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Quick News of WBTI |
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110512-0757 |
For a search of "Quick News of WBTI"!LVRJ/wbti: Effort and cooperation will bring us a peaceful, happy, and prosperous community in Nevada! by Mark Denton, Rory Reid, and Tiffany Chang *****"Our endeavor is to help Southern Nevada be a country of the people, by the people, and for the people where our and our future generations may have a better opportunity to live a happy and succeeful life," said Rory Reid, Clark County Commissioner, at the Event and Dinner Party at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel on September 17, 2003 in Las Vegas. To pay a special tribute to Nevada Controller Kathy Augustine; Justice of Supreme Court Bill Maupin; Commissioner of Clark County Rory Reid; Sherif of Southern Nevada Bill Young; District Judges Mark Denton, Valorie Vega, Jessie Walsh, Jackie Glass; and Chief Judge of Las Vegas Toy Gregory; the above Event and Party was held by WBTI. The Theme was: Light Candles along the Silver Stream of Southern Nevada with Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission. "Clark County District and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC) is the first practical organization formed since the establishment of the Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF) in September 28, 2002 by Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). The Executive Director of PPAAF Bud Cranor appointed Brian Sandoval Honorary Chairman, David Roger and Bill Young Co-Chairs of CCDAPCC on January 2, 2003," Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, announced on January 3, 2003. At the present time, the organization of the Commission is: Honorary Chairmen A. William "Bill" Maupin, former Chief Justice and now Justice of the Supreme Court; Brian Sandoval, Nevada State Attorney General; and Stewart Bell, former Clark County District Attorney and now District Court Judge; Co-Chairs David Roger, Clark County District Attorney; and Bill Young, Sheriff of Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD); Vice Chairmen Robert (Bobby G.) Gronauer, Constable of Las Vegas Township; and Herb Brown, Constable of North Las Vegas Township; Honorary President Lorraine Hunt, Lieutenant Governor of Nevada; President Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of WBTI; Vice President Kathy Augustine, State Controller of Nevada; Secretary General Cheryl Moss, District Judge of Family Court; Senior Advisor Stewart Bell, District Court Judge; Founding Advisor Mike Davidson, Former Assitant District Attorney of Clark County; Promoting Advisors Rennie Schreiber, Chief Staff of the Office of Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt; Chermaine Gord, Secretary of Chief Justice Bill Maupin; Judy Hetherington, Chief Staff of the Las Vegas Office of Nevada Controller Kathy Augustine; Kathy Karstedt, Secretary of Clark County District Attorney David Roger; Susan Sullivent, Secretary of Sheriff of LVMPD Bill Young; Media Advisor William Yuen, Vice President of Next Weekly; Financial Advisor Teresa Woo, Editor-in-Chief of Next Weekly; Coordinating Advisor Raymond Lam, President of Las Vegas Cantonese Association; Functional Advisor Patty Blakeman, Secretary for Mike Davidson; Entrepreneurship Advisor Oscar Jornacion, President & Publisher of Nevada Examiner; Writing Advisor Jerry Tao, Deputy District Attorney of Clark County; and Secretary Agnas Chan, Consultant of the United Business Source Inc . The above list of leaders and officers of CCDAPCC was announced and installed by Judge Valorie Vega, District Court of Nevada, at the Event and Dinner Party held by WBTI at the Zax Restaurant of Goldern Nugget Casino and Hotel on September 17, 2003 in Las Vegas. "It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC," said District Attorney Stewart Bell at the Dinner Party to the Nevada Examiner and Reviewjournal.com . "The significance of the creed of a County deserves to encourage administrative professionals to emphasize the value of the truth, goodness, and beauty in order to maintain it as a place of the people, by the people, and for the people. It's my honor to join the Commission." The Dinner Party was held by WBTI to celebrate Bell as Honorary Chairman and Senior Advisor of CCDAPCC at the Steak House of the Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 7, 2002. "I'm glad to be an Advisor of Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum, where Governor Kenny Guinn is Chairman and Bud Cranor is Executive Director. We all endeavor to promote the quality of life of all our Nevadan residents and visitors," said Brian Sandoval on March 8, 2002 at the Event and Dinner Party held by the Asian American Community. Brian Sandoval is former Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission, now Attorney General of Nevada and Honorary Chairman of CCDAPCC. "Freedom, democracy, and Justice have consitituted a legacy that we should keep, not because it is a legacy, but becuase it is right and just. It has made United States of America the freest and most prosperous country in history. It's our responsibility to join the effort together in making Nevada one of the peaceful, happy, and prosperous state of America through the cooperation and development of education, tourism, and investment wih our foreign countries. My endeavor is to make our security of Sothern Nevada in sure and justice," said Sheriff Bill Young at the Event and Party held by WBTI on September 17, 2003 at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas. Chief Justice Bill Maupin of the Nevada Supreme Court had a celebration Dinner Party held by WBTI at the Steak House of the Binion's Horseshoe Club on October 10, 2002 in Las Vegas. "Thank you so very much for appointing me as Fellow of the Public Administration Institution and as honorary Chair of the Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission of the Washington Business and Technology Institute. I am very flattered and humbled by your kindness. Please know that I irrevocably stand by my personal commitment to diversity issues in this state and that my sense of patriotism and faith in America stems from its embrace of that diversity," A. William Maupin, Chief Justice of Nevada Supreme Court, wrote to Dr. Tony Lei at the time when he accepted the appointment on September 13, 2002. "Asian Pacific Americans have made profound contribution to American life, including the arts, economy, education science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental reilroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the latest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling, and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your participation in the political, business and educational processes. It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader of the Senate at Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at the Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas. ---------------------------- LVRJ/wbti: The biggest credit of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is its people! by Valorie Vega, Michael Douglas, Jessie Walsh, and Tiffany Chang -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
042907-1047 |
Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons To Honor Poet Laureate Emeritus By Office of the GovernorMedia Advisory *R E M I N D E R* Carson City ?Tomorrow, Governor Jim Gibbons will honor Norman Kaye for his 40 years of volunteer service to the State of Nevada. At the governor’s office in Las Vegas, Governor Gibbons will personally present Kaye a certificate of appointment and commission as Nevada’s poet laureate emeritus.*1 Norman Kaye became famous as part of the Mary Kaye Trio, which is often credited with inventing the “lounge act?and became a popular attraction in Las Vegas in the 1950s and ?0s and recorded numerous record albums. Kaye also wrote songs made popular by some of the other top names in music. He was appointed poet laureate by Governor Grant Sawyer in 1967. He was reappointed by Governor Robert List in 1979 and again by Governor Richard Bryan in 1983. Nevada’s poet laureate position has been largely inactive for two decades. Nevada Department of Cultural Affairs Director Michael Fischer has plans to change that inactivity. He will begin the selection process for a new poet laureate this year, and that process will include Norman Kaye. “We appreciate Norman Kaye’s service to the state, which has spanned generations,?said Fischer. “We want to enhance his ability to serve the people of Nevada, and this new position will allow him to do that. However, we also want to turn the poet laureate role into one that is highly active, enriching the lives of people across the state. Our hope is that Nevadans will soon benefit from two distinguished poets who represent Nevada.? WHAT: Presentation of Poet Laureate Emeritus certificate of appointment WHERE: Governor’s office, Suite 5100 of the Grant Sawyer State Office Building 444 East Washington, Las Vegas 89101 DATE: Monday, April 30, 2007 TIME: 10:30 a.m. PDT *2 *All members of the news media are invited to the presentation* [Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2007 06:39:11 -0700] -------------------------------------------- References *1. Office of the Governor. 'Media Advisory * R E M I N D E R * Governor Gibbons To Honor Poet Laureate Emeritus,' "An e-mail from the Office of Nevada Governor to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)," (April 29, 2007), Carson City, Nevada: Nevada Governor's Office. *2. Ibid. --------------------------------------------- ********************************************* | |
042607-2047 At 2:47 p.m. on April 26, 2007. |
The most quick post!Date: Thu, 26 Apr 2007 14:29:39 -0700 From: "Office of the Governor" [governor@GOV.NV.GOV] Subject: Media Advisory - Governor to Attend Inauguration of UNLV President - April 26, 2007 To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US; Washington Business and Technology Institute; and among others M E D I A A D V I S O R Y For Immediate Release: April 26, 2007 GOVERNOR TO ATTEND INAUGURATION OF UNLV PRESIDENT Carson City – Tomorrow, April 27, 2007, Governor Jim Gibbons will attend the inauguration ceremony of David Ashley, Ph.D., who will be sworn in as the 8th president of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Dr. Ashley will officially assume the role of president on July 1, 2007. For the past five years, David Ashley has served as vice chancellor and provost at the University of California, Merced. During his tenure as the top academic advisor, Dr. Ashley played a critical role in the development of academic programs and research opportunities, as well as in the hiring of 55 founding faculty members. “I look forward to working with Dr. Ashley to promote the importance of higher education and the many exceptional educational opportunities available at UNLV. Having a university, such as UNLV, that is committed to research and development is a necessary component of Nevada’s future prosperity. I am confident that Dr. Ashley will provide the leadership necessary to further UNLV’s reputation as a leading research institution and ensure that the university’s students are prepared for the challenges they’ll face in today’s workplace,” said Governor Gibbons. With nearly 30,000 students, UNLV is the largest academic institution in Nevada. WHAT: Governor Jim Gibbons to attend inauguration of David Ashley Ph.D. WHERE: Artemus W. Ham Concert Hall University of Nevada, Las Vegas DATE: Friday, April 27, 2007 TIME: 10:00 a.m. PDT --------------------------------------------- ********************************************* | |
040907-3057 at 3:57 p.m. on April 9, 2007 |
Date: Mon, 9 Apr 2007 15:53:20 -0700 From: "Office of the Governor" [governor@GOV.NV.GOV] Subject: Media Advisory - Fire Officials to Brief Governor on Upcoming Fire Season - April 9, 2007 To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US; Washington Business and Technology Institute; and among others M E D I A A D V I S O R Y For Immediate Release: April 9, 2007 FIRE OFFICIALS TO BRIEF GOVERNOR ON UPCOMING FIRE SEASON Carson City--Governor Jim Gibbons will host a media briefing regarding the forecast for the 2007 wildfire season on Tuesday, April 10, 2007. Fire officials from the Nevada Division of Forestry, U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management will review variables critical to fire prevention and preparedness. WHAT: Governor Jim Gibbons to host media briefing regarding forecast for 2007 wildfire season WHERE: Media Room, second floor, State Capitol Annex WHEN: Tuesday, April 10, 2007 TIME: 9:00 AM PDT In 2006, Nevada experienced its most devastating fire season on record. More than 1.3 million acres burned, primarily in the eastern part of the state. The 2007 fire season is expected to be similarly destructive. The lack of precipitation, including snow cover, has left a majority of fine fuels, such as grasses, dry and standing. Larger fuels, such as logs, standing dead trees and brush, have been severely stressed by the lack of precipitation and are demonstrating fuel moistures typically seen in July. Warm windy conditions are rapidly melting 40 percent of the yearly average mountain snowpack, which will lead to wildfire potential at higher elevations than last year. Collectively, these conditions are setting the stage for a very serious wildfire season across the state. --------------------------------------------- ********************************************* | |
032107-1002 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal.com:Wednesday, 21-Mar-2007 09:26:36 PDT Current Weather: 54° Traffic Alerts Nevada News [[[Rebels fans line the counter at the UNLV Bookstore on Tuesday to buy a limited supply of Sweet 16 T-shirts. The Rebels play the University of Oregon Fighting Ducks in the Midwest Regional semifinals of the NCAA Tournament. Photo by K.M. Cannon.]]] Fans Off And Runnin' University of Nevada, Las Vegas junior Vince Picano, sporting a Rebels Mountain West Conference Championship T-shirt, experienced something he'd never seen before. --------------------------------------------- ********************************************* | |
030207-3057 (At 2:57:21 p. m. on March 2, 2007) |
