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Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism

LVRJ/wbti: Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism!



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For a search of LVRJ/wbti: "101612-0618 'Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism'!"



012508-1168 [Enriched at 22:07 on 02/3rd/08.] {Enriched and re-edited at 9:58 a.m. (TX) on 051608.}
惔柧忋壨殼 (a Fw)
Beautiful Chinese landscape painting with scenes along the river (enriched by nice music)!

We can find it now: [[[ 清明上河圖
4 min 6 sec -

箜篌演奏-清明上河圖段落1 Konghou (chinese harp) performance
箜篌青年演奏家劉雅寧演奏經典箜篌曲目-清明上河圖段落1. The ...
7 min -
www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRJQDx0lQDg ]]] *737

清明上河圖! 慢慢觀賞要開喇叭>>>

070706-1125 in the section of 'WBTI 2005-2007' on the WBTI's website. [An e-mail to WBTI from Ms. Margaret Andert (???garetan????@msn.com){Thu, 6 Jul 2006 10:59:39 -0700}]

Beautiful Chinese landscape painting with scenes along the river, from the Ching Dynasty.

It's very, very long... turn on the volume... sit back and enjoy the details in the artwork :-)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Subject: 惔柧忋壨殼

惔柧忋壨殼, This is really amazing!


太漂亮>>>"清明上河圖". "請泡杯咖啡坐下來, 慢慢觀賞要開喇叭!" stated the Site.

On the "清明上河圖  beautiful scenes," we may view and listen to the "清明上河圖" with music of "(嘆為觀止)-有背景音樂"!
The Culture Institution of WBTI has welcomed
inputs for service above self to our communities on a non-profit, non-partisan, and non-religious with benevolent basis.*3

At 22:07 on 02/3rd/08 for a search of "清明上河圖 wbti" by the world's leading search engines on Internet (MSN.com):
[[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao, President ...
On the "清明上河圖  beautiful scenes," we may view and listen to the "清明上河圖" with music of "(嘆為觀止)-有背景音樂"! The Culture Institution of WBTI ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152... ?Cached page?Translate this page ]]]


*737. ... by Google ...
*1. Painting wbti. 'This is really amazing!' "A search of 'wbti 2005 - 2007' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (January 25, 2008), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Ibid.
*3. Bill Maupin, Valorie Vega, Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany Chang. 'Great Made in Nevada the 2007 Governor's Conference on Tourism: Its international visibility and popularity are enhacing through the world leading search engines on Internet! ---President Dr. Tony Lei has appointed Bert Brown Assistant Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of WBTI,' "A search of 'Brown wbti: Made in Nevada serves people with love and integrity' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (January 2, 2008), U. S. A.: MSN.com.


073007-3047 "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" of WBTI website, Monday, 3:47 p.m., July 30, 2007 #First Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com
湖光山色的宏偉 無盡風光美不勝收!
何大一獲頒終身成就獎, 沈向洋博士領導互聯網服務研究中心, 徐玲演講職場的成功
Wonderful, famous rivers and canyons with attractive scenery!
By Jennifer Kung

The traveling article entitled "《旅遊》阿拉斯加夏季之旅" by Writer 揚欣 is impressive as a literature. It was posted on the '旅遊指南' of Worldjournal.com.

"領略阿拉斯加的宏偉:湛藍的天空,巨大的雲朵、巍峨的群山、清澈的河流,廣博原野、不盡的冰川,這一切將久久縈繞在我的心間。 黝黑的山體披掛著雪白的冰線,晶瑩剔透的麥金利峰直插雲霄,成群的野生動物嬉戲於山水之間,亙古不化的冰川懷抱著星羅棋佈的湖泊,不墜的日頭映照著絢麗斑斕的鮮花,這就是阿拉斯加的夏天。這塊亞北極地的原野經歷了漫長凜冽的寒冬之後,趁短暫的夏季,展現自己美麗的風貌所迸發出的強大生命力,令人震撼," wrote Writer 揚欣 vividly.*1

Alaska is beautiful. "To the lover of wilderness, Alaska is one of the most wonderful countries in the world," quoted John Muir.

The colorful picture shown with the article by the writer about "北美第一高峰麥金利峰冰清玉潔、雍容華貴" is attractive!

According to 揚欣, "Denali國家公園是到阿拉斯加的必遊之地,公園面積比德克薩斯州(Texas)還大。到那裡主要是看麥金利峰和野生動物。安克拉治到Denali國家公園約240英里,一路上藍天白雲,雪峰連綿,叢林茂密,鮮花鬥豔。遠方的麥金利峰(Mt. McKin-ley)若隱若現,無盡的風光美不勝收。下午到達公園後就去Nenana河坐皮筏漂流。Nenana河水來源於冰川消融,它像一串珍珠鑲嵌在Denali公園邊緣。每年5月中旬河水解凍時,轟隆的裂響聲在數十里山峽間迴蕩,宣示著繁忙的夏季來臨。皮筏漂流(Rafting)有兩種,Paddle和Oak,前者是遊客親持划槳,激流勇進。後者由導遊持槳,遊客可能缺乏會水當擊的快感,卻能輕鬆領略兩岸風光。"

Lots of pictures about these places may be searched from the Internet. "We soon look below on a fine lake [Wonder Lake], ... The outlet of this lake discharges into Moose Creek. Before reaching the top of the mountain ... Soon after starting again we caught glimpses of snowy peaks toward the south, and when we reached the top, Denali and the Alaska Range suddenly burst into view ahead, apparently very near," quoted 'The Wilderness of Denali' by the CJJT's Notes, quotes and thoughts.

揚欣 pointed out the '像絕代美人 橫空出世' that, "Kantishna Tour縱深公園92英里,來回13小時。進山的土路十分簡陋,沿著懸崖蜿蜒入山。汽車駛過塵土飛揚。遇到前方來車都要禮讓,司機互相招手致意。遊客們一進山就尋找麥金利峰,由於山峰重疊,剛進山時看不清全貌,更多時候它又被雲霧繚繞,像面紗輕蓋。車到Wonder Lake停下,眼前豁然開朗,彷彿所有的山峰峭壁向後退隱,麥金利峰像一位絕代美人橫空出世,它是那樣的冰清玉潔、雍容華貴。其倩影倒映在Wonder Lake 湖面上,讓人真正體驗到湖光山色的美境。"

It is valuable! Can we also share with some finding from American Poet Wallace Stevens? He said that, "Perhaps the truth depends on a walk around the lake."

