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030505-2168 |
Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain By Tiffany ChangAt the time when he sent the following article to Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) by e-mail, "Many thanks for your precious help. This is the article I tried to forward to you. My wife and I are so moved by your valuable efforts. I should work hard," wrote Huang Xiaosheng, Esq., to Dr. Tony Lei late in the night on March 4, 2005.*1 The Chinese Association of Las Vegas is led by Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., as its Chairman. It held successfully a special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival on February 19, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*2 The following is a profile about Xiaosheng Huang on the website at www.lawhuang.com: Xiaosheng Huang, Managing Partner Born in Nanyang of Henan, China Managing Partner, Law Huang International Ltd. VP &Chief Counsel, Southwest Bull & John, Inc. Las Vegas, NV University of Notre Dame Law School, IN, USA Foreign Affairs College, Beijing, China East China Normal University, Shanghai, China People's Representative of Putuo District, Shanghai, China, 1990-1993 Chairman, Chinese Association of Las Vegas Licensed in the Courts of State of New York*3 Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., was the hit winner of visitor number at one hundred two thousand and fifth (#102,005th) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti on March 3, 2005 in Las Vegas, Nevada. ·üţɽ×ß³öµÄÃÀ¹úÂÉʦ (Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain)*4 ³¤‰ˆ 2002Äê6ÔÂ25ÈÕÉÏÎç11ʱ30·Ö£¬ ÔÚÃÀ¹úŦԼÖÝ×î¸ß·¨Ôº£¬À´×ÔÖйúºÓÄÏÊ¡ÄÏÕÙÏصĻÆЦÉú±»ÊÚÓèŦԼÖÝ×¢²áÂÉʦ£¬ È¡µÃÔÚÃÀ¹úŦԼÖݺÍÃÀ¹úÁª°î¸÷¼¶·¨ÔºµÄÖ´Òµ×ʸñ¡£ ×÷Ϊһλ´Ó·üţɽÇø×ß³öÈ¥µÄÇàÄ꣬ Äܹ»¿çÔ½ÓïÑÔ¡¢ÎÄ»¯ºÍ·¨ÂÉÌåϵÉϵľ޴óºè¹µ£¬±ÏÒµÓÚÖÐÃÀÈý´óÃûУ£¬»ñµÃÁ½¸ö·¨ÂÉ˶ʿ£¬ ²¢×îÖÕ»ñµÃÃÀ¹ú×ÉùÍûµÄŦԼÖÝÂÉʦ֤Ê飬ʵÔÚ¿Éϲ¿ÉºØ¡£ÕâÊÇ»ÆЦÉú¸°ÃÀÈýÄêÉî×격ÑС¢Õ½Ê¤¼èÄѵÄ˶¹û£¬¸üÊÇËûÊ®¼¸ÄêÀ´×ÔÇ¿²»Ï¢¡¢ÌìµÀ³êÇڵĽᾧ¡£Ãæ¶Ô×ŵ¸ßÍûÖصÄÃÀ¹ú·¨¹Ù, 32ËêµÄ»ÆЦÉú²»½ûÈÈÀáÓ¯¿ô£¬ ÐÄÖÐÏëÆðÉúËûÓýËû¡¢Ô¶¸ôǧɽÍòË®µÄ¸¸Ä¸Ë«Ç׺ÍÖлª´óµØ·üţɽÇø¡£ »ÆЦÉú×ÔÓ׺ÃѧÉϽø£¬Ö¾ÔÚǧÀï¡£Ëû1987Äê´ÓÄÏÕÙÒ»ÖбÏÒµ£¬¿¼ÈëÉϺ£»ª¶«Ê¦·¶´óѧµØÀíϵ¡£ÔÚ´óѧÆڼ䣬ËûÁ¬Ðø3Äêµ£Èΰ೤£¬²¢³ÉΪУ԰֪ÃûÈËÎï¡£1990Äê3Ô£¬ 21ËêµÄËû¾ºÑ¡µ±ÉÏÉϺ£ÊÐÆÕÍÓÇøµÚÊ®½ìÈËÃñ´ó»á´ú±í£¬ ³ÉΪµ±Ê±Öйú×îÄêÇáµÄÇøÏؼ¶ÈË´ó´ú±íÖ®Ò»¡£´óѧ±ÏÒµºó£¬ Ëûµ½±±¾©¹¤×÷£¬ÓÉÓÚÓ¢ÓïˮƽÓÅÒ죬 ¼ÓÉÏÔÚʵ¼ùÖеĶÍÁ¶ºÍ¿Ì¿à¹¥¶Á£¬ÔÚ1995ÄêËû¿¼ÈëÍ⽻ѧԺ¹ú¼Ê·¨Ïµ¹¥¶Á¹ú¼Ê·¨×¨ÒµË¶Ê¿Ñ§Î»£¬´Ó¶øʵÏÖÊÂÒµÉϵķÉԾת±ä¡£ÔÚÄõ½ÖйúµÄ·¨ÂÉ˶ʿѧλ֮ºó£¬ ËûÂí²»Í£ÌãµØÉêÇëµ½ÃÀ¹úÁôѧ£¬ ±»ÃÀ¹ú¸£ÌØ»ù½ð»á¸³ÓèÈ«¶î½±Ñ§½ð£¬ÓÚ1999Äê8Ôµ½ÃÀ¹úÖøÃûµÄʥĸ´óѧ£¨NOTRE DAME£©·¨Ñ§Ôº¹¥¶Á·¨ÂÉ¡£ Ëæ×ÅÎÒ¹ú¶ÔÍ⿪·ÅµÄ²»¶ÏÉîÈëºÍ¶ÔÍâ½»ÍùµÄÏÔÖøÔö¼Ó£¬¾«Í¨Ó¢Óï¡¢ÊìÚÏÖÐÃÀÁ½¹ú·¨ÂɵÄÈ˲ÄÔ½À´Ô½ÖËÊÖ¿ÉÈÈ¡£»ÆЦÉú·Ç³£ÕäÊÓÕâÒ»ÈËÉúÆõ»ú£¬¸°ÃÀºóÈ«ÉíÐĵØͶÈëµ½¶ÔÃÀ¹ú·¨ÂɵÄѧϰºÍʵ¼ùÉÏ¡£ ÃÀ¹úÊÇÒ»¸ö·¨ÖÎÉç»á£¬ÂÉʦÔÚÃÀ¹úµÄÉç»áÖÐÕ¼¾ÝÖØÒªµØ룬ÂÉʦµÄÊÕÈëÒ²½ÏºÃ£¬ ËùÒÔÃÀ¹úѧÉú¶ÔÓÚ·¨Ñ§Ôº×ÜÊÇÇ÷Ö®Èôæð¡£²»¹ýÃÀ¹ú·¨Ñ§ÔºÀïµÄѧϰѹÁ¦¼«´ó£¬ Ò»¸öѧÉúƽ¾ùÿÖÜÒªÔĶÁ80¸ö°¸ÀýÒÔÉÏ£¬×ÖС¡¢Ò³Êý¶à¡¢°¸ÇéºÍ·¨Àí·±ÔÓ£¬¶ÁÍê°¸Àý»¹Òª×¼±¸µÚ¶þÌìÉÏ¿ÎʱµÄÄ£Äⷨͥ³Â´Ê¡£ »ÆЦÉúºÍËûµÄÃÀ¹úͬѧһÑù£¬³£³£Ã¿Ììֻ˯5¸öСʱ£¬ÒÔͼÊé¹ÝΪ¼Ò¡£ ΪÁË×¼±¸Å¦Ô¼ÖݵÄÂÉʦ×ʸñ¿¼ÊÔ£¬ Ëû°Ñ´Ó±±¾©´øµ½ÃÀ¹úµÄÒ»¼þÅ£×пã×øÆÆÁËËĸö´ó¶´¡£¼¸Ê®±¾ºñÈô³ÇǽµÄ´ó·¨µä£¬¼èɬµÄ·¨ÂÉרҵÊõÓʱʱÈÃÒ»¸öÍÁÉúÍÁ³¤µÄÖйúÈ˾õµÃÎÞ·¨ÓâÔ½µÄÓïÑÔÎÄ»¯ÕÏ°ºÍÄÑÒÔÅÅDzµÄ˼ÏçÖ®Ç飬 ¶¼¹¹³ÉÁ˶ÔÕâ¸öº£ÍâÓÎ×ÓÖÇÁ¦ºÍÐÄÀíÉÏÇ°ËùδÓеÄÌôÕ½¡£ ÿ·ê´Ëʱ£¬ Ëû¾ÍÏëÆðÁ˺ÓÄÏÀϼҵĸ¸Ä¸ÏçÇ׺Íɽɽˮˮ£¬·üţɽ¸æËßËû£º¡°ÓÀ²»ÍËËõ£¡¡±¡£ »ÆЦÉúÔڻعËÈýÄêÃÀ¹ú¿à¶ÁµÄÈÕ×Óʱ£¬×ÔÈ»¸Ð¿®Íòǧ¡£ËûÔÚÔ½Ñóµç»°Àï¶Ô¼ÇÕß˵£º¡°ÎÒÕæÕýÌå»áµ½Ê²Ã´ÊǶÁÊ飬ʲôÊÇÖªÄѶø½ø¡£ÎÒÕâÈýÄêÀïÔÚ¹úÍâ¶ÁÁËÔÚ¹úÄÚÊ®ÄêÀïËù¶Á¹ýµÄÊ飬×îºó³É¹¦µØÓÃÃÀ¹úÈ˵ÄÓïÑÔºÍ˼ά×ö³ÉÁËƽ³£ÃÀ¹úÈ˶¼Íû¶øÉúηµÄÊÂÇé¡£¡± ³É¼¨ÊôÓÚ¹ýÈ¥£¬Î´À´È«ÓÉ×Ô¼ºÅ¬Á¦´òÆ´¡£»ÆЦÉú°ÑÈ¡µÃÃÀ¹úÂÉʦ×ʸñÊÓΪËû¸°ÃÀ·Ü¶·µÄÒ»¸öССÆ𲽡£ ËûÒѾ¸ø×Ô¼º¶¨ºÃÏÂÒ»¸öÊ®ÄêµÄÊÂҵĿ±ê£º³ÉΪÎÅÃûÖÐÃÀµÄ´óÂÉʦ¡£ ËûÉîÖª£¬Ò»Î»ÓÅÐãµÄÂÉʦ±ØÐë¾ß±¸¹ã²©¾«×¼µÄ֪ʶ´¢±¸¡¢ÑµÁ·ÓÐËصķ¨ÂÉ˼±çÄÜÁ¦ºÍÊÀʶ´Ã÷¡¢ÈËÇéÁ·´ïµÄÉç½»²ÅÄÜ¡£Îª´Ë£¬Ëû×Ü°ÑÔÚÃÀ¹úµÄ·¨ÂÉѧϰÑÓÉìµ½¿ÎÌúÍͼÊé¹ÝÖ®Íâ¡£Ò»Óлú»á£¬ Ëû¾Í×ß³öÈ¥£¬ÉîÈëÁ˽âÃÀ¹úÕâ¸ö¹ú¼ÒµÄÕþ·¨Öƶȡ¢¾¼ÃÎÄ»¯ºÍ·çÍÁÈËÇ飻ËûÔÚ´óѧ±¨Ö½ÉÏ·¢±íÎÄÕ£¬¶Ô·¨Ñ§ÔºµÄÀÏʦͬѧÑݽ²£¬°Ý»áÃÀ¹ú¸÷½çÈËÊ¿£¬ÏòËûÃǽéÉÜÖйú£¬ÌرðÊÇÖйú×Ըĸ↑·ÅÒÔÀ´µÄ¾Þ´ó½ø²½£»ËûÔø¼Ý³µ´Ó¶«ÃæµÄŦԼһֱ¿ªµ½Î÷²¿µÄÂåÉ¼í¶£¬»¹ÔÚ¹ãÀ«µÄÖÐÎ÷²¿Ìì¿ÕÉÏѧ¿ª·É»ú¡£ ×î½üÒ»Ä꣬ËûÔÚÀ˹ά¼Ó˹µÄÂÉʦÊÂÎñËùʵϰÆڼ䣬Ôø´úÀíһλµ±ÊÂÈË×´¸æÃÀ¹úÁª°î˾·¨²¿£¬´Ùʹ˾·¨²¿Í¬ÒâºÍËûµÄµ±ÊÂÈË´ï³ÉÍ¥ÍâºÍ½â£»Ëû»¹³É¹¦µØ˵·þÃÀ¹úÒÆÃñ¾ÖÅú׼һλӡÄỪÇÈÔÚÃÀ¹úµÄÕþÖαӻ¤°¸£¬Ò»Î»À´×ÔÏã¸Û¿Í»§ÔÚËûµÄ·¨ÂÉ×ÉѯÏ£¬Ë³ÀûµØÍê³ÉÒ»×®±êµÄ¶îΪ200ÍòÃÀÔªµÄͶ×ÊÃÀ¹úÏîÄ¿¡£ ÔÚÄÏÕٻƼҵÄÕýÌÃÖ®ÉÏ£¬ ¹Ò×ÅÕâÑùÒ»·ùÖμÒʫƪ£º¡°œUË®äýäý·¢Ò»ãü£¬Î¨ÇÚÓëºã¾ÞÒµÐË£¬ÎªÓö¹µ½§·½³©´ï£¬Öռò׺£Öú·«Éý¡£¡±ÎÒÃÇ×£Ô¸ºÈ°×ºÓË®³¤´ó´Ó·üţɽ×ß³öÈ¥µÄ»ÆЦÉúÂÉʦÊÂÒµÉϸüÉÏÒ»²ãÂ¥£¬Îª¼ÒÏçÈËÃñÕù¹â¡£ ÄÏÑôÈÕ±¨*5 ----------------------------------- References *1. Huang, Xiaosheng. 'Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain,' "An e-mail from Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., to WBTI," (March 4, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Law Huang International Ltd. *2. Next Weekly. 'Chinese Association of Las Vegas held a special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival,' "A search about xiaosheng huang esq on Google.com," (March 5, 2005, U. S. A.: Google.com. 3. Law Huang International Ltd. 'Xiaosheng Huang, Esq.,' "A search about Law Huang International Ltd. on Yahoo.com," (March 5, 2005), U. S. A.: Yahoo.com. *4. Huang, Xiaosheng. '·üţɽ×ß³öµÄÃÀ¹úÂÉʦ (Xiaosheng Huang, an American attorney from Fu Niu Mountain),' "An e-mail from Xiaosheng Huang, Esq., to WBTI," (March 4, 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada: Law Huang International Ltd. *5. Ibid. 777777777777777777 6666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
030405-8767 |
Pepperdine University ---Join Us for the next Dean's Executive Leadership Series By GSBM Alumni of Pepperdine UniversityYou're Invited The Dean's Executive Leadership Series at the Graziadio School of Business and Management is proud to present Dan Carrison Author, Business Under Fire In the post 9/11 world, businesses are challenged by much more than economic downturns. In his new book Business Under Fire, former New York Times journalist Dan Carrison examines the challenges faced by Israeli companies conducting business during a time of terrorist threats and attacks. He will share lessons learned from interviews with dozens of Israeli executives -- including the director of the Israel Ministry of Tourism and the president of El Al Israel Airlines - on how business are effectively rethinking their marketing and operational strategies. Join Dean Linda A. Livingstone and fellow Graziadio alumni, faculty, and friends for a look at global business under fire. When: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 Reception: 5 p.m. Program: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Where: Pepperdine University Drescher Graduate Campus Main Auditorium RSVP Today: Attendance is free and seating is limited. To register online, please visit: http://www.Bschool.pepperdine.edu/dels. Mark Your Calendar for April 2005 Dean's Executive Leadership Series presents Los Angeles City Controller Laura Chick Wednesday, April 6, 2005 Pepperdine University Drescher Graduate Campus Management Partners presents David Bishop President and COO, MGM Home Entertainment Group Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Pepperdine University West Los Angeles Graduate Campus Management Partners presents Business Entrepreneurs Panel Wednesday, April 27, 2005 Pepperdine University West Los Angeles Graduate Campus -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on these and other Graziadio Alumni Events visit our website at www.Bschool.pepperdine.edu/alumni/events/. Graziadio School of Business & Management Pepperdine University - West LA Graduate Campus Advancement and Alumni Relations Office 6100 Center Drive, 3rd floor Los Angeles, CA 90045-1590 Phone: 310.568.5639 Fax: 310.568.2398 http://bschool.pepperdine.edu/alumni Have you moved? Changed jobs? Changed your e-mail address? Update your personal information and stay in touch with fellow alumni at http://pepperdine.alumsys.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Announcement of the 2005 Howard A. White Award for Teaching Excellence Pepperdine University is pleased to announce that it is now accepting nominations from faculty, staff, students, and alumni for the 2005 Howard A. White Award for Teaching Excellence. The University bestows the award on full-time faculty members who have distinguished themselves as exceptional teachers. All full-time faculty members are eligible to receive the award. Nominations for the 2005 awards will be accepted through March 28, 2005. Additional information about the Howard A. White Award for Teaching Excellence and a convenient on-line nomination form are available at http://www.pepperdine.edu/provost/awards/ 66666666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
030405-7697 |
A world of diversity with one voice By AARCNASIAN AMERICAN REPUBLICAN COALITION OF NEVADA Clark County Chapter GENERAL MEETING DATE: March 6, 2005 LOCATION: Chang's Restaurant 702-362-3663 4670 S. Decatur; LV NV 89103 $20 per person TIME: 3:00 p.m. AGENDA: 1. Pledge 2. Prayer 3. Review Minutes of previous meeting for approval 4. Report of Officers A. President Report (1) Recognition of the newly elect NAARC officers: Chairman: Dr. Calota 1st Vice Chair: Grace Shu 2nd Vice Chair: Elena Brady Secretary: Dolly DeLeon Treasurer: Dr. Truong Tran (2) NAARC Appointees Co-chair Chinese Americans Committee: Charles Wang (NY) Co-chair Filipino Americans Committee: Paul Blanco Co-chair Korean Americans Committee: Dr. Sonny Lee (NJ) Co-chair VN Americans Committee: Dr. Jas Brooks (NV) Executive Director: Dr. Leo Pandac (CA) Communications Director: Rudy Asercion (CA) White House Liason: Jun Policarpio (NY) Political Director: Augustus Alzona (MD) (3) Nevada Republican Party of Clark County Chair Health care Committee: Dr. Jas Brooks Chair Asian Committee: Dr. Jas Brooks Chair Art Awareness Committee: Edgar Guo (4) Education Grant (5) Non Profit Organization 501 (c) (3) - AARCN - Education Committee B. Vice President Report SPEAKER: Atty. Pete Rinato BREAK: 10 minutes DINNER Soup Beef with Broccoli Pork Cutlet in Black Pepper Sauce with Onion Fish sauteed with Broccoli & Snow Pea in White Wine Sauce Crispy Chicken Sauteed Lettuce with Preserved Soy Bean Sauce Szechuan Tofu Egg Foo-yong Chow Chou Style Napa Cabbage with Dried Shrimp & Vermicelli Wine is included 5. Report of Special Committees: Event Planning Committee - Induction Ball 6. Membership - AARCN, AARCN of Clark County, NAARC 7. Unfinished Business and General Orders - Secretary 8. New Business - Formation of various committees/leadership teams - Fundraising 9. Adjournment Contact: Jas Brooks 702-493-3330 President AARCN of Clark County Co- Chair NAARC VN American Edgar Guo 702-303-8237 Vice President AARCN of Clark County 88888888888888 999999999999999999999999999 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
030405-6876 |
Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn statement on proposal to divert federal land sales from NEVADA By Office of the Governor FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 1, 2005 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 CARSON CITY – Gov. Kenny Guinn today released the following statement regarding a proposal by the Bush Administration to divert profits from the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act from the State of Nevada: “I want to make it clear that I am strongly opposed to the federal government taking funds away from the state,” Gov. Guinn said of a proposal in President George W. Bush’s budget that would divert a large percentage of Southern Nevada land sale profits from Nevada and into the U.S. Treasury. “I am in agreement with our congressional delegation that this must not be allowed to happen. The State of Nevada has had a good working relationship with the Bush Administration on a number of important public lands issues, but on this particular issue, I am solidly with our delegation to stop this diversion of funding that Nevada not only needs, but is entitled to. “This is an issue of critical importance to the future of our state. I will be working closely with leaders from the Western Governors Association, which typically deals with public lands issues, and in addition I plan on making personal contact with the Bush Administration, and especially Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton, to tell them that this proposal is not good for the people of Nevada.” Office of the Governor 101 North Carson Street Fax: 775-684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Building 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 702-486-2505 66666666666666666 7777777777777777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ************************************************** | |
030305-3787 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, 9:17 a. m., Thursday, March 3, 2005 # Third Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Nancy Saitta was appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration by WBTI By Tiffany ChangWould you like to share wth our faculty members the following peices of good words with wisdom in our management endeavor: "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves." --- Romans 12 : 10 of the Bible "Perfume and incense bring joy to the heart, and the pleasantness of one's friend spring from his earnest counsel." --- Proverbs 27 : 9 of the Bible "The secret of joy in work is contain in one word -- excellence. To know how to do something well is to enjoy it." --- Pearl Buck "Ms. Nancy Saitta was appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on December 17, 2003. On behalf of the Faculty and Board members of WBTI, President Dr. Tony Lei will hold a celebration dinner party to welcome her as one of our excellent faculty members of the Graduate School," Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI announced on December 18, 2003 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A. A celebration dinner party for her appointment was held by President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI at the Lillies Langtrys Restaurant in Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino on May 11, 2004 in Las Vegas. Ms. Nancy Saitta received her Juris Doctor in 1986 from Wayne State University. She earned her Bechelor of Science Degree, Magna Cum Laude in 1983 from Wayne State University. Nancy was born in Detroit, Michigan the daughter of Alfred V. and Virginia M. Meyer. Married to Joseph J. Saitta, she has four children and three grandchidren. Nancy has been a Southern Nevada resident since 1990.*1 Ms. Nancy Saitta was elected to the Eighth Judicial District Court in November 1998. She was appointed to Las Vegas Municipal Court in October, 1996. Prior to her appoinment, Nancy was a senior deputy attorney general where she serve as the Children's Advocate for the State of Nevada. Formerly, she was with Pearson and Patton and later because an associate at the law firm of Gentile and Porter. Ms. Saitta began her legal career in 1984 as a law clerk for Walter D. Meyers in Detriot, Michagan. She joined their firm as a criminal defense lawyer following graduation from law school. Nancy was an associate professor at Wayne State University, Department of Criminal Justice. She taught Litigation I and II at the American Institute for Paralegal Studies. She teaches in the criminal justice department of the Univeristy of Phoenix. Nancy has been a keynote speaker and faculty member at several national conferences.*2 Judge Saitta was also an arbitrator for the New York Stock Exchange Arbitration Panel during 1985. Her memberships include: CASA Foundation Board, Clark County Public Education Foundation, and Clark County Bar Association Executive Committee. She retains membership in several local national children's advocacy organizations. Nancy was appointed by the Governor to the Nevada State Juvenile Justice Commission. She created the Clark County Missing and Exploited Children Comprehensive Action Program ("M/CAP"), a program coordinated with the U. S. Department of Justice.*3 Nancy developed the Southern Nevada Fatality Review Team and the specialized court project for case management of Construction Defect cases. Her awards and honors include: the "For the Children" award presented by the Office of the Attorney General in recognition of her outstanding contribution to Nevada's children and the District Attorney Outstanding Service Award, and the Child Advocate of the year (2001). Nancy had several teaching and academic appointments. On September 2000, she had "view From the Bench" -- Cross Examination on the Clark County Bar Association Continuing Education. Her Seminars and Training included: (1) The North american Symposium of Internationa Child Abduction -- sponsored by the ABA, Washington, D. C. (2) NationalAssociation of Attorneys General consumer Protection Seminar -- "violence in the Media and its Effects on Child," Madison, Wisconsin.*4 Dr. Tony Lei received the list of District Judge Nancy Saitta's recent accomplishments from the fax by her in the afternoon on November 14, 2003 as in the following: 1. Created the Complex Litigation Division - 8th Judicial District Court. 2. Received National Association of County Government Award for Complex Case Management Model. 3. Keynote speaker at West Coast Casualty Insurance and Construction Defect Conference, Anaheim, California. 4. Featured speaker at MC2 Construction Conference, Key West, Florida. 5. Nevada Trial Lawyers Annual Conference speaker re: "Abusive Litigation Tactics". 6. District Court Legislative Liasion to the 2003 Nevada Legislative Session.*5 "It's significant. The integrity of community service and academic research of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) will certainly help Nevada go advance for the cooperation and development in education, business, and culture among international countries. As an Adjunct Associate Professor of its Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA), I'm sure with excellent faculty members and Advirory Board, WBTI will also have fund supports from individuals, businesses, and governments for its valuably educational and academic programs," said Nancy Saitta, District Judge of Nevada, at the event and dinner party held by WBTI at the Lillies Langtrys Restaurant in Golden Nugget Hotel and Casino on May 11, 2004 in Las Vegas.*6 ----------------------------- Refernces *1. Aguilar, Cecilla. 'Bio for Judge Saitta,' "An e-mail of Cecilia Aguilar," (December 18, 2003), p. 1. *2. Ibid. *3. Google. 'Newsbrief of WBTI on May 14, 2004,' "A search about Ms. Nancy Saitta, Esq., on Google.com," (March 3, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. *4. Saitta, Nancy. "The printout of Judge Nancy Saitta's Resume,' (May 11, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: To Dr. Tony Lei by Judge Nancy Saitta. *5. Saitta, Nancy. "Judge Nancy Saitta's recent accomplishments,' "An e-mail of Nancy Saitta," (November 14, 2003), p. 1. *6. Saitta, Nancy. "A writing document with my signature on the literature by Washington Business and Technology Institute," (May 11, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. 88888888888888888888888888 66666666666666666666666666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************************************** | |
030205-3787 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, 3:37 p. m., Wednesday, March 2, 2005 #Second Printing of the Third Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI was remarkable By Rory Reid, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany ChangThe Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI was held at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel on May 19, 2003 in Las Vegas. The theme of the mini symposium was: The Entrepreneurship of MPA/SME Certificates Program for the people of English and Chinese Speaking.*1 Dr. E. Lee Bernick, Congresswoman Shelley Berkly, State Senator Dina Titus, Distrct Judge Valorie Vega, Clark County Commissioner Rory Reid, Las Vegas Judge Bert Brown, and Clark County Chief Deputy District Attorney Abbi Silver were invited as the Panelists of Honor of the Event and Dinner party. As Dean of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA), WBTI, Dr. Bernick is also Chairman and Professor of the Department of Public Administration, UNLV. The following individuals were invited as Special Guests of the Party : Dr. An-pny Sun, Associate Professor of Social Work of UNLV; Jimmy Hsu, Director of the Las Vegas Office of "Chinese Daily News;" Jean Gatchalian, General Manager of "Nevada Examiner;" Liane Lee, Regional Representative of U. S. Senator Harry Reid; Kathie Ambrosio, Regional Representative of U. S. Senator John Ensign, and Representative of the Communitylink of Las Vegas Review-Journal. com. The Symposium functioned also as a celebration Dinner Party for the appointment of Dr. Bernick as Dean and the six famous professionals as Faculty Members of GSBPA. Chaired by Dr. Tony Lei, President of WBTI, the Symposium accompanied elegantly with a Champagne Dinner was sponsored and host by him and his wife at the Zax (Italian and Japanese) Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel.*2 The MPA/SME Certificates Program are designed on the basis of theoreticality and practicality for public administration. This has marked again the milestone of practical and educational cooperation between UNLV and WBTI. "Learning through teaching is a good philosophy of a happy and successful life style. It's my spacious opportunity and honor to be an Adjunct Assistant Professor of GSBPA. In utilizing both of my knowledge and experience, I'm challenged and happy to share the learning and teaching process on Criminal Law together with our graduate students from China, Malaysia, Singapore, and Taiwan in the classrooms offered by UNLV," said Judge Bert Brown who has been voted as the best municipal judge.*3 "As a District Judge of Nevada, it's my honor to announce the installation of the adjunct faculty members of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute as in the following: Dean of the Public Administration Division: Dr. E. Lee Bernick; Dean of the Business Administration Division: Dr. Keong Leong; Professors of Administratiive Strategies: Dr. Shelley Berkley, and Dr. Dina Titus; Associate Professor of Crimial Law: Dr. Valorie Vega; Associate Professor Social Work: Dr. An-pyng Sun; Assistant Professor of Business Law: Dr. Roy Reid (promoted to Associate Professor on December 3, 2004); Assistant Professors of Criminal Law: Dr. Toy Gregory, Dr. Bert Brown, and Dr. Abbi Silver; Assistant Professor of Management Accounting: Oscar Jornaction, M.B.A., C.P.A.; and Honorary Director of Chinese Publicity: Jimmy Hsu,"*3 Distrct Judge Valorie Vega announced during the Symposium by WBTI on May 19, 2003 in Las Vegas. "The mission of this School will emphasize the humaniarian orientation of public administration and the social responsibility of business management. Through academic entrepreneurship, we may expect the endeavor of this School for the community service based on humane spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Dr. Dina Titus, Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA. "To encourage the cooperation and development of English and Chinese speaking countries with Nevada has been particularly important to our country at this critical period of time. The establishment of GSBPA will launch our effort that emphasizes the value of humane and administrative orientation. The creed of this School is both on the spirit of educational excellence and academic entrepreneurship. We're forecasting the smoth and efficient growth of this School together with the growth of the tourism industry and the economy of Nevada after 911 and SARS," Dr. E. Lee Bernick, Dean of GSBPA and Professor and Chair of the Public Administration Department of UNLV*4 said at the Summer 2003 Symposium and Dinner Party held by WBTI at the Zax Restaurant of Golden Nugget Casino on May 19, 2003 in Las Vegas. "Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental railroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the latest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling, and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your oustanding participation in the political, business , and educational processes.