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For a search of U.S. Senator assure us wbti:

Fighting for Fair Pay!
Community Service wbti: U. S. Senator Harry Reid assures us that he will continue working to protect Nevada! ---President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI
By Harry M. Reid


Dear Friend,

Today is Equal Pay Day ?the day that symbolizes how far into the year a woman must work, on average, to earn as much as a man earned the previous year. It is a shame that here in America women earn only 77 cents for every dollar paid to their male counterparts. Minority women face an even larger wage gap: African American women make 72 cents; Hispanic women make just less than 60 cents.*101

<<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
"A search of 'Benton and Livingstone wbti' by the world leading search engines on .... 120407-1001 Harry Reid wbti: President Dr. Tony Lei is really happy ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President ...
Pepperdine University's President Dr. Andrew Benton: Progress and Promises ..... Community Honors US Senator Honorable Harry Reid wbti' on the Google.cn, ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=cge&gid=01101010550976144152582945&p... - 125k - Cached - Similar pages
More results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com ?BR>------------------
Page 1
Washington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2002 #2
On behalf of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), Dr. Lei enjoyed and thanked heartfeltly Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Benton, President of ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&... - 31k - Cached - Similar pages 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next ....... >>> *737

Because equity is still an issue, Congress has taken up H.R. 2831 ?The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act. The bill overturns a 2007 Supreme Court case that held that workers must sue for pay discrimination within 180 days after receiving their first discriminatory paycheck, whether or not the discrimination continues until the present day and even if the worker had no way of knowing that others were being paid more for the same work. This legislation will provide a narrow fix that will make clear that each discriminatory paycheck is in fact another act of discrimination.

The Fair Pay Act will restore a reasonable time limit for filing pay discrimination claims. The 180-day clock for filing a pay discrimination claim resets with every paycheck in which a worker is paid less because of her gender or race. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits employers from discriminating against workers on the basis of race, color, gender, religion or national origin. The Fair Pay Act will reestablish a fair rule for filing claims of pay discrimination and restore the interpretation of the law previously accepted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and federal courts throughout the country.

To hear me discuss this issue further, please click here.*102


Harry Reid

(Editor's notes)
"旅美幽默女作家吳玲瑤把歡笑帶到拉斯維加斯,她說,幽默有時候講真話,譬如大文豪馬克吐溫說,人生有三階段:童年、青年、別人說「你看起來很年輕」。 應邀參加拉斯維加斯大專校友會年會演講,出版49本幽默散文集的吳玲瑤,說話也和寫書一樣有趣,她形容自己這樣的中年婦女是「猛一看不怎麼好看,仔細一看還不如猛一看。」," wrote Reporter Mindy Gao (馮鳴台) of World Journal.*168 "吳玲瑤表達「幽默處處有」,她說,有時候能用自我解嘲來幽默,她說,凌峰長相不太帥,他主持「八千里路雲和月時」說:「中國五千年的苦難都寫在我臉上。」.
<<< YouTube - Las Vegas Water Show
Las Vegas Water Show at Bellagio. ... Join YouTube for a free ...
Watch video - 2 min 49 sec -

YouTube - Las Vegas Stratosphere Insanity Ride
Las Vegas Stratosphere Insanity Ride - only for the crazy as ...
Watch video - 1 min 19 sec -
www.youtube.com/watch?v=QbehfUGx6Rs >>> *169

"拉斯維加斯大專校友聯合會第二屆年會,19日晚間在金海岸賭場宴會廳舉行,首任會長楊秋升為理事長,新會長秦力勝接棒,晚會在各項歌舞表演中歡樂進行,180名賭城中國大專校友們興高采烈參加這項餐舞會," continued Reporter 馮鳴台 (Mindy Gao). The colorful group picture, taken by the Reporter Mindy Gao (馮鳴台), is shown on the top left of the report stating that, "作家吳玲瑤應邀到賭城參加大專友聯合會演講。聯合校友會理事多為能幹的女性." *170


011711-2017 1st ed. snd. printing
An innovation to unite Businesses and Christianity on the road from America through East Asia to Jerusalem
... wbti: *****
By Jessie Walsh, Bert Brown, and Jennifer Kung


................ *1

....................................... *2

"Dear Board Members: This is a reminder that we will have a board meeting in teleconference on the evening of Mar 17th Monday, to discuss CCBA~{!/~}s business. Please review and prepare ...," wrote Christian Chinese Business Association (CCBA) Board Chair Jian Zhu on March 7, 2008. The Tele-conference will be held on March 17, 2008.*3

"In the past four years, we can testify the grace of God among us throughout our mission journey. It transformed from one location to multiple locations. From Northern Europe to East Asia, from Taiwan to Mainland China, from China to Central Asia, from the coast to the inland, from folk religion to atheist, from the Buddhists to the Islam, from the churches to the schools, from the rich to the poor, from the prisons the drug rehabilitation centers, from the coast to the inland. We can see the power of God work among the weak and battle for His kingdom," wrote CCBA Vice President Paul Wang.*5 Paul is an achieved and famous Chinese American Christian leader. He is the Senior Pastor of Carrollton Chinese Church (CCC), Dallas, Texas. He is going to lead Mission to China, Kyrgyzstan, and Taiwan (MCKT), a short-term mission to Asia in May-June, 2008. "Praise the Lord! This year our mission team will have 15-20 people. We will divide the mission group into two teams with three purposes: First, we will go to Xiangzu Taiyen, trying to establish a base for future ministry. Second, we will travel to Kyrgyzstan, and seaching for the will of God and explore the possibility of minister to the Islam. Thirdly, we will travel to the Northeast of Taiwan, minister to the people at Yilan, we will also travel to Taichung and minister to Dajia."