"這天一大早就出發了。遠處白雪皚皚,腳下野花盛開,山路艱難,攀岩跨溪。好在整片山域像是只有我們幾個人,爬在羊腸小徑上也不擔心後有追兵。前兩個小時在青山碧嶺中盤旋,後一個半小時完全是在攀援雪山,有時不得不手足並用。登上雪線的那一刻,巨大冰原豁然展現面前,10萬年亙古不化的冰川就在眼下,剎那間感覺自己凝固在遠古的時光,又彷彿融化在大自然的胸懷。這種自然之美是一種大美,無與倫比,非人力所及。我們在山頂坐了許久,極目遠望,山風輕撫,讓激動的情緒慢慢沉澱為心中的感動。 下得山來,我們就踏上回家的路程。在返回安克拉治的途中,再次領略阿拉斯加的宏偉:湛藍的天空,巨大的雲朵、巍峨的群山、清澈的河流,廣博原野、不盡的冰川,這一切將久久縈繞在我的心間," concluded Writer 揚欣 with a pleasent and heartily rememberance about the nice traveling.*2

Now, let us enjoy some reading on beautiful reivers and canyon. 旅遊經編輯部 had a report about " 大理尋奇、印象麗江 等您尋訪人間仙境" on 2007/07/23. It was posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞". The source was from '旅遊經'. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.

"昆明這座升騰於高山,懸掛在太陽與彩雲下的花園城市。「天氣常如二三月,花枝不斷四時春」這裡沒有嚴冬,亦無酷暑,只有和煦溫暖的陽光;這裡更不是叱吒風雲的政治角力場,也非紙醉金迷的水泥叢林,她只是一方田園牧歌式的棲居地。 麗江古城(世界文化遺產之一)的街上集中了一些有個性的咖啡屋,一家挨著一家,泉水從中川流而過。就在店家門口的走道上,挨著泉水擺放了桌椅。您可以歇一歇腳,喝一杯咖啡。水是玉龍雪山萬年的冰雪水融化、橋是歷經百載的水的守護者、樹是迎風搖曳的垂柳,這座沒有城牆的古城,光亮潔淨的青石板路、完全手工建造的土木房屋、無處不在的小橋流水。" *3 For more details, people may contact 喜鴻旅行社台北 or visit http://www.besttour.com.tw/.

On traveling, we may inspired by the natural scenes. The following quotes may also bring us with some philosophy of life:

"When the river is deepest it makes least noise." ---Proverb

"What makes a river so restful to people is that it doesn't have any doubt - it is sure to get where it is going, and it doesn't want to go anywhere else." ---Hal Boyle

"If my ship sails from sight, it doesn't mean my journey ends, it simply means the river bends." ---John Enoch Powell

The report "《旅遊》船遊長江三峽 體驗壩氣峽情" by writer 吳學銘 was posted by the '旅遊指南' on Worldjournal.com at July 22, 2007 in San Francisco, California.

"舉世聞名的長江三峽大壩,2005年全線完工後,三峽遊雖少了點壯闊,但多了不少景點和樂趣,尤其是遊船過五級船閘的過程,世界罕見。 三峽還是長江上最有賣點的河段,它有熟悉的歷史故事,有豪華的遊船,有美麗的峽谷風光。 更重要的是,遊三峽可以很輕鬆,不用每天搬行李,舒舒服服在船上待個幾天,每天挑個好景點下船走走看看,下午就回到甲板上吹吹風,這種度假的感覺,其實還是很棒。" *4

The art of life depends critically on wisdom, knowledge, and resources. The extra enjoyment of a touring or traveling may be derived from our good planning and nice implementation.

The writer introduced some of the the senic places along the river that, "沿岸下船賞景推薦" --- 1. 神農溪 山幽水奇 2. 白帝城 千古傳誦 3. 船行大壩過五關:

"1. 神農溪在巴東縣境內注入長江,是三峽遊不能錯過的景點,早在三峽大壩築成之前,神農溪就因山幽水奇,深受遊客喜歡;大壩蓄水後,神農溪名氣不減,遊船更加深入,幾乎是三峽遊船必靠景點。 神農溪由龍昌峽、鸚鵡峽和綿竹峽構成,峽谷中有古棧道、懸棺,還有聞名的縴夫,遊客必須從大船換到小船,小船再換扁舟(又稱豌豆角),才能進到上游。行到水窮處,往往就是縴夫們展現陸地拉船、逆水行舟功力的時候。 2. 唐朝詩人李白的「早發白帝城」,「朝辭白帝彩雲間……輕舟已過萬重山」,造就白帝城千古美名。白帝城向來是遊三峽必到景點,它位在瞿塘峽口,奉節縣城東,一面靠山,三面環水;以前有陸路可通,大壩蓄水後,淹沒來路,現在要靠橋過去了。 3. 三峽大壩建成後,搭遊船過大壩,成為有趣的旅遊經驗,所有遊船都必須循序漸進過五級船閘,才能通過三峽大壩。" *5

The following are two recent examples for outstanding achievements of the Chinese people in America. They may relate to the theme of the article about "職場的成功 有賴眼界之開闊" that published in the section of '人與美景 People & Beautiful Scenery' on July 29, 2007.

The report from Washington, D.C. (華盛頓) by 記者于茂芬 of World Journal entitled "何大一獲頒終身成就獎 ---國際青年領袖基金會年會" was posted by the '華人生活圈' of Worldjournal.com.

The reporter 于茂芬 showed us a colorful picture of '何大一接受前聯邦運輸部部長峰田代表頒發的終身成就獎'. She wrote that, "國際著名愛滋病專家何大一 ,26日晚間榮獲國際青年領袖基金會頒發的2007年「終身成就獎」,並應邀擔任年會主講人。他表示,這幾年來常到中國協助宣導預防愛滋病,有機會參與公共教育及公共政策,也深刻體認到參與公共事務的重要,除了實驗室的工作,每個人都有義務做一個關心世界的公民。 何大一介紹自己12歲從台灣來美,他表示,很高興能夠把在美國所學貢獻給自己傳承的土地(land of my heritage)。在中國,他扮演科學家的機會較少,反而是戴上老師、推動者、治療者、輔導者及啦啦隊等角色的帽子。" *6

With good vision plus work and enthusiasm, young people may have a bright opportunity. "Every memorable act in the history of the world is a triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it because it gives any challenge or any occupation, no matter how frightening or difficult, a new meaning. Without enthusiasm you are doomed to a life of mediocrity but with it you can accomplish miracles." ---Og Mandino (1923-1996, Speaker and Author)

"不過他認為,這也使他在實驗室作研究之餘,還能兼顧到醫生的角色,參與愛滋病的防治工作及公共衛生的教育和宣導工作,使他的職業生涯劃成一個圓滿的圓圈。他希望國際青年領袖基金會的實習生們也能像他一樣,有機會碰上自己熱愛的領域,並把握機會及迎接挑戰,不論是在那個領域,堅決而持之以恆地把事情做到最好," described Reporter 于茂芬 vividly on 愛滋病專家何大一's inspiration on career life.*7

The '科技' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞 posted a report on "微軟建立致力於搜索和廣告技術的應用研究部門" at 06:39 on 2007/07/27. The information (消息來源) is from 微軟公司 with the news released by 美通社-華盛頓州雷蒙德電.

