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For "Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas" by msn.com!

Acronym Finder: PDCLV stands for Paradise Democratic Club of Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV)

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Secretary's Remarks: Strategic and Economic Dialogue Opening Session (Complete Remarks)

From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

Secretary's Remarks: Strategic and Economic Dialogue Opening Session (Complete Remarks)
Mon, 24 May 2010 00:44:23 -0500

Strategic and Economic Dialogue Opening Session

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
President Hu Jintao; Vice-Premier Wang Qishan; Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner; State Councilor Dai
Great Hall of the People
Beijing, China

May 23, 2010

VICE-PREMIER WANG: (Via translator) Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner, dear colleagues, today marks the opening of the second round of the China-U.S. strategic and economic dialogues. As the special representatives of President Hu Jintao, State Councilor Dai Bingguo and I wish to extend a warm welcome to President Obama's special representatives, Secretary Clinton and Secretary Geithner, and to all members of the U.S. delegation.


VICE-PREMIER WANG: (Via translator) Both our presidents attach great importance to this round of the S&ED. President Hu Jintao will join us and deliver an important address. We will also hear an important message from President Obama.

To build a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive China-U.S. relationship for the 21st century it is important agreement is reached between our two presidents that represents the common desire by our two peoples and constitutes the core objectives of the S&ED.

Based on this agreement, the first round of the S&ED was successfully held in Washington, D.C. last year. It has played a positive role in enhancing our cooperation in various fields, facilitating our joint response to the international financial crisis, and promoting world economic recovery -- the global governance structure.

The current round of the S&ED will cover a broad range of issues, giving full expression to the overarching strategic and long-term nature of our dialogue. Under the theme of ensuring the continuation of a mutually beneficial economic partnership, our two sides will have in-depth discussions in economic dialogue on a number of major issues, including macro economic policies, trade and investment, financial market stability, and reformed international financial architecture.

This will enable us to further our cooperation to solidify the positive trend of our two economies, and promote strong, sustainable, and balanced growth of the global economy. China-U.S. economic ties are a major cornerstone of our overall relationship. As China presses ahead with reform and opening up, China-U.S. economic trade and financial cooperation has enjoyed a dynamic growth. With increasingly close links, our two economies have become inseparable. This has been particularly true since the outbreak of the international financial crisis, when our two countries have been acting together to (inaudible) over the difficulties. What has happened shows that a high economic complementarily can only make China and the United States partners for a win-win cooperation, not rivals in a zero-sum game. So long as the two sides engage in candid communications, (inaudible) common ground, while resolving differences, we will prevail over any difficulty that may lie ahead.

The world economy is now at a critical juncture for further recovery, and the situation remains highly complex. Both China and the United States are faced with many challenges and deep-seated problems. I am confident that, through the common ground of the S&ED, we will expand common ground, narrow differences, and work to push forward the sound and steady growth of China-U.S. relations.

I wish the second round of the S&ED a great success. Thank you.


SECRETARY CLINTON: Good morning. I want to thank State Councilor Dai and Vice-Premier Wang for their very warm hospitality. It is a pleasure for our entire delegation to be here in Beijing. And it is an honor to join my colleague, Secretary Geithner, and the many officials from across our government in representing the United States at this second round of the strategic and economic dialogue.

I first visited China in 1995, and I have been privileged to return since then. Every trip to China offers fresh insights and images of the dynamism of this country and its people, the pace of change, and the possibilities for the future. Back in 1995, trade between our two nations was measured in the tens of billions of dollars. Today it is counted in the hundreds of billions. Few people back then had cell phones, and almost no one had access to the Internet. Today China has the world's largest mobile phone network, and more Internet users than any other country on earth.

In 1995, both our countries signed on to the Beijing platform for action to advance equality and opportunity for women. And while there is still much to do in both of our countries, I know that Chinese women have made real progress in education, health care, and employment. Hundreds of millions of men, women, and children have been lifted out of poverty. And China has flourished in so many ways. Freer trade and open markets have created jobs in both our countries, and given Chinese consumers access to new goods and to higher standards of living.

The United States welcomes China's progress and its accomplishments. And by establishing patterns of cooperation, rather than competition between our two countries, we see the opportunity, as we have just heard from Vice-Premier Wang, for win-win solutions, rather than zero-sum rivalries, for we know that few global problems can be solved by the United States or China acting alone. And few can be solved without the United States and China working together.

With this in mind, I would like to read a few lines of a letter from President Obama that I will be personally handing to President Hu Jintao. President Obama wrote: "Our relationship with China is guided by the recognition that we live in an inter-connected world. One country's success need not come at the expense of another. Our progress can be shared. Indeed, the United States welcomes China as a strong, prosperous, and successful member of the community of nations."

Over the past 16 months, we have worked together to lay the foundation for that positive, cooperative, and comprehensive relationship that President Obama and President Hu have committed our nations to pursuing. We launched the strategic and economic dialogue last year in Washington, as the premier convening mechanism in our relationship. And this year we have assembled an even broader and deeper team, here in China, to address our growing agenda. We have built avenues of cooperation and identified areas of mutual interest.

