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This morning Google publishes your work ---Re: JR??һ־?,?eJRһָ?Tuesday, June 5, 2012 8:32 AM
From: This sender is DomainKeys verified Google.com (and LVRJ) publishes your work this morning!
You can find it on its first line of the first page!
For a search of "Achieved work of Professor Chung-Yuan Kung wbti" by Google.com!
Or, by a hit of the following line:
* (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 053112-2037 (posted Thursday
May 31st at 11:44 PM) new



Barack and I want to meet you next weekMonday, June 4, 2012 10:50 AM
From: "Michelle Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "tony lei" Friend --

Sarah Jessica Parker is a loving mom, an incredibly hard worker, and a great role model. She's one of those people you can't help but admire.

Barack and I are thrilled that we're invited for an evening at her home in New York next week.

And I'm hoping you'll be there, too, along with whoever you'd like to bring. Tonight at midnight is the deadline to enter.

Chip in $3 or whatever you can to this campaign, and you'll be automatically entered to win -- airfare and hotel included:


Thanks for all you do for Barack,




size:7.72 M
Achieved work of Professor Chung-Yuan Kung wbti!

You'll find them this morning for a search of

"PPAA Forum 21 wbti"
by Google.com!

Or, by a hit of the following line (with http) on the e-mail we sent to you:
* (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 053112-2037 (posted Thursday
May 31st at 11:44 PM) new




size:69.50 K
An article on education by Dr. Chung-Yuan Kung wbti!

Dear Chung-Yuan,

Hit the folloing line (with http) on your e-mail and you'll find you and your article on education are this morning on LVRJ & Google.com!

* (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 053112-2037 (posted Thursday
May 31st at 11:44 PM) new


Or, for a search of "PPAA Forum 21 wbti" by Google.com!



Charlyne's little bar!



Charlyne's view in Taipei!


Secretary's Remarks: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at "A World in Transition: Charting a New Path in Global Health"Friday, June 1, 2012 9:37 AM
From: "U.S. Department of State" Add sender to ContactsTo: tojulei@yahoo.comYou are subscribed to Secretary's Remarks for U.S. Department of State .

This information has recently been updated, and is now available.

Secretary's Remarks: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at "A World in Transition: Charting a New Path in Global Health"
06/01/2012 12:28 PM EDT

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton at "A World in Transition: Charting a New Path in Global Health"

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Washington, DC

June 1, 2012


SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, that is quite a compliment. And whatever it takes to accept, I do. Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, Mayor, my dear friend and colleague, your excellent foreign minister, also let me recognize Ingrid Schulerud, wife of the prime minister who, along with her husband, just hosted me and my delegation for a wonderful luncheon, and to everyone who has organized this extraordinary conference, which I think does come at a historical turning point.

Its no surprise that we would be meeting here in Norway, one of the most generous nations on earth when it comes not only to global health but so much more, and that we would have gathered here the panel and others who bring such broad and deep experience, and also have the opportunity to elevate an issue that is connected to so much else.

I often think about issues like maternal health ...


Search Results

PPAA Forum 21 - Las Vegas Review Journal: COMMUNITY LINK


24th U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao, Chairperson; Dr. Tony T. Lei, President. .... Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei M.B.A. and Ed.D. of Pepperdine University President ... From: "Barack Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "tony lei" Friend -- ... M. Reid and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei wbti" by Google.com, MSN.com, ...

For a search of "U.S. Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei wbti" by Google.com!



For a search of "U.S. President Barack Obama and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei wbti" by Google.com!

* (Business & Administration (PPAA Forum 21)) 052312-2157 (posted Thursday
May 24th at 11:47 AM) new




For a search of "U.S.Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei wbti" by Google.com, MSN.com, and Yahoo.com!

or for a search of "Dr. Tony T. Lei Senior Advisor to U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley wbti" by Google.com, MSN.com, and Yahoo.com!

Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
M.B.A. and Ed.D. of Pepperdine University
Washington Business & Technology Institute (WBTI)
(Tel.) 702-750-1127

Or for a search of "PPAA Forum 21 wbti" by Google.com!


In the clutchThursday, May 31, 2012 8:22 AM
From: "Barack Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "tony lei" Friend --

Think about this: Today, our opponent is facing the same fundraising deadline we are.

But the people I'm counting on at this crucial moment could not be more different.

He's relying on high-powered special-interest groups and a TV personality who's spent the last week questioning where I was born.

Our campaign is built by millions of ordinary Americans chipping in what they can, when they can.

Will you help out before midnight? Make a donation of $3 or more right now:


Thank you, as always.



For a search of "U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei wbti" by Google.com, MSN.com, and Yahoo.com!

Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
M.B.A. and Ed.D. of Pepperdine University
Washington Business & Technology Institute (WBTI)
(Tel.) 702-750-1127

Or for a search of "PPAA Forum 21 wbti" by Google.com!