*5 It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader of the Senate at Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas.*6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References *1. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI is remarkable,' "WBTI Newsbrief," (June 6, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. Ibid. *3. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'WBTI to hold Summer 2003 Symposium,' "Nevada Examiner," (May 9 - 15, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *4. Ibid. *5. Bell, Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Las Vegas nicer with community service through cultural arts,' "10 Years of Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," Las Vegas, Nevada: Thai Cultural Arts of Las Vegas. *6. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Summer 2003 Symposium of WBTI is remarkable (February 18, 2004, Second Edition),' "A search about the Section of 'Business & Administration' of WBTI on Google.com," (March 2, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. 666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************************************************** | |
030105-7687 |
For community service! How intelligent!!! Just type your name like "miss gloria wong" or "dr kenny guinn"; or type esq after the name of a judge, judicial official, or attorney in Nevada like "Jessie walsh esq"; or type any name in the following fliers before "WBTI" on the searching box of Google.com please, and what could you find? You're on Google.com! Google answers our people, communities, and world!!! | |
A cartoon about Google.com: "Google is going to scan books and put them on the web!" "Wow! That's great!" ........................... "What's a book?" ---"PRICKLY CITY" (12/27/04)[Through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal.][Continue from a previous flier of a cartoon by 'Family Circus' ("I'm on the honor roll, but there's nothing about it on Google.")] Hi, good boy! You're almost everyday on Google.com with wbti - business! [ On the section of "Cartoons & Art" at: > http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ] Dear visitors, try this please: On the searching box of Google.com or aol.com, type any of the following names --- dr kenny guinn, dr kenny c guinn; professor harry reid, dr harry reid; dr john ensign; professor shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley; ms elaine chao, elaine chao u s, secretary elaine chao, elaine chao chairperson, elaine chao ms, elaine chao, wbti chairperson; ---; miss yin yan, yin yan miss, assistant president yin yan, yin yan, America Taiyu Investment, LLC.,; assistant president yi li, yi li miss, miss yi li, yi li; lynette mcdonald; valorie vega; nancy oesterle; agnas chan; bobby gronauer; jennifer togliatti; miss valerie weber, valerie e weber; besty kolkoski; natalie tyrrell; nafu lee; sapatra chemprachum; becky ung, e q becky ung, ms becky ung, eq chairperson; thai cultural art association of lv, tcaalv; nevada governor kenny guinn, chairman of advisory board kenny guinn, kenny guinn, governor kenny guinn, dr kenny c guinn; us senator harry reid, vice chairmen harry reid, harry reid, senator harry reid, dr harry reid; vice chairmen of advisory board john ensign, john ensign, senator john ensign, dr john ensign; us congreeswoman shelley berkley, executive director shelley berkley, shelley berkley, congreeswoman shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley ; jim gibbons wbti, congressman jim gibbons, james gibbons, jim gibbons; chairperson of wbti elaine chao, u s secretary of labor elaine chao, ms elaine chao, secretary elaine chao, elaine chao; wbti president; dr sun yuan kung, sun yuan kung; dr. tony lei, tony lei; brian sandoval advisor, brian sandoval esq, brian sandoval; bill maupin esq; bill maupin fellow, bill maupin, william maupin esq, william maupin; Dean Linda Livingstone (Pepperdine University), dr Linda Livingstone, linda livingstone, pepperdine university; vice presidents valorie vega, valoria vega, valorie vega esq; vice presidents mark denton, mark denton, mark denton esq; director of pai william thompson, william thompson, dr bill thompson, dr william thompson; gsbpa; director keong leong, dr. keong leong, keong leong, professor keong leong, g keong leong; director lee bernick, dr. lee bernick, lee bernick, professor lee bernick, e lee bernick; director sue fawn chung, dr. sue fawn chung, sue fawn chung, associate professor sue fawn chung; professor dina titus, dr dina titus; dina titus; Fellow of pai nancy becker, nancy becker; Fellow of pai sue del papa, sue del papa; jessie walsh esq, associate fellow jessie walsh, jessie walsh, miss jessie walsh; michele leavitt esq, associate fellow michele leavitt, michele leavitt, miss michele leavitt; lynette mcdonald, ms lynette mcdonald; ms barbara buckley, barbara buckley, barbara buckley associate fellow; nancy saitta esq; nancy saitta, ms nancy saitta; rory reid esq, associate professor rory reid, dr rory reid, rory reid; abbi silver esq, assistant professor abbi silver, abbi silver; nancy oesterle, nancy oesterle esq, miss nancy oesterle, associate fellow nancy oesterle; lorraine hunt, ms lorraine hunt, lt governor lorraine hunt, nevada lt governor lorraine hunt, chairpersons lorraine hunt; chairpersons oscar goodman, oscar goodman; ccdapcc; steve wolfson esq, steve wolfson, commissioner steve wolfson; david roger esq, ccdapcc david roger, david roger chairmen, david roger; ccdapcc bill young, bill young chairmen, bill young; miss nancy wong; nancy wong miss; nancy wong; spokesman dr john wang, john wang, john wang spokesman, dr john wang; valerie weber wbti, valerie weber assistant fellow, valerie weber; david amesbury esq, david amesbury; ---; dr ku-sheng kung, president kung ku-sheng, president ku-sheng kung, ku-sheng kung, kung ku-sheng; ---; professor lei hong-ying, lei hong-ying, hong-ying lei; ---; dr sun-yuan kung, sun-yuan kung; ---; dr chung-yuan kung, chung-yuan kung; ---; dr shieh-yuan kung, shieh-yuan kung; ---; tunghai university; Tunghai University Alumni Association; dr peter c c wang, peter c c wang; peter wang; Nevada examiner; Kairos Communication Service; president of event dr r d prabha, r d prabha md, r d prabha; president of event dr raj chanderraz, raj chanderraz md, raj chanderraz; chairman of coordinating dr peter lok, peter lok dr; media advisor william yuen, william yuen; financial advisor teresa woo, teresa woo; president of las vegas ... news helen hsueh, helen hsueh; leading chinese dr raymond yin, raymond yin dr, raymond yin; sapatra chemprachum; fellow lillian wallace (memorial), lillian wallace; julian wallace (memorial); Leading Chinese Literature World; Singapore Association of Nevada; Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association; institute nevada, nevada; lisa brown esq, associate fellow lisa brown, lisa brown; Anthony Del Vecchio associate fellow, n Anthony Del Vecchio, Anthony Del Vecchio esq; bert brown associate fellow, bert brown, bert brown esq; cedric kerns esq, associate fellow cedric kerns, cedric kerns; ann zimmerman esq, associate fellow ann zimmerman, ann zimmerman; tim wong wbti, tim wong, mr tim wong; nancy wong wbti, miss nancy wong, nancy wong; ms jackie glass, jackie glass adjunct associate professor, jackie glass, jackie glass esq; stewart bell senior advisor, stewart bell, stewart bell esq; ---; kathy augustine vice president, kathy augustine; miss kathy augustine; ---; writing advisor jerry tao, jerry tao esq, jerry tao; ---; oscar jornacion entrepreneurship advisor, oscar jornacion; ---; rory reid associate professor, rory reid; ---; john ponticello; ---; pastor paul goulet, paul goulet; ---; dolly deleon; miss dolly DeLeon---; peter lok; ---; mike vaswani; ---; rita vaswani; ---; mr. tonie sison, tonie sison; ---; pia galopon; ---; Xiaosheng Huang Esq, Xiaosheng Huang; ---; miss audrey cheng, audrey cheng ; ---; nancy nan jiang, nancy jiang; ---; zhen zhang miss, zhen zhang; ---; Jiemin Chen; ---; thalia dondero; ---; sonia joya; ---; nancy oesterle ms, nancy oesterle; ---; ms nancy diaz, nancy diaz; ---; john hunt esq, john hunt; mike davidson esq, mike davidson; ---; ---; kathie ambrosio, miss kathie ambrosio; --- ms gerri schroder, gerri schroder; ---; miss christine hu, christine hu, christine hu esq; ---; stefany miley; ---; miss gloria wong, gloria wong; ---; nadia jurani; ---; andrew lai; ---; Susan Keygiell; ---; ms sophy feng; ---; miss jasmine guo, jasmine guo; ---; atty xin wang, xin wang; ---; kate recto; ---; ms geny rosario, geny rosario; ---; janathan galviz; ---; miss eva guo, eva guo; ---; nadia contreras sales, nadia sales-bierals; ---; philippine times of las vegas; ---; philippine business executives ---; asian american times, ---; U.S. asian chronicle; ---; dr peter wang wbti, dr peter wang, peter wang; ---; dr an-pyng sun, an-pyng sun; ---; dr archie chang, archie chang, fellow archie chang; ---; coodinating advisor raymond lam, raymond lam; ---; jannilee phan; ---; chelsea yuan; ---; sonia joya; ---; ms mindy gao, mindy gao; ---; andrew benton president, dr andy benton, dr andrew benton, andrew benton Pepperdine Univesity President, andrew benton, dr andrew benton, pepperdine university; ---; dr charles runnels, charles runnels chancellor; charles runnels; ---; magaret weber dean of Pepperdine University, margaret weber; ---; m mayer director of school of education alumni Pepperdine, margaret mayer; ---; dr liz kent pepperdine, dr elizabeth kent, liz kent, liz starchuk; ---; dr patricia starchuk devin, dr patricia devin, tricia starchuk devin; ---; pamela bellew ( of Pepperdine University business school); ---; stafany a miley esq, stefany miley; ---; sean p q su md, sean su, dr sean su; ---; sabas (bobby) gaviola; ---; herb brown constable, herb brown; ---; stephen malinoff; ---; christine cacciapaglia; ---; rebecca goh, ---; mr benjamin yang; ---; international church of las vegas, paul goulet pastor, paul goulet, denise goulet pstor, denise goulet; ---; albert chang esq, albert chang; ---; NCAAPB; ---; eric chen esq, eric chen; ---; sophy w feng md, dr sophy feng; ---; rosa chen, miss rosa chen; ---; fay cheung; ---; john smith wbti, john smith; ---; sally yu wbti, sally yu, miss sally yu; ---; benson lee esq, benson lee; ---; dr roy adamson (memorial), roy adamson; ---; bettina ho; ---; lillian tsai, y s lei; ---; meiyang chang; ---; assistant iris zhang, iris zhang, miss iris zhang; ---; william jansen esq, william jansen, assistant fellow william jansen; ---; tony abbatangrlo esq, assistant fellow tony abbtangrlo (miss spelling for abbatangelo), tony abbatangelo; ---; miss meiyang chang; ---; ms