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012705-5687 |
Nevada Governor Kenny Guinn announces $9 million in grants to nevada water districts By Office of the GovernorFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 27, 2005 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 CARSON CITY Governor Kenny Guinn, representatives from the Nevada legislature, the Nevada Board for Financing Water Projects and the Nevada Division of Environmental Protection will present $9 million in grants to water districts in Clark, Humboldt, Pershing and Washoe Counties in a presentation on Friday, Jan. 28, in the Governors office in the State Capitol. The event will begin at 10 a.m. A grant for $2.4 million will be presented to the Lovelock Meadows Water District, located in Pershing County. Three grants will be presented pending approval during the Jan. 27 meeting of the Board for Financing Water Projects: $2 million to the Virgin Valley Water District in Clark County to construct an arsenic removal plant; $956, 478 to the Golconda General Improvement District in Humboldt County to bring the public water system into compliance with state regulations for drinking water; and $4 million to the Washoe County Department of Water Resources for a septic-to-sewer project to correct nitrates in Spanish Springs. WHAT: Gov. Kenny Guinn to present $9 million in grants to water districts in Clark, Humboldt, Pershing and Washoe Counties. WHERE: Governors Office in Capitol Building, Carson City. WHEN: Friday, Jan. 28 at 10 a.m. Office of the Governor 101 North Carson Street Fax: 775-684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Building 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 702-486-2505 8888888888888 66666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
012505-6687 |
2002 - 2003 Donor Honor Roll of GSEP of Pepperdine University By GSEP of Pepperdine UniversityMaking a Difference In recognition of the donors who have so generously given to the Graduate School of Education and Psychology this past year. The GSEP community thanks each of the following individuals for their dedication to developing future leaders in education and psychology and for their continued support of the mission of Pepperdine University:*1 Life Associates Dr. Nancy Magnusson Durham Dr. Doreen S. Oleson EP 86, EP 91 Robert C. Paull, Ph.D. Dr. Susan F. Rice EP 86 Colleagues ...................... Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei SM 69, EP 89, EP 90 Mr. Mark Leos EP 88, EP 95 Dr. Terry S. Leung SE 76, EP 88 ......................................... ------------------------------ Reference *1. Pepperdine University. '2002 - 2003 Donor Honor Roll,' "A search about Pepperdine University from Google.com," (January 25, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. 77777777777777777 88888888888888888888888888 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ***************************************************** | |
012505-5687 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, 11:58 a. m. , Tuesday, January 25, 2005 #Second Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
To build a world in the knowledge of business and economics By Cheryl Moss and Tiffany Chang*1 Eric Chen, Esq., is also a many years experienced Taiwanese merchant in China. His idea is to inspire some people to build a world in the knowledge of business and economics for China like what Dr. Charles Kao did for Taiwan. Dr. Charles Kao is former Professor & Chairman and now Honorary Professor of University of Wisconsin. "I couldn't catch up Dr. Tony Lei's dinner party at his home in Ging Ning Mansion, but I'll have coffee hour with him and others professors eventually in the party," said Dr. Kao in Taipei early in the morning one day many years ago. Inspired by Dr. Tony Lei's many publications in business management demonstrated on the Wine Closet in the parlor, Dr. Charles Kao applaused, "Do it brightly and we may make the same excellency also. I'm interested in following Tony's creativeness to pioneer even a bigger economics and business world here soon after I come back from United States."*2 Within ten years, he established the Empire of "Tien Shia" ["The World"(The Lord) in Chinese] in Taiwan! His popularity and influence to the people in Taiwan have been offered him accomplishment much more than just his splendid academic title. It is our pleasure to post "KAOS announce major gift to UW-River Falls," which was a news delivered by University of Wisconsin -River Falls: Dr. Charles H.C. Kao and Mrs. Anne Kao have made a leader- ship pledge of $50,000 over the next five years to be used toward the accomplishment of the University's "Reach for the Future" major gifts campaign. In announcing their gift, Dr. Kao indicated it was their wish to support three important areas of the University: faculty development, Academic Excellence Higher Education Education Scholarships, and exchange programs with Greater China. Dr. and Mrs. Kao have been generous supporters of international programs for many years. Most recently, they were instrumental in the establishment of the Center for Pacific Rim Studies. The Center is responsible for providing opportunities for visiting professors and artists from Asia to visit the UW-River Falls campus and promoting educational exchanges between the two cultures. A portion of their gift will be used to underwrite faculty development opportunities and scholarships in the College of Arts &Sciences. Elected as the Distinguished Professor of the Year in 1974, Dr. Kao was the chair of the department of economics from 1971-80. Since then he has devoted part of his time in Greater China (China, Taiwan, Hong Kong) involved in research, lecturing, writing and publishing. Known as a "leading thinker" in Greater China, Dr. Kao has written more than 15 books in Chinese in his field of economic policy and social thought. Two of his books were given the national prize in Taiwan. In addition to his academic activity, he has also been serving as an economic advisor to the central government there. Mrs. Kao had a successful 25-year career with 3M Company and is currently working for IBM in Beijing as a computer systems consultant. She is very interested in international programs and cultural exchange in the arts.*3 Dr. Tony Lei transferred the education of BBA and MBA in the United States of America to Taiwan. The intellectuals who joined him were many professors, scholars, administrators, publishers, among others. All of them together, for many years, helped bring the Miracle of Economy of Taiwan realized. "Together with the successful experience of economic deveopment in Taiwan, now is the time for China to advance it even better!" said Eric Chen. -------------------------------------------- References *1. Judge Cheryl Moss was elected to the District Court, Family Division in November 2000. She graduated from the George Washington University, Washington D.C. with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. Judge Moss then attended the Columbus School of Law, Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C. where she graduated in the top 25% of her class and was a National Team Leader in the law schools Moot Court Team for the Spong National Competition. *2. Denton, Mark; Walsh, Jessie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Our mutual cooperation and development between the officials and people will bring us a peaceful, happy, and healthy community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (February 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *3. UW-River Falls. 'KAOS announce major gift to UW-River Falls,' "A serach about Dr. Charles Kao from Google.com," (January 25, 2005), U. S. A.: Google.com. 77777777777777777777 666666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 | |
012205-7686 |
Hit "Chinese Simplified (H2)" through the "View" please!Event and Dinner Party for LAS VEGAS 2005 Chinese Lunar New Year Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG ART EXHIBIT sponsored by ATI, LVC, and WBTI on Friday, the Fourth of February, 2005 at Chinatown 2nd Floor Emperor's Garden Restaurant 4255 Spring Mountain Road, Suite B-203, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Grand Opening at 3:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor of Chinatown) 拉斯維加斯迎新春熊清泉書畫展 免費參觀 歡迎光臨 組委會領導名單: 第一主席: 鐘武雄 (原舊金山市府華埠經濟委 員、湖南同鄉 會會長、美國武德公司董事長、著名資 深僑領、書畫展發起人) 主 席: 潘天良 (拉斯維加斯中華文學藝術聯合會會長) 主 席: 黃笑生 (拉斯維加斯華人協會會長) 主 席: 歐冬來 (《睹城天天報》發行人、社長) ϯ: Dr. Tony Lei (ʢٹ̼оԺԺL,hTY) 副主席: 尹浩鏐 (拉斯維加斯中華文學藝術聯合會副會長) 副主席: 言 立 (美國泰裕投資有限公司副董事長 ) 副主席: 言 音 (美國泰裕投資有限公司副董事長) 副主席: 鐘 鵬 (美國泰裕投資有限公司總經理) 贊助單位: 美國泰裕投資有限公司 拉斯維加斯中國城總裁陳之誠先生 Ȫ,Ї,x춇 WԺʷϵ,WA,ȾЇvʷĵW,vκꡢݡ̶LɳL,κʡʡLʡL,Їڰˌȫ˴ίƷ,,,,uh,ݛՓu顰وϵIJɡ շæ֮,оW,PY,Ⱥˡ{c˼ɽfСՓɢf,,,˼,,Wg顰Wμҡ xϢӰ҈@,춵,Ԣɽˮ,축,ćS,侫,ڕ؞ͨԭ축,Թŕһҡ,ƷԳһ,μ,ⰺȻ,ϳНhκL,,FrƷ,Hܚgӭ,,ԭʼƱȵһλղؼ,[Ʒ,þò,rf()ղ,ٝ@Ի:䮋Ȥ,[䮋,ҹƷ䮋ζ,^^f,ֵ! ȪڇLɳȰ˂гɹek˂˕Ʒչ;䌑gɾӵʮȫչ,s@;ĻI,κʡg҅fʡ҅f˕^ʡBfuL,ƄӺĻlչ,z;,҈ˇԷ涼ЈȶҌIۂýdzƷ,Lek˕չ,Lƪƽ,ٝu^,u糱Ŀǰ,ȪȪzӰƷxѽY,ȪIѳ,@һ,ɹĴT,ƷWƷˇƷĿ϶! ,ѵIJиŬ,A,ˡϷϲS,MĿɽϦ!,ѵһPһ,Pµܿܿn,́fMĜů,@tͼƳġ֮nn,֮N?Ȫμҡҡһ,yðՂQ:һλBи֮! ȪݴWɰƽyһίTfɽ҅fݺͬlșC֮ʢ,ڸvW,ek˕չ,չ䄓Ʒٷ,ɬF͑,ʾˇ,ȞF:@ī,ȫٛġ! ´ѹ,ˇ;M^p,Hչ;;,ĪʧC! 1111111111111111 6666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
0122050-1687 |
