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President Barack H. Obama PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors International Winning with Safesearch on. (0.48 seconds)
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...Author International Winning Experienced PPAA Forum AP, Yahoo! ... PPAA Forum Distinguished Authors Modern Wisdom Stratagem International Winning lvrj/wbti U.S.A . .... But these are the same folks who said Barack Obama could never become president, ..... ?事符玍?的華人籟僼儘僢僺乕]酵剑峁┳碌谋镜丶碍h?籟僼儘僢僺乕]浇逃嵪ⅰ! ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]Distinguished Author Barack H. Obama to President Tony T. Lei of LVRJ/wbti U.S.A. . ... ---PPAA Forum Distinguished Author Winning Barack H. Obama *447777 . ..... 'To help lift up the International visibility and popularlity of ...
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Speak Out Thinking Free: US president Barack Obama has began ...

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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. ...... Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University, Dr. Sun-yuan Kung! ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...PPAA Forum Winning AP lvrj/wbti U.S.A." with Safesearch on. ...... Ms. Margaret Andert, JCUAALV, Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Yuan Kung, Teresa, ... Sun, April 25, 2010 6:31:59 AMRe: (80-20 forwarded) Re: True Story About Circuit Judge D. Chin ...
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<<<<< "With the crash of a champagne bottle against a gondola, Macau's Venetian casino opened Tuesday, dwarfing anything in Las Vegas and big enough, its operators say, to shift the magnetic north of the gambling world to this small city in southern China. American billionaire Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, inaugurated the $2.4 billion Venetian Macau on Cotai. Casinos like the Wynn and Adelson's Sands have led this small city in southern China past the Strip as the world's most lucrative gambling center. Las Vegas Sands claims that The Venetian Macau -- twice the size of the Las Vegas original -- is the largest building in Asia and the second largest in the world. Adelson also plans to open more hotels under brands such as Four Seasons, Sheraton and St. Regis. In all, his Las Vegas Sands Corp., which also runs the Sands Macau on the Macau peninsula, plans to invest up to $12 billion and build 20,000 hotel rooms on the Cotai Strip by 2010," reported Sylvia Hui of the Associated Press.*20

"在燦爛的焰火和藝人張惠妹以及陶歌聲的配合下,全亞洲最大的賭場威尼斯人酒店今晚七點多在澳門正式開幕。耗資二十四億美元建築的賭場酒店一開門,就湧進數千名在門外等候多時的賭客。澳門賭王何鴻燊在開幕後不久也到場道賀。 澳門行政長官何厚鏵以及美國威尼斯人集團主席艾德森等人,在月全蝕的晚上,為這家全球第二最大建築物的賭場主持開幕儀式。 艾德森日前在一次專門為台灣媒體召開的記者會上說,這個星期他將派遣一個工作團到台灣考察,與當地相關業者商討合作事項。他非常重視台灣市場。 顯然是為了吸引更多台灣遊客,從下周開始,威尼斯人酒店仿照美國賭城作風,邀請台灣和香港歌星張信哲和李妏等人演出," reported 記者鄭漢良 in Macau on August 28, 2007.*19 >>>>>


Results 1 - 10 of about 20 for 第一?锰?巢┺??酚^光產?I??, 美??热A達州?貿發展?f?, 與?H城市企?I?f進?! with Safesearch on. (0.76 seconds)
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Social & Community ...他說,現階段台?骋l展「活路模式」外交以?取?H空間,就必?先與?Π督⒒バ拧?R置?議。 ... ?及?端解?Q?C制等?貿議題與?Π墩?判外,???U及和平?f議與?H空間,若 ..... 並在新澤西音?方???f?(New Jersey Music Teachers Association)年?校 ...... 美??热A達州, ?H城市企?I?f進?, 與第一?锰?巢┺??酚^光產?I??! ...
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Results 1 - 1 of 1 for ?H華文文?W發展研究所在北??大珠海分校成立 (?爫????{幄?W????嵼?k?t???C?獚Z惉?) wbti with Safesearch on. (0.36 seconds)
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Leading Chinese ... - [ Translate this page ]070907-1216 "Leading Chinese Literature World" of WBTI website, Monday, ..... ?H華文文?W發展研究所在北??大珠海分校成立 ?爫????{幄?W????嵼?k?t???C?獚Z惉?. 2006?N10??28?鷱?邅C乬?爫????{ ...



Results 1 - 1 of 1 for wbti Congratulations to the 90th birthday of former President Dr. Ku-shen Kung of National ChungHsing University with Safesearch on. (0.29 seconds)

Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Business ...
Congratulations to the 90th birthday of former President Dr. Ku-shen Kung of National ChungHsing University. ---Tony, Judy, John, Angie, and Mike ...
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Fri, April 30, 2010 2:00:21 PMThe inside scoop on our 2010 plans
From: "Mitch Stewart, BarackObama.com" [info@barackobama.com]View Contact
To: Tony Dr. Lei [tojulei@yahoo.com]


Tony --

This week, President Obama outlined our top priority for the 2010 elections: Making sure first-time voters from 2008 return to the polls.

