facing one of the largest audiences of Nevada tourism professionals, Treasurer Brian Krolicki, said Tuesday at the governor's conference on tourism, that putting Nevada in the running for the winter games will spur economic growth in the future. It has worked in the past," wrote Becky Bosshart.*1 "The 1960 Olympics helped to put Reno and Tahoe on the map," he said to conference participants at the Silver Legacy Casino Resort. "We want this world-class event to come here again. Some people say it's a long shot. But in tourism, we do long shots. Our efforts next year and thereafter will be seeds sown for a future harvest." *2 "Taking the second highest office in state government, Krolicki will also chair the Nevada Commission on Tourism and the Nevada Commission on Economic Development, organizations that attract and retain businesses and market the state's lucrative tourism industry. He follows Lt. Gov. Lorraine Hunt into the positions. Hunt said she is passing on a strong tourism economy that derives $40 billion a year. Tourism officials recently visited India to develop tourism ties. India's middle class is about the size of the U.S. population, 300 million." Lt. Governor of Nevada Brian Krolicki is Chairman of both the Nevada Commission on Tourism (NCOT) and the Nevada Commission on Economic Development (NCED) since early this year. The experienced and achieved former Nevada Lt. Governor Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono is favored by both Governor Jim Gibbons and Lt. Governor Krolicki as an important Commissioner of the NCOT. [[[ (The latest Result at 10:07 p.m. on Octoberb 22, 2007!) Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Innovation! Leading search engines on Internet brilliantly help inspire to increase the visiability and popularity of some important individuals, projects, and articles on tourism ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... 10/21/2007 Cached page ]]] The article in the box was published by WBTI on October 20, 2007. The above result is just received today now at 10:07 p.m. on October 22, 2007. The article was written by Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. Ingenious, the leading search engines on Internet! "Tourism has become a popular global leisure activity. In 2006, there were over 842 million international tourist arrivals. Tourism is vital for many countries, due to the income generated by the consumption of goods and services by tourists, the taxes levied on businesses in the tourism industry, and the opportunity for employment in the service industries associated with tourism. These service industries include transportation services such as cruise ships and taxis, accommodation such as hotels, restaurants, bars, and entertainment venues, and other hospitality industry services such as spas and resorts," posts Tourism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.*3 (The references from *1 to *m5 are in final section of "***W References".) <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... traits will help bring this Institute wih a perspective of international cooperation and development," said President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... 10/21/2007 Cached page >>> For its innovation and breakthrough in business, Nevada has more ... Are they the Special Hospitality, Gaming, Famous Convention, and their educations and exports? "I love Las Vegas because the valley and surrounding mountains provide an unusual beauty that stirs my soul. Even when I'm stuck in traffic, the mountain shadows capture something in my heart. And if I catch a glimpse of Red Rock Canyon National Recreation Area, or the top of Mount Charleston, or Sunrise Mountain at sunset, it brings a moment of peace, even from a distance," wrote Jane Ann Morrison.*4 "Galaviz believes Macau offers Las Vegas the opportunity for even greater riches. Southern Nevada could be the center of the core innovations for casino gaming and entertainment, he said, much like New York City is for financial markets," reported Howard Stutz.*5 "The industry will go into other emerging markets over the next 10 to 20 years," Galaviz said. "As innovation takes place globally, most of the intellectual property development and the new, creative ideas will be coming from Las Vegas." <<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page ... Administration (PPAA20) Elaine Chao, U.S. Secretary of Labor Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism ... Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism Sun-yuan Kung, Prof. Princeton University Harry Reid, U. S. Senator ... Jim Gibbons, Governor of Nevada Lin-yao Wu's ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... Business ... Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is now Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington .... Leader Harry Reid, U. S. ... President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI in the early morning on August 2, 2007, in ..... * *From {{{ "Business & Administration (PPAA20 ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=0110101... 10/20/2007 Cached page >>> ............ ....................... [[[ {On the top of Results today! (10/22/07)} Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S ... Brilliant --U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and important individuals in Nevada The leading key words on Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... that we have received from a search for "The traits of vision and innovation inspired by WBTI help lift up the visiability of the importance of tourism and business among Nevada ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... 10/21/2007 Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ... The traits of vision and innovation inspired by WBTI help lift up the visiability of the importance of tourism and business among Nevada, California, and Asian Countries by the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=011010105509761441525... Cached page Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com Washington Business and Technology Institute - International Cities ... With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more empowered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada (Assemblywoman Valerie Weber) ... (Immedeate Result in the morning on October 19, 2007!) {{{ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... I hope you'll join her, me, and your fellow Hillary supporters at the rally! By Kate Marshall. Dear judy, Hillary will be in Las Vegas for a rally on Sunday, October 21 at the Springs ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... 10/19/2007 Cached page }}} The article in the box was published by WBTI on October 17, 2007. The above result was received at 5:21 p.m. on October 20, 2007. The article was written by Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall. (There are two more examples at the next 11th paragraph.) Brilliant, the leading search engines on Internet! Neveda has been famous internationally for its Governor抯 Conference on Tourism every year. It is the time now to get our professionals in familiar with the coming one! "The 2007 Nevada Governor抯 Conference on Tourism (December 12-14, 2007) highlights the pertinent topics you need to know for increased profitability and tourism market share including NEW for 2007! workshop track sessions designed to fit your individual professional interests. This year抯 conference marks the introduction of four tracks that each focus on a specific tourism industry niche," states the Nevada Commission of Tourism. "On December 12, 2007, at 8:30 am - 9:00 am there will be the Welcome and Introduction. In the 'Welcome and Introduction' of General Assembly, we shall have Jim Gibbons, Governor, and Brian K. Krolicki, Lieutenant Governor, State of Nevada for the 'Opening Remarks'. The 'Introduction' will be delivered by the Commissioner of NCOT Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono. The topic of the Assembly will be on "Growth: Challenges and Opportunities". *6 "Evening Reception Cocktails and hors d抩euvres will be sponsored by: Las Vegas Meetings by Harrah's Entertainment. Opening Remarks will be dilivered by Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and with Introduction by: Lieutenant Governor Brian K. Krolicki." "At 7:30 am - 8:30 am on Thursday, December 13, 2007, there will be a Continental Breakfast with International Representatives. Get acquainted with the representatives from Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom, Japan, China, Germany, South Korea, Australia, and France. Each international representative will be available to discuss one-on-one how to tap into this vital and thriving market. It will be sponsored by: Advanced Results Marketing, DRGM Advertising, Incline Village Crystal Bay Visitors Bureau, Reno-Tahoe International Airport," posted the Commission on TRAVELNEVADA.COM.*7 .......... | |
The following article is valuable to be a reference for the related view of points about the above feature article. It is our pleasure ot post the following one through the courtesy of WBTI's website:[[[ Nevada's vision on Macau Imagination may help bring us with creativity, happiness, and prosperity! By Jennifer Kung To develop immaginative power, we must specialize in our own fields but be alert to new ideas from any source and continually seize and set down our inspirational flashes when they come to us. ---Carl Holmes*m1 ____________________________________________ ***** "Every great advance in science has issued from a new audacity (dare) of the imagination." ---John Dewey (*From 'The Quest For Certainty'.) Imagination is important for an individual and institution. It is the ability to perceive opportunity. Imagination may produce creativity. Creativity contributes profit and prosperity for an institution. Where imagination and innovation are encouraged, it floirish. Innovation is doing something different. Innovation comes from people and it requires insight. We are pleased to quote the following five short but meaningful ones: *** The most interesting people are the people with the most interesting pictures in their minds. ---Earl Nightingale *** Imagination is more important than knowledge. ---Albert einstein *** The human race is governed by its imagination. ---Napoleon *** Inspiration and imagination go hand in hand. ---Annonymous *** Every vital organization owes its birth and life to an exciting and daring idea. ---James B. Conant It's our pleasure to post a short story and quotation from "Speaker's Source Book" by Glenn Van Ekeren: What is serendipity? It