Winners of Directors election for South Shores Community AssociationSouth Shores Community Association announced four winners of its Board Directors election on January 18, 2005. They are: Dr. Tony Lei (with the higest votes at 1,261), Rudy Sanchez (1,096), Gary Lein (967), and Col. Robert Beveridge (870). The following is its introduction about Dr. Tony Lei. It was published and sent by South Shores Community Association c/o Terra West Property Management to all its Homeowners: I wish to serve as a director because: I (Dr. Tony Lei) will offer my endeavor, knowledge, and ability to carry out the duties for the rights and benefits of the homeowners and residents here in our community. I'll work to motivate both the good production and human relations on the work performance of our Association and the Management Company which we, the homeowners, are paying service fees to support. Qualifications I feel will benefit the community: Delegates who are good in managemt knowledge and experience will do better with the Home Association Company to promote the work performance for the rights and benefits of our homeowners. Many years as an Associate Professor and a Fellow of Management of the Graduate School of Business Administration of National Chung Hsing University and Pepperdine University, I may use my knowledge to serve our community. Many institutions such as Nevadan U. S. Representative Shelley Berkley of the Congress, Assistant District Attorney Office of Clark County, Constable's Office of Las Vegas Township, Raleigh, Hunt, McGarry & Drizin. P.C., among others invited me as the Senior Advisor. I may use my experience to work for our homeowners and residents. I received my M.B.A. and Ed.D. in Institutional Management from Pepperdine University, Malibu, California, but my knowledge and experience will be also important for me to service our community together with my sincere and humble personal traits. Other information I wish to share: "Dr. Tony Lei has worked for our community in Southern Nevada more than eleven years based on his belief that 'By the act of love itself, we are enriched. Love in action is service above self. Make service a part of our character and experience the abundant reward that comes from serving others. Let our heroes be the great servants who have given all for the betterment of others' lives. Let our candle fuel a fire that will fan out an ever-increasing circles. With these circles together we can close our eyes and evision a community that is safe, peaceful, and healthy.' We need such a people like him to work for our community," said a District Judge (incumbent with two terms) of our Family Court. I love the atmosphere here, I love the environment here, and especially I love the people here in our community. We should expect both of our Association and Management Company put effort to help our community be of our homeowners, by our homeowners , and for our homeowners. It's a good thing by working for you at the same time working for our families also because both of us are homeowners.*(*This information has been brought to you also by Las Vegas Review-Journal's reviewjournal.com through the Section of "Business & Administration" at http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti) 66666666666666666 77777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
012105-6677 |
Just type your name like "miss gloria wong" or "dr kenny guinn" on the searching box of Google.com please, and what could you find? You're on Google.com! Google answers our people, communities, and world!!! | |
Type esq after the name of a judge, judicial official, or attorney in Nevada like "Jessie walsh esq" on the searching box of Google.com please, and what could you find? | |
---Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) | |
A cartoon about Google.com: "Google is going to scan books and put them on the web!" "Wow! That's great!" ........................... "What's a book?" ---"PRICKLY CITY" (12/27/04)[Through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal.][Continue from a previous flier of a cartoon by 'Family Circus' ("I'm on the honor roll, but there's nothing about it on Google.")] Hi, good boy! You're almost everyday on Google.com with wbti - business! [ On the section of "Cartoons & Art" at: > http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ] Dear visitors, try this please: On the searching box of Google.com or aol.com, type any of the following names --- dr kenny guinn, dr kenny c guinn; professor harry reid, dr harry reid; dr john ensign; professor shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley; ms elaine chao, elaine chao u s, secretary elaine chao, elaine chao chairperson, elaine chao ms, elaine chao, wbti chairperson; ---; miss yin yan, yin yan miss, assistant president yin yan, yin yan, America Taiyu Investment, LLC.,; assistant president yi li, yi li miss, miss yi li, yi li; lynette mcdonald; valorie vega; nancy oesterle; agnas chan; bobby gronauer; jennifer togliatti; miss valerie weber, valerie e weber; besty kolkoski; natalie tyrrell; nafu lee; sapatra chemprachum; becky ung, e q becky ung, ms becky ung, eq chairperson; thai cultural art association of lv, tcaalv; nevada governor kenny guinn, chairman of advisory board kenny guinn, kenny guinn, governor kenny guinn, dr kenny c guinn; us senator harry reid, vice chairmen harry reid, harry reid, senator harry reid, dr harry reid; vice chairmen of advisory board john ensign, john ensign, senator john ensign, dr john ensign; us congreeswoman shelley berkley, executive director shelley berkley, shelley berkley, congreeswoman shelley berkley, dr shelley berkley ; jim gibbons wbti, congressman jim gibbons, james gibbons, jim gibbons; chairperson of wbti elaine chao, u s secretary of labor elaine chao, ms elaine chao, secretary elaine chao, elaine chao; wbti president; dr sun yuan kung, sun yuan kung; dr. tony lei, tony lei; brian sandoval advisor, brian sandoval esq, brian sandoval; bill maupin esq; bill maupin fellow, bill maupin, william maupin esq, william maupin; Dean Linda Livingstone (Pepperdine University), dr Linda Livingstone, linda livingstone, pepperdine university; vice presidents valorie vega, valoria vega, valorie vega esq; vice presidents mark denton, mark denton, mark denton esq; director of pai william thompson, william thompson, dr bill thompson, dr william thompson; gsbpa; director keong leong, dr. keong leong, keong leong, professor keong leong, g keong leong; director lee bernick, dr. lee bernick, lee bernick, professor lee bernick, e lee bernick; director sue fawn chung, dr. sue fawn chung, sue fawn chung, associate professor sue fawn chung; professor dina titus, dr dina titus; dina titus; Fellow of pai nancy becker, nancy becker; Fellow of pai sue del papa, sue del papa; jessie walsh esq, associate fellow jessie walsh, jessie walsh, miss jessie walsh; michele leavitt esq, associate fellow michele leavitt, michele leavitt, miss michele leavitt; lynette mcdonald, ms lynette mcdonald; ms barbara buckley, barbara buckley, barbara buckley associate fellow; nancy saitta esq; nancy saitta, ms nancy saitta; rory reid esq, assistant professor rory reid, dr rory reid, rory reid; abbi silver esq, assistant professor abbi silver, abbi silver; nancy oesterle, nancy oesterle esq, miss nancy oesterle, associate fellow nancy oesterle; lorraine hunt, ms lorraine hunt, lt governor lorraine hunt, nevada lt governor lorraine hunt, chairpersons lorraine hunt; chairpersons oscar goodman, oscar goodman; ccdapcc; steve wolfson esq, steve wolfson, commissioner steve wolfson; david roger esq, ccdapcc david roger, david roger chairmen, david roger; ccdapcc bill young, bill young chairmen, bill young; miss nancy wong; nancy wong miss; nancy wong; spokesman dr john wang, john wang, john wang spokesman, dr john wang; valerie weber wbti, valerie weber assistant fellow, valerie weber; david amesbury esq, david amesbury; ---; dr ku-sheng kung, president kung ku-sheng, president ku-sheng kung, ku-sheng kung, kung ku-sheng; ---; professor lei hong-ying, lei hong-ying, hong-ying lei; ---; dr sun-yuan kung, sun-yuan kung; ---; dr chung-yuan kung, chung-yuan kung; ---; dr shieh-yuan kung, shieh-yuan kung; ---; tunghai university; Tunghai University Alumni Association; dr peter c c wang, peter c c wang; peter wang; Nevada examiner; Kairos Communication Service; president of event dr r d prabha, r d prabha md, r d prabha; president of event dr raj chanderraz, raj chanderraz md, raj chanderraz; chairman of coordinating dr peter lok, peter lok dr; media advisor william yuen, william yuen; financial advisor teresa woo, teresa woo; president of las vegas ... news helen hsueh, helen hsueh; leading chinese dr raymond yin, raymond yin dr, raymond yin; sapatra chemprachum; fellow lillian wallace (memorial), lillian wallace; julian wallace (memorial); Leading Chinese Literature World; Singapore Association of Nevada; Hawaii Chinese Writers' Association; institute nevada, nevada; lisa brown esq, associate fellow lisa brown, lisa brown; Anthony Del Vecchio associate fellow, n Anthony Del Vecchio, Anthony Del Vecchio esq; bert brown associate fellow, bert brown, bert brown esq; cedric kerns esq, associate fellow cedric kerns, cedric kerns; ann zimmerman esq, associate fellow ann zimmerman, ann zimmerman; tim wong wbti, tim wong, mr tim wong; nancy wong wbti, miss nancy wong, nancy wong; ms jackie glass, jackie glass adjunct associate professor, jackie glass, jackie glass esq; stewart bell senior advisor, stewart bell, stewart bell esq; ---; kathy augustine vice president, kathy augustine; miss kathy augustine; ---; writing advisor jerry tao, jerry tao esq, jerry tao; ---; oscar jornacion entrepreneurship advisor, oscar jornacion; ---; rory reid associate professor, rory reid; ---; john ponticello; ---; pastor paul goulet, paul goulet; ---; dolly deleon; miss dolly DeLeon---; peter lok; ---; mike vaswani; ---; rita vaswani; ---; mr. tonie sison, tonie sison; ---; pia galopon; ---; Xiaosheng Huang Esq, Xiaosheng Huang; ---; miss audrey cheng, audrey cheng ; ---; nancy nan jiang, nancy jiang; ---; zhen zhang miss, zhen zhang; ---; Jiemin Chen; ---; thalia dondero; ---; sonia joya; ---; nancy oesterle ms, nancy oesterle; ---; ms nancy diaz, nancy diaz; ---; john hunt esq, john hunt; mike davidson esq, mike davidson; ---; ---; kathie ambrosio, miss kathie ambrosio; --- ms gerri schroder, gerri schroder; ---; miss christine hu, christine hu, christine hu esq; ---; stefany miley; ---; miss gloria wong, gloria wong; ---; nadia jurani; ---; andrew lai; ---; Susan Keygiell; ---; ms sophy feng; ---; miss jasmine guo, jasmine