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071912-1127 |
¾?·Ý&¸£?â One (10th) of the good pictures fwd from Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071912-0917 |
With a search of "PPAA Forum 21 wbti" by Google.com, we can find the left beautiful picture (9) fwd from Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01719001051270513261019392 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071912-0743 |
For a search of "PPAA Forum 21 wbti" by Google.com, you can find two pictures fwd from JCUAALV Charter President Miss Judi Rock wbti:"How beautiful is the scene! Fwd from JCUAALV Miss Judi Rock wbti" and "Fwd from Miss Judi Rock: How nice! It's good for collection!! wbti" http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/DBPAGE=cge&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=01719001051270513261019392 -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071812-2127 |
Gray hairs (of Barack)! Michelle says I've earned them!! wbtiWednesday, July 18, 2012 9:52 AM From: "Barack Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony T. Dr. Lei" Friend -- When I decided to run for president, I had significantly fewer gray hairs than I do today. Michelle says I've earned them, which is the nicest possible way to say I'm getting older. In fact, I'm turning 51 in a couple weeks, and to celebrate I'm heading home to Chicago for a get-together at my house. I'd love for you to be one of my guests. Donate $3 or whatever you can to support the campaign, and you'll be automatically entered to join me at home in Chicago -- flight and hotel covered for you and a guest of your choice. Chicago is where I fell in love with my wife and where our daughters were born. It's where decades ago I first started as a community organizer and where, six years ago, I first talked with Michelle about the possibility of running for president. I'm looking forward to spending a few hours celebrating there before it's all systems go for the final weeks of the election. Should be fun. Thanks for all your support so far. If you can, enter today for a chance to join me and some friends at my house in Chicago, and I can thank you in person: https://donate.barackobama.com/My-Birthday Hope to see you soon, Barack -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071812-1710 |
For a search of "The following is an article by the Reporter and Publisher of Las Vegas Chinese Daily News Helen Hsueh ..." by Google.com!Las Vegas Chinese Daily News - Las Vegas Review Journal ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge... - Translate this page May 14, 2012 Las Vegas Chinese Daily News wbti. The following is an article by the Reporter and Publisher of Las Vegas Chinese Daily News Helen Hsueh ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071812-1247 |
Fwd from Miss Judi Rock: How nice! It's good for collection!! wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071812-1235 |
How beautiful is the scene! Fwd from JCUAALV Miss Judi Rock wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071812-0747 |
For a search of "Good picture (3) fwd from Professor & Chairman Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti" by Google.com!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=... Advisory Board: Governor Brian Sandoval, Chairman; U. S. Senators Harry ... Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, inspiration, and ....Good pictures (2) fwd from Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti. ... Chinese Daily News wbti", we can find good pictures (3) & (4) ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071812-0703 |
For a search of "Good picture (6) of artwork fwd from Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti" by Google.com!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=... Achieved Princeton University Tenure Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung's Vision, Ingenuity, Art, ... of Las Vegas wbti", we can find the artwork good picture (6) by Google.com! ... Good pictures (2) fwd from Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti. .... The recent art work of Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti . Washington Business and Technology Institute - COMMUNITY LINK communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge... - Translate this page Good pictures (6) of artwork fwd from Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti. ------------------------------------------- We can find Good pictures (1) & (2) ... ------------------------------------------- Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas wbti ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌìˆó wbti 071512-2107 Good picture (6) of artwork fwd from Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071812-0655 |
For a search of "Good pictures (5) fwd from Professor & Dean Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti" by Google.com!Washington Business and Technology Institute - COMMUNITY LINK communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge... - Translate this page Good pictures (5) fwd from Professor & Dean Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071712-1515 |
Search Results Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=... 071612-0737. For a search of "Joint Chinese Univerity Alumni Association of Las Vegas wbti", we can find the good pictures (5) & (6) by Google.com! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071712-0947 |
For a search of "¸£½¨Ê¡Äþ»¯ÏØ À×»ÝÄþ¼òÀúºÍʼ¨¼ò½é wbti" by Google.com!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Joint Chinese Univ. communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge... - Translate this page ·çÓêͬÖÛ°ëÊÀ¼Íwbti .... 2¡¢À×»ÝÄþ¼òÀúºÍʼ¨¼ò½é. À×»ÝÄþ£¬Å®£¬1933Äê11Ô³öÉúÓÚ¸£½¨Ê¡Äþ»¯ÏØ£¬ ... À×»ÝÄþ_°Ù¶È°Ù¿Æ baike.baidu.com/view/4066914.htm - China - Translate this page À×»ÝÄþ. À×»ÝÄþÅ®£¬1934Äê11ÔÂÉú£¬¸£½¨Ê¡Äþ»¯ÏØÈË£¬Óà×å¡£ÄÚ¿ÆÖ÷ÈÎҽʦ£¬È«¹ú¡°Èý°ËºìÆìÊÖ¡±£¬ÔøÈνÎ÷Ê¡¸ÓÖݵØÇøÈËÃñÒ½Ôº¸±Ôº³¤£¬ÏÖÔڹ㶫ʡ¶«Ý¸Êз½Ê÷ȪҽԺÄÚ¿Æ ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071612-2151 |