"Thanks all, I~{!/~}m just back in China from a three day trip to HK where I met with amazing China experts. It was a very encouraging time. Thanks for the email with the notes. His best to you, Finn," wrote one of the CCBA Directors Finn Torjesen, an achieved Chinese Christian Leader recognized by the Government, from Taiyuan City, Shanxi, China to WBTI.*6 The e-mail was an answer to CCBA President Song Cao's concerning about Torjesen's "How is your trip back to Taiyuan" to him?

The famous city is rich in culture and business. For a search of 'Taiyuan china' by the world leading search engines on Internet, we can view its three colorful and beautiful pictures. "Image results for Taiyuan china" is on the first line of Google.com's results at 8:17 a.m. on March 13, 2008.

"Dear CCBA Board Members, Our next board meeting will be held at 9 PM (Houston, CST) on March 17. Attached is the notice for the meeting, along with the meeting minutes of last board meeting. Please let me know if you could not make it or any questions you may have. Best regards, Song," wrote President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI.*7

Christian Chinese Business Association of Las Vegas (CCBALV) will be one of the chapters of CCBA.*8

"I~{!/~}ll be arriving in Seattle that afternoon. It will be a 7PM call for me so I don~{!/~}t think it will be a problem except for jet lag. Finn," wrote CCBA Director Finn Torjesen to WBTI. The e-mail was trying to remind President Song Cao to call him so it would not be a problem for him except for jet lag.*9

"Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way! Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) has inspired and cooperated River of Life Christian Church (ROLCC) with endeavor to help promote the quality of life and community service for the people in California and Nevada," delivered Justice of Nevada Supreme Court Michael L. Douglas the message on March 9, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.*10 It has been also for CCC with CCBA and people in Texas since six months ago. Wish the projects by CCC and CCBA a great success and future!

On Google, MSN, Search, Ask, AOL, Yahoo, WebCrawler, Lycos, Altavista, Sina, and among others!
At 8:57 a.m. on 031108 by Google.com:
<<< Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ...
Nevada wbti: US Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid will be the biggest Winner! ... Vice President Paul Wang of Christian Chinese Business Association in ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
communitylink.reviewjournal.com ? >>> *11

................... *12


*3. Zhu, Jian. 'Conference Meeting Reminder 3/7/2008,' "One of the attachments of the e-mail from President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI [Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:11:19 -0600]," (March 7, 2008), Dallas, Texas: Desk of Song Cao's Office.
*5. Chen, Flora. '2008 CCC mission trip,' "An e-mail from Secretary Flora Chen of CCC to WBTI [Thu, 6 Mar 2008 13:40:43 -0600 {flor???007@gmail.com}]," (March 6, 2008), Carrollton, Texas: CCC.
*6. Finn, Torjesen. 'It was a very encouraging time,' "An e-mail from CCBA Director Finn Torjesen [Thu, 28 Feb 2008 20:08:06 +0800 {fin???ter@gmail.com}] to WBTI," (February 28, 2008), Taiyuan City, Shanxi, China: Desk of Director Finn Torjesen.
*7. Song, Cao. 'CCBA Board Meeting, March 17 9 PM CST,' "An e-mail from President of CCBA Song Cao to WBTI [Fri, 7 Mar 2008 16:11:19 -0600]," (March 7, 2008), Dallas, Texas: Desk of Song Cao's Office.
*8. Bill Maupin, Michael Douglas, Mark Denton, Stewart Bell, Valorie Vega, Jackie Glass, Jessie Walsh, John Ponticello, Nancy Oesterle, Natalie Tyrrell, Valerie Weber, Bobby G. Gronauer, Gerri Schroder, Francis Allen, Cheryl Moss, and Jennifer Kung. '[Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons ---Google, MSN, Search, and Yahoo wbti: "The world of tomorrow belongs to the person who has the vision today," stated Robert Schuller.] ***Knowledge, E.Q., and Wisdom!' "A search of 'and Jennifer Kung. [Meet Bill Thompson, Harry Reid, and Jim Gibbons wbti' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (March 1, 2008), U. S. A.: Search.com.
*9. Finn, Torjesen. "RE: CCBA Board Meeting, March 17 9 PM CST,' "An e-mail from CCBA Director Finn Torjesen [Tue, 11 Mar 2008 16:17:22 +080 {fin???ter@gmail.com}] to WBTI," (March 11, 2008), Desk of Director Finn Torjesen by gmail.com.
*10. Valerie Weber, Cheryl Moss, Ingrid Ou, and Jennifer Kung. 'Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through the cooperation and development with our expertise, integrity, and professionalism is on the way!' "A search of 'Michael Douglas: Igniting the city through' by the world's leading search engines on Internet," (February 7, 2008), Sunnyvale, California: Yahoo.com.
*11. ... by Google. ...


