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090404-3657 |
***** "Post through PPAA18....." (See our letter to you at 8:08 a. m., August 25, 2004 please.) To a friend's house the road is never long By Cheryl Moss and Tiffany Chang It is about two years since the feature article entitled "Judge Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs . Tony Lei with reunion dinner," written by Tiffany Chang, was published by "Nevada Examiner." "We always think of our relatives and closed friends when it comes with the festival," is a famous idom in Chinese. A sample of this spirit may be revealled in the letters from Harry, Archie, among others to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei.*1 "Dear Brother Tony and Judy: Happy Chinese New Year. People are crazy about this Chinese tradition, the new year. This also makes me to recall those bygone days when I was a child. With a mixed feelings, I happy and sad in these days. We shall be back to the States next month. Until then, let's keep close contact. HNY again. With best regards," wrote Dr. Archibald Chang on the day of Lunar New Year.*2 Archie was many years an achieved Chief Specialist of the U. S. Department of Education in San Francisco, California with Doctorate Degree in Education. He is now the President of Xiamen Straits Foreign Language College. Tony and Archie were classmates in Junior middle school. Dr. Achie Chang and his newly married wife came to visit Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei in Las Vegas on August 17-21, 2004. A dinner party was held by Dr. Tony Lei to welcome the couple's 'Honey Moon Travelling' from China. The location of the party was Lillie Langtrys of Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel in Las Vegas. It was held at the famous Chinese Restaurant on August 19, 2004.*3 We are also pleased to reprint the above article by the Newspaper*4: The Summerlin of Las Vegas has been elected as the First Place in among 12 ranking communities nationally of United States the ideal and best selling homes for big builders in 2000 again. South Shores is one of the important district of Summerlin together with Desert Shores and Sun City. The beautiful lakes centered in this area are one of the greatest attractiveness of Las Vegas for millions of visitors all around the world. People would enjoy dreamly the sun rising and sun setting of the calm, clean, and nice scenes of these artificial and great work on the lilltle bridges. These bridges are built above the golden and beautiful waves of the lakes which are surounded by elegant residences. People love Summerlin. People love this Las Vegas' mighty fine! Dr. Tony Lei has been re-elected as a Director of South Shores Community Association with the highest poll by voters in last December. Judge Betsy Kolkoski of Las Vegas Minicipal Court invited Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei with a reunion dinner at Village Pub and Casino in Summerlin on February 28, 2001. Accompanied by her husband to the dinner, the Judge was bright and pleasent. In 1971, Judge Kolkoski graduated from the University of Cincinnati College of Law with Juris Doctorate degree. As Nevada's Elder Rights Atnorney, an Associate Fellow of the Culture Institution (CI) and Chairperson of the Aging Services Study Committee (ASSC) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), she advocated statewide for the legal rights of senior and elder abuse prevention. Her research projects and papers presented together with Attorney General Frankie Sue Del Papa to the national conferences were publicized by WBTI locally and internationally. CI has been led by Dr. Sue Fawn Chung as its Director and Fellow. She is a professor of History at UNLV. Dr. Chung has been also named recently one of the two Nevada advisors to the National Trust for Historic Preservation. With honor as the Assistant Democratic Leader of U. S. Senate, Senator Harry Reid wrote Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei on January 11, 2001 from his office in Washington, D. C. : "The holiday season is a time for remembering the good things that have happened during the year, for reflecting on the many blessings of our lives, and for renewing the bonds of love and friendship that make our lives special." The famous political leader from Nevada continued his literary and intimate writing that, "This year has been eventful for the Reid family. Our first child, Lana, and our three grandchildren live in the Washington area. Roary and three more of our grandchildren live in Las Vegas. Leif is in Reno with two more grandchildren and have just told us another is on the way. Josh just passed the bar, is living in Reno and also has announced our new daughter-in-law is expecting. Finally, our youngest, Key, lives in the Washington DC area with our newest grandchild. So, as you can see, we have the pleasure of grandchildren in each of our frequent stops, Las Vegas, Reno and Washington." The Bible says: "Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?" (Matthew 6:26) Take what the Senator says to Dr. Lei in his letter that, "On behalf of Landra and our family, I want to thank you thinking of us during this holiday season. Each holiday greeting reminds us that we are truly fortunate to have so many friends and loved ones with whom to share this special time." And if a humble individual like Dr. Lei may be treated so friendly by our Senator Reid, obviously everyone of us in Nevada would be taken care by his extended kindness. And this be our mode: "In God is our trust!" His love to his family and his friends revealled his dignified and humane spirit through his words in the letter. For a great and powerful person like him to have such a beautiful and kind heart is really the glory of God. "Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil, cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves," says the Bible. (Romans 12:9-10) At the end of the letter, the famous U.S. Senator says that, "The Reid family has been richly blessed and we look forward to the years ahead. I hope that the season brings happiness and good fortune to you and your loved ones. With warmest regards." *5 ----------------------------------- References *1. Moss, Cheryl, and Chang, Tiffany, 'To a friend's house the road is never long,' "PPAA18 of WBTI," (January 23, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *2. Chang, Archibald. 'Happy Chinese New Year!' "An Email to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei," (January 21, 2004), Xiamen, Fuchien: Xiamen Straits Foreign Language College. *3. Reviewjournal.com. 'Dinner party held by WBTI recently,' "A search of information about WBTI on google.com," (September 4, 2004), U. S. A. : Google.com. *4. Chang, Tiffany. 'Judge Kolkoski honors Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei with reunion dinner,' "(March, 2001), "Nevada Examiner," Las Vegas, Nevada: Nevada Examiner. *5. Ibid. 777777777777777777 66666666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ************************************************** | |
082904-6378 PPAA18 *****7:58 p. m., Sunday, August 29, 2004, First Section |
***** "Post through PPAA18....." (See our letter to you at 8:08 a. m., August 25, 2004 please.) Business in Asia Roundtable --- NCED Representatives from Asia in Las Vegas, NV By Jonathan V. Galaviz and PAI of WBTI*1"Nevada Commission on Economic Development (NCED) State Representatives Mr. KC Tan (representing NCED in SE Asia, including Singapore) and Mr. Bill Ng (representing the NCED in Hong Kong, Macau, and Southern China) will be available to the Nevada business community for a free and open event on Monday at 6:30pm, August 30 at the Sahara West Library Boardroom in Las Vegas, NV. If your business is interested in doing business in Singapore, SE Asia, Hong Kong, Macau, or Southern China, then this is a great opportunity for you. Sincerely," wrote Jonathan V. Galaviz, President of Singapore Association of Nevada (SAN), by e-mail of invitation to President Dr. Tony Lei of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) on August 27, 2004 in Las Vegas.*1 .......................................... Advanced promotion has been worked for reader's freiendly by creating three new sections at: http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that "The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future (in our beautiful cartoons garden)."*2 ---------------------------- References *1. Galaviz, Jonathan. 'Invitation: Doing Business in Singapore, Hong Kong & Macau,' "An e-mail from Prsident Jonathan V. Galaviz to Dr. Tony Lei," (August 27, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: SAN. *2. Google.com. 'Cartoons & Culture of WBTI website,' "A search of WBTI - Nevada on google.com," (August 29, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Google.com., U. S. A.. 3333333333333 555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 ***************************************************** | |
082904-6178 PPAA18 *****1:58 a. m., Sunday, August 29, 2004, First Section |