lillian tsai; ---; tina shih; ---; zhiyong (john) wang, dr zhiyong (john) wang---; michael l douglas; ---; michael d davidson; ---; mr alex young; ---; living world christian church ---; gayle anderson; ---; lucky tropical fish; ---; dema guinn; ---; janet murphy; ---; suzie nguyen-su dds, suzie nguyen-su; ---; henry t so; ---; gerri schroder; ---; new china buffet; ---; ms rennie schreiber; ---; linda livingstone; ---; mr michael l montandon; ---; terrell prude' enterprises, terrell prude'; gerome t tao; ---; sandra l pomrenze; ---; ms jeanie wey; ---; properties of america; ---; mr alan t pan; ---; mr gordon xu; ---; e lee bernick; ---; miss nancy c oesterle; ---; n anthony del vecchio; ---; darden aquatics design; ---; mr steven talkjan; ---; robert a anderson jr; ---; christie f dailo; ---; chaoxia 'chelsea' yuan, miss chelsea yuan; ---; ms valorie j vega; ---; robert (bobby g) gronauer; ---; mr michael a cherry, michael a cherry esq; ---; ms deborah j lippis, deborah j lippis esq; ---; ms natalie l tyrrell, natalie l tyrrell esq ---; betsy kolkoski esq, betsy kolkoski; ---; charlyne chen, ms charlyne chen; ---; mr bai gang; --- annie yu, ms annie yu; ---; ms tiffany wu; ms elena brady; ---; mr tod j story; ---; david r parks; ---; jacquie balodis, dr jacquie balodis; ---; jack's art gallery; ---; shiu-ching kao; ---; jennifer p togliatti, jennifer p togliatti esq; ---; ellen m koivisto; nicole tuttle; ---; ms judy brusa; ---; john lei; ---; mike lei; ---; washington business and technology institute, wbti; ---; chinese american academic association of nevada, caaan; ---; lv chinese association, las vagas chinese association; ---; ms cathy endy, cathy endy; ---; lv chinese american association, las vegas chinese american association; ---; lv taiwanese association, las vegas taiwanese association; ---; taipei; ---; jong yiee, mr jong yiee; ---; sophie ideker, miss sophie ideker; jianhong yang, hong yang, ms hong yang; ---; jackson chao, mr jackson chao; ---; erin chiang, miss erin chiang; ---; robert song, mr robert song; ---; dr david lee, david lee; ---; taiwan; ---; republic of china; ---; miss sue phelps, sue phelps; ---; las vegas taiwanese center; ---; yuan chuan tsai, mr yuan chuan tsai; ---; Nevada Chinese American Center; ---; william tong, mr william tong; ---; southern nevada chinese weekly; ---; lv american chinese association; ---; lv nevada chinese academy, nevada chinese academy; ---; River of Life Christian Church; ---; lv chinese christian church; ---; google.com wbti, google.com; ---; dr ko-wang mei, ko-wang mei; ---; karen bennet-haron, karen bennet-haron esq; ---; dr william thompson, bill thompson, william thompson; ---; bobby g gronauer; ---; miss liane lee, liane lee; ---; tod j story; ---; david r parker; ---; ellen m koivisto; ---; David Amesburry esq, David Amesburry; ---; judith ray, miss judith ray; ---; sapatra chemprachum; --; jheri psmyth, mr jheri psmyth; ---; linda leos; ---; , bangkok, thailand; ---; thai airlines; ---; city of las vegas; ---; taipei, ---; hongkong; ---; Nanyang Technological University alumni association, Nanyang Technological University, singapore; ---; ---; mike davidson esq, mike davidson; ---; robert lueck esq, robert lueck; ---; cynthia steel, cynthia steel esq; ---; professor tu lin (memorial), tu lin; ---; condoleezza rice dr's; ---; nancy becker's, nancy becker, nancy becker esq; ---; las vegas chinese daily news; ---; helen hsueh publisher, helen hsueh, ms helen hsueh; ---; chinese daily news (world journal); ---; chen shui-bien roc president, chen shui-bien president, president chen shui-bien, chen shui-bien; president chen shui-bian ---; lin-yao chen, ms lin-yao chen; ---; teresa woo president, teresa woo, ms teresa woo; ---; william yuen publisher, william yuen, mr william yuen; ---; commissioner rory reid, rory reid, rory reid esq; ---; john ensign u s senator, john ensign, dr john ensign; ---; river of life christian church; ---; intercity business council of nevada; ---; pepperdine university graduate school of education and phychology; ---; pepperdine university school of business and management; unlv alumni; ---; unlv; ---; unlv,reno; unlv,reno alumni association; ---; infoseek.com; ---; kairos; ---; netscape.com, netscape network; ---; kenny guinn; ---; harry reid; ---; beijing; ---; hu jintao president business, hu jintao president, hu jintao, president hu jintao; ---; people's republic of china; ---; communitylink; south shores community association; golden nugget buffet; gee joon chinese restaurant; ms amy jiao, amy jiao; miss kate grew, kate grew; jon eric garde, jon eric garde esq; miguel garza; ms caixia guo, caixia guo; miss maggie liu, maggie liu; dr peter shieu, peter shieu; mr david hsueh, david hsueh; ms ana hsin; ms sonia joya, sonia joya; pil juadines; dr barbara jackson, barbara jackson; chairman hu jintao; miss rao jiao, rao jiao; mr roger ko, roger ko; ms merle khoo, merle khoo, merle lok esq; eva garcia-mendoza esq, eva garcia-mendoza; ms yvonne ma, yvonne ma; miss ann melton, ann melton; dr toni ni, toni ni; amy cheng; dr robert ni, robert ni; dr wun-wu rao; las vegas chinese christian church; the epoch times; sam woo bar-b-q; china express; dr sonny ho; Greg Bortolin or John Trent; mr Greg Bortolin, mr John Trent; ms Judy Hetherington, Judy Hetherington; miss Kathy Karstedt, Kathy Karstedtchina; star super buffet; mortgage one, llc; mr kent soule, kent soule; miss doris yan; ms genie ohrenochall, genie ohrenochall; paradise democratic club of las vegas; terry care; tung-ho lei; tung-fian lei; pia torio-galapon; ms jackie seip, jackie seip; island girl marketing, christine biaggi; terry wong miss; sally yu miss; America asia travel center inc; singtao times weekly; ms jeannie wey; mr Scott Jaegel, Scott Jaegel; miss Merlinda R. Gallegos, Merlinda R. Gallegos; E. Q. Research Committee, EQRC; ms doris balducci, doris balducci; ms Patty Blakeman, Patty Blakeman; miss Chang Fu-mei, macroview weekly; councilman larry brown, desert shores club house; cynthia steel esq; ---; ranch market; china star; anthony lu publisher, mr anthony lu, anthony lu ---; chinese culture university alumni association of las vegas; ---; miss Ruth Talaiver, Ruth Talaiver; ---; jean liu, ms jean liu; ---; ms Rennie Schreiber, Rennie Schreiber; ---; unlv alumni; ---; oscar goodman mayor, oscar goodman; las vegas; ---; ---; tony lei president; ---; dr john wang spokesman; ---; john lei; ---; mike lei; ---; elaine chao us secretary of labor, ms elaine chao, elaine chao; ---; lin-yao chen; ---; dr kenny c guinn, kenny guinn; ---; las vegas chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas latin chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas urban chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas philippine chamber of commerce; ---; president chen shui-bian; mr duncan r lee; ---; tiffany chang; ---; mr edward swindle, ms carolie swindle; ---; chow's cuisine, ms kathy li, kathy li; ---; harbor palace restaurant; ---; ms. margaret chen, margaret chen, margaret chen andert; next weekly wbti, next weekly; ---; reviewjournal - communitylink wbti, reviewjournal - communitylink, reviewjournal.com wbti, reviewjournal.com ; ---; google answers wbti, google answers; ---; chinese daily news (world journal) wbti, chinese daily news, world journal; ---; webcrawler.com, webcraler; ---; las vegas review-journal; ---; reviewjournal.com; ---; asian chamber of commerce; ---; Condoleezza Rice, Dr.'s World Perspective, Condoleezza Rice, dr Condoleezza Rice; ---; mrs dema guinn; ---; forum group limited, jerry c wang; ---; mr andrew chen, andrew chen, wynn investments, ms Susan Keygiell, Susan Keygiell; ---; ms yachin shih, yachin shih; ---; mr thom reilly, manager thom reilly, thom reilly; ---; ms linda shyr; ---; ms jasmine brooks; ---; desert accident & injury center, dr cora c murillo, ms cora c murillo, cora murillo; ---; young realty & investment, mr alex young, alex young; ---; rozita lee, ms rozita lee; ---; ms deborah j lippis; ---; ms elena brady; ---; ms linda q liu; ---; miss linda chen; ---; pepperdine university alumni association, pepperdine university; ---; national taiwan university alumni association, national taiwan university; ---; chengchi university alumni association, chengchi university; ---; chunghsing university alumni association, chunghsing university; ---; dr stephen tong, stephen tong, stephen tong evangelistic ministries international; ---; Pepperdine university; tulane university alumni association; national sun yat-sen university, national sun yat-sen university alumni association; dr john wang; dr james soong, people first party; koumintang chairman lien chan; mark denton district judge; veloria vega district judge; ms jennie wey, jennie wey; ms vida chan lin, vida chan lin; dr susan whiston, susan whiston; prof wen shen, wen shen; mr raja mourey, raja mourey; ms gloria mccomes, gloria mccomes; ms eleanor chow, eleanor chow; mr tola chin; ropchai premsrirut dr; richard segerblom esq ; ms terry wong; mr buck wong, buck wong; mr yale wang; ms alice wu, alice wu; miss nancy wong, nancy wong; dr sherman wu, sherman wu; mr david wang; ms christiana wang; prof ji sheng wang, ji sheng wang; mr andy wang; ms shin galin, shin galin; ms varonica parios, varonica parios; ms linda martin; dr paul aizley, paul aizley; mr yi-dhi chia, yi-dhi chia; mr derek chen, derek chen; ms cathy chin, cathy chin, cathy chin miss; mr peter chang, peter chang; ms judith ray, judith ray; ms lily chen, lily chen; ms alice carney, alice carney; dr bill carney, bill carney; miss zhao hui qiu; ms helen du, helen du; mr frank tsou, frank tsou; central daily news, central daily news - international edition; ms cathy endy, cathy endy; cathy yaling fuchigami; ms anny on; mr alan poon, alan poon; dr percy poon, percy poon; pat blakeman; mr bert romes, bert romes; dr david tang, david tang, ms mei tang, mei tang, ms mei wang, ms mary wang; ms maggie tang, maggie tang; miss Susan Sullivent, Susan Sullivent; ms shri vogel, shri vogel; sam chen; anna young hsian; ms vickie yu, vickie yu; ms lan yun, lan yun; mr river sun, river sun; dr huiwen zhang, huiwen zhang; mr yi-huang liu; mr jim phan, jim phan; mr art javier, art javier; ms emma lynn chan; alice wu ms; united financial associates inc; FiberTel, Inc.; asian american group; Harbor palace seafood restaurant; cathy house chinese cuisine; BBQ king restaurant; new china buffet; coco wang ms; las vegas review-journal, sherman r. frederick, allan b. fleming, thomas mitchell, charles zobell, john kerr; ---; dr andrew benton, president dr andrew benton; las vegas urban chamber of commerce; dr peter f drucker; dr lien chan, chairman lien chan; mayor ma ying-jeou, dr ma ying-jeou; dr han-ping chen; lily lee chen ms; anthony j chien; philip chou; dr yu-ping hsia; dr woochun hsu; dr richard kao; dr richard koo; dr isiah c lee; dr san-pao li; dr chi-yuan lin; dr thomas lin; dr allen liu; dr paul mu; president andrew benton; dr condoleezza rice, condoleezza rice dr; albert ing sun; dr jing-shen tao; wilber woo; hung yuan wu; julia wu ms; levi ying; li yu; 馮鳴台; 馬英九; miss Hong Yang; ms candy bowser; merle berman; barbara cegavske; vonne chowing; allan earl; cedric kerns; john lee; myron leavitt (memorial); michelle leavitt-fitzpatrick; james mahan; theresa malone; mark malone; mark menendo; cathy nelson; denis nolan; gary reese; loretta arrington; myrna williams; radha chanderraj; dr donald kwalick; jerry reynoldson; bobby siller; charles thompson; sheri vogel; karen foster; miguel isassi; barbara robinson; david teis; mildred arquero; albert chang; dr andres costas; leonie domingo; a j dudekar; steve