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092204-3838 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.) 李明依:每3少女1人願賣處女夜 ***友善列印 【TVBS新聞 】 韓國電影「援交天使」還沒在台上映就引發國內熱烈討論,這部片描寫2名少女為了籌措旅費寧可下海援交,和國內很多青少女的心態類似。李明依就說根據她過去訪談的經驗,每3名少女當中就有一人願意用3萬元賣掉自己的處女夜。 這部韓國影片叫做「援交天使」,描述2個天真的女孩為了籌措旅費下海援交,片子還沒上映就引起話題。曾經相當叛逆的藝人李明依就說,其實台灣的援交情況非常嚴重,根據她的訪談,每3名女學生當中就有一個人願意把自己的第一次賣出去。 藝人李明依:「找個年輕女生你問她,初夜是要留給男朋友或是她的未來的老公,如果可以賣3萬塊的話你要選擇哪個?每一個人幾乎就是超過一半以上,就是說當然是賣3萬。」 女性作家李昂也剖析台灣援交妹的心態,大部分都把責任歸咎給家庭。作家李昂:「你不能夠因為你未成年,不能夠因為你天真無邪,不能夠因為社會沒有好好教你,不能夠因為你來自一個破碎的家庭,所以你就給自己這麼多的理由說我可以去援交,這個都不成理由,因為最後的苦果還是要你來自己來負擔。」 這部電影雖然只是2個媛交妹的故事,反應的卻是大時代的性觀念和扭曲的社會價值。********** 影視類最新一則新聞:傳林志玲太貴 微風找周汶錡代言 (TVBS新聞 2004-09-22 19:18) 2222222222222 3333333333333333333333333333 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
Some of the significant idea from the letters to Dr. Tony Lei: "Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity." --- A. William Maupin, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada "As Mayor, I will continue to devote my energies into the preservation and improvement of the standard of living enjoyed here in the City of Las Vegas." --- Oscar B. Goodman, Mayor of Las Vegas "It is only with the dedication and commitment of good people like yourself that I will achieve my goal of becoming Governor of this great state. Dema and I can't thank you enough for your assistance and your positive activivities in the community." --- Kenny Guinn, Governor of Nevada, U.S.A. *************** | |
092204-3178 |
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092104-5168 |
September 21, 2004Dear friends, Our Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN) is going to hold a Potluck and Karaoke for our members and friends: Date: Sunday 6:00 p.m. October 3, 2004 Location: A beautiful & large house (with outstanding Karaoke facility) --- Residence of Mr. William Tong (Tel. 702-523-8889). 7889 Mosaic Harbor Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 (1)From East Desert Inn to West, turn right on Buffalo go to North; (2)Turn left on Palmyra Ave. into Monaco Estate Community; (3)Turn right on Azure Bay, turn left on Mosaic Harbor Ave. at: 7889 is on the left hand side. Entertainments: Potluck and Karaoke Requirement: Just RSVP by calling Judy at 255-9058. No membership fee or party charge needed. No donation needed.* Co-sponsors: Las Vegas Chinese American Center among others. Please bring something (foods or fruits) usually good for attending a karaoke party and enjoy a wonderful & beautiful night! *For more details, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the section of "Social & Community" at; http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Sincerely, Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei Chairman Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (Tel. 702-255-9058) 111111111111111111 66666666666666666666666666666666 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************************* | |
092104-5777 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.)鄭弘儀 身價3億 教你致富 ***友善列印 【聯合新聞網 記者歐銀釧/報導】 廣電節目主持人鄭弘儀將出書,教讀者如何致富,書名初步訂為:「鄭弘儀教你投資腦袋致富」。鄭弘儀在書中強調,成功致富的秘訣在於觀念的建立。他提出每個月存3千元,退休就有6千萬元的成功法則,不過,這裡面有一套每隔一段時間就要轉投資的細密公式,得切實進行。 鄭弘儀教人成功致富,那麼身為當紅炸子雞的他身價如何?負責策畫這本書的「布克文化」總編輯馮淑婉表示,鄭弘儀曾談到他對老婆說:「我們存一億元就退休。」至於鄭弘儀是否已賺到一億元?鄭弘儀笑著回答:「我們早就可以退休了。」馮淑婉依據鄭弘儀主持廣電節目、出書、代言等各種收入估計,鄭弘儀至少有3億元的身價。雖然這麼有錢,但鄭弘儀很謙虛、踏實,他的人生夢想是:希望多幫助他人。 「鄭弘儀教你投資腦袋致富」正緊鑼密鼓,計畫下個月出版,首刷10萬本,首刷版稅就有新台幣600萬元,已預付300萬元。大陸版本正在洽談中。這本書已寫了15萬字,進行了20多次會議。鄭弘儀在書中指出,投資自己的腦袋,不斷學習才是成功的最好方法。像他自己,只要有空就大量閱讀,每天讀十多份報紙,接觸各種刊物、上網,讓自己成為一個雜食性的閱讀動物,掌握資訊;每天晚間回到家,他更是打開電視,從第一台轉到最後一台,每台停留10秒左右,讓自己和社會脈動在一起,有利於成長和判斷。 在變動的社會中,鄭弘儀認為:「OPEN MIND」一顆開放的心,有利於知識與人際的經營。例如,他打高爾夫球,從不找伴,而是由球場幫他調配,因此,每次他都和不認識的人打球,交到新朋友,學習了新事物。而他主持多種型態的節目也認識了很多人,他讓自己多嘗試,和三教九流都保持往來。 鄭弘儀在這本書的初稿中表示,小時候他的父親曾經種農作物,做點小生意,得和農會以及相關人員接觸。那時,父親總是把他帶在身邊洽商,小小年紀的他,並不太懂;長大後,他從潛移默化中,領悟人際溝通的方法。因此,他對人總是保持高度興趣,結交朋友不太有自己的門坎,處處學習,獲益良多。 馮淑婉表示,鄭弘儀的成功來自於他的努力和視野。鄭弘儀每天上午5點左右就起床,有時去打球,有時先看報紙,7點就先到辦公室整理資料,夜晚11點左右才回家。他自己整理資訊,運用資訊,並以運動讓自己保持活力,他的成功不是偶然。 鄭弘儀 教你投資腦袋 致富八招 1 樂於接近人們,學習新事物 2 大量閱讀,成為雜食性閱讀動物 3 每個月存3000元,適當投資經營,退休將有六千萬 4 提早社會化,建立正確價值觀 5 做自己擅長、喜歡的事,只做能力可負擔的 6 不要太有自己的人際門坎,每個人都有值得學習的地方 7 如果沒空研究股票,就別投資 8 學習閱讀財務報表,收集資訊、學習判斷 77777777777777 77777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
091904-3257 |