***** "Post through PPAA18....." (See our letter to you at 8:08 a. m., August 25, 2004 please.) Editor's note: Ms. Lillian Tsai (Lei Yung-sheng or Lei Rong Sheng) is a graduate of Tunghai University. She received her Master degree in Social Work at the University of Florida. Lillian was elected as International Student Queen of the University of Florida at her first year of graduate study. As a successful business woman in jewelry industry, she came to Las Vegas to attend the jewelry convention in Sand's (Las Vegas) Convention Center on June 4-7, 2004. Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and his wife Judy host Lillian and her Assistant with a dinner party at the Lillie Langtry's Restaurant, Golden Nugget Casino and Hotel on June 6, 2004 in Las Vegas. The dinner party for Lillian and her Assistant annually has been held by Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei for several years already. ---(WBTI, August 29, 2004) *****FW: Fwd: Fw: Beautiful story......... Date: Sun, 29 Aug 2004 19:03:45 +0000 I don't know if I have sent this story to you before. If I did, please forgive me. I think it is worth re-reading. It is worth giving to someone who may have a relative or friend dying of cancer or suffering from some other fatal deceases. It may renew their faith in God. Best regards, Lillian (Lei Yung-sheng or Lei Rong Sheng) Tsai >From: chia chen >To: chchen8@yahoo.com >Subject: Fwd: Fw: Beautiful story......... >Date: Thu, 19 Aug 2004 16:29:28 -0700 (PDT) > >I love this story, no matter it is true or not. > > >Subject: FW: Beautiful story......... > >Sally jumped up as soon as she saw the surgeon come >out of the operating room. She said: "How is my little >boy? Is he going to be all right? When can I see >him?" > >The surgeon said, "I'm sorry. We did all we could, but >your boy didn't make it." > >Sally said, "Why do little children get cancer? >Doesn't God care any more? Where were you, God, when >my son needed you?" > >The surgeon asked, "Would you like some time alone >with your son? One of the nurses will be out in a few >minutes, before he's transported to the university." > >Sally asked the nurse to stay with her while she said >good-bye to her son. She ran her fingers lovingly >through his thick red curly hair. "Would you like a >lock of his hair?" the nurse asked. > >Sally nodded yes. The nurse cut a lock of the boy's >hair, put it in a plastic bag and handed it to Sally. >The mother said, "It was Jimmy's idea to donate his >body to the University for study. He said it might >help somebody else. "I said no at first, but Jimmy >said, 'Mom, I won't be using it after I die. Maybe it >will help some other little boy spend one more day >with his Mom." She went on, "My Jimmy had a heart of >gold. Always thinking of someone else. Always wanting >to help others, if he could." > >Sally walked out of Children's mercy Hospital for the >last time, after spending most of the last six months >there. She put the bag with Jimmy's belongings on the >seat beside her in the car. The drive home was >difficult. It was even harder to enter the empty >house. She carried Jimmy's belongings, and the plastic >bag with the lock of his hair to her son's room. She >started placing the model cars and other personal >things back in his room exactly where he had always >kept them. She lay down across his bed and, hugging >his pillow, cried herself to sleep. > >It was around midnight when Sally awoke. Lying beside >her on the bed was a folded letter. The letter said: > >"Dear Mom, I know you're going to miss me; but don't >think that I will ever forget you, or stop loving you, >just 'cause I'm not around to say I LOVE YOU. I will >always love you, Mom, even more with each day. Someday >we will see each other again. Until then, if you want >to adopt a little boy so you won't be so lonely, >that's okay with me. He can have my room and old stuff >to play with. But, if you decide to get a girl >instead, she probably wouldn't like the same things us >boys do. You'll have to buy her dolls and stuff girls >like, you know. Don't be sad thinking about me. >This really is a neat place. Grandma and Grandpa met >me as soon as I got here and showed me around some, >but it will take a long time to see everything. The >angels are so cool. I love to watch them fly. And, you >know what? Jesus doesn't look like any of his >pictures. Yet, when I saw Him, I knew it was Him. >Jesus himself took me to see GOD! And guess what, Mom? >I got to sit on God's knee and talk to Him, like I was >somebody important. >That's when I told Him that I wanted to write you a >letter, to tell you good-bye and everything. But I >already knew that wasn't allowed. Well, you know what >Mom? God handed me some paper and His own personal pen >to write you this letter. I think Gabriel is the name >of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to >you. >God said for me to give you the answer to one of the >questions you asked Him 'Where was He when I needed >him?' "God said He was in the same place with me, as >when His son Jesus was on the cross. He was right >there, as He always is with all His children. >Oh, by the way, Mom, no one else can see what I've >written except you. To everyone else this is just a >blank piece of paper. Isn't that cool? I have to give >God His pen back now. He needs it to write some more >names in the Book of Life. Tonight I get to sit at the >table with Jesus for supper. I'm sure the food will be >great. >Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. I don't hurt anymore. > The cancer is all gone. I'm glad because I couldn't >stand that pain anymore and God couldn't stand to see >me hurt so much, either. That's when He sent The Angel >of Mercy to come get me. The Angel said I was a >Special Delivery! How about that? > >Signed with Love from: God, Jesus & Me. > > > >===== >Best Regards, >Chia-Huei Chen >Tel. (408) 954-2160 (O) Fax. (408) 954-2156 (O) >Tel. (408) 997-6277 (H) Fax. (408) 997-2058 (H) > >Good Health! Peace on Earth! > > > >__________________________________ > 333333333333 6666666666666666666666666 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************** | |
082504-7188 |
Dear Visitors, In advancing our philosophy of readers friendly, we're launching our new three sections: "Social & Community", "Cartoons & Culture", and "Business & Administration"! (Please have your Assistant or yourself click on each at the above left "page links" on the cover page.) Thank you very much. Sincerely, WBTI 3333333333333333333 777777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
082504-3938 |
"Post through PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/25/04 please.) 新新聞 2004 / 08 / 19 (星期四) 馬英九和林志玲都因「無害小白兔」當紅 寄給朋友 ***友善列印 【文/李朝陽】 馬英九跟林志鈴有什麼關係?表面上看,一點關係都沒有。 一個是在政治圈打滾甚久的台北市長,一個是出道甚早卻突然竄紅的模特兒。 兩人年紀差了二十多歲,連在政治光譜上,都分據藍綠兩端。 不過深層一點看,我們會發現,這兩個人都是台灣偶像級的人物,而且塑造他們成為偶像的社會條件,如此類似。 不同時代會有不同偶像,不同社會會有不同偶像,這裡的偶像搬到那裡去,不見得還會是偶像。 偶像必須依附在特定的社會價值上出現,檢視偶像最能讓我們剖析出一個社會的偏見偏好,反過來看,祇有透過理解社會根深柢固的好壞信念,我們才能明瞭偶像真正的意義。 馬英九九八年市長一役確立偶像地位馬英九確立其政治偶像地位,最重要在一九九八年市長選舉一役,回頭看那場選舉,在現實條件上馬英九並未占到什麼便宜,他的對手陳水扁有「現任優勢」,可以利用市長身分大量曝光做宣傳。 陳水扁除了是第一個普選選出的台北直轄市長、第一個民進黨台北市長,而且四年幹下來,市政的確比國民黨時代大有進步,市民對他的施政滿意度高達七成以上。 反觀馬英九,在起步之前,幾乎可以犯的錯誤都犯了。 他有國民黨的包袱,是兩蔣威權體制刻意栽培的後起之秀,與當時浩浩蕩蕩的民主意識,有根本的扞格。 他後來不曾經歷過任何選舉,沒有在群眾場造勢挑激情緒的經驗。 他有麻煩的「誠信」問題,在宣布參選前多次斬釘截鐵說絕對不選,不祇如此,他擔任國民黨副秘書長任內,負責修憲溝通,全力為不合理的「委任直選」辯護,一夕之間,李登輝主席大轉變支持真正的全民直選總統,弄得馬英九尷尬不已,這段過程民眾記憶猶新。 還有,他跟李登輝,從副秘書長到幹法務部長,一路累積了糾纏心結,使馬英九有黨內的後顧之憂。 靠著這般不利的起步條件,馬英九卻不祇一步步進逼陳水扁的聲勢聲望,還進一步在投票日以八萬票差距,擊敗尋求連任的陳水扁。 難怪落敗的陳水扁感慨忿忿,難怪扁陣營人士不滿地直指外省人是造成阿扁戰敗的主因。 平心而論,光是省籍因素,不足以讓馬克服不利,壓倒戰鬥力強悍的阿扁。 真正壓垮阿扁的,是馬英九的偶像旋風,是馬英九打動台灣社會偏見的特殊質素。 外貌身材西化 學歷打動人心馬英九打動的,第一是台灣社會對於外貌身材的偏見;第二是西化洋化的偏見;第三是學歷的偏見。 馬英九高瘦的身材,西方式俊俏的長相,加上愛好運動的習慣,都和傳統官場給人的印象大不相同。 官場的「官僚氣」、官場裡與應酬文化相關的虛偽、正式卻無品味無風格衣著所造成的身形笨拙,都扯不上馬英九。 換句話說,馬英九是一個「不像官員的官員」。 陳水扁其實也很不像官員。 然而陳水扁的不像,是偏草莽式的不像,馬英九的不像,卻是洋式的不像。 馬英九直接挑動了台灣幾十年接受美國文化影響,建構起的美式標準,以及面對美式標準時,不由自主的自卑感。 崇拜必由自卑而來,自卑看到自己所匱乏的,轉而崇拜具備該項條件的人。 陳水扁可以讓許多人感到親切,卻無從喚起因自卑匱乏產生的崇拜心理。 陳水扁自己很清楚這點分野,所以他總是強調「三級貧戶」出身的背景,他不惜變裝以近乎丑角的方式娛樂民眾。 馬英九卻一站出來,就是個被人羨慕崇拜的對象。 兼具受歡迎又受敬畏形象民主政治靠兩樣東西決定政治人物的高下。 一是受歡迎的程度、二是受敬畏的程度。 前者就是英文裡的 popularity ,後者則是 authority。 受歡迎又受敬畏的人,一定能夠在政治權力上大有斬獲。 不過,難就難在 popularity 和 authority常有矛盾衝突之處。 受歡迎的人容易親近,也就不容易塑造出受敬畏所需要的威嚴。 還有一點,受敬畏的人講出的話,必然是強烈的意見,強烈意見難免招惹來同樣強度的反彈反感。 做為一個政治偶像的馬英九,是少數能結合 popularity 和 authority 的,也是少數具備清晰 authority 形象,卻不損及其 popularity 的人。 為什麼能這樣?因為馬英九光靠高學歷就夠在台灣把人唬得一楞一楞的。 台灣長期籠罩在「文憑主義」的價值觀裡,「文憑主義」不祇是信文憑不信人,更重要的是依賴文憑高下來定人的優劣好壞。 台灣人認定的文憑是一直線從好到壞排排站的。 有好學校、有壞學校、有更糟糕的學校。 聯考排名前面的系所一定比排名後面的好。 通常國立的學校比私立的好,通常台北的學校比其他地方的學校好,喔,別忘了,通常美國的學校會比台灣學校好。 馬英九頂著美國名校哈佛法學博士的光環,再加上曾經擔任蔣經國英文秘書的資歷,自然得到了屬於「洋務」的權威,還附加上文憑主義中最高地位的權威,這兩項權威在官場上很難找到可以跟他匹敵的。 權威可觀,更可觀的是馬英九運用這份權威的方式。 馬基本上是個「有禮有節」的人,一輩子浸淫在官僚體制上下隸屬關係裡,其實很少有非常凸出、特殊的看法與意見。 「委任直選」事件,正說明了馬英九「奉命行事」、「奉命調整意見」的個性,他沒有什麼非如此不可的立場,他更沒有「語不驚人死不休」的風格與習慣。 林志玲美麗臉龐高學歷 看似有思想馬英九有權威形象,卻不曾用他在知識或官位上的權威,講出些什麼激烈、聳動的言詞。 再回到一九九八年的那一役,從參選一直到當選,馬英九始終不曾在任何市政或國政或憲政問題上,給出清晰明白的路線說明來。 誰也捉不準他到底算哪門哪派,所以誰也捉不準要怎樣反對他、討厭他。 這是馬英九成為偶像的關鍵因素,也是他和另一個領域當紅偶像林志玲拉上關係的關鍵因素,柯裕棻教授分析林志玲現象說:她和侯佩岑一樣,都有美麗的臉龐和高學歷,不是想像中的草包,「看似有思想,卻從來不表達意見」。 「看似有思想」,讓林志玲與其他女明星、模特兒區隔開來。 如果說馬英九是「最不像政客的政客」,林志玲就是「最不像模特兒的模特兒」。 台灣對模特兒的強烈刻板印象是「水水憨憨」,林志玲很美,但她卻擁有加拿大多倫多大學「經濟學」和「西洋美術史」的雙學位,她的學歷、學歷指涉的知識方向,讓她遠離一般模特兒的敗金庸俗生活形貌。 林志玲的身材是西方式的、她的學位也是西方的,再加上她經常凸顯自我「旅行者」的角色,這些條件都給了她不同的地位,以及在觀者心中特殊的聯想。 不過也要靠「從來不表達意見」,才能讓林志玲永遠保持那麼甜美。 正如柯裕棻教授說的,我們都從來沒聽過林志玲對於經濟、藝術或政治、性別、社會議題表達任何意見,她的知識以及知識賦予的優雅,都在沉默的想像中。 比對馬英九與林志玲,我們可以更深層理解「林志玲現象」背後的社會意義。 更要緊的,我們可以透過這兩位「看似有思想,卻不表達清楚意見」的偶像,看到台灣社會深層靈魂中隱隱的自卑、不安與陷溺。 22222222222222 5555555555555555555555555 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 **************************************************** | |