MEDIA ADVISORY *1 For Immediate Release: March 2, 2007 FIRST LADY DAWN GIBBONS SEEKS TO INCREASE AWARENESS OF AUTISM DURING VISIT TO LAS VEGAS Carson City, NV— Citing the urgent need to increase awareness and education about the debilitating effects of autism, First Lady Dawn Gibbons will visit the The Lili Claire Foundation's Danny Gans Family Resource Center and the Moore Institute for Autism this Saturday, March 3, 2007. There is no known cure for this prevalent developmental disability, which currently affects one in every 150 people, and nearly 4,700 Nevadans under the age of 22, according to the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services. “We must take a look at how the state of Nevada can further address the needs of individuals and families who face the daily challenges of autism. By increasing awareness through education, I believe we can help others better understand the need for support in the areas of research and funding. It is my hope that this will one day lead to a cure for this disability, which touches so many young lives in our state,” said First Lady Dawn Gibbons. The Lili Claire Family Resource Center provides many critical family services, including Diagnostic Behavioral and Autism Clinics. Specifically, the center’s doctors focus on the behavioral, developmental, educational and social skills difficulties experienced by children with underlying neuro-developmental medical conditions. The Moore Institute for Autism was founded by parents of a child with autism, Dr. Dennis Moore II, a pediatrician, and his wife, Dr. Elizabeth Moore. The Institute is located in the medical office building at St. Rose Dominican Hospital's Rose de Lima campus in Henderson, Nevada, and is a partnership with Touro University and the University of California, Los Angeles. The institute also works with the Center for Autism Spectrum Disorders at the nearby University of Nevada, Las Vegas. According to the National Autism Association, the prevalence of this disease is not limited by race, region, or socio-economic status and most commonly appears before the age of three. Autism impacts the normal development of the brain in the areas of social interaction, communication skills, and cognitive function. Individuals with autism typically have difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication, social interactions, and leisure or play activities. WHERE: Las Vegas Lili Claire Family Resource Center 522 E. Twain Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89169 DATE: Saturday, March 3, 2007 TIME: 12:00 PM PST WHERE: Moore Institute for Autism St. Rose Dominican Hospitals- Rose de Lima campus 108 E. Lake Mead Parkway, Suite 306 Henderson, NV 89015 DATE: Saturday, March 3, 2007 TIME: 3:00 PM PST ### First Lady Dawn Gibbons - 606 N. Mountain St., Carson City, NV 89703 *2 -------------------------------------------- References *1. Office of the Governor. 'Media Advisory - First Lady Dawn Gibbons Seeks to Increase Awareness of Autism D...,' "An e-mail from the Office of Nevada Governor to President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI," (March 2, 2007) [Fri, 2 Mar 2007 14:22:37 -0800], Carson City, Nevada: Nevada Governor's Office. *2. Ibid. 555555555555 88888888888888888888888888 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *********************************************** | |
012907-1787 (At 11:25:57 a. m. on January 29, 2007) |
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 11:23:56 -0800 From: "Office of the Governor" [governor@GOV.NV.GOV] Subject: Media Advisory - Governor Gibbons to Appoint Clark County Commissioner for District D - January 29, 2007 To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US; Washington Business and Technology Institute M E D I A A D V I S O R Y For Immediate Release: January 29, 2007 GOVERNOR GIBBONS TO APPOINT CLARK COUNTY COMMISSIONER FOR DISTRICT D Las Vegas, NV – Today, Governor Jim Gibbons will hold a press conference to announce the appointment of County Commissioner for Clark County District D, filling the seat recently vacated by Yvonne Atkinson Gates. WHO: Governor Jim Gibbons, City Councilman Lawrence Weekly, and Weekly supporters, as well as Las Vegas Mayor Oscar B. Goodman. WHERE: Governor’s Conference Room, Suite 5100 Grant Sawyer Building Las Vegas, NV DATE: Monday, January 29, 2007 TIME: 2:30 PM PST ** This event is open to all media Brent Boynton, Communications Director (775) 684-5668 - Melissa Subbotin, Press Secretary (775) 684-5667 Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505 5555555555555 666666666666666666666666 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ***************************************************** | |
012507-5017 |
Governor Jim Gibbons and First Lady to tour the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Clinic for Drug Abuse Treatment and Research By Office of the GovernorM E D I A A D V I S O R Y For Immediate Release: January 25, 2007 Contact: Melissa Subbotin-775-230-8740 Carson City, NV— Tomorrow, Governor Jim Gibbons and First Lady Dawn Gibbons will join Dr. Miriam Adelson on a tour of the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Clinic for Drug Abuse Treatment and Research. The Adelson Clinic is a patient oriented, heroin addiction treatment center that provides a compassionate concerned environment where individuals stricken with the disease of heroin addiction can receive life-saving treatment. Studies show that many heroin addicts will relapse and use heroin again if they do not maintain a lifelong methadone program. Nationwide, there are only 170,000 methadone clinic slots to serve an estimated 1 million heroin addicts. Dr. Adelson founded the non-profit outpatient clinic 7 years ago to address the growing need for substance abuse treatment centers across the nation. WHAT: Governor Jim Gibbons and First Lady to tour the Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Clinic for Drug Abuse Treatment and Research TIME: 9:00 AM PST DATE: Friday, January 26, 2007 LOCATION: Dr. Miriam and Sheldon G. Adelson Clinic for Drug Abuse Treatment and Research 3661 South Maryland Parkway, Suite 64 Las Vegas, NV 89109 ** Tour is open to all media Brent Boynton, Communications Director (775) 684-5668 - Melissa Subbotin, Press Secretary (775) 684-5667 Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505 555555555555555 7777777777777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
112706-5051 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Monday, 27-Nov-2006 17:40:43 PST Current Weather: 56° News Flash Nurses' strike looms Officials of the Service Employees International Union and the Valley Health System announced this afternoon that they could not agree on the terms of a new contract for nurses at Valley Hospital Medical Center and Desert Springs Hospital Medical Center. The breakdown in negotiations, which were scheduled to last through Wednesday, paves the way for a nurses' strike scheduled to begin at Valley and Desert Springs on Dec. 4. Posted: 4:30 p.m. 5555555555555555 0000000000000000000000000000000 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 *************************************************** | |
110806-6037 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal: Nov. 08, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal LV constable re-elected By BRIAN HAYNES REVIEW-JOURNAL Las Vegas Constable Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer captured an easy victory Tuesday over challenger and longtime nemesis Beatrice Turner. Gronauer got 65 percent of the vote compared with Turner's 35 percent, according to unofficial results. Turner, a community gadfly and activist, has been a thorn in Gronauer's side at the Las Vegas Housing Authority, where Gronauer is the board chairman. Turner, who used to serve on the Housing Authority board, has called Gronauer a racist and a chauvinist, and she once openly wished he were dead during a moment of silence at one of the meetings. The feud began several years ago when they served together on board. After her term expired, Turner continued to show up at the meetings and jeer Gronauer and other members. Gronauer was elected constable in 1998 after working as a Las Vegas police officer for 24 years. When he took over, the office was losing money and in disarray. He has turned the office into a profit-maker for the county, bringing in about $800,000 a year. The constable is responsible for serving warrants, evictions and other court orders. Turner, a home health care nurse, said she ran because she thought she could run the office better than Gronauer. She denied running because of her dislike of Gronauer. 6666666666666 3333333333333333333333333333 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