"Post by PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/24/04 please.)Friday, September 17, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal 20 Years in Song The Nevada Chamber Symphony begins its anniversary season Sunday at the Henderson Pavilion By KEN WHITE REVIEW-JOURNAL The Nevada Chamber Symphony opens its 20th season Sunday with conductor Rodolfo Fernandez on the podium. Photo by Craig L. Moran.(Check the newspaper please.) Hats Off!," a selection of music from theater, movies and radio, kicks off the Nevada Chamber Symphony's 20th anniversary season Sunday at the Henderson Pavilion. The concert begins with the overture to the opera "Carmen," followed by "More" from the movie "Mondo Cane," the "Carousel Waltz" from the musical "Carousel," plus music from "Apollo 13," "Granada," "Pops Hoe-Down," "Tea for Two" and "Vienna Forever." The second half of the program will feature "76 Trombones" from "The Music Man," "Rainy Days Medley," "Razzle Dazzle," "All That Jazz," "Broadway Tonight," "If I Were a Rich Man," "The Rose" and "Radetsky March" by Johann Strauss. Admission is free, but tickets are required. They can be obtained from the Henderson Pavilion box office. Rodolfo Fernandez conducts the group that began in 1985. Formerly a principal cellist with the Swiss Chamber Orchestra, Fernandez played with symphonies in Chile, Colombia, Switzerland and the United States. In 1961, he joined the Atlanta Symphony and performed with the orchestra until 1964. Fernandez came to Las Vegas in 1975 to play cello in small backup orchestras for such stars as Liberace and Andy Williams. That year he also launched the Nevada String Quartet. When it disbanded in 1980, he formed the Serenata Violoncello Trio with musicians Patricia Kudzia and Barbara Gurley. That group expanded in 1985 to the strings-only Serenata Chamber Orchestra, and in 1989 changed its name to Nevada Chamber Symphony. Five years later, the group's funding was cut by the Las Vegas-Clark County Library District and it became a nonprofit group. This year's "Music With a Classic Touch" concert series continues with performances in the Clark County Library Theater, 1401 E. Flamingo Road, including "Home for the Holidays" at 3 p.m. Dec. 4; "A Musical Salute to the New Year," 3 p.m. Jan. 9; "For the Love of Music," an interactive concert for children, 3 p.m. Feb. 13; "Melodies for Springtime," 3 p.m. March 13; and a commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Las Vegas at 3 p.m. April 3. The season concludes at 8 p.m. June 17 in Henderson Municipal Park with "Concert Under the Stars." 22222222222222222222 555555555555555555555555555555 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************8 | |
091804-2169 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.) Sat, 18 Sep 2004 16:36:26 +0000 Dear friends: This virus alert seems to be real important so I am forwarding to you. It requires Encoding into Simplified Chinese. Best regards, Lillian (Lei Rong Sheng) Tsai >From: "Jen, I-Fan T." >Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 10:55:25 -0400 > > > > > > _____ > >From: Mei.Kleine@statcan.ca [mailto:Mei.Kleine@statcan.ca] >Sent: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 9:07 AM >To: .....Subject: FW: Virus alert >Importance: High > > > >F YI > > > >----- 三資老師 > >Sent: Tuesday, September 14, 2004 9:35 PM > >Subject: FW: 超急件!!! > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 急件!請大家告訴大家~~~~要快速的傳! > 這資訊是今天早上得到的,來自Microsoft 和Norton。 > 請你將它發給你認識的每一位會接觸國際互聯網的人。 > 你有可能收到一封帶有稱為「生活是美好的.pps」的 > Power Point的演示文件。 > 如果你收到它,在任何h境下都不要打開它,且立即刪除它。 > 如果你打開了它,你的螢幕上將會跳出一條消息: > 「現在為時已晚,你的生活將不再美好」。 > 隨之而來,你會失去個人電腦上的一切東西, > 而那個發信給你的人將獲得你的姓名、電子郵件和密碼。 > > 這是一個新的病毒,我們需要盡一切可能來阻止這種病毒。 > 美國已經確認了它的危險性,而殺毒軟體不能清除它。 > 是一位自稱“生命擁有者”的駭客客製造的。 > > 他的目標是摧毀個人電腦,且他正和Microsoft對簿公堂, > 這是病毒為何帶pps文件副檔名的?shy;因。 > > 請 copy 這封信給您所有的朋友!謝謝! > > > > > > > > > 33333333333333333 666666666666666666666666666666 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 **************************************************** | |
091704-5168 ***** The following is a nice report by the reporter and Office Manager Miss Maggie Liu of LVCDN about the Thai Performing Arts - Appreciation Day 2004 on September 15, 2004 supported by Washington Business and Technology Institute among others. --- By the famous Chinese newspaper "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News"(LVCDN): |
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091704-3269 @12:47 p. m., Friday, September 17, 2004 |
"Post by PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/24/04 please.)Fri, 17 Sep 2004 11:44:20 -0700 (Post by PAI of WBTI at 12:47 p. m. three minutes after it was received.) Nevada GOVERNORˇS MANSION, FIRST LADY WELCOME MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION By Office of the Governor FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sept. 17, 2004 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 GOVERNORˇS MANSION, FIRST LADY WELCOME MEXICAN INDEPENDENCE DAY CELEBRATION CARSON CITY - The Governorˇs Mansion and First Lady Dema Guinn are welcoming an event tonight, Friday, Sept. 17, in honor of Mexican Independence Day. Gov. Kenny Guinn proclaimed Sept. 16 as a day to honor and recognize Mexican-Americans in Nevada and across the nation. An act of the 90th Congress on Sept. 17, 1968 initially designated a time to recognize the contributions and achievements of Mexican-Americans, and the 100th Congress in August 1988 created a month-long Hispanic Heritage celebration. The event tonight begins at 6 p.m., with dinner served at 7 p.m. For more information, contact the Governorˇs Mansion at 687-3000. Office of the Governor Grant Sawyer State Office Building 101 North Carson Street 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Carson City, NV 89701 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 775-684-7198 Fax: 702-486-2505 33333333333333 5555555555555555555555555555 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