guo; ---; atty xin wang, xin wang; ---; kate recto; ---; ms geny rosario, geny rosario; ---; janathan galviz; ---; miss eva guo, eva guo; ---; nadia contreras sales, nadia sales-bierals; ---; philippine times of las vegas; ---; philippine business executives ---; asian american times, ---; U.S. asian chronicle; ---; dr peter wang wbti, dr peter wang, peter wang; ---; dr an-pyng sun, an-pyng sun; ---; dr archie chang, archie chang, fellow archie chang; ---; coodinating advisor raymond lam, raymond lam; ---; jannilee phan; ---; chelsea yuan; ---; sonia joya; ---; ms mindy gao, mindy gao; ---; andrew benton president, dr andy benton, dr andrew benton, andrew benton Pepperdine Univesity President, andrew benton, dr andrew benton, pepperdine university; ---; dr charles runnels, charles runnels chancellor; charles runnels; ---; magaret weber dean of Pepperdine University, margaret weber; ---; m mayer director of school of education alumni Pepperdine, margaret mayer; ---; dr liz kent pepperdine, dr elizabeth kent, liz kent, liz starchuk; ---; dr patricia starchuk devin, dr patricia devin, tricia starchuk devin; ---; pamela bellew ( of Pepperdine University business school); ---; stafany a miley esq, stefany miley; ---; sean p q su md, sean su, dr sean su; ---; sabas (bobby) gaviola; ---; herb brown constable, herb brown; ---; stephen malinoff; ---; christine cacciapaglia; ---; rebecca goh, ---; mr benjamin yang; ---; international church of las vegas, paul goulet pastor, paul goulet, denise goulet pstor, denise goulet; ---; albert chang esq, albert chang; ---; NCAAPB; ---; eric chen esq, eric chen; ---; sophy w feng md, dr sophy feng; ---; rosa chen, miss rosa chen; ---; fay cheung; ---; john smith wbti, john smith; ---; sally yu wbti, sally yu, miss sally yu; ---; benson lee esq, benson lee; ---; dr roy adamson (memorial), roy adamson; ---; bettina ho; ---; lillian tsai, y s lei; ---; meiyang chang; ---; assistant iris zhang, iris zhang, miss iris zhang; ---; william jansen esq, william jansen, assistant fellow william jansen; ---; tony abbatangrlo esq, assistant fellow tony abbtangrlo (miss spelling for abbatangelo), tony abbatangelo; ---; miss meiyang chang; ---; ms lillian tsai; ---; tina shih; ---; zhiyong (john) wang, dr zhiyong (john) wang---; michael l douglas; ---; michael d davidson; ---; mr alex young; ---; living world christian church ---; gayle anderson; ---; lucky tropical fish; ---; dema guinn; ---; janet murphy; ---; suzie nguyen-su dds, suzie nguyen-su; ---; henry t so; ---; gerri schroder; ---; new china buffet; ---; ms rennie schreiber; ---; linda livingstone; ---; mr michael l montandon; ---; terrell prude' enterprises, terrell prude'; gerome t tao; ---; sandra l pomrenze; ---; ms jeanie wey; ---; properties of america; ---; mr alan t pan; ---; mr gordon xu; ---; e lee bernick; ---; miss nancy c oesterle; ---; n anthony del vecchio; ---; darden aquatics design; ---; mr steven talkjan; ---; robert a anderson jr; ---; christie f dailo; ---; chaoxia 'chelsea' yuan, miss chelsea yuan; ---; ms valorie j vega; ---; robert (bobby g) gronauer; ---; mr michael a cherry, michael a cherry esq; ---; ms deborah j lippis, deborah j lippis esq; ---; ms natalie l tyrrell, natalie l tyrrell esq ---; betsy kolkoski esq, betsy kolkoski; ---; charlyne chen, ms charlyne chen; ---; mr bai gang; --- annie yu, ms annie yu; ---; ms tiffany wu; ms elena brady; ---; mr tod j story; ---; david r parks; ---; jacquie balodis, dr jacquie balodis; ---; jack's art gallery; ---; shiu-ching kao; ---; jennifer p togliatti, jennifer p togliatti esq; ---; ellen m koivisto; nicole tuttle; ---; ms judy brusa; ---; john lei; ---; mike lei; ---; washington business and technology institute, wbti; ---; chinese american academic association of nevada, caaan; ---; lv chinese association, las vagas chinese association; ---; ms cathy endy, cathy endy; ---; lv chinese american association, las vegas chinese american association; ---; lv taiwanese association, las vegas taiwanese association; ---; taipei; ---; jong yiee, mr jong yiee; ---; sophie ideker, miss sophie ideker; jianhong yang, hong yang, ms hong yang; ---; jackson chao, mr jackson chao; ---; erin chiang, miss erin chiang; ---; robert song, mr robert song; ---; dr david lee, david lee; ---; taiwan; ---; republic of china; ---; miss sue phelps, sue phelps; ---; las vegas taiwanese center; ---; yuan chuan tsai, mr yuan chuan tsai; ---; Nevada Chinese American Center; ---; william tong, mr william tong; ---; southern nevada chinese weekly; ---; lv american chinese association; ---; lv nevada chinese academy, nevada chinese academy; ---; River of Life Christian Church; ---; lv chinese christian church; ---; google.com wbti, google.com; ---; dr ko-wang mei, ko-wang mei; ---; karen bennet-haron, karen bennet-haron esq; ---; dr william thompson, bill thompson, william thompson; ---; bobby g gronauer; ---; miss liane lee, liane lee; ---; tod j story; ---; david r parker; ---; ellen m koivisto; ---; David Amesburry esq, David Amesburry; ---; judith ray, miss judith ray; ---; sapatra chemprachum; --; jheri psmyth, mr jheri psmyth; ---; linda leos; ---; , bangkok, thailand; ---; thai airlines; ---; city of las vegas; ---; taipei, ---; hongkong; ---; Nanyang Technological University alumni association, Nanyang Technological University, singapore; ---; ---; mike davidson esq, mike davidson; ---; robert lueck esq, robert lueck; ---; cynthia steel, cynthia steel esq; ---; professor tu lin (memorial), tu lin; ---; condoleezza rice dr's; ---; nancy becker's, nancy becker, nancy becker esq; ---; las vegas chinese daily news; ---; helen hsueh publisher, helen hsueh, ms helen hsueh; ---; chinese daily news (world journal); ---; chen shui-bien roc president, chen shui-bien president, president chen shui-bien, chen shui-bien; president chen shui-bian ---; lin-yao chen, ms lin-yao chen; ---; teresa woo president, teresa woo, ms teresa woo; ---; william yuen publisher, william yuen, mr william yuen; ---; commissioner rory reid, rory reid, rory reid esq; ---; john ensign u s senator, john ensign, dr john ensign; ---; river of life christian church; ---; intercity business council of nevada; ---; pepperdine university graduate school of education and phychology; ---; pepperdine university school of business and management; unlv alumni; ---; unlv; ---; unlv,reno; unlv,reno alumni association; ---; infoseek.com; ---; kairos; ---; netscape.com, netscape network; ---; kenny guinn; ---; harry reid; ---; beijing; ---; hu jintao president business, hu jintao president, hu jintao, president hu jintao; ---; people's republic of china; ---; communitylink; south shores community association; golden nugget buffet; gee joon chinese restaurant; ms amy jiao, amy jiao; miss kate grew, kate grew; jon eric garde, jon eric garde esq; miguel garza; ms caixia guo, caixia guo; miss maggie liu, maggie liu; dr peter shieu, peter shieu; mr david hsueh, david hsueh; ms ana hsin; ms sonia joya, sonia joya; pil juadines; dr barbara jackson, barbara jackson; chairman hu jintao; miss rao jiao, rao jiao; mr roger ko, roger ko; ms merle khoo, merle khoo, merle lok esq; eva garcia-mendoza esq, eva garcia-mendoza; ms yvonne ma, yvonne ma; miss ann melton, ann melton; dr toni ni, toni ni; amy cheng; dr robert ni, robert ni; dr wun-wu rao; las vegas chinese christian church; the epoch times; sam woo bar-b-q; china express; dr sonny ho; Greg Bortolin or John Trent; mr Greg Bortolin, mr John Trent; ms Judy Hetherington, Judy Hetherington; miss Kathy Karstedt, Kathy Karstedtchina; star super buffet; mortgage one, llc; mr kent soule, kent soule; miss doris yan; ms genie ohrenochall, genie ohrenochall; paradise democratic club of las vegas; terry care; tung-ho lei; tung-fian lei; pia torio-galapon; ms jackie seip, jackie seip; island girl marketing, christine biaggi; terry wong miss; sally yu miss; America asia travel center inc; singtao times weekly; ms jeannie wey; mr Scott Jaegel, Scott Jaegel; miss Merlinda R. Gallegos, Merlinda R. Gallegos; E. Q. Research Committee, EQRC; ms doris balducci, doris balducci; ms Patty Blakeman, Patty Blakeman; miss Chang Fu-mei, macroview weekly; councilman larry brown, desert shores club house; cynthia steel esq; ---; ranch market; china star; anthony lu publisher, mr anthony lu, anthony lu ---; chinese culture university alumni association of las vegas; ---; miss Ruth Talaiver, Ruth Talaiver; ---; jean liu, ms jean liu; ---; ms Rennie Schreiber, Rennie Schreiber; ---; unlv alumni; ---; oscar goodman mayor, oscar goodman; las vegas; ---; ---; tony lei president; ---; dr john wang spokesman; ---; john lei; ---; mike lei; ---; elaine chao us secretary of labor, ms elaine chao, elaine chao; ---; lin-yao chen; ---; dr kenny c guinn, kenny guinn; ---; las vegas chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas latin chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas urban chamber of commerce; ---; las vegas philippine chamber of commerce; ---; president chen shui-bian; mr duncan r lee; ---; tiffany chang; ---; mr edward swindle, ms carolie swindle; ---; chow's cuisine, ms kathy li, kathy li; ---; harbor palace restaurant; ---; ms. margaret chen, margaret chen, margaret chen andert; next weekly wbti, next weekly; ---; reviewjournal - communitylink wbti, reviewjournal - communitylink, reviewjournal.com wbti, reviewjournal.com ; ---; google answers wbti, google answers; ---; chinese daily news (world journal) wbti, chinese daily news, world journal; ---; webcrawler.com, webcraler; ---; las vegas review-journal; ---; reviewjournal.com; ---; asian chamber of commerce; ---; Condoleezza Rice, Dr.'s World Perspective, Condoleezza Rice, dr Condoleezza Rice; ---; mrs dema guinn; ---; forum group limited, jerry c wang; ---; mr andrew chen, andrew chen, wynn investments, ms Susan Keygiell, Susan Keygiell; ---; ms yachin shih, yachin shih; ---; mr thom reilly, manager thom reilly, thom