101306-6024 at 18:26 p. m. |
Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 18:13:54 -0700 From: "Friends of Dina Titus" [hilarie@dinatitus.com] Subject: **NOTICE** Hillary Clinton Las Vegas Appearance Canceled Due to NY State of Emergency SENATOR CLINTON LAS VEGAS APPEARANCE CANCELED DUE TO NY STATE OF EMERGENCY Senator Returns to Home State for Disaster Recovery Efforts Following Record Snowstorm Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) has rerouted travel plans to return to her home state, which was devastated this week by a record snowstorm. CNN reports that the storm has caused widespread power outages and stranded travelers across western New York. Emergency declarations are anticipated for four counties. Senator Clinton had been scheduled to appear at two Las Vegas events tomorrow – Saturday, October 14 - in support of Senator Dina Titus’ gubernatorial campaign. The events have been canceled. "I am sorry that I cannot be with Senator Titus in person, but I will be returning to New York to survey the damage and recovery efforts in the wake of a serious snowstorm of historic proportions that struck Western New York on Thursday,” said Clinton. “As Governor, Senator Titus will deliver the change that Nevada families need - and by promoting economic opportunity, education, energy innovation, the environment, and a return to ethics and responsibility, she'll serve all Nevadans and be part of the much-needed new direction sweeping across our country." “While we are disappointed that our friend Senator Clinton will not be with us in Las Vegas tomorrow, our thoughts are with her - and with the people of New York - during this difficult time,” said Titus. -30- 66666666666666 2222222222222222222222222 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 ***************************************************** | |
092906-5015 (At 17:12 on September 29, 2006) |
Friday, 29-Sep-2006 17:12:08 PDT Current Weather: 96° Traffic Alerts News FlashAugustine's husband charged with murder RENO, Nev. (AP) - The husband of the late State Controller Kathy Augustine was arrested in Virginia Friday and charged with her murder. Chaz Higgs was arrested in Hampton, Va., on a warrant issued in Reno charging him with first-degree murder, Reno police said. He apparently was driving there to visit his father and stepmother. The warrant was issued after a coroner's autopsy and results of toxicology tests found a powerful drug in Augustine's system that would have paralyzed her, police said. Updated: 4:03 p.m. 5555555555555 1111111111111111111111111 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ******************************************************* | |
092606-1085 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Sep. 26, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal NORM : Monarch makes merry at Light The king appears at Bellagio's Light. Wes Craven might be writing for Las Vegas. Eva Longoria cavorts at MGM Grand. Actress Vivica A. Fox to don a showgirl costume for an appearance in "Jubilee" at Bally's. Having a royal time Sunday at Light nightclub at Bellagio was King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, who was under the watchful eye of heavy security. The longtime monarch happened to visit the popular club on "Gold Digger night," when fake money is handed out to VIPs. That caused a ripple of chuckles among all of the king's men. 1111111111111 88888888888888888888888 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ****************************************************** | |
090806-1156 |
GOVERNOR GUINN WILL TAKE PART IN SEPTEMBER 11 REMEMBRANCE CEREMONIES By Office of the GovernorFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: September 8, 2006 CONTACT: Steve George, Dir. of Communications (775) 684-5668 CARSON CITY – Gov. Kenny Guinn will join other officials in marking the fifth anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on our nation by laying a commemorative wreath at three memorials in Carson City. The schedule for Monday, September 11, is as follows (all times are approximate): 10:00 Nevada Law Enforcement Officer Memorial, Capitol Grounds *Gov. Guinn, Dept. of Public Safety Director George Togliatti, and Nevada Homeland Security Advisor Giles Vanderhoof. 10:20 Nevada State Veterans’ Memorial, Capitol Grounds *Gov. Guinn, Nevada National Guard Adjutant General Cynthia Kirkland, and Nevada Office of Veterans’ Affairs Executive Director Tim Tetz. 10:40 Nevada Firefighters Memorial, Mills Park *Gov. Guinn, State Fire Marshal Jim Wright, and State Forester Pete Anderson. Office of the Governor 101 North Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701 Fax: 775-684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Building 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 702-486-2505 111111111111111 55555555555555555555555555 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ************************************************** | |
090106-1025 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Sep. 01, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal LABOR DAY HOLIDAY CLOSURES ? Federal offices: closed Monday. ? State offices: closed Monday. Advertisement ? County offices: closed Monday. ? Municipal offices: closed Monday. ? Courts: closed Monday. ? U.S. Postal Service: no mail delivery Monday. ? Las Vegas-Clark County Library District: closed Monday. ? North Las Vegas Library District: closed Monday. ? Henderson District Public Libraries: closed Monday. ? Clark County School District: closed Monday. ? Community College of Southern Nevada: closed Monday. ? UNLV: closed Monday. ? Republic Services of Nevada: regular trash collection. ? Southwest Gas: closed Monday. ? Nevada Power: closed Monday. ? Review-Journal: delivery as usual. ? Banks: call individual bank. 1111111111111111 222222222222222222222222222 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ***************************************************** | |
081906-1058 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal: Aug. 19, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal Titus asks Gibbons to join in six debates By MOLLY BALL REVIEW-JOURNAL [[[Dina Titus]]] [[[Jim Gibbons]]] Democratic gubernatorial nominee Dina Titus on Friday sent a letter to Republican Jim Gibbons asking him to debate her six times around the state before the general election. "If you agree that the voters deserve this opportunity, I believe we could establish a wonderful Nevada tradition of open dialogue," Titus wrote in the letter, which was delivered to Gibbons' Reno campaign office. It was an aggressive move from a candidate whose aggressive style is her trademark. Titus, a state senator and college professor, wasted no time in calling on Rep. Gibbons to debate her. She issued a public challenge the day after she won Tuesday's primary. The Gibbons camp said it already was making arrangements for three debates. Gibbons tentatively has agreed to a debate in Las Vegas hosted by a consortium of local advocacy groups and another in Reno hosted by the Nevada Broadcasters Association, campaign manager Robert Uithoven said. Gibbons also wants to debate in Elko, Uithoven said. "Jim Gibbons looks forward to debating Dina Titus," he said. "We're working on scheduling those debates at this time." Uithoven said Gibbons hadn't ruled out more than