082504-5168 |
Dear Viewers,In order to save your time of reading, we are always having good idea to make our website more reader friendly. Starting from August 25, 2004, whenever the WBTI website mentions "Post through PAI.....", "Post through CI.....", or "Post through GSBPA.....", it will carry also the meaning of the following three paragraphs: ***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by this reporter or writer, "Lin Dai Yie", are freely and absolutely her or his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Editor of this flier did all its literature in English. "We all need to smile every once in a while," said the "IT'S KINDA FUNNY". From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future."*1 The following is a post from "Yahoo!集" through its courtesy for ね到 (friendly and kindly post): [In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".] Sincerely, WBTI 111111111111 666666666666666666666666 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
082404-5126 |
"Post by CI....." (See our letter to you on 8/24/04 please.)Friday, August 20, 2004 Copyright & copy; Las Vegas Review-Journal Pleasure Principle The Guggenheim Hermitage Museum's new exhibit, which spans five centuries, is dedicated to leisure By KEN WHITE REVIEW-JOURNAL Max Beckmann's painting "Paris Society" is part of the Guggenheim Hermitage Museum's exhibit "The Pursuit of Pleasure." "Romeo and Juliet," a marble sculpture by Auguste Rodin, is also part of the exhibit. The Guggenheim Hermitage Museum's new exhibit, "The Pursuit of Pleasure," is an exploration of the art of leisure from the 16th century to the early 20th century. The exhibit, which runs through Jan. 16, is organized into four themes: "Music and Dance," "Celebration and Café Society," "Gaming and Sport," and "Flirtation and Romance." Robert Rosenblum, an art professor at New York University, says the exhibit's "abiding theme ... is given in the title, `The Pursuit of Pleasure.' That, of course, covers a multitude of blessings and sins and an equal variety of ways to have a good time. ... As all of these painters and sculptors show us, there are as many ways to pursue pleasure as there are to look at art." Among the artists on display are Max Beckmann, Edgar Degas, Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Pablo Picasso, Auguste Rodin, Peter Paul Rubens, Jan Steen, Titian and Diego Rodríguez de Silva y Velazquez. Beckmann's "Paris Society," from 1931, shows society swells packed together. Picasso is represented by two paintings, "The Fourteenth of July," a pre-cubist work from 1901, and "Mandolin and Guitar" from 1924, which is definitely cubist in style. Degas was known mostly for his paintings, but the show features one of his bronze sculptures, "Spanish Dance," circa 1896-1911. Sculptor Rodin's 1905 marble work "Romeo and Juliet" shows his trademark sensuous style to good effect, with Shakespeare's partly-clothed characters locked in a tight embrace. Fragonard's work is represented by the late 1700s painting "The Captured Kiss," and Rubens, known for his paintings of plus-size women, is instead represented by the "Landscape with Rainbow," a rural scene without a nude in sight. Meanwhile, Steen's painting "In Luxury Beware" from 1663 shows music and revelry along with a pig and a dog, and Titian's 1550 painting "The Small Tambourine Player" is of a nude boy playing an instrument. Velazquez' "Luncheon," 1617-18, takes on a food theme with a man and two boys enjoying a meal. Drawn from the collections of three museums, "The Pursuit of Pleasure" was co-organized by Susan Davidson, curator at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York; Arkady Ippolitov, curator of Italian prints at the State Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia; and Karl Sch焧z, director of paintings gallery at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria. The Guggenheim Hermitage Museum, which is under the patronage of the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, Dr. Mikhail E. Shwydkoi, is managed and operated by the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation. 333333333333 55555555555555555555555555 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 ***************************************************** | |
082404-1239 |
"Post by PAI....." (See our letter to you on 8/24/04 please.)Tuesday, August 24, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Chowning goes on offensive Commission candidate attacks Collins By ADRIENNE PACKER REVIEW-JOURNAL Vonne Chowning; Tom Collins (Please check the newspaper.) In the hotly contested, five-candidate Democratic primary campaign for the Clark County Commission District B seat, Vonne Chowning went for a knockout punch Monday. Chowning, a Democratic assemblywoman from North Las Vegas, became the first candidate to go on the offensive. She resurrected Tom Collins' decade-old drunken driving and battery convictions, claiming the assemblyman flies "beneath the radar of the public" by using the name "Tom" rather than his real name, Clarence W. Collins, which is on legal documents. Chowning cites Collins' misdemeanor battery charges in 1984 and 1988. In 1992, Collins entered an agreement in which he pleaded guilty to misdemeanor reckless driving. In exchange, drunken driving charges were dropped, but Collins was forced to attend "drunken driving school," the Chowning document said. The charges stemmed from a 1991 traffic accident that sent three people, including Collins, to the hospital. A warrant for Collins' arrest was issued. For five months, Collins "flew under police radar and benefited from the confusion caused by his assumed name," the Chowning-produced document says. Collins didn't deny his past. He said the convictions should not be news to anyone who has paid attention to politics. The charges were reported when they occurred, and they have been used in past campaigns. "My life has changed dramatically. I haven't had a drink of alcohol in many years," Collins said. "This is not anything I'm proud of, but it's old news." Chowning did not return phone messages left Monday. Despite the accident, Collins said, he has secured law enforcement endorsements each of the five times he successfully ran for the Assembly. He said he also is supported by the passengers in the vehicle 13 years ago. "I was in a wreck and nearly died," Collins said. "The three of us were injured and we all learned from it. You learn lessons from life." Collins denied that he is trying to deceive anybody by going by the name "Tom." He said it was his father's nickname, which Collins assumed the day he was born. "The day I was born, I was called Tommy Collins," he said. "I've gone by Tom or Tommy all my life." Chowning claims Collins was the only member of the Assembly Judiciary Committee who voted against a proposal to drop Nevada's illegal blood-alcohol level from 0.10 percent to 0.08 percent. "As a legislator, `Tom' Collins waged a persistent war against efforts to reduce Nevada's legal blood alcohol level -- and save lives on our highways," the news release says. Collins said Chowning twisted his reasoning. He did not feel it was cost-effective to change the law because "we'd have to build twice as many jails." The race for Clark County Commission District C also became a bit more personal Monday. Democrat Jerry Tao, who seeks Republican incumbent Chip Maxfield's seat, sent out a flier Monday questioning Maxfield's business integrity. Tao attached a lawsuit that claimed Critical Path Marketing Inc. failed to pay unemployment taxes between 1999 and 2002. The company owed the state Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Employment Security Division $4,023. Maxfield said Critical Path Marketing consisted of two employees, himself and Mark Jones, with whom he co-founded Southwest Engineering two decades ago. Maxfield sold his interest in the company earlier this month. He said he thought taxes paid through the parent company, Southwest Engineering, covered subsidiary firms such as Critical Path Marketing. "This was an honest clerical error that was brought to our attention by the Employment Security Division," said Maxfield, who faces a primary challenge from Bill Krane. "As soon as it was brought to our attention, it was immediately paid." 2222222222222 99999999999999999999999 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 ******************************************************* | |