reilly; ---; ms linda shyr; ---; ms jasmine brooks; ---; desert accident & injury center, dr cora c murillo, ms cora c murillo, cora murillo; ---; young realty & investment, mr alex young, alex young; ---; rozita lee, ms rozita lee; ---; ms deborah j lippis; ---; ms elena brady; ---; ms linda q liu; ---; miss linda chen; ---; pepperdine university alumni association, pepperdine university; ---; national taiwan university alumni association, national taiwan university; ---; chengchi university alumni association, chengchi university; ---; chunghsing university alumni association, chunghsing university; ---; dr stephen tong, stephen tong, stephen tong evangelistic ministries international; ---; Pepperdine university; tulane university alumni association; national sun yat-sen university, national sun yat-sen university alumni association; dr john wang; dr james soong, people first party; koumintang chairman lien chan; mark denton district judge; veloria vega district judge; ms jennie wey, jennie wey; ms vida chan lin, vida chan lin; dr susan whiston, susan whiston; prof wen shen, wen shen; mr raja mourey, raja mourey; ms gloria mccomes, gloria mccomes; ms eleanor chow, eleanor chow; mr tola chin; ropchai premsrirut dr; richard segerblom esq ; ms terry wong; mr buck wong, buck wong; mr yale wang; ms alice wu, alice wu; miss nancy wong, nancy wong; dr sherman wu, sherman wu; mr david wang; ms christiana wang; prof ji sheng wang, ji sheng wang; mr andy wang; ms shin galin, shin galin; ms varonica parios, varonica parios; ms linda martin; dr paul aizley, paul aizley; mr yi-dhi chia, yi-dhi chia; mr derek chen, derek chen; ms cathy chin, cathy chin, cathy chin miss; mr peter chang, peter chang; ms judith ray, judith ray; ms lily chen, lily chen; ms alice carney, alice carney; dr bill carney, bill carney; miss zhao hui qiu; ms helen du, helen du; mr frank tsou, frank tsou; central daily news, central daily news - international edition; ms cathy endy, cathy endy; cathy yaling fuchigami; ms anny on; mr alan poon, alan poon; dr percy poon, percy poon; pat blakeman; mr bert romes, bert romes; dr david tang, david tang, ms mei tang, mei tang, ms mei wang, ms mary wang; ms maggie tang, maggie tang; miss Susan Sullivent, Susan Sullivent; ms shri vogel, shri vogel; sam chen; anna young hsian; ms vickie yu, vickie yu; ms lan yun, lan yun; mr river sun, river sun; dr huiwen zhang, huiwen zhang; mr yi-huang liu; mr jim phan, jim phan; mr art javier, art javier; ms emma lynn chan; alice wu ms; united financial associates inc; FiberTel, Inc.; asian american group; Harbor palace seafood restaurant; cathy house chinese cuisine; BBQ king restaurant; new china buffet; coco wang ms; las vegas review-journal, sherman r. frederick, allan b. fleming, thomas mitchell, charles zobell, john kerr; ---; dr andrew benton, president dr andrew benton; las vegas urban chamber of commerce; dr peter f drucker; dr lien chan, chairman lien chan; mayor ma ying-jeou, dr ma ying-jeou; dr han-ping chen; lily lee chen ms; anthony j chien; philip chou; dr yu-ping hsia; dr woochun hsu; dr richard kao; dr richard koo; dr isiah c lee; dr san-pao li; dr chi-yuan lin; dr thomas lin; dr allen liu; dr paul mu; president andrew benton; dr condoleezza rice, condoleezza rice dr; albert ing sun; dr jing-shen tao; wilber woo; hung yuan wu; julia wu ms; levi ying; li yu; 馮鳴台; 馬英九; miss Hong Yang; ms candy bowser; merle berman; barbara cegavske; vonne chowing; allan earl; cedric kerns; john lee; myron leavitt (memorial); michelle leavitt-fitzpatrick; james mahan; theresa malone; mark malone; mark menendo; cathy nelson; denis nolan; gary reese; loretta arrington; myrna williams; radha chanderraj; dr donald kwalick; jerry reynoldson; bobby siller; charles thompson; sheri vogel; karen foster; miguel isassi; barbara robinson; david teis; mildred arquero; albert chang; dr andres costas; leonie domingo; a j dudekar; steve escalona; larry espinueva; dr nilofar kuraishi; dr shaheed siddiqui; steve kwon; jose lim; ann melton; zenny mendoza; lillian morizono; peter nguyen; george regner; dr francisco sanchez; dr ram singh; richard segerblom; nick singh; laxmi singh; joey villaflor; roddy wong; jennifer elliotts; valorie adair; erin kenny; david wall esq, david wall; john hunt esq, jonh hunt; lorraine hunt; miss francis allen, francis allen; richard dennison; aldo aguirre; miss aurora maskall, aurora maskall; ---; harry reid; shelley berkley; kenny guinn; A Lift Uporg; Air & Waste Management Association; Alpha Kappa Alpha, Theta Theta Omega Chapter; Alpha Programs; Argentinean Association of Las Vegas, Inc.; Asian Chamber of Commerce; Beta Sigma Phi Las Vegas City Council; Boricua Association of Las Vegas; Boulder City Community Club; Boulder City / Hoover Dam Museum; Boulder City Republican Women; Boulder City Senior Center; Citizen Alert; Citizens for an Alternative Tax System (CATS); Christian Toastmasters; Clark County Bar Association; Clark County Legal Services Program, Inc.; Clark County Young Republicans; CLASSical Liberals of Las Vegas; Community Coalition for Victims' Rights; Council of Nevada Veterans Organizations; Delta Sigma Theta Sorority - Las Vegas Alumnae Chapter; East Las Vegas Community Development Corporation; Economic Opportunity Board; Filipino-American Servicemen's Association; Foster Care and Adoption Assistance of Nevada; Friends of Kiel Ranch; GFWC Junior Mesquite Club; Goshen Community Development Coalition; Greater Nevada Detachment of the Marine Corps League; Green Valley Republican Women; Henderson Composite Squadron of the Civil Air Patrol; Henderson District Public Libraries; LaRed Latina; Las Vegas Art Museum; Las Vegas Breakfasters Lions Club; Las Vegas Indian Center; Las Vegas-Clark County Library District; Las Vegas Philharmonic; Las Vegas Post No. 8, Department of Nevada, American Legion; Las Vegas Sail and Power Squadron; Las Vegas United REACT; Las Vegas World Affairs Council; Libertarian Party of Clark County; Lions Club -- Sundowners; The Mesquite Club; Nellis Cadet Squadron, Civil Air Patrol; Nellis Radio Amateur Club; Nevada Army National Guard; Nevada Association of Residential Communities; Nevada Car Club Council; Nevada Center for Ethics & Health Policy; Nevada Contractors Association; Nevada Department, Reserve Officers Association; Nevada Federation of Republican Women; Nevada PTA (Parent Teacher Association); Nevada Policy Research Institute; Nevada Small Business Development Center; Nevada State Museum and Historical Society; Nevada State Society of the Sons of the American Revolution; Nevada Test Site Historical Foundation; Nevada Women's Lobby; Nevada Young Republican Federation; Nevadans For Affordable Health Care; Nevadans for Quality Education; Non Profit Business Development Center; Pioche Chamber of Commerce; Preservation Association of Clark County; Rancho High School Alumni Association; Ratzen Mauzers/RMCA Las Vegas; Rotary Club of Boulder City; Rotary Club - Las Vegas Northwest; Salvation Army, Clark County NV; Silent Heroes of the Cold War National Monument; Sons of Italy - Las Vegas; Soroptimist International; Southern Nevada Domestic Violence Task Force; Southern Nevada Immunization Coalition; Southern Nevada Quality Council; Southern Nevada Zoological - Botanical Park; Spring Mountain Ranch State Park Docents; State Peace Officers Council, Nevada; Take Time to Teach; Tule Springs Preservation Committee; United States Army Recruiting; United States Disaster Relief Command; University Medical Center; USA Track & Field Nevada; Victims In Action (VIA); Volunteer Homeland Reserve Unit; WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN); Wells, Nevada Online!; West Charleston Lions Club; Women's Chamber of Commerce of Nevada; Women's Club of Summerlin; World Liberation Order; ---; Las Vegas Art Museum; DeLuca Liquor & Wine, Ltd.; MGM Mirage; US Bank; Summerlin; America West Airlines; Las Vegas Centennial; The Howard Hughes Corporation; Arcata Associates, Inc.; Nevada State Bank; COX Communications; NaFFAA - National Federation of Filipino American Associations; Mandalay Resort Group; Panda Express; ---; las vegas korean association; japanese american citizen league; nevada oriental medical association; u s china people's friendship association; president hu jintao; vietnamese community association of southern nevada; japanese american club; arab american heritage club; filipino seniors of las vegas; philipines chamber of commerce of southern nevada; ---; chief Judge Philip M. Pro; Donna Andrews; Judge Roger L. Hunt; Kandy Capozzi; Judge Kent J. Dawson; Peggie Vannozzi; Judge James C. Mahan; David Oakes; Judge Robert C. Jones; Barbara Price; Senior Judge Lloyd D. George; Carol Brock; Judge Lawrence R. Leavitt; Alana Kamaka; Judge Robert J. Johnston; Kathy Yagich; Judge Peggy A. Leen; Kris Schulke; Judge Howard D. McKibben; Bette Stewart; Judge Larry R. Hicks; Rosemarie Miller; Senior Judge Edward C. Reed Jr.; Colleen Larsen; Senior Judge David W. Hagen; Rosemarie Miller; Judge Robert A. McQuaid Jr.; Rosemary Damron; Judge Valerie P. Cooke; Marti Campbell; valorie vega vice president; ---; Judge kenneth cory; judge ron parraguirre; judge kathy a hardcastle; judge joseph t bonaventure; judge lee gates; judge donald m mosley; judge sally a loehrer; judge joh s McCroarty; judge allan r earl; judge david wall; judge valerier adair; judge william a voy; judge gloria s sanchez; judge steven e jones; judge gerald w hardcastle; judge robert e gaston; judge t arthur ritchie jr, judge lisa m brown; judge jennifer elliott; judge norman c robison; judge stephen l huffaker; judge jack lehman; judge james a brennan; ---; Dan Bogden; Ellen Knowlton; richard perkins speaker; richard perkins; anthony starvos; george assad esq, george assad, frank sullivan; elizabeth quinlan; michelle darquea; mark denton vice president; ---; robert perry esq, robert perry; david hardy esq, david hardy; douglas herndon esq, douglas