three debates but added that it might be difficult to find time for as many as six. "I don't know what her class schedule is like, but I know what the congressional schedule is, and there are still several weeks in the congressional schedule that have to be balanced (with campaigning)," Uithoven said. "We're planning on offering three, and we'll see where the planning goes from there." Gibbons was criticized heavily by his Republican primary opponents for his seeming reluctance to debate. When he did set up two televised debates with opponents Bob Beers and Lorraine Hunt, they were scheduled for after voting already had begun. Gibbons will not appear Monday at a candidate forum with Titus, Uithoven said. The forum, hosted by the Congregation Ner Tamid synagogue, is scheduled to feature congressional candidates Tessa Hafen and Rep. Jon Porter, and Clark County sheriff candidates Jerry Airola and Doug Gillespie. Event organizers said that because Gibbons was invited and didn't respond, Titus will get to speak alone. But Uithoven said the campaign never received an invitation to the event. Uithoven said Gibbons had a previously scheduled engagement that prevents him from attending Monday's forum. The congressman is taking a long weekend in Elko County's Lamoille Canyon with wife, Dawn, Uithoven said. Dawn Gibbons on Tuesday lost a difficult three-way primary for the congressional seat that her husband is leaving to run for governor. 1111111111111111 555555555555555555555555555 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
081206-1005 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal Aug. 12, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal U.K. residents unlikely to stop coming to LV By CHRIS JONES GAMING WIRE Passengers wait in line Friday at the Southwest Airlines counter at McCarran International Airport. Travel returned to normal a day after a terrorist plot to blow up planes was stopped in England. Photo by Jeff Scheid. United Kingdom travelers aren't canceling plans to visit U.S. cities such as Las Vegas, sources said Friday, even in the wake of a foiled terror plot to explode 10 U.S. passenger planes over the ocean. "We're used to it, and we feel that if we bow down, then the terrorists have won," Stella Clery, managing director of Cellet Travel Services, said Friday from Warwickshire, England. Cellet has contracted with the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority since 1991 to promote visits here by residents of the United Kingdom, Ireland, France and Scandanavia. In that 15-year span, western European consumers endured multiple Irish Republican Army's bomb attacks, watched from afar as the Sept. 11 hijackings devastated a key ally, and overcame al-Qaida suicide bombings on downtown London buses and trains last summer. Given that violent history, Clery said she was not surprised when Thursday and Friday telephone polls of Cellet's largest tour partners revealed almost no cancellations among customers who had already booked U.S. getaways. Clery still expects a small dip in sales to occur -- but only because reservation hot lines were tied up more than usual as operators answered security-related questions from prospective travelers. "As long as we as the travel industry keep the consumer informed of exactly what they need to do, then they will do it," Clery said. "I think it's the lack of information that people get very frustrated about." New security precautions that have all but eliminated carry-on items won't deter travelers either, she said. "I remember a few years ago when they (banned) smoking on aircraft, and everybody said, 'That's the end. No smoker will ever fly across the Atlantic.' " Clery said. "That's not been the case." Two of England's largest airlines agreed. Virgin Atlantic Airways' passenger loads have held steady on all of the London-based carrier's trans-Atlantic routes, spokeswoman Brooke Lawer said Friday from Norwalk, Conn. "We've had far fewer cancellations and changes than one might expect," said Lawer, who did not give a specific figure for either category. "People are still traveling." Lawer did cite one curious fact: Virgin Atlantic's online bookings were higher Thursday than they were one week prior. Virgin Atlantic has operated nonstop service between McCarran International and London's Gatwick Airport since June 2000. The route grew in popularity during its first six years, and the carrier's initial twice-weekly service was gradually expanded to today's daily schedule. A spokeswoman for Derby, England-based airline bmi also said Thursday's arrests had little effect on her company's business. "They had less than a handful of people call (Thursday) to say they wanted a refund, and that was all for intra-Europe travel," said Nancy Vaughan, who represents bmi from Phoenix. "Friday's operations were normal; it's just the inconvenience of newer security rules that have gone into play, especially on the U.K. side." The carrier began thrice- weekly service between Las Vegas and Manchester in October 2004. Vaughan said bmi's next three Las Vegas flights were 90 percent reserved at the close of Friday's U.K. workday. The continued strength of both companies' service is vital to Southern Nevada's tourism industry because the United Kingdom is this area's top overseas feeder market. Approximately 392,000 U.K. residents visited here in 2004, well above second-place Japan's 217,000. Last year's international visitor data has not been released. Over the 12-month period ended June 30, Virgin Atlantic reported 239,334 arriving and departing passengers at McCarran, a 54 percent gain from the 12-month period ended June 30, 2005, Clark County Aviation Department data show. In that same span, bmi carried 43,541 passengers, an increase of more than 36 percent. On Sunday, a Cellet account manager will accompany 19 U.K. travel agents and leisure tour operators on an educational trip to Las Vegas. Participants won the five-day trip by selling the most Las Vegas vacations within their respective companies. Clery said they'll use their time here to learn more about Las Vegas in order to better sell the city once they're back to work. "Not one person has dropped out," Clery said. "It's a prime example of the resilience of this market and how we feel that these sort of events are not going to stop us traveling, particularly Las Vegas." 1111111111111111 0000000000000000000000000000 55555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 ***************************************************** | |
080406-5691 |
This quick news was post at 19:06 p.m. in the evening on August 4, 2006: Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2006 21:51:42 -0400 (EDT) From: "Andy Matthews" [andy@beers4nevada.org] To: tojulei@yahoo.com Subject: Catch Bob's Debate LIVE On The Web See Bob LIVE Tonight! Bob Talks TASC on Nevada Newsmakers judy, Don't forget that tonight is the first Republican gubernatorial primary debate, and you can watch it LIVE online beginning at 7:30 p.m. Just log onto KLVX.org and follow the links. Don't miss this opportunity to see Bob Beers take on his opponents and show Nevadans why they should make him our next governor. We hope you enjoy the debate! Andy Matthews Beers For Governor -------------------------------------------- email: andy@beers4nevada.org phone: 702-876-1555 web: http://www.beers4nevada.org 6666666666666666 9999999999999999999999999999999 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 **************************************************** | |
080206-3981 |