Now, it's up to us to make it happen.

So I hope you will join David Plouffe and me for our Vote 2010 online Strategy Session next Monday at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time, where we'll detail our plans to organize supporters and volunteers and get the job done.

You'll get the inside scoop on the plan you helped create, have a chance to ask questions, and participate in an online discussion with other supporters in your state.

Join us for the Vote 2010 Strategy Session this Monday at 4:30 p.m. Eastern Time. Please RSVP today.

Over the past few months, we've held hundreds of local strategy planning meetings across the country to make our 2010 campaign the most effective it can be. We've incorporated your feedback into a comprehensive electoral plan we think will make the difference in the November elections.

You told us your top priority was clear -- getting the millions of first-time voters from 2008 out to the polls once again. During Monday's Strategy Session, you'll find out exactly how we plan to make that happen.

We'll detail the role organizers and supporters like you will play and give you an insider look at our plan. You'll have a chance to ask David and me questions -- and we'll connect you in a live chat with staff and volunteers in your area so you can talk about your local strategy.

We've set an ambitious goal to protect the progress we've made together. And with corporate special interests able to spend freely to elect their allies, we can't afford to fail. All that we've worked for is at stake.

Once again, our strength will come from volunteers and organizers in every city and town. You will lead us to victory in November -- so we wanted to organize this special briefing to give you a closer look at our plans.

RSVP today:




Mitch Stewart
Organizing for America

Paid for by Organizing for America, a project of the Democratic National Committee -- 430 South Capitol Street SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. This communication is not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.
This email was sent to: tojulei@yahoo.com

Update Address / Email | Unsubscribe


Fri, April 30, 2010 9:59:43 AMLess than 24 hours to meet our goal
From: John McCain [john@johnmccain.com]View Contact
To: tojulei@yahoo.com


Deadline less than 24 hours away.

I'm fighting back against my opponent's attacks. But I need your immediate support to fund our new radio and TV ads to set the record straight.

Make a contribution before our
midnight deadline.

My Friend,

I have always worked to utilize my position and influence for a cause greater than my own self interest. I am not a person who sits idly by when I see harmful policies forced on our nation. And I refuse to stay silent while watching the far left policies being enacted by the Obama Administration and the Congressional Democrats.


Fri, April 30, 2010 2:53:30 PM

Terrawest eNewsletter April 2010

From: Terra West Property Management [info@prannouncements.com]Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com


Latest Articles

Terra West Signs Contracts with Two Reno HOAs
Terra West is excited to announce it has recently finalized management contracts with two residential communities in the Reno area, Casitas on the Green and Classics Homeowners Association.

Effective March 1, 2010, Terra West will oversee the administration of the homeowners association for Casitas on the Green, a collection of 142 townhomes.

Terra West Hosts Financial Seminar
for Homeowner Associations
Terra West, in partnership with Las Vegas certified public accounting firm Hilburn & Lein, hosted an educational overview on accrual accounting and financial statements for homeowner associations (HOA's) on April 28th at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino.

Terra West Uses Social Media for Social Awareness
Terra West is proud to announce it will donate a total of $3,000 for Nevada Childhood Cancer Foundation's (NCCF) Camp Cartwheel on May 6th, after having committed $5 for each person who became a fan of the Terra West Facebook page in the month of March.


Fri, April 30, 2010 4:32:00

PMTEMPLATE - E-Newsletter NEW 04/26/2010

From: "Congressman Anh "Joseph" Cao" [Joseph.Cao@mail.house.gov]Add to Contacts
To: tojulei@yahoo.com


District Update | April 30, 2009 Click here if you have trouble viewing this email

Top District Issues

Cao with Homeland
Security Secretary
Janet Napolitano
at Houma-Terrebonne
Airport preparing to fly
over the oil slick for a
first-hand inspection
Oil Spill

Stop and read this article. The public must understand how unstable this situation is. I am calling on my colleagues in Congress and the Obama administration to direct every available resource to contain the huge oil slick now beginning to wash ashore along the Louisiana coast. Friday morning, I flew over the slick on a U.S. Coast Guard airplane with Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar and EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. It was an alarming sight and could get much worse. Read More

Friday news conference

Information & Volunteering

As you know, in response to the leak from the sunken offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico, Governor Bobby Jindal has issued an emergency declaration. The Obama administration has agreed to federal funding for a national guard deployment. BP is working with federal and state agencies to mount a coordinated response. Read More