herndon; cassandra campbell; myra sheehan; julien sourwine; john springate; susan h johnson; timothy c williams; ---; dr tony tung-tien lei, tony tung-tien lei; ---; dr kang-pei wang, kang-pei wang; ---; dr chao-ming pan, chao-ming pan; ---; evelyn chiao; ---; tiffany chang wbti, tiffany chang; ---; jennifer kung wbti, jennifer kung; ---; joy huang wbti, miss joy huang, joy huang; ---; miss jessica huang, jessica huang; ---; miss shirley huang, shirley huang; ---; mr peter hong, peter hong; ms kawah soule, mr kent soule; miss kathy augustine---; sino-american language services, mr dan molner, dan molner; ---; mr michael chang, michael chang; ---; mark denton esq, mark denton; ---; Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas; ---; Zax Restaurant, Zax Restaurant of Goldern Nugget Casino and Hotel; ---; lillie langtry's restaurant, lillie langtry's restaurant of golden nugget casino and hotel; ---; steak house of horseshoe casino and hotel; ...; Center Stage Restaurant, Center Stage Restaurant of Plaza casino and Hotel; roc president; ---; chinese outreach; ---; Myron Leavitt esq, Myron Leavitt (memorial); Democratic Progressive Party; seniors united; uc berkeley alumni association; uc berkeley; usc alumni association; usc; ucla alumni association; ucla; Thai Performing Art Appreciation Day; miss tina shih, world education organization; ---; Lei Rong Sheng; dr hui-ning lei, hui ning lei, lei hui ning; lei shiou ning ms, lei shiou ning; United Financial Associates Inc; miss agnas chan; mrs judy lei, judy lei; ---; Asian Student Association; Chinese Student & Scholar Association; Filipino American Student Association; International Business Club; International Club; Japanese Social Club; Korean American Student Association; Muslim Students Association; South Asian Student Association; Vietnamese Student Association; Thomas C. Wright International Programs Scholarship; Wing-Lilly Fong Chinese Language Scholarship; ---; Community college of southern nevada; Community college of southern nevada alumni association; ccsn; International Student Organization of ccsn; Shin Dong Ho; Rebecca Grant; miss tiffany ou, tiffany ou; lillie langtry's restaurant; miss grace zervoulakos, grace zervoulakos; Korenberg, Abramowitz & Feldun; mrs helen m young; Rev. Samuel Lee; ngoc nguyen; wayne tanaka; ben torres, ben kim; albert vergara; jason schuck; ; edna dong; dr joey villaflor; United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia; sheriff bill young; president dr tony lei; president tony lei; oscar goodman las vegas mayor; fibertel inc; America Taiyu International, LLC; office of the governor; president george bush; george bush; miss dolly deleon; dolly deleon; general secretary cheryl moss, cheryl moss esq, miss cheryl moss, cheryl moss; ---; or any name or terminology (such as business, american, etc.) before WBTI, you'll find Google.com or aol.com has many good things for them with WBTI! | |
012105-3687 |
Hit the "Chinese Simplified (H2)" on the "View" please!Event and Dinner Party for LAS VEGAS 2005 Chinese Lunar New Year Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG ART EXHIBIT sponsored by ATI, LVC, and WBTI on Friday, the Fourth of February, 2005 at Chinatown 2nd Floor Emperor's Garden Restaurant 4255 Spring Mountain Road, Suite B-203, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Grand Opening at 3:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor of Chinatown) һϯ: (ԭfɽиAί Tͬl L¹˾LY SIչl) ϯ: (˹S˹AČWˇgϕL) ϯ: SЦ (˹S˹A˅fL) ϯ: W (ólˡL) ϯ ׄ (ʢٹ̼оԺԺL) ϯ: (˹S˹AČWˇgϕL) ϯ: (̩ԣͶY˾L ) ϯ: (̩ԣͶY˾L) ϯ: i (̩ԣͶY˾) ٝλ: ̩ԣͶY˾ ˹S˹Їǿ֮\ Ȫ,Ї,x춇 WԺʷϵ,WA,ȾЇvʷĵW,vκꡢݡ̶LɳL,κʡʡLʡL,Їڰˌȫ˴ίƷ,,,,uh,ݛՓu顰وϵIJɡ շæ֮,оW,PY,Ⱥˡ{c˼ɽfСՓɢf,,,˼,,Wg顰Wμҡ xϢӰ҈@,춵,Ԣɽˮ,축,ćS,侫,ڕ؞ͨԭ축,Թŕһҡ,ƷԳһ,μ,ⰺȻ,ϳНhκL,,FrƷ,Hܚgӭ,,ԭʼƱȵһλղؼ,[Ʒ,þò,rf()ղ,ٝ@Ի:䮋Ȥ,[䮋,ҹƷ䮋ζ,^^f,ֵ! ȪڇLɳȰ˂гɹek˂˕Ʒչ;䌑gɾӵʮȫչ,s@;ĻI,κʡg҅fʡ҅f˕^ʡBfuL,ƄӺĻlչ,z;,҈ˇԷ涼ЈȶҌIۂýdzƷ,Lek˕չ,Lƪƽ,ٝu^,u糱Ŀǰ,ȪȪzӰƷxѽY,ȪIѳ,@һ,ɹĴT,ƷWƷˇƷĿ϶! ,ѵIJиŬ,A,ˡϷϲS,MĿɽϦ!,ѵһPһ,Pµܿܿn,́fMĜů,@tͼƳġ֮nn,֮N?Ȫμҡҡһ,yðՂQ:һλBи֮! ȪݴWɰƽyһίTfɽ҅fݺͬlșC֮ʢ,ڸvW,ek˕չ,չ䄓Ʒٷ,ɬF͑,ʾˇ,ȞF:@ī,ȫٛġ! ´ѹ,ˇ;M^p,Hչ;;,ĪʧC! 1111111111111111 6666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
012105 ***** There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assit another human being---to help someone succeed. ---Alan Loy McGinnis |
| | |
012005-7868 |
Dear Justice of the Supreme Court Michael Douglas, Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI); Ms. Yin Yan, Vice President of America Taiyu International, LLC (ATI); and Mr. James Chen, President of Las Vegas Chinatown (LVC) request the honor of your presence as a Guest of Honor at the Event and Dinner Party for LAS VEGAS 2005 Chinese Lunar New Year Mr. QIN QUAN XIONG ART EXHIBIT sponsored by ATI, LVC, and WBTI on Friday, the Fourth of February, 2005 at Chinatown 2nd Floor Emperor's Garden Restaurant 4255 Spring Mountain Road, Suite B-203, Las Vegas, Nevada 89102 from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. (Grand Opening at 3:30 p.m. in the 2nd Floor of Chinatown) Please RSVP to (702)-255-9058 or E-mail: tojulei@yahoo.com RSVP: Please call Judy at 255-9058 on or before Tuesday, February 1, 2005. 66666666666666666 8888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
012005-5367 |
Nevada Hillerby, Comeaux will hold budget briefing MONDAY By Office of the GovernorFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 20, 2005 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 CARSON CITY Michael Hillerby, Gov. Kenny Guinns chief of staff, and Perry Comeaux, the governors director of administration, will hold a budget briefing at noon, Monday, Jan. 24, in the Old Assembly Chamber of the State Capitol. In addition to Hillerby and Comeaux, several members of Gov. Guinns cabinet will be available for comment. Gov. Guinn will deliver his State of the State Address in the Nevada Legislature Assembly Chamber at 6 p.m. on Monday. Every major network television affiliate in both Las Vegas and Reno have committed to carrying the speech live and in its entirety. Office of the Governor 101 North Carson Street Fax: 775-684-7198 Grant Sawyer State Office Building 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 702-486-2505 999999999999 66666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
012005-5687 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, 3:37 p. m. , Thurday, January 20, 2005 #First Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Full text of Bush's inaugural addressThursday 20 January 2005, 22:00 Makka Time, 19:00 GMT Bush: We go forward confident in the eventual triumph of freedom The following is the full text, as prepared for delivery, of US President George W Bush's inaugural address following his swearing-in on Thursday for a second four-year term: Vice President Cheney, Mr Chief Justice, President Carter, President Bush, President Clinton, reverend clergy, distinguished guests, fellow citizens: On this day, prescribed by law and marked by ceremony, we celebrate the durable wisdom of our Constitution, and recall the deep commitments that unite our country. I am grateful for the honour of this hour, mindful of the consequential times in which we live, and determined to fulfil the oath that I have sworn and you have witnessed. At this second gathering, our duties are defined not by the words I use, but by the history we have seen together. For a half century, America defended our own freedom by standing watch on distant borders. After the shipwreck of communism came years of relative quiet, years of repose, years of sabbatical - and then there came a day of fire. We have seen our vulnerability - and we have seen its deepest source. For as long as whole regions of the world simmer in resentment and tyranny - prone to ideologies that feed hatred and excuse murder - violence will gather, and multiply in destructive power, and cross the most defended borders, and raise a mortal threat. There is only one force of history that can break the reign of hatred and resentment, and expose the pretensions of tyrants, and reward the hopes of the decent and tolerant, and that is the force of human freedom. Survival of liberty We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world. America's vital interests and our deepest beliefs are now one. From the day of our founding, we have proclaimed that every man and woman on this earth has rights, and dignity, and matchless value, because they bear the image of the maker of heaven and earth. Across the generations we have proclaimed the imperative of self-government, because no one is fit to be a master, and no one deserves to be a slave. Advancing these ideals is the mission that created our nation. It is the honourable achievement of our fathers. Now it is the urgent requirement of our nation's security, and the calling of our time. So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture, with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world. This is not primarily the task of arms, though we will defend ourselves and our friends by force of arms when necessary. Soul of a nation Freedom, by its nature, must be chosen, and defended by citizens, and sustained by the rule of law and the protection of minorities. And when the soul of a nation finally speaks, the institutions that arise may reflect customs and traditions very different from our own. [*****Bush takes the oath of office on Capitol Hill in Washington DC] America will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling. Our goal instead is to help others find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way. The great objective of ending tyranny is the concentrated work of generations. The difficulty of the task is no excuse for avoiding it. America's influence is not unlimited, but fortunately for the oppressed, America's influence is considerable, and we will use it confidently in freedom's cause. My most solemn duty is to protect this nation and its people against further attacks and emerging