is discovering something totally unrelated to the problem you are trying to solve. Call it an accident, dumb luck, or fate--serendipity has given our world great products, new hope, and better ways of doing things. Foe example, Columbus discovered America while searching for a route to India. It is said that the American Indians, finding no water for cooking, tapped a maple tree and made the first maple wyrup as the sap boiled down. Pioneers, traveling westward, stopped for water and found gold nuggets in a stream. These are all examples of serendipity. However, the classic example of serendipity must go to George Ballas. As George Ballas drove his car through a car wash, ... Why not use a nylon cord, whirling at high speed to trim the grass and weeds around trees and the house? Bingo! the Weedeater was born! ... Finally, in 1971, Ballas invested his own money in the first thirty- pound Weedeaster. ... Before long, Weedeater, Inc., grew into a multimillion-dollar international corporation. Yes, one idea can be worth a fortune. Weedeater, Inc., was born from a simple idea in a car wash. *m2 Do you believe Chairman of Apple Computer John Scully said that, "Innovation has never come through bureaucracy and hierarchy. It's always come from individuals"? "Adelson said Cotai and Macau will combine to make the Chinese region the Las Vegas of the Far East," posted the LVRJ on May 28, 2006. The report was entitled "The Development of Cotai Strip Helps Complete a Personal Vision for 72-year-old Sheldon Adelson - Creating a Second Las Vegas ---Up to 3 billion People Live a Short Distance from Macau" by Howard Stutz, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News.*m3 "More images Macau took a giant step toward becoming the Las Vegas of Asia with yesterday's opening of the world's biggest casino. The $2.4 billion Venetian Macao Resort Hotel is the centerpiece of a $12 billion 'integrated resort' development - the first Las Vegas-style megacasino on a sliver land called the Cotai Strip," posted the 'Business & Money' on August 29, 2007. It was reported by Suzette Parmley, Inquirer Staff Writer.*m4 "Imagination disposes of everything; it creates beauty, justice, and happiness, which is everything in the world," said Blaise Pascal.*m5 | |
Innovation is practical for a real need. It is not a random process. "When it works, it works because someone has identified a real need, and found a way to bring new ideas or new technologies to bear on that need," said Lewis W. Lehr. An innovator's life is governed by "to create" lists. She or he is incessantly pursuing new possibilities and refinning existing ones."Business has only two functions," wrote the late Professor Peter Drucker, "marketing and innovation." [[[ (The most quick Result at 8:23 p.m. on Octoberb 22, 2007!) Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Join us the "Ready to Lead in the West" rally with Hillary Clinton please! By Kate Marshall*1 and Tiffany Chang. Dear judy, Hillary will be in Las Vegas for a rally on Sunday, October ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/21/2007 ?Cached page ]]] The article in the box was published by WBTI on October 19, 2007. The above result is just received today now at 8:23 p.m. on October 22, 2007. The article was written by Nevada State Treasurer Kate Marshall and Tiffany Chang. Great efficiency, the leading search engines on Internet! "Justice Nancy Saitta Heads Nevada Team at National Summit on Children," posted the Supreme Court of Nevada on March 6, 2007. "Certainly, the likelihood of learning about resources, legislation, and innovative programs is significantly enhanced when those who are part of a system, here child welfare, are together in one place." *1' "Thank you, it's my honor," said Associate Professor Nancy M. Saitta of the Graduate School of Business and Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). Supported by the Advisory Board and faculty members of WBTI since then with wisdom of cooperation and publicity through articles, its missions helped her win the election as Justice of Nevada Supreme Court in last November. One of Justice Nancy Saitta's picture is on section 'Congratulations' (at the 10th small line of its Home Page) of WBTI's websitw. Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei are proud of the accomplishments of their young sister Nancy Saitta, District Judge of Nevada (now Justice of Nevada Supreme Court 04/26/07). Our coming work performance to some significant projects will be feature articles for the visiability and popularity of some international cities through the leading search engines on Internet: (1) Beijing, (2) Soel, (3) Taipei, (4) Macau, (5) Bangkok, and (6) Clark County ("Las Vegas"). Tourism and business are our best priorities for the International Cities Business Council (ICBC) of WBTI, nothing much about politics. The late Dr. Peter F. Drucker inspired us that, "Innovation is very important. No good business can survive without successful innovation during a period of time!" Nevada is the fountain of hospitality and touring business. Macau is a recent practice with Nevada to have great prosperity in tourism and economic development. Now, Nevada Assemblywoman Francis Allen is a Regional Marketing Administrator of Korea of the AMI and Advisor of the ICBC of WBTI. For innovation