EPA Monitoring Spill
As part of the ongoing federal response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, EPA today established a website to inform the
public about the spill~{!/~}s impact on the environment and the health of nearby residents. The website,
http://www.epa.gov/bpspill, will contain data from
EPA~{!/~}s ongoing air monitoring along with other information about the Agency~{!/~}s activities in the region. Read More

Emergency response
crews are using
booms in an effort to
contain the spill
Where You Can Turn to Claim Damages
If you sustain property damage or loss of wages, revenue, natural resources or public services due to the oil spill, you can file a claim against a little-known federal trust fund set up under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA). Read More

Worst Case Scenario Alarming

Cao Demands Swifter, More Effective Response to Oil Spill; Announces Legislation for Accelerated Oil Revenue Sharing

Cao Calls for Congressional Hearings on Oil Leak




Results 1 - 3 of 3 for Miss Cinderella Liao wbti: I am on Google, MSN, and Yahoo! with Safesearch on. (0.37 seconds)
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...*****...enjoy some of our elegant Soprano Cinderella Liao's 'V. Bellini Vaga . ..... 'I am proud to lead an institution with such a rich and storied past. ...... Cinderella Liao; CD 銀色的月光; 廖英君;嬧怓揑寧岝; 淍塸孨; Miss Cinderella Liao; .... before WBTI, and you will find Google, MSN, Yahoo, YouTube, Search, AOL, Sina, Ask, ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Business ... - [ Translate this page ]Miss Cinderella Liao wbti: Yes, I am coming ... Benton wbti: How about let us enjoy ..... *8. ... by Google, MSN, Yahoo on July 2007 ... *9. Google. Ibid. ...
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President ...'President John Ponticello of PDCLV and President Dr. Tony Lei of WBTI: ...... 第四?萌蛉A人企?I領袖峰???意??新??造. 更新日期:2006-12-05 ?者:作者∣江逸之 ...
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Results 1 - 10 of about 816 for 大理尋奇與印象麗江 船遊長江三峽有美麗的峽谷風光 with Safesearch on. (0.42 seconds)
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ... - [ Translate this page ]旅遊經編輯部had a report about " 大理尋奇、印象麗江等您尋訪人間仙境" on ... The report "《旅遊》船遊長江三峽體驗壩氣峽情" by writer 吳學銘was posted ... 三峽還是長江上最有賣點的河段,它有熟悉的歷史故事,有豪華的遊船,有美麗的峽谷風光。 ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Past drafts ... - [ Translate this page ]大理尋奇與印象麗江船遊長江三峽有美麗的峽谷風光. Beautiful rivers and canyons! By Jennifer Kung. The report entitled "徐玲:職場成功有賴眼界開闊" ...
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?橇岈?網站- ?橇岈?散播幽默?g笑 - [ Translate this page ]【本?笥?者王?c?dwebs.com/linyao/ - Cached - Similar

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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Lin-yao Wu's ...
- [ Translate this page ]?橇岈?散播幽默?g笑演講笑裡藏道受好評全球邀約不?嘧阚E遍及中俄?W美及南非 ... 【本?笥?者王?c?ヂ}荷西??А坑哪骷?橇岈?近一年來又多了件事,如同她?资 ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ...
- [ Translate this page ]?橇岈?散播幽默?g笑演講笑裡藏道受好評全球邀約不?嘧阚E遍及中俄?W美及南非. By 王?c?. "Hu Jintao, President; Business & Tourism" at ...
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LinyaoWu: Famous Author, Master of Humor: Part 002: Linyao Wu ... - [ Translate



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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President ... - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]By "牡丹一百——青春版《牡丹亭》百場演出感言" at 4:37 p.m. on 062407 (.cn y): Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President of WBTI ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Tony Lei, President ... - [ 转为简体网页 - Translate this page ]WBTI has a good reputation with its Advisory Board and faculty members. ..... 未見表演,主辦單位在應僑眾的要求之下,應允將安排他們在台聯會下次的活動中演出。 ..... "The Art of Leading", "白先勇用美征服時空青春版《牡丹亭》風靡兩岸30", ..... 公司總裁賈伯斯(Steve Jobs)透露,2005年第四季度,幾乎每分鐘售出一百台iPod。 ...
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推廣茶業 李明星以成功的要件是「毅力」獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長 with Safesearch on. (0.36 seconds)
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Angie and John - [ Translate this page ]2009年11月26日 ... 李明星以成功的要件是「毅力」獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長! .... 李明星將茶店發展成茶趣餐廳---與妻在美推廣自零到六家店面獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長' ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Hu Jintao ... - [ Translate this page ]推廣茶業李明星以成功的要件是「毅力」獲選為天仁茗茶集團董事長. Mountains and lakes are the beginning and attractiveness of all natural scenery ...