"微軟公司 (Microsoft Corp.) 今天宣布,該公司成立應用研究機構 Internet Services Research Center(互聯網服務研究中心,簡稱 ISRC),旨在加快搜索和廣告技術創新,將作為微軟研究院 (Microsoft Research) 的一部分, 該團隊將與 MSN 及該公司其他產品部門密切合作。 微軟任命晉升為公司副總裁的 Harry Shum 博士來領導 ISRC。自2007年早些時候起,Shum 就擔任搜索與廣告平台部門首席科學家。他於1996年加盟微軟,擔任微軟研究院研究員、研究經理、助理董事總經理、微軟亞洲研究院董事總經理以及傑出工程師。" *8

The following three paragraphs quoted may remind us about Harry's concern on career development and young people:

[[[ Early in September, I spoke to many college students in Beijing. At the time when I was ready to take the freight to go back to U. S., Managing Director Dr. Harry Shum (沈向洋博士) of Microsoft Research Asia (微软亚洲研究院) requested me to write down the findings of those communications. "He believes that in this way it will benefit many more Chinese young people," said Sun-yuan.

"耶鲁大学的心理学家彼得暽陈逦≒eter Salovey)正式提出了“情商”(Emotion Quotient)的概念。沙洛维认为情商包含五类基本素质:认识自身情绪;妥善管理情绪;自我激励;认知他人情绪;人际管理。 一个世纪以来心理学家们对人类智能规律的探索揭示出了通往成功的基本路途,成功=智商+情商," pointed out Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung in the article.

"快乐就是做自己喜欢的事情,就是自由的感觉。最后,成功=自信与快乐=IQ+EQ+AQ。虽然成功受很多因素影响,如远见(Vision)、目标(Goal)、毅力(Persistence),但只要你尊重自己、尊重他人、敬畏自然,即便不是每次都能做“成功的事”,但终究可以成为一位成功的人,尽情享受自信与快乐。" ]]] *9

'Rashid 表示:“作為微軟研究院亞洲的微軟亞洲工程院的領導者,Harry 一直以來表現出了技術上的創新能力,而且還表現出了激發和領導卓越研究團隊的能力。選擇 Harry 來領導 ISRC 是對微軟亞洲研究院 (Microsoft Research Asia) 成功的認可,也是對我們北京研究院人員才能和專長的信任。” 該新成立的組織將把該公司的研究成果匯集起來,開發與促進廣告和搜索技藝進步的技術。Shum 表示:“我們都擁有整個公司最強大的研究團隊。他們具有卓越意識,飽含激情,為開發新一代搜索和廣告技術努力工作。我們將充分發揮其才能和智慧,將他們緊密聯合起來。” Shum 表示,該公司將在為微軟帶來最佳、最聰明的人才方面繼續投入,解決最棘手的技術問題,推出最具創新性的技術。' *10

The report entitled "徐玲:職場成功 有賴眼界開闊" by 記者吳日君 of World Journal from Santa Clara, California (聖他克拉拉) had been shown in the way as a quick news the day before yesterday here in this section, because we intended to let interesting people know the hour and location of the speech. The subtitle of the report was "鼓勵基層員工越級幫大老闆著想 主管不與底下搶功 上下互動良好 齊心辦好公司".*11

徐玲受邀北加州北京大學校友會,28日在聖他克拉拉市圖書館 (Santa Clara City Library,地址:2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051)演講,the topic was about "The development of a career life".

"她提出「提升兩個層級以建立成功職場」(Two levels up step to build successful career)理論,鼓勵矽谷華人若想在職場成功,必須開放心胸、拓展視野,幫助老闆成功的同時,也幫助自己成長。 網路興盛時期離開IBM,因緣際會來到曾被譽為「全美最有影響華裔女性」之一張若玫創辦公司Vit-ria,七年間從經理、資深經理、總監、副總裁、資深副總裁等職位爬升,負責管理全球支援、訓練、IT、計畫管理、研發等部門,Vit-ria全球有三百多人,約70%都在徐玲管轄區域。 「領導人必須是老師,協助基層員工發展,不和底下搶功,公司整體素質才能提高。」徐玲在公司每周一次幫經理級主管上課,共同討論分享管理技巧,從管理技巧訓練、解決問題案例討論到生活態度,她強調,如果主管只想從底下人搶功勞、不願意教導付出,上下互動不良,關係亦無法長久。" *12

"Rapid changes in technology and global competition have combined to reshape the corporate landscape. Corporate management has responnded to these changes by iniatating sweeping changes. The introduction of new technology may be touted as a productivity booster and turn out instead to be a total bust. Whatever the problem may be, you're the one who has to deal with it on a daily basis. Even when new ideas are well thought out, there are still problems in putting them into practice within your group," George Fuller wrote in the 'Introduction' of his book, "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace."*13

There are lots of common headaches most of supervisors and leaders have to confront. "It's easy to understand how the broad scope these problems can easily lead to a less than steller attitude toward your job. However, adoping a sense of futility only serve to make matters worse. On the other hand, maintain a positive attitude helps you place things in perspective and can make coping eith problems a lot easier to do."*14

"談職場生涯規劃,如果在公司體系向上升職?如何應付職場Poli-tics?徐玲認為,公司內上下,最大利益應以公司為主,員工的視野需放寬廣,不只幫直屬老闆設想,還須跨越兩層,設身處地幫大老闆想,協助老闆們往前走,等於是加大自己的天地,齊心合力把事情做好的同時,也成就自身領導技巧。 徐玲鼓勵矽谷人,多接觸美國社會文化,平日除了工作之外,多看電視影集、運動,「藉著生活,了解美國,也犒賞自己。」她說,公司就是一齣喜劇,主管就是導演,員工是演員,如何讓每個演員發揮才能、扮演好所在角色,讓事情變成有趣,觀眾 (客戶)不會無聊而感興趣 (購買產品),喜劇賣座 (公司獲利),才是成功。" *15

"People worry about the huge amount of creativity that is wasted---lost forever---because talented people are prevented from giving their best by their lack of ability to influence others effectively," wrote Dr. Ken Blanchard in the 'Foreword' of the book entitled "Winning Ways," written by Dick Lyles.*16 "The business world has changed; organizations are getting flatter and more networked. Today, the key to success is one's ability to exercise peer leadership. The most successful individuals shine because of their ability to influence, empower, and energize others. In essence, they embody the principles and practices of Winning Ways."