escalona; larry espinueva; dr nilofar kuraishi; dr shaheed siddiqui; steve kwon; jose lim; ann melton; zenny mendoza; lillian morizono; peter nguyen; george regner; dr francisco sanchez; dr ram singh; richard segerblom; nick singh; laxmi singh; joey villaflor; roddy wong; jennifer elliotts; valorie adair; erin kenny; david wall esq, david wall; john hunt esq, jonh hunt; lorraine hunt; miss francis allen, francis allen; richard dennison; aldo aguirre; miss aurora maskall, aurora maskall; ---; harry reid; shelley berkley; kenny guinn; A Lift Uporg; Air & Waste Management Association; Alpha Kappa Alpha, Theta Theta Omega Chapter; Alpha Programs; Argentinean Association of Las Vegas, Inc.; Asian Chamber of Commerce; Beta Sigma Phi Las Vegas City Council; Boricua Association of Las Vegas; Boulder City Community Club; Boulder City / Hoover Dam Museum; Boulder City Republican Women; Boulder City Senior Center; Citizen Alert; Citizens for an Alternative Tax System (CATS); Christian Toastmasters; Clark County Bar Association; Clark County Legal Services Program, Inc.; Clark County Young Republicans; CLASSical Liberals of Las Vegas; Community Coalition for Victims' Rights; Council of Nevada Veterans Organizations; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority - Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter; East Las Vegas Community Development Corporation; Economic Opportunity Board; Filipino-American Servicemen's Association; Foster Care and Adoption Assistance of Nevada; Friends of Kiel Ranch; GFWC Junior Mesquite Club; Goshen Community Development Coalition; Greater Nevada Detachment of the Marine Corps League; Green Valley Republican Women; Henderson Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol; Henderson District Public Libraries; LaRed Latina; Las Vegas Art Museum; Las Vegas Breakfasters Lions Club; Las Vegas Indian Center; Las Vegas-Clark County Library District; Las Vegas Philharmonic; Las Vegas Post No. 8, Department of Nevada, American Legion; Las Vegas Sail and Power Squadron; Las Vegas United REACT; Las Vegas World Affairs Council; Libertarian Party of Clark County; Lions Club -- Sundowners; The Mesquite Club; Nellis Cadet Squadron, Civil Air Patrol; Nellis Radio Amateur Club; Nevada Army National Guard; Nevada Association of Residential Communities; Nevada Car Club Council; Nevada Center for Ethics & Health Policy; Nevada Contractors Association; Nevada Department, Reserve Officers Association; Nevada Federation of Republican Women; Nevada PTA (Parent Teacher Association); Nevada Policy Research Institute; Nevada Small Business Development Center; Nevada State Museum and Historical Society; Nevada State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation; Nevada Women's Lobby; Nevada Young Republican Federation; Nevadans For Affordable Health Care; Nevadans for Quality Education; Non Profit Business Development Center; Pioche Chamber of Commerce; Preservation Association of Clark County; Rancho High School Alumni Association; Ratzen Mauzers/RMCA Las Vegas; Rotary Club of Boulder City; Rotary Club - Las Vegas Northwest; Salvation Army, Clark County NV; Silent Heroes of the Cold War National Monument; Sons of Italy - Las Vegas; Soroptimist International; Southern Nevada Domestic Violence Task Force; Southern Nevada Immunization Coalition; Southern Nevada Quality Council; Southern Nevada Zoological - Botanical Park; Spring Mountain Ranch State Park Docents; State Peace Officers Council, Nevada; Take Time to Teach; Tule Springs Preservation Committee; United States Army Recruiting; United States Disaster Relief Command; University Medical Center; USA Track & Field Nevada; Victims In Action (VIA); Volunteer Homeland Reserve Unit; WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN); Wells, Nevada Online!; West Charleston Lions Club; Women's Chamber of Commerce of Nevada; Women's Club of Summerlin; World Liberation Order; ---; Las Vegas Art Museum; DeLuca Liquor & Wine, Ltd.; MGM Mirage; US Bank; Summerlin; America West Airlines; Las Vegas Centennial; The Howard Hughes Corporation; Arcata Associates, Inc.; Nevada State Bank; COX Communications; NaFFAA - National Federation of Filipino American Associations; Mandalay Resort Group; Panda Express; ---; las vegas korean association; japanese american citizen league; nevada oriental medical association; u s china people's friendship association; president hu jintao; vietnamese community association of southern nevada; japanese american club; arab american heritage club; filipino seniors of las vegas; philipines chamber of commerce of southern nevada; ---; chief Judge Philip M. Pro; Donna Andrews; Judge Roger L. Hunt; Kandy Capozzi; Judge Kent J. Dawson; Peggie Vannozzi; Judge James C. Mahan; David Oakes; Judge Robert C. Jones; Barbara Price; Senior Judge Lloyd D. George; Carol Brock; Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt; Alana Kamaka; Judge Robert J. Johnston; Kathy Yagich; Judge Peggy A. Leen; Kris Schulke; Judge Howard D. McKibben; Bette Stewart; Judge Larry R. Hicks; Rosemarie Miller; Senior Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.; Colleen Larsen; Senior Judge David W. Hagen; Rosemarie Miller; Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.; Rosemary Damron; Judge Valerie P. Cooke; Marti Campbell; valorie vega vice president; ---; Judge kenneth cory; judge ron parraguirre; judge kathy a hardcastle; judge joseph t bonaventure; judge lee gates; judge donald m mosley; judge sally a loehrer; judge john s McCroarty; judge allan r earl; judge david wall; judge valerier adair; judge william a voy; judge gloria s sanchez; judge steven e jones; judge gerald w hardcastle; judge robert e gaston; judge t arthur ritchie jr, judge lisa m brown; judge jennifer elliott; judge norman c robison; judge stephen l huffaker; judge jack lehman; judge james a brennan; ---; Dan Bogden; Ellen Knowlton; richard perkins speaker; richard perkins; anthony starvos; george assad esq, george assad, frank sullivan; elizabeth quinlan; michelle darquea; mark denton vice president; ---; robert perry esq, robert perry; david hardy esq, david hardy; douglas herndon esq, douglas herndon; cassandra campbell; myra sheehan; julien sourwine; john springate; susan h johnson; timothy c williams; ---; dr tony tung-tien lei, tony tung-tien lei; ---; dr kang-pei wang, kang-pei wang; ---; dr chao-ming pan, chao-ming pan; ---; evelyn chiao; ---; tiffany chang wbti, tiffany chang; ---; jennifer kung wbti, jennifer kung; ---; joy huang wbti, miss joy huang, joy huang; ---; miss jessica huang, jessica huang; ---; miss shirley huang, shirley huang; ---; mr peter hong, peter hong; ms kawah soule, mr kent soule; miss kathy augustine---; sino-american language services, mr dan molner, dan molner; ---; mr michael chang, michael chang; ---; mark denton esq, mark denton; ---; Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas; ---; Zax Restaurant, Zax Restaurant of Goldern Nugget Casino and Hotel; ---; lillie langtry's restaurant, lillie langtry's restaurant of golden nugget casino and hotel; ---; steak house of horseshoe casino and hotel; ...; Center Stage Restaurant, Center Stage Restaurant of Plaza casino and Hotel; roc president; ---; chinese outreach; ---; Myron Leavitt esq, Myron Leavitt (memorial); Democratic Progressive Party; seniors united; uc berkeley alumni association; uc berkeley; usc alumni association; usc; ucla alumni association; ucla; Thai Performing Art Appreciation Day; miss tina shih, world education organization; ---; Lei Rong Sheng; dr hui-ning lei, hui ning lei, lei hui ning; lei shiou ning ms, lei shiou ning; United Financial Associates Inc; miss agnas chan; mrs judy lei, judy lei; ---; Asian Student Association; Chinese Student & Scholar Association; Filipino American Student Association; International Business Club; International Club; Japanese Social Club; Korean American Student Association; Muslim Students Association; South Asian Student Association; Vietnamese Student Association; Thomas C. Wright International Programs Scholarship; Wing-Lilly Fong Chinese Language Scholarship; ---; Community college of southern nevada; Community college of southern nevada alumni association; ccsn; International Student Organization of ccsn; Shin Dong Ho; Rebecca Grant; miss tiffany ou, tiffany ou; lillie langtry's restaurant; miss grace zervoulakos, grace zervoulakos; Korenberg, Abramowitz & Feldun; mrs helen m young; Rev. Samuel Lee; president chen shui-bian; ngoc nguyen; wayne tanaka; ben torres, ben kim; albert vergara; jason schuck; ; edna dong; dr joey villaflor; United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia; sheriff bill young; president dr tony lei; president tony lei; oscar goodman las vegas mayor; fibertel inc; America Taiyu International, LLC; office of the governor; president george bush; george bush; miss dolly deleon; dolly deleon; richard bryan esq; richard bryan, miss gloria wong; Dr Charles Kao; Charles Kao; dr tony tung-tien lei; tony tung-tien lei; Mrs Anne Kao; Anne Kao; dr terry young; terry young; peter withers; Sandra L. Pomrenze esq; Sandra L. Pomrenze; stefany a miley esq; stefany a miley; eric chen esq; eric chen; miss adriana martinez; mr qin quan xiong; kathryn landreth esq; ms doris balducci; doris balducci; seniors united of las vegas; seniors united; sue del papa esq; richard galin esq; dr ji sheng wang; art javier; ms tess javier; edward lu; mamei wang miss; bill carner; j p shu; yayang wang; dr xin li; dr bashir chowdhry; dr kay chowdhry; duncan lee; ms irene lee; dr joey villaflor; gloria fernandez miss; ms florence villaflor; dr romeo jurani; zeny mendoza miss; kate recto miss; ben torres; damon yang dr; robert young; james yu; monica robles miss; miss aurora m maskall; aldo aguirre dr; sakthip krairiksh; aurora m maskall; Dr. I-tung Chen; mr tom axtell; klvx; mr anthony greno; mr bin chen; mr renato avenido; mr bud cranor; bud cranor; ms xinghua mamie huo; mr arnie adamson; miss sandra chiu; miss christina lau; miss jennilee phan; miss vicky yu; miss nona liu; miss cassandra cheung; miss cathy chin; dr lin zhang; dr yiu-wing choi; dr mary wang; dr ding yuan; mr norman clark; ms yvonne gates; bruce woodbury; dr duk-joon lee; dr hak-eun rhee; dr ropchai premsrirut; dr jiang li; john legan esq; dr sae lee; dr m y tang ; dr vong vui leong; dr q s tseng; dr huiwen zhang; dr jun-wen zhang; jerry keller; mary kincaid; tom collins; jack lehman; barbara buckley; jan jones; bob coffin; bill maupin; bob miller; yvonne aktinson gates; myrna williams; sally loehrer esq; miss zen laluna; charlie lee; miss jennilee phan; miss christina lau; miss donna stewart; bobby siller esq; bobby siller; bert brown esq; jimmy hsu; miss liane lee; dr an-pyng sun; ms theresa malone; mike malone; brian sandoval esq; ms denise brodsky; miss felix sales; miss veronica parios; pamela i bellew ms; richard perkins; dr alexander sun; ms anna y hsin; ms mimi h heischman; ms lin-yao chen; miss jessica ding; miss christine yimei hu; margaret mary "m" mayer; andrea l maxwell; miss shalene valdez; miss karen galenzoga; jose lim; dario herrera; charles chong esq; ricky cheung; gloria ferandez; leo kruz, 2nd; art macaraeg; ngoc nguyen; gary lein; col robert beveridge; rudy sanchez; cheryl murone; daniel robbins; pastor david chen; mrs david chen; mrs li teh hwa; ms marian replogle; david loyd; mrs cathy gronauer; bill drobkin; richard kolkoski; natalie l tyrrell; bernard b zadrowski esq; bernard b zadrowski; general secretary cheryl moss, cheryl moss esq, miss cheryl moss, cheryl moss; ---; or any name or terminology (such as business, american, etc.) before WBTI, you'll find Google.com or aol.com has many good things for them with WBTI! | |