Our job, moving forward, is to translate that common interest into common action and, in turn, to translate that action into results that improve the lives of our people, and contribute to global progress. Over the long term, these results are how our relationship will be measured.

We are conscious that meaningful progress against great global challenges is the work of years, not days. We know that this gathering, in and of itself, is a foundation for ongoing cooperation that has to take place every day at every level of our government. And so, we will blend urgency and persistence in pursuit of shared goals.

We have already begun to see progress on some of the key areas of common concern that we laid out in our first dialogue last year. But there is much work to be done.

First, on international security challenges, the United States and China have consulted closely on the challenge posed by Iran's nuclear program. The prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran concerns us all. And to address that threat, together we have pursued a dual-track approach of engagement and pressure, aimed at encouraging Iran's leaders to change course. The draft resolution agreed to by all of our P-5+1 partners and circulated at the Security Council sends a clear message to the Iranian leadership: Live up to your obligation, or face growing isolation and consequences. As we continue to cooperate in New York, the burden is on Iran to demonstrate through its actions that it will uphold its responsibility.

North Korea is also a matter of urgent concern. Last year we worked together to pass and enforce a strong UN Security Council resolution in the wake of North Korea's nuclear test. And today we face another serious challenge, provoked by the sinking of the South Korean ship. So we must work together, again, to address this challenge and advance our shared objectives for peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula. We asked North Korea to stop its provocative behavior, halt its policy of threats and belligerence towards its neighbors, and take irreversible steps to fulfill its denuclearization commitments, and comply with international law.

Now, beyond these two pressing challenges there are other shared security concerns that I look forward to discussing, including the fight against violent extremism in Afghanistan and Pakistan, counter-piracy efforts, and deeper military-to-military cooperation.

Second, on climate and energy, we have built on the memorandum of understanding signed at the last round of the dialogues, collaborating on new, clean energy research, including a center. We have committed ourselves to an electrical vehicle initiative, and a renewable energy partnership, and more. At Copenhagen, for the first time, all major economies, including both the United States and China, made national commitments to curb carbon emissions and transparently report on their mitigation efforts. Now we must work to implement the Copenhagen accord with balanced commitments that are reflected in the ongoing negotiation.

And on behalf of Secretary Steven Chu, I extend his regrets. He was unable to be with us, because he had to stay and work very urgently on the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Third, on education, health, and development, tomorrow I will meet with State Councilor Lio to launch a new dialogue on educational and cultural exchanges that will deepen understanding and cooperation between our people. I am very pleased that Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius has joined us this year to expand cooperation on infectious diseases and other international health challenges. Our ambassador for global women's issues, Melanne Verveer, is also here because we recognize that the roles and rights of women are central to many of the issues we face, including devising a global strategy for development that is both sustainable and effective.

The Obama Administration has worked to advance a long-term investment-driven approach to development. And Administrator Raj Shah is leading our efforts. We have elevated development as a core pillar of our foreign policy, and we seek to coordinate with China and other donors to meet country-led needs and to comply with internationally-agreed standards.

Finally, we have worked together and seen progress on promoting global economic recovery and growth. Secretary Geithner, Secretary Locke, Ambassador Kirk, Chairman Bernanke, and the rest of our economic team will be talking in greater depth about how we can develop a more balanced global economy that will produce prosperity that reaches further and deeper for both the Chinese and American people.

Now, our discussions in these few days are unlikely to solve the shared challenges we face. But they can and should provide a framework for delivering real results to our people. We will not agree on every issue. But we will discuss them openly, as between friends and partners. And that includes America's commitment to universal human rights and dignity, and so much else that is on both Chinese and American minds.

There is a Chinese proverb that speaks of treading different paths that lead to the same destination. Our two nations have unique histories. China is home to an ancient civilization, as I saw in the Chinese Pavilion when I visited, with the scroll that has been made to come alive, showing life in this city 1,000 years ago. America is a young nation. But we know that our future, both our challenges and our opportunities, will be shared. We have traveled different paths, but that shared future is our common destination and responsibility. And, ultimately, that is what this dialogue is about.

So, again, let me thank State Councilor Dai and Vice-Premier Wang, and I look forward to our discussions in an open and candid exchange of views. Thank you very much.




PRESIDENT HU: (Via translator) Secretary Clinton, Secretary Geithner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends, the second round of the China-U.S. strategic and economic dialogues opens in Beijing today. Let me, first of all, extend a warm welcome to our American friends coming from afar.

The second round of the S&ED takes place at an important moment, when new developments are unfolding in the international, political, and economic landscape, and when China and the United States face new opportunities to further the bilateral relationship. It is of great significance for both of our two countries to achieve positive outcomes at this round of dialogues. I hope that, through a candid and in-depth discussion on over-arching strategic and long-term issues of mutual interest, the two sides will (inaudible) and further push forward China-U.S. cooperation.

Ladies and gentlemen, over one year ago, President Obama and I met the first time in London. We agreed to work together to build a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive China-U.S. relationship for the 21st century, setting up the goal for the development of China-U.S. relations in the new year. Since then, President Obama and I have met on many occasions. During President Obama's successful visit to China last November in particular, the two sides issued a China-U.S. joint statement offering a policy framework for the development of our bilateral ties.

