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100710-1557 |
Thu, October 7, 2010 3:31:11 PMRe: God bless you! From: Annie [ahappyday9@yahoo.com] View Contact To: Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com] Dear Dr. and Mrs. Lei: How are you? I hope and pray that each day, you will see the beauty in the world, and that you will experience love, joy, and peace and happiness. I have been experiencing some health problems, but am working on recovering. This week has been somewhat hard. It is important to have an optimistic attitude to overcome health issues. Welcome to call me anytime at 408-981-???? God's plentiful blessings, Annie | |
100710-1500 |
Thu, October 7, 2010 2:30:08 PMOrganizational Leadership Quarterly News Update! From: GSEP Marketing [gsepnetwork@mail2.pepperdine.edu] Add to Contacts To: tojulei@yahoo.com Making Waves GSEP Holds "Children s Outreach: Advancing Social Transformation and Learning (COASTAL) 5k/10K Walk/Run" There are 2.5 million children in Los Angeles. Many endure serious social, economic, and mental health challenges, inhibiting them from realizing their fullest potential. Join our effort to improve the lives of future generations by providing children with the resources that lead to a prosperous adulthood. A family friendly event, funds raised from the COASTAL 5k/10k Walk/Run and Kiddie K, presented by Comerica, will go toward preparing K-12 teachers for service in urban areas; counseling families who cannot afford it; and caring for homeless children. The event will take place January 29, 2011 at Dockweiler Beach in Los Angeles. more> Dean Named Member of L.A. Compact Steering Committee Dr. Margaret Weber, dean of GSEP, was established as a member of the steering committee of the Institutions of Higher Education (IHE), a consortium of 11 independent, Los Angeles area-based universities, colleges, and community colleges that have joined together to support the L.A. Compact. The L.A. Compact represents a commitment of 18 Los Angeles-area institutions to support significant directional changes to better prepare students for college and sustainable jobs and careers. Participants include Antonio Villaraigosa, mayor of Los Angeles; Ramon Cortines, superintendent of the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD); Eric Garcetti, president of the Los Angeles City Council; Monica Garcia, president of the board of education at LAUSD; and Andrew Benton, president of Pepperdine University. IHE s goals include preparing high quality teachers and administrators for LAUSD classrooms, promoting their professional development, pursuing and sharing research relevant to K-12 instructional practices and curriculum, and collaborating on other initiatives. more> Associate Dean of Education Secures 425K to Support Math Learning through Digital Media Dr. Eric Hamilton, associate dean of the Education Division, has secured a $425,000 grant from the National Science Foundation s (NSF) National Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education Digital Library program. NSF is an independent agency in the executive branch of the federal government, charged with maintaining and supporting the nation s scientific and engineering research enterprise. Our project, Teacher Creativity at the Intersection of Content, Student Cognition, and Digital Media, explores a new paradigm in mathematics teacher professional development, by which we help teachers engage their own creativity in producing video content for classroom use, said Hamilton. more> Professors Discuss Leadership at Conference for Educators and Scholars Dr. June Schmieder-Ramirez, professor of education and academic chair of the organizational leadership program, and Dr. Farzin Madjidi, professor of leadership, will speak on "Utilizing Four Change Models as a Lens to View a Change Master for a Transforming world: Steve Jobs" at the 33rd Annual Conference of the Society of Educators and Scholars in San Antonio, Texas at 10:00 a.m. October 9. Educators and Scholars was developed by leaders in the humanities, administration, business, community affairs, education, and the social sciences. The conference selects submissions that reflect themes of scholarship, leadership, and a global mindset for the 21st century. more> Diversity Council Addresses Undocumented Students in Education A panel on Exceptional Students, Marginal Lives: Achievement and Civic Engagement Among Undocumented Latino Youths was presented on September 29 in honor of Latino Heritage Month. Guest speaker Dr. William Perez, author of We ARE Americans: Undocumented Students Pursuing the American Dream, commented that despite public investment in their education, high levels of achievement, community service, leadership experience, and a deep sense of commitment to American society, undocumented students remain without legal status, are not considered American and thus are not eligible for any type of assistance to attend college, even though over 90 percent of the students surveyed aspire to obtain a master s degree or higher. This program informed the audience how to help undocumented students overcome these barriers with familial, peer, and academic support. more> In the News Colleague Magazine, Fall/Winter 2010: Dr. Jack Zimmerman (EDOL 08) was featured for teaching entrepreneurship to Muslim women at Zayed University in the United Arab Emirates. Student and Alumni Updates Dr. Iv n Hern ndez-Romero (EDOC 10) published Leadership at Mexico: Characteristics of Leaders in Complex Organizations in Mexico: Exploratory Study of the Perceptions of Executives. He lives in Monterrey, Mexico. Dr. Sandy Gilbert (IM 85) joined Accelify's California Board of Advisors. Gilbert recently retired from Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) in