For a search of "?c×£Á_·¼ÈA½ÌÊÚ75?qÉúÈÕÒô?·?þ wbti" by Google.com!062612-0837. 062512-2137 (in Las Vegas Chinese Daily News). size:101K ?c×£Á_·¼ÈA½ÌÊÚ75?qÉúÈÕÒô?·?þwbti. ----------------------------------------- For a search of ... Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Chinese ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge... - Translate this page 062612-0837. 062512-2137 (in Las Vegas Chinese Daily News). size:101K ?c×£Á_·¼ÈA½ÌÊÚ75?qÉúÈÕÒô?·?þwbti. ----------------------------------------- For a search of ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071612-2008 |
For a search of "Announcement: Combine Cell Group BBQ: 7/21/2012 (Sat) @10:30am-4pm at Ortega Park! wbti" by Google.com!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Belinda Liu's ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge&gid=... Announcement: Combine Cell Group BBQ: 7/21/2012 (Sat) @10:30am-4pm at Ortega Park! wbti. Dear Dad,. Here is this week's email to the cell group. Thanks. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071612-1733 |
For a search of "Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas wbti", we can find the artwork good picture (6) by Google.com!Joint Chinese Univ. Alumni Asso. of LV - Las Vegas Review Journal ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge... - Translate this page Joint Chinese University Alumni Association of Las Vegas wbti. ¶Ä³ÇÌìÌì?ówbti. 070312-0737. ·çÓêͬÖÛ°ëÊÀ¼Íwbti. Ò»¡¢¸öÈ˼òÀúºÍʼ¨. 1£¬ÕÅÃÀ£¬ÄУ¬1928ÄêÉú£¬ ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071612-1207 |
... Michelle: I know Barack would personally love to see you there! wbtiBarack turns 51 next month, and there will be a little celebration at our house in Chicago. We'd like to give grassroots supporters an opportunity to join in the fun. You guys deserve it, and I know Barack would personally love to see you there. Donate $3 or whatever you can today, and you'll be automatically entered to get your name added to the guest list. Barack's birthday is one of the last opportunities he'll get for a little downtime before the final weeks of the election. That won't stop me from teasing him about all those new gray hairs he has -- though I think it's fair to say he's earned every one. So if you're standing with Barack for the final months of his final campaign, there's no better way to show it than by making a donation to build this grassroots organization today. If you do, you'll be automatically entered for the chance to join him for his birthday celebration in Chicago. We'll also fly you out and take care of all the travel arrangements. Enter today: https://donate.barackobama.com/Birthday Thank you, Michelle -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071612-0755 |
For a search of "Good pictures (2) fwd from Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti" by Google.comn Business and Technology Institute - Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=... 071512-0717. Good pictures (2) fwd from Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071612-0749 |
For a search of "Good pictures (1) fwd from Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti!" by Google.com!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=... 071412-2157. Good pictures (1) fwd from Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti! -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071612-0737 |
For a search of "Joint Chinese Univerity Alumni Association of Las Vegas wbti", we can find the good pictures (5) & (6) by Google.com!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071512-1032 |
For a search of "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News wbti", we can find the good picture (3) & good picture (4) by Google.com!----------------------- For a search of "CAAAN: ÕJ×RÄã??ÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¾?·Ý,±»?eÈËÕJ×RÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¸£?â! wbti" by Google.com! Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=... ... wbti" by Google.com! It's on 060312-0747 of this section (PPAA Forum 21 wbti). ---------------------------- CAAAN: ÕJ×RÄã??ÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¾?·Ý,±»?eÈËÕJ×RÊÇÒ»ÖÖ¸£?â! wbti ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071512-0717 |
Good pictures (2) fwd from Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung! wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071512-0707 |
 size:2.59 M |
Nice music! Prayer!! wbti-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071412-2221 |
For a search of "The recent artwork of Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti" by Google.com!Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=page&GID=... Dr. William N. Thompson, Director of Public Administration Institution; Dr. E. Lee .... The recent art work of Distinguished Professor Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti ... -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071412-2157 |
Good pictures (1) fwd from Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti!-------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
071412-1757 |
For a search of "Tunghai University Alumni Association" by Google.com!Tunghai University Alumni Association - Las Vegas Review Journal ... communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=cge... - Translate this page WebHide optionsShow options... Results 1 - 2 of 2 for "Gore: Tunghai University Alumni Association PPAA Forum International AP lvrj/wbti" with Safesearch on. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** | |
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