082404-2567 |
"Post by CI....." (See our letter to you on 8/24/04 please.)Friday, August 20, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal SHOW REVIEW: Society of Seven Old Vegas gets a new look: Society of Seven's latest effort at Bally's on the Strip digs up some buried irony from the city's past By MIKE WEATHERFORD REVIEW-JOURNAL Filipina pop singer Lani Misalucha (above) has joined Society of Seven (below) for the Hawaiian show band's afternoon slot at Bally's. In a way it's a bit strange that Society of Seven, which stands as one of the last authentic-feeling examples of an Old Vegas nightclub act, spends so much of its time imitating other people. But that's Old Vegas too. The veteran Hawaiian show band's latest effort to carve out a niche on the Strip digs up some buried irony. Consider that Sammy Davis Jr. -- easily the most-imitated Las Vegas performer of all -- was quite the impressionist himself. You can hear these forgotten routines on some of his live recordings, and a recent reissue of a whole album ("All-Star Spectacular") of him imitating other people. Society of Seven keeps the strange circle going. Singer Gary Bautista does an imitation of Mirage headliner Danny Gans doing his "Twelve Days of Christmas" routine, in which one of the people he imitates is Engelbert Humperdinck, who also used to do impressions back in the day. ................. 3333333333333 6666666666666666666666666 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 **************************************************** | |
082404-3747 |
Dear Visitors,In order to save your time of reading, we are always having creative idea to make our website more reader friendly. Starting from August 24, 2004, whenever the WBTI & CAAAN website mentions "Post by PAI.....", "Post by CI.....", or "Post by GSBPA.....", it will carry also the meaning of the following two paragraphs: ***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by the following reporter, EVA ADAM, are freely and absolutely her or his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Public Administration Institution (PAI) {[or Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA)], [or Culture Institution (CI)]} of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) post the following report though the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal on the basis of community service. The following is a completely (or partially) post of the report By EVA ADAM of the largest newspaper of Nevada -- Las Vegas REVIEW-JOURNAL: Sincerely, WBTI 33333333333 777777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
082404 ***** "Cartoons & Culture" of WBTI - Nevada, First Edition *** "What would life be if we had no courage to attemp anything." --- Vincent Van Gogh |
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082304-1237 ***** "Social & Community" of WBTI - Nevada, First Edition |
$5 Dinner Party by the Paradise Democratic Club in Las Vegas By John Ponticello and PAI of WBTI*1The Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas (PDCLV) held a "MEET YOUR DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES $5 DINNER" HONORING NEVADA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR ADRIANA MARTINEZ on August 18, 2004, 6:30 PM at its new meeting place, the Teamsters local #14 building, 1250 Burnham St., Las Vegas.*2 President of PDCLV John Ponticello welcomed all the participants whom were full of the Hall. He then introduced important elected officials Dina Titus, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Doug Smith, Michael Cherry, Cheryl Moss, Bob Lueck, among others, and important professionals Tom Gallagher, Dr. Tony Lei, Charlie Waterman, Nancy Diaz, among others. As also a "Meet Your Democratic Candidates" party, the final thing was for the election candidates to introduce themselves which included: Vonne Chowning, Jim Germain, Lori Lipman Brown, Tom Kirkpatrick, Gloria Sturman, Gayle Beck-Nathan, Steven Horsford, Tammy Green, among others. The highlight of the dinner party was the Achievment Awards to Adrianna Martinez, Nevada Democratic Party Chair, by U. S. Senator Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas City Mayor Oscar Goodman, and PDCLV through the President of PDCLV John Ponticello. Adrianna is a native Nevadan, born in Las VegasShe received a Bechelor of Arts degree from Brooks Institute, Santa Barbara, California. Adriana taught photography at the Community College of Southern Nevada.*3 Adrianna acquired the seat as the State Chair of the Democratic Party in May 2003. She is a true Democrat who believes in the ideals ans principal's of the Democratic Party.*4 This is an annual event in Las Vegas, but the participants may include certain people all around Nevada through RSVP. Under the leadership of John, the $5 Dinner party has been a famous activity for already many years.*5 --------------------------------------------------------------- References *1. John Ponticello is the President of Paradise Democratic Club. PAI of WBTI is the initial of Public Administration Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). PAI did a little editing of this article. *2. Paradise Democratic Club. 'MEET YOUR DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES $5 DINNER" HONORING NEVADA DEMOCRATIC PARTY CHAIR ADRIANA MARTINEZ,' "An E-mail from President John Ponticello to WBTI," (July 7, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: LVPDC. *3. Ponticello, John. 'Adrianna Martinez -- Chairwoman, Nevada State Democratic Party,' "Brochure of the $5 Chichen Dinner," (August 18, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: PDCLV. *4. Ibid. *5. Paradise Democratic Club. Ibid. 3333333333333333 777777777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
082304-2137 ***** "Business & Administration" of WBTI - Nevada, First Edition |
***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by the following reporter, ADRIENNE PACKER, are freely and absolutely her or his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Public Administration Institution (PAI) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) post the following report though the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal on the basis of community service. The following is a completely post of the report By ADRIENNE PACKER of the largest newspaper of Nevada -- Las Vegas REVIEW-JOURNAL: Monday, August 23, 2004 Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal Embattled commissioner faces friends Under indictment, Kincaid-Chauncey fighting to keep seat By ADRIENNE PACKER REVIEW-JOURNAL Mary Kincaid- Chauncey's troubles have attracted challengers for her seat on the Clark County Commission. (Please check the newspaper.) Photo by Gary Thompson. Tom Collins, Democratic member of Assembly (Please check the newspaper.);Shari Buck, Republican on North Las Vegas council (Please check the newspaper.); and Vonne Chowning, Democrat in Assembly. (Please check the newspaper.) The faces on the campaign literature that arrives at Mary Kincaid-Chauncey's North Las Vegas home could conceivably appear in family photo albums. Kincaid-Chauncey has known Shari Buck since the North Las Vegas City councilwoman was 3 years old. The Clark County commissioner said she was once Buck's mentor. She also has been friends with Assembly members Tom Collins and Vonne Chowning for 20 years. But this year, Buck, Chowning and Collins play a different role in Kincaid-Chauncey's life: political opponent. They pose the greatest threat to Kincaid-Chauncey's attempt to seek a third term in office. Seven challengers descended on the District B seat after Kincaid-Chauncey was indicted in November on federal political corruption charges. Kincaid-Chauncey expected a crowded