California. She worked as an educational professional for 39 years, spending the last 10 years as a program specialist in special education. She now joins Accelify's California Board of Advisors as part of the effort to help school districts maximize their Medi-Cal reimbursements. Accelify is one of the largest and fastest growing school-based Medicaid/Medi-Cal billing agents in the country, currently working in eight states and serving hundreds of school districts with hundreds of thousands of special education students. Nicole Simmons-Johnson, an EDOL student, presented on literacy coaching at the 7th annual University of San Diego School of Leadership and Educational Sciences Action Research Conference in May, and at the 2nd International Conference on Education, Economy, and Society in Paris, France, in July. Student and Alumni Resources NEW MASTER OF ARTS IN SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND CHANGE Today, we are facing major social and economic issues around the world. This new, 40-unit degree encourages participants to explore the root causes of these issues and develop sustainable solutions. In less than two years, students will learn to formulate strategies, implement programs, mobilize stakeholders, and develop marketing campaigns to enact change at local and global levels. The technology-blended format, with 40 percent online coursework and 60 percent face-to-face sessions, is accommodating for the working professional, and scholarships, grants, and loans are available to help finance program fees. Now accepting applications for a spring 2011 start. more> Call Michelle Awadalla at 866-503-5467 or email michelle.awadalla@pepperdine.edu. CAREER SERVICES Advance your career by utilizing the specialized support and resources provided by GSEP Career Services. Assistance includes career counseling, cover letter and resume review, job search guidance, and interview preparation. Career Services also hosts PepPro, an easy-to-use database listing open positions, networking events, and other tools. more> Call Career Services at 310-568-5666 or e-mail gsep.careerservices@pepperdine.edu. PEPPERDINE ALUMNI NETWORK (PAN) ONLINE Each year Pepperdine hosts hundreds of gatherings for the 80,000 alumni around the country. Update your e-mail address through PAN Online, the university-wide alumni directory, to ensure that you receive Waves, the monthly e-newsletter with details on these events and other benefits. Take full advantage of your Pepperdine University affiliation by joining this valuable social networking group. more> Call Claudette LaCour at 310-568-5649 or e-mail claudette.lacour@pepperdine.edu. Upcoming Events 9th Annual Celebration of Excellence October 7, 6:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Ayres Hotel, Manhattan Beach Hosted by GSEP Dr. Miguel Gallardo, associate professor of psychology, will introduce GSEP s newly established Center for the Psychological Advancement of Latino Communities. The reception will be followed by a dinner program highlighting the Marco Garcia Memorial Fellowship, student scholars, and faculty award winners. Reception: complimentary; Dinner: $45. more> To RSVP, call Vanessa Jahn at 310-568-2344 or e-mail events@pepperdine.edu. Inaugural Dean s Distinguished Lecture Series Event October 20, 7:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Rave Motion Pictures Theater at the Promenade at Howard Hughes Center (across the GSEP West Los Angeles Graduate Campus) Hosted by GSEP Generously sponsored by Don and Dr. Susan Rice (EdD 86); member of the Pepperdine University Board of Regents and director of the GSEP Board of Visitors; the lecture series brings leading agents of change to GSEP to discuss the challenges and opportunities in leadership in communities across the world. This event will welcome Mr. Jerr Boschee, executive director of the Institute for Social Entrepreneurs and CEO of the Social Enterprise Alliance. He will speak on The Global Rise of the Social Enterprise. There is no charge to attend. more> To RSVP, call Vanessa Jahn at 310-568-2344 or e-mail events@pepperdine.edu. Wellness Fair October 21, 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. West Los Angeles Graduate Campus Exhibits in rooms 333-334, presentations in room 339, in-office spa room 340 Hosted by Student Group Women Leading Change Kaiser Permanente, Weight Watchers at Work, Pacific Health and Wellness, Anthem BlueCross, Optum Health (formerly Pacificare), Spectrum Clubs, Chikitik Jewelry, and the University Credit Union will showcase their products and services. Optum Health will present Healthy Living: A Primer from 11:30 12:00 p.m., and Life Balance: Too Many Balls, Not Enough Bounce from 12:30 1:00 p.m. Meet in room 333 at 12:00 p.m. to walk to Triangle Park (behind campus) for outdoor yoga. more> To RSVP for mini-spa treatments at the in-office spa, e-mail Robin Bailey-Chen at robin.bailey-chen@pepperdine.edu. Women's Way of Leading November 2, 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. Irvine Graduate Campus, Room 324 November 10, 4:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. West Los Angeles Graduate Campus, Room 498 Hosted by Student Group Women Leading Change Guest speaker Dr. Fereshteh Amin, alumna of the doctor of education in organizational leadership and principal of the Amin Leadership Center, will discuss how individuals in multicultural situations achieve success in life and in business. Her book, Success Strategies of Iranian American Leaders, is currently in circulation in both the U.S. and Iran. more> To RSVP, e-mail Robin Bailey-Chen at robin.bailey-chen@pepperdine.edu. Managing Family and Stress This Holiday Season November 18, 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. West Los Angeles Graduate Campus