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Wed, September 1, 2010 11:51:29 AM

Prayer Meeting Tonight!

From: Cerina Chu [chucerina@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: Albert Pang [drpang@trinityeyecare.com]; Alex Muller ; Amy Laing ; Briant Chea ; Chandy C Chu ; charchun Lee ... more

Dear Brothers and Sisters of CCC:

Prayer meeting tonight from 7:45 pm-9:00pm.

Pastor Tony Sun will be with us tonight. Please send me your prayer request if you could not come tonight.

In Christ,

Cerina Chu
Carrollton Chinese Church Interim Secretary

Phil 4: 8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable~{!*~}if anything is excellent or praiseworthy~{!*~}think about such things.


雷德、柏克萊亞商會演講 - 世界新聞網-洛杉磯 - [ Translate this page ]雷德、柏克萊亞商會演講. 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導. August 27, 2010 06:00 AM | 0 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 | 0 0 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Aug 28, 2010 ... 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導. August 27, 2010 .... For Immediate Release: August 27, 2010 Print Version (pdf). Governor Jim Gibbons selects new ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]Tue, April 27, 2010 6:04:24 AMMake your own Chickens for Checkups video! ..... Dr. Tony T. Lei early in the morning on August 3, 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada. ..... [ Translate this page ]2010年4月5日... 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導April 05, ...
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size:3.80 M
West Lake of China

West Lake of China

Tue, August 31, 2010 10:28:25 PM


From: Barack Obama [info@barackobama.com]View Contact
To: tony lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]

Tony --

Tonight marks the end of the American combat mission in Iraq.

As a candidate for this office, I pledged to end this war responsibly. And, as President, that is what I am doing.

Since I became Commander-in-Chief, we've brought home nearly 100,000 U.S. troops. We've closed or turned over to Iraq hundreds of our bases.

As Operation Iraqi Freedom ends, our commitment to a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq continues. Under Operation New Dawn, a transitional force of U.S. troops will remain to advise and assist Iraqi forces, protect our civilians on the ground, and pursue targeted counterterrorism efforts.

By the end of next year, consistent with our agreement with the Iraqi government, these men and women, too, will come home.

Ending this war is not only in Iraq's interest -- it is in our own. Our nation has paid a huge price to put Iraq's future in the hands of its people. We have sent our men and women in uniform to make enormous sacrifices. We have spent vast resources abroad in the face of several years of recession at home.

We have met our responsibility through the courage and resolve of our women and men in uniform.

In seven years, they confronted a mission as challenging and as complex as any our military has ever been asked to face.

Nearly 1.5 million Americans put their lives on the line. Many returned for multiple tours of duty, far from their loved ones who bore a heroic burden of their own. And most painfully, more than 4,400 Americans have given their lives, fighting for people they never knew, for values that have defined our people for more than two centuries.

What their country asked of them was not small. And what they sacrificed was not easy.

For that, each and every American owes them our heartfelt thanks.

Our promise to them -- to each woman or man who has donned our colors -- is that our country will serve them as faithfully as they have served us. We have already made the largest increase in funding for veterans in decades. So long as I am President, I will do whatever it takes to fulfill that sacred trust.

Tonight, we mark a milestone in our nation's history. Even at a time of great uncertainty for so many Americans, this day and our brave troops remind us that our future is in our own hands and that our best days lie ahead.

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com




Aug. 31, 2010
Copyright © Las Vegas Review-Journal

Global Gaming Expo moving to Sands in 2011!

Producers of the Global Gaming Expo will move the casino industry's largest trade show and conference from the Las Vegas Convention Center to the Sands Expo starting next year.

In addition to the change in venue, the G2E will switch from a mid-November schedule to dates in early October at the request of both trade show exhibitors and casino operators.

Frank Fahrenkopf Jr., president of the Washington, D.C.-based American Gaming Association, which produces the show jointly with Reed Exhibitions, said the move will allow for better planning.

The switch adds an extra month between G2E and the International Casino Exhibition, which is held in annually in January in London. Also, the G2E Asia, which had been in June at the Venetian Macau, will move to late May.

"Our operators need to make budget decisions and their budgeting had usually already been done by November," Fahrenkopf said Tuesday after announcing the switch at The Venetian. "We think this move will help those decision makers plan for the year ahead."