In a spirit of solidarity, China and the United States have worked together to counter the extremely severe international financial crisis. We have coordinated macro economic policies, and facilitated efforts to bring about positive outcomes at the G20 financial summit, making important contributions to world economic recovery.

We have furthered our economic and trade ties, and stepped up mutually-beneficial cooperation in new and clean energy, energy conservation, emissions reduction, and energy efficiency enhancement to solidify the foundation of our exchanges.

China and the United States have maintained communication and coordination on major regional and international issues. We have worked with other parties to properly address regional hot spot issues. The two countries have also worked with other parties to manage the growing number of global issues, and played a positive role in putting up an international response to such challenges as climate change, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and natural disasters.

Admittedly, China and the United States differ in national condition, and it is only natural that the two sides may disagree on some issues. What is important is to respect and accommodate each others' core interests and major concerns, appropriately handle the sensitive issues, and strengthen the foundation of mutual trust.

Ladies and gentlemen, the world is in the midst of major developments, major changes, and major adjustments. The trend toward (inaudible) and economic globalization is gathering momentum. The impact of the international financial crisis continues to be felt. Global issues are becoming more pronounced, and regional and international hot spot issues keep cropping up.

To further advance mankind's noble cause of peace and development requires greater cooperation among people of all countries. As permanent members of the UN Security Council, and the largest developing country and the largest developed country, China and the United States face common tasks and shoulder important responsibilities, ranging from promoting full recovery and sustainable growth of the world economy, to the managing of regional hot spots, meeting global challenges, and safeguarding world peace and security.

China attaches great importance to its relations with the United States. To develop long-term, sound, and steady China-U.S. relationship is a shared desire of our two peoples (inaudible) and contribute to peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia Pacific Region and beyond.

We need to stick to the right direction of China-U.S. relations. No matter how the international situation may evolve, and what difficulties and interferences we may encounter, we should always follow the strategic and long-term perspective, and speak to and safeguard the goal of working together to build a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive China-U.S. relationship for the 21st century. We should foster strategic mutual trust, strengthen strategic cooperation, appropriately handle differences, and step up communication, coordination, and cooperation on bilateral, regional, and global issues.

We should respect each other's core interests and major concerns. Sovereignty, independence (inaudible) integrity are a country's most basic rights, recognized by the norms governing international relations. To the Chinese people, nothing is more important than safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity. I trust that it's not difficult for the American people, who went through the American Civil War in their history to understand how important and valuable unity is to a nation.

We should respect the right of each and every country to independently choose its development path. We should recognize differences in countries' cultural traditions, social systems, values, and development concepts, and encourage different civilizations and development models to learn from and reinforce each other, so as to achieve common development. It is not advisable to use one model to measure the diverse and colorful world we live in.

We should maintain close interaction at the top and other levels. Full communication is an important basis for enhanced cooperation. Not even the most sophisticated telecommunication technology can replace face-to-face exchanges. In my meeting with President Obama in Washington on 12 May this year, we both agreed to stay in close touch through meetings, phone calls, and correspondence. We should also step up strategic dialogues and consultations to deepen understanding, expand common ground, and promote cooperation.

We should develop a pattern of mutually beneficial and win-win cooperation. China and the United States should step up macro economic policy coordination, and promote sustained world economic recovery. The two sides should increase exchanges in cooperation in such areas as economy and trade, energy, the environment, counterterrorism, non-proliferation, law enforcement, science and technology, education, agriculture, health, and quality inspections, and actively develop cooperation in such new areas as civil aviation, high-speed railway, infrastructure construction, and space exploration. In this way, we will lend fresh impetus to the growth of China-U.S. relations, and enable our peoples to reap tangible benefits of China-U.S. cooperation.

We should strengthen coordination on regional hot spots and global issues. China and the United States should step up communication and coordination on regional hot spot issues through bilateral channels and multilateral mechanisms. The two sides should increase (inaudible) and cooperation on such global issues as climate change, nuclear security, energy security, food security, disaster reduction, and (inaudible) fighting trans-national crimes, and prevention and control of serious communicable diseases. China and the United States should work with the rest of the international community to make the international system more just and equitable.

We should deepen mutual understanding and friendship between our peoples. This provides an enduring driving force and broad foundation for the growth of state-to-state relations. China and the United States will establish a mechanism of people-to-people exchange. I believe this mechanism will contribute to the cultural, scientific, technological, and educational exchanges and cooperation between our two countries. The two sides should support youth exchanges so that the cause of China-U.S. relations will be carried forward by the younger generation. We should also scale up exchanges and cooperation between the business, academic, and media communities, and between local authorities and institutions to build a broad bridge of friendship between our two people.

Ladies and gentlemen, since the founding of the People's Republic of China over 60 years ago, and particularly (inaudible) opening up, earth-shaking changes have taken place in China. Yet we are keenly aware that China remains the world's largest developing country. We still have a very long way to go before we can fully build a moderately prosperous society of a higher level that will benefit over one billion people, and achieve basic modernization to bring common prosperity to all our people.