Hosted by Student Group Women Leading Change Hannah Parmalee, director of the Relationship IQ Program and Family of Faith Network at the Boone Center for the Family, will lead a discussion about managing the commitments, pressures, and joys that we face each holiday season. more> To RSVP, e-mail Robin Bailey-Chen at robin.bailey-chen@pepperdine.edu. Systems Thinking and Crisis Management January 13, 2011, 4:30 6:30 p.m. West Los Angeles Graduate Campus Hosted by EDOL Dr. Ian Mitroff, president and founder of Mitroff Crisis Management, a private consulting firm based in Oakland, California, will present. He has published over 350 articles and 27 books, including Dirty Rotten Strategies: How We Trick Ourselves and Others into Solving the Wrong Problems Precisely, Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger and Better from a Crisis, and A Spiritual Audit of Corporate America. Mitroff specializes in crisis prevention, strategic planning, and the design of ethical work environments. To RSVP, e-mail Dr. June Schmieder-Ramirez at june.schmieder@pepperdine.edu. 3rd Annual Career Week January 24 Friday, January 28, 2011 Times and Locations: TBA Hosted by Career Services This campus-wide initiative is designed to assist students and alumni with career planning. Career Services will hold workshops on resume writing, interviewing, and job search and networking strategies. Alumni in a variety of fields will impart valuable advice, as well as tips on how to maximize your success at the Spring Career Fairs (WLA, February 11 and Irvine, February 22). more> If you are interested in being a guest speaker or recruiting students/alumni at our Spring Career Fairs, contact Yas Djadali at 310-568-5666 or yas.djadali@pepperdine.edu. Pepperdine University | Graduate School of Education and Psychology 6100 Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90045 | Phone: 310-568-5600 | gsep.pepperdine.edu Copyright 2010 Pepperdine University | |
100710-1257 |
Thu, October 7, 2010 12:47:35 PMTony, I need you in the game! From: Barack Obama [info@barackobama.com]View Contact To: tony lei [tojulei@yahoo.com] Tony -- I come into this election with clear eyes. I am proud of all we have achieved together, but I am mindful of all that remains to be done. I know some out there are frustrated by the pace of our progress. I want you to know I'm frustrated, too. But with so much riding on the outcome of this election, I need everyone to get in this game. Neither one of us is here because we thought it would be easy. Making change is hard. It's what we've said from the beginning. And we've got the lumps to show for it. The fight this fall is as critical as any this movement has taken on together. And if we are serious about change, we need to fight as hard as we ever have. The very special interests who have stood in the way of change at every turn want to put their conservative allies in control of Congress. And they're doing it with the help of billionaires and corporate special interests underwriting shadowy campaign ads. If they succeed, they will not stop at making our work more difficult -- they will do their best to undo what you and I fought so hard to achieve. There is no better time for you to start fighting back -- a fellow grassroots supporter has promised to match, dollar for dollar, whatever you can chip in today. Please donate $3 -- and see who wants you to re-commit to this movement. I know that sometimes it feels like we've come a long way from the hope and excitement of the inauguration, with its "Hope" posters and historic crowds on the National Mall. I will never forget it. But it was never why we picked up this fight. I didn't run for president because I wanted to do what would make me popular. And you didn't help elect me so I could read the polls and calculate how to keep myself in office. You and I are in this because we believe in a simple idea -- that each and every one of us, working together, has the power to move this country forward. We believed that this was the moment to solve the challenges that the country had ignored for far too long. That change happens only from the bottom up. That change happens only because of you. So I need you to fight for it over the next 26 days. I need your time. I need your commitment. And I need your help to get your friends and neighbors involved. If you bring in a new donor today, your $3 donation will become $6. And our Vote 2010 campaign will have twice the resources to make important investments like putting staff on the ground, providing materials for volunteers, and turning out millions of voters come Election Day. Please donate $3 -- and renew your commitment today: https://donate.barackobama.com/OctoberMatch If we meet this test -- if you, like me, believe that change is not a spectator sport -- we will not just win this election. In the years that come, we can realize the change we are seeking -- and reclaim the American dream for this generation. Thank you for being a part of it, President Barack Obama Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com | |
100710-1127 |