race, but not necessarily one that includes so many friends. "It's a little weird for them to say things like, `This race is about ethics,' " Kincaid-Chauncey said. "If you look at my record for the last 25 years, I've always been ethical and moral. Even though I've been accused of not being ethical, they can't prove that." Kincaid-Chauncey's opponents insist they are targeting the political position and not a friend. So far, mentioning ethics, a common theme in political campaigns, is as close as they've come to attacking her. "It's kind of hard to say things about someone who has been your friend," Kincaid-Chauncey said. "I think they all know in their heart I wouldn't do anything like that. They're inferring to it by saying this campaign is about morals and ethics, which I agree it is. I think I've shown I have that." Kincaid-Chauncey and former commissioners Lance Malone, Dario Herrera and Erin Kenny were indicted late last year. Federal prosecutors claim Malone, who was working for strip club magnate Michael Galardi, gave Kenny, Herrera and Kincaid-Chauncey thousands of dollars and gifts in exchange for political favors for his boss. One such favor outlined in the indictment was extended to Kincaid-Chauncey's son. Federal agents claim her son received a free lap dance at Galardi's Jaguars strip club. It's an accusation Kincaid-Chauncey has vehemently denied, yet it is one component of the indictment Chowning has addressed, calling it "disgusting." "I have said publicly that I didn't do that," Kincaid-Chauncey said. "That is what I was more hurt about; they took it for granted that it was true, or they wanted to believe it because they wanted to run." After 25 years of working in government, Kincaid-Chauncey said she seriously considered not running for re-election this year. But she said if she didn't run, that decision would be seen as an admission of guilt. Her opponents say the race will not get mean, but Kincaid-Chauncey has a difficult time believing her challengers won't use such an obvious issue to their benefit. The thought of that has made her consider withdrawing from the race. "I keep saying, next week I'll drop out; OK, maybe the next week," Kincaid-Chauncey said. "I keep changing my mind. Something seems to be driving me. I just couldn't do it." According to Kincaid-Chauncey, most residents support her. Chowning, D-North Las Vegas, said she considered running for the District B seat nine years ago. Her decision to run in 2004 had nothing to do with Kincaid-Chauncey's legal troubles, she said. "It was after I decided that everything kind of blew up," Chowning said. "She has a right to go to trial, but in the meantime, credibility and confidence in District B must be restored." Collins, D-North Las Vegas, contends he's running for a political position, not against an individual. But his campaign team wasted no time in going after Kincaid-Chauncey for airing a television commercial that Collins' representatives believe indicates she has the endorsement of Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman. Kincaid-Chauncey had refused to remove the commercial, maintaining that Goodman said he had contributed quotes to other candidates and would do the same for her. "Oscar told me he had given others a quote; he gave me one and I used it word for word," Kincaid-Chauncey said. "I was a little miffed about (Collins' accusations)." Goodman has not endorsed her and said he did not intend the image of the two of them together to be used in a television ad. Collins denied that his team was questioning Kincaid-Chauncey's ethics. "We questioned the ethics of the race, we weren't attacking her," he said. "It was about the integrity of the race." Buck called Kincaid-Chauncey before publicly announcing her intent to pursue the commission seat. Buck also said her decision had little to do with the indictment. "I wouldn't say it had to do with her vulnerability as much as I think citizens deserve to have good people run for office and have a good choice," she said. "I really feel this is the time for me to run." The other candidates in the race are Republicans Glen Easter and Grant Claycomb and Democrats John Stephens and John Bonaventura. Although Kincaid-Chauncey is committed to serving another four years on the board, she realizes she might not make it through a tough primary race with Chowning and Collins. If she loses, she'll do what she hopes every voter in her district does: look at the candidates' qualifications and support the one most capable of serving the constituents. "Whatever happens is what God intends to happen in my life," Kincaid-Chauncey said. "He expects you to work for what you want and pray for what you want and, sometimes, the answer is `no.' " 66666666666666 77777777777777777777777777 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 *************************************************** | |
082004-1637 PPAA18 ***** 10:37 a. m., Sunday, August 22, 2004 #Third Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
U. S. Senator Harry Reid and Interesting facts about Nevada, U. S. A. By CI of WBTI*1"Harry Reid's campaign for a fourth U.S. Senate term is stretching far beyond Nevada. Money flows in from Alaska to Maine and out of the pockets of casino operators, trial lawyers, union leaders and members of Hollywood's glitterati. Focused on a $10 million goal, Reid has raised money from every state, Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia," reported ALLECIA VERMILLION of STEPHENS WASHINGTON BUREAU.*2 "Reid's reach further illustrates his journey from tiny Searchlight to a standing as a national politician, one of the most powerful members of the U.S. Senate as the No. 2 Democratic leader. According to Federal Election Commission reports, Reid has raised $7.8 million through June 30, already a record for a Nevada political campaign," the Reporter continued.*3 "According to Guy Rocha, assistant administrator for archives and records for Nevada, $10 million would be the most anyone in the state has ever amassed for a U.S. Senate campaign. The largest amount up to now, Rocha said, was John Ensign's $5.5 million war chest for his successful 2002 U.S. Senate bid. Even if he does not make his goal, Reid has already broken this record," concluded Allecia Vermillion.*4 The following is a collection by the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid in the Senate at Washington D. C.:*5 * Eighty-seven percent of Nevada land is managed by the federal government. * Area 51, a top secret area of Nellis Air Force Range and Nuclear Test Site, is rumored to have housed the development of the first Stealth bomber and alien and UFO research facilities. * Nevada is the seventh largest state in size. * The nation's largest silver deposit, the Comstock Lode, was found in Nevada in 1859. * Nevada is the driest state in the nation with an average annual rainfall of seven inches. * Nevada has the only complete skeleton of an Ichthyosaur, an extinct marine reptile measuring 55 feet. * Nevada is the largest gold-producing state in the U.S. and third in the world behind South Africa and Australia. * Gambling was reinstated in the State in 1931. * Hoover Dam is the largest public works project ever undertaken in the U.S. and has a greater structural volume than the largest Egyptian pyramid. * Virginia City, founded when the Comstock Lode was discovered, was home to 20,000 people at its peak in 1870. Now only about 800 people live in this modern ghost town. * Nevada is the gambling and entertainment capital of the U.S. * Las Vegas has more hotel rooms than any other place on earth. * Nevada means "snowcapped" in Spanish. * On average, 150 couples are married each day in Las Vegas. * In 1899, Charles Fey invented a slot machine called the Liberty Bell, which became the model for all slots. * Nevada has 205,726 slot machines, one for every 10 residents. * In Death Valley, the kangaroo rat can live its entire life without drinking a drop of liquid. * Nevada has more mountain ranges than any other state. * Nevada's Humboldt River has no outlet to the ocean; the river sinks into the ground, feeding a massive underground aquifer.*6 Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada expressed that he can not overemphasize the significance and importance of bringing attention to all the attractions to Nevada at a time when it faces unprecedented competition for gaming customers. He believes that we are wise to expand our marketing efforts and focus on developing markets in places such as Asia. It is significant for him to point out that in addition to gaming, Nevada has phenomenal cultural, historic, and recreational resources that we must continue to promote. The Governor emphasizes that for our state's economy to thrive, all of the Silver State's tourism opportunities must be effectively marketed to both domestic and international visitors.