悇淎拑嬈 棝柧惎埲惉岟揑梫審惀乽婤椡乿妉慖堊揤恗洫拑廤殻摕帠挿 with Safesearch on. (0.36 seconds)
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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute


043010-1807 2nd Edition
TEFA NEWS is bridging alumni and friends of Tunghai University with vision!
By Jennifer Kung

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Search ResultsWashington Business and Technology Institute - Tunghai University ... - [ Translate this page ]TEFA NEWS is bridging alumni and friends of Tunghai University with vision! By Jennifer Kung ... to all the alumni and friends of Tunghai University! ...
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Washington Business and Technology Institute - Las Vegas Business ...Vision through integrity, wisdom, and work may lead people to the road for a bright future! ..... shieh-yuan kung; ---; tunghai university; Tunghai University Alumni ..... Pepperdine university; tulane university alumni association; ...... Commissioner of NCOT Lorraine T. Hunt-Bono; Bridge I-yu Teng; TEFA NEWS; ...
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The heights by great men/women reached and kept
Were not attained by sudden flight,
But they, while their companions slept,
Were toiling upward in the night.

--Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

***** "A man finds joy in giving an apt reply --- and how good is a timely word!" --- Proverbs 15 : 23 of the Bible

Enthusiasm is important, especially very important to many things in our lives. We need to push our valuable vision through enthusiasm. Henry Moore said that, "There is nothing greater than enthusiasm." *1 To do good or great thing, we may not achieve it with the absence of enthusiasm.

We are glad to receive the nice e-mail from TEFA NEWS. The following information have been posted through request of Executive Director of TEFA Bridge I-yu Teng and the courtesy of www.tefa.thu.edu.tw:

TEFA NEWS 2007-05-22
Tunghai People on News
ChinaTimes reports on Dr. Hung-mao Tien

[[[ We did several trials. The charaters in Chinese of the reports and attachments again could not be read. We've to erase all the paragraphs that we've posted in this article. Interesting readers may go directly to the TEFA website. ]]] *2

Bridge I-yu Teng, CEO (Executive Director) of the TEFA of Tunghai University, has a vision and commitment:

Promoting Tunghai Fanily's Reunion by TEFA Blog

Connecting Tunghai Friends with www.tefa.thu.edu.tw *3

Challenging our work force can add to productivity, but productivity needs also cooperation. In a team work, harmony is very importnat. Sometime, a good leader is the one who leads us to a goal with a group performance in harmony.*4

We are pleased to quote the following five short but meaningful ones*5:

***** It is amazing how much people can get done if they do not worry about who gets the credit. ---Sandra Swinney
***** No man can be rich withot himself enriching others. ---Andrew Carnegie
***** I rate enthusiasm even above professional skill. ---Sir Edward Appleton
***** Enthusiam moves the world. ---J. Balfour
***** Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles. ---Bob Richards

As Bridge has inspired us for information, it's our pleasure to tell that U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Nevada Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid invite us and our friends to a Champagne Reception (by R.S.V.P.) at Bally's Hotel Skyview room on June 20, 2007 in Las Vegas.*6

Wish TEFA NEWS a great bridge and success to all the alumni and friends of Tunghai University!*7


*3575. by the world's leading search engines on Internet .......
*1. Glenn Van Ekeren, "Speaker's Source Book II," (Paramus, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Press, 1994,) 130.
*2. Teng, Bridge I-yu. 'May 22, 2007 Issue of TEFA NEWS,' "An e-mail from TEFA NEWS to WBTI," (May 21, 2007), Taichung, Taiwan: TEFA.
*3. Ibid. 2.
*4. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Google answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'Harry Reid, U. S. Senator wbti' on the Google.cn," (May 20, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.cn.
*5. Glenn Van Ekeren, "The Speaker's Source Book," (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1988,) 112.
*6. Bill Maupin, Mark Denton, Michael Douglas, Steward Bell, Valorie Vega, John Ponticello, Cheryl Moss, Robert "Bobby G" Gronauer, and Tiffany Chang. 'U. S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley, Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman, and Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid invite our friends to attend a Champagne Reception honoring Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto,' "A search of "Business WBTI'(in its page [1] of the section 'Bus. & Adm.' on the Google.com," (May 23, 2007), Mountain View, California: Google.com.
*7. Douglas, Michael; Weber, Valerie; Moss, Cheryl; and Chang, Tiffany. 'Brilliant, Yahoo answers our people, community, and world!' "A serarch of 'Tunghai University Alumni Association' on the AOL.com," (May 23, 2007), U. S. A.: AOL.com.