Wed, October 6, 2010 11:48:35 PM¡ï–|º£Ð„ÈËÎï¡ï 2010_10_07! From: Tunghai University [alumnus@thu.edu.tw]View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com ½¨ºBϵ®…˜IÉú«@º£{½¨ºBÐÂÈ˪„¡¡2½ð¡¢1ãy¡¢1¼Ñ×÷ ±¾Ð£½¨ºBϵ‘ªŒÃ®…˜IŒWÉú…Ç˼·f¡¢Ðì‚ÜÔÚº£{ƒÉ°¶´óŒW®…˜IÔOÓ‹¸‚ˆDÖУ¬·Ö„eÒÔ¡¸ücꇻ¯¶¼ÊпÕég³¬ßB½Y¡¹Åc¡¸û}Àm£²¼´üû}Ìï¿ÕégÔÚ½Y˜‹¡¹×÷Æ·«@µÃ¡¸º£{½¨ºBÐÂÈ˪„¡¹ÈýÃû½ðª„ÖеăÉÃûª„í—£¬ÁíÍâ×TÓ¾ÝèÒÔ¡¸Growing the Local Up¡¹«@µÃãyª„¡¢ÐÒÓíÍ®ÒÔ¡¸Dynamic Seascape¡¹«@µÃ¼Ñ×÷¡£ ...(Ô”¼šƒÈÈÝ) ¡¾ÖЇø•rˆó¡¿µÚ33ŒÃ•rˆóÎÄŒWª„ ¹â⣬À^Ö®ÒÔäh⠵ê„Ãû†Î£ºÐÂÔŠ½M Êת„¶þÃû £¨ª„½ð¸÷ÐĄ̂ŽÅÊ®ÈfÔª£¬ª„×ù¸÷Ò»Ö»£© —î•øÜŽ©¤©¤¡¸ÌÒ»¨Ô´.2010¡¹ ÒËÌm¶þ½YÈË£¬Ìmê–¼¼ÐgŒWÔºÙY¹Ü¿Æ¡¢–|º£ÖÐÎÄϵ(48ŒÃ)¡¢–|ÈA´óŒW„“Ó¢Ëù£¬ôßÈAÎÄËù¡£ÇàÝo•þ¡¸‰Ñß[̨ž³¡¹ˆÌÐÐÈË£¬ÒËÌmÍá×ÐÍáÔŠÉç³É†T¡£Ôø«@Ìmê–ÎÄŒWÔŠª„¡¢ÎĽ¨•þºÃÔŠª„¡¢»¨ÉÉ¢ÎĪ„¡¢Ïã¸ÛÇàÄêÎÄŒWª„µÈ¡£ ...(Ô”¼šƒÈÈÝ) ¡¾”µÎ»•r´ú¡¿Ì¨ž³ÑuÔìÉÌÓþW·ÍâÙuÔOÓ‹-½¨ºBϵÀîïÌíУÓÑ ²»Í¬ì¶´óÁ¿Éú®aµÄµÍƒr²ßÂÔ£¬Ì¨ž³ÑuÔìÉÌÒÔ¾«¿@ÔOÓ‹È¡„Ù£¬¾o×¥ÖøÙ|¸ÐÅcÑаl„“ÐÂÁ¦£¬ÀûÓò¯ÉÌÆ·£¬„“Ôì×Ô¼ºµÄÍâäNСË{º£¡£¡¡¡¡ ÔÚÈÕ±¾ÓЃɰٶà¼Ò·ÖµêµÄKonan DIY home(îËÆIKEA¡¢ÌØÁ¦ÎÝ)Ùuˆö¼ÜÉÏ£¬êÁÐÖøÙuˆö×ÔÓÐÆ·ÅƵݲȫÝo¾ß£¬ŒÐĵÄľî^Ù|µØ¼ÓÉϺ†µÄÔOÓ‹£¬Ö÷´ò¸ßýg»¯Éç•þÏÂ×¢ÖؾӼҰ²È«µÄÏûÙMÕß¡£ß@‚€’ìÖøÈÕ±¾Æ·ÅƵÄÔOÓ‹ÑuÔìÉÌ£¬ÊÇí×Ǫ̂ž³²»µ½Ê®È˵ÄС¹«Ë¾£ÇàÌìüc×Ó¡£ ...(Ô”¼šƒÈÈÝ) ÙR£¡ÖÐÎÄϵ‘ªŒÃ®…˜IÉúÖܼ‡Á¢«@½ÌÓý²¿Îġ„“×÷ª„СÕfÊת„ ½ñÄê6ÔÂ×Ô±¾Ð£ÖÐÎÄϵ®…˜I¡¢¬F¾Í×x‡øÁ¢Ì¨±±Ë‡Ðg´óŒW„¡±¾„“×÷Ñо¿ËùµÄÖܼ‡Á¢Ð£ÓÑ£¬«@µÃ½ÌÓý²¿99Äê¶ÈÎġ„“×÷ª„СÕf½MÊת„¡£½ÌÓý²¿Îġ„“×÷ª„·ÖžéÉ¢ÎÄ¡¢¶ÌƪСÕf¡¢ÐÂÔŠ¡¢¬F´ú¼°ƒºÍ¯‘ò„¡„¡±¾µÈ½M£¬Ã¿‚€½Mßx³öÌ؃ž1Ãû¡¢ƒžßx2ÃûºÍ¼Ñ×÷3Ãû£¬½ñÄê¹²ÓÐ900¶à¼þͶ¸å£¬Ó‹ÓÐ63ÃûŒWÉúºÍÀÏŽŸ«@ª„£¬ÒÀª„í—¼°ÅÅÃû¿É«@1ÖÁ8ÈfÔªª„½ð¡£ ...(Ô”¼šƒÈÈÝ) ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡http://alumnus.thu.edu.tw/ ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡http://www.thu.edu.tw/thunews/ | |
100710-1117 |
 size:3.48 M |
Thu, October 7, 2010 12:58:29 AM~{hs8_!6PG?U!7Q]=2~}! From: QuSnow [qxx305@hotmail.com] To: m591204@163.com; tojulei@yahoo.com ~{hs8_PG?UVPS"ND~!udo!!(3615KB)~} ~~{~{Q]=2JSF55XV7~} http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjEyNjgxNDcy.html [[[ To view her speech: Search Results~{hs8_5D!6PG?U!7Q]=2~}- ~{JSF5~}- ~{SE?aJSF5~}- ~{TZO_9[?4~} - [ Translate this page ] html~{4zBk~}: ~{84VF~}. ... for a search of "v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjEyNjgxNDcy.html" by Google! ~{T-8e#(VPS"ND#)~!u~}~~{~{M<F,TZ8=<~@o~} ~{O~Q)~} | |
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100710-1042 |
Wed, October 6, 2010 4:22:12 PMNo doubt! From: Brian Sandoval For Governor [brian@briansandoval.com]Add to Contacts To: Judy and Tony [tojulei@yahoo.com] Judy -- It doesn't get any clearer than this. The Reid Attack Machine plans to ramp up their attacks on our campaign in a desperate, last-minute attempt to save Rory Reid's failing campaign: ... ..... ....... | |
100710-1035 |
Here is my friend from Xinjiang~{!/~}s blog.http://527075635.qzone.qq.com/ Mike | |
Wed, October 6, 2010 10:28:03 PMRE: ~{UbJGNR6Ths8_!6PG?U!75DIMNv5DQ]=28e~}! From: QuSnow [qxx305@hotmail.com] View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com ~{DG8vND<~?ID\1;FF;5AK!#NRTZUb@o7"8xDc!#~} I believe that most people here have seen this painting before, The Starry Night~{#,~} painted by Vincent Van Gogh. But I still want to talk about it today. According to Berger, we should find the relationships between the paintings and the past to understand what the artists tried to depict. Paintings cannot be separated from the circumstances in which artists created the artworks revealing their emotional feelings in the paintings. Van Gogh was extremely enthusiastic about art, and he dedicated himself to art for his whole life. Many people believe that mania was a prominent condition in Van Gogh's life. The dark blue and the strong contrast of the images as mirrors reflect what emotions and spirits Van Gogh had at that certain time. Van Gogh~{!/~}s life was tough and miserable. He struggled over and over again to seek eternal relief, but in vain, and he finally committed suicide. The Starry Night was created after he was admitted to an asylum in May 1889. This painting was completed 13 months before Van Gogh's death at the age of 37. This picture is fantastic. We can look at the night sky filled with swirling clouds. Stars ablaze with their own luminescence, and the bright moon never stops shining. Even though the features are exaggerated, nobody can deny that we have already been captured by this spectacular and mysterious scene. The sky keeps our eyes moving about the painting, and this movement keeps us involved in the painting. I feel like I have already been integrated into the sky, and I really want to explore the eternal and infinite cosmos. Below the rolling hills of the horizon lies a small town, and there is a church in the center of the small town. Everything is silent and peaceful, which is totally opposite to the vivid and dynamic sky filled with swirling clouds. When you look at this, you must want to walk into the small town and integrate yourself into the community and the atmosphere of this peaceful small town. This scene may also help you recall your memories about your warm and happy childhood years filled with beautiful imaginations and memories. When we move our eyes to the left, we can find a massive and magnificent dark structure that develops a greater sense of size and isolation. This dark structure looks like a fire with red brown color. Fire never stops burning, and Van Gogh never stops struggling. His confusion and distresses, like the Clouds and dark starry skies twist and swirl over and over again. He attempted to get rid of any distress and sadness, but in vain. We know that the bright moon and the stars symbolize a hope of success. The moon and the stars try to release their light, a little hope in the swirling clouds, but the light never reaches to the interior of Van Gogh~{!/~}s heart after all. The Starry Night is one of the most famous images in modern culture and it is also one of the most replicated paintings. So now I will show you some reproductive images which have been modified by different people for many purposes. Look at this picture, we all know these cartoon characters in this cartoon movie, Popeye the Sailorman, right? Van Gogh depicts the cold night in the painting, The Starry Night. But when we look at this picture, and look at their faces, they are very happy and they really enjoy the beautiful night. I think the emotional feeling which is embodied though this picture is just opposite to the original painting. And look at this cake, people made this cake because people just like the image of The Starry Night. They like the color, the scene, or whatever they think is the most valuable to them. People have their own perspectives and they interpret the images in their own ways because this is how they understand it. Look at this picture. Do you know where it is? It is Shanghai in China. When I found this picture on someone~{!