"「每個人都是星星,有強項有弱項,強調強項,用強項帶動弱項,那就會是顆發亮的星,而不只是個小球 (small ball)。」徐玲常常與底下員工說,目前大家一起工作,未來,也有可能角色扮演不同,「可能我要替你工作。」她認為,清高傲慢的人,只能和自己獨處;在同一工作環境,大家一起工作、一起學習做事,一起「Have Fun」,丟掉小我,以團隊為主,幫助老闆成功,等於也給了自己更多機會。"*17

Learning is importing. To learn key talents for study is also necessary. Indeed, business achievement is the new yardstick of success in today's society. Therefore, business has become not only the fastest growing major in undergraduate institutions but also in graduate school of famous universities, nationally and internationally. The emphasis of the online communication skills and the quantitative analysis techniques with computers is one of the most important study for the art of success to the business students, professionals, executives, and owners.

According to the above report by 記者吳日君, 徐玲 (Eliz-abeth Xu) 為Vitria Technology 資深副總裁, 擁有北京大學物理學士、環境保護碩士,1990年來到美國,1995年取得內華達大學 ( Univer-sity of Nevada)大氣物理博士、電腦科學碩士。"鼓勵她融入美國主流社會,同時培養開放認真的工作與生活態度。" has been Elizabeth Xu's inspiration from her 兩位美籍終生導師的結識.

President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University inspired us by the following: "Reaching up, reaching beyond, always pressing forward; this is the passion of the human spirit." We are certainly being challenged! His message on "Progress and Promises" has brought us with a brilliant vision with action.*18

In studying the above publications, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 揚欣, 旅遊經, 吳學銘, 于茂芬, 微軟公司, 吳日君, and among others on its most parts of the portion in Chinese.

Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." It is just a little interest or a small hobby in reading. With intellectual skills for E. Q., people can avoid to be something in related to what Albert Einstein's "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence." *19 The sky is beautiful and laymen may sometime bring people with some fun!


*1. 揚欣. '《旅遊》阿拉斯加夏季之旅,' "a search of '旅遊指南' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 15, 2007), Los Angeles, California: World Journal.
*2. Ibid.
*3. 旅遊經編輯部. '大理尋奇、印象麗江 等您尋訪人間仙境,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 23, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*4. 吳學銘. '《旅遊》船遊長江三峽 體驗壩氣峽情,' "A search of '旅遊指南' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 22, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*5. Ibid.
*6. 于茂芬. '何大一獲頒終身成就獎 ---國際青年領袖基金會年會,' "A search of '華人生活圈' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 27, 2007), San Francisco, California: World Journal.
*7. Ibid.
*8. 微軟公司. '微軟建立致力於搜索和廣告技術的應用研究部門,' "A search of the '科技' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 27, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!.
*9. Chang, Tiffany. 'Art of E. Q. and A. Q. inspired by the distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung!' "A search of 'U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao and Distinguished Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung wbti business & administration' on the Google.com," (July 30, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*10. 微軟公司. Ibid.
*11. 吳日君. '徐玲:職場成功 有賴眼界開闊,' "News section of '舊金山新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 28, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*12. Ibid.
*13. Fuller, George. (1998). "Win/win management: leading people in the new workplace". London: Prentice Hall, Inc.
*14. Ibid.
*15. 吳日君. Ibid.
*16. Blanchard, Ken. (2000). "Winning Ways". New York, N. Y.: G. P. Putnam's Sons.
*17. 吳日君. Ibid.
*18. Moss, Cheryl; Gronauer, Bobby; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Google, Yahoo, Search, MSN, AOL, Ask, Altavista, WebCrawler, Infoseek, and among others are on the way ---Very efficient and powerful, the leading search engines answer our people, community, and world!' "A search of 'President Dr. Andrew Benton on Google wbti' on the Yahoo.com," (July, 29, 2007), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*19. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


(Quick News!)

徐玲受邀北加州北京大?W校友??㈧28日在聖他克拉拉市?D?^ (Santa Clara City Library,地址:2635 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, CA 95051)演講,the topic will be about "The development of a career life" (??龀晒 有?眼界開?).


旖旎風光 精緻旅遊 遊玩好去處!
推廣茶業 李明星以成功的要件是「毅力」獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長
Mountains and lakes are the beginning and attractiveness of all natural scenery
Some cities as a beautiful scenery!
By Jennifer Kung

This reading study has been extended to three reports in tourism.

Reporter 何方 brings us with a touring news for this summer. The report was entitled "洛城近郊酒店 休閒好去處".

"暑假是家人相聚在一起的時間,如果週末想在洛杉磯附近輕鬆一下,花費不多就可以短途旅行。 洛杉磯往聖地牙哥的路上,有一家酒店St. Regis,提供很多方便家庭的遊玩計畫,可以滑水,也可以帶自家的寵物前往,這是大多數酒店不能提供的。另外,這裡的每間屋子都有隱秘的陽台可眺望景觀,因此好萊塢的實景秀「Fabulous Life」曾在這裡拍攝,就連小甜甜布蘭妮也曾在這裡下榻。" *1

The art of life depends critically on wisdom, knowledge, and resources. The extra enjoyment of a touring or traveling may be derived from our good planning and nice implementation.

"洛杉磯市中心小東京附近的新奧塔尼酒店(The New Otani),兼具邁阿密風光到五?年代假日酒店(Holiday Inn)特色。不過,最有特色的是建在四樓的日式花園,包括池塘、瀑布以及一大片的綠色景觀。尤其難得的是距離華埠和蒙特利公園市等華裔社區不遠,夏季的夜晚三五好友相約,到此喝啤酒聊天,是不錯的休閒活動。如果有朋自遠方來,特別對好萊塢感興趣,一定要帶他們去日落塔酒店(Sunset Tower)看看,這個建於1929年的古典建築,位於8358 W. Sunset Blvd.,曾經出現在很多電影和電視中,頗具好萊塢特色。*2

On 2007/07/19 18:01 旅遊經編輯部/許瓊文報導 a report on "香港今夏超優惠 迪士尼門票免費送". It was posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞". The source was from '旅遊經'. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.

"想要去香港旅遊,暑期最便宜,航空業者不但推出兩人同行只要8888元,甚至還有業者送出迪士尼門票,想撿便宜得加緊腳步。 中華航空表示,暑假對遊客來說是旅遊旺季,但實則為香港的旅遊淡季,一般遊客在暑假由香港是最便宜,緊接在暑期之後的九月商務季節、大型會議多半在香港舉行,屆時不但機票難取得、甚至連飯店都一房難求,想玩香港其實要趁暑假。 中華航空精緻旅遊「幸福起飛」系列促銷即推出選購Novotel Citygate Hotel 2天1夜迪士尼促銷, 選購九龍香格里拉酒店香港3天2夜。 中華航空:www.china-airlines.com;長榮航空:www.evaair.com 更多旅遊新聞請上「旅遊經」 www.travelrich.com.tw *3

To enjoy the publicity of Chinese writings on touring, we like to be its readers.