threats. Some have unwisely chosen to test America's resolve, and have found it firm. We will persistently clarify the choice before every ruler and every nation: The moral choice between oppression, which is always wrong, and freedom, which is eternally right. Mercy of bullies America will not pretend that jailed dissidents prefer their chains, or that women welcome humiliation and servitude, or that any human being aspires to live at the mercy of bullies. We will encourage reform in other governments by making clear that success in our relations will require the decent treatment of their own people. America's belief in human dignity will guide our policies, yet rights must be more than the grudging concessions of dictators; they are secured by free dissent and the participation of the governed. In the long run, there is no justice without freedom, and there can be no human rights without human liberty. Some, I know, have questioned the global appeal of liberty - though this time in history, four decades defined by the swiftest advance of freedom ever seen, is an odd time for doubt. Americans, of all people, should never be surprised by the power of our ideals. Eventually, the call of freedom comes to every mind and every soul. We do not accept the existence of permanent tyranny because we do not accept the possibility of permanent slavery. Liberty will come to those who love it. Stand for liberty Today, America speaks anew to the peoples of the world: All who live in tyranny and hopelessness can know: the United States will not ignore your oppression, or excuse your oppressors. When you stand for your liberty, we will stand with you. Demonstrators line the route for the inauguration parade Democratic reformers facing repression, prison or exile can know: America sees you for who you are: the future leaders of your free country. The rulers of outlaw regimes can know that we still believe as Abraham Lincoln did: "Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves; and, under the rule of a just God, cannot long retain it." The leaders of governments with long habits of control need to know: To serve your people you must learn to trust them. Start on this journey of progress and justice, and America will walk at your side. And all the allies of the United States can know: we honour your friendship, we rely on your counsel, and we depend on your help. Enemies' defeat Division among free nations is a primary goal of freedom's enemies. The concerted effort of free nations to promote democracy is a prelude to our enemies' defeat. Today, I also speak anew to my fellow citizens: From all of you, I have asked patience in the hard task of securing America, which you have granted in good measure. Our country has accepted obligations that are difficult to fulfil, and would be dishonourable to abandon. Yet because we have acted in the great liberating tradition of this nation, tens of millions have achieved their freedom. And as hope kindles hope, millions more will find it. By our efforts, we have lit a fire as well - a fire in the minds of men. It warms those who feel its power, it burns those who fight its progress, and one day this untamed fire of freedom will reach the darkest corners of our world. Duty and allegiance A few Americans have accepted the hardest duties in this cause - in the quiet work of intelligence and diplomacy ... the idealistic work of helping raise up free governments ... the dangerous and necessary work of fighting our enemies. Some have shown their devotion to our country in deaths that honoured their whole lives - and we will always honour their names and their sacrifice. All Americans have witnessed this idealism, and some for the first time. I ask our youngest citizens to believe the evidence of your eyes. You have seen duty and allegiance in the determined faces of our soldiers. You have seen that life is fragile, and evil is real, and courage triumphs. Make the choice to serve in a cause larger than your wants, larger than yourself - and in your days you will add not just to the wealth of our country, but to its character. America has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at home - the unfinished work of American freedom. In a world moving towards liberty, we are determined to show the meaning and promise of liberty. Stake in the future In America's ideal of freedom, citizens find the dignity and security of economic independence, instead of labouring on the edge of subsistence. [*****Powell greets Condoleezza Rice at the inaugural ceremonies] This is the broader definition of liberty that motivated the Homestead Act, the Social Security Act, and the GI Bill of Rights. And now we will extend this vision by reforming great institutions to serve the needs of our time. To give every American a stake in the promise and future of our country, we will bring the highest standards to our schools, and build an ownership society. We will widen the ownership of homes and businesses, retirement savings and health insurance - preparing our people for the challenges of life in a free society. By making every citizen an agent of his or her own destiny, we will give our fellow Americans greater freedom from want and fear, and make our society more prosperous and just and equal. In America's ideal of freedom, the public interest depends on private character - on integrity, and tolerance towards others, and the rule of conscience in our own lives. Self-government relies, in the end, on the governing of the self. That edifice of character is built in families, supported by communities with standards, and sustained in our national life by the truths of Sinai, the Sermon on the Mount, the words of the Koran, and the varied faiths of our people. Ideal of freedom Americans move forward in every generation by reaffirming all that is good and true that came before - ideals of justice and conduct that are the same yesterday, today, and forever. In America's ideal of freedom, the exercise of rights is ennobled by service, and mercy, and a heart for the weak. Liberty for all does not mean independence from one another. Our nation relies on men and women who look after a neighbour and surround the lost with love. Americans, at our best, value the life we see in one another, and must always remember that even the unwanted have worth. And our country must abandon all the habits of racism, because we cannot carry the message of freedom and the baggage of bigotry at the same time. From the perspective of a single day, including this day of dedication, the issues and questions before our country are many. From the viewpoint of centuries, the questions that come to us are narrowed and few. Did our generation advance the cause of freedom? And did our character bring credit to that cause? Time to heal These questions that judge us also unite us, because Americans of every party and background, Americans by choice and by birth, are bound to one another in the cause of freedom. We have known divisions, which must be healed to move forward in great purposes - and I will strive in good faith to heal them. Yet those divisions do not define America. [*****On hand too were former First Couple Bill and Hillary Clinton] We felt the unity and fellowship of our nation when freedom came under attack, and our response came like a single hand over a single heart. And we can feel that same unity and pride whenever America acts for good, and the victims of disaster are given hope, and the unjust encounter justice, and the captives are set free. We go forward with complete confidence in the eventual triumph of freedom. Not because history runs on the wheels of inevitability; it is human choices that move events. Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation; God moves and chooses as He wills. We have confidence because freedom is the permanent hope of mankind, the hunger in dark places, the longing of the soul. Ancient hope When our Founders declared a new order of the ages; when soldiers died in wave upon wave for a union based on liberty; when citizens marched in peaceful outrage under the banner "Freedom Now" - they were acting on an ancient hope that is meant to be fulfilled. History has an ebb and flow of justice, but history also has a visible direction, set by liberty and the author of liberty. When the Declaration of Independence was first read in public and the Liberty Bell was sounded in celebration, a witness said, "It rang as if it meant something." In our time it means something still. America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof. Renewed in our strength - tested, but not weary - we are ready for the greatest achievements in the history of freedom. May God bless you, and may He watch over the United States of America. 6666666666666 7777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ******************************************************** | |
012005-3576 |