/~}s blog, I suddenly understood what the artist means. The artist of this painting lives in Shanghai. But remember, Shanghai is not his hometown and he struggles day and night to earn his life in this highly competitive city. The higher the tower, the scarier the artist feels. Even though Shanghai is a fantastic city where people can feel its dramatic changes in this fashionable and modern world, the artist of this painting feels lonely and sad because this city never belongs to a person who is under the pressure of social stratification. In the end, we will look one more reproductive image. Do you see this symbol? This symbol has a religious meaning in China. It is called Ying and Yang. Everything will turn into its opposite if pushed too far. White turns into black, and black turns into white. Good things will turn into bad, and bad things will turn into good. Van Gogh was always seeking for the road in a journey to turn everything bad into good. He committed suicide in the end and suicide is what he did to get an eternal relief in his starry heaven. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 20:35:53 -0700 From: tojulei@yahoo.com Subject: Re: ~{UbJGNR6Ths8_!6PG?U!75DIMNv5DQ]=28e~} To: qxx305@hotmail.com CC: tojulei@yahoo.com but the first one can not be downloaded. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From: QuSnow To: tojulei@yahoo.com Sent: Wed, October 6, 2010 5:04:41 PM Subject: ~{UbJGNR6Ths8_!6PG?U!75DIMNv5DQ]=28e~} ~{@WOHIz#:~} ~{Dc:C#,~} ~{8=<~@oJGNR6Ths8_!6PG?U!75DIMNv5DQ]=28e~},~{2;V*5@DcSC2;SC5CWE!#~} ~{O~Q)~} | |
Wed, October 6, 2010 10:19:53 PMRE: ~{UbJGNR6Ths8_!6PG?U!75DIMNv5DQ]=28e~}! From: QuSnow [qxx305@hotmail.com] View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are welcome! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
--- On Wed, 10/6/10, Joseph kiang wrote:From: Joseph kiang Subject: Friday's gathering To: j??? Date: Wednesday, October 6, 2010, 8:54 PM Dear Friends, Bible remind us "I am not ashamed of the Gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile." Indeed, the Almighty power of God is revealing around the world -- right now even in those Islam countries. As you aware October is church's mission month. God open a door of "new frontiers/new opportunities" for us. Pose a moment to check below video -- many young peoples encounter Jesus in Iran and their lives are totally renewal by God. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjYbmAErsRU (ˆÉ˜NŠî““k) We study book of II Timothy for past few weeks and all of us are HIS precious vessels -- Let's encourage one another to share God News with your family/friends/colleagues especially in this mission month. Please come & invite your friends to join cell gathering. Cell gathering Time: -- ROLCC, room G5 (10/8 Friday , 8:00 pm) ,Plz be there on time... Thank YOU :-) Church Direction: http://rolcc.net/tcn/ct_info.php Have a joyful day in the Lord ^_^ Joseph ====================== ÉúÃü·ÞDµÄÒŠ×C--Ô¬Ó×ÜŽ½ÌÊÚ ß@ÊÇÒ»‚€Õ挵ÄÉúÃü¹ÊÊ£¬ËüêÊöÉϵÛÈçºÎÔÚÒ»‚€ÆÆËéµÄÈËÅc¼ÒÍ¥®”ÖÐÐÐÆæÃîµÄÉñÛ”¡£ÄͬÐÔ‘Ù¡¢Îü¶¾·¸ÅcØœ¶¾Õß¡¢Û×̲¡Ž§ÔÕßµ½¬FÔÚµÄÉñŒWÔº½ÌÊÚ£¬Ô¬Ó×ÜŽ£¨Christopher Yuan£©ÄÄàôµÄÈËÉú×ßí£¬Èç½ñÅc¸¸Ä¸Ò»ÆðÔÚÊÀ½ç¸÷µØ£¬‚÷ÖvÉñ˜sÒ«µÄÒŠ×C£¡ ¶–½–|çz“IŒ©æš--åÍ—cŒ¬‹³Žö ”‡¥ˆêŒÂ^›‰“I¶–½ŒÌŽ–C›€’Âqã’é”@‰½ÝˆêŒÂ”jáê“Iläo‰Æ’ëác’†sŠï–“I_ÖBœn“¯«œöA‹z“Å”Æäo”Ì“ÅŽÒAˆ¤Ž •a›æŒ´ŽÒ“žŒ»Ý“I_›{‰@‹³ŽöCåÍ—cŒ¬iChristopher Yuanjœn“Dà^“Il¶‘–˜ÒC”@¡äo•ƒ•êˆê‹NÝ¢ŠEŠe’nC™Bu_žÄ—s“IŒ©æšI ... ....... | |
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The Starry Night PPT-------------------- Wed, October 6, 2010 5:04:41 PM ~{UbJGNR6Ths8_!6PG?U!75DIMNv5DQ]=28e~}! From: QuSnow [qxx305@hotmail.com] View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com 2 Files Download All 梵~{(&~}«æ空.doc (37KB); The Starry Night PPT.pptx (855KB) | |
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Wed, October 6, 2010 12:45:27 PMDevotions! From: Cerina Chu [chucerina@yahoo.com] View Contact To: Cerina Chu [c???] Dear You all: The Sunday sermon was talked about faith, it is easy to talk about faith when things are going right. Yet the true faith reveals when things are not as you expected. May His word encourages us today. Experiencing Peace in a Troubled World Tuesday, October 05, 2010 Read | John 16:33 The tumultuous times in which we live challenge our sense of security and well-being. ... ..... ....... | |
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From: ?O?J© [sunyen.sun@msa.hinet.net]Tue, October 5, 2010 9:47:58 PM Natural ÌìÈ»ÃÀ¾°! From: ?O?J© [sunyen.sun@msa.hinet.net]View Contact To: Undisclosed-Recipient@yahoo.com 2 Files Download All NATURA II[1].pps (10102KB); NATURA II[2].pps (10492KB) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Natural ÌìÈ»ÃÀ¾° | |