Thank you, TonyWednesday, May 30, 2012 6:20 PM
From: "Michelle Obama" Add sender to ContactsTo: "tony lei" Tony --

Here it is, straight up:

Tomorrow's a big fundraising deadline.

It's a simple equation, really: What we put into this campaign is what we'll get out of it.

Please chip in $3 or whatever you can afford before tomorrow's deadline:


I'm ready to work, and I hope you are, too.

Thank you -- and see you out there,



The following individual picture and the other three people group picture were put on this section yesterday. With a search of

"2012 WBTI Journal Editor Honorable Mike H. Lei wbti"

we can find them publishing by Google.com this morning!


Search Results

PPAA Forum 21 - Las Vegas Review Journal: COMMUNITY LINK

communitylink.reviewjournal.com/.../dbpage=pag... - Translate this page

053012-1337. 2012 WBTI Journal Editor Honorable Mike H. Lei wbti. -------------------------------------------- ******************************************** ...



2012 WBTI Journal Editor Honorable Mike H. Lei wbti


For a search of "?TQ̨˹S˹???WA?^?. May 28, 2012 wbti" by Google.com!

On the first line of the first page:

PPAA Forum 21 - Las Vegas Review Journal: COMMUNITY LINK


http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti ... ?TQ̨˹S˹???WA?^?. May 28, 2012 06:00 AM | 121 . ?W-A ...



?TQ̨˹S˹?? ?W A?^?
May 28, 2012 06:00 AM | 121

?W-A?^? - ?෽? ĸҪ??A 




A happy time!


{{?෽ With her Photo}} is in the next page!

Results for For a search of ?TQ̨˹S˹???WA?^?. May 28, 2012 by Google.com! (without quotes):

Search Results

PPAA Forum 21 - Las Vegas Review Journal: COMMUNITY LINK


052812-1707. ?TQ̨˹S˹???WA?^?. May 28, 2012 06:00 AM | 121 . ?W-A?^?- ?෽?ϸĸҪ ...


ӛTQ̨˹S˹ „W A^„
May 27, 2012 06:00 AM | 392 | 0 | 5 | |

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Copyright 2012 „W-A^„. All rights reserved.
෽ ĸҪA  | May 28, 2012 ӛTQ̨˹S˹ „W A^„ Copyright 2012 „W-A^„. All rights reserved.

Read more: „W-A^„ - ෽Wv


For a search of "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News Publisher Helen Hsueh and her reports & photographs on JCUAALV Mother's Day Celebration! wbti" by Google.com!

and "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News Publisher Helen Hsueh wbti" by Google!

or "Las Vegas Chinese Daily News wbti" by Google!


President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei and U.S. 24th Secretary of Labor Chairperson Elaine L. Chao wbti


From: "Tea Lovers at Las Vegas" View contact detailsTo: "Tea Lovers at Las Vegas" λ!
չѿ쵽 (һ)҂Ўλс텢ӱݡ@ӺÿԉщݣǺ!

fɽĻWλsώώ (ҵώ)
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¶~գطecաAc Boulevard Mall҂
Ҫ˵ķ҂ҲҪݲuҪλ! Ոҁæ

George (702) 628-3699

ɳĮȪoҲ Las Vegas Wu-wo Tea Club

: http://GeorgeJaw.shutterfly.com

For a search of "Las Vegas Wu-wo Tea Club Founder and President Jeorge Jaw wbti" by Google.com!

WBTI website ---

For a search of "PPAA Forum 21" in page 1.


For a search of "U.S. 24th U.S. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao and Distinguished Professor Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung wbti" by Google.com!

For President Dr. K.S. Kung's 90th birthday celebration NEWS article please search:


by Google.com!



U.S. Senator Harry M. Reid and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei

For a search of "U.S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley and WBTI President Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei wbti" by Google.com!

Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
M.B.A. and Ed.D. of Pepperdine University
Washington Business & Technology Institute (WBTI)
(Tel.) 702-750-1127


For a search of "U.S. Senator Harry M. Reid and Dr. Tony T. Lei wbti" by Google.com!


Don't forget, We are appreciating each of our efforts at Mother's
day event. This is a Great memory we owned now and forever.
JCUAALV Round Table Party Time!
5:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 22, 2012
President of JCUAALV Mr. Len Wei's Home wbti!

Charter President of JCUAALV Miss Judi Rock wbti!

You can access the above page by this link: http://community.stephensmedia.com/servlet/lvrj_ProcServ/dbpage=page&mode=display&gid=01101010550976144152582945

Dr. Tony Tung-tien Lei
Washington Business & Technology Institute (WBTI)
(Tel.) 702-750-1127

For a search of "U.S. Senator Harry M. Reid and Dr. Tony T. Lei wbti" by Google.com!


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