SOUTHERN RALLY FOR JIM GIBBONSJim Gibbons has taken off the Gloves and is going to take on his primary opponents in a debate on August 4th in Las Vegas. Join the team in a pre-debate rally in the parking lot outside Channel 10 at 5:30 time. BE THERE with Jim Gibbons and the Gibbons Ground Crew for the pre-debate PARTY! Who: Jim Gibbons and the Gibbons Ground Crew What: Pre-debate rally When: Friday August 4th, 2006 Where: 4210 Channel 10 Drive Bring your friends and family to this exciting event!!!! Call our Las Vegas Campaign Headquarters (702-987-3279) if you need a ride. Send this e-mail along to all your friends! VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! JIM GIBBONS Republican Candidate for Governor Would like to invite you to join him and the Gibbons Ground Crew for lunch! Saturday, August 5, 2006 12:00 - 2:00pm At Pahrah Park in Sparks off of Vista This is a FREE get out the vote lunch! Feel free to bring your family and friends to support Jim! Support your Republican Candidate for Governor as we approach the Primary August 15th!!! There will be good food, music, and fun! We hope to see you there! Remember that early voting is July 29- August 11, 2006 PRIMARY AUGUST 15, 2006 If you have questions please call Laura Wood (775) 322-4546 Copyright © 2005, Gibbons for Governor Paid for by Gibbons for Governor Forward this message to a friend! This email was sent to tojulei@yahoo.com, by jgibbons@gibbonsfornevada.com 55555555555555 11111111111111111111111111 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
071906-1953 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Jul. 19, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal POLICE INVESTIGATION: Augustine family seeks help Brother of dead controller asks citizens to assist in probe By ED VOGEL REVIEW-JOURNAL [[[Philip Alfano, brother of Kathy Augustine, the state controller whose death is being investigated by police, speaks Tuesday at a news conference at Washoe Medical Center in Reno. Photo by The Associated Press.]]] RENO -- The brother of state Controller Kathy Augustine on Tuesday asked citizens with any information about her death and her husband's attempted suicide to immediately contact Reno police detectives. "While our family hopes and prays she died of natural causes, we are extremely grateful an investigation has been launched," said Philip Alfano during a news conference in a Washoe Medical Center administrative building. Augustine, 50, died at the Reno medical center on July 11, three days after her husband, Chaz Higgs, said she suffered an apparent heart attack in their Reno home. Her funeral was Saturday in Las Vegas. Higgs did not attend the funeral. A day earlier, he had slashed his wrists in a suicide attempt in their Las Vegas home. He was released from University Medical Center later that day. The night before, he had told the Review-Journal that he had no involvement in his wife's death and was troubled by speculation of foul play. Even before Augustine died, the Reno Police Department had opened an investigation. The state Division of Investigation later joined the probe. People with information about what Augustine was doing the week before she was hospitalized have been asked to call Reno detectives at 775-334-2188 or Secret Witness at 775-322-4900. Alfano said the family wants "anyone with any information that could assist investigators" to step forward. Steve Frady, a Reno police spokesman, said on Tuesday there were no new developments in the investigation. He said it may be two weeks or three weeks before police receive autopsy results. Alfano, a Modesto, Calif., high school principal, said he was not speaking for Higgs, 42, or for Augustine's daughter from her first marriage, Dallas Augustine, 26. He broke down and cried at times in reading from a prepared statement. He said the family has been searching for "some measure of good in all of the senselessness," adding that the family has grown stronger and more appreciative of one another since his sister's death. "In addition, the people of Nevada who did not know Kathy are also hearing and reading about the Kathy Augustine we all knew -- the fun-loving, warm and caring person we were fortunate to share our lives with," he said. Augustine first was elected to office in 1992 as a Republican state assemblywoman and later was elected to the state Senate. She became controller, the state's chief fiscal officer, in 1999. Allegations of official misconduct arose in 2003. She was impeached by the Assembly and convicted by the Senate for using state equipment on her 2002 campaign. She was censured but not removed from office. "Yes, Kathy could be demanding, tough and outspoken. These are the characteristics of any great leader," he said. "But Kathy was not the false caricature created by a handful of disgruntled employees and opportunists during the impeachment trial and the weeks leading up to it," continued Alfano, who declined to take questions from reporters. In a Monday interview with The Associated Press, Alfano said he thought his sister's death was "suspicious." During the news conference, Alfano said that family members decided on July 11 to disconnect Kathy Augustine from hospital life-support systems and let her die peacefully. "Kathy left us with written directives regarding the circumstances under which life-sustaining treatment should be terminated," Alfano said. "So we knew the family was making the decision Kathy would have wanted." The family does not have a history of heart disease and both of Augustine's parents are still living. They kept vigil at her bedside until her death. Alfano added that family members do not plan on making additional comments until after receiving autopsy results. Greg Augustine, Kathy Augustine's 36-year-old stepson, also has described his stepmother's death as suspicious. His father, Charles, had been married to Kathy for 17 years when he died in 2003. Greg Augustine said that the family has been told that preliminary autopsy results showed his stepmother did not have heart disease or plaque buildup in her arteries. Speaking also for his brother Larry, 32, and sister, Andrea, 37, Greg said on Monday that they want Las Vegas police to exhume the remains of their father, Charles Augustine, and investigate why he died if the autopsy shows their stepmother did not die of natural causes. Charles Augustine, an airline pilot, died in August 2003 at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center of cardiopulmonary arrest, with contributing factors of septic shock and pneumonia, according to his death certificate. He had been hospitalized after suffering a stroke. Three weeks after his death, Kathy Augustine married Higgs, who had been Charles' critical care nurse. During Tuesday's news conference, Alfano said a memorial scholarship is being established in Kathy Augustine's name. Scholarships will be given to young people seeking careers in public service. Donations may be sent to the Kathy Alfano Augustine Memorial Scholarship, care of Citi National Bank, One Centerpoint, La Palma, CA 90623. The telephone number is 714-228-7708. The Associated Press contributed to this report. 9999999999999999999 55555555555555555555555555555 33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 *************************************************** | |