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For a search of Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung by msn.com!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, Mrs. Lillian Tsai, Miss S. W. Hsiao, Miss Becky Lei, Dr. and Mrs. Sean Su, Annie, Dr. and Mrs. Wendy Yu-ping Wu, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... ¡¤ Cached page Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... On the top left: ***** FWDs series (97-157) on Beauty of Nature from the Pacific, Europe, and America!---Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung *557----- communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=... ¡¤ Cached pageA Novel Self-Aligned Field I ------------------------------- Tue, October 5, 2010 8:02:15 PM FW: FW: Ô糿ˮýˆî^ÏÈÒª·ÅË®! From: cykung [cykung@dragon.nchu.edu.tw]View Contact To: Tony Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]; À×´ó·ò ; Hung-Yin Kung [hungyin.kung@yahoo.com]; С»Ý From: Joanna Kung [mailto:kungjoan@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 2010 4:46 AM To: cykung Subject: Fwd: FW: Ô糿ˮýˆî^ÏÈÒª·ÅË® ---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: ÔS ÓÀØ” [inba_kevin@msn.com] Date: 2010/10/4 Subject: FW: Ô糿ˮýˆî^ÏÈÒª·ÅË® To: ÔÙ´ÎÌáÐÑÄãà¸......... Ô糿ˮýˆî^ÏÈÒª·Å·ÅË®... Í£ÓÃÒ»Ò¹µÄË®ýˆî^... ¡ï îŠ ÉñÙn¸£Äú--½¡¿µ.ϲ˜·.ƽ°² ¡ï --------------------------------- ÖÐÑÐÔº°ËÄêÍê³É ¡ª ÅŶ¾×ÄʳÎï 1.µØ¹Ï SweetPotato Ëùº¬µÄÀw¾SÙ|ó Ü›Ò×Ïû»¯£¬¿É´ÙßMÄcθÈä„Ó£¬ÓÐÖúÅű㡣 ×î°ôµÄ³Ô·¨ÊÇ¿¾µØ¹Ï£¬ßBƤһÆ𿾣¬Ò»Æð³Ôµô¡£ 2.¾G¶¹ MungBeens ¾ßÇåŸá½â¶¾£¬³ýñÀûÄò£¬ÏûÊî½â¿Ê¹¦Ð§£¬¶àºÈ¾G¶¹œ«ÓÐÀûÅŶ¾ÏûÄ[¡£ ÖóµÄ•rég²»ÒËß^éL£¬ÒÔÃâÓЙCËá¡¢¾SÉúËØÊܵ½ÆƉĶø½µµÍ×÷Óᣠ3.ÑàûœOats ÄÜ»¬í˜Í¨±ã£¬´ÙßM¼S±ãów·e׃´ó£¬Ë®·ÖÔö¼Ó£¬ÅäºÏÀw¾S´ÙßMÄcθÈä„Ó °l“]ͨ±ãÅŶ¾µÄ×÷Óᣠ... ..... ....... | |
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I was out of town Sept 27 and came back last night. I went to Northern California and assisted a piano competition at California State University Stanislaus. Best wishes! Yi ------------------ Search Results Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... I will work on our association name, vision, and mission statement and email you for your consideration and approval. The second company I am working for is ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0171900105127051326101... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... Tony and Judy Lei has sent you an E-Card! ... Yesterday I announced that a working agreement has been reached to ... If I have all faith and great ideals and magnificent plans and wonderful visions, ... I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. ..... http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013370010510932693770... - CachedHide more results from communitylink.reviewjournal.com | |
100510-1837 |
Tue, October 5, 2010 5:07:07 PMSecretary's Remarks: Remarks Upon Acceptance of the George McGovern Leadership Award! by Hillary R. Clinton From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com Secretary's Remarks: Remarks Upon Acceptance of the George McGovern Leadership Award Tue, 05 Oct 2010 18:33:14 -0500 Remarks Upon Acceptance of the George McGovern Leadership Award Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State The Benjamin Franklin Room Washington, DC October 5, 2010 SECRETARY CLINTON: Oh, George, that s so great. Thank you so much. SENATOR MCGOVERN: I don t where the award is. SECRETARY CLINTON: It s right here. It s right there. It s so beautiful. Look how pretty that is. (Applause.) Oh, it s pretty heavy. We ll just leave it there. (Laughter.) SENATOR MCGOVERN: I m still strong but I m not strong enough to lift this thing. (Laughter.) I ve never had an award that heavy. (Laughter.) SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, you re a heavyweight, George, in the field of fighting hunger. And this just goes to prove if you want an overly generous, over-the-top introduction, have someone who you ve known for 38 years deliver it. But it is, for me, a great honor to receive an award that bears you name, George. You have been at the forefront of our nation s fight against hunger here at home and around the world for a very long time, going back to President Kennedy s term and your partnership with him on behalf of American efforts to feed the hungry. And I am very proud to be here and to receive this award that I really accept on behalf of a whole team of people who have been committed since the beginning of the Obama Administration to working with our private sector and not-for-profit partners to come up with a strategy that we thought could serve as a catalyst for not only our own efforts but the joint efforts of countries and concerned citizens around the world. And certainly, my partner in this is our USAID Administrator Dr. Raj Shah, who is right there. (Applause.) And my chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, who s actually in Haiti today working on hunger, food, clean water, housing, and other issues, and I determined early on that we wanted to better organize our own nation s efforts to fight hunger. And we knew that this was a bipartisan, in fact a nonpartisan, issue. And we began working, and Raj, at that time was at USDA, and he and Secretary Vilsack and the rest of the government, and of course with President Obama s strong endorsement we came up with a strategy called Feed the Future, and we re very proud to be partnering with so many of you. I want to thank Rick Leach for his leadership of the World Food Program USA. I want to thank his son Brandon, who came with Rick who has been giving me a lot of good advice about many matters, including the Middle East, where I desperately need it. (Laughter.) And of course, Josette, who has been just an inspirational superb leader as Executive Director of the World Food Program. Our former USDA Secretary Dan Glickman is here, and some of you remember the groundbreaking article that he co-authored on how we end hunger that helped to guide our efforts. I also want to recognize Cindy McCain, who has been a champion of the poor, the dispossessed and the hungry in many very difficult parts of the world. And I thank Cindy for being here tonight. (Applause.) I was told that my long-time friend, Congressman Doris Matsui, was here there, right in front of the podium, so I couldn t see you Doris. Thank you so much. Doris has been an incredible champion and, of course, her late husband also Congressman Matsui was another leader in this effort. Former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger is here. I