091704 *** The following is a short report about the Thai arts performance on September 15, 2004 supported by Washington Business and Technology Institute, among others. --- By the largest Overseas Chinese newspaper "World Journal": |
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*****101304-6168 (Update) |
"Post by PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/24/04 please.)A news report on the following article was published by "Las Vegas Chinse Daily News" on September 8, 2004. A different news report on the same article was published by "Next Weekly" on September 10, 2004. The Event and Dinner Party were successfully held and accomplished. [In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".] る き 美 砃 籖 列 舧 羬 脖 羭 ︽ 瓣 美 砃 簍 竊 盢 さ る き ら 膌 パ ┰ 吹 蝴 吹 瓣 美 砃 羛 剿 穦 快 硂 兜 肚 参 瓣 籖 列 簍 さ 秈 材 – А パ カ 現 ┎地脖箉坝м砃╯皘? KBS の ㄈ 烩 砈 单 快 讽 美 砃 籖 列 ㄈ 脖 ㄆ 硂 Ω る き ら 边 せ 翴 翴 牧 CHARLESTON HEIGHT ARTS CENTER 贾 籖 列 边 穦 М 籖 ぇ ご ┕ 盢 ㄑ 莱 繺 臰 渤 ㄣ 疭 ︹ 箂 箂 纯 ┷ 朋 ㄓ 猾 き ? κ 捌 猭 场 牡 诡 Ы 单 蔼 ﹛ 禥 ョ 籔 穦 洪 美 砃 籖 列 猑 骸 芔 硂 兜 ゅ て 笆 ず 甧 ㄏ 瓣 ? ㄈ 常 Τ ぃ 岿 穝 翧 稰 繺 边 穦 竚 Τ 惠 璶 ㄆ 祅 癘 叫 ?羛 剿 穦 穦 369-5439 RSVP , 地 脖 箉 坝 м 砃 ╯ 皘 狟 ね JUDY LEI 255-9058 祅 癘 畊 盢 Τ ぶ 秖 ┷ 布 パ 赣 皘 禣 ㄑ 莱 и 美 砃 籖 列 1111111111111111 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
091204 *** The following is a fearute article about the coming Thai arts performance on September 15, 2004 supported by Washington Business and Technology Institute, among others. --- BY a famous Chinese newspaper "Next Weekly" |
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091204-2198 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.) Friday, September 10, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Bush, Kerry to address National Guard in Nevada More than 3,000 officers to be in attendance at Las Vegas convention By ERIN NEFF REVIEW-JOURNAL Nevada will once again play host to both major presidential candidates next week when President Bush and U.S. Sen. John Kerry speak, on separate days, to the National Guard Association of the United States. The Bush-Cheney campaign announced late Thursday that Bush accepted an invitation to speak to more than 3,000 Guard officers Tuesday at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Kerry, D-Mass., will speak to the group Thursday. Neither speech is open to the public, and no public events have been announced during either candidate's visit. "National Guardsmen both defend and participate in our nation's democratic processes," said retired Brig. Gen. Stephen Koper, the association president, in a statement. "We need to hear directly from the people who want to be our commander in chief for the next four years." Bush is scheduled to speak at 12:15 p.m. Tuesday; Kerry is set to speak at noon Thursday. Nearly 100,000 guardsmen are mobilized, with most either serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, or preparing for fall deployment. The nonpartisan group's weeklong general conference includes a trade show and four days of speeches. Gen. Ed Barca, who is expected to speak at the conference, will also campaign for the Kerry-Edwards ticket throughout Nevada next week. Today, Kerry's campaign co-chairman, former U.S. Sen. Max Cleland, will hold rallies in Reno and Las Vegas. The triple amputee Vietnam veteran's event in Las Vegas starts at 7 p.m. at the International Association of Fire Fighters hall on West Charleston Boulevard. Both presidential candidates were in Las Vegas the week of Aug. 9. Kerry held two town hall meetings for invited audiences, a large public rally at the Thomas & Mack Center, and sat for a half-hour interview with several reporters. Bush spoke to an invited crowd at the Carpenter's Union International Training Center. 111111111111111 9999999999999999999999999999 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
091104 ***** A fearute article about the coming Thai arts performance on September 15, 2004 supported by Washington Business and Technology Institute, among others. --- A famous Chinese newspaper "Next Weekly" |
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091004-2188 ***** "Art is the signature of civilizations." --- Beverly Sills |