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Secretary's Remarks: Remarks at Reception for the Opening of the USA Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo!
By Hillary R. Clinton

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To: tojulei@yahoo.com


Secretary's Remarks: Remarks at Reception for the Opening of the USA Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo
Fri, 30 Apr 2010 14:04:46 -0500

[[[Remarks at Reception for the Opening of the USA Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai Expo
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Ben Franklin Room
Washington, DC
April 30, 2010]]]

SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, thank you very much, Minister Xie. I think that you are well-named for all of the thanks that you provided us. But of course, we owe you and your Chinese colleagues, both here in Washington and in Beijing and Shanghai a great thanks as well. &7177

<<< U.S.Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton Distinguished Authors of PPAA Forum Winning AP LVRJ/wbti U.S.A.

This is an extraordinary day to celebrate the opening of the Shanghai Expo and to share it with so many who it is literally true to say without whom this would not have been possible. I echo Ambassador Bagley s thanks of an incredible effort to pull this together, to get the word out, to enlist the support, to raise the money, and to actually build the Pavilion.

I well remember visiting the site of the Pavilion last November in a very heavy rainstorm. It was still under construction. But I was told that rain meant good fortune, and good fortune clearly smiled on us that day and will not only today, but through the rest of the time that the Pavilion is open at the Expo. (Applause.)

We expect that this will be the largest event, some say, in human history. It will certainly be very, very big. And it will be a great attraction, not only for tens of millions of people from within China itself, but from around the world.

I vowed last year that I would personally build the Pavilion if I had to so we could be part of that Expo. Thankfully I did not, because all of you worked together to make this a great success. And I would like to thank every single person here at the State Department who was involved in this monumental effort.

Certainly, Ambassador Bagley, her excellent deputy, Kris Balderston, the entire team who understand the power of partnerships and this was a multi-layered partnership. It was a partnership between China and the United States; between the United States Government and many of our great companies and corporations. It was certainly a partnership with our Embassy and our Consulate. So this was a multi-leveled partnership and it was a partnership that would not have been successful without some key players.

I want to thank Under Secretary Pat Kennedy, who has been a champion of this project from day one and whose responsibilities include running all of our worldwide facilities.

I want to thank Kurt Campbell and everyone at EAP who has worked day by day to strengthen and expand our relationship with China to make it that positive, cooperative, comprehensive relationship that President Obama and I are committed to. I want to thank our ECA colleagues, who provided critical assistance at every stage. I want to thank Ambassador Huntsman in Beijing and Consul General BeaCamp in Shanghai and I particularly want to thank Commissioner Jos?Villarreal and the entire USA Expo team, some of whom you can see on the screen.

But I owe our greatest thanks to our sponsors. With the financial and-in kind contributions that you have come forward with, we have more than 50 cosponsors who have donated resources, expertise for the last year to get us ready to open this pavilion. And I think that we re going to showcase a lot of what is best about America and particularly our young people who are serving as student ambassadors to help engage the millions of visitors expected to come to our pavilion during the next six months. Some of our Student Ambassadors are there with Commissioner Villarreal to celebrate today, and they re doing a great job already.

I was speaking to State Counselor Dai Bingguo yesterday morning about many matters, but the first thing he had to tell me was that he had accompanied President Hu Jintao to our pavilion and had met some of the young people who are representing us there. The USA Pavilion is a unique opportunity to engage visitors. World fairs and expos have always been a place where the future is previewed. And that is indeed what is happening at this Shanghai Expo. So again, many, many thanks to all of you.

And now, let me ask our Commissioner General to the 2010 World Expo you see there on the screen who has done such a wonderful job making sure that the Pavilion got built, got staffed, got into shape to be able to open. And I knew that when I asked Jos?to do this, I had someone who would be tireless in his efforts. And thank you so much, Jos?and we re going to ask you to give us a report from our pavilion.

COMMISSIONER VILLARREAL: Thank you, Madam Secretary. Ni hao.


COMMISSIONER VILLARREAL: We are thrilled to be joining you from Shanghai. I don t have to tell you how important this day is for China and the Chinese people as they celebrate the opening of World Expo. As you know, yesterday, we were privileged to receive President Hu Jintao at our pavilion. When I mentioned to President Hu and to Vice Premier Wang Qishan that you were hosting an event in Washington, D.C., contemporaneously with the Expo opening ceremonies, they expressed great appreciation. And in fact, while they were in our first area of ?the welcoming area where we have this large sponsor wall with the names of all of the corporate sponsors, Vice Premier Wang Qishan motioned to the president to look at the wall. And the president made a point of mentioning how important all of these corporations are to China and so those of you who are sponsors should be very proud of that.