saw him in the audience and Sandy and I have conspired for many years on what to do to make food security and the alleviation and elimination of hunger a national security issue. So it s not just a humanitarian moral imperative, which of course it is, but it does go to the core of America s foreign policy and security interests. And I thank Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley for her hosting of this event. It is fitting that you re here in the Benjamin Franklin Room there s Ben up there because we are at the State Department really on a mission when it comes to hunger. But it s a slightly more expanded and somewhat different approach that we are taking. We know very well that hunger is a drain on economic development. It is a threat to the stability of governments, as the food riots have shown over the last two years, and it certainly it deprives us of the talents and energy of nearly a billion people worldwide. So how do we tackle it? Because we know that fighting hunger is a priority for us and it demands our highest levels of patience and commitment. We are aware of our historic achievements like the Green Revolution because, as George pointed out, the huge shipment of food from the United States to India was soon replaced by India becoming self-sufficient, thanks to American technology and know-how being transferred to India. And it is important that we focus on science and research again, that we put a lot of effort and commitment behind looking for ways to bring about the widespread distribution of micro-nutrients, for example, the integration of nutrition into HIV and AIDS programs, the development of heartier nutrient-rich crops like beans, bread, to contain more iron. These are now being field tested in Rwanda to address anemia, a leading cause of deaths of mothers and children and of cognitive delay among children. We ve seen a growing consensus among world leaders that demands action. That consensus is enshrined in the Millennium Development Goal on poverty and hunger. It was carried forward in the last year by the G-8 and the G-20, which together pledged $22 billion to support agricultural development in impoverished countries. And as Josette said last week at the United National General Assembly, ministers from six countries came together with leaders of the European Union, UNICEF, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, civil society, the private sector and, of course, the World Food Program to launch the 1,000 Days campaign. The goal being to improve nutrition starting with conception all the way through a child s second birthday. And creating a consensus around this and a plan, so that people understand what they can do to contribute, was hardly imaginable two years ago. We now have to implement, but at least we have arrived at an agreement about the way forward. So I think we have reached a shared understanding of the need for a sustainable, comprehensive approach, where there really is a role for everyone to play. We need the science and the tools that science and technology bring to help us carry that out. We need the political leadership that is sustainable. We certainly need a better understanding of how to deliver food and not interrupt, disrupt, and destroy markets in the host countries a problem that Raj and I have worried over in Haiti. We understand that agricultural development in many parts of the world is primarily a women s issue because in most places in the developing world 60 to 70 percent of the small farmers are women, and they are very often denied access to the best seeds and fertilizer and other assets that will contribute to increasing their yield. We know that it does very little good to increase yield in a region of a country where there are no roads to get the excess produced to market in any timely way. We know that in the absence of storage facilities, including cold storage that can be shared either because of the private sector building them or government programs that incentivize the building of them, we re still going to lose about 40 percent of the harvest in many countries. So we have a much broader understanding of what it will take in this fight against hunger. And as we press ahead with the Feed the Future Initiative, we need your involvement. We need your guidance, your feedback, your support, because we have to be ready to take this on for the long run. The work that George did, starting 50 years ago now, took us a long way. But we have to look at what will work in the 21st century and how we use mobile phones to provide information about weather forecasting and crop prices to small farmers, how we use mobile phones to relay information about nutrition, particularly child nutrition. There are so many new approaches that we are essentially road testing in this initiative. But most importantly, we have to respect and support the farmers themselves. People who get up early, work back breakingly hard, are doing the best they can to support themselves and their families, often with no support and no protection from their own government, and somehow we have to make sure they know that there are ways that they can improve their own standard of living, income, and agricultural futures. I am always amazed when I go to Africa or Asia or Latin America and go out and see what people are capable of doing with very little. Their ingenuity, their determination, their work ethic produces extraordinary results. But we can do so much more together. We have some laws we have to look at changing in our own country that make it difficult to support locally purchased feed stocks and seeds and fertilizer. We have to look at the role that livestock plays and how that can be sustainable. We have a lot to do. And I really welcome you to bring your