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091004-2169 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.) Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn and department of public safety invite residents to capitol to observe sept. 11 ceremony By the Office of Governor FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Sept. 10, 2004 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 Press Release: Gov. Guinn & Dept. of Public Safety invite residents to capitol to observe 9/11 ceremony - 9/10/04 CARSON CITY - Gov. Kenny Guinn and the Nevada Department of Public Safety are inviting the public to attend a ceremony in front of the State Capitol on Saturday, Sept. 11, in remembrance of the third anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on America. The event will honor Nevadaˇs firefighters, law enforcement, emergency personnel and disaster volunteers. ¨In the three years since the 9/11 attacks, our state has responded in remarkable fashion to the challenge of making our communities, our transportation hubs, and our places of business safer,〃 Gov. Guinn said. ¨Saturdayˇs event will be for a time of reflection, a day to remember the loss of thousands of brave Americans, while also saluting the noble work of our law enforcement, emergency personnel and disaster volunteers.〃 What: The public is invited to join Gov. Guinn and the Department of Public Safety in a ceremony of remembrance for those lost during the 9/11 attacks, and to pay honor to law enforcement officers, emergency personnel and volunteers who continue to protect and serve Nevada. The event will feature the ¨Nevada: Proud. Prepared. Protected〃 video presentation, which highlights some of the brave men and women who protect Nevada in times of crisis. When: Saturday, Sept. 11. Event begins at 11 a.m., and will run approximately one hour. Where: State Capitol Building, front lawn, 101 N. Carson Street, Carson City. More information: Kimberly Evans, Department of Public Safety, 684-4554. To request a copy of the ¨Nevada: Proud. Prepared. Protected〃 video, contact Patricia Condon, 310-248-6147 Office of the Governor Event contact: 101 North Carson Street Kimberly Evans Carson City, NV 89701 Department of Public Safety Fax: 775-684-7198 Phone: 775-684-4554 5555555555555555 66666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
090904-3268 PPAA18 ***** 8:01 a. m., Thursday, September 9, 2004 ***** #Third Edition |
***** "Post through PPAA18....." (See our letter to you at 8:08 a. m., August 25, 2004 please.) Las Vegas nicer with cultural arts by Asian American communities By Stewart Bell, Jessie Walsh, and Tiffany Chang The City of Las Vegas and Thai Cultural Arts Association (TCAALV) presented Thai Performing Arts Appreciation Day 2003 at Charleston Heights Arts Center on September 16, 2003.*1 It was co-sponsored by City of Las Vegas, Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Kids for a Better Society, Asian Leaders, among others. "WBTI website" has functioned as media-sponsor of this dinner and party for many years. Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas on the occasion of the 9th anniversary saluted three awardees with awards from U. S. Senator harry Reid and U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley: Dr. Tony Lei, Mr. Tim Wong, and Mr. Raymond Lam. "Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Mrs. Sapatra Chemprachum, President of Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas request the honor of your presence as Guests of Honor at the Event and Dinner Party for Thai Performing Arts-Appreciation Day 2004 present by City of Las Vegas and TCAALV, co-sponsored by City of Las Vegas, WBTI, KBS, Asian Leaders, among others on Wednesday, the Fifteenth of September, 2004 in the Charleston Height Arts Center 800 S. Brush St., Las Vegas, Nevada from 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m.," stated on the invitation card to U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, and Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt in this year of 2004.*2 Advancing to its 11th year, Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas has held the Performing Arts very successfully every year. During the Performing Arts Appreciation Day 2002, Dr. Tony Lei was very pleased to welcome so many government officials, community leaders, business owners, among others. High-ranking government officials who participated the party included: Lorraine Hunt, Kathy Augustine, Erin Kenny, Bill Maupin, Stewart Bell, Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Jennifer Elliotts, Valorie Adair, Dianne Steel, Lisa Brown, Cheryl Moss, Anthony Del Vecchio, Natalie Tyrrell, Mike Davidson, David Roger, David Wall, Bobby Gronauer, Herb Brown, among others. Dr. Lei believed that all of us share a sense of cooperation for the supporting of cultural richness. He pointed out that the Performing Arts Appreciation Day was a significant milestone of the contribution for the mutual cooperation of cultural and social service between American and Asian communities. Lt. Governor Hunt was introduced by Dr. Lei to the public to deliver her greeting speech to all the audiences and participants. Acting YMT Suthida Yalprachum was promoted by the Chair/President of TCAA-LV Sapatra Chemprachum as Young Miss Thailand LV-2002. The enthusianstic attendances were overwhelming including important officials, leaders, and media executives; Brian Sandoval, John Hunt, Nancy Wong, Tim Wong, Nancy Diaz, Kathie Ambrosio, Judy Ray, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Mike