*7 U.S. Senator John Ensign's great-grandfather first came to Nevada almost a hundred years ago as a miner and labored in its towns. This respectable man worked hard to provide for his family and taught his children the value of hard work, integrity, and independence. "The significance of life is to build and educate the continuous lives of the universe," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). People came to America to seek the American dream. Even though not all of them realize their American dream, eventually they could teach and help their children accomplish their contributions to our country.*8 On October 22, 2000, U.S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas (PDCLV) at the Skyview Room of the Bally's Casino and Hotel, Las Vegas. In the Program, the National Anthem was sung by Rose McKinny James. The Keynote Speaker was Senator Harry Reid. The heightlight of the Event was the presentation of the Outstanding Democrat of the Year Award to U.S. Senator Harry Reid by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello.*9 Senator Reid graduated from Utah State University in 1961. He received Juris Doctor degree from George Washington University. In 1968, he was elected to Nevada State Assembly at the age of 28. After two years, he was elected as Nevada's youngest legislation in the state's history. In 1977, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission. In 1983, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. After having served two terms in the House, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1980. On April 10, 1998, he was honored as Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). In December of 1998, after returning for his third term in the U.S. Senate, he was unanimously elected by his Democratic colleagues to serve as the Assistant Minority Leader. "Senator Reid loves heartily this country and our people. His leadership is accentuated with practical knowledge and deligent effort through his intelligence. He has achieved many years accomplishments to improve the quality of life of all Nevadans and help people realize the American Dream, " said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), who was invited with his wife as guests to the Event by Congresswomen Shelley Berkley, County Commissioner Yvonne Atkinson Gates, and former Las Vegas City Mayor Jan Laverty Jones. Senator Reid comes from Searchlight, Nevada, where in that rural mining town he learned the fundamental values of hard work and honesty that endure as his guiding principles. The Nevada's senior Senator was raised in a small cabin without indoor pluming and attended a two-room elementary school. His father was a hardrock miner with an 8th grade education, and his mother never finished high school, but the youngest of Harry and Inez Reid's four sons would go on to achieve the American dream. "Harry is now not just our senior Senator of Nevada in the Senate, he's one of the influential and important U. S. Senator for all our country in Washington, D. C.!" the Honorable U.S. Senator Richard Bryan pointed out during his short speech to the great awarding Event of the Club. "Senator Reid deserves special recognition for his continued leadership to the Democratic Party here in Nevada. His commitment to public service and distinguished record of fighting for the values we hold so dear has touched the lives of many in Nevada and across the country," wrote U.S. President Candidate and Vice President Al Gore. The distinguished accomplishments of Senator Reid has given he himself for us a successful model for people who wish to realize their American Dream. The maturity of citizens society is the fundamental guarantee for the normal processing of a democratic community. In a citizens society, it depends highly on the team of public intellectuals to integrate people's opinions, to analyze rationally, and to point out wise persperctives and notice. A public intellectual plays an important and significant responsibility of mission to evaluate public activities, to reflect people's opinion, to lead citizens, and to predict crisis. Public opinion is therefore made through the effort of the public intellectuals by their wise investigation to the people's mind and willingness, and by their right understancing and analysis toward the facts. U.S. Americans W. Lippmann and J. Raston, German E. Noalle-Neumann are ideal representatives of such kind of persons as of the public intellectual. Community service is important to our people and society, moreover we wish individuals as our public intellectual may also encourage more volunteers, events, and projects to better the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevadan through community participation.*10 "Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental railroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the lastest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your outstanding participation in the political, business, and educational processes. It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader of the Senate at the Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas.*11 -------------------------------------------------- References *1. CI of WBTI is the initial of Cuture Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Vermillion, Allecia. 'Reid taking no chances in re-election fund raising,' "Nevada and the West of Las Vegas Review-Journal," (August 22, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: Las Vegas Review-Journal. *3. Ibid. *4. Ibid. *5. Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader. 'Interesting facts about Nevada,' "A search of information about Nevada from the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid through Google.com," (June 29, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader Harry Reid. *6. Ibid. *7. Chang, Tiffany. 'Celebrating diversity by Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada , U. S. A.,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (December 11, 2003), p. 1. *8. Chang, Tiffany. 'John Ensign: a born-again Christian,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (November 17, 2000), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *9. Chang, Tiffany. 'Senator Harry Reid awarded "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade",' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (November 2, 2000), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *10. Ibid. *11. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Resume the booming tourism for our Silver State through educational, economic, and cultural cooperation and development with foreign countries,' "PPAA17 of WBTI website," (February 19, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. 88888888888888 7777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
082204-3168 ***** "Anything you're good at contribute to happiness." --- Bertrand Russell |
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082204-3168 ***** "Anything you're good at contribute to happiness." --- Bertrand Russell |
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082104-2168 |
BUSINESS, COMMUNITY, AND SOCIAL WORLD ***** 7:18 p. m., Saturday, August 21, 2004 #First Edition Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti 88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88%88% ------------------------------------------------------ ***Editor's note: Opinions expressed by this reporter, 孽, are freely and absolutely his own. They do not necessarily reflect the views of ownership and management of this Institute. The Editor of this flier did all its literature in English. "We all need to smile every once in a while," said the "IT'S KINDA FUNNY". From the Qian of "I Ching," people may learn that 'The sky is naturally auspicious and strong; it is good for predicting the future."*1 The following is a post from "Yahoo!集" through its courtesy for ね到 (friendly and kindly post): [In case you've problem to access the Chinese, please: (1)Hit the "View"; (2)hit the "Encoding"; and then (3)hit the "Chinese Traditional (Big5)".] 拷隶匡ミ〆: Republic of China ┏ミ〆匡羭稶稶腞 By孽 ***ね到 ぱ何拷隶盢カ跋癸∕チ秈囊拷礮 ㄢ拷癸∕ぃ阶街秤匡チ墩盢埂泊褐 る狥藕锭盼眔繷祇材拷隶蹿蹿セ竒е祇ミ〆讲花玱脎胭拈郴ミㄨ弘拷隶ō礚絘辨∕﹚璶淋叫材Θミぃ礚囊刮挡羛幅把匡ミ〆 羛么挡狦拷隶の娩ね癸硂矗某常ボ蔼砍届硂讽礛琵ミ〆讲花尺辨 讲花弧拷隶礚好琌礚囊羛幅侯美ぱ﹙舅眏次匡 被ぃ骸羪尺讲花弧礚囊羛幅硂Ω琌荷盢ㄓ临穦獹临Τぃだ跋材狶獵柳のら玡蹿货じㄑ羆参匡喷布瓣坝甝矫 ﹙舅拷隶狶獵柳甝矫礚囊羛幅癸┏ミ〆匡羭墩ゲ眔∕み琇礛璝处 拜肈琌拷程ㄆ穨羬材家狶вㄓ墩珼驹のぃ纯Τ筁匡驹竒菌秤衡Τぶ㎡ ㄆ龟ミ〆讲花瘤礛ゴ眔も衡絃ぃ筁カ跋獂厚嘉竲Τ翴荒覆靛弧拷隶㏕礛琌禬琍禜戈菌Τ種把匡簍美琍い琌ぃ匡筁眔拷礮硂闽盾拷礮眔厩菌蔼ぃ阶琌淮临琌稼ń常Τ┚捣碞ぃ獺拷隶匡眔筁拷礮 や拷隶捣Τぃヌボ畓猭 カ跋匡羭琌膀糷а拷隶琌玡跋щ狶產壁讽Τ讽痷璶笆癬ㄓ荡癸举笆獂厚膀セ嘉竲弧临Τ礚囊羛幅ミ〆街墓街块瞷弧┤Ν翴 眖縩伐笲﹙舅拷隶щ匡羭ㄓ..... ㄒ郡材匡跋綠马竒筁逳糮ê琿ぱ奔ㄓ搂︹猧の瞒秨チ秈囊礚幅Χ琍π常琌屡厚ㄢ皚犁Ж炳ヘ夹稱玂畊竒ぃ荷玂Τ驹狦癸礚幅ㄓ弧碞琌秤稱き畊┤临Τ 沮眡硂ㄇらㄓ眎痴懂の讲花だ繷郡カ碝тΤ诀穦讽匡ぃ妮屡厚パ匡 る拷隶环璾狥兜笆ē赣兜笆讲花笿拷隶碞粄﹚拷琌程ㄎ匡 讲花ボ皑㎝拷隶羛蹈拷隶の娩ね常ボ伐蔼砍届ぃ筁癸拷隶ㄓ弧硂兜∕﹚я闽ゼㄓネ睵砏购ゲ斗糵稸σ 讲花弧拷隶琌膥﹙舅ぇ礚幅や眏次 ﹙舅郡材匡跋把匡拷隶玥穦щカ跋驹Ы 讲花弧﹙舅セゴ衡カ玭跋锣驹郡匡跋琌竒筁糵稸蝶︳ 瘤礛﹙舅蔼玱礚猭Ч锣て蔼や郡耕盢跑匡布 拷隶薄猵ぃ讲花弧拷隶セㄓ碞Τ┦埃ぇ临┦まぃぶい玻顶匡布 讲花弧ヘ玡拷隶の克ねタ蝶︳癚阶把匡ミ〆┦ 临辨镑膥尿祇揣狝叭 眖糰碅笆捣柠約獺骸骸てЗ珇約Τ材腹拷隶琌渤ヘ礘翴 τせだ牧臔ネそ痲約の縩伐糶把摸そ痲笆琵拷隶糤睰砛タ禜 ㄤい弘みЫぃ螟拷稱秈瓁現獀籖ノみ ㄓ約カ初荷網繷拷隶癸現獀庇稰礶睲磷匡娩τ紇臫簍美ネ睵 さ妓ぃ辨琕ヴ囊︹眒辨虑帝ぇㄓ狝叭渤 癸約捣拷隶ぃ腀箇代Τぶや睭睭弧ㄆ碞穦ǎ痷彻ㄆ玡稱び⊿ぐ或ノ 骸獺拷瞏獺緔のず瞇荡癸ㄣΤ紇臫渤秖璶や瞯荡癸ぃ琌ぐ或螟ㄆ 77777777777777 77777777777777777777777777 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 *************************************************** | |