It is an interesting finding that after the section "人與美景 People & Beautiful Scenery" was openned, the terminnology "美景" is appearring on the titles of some newspaper reports.

"家家臨水 戶戶泊船美景 柯洛納多市名不虛傳" is a report written by Reporter 李大明 on the Worldjournal.com:

"由「金錢」(Money)雜誌剛評出的全美一百座最適合居住城市中,聖地牙哥縣以旖旎風光、傳奇故事與威武戰艦而出名的柯洛納多市(Coronado)幸運當選。名列38的柯洛納多,與美國海軍基地各占柯洛納多島的一半。小城只有2萬5900人口,但每年接待的遊客不知凡幾。四方訪客最主要的目的地,是有紅色尖頂的百年老店—柯洛納多大旅館。據記載,二次大戰後的每一位美國總統都曾下榻於此," reported the "洛杉磯新聞" of Worldjournal.com.*4

To understand more about the event, we may have information from CNNmony.com. The following is an example:

"A City, of a state
What do you think of ???(a city), the No. ? city on this year's Best Places to Live list? What makes it a great American town? ... How are the schools? ... If you don't live there now, would you consider moving there? ..."

"據統計,全市白種人占人口75%,拉丁裔占10.38%,其他所有族裔加起來還不到15%。但這些因素瑕不掩瑜,未能動搖柯洛納多最適於居住的本色,也使聖地牙哥人為之欣慰與自豪。" continued the report.*5

A special interview has been completed by World Journal 記者邱紹璟 in 紐約. The report, entitled "李明星 將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳 ---與妻在美推廣 自零到六家店面 獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長", was posted in the section of '華人生活圈' of the Chinese newspaper on July 20, 2007.

"紐約天仁茗茶總經理李明星,上個月在台灣舉行的股東會中,獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長。李明星日前已返回紐約,除了計畫未來如何拓展歐美市場、將品茶文化引進青少年族群以外,19日也分享了他從小在台灣南投茶樹下玩耍長大,學種茶樹,到後來開拓美國茶葉市場,與夫人四處推銷的篳路藍縷過程。茶農世家出生的李明星,擁有一身品茶專業功夫,賢內助劉艾倫懂得展現茶道藝術之美,她稱讚丈夫的踏實、誠懇,李明星則感謝妻子的實踐家精神,伉儷間的合作默契佳,其成功並非偶然。李明星覺得成功的要件是「毅力」選定目標後,就持之以恆地一步步做。" *6

Persistence and faith are significant to help realize what about "we'll make a change!" Chairman Li's feeling on the importance of 「毅力」to success is inspiring. "The strongest oak tree of the forest is not the one that is protected from the storm and hidden from the sun. It's the one that stands in the open where it is compelled to struggle for its existence against the winds and rains and the scorching sun," quoted Napoleon Hill. The encouragement in this quote by writer Hill (1883-1970) might extend to our young people who are looking for success with an ideal or a goal.*7


Jennifer selected this report in Chinese to share reading with our friends. May be we can digest some of the inspiration from the following quotes together with the report:

*** "Small opportunities are often the beginging of great enterprises." --- Demosthenes
*** "The trees that are slow to grow bear the best fruit." --- Moliere
*** "Luck is a matter of preparation meeting opportunity." --- Oprah Winfrey

"成功大學工程科學系畢業後隔天,李明星馬上到苗栗頭份茶園報到上工,學習茶葉粗製、精製流程。他形容其間過程十分辛苦,要能扛百斤茶葉才算過關,還必須學習品茶以鑑定價格。在取得彼得杜拉克管理學院碩士後,他於1983年與妻子開始打拼美國西岸市場。劉艾倫說一路走來篳路藍縷,為了找店面在曼哈坦華埠被罵出來過,開著漂亮店面卻吸引不到客人,直到獲得紐約時報青睞報導,漸漸名聲遠播,紐約市現有六家店面。天仁茗茶從傳統式茶店,開始發展成以茶融入飲食的「喫茶趣」餐廳型態,李明星希望實現全球化產業,拓展歐洲市場,並將茶入菜的概念餐廳引進紐約。" *8

In studying the above publications, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 何方, 許瓊文, 李大明, 邱紹璟, and among others on its most parts of the portion in Chinese.

Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." It is just a little interest or a small hobby in reading. *9 The sky is beautiful and laymen may sometime bring people with some fun!


*1. 何方. '洛城近郊酒店 休閒好去處,' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 20, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*2. 何方. Ibid.
*3. 許瓊文. '香港今夏超優惠 迪士尼門票免費送,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 20, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*4. 李大明. '家家臨水 戶戶泊船美景 柯洛納多市名不虛傳' "A search of '洛杉磯新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 19, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*5. 李大明. Ibid.
*6. 邱紹璟. '李明星 將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳 ---與妻在美推廣 自零到六家店面 獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長' "A search of '華人生活圈' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 20, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*7. Chang, Tiffany. 'Vision and enthusiasm,' "A search of 'Business wbti' on the Google.com," (June 18, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*8. 邱紹璟. Ibid.
*9. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


西藏旅遊熱 炒熱觀光 拉薩流行開民宿
The sky is beautiful for touring in scenic places!
By Jennifer Kung

In touring, we would like to introduce a report on "西藏旅遊熱 拉薩流行開民宿' by 記者尤美心.

"青藏鐵路通車滿一年,西藏旅遊正熱門,西藏人的生活跟著轉變。而這些改變在拉薩最熱鬧的八角街上最明顯,短短8百公尺,1年來,就增加20家藝品店,許多住在這的西藏人更把自家樓房改成民宿出租,這種藏式民宿大受歡迎,1個月可以淨賺台幣1萬元以上。2層樓高的建築,別具風情的內院迴廊,與鮮明的色彩,這是典型的拉薩民居,但這坐在天井裡悠閒喝茶的,可不是西藏人。遊客:「我從台灣來的,因為我們人在西藏嘛,住這種藏式建築的家庭旅館,我覺得挺好的,比較親切。」," wrote 尤美心 on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞".*1 The source was from 'TVBS' . Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.

"All, from the greast to humblest, must work together in harmony and devotion. We can make no advances with only solo work. Unless the solooists and the members of the chorus are ready to work together in harmony, there can be no symphony," pointed out Jackson Wilcox. To enjoy the publicity of Chinese writings on touring, we like to be its readers.