Sun, January 16, 2011 8:44:29 AMFw: Re: donation receipt received
From: Mike Lei [leimih@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

--- On Sat, 1/15/11, Sandy Ting [mcbcsandy@gmail.com] wrote:

From: Sandy Ting
Subject: Re: donation receipt received
To: "Mike Lei"
Cc: "Rev. Paul Wang?????q?t" , "Flora Chen"
Date: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 6:45 PM

Dear Mike ( 007 )
you're welcome.
how are you doing? hopefuly everything going well.

Thank you very much for your supporting and everything you've done for MCBC
May our Lord Bless you loveing heart and give you more grace in the future!

do you have any trip schedule to Dallas this year??
Please say HI to your Daddy and Mommy.

Love in Christ!


Sat, January 15, 2011 9:29:13 PMFwd: 1. 趁?岷攘恕?犸? 罹癌率高八倍! 2. 常吃秋刀魚血栓症不敢來敲門
From: Lily Gendall [lily.gendall@gmail.com] View Contact
To: Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

「趁?岷攘恕?犸? 罹癌率高八倍!




Sun, January 16, 2011 3:29:12 PMNew Year (share with you)
From: Cerina Chu View Contact
To: Cerina Chu [chucer???@yahoo.com]

Dear Brothers and Sisters:

在新一年的開始,我們忍不住對過去的一年有一絲絲的回想. 知道過去的每一刻都在現在之前 –成功、失敗、盼望、後悔.然而現在卻也正是我們向前看的最好時刻.下面是Mr. Robert Siegel 在2005年寫的詩,提醒我們,神給我們每一天都是新的,每天早晨都帶給我們無盡的盼望.

As another year begins,, we can’t help but feel a little introspective. The awareness of passing time reminds us of every moment preceding the present-successes and failures, hopes and regrets. Yet it’s also an occasion to look forward. This poem, written in 2005, calls our attention to the newness of each day and the endless possibilities each morning brings. (intouch.org)

New Year

The sky is so blue history has vanished.

Each pine stands un-entangled in the sun,

Knowing the freedom of light, a fringe of snow.

The white forest floor is clean and smooth.

The tracks of chipmunk, mouse, and vole

are tentative, a wandering text to read

with nose or eye, saying what was never said

before this instant – the sun sprung from Eden.

Like that red fruit before its skin was broken

and knowledge was an unread story, an aroma

on which the soul got drunk. Each footprint’s

shadow is new upon the snow, a word

transfixing body and spirit, a light that

never was on sea or mountain, springing

somewhere from the mind’s root. Bless now

these graceful figures, a 2, an 0 an0, a 5,(wrote in year 2005)

and free us from all false beginnings

accumulated in the past so we can live this moment as it is,

a beginning with a middle and an end,

that in itself contains all other moments.

Happy New Year & the coming Chines New Year

Cerina Chu

Phil 4: 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page
Welcome to WBTI Website! ... WBTI Journal ~{!$~} Leading Chinese Literature World ... Academic Association of Nevada ~{!$~} Christian Chinese Business Association of ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - Cached - Similar

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Sep 27, 2010 ... Organizer: Chinese Christian Business Association (CCBA) ..... "It's my great pleasure to be nominated by WBTI as its Honorary Chairman and ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID= 01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached


Sat, January 15, 2011 4:00:13 AMInsight for Today
From: Insight for Living [c+ifl@trusted-sender.convio.net] Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

January 15, 2011

The Servant as a Giver
by Charles R. Swindoll

Philippians 2:3-4

I like the tongue-in-cheek definition of philosophers one of my seminary professors would occasionally use. It's classic:

Philosophers are people who talk about something they don't understand and make you think it's your fault!1

Lots of philosophies are floating around, and most of them are more confusing than they are helpful. Interestingly, those that are clear enough to be understood usually end up focusing full attention on the individual. Consider a few of them:

Education says, "Be resourceful; expand yourself!"
Psychology says, "Be confident; assert yourself!"
Religion says, "Be good; conform yourself!"
Epicureanism says, "Be sensuous; enjoy yourself!"
Materialism says, "Be satisfied; please yourself!"
Pride says, "Be superior; promote yourself!"
Humanism says, "Be capable; believe in yourself!"
Philanthropy says, "Be generous; release yourself!"

Yourself, yourself, yourself. We're up to here with self! Do something either for yourself or with yourself or to yourself. How very different from Jesus's model and message! He offers rather a fresh and much-needed invitation to our "me-first" generation. Jesus says, in effect, "Be a servant . . . give to others!" (Mark 10:45). Now that's a philosophy anybody can understand. And, without question, it is attainable. Just look:

Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

Know what all that means? Well, for starters, "nothing" means just that. Stop permitting two strong tendencies---selfishness and conceit---to control you! Let nothing that either of these words suggests win a hearing. Replace "selfishness" and "conceit" with "humility of mind."