Continue from the above flier (.....you'll find Google.com or aol.com has many good things for them with WBTI!)dr Condoleezza Rice, Condoleezza Rice; ms marian replogle; david loyd; mrs cathy gronauer; hu jintao president; president hu jintao; bill drobkin; richard kolkoski; natalie l tyrrell; thom reilly; jane ann morrison; m w schofield; ms karen foster; miss linh phan; ellen knowlton; larry lum; jan jones; ms ann tate; dr j kent pinney; dr jerry w lin; dr percy poon; dr fidel juadines; miss nicky chiu; buck wong; paul henry; kathryn landreth; lisa lopez; miss grace wang; miss shin weng; miss lan yun; rou-mei wang miss; richard galin esq; karen foster; mr allen ko; allen ko; mr j p shu; prof wen shen; tonnie huahng; ms betty chen; mr dawei han; mrs ankee wu; ms zhao hui qui; miss cheryl lau; miss wei chang; dr peter jau-shyong shiue; dr theresa chiang; jerry s wang; ms susana wang; mr david wang; miss doris yu; ms annabel l liu; mr joe p chou, joe p chou; sarah beer; ms sydell mackay; ms lia roberts; steve wark; marilyn lee; dennis nolan; sandra tiffany; lynette boggs mcdonald; barbara cegavske miss; john lee; dr jason c hu; jason c hu; dr john wang; dr lien chan; dr james soong; Dr. Lee Yuan-tseh; United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia; 雷動天; miss francis allen; …ÇÀ×ÂåÃÀ; 熊清泉; Dr. Henry Lee ( 李昌鈺); mayor ma ying-jeou; dr ying-jeou ma; miss grace ma; mr gin-sheng hsu; miss noni c rybka; ms dee grimm; miss kathy page; ms janet murphy; mr jack lane; mr bert ramos; miss theresa o'neal; miss jessica ding; miss shelene valdez; miss cathy qhin; miss susana sandoval; susana sandoval; Ms. Y. S. Lei; sharron cope miss; 鐘武雄; 言 音; 歐冬來; 黃笑生; national taipei university alumni association; miss cathy lee; Miss lily shiang; miss katy cheng; miss jessica gendall; miss jessica cassidy; ms alice corney; miss amy chen; 吳雷洛美; taiwanese association of las vegas; 貢 三 元; ms shirley chen; congressman jim gibbons; james gibbons; miss Condoleezza Rice; mr tri hua; HCE Company; 美國泰裕投資有限公司; 言 音; councilwoman lois tarkanian; ms lois tarkanian; roger owen dr; ms chris giunchigliani; ms erin kenny; ms pauline goldmann; ed bernstein esq; bert brown esq; lisa brown esq; larry brown; paul burr; michael cherry esq; ms vonne chowning; tom collins; michelle fitzpatrick esq ; ms genie ohrenschall; ms landra reid; charlie waterman; ms myrna williams; gary gray; ms judtth vandever; congressman jon porter; jon c porter; u s ansian chronicle; norman clark; Nevada State Senator Barbara Cegavske; Barbara Cegavske; miss annete lu; annete lu; ms shirley b parraguirre; shirley b parraguirre; terra west property management; oscar jornacion; gloria florendo esq; ms aurora "awee" abayari; aurora "awee" abayari; ms bonnie chu; bonnie chu; euphoria institute of beauty arts & sciences; euphoria salons & day spas; ms gemma g nazareno; bobby gaviola; Greg Bortolin or John Trent; Greg Bortolin; John Trent; 莫 邪; 壹週報; 東海大學校友會; 東海大學; miss cheri lai; cheri lai; 劉秀嫚; 于儀; 言 立; 潘天良; 尹浩鏐; 鐘 鵬; miss feng-wen chang; dr Keah Choon Tan; miss jassica gendall; dr margaret j weber; dr terry s leung; dr chester mccall; kenneth starr; dr dennis lowe; jennifer neuhauser; kathryn boswell; margaret mary mayer; deborah pikul; marie lindgren; vincent way; talor vu; ron hall; marilyn angeletti; Consul liu jinkun; miss jinkun liu; miss cathy endy; dr ji sheng wang; miss joanna lin "lee"; Emperor's Garden Restaurant; philippine times of las vegas; robert bierals; nadia sales-bierals; anna sales; bobet torres; nikon torres; ranch market; Holy Bible; yan xiusheng; mr xiusheng yan; chinese association of las vegas; law huang international ltd; dr huiwen (wei)zhang; legacy oriental medical center; hua wei chinese school; steve yeung; fletcher jones toyota; las vegas chinese news; century 21 western properties; gift plus; first united mortgage; xpreess plus; music & arts of las vegas; miss yan li; miss jaril pineda; miss claudia yang; 雷動天博士; general secretary cheryl moss, cheryl moss esq, miss cheryl moss, cheryl moss; ---; or any name or terminology (such as business, american, etc.) before WBTI, you'll find Google.com or aol.com has many good things for them with WBTI! 6666666666666 777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
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Tuesday, March 01, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal JOHN L. SMITH: Oscar night: When many can only guess who will be judged the best We gathered around the television Sunday evening in Phoenix to watch the beautiful people of Hollywood convene for the Academy Awards. We'd never done that before, and so we felt underdressed with all the celebrities in tuxes and gowns and the Smiths in their sweatpants and socks. Right away I knew something else was amiss. The culprit wasn't the show's unusually tame host, Chris Rock. Maybe it was the SWAT team standing by to slam the five-second delay button, but Rock seemed shy compared to his sizzling, late-night comic persona. Nor was it the fact the program ran longer than a Super Bowl broadcast. A champion marathoner would have finished the race a full hour ahead of the Oscars. But the world loves movie stars almost as much as they love themselves. Few things are as important in Hollywood as awards shows, and somehow the Academy Awards manages to heap even more celebrity stardust on people who already enjoy more face recognition than most heads of state. A three-hour broadcast was barely enough time for each to taste a drop from the champagne magnum of adulation. I knew something was wrong when I learned the list of nominees in the "Best Picture" category. They weren't movies I'd seen. Not one. Not even close. Talk about feeling like the only disco dancer in the mosh pit of life. Talk about feeling like the only guy in town without Paris Hilton's phone number. I felt as if I were watching the awards show from another country, one that barely spoke our language. Then it dawned on me. Suddenly, everything was clear. Major Academy Awards aren't given to movies watched by adults with children. Oscars are generally awarded to movies seen by singles or couples. We're not a couple. We're a triple. A happy triple. A proud triple. But not a couple. And that means we were out of luck come awards night. We've been busy the past few months seeking medical treatment for daughter Amelia and have spent most of our time in Phoenix, but lately she's been healthy enough to get out and enjoy trips to the movies -- age appropriate movies. We've seen a lot of them. Alas, none of those scored as much as an honorable mention in the major Oscar categories on Sunday. That's partly understandable. While some children's movies are actually entertaining to children, they often are as mind-numbing to adults as an anvil dropped from a high place and a mallet to the forehead. Hollywood has little time for parents-with-children movies. Apparently, that's why DVDs were invented, so adults with children could eventually catch up on year-old movies. This isn't a diatribe on Hollywood values, nothing of the sort. It's merely a reality check from the grandstands of adulthood. As for morality, I don't care whether Jen loves Brad or Leonardo dates Lou Ferrigno. If "Sideways" got robbed or Don Cheadle is the next Brando doesn't change the fact we're stuck trying to find meaningful plot twists in the "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" and wondering at length whether it was superior to the TV show. (Smith family consensus: Bob should stick to the small screen.) When "The Motorcycle Diaries" premiered, I initially misread it as "The Mouse and the Motorcycle Diaries" and thought it was the story of a small rodent who rides a toy Harley and wears half a ping pong ball for a helmet. As we listened Sunday to the presenters hand out awards, I hoped "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events" would win by a surprise knock out over Clint Eastwood or "The Incredibles" might nip "The Aviator" at the wire. But it was not to be. So we sat like collies trying to read calculus books, only pretending to understand what the heck was going on. While we've heard "Million Dollar Baby" has a surprise ending, we know how close "Fat Albert" and the Cosby kids came to getting shut out of the world of '70s animation and stuck in new century reality. (Suffice to say the answer is really, really close.) From our seats in the grandstands, it's unfair to present the Academy Awards before the nominees have been out six months on DVD. John L. Smith's column appears Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. E-mail him at Smith@reviewjournal.com or call 383-0295. 55555555555 888888888888888888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ***************************************************** | |
022805-2168 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!Chinese Association of Las Vegas held a special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival By "Next Weekly" (Ò¼ßLˆó) on February 24, 2005 [Friendly post through the courtesy of "Next Weekly" (Ò¼ßLˆó) on February 24, 2005 .] (All the terminology and literature in English were edited by WBTI.) The Chinese Association of Las Vegas is led by Xiaosheng Huang, esq., as its Chairman. ´ó¼ÒÄÜÔÚº£Íâ½ôÃÜÀ´¶þÔÂÊ®¾ÅÈÕÀ˹ά¼Ó˹»ªÈËлáµÚÒ»³¡´óÏ·´º½ÚÁª»¶»á£¬ÔÚÖڶ໪È˵ĹØעϡÖصdz¡¡£Ô¼°Ë°ÙÈËÓë»á£¬»¶ÉùЦÓϲÆøÑóÑó£¬ÐÂÅó¾ÉÓÑÈÈÁÒ½»Ì¸¡£ ÎÄÒÕÑݳöÓÚËÄʱÓàÕýʽÀ¿ªá¡Ä»£¬»á³¤»ÆЦÉúÂÉʦÊ×ÏÈÏò±¾ÊлªÈË°ÝÄ꣬ףԸ´ó¼ÒÔÚеÄÒ»ÄêÀïÊÂÒµÍú¼ÒÍ¥Íú°®ÇéÍú£¬²¢¸ÐлȫÌåÀíʵÄͨÁ¦ºÏ×÷ºÍÑÝÔ±ÃǵÄÈÈÇé·îÏס£Öйúפ¾É½ðɽ×ÜÁì¹ÝµÄÅí¿ËÓñ´óʹÌصØίÍÐÁõ½òÀ¤³ÂÏþÒãµÈËÄλÀíʹâÁÙ»ªÐ¾Ù°ìµÄµÚÒ»´Î´º½ÚÁª»¶»î¶¯£¬ÎåÐǺìÆìÒ²µÚÒ»´ÎÔÚÀ˹ά¼Ó˹¸ß¸ßÆ®Ñï¡£ ÔÚÀîÑҵȽÚÄ¿Ö÷³ÖÈ˵ĽéÉÜÏ£¬ÑÝÔ±ÃÇÒ»Ò»ÁÁÏà¡£»ªÐÏ׳ªµÄ¡°Í¬Ò»Ê׸衱Á¢¿Ì½«»á³¡ÄÚÀ´×Դ󽣬¸Û°Ä£¬Ì¨Íåͬ°ûÃǵÄÐÄÀ½üÁË¡£»ªÎ¬ÖÐÎÄѧУµÄСÅóÓÑÃDZíÑݵÄÊ«¸èͯȤ¿É°®£¬ÉÙÁÖ˵ÚÈýÊ®¶þ´úÎäÉ®ÊÍÐÐΰʦ¸¸µÄ¾Å½Ú±ÞÈÃÈË̾Ϊ¹ÛÖ¹£¬ÁÖÐãӢ̫¼«ÈÇàÁú½£ÈÃÖÐÍâ¹ÛÖÚÁìÂÔÁËÖлªÃñ×åÒÔÈá¿Ë¸ÕµÄ¾«Éñ£¬ÁºÖÙÃ÷µÄ½¡¿µÎèÈÃÈËÎÞ·¨ÏàÐÅËûÒѹÅÏ¡Ö®Ä꣬GregµÄÔÓË£ÇáËÉڶг£¬×îºóÔÚÀîÑҵĴøÁìÏÂÈ«³¡¸ß³ªÄÑÍü½ñÏü¡£ Êг¤¹ÅµÂÂüÓëÖÚÒéÔºHarry Reid¾ù·¢À´ºØµç£¬Í¬Ç컪ÈËÐÂÄê¡£ÄϼÓÖÝÖøÃûÇÈÁì¹ËÑÜʱÌظÏÀ´¹§ºØ£¬ÖÐÃÀÓÑл᳤׿»ÛÕ꣬±¾µØÇÈÁìÕÅÏþÇÙ·ò¸¾£¬ÂÞËضð»á³¤µÈÇ××Ôµ½³¡ºØϲ£¬Ç°ºþÄÏÊ¡Ê¡³¤ÐÜÇåȪίÍÐÑÔÒôÏ×ÉÏ¡°½ð¼¦±¨Ïþ¡±Ìõ·ù£¬×£Ô¸»ªÐÈÕÒæ׳´ó¡£ Õû³¡Íí»á ½ÚÄ¿¾«²Ê·×³Ê£¬ÁîÈËÄ¿²»Ï¾½Ó¡£ÓÈÆäÖµµÃÒ»ÌáµÄÊÇÈ«²¿ÑÝÔ±°üÀ¨Ö÷³ÖÈ˶¼ÊÇÒµÓàµÄ£¬Ö»ÅÅÁ·¹ýÁ½´Î£¬ÑÝÔ±Ò²Òò¹¤×÷ʱ¼äµÄ²»Í¬£¬´Óδȫ³¡Ò»´Î´®¹ý¡£È´×ö³öÁËÈç´Ë¸ßˮƽµÄ·¢»Ó£¬ÈÃÈËÞ̾²»ÒÑ¡£±íÑÝñ×ÓÏ··¨µÄÑÝÔ±Öܳɺ£×Ô·Ñ×ø³ö×â³µ´ø×ŵÀ¾ß¸ÏÀ´¡£±±¾©ÉÌÈËÁº½¨Î°ÏÈÉú¸ÕÏ·ɻúµÃÖªÕâһʢ»á£¬µÚ¶þÌ켴ðÓê¼Ý³µ´ÓÂåÉ¼í¶¸ÏÀ´£¬²¢µ±³¡¾èÔùÈý°ÙÔªÒÔ±íÖ§³Ö¡£»ªÊ¢¶Ù¹¤É̼¼ÊõѧԺµÄÀ×ÕñÌ첩ʿÏÖ³¡¾èÔùé²Ä¾¾µ¿ò×÷Ϊ³é½±Æ·£¬³ÂÖ®³Ç·ò¸¾¸üÊÇÌṩ¼ÛÖµ°Ë°ÙÔªµÄ»úƱΪ´ó¼Ò³é½±×£ÐË¡? [Some part of the above uncleared charaters stated that "a significant present was given by Dr. Tony Lei (雷動天博士), President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) [华盛顿工商技术研究院], among others ....." (Please check these on the following flier, which was designed cratively with colorful paintings, in Chinese. It was published by "Next Weekly" Ò¼ßLˆó in Chinese on February 24, 2005.)] (You may access the flier on the sections of "Chinese Multimedia", "Chinese Association of Las Vegas", and "Next Weekly" Ò¼ßLˆó at February 25, 2005 please.) Ñݳö½áÊøºó´ó¼ÒÀ´µ½´óÌýø²Í£¬ºÜ¶à¹ÛÖÚ·×·×ÍìÆðÐä×ÓÐÖúÒ幤ÃDz¼·¹£¬»ªÐ²»½öΪ´ó¼Ò×¼±¸ÁËÓÉÁõ°²ÉúÀÏ°åºÍÀÏÒ¯¿ÍÕ»ÏÄÊÏ·ò¸¾ÌṩµÄ·áÊ¢Íí²Í£¬²¢Ï¸ÐĵØΪСÅóÓÑ×¼±¸Á˹ûÖ¡£´ó¼Ò·×·×Ïò»ªÐµÄÈ«Ìå³ÉÔ±±íʾ¸Ðл֮Ç飬²¢·×·×±íʾÃ÷ÄêÒ²ÒªÀ´¹±Ï×Ò»·ÝÁ¦Á¿¡£Íí²Í½áÊøºó´ó¼ÒÓÖÐËÖ²ª²ªµÄ¹ÛÉÍ×îкØËêµçÓ°¡°ÌìÏÂÎÞÔô¡±¡£ Ö±µ½´Ëʱ»ªÐ»á³¤»ÆЦÉú£¬¸±»á³¤ËïÒÝÃ÷£¬ÎâµÂ£¬Óîѧ°²µÈ²ÅµÃϾ³ÔÍí·¹£¬·¹ºóÓÖÂí²»Í£ÌãµÄÓëÈ«ÌåÒ幤Çå½á×ÀÒΣ¬Îü³¾£¬È·±£Îï¼þ¸÷»ØÔ´¦¡£¹¨Ð¡Ç¿ÀíÊÂÔçÉϾŵã¾Íµ½´ïÏÖ³¡µ÷ÊÔÓ°ÏñÖ±µ½ÍíÉÏÊ®µãµçÓ°½áÊø¡£Î⺣Ñ壬ÀîÒãµÈÒ幤´ÓÏÂÎçÒ»µã¶à¾Íµ½´ï»á³¡£¬°ïæ²¼Öû᳡£¬¼ìƱ£¬Î¬³Ö´ÎÐò£¬°áÔËÍí²ÍºÍÒûÁÏ¡£»ªÐ¶ÔËûÃǵÄÎÞ˽·îÏ×Ö¾´²¢ÖÔÐÄÏ£Íûͨ¹ýÕâ´Î»î¶¯Äܸø±¾ÊлªÈËͬ°ûÃÇ´ø»¶ÀÖ£¬Ê¹ÍŽᣬ°²¾ÓÀÖÒµ£¡ 11111111111111 6666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