Madam Secretary, I m joined here by U.S. Consulate and Pavilion staff and some of our student ambassadors. The student ambassadors performed their first official ambassadorial duties yesterday by helping me welcome President Hu, and I must say they performed marvelously. Today, we received the president of Armenia and a delegation from Hunan. Tomorrow, it is the vice president of Columbia and the secretary of tourism of Mexico. We will also receive tomorrow a delegation of U.S. mayors from the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Madam Secretary, your team here in Shanghai, including all of the student ambassadors, are committed to using all of our creativity and energy to fully leverage this very unique public diplomacy opportunity. My deputy commissioner general, Tom Cooney, who is the chief public affairs officer at the consulate, in describing this opportunity has said that there will be more Chinese visiting our pavilion in just six months than the entire China mission will see in more than 20 years.

Madam Secretary, you will be pleased to know that my Chinese is now perfect. (Laughter.) Unfortunately, it is limited to about 10 words. My favorite phrase, however, is (in Chinese), meaning Welcome, and enjoy this show.?I look forward to saying that to you when you visit in a few weeks and to all of you who will be coming to Shanghai for World Expo. On behalf of all of us here in Shanghai, thank you for including us in this celebration.

We now have a special guest joining us live from the Expo opening ceremonies. I think we have Ambassador Jon Huntsman.

AMBASSADOR HUNTSMAN: Jose, I am here. And all I can say is that your Chinese seems to be getting better with each passing week, my friend. Thank you for your excellent work. We appreciate it so very much.

To Secretary Clinton and all of our friends there, I m coming to you live from the banks of the Huangpu River in Shanghai. We ve just had one of the most extraordinary fireworks displays and opening ceremonies I think you could ever imagine, and all you have to do is think back to the opening of the Beijing Olympics, and it was about on that same scale.

Let me just say all of the thanks have been made, appropriately so. And all I want to do is to say that eight months ago when I started this most remarkable job, there wasn t a strong sense that we would get to the finish line. And there was one person who really did push things along in a way that brought all of the pieces together, generated the enthusiasm, got (inaudible) raised and ultimately brought us to where we are today, and that is you, Secretary Clinton. And I just want to thank you because this is such a huge boost for the bilateral relationship.

We re moving in a very helpful direction. It was so nice to hear from DCM (inaudible), and I want to thank him and all of his colleagues as well. We re working through a lot of very important bilateral issues, and the fact that we can all take a moment and gather here under the banner of the Expo is just a remarkable thing.

Tomorrow morning, we will have the great opportunity, along with Jose and Consul General Bea Camp, of opening our doors to the people of China. And what is unique about this is we will be building, I think, a very lasting and durable bridge across the Pacific. We ll have millions of young people who will be streaming through our pavilion, and many of them for the first time exposed to who we are in the United States. They will be able to better understand and better appreciate some of our finest traditions, and we re looking forward to greeting them and to playing host to them over the next six months. And I can tell you, when all is said and done, when all 70 million or so people have been through the Expo and a good number of them exposed to the U.S. Pavilion, I think our bilateral relationship will be reaching a high point for the year. And it makes me, as the United States representative here, extremely proud.

So thank you, Secretary Clinton. Thank you, Jose. Thanks to one and all: our sponsors, our volunteers, people who have worked so tirelessly the last many, many months. It s a thrill to be here in China right now and to see this relationship come to life in large part because of your work. Thank you all so very much. (Applause.)

SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you. Thank you so much, Ambassador. And thank you for the extraordinary job you re doing representing the United States in China.

Well, we heard from the Ambassador. We heard from the Commissioner. And then starting tomorrow, we re going to hear from the millions of visitors who come to the Pavilion. And I hope that many of you in this room get a chance to visit in the next six months. I will be going to the Pavilion when I go to China for the second of our strategic and economic dialogues, and I just really believe that the people-to-people connections that we are trying to promote are the base of a long-lasting relationship.

So thanks to everyone who has been part of what is an extraordinary effort. And I hope that you know how grateful we are here at the State Department that you played a role in enabling this remarkable effort to reach fruition. This is an exciting time and I hope all of you in Shanghai will enjoy every minute of it. I guess it s about 10:30 at night there, and I thank you for being part of our ceremony here today. And I m looking forward to seeing all of you when I get to Shanghai. Thank you very, very much. (Applause.)