071806-1018 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal Jul. 18, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal KATHY AUGUSTINE: Autopsy analysis awaited Stepchildren might press to exhume their father's body By ED VOGEL REVIEW-JOURNAL CAPITAL BUREAU [[[Kathy Augustine Material from preliminary autopsy sent to FBI crime lab in Virginia]]] If an autopsy determines that state politician Kathy Augustine did not die of natural causes, her stepchildren said Monday they would press Las Vegas police to exhume the body of their father and investigate the cause of his death. "I have complete confidence the truth will be revealed," said Greg Augustine, who last week told the Review-Journal that both the 2003 death of his father, Charles, and the death last Tuesday of his stepmother appeared suspicious. Kathy Augustine, 50, the state's controller and a former lawmaker, had been married to Charles for 17 years at the time of his death. If an autopsy determines that state politician Kathy Augustine did not die of natural causes, her stepchildren said Monday they would press Las Vegas police to exhume the body of their father and investigate the cause of his death. "I have complete confidence the truth will be revealed," said Greg Augustine, who last week told the Review-Journal that both the 2003 death of his father, Charles, and the death last Tuesday of his stepmother appeared suspicious. Kathy Augustine, 50, the state's controller and a former lawmaker, had been married to Charles for 17 years at the time of his death. Chaz Higgs, Augustine's husband at the time of her death, said last week that his wife had experienced a massive heart attack and that he'd been unable to revive her on July 8 when he found her unconscious and without a pulse in their Reno home. On Friday, paramedics transported Higgs, 42, to a Las Vegas hospital after he slit his wrists. He was released later that day. Kathy Augustine married Higgs about three weeks after the death of Charles, who had been hospitalized in Reno for a stroke, according to Greg Augustine. Charles, 63, died of cardiopulmonary arrest, with contributing factors of septic shock and pneumonia, according to his death certificate. He had been a patient at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center in Las Vegas, where Higgs was his critical care nurse. No autopsy was performed. On Monday, Greg Augustine said his family had been told that preliminary autopsy results for Kathy Augustine found "no evidence of plaque buildup" in his stepmother's arteries and that "there was no evidence of heart disease at all." He declined to say who had provided this information. Reno Police Deputy Chief Jim Johns has said that preliminary "indications" showed no evidence of long-term heart disease. On Friday, Greg Augustine said about Hicks, "A person is innocent until proven guilty. But I am not surprised he tried to kill himself." However, on Monday he and brother Larry and sister Amanda urged restraint on the part of the public and news media in speculating on the cause of their stepmother's death. The statement said that the events of the past week had left family members and friends with a "sense of loss, grief and uncertainty," but that the public needed to give detectives and the Washoe County coroner's office time to "investigate the details surrounding Kathy's death." In a separate statement, Kathy Augustine's natural daughter, Dallas Augustine, also requested through a spokesman that conjecture be curbed. Dallas, who was born during her mother's first marriage, took the last name of her stepfather. "She just lost her mother," said consultant Mark Fierro, acting as her spokesman. "All of it is so shocking to her. When the autopsy is released she will make comments at an appropriate time." Citing Augustine's relative youth and lack of a family history of heart disease, the Reno Police Department opened an investigation into the cause of her death. The state Division of Investigations later joined the investigation. Meanwhile, Reno police confirmed that they had secured a search warrant after Kathy Augustine was hospitalized and searched her Reno home. "I have been told there wasn't anything remarkable found," said Reno police spokesman Steve Frady. "We have to wait for the toxicological results before we have a definitive cause of the death." This could take several weeks. Material from the autopsy has been sent to the FBI's crime lab in Virginia for analysis. Augustine's brother, Philip Alfano of Turlock, Calif., cautioned that there should be "no rush to judgment," but added the family is suspicious about the cause of the controller's death. In a telephone interview Thursday night, Higgs said he loved his wife and was disturbed by speculation that he somehow might have been involved in her death. Kathy Augustine, a Southern California native, was first elected to office in 1992 as a Republican assemblywoman. She was later elected to the state Senate, and in 1999 became state controller, the state's chief fiscal officer. Allegations of official misconduct arose in 2003. She was impeached by the Assembly and convicted by the state Senate for using state equipment on her 2002 campaign. She was censured but not removed from office. Because she was term-limited out of office, she launched a campaign for treasurer, over the objections of state Republican Party leadership that did not want to be associated with her tainted record. Review-Journal writer Brian Haynes and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 11111111111111111 5555555555555555555555555555555555 88888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
071506-1167 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Jul. 15, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal SUSPICIONS SURFACE: Augustine husband slits wrists Apparent suicide attempt comes as police probe death By BRIAN HAYNES, ED VOGEL and DAVID KIHARA © 2006 REVIEW-JOURNAL [[[Chaz Higgs State controller's husband taken to hospital from Las Vegas home]]] [[[Kathy Augustine State controller died Tuesday of an apparent heart attack at age 50]]] [[[Neighbors John Tsitouras, right, and Ron DeCar stand Friday morning near Kathy Augustine's home near Maryland Parkway and Charleston Boulevard. Photo by Jeff Scheid.]]] The husband of state Controller Kathy Augustine apparently tried to kill himself Friday morning, as suspicions surfaced about the circumstances surrounding his wife's unexpected death. Chaz Higgs, 42, slit his wrists about 10:30 a.m. in the Las Vegas home he had shared with Augustine, according to Las Vegas police. Paramedics took him to University Medical Center, which had discharged him by evening. Augustine died Tuesday at Washoe Medical Center, three days after Higgs said he found her unconscious in their Reno home. Higgs, a critical care nurse, said his wife died of an apparent heart attack. Final autopsy results have not been released, but Reno Police Deputy Chief Jim Johns confirmed Friday that preliminary autopsy indications were that "there wasn't evidence of long-term heart disease." Reno police and the state Division of Investigation were scrutinizing Augustine's death because she was only 50 years old and had no known history of heart trouble. Augustine's 36-year-old stepson, Greg Augustine of Thousand Oaks, Calif., told the Review-Journal that he thought her death was suspicious and that he had lingering questions about the 2003 death of his father. Charles Augustine, 63, was hospitalized after suffering a stroke. "He was getting better, and then suddenly all his organs failed," said Greg Augustine, whose father was married to Kathy Augustine for 17 years. "There never was an autopsy. His body should be exhumed." Higgs, who was Charles Augustine's critical care nurse during his stay at Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center, married Kathy Augustine three weeks after Charles Augustine's death. "A person is innocent until proven guilty," Greg