082004-1637 PPAA18 ***** 4:57 p. m., Saturday, August 21, 2004 #Second Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
Interesting and important facts about Nevada, U. S. A. By CI of WBTI*1***** "Few things help an individual more than to place responsibility upon him and to let him know that you trust him." --- Booker T. Washington The following is a collection by the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid in the Senate at Washington D. C.:*2 * Eighty-seven percent of Nevada land is managed by the federal government. * Area 51, a top secret area of Nellis Air Force Range and Nuclear Test Site, is rumored to have housed the development of the first Stealth bomber and alien and UFO research facilities. * Nevada is the seventh largest state in size. * The nation's largest silver deposit, the Comstock Lode, was found in Nevada in 1859. * Nevada is the driest state in the nation with an average annual rainfall of seven inches. * Nevada has the only complete skeleton of an Ichthyosaur, an extinct marine reptile measuring 55 feet. * Nevada is the largest gold-producing state in the U.S. and third in the world behind South Africa and Australia. * Gambling was reinstated in the State in 1931. * Hoover Dam is the largest public works project ever undertaken in the U.S. and has a greater structural volume than the largest Egyptian pyramid. * Virginia City, founded when the Comstock Lode was discovered, was home to 20,000 people at its peak in 1870. Now only about 800 people live in this modern ghost town. * Nevada is the gambling and entertainment capital of the U.S. * Las Vegas has more hotel rooms than any other place on earth. * Nevada means "snowcapped" in Spanish. * On average, 150 couples are married each day in Las Vegas. * In 1899, Charles Fey invented a slot machine called the Liberty Bell, which became the model for all slots. * Nevada has 205,726 slot machines, one for every 10 residents. * In Death Valley, the kangaroo rat can live its entire life without drinking a drop of liquid. * Nevada has more mountain ranges than any other state. * Nevada's Humboldt River has no outlet to the ocean; the river sinks into the ground, feeding a massive underground aquifer.*3 Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada expressed that he can not overemphasize the significance and importance of bringing attention to all the attractions to Nevada at a time when it faces unprecedented competition for gaming customers. He believes that we are wise to expand our marketing efforts and focus on developing markets in places such as Asia. It is significant for him to point out that in addition to gaming, Nevada has phenomenal cultural, historic, and recreational resources that we must continue to promote. The Governor emphasizes that for our state's economy to thrive, all of the Silver State's tourism opportunities must be effectively marketed to both domestic and international visitors.*4 U.S. Senator John Ensign's great-grandfather first came to Nevada almost a hundred years ago as a miner and labored in its towns. This respectable man worked hard to provide for his family and taught his children the value of hard work, integrity, and independence. "The significance of life is to build and educate the continuous lives of the universe," said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). People came to America to seek the American dream. Even though not all of them realize their American dream, eventually they could teach and help their children accomplish their contributions to our country.*5 On October 22, 2000, U.S. Senator Harry Reid received the "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade" 1990's Award from the Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas (PDCLV) at the Skyview Room of the Bally's Casino and Hotel, Las Vegas. In the Program, the National Anthem was sung by Rose McKinny James. The Keynote Speaker was Senator Harry Reid. The heightlight of the Event was the presentation of the Outstanding Democrat of the Year Award to U.S. Senator Harry Reid by the President of PDCLV, John Ponticello.*6 Senator Reid graduated from Utah State University in 1961. He received Juris Doctor degree from George Washington University. In 1968, he was elected to Nevada State Assembly at the age of 28. After two years, he was elected as Nevada's youngest legislation in the state's history. In 1977, he was appointed as the Chairman of the Nevada Gaming Commission. In 1983, he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. After having served two terms in the House, he was elected to the U.S. Senate in 1980. On April 10, 1998, he was honored as Advisor and Vice Chairman of the Advisory Board of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). In December of 1998, after returning for his third term in the U.S. Senate, he was unanimously elected by his Democratic colleagues to serve as the Assistant Minority Leader. "Senator Reid loves heartily this country and our people. His leadership is accentuated with practical knowledge and deligent effort through his intelligence. He has achieved many years accomplishments to improve the quality of life of all Nevadans and help people realize the American Dream, " said Dr. Tony Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), who was invited with his wife as guests to the Event by Congresswomen Shelley Berkley, County Commissioner Yvonne Atkinson Gates, and former Las Vegas City Mayor Jan Laverty Jones. Senator Reid comes from Searchlight, Nevada, where in that rural mining town he learned the fundamental values of hard work and honesty that endure as his guiding principles. The Nevada's senior Senator was raised in a small cabin without indoor pluming and attended a two-room elementary school. His father was a hardrock miner with an 8th grade education, and his mother never finished high school, but the youngest of Harry and Inez Reid's four sons would go on to achieve the American dream. "Harry is now not just our senior Senator of Nevada in the Senate, he's one of the influential and important U. S. Senator for all our country in Washington, D. C.!" the Honorable U.S. Senator Richard Bryan pointed out during his short speech to the great awarding Event of the Club. "Senator Reid deserves special recognition for his continued leadership to the Democratic Party here in Nevada. His commitment to public service and distinguished record of fighting for the values we hold so dear has touched the lives of many in Nevada and across the country," wrote U.S. President Candidate and Vice President Al Gore. The distinguished accomplishments of Senator Reid has given he himself for us a successful model for people who wish to realize their American Dream. The maturity of citizens society is the fundamental guarantee for the normal processing of a democratic community. In a citizens society, it depends highly on the team of public intellectuals to integrate people's opinions, to analyze rationally, and to point out wise persperctives and notice. A public intellectual plays an important and significant responsibility of mission to evaluate public activities, to reflect people's opinion, to lead citizens, and to predict crisis. Public opinion is therefore made through the effort of the public intellectuals by their wise investigation to the people's mind and willingness, and by their right understancing and analysis toward the facts. U.S. Americans W. Lippmann and J. Raston, German E. Noalle-Neumann are ideal representatives of such kind of persons as of the public intellectual. Community service is important to our people and society, moreover we wish individuals as our public intellectual may also encourage more volunteers, events, and projects to better the quality of life of all our residents and visitors of Nevadan through community participation.