"西藏旅遊團導遊:「我們是去西藏的。」記者:「你們這團有多少人?」西藏旅遊團導遊:「我們這是30多人。」記者:「現在去西藏的人多嗎?」西藏旅遊團導遊:「還行,挺多的。」遊客:「提前10天之內(買票),肯定買不到,臥鋪相當難買。」 北京車站裡,滿滿的人,都在等著搭火車到西藏一遊,現在到拉薩的火車票很珍貴,臥鋪一票難求,青藏鐵路帶來商機無限,但因為過多的遊客,也讓布達拉宮、大昭寺不得不限制參觀人數,方興未艾的西藏旅遊潮,讓西藏人發了旅遊財,同時也徹底改變了他們的生活," descibed 尤美心 vividly.*2

At 7:51 a.m. on 071307 from the "全球即時動態" of Worldjournal.com, we could read a report on "趙小蘭勉亞裔培養領導力 ---演講成功經歷 強調勇於表達熱情 建立人際網路注重溝通" written by 記者許惠敏 in Washington, D.C.

Managers are people who do things right, while leaders are people who do the right thing. - Warren Bennis, Ph.D. "On Becoming a Leader"
In delivering the impressive speech about "Leadership" on this Conference, she (Elaine) herself is leading brightly!

"由美國各級政府亞太裔高階人員組成的「亞太裔政府主管聯絡網」(Asian American Government Ex-ecutives Network),12日在華府舉行第三屆領袖研習會,勞工部長趙小蘭在會中勉勵有心更上層樓的高階亞太裔政府人員,「作自己生涯的主宰」。 應邀擔任午餐演講人的勞工部長趙小蘭以「作自己生涯的主宰」(Take Charge of Your Career)為題,作半小時演說,和與會者分享她從求學到就業、逐步成為主管的歷程。尤其當趙小蘭談到處在中、美文化夾縫中,一路摸索、學習、成長,讓與會同屬移民的政府人員,格外覺得親切。趙小蘭說,要想在政府或公共事務領域一展長才,第一步是要找到適才適所的機會,而人際網路、口語及書寫溝通能力和在職進修,則是自我提升及受人賞識不可少的要件," reported 許惠敏.*3

"Asian American Government Executives Network will hold their third annual Leadership Conference July 12, in Washington, DC. The training conference is targeted towards Federal employees. The theme for this year is 'Take Charge of Your Career'," announced Linda M. Springer, Director of United States Office of Personal Management, about the "Asian American Government Executives Network (AAGEN) Third Annual Leadership Conference" promptly before the date.*4

"趙小蘭說,東方文化標榜中庸之道,過冷、過熱皆不宜,但在美國社會,「熱情」(passion)卻是選擇專業不可或缺的元素。她表示,「興趣加技能」是生涯規劃的第一步,「領導能力」則是有心在職場更上一層樓的必要條件。她說「領導能力可以經由後天培養及練習獲致」,如參與義務服務工作、勇於自我推薦、不斷學習等,都是可努力的途徑。 趙小蘭說,民主社會強調溝通、自我表達,不同意見的激盪,正是學習處理歧見的機會。" *5

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things." -Denis Diderot
This is a quote that can emphasize the importance of the finding about "Passion" on professionalism by U. S. Secretary of Labor Ealine Chao.

At 6:37 a.m. (.com y) today, leading search engines have shown vanward a publication by Elaine on the Internet:
[[[ Washington Business and Technology Institute - Elaine Chao, U.S. ...
Elaine L. Chao's article for "Happy Mother's Day" is on Internet through Google, Yahoo, AOL, and Ask.com! ... Elaine L. Chao's article in Chinese for " ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/...&START_COUNT=1 - 86k - Cached
Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ...
... Shelley Berkley, ..." on Google, Yahoo, AOL, Ask.com, and among others at ... Moss, and Tiffany Chang said that, "Brilliant, Google, Yahoo, and Ask.com answer ...communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&... - 166k - Cached ]]]

In studying the above publications in Chinese and English, this article has been implemented as a reading study. As a sincere reader, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 尤美心 and 許惠敏 on its most parts of the portion in Chinese .

Getting along in this world depends a lot on getting along with others. G. M. Verity told us that, "Cooperation is spelled with two letters -- WE." *6 It is valuabe to take time to make the other person feel important, no matter how busy we are!


*1. 尤美心. '西藏旅遊熱 拉薩流行開民宿,' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 14, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*2. Ibid.
*3. 許惠敏. '趙小蘭勉亞裔培養領導力 ---演講成功經歷 強調勇於表達熱情 建立人際網路注重溝通,' "A search of '全球即時動態' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 13, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*4. Springer, Linda M. 'Take Charge of Your Career,' "A profile on Asian American Government Executives Network (AAGEN) Third Annual Leadership Conference," (July 11, 2007), U. S. A.: United States Office of Personal Management.
*5. Ibid.
*6. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


北京鳥巢奧運館 美!
博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever" !
By Jennifer Kung

It is our pleasure to introduce a report on touring about some beautiful scenery today.

In the report by 編譯夏嘉玲, "泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美!" is posted on the '旅遊' of Yahoo!奇摩新聞 today. The source was from '聯合新聞網' udn.com. Its colorful logo is shown below the title of the report.
"營建熱潮席捲全球,英國泰晤士報評選出十項進行中規模最大、最具雄心的建築計畫,中國大陸就有三項建築上榜,入選建築還包括坐落於埃及吉薩、華裔美籍建築師彭士佛參與設計的大埃及博物館。大陸上榜建築全部位於北京,分別是戲稱為「鳥巢」的二○○八年奧運主場館、北京首都機場三號航站大廈,以及中央電視台新大樓。泰晤士報對這足以改變建築面貌的十大建築褒貶不一,闢有「美女或野獸」的評議項目。外觀如巨型鳥巢的北京奧運主場館獲評為「美觀」," delivered the 編譯夏嘉玲.*1

John Keats said that, "A thing of beauty is a joy forever."

The desire to persuit knowledge is for everybody. A wise man is always open to and looks for new ideas. One of the most precious human resource is the desire to improve. People can learn much by doing.


The talent of playing piano is important. The teaching methodology on how to get students learned in this art is even more important. For a teacher in piano, her success is founded both on her capability and enthusiasm.

"「教導每位學生發揮最大的潛能是我的願望,」曾在茱麗亞音樂學院(Juil-liard School )音樂學院及休斯頓大學(University of Houston)就讀並任教的尢梁澐表示,她將茱麗亞及西方音樂的教學、訓練方法帶給灣區華裔學子,希望有更多的一流音樂家在這裡產生," reported 記者王慶偉.*2

The report of a people entitled "茱麗亞音樂院碩士、休斯頓大學博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴" by him in San Jose was just published today on the '舊金山新聞' of Worldjournal.com in San Francisco, California.