We will continue to pursue reform and opening up so that our economy will register greater growth, our democracy will be further enhanced, our science and education will make bigger strides, our culture will get more prosperous, our society will become more harmonious, and our peoples' lives will be better off. China will continue to pursue a win-win strategy of opening up. We will expand market access in keeping with established international, economic, and trading laws, support the improvement of the international trading and financial system, and advance trade investment, liberalization, and facilitation.

China will accelerate the transformation of its economic development pattern. We will make great effort to expand domestic demand and increase household consumption, vigorously promote sound and balanced growth of external trade, and reject protectionism in all manifestations. China will continue to steadily advance the reform of the formation mechanism of the RMB exchange rate under the principle of independent decision-making, controllability and gradual progress.

China will remain committed to the path of peaceful development and pursue friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence. We will not interfere in other countries' internal affairs, or impose our own will on others. We will work with all other countries to build a harmonious world of enduring peace and common prosperity.

Ladies and gentlemen, to build a positive, cooperative, and comprehensive China-U.S. relationship for the 21st century is in the fundamental interest of our two countries and two peoples. It also meets the need to promote world peace and development. Let us work together to open up even broader prospects for China-U.S. relations.




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Sat, May 22, 2010 12:25:50 AMFW: Little drummer boy 小鼓手男孩
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<<< From: "Cheryl Moss" {cmossnv@msn.com} to WBTI on Tuesday, October 14, 2008 at 8:59 AM 24KB in Las Vegas, Nevada >>>
Dear Dr. Lei:

I would like to congratulate WBTI on its continued success over the years.

I became a District Court Judge in 2001. I was honored at that time when WBTI invited me to participate in the various aspects of the organization's commitment to involve the community and its elected officials together for the purpose of promoting social awareness.

I affirm my support of WBTI and am proud of its many accomplishments and achievements.

Best wishes for continued success! *7

Very Truly Yours,

Judge Cheryl Moss

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FW: 段子 ~(中國大陸順口溜)

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二、 你吃了嗎?






這就是為什麼「中國特色」是:大家一見面就問: “你吃了嗎?”









答:騙子。錯! 是統計局。


































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CoCo賭城開唱 保證不秘婚
By 袁世珮

[[[CoCo向粉絲保證不會在賭城祕婚。 (記者徐世經/攝影)]]]

***** 李玟以一身貝嫂品牌的超貼身洋裝出席活動,前凸後翹,與7月初去賭城演出的前一檔秀碧昂絲有得拚。即將到賭城,CoCo想去看教堂,卻保證不會秘婚。*7578


她將在7月3、4日在拉斯維加斯Wynn Las Vegas約5000人的場地演出,上一檔秀是女王蜂碧昂絲,相較之下,CoCo身材絲毫不遜色。




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*7578. 袁世珮. ... 台北23日電May 23, 2010 12:06 AM | 659 觀看次數 | 2 | | Worldjournal.com .......

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to this Institute," Said President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI on January 21, 2000. ...... 婰幰椦廏朏", "垻枀恖慜high東揤栭怺嗾庘泴", "婰幰逋悽噌", "婰幰埨曽", ...
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Sun, May 23, 2010 5:07:21 PM

Secretary's Remarks: Secretary Clinton Highlights Importance of American Exports to Overseas Markets During Visit to Boeing Maintenance Facility in Shanghai, China
By Hillary Rodham Clinton

From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

Secretary's Remarks: Secretary Clinton Highlights Importance of American Exports to Overseas Markets During Visit to Boeing Maintenance Facility in Shanghai, China
Sun, 23 May 2010 10:25:29 -0500

Secretary Clinton Highlights Importance of American Exports to Overseas Markets During Visit to Boeing Maintenance Facility in Shanghai, China

Washington, DC

May 23, 2010


On Sunday, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton visited the Boeing Maintenance Facility at Shanghai抯 Pudong Airport to promote U.S. aviation exports to China. She toured the facility and met with U.S. aviation exporters and other companies to discuss commercial opportunities in China. Participants shared their experiences with the secretary and explained the opportunities and challenges they face in this dynamic market.

Secretary Clinton highlighted the importance of American exports to overseas markets, particularly in Asia, in support of President Obama抯 National Export Initiative, a government-wide effort to double U.S. exports over the next five years and support two million U.S. jobs.

China is one of the fastest growing aviation markets and provides tremendous opportunities for U.S. companies and U.S. exports. Industry forecasts predict a 300 percent increase in passenger traffic, from 230 million passengers in 2009 to 700 million passengers in 2020 ?and further doubling to 1.5 billion by 2030. Aviation continues to be the leading U.S. export industry, generating a global surplus of $60 billion in 2008.

The Boeing Maintenance Facility builds upon the commercial relationship between the United States and China to promote economic development, technological advancement, and prosperity for both nations and the world at large.

U.S. exports to China are a key market ?the U.S.抯 third-largest 杊itting record levels in the first quarter of 2010, with an increase of approximately 46 percent compared to 2009.

The growth of imports from the United States in key sectors, such as energy, chemicals, transportation, medical equipment, construction and machinery suggests that China will remain an important and viable market for a wide range of products. With growing numbers of Chinese traveling abroad for education and leisure purposes, China抯 contribution to U.S. educational institutions and the tourism industry is increasingly important as well.

