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Victory party tonightTuesday, June 12, 2012 11:02 AM
From: "Shelley Berkley" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony Lei"
Dear Tony,

Here at Team Berkley, we've all been working hard -- and we know you've been working hard, as well.

As you know, today is the Nevada primary. In recognition of this milestone -- and as a "thank you" for all the work you've done for this campaign so far -- we'd like you to join us tonight for a little party.

Tonight is the opening of the new Democratic Party Field Office in Henderson, and they're hosting a Primary Night Victory Party. I'll be there, along with other Nevada Democrats to kick off the final stretch to the general election. We think you should come, too! Click here to RSVP right now.

The new office is located at:
181 N. Arroyo Grande Blvd, Suite 140B
(in the Samrose Office Plaza on the corner of Windmill and Arroyo Grande)
Henderson, NV

Bring your family, bring a friend, and meet with other committed Democrats just like yourself. Beverages and refreshments will be served.

I know it's short notice, but don't miss out. Hope to see you tonight!



Meet me for dinnerMonday, June 11, 2012 9:26 AM
From: "Barack Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "tony lei" Friend --

We're organizing another dinner with folks like you, and I hope you'll take me up on the offer.

Pitch in $3 or whatever you can today to be automatically entered to join me.

These dinners mean something more than just a meal among friends.

They represent the kind of politics we believe in. It's a simple but powerful idea: Everyone should have a seat at the table, no matter where you come from or how much you can afford to give.

The other side has special-interest allies lining up to tear us down.

I've got you.

These dinners are a small way for me to say thanks, so I'm saving you a seat.

Chip in what you can today and you'll be automatically entered to be there:


Thanks, for everything.



Dear Dad,

Great to see your success.



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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...

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"2012 WBTI Journal Editor Honorable Mike H. Lei wbti". we can find them ... 06:00 AM | 121 次. 世界新?網-北美華人社?^新?- ?青方:化解代?细改敢??A聽 ...

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2 days ago – Or, for a search of "PPAA Forum 21 wbti" by Google.com! .... 宁化人在台湾 #23458;家祖地网 ... 作者:系宁化石壁客家宗亲联谊会名誉会长 ...



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5/24/12【澎湖時報】歐陽蘊萱2012年鋼琴獨奏會wbti by Tunghai University Alumni Association. 歐陽蘊萱(43屆中文系,2001年畢),澎湖人,8歲開始學習鋼琴,曾 ...

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2 days ago 060712-1517 5/24/12【澎湖時報】歐陽蘊萱2012年鋼琴獨奏會wbti by Tunghai University Alumni Association. -------------------------------------------- ...



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Team Sandoval: Early Voting ReminderFriday, June 8, 2012 12:37 PM
From: "Brian Sandoval For Governor" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Judy & Tony"

Judy & Tony ?

Have you voted?

Today is the last day to early vote for the Nevada Primary and Election Day is June 12th, so don't forget to make it to the polls and help us get-out-the-vote! For more information on early voting, follow this link.

Another important note from Team Sandoval, is Governor Sandoval's continual effort to get Nevadans working again. Governor Sandoval, recently, designated ten local authorities to help coordinate and spur economic growth and development efforts in our great state.

Governor Sandoval also has hopes of bringing new jobs to Nevada by strengthening our state's export market, and will be meeting with trade and business leaders in China and South Korea this September.


U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao Chairperson wbti


5/24/12【澎湖?r?蟆?W?蘊萱2012年?琴?奏? wbti
by Tunghai University Alumni Association


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8 hours ago – http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... report and pictures: 拉斯維加斯會展中心世界茶展首度舉行無我茶會演示 by 趙錡 ... ..... .

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by 趙錡



Pay Equity for WomenWednesday, June 6, 2012 9:57 AM
From: "Senator Harry Reid" Add sender to ContactsTo: "judy and tony lei"

June 06, 2012

Dear Fellow Nevadan,

When Congress passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, women working full time, year round took home 59 cents for every dollar paid to their male coworkers. While passage of that landmark legislation helped narrow the pay gap, today American women still take home only 77 cents on the dollar compared to their male colleagues. It is simply not fair that any woman working the same hours in the same job should make less money. This is why I am disappointed my colleagues on the other side of the aisle voted yesterday to filibuster the critical Paycheck Fairness Act from receiving the simple up-or-down vote it deserves.