022605-2387 |
Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn appoints david bradyto Douglas county commission By Office of the Governor FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 22, 2005 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 CARSON CITY – Gov. Kenny Guinn today announced the appointment of David Brady to the Douglas County Commission. Brady replaces longtime Douglas County commissioner Jacques Etchegoyhen, who resigned earlier this month. “David Brady has broad-based experience in a number of important areas that I feel will serve him well as a member of the Douglas County Commission,” Gov. Guinn said. “As a former school board member and president of that board, David knows how to deal with complex issues that affect the lives of all the residents of Douglas County. He will make an outstanding county commissioner for the people of Douglas County.” Brady, 49, has been managing principal at Brady & Associates in Minden since May 1998. His extensive background in financial planning in the state dates back 20 years. Brady’s community service has included Douglas County School Board Trustees, 1995-2004, and Douglas County Parks & Recreation Board of Commissioners, 1998-2004. He has also served as a reserve deputy sheriff with Douglas County since 1999. “I welcome the opportunity to continue to serve this community,” Brady said. “I am grateful to Gov. Guinn for the appointment.” Brady, of Minden, received his master’s of public administration from the University of Southern California in 1981 and his bachelor of science degree in public affairs from the University of Southern California in 1977. Brady is married and has five children. Office of the Governor 101 North Carson Street Fax: 775-684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Building 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 702-486-2505 66666666666666666 8888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************** | |
022505-7567 |
Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn announces NATIONAL PARK SERVICE GRANT AWARD TO BENEFIT STATE, COMMUNITY PARKS By Office of the GovernorFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Feb. 24, 2005 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 CARSON CITY – Gov. Kenny Guinn today announced that the State of Nevada has received federal funding that will enable more than $400,000 of enhancements to occur at state and community parks. The funding comes from Land and Water Conservation Fund grant awards from the National Park Service totaling about $1.2 million. About half of the funding will go to Nevada state parks, while the other half will be earmarked to various communities for their local parks. Included in the grant award is funding for two projects in rural Nevada. Federal funding of about $150,000 will made available for a $300,000 campground development project at Kershaw Ryan State Park in Lincoln County. Additionally, about $47,000 of a $122,000 project for Churchill County multi-use park development will help install lighting for a multi-use sports field within Churchill County Regional Park. “I’m pleased that rural Nevada is continuing to expand the recreational amenities available to our citizens,” Gov. Guinn said. “This latest round of grant funding will enable citizens from throughout the state, as well as our visitors from out of state, to more fully enjoy our rural recreational areas.” Office of the Governor 101 North Carson Street Fax: 775-684-7198 Media contact: Steve Robinson Conservation & Natural Resources Carson City, NV 89701 Phone: 775-684-5643 66666666666 88888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************* | |
022205-7866 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!A special event and party for the Lunar New Year Festival by Chinese Association of Las Vegas By Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) [Friendly post through the courtesy of "Chinese Daily News".] (All the terminology and literature in English were edited by WBTI.) ̨àl“Õx•þÃâÙMÒ•Á¦™z²é ¡¾±¾ˆóÓ›ÕßñTøQ̨À˹¾S¼Ó˹ˆóŒ§¡¿À˹¾S¼Ó˹̨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þŒ¢ì¶27ÈÕÉÏÎç11•rÆð£¬ÔÚÀ˹¾S¼Ó˹švÊ·²©Îïð^£¬žéÁù‚€ÔÂÖÁÁùšqµÄƒºÍ¯£¬ÅeÞkÃâÙMÒ•Á¦™z²é¡£ Ù€³Ç̨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÕˆíÓн›òžµÄª{×Ó•þÓÑ…fÖú£¬ÓÉÔ“•þ¶àλŸáÐÄÑÛ¿ÆátŽŸžéÒ»°ÙÃûСÅóÓÑ™z²éÒ•Á¦¡£ ß@í—»î„ÓÍêÈ«ÃâÙM£¬šgÓŽ§Ð¡º¢Ç°Íù£¬×ŒÐ¡ÅóÓÑÔÚÝpó h¾³Ï£¬½ÓÊÜátŽŸ™z²éÒ•Á¦£»Èç¹û°l¬FÓÐÑÛ¼²£¬átŽŸ•þ½¨×hÕý´_µÄÖίŸ¡£ ß@ÊÇ̨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÊ×´Îí‘‘ªÀ˹¾S¼Ó˹‡øëHª{×Ó•þµÄÛäÖØüc»î„Ó¡£ ß@í—ÃâÙMƒºÍ¯Ò•Á¦™z²é£¬Œ¢ÒÀº¢Í¯Äêýg£¬×÷ÄîÓ¢ÎÄ×Öĸ¡¢±æ„eˆD°¸œyòž£»‹ëƒº„t’ñÓÃxÆ÷œyÔ‡£¬Õû‚€»î„ÓÔÚÏÂÎç3•r30·Ö½YÊø£¬Ï£Íû¸¸Ä¸‚ƒì¶2•r֮ǰÞkºÃµÇÓ›¡£ îAÏȈóÃûµØücÓЃÉÌŽ£ºÙYƒžëpÕZ½ÌÓýŒWÔº£¬ëŠÔ’702-456-6888¡£ ƒÈÈAß_ÈAÈËŒWÔº£¬ëŠÔ’702-247-6321¡£ žéÁËœpÉÙСº¢×Ó¿´átÉúµÄ¿Ö‘Ö£¬À˹¾S¼Ó˹̨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÌØ„eÑûՈħÐgŽŸ£¬ÔÚˆö׃ħÐgŠÊ˜·´ó¼Ò£¬µÈºò™z²éµÄСÅóÓÑ£¬Œ¢Óи÷í—ß[‘ò¹©Ëû‚ƒßx“ñ¡£ À˹¾S¼Ó˹ƒºÍ¯²©Îïð^λì¶833 Las Vegas Blvd. North.Las Vegas,89101¡£ÓÐêPÔ”Çé¿ÉëŠÀ˹¾S¼Ó˹‡øëHª{×Ó•þ£¬702-251-6874¡£ 2005-02-15 666666666666 6666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
022205-3865 |
From: Ms. Margaret Andert [margaretandert@msn.com] Tue, 22 Feb 2005 08:45:45 -0800----- Original Message ----- From: BettyWong@westernunion.com To: ls2shieh@yahoo.com ; margaretandert@msn.com Sent: Monday, February 21, 2005 9:31 AM Subject: Fwd: How to Identify a Stroke ----- Forwarded by Betty Wong/WesternUnion on 02/21/2005 12:28 PM ----- wrote: > Subject: How to Identify a Stroke > To: fan_amy@bigfoot.com > From: "Amy S Fan" > Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 12:07:52 -0500 > Subject: How to Identify a Stroke > How to Identify a Stroke > > I wish I knew this several years ago when a friend was having a stroke at a clubhouse function and I didn't recognize it; just that something was wrong and did get a resident doctor in the hall and made other people aware, but unfortunately her husband listened to her and didn't get her to the hospital for a couple hours. Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke. Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions: *Ask the individual to smile. *Ask him or her to raise both arms. *Ask the person to speak a simple sentence. If he or she has trouble with any of these tasks, call 9-1-1 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher. After discovering that a group of non-medical volunteers could identify facial weakness, arm weakness and speech problems, researchers urged the general public to learn the three questions. They presented their conclusions at the American Stroke Association's annual meeting last February. Widespread use of this test could result in prompt diagnosis and treatment of the stroke and prevent brain damage. A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this e-mail sends it to 10 people, you can bet that at least one life will be saved. Tell as many people as possible about this. It could save their lives! BE A FRIEND AND SEND THIS ARTICLE TO AS MANY FRIENDS AS POSSIBLE. > 6666666666666666 555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************* | |
022105-3678 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, 10:37 a. m., Monday, February 21, 2005 #Second Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Thanks to the concern about our mining and people of Nevada By Tiffany ChangIt is true of all countries that the role of government has grown in the recent years. The state has no longer limited, as in the past years, largely to maintaining internal order and external defense, providing a minimum of basic services, and raising taxation to pay for these activities. Many governments of the developed countries have expanded for a wide variety of reasons: economic recession, war, social justice, help for underpriviledged, protection of minority rights, demand for the redistribution of income or wealth, and the ideas of social reformers. "States are now concerned with a mix of policies concerning social welfare, ecnomic management, and protection of the environment. A substantial part of government budgets is spend on defense, either directly on the armed forces and weaponry or indirectly on research and the development of technology. But spending on social services is now the largest item in many budgets and continues to grow as people live longer and more is spend on pensions and hospitals." *1 "In all states --- whether liberal, socialist, conservative, or communist --- there is some economic planning, though to considerably different degrees. Attempts are made to stimulate economic growth, to increase employment, to check inflation, to get favorable balance of trade with foreign countires, and to regulate industry and other economic activities, from mining coal to making cigaretes. Governments have recently become increasing aware of ecological and aesthetic issues and of the need to improve the quality of life in their countires." *2 Outer space contains a wealth of mineral matter in planets and asteroids, but can we send space ships up and haul back the riches at the present time? The ocean is a vast resource of minerals, many of which are dissolved in the water itself. However, the concentrations of most dissolved minerals are generally too low to be of economic importance. "In the short run, strategic supplies can help us weather sudden embargoes. That problem seems well taken care of. In the long run, however, the outlook is mix. Some mineral supplies are adequate for many years to come, even at an increase rate of use. But other important minerals, for which no known substitutes exist, are fast on the decline. Gold, mercury, and silver are examples of such minerals. Something must be done, and done quickly, to bridge the gap." *3 For this and related reasons, the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) is pleased to have me post the Governor Kenny C. Guinn's Press Release on February 25, 2004 from the Office of Governor as in the following: GOVERNOR THANKS DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR FOR PHOENIX SUPPORT*4 CARSON CITY - Gov. Kenny Guinn*5 today expressed thanks to Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton for her support of a mining project in Battle Mountain that will mean 250 long-term jobs for that area. Newmont Mining Corporation's Phoenix Project has received a Record of Decision by the Department of the Interior, which is the final action for the project's approval. The project expands Newmont/Battle Mountain's gold mining operations in the vicinity of Battle Mountain, creating 250 high-paying jobs and generating tax revenues for Nevada and Lander County. The project has an estimated operational life of 28 years, followed by five years of reclamation. In addition, Newmont will engage in reclamation efforts of a nearby old copper mine. "Secretary Norton and President Bush continue to show strong support for issues that are of importance to our state, in this case the delicate balance between maintaining the mining economy and looking out for the environment," Gov. Guinn said.*5 "Creating more jobs in rural Nevada has always been a top priority, and this project will prove to be of great benefit to our state. The proposed plan contains strong clean-up and reclamation actions of extensive historic mining activity in the area, which will further enhance our efforts in maintaining the unique environmental character of rural Nevada." ---------------------------- References *1. Curtis, Michael. "Introduction to Comparative Government." New York, N. Y.: Harper Collins Publishers, Inc., 1990. *2. Ibid. *3. Chiras, Daniel D.. "Envirinmental Science:action for a substainable future," Redwood City, California: The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc., 1991. 4. Ibid. *5. Office of the Governor. 'Governor Kenny C. Guinn - Press Release on February 25, 2004,' "An e-mail from the Office of Governor Kenny Guinn to Dr. Tony Lei," (February 25, 2004), Carson, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny Guinn. *5. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. 33333333333333 555555555555555555555555555 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************ | |