PRN: 2010/548

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"Leadership is love through integrity! To lead is to serve, to give, and to achieve together. Love with value is based on a real, practical, and genuine spirit concern for others as persons, for their values as they feel them, for their development and growth. A successful leader is consistently follwed by others. People follow because they have a belief in the direction, intergrity, and competence of the one leading. A leader's ultimate responsibility is to facilitate other individual's development as well as his own. Under her inspiration all the way from community through international perspective, it's our pleasure to participate, promote, and inspire the endeavor of individuals and projects that can enrich the lives of many people and communities," pointed out U. S. Congresswoman Shelley Berkley's Senior Advisor Dr. Tony T. Lei early in the morning on June 1, 2007 in Las Vega, Nevada.*8


Secretary's Remarks: Remarks At the American Jewish Committee Annual Gala Dinner
By Hillary R. Clinton

Thu, 29 Apr 2010 21:28:42 -0500

[[[ Remarks At the American Jewish Committee Annual Gala Dinner
Hillary Rodham Clinton
Secretary of State
Grand Hyatt Hotel
Washington, DC
April 29, 2010 ]]]

***** SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you all. Well, it is wonderful to be back here at the American Jewish Committee and I thank David for that introduction. What he was really trying to say was that it was very dull in Chappaqua before we came to town. (Laughter.) David is an extraordinary leader. He inspires your confidence and your trust and your affection, and I thank him for his decades of service to this important work.*7579eh

I also want to thank Richard Sideman, Bob Elman, all the leaders and staff and members who make the American Jewish Committee a force for peace and progress here at home and around the world. And I am delighted (applause) yes, give yourselves a round of applause. (Applause.)

I am delighted to be here with three of my colleagues and three of my friends. Many of you know one or more of them, but it is a pleasure to be appearing before you with Minister Verhagen from the Netherlands, someone whom I have worked closely with over the last 15 months; Miguel Angel Moratinos, the very experienced foreign minister of Spain and someone who is just absolutely tireless in his efforts on behalf of his country and now as the holder of the presidency of the European Union as well; and my longtime friend Ehud Barak, who has had nearly as many incarnations in public service as I have. (Laughter and applause.) Ehud and I had a wonderful meeting the other day here in Washington and covered a lot of ground. And as friends do, much was said and much didn抰 need to be said. So I抦 delighted that he is here with us as well.

This organization for more than a century has been a voice for the aspirations of the Jewish people for a secure and democratic homeland. We saw the pictures flashing before us on the screen the faces of those who have made Israel their home and those who have made America our home. You have fought for the core values that make this country great 杄quality and religious freedom, civil rights and women抯 rights, a freer, fairer nation in which every child has the opportunity to live up to his or her God-given potential.

So let me first thank you, thank all of you, for everything you do on behalf of the United States of America and our ideals and values. Because at the core, our relationship with Israel is premised on those values. (Applause.)

There are so many ways that the American Jewish Committee has advanced and spoken to the enduring bond between the United States and Israel. AJC recognizes that we are two nations woven together with our stories, our stories of struggle and triumph, of hope and disappointment. We are beacons for pilgrims and people yearning to be free. We are lands built by immigrants and exiles, given life by democratic principles, and sustained by the service and sacrifice of generations of patriots. We have seen our cities and our citizens targeted by terrorists. And Americans and Israelis alike have met these threats with unyielding resolve.


*7579eh. Hillary R. Clinton. ... Thu, April 29, 2010 7:37:25 PMSecretary's Remarks: Remarks At the American Jewish Committee Annual Gala Dinner
From: U.S. Department of State [usstatebpa@subscriptions.fcg.gov] ... Secretary of State Hillary R. Clinton ... View Contact To: tojulei@yahoo.com .......


<<< Second Edition >>>

A fortunate tour of events --- Entrepreneur built success helping others find their way
By Chris Jones and LVRJ*1

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In order to promote both the business and tourism for Nevada and foreign countries, Graduate School of Business and Technology Institute (GSBPA) of Washington Business and Technology Institute (WBTI) post the following report through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal on May 12, 2004:

Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Copyright @ Las Vegas Review-Journal

A fortunate tour of events
Entrepreneur built success helping others find their way


***Elsa Patterson, right, and her daughter, Jennifer Patterson, stand Thursday inside McCarran International Airport. The two work for J&J Tours out of Las Vegas, a company handling everything from ground transportation and hotel reservations to show tickets.
Photo by John Locher.(Plese check the photo with LVRJ.)

***Ximena Ledezma, left, and Paola Vargas of Mexicana Airlines/OnVisa check in travelers from Mexico on Thursday in terminal 2 at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas.
Photo by John Locher.(Plese check the photo with LVRJ.)

Millions of tourists come to Las Vegas each year hoping to find their fortunes in a casino.*2

Elsa Patterson instead found hers ensuring that many of those guests made it aboard the correct bus on their way out of the airport.

For the past 12 years, Patterson has owned and operated J&J Tours, a Las Vegas-based tour company whose seven employees handle everything from ground transportation and hotel reservations to show tickets and expert advice for Spanish-speaking travelers.

Patterson's company initially served a handful of visitors each week, but as Las Vegas has grown in popularity among Latino travelers, so has her business. These days, J&J services approximately 35,000 to 40,000 visitors each year, most from Mexico or Central and South America nations.