Although the wage gap has narrowed in the half century since Congress declared women entitled to equal pay for equal work, gender discrimination remains a serious problem in the workplace. The Paycheck Fairness Act would have taken an important step in the right direction by:

Giving workers stronger tools to combat wage discrimination
Barring retaliation against workers for discussing salary information
And helping ensure more adequate compensation for victims of gender-based pay discrimination.
Today women make up nearly half of the workforce, and an increasing number of women are the primary wage earners for their families. Equal pay is not simply a women抯 issue it is a family issue. With the economy struggling and families stretching every dollar, closing the pay gap is more important than ever.

Despite this setback yesterday, you can be assured that I will continue to stand firmly on the side of equality for women. I will continue to stand with middle-class women working to keep their families afloat during difficult economic times, and with young women pursuing a college education, hoping to get good-paying jobs when they graduate. No woman working to support herself or her family should be paid less than her male counterparts.

Thank you for taking the time to read this email.


U.S. Senator for Nevada


FINAL REMINDER: You're invited -- It's a roundup!Wednesday, June 6, 2012 8:33 AM
From: "Shelley Berkley" Add sender to ContactsTo: "Tony Lei"

Please join us for a very special afternoon
of food, fun, and horsin? around

With Our Next US Senator
Congresswoman Shelley Berkley

Sunday, June 10th 2012
3:00pm ? 6:00pm
The Ranch of Theresa & Jerry Gillock
Address provided upon RSVP
Las Vegas, NV 89131

Suggested Contributions:
$25 per person / $50 per family

Please make contributions payable to Berkley for Senate

Give us a holler and RSVP by visiting the event website at

or contact Ian Sugar at ian@shelleyberkley.com or (702) 675-6706.


Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
M.B.A. and Ed.D. of Pepperdine University
Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)
(Tel.) 702-750-1127
Instructor of Natiomal Cheng-chi Univercity and National Taiwan University
Investigator, International Economic and Cooperation Council (IECC) of ROC
Fellow, United Nations' Asian Institute, 1971
Chairman, Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN)
Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business Administration, National Chung-hsing University, 1985-1991
Fellow of Management, Pepperdine University, 1991-1996
President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI), 1996-




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by 张恩庭


雷动天,1937年5月,出生于福建省宁化县翠江镇中山村。动天于1949年随家人旅居台湾。1959年获东海大学经济系法学士。后到美国求学深造,1969年以全部最优异(Strait A)成绩,获美国培丹大学企业管理硕士,在美任奥利尔集团企业一年后,应邀返回台湾任“行政院”经合会视察,并兼任教于国立台湾大学商学系,为该校创设开授“管理行为学”,出版专著《现代工商管理》,台大等多所大专院校竞相采用作为企管教科书,课余并在《中央日报》“星期专栏”主撰专文,宣传“科学管理”与“现代经营”,后经考选派往联合国亚经研究所,授训研究经济计划与发展,结业时获得该所颁发的研究员证书,回台后著书立说,倡导“现代企业管理的理论与实际,可以促进台湾的经济繁荣奇绩”。经过多年来的实际效果,确切地应验了他当年的倡导和努力。为求发展,动天定居美国,1989年荣获美国培柏丹大学机械管理教育博士学位后,先后担任美国华盛顿工商研究院院长,拉期维加斯市资深人民咨议委员会委员兼秘书长、内华达州人学术联谊会理事长等职。1998年6月21日,雷动天博士评为全美优美奖成绩卓越的父亲,全美15人中,第一次出现一名华人——雷动天,开创了历史先河。




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May 31st at 11:44 PM) new



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Your article is on Google.com's first line first page ---Re: 認識你??是一种?份,被?e人認識是一种福?釺uesday, June 5, 2012 9:05 AM

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