Fahrenkopf said the gaming association last year began exploring possible locations in Las Vegas for the G2E. Only the 1.2 million-square-foot Sands Expo, which is operated by Las Vegas Sands Corp. and is connected to both The Venetian and Palazzo resorts, had the available dates.

"It's a great facility with tremendous room to grow," Fahrenkopf said.

The 2010 G2E is scheduled for Nov. 16-18 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. Fahrenkopf said the deal with the Sands Expo is a three-year contract.

The move to the Sands marks the first time G2E will be at a location with hotel rooms and restaurants. The Venetian and Palazzo have a combined 7,000 rooms and more than 30 restaurants.

"It will be very unique for G2E to have all that under one roof," Fahrenkopf said.

The two-mile change in venue means the Las Vegas Convention Center will need to find a show or conferences that would fill the now vacant mid-November dates.

Next year's Las Vegas Convention Center schedule already has five large trade shows and conventions covering the end of September through the end of October time frames.

"Our sales staff will do what they have always done -- go out and look for other business," said Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority President Rossi Ralenkotter, who attended the announcement news conference. "There are a couple of newer shows that have not been to Las Vegas before that we'll reach out to. We've got some prospects out there."

Ralenkotter said it was important that G2E remain in Las Vegas.

"Our job is to fill hotel rooms in Las Vegas, and the fact the show staying here is fortunate for the destination," Ralenkotter said. "It wasn't a space issue, it was a date issue."

Not brought up Tuesday was the past contentious relationship between Las Vegas Sands leadership and the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. Company Chairman Sheldon Adelson and former Sands President Bill Weidner had called for the elimination of the public tourism entity in 2007 and 2008.

Adelson didn't attend the news conference.

Las Vegas Sands President Michael Leven said the Sands Expo would allow smaller G2E exhibitors more room. The focus of the trade show is traditionally the large slot machine manufacturers, such as International Game Technology, WMS Industries and Bally Technologies, which use the G2E to unveil new gaming advancements for the coming year.

"I don't think we solicited them," Leven said. "They came to us. I think they made a decision that they wanted different space. We have working with G2E in Macau for a few years."

Total attendance for the 2009 G2E was nearly 26,000 attendees and exhibit personnel, a decline of 3.5 percent from a year ago. Fahrenkopf said early indications are that the 2010 numbers will be flat or slightly higher compared to 2009.

"We've got our fingers crossed but the preliminary numbers are pretty good," Fahrenkopf said.

Contact reporter Howard Stutz at hstutz@reviewjournal.com or 702-477-3871.


Hawaii Chinese Writer's Association

Hawaii Chinese Writer's Association





研??砩希?舉辦了“餘光中?歌朗誦?保N光中親自上臺朗誦了他的?歌,並與台下的??生互?樱?夥?O??崃摇⑷谇ⅰ (?R鼎年)


Washington Business and Technology Institute ~{@W6/Ll~}- ~{D~;/HKB[L3~}

***"A book is a sucess when people who haven't read it pretend they have." --- Los Angeles Times Syndicate

size:5.46 M
Tue, August 31, 2010 10:56:31 AM

Fw: Visit many beautiful countries!

Please write us by e-mail and we may send them to you.

From: cykung [cykung@dragon.nchu.edu.tw]View Contact
To: tojulei [tojulei@yahoo.com]; abc8125532 [abc8125532@qq.com]; kungjoan [kungjoan@gmail.com]

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01。 ?⒂^羅芙?m阿?⒂^盧浮?m

02。 法?侔?薩斯阿?薩斯弗朗西?

04。 ????

07。 希臘 希臘




Tue, August 31, 2010 11:44:01 AM
Fwd: [TsingHua-69phy] Fwd: [ntuaa-misc] Re: Fw: CALL TO ACTION !
From: Mike Lei [leimih@yahoo.com] View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

--- On Tue, 8/31/10, Joanna Kung [kungjoan@gmail.com] wrote:

From: Joanna Kung [kungjoan@gmail.com]
Subject: Fwd: [TsingHua-69phy] Fwd: [ntuaa-misc] Re: Fw: CALL TO ACTION !




size:7.88 M
The beautiful Shinchion!