But how? By regarding others as more important than yourself. Look for ways to support, encourage, build up, and stimulate the other person.

And that requires an attitude that would rather give than receive.

1. Johnson, S. Lewis, Jr. "Beware of Philosophy," in Bibliotheca Sacra 119 (October--December 1962): 302-303.

Excerpted from Improving Your Serve: The Art of Unselfish Living, Copyright ?1981 by Charles R. Swindoll, Inc. (Thomas Nelson Publishers). All rights reserved worldwide. Used by permission.

?2010 Insight for Living. All rights reserved worldwide.


Fri, January 14, 2011 9:33:39 AM

Standing together in service

From: Michelle Obama [info@barackobama.com]View Contact
To: tony lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Tony --

The Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., is usually remembered for his heroic leadership of the civil rights movement -- he led the successful Montgomery bus boycott, delivered the "I Have A Dream" speech at a time when such words were still controversial, and ultimately gave his own life to the cause of equality.

But Dr. King was much more than a civil rights champion -- he was a man who lived his entire life in service to others, speaking out against poverty, economic injustice, and violence. Wherever he saw suffering, he did what he could to help, no matter who it was that needed him or why they were in pain. Through his leadership, he showed us what we can accomplish when we stand together.

Each January, we remember Dr. King on his own holiday -- and one of the best ways to preserve his legacy is to engage in service ourselves. As Dr. King told us, "Life's most persistent and urgent question is: 'What are you doing for others?'"

That's why from tomorrow, Saturday, January 15th, through Monday, January 17th, Organizing for America volunteers will be participating in service projects all across the country in Dr. King's honor. There will be food drives, neighborhood clean-ups, education projects, blood drives, and more.

There's an event in North Las Vegas -- please attend if you can, and help make this country an even better place.

Here are the details:

What: Service event

Where: 100 Academy of Excellence
2341 Comstock Drive
North Las Vegas, NV 89032

When: Monday, January 17th
10:00 am

If you can't make that particular service event, you can find others in your area here.

This movement is about so much more than politics -- it is about coming together through progress, change, and community. Lifting each other up in dedication and service is one of the best ways not only to honor Dr. King, but to honor each other. By giving service a new role in this country, we can establish a new foundation for our economy and a brighter future for our children.

That is why service is key to achieving our national priorities, and why Barack recently helped out at a Boys and Girls Club service event. Since moving to Washington, D.C., two years ago, he and I have gotten to know the community through similar service projects, including past Martin Luther King Day events. I treasure those opportunities, and I look forward to another one next week. Every time we pitch in, we get so much back, and always learn amazing things from our neighbors.

All of us have something to contribute, and all of us can make a meaningful difference in someone's life. It's a great way to remind others that they are not forgotten, and to remind ourselves that there are always things we can do.

Please help Barack and me honor the legacy of Dr. King, and join us in service to our country once again this year:





Fri, January 14, 2011 9:12:08 AMFw: Pastor Tong class "Worship and Serving" will start on 1/20 please register
From: Mike Lei [leimih@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

2 Files Download All
ROLPLI2011courses.pdf (7757KB); 201191CD104_Syllabus.doc (44KB)

--- On Fri, 1/14/11, Joseph kiang [josephkiang2???@yahoo.com] wrote:

From: Joseph kiang [josephkiang2???@yahoo.com]
Subject: Fw: Pastor Tong class "Worship and Serving" will start on 1/20 please register
To: josephkiang2???@yahoo.com
Date: Friday, January 14, 2011, 1:06 AM

Dear All,

New class from 生命河教牧領袖學院.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Cynthia Kuan [cynthiak@rolcc.net]

「生命河教牧領袖學院」(ROLPLI) 由2011年起轉型,將由原來著重「傳統聖經神學教育」方向,

轉換為著重「實用操練服事」的教導。 我們的重點有:

1. 所有講員都是親臨面對面的教導,不再僅是觀看DVD

2. 上課時間為密集式,多半可在一週內完成 (週間晚上或週六上課),方便同學安排時間表

3. 對象只要是有心服事神,願為神興起的基督徒。不再限制一定要是小組長、區牧或已經在服事的同工。

4. 課程可以申請證書,或只是旁聽。證書班同學會在「生命河教牧領袖學院」取得學籍。

我們的口號是 〝2011年讓我們在服事中開創「新的領域」、裝備上抓住「新的機會」〞




408-260-0257 x 300

-----Inline Attachment Follows-----

Md_cell_leaders mailing list

--- On Fri, 1/14/11, Joseph kiang [josephkiang2???@yahoo.com] wrote:

From: Joseph kiang [josephkiang2???@yahoo.com]
Subject: this week
To: josephkiang???8@yahoo.com
Date: Friday, January 14, 2011, 1:02 AM

Dear all,

Please come & invite friends to join Friday's gathering.
Time: 1/14/2011 8:00 PM (new year expectation -- let's be on time, OK ^_^)
Location: ROLCC room G5
Quick reminders for coming events.
(1) Retreat (1/28 - 1/30 at mission spring) -- it's the first retreat for our singles. Please intercede that God will show his glory and works as we gather and worship before the throne. weeklt No cell fellowship on that weekend.
Plz refer below link for registration and detail information.
(2) Joint fellowship for single zone next Friday.
As warm up activity for coming retreat -- El shaddi 8:00 pm (1/21)
(3) Sunday school

new year resolution -- never too late to start learn/study God's words, don't miss it.