"尢梁澐在茱麗亞碩士班選讀音樂教學,一邊讀書也一邊教書,到了休大之後(攻讀博士)也是邊學邊教,理論實際兼俱,各種音樂教學方法也經驗豐富。 為能就近照顧父母,也因灣區鋼琴學子眾多,尢梁澐移居灣區,開始教從幼稚園到高中的學生,原因「這階段的學生可塑性最高,也能紮下應有的基礎。」"

Her findings on the teaching and learning of piano are bright: "「彈琴是個嚴格、完整的訓練,」尢梁澐指出,彈琴訓練學生的耐心、紀律、視覺聽覺、手腦眼的協調配合、感情的投入,還有上台演出,「對孩子是很好的訓練及教育,也對學習任何事物都有幫助。」 尢梁澐教鋼琴,不是她怎麼彈,學生就照著彈;而是依每位學生的個性及程度,給予幾種不同的選擇,「每個人對樂曲都有不同的詮釋,給學生有適當選擇,就可以發揮他的潛能。」" *3

I long to accomplish a great and noble task;
but it is my chief duty and job to accomplish humble
tasks as though they were great and noble,
Te world is moved along,
not only by the mighty shoves of its heroes,
but also by the aggregate of the tiny
pushes of each honest worker.

--- Helen Keller *7

As a sincere reader in studying the above publications, I acknowledge the credit of contribution to 夏嘉玲 and 王慶偉 by our service for the public.


*1. 夏嘉玲編譯. '泰晤士報:北京鳥巢奧運館 美!' "A search of '旅遊' on the Yahoo!奇摩新聞," (July 12, 2007), California, U. S. A.: Yahoo!
*2. 王慶偉. '茱麗亞音樂院碩士、休斯頓大學博士尢梁澐 以茱麗亞標準教琴,' "A search of '舊金山新聞' on the Worldjournal.com," (July 12, 2007), San Francisco, California: Worldjournal.com.
*3. Ibid.
*7. John C. Maxwell, "SUCCESS - One Day at a Time" (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2000), 124.


070907-1218 "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" of WBTI website, Monday, 12:18 p.m., July 9, 2007 #First Edition
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Jim Gibbons, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U. S. Representatives Shelley Berkley and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administration; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution; Dr. John Z. Wang, Acting Director of Asian Marketing Institution. U. S. District Court Judge Brain Sandoval, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and former Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. Nevada Lt. Governor Brian K. Krolicki, Chairman of the Advisory Board of International Cities Business Council (ICBC); Commissioner of NCOT and former Lt. Governor of Nevada, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Honorary Chairperson; Dr. Stuart H. Mann, Executive Director; Miss Charlyne Chen, Chairperson of ICBC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organization in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI's e-mail address: tojulei@yahoo.com
The integrity and innovation to enhance our service in this section
By Mark Denton, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung

***** "John F. Kennedy was a living example of Mitchell Kapor's belief that, 'If you can genuinely present a picture that makes sense to people, that unifies the seemingly disperate elements of their experience, if you can give people something they can resonate with because it's meaningful, then they'll be immensely responsive to it.' JFK presented that picture and America responded." *1

"All, from the greast to humblest, must work together in harmony and devotion. We can make no advances with only solo work. Unless the solooists and the members of the chorus are ready to work together in harmony, there can be no symphony," said Jackson Wilcox *2

"Since I shall be in Washington, D.C., I believe that I shall be constantly reminded of the ideals that are the subject of the messages and quotations contained in your correspondence, particularly those about vision, enthusiasm, and assistance," wrote Nevada District Judge Mark R. Denton to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on June 18, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*3

"The willingness to create a new vision is a statement of your belief in your potential," pointed out David McNally. Carl Schutz told us that, "Ideals are like stars. You will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides and following them you will reach your destiny." It is our pleasure to inspire the significance of the idea, "The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision today," which was stated by Robert Schuller. Having good vision, we will bring it together with us to help promote a peaceful, happy, and healthy community.

"Vision seems to be an elusive yet import life principle. Your vision describes the ideal future for you to attain. It provides meaning and direction while forcing you to break through present limitations. Holding a clear picture in your mind of the desired future will mobilize your creative efforts and generate the desire and energy to perform," edited Glenn Ekeren in his book entitled "Speaker's Source Book II".

Vision may develop its power to direct what tommorrow will look like. Vision is having an acute sense of the possible. The thing what others can not see, it can be seen by vision. Something extraordinary will occur when those with similar visions are drawn together. The goal of John F. Kennedy set in 1960 to place a man on the moon by 1970 drew many million people's efforts in achieving the dream. John had the vision. The result is now history with reality.*4

Enthusiasm is important, especially very important to many things in our lives. We need to push our valuable vision through enthusiasm. "Nothing good or great can be done in the absence of enthusiasm," said Tom Peters.

We are quite inspired by the words of wisdom as said by Alan Loy McGinnis that, "There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being--to help someone succeed." Vision with enthusiasm may bring us with hope to serve our people, community, and country!

We may like to agree with what Dr. Thomas Dooley said that, "Dedicate some of your life to others. Your dedication will not be a sacrifice. It will be an exhilarating experience because it is intense effort applied toward a meaningful end."

To promote educational forums and community services are two of the most important missions of WBTI. "Mr. Pepperdine was really a visionary who put energy and ingenuity into his dreams. The institution (Pepperdine University) he founded has continued to dream and to be an encourager of vision. We have often quoted Daniel Hudson Burnham, who, at the turn of the twentieth century, said, 'Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood... Make big plans, aim high in hope and work.' We believe that students (or alumnus) ought to begin with a commitment to outstanding academics. But there are other elements that are also important. Students (and alumnus) need a heart for excellence and a soul that makes big plans and aims high. In addition, without a foundation of ethics, character, and faith, we believe true success is impossible. We hope you are among those who want to soar beyond mediocrity and reach for the magic that will 'stir men's blood'," stated President Dr. Andrew K. Benton of Pepperdine University.*5

Thanks to the concerned institutions' courtesy and acceptence to allow us to deliver their information for community service during past many years.

The management philosophy that inspired us by Dr. Peter F. Drucker is valuable! He told us that, "Any business that does not learn how to innovate within the next few years will not be around by the year 2000." We shall innovate the service on this section with new performance by original writings both in Chinese and English from our faculty members and friends.


*1. Glenn Van Ekeren, "Speaker's Source Book II," (Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1994,) 130.
*2. Ekeren, Glenn Van. "The Speaker's Source Book," (1988), Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
*3. Denton, Mark R. 'I believe that I shall be constantly reminded of the ideals that are the subject of the messages and quotations contained in your correspondence, particularly those about vision, enthusiasm, and assistance,' "A thanks e-mail from Nevada District Judge Mark Denton to WBTI," (June 18, 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada: #Dept. Thirteen of the Eighth Judicial District Court.
*4. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid are Co-chairs of a Champagne Reception and Event Party honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of 'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti' on the Google.com," (July 9, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*5. Ibid.