Augustine said. "But I am not surprised he tried to kill himself." On Thursday evening, Higgs said he welcomed the police investigation into Kathy Augustine's death but was troubled by speculation of foul play. "I loved this woman who died, and now there is all this (expletive) coming up," said Higgs, who has had a clean disciplinary record since becoming a nurse in Nevada in 2002. "It is just crazy for people to assume I had something to do with it. I asked for the autopsy. I want to clear it up. My wife was a healthy 50-year-old woman who dropped dead. I want to find out what happened. People don't know what went on in our home. She was frazzled and stressed out." Steve Frady of the Reno Police Department said the probe into Augustine's death was not a criminal investigation and "no one has been identified as a suspect or a person of interest." Greg Augustine, who accompanied his stepmother on campaign trips throughout the state, said he didn't believe that a stress-related heart attack had killed her. "This woman thrived on stress," he said. "She has been through seven or eight elections and an impeachment. Running for treasurer wouldn't cause her stress. She would be excited." Kathy Augustine was running as a Republican candidate for state treasurer because term limits prevented her from serving a third term as state controller, the state's chief fiscal officer. In 2004, the state Assembly impeached her on three counts of campaign violations, but she was not removed from office. A longtime friend of hers, who requested anonymity, said Charles Augustine had left his wife their Las Vegas home and had a $1 million life insurance policy. "Chaz couldn't even pay his bills," the friend said. "We all wanted her to get a living trust. We didn't want him to drain her of everything she had." In 1998, Higgs and a former wife filed for bankruptcy in Virginia, records show. Higgs and Augustine had a rocky marriage, the friend said. "She kicked him out once and then took him back," she said. "She talked frequently about divorcing him." Higgs said Thursday that he had nothing to gain financially from his wife's death because the estate had been left to her daughter, Dallas Augustine. "I didn't care," he said. "I loved the woman." Kathy Augustine had three stepchildren -- Greg, Andrea and Larry -- from her marriage with Charles. Higgs has a 10-year-old daughter from a previous marriage. On Friday, Dallas Augustine said she kicked in a bedroom door that Higgs had tied shut with a necktie, and police were called after she found him along with a suicide note in the home on the 1400 block of Maria Elena Court, near Maryland Parkway and Charleston Boulevard. She declined to give details of the note. "It was a suicide note. It wasn't a confession," she said. A day earlier, Las Vegas police were called to the home about 5:30 p.m. for a family disturbance. Two men apparently were arguing in the house, but nobody was arrested. Neighbor John Tsitouras, a longtime friend of Kathy Augustine's, said someone called police after mistaking a slammed door for a gunshot during an argument. Tsitouras, 81, and his wife, Dotty, 83, said they had long been wary of Higgs. "Everyone who knew Kathy over the years had something negative to say about him," Dotty Tsitouras said Friday afternoon before leaving for a private viewing for Kathy Augustine. The couple said they were good friends with Kathy Augustine's former husband, Charles. John Tsitouras said he took Charles Augustine to the hospital when he had a "minor stroke" in 2003. Charles Augustine appeared to be getting better before he died, Tsitouras said. Kathy Augustine's funeral will be held as scheduled at 9 a.m. today at Guardian Angel Cathedral, 302 Cathedral Way, just off the Strip. Review-Journal staff writers Lynnette Curtis and Lawrence Mower and The Associated Press contributed to this report. 1111111111111111111111 55555555555555555555555555555555 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 **************************************************** | |
071406-1012 |
Post through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal:Jul. 14, 2006 Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal State agency joins look into death of controller By ED VOGEL REVIEW-JOURNAL CAPITAL BUREAU [[[Kathy Augustine State controller died Tuesday at age 50]]] CARSON CITY -- The state Division of Investigations on Thursday accepted a Reno Police Department request to join its investigation into the death of state Controller Kathy Augustine. State investigators will be checking Augustine's Capitol office to make sure nothing is missing, said Steve George, a spokesman for Gov. Kenny Guinn. Augustine died Tuesday afternoon at the Washoe Medical Center, three days after her husband, Chaz Higgs, found her unconscious in their Reno home. Higgs, a critical care nurse, said Augustine apparently suffered a massive heart attack. She was 50 years old. The controller's funeral has been set for 9 a.m. Saturday in Guardian Angel Cathedral in Las Vegas. The public is invited to attend the funeral at 302 Cathedral Way, just off the Strip. In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations be made to a local food bank or a Catholic charity. A private burial will follow the service. An autopsy on Augustine's body was performed Wednesday by the Washoe County coroner's office. Preliminary results could be available as early as today. A toxicology report may not be ready for several weeks. Higgs said he found Augustine unconscious in the bedroom about 6:30 a.m. Saturday, tried to revive her and then called 911. He said his wife had complained of a stomach ache and heartburn in the days leading up to her death, but had no history of serious medical problems Coroner Vernon McCarty said Thursday he requested the autopsy because her "medical history is not sufficient to explain a sudden death." Reno Police Department spokesman Steve Frady said police opened an investigation into her death because of her relatively young age and lack of medical problems. He said the investigation at this point is considered "noncriminal." Detectives, however, want to talk with people familiar with Augustine's activities last week. People with information about Augustine should call the detective division at 775-334-2188 or Secret Witness at 775-322-4900. Frady said the 911 call Higgs made is part of the investigation and will not be released. During a Monday news conference, Higgs said he thought Augustine suffered a heart attack because of stress brought on by her campaign for state treasurer and the impeachment trial she endured in the Legislature in 2004. Augustine was impeached for violating state campaign ethics laws, but not removed from office. She continued to maintain her innocence. A law prevented her from seeking a third term as controller, so in May she filed her candidacy for treasurer. Her name will remain on the Aug. 15 primary ballot. Frady said the investigation into Augustine's death is not unusual. "Our death review team goes through every death report, those of residents, the homeless, visitors," Frady said. "We almost always have an officer on the scene of any death. When you have a young person in good health who dies and there is no sign of trauma, it causes us to take a look." Frady had no official statistics on how often such investigations are launched, but estimated it's 30 percent or 40 percent of the time. 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 ******************************************************* | | Go To Page: 1 [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32] | |