(4) JPJ
as shared last week, I'll assign JPJ list soon.
Do encourage & build up each other in God's truth & love.
(5) shuttle bus activity
BFDC乽廤陏澤丆姺岲釾乿-- Take shuttle to collect points. You can redeem certificate with value $25 when collect 20 points. ^_^

Hope see U tomorrow & God Bless,


From www.fhl.net

From: Cynthia Kuan [cynth???@rolcc.net]


聽過「新酒新皮袋」嗎?好像有?就是那個...給失婚和單親家庭的小組吧!「新酒新皮袋」都在做什麼?不太清楚? 沒關係,以前的請看附檔 「新酒新皮袋通訊」 (January 2011)


2011年起「新酒新皮袋」決定採用「真愛全人成長教材(4)」「單親不孤單」一系列13個主題單元做基礎(詳情請看附檔),以supporting group 的型態,讓我們離婚、喪偶,及單親的父親、母親,能夠走出傷痛、面對未來,建立一個有愛的家。


如果你的牧區或小組裡有離婚或喪偶的弟兄姐妹,(請forward attached New2New Newsletters給他們),並邀請他/她來聚會。(如果你有負擔或願意一同來學習也歡迎參加,幫助你將來能幫助單親、失婚喪偶的人。)


日期:1/15/2011 (週六)
地點:矽谷生命河靈糧堂 G5 以賽亞教室

Thanks & God bless

Cynthia 關志美
408-206-0257 x 120

Fri, December 24, 2010 12:18:16 PMFW: "天父爱的来信“ 一定要看要聽
From: Lillian Y.S. Tsai [lei_tsai@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: Jeff Fang ; Janet Fang ; Ines Lei ; Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]; Becky Ung ; Vivian Wu

Hi, Lei's family,



Can you play it for Bill? I think that he will enjoy it.

Subject: Fw: "天父爱的来信“ 一定要看要聽





Cheryl Moss [cbmoss@gmail.com] Add to Contacts
To: Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Thank you very much for the birthday wishes! I am also proud and honored to have both of you as my dear friends. It is also exciting to hear we have a new Asian American District Court Judge. Judge Jerry Tao. Hope you had a wonderful holiday. Judge Moss


Thu, January 13, 2011 4:05:06 PMA Special Opportunity for Corporate Directors
From: Pepperdine Executive Programs [gsbmalum@mail1.pepperdine.edu] View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

January 13, 2011

Dear Tony,

I am writing to you as one of a select group of highly successful senior executives among our graduates. I want to let you know about an important opportunity exclusively for directors of public companies that we are sponsoring in cooperation with the Corporate Directors Group.

New Developments in Public Company Board Responsibilities will be held at the Villa Graziadio Executive Center in Malibu on February 22, 2011. This content-packed, half-day seminar will bring together currently serving directors and some of the foremost experts in the complex issues contributing to increased board scrutiny and liability today. Topics to be addressed in this intensive learning environment include: the debate over director and executive compensation, when to engage a fairness option, adding new members to the board, and many more. Special guest experts for the seminar will include John Orr, managing director of Integro Group; Dan Wetzel and Mike Esser of Pearl Meyer & Partners; Chad Keck, vice chairman of Needham & Company; and Harvey Saferstein, managing partner of Mintz Levin.

The Graziadio School of Pepperdine University is partnering with The American College of Corporate Directors, the education arm of the Corporate Directors Group, to offer this outstanding program, complimentary to our alumni who serve as public company directors. Because participation is limited to directors, you can be sure that you will have the opportunity to network with business leaders at the highest level who experience issues and challenges similar to your own.

Participation in this seminar will provide eight points toward certification from the Corporate Directors Group for those who choose to seek this external validation. As a member of the Board of Directors of a NYSE/Arca company, I know firsthand the value that shareholder activist organizations place on such credentials when they rate boards. In this current climate of intense scrutiny and SEC mandated transparency for the qualifications of board members, this is an excellent way to demonstrate currency and credibility. To learn more about the Corporate Directors Group, click here.

I hope you will join fellow Pepperdine alumni and other directors for this powerful learning opportunity. We will begin with a luncheon at noon and conclude with a reception at 5:30 p.m. Overnight accommodations can be booked in the Villa on campus at a special rate. For more information, please contact Rachel Todd at 310-568-5736 or rachel.todd@pepperdine.edu.