新七大奇景出爐 第一個唸出的是…萬里長城
By 記者:國際中心

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
The following report is posted through the courtesy of the "旅遊" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

[[[ A colorful logo about ETtoday "東森". ]]]

更新日期:2007/07/08 09:34 記者:國際中心/台北報導







【瞭望福建】福州三坊七巷明 清古建築博物館
By 陸惠玲

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
The following report is posted through the courtesy of the "旅遊" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

[[[ A colorful logo about "TVBS". ]]]

更新日期:2007/07/04 09:54 記者:陸惠玲






By 林昀妮

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
The following report is posted through the courtesy of the "旅遊" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

[[[ A picture shows the "曼谷的璀璨夜色盡收眼底,品味星空夜色下的時尚 --奇異光彩, 曼谷夜色迷人!". & A colorful logo about "旅遊經". (WBTI editor's note) ]]]

更新日期:2007/07/06 08:02 記者:旅遊經編輯部/林昀妮報導


位於曼谷市中心馬特利斯國家大廈的五星級豪華旅館Lebua State Tower,去年甫開幕即受到全球注目,許多國際媒體都有專題報導,其頂級奢華自然不在話下,每個房間還均設有一個觀景陽台能眺望睸南河、飽覽曼谷的醉人景色。其令人驚喜的服務之一,莫過於Lebua State Tower提供住客的浴室用品均為名牌Bvlgari,讓住客的肌膚也倍受尊寵。最讓全球時尚人士津津樂道的是位於63樓的露天餐廳Sirocco、位於64樓的Destil Bar,以及位於65樓的Mezzaluna義大利餐廳,近期又因為Breeze及State Room兩家頂級餐廳的加入,Lebua State Tower可謂是曼谷最聚焦點;其中露天餐廳Sirocco在高空露台上以前衛造形展現的酒吧設計,夜夜吸引許多時尚名流聚集享受地中海美食,輕鬆慵懶的爵士樂在空氣中瀰漫,站在圓形且不斷變換顏色的發光吧台旁點一杯調酒,迷人的曼谷夜色更添一分奇異光彩!

想要住在這麼頂級的Lebua State Tower旅館,費用當然也是頂級的,不過ZUJI足跡旅遊網「全球旅館大師」訂房系統正推出超優惠的活動,平日一般住宿價格自4980元起,四月底前訂購除了有限時優惠價外還可再享8折優惠,並加贈天空酒吧飲料乙杯。



世界新7大奇景 京都清水寺有望
By 趙德瑤

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
The following report is posted through the courtesy of the "旅遊" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

[[[ A picture shows the "京都之美,廣為人知。「清水寺」更是遊人必訪重點." A colorful logo about "旅遊經". (WBTI editor's note) ]]]

更新日期:2007/07/05 08:01 記者:旅遊經編輯部趙德瑤/報導


最早的世界七大奇景是上古世紀傳說中的「巴比倫空中花園」、「林匹亞的宙斯神像」絕大部分因地震、火災及人為因素毀壞, 世上僅存埃及的金字塔。後來的人再度提出中古世紀七大奇景之說,這一次入選的包括了中國的萬里長城、義大利比薩斜塔、羅馬大競技場,而中國的秦陵兵馬俑也特別被提出為世界第八奇景。還有一種常見的「世界七大自然奇景」之說。這是美國人洛厄爾·托馬斯在環遊世界時所提出的,針對非人為釜鑿的大自然景觀選出了包括美國大峽谷、阿拉斯加冰河灣、以及世界最高峰珠穆朗瑪峰等七大自然奇景。

長久以來,所謂的「世界七大奇景」不斷發生爭議。一個由瑞士非營利組織組成的「新世界七大奇景基金會」在2000年發起,從最初與聯合國教科文組織(UNESCO)共同評選的200個提名名單,減少到77個,2005年底,新世界七大奇景基金會再與世界頂尖建築專家遴選出其中的 21項,並且在2006年1月1日公開這份名單,最終的「世界新七大奇景」將交由世界共同決定。任何人都可透過上網或電話投票,最終決選將在2007年的7月7日在葡萄牙首都里斯本宣布。

音羽山清水寺 京都最古木構廟堂



世界新7大奇景全球公投 2007.07.07全球公佈








By 陳汶彬

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
The following report is posted through the courtesy of the "旅遊" of Yahoo!奇摩新聞:

[[[ A colorful logo about "'時報資訊' InfoTimes". (WBTI editor's note) ]]]

更新日期:2007/07/04 10:27 記者:【陳汶彬/四川報導】













《旅遊》高攀扎薩格 川西第一大秘境
By 吳學銘

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
The following report is posted through the courtesy of the "《旅遊》- 世界周刊" of Worldjournal.com:

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顛簸60公里 藏民熱情款待





入山遇虎牛 邂逅轉世靈童




繼續往深山前進,約在海拔3100公尺處,不可思議地,眼前出現一座尼顯寺,雄峙在一片大岩壁下方。寺裡住著37位喇嘛,其中還有位轉世靈童,叫嘎讓敦巴,身材高大,氣宇不凡。依照藏傳佛教說法,… …

神跡處處現 尼顯寺好修行





活佛牽馬行 得見聖山之心












藏傳佛教徒認為全中國有120座神山,其中比較巨大的有24座,包括峨眉山、五台山等,扎薩格也是其中之一,朝山是佛教徒的必修志業,對本波教徒來說,扎薩格更是非來不可。(圖文/吳學銘) [2007-07-01]


By 紀錦玲

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
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更新日期:2007/07/02 14:50 記者:紀錦玲
(法新社北京二日電) 專家指出,在二零零八年北京奧林匹克運動會的助力下,加上全球正掀起的一股「中國熱」,中國可望在二零一四年以前,取代法國成為全球最熱門的觀光目的地。







吳玲瑤 散播幽默歡笑
演講笑裡藏道受好評 全球邀約不斷 足跡遍及中俄歐美及南非
By 王慶偉

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
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受到這麼多的歡迎,吳玲瑤表示,「也許我的文章能給人信心,讓人覺得有人的境況比他們更糟,而優越感的作祟也足以造成幽默的效果,也是這些年來我一直筆耕不輟,不斷執筆賣笑,希望達到『笑裡藏道』效果的潛在原因。以前寫作文怕人家看,怕人家笑,現在怕人家不看,怕人家不笑。」 [2007-07-02]


By ???康

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
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更新日期:2007/07/02 11:59 ?者:???康




造街整治 士林夜市展新風貌
By 蔡依蒨

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
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更新日期:2007/07/01 08:35 記者:【蔡依蒨/台北報導】










袁祺 四所長春藤名校招手
By 吳忠國

"Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti
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「水中嬌娃」17歲的袁祺(Bel-lona Yuan),從未惡補SAT,手上同時有耶魯大學(Yale)、達特茅斯大學(Dartmouth)、康乃爾大學(Connell)、布朗大學(Brown)等長春藤名校和洛加大(UCLA)有意網羅她入學,羨煞許多同學。






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