Through the courtesy of Aljazeera.net by "Aljazeera + Agencies". The section is "News Global" on January 21, 2005. George Bush sworn in for second term Thursday 20 January 2005, 21:04 Makka Time, 18:04 GMT Bush calls for world freedom at launch of second term Related: Full text of Bush's inaugural address US President George Bush launched his second term vowing to use diplomacy and might to spread "freedom in all the world." He took the oath of office at noon (1700 GMT) on Thursday, in a televised ceremony from the steps of the US Capitol under an unprecedented security blanket, with well-wishers and protesters looking on. Bush, 58, was sworn in by ailing Chief Justice William Rehnquist in the 55th US presidential inauguration and the first since the 11 September, 2001 terrorist attacks that transformed his time in office. Pennsylvania Avenue, which links the White House to the US Capitol, was adorned with US flags and bunting and lined with cheering supporters as well as demonstrators clutching signs like "in fighting monsters, we are becoming one." World freedom Protestors lined Pennsylvania Avenue at Bush's inaugaration Bush used his speech, in which he mentioned neither Iraq nor terrorism by name, to argue that winning the global war on terrorism required spreading freedom around the world. "We are led, by events and common sense, to one conclusion: The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world," he said. While Bush has repeatedly said elections scheduled for 30 January in Iraq as a beacon of hope in that strife-torn country, the closest he came to referring to the war there was to say: "Because we have acted in the great liberating tradition of this nation, tens of millions have achieved their freedom." Following in tradition, he gave few specifics, something left to his 2 February State of the Union address. US interests Dr Edmund Ghareeb, professor of international relations at the American University in Washington DC, told Aljazeera: "Bush's second term will be mostly focused on protecting the US interests particularly in the Middle East, protecting Israel and guaranteeing its qualitative superiority. "America will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling. Our goal instead is to help others find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way." President George Bush "With regard to Arabs and Palestinians, Bush's second term will concentrate on promulgating democracy as understood by Washington and the concept of a market economy. "But Washington is still facing many challenges; the foremost is the Iraqi crisis which Washington has failed to tackle and US relations with allies whose opinions have not been considered, a matter that would force the United States to reconsider its policy." Military action Bush had words for those concerned about potential US military action, saying spreading freedom was "not primarily the task of arms, though we will defend ourselves and our friends by force of arms when necessary." And, in response to some critics who say Washington is forcing its values on others, Bush pledged that "America will not impose our own style of government on the unwilling. Our goal instead is to help others find their own voice, attain their own freedom, and make their own way." Aljazeera + Agencies 333333333333333 666666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ***************************************************** | |
012005-3267 |
It was indeed a great success with people coming from all over the world! By Peter C. C. Wang*1My dear friends: I know that most of you had wished to participate the second Wang Center Symposium-- Pathways to Peace. It was indeed a great success with people coming from all over the world with 900+ attendees. We had numerous high level government officials from ten countries who had actively participated in our symposium. There is good news for you because our engineers and professors had worked around the clock so that you may watch all of the outstanding speakers of this Symposium through Internet. However, Your computer must have a fast modem connections such as DSL etc.. It is my intention to bring our next Symposium to Beijing within two years. Would like to have some feed backs from you after your viewing. The world is extremely short of peace initiatives. We have added Norway as our collaborators. Our Web Site is www.plu.edu/wangcenter. With my best wishes,*2 Peter C.C. Wang Peter C.C. Wang Wang Foundation P. O. Box 234 Pebble Beach, CA 93953 Phone: 831-624-1694 E-mail: Petercwang@aol.com ------------------------------------------- References *1. Peter C. C. Wang is the Founder of Wang Foundation. Dr. Peter C. C. Wang is a Regent of Pacific Lutheran University and Chairman of the Wang Center LLC. *2. Wang, Peter C. 'It was indeed a great success with people coming from all over the world!' "An e-mail from Dr. Peter C. C. Wang to Dr. Tony Lei," (January 20, 2005), Pebble Beach, CA: Wang Foundation LLC. 3333333333333 777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
011805-6267 |
Nevada GOVERNOR GUINN KEENY APPOINTS THREE DISTRICT COURT JUDGES By Office of the Governor and PAI of WBTIFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: January 18, 2004 Contact Greg Bortolin or John Trent 775-684-5670 CARSON CITY Gov. Kenny Guinn today announced the appointments of three judges to the state district courts. Robert Perry, 62, Reno, was appointed to the Second Judicial District Court, Department Nine, replacing Judge James Hardesty, who was elected to serve on the Nevada Supreme Court. David Hardy, 41, Reno, was appointed to the Second Judicial District Court, Department Two, replacing retiring Family Court Judge Charles McGee. Douglas Herndon, 41, Las Vegas, was appointed to the Eighth Judicial District Court, Department Three, replacing Judge Ron Parraguirre who was also elected to serve on the Nevada Supreme Court. I am confident that Robert Perry, David Hardy, and Douglas Herndon will all be outstanding judges, Gov. Guinn said. This was a difficult decision as all of the finalists had impressive credentials. The three appointees were chosen by Gov. Guinn following recommendations from the Commission on Judicial Selection. The other candidates for the Second Judicial District Court, Department Two, were Cassandra Campbell, Myra Sheehan, and Department Nine, Julien Sourwine, and John Springate. The other candidates for the Eighth Judicial District Court were Susan H. Johnson and Timothy C. Williams. Office of the Governor Grant Sawyer State Office Building 101 North Carson Street 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 Carson City, NV 89701 Las Vegas, NV 89101 Fax: 775-684-7198 Fax: 702-486-2505 ---------------------------------------- References *1. PAI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. About Governor Kenny Guinn (concise one by the Editor of this flier): Kenny Guinn, 67, earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physical Education from Fresno State University and later obtained a doctorate in Education from Utah State University in Logan. In 1994, Guinn was recruited by the University of Nevada Board of Regents to serve as interim president of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Kenny spent his boyhood in the small, Central Valley town of Exeter, California where he met Dema, his wife of 47 years. Kenny Guinn believes in families. Dr. Kenny Guinn is Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). He is now the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A. at his second term. 666666666666 111111111111111111111111 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ****************************************************** | |
011805-2687 "Business & Administration" ( PPAA19) of WBTI website, 8:37 a. m. , Tuesday, January 18, 2005 #Third Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Judge Besty Kolkoski is gearing up! She honored Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei with reunion dinner By Valorie Vega, Cheryl Moss, and Tiffany ChangJudge Betsy Kolkoski is gearing up to begin her quest for reelection to Las Vegas Municipal Court Department 2. Judge Betsy is putting on her running shoes and is ready to hit the campaign trail. The first stop will be a PARTY with dinner buffet in her honor. It will be held at the Italian American Club on Friday, January 28, 2005. Betsy looks forward to seeing you there! In April of 2001, Judge Betsy Kolkoski was elected to a four-year term. She handled the courts traffic cases until May of 2002, when she began overseeing Department 3, where she handles a criminal calendar. She earned a Juris Doctor degree in 1971 from the University of Cincinnati College of Law and a bachelor of arts in economics from Waterloo Lutheran University in Ontario, Canada in 1968. On April 9, 2004, Judge Besty Kolkoski and her husband Dick honors Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei with a nice reunion dinner. The location is at the Cheese Factory in Summerlin. The party is held by Judge Kolkoski in celebrating of Easter for the two famillies. Congratulations! On April 10, 2004, Judge of Las Vegas Municipal Court Honorable Betsy Kolkoski was the winner of visitor's number at #50,000th (now at #100,917th) on Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) website at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti The Summerlin of Las Vegas has been elected as the First Place in among 12 ranking communities nationally of United States the ideal and best selling homes for big builders in 2000 again.