Otis Baskin
Professor of Management and Former Dean
Director, EMRISE Corporation



基督徒華人商業協會(簡稱基督徒華商會),英文为Chinese Christian Business Association(簡稱 CCBA), 成立於2007年,总部设在美国德克莎斯州休斯顿市,是美国联邦政府註冊批准的501(c)(3)非營利組織。三年多來,神的恩手一直在帶領CCBA,在祂所賜的異象中摸索嘗試努力及堅持。










我們相信,萬物都是出於神、本於神及歸於神,包括世人所賺取的金錢。因此,CCBA的使命之一是鼓勵在職場中的 基督徒,在職場中將所賺得的金錢歸在主的名下,以各種不同的方式如成立基金會、鼓勵弟兄姊妹為天國而投資,積攢財寶在天上。

我們相信,神在末世中將祂一切的奧秘 榮耀能力與恩典都隱藏及彰顯在祂兒子的身體—─教會裡,因此,CCBA的終極服事目標之一就是使他兒子的名在教會中顯為大,因此,CCBA將以提供資源,分享資源等方式,讓神的家得著益處。


我們相信,神一切的拯救計劃都是因著祂愛祂的子民的緣故,甚至付上祂的獨生愛子耶穌基督捨命的代價。因此, CCBA 會以關懷教會的眾主肢各樣的需要為己任,包括關懷信徒的全人需要、價值關的調整、福音、宣教費用的支持等。













Thu, January 13, 2011 9:21:03 AM

Secretary's Remarks: Forum for the Future: Partnership Dialogue Panel Session
by Hillary R. Clinton

From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

Secretary's Remarks: Forum for the Future: Partnership Dialogue Panel Session
Thu, 13 Jan 2011 09:46:10 -0600

Forum for the Future: Partnership Dialogue Panel Session

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Ritz Carlton
Doha, Qatar

January 13, 2011

MR. FOSTER: Good morning. Thank you very much for joining us here, at the seventh Forum for the Future. My name is David Foster, and I will be moderating this discussion involving our panelists here, and of course, a great many of you out here, as well.

For the past five years, it's been my privilege to work here in Qatar for Al-Jazeera English. And one of our mottos has always been, "Every angle, every side," which is, effectively, what this is about. It's about dialogue (inaudible). And we will work our way from this side.

First of all, may I ask, Madam Secretary, Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State of the United States of America (inaudible).

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much, David. I am honored to be here again at the Forum for the Future, especially with so many friends and colleagues from the G8 and from the Middle East.

I am delighted to join with Sheikh Khalid, who is a great colleague of mine in the foreign ministry, and I look forward to hearing from Slaheddine Jourchi, whose work on human rights and democracy in Tunisia I admire -- and, of course, it is especially timely today -- and Mohamed El-Masry, president of the Federation of Egyptian Chambers of Commerce.

This is the last stop on a trip that has brought me from Abu Dhabi and Dubai to Yemen, Oman, and now to Doha. On this short, but intense journey, I saw many signs of the potential for a new and innovative Middle East: a solar-powered city rising from the sands of the UAE; civil society leaders in Oman partnering with their government to improve education and create economic opportunities; a young Yemeni woman and a young Yemeni man, both of whom studied abroad and then returned to work for progress in Yemen. And of course, here in Qatar, the home of the 2022 World Cup, we see many examples of a commitment to innovation. Last year I visited Education City, which is connecting Qatar's young people to the global economy.

So, wherever I go, in my conversations with people from all walks of life~{!*~}from officials at the highest levels of government to university students, religious leaders, and engaged citizens, one message has consistently emerged: People are deeply proud of this region and what it has accomplished, but they are also profoundly concerned about the trends in many parts of the broader Middle East, and what the future holds.

We all know this region faces serious challenges, even beyond the conflicts that dominate the headlines of the day. And we have a lot of work to do. This forum was designed to be not just an annual meeting where we talk with and at each other, but a launching pad for some of the institutional changes that will deal with the challenges that we all know are present.

For example, a growing majority of this region is under the age of 30. In fact, it is predicted that in just one country, Yemen, the population will double in 30 years. These young people have a hard time finding work. In many places, there are simply not enough jobs. Across the region, one in five young people is unemployed. And in some places, the percentage is far more. While some countries have made great strides in governance, in many others people have grown tired of corrupt institutions and a stagnant political order. They are demanding reform to make their governments more effective, more responsive, and more open. And all this is taking place against a backdrop of depleting resources: water tables are dropping, oil reserves are running out, and too few countries have adopted long-term plans for addressing these problems.

Each country, of course, has its own distinct challenges, and each its own achievements. But in too many places, in too many ways, the region~{!/~}s foundations are sinking into the sand. The new and dynamic Middle East that I have seen needs firmer ground if it is to take root and grow everywhere. And that goal brings us to this Forum.

I believe that the leaders of this region, in partnership with their people, have the capacity to build that stronger foundation. There are enough models and examples in the region to point to, to make the economic and social reforms that will create jobs, respect the right of diversity to exist, create more economic opportunity, encourage entrepreneurship, give citizens the skills they need to succeed, to make the political reforms that will create the space young people are demanding, to participate in public affairs and have a meaningful role in the decisions that shape their lives.