The United States remains the largest single-country market for China抯 exports.
Secretary Clinton has committed the Department of State and the U.S. Embassies overseas to support efforts to expand markets, promote American exports, advise businesses wishing to operate overseas, and protect U.S. economic interests. These efforts benefit American workers, businesses and economies and contribute to overall U.S. security and shared global prosperity.

For more information on President Obama抯 National Export Initiative, click here.



記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯整理報導April 23, 2010 12:00 AM

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]2010年4月22日 ... 記者金康嵐∕整理報導December 23, 2009 12:00 AM ---LVRJ/wbti Chairperson .... 洛芭蕾舞團周末演出林中仙子記者馬雲洛杉磯報導. May 14, 2009 12:00 AM ... 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導April 05, 2010 12:00 AM | 5 觀看次數| 0 | 1 | | ...
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美國聯邦參議員Harry Reid(D)、Danny Tarkanian(R )、 Sharon Angle(R)。聯邦眾議員第一選區Michelle Fiore(R)、Shelly Berkley(D)。聯邦眾議員第三選區 Dina Titus(D)、Joe Heck(R)。州長 Rory Reid(D)、Brian Sandoval(R)。副州長 Paul Murad(D)、Jesse Sferrazza(D)。內華達州參議員第五選區B席 Michael Roberson(R)。

克拉克縣估值官Michele Shafe(D)、Gerrit Hale(R)。克拉克縣辦事官 Diana Alba(D)。克拉克縣記錄保存官Debbie Conway(D)、Tom Willis(R)。克拉克縣公眾事務官 Steve Sanson(R)。

拉斯維加斯區民事警長Robert Gronauer(D)。第26地方法院法官 Gloria J Sturman(R)。第28地方法院法官Ronald Israel(D)、John (Jack)Howard(D)。第30地方法院法官Jerry Wiese(D)、Patricia Palm(D )。第31地方法院法官Phil Dabney(D)Marc Risman(D)。第32地方法院法官Rob Bare。家事法庭C Steve Jones(D)、Maria Maskall(D)。家事法庭F Bill Gonzalez(D)、 John Eccles(D)。家事法庭S Vincent Ochoa(D)、Ethan Kotler(D)。家事法庭T Gayle Nathan(D)、 John Jensen(D)。克拉克縣警局長 Doug C.Gillespie。賭城第三警局長 Anthony Abbatangelo(D)。

六號正義法庭法官 William Kephart。七號正義法庭法官 Karen Bennet Haron。13號正義法庭法官 Suzan Baucum(D)、Richard Scow(D )。14號正義法庭法官Bernie Zadrowski(R)。州參議員第八選區 Mark Brandon(D)。州參議員第九選區 Dennis Nolan(R)。州參議員第12選區 Joe Hardy(R)。州眾議員第四選區 Gary Fisher(D)。州眾議員第五選區 Tibi Ellis(R)。州眾議員第八選區 Wilfredo Espiritu(R)、Jason Frierson(D)。州眾議員第11選區 Olivia Diaz(D)。州眾議員第13選區 Joshua Gust(R)。州眾議員第14選區 Karen King(D)。州眾議員第15選區 Lou Toomin(D)、Elliot Anderson (D)。州眾議員第42選區 Irene Bustamante(D。)克拉克縣政委員G席Greg Esposito(D)、David Parks(D)。詳情上AAG網站www.asianamericangrouplv.com

Read more: 世界新聞網-洛杉磯



WBTI & Chinese American Academic Association of Nevada (CAAAN ...
Dr. Lei's expertise and professional service to the public benefits not only the Asian ... Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute ... 江 南 wbti", or type esq after the name of a judge, judicial official, ..... "We have gotten to the point where people looking to move here move ...
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Dr. Tony T. Lei, President of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) ... Nevada is honor to have WBTI under her spiritual Chairpersonship and I am especially .... obtain professional services to develop visitor attractions, ... Lt. Governor Lorraine Hunt points out that she sees the will in the Chinese ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Pepperdine ...This comprehensive workshop is ideal for the business professional who hasn抰 .... President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI has just received the August 2007 Alumni ...... and judicial perspective," points out President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI. ...
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Colleague - Vol. 26, Iss. 2 (Fall/Winter 2009)


052210-2237 2nd ed.

Mark Denton was appointed Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration by WBTI
By Valorie Vega, Bill Young, and Tiffany Chang

***** From now on, any definition of a successful life must include serving others. ---George Bush
***** The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more. ---Jonas Salk, MD
***** Management is nothing more than motivating other people. ---Lee Lacocca

The following is a second printing of the Newsbrief*1 in September 26, 2003 on the website of Washington Business and Technology Institute with updated references:

In meeting with the large and growing population of public employees, Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) will open its training programs for the increasing graduate study and research needs of professional public administrators. To emphasize the balance of the practicality and theoraticality of the programs, the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of WBTI has supported by many high-ranking officials of Nevada in offering their times, experiences, and knowledge to research and teach.*2

"Mark Denton has been appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of Business Law of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration on September 18, 2003," announced Dr. John Wang, Spokesman of WBTI, on September 19, 2003 in Las Vegas, Nevada, U. S. A.