*1 South Shores is one of the important district of Summerlin together with Desert Shores, Sun City, among others. The beautiful lakes centered in this area are one of the greatest attractive- ness of Las Vegas for millions of visitors all around the world. People would enjoy dreamly the sun rising and sun setting of the calm, clean, and nice scenes of these artificial and great work on the lilltle bridges. These bridges are built above the golden and beautiful waves of the lakes which are surounded by elegant residences. People love Summerlin. People love this Las Vegas' mighty fine! Dr. Tony Lei has been re-elected as a Director of South Shores Community Association with the highest poll by voters in December 2002. Judge Betsy Kolkoski of Las Vegas Minicipal Court did also invite Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei with a reunion dinner at Village Pub and Casino in Summerlin on February 28, 2001. Accompanied by her husband to the dinner, the Judge was bright and pleasent. In 1971, Judge Kolkoski graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Law with Juris Doctorate degree. As Nevada's Elder Rights Atnorney, an Associate Fellow of the Culture Institution (CI) and Chairperson of the Aging Services Study Committee of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), she advocated statewide for the legal rights of senior and elder abuse prevention. Her research projects and papers presented together with former Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa to the national conferences were publicized by WBTI locally, nationally, and internationally. CI has been led by Dr. Sue Fawn Chung as its Director and Fellow. She is an Associate Professor and former Chairman of the History Department at UNLV. Dr. Chung was also named one of the two Nevada advisors to the National Trust for Historic Preservation in 2000. "PAI is exploring such themes as computer and quantitative analysis for administration, seniors power by voting, economic renewal, educational technology, elder abuse, social security and Medicare, and the important relationship between faith and public policy," Dr. Lei noted. "We have worked to provide a setting of ideas in which the principles and perspective of the program come into contact with leading issues of the day in order to improve the quality of life of all our Nevadans." The value of an academic institute should also put an eye on community service aside from its academic research. Take only one example, for the positive effort of the research and promotion of the seniors benefit, the Institute has done sizable works and received valuable results. At the end of 20th and in the very early of this 21st century, Associate Fellow of the Public Administration Institution (PAI) of WBTI, Elder Rights Attorney Besty Kolkoski of the Nevada Division for Aging Services (NDAS), with Juris Doctor degree of University of Cincinnati College of Law held the Forth Anniversary Meeting of the Nevada Elder Abuse Prevention Council (NEAPC) as Co-Chairpersons with Nevada Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa. Betsy did a research paper on elder abuse prevention through quantitative methodology. Both of them had received a fruitful consequence on the prevention of elder abuse with their cooperation of the NDAS and the Office of the Nevada Attorney General. Associate Fellow Sheri Vogel of PAI, a Juris Doctor degree holder of Detroit College of Law, Detroit, Michigan, has been the Project Administrator of the City of Las Vegas Senior Citizens Law Project since 1986. Sheri has obligatory assisted to and solved the concrete benefits and difficulties of seniors for many thousand cases. Her effort to help Las Vegas Seniors has won a lot of applauses. The President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Tony Lei, had been a member of the Las Vegas Senior Citizens' Advisory Board. He is now also a member of the Senior Advisory Committee of U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley . Dr. Lei, elected as Executive Vice President of Seniors United in 2000, had been supported both by the educational and political sectors to get advance in leading the research and promotion of the seniors benefit, social security, and Medicare.*3 "WBTI is a very well respected and integral part of this community. To be an Associate Fellow of its Public Administration Institution (PAI) is a very prestigious honor for me. I am also grateful to be joining such a distinguished panel of professionals who are committed to improving the lives of our citizens in this community," said Judge Ann Zimmerman at the time when she was a Deputy Attorney General of Nevada.*4 In the first paragraph of the article entitled "Election Winner Judge Kolkoski Recognizes Dr. Tony Lei as a Great Leader,' It was wrote that, "During the congratulating conversation from Dr. Tony Lei to Judge Betsy Kolkoski for her re-elected as a Las Vegas Municipal Court Judge, she told him that Dr. Tony Lei is really a great leader.*5 U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wrote Dr. Tony Lei early April this year from her U.S. Congress Office in Washington, D. C. : "I can not thank you enough for all you do for me, my dear friend. I just read the 'Washington Business and Technology Institute' publication. It was wonderful!"*6 Seasons greetings are significant to famillies! With honor as the Assistant Democratic Leader of U. S. Senate, Senator Harry Reid wrote Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei on January 11, 2001 from his office in Washington, D. C. : "The holiday season is a time for remembering the good things that have happened during the year, for reflecting on the many blessings of our lives, and for renewing the bonds of love and friendship that make our lives special." The famous political leader from Nevada continued his literary and intimate writing that, "This year has been eventful for the Reid family. Our first child, Lana, and our three grandchildren live in the Washington area. Roary and three more of our grandchildren live in Las Vegas. Leif is in Reno with two more grandchildren and have just told us another is on the way. Josh just passed the bar, is living in Reno and also has announced our new daughter-in-law is expecting. Finally, our youngest, Key, lives in the Washington DC area with our newest grandchild. So, as you can see, we have the pleasure of grandchildren in each of our frequent stops, Las Vegas, Reno and Washington." The Bible says: "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?" (Matthew 6:26) Take what the Senator says to Dr. Lei in his letter that, "On behalf of Landra and our family, I want to thank you thinking of us during this holiday season. Each holiday greeting reminds us that we are truly fortunate to have so many friends and loved ones with whom to share this special time." And if a humble individual like Dr. Lei may be treated so friendly by our Senator Reid, obviously everyone of us in Nevada would be taken care by his extended kindness. And this be our mode: "In God is our trust!" His love to his family and his friends revealled his dignified and humane spirit through his words in the letter. For a great and powerful person like him to have such a beautiful and kind heart is really the glory of God. "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves," says the Bible. (Romans 12:9-10) At the end of the letter, the famous U.S. Senator says that, "The Reid family has been richly blessed and we look forward to the years ahead. I hope that the season brings happiness and good fortune to you and your loved ones. With warmest regards."*7 ---------------------------- References *1. Chang, Tiffany. 'Judge Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs . Tony Lei with reunion dinner,' "WBTI Newsbrief," (February 28, 2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. Ibid. *3. Chang, Tiffany. 'WBTI encourages a life of service,' "WBTI Newsbrief," (June 16, 2000), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *4. Ibid. *5. Chang, Tiffany. 'Election Winner Judge Kolkoski Recognizes Dr. Tony Lei as a Great Leader,' "WBTI Newsbrief," (2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *6. Ibid *7. Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Chief Justice of Supreme Court William Maupin Presides District Court Institure Ceremony,' "Nevada Examiner," (February 2001), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. 7777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
011805-1262 |
Let me express my deeply felt sorrow for the people in affected countries in Southeast Asia By Valerie Weber and PAI of WBTIOriginally from California, Nevada Assemblywoman Valerie Weber moved to Nevada in 1990. Her undergraduate degree in biological science and specialty in the field of transfusion medicine earned her several medical journal authorships. She is a 1998 graduate of the Chamber of Commerce's Leadership Las Vegas program. She just completed a four-year term as a member of the Board of Displaced Homemakers, appointed by Governor Guinn in 2000. Valerie is the owner of Collaborating Solutions. She is accredited in Dr Golemans 360-competency assessment instrument in Emotional Intelligence (ECI). An avid student of both Peter Senge of MIT and Daniel Goleman of Harvard University, she has good knowledge to consult in business. As a famous Assemblywoman and the Minority Whip of Nevada Assembly, Valerie Weber has been also a professional member of Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) for three years. To Whom It May Concern: I watched in horror these past several days like so many other Nevadans, Americans and friends in the international community the results of great devastation from the earthquake and tsunami in the Indian Ocean countries. My heartfelt concern goes out to those families experiencing loss during this recent disaster in Southeast Asia including Thailand amongst others. I called Dr. Tony Lei this morning and was inspired that through Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) our concern for the Thai people could be shared through the local Chinese newspaper. I understand that "Next Weekly" is a Chinese newspaper that emphasizes the importance of literature and education to its enthusiastic readers and has the largest circulation amongst six Chinese newspapers in the southwest United States. Again, let me express my deeply felt sorrow for the people in affected countries in Southeast Asia; you are in our prayers and relief efforts. Most Sincerely, Valerie E Weber Nevada Assemblywoman/Minority Whip 33333333333333 555555555555555555555555 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ***************************************************** | |
011705-6787 |
In April of 2001, Judge Betsy Kolkoski was elected to a four-year term. She handled the court?s traffic cases until May of 2002, when she began overseeing Department 3, where she handles a criminal calendar. She earned a Juris Doctor degree in 1971 from the University of Cincinnati College of Law and a bachelor of arts in economics from Waterloo Lutheran University in Ontario, Canada in 1968: | | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33] 34 [35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56] | |