022105-5687 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!Free Kids Sightfirst Campaign Saving Children From A World of Darkness By PAI of WBTI The sunshine was beautiful. That was a day quite near to the end of Lunar 2004 and before the Lunar (Chinese) New Year. Miss Sue Phelps, President of Las Vegas Taiwanese Association, held a dinner party at the Cathay House Chinese Cuisine, Las Vegas on February 2, 2005. The guests, who were invited by her, included Dr. Tony Lei, Miss Noni Rybka, Ms. Mindy Gao, Mr. Gin-sheng Hsu, Miss Sophie Ideker, Mrs. Judy Lei, and Miss Grace Ma. During the party, Sue had a foresighted perspective on the coming Annual National Taiwanese Association Convention in the United States. To the successful implementation of the annual convention, Sue is expecting that Dr. Tony Lei may invite many special guests of Nevada to attend. She also emphasized the importance of the event on free Kids Sightfirst Campaign under the cooperation between Las Vegas Taiwanese Association and Las Vegas International Lions Club. Kid's Sightfirst Campaign is a community-service project of the Las Vegas International Lions Club, in collaboration with the Las Vegas Las Americas Lions Club, as well as volunteers from other Lions Clubs and eye care professionals in Southern Nevada. In conformation with Lions tradition and commitment to the eradication of preventable and reversible blindness in the world, our mission is to conduct vision screenings, totally-free-of-charge, for pre-verbal, pre-school-aged children, in order to identify those with potential vision problems; as well as provide further examinations, if necessary, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. There are childhood eye disorders that may lead to vision impaiment, blindness, or even death if not detected in their early treatable stage. For more information on this subject, please contact Las Vegas International Lions Club at (702) 251-5874. A free Kids Sightfirst Campaign event will be held at the Las Vegas Children Museum, 833 Las Vegas Blvd. North.Las Vegas. The time will be at 1:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on February 27, 2005. You should be getting in before 2:00 p.m. For registration please call 702-456-6888 or 702-247-6321. Ï£Íû¸¸Ä¸‚ƒì¶2•r֮ǰÞkºÃµÇÓ›¡£ îAÏȈóÃûµØücÓЃÉÌŽ£ºÙYƒžëpÕZ½ÌÓýŒWÔº£¬ëŠÔ’702-456-6888¡£ ƒÈÈAß_ÈAÈËŒWÔº£¬ëŠÔ’702-247-6321¡£ 6666666666666 888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************************* | |
022005-6868 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!Las Vegas Taiwanese Association 舉辦免費視力檢查 By Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) [Friendly post through the courtesy of "Chinese Daily News".] ̨àl“Õx•þÃâÙMÒ•Á¦™z²é ¡¾±¾ˆóÓ›ÕßñTøQ̨À˹¾S¼Ó˹ˆóŒ§¡¿À˹¾S¼Ó˹̨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þŒ¢ì¶27ÈÕÉÏÎç11•rÆð£¬ÔÚÀ˹¾S¼Ó˹švÊ·²©Îïð^£¬žéÁù‚€ÔÂÖÁÁùšqµÄƒºÍ¯£¬ÅeÞkÃâÙMÒ•Á¦™z²é¡£ Ù€³Ç̨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÕˆíÓн›òžµÄª{×Ó•þÓÑ…fÖú£¬ÓÉÔ“•þ¶àλŸáÐÄÑÛ¿ÆátŽŸžéÒ»°ÙÃûСÅóÓÑ™z²éÒ•Á¦¡£ ß@í—»î„ÓÍêÈ«ÃâÙM£¬šgÓŽ§Ð¡º¢Ç°Íù£¬×ŒÐ¡ÅóÓÑÔÚÝpó h¾³Ï£¬½ÓÊÜátŽŸ™z²éÒ•Á¦£»Èç¹û°l¬FÓÐÑÛ¼²£¬átŽŸ•þ½¨×hÕý´_µÄÖίŸ¡£ ß@ÊÇ̨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÊ×´Îí‘‘ªÀ˹¾S¼Ó˹‡øëHª{×Ó•þµÄÛäÖØüc»î„Ó¡£ ß@í—ÃâÙMƒºÍ¯Ò•Á¦™z²é£¬Œ¢ÒÀº¢Í¯Äêýg£¬×÷ÄîÓ¢ÎÄ×Öĸ¡¢±æ„eˆD°¸œyòž£»‹ëƒº„t’ñÓÃxÆ÷œyÔ‡£¬Õû‚€»î„ÓÔÚÏÂÎç3•r30·Ö½YÊø£¬Ï£Íû¸¸Ä¸‚ƒì¶2•r֮ǰÞkºÃµÇÓ›¡£ îAÏȈóÃûµØücÓЃÉÌŽ£ºÙYƒžëpÕZ½ÌÓýŒWÔº£¬ëŠÔ’702-456-6888¡£ ƒÈÈAß_ÈAÈËŒWÔº£¬ëŠÔ’702-247-6321¡£ žéÁËœpÉÙСº¢×Ó¿´átÉúµÄ¿Ö‘Ö£¬À˹¾S¼Ó˹̨ž³Í¬àl“Õx•þÌØ„eÑûՈħÐgŽŸ£¬ÔÚˆö׃ħÐgŠÊ˜·´ó¼Ò£¬µÈºò™z²éµÄСÅóÓÑ£¬Œ¢Óи÷í—ß[‘ò¹©Ëû‚ƒßx“ñ¡£ À˹¾S¼Ó˹ƒºÍ¯²©Îïð^λì¶833 Las Vegas Blvd. North.Las Vegas,89101¡£ÓÐêPÔ”Çé¿ÉëŠÀ˹¾S¼Ó˹‡øëHª{×Ó•þ£¬702-251-6874¡£ 2005-02-15 666666666666 6666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ****************************************************** | |
021905-3967 |
Pepperdine University's "Colleague" published By Tiffany ChangDr. Tony Tung-tien Lei received a copy of "Colleague" from the Graduate School of Education and Psychology of Pepperdine University on February 18, 2005. It is the Issue of Winter/Spring 2005 volume 23, No.1. The cover of the magazine is impressive! The Letter From The Dean is entitled "Looking to the Horizon---Our Vision." "...As we look ahead to the future, we are constantly faced with uncharted territory. While our path.....," wrote Dean Dr. Margaret J Weber. For more information, please have your Assistant or yourself click on the website at http://pepperdine.alumsys.com. 66666666666666 88888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
021805-6195 |
Neavada GOVERNOR KENNY GUINN ANNOUNCES APPOINTMENTS By Office of the GovernorFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: February 18, 2005 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 CARSON CITY – Gov. Kenny Guinn today announced the appointment of 27 Nevadans to various state boards and commissions. “I am very grateful to the many Nevadans who have volunteered their time, energy and talent to help this great state,” Gov. Guinn said. “The people of Nevada should be very appreciative of the hard work that these Nevadans contribute to our state.” Gov. Guinn made the following appointments: Round Mountain Town Board: Lisa Schwarz, Round Mountain Board of Trustees of the Fund for Hospital Care for Indigent Persons: Myrna Williams, Clark Co.; Leroy Goodman, Lyon Co.; David Humke, Washoe Co.; Mike Nannini, Elko; Gwen Washburn, Churchill Co. Commission on Aging: Larry Curley, Fallon National and Community Service Commission: Janet Wright, Reno; Janice Ayres, Carson City; Richard Becker, Las Vegas; Robyn Clayton, Las Vegas; Joseph Cobery, Fallon; Gina Polovina Las Vegas. Juvenile Justice Commission: Dan Prince, Henderson Oriental Medicine Board: Dr. Huiwen Zhang, Las Vegas and Dr. Victor Klausner, Las Vegas. Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust: Sanford Akselrad, Las Vegas; Bruno Borenstein, Las Vegas; Martha Gould, Reno; Robin Greenspun, Henderson; Duane Lawrence, Las Vegas; Judy Mack, Las Vegas; Terry Mannion, Las Vegas; Vernon Mattson, Las Vegas; Doug Unger, Reno; Leonard Weinberg, Reno; Edythe Yarchever, Las Vegas. Office of the Governor 101 North Carson Street Fax: 775-684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Building 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 702-486-2505 888888888888888 66666666666666666666666666 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 **************************************************** | |
021805-3697 |
PLAN TO SAVE MILLENNIUM SCHOLARSHIP A BIPARTISAN EFFORT By Dr. Kenny C. Guinn*1On Wednesday, I announced an agreement with the leadership of the Nevada Legislature to reallocate funds in the state’s budget to ensure the life of the Millennium Scholarship program through at least 2020, and perhaps longer. Under the agreement, record-setting revenues generated by the state, coupled with reallocation in several budgetary areas as well as money from abandoned property, have created new monies that will be appropriated for the Millennium Scholarship. The plan guarantees that up to $48 million during this biennium will be infused into the program. This is great news for the people of Nevada. My top priority will always be the preservation of the Millennium Scholarship, which has been wonderfully successful since its inception in 1999. Through this college scholarship program, a new generation of young people are becoming the first members of their families to ever attend college. This has created record-setting enrollments in our system of higher education. In addition, the state is well on its way to creating an educated workforce and a more diversified, knowledge-based economy. This year, about 18,000 students are using the scholarship, and more than 40,000 students have qualified for the program since its inception in 1999. Wednesday’s announcement would not have been possible without the cooperation and teamwork shown by Senate Majority Leader Bill Raggio, Assembly Speaker Richard Perkins, Senate Minority Leader Dina Titus and Assembly Minority Leader Lynn Hettrick. All four leaders worked in a bipartisan and collegial manner to ensure that a long-term solution for the program’s solvency was found. Since we have now reached agreement on this pressing issue, this will allow lawmakers more time to work on other critical matters such as property tax relief. I have personally attended several hearings in the Legislature over the past few days, and I have been very impressed on how focused the legislators have been in completing their duties. I am looking forward to working with my colleagues in the Legislature as we continue to look for the best property tax relief for our fellow citizens. ------------------------------------- Reference *1. About Governor Kenny Guinn (concise one by the Editor of this flier): Kenny Guinn, 67, earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physical Education from Fresno State University and later obtained a doctorate in Education from Utah State University in Logan. In 1994, Guinn was recruited by the University of Nevada Board of Regents to serve as interim president of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Kenny spent his boyhood in the small, Central Valley town of Exeter, California where he met Dema, his wife of 47 years. Kenny Guinn believes in families. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). He is now the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A. at his second term. 666666666666 8888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
021705-3667 |
Thursday, February 17, 2005 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley bill raises vets' burial benefit STEPHENS WASHINGTON BUREAU Shelley Berkley (Photo.) WASHINGTON -- A bill Rep. Shelley Berkley introduced Wednesday in Congress would boost burial benefits for military veterans and keep payments on pace with inflation. Government benefits have eroded over years, with families facing larger shares of out-of-pocket costs for funerals and cemetery fees, said Berkley, D-Nev. The bill would raise burial benefits from $2,000 to $4,100 for those who die of service-related disabilities. Benefits for veterans with nonservice-connected disabilities would go from $200 to $1,270. Burial plot allowances would increase through the legislation, with all the benefits adjusted annually for inflation. "It has been more than 25 years since the last increase in burial benefits for those veterans without a service-connected disability, and today the funds provided cover only 6 percent of the average burial cost," Berkley said in a statement. "We can end this erosion in benefits once and for all." Berkley, a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, last week was named the ranking Democrat on the disability and memorial affairs subcommittee that will review the bill. 22222222222222 8888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31] 32 [33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56] | |