passion for this cause to bear on our common mission. This is an issue that time and again in the last 20 months people have asked me, well, why food which seems like a kind of odd question since it s such a we re also working on water and air. We re working on all the basics. (Laughter.) And it s because we really recognized that it s no longer enough just to give lip service to the need to increase a family s and a community s and a country s capacity to care for themselves. We are taking a very hard look at our development programs because we want to do a better job with the dollars that the American taxpayer gives us. I m old-fashioned enough to think that people who support our development work as a nation actually want to see results. And there is just a human, visceral response to ending hunger. I ve never had an argument about it. You can have arguments about a lot of the other stuff that we think is important in helping people to become self-sufficient. But when it comes to food, particularly helping people produce their own food, there s an agreement on the goal and there s surprising agreement on many of the means to achieve that goal. But as both Rick and Josette and George have said, now we have to really summon the political will to translate that consensus into action. And George, we re going to take you up on that offer. (Laughter.) I figure in 12 years, if we truly make this a bipartisan effort the way that you and Senator Bob Dole made it a bipartisan effort, and we stay with it and don t get distracted and diverted by the cause of the day, we re all going to be on the ground waiting for you to land. (Laughter.) And when you do, we re going to thank you once again, George McGovern. (Applause.) PRN: 2010/1423 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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Miss Linda Wang wbti by Google!Search Results Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... "Dr. Tony T. Lei has appointed Miss Linda Wang Assistant President of ..... PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - Cached► Washington Business and Technology Institute - Home Page Tony Lei, President of WBTI ?Lin-yao Wu's Literature World .... Thai Cultural Arts in Las Vegas ?Linda Wang's perspectives ?Katherine Lei's corporation ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti - Cached - SimilarWBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... miss yin yan, yin yan miss, assistant president yin yan, yin yan; ..... wang; ji sheng wang; andy wang; shin galin; varonica parios; linda martin; ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=013440010511041252880... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ... dr tony tung-tien lei, tony tung-tien lei; ---; dr kang-pei wang, kang-pei wang; ..... By GSBPA of WBTI*1. Welcome! Welcome our Dean Dr. Linda Livinstone of ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=013160010510431609926... - CachedWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... John Wang of WBTI in Las Vegas, Nevada on September 17, 2007. .... Results 1 - 10 of about 104 for Miss Little Snow's Work Performance wbti . .... A good dinner party with Dean Dr. Linda Livingstone of Pepperdine . ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - CachedWBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ... I know that most of you had wished to participate the second Wang Center ..... Elaine Chao," said Miss Linda Shyr at the dinner party held by WBTI at the ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01325001051063401400197432&PG=013360010510883796400... - CachedWashington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI 2001 #2 Dr. John Wang, Speaker of the Pan Pacific and American Forum, announced on October 30, 2001 for Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI): ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0125000105099696... - Cached - SimilarWashington Business and Technology Institute - WBTI Newsbriefs 2000 Nov 30, 2000 ... Entertainment, Art, and Recreation ?Miss Little Snow's Work Performance ... WBTI 2004 #2 ?Linda Wang's perspectives ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0110901055097742737231... - Cached Washington Business and Technology Institute - Linda Wang's ... Miss Linda Wang's website address is at: www.astis.us ... she has the the following message," Spokeman of WBTI Dr. John Wang announced in Las Vegas, ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=0176600105128254296387... - Cached | | Go To Page: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23][24][25][26][27][28][29][30][31][32][33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49][50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58][59][60][61][62][63][64][65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78][79][80][81][82][83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99][100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109][110][111][112][113][114][115][116][117][118][119][120][121][122][123][124][125][126][127][128][129][130][131][132][133][134][135][136][137][138][139][140][141][142][143][144][145][146][147][148][149][150][151][152][153][154][155][156][157][158][159][160][161][162][163][164][165][166][167][168][169] 170 [171][172][173][174][175][176][177][178][179][180][181][182][183][184][185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194][195][196][197][198][199][200][201][202][203][204][205][206][207][208][209][210][211][212][213][214][215][216][217][218][219][220][221][222][223][224][225][226][227][228][229][230][231][232][233][234][235][236][237][238][239][240][241][242][243][244][245][246][247][248][249][250][251][252][253][254][255][256][257][258][259][260][261][262][263][264][265][266][267][268][269][270][271][272] | |