Malone, Geny Del Rosario, Teresa Woo, Richard Dennison, Mike Vaswani, Patty Blakeman, Aldo Aguirre, Aurora Maskall, Raymond Lam, Jessica Hwang, among others. Full with enthusianstic attendances in the Hall of the Arts Center, all of them enjoyed a big night out with many elected officials and appointed officers through the atmosphere of elegant and classic dance and music from Thailand. The 11th Appreciation Day this year will feature: Thai food Dinner-Buffet; No-host beer-wine bar; Thai classical and folk dances performed by the local Thai and American performers; Presentation of Awards, Winner of the Lady in Thai Costume, 3 Door prizes, Learning of Thai folk Dance, and the Social Dance with Super D. J. Mariah until Midnight. Dr. Lei has innovated and encouraged good idea for program and event to improve the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevada. United we stand, not just for our Asian Community only but for all our people and nation as a whole. Asian Community has won recognition for contribution to Nevada by American Mainstream. The main reason for this recognition is the great and cooperative wisdom and effort that the Asian communities have continuously participated and offered to the mainstream society.*3 Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt has been invited to attend the Event and Party as the Guest of Honor. -------------------------------- References *1. Bell Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Copy from WBTI web about the Thai Performing Art-Appreciation Day -- 2002, on September 17, 2002,' "10 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (September 16, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: TCAALV. *2. Reviewjournal. 'Business & Administration section of WBTI website,' "A search of information about WBTI on google.com," (September 8, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com. *3. Bell Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Las Vegas nicer with cultural arts by Asian American communities,' "A search of information about WBTI on google.com," (September 8, 2004), U. S. A.: Google.com. 3333333333333333333 6666666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
090804-3159 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.) Friday, September 03, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Hispanic Heritage The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District has events from dance to storytelling planned through Oct. 15 REVIEW-JOURNAL Bilingual storyteller Martin Juan Rivera will perform during National Hispanic Heritage Month. The Las Vegas-Clark County Library District celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month with programs and exhibits for all ages at several local library locations. Running through Oct. 15, the celebration began with this week's opening of artist Michael Garcia's "Works on Wood" exhibit that is on view through Oct. 26 at the West Las Vegas Library, 951 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Garcia uses his interest in Chinese and Japanese calligraphy to create mixed media works. A native of Fresno, Calif., Garcia moved to Japan in 1986, where he taught English and began to study and practice Shodo, or Japanese calligraphy. He returned to the United States eight years ago and opened a studio in Madera, Calif. Highlights of the heritage events include: ?Mexican Folk Dancing, 3 p.m., Sept. 18 and 25, and Oct. 9 and 16, Las Vegas Library, 833 Las Vegas Blvd. North. Elva Galvan shares her knowledge of Mexican folk dancing. Ages 13 and older. ?Latin guitarist Ricardo Griego performs music combining the flavor of the Spanish guitar with rhythms of Latin America, 2 p.m., Sept. 19, Clark County Library, 1401 E. Flamingo Road. The show also will include a group of flamenco dancers interpreting original music by Ricardo as well as some traditional flamenco pieces. ?Latin Breeze, an 11-piece band that has performed with Tito Puente, Tito Nieves, Tito Rojas and Eddie Palmieri, plays music ranging from salsa to Top 40 at 7 p.m. Sept. 24, Rainbow Library, 3150 N. Buffalo Drive. Picnics, lawn chairs and blankets are allowed at the outdoor event. ?Movie Fest, featuring the films "El Mariachi," "Desperado," and "Once Upon a Time in Mexico," plays 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 2 at the Whitney Library, 5175 E. Tropicana Ave. ...................................... 333333333333333 555555555555555555555555 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 *************************************************** | |