Press Release - Governor Jim Gibbons Appoints New Member to Nevada Tax Commission! - August 31, 2010
By Office of the Govrnor(NV), Daniel Burns, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung

From: Office of the Governor [nvg@GOV.NV.GOV]View Contact

For Immediate Release: August 31, 2010


CARSON CITY, NV ?Governor Jim Gibbons today appointed Craig M. Witt to the Nevada Tax Commission. Witt is a well-known and experienced businessman from Minden, Nevada. He has been involved in various agriculture businesses in Northern Nevada since 1973. He is a member of the Carson Valley Chamber of Commerce, the Northern Nevada Landscapers Association and the Nevada Farm Bureau.

揅raig抯 professional experience will make him a valued asset to the Nevada Tax Commission,?Governor Gibbons said, 揑 am pleased he has accepted the appointment and I am certain he will serve the people of Nevada with honor and fairness.?

The Nevada Tax Commission is an appointed group of business people, with various professional backgrounds, who supervise the overall administration and operations of the Department of Taxation. The Commission adopts regulations (Nevada Administrative Code), enforcement and audit policy, and approves forms and procedures of the Department. The Commission hears taxpayer appeals of hearing decisions and, under statutory authority, makes decisions to ensure consistency among taxpayers and various taxes.

揗y goal in business has always been to find a recipe for success and I intend to bring that positive attitude to the Tax Commission,?Witt said, 揑 am honored that Governor Gibbons has selected me for this post and I look forward to working with the other members of the Commission.?
Mr. Witt is filling the term of former-Commissioner Hank Volger, who resigned from the Commission. Witt抯 term will expire on October 31, 2012.

Daniel Burns Communications Director - (775) 684-5667 cell (702) 290-8980
Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198
Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505



size:3.52 M
Expo Shanghai 2010

size:8.51 M
The beauty of Autumn!

size:4.52 M
Presentation of the Chinese Photographer's Association

李敖之子拜??余隆 周立波吃醋!
August 31, 2010



Read more: 世界新?網


*5575. ??沸侣?組. '李敖之子拜??余隆 周立波吃醋!' ... ??沸侣?組上海31日? Worldjournal.com .......



size:7.13 M
One of the beauty of Tibet!

size:6.75 M
Beautiful Tibet (II)

Bridge Teng 鄧益裕 wbti

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]2010年3月21日 ... This email was sent to: President Dr. Tony T. Lei of LVRJ/wbti ..... From: 鄧益裕Teng I-yu [bridge.teng@msa.hinet.net] Add to Contacts ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]2010年7月21日 ... Bridge Teng 鄧益裕(緣丁) Praising the Glory of Tunghai ..... PPAA Forum Winning & Leading AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, announced the above information on April 24, 2003. ..... Bridge Teng 鄧益裕(緣丁) Praising the Glory of Tunghai University ...
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communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../DBPAGE=page&MODE=display&GID=01101010550976144152582945&PG=017190010512705132610... - CachedWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Mar 27, 2010 ... LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. Congresswoman…See allClear all | Turn offALL RESULTSAdvanced · Safe Search Strict ...... Bridge Teng 鄧益裕(緣丁) ...
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Bridge Teng ?益裕 wbti

Tue, August 31, 2010 1:58:58 AM

Fw: Tunghai People on News:【天下雜誌】?? 曾瑋校友(1994?/36?媒êB系)

From: Bridge Teng ?益裕 [bridgeteng@gmail.com]View Contact
To: Dear Tunghai friends [bridge.teng@msa.hinet.net]

TUAA NEWS 2010-08-31

【天下雜誌】?? 曾瑋校友(1994?/36?媒êB系)



(本報訊)為活躍社區文化生活,交流書畫研習心得, 建立同胞聯誼平臺,培養靑少年學習中華傳統藝文之興趣, 八月二十二日(星期日)“拉斯維加斯中華書畫協會”舉行了成立大會。社區各界熱心中華書畫人士數十人到會,大家推舉鄔世豪、 畢鵬歧、言 立、陳翊華、杜艾倫、譚立、張愷倫、汪深、林妙琪、陳濤、胡宇重共11人為理事;一致通過鄔世豪為創會會長、畢鵬歧為共同會長、言立為秘書長;同時,聘請社區資深人士廖鵬鰲為協會顧問。*5577