and breakthrough in the field of business, the wise men may have a bright and beautiful sky! To encourage tourism and business is a world-wide value for every country in this world, not just for Nevada! Volunteerly on a non-profit and non-partisan basis, we are pleased to assist the promotion of this endeavor. We love heartily the world that we are living with! Innovation is one of the most important traits for the prosperity of American business. The time has come for our Pan Pacific and Asian countries to emphasize and catch it as soon as possible! [[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... I assure you that I will continue working to protect Nevada! By Harry M. Reid*1. Friends, Our country is facing a foreclosure crisis and Nevada is being hit especially hard. communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/19/2007 ?Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... ... Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons and B&I director mendy elliott announce appointment OF OMBUDSMAN of consumer affairs for minotiries ... NV). 'Governor Gibbons and B&I director mendy elliott announce appointment OF OMBUDSMAN of consumer affairs for minotiries,' "An e-mail from Office of the Nevada ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?10/19/2007 ?Cached page ]]] The two articles in the box were published by WBTI on October 17-18, 2007. The above results have been just received at 5:37 p.m. on October 20, 2007. The first one was written by Office of the Governor (NV). Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). The 2nd one was written by Harry M. Reid, U. S. Senator and Majority Leader of the U. S. Senate. U. S. Senator Harry Reid is a distinguished Professor of Administrative Strategies of WBTI. Ingenious, the leading search engines on Internet! The following are just a few examples of the results that we have received from a search for "The traits of vision and innovation inspired by WBTI help lift up the visiability of the importance of tourism and business among Nevada, California, and Asian Countries by the leading search engines on Internet.", 'With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more empowered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada ... ', etc. on the Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, Search, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, Lycos, and among others beginning at 0:21 p.m. in the afternoon on October 14, 2007. They are shown in the most top of results by the leading search engines on Internet: Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, ... The traits of vision and innovation inspired by WBTI help lift up the visiability of the importance of tourism and business among Nevada, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/d... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page%26GID=01101010550976144152582945%26PG=01217001050986862609794433 Take the Ask.com search engine with you. Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...- [ 翻譯此頁 ] [[[The most quick news today!]]] At 9:47 am on 060207 for "Armed Forces Day and a statement By James A. ... John," wrote President John Ponticello of PDCLV in an e-mail to WBTI on May 24, 2007 for its coordination and effort to the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 119k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁 Washington Business and Technology Institute - International Cities ... With Lt. Governor Brian Krolicki as our Chairman of the Advisory Board of ICBC, WBTI will be more empowered to assist the economic development and tourism of Nevada," said Nevada ... Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Brilliantly, welcome your good input to Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAA20)! By GSBPA and PAI of WBTI*1. Quality is our important policy! communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=011010105509761441525... · 10/12/2007 · Cached page Show more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com | |
As a reference, it is our pleasure to post the following article through the courtesy of WBTI's website: [[[ 081205-1187 "Business & Administration" (PPAA 19), ***** Friday, 9:17 a. m., August 12, 2005 #Second printing of the Second Edition *****Nancy Saitta was appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration by WBTI By Tiffany Chang Dear friends, would you like to share wth our faculty members the following peices of good words with wisdom in our management endeavor: "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." --- Romans 12 : 10 of the Bible "Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend spring from his earnest counsel." --- Proverbs 27 : 9 of the Bible "The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck "Ms. Nancy Saitta was appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 17, 2003. On behalf of the Faculty and Board members of WBTI, President Dr. Tony Lei will hold a celebration dinner party to welcome her as one of our excellent faculty members of the Graduate School," Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI announced on December 18, 2003 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A. A celebration dinner party for her appointment was held by President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI at the Lillies Langtrys Restaurant in Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino on May 11, 2004 in Las Vegas. Ms. Nancy Saitta received her Juris Doctor in 1986 from Wayne State University. She earned her Bechelor of Science Degree, Magna Cum Laude in 1983 from Wayne State University. Nancy was born in Detroit, Michigan the daughter of Alfred V. and Virginia M. Meyer. Married to Joseph J. Saitta, she has four children and three grandchidren. Nancy has been a Southern Nevada resident since 1990.