*7 "Asian Pacific American have made profound contributions to American life, including the arts, economy, education, science, technology, politics, and sport. This community was here to help build trascontinental railroad, to serve in the Civil War, and to develop the lastest Internet technology. I'm pleased to assure all you leaders of the community here today that I'll continue working to preserve and advance the heritage and value of Asian Americans. I'll put my effort to reach out and address issues of importance to the Asian American community, including the economy, education, safety, racial profiling and hate crime, and immigration, among others. I'd like also to show my appreciation of all your accomplishments and contributions to the American way of life and your outstanding participation in the political, business, and educational processes. It's my pleasure to accept the honor as Professor of Administrative Strategies of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration of Washington Business and Technology Institute," said Harry Reid, U. S. Senator and Assistant Democratic Leader of the Senate at the Asian American Leaders Tea with United States Senator Harry Reid on May 31, 2003 at Korean Garden B. B. Q. House in Las Vegas.*8 -------------------------------------------------- References *1. CI of WBTI is the initial of Cuture Institution of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). *2. Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader. 'Interesting facts about Nevada,' "A search of information about Nevada from the Office of U. S. Senator Harry Reid through Google.com," (June 29, 2004), Washington, D. C.: Office of the Assistant Democratic Leader Harry Reid. *3. Ibid. *4. Chang, Tiffany. 'Celebrating diversity by Governor Kenny Guinn of Nevada , U. S. A.,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (December 11, 2003), p. 1. *5. Chang, Tiffany. 'John Ensign: a born-again Christian,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (November 17, 2000), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *6. Chang, Tiffany. 'Senator Harry Reid awarded "Outstanding Democrat of the Decade",' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (November 2, 2000), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. *7. Ibid. *8. Reid, Rory; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Resume the booming tourism for our Silver State through educational, economic, and cultural cooperation and development with foreign countries,' "PPAA17 of WBTI website," (February 19, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI. 666666666666 88888888888888888888888888888 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 **************************************************** | |
082104-1237 ***** It's a successful party with more than 200 attendants crowded round at an elegant cafe. Invited Asian American guests to Tom Gallagher's Party at Jazzed Cafe on August 17, 2004 including Dr. and Mrs. Tony Lei, Ms. Nancy Diaz, Mr. Michael Chang, Miss Eva Guo, Mr. Robert Song, among others with Reporters Maggie Liu of LVCDN and Audrey Cheng of SNCW presented: |
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082004 ***** "If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade." --- Tom Peters |
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082004-1137 PPAA18 ***** 7:17 a. m., Friday, August 20, 2004 #First Edition ***** |
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti Advisory Board: Governor Kenny Guinn, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry Reid and John Ensign, Vice Chairmen; U.S. Representatives James Gibbons and Shelley Berkley, and Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, Executive Directors. U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. District Judges Mark Denton and Valorie Vega, Vice Presidents. Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee Bernick and Dr. G. Keong Leong, Deans of Graduate School of Business and Public Administra- tion; Dr.Sue Fawn Chung, Director of Culture Institution. Justice of the Supreme Court William Maupin, Attorney General Brain Sandoval, District Judge Stewart Bell, Honorary Chairmen, Clark County District Attorney and Police Civil Commission (CCDAPCC). District Attorney David Roger and Clark County Sheriff Bill Young, Chairmen of CCDAPCC. *It's our pleasure to pay a tribute to the above officials who dedicate to the civic and community service aspects of our organiza-tion in an honorary or adjunct capacity. WBTI: Tel. at (702) 255-9058 E-mail to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
NEVADA GOVERNORˇS POINTS OF LIGHT NOMINATIONS DUE AUG. 25 By Kenny Guinn and his Office*1The Nevada Commission for National & Community Service is currently accepting nominations for the Governorˇs Points of Light Award. Nominations must be submitted no later than Aug. 25, and honorees will be announced at an awards dinner on Oct. 14 in Las Vegas.*2 The Governorˇs Points of Light Award recognizes individuals who have demonstrated ongoing dedication, commitment, and determination in promoting and supporting volunteerism throughout Nevada. It is the highest honor bestowed by the Nevada Commission for National & Community Service, and is a way of inspiring individuals to make a positive impact in the lives of others. Nomination criteria includes: Achievement. The nomination must reflect the accomplishments achieved through the voluntary service performed by the individual, business, or agency. Need. The voluntary service must address human, educational, environmental, or public safety needs. Innovation. The voluntary service should reflect innovative or unique approaches to solving serious social problems. Mobilization. The voluntary service should result in or present opportunities for mobilizing other volunteers. Endurance. The voluntary service must be hands-on and ongoing rather than a one-time activity, with exception of short-term crisis situations. To find out more about this award and to access an online nomination form, click on www.americorpsnevada.org*3 ------------------------------------------------------- References *1. Dr. Kenny C. Guinn is the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A.. *2. Ofiice of the Governor. 'A Message from Governor Kenny C. Guinn - August 18, 2004,' " An e-mail from the Office of Governor Kenny Guinn to Dr. Tony Lei," (August 18, 2004), Carson City, Nevada: Office of Governor Kenny C. Guinn. *3. Ibid. ***About Governor Kenny Guinn (by the Editor of this flier): Kenny Guinn, 67, earned undergraduate and graduate degrees in Physical Education from Fresno State University and later obtained a doctorate in Education from Utah State University in Logan. He was named Superintendent of Schools in Clark County and served with distinction in that position until 1978. In his work for the Clark County School District, Guinn was recognized as an effective administrator committed to educational excellence at a time when the county was experiencing exponential student growth. His service to Clark County students was honored when Kenny C. Guinn Junior High School was named for him. In 1978, Guinn began applying his management skills in business as Administrative Vice President for Nevada Savings and Loan in Las Vegas, which later became PriMerit Bank. At PriMerit, he was appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Las Vegas-based bank. Soon thereafter, Guinn was recruited to the energy business as the President of Southwest Gas Corporation and eventually became Chairman of the Board of Directors of that utility in 1993. In 1994, Guinn was recruited by the University of Nevada Board of Regents to serve as interim president of the University of Nevada-Las Vegas. In addition to his one-year term at UNLV, Guinn served the state in leadership roles on a variety of committees and commissions, including the Clark County Community College Advisory Committee, the UNLV Foundation Board of Trustees, the White House Conference on Children and Youth, among others. Guinn has also worked in his community in a variety of volunteer roles, ranging from involvement in the Boy Scouts and Pop Warner Football to the United Way of Southern Nevada and the Southern Nevada Independent Youth Athletic Association. Kenny spent his boyhood in the small, Central Valley town of Exeter, California where he met Dema, his wife of 47 years. Kenny Guinn believes in families. Dr. Kenny Guinn is now the Governor of Nevada, U. S. A. at his second term. 666666666666 55555555555555555555555555555 777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 ************************************************* | |
081904-3168 *****Dear friends, Based on the following invitation card, you are welcomed to attend this Event and Dinner Party Confirmation required for seating. (Donation of $5.00 and up is in need, but not requested.): |
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