090804-1256 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.)Wednesday, September 08, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal JOHN L. SMITH: Gallagher faces tough task giving voters reasons to oust incumbent The fact the column clipping is nearly 32 years old says a lot about how long Washington politics has been in Tom Gallagher's system. Gallagher was a 27-year-old kid in November 1972, when he decided to leave Washington after two years as a legislative assistant to California Sen. John V. Tunney and accept a position with a Los Angeles law firm. In an essay that surely made Gallagher the envy of a legion of nearly anonymous Washington staffers, political reporter Lou Cannon tossed him a laurel in a "Letter From Washington." Cannon wrote, "He is, in a way, one of the lucky ones, because he is getting out of government before the glamour has worn off and also because he accomplished something while he was here." The column went on to extol Gallagher's hard work, intelligence, and effectiveness as a communicator in a place where all but the strongest voices are destined to become footnotes and background noise. Given Gallagher's personal history, we shouldn't be surprised he's decided to step back into the game after more than three decades and challenge Republican incumbent Jon Porter in Congressional District 3. It can be argued Gallagher has waited all that time for an opportunity to return to the arena. Times have changed, of course. Gallagher, 59, is no longer a kid fresh out of Harvard. He's made his mark in business, rising to the top of one of the largest gaming companies in the world as chairman of then-Park Place Entertainment. Gallagher and his wife of 37 years, Mary Kay, have raised their four children and are financially secure. Talk to Gallagher and you'll come away convinced he's not a man on the make. He's also not entirely comfortable on the stump, where he's hit-and-miss with voters. After watching him work a few rooms, I'll wager he's more comfortable talking issues with small groups than trying to sell a more polished image before a mass audience. Porter, meanwhile, is known as an eminently likable man with long ties to the community (Gallagher has called Nevada home seven years). A former Boulder City councilman, mayor, and state senator, Porter is an insurance agent who has risen to a seat in the House of Representatives. By anyone's measure, that makes him no slouch as a campaigner. Porter's "Sunny Jim" exterior is deceiving. He's made plenty of friends in Southern Nevada in 20 years in politics and has carved out powerful alliances with GOP insiders in Washington. In short, he understands the game. As Gallagher has grown more comfortable with the campaign process, his passion for a wide variety of issues ranging from prescription drugs for seniors to the American presence in Iraq has begun to emerge. Whether Gallagher can exploit the Yucca Mountain issue and Porter's extreme loyalty to Republican House leadership remains to be seen. And what's unclear is whether he can communicate that passion at the volume necessary to swing the campaign his way. He needs to get aggressive immediately. He'll have to do so without much help from Gaming Inc.'s biggest corporations, which have embraced Porter. If casino companies begin to budge in the coming weeks, it will be a sign Gallagher has gained ground. If not, Porter will have broken the David Towell one-term jinx and could be headed for a long congressional career. Much of Gallagher's political future, I believe, hangs on Sen. John Kerry's ability to keep the presidential race close in Nevada. And word is Kerry & Co. are headed back this way. Voters usually need a reason to vote out an incumbent, and Porter possesses an uncanny ability to remain below the political radar on issues that have tripped up other Republicans. It will be Gallagher's job to put Porter in the middle of the picture and redefine him for voters currently being bombarded with messages. That won't be easy. All those factors and unanswered questions make him an underdog, but he possesses a formidable pedigree. Is Tom Gallagher destined to return to Washington, this time as a congressman from Nevada? After nearly 32 years, he has two months left to answer that question. John L. Smith's column appears Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. E-mail him at Smith@reviewjournal.com or call 383-029? 333333333333333 666666666666666666666666666 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ****************************************************** | |
090704-3168 |
090704-2168 "Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 at "Social & Community" please.) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbtiDear friends, Based on the following invitation card, you are welcomed to attend this Event and Dinner Party. As friends of Washington Business and Technology Institute, we reserve 37 complimentary tickets for you by RSVP: Dear U. S. Senators Honorable Harry Reid & John Ensign and Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt, Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Mrs. Sapatra Chemprachum, President of Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas request the honor of your presence as Guests of Honor at the Event and Dinner Party for Thai Performing Arts-Appreciation Day 2004 present by City of Las Vegas and TCAALV, co-sponsored by City of Las Vegas, WBTI, KBS, Asian Leaders, among others on Wednesday, the Fifteenth of September, 2004 in the Charleston Height Arts Center 800 S. Brush St., Las Vegas, Nevada from 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Please RSVP to (702)255-9058 (702)369-5439 or E-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com RSVP: Seating is limited. Confirmation required for seating. Please call TCAALV for requirement of attendance (complimentary) at (702)369-5439 or Judy at 255-9058* on or before 12 noon, Saturday, September 11, 2004 P.S.: Featured with Traditional Thai Dancing Shows, Fashion Show, and Door Prizes from Thailand. *For the details, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the section "Business & Administration"(9/05/04) at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti 6666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
090704-2169 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.)September 03, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal The Year of Usher From the biggest album of 2004 to a new debit card, the singer is having a banner year By DOUG ELFMAN REVIEW-JOURNAL Usher -- who was named best male artist at Sunday's MTV Video Music Awards -- has a prepaid debit card to "empower" minorities. Usher is the biggest music star of the year. His sixth album, "Confessions," has sold 5 million copies, more than any other album in 2004. And he's released three big summer hits, "Confessions, Pt. 2," "Burn" and "Yeah!," featuring Lil Jon and Ludacris. Usher Raymond IV says he has succeeded so far by working diligently and keeping his ear to the ground musically, while incorporating influences from the past. "I listen to Marvin Gaye. I listen to Michael (Jackson). I listen to the Isley Brothers. I listen to Prince. I listen to the Wynans," he says. "I listen to so many people who have been a great inspiration to me creating my sound. James Brown, even, man. Jackie Wilson. All of them." ..................................... 111111111111111 666666666666666666666666 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ******************************************************* | |
Labor Day 090604-5286 |
"Post by PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/24/04 please.)Monday, September 06, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal EDITORIAL: 'Labor" in the modern age Wealth, prosperity created by much more than sheer physical toil Labor Day has a different history in America than in Europe, points out Julia Vitullo-Martin, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and editor of the book "Breaking Away: The Future of Cities." Europe's Labor Day observance was announced in 1889 by the first Paris Congress of the Second Socialist International. "Disruption was to be part of the holiday," Ms. Vitullo-Martin notes, "and there was no notion that anyone but workers would participate -- certainly not owners or capitalists." In contrast -- while no one should suggest the American struggle to gain recognition for the right of workers to organize was a mere walk in the park -- in America things proceeded in a far more conciliatory vein. Matthew Maguire, a machinist from Paterson, N.J., and Peter J. McGuire, a New York City carpenter who helped found the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, were instrumental in staging the first Labor Day parade in New York City in September 1882. No heads were broken. By 1894, President Grover Cleveland had signed a bill making Labor Day a national holiday. It may be this notion -- that a celebration of labor is an appropriate undertaking for Americans of all classes and political persuasions -- which allowed America's holiday to be marked with "picnics, parades, baseball games ... and a few mild speeches," rather than "clashes between cops and workers," Ms. Vitullo-Martin theorizes. In today's America, "The working class and the employing class now have a great deal in common -- a joint drive for prosperity. ... " Ms. Vitullo-Martin explains. "We also recognize that the labor movement's great days may be behind it. Less than 10 percent of the American private-sector work force is unionized, down from 35 percent 30 years ago." Does this shrinking of union membership mean American workers are being reduced to a new level of serfdom? Just the opposite. "Labor's problems can be traced, in part, to its own success in reducing unsafe working conditions and giving workers a voice," editorialized the Journal of Commerce recently. Europe's socialist labor movement assumed a Manichaean duality: Workers were good, employers evil. The goal was to equalize distribution of the fixed pile of available wealth by getting as much as possible, while providing as little benefit as possible to their "ruthless exploiters." In America, on the other hand, union pioneer George Meany advised his brethren to avoid divisive, partisan politics. The average American worker, far from seeking to sabotage his work product