該協會的宗旨是: 弘揚中華文化,溝通文藝理念;傳承國粹精華,培養硏習興趣;建立聯誼平臺,促進書畫交流。協會常設活動中心在中國城花果山二樓世豪書畫文苑。

成立大會上, 鄔世豪介紹了自已在美囯彩虹藝術比賽中獲得冠軍大獎的作品“美女出浴”圖。該幀作品流暢的線條,精巧的構圖和深厚的功力,讓與會人士分享了藝術佳品帶來的雅趣。林妙琪、歐冬來二位女士,分別介紹了自已在鄔世豪老師指導下,新近創作的工筆國畫習作“絲瓜”、“大鵬展翅”和“花卉”。她們都是忙人,習畫不久,能潛心丹靑,創作出如此有一定水準的作品,讓社區熟悉她們的人士多有感佩。



图lv-1: 拉斯維加斯中華書畫協會成立大会一致通過鄔世豪(右二)為創會會長、畢鵬歧為共同會長(右一)、言立為秘書長(右三)
圖lv-2: 拉斯維加斯中華書畫協會會員合影

*5577. 言立. WBTI Journal ... LVRJ/wbti .......



Mon, August 30, 2010 12:08:53 PM

Berkley News: Provision in Honor of Nevadan Justin Bailey Will Fund Mental Health Research for Veterans!

From: "shelley.berkley@mail.house.gov" [shelley.berkley@mail.house.gov]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

August 30, 2010

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley - Representing Nevada's 1st Congressional District

Dear Tony,

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you of a $6 million grant for research into the links between substance abuse and combat-related trauma that has been awarded to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The VA will work in conjunction with the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to study and improve treatment options for veterans.

We have seen the results of combat trauma among veterans who develop substance abuse issues following a military deployment and this grant funding will allow VA and NIH to study this connection. Those who served in America's armed forces are entitled to a full range of treatment through the VA and that includes mental health assistance for veterans in need of help with alcohol, drugs or other forms of substance abuse.

Funding for this grant is a result of provisions I authored following the tragic death of Lance Corporal Justin Bailey. These provisions were incorporated into a law passed in 2008, which enhances the availability of substance abuse treatment and mental health services at VA facilities nationwide. Bailey, who was diagnosed with PTSD following his return from active duty, sought substance abuse treatment through the VA. The 27-year-old veteran died of a prescription drug overdose from medicines he was given while in the care of the VA clinic in Los Angeles , California .

This is an issue that continues to impact veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan and their families. The research funded through this grant will help VA provide more effective mental health services for those battling substance abuse and that will help save lives.

If I may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my office or visit my website at http://berkley.house.gov.

Congresswoman Shelley Berkley



size:4.48 M
For Immediate Release: August 30, 2010

By Office of the Govrnor(NV), Daniel Burns, Valerie Weber, and Jennifer Kung


Carson City - Governor Jim Gibbons received official notification today that Nevada will receive $83.1 million in one-time federal funding for the 2010-2011 school year. The funding is part of the 乬Edujobs乭 bill passed by Congress and signed into law on August 10, 2010. Application documents were received by the Governor乫s Office on Friday, August 13, and Nevada applied for funding on Monday, August 16. Nevada was one of the first five states to apply for the funding.

乬I will move quickly to distribute this money to our schools and our children. The school year is underway and the jobs created by these funds are needed now. Our students need this support now,乭 Governor Gibbons said, 乬We appreciate the speedy approval process established U.S. Department of Education and we will expeditiously distribute this money to our school districts.乭

U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan commended Nevada for being one of the first states to apply for this special federal funding. The funding is expected to create 1,400 teaching and teaching support jobs statewide during the current school year.

Governor Gibbons has received assurances from the superintendents of both Clark County and Washoe County School Districts that the new federal funds will be used to create new teaching jobs and not to fund raises for existing teacher positions.

Governor Gibbons has communicated to school superintendents and school boards that his preference is to fund additional teaching positions to reduce class sizes, not only in primary grades but also in upper elementary grades, and in important subject areas such as high school mathematics.


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