So to my friends, the leaders of these countries, I would say: You can help build a future that your young people will believe in, stay for, and defend. Some of you are already demonstrating that. But for others it will take new visions, new strategies and new commitments. It is time to see civil society not as a threat, but as a partner. And it is time for the elites in every society to invest in the futures of their own countries.

Those who cling to the status quo may be able to hold back the full impact of their countries~{!/~} problems for a little while, but not forever. If leaders don~{!/~}t offer a positive vision and give young people meaningful ways to contribute, others will fill the vacuum. Extremist elements, terrorist groups, and others who would prey on desperation and poverty are already out there, appealing for allegiance and competing for influence. So this is a critical moment, and this is a test of leadership for all of us.

I am here to pledge my country~{!/~}s support for those who step up to solve the problems that we and you face. We want to build stronger partnerships with societies that are on the path to long-term stability and progress -- business, government and civil society, as represented on this panel, must work together, as in our new regional initiative called Partners for a New Beginning. We know that what happens in this region will have implications far beyond.

Now, America cannot solve these problems. And I know you understand that. But it bears repeating. What we need is a real vision for that future that comes from each of you, from governments that must deliver on their promises, from civil society and business leaders who must build their people up, and of course, from the people themselves.

The Middle East is brimming with talent. It is blessed with resources, enriched by strong traditions of faith and family. This rising generation of young people has the potential to achieve so much, and we need to give them the chance to do so.

So, here at the Forum for the Future, let us face honestly that future. Let us discuss openly what needs to be done. Let us use this time to move beyond rhetoric, to put away plans that are timid and gradual, and make a commitment to keep this region moving in the right direction. People are looking for real leadership in the 21st century, and I think it can be provided, and I know that this is the moment to do so.

Thank you very much.



很?g喜與你??分享, 今年陡嬷行呐c裝?渲行, ?榱伺嘤づc弟兄姊妹有先知性恩膏, 並在聖?基礎上?Ξ?舢愊笥谢玖私猓l掘?凫`恩賜,
特於2/12?合舉辦了預言,異象,異?舻娜腴T與操?裝?湔n程。此次課程一改常?B, ?⒂?晌唤??教?, 一位是我??所熟悉的?迅弟兄, 他是本堂
先知服事?F隊的領袖, 另一位是蘇絢音?鞯, 曾在Bill Haman先知?W校?W?, 滿有先知?⑹镜亩鞲啵?常被邀至?鹊?樵S多領袖,提供系列性
先知預言培?課程. 此次由台北來此??D女敬拜研?迎的講?T之一, 特趁這?C??她與我??分享, ?我??也分一杯羹, 這是難得的?C?,
?你不要錯過, 若你尚未?竺, ?於本週日盡速?竺.

預告!預告!康?克牧??於七月18-24日?䜩淼轿??中間, 今年?⑹俏??重新???, 進入?凫`新階段 , 神?奇事逐步加增的?r?C, ?把握?C?!

Belinda m liu
River of Life Christian Church
Director of Shalom Prayer Center
TEL:408-260-0257 ext 140
FAX:408-748-8877 belindamliu@rolcc.net


For a search of Mrs. Belinda M. Liu by Google:

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
The following is an example of Mrs. Belinda M. Liu's Sunday School printouts: . ... The Sunday School held by Mrs. Belinda M. Liu on November 19, ...
communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID =01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached


From: Wang Paul [mailto:mcbcpastor@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 12, 2011 12:48 PM
To: Mike Lei; Mike Lei
Cc: Flora Chen
Subject: info of the conference.


2011 International Christian Entrepreneurs Conference
(Revised on September 27, 2010)

1主題: 回應神的呼招,做個屬神的企業家

Theme: Respond to His calling to be an entrepreneur belonging to God

2 時間: 2011年10月3日(禮拜一)至10月6日(禮拜四)

Date: October 3 (Monday) – 6 (Thursday), 2011

3 地點: 美國得克薩斯州休士頓福遍中國教會

Location: Fort Bend Community Church, Houston, Texas, USA

4 異象: 讓我們在末世中回應天職的呼召,在職場中作光作鹽,在普世中連接、擴展 神的國度。

Vision: Let us respond to God’s calling, be the salt and light in the market place, network in the larger world and expand the Kingdom.

5目的: 促進國際基督徒企業家之間交流、在聖經原則基礎上提昇後發達國家基督徒 企業家經營智慧與能力、生命成長和靈性恩膏,并在世上作光作鹽、造福社 會。除了卓越企業家、牧者、管理咨詢專家、企業牧者、企業家團契負責人 講座外,并安排到美國基督徒經營的典型企業、教堂、神學院等參觀學習。

Objective: Improve communication among international Christian entrepreneurs, empower them with management wisdom and capability based on biblical principles for their spiritual growth and anointing, and be the salt and light

in the business world to glorify God and benefit people. In addition to

speeches and workshops presented by Christian entrepreneurs, pastors,

and business fellowship leaders, several routes of visiting typical Christian

operated companies, churches, seminaries, and

other related organizations will be arranged.