when no one was looking, clung to a pride in his craftsmanship, realizing early on that his energy and creativity could increase the value of his employer's product, often making the difference between whether a company succeeded or failed. Wealth could only be shared after it was created, and a job well done was something to be proud of. And this difference -- far more than the distribution of natural resources -- explains America's economic dominance in the world. The bureaucratized Marxism which seized much of the world in the early 20th century celebrated jealousy over achievement, institutionalizing a grinding poverty of seizure and destruction which stands in stark contrast to the material health and well-being of the lowliest worker in a free, capitalist society. Labor's underlying problem -- if it really is a problem -- is that the percentage of our employment and our sustenance based on a line of interchangeable strong backs has been shrinking for generations. Fredric Hamber of the Ayn Rand Institute argues that what is needed today is nothing less than a new definition of "work," in better keeping with our modern understanding of where wealth and prosperity actually flow from. "Most of today's intellectuals, influenced by several generations of Marxist political philosophy, still believe that wealth is created by sheer physical toil," Mr. Hamber argues. "But the high standard of living we enjoy today is not due to our musculature and physical stamina -- many animals have been much stronger. We owe our relative affluence not to muscle power, but to brain power. ... " Contrary to the Marxist premise that wealth is created by laborers and "exploited" by those at the top of the pyramid of ability, "It is those at the top, the best and the brightest, who increase the value of the labor of those at the bottom." And so on Labor Day, he urges, "Let us honor the true root of production and wealth: the human mind." A version of this editorial appeared in this space in 2002. 555555555555 3333333333333333333333333333 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ************************************************** | |
090604-3138 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.)狶вてōみ苝ぱㄏ 濒稲薄瓜 ***ね到 砛Πゅ ō基尿忌害材家狶вてōみ苝稲薄ぱㄏ籔承琌筿紇み攀╧à眎ッ醇絬つ扒稲薄瓜瞣まみヘい程憨穦翴琵ぱ稲玅絬瞣ま局Τ程痷┋褐癘拘 憨稲薄肚弧琌ュ鸟壶腞珿ㄆτみ苝琌ッ稲薄程ㄎǎ靡DTC苝ホ吭高いみ疭稲薄絬瓜ぱ薄玅秖ō璹暗骸緻薄籩種贺穦隔絬約跋骸憨纔懂籔并籩笴春翴秈˙矗ㄑ禣秖ねз瞅のㄣォみ苝ボ稲翴单戈癟ш簍瞷るρ薄玅瞣癬稲薄絬 憨稲薄肚弧琌ㄎ丁瑈肚ㄎ杠眖さ苝ホ籔稲薄Τ帝盞ぃだ闽玒みい癸稲薄戳砛稱苝ホ妓ッ籔紸丽ぼ弟鄂担ドガ弟紈┘疭籔ゞ︱ゞ捣箉花地盉搂┮蹦ノ痷薄苝з琌Θ癸砞璸薄簈ミノ﹚薄苝зね畐ゞボ稲らセ案钩エ琍は薽订籔猀尘垫垫珼匡基ら刽250窾苝з﹚薄ぇ 硂ㄇ苝ホ籔稲薄肚弧常瞷苝ホ禜紉帝ッ稲薄Θ–稲玅丁ǎ靡薄玅秖ō璹籹み苝稲薄絬瓜辨Θ–癸薄玅ǎ靡琵產疭らㄌ帝瓜筁程憨ら 腞稲薄琌ㄢぇ丁程并籩程稰┋褐Τ稲薄螟ㄆ常谋眔眔DTC苝ホ吭高いみ羆菏Χ籄地ボみ苝猽ノ稲琵ит┘阀├絬瞣ま–癸薄玅稲薄よ戳辨–癸薄玅矪妮穦春翴ㄉ縒礚憨稲薄狦╧よ翴ォ肑秘︸冠碖―薄竊搂苝ホ硂ㄨ盢Θぇ丁禥╬拘DTC苝ホ吭高いみ籹稲薄絬瓜ぃ度崩滤薄玅憨穦翴肚甭т︸з瞅籔縒產苝耿ボ稲单мォら癬み苝挪洁┍禣ㄑ禣 DTC苝ホ吭高いみ崩稲薄絬瓜皐癸ぃ薄玅摸砏购兵隔絬琵薄玅ぃみ薄稰并籩穦禟み矗ㄑみ苝ボ稲мォ膍稲み種 1. 薄玅淮肞ら笴 睭玂Τ肚参よǐ骸確縱薄睭刁繷穎帝差笴寒絏繷肞候眎薄狐磕娩憨猑いрみ苝旅ī催柑ぃ種癳倒憨螟а佩尺边盿帝薄羉地カ跋ㄉノ钵瓣ㄎ繿 2. 并籩薄玅稲ら肈笴 ┻秨剐嫩锭局╆礛瞣帝薄もǐ氯︾ら釜堕λ打い砰喷厚放琗珇沽程穝翧偿垫繺边玥瑅ìぱダ跋ㄉ弘給繺翴离边繺み苝眖耣硁れ峨ê玝êタǎ靡┘绊﹚稲薄 3. ┦薄玅纔懂ら肈笴 稱钩貉厚打繰繰綼薄ō琌ン并籩稰谋繰穝┍跋琵薄玅磄種禗弧癸┘稲粂边临碞窟カ春ぃЙ瞣帝︸も盢絬竕も家ラ筿跌約虑パ絬肚患み苝憨春琍皗脅苝ホ碞みい稲妓紸丽 4. 克盞薄玅憨ら肈笴 瞷Α稲薄璝き〕せ〕穦琌ぐ或妓逮㎡骸ρ琵薄玅钩確いǎ憨˙︹い挨いぃЙ砰禟癳狹都倒繰芠耻Ч都祇瞷旅狹┏み苝尺薄 癳みзゲ﹚倒薄拨ネ程螟аㄨ琌盞тзへмォ: 1. ǎ繦矪耚зぃЙㄤへ把σノ╩猟溅┪难常 2. ノ筣掸猽帝зず伴酶礶ユ倒痌腳┍秖へ 3. 盢з拦も崩も程候竚ノ掸礶癘腹痌腳坝穦蠢秖へ 4. 薄盞ね荡癸腊Γぇ丁拜のзへ琌キ盽ㄆ讽礛璶叫玂盞 5. 硂よ猭玂靡タз倒痌腳坝ぃ穦ま癬胔好禗зΤ翴偶笆叫耪蠢睲瑍睲瑍痌腳坝獽穦秖へ ら癬禣101產み苝挪洁┍ㄌ箇衡の尺稲匡拒20だ1┰ぃ单み苝╰苝耿–聋み苝苝竬の妮芧畒埃Τ筽甮ㄨ妓临Τ苝ホ盡妮醚の盡妮絪腹禣粄匡潦ㄌ沮 111111111111111 33333333333333333333333333 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************* | |
090504-3168 *****Dear friends, Based on the following invitation card, you are welcomed to attend this Event and Dinner Party. Confirmation required for seating: |
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090504-3287 |
"Post by PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/24/04 please.)Dear friends, Based on the following invitation card, you are welcomed to attend this Event and Dinner Party: Dear U. S. Senators Honorable Harry Reid & John Ensign and Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt , Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and Mrs. Sapatra Chemprachum, President of Thai Cultural Arts Association of Las Vegas request the honor of your presence as Guests of Honor at the Event and Dinner Party for Thai Performing Arts-Appreciation Day 2004 present by City of Las Vegas and TCAALV, co-sponsored by City of Las Vegas, WBTI, KBS, Asian Leaders, among others on Wednesday, the Fifteenth of September, 2004 in the Charleston Height Arts Center 800 S. Brush St., Las Vegas, Nevada from 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Please RSVP to (702)255-9058 (702)369-5439 or E-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com RSVP: Seating is limited. Confirmation required for seating. Please call TCAALV for requirement of attendance (complimentary) at (702)369-5439 or Judy Lei at 255-9058 on or before 12 noon, Saturday, September 11, 2004 * P.S.: Featured with Traditional Thai Dancing Shows, Fashion Show, and Door Prizes from Thailand. 6666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] 16 [17][18] | |