Mark R. Denton*3 received his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. in1970. He was raised in Boulder City and graduated from Boulder High School in 1969. In 1973, Mark graduate with distinction from the University of Nevada, Reno. He completed ROTC and received a commission in the U. S. Army as a reserve officer. While in college, Mark spent his junior year in Paris, France through an affiliate of UNR at the Universite de Paris.

Prior to his appointment to the bench on August 19, 1998, Mark had extensive judicial experience. He served as municipal court judge in Boulder City for seven years. He was an arbitrator under the Court Annexed Arbitration Program of the Eighth Judicial District Court since its inception in 1992. He was an alternate Juvenile Court Referee and a Nevada Supreme Court settlement Judge.

Currently site as a civil judge on the Eighth Judicial District Court, Mark Denton has been re-elected in the general election of November 5, 2002.

"It's really a challenge to me to integret my knowledge and experience for research and teaching. I'll have this precious opportunity to extend my effort for community service through my profesionalism. I'm honor also to be the the number 35,000 (now at the #103,466) viewer of WBTI website which is brought to you by reviewjournal.com through http://communitylink.reviewjournal.com/lvrj/wbti," said District Judge of Nevada Mark Denton.*4

The Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) is now one of the main institutions of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI). "The mission of this School emphasizes the humanitarian orientation of public administration and the social responsibility of business management. Through academic entrepreneurship, we expect the School's endeavors to be achieved based on the human spirit, led by Chairperson Elaine Chao of WBTI," said Senator Dina Titus, Adjunct Professor of Administrative Strategies in GSBPA.*5

"We're pleased to have Judge Mark Denton's interest in offering his caliber whose integrity, knowledge, and experience brought to the School a professional and judicial perspective," points out President Dr. Tony T. Lei of WBTI. "Throughout Judge Denton's distinguished career, he has accomplished a great deal of judicial practice and earned a good reputation as a conscientious and dedicated professional."


*1. Vega, Valorie; Young, Bill; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Mark Denton has been appointed Adjunct Associate Professor of the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration by WBTI,' "A search of 'district judge mark denton' on the Google.com," (December 18, 2005), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*2. Bell, Stewart; Walsh, Jessie; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Las Vegas nicer with community service through cultural art,' "10 Year Thai Cultures in Las Vegas, Nevada," (September 16, 2003), p. 30.
*3. Denton, Mark. 'We wish you the very best for the holiday season and new year!' "A Merry Christmas Card sent by District Judge Mark Denton to Dr. and Mrs. Tony Tung-tien Lei," (December 16, 2005), Las Vegas, Nevada: Judge Denton's Home.
*4. Vega, Valorie. Ibid.
*5. Reid, Rory; Denton, Mark; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Effort and Cooperation will bring us a peaceful, happy, and prosperous community,' "Newsbrief of WBTI," (September 19, 2003), Las Vegas, Nevada: WBTI.


Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...2nd Ed. 061209-0357 [1st Ed. 101306-1037] "Social & Community (LAF6)" of WBTI ...... 061708-1001 "Social & Community (LAF6)" of WBTI website, Tuesday 10:17 ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...102907-1037 [102807-4017] {102707-1037} "Social & Community (LAF6)" of WBTI website, {Saturday, 10:37 a.m., October 27, 2007} #First Edition [Updated at ...
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Sat, May 22, 2010 9:37:45 AM

Secretary's Remarks: Remarks At USA Pavilion Gala Dinner!
By Hillary Rodham Clinton

From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com

Secretary's Remarks: Remarks At USA Pavilion Gala Dinner
Sat, 22 May 2010 11:26:36 -0500

Remarks At USA Pavilion Gala Dinner

Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
U.S. Pavilion at Shanghai Expo

Shanghai, China

May 22, 2010


MODERATOR: Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Please give a warm welcome to the commissioner general of the USA Pavilion, Jose Villarreal.


MR. VILLARREAL: Where is Lavinia? Oh, there you are. Ni hao. Welcome to the USA Pavilion.

One of the things that I am most proud of is the role being served by our student ambassadors. Two weeks ago they helped me welcome President Hu Jintao to our pavilion. And tonight, representing all student ambassadors, is Lavinia Pement of Chicago, who will be translating for me.


This is obviously a very exciting day, as we celebrate U.S. participation at the Shanghai World Expo. It is a day that some doubted would ever come. But in the true spirit of our pavilion theme of rising to the challenge, we triumphed, and we are here today.


It is especially exciting, because all of the key participants are here with us, including our financial sponsors, our government officials, the USA Pavilion board of directors, the Shanghai ex-pat community, and our Chinese Expo partners, who have worked with us, hand in hand.

I would like to acknowledge Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp for their continuous support and guidance.


Let me also say to our Chinese Expo friends that you have made me, our student ambassadors, and our entire USA Pavilion staff feel totally at home in Shanghai. And for that we are profoundly grateful.

Tonight we are privileged to be joined by the person who brought us all here today, and the person most responsible for U.S. participation at the Shanghai World Expo. Ladies and gentlemen, please help me welcome U.S. Secretary of State, the Honorable Hillary Rodham Clinton.


MR. VILLARREAL: Thank you for giving me this opportunity.

SECRETARY CLINTON: You have done so well with it. Thank you, and good evening. And welcome to the USA Pavilion, here at Shanghai Expo. I want to thank Jose for that introduction, but I want to thank him more for his leadership as Commissioner General. When I asked Jose to take on this important responsibility, he knew that we had not built the pavilion, he knew that we had not raised all the money for the pavilion. And I told him, "Well, Jose, you and I will have to go and build it, and then entertain people."


And I am very pleased to note that, in recognition of the importance of the Shanghai World Expo to advancing U.S.-China relations, President Obama has accorded Jose the personal rank of Ambassador.


So we will now, I guess, call you Ambassador Commissioner General.


Establishing an American presence at this Expo worthy of our great country was quite a journey.

There is a poem from the Southern Song Dynasty that reads: "After endless mountains and rivers that leave doubt whether there is a path out, suddenly one encounters the shade of a willow, bright flowers and a lovely village." Well, I am very pleased that we have finally arrived at our lovely village.


This was a real team effort, a partnership that brought together our government, the private sector, the Chinese-American community, and so many friends and supporters. So, let me offer a few thank-yous.

To Ambassador Jon Huntsman and Consul General Bea Camp, and all the men and women of the U.S. Mission in China, we thank you.


To Ken Jarett and the board, staff, and volunteers of the USA Pavilion, including our student ambassadors who represent not just the welcoming spirit of our Pavilion, but the openness of our country. And to Ambassador Elizabeth Bagley and her deputy, Kris Balderston, and our corporate partners -- your generosity and commitment has made all of this possible. And I am very grateful to each and every one of you.


And finally, I want to express our deep appreciation to our Chinese hosts. It is a great honor to have with us Ambassador Zhang, Vice Foreign Minister Cui, Vice Finance Minister Li, and Vice Mayor Tang here with us this evening. Earlier today I had the privilege of visiting the China Pavilion, with its sweeping panorama of a great nation. The ancient Riverside scroll, which depicts another period of dramatic change and development, has been transformed through the magic of technology into a vivid symbol of the new China. This entire Expo, the largest in history, is a testament to the hospitality and energy of the Chinese people. And all around us we see that the glory of the past is matched by the dynamism of the present and the promise of the future.

The shape of that future depends, to a significant degree, on the evolving relationship between the United States and China. If our relations are defined by win-win solutions rather than zero-sum rivalries, we will thrive and prosper together. Now, we may not always agree on every issue, but we should seek and seize opportunities such as this Expo to build greater understanding between our peoples.

This USA Pavilion embodies many of the qualities that make my country a vibrant and prosperous nation: innovation, sustainability, diversity, the free exchange of ideas. And it is a model of environmental responsibility. And I am proud to announce that the Pavilion will be carbon neutral for the entire duration of the Expo.

700,000 people have already visited this pavilion. And one of the most moving displays is the tribute to the millions of Chinese Americans who have contributed so much to the cultural and economic development of the United States. From Yo-Yo Ma to I.M. Pei to Commerce Secretary Gary Locke and Energy Secretary Chu, Chinese-Americans have achieved great success in business, government, the arts, sciences and sports. And, to that end, I was pleased to hear that the Buffalo Bills have recently drafted the first Chinese-American to play in the NFL.


But we also celebrate those Chinese-Americans whose names are not well known to us. And thousands have sent photographs and testimonials documenting the Chinese experience in the United States. And it represents a true pageant of American life.

I.M. Pei, the great architect who built the John F. Kennedy library in Boston, along with many other notable buildings, said that he hoped people who went to the Kennedy Library experienced "revived hope and promise for the future.~{!1~} And I believe all of us can see that hope and promise here, in Shanghai.

And we have already been entertained by some of the young people who represent the future. I want to thank the Shanghai Music Conservatory string quartet that played for us during the reception. We are going to be hearing from the Parker Ossel Folish (ph) Trio, who will be playing during dinner. These are three young Americans who make their home here, in Shanghai. And then, after dinner, we will be entertained by an extraordinary group of young talent from California State University Northridge and Shanghai Normal University, who have joined forces to present a singing tribute called "Meet Me at the Expo."

Thank you again to everyone who helped to make this evening and this pavilion possible. You have enabled me to sleep through the night once again. Thank you all very much.


MR. VILLARREAL: Thank you, Madam Secretary. And now, on behalf of our many sponsors, I would like to introduce PepsiCo chief executive officer, Indra Nooyi, for a special presentation.


MS. NOOYI: Madam Secretary, Mr. Commissioner General, your excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, it gives me great pleasure to present a gift to the USA Pavilion and the Chinese people, as a gesture of support for the Shanghai World Expo, and a gesture of friendship and respect for the people of China.

These panda sculptures are replicas of the (inaudible) peace and harmony, the beautiful and striking icons of the Shanghai Expo. They have been created by the world-famous Chinese artist, Zhang Wan (ph), who is, of course, the creator of the original panda sculpture which greets all Expo guests near the Chinese pavilion. These two smaller panda sculptures will remain here at the USA Pavilion, so as to welcome the Chinese people and all those who come through the doors of the USA Pavilion.

Madam Secretary, it is in this spirit of peace and harmony, and with great friendship and respect, that we present this gift to the USA Pavilion and the Chinese people. Thank you.


PRN: 2010/T29-2

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]2010~{Dj~}5~{TB~}22~{HU~} ... Michelle Leavitt, Jessie Walsh, Doug Gillespie, Bill Young, Dr. Dina Titus, Bill Raggio, Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono, Chris Giunchigliani, ...
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美國永久郵票賭城居民設計. 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導. May 22, 2010 12:00 AM | 0 觀看次數 | 0 0 評論 | 0 0 評論推薦: | 電郵給朋友 ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]2010年4月5日 ... 王志剛經文處談兩岸經貿記者黃靖雯紐約報導April 23, 2009 12:00 AM | 26 觀创螖祙 0 | 0 | | ... 【我在英國的大小事】(1). 【2010年倫敦一日遊遊記】(0) ... May ... 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導April 05, 2010 12:00 AM | 5 觀看次數| 0 | 1 | |" .... [ Translate this page ]On October 22, 2000, U. S. Senator Harry ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]We wish that a pure spring may prosper and enrich our splendid and golden .... 兩岸經貿記者黃靖雯紐約報導April 23, 2009 12:00 AM | 26 觀看次數| 0 | 0 | | . ... 記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導. January 06, 2010 12:00 AM | 5880 觀看次數| 23 23 評論 .... 文:馬紅兵March 26, 2010 12:00 AM | 49 觀看次數| 1 | | ... on World ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
- [ Translate this page ]記者馮鳴台拉斯維加斯報導April 09, 2010 12:00 AM | 14 觀看次數| 0 | 1 | |". with ...... 尹曉煌表示,美國學習中文的人數已超過學日文的人數,中文熱的趨勢不可阻擋,也從側面 ...... Si Se Puede Latino Democratic Caucus Party, May 22, 10 a.m. ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Nancy Jiang's World of ... Only God may create an indivivual with both of natual beauty and brilliant talent. I (Bobby Gronauer) may not understand Chinese language, but I could enjoy Nancy's ... Vegas Chinese ...

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For "Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung EQ IQ & AQ PPAA Forum AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A." by msn.com!

Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
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320. RE: New! From Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung of Princeton University

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***** "... There is a book - a collection of EQ articles - which I would like to mail to you. ... Best wishes, Sun-Yuan." ---Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung, Tenure Professor of ...
Address 4210 Channel 10 Drive Las Vegas NV 89119
Email info@dinatitus.comGo to the page
Benton wbti: Dr. Sun-Yuan Kung once pointed out in this Forum, "Success equals self-confidence plus happiness (= high EQ + IQ + AQ)" ... ... Dina Titus, PPAA Forum of lvrj/wbti U.S.A ...

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts, documents ...

... PPAA Forum of lvrj/wbti U.S.A ... PPAA Forum of lvrj/wbti U.S.A.! ... AP ... Sun-Yuan Kung once pointed out in this Forum, "Success equals self-confidence plus happiness (= high EQ + IQ + AQ

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A PROCLAMATION HONORING Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) from Clark County, Nevada

WHEREAS, it is an honor and privilege of the Board of County Commissioners to recognize those extraordinary individuals, groups, or programs which enrich the lives of many in our community; and

Whereas, Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) and its Advisory Board and Faculty Members established the Pan Pacific and Asian American Forum (PPAAF) in September 28, 2001 to pay a special tribute to U. S. Secretary of Labor Elaine Chao. It has operated the Literature and Academic Forum (LAF) since 1999. The mission of the two forums is to promote the business and academic cooperation and development among Nevada, Taiwan, China, and Asian countries; and

Whereas, through its effort and integrity, WBTI has successfully cosponsored the Annual Thai Performing Appreciation Day for more than 12 years to enrich the elegancy and diversification of cultural, benevolent, art, and political activities and programs; and

Whereas, the WBTI has also been an active participant in sponsoring events with Seniors United, Asian Republicans of Clark County (Asian American Republican Coalition of Nevada-Clark County), and the Taiwan Benevolent Association of America;

Whereas, To promote the educational and business cooperation and development among the Eastern and Southern Asian Countries and Nevada, WBTI's President Dr. Tony Lei has designed educational programs of the CPM and MBA/PKE with Dr. Keong Leong; the CMPA and MPA/SME with Dr. Lee Bernick; and the CEH with Dr. William Thompson for the Graduate School of Business and Public Administration (GSBPA) of WBTI; and

NOW, THEREFORE, WE, the Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, on this occasion, July 30, 2005, in celebration and recognition of its distinguished professionalism and outstanding accomplishments, do hereby recognize and honor

Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI)

and urge all citizens to join us wishing the Institute a successful and bright future.

BRUCE L. WOODBURY, Commissioner
CHIP MAXFIELD, Commissioner
TOM COLLINS, Commisioner
Attest: SHIRLEY B. PARRAGUERRE, County Clerk


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