*1 Ms. Nancy Saitta was elected to the Eighth Judicial District Court in November 1998. She was appointed to Las Vegas Municipal Court in October, 1996. Prior to her appoinment, Nancy was a senior deputy attorney general where she serve as the Children's Advocate for the State of Nevada. Formerly, she was with Pearson and Patton and later because an associate at the law firm of Gentile and Porter. Ms. Saitta began her legal career in 1984 as a law clerk for Walter D. Meyers in Detriot, Michagan. She joined their firm as a criminal defense lawyer following graduation from law school. Nancy was an associate professor at Wayne State University, Department of Criminal Justice. She taught Litigation I and II at the American Institute for Paralegal Studies. She teaches in the criminal justice department of the Univeristy of Phoenix. Nancy has been a keynote speaker and faculty member at several national conferences.*2 Judge Saitta was also an arbitrator for the New York Stock Exchange Arbitration Panel during 1985. Her memberships include: CASA Foundation Board, Clark County Public Education Foundation, and Clark County Bar Association Executive Committee. She retains membership in several local national children's advocacy organizations. Nancy was appointed by the Governor to the Nevada State Juvenile Justice Commission. She created the Clark County Missing and Exploited Children Comprehensive Action Program ("M/CAP"), a program coordinated with the U. S. Department of Justice.*3 Nancy developed the Southern Nevada Fatality Review Team and the specialized court project for case management of Construction Defect cases. Her awards and honors include: the "For the Children" award presented by the Office of the Attorney General in recognition of her outstanding contribution to Nevada's children and the District Attorney Outstanding Service Award, and the Child Advocate of the year (2001). Nancy had several teaching and academic appointments. On September 2000, she had "view From the Bench" -- Cross Examination on the Clark County Bar Association Continuing Education. Her Seminars and Training included: (1) The North american Symposium of Internationa Child Abduction -- sponsored by the ABA, Washington, D. C. (2) NationalAssociation of Attorneys General consumer Protection Seminar -- "violence in the Media and its Effects on Child," Madison, Wisconsin.*4 Dr. Tony Lei received the list of District Judge Nancy Saitta's recent accomplishments from the fax by her in the afternoon on November 14, 2003 as in the following: 1. Created the Complex Litigation Division - 8th Judicial District Court. 2. Received National Association of County Government Award for Complex Case Management Model. 3. Keynote speaker at West Coast Casualty Insurance and Construction Defect Conference, Anaheim, California. 4. Featured speaker at MC2 Construction Conference, Key West, Florida. 5. Nevada Trial Lawyers Annual Conference speaker re: "Abusive Litigation Tactics". 6. District Court Legislative Liasion to the 2003 Nevada Legislative Session.*5 "It's significant. The integrity of community service and academic research of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) will certainly help Nevada go advance for the cooperation and development in education, business, and culture among international countries. As an Adjunct Associate Professor of its Graduate School of Business and Public Administration, I'm sure that with excellent faculty members and Advisory Board, WBTI will contribute its knowledge and wisdom to individuals, businesses, and governments through its community service and educational publications," said Nancy Saitta, District Judge of Nevada, at the event and dinner party held by WBTI at the Lillies Langtrys Restaurant in Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino on May 11, 2004 in Las Vegas.*6 ------------ Refernces *1. Aguilar, Cecilla. 'Bio for Judge Saitta,' "An e-mail of Cecilia Aguilar to WBTI," (December 18, 2003), p. 1. *2. Ibid. *3. Google. 'Newsbrief of WBTI on May 14, 2004,' "A search about Ms. Nancy Saitta, Esq., on Google.com," (March 3, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *4. Saitta, Nancy. "The printout of Judge Nancy Saitta's Resume,' (May 11, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: To Dr. Tony Lei by Judge Nancy Saitta. *5. Saitta, Nancy. "Judge Nancy Saitta's recent accomplishments,' "An e-mail from Nancy Saitta to WBTI," (November 14, 2003), p. 1. *6. GSBPA. "A writing document with my (District Judge Nancy Saitta) signature on the literature by Washington Business and Technology Institute," (May 11, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. ]]] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | Go To Page: [1][2][3] 4 [5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] | |