6主辦: 基督徒華人商業協會(簡稱基督徒華商會)

Organizer: Chinese Christian Business Association (CCBA)

7 主題講員:美國加州生命河靈糧堂劉彤牧師

Keynote Speaker: Pastor Tong Liu, River of Life Church, California.

8 上午專題信息及講員:

Morning Messages and Speakers:

1) 基督徒企業家的世界觀 (美國林肯基督教大學校長Keith Ray)

Worldview of Christian Entrepreneurs (LCU President K. Ray)

2) 基督徒企業家的領導力 (美國林肯基督教大學校長Keith Ray)

Leadership of Christian Entrepreneurs (LCU President K. Ray)

3) 基督徒企業家團契的意義 (美國C12團隊總裁Don Barefoot)

Business Fellowship of Christian Entrepreneurs (C12 Group President D. Barefoot)

4) 基督徒企業家的天國大任(美國方舟村有限公司總裁David Tai)

Kingdom Mandate of Christian Entrepreneurs (Villark President D. Tai)

5) 基督化企業的標誌(美國貝克特公司總裁John D. Beckett )

Features of Christian Enterprises (Beckett Corporation President D. Beckett)

6) 美國企業牧師事工 (美國企業牧師公司創辦人Mark Cress)

Corporation Chaplain Ministry (American Corporation Chaplain founder M. Cress)

9 下午專題討論: Workshop形式,每個專題討論重複一次

Afternoon Workshops: Each topic will be repeated once.

1) 基督徒企業家的個人靈性追求-方法探討

Christian Entrepreneur’s Spiritual Pursuit – Methodology Discussion

2) 基督徒企業家領導力的培養

Christian Entrepreneur’s Leadership Development – Practical approach

3) 基督徒企業家國度觀探討

Christian Entrepreneur’s Kingdom View– Application Discussion

4) 基督徒企業家團契模式探討

Christian entrepreneur fellowship mode – application discussion

5) 中國企業牧師事工探討

China Corporation Chaplain Ministry - Discussion

6) 10500天國大任-商業事工發展探討

Kingdom Mandate – Business Networking and Transaction Platform

7) 基督徒企業家的商業伦理準則探討

Christian Entrepreneur’s Business Ethics – Guidelines Discussion

8) 基督徒企業管理經營模式探討

Christian Enterprise Management Model – Discussion

9) 基督徒企業文化與社會責任探討

Christian Enterprise Culture and Community Responsibility – Discussion

10) 基督徒企業與宣教模式探討

Business As Mission – Model Discussion

11) 天國基金事工探討

Kingdom Funds Ministry - Discussion

12) 如何戰勝商場誘惑(提供個人輔導時間)

How to Overcome Temptations in Business Practice – Discussion

(Individual consultations will be provided.)

10 事工策商: 針對具體事工項目進行策商具體實施步驟,具體事工項目包括

Discussion of Possible Post-Conference Projects: Planning

1) 基督徒企業家領導力培訓

Leadership Development Program

2) 基督徒企業家團契

Business Fellowship Program

3) 中國企業牧師

Corporation Chaplain Ministry

4) 基督徒企業管理經營咨詢

Business Management Consulting Program

5) 基督徒企業商業交易平臺

Business Transaction Platform Program

基督徒華人商?I?f?⑽?镃hinese Christian Business Association(?稱 CCBA), 成立於2007年,?部設在美?驴松怪菪菟诡D市,是美??邦 政府註?耘501(c)(3) 非營利組?。

Chinese Christian Business Association (CCBA) was founded in 2007 headquartered in Houston Texas with Federal 501(c)(3) status for non-profit organization.


Prayer Request:

??榇?幕I?涔ぷ骷案鞯赝??的積?O支持陡妫笊穸鞔c祝福這次大 ?

Please pray for the preparatory work for the conference and active support of co-workers from various places that God may favor and bless this conference!

克縣主審法官 華裔陶德猷接任!
by 馮鳴台

[[[ 內華達州長山道沃任命華裔陶德猷為克縣主審法官。(圖:陶龍生提供)]]]

內華達州新州長山道沃(Brian Sandoval)將重要的克拉克縣主審法官遺缺任命華裔陶德猷(Jerry Tao)接任,這是新州長第一位司法體系的任命,也是內華達史上首位亞裔司法官員。*3137


去年8月克縣主審法官沃爾(David Wall)辭職後的遺缺,成為內華達19名法律界人士爭取的職務,經過內華達法官甄選委員會挑選,最後三人從19人中脫穎而出,陶德猷為其中之一。甄選委員會成員由內華達高等法院法官及州內各個司法單位權威人士組成。




*3137. 馮鳴台. 克縣主審法官 華裔陶德猷接任!
Worldjournal.com ... Jan. 12, 2011 .......

Copyright 2011 世界新聞網-北美華人社區新聞. All rights reserved.



The US-China Economic and Cultural Association
Secretary General Yi Li


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