"I came to the right place at the right moment," Patterson said of her company's growth. "All of the flights, almost everybody came to us. ... I was really lucky."

Patterson previously owned a travel agency in Mexico City that frequently sent customers to Southern Nevada. A family visit to Las Vegas during the New Year's Eve 1990 holiday inspired her to move from her native country a year later.

"Comparing this city with Mexico City, which is so big, I thought this was a place where I'd like to live," Patterson said of her adopted hometown. "There is the dynamic of the tourism industry here, but once you get off the Strip this is still a very nice, small town. Or at least it was in 1990," she joked.

In collaboration with OnVisa, J&J Tours' sister company in Mexico City, Patterson in 1992 began helping Mexican travelers make their way around Las Vegas. At the time, air service was limited to a handful of charter flights, but Patterson's arrival coincided with a growth period that today brings nearly 20 direct flights from Mexico to McCarran International Airport each week.

It's difficult to accurately track how many Mexicans visit Las Vegas each year because many travel here by automobile after entering the United States in Arizona or California. Based solely upon air passenger statistics, Mexico was this city's third-largest foreign market in 2002, according to the most current data available from the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority and U.S. Department of Commerce.

That year, an estimated 254,000 Mexicans flew to Las Vegas. Only Canada (1.05 million) and the United Kingdom (290,000) supplied more foreign visitors to this market.

To further improve business from south of the border, the convention authority last month opened its first foreign bureau in Mexico City. That office will be directed by Marco Aguilar, who has worked for more than two decades in travel and promotions-related industries including his current role on the Visit USA Committee-Mexico.

In announcing Aguilar's hiring, the convention authority reported that Mexico now sends 9.8 million visitors to U.S. destinations each year and is projected to post a 21 percent increase in U.S. visitation by 2006.

Inside the United States, the convention authority's contracted advertising agency, Las Vegas-based R&R Partners, last year debuted its first-ever marketing campaign aimed specifically at Spanish-speaking travelers. An R&R representative said last week those ads will again air this summer in several heavily Hispanic U.S. markets.

Regardless of how much the local Latino market grows, Patterson said she'll take pride knowing that her daughter, Jennifer, is also involved in the family business. The 24-year-old is today J&J Tours' manager, one of the many responsibilities she's gradually taken on since her first days at the office as a 12-year-old middle-school pupil.

"I've been in this for 30 years; I belong to the stone age," Patterson said. "She brings along knowledge of the younger generation, so it's a great combination."

Patterson's son Jasson -- whose first initial makes up the second half of the J&J name -- could also join the business someday, though mom said her 20-year-old son is now focused on his college studies.*3

Profile of the travel academy at Valley High School, a magnet program that trains students for jobs in the tourism and hospitality industry.


*1. Through the courtesy of Las Vegas Review-Journal.
*2. Jones, Chris. 'A fortunate tour of events
--- Entrepreneur built success helping others find their way,' "Las Vegas Review-Journal," (May 12, 2004), Las Vegas, Nevada: reviewjournal.com.
*3. Ibid.


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Press Release - Governor Congratulates Presidential Scholars

- April 29, 2010
From: Office of the Governor [nvg@GOV.NV.GOV]View Contact
To: GOVPR@LISTSERV.STATE.NV.US, tojuleiaaaaa2yahoo.com, and among others

For Immediate Release: April 29, 2010


(Carson City, Nevada) ?Governor Jim Gibbons today congratulated six outstanding Nevada high school seniors who have been selected as semifinalists in the 2010 U.S. Presidential Scholars Program.

The six Nevada semifinalists include:

Ms. Sara Kantor, The Adelson Upper School, Las Vegas;
Mr. William B. Kostan, Green Valley High School, Henderson;
Ms. Heidi H. Lim, Clark High School, Las Vegas;
Mr. Sean A. McClelland, Incline High School, Incline Village;
Ms. Julia G. Miller, Douglas High School, Minden; and
Mr. Seth C. Thompson, Coronado High School, Henderson.
揟hese exemplary young Nevadans are the future leaders of Nevada,?Governor Gibbons said, 揟heir accomplishments are a credit not only to them, but also to their schools and hardworking teachers.?
Established in 1964 by Executive Order of the President, the U.S. Presidential Scholars Program honors distinguished seniors from around the country. Approximately 560 semifinalists have been named, and up to 141 of them will be named U.S. Presidential Scholars, one of the nation抯 highest honors for high school students.

Daniel Burns Communications Director - (775) 684-5667 cell (702) 290-8980
Office of the Governor . 101 North Carson Street . Carson City, NV 89701 . Fax: (775) 684-7198
Grant Sawyer State Office Bldg . 555 East Washington, Suite 